Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools – Valenzuela
Pio Valenzuela St., Marulas, Valenzuela City



 Explains the importance of undergoing health appraisal procedures H6PH-Id-f-21

 Regularly undergoes health appraisal procedures H6PH-Id-f-22


Undergoing health appraisal is knowing your health status, so that you can take the
necessary actions to improve your health habits and practices. It is also a preventive measure in
case there is a sign of medical problem preventing this from becoming serious by providing the
appropriate treatment.

Monitoring health status can be done through regular health check ups and screening tests
appropriate for you. It is very important to know your health status. For school age children and
adolescents, the school health personnel, such as the school physician, school nurse, school
dentist, as well as teachers and other school personnel perform checkups and screening test at the
beginning and towards the end of the school year. This is part of the school health services
provided for students. Routine screening tests for height, weight, vision, hearing, blood pressure,
pulse rate and immunizations are always kept updated.

Our goal is to attain a holistic health. Holistic health can be achieved by practicing good
health habits and submitting to screening tests. The table below shows the importance of health
appraisal or screening test in attaining holistic health.
1. Medical examination Keeps you informed about your general
health status
2. Dental examination Keeps you informed of any dental problems
3. Height taking Give you an idea about your growth rate
4. Weight taking Keeps you aware if you are within your ideal
weight (Body Mass Index (BMI))
5. Vision test Keeps you informed of your visual acuity
6. Scoliosis test Keeps you informed of any abnormal
curvature of your spine
7. Breast-Self examination Checks unusual lumps

8. Hearing Test Checks the ability to hear the loudness and

pitch of the sound


It is very important to know your health status. Monitoring health status through regular
check-ups and appropriate screening tests is important. The school health personnel perform check-
ups and screening tests at the beginning and towards the end of the school year.

Holistic health can be achieved by practicing good health habits and submitting to
screening tests.


Health-Self-Check: Check if you have undergone the procedures below. Then answer the
questions that follows.
1. Have you gone to a doctor and inform you about your general health status?
2. Do you visit your dentist and inform you of your dental condition?
3. Do you take your height yearly?
4. Do you take your weight and compute your BMI?
5.Have you visited an ophthalmologist (eye-doctor) and informed you of your visual
6. Have you undergone a scoliosis test?
7. (for girls only) Have you tried doing the breast-self examination?
8. Have you checked your ability to hear the loudness and pitch of the sound?
1. How many procedures did you check?
2. What do you think is the screening test which you have not undergone yet?
3. Where can you avail of these screening tests?


Write TRUE if the statement shows the importance of undergoing health appraisal procedures
and FALSE if it is not.
_______1. Gary was eating his favorite ice cream then suddenly felt his tooth aches. His mother
asked him to visit the dentist, but he told his mother that his tooth doesn’t ache anymore.
_______2. The school clinician and school feeding coordinator take and monitor the weight
progress of the pupils at Isla Elementary School specially those who were severely wasted.
_______3. A grade 6 pupil complains of headaches and blurry vision. His teacher advises his
parents that he should undergo a vision screening test.
_______4. Marisa believes that she is healthy and never goes to the school clinic every time
there is a scheduled medical examination of the school doctor.
_______5. Ana already had her menstruation. Every month she does the Breast-Self


Write the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. What appraisal procedure that keeps you informed of any abnormal curvature of your
A. Vision Test C. Hearing test
B. Scoliosis Test D. Breast- Self Examination
_____2. What is the ideal time to visit a dentist for dental examination?
A. Twice a year C. Only if your tooth aches
B. Everyday D. Every week
_____3. The school clinician announces the scheduled medical examination for your grade level.
What is the best thing to do?
A. You will not go to school.
B. You will go to the school clinic and take the medical examination.
C. You will excuse yourself and stay in your classroom.
D. You will ignore the announcement.
_____4. Your little brother is afraid to go to his dental examination. How will you convince him
that there nothing to fear?
A. I will tell him that we will go to the mall after his dental examination.
B. I will give him candies and chocolates.
C. I will give him my favorite toy.
D. I will tell him that dentists are good and will help him have healthy teeth.
_____5. Edward is a grade 6 pupil who eats lots of nutritious food but doesn’t engage in much
physical activities. How will he know if he still has an ideal weight?
A. He will take dental examination
B. He will take vision test
C. He will take height and weight (BMI)
D. He will take medical examination
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools – Valenzuela
Pio Valenzuela St., Marulas, Valenzuela City



 identifies community health resources and facilities that may be utilized to address a
variety of personal health issues and concerns H6PH-Igh-23

A health professional is a qualified person who delivers proper health care in a
systematic and professional way to any individual in need of health care services. A health care
provider may refer to a health professional or an organization that provides professional health
services. Professionals are regulated by their body and/or the state.
Below are some of the health specialist you could check on:
1. Obstetrician – specialist in caring for the mother before during and immediately after
2. Gynecologist-specialist in women’s condition and diseases, especially of the female
reproductive system.
3. Pediatrician-specialist in health and illness of children.
4. Ophthalmologist-specialist in treating eye conditions and diseases.
5. Neurologist- specialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system.
6. Psychiatrist-specialist in the treatment of mental and emotional condition and disorders.
7. Gerontologist- specialist for the aged and elderly
8. Surgeon- a doctor who performs surgical related cases.
9. Nephrologist- specialist to the disorder of the kidney.
10. Dermatologist- is a specialist doctor who manages diseases related to skin, hair and nails
and some cosmetic problems.


 A health professional is a qualified person who delivers proper health care in a systematic
and professional way to any individual in need of health care services. Ex. Pediatrician,
Surgeon, Physician
 A health care provider may refer to a health professional or an organization that provides
professional health services. Ex. Barangay Health Workers, First Aiders, Care givers,
Physical Therapist

Match the description in Column A with the community health personnel in Column B. Write the
letters only.
_____1. Treats persons with cardiac problems A. Ophthalmologist
_____2. Treats persons with urinary kidney disorder B. Physical Therapist
_____3. Treats persons with dental problems C. Cardiologist
_____4. Treats persons with problems in the skin D. Dentist
_____5. Treats persons with eye problems and diseases E. Dermatologist


Identify the best health personnel for each situation.

1. Analiza lives in a dump area. She has skin scabies. Who should her parents consult?
2. Teacher Evangeline noticed one of her students has a visual difficulty. Informing the
student parents, who should they consult? _______________
3. Baby Mica suffers from fever and cold. Who should her parents consult?
4. Miguel climbed their mango tree. He fell and broke his leg. An emergency operation is
need. Who must work on his case? ______________________
5. Edward’s parents always argue that made him suffer from depression. Whom must he
consult? ______________________________


Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Adriel Jace broke his leg after a vehicular accident. An emergency operation is need.
Who must work on his case?
A. Surgeon C. Psychiatrist
B. Gynecologist D. Pediatrician
2. Mario is having difficulties urinating. He is starting to experience edema (swelling limbs
or face) too. Whom must he consult?
A. Gynecologist C. Nephrologist
B. Ophthalmologist D. Pediatrician
3. While playing, Aleyah Mae accidentally hit her head on the floor due to a bad fall. She
was unconscious and was rushed to the hospital where it was found that she suffered a
blood clot in a part of her brain. Who should attend to her?
A. Pediatrician C. Gynecologist
B. Neurologist D. Dermatologist
4. Analyn is a week pregnant and must consult a medical professional already. What kind of
doctor should she seek?
A. Pediatrician C. Ophthalmologist
B. Gynecologist D. Neurologist
5. At birth, Baby Kezia must already have her own medical specialist to monitor her growth
and development. Who should her parents consult?
A. Surgeon C. Psychiatrist
B. Gynecologist D. Pediatrician
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools – Valenzuela
Pio Valenzuela St., Marulas, Valenzuela City



 avails of health services in the school and in the community H6PH-Igh-24


School health services refer to need based comprehensive services rendered to pupils,
teachers and other personnel in the school to promote, protect their health, prevent and control
disease and maintain their health.

Community health services provide preventative and health improvement services. In

the community, often with partners from local government and the third sector. It encourages,
support and empower residents to be healthy, build capacity for self-sufficiency and improve the
health and wellbeing of the community.


- nutritional counselling - communicable disease control @prevention
- mental and health counselling - family health service
- deworming - information systems
- dental - dental health
- medical and nursing services


 School health services refer to need based comprehensive services rendered to pupils,
teachers and other personnel in the school to promote, protect their health, prevent and
control disease and maintain their health.

 Community health services provide preventative and health improvement services. In the
community, often with partners from local government and the third sector. It encourages,
support and empower residents to be healthy, build capacity for self-sufficiency and
improve the health and wellbeing of the community.

Complete the spider map showing the health services in school and community.

School Community

Services in The
School and


Write TRUE if the statement avails the health services in the school and FALSE if it is not.
_______1. A grade 6 pupil have a regular check –up by the dentist in school and in the
_______2. Edgar accidentally slip on the floor and suffered from pain because the doctor is out
in the community.
_______3. The pupils of Isla Elementary School were dewormed every six months.
_______4. The residents of Barangay Balangkas patronize the mobile clinics provided by the
Local Government of Valenzuela.
_______5. Isla Elementary School is a beneficiary of the NGO medical and dental mission.


Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What health service is shown in the poster?

A. School Services C. Community Services

B. Car Services D. Food Services
2. What health services are available in your community?
A. Dental Service C. School Service
B. Food Service D. Car Service
3. Teacher Malou gave birth last month. Her baby needs health monitoring and
immunization. Where can she avail these health services?
A. School Clinic C. Barangay Dental Clinic
B. Mobile Clinic D. Barangay Health Center
4. Boyet is attending his grade 6 class. Suddenly he felt dizzy and warm. Where should he
A. School Canteen C. School Clinic
B. Office of the Principal D. School Library
5. You saw Christina fell from swing in the school playground and hurt herself. What is the
best thing you can do to help her?
A. Call someone’s help that knows First Aid.
B. Call the attention of the School Principal.
C. Ignore what happened to Christina.
D. Help Christina even you do not know how to give first aid.

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