Standard Rules: Great Ba1Tles of 1heamerican

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Copyrigh t © 1980, Simula tions Publications, Inc., New York, N.Y., 10010

How the Section and Case Numbers Work:

Read this First: Major Section Number
T he rules of this SPI simulatio n game are organized in a Primary Case Number
form at known as the Case System. This system of
o rganization divides the rules into Major Sections (each of
which deals with an imponam aspect of play). These Sec-
tions are numbered sequentially as well as being named.
1~ lecondary Case Number

Each o f these Major Sections is introduced by a General The preceding example would be the number of th e third
Rule, which briefly describes the subject of the Section. Secondary Case of the fift h Primary Case of the sixt h Ma·
Many times this General Rul e is followed by a Procedure jor Section of the Rules.
which describes the basic action the Player will take when
using the rules in that Section. Finally, the bulk of each How to Learn to Play the Game:
Major Sectio n consists of Cases. T hese are the specific, Familiarize yourself with a\1 of the components. Read all
detailed rul es that actually regulate play. Each of these of the General Rules and Procedures and read the titles of
Cases is also numbered. The numbering follows a logical the Primary Cases. Set up the game for play (after reading
system based upon the number o f the Major Section of the peni nem Section) and play a trial game agai nst
which the Cases are a pan. A Case with the number 6.5, yo urself referring to the rules only when you have a Ques·
for example, is the fifth Primary Case of the sixth Maj or tion. This procedure may -take you a few hours, but it is
Section of the rules. Many times these P rimary Cases are the fastest and most entertain ing way {Q learn the rules
further subdivided imo Secondary Cases. A Secondary short of having a friend teach them to you . You should
Case is recognizable by the fact that it has two digits to the not attempt to learn the rules word ·fo r· word . Memorizing
right of its decimal poi nt. Each Major Section can have as all that detail is a task of which few o f us are capable. SP I
ma ny as nine P ri mary Cases and each Primary Case can ru les are written 10 be as complete as possible - they're
have as many as nine Secondary Cases. The numbering not designed to be memorized. T he Case numbering
system is meant as an organizational aid. Using it, Players system makes it easy to look up rules when you are in
can always easily tell where a Case is located in the rules. daub!. Absorbing the rules in this man ner (as you play) is
As a further aid, an outline of the Major Sections and a much better approach to game mastery than attempting
Primary Cases is given at the beginning of t he rules. to study them as if cramming for a test.

Ri::MOVI NL T ilt: HUU :S FROM TillS ISSUi:::

Open Ih ~ m ~~a1.\ne 10 Ih e (enler. be nd Ih~ Sl \llll~s ,,;Ih a jJe nknife nr SU~'Hlrh c r : lift Ollllh~ HIles and ~ I ose staples.

1.0 INTRODUCTION 11.2 Small-Arms Ammunition Supply

2.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 11.3 Artillery Ammunition
3.1 The Game Map 12.1 Definition of Melee Strength
3.2 Game Charts and Tables 12.2 Restrictions on Ability to Engage in Melee
3.3 The Playing P ieces 12.3 Effects of Terrain
4.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY 12.4 Effect of Leaders on Melee
5.0 MOVEMENT 12.5 Effects of Morale and Rout on Melee
5.1 Movement Conditions and Prohibitions 12.6 Melee and Fire Combat
5.2 Movement of Routed Units and Units 12.7 Stacking in Melee
Not in Command 12.8 Retreat Before Melee
6.0 FORMATIONS 12.9 Results of Melee Combat
6.1 Unit Formations 13.0 MORALE AND ROUT
6.2 Changing Formation 13.1 Morale Ratings
6.3 Unit Formation Effects on Fire Combat 13.2 When Units are Routed
7.0 FACING 13.3 Effects of Rout
7.1 Effects of Facing on Movement 13.4 E ffects of Stacking on Rout
7.2 Effects of Facing on Fire Combat 13.5 Rany
7.3 Effects of Facing on Melee 14.0 RETREATS
8.0 STACKING 14.1 Restrictions on Retreats
8.1 Unit Stacking Restrictions 14.2 Retreating Through Enemy ZOC's
8.2 Effects of Stacking on Combat 14.3 Presence of Friendly Units and Retreat
8.3 Density and Fire Combat 14.4 The Path of Retreat
9.1 Combat Strength 15.1 Artillery Gun Crews
9.2 Weapon Type and Range 15.2 Exploding Caissons
9.3 Fire Strength Per Hexside 16.0 SPECIAL CAVALRY RULES
9.4 Multiple Unit Fire 16.1 Cavalry Retreat Before Melee
9.5 Terrain Effects on Fire Combat 16.2 Cavalry Charge
9.6 Effects of Facing and Formation 16.3 Special Mounted Cavalry Rules
9.7 Line of Sight (Line of Fire) 17.0 LEADERSHIP
9.8 Results of Fire Combat Casualties 17.1 Brigade Commanders
10.0 ZONES OF CONTROL 17.2 Division Commanders
10.1 Withdrawal Fire 17.3 Other Commanders
10.2 Retreat Fire 17.4 Effect of Presence of Leaders on
Melee and Morale
10.3 Effect of ZOC on Ammunition Supply 17.5 Leader Stacking Restictions
10.4 Effect of ZOC on Leader Control
17.6 Detachment and Attachment of Brigades
10.5 Extent of Zones of Control
17.7 Leader Casual!ies
11.0 AMMUNITION SUPPLY 17.8 Battlefield Promotions
fC'Cts of battlc. Th e numbers ran ge from"5" (best) LEADER UN IT: Front
[\.0] INTRODUCTION to "I" (wnrst). This rating is rcferred to whenever
This set of Standard Rul es includes rul es common a pla~'er is rcqu ired to chec k a unit' s morale.
Truex Namt
to SPl's series o f gra nd tactical games simula ting Rally Raling: Th is is the number of units in a Di>"ision
regirnental lc\'cl Civil War baules. brigade commallder's Effeelivclless Rad ius which SulxYditIQliarl Ricke us
T Rank
he can rally in a given Final Command Phase, in
addition to an)' that are ill the samc hex with him. Iiff«liw!n1'SS 5 I (5) Di\'isional
Thus. if a brigade co mmande r had a Ra ll y Rating R<llillS
Inr'tril), Radius
of two, he could rally IWO units of hi s command Rally Raling
[2.0] GLOSSARY OF T ERMS which arc within his Effccti\'cnen Radius in addi·
tion to an y stacked with tha t brigade commander. LEADER UNI T : Back
Column or In Column: One of IWO formations "," ote; Division commanders have 11 0 Rally Ra ting
possible for infantry uni u to Ildopl. Enables unit s and may only ratly units "';lh "'hich Ihey arc
to move mo rt rapidly along roods III so me COSt in Truex
combat ability. Sec also "Une." Rickel1s
Subordinole Unit: A subordinalC unit is one which
Command Points ROling: Each division com- REPL~ Rrplacrmenl
has the name of a leader abblevialed on il. That
mander has a number of Command Points each unit is considered to be subordinat e 10 Ihe specified
3 1 (4)
Game-Turn. Command Points arc expended to in- leader (or·successor). Also see" In Command."
crease tile Effectiveness Radius of brigade com-
mand ers subordinate 10 that division wmmander.
One point is expended for each hc~ added W Ihe
Effectiveness Radius of a bri!!udc comma nder. SU MMARY OF COMBAT UNIT TYP J::S
Thus , a commander with a 100al of IWO Command
Points could increase the Effectiveness Radius of Front Back
one brigade commander by IW O , or IWO brigade
commanders by one. CASES:
I Ark

Currenl Slrl'nglh: A unit' § Co mba t Sirength

[3. 1] THE GAM E MAP [M: RTD
(mcasurc<l in points) may be redu ced during play
"'hen Ihe unit suffers losses. Such 10sS<'s decrease Th e mapsheet ponra~ s Ihe area in which Ihe baule
the combat abilit~· of the un it; each unit' s "curre nt was fought. A h e ~agonal grid pallcm is printed on I . , .• <
" v.<
strength" is therefore kept track of usi ng a num- the game map 10 regulate the rno"cment and loca- McCilnd McC"""

f: P:
bered chil o See also "Initial Sirenglh." tion of the playing pie\:cs and 10 calc ul ale ranges ~p1
when units fire in combat. To make the map lie
Currenl Sirenglh Mulliplier: A number by which nat, back-fold it a gaillst the creases.

a unit's "current strenglh" (measured in poinls) is
mult ipl ied [0 reneel [he effecls o f range (the dis- .......... n
tance be[we-en the firing unit and [he targetl on [3_2] GAM E C HARTS AN I) TA BLES Arlill~ry

fire. ..@TTB:
Various " isual aids are prO"ided with the game in unlimbrrPd limbtrtd
Divisional Imegrily Radius: A numerical rating order to simplify and illuSlrate ~flain game func-
of each division com mander which rcprcsl'ms the tions. Some o f these ,harts and tables arc p rimed

range in he~es o\'cr which thai divi sion com- directly on thc game map. There may be other Supply Wagon
mander may command hi s subordinale brigade charts and tables included in the rules booklets.
commanders. As long as a brigade commander h
within his di\' i.~ion commander's radius in Ihe In- '"""
itial Co mmand Phase. hc may mo,'C freely in the [3 .3] THE PLAYING PI ECt:S
, 1(1"1
subseql.lcnt MO\'ement Phase .
Ejjerli,'eness Radius." i\ number rating which
There arc thr ee types of COunters in the game,
combat counters (called "uniIS"), leaders and full
Ar/ilifr)' err ...
d,'*.... ,
measurcs the rel~livc ability of each brigacle com· markers , Combat unit s include infant ry regi-
ments . caval ry regiment s, supply wagon s, and ar-
'"W '"W
m~ndcr 10 cOl1l rol hi s I roOp~. Th e Effectivenes)

Rad i u~ is given il\ lerm) o f hexes: the high er Ihe tillcry ba\lerle,. Th ere arc at least tW O types of
number, the grca t ~r th e di s talt~e over which that leader counters; brigade commanders a nd di\'i sion W.go n Supply Wag on Crew
brigade commander can efrcclively ~o nt rol h i~ commanders. There ~re se veral t l' pe~ of markers Cre w
troops. Note that divi)ioll com m~nder s have no includ ing Ammuniti o n Depletion. Column, Com-
Effec tiveness Radiu ~: see al so ' 'Divisional I ntegri- bat Strength, Engaged, Game-TuIn, and Casualty

ty Radiu~ " and "Command P o in u R~ting." Track Markers. There may be o the r t~'pe s of
counters in a gam e as detailed in Ihe E~clusi\'e " . n Urn
In Command: A unit is co nsi dered to be "in com- ~!J
DMsion LN"'"
mand" relati'e 10 a pa rticu lar leader when it is Ru les for Ihat game.
10 2
either within Ihal leader's Effect ivencss Rad ius or [3.31] Sa mplf Un its
in the same hc~ ",ilh thaI leader. Notc Ihat a un it CO MBAT UNI T : Fron[
" 'iIl genera ll ~' be "in command" of the leader to
which thaI unit is subordinate, bul that this is not
" . U rn
' ·.n LIra
n e~ssarily tfue; see also "Subordinate Unit" and
J {IS) 1 0 (1)
"Effecli"cness Radius." Dtsignotioll
Brigade 6 NC
Leader-+ - Lewls

Initial Strenglh: i\ unit' s Combat Strength
(mea su red in points) a t the StOlfi of !he sa me; this
val ue is prinled on I he cou nter representing the unit
Formalion (Rl III/liQISI~IIrl"
C.. , .
2 0 (2 )
Rep/Dctmrnr Let1dtr

(S<'e 3.31. Samplc Unit s). Sec also "Current

Strenglh." Weapon Type
Line: Onc of tWO formations possi ble for infantry

unils to adopt. Enablcs unilS 10 fight mosl effe,- COMBAT UNIT: Bac k
li"ely at some cost in mobility. See also "COlu mn."
Morale Check: A ga me function performed by a 6 NC Routed
P layer ",hel\cve r somelhing happen s which brings Lewis

into question the relative va lu e of discretion and
valor. As a le~ult of a mora le chcck . a unit may RTD - -ROUltd Column Formation
Morale Raling: The numerical rating of each com-
bat unit' ~ ability to suslain the psyc hological ef- L:J E",,,.d

Front Back may brin g reinrorcements onto the map, as deter- CASES:
mined by the Reinrorcement Schedule. The non -

D Phasin g Player's units may not move during this [5,11 MOVEMENT CONDITIONS
Depltd Ammunition Depleted Phase, but they may, however, conduct with-
drawal fire as appropriate. [S.11J During its Movement Phase each unit may
C. Defem'i<'e Fire Phase: The non -Ph as in g move as far as its Movem ent Allowance permits . A

Player may conduct Fire Combat with any of his unit may ncvcr c.<cecd its Movement Allowance
unit.lthat arc capab le of firing at any of the P has· although it may move less than its Movement Al-
Current Sireng ih
ing P layer's units, within the provisions and lowance. A unit is never forced 10 move during its
res trictions of the Fire Combat and the Line of Mov ement Phase. Unused Movement Points may
Sight rules. Neither Player may move hi s units never be saved for subsequent Game-Turns or

during thi s Phase, except as a result of combat. transferred from unit 10 unit.
Game-Turn D. 0ffenJ;"e Fire PhaJe: T he Ph asing Playcr [5 .12] A lInit may not cnter a hc.< containing an
may conduct Fire Comba t (se e Phase C). Enemy unit during the Mov ement Phase. An
E. Retreat Before il,ldee "hase: The Phasing Enemy oCI:upied he.< may be entered on ly during
Player announces hi s melee attack s for the Mel ec the Melec Phase (scc 12.0).
[3.32] Combat Srrength Marker~ Phase . The non -Phasin g Player then has the op- [5.13] Fi re Combat does not take place during the
When a unil's Combal Strength i, reduced by tion 10 relreat units Ihal are in the Zone of Contro l MovemCn! Phasc u nlcss lhc moving Playcr ' s units
casualties, a Combat Sirength Marker is placed of Enemy unilS One or 11"0 he~es, Ihu s avoiding trigger withdrawal or retreat fire (see 10.1 and
under the unit to represcm that un it' s new Combal melee. The retreating units undergo wi thdrawal 10.2) .
Strength. Thu.I, if a "4" Strenglh Point <:avalry firc and th e ol'ming Player mus t roll for possibl e [5.14] Units may move in to and out of Encmy
unit lak es a one point loss, a "3" Strength Point rout at thc cnd of the retrcat, wheth er a casual ty Zones of Contro l (10.0), although they may he
Marker would be placed under the unit. When a has been ,uffered as a result of withdrawal fire or subj ect 10 withdrawal fir e (lO.n when they do so.
baller y (akes a loss cause d by enemy artillery fire , nO! . Th e Phasing Player may advance a unit into
the numbe r of gullS is reduced by placin g 11 the vacated hex. [S.15J The number of Mo,'emenl Point, a unit
Si rengih Marker umkr the banery in the same mUSl spcnd to cntcr a he x dcpend" on thc typc of
manner as an infan try or cava l ry unil. F. Melee PIW.fe: Phasing infantry and cava lry terrain in the he.< and the formation th e uni t is in ,
un its which begin this Pha,e adjacen t 10 Enemy The Movement Po int Cost to enter each terrain
[3.33] U nit Duignalions typc is listed on the Terrain Effects on Movement
The de signation of a uni t is {he historical name or un its may now en ter the he~ occupied by tha t
Enemy unil(S} and engage in melee combat. Th e Cha rt (5.19). Note: A unit c.<pcnds Movement
military de~i gna t ion of (ha t unit or leader. Desig- Points for the most expensive terrain type when
nalion s have direct effect on play and also in - me lee combat is resol ved and rctreat and ca>ually
resu lts are applied as a result of the melee co mbat. entering a hcx with two or more types of lerrain
duded for his torical interest and a s an aid to set - (e.g., woods and clear) . The type of terrain most
tin g up and organizing the game. G. Ammunilion Resupply Pha5e: T he Phas ing ben eficial to th~ dcfender is used to det ermine any
[3.34] Wcapun T)'pc Player may resupply eligible uni ts which are ou t of colum n shifts in fire combat.
A unit·s weapon type refers to the type of arma - ammun lllOll.
[5. 161 Mov ement from hc.< to he.< mn:;t be con-
ment that unit had in the banlc. Weapon type ef- H. Rally Phase: Pin I>.larkcrs are removed from secutive; un its may not ,kip he.<es.
fects the Fire Com hal Strength of the unit wh en it the Phasing Player' s units. Thc Phasing Player
engages in Fire Comha!. The lener o n the coun ter may rally his routed units which are stacked with [5.17] A unit may not be movcd or retreat off the
is an abbr eviation for the weapon type with whi ch leaders or in the Effe ctivene,s Radius of Iheir bri- map. A unit which would hc forced 10 retrea t off
that unit i ~ armed. T he abbrevia tions arc summar· gad e commander. A di e i> rol led to dClcrmine th e map i ~ caplured by the Enemy Player.
ized and the effects of range on that weapon arc whelher or not independent units rally. [5. 18] Retreats conducted during any Phase do
displayed on the Range Effects Chart (9.25). not require the e.<pendilure of Movement Points
J. Final Command Phase: friendly le ade rs that
have been kill ed are replaced and leader promo - and are not con>idered movcmcnt.
tion i, performed if necessary . U ncrew~d supply [5.19] Terrain F:Hccts on Mo"emen! CharI
wagon s may be recrcwed. During the Final Com- (,ee mapsheet)
mand Phasc, gamc functions that occur only in ~
[4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY given game, as described in the e.<clusive rul es , are
GENERAL RULE : A routed unit or unit which is out of the Effective-
The play of the game is organi zed into "Game- 2. Second Pla)'er Turn
ness Radius of it> brigade commander may move
Turns."' Each Game-Turn is divided into twO T he second Playcr becomcs the Phasin g Player
and proceeds 10 follow the Player Sequen,·e. Steps one hex on ly, rcgardless of terrain costs. Such a
Player-Turns. During his Player-Turn, each unit may nOI change formation, and may not enter
Player moves his units and then resolves combat in A through J, as described above .
the Zone of Coni ro i (hereafter ZOC, see 10.0) of
seqllencc. At the conclus ion of the final Game- 3. G~mc_ Turn Reco rd Interph:l~ e : an Enemy unit; if already in an Enemy zoe, it
Turn, the Victory Conditions are consulted and a The Game-Turn Marker shou ld be advanced one may on ly move ou! of thc ZOC and inlo a hex not
winner is declared. space on the Gamc-Turn Record Track to mark adj acem to any Enemy units. Brigade com-
the passage of one Game-Turn . Nutc: Some mandcrs which are out of the Divisional Integrity
GAME·TURN SEQUENCE OUTLINE game fllnctions as described in the E.<c1usive Radius of their division commandcr may mov e on -
Each· Game- Turn is divided into a First Player- Rules, are pcrformed. ly one hex (rega rd less of terrain) unlcss they have
'Turn and a Second P layer-Turn . The Player who.l e been de/ached (sec 17 .6).
Player-Turn is CIHrentl y in progrcss is termed the
Phas ing Pla ycr. Thc Sequence of Play mUlt be e.<-
eeuted in th e order presented. [5.0] MOVEMENT
I. firsl Pl~)"er-Turn GENE RAL RULE:
A. Initial Command PhaJe: The Phasing Player Each type of unit and leader in the gamc has a
may attach and dctach brigades which are in the Movement Allowance whieh is listed on th e Te r-
Divisional Int egrity Radiu s o f a divi sion com- rain Effects on Mov ement Chart (5 . 19). The [6.0] FORMATIONS
mander. In addition , the P layer checks the Divi- numb er lis ted for each unit type is the balic
sionallntegrity Rad ius 1(l determine which brigade number of hc.<cs a uni t cou ld move imo in a singh: GENERA L RULE:
commanders are in command. Division com- Movem ent Phase. Each Player moves hi s unit s All combat units may be in on e or lWO diffcrent
mand ers may e ~pend Command Poin ts to incrcase during the MOl'cmcni Phasc of his Player-Turn. forma tion>. Infantry uni ts may be in either Line or
the E ffectiv eness Radius of subordina te bri gade Co lumn ; artillery unit> are either limbered or
commanders. Th e Phas ing Player then checks the PROCEDURE: unlimbered; cavalry units arc eilhcr mau/lled or
Effcctiveness Rad ii of all hi s brigade commanders Units may bc moved one a t a tim e, or in stacb, dismounted (Ihe cquivalent of infantry in Lin e for-
to see whether the uni ts within each brigade com- hc.<-by-hex. in any direction or combinat ion of mation). Supply wagons, trains and leaders havc
mande r' s command may move and fire. directions th e moving Player chooses. The r>.love- no formation. Supply wagons engage in combat as
B. MOI'ement Phase: T he Phasing Player moves ment Phase ends wh en the Player announccs tha t Line infantry. A unit 's formation affecls the ,lIlil '$
all, some , or none of his units as he desires and he ha s fini shed moving hi s units. ability to move and engage in combat.
PROCEDURE: change formatio n at any ti me during a Fr iendly Example of Line Facing:
Movement Phau (Exception: 6.21), as long as
To change fo rmat ion a unit must expend Move-
they have the requisi te num her of Movement
ment Poims. Th e Moveme m Point COSt to change
Points availabl e. Cavalry unin may dismount or
formation is listed under the Formation Change
mount only at the end of a Friendly Movement
Column of the Terrain Effects o n . Movement
Pha.e provided that they have sufficient Mov e-
Chart (5.19) . Infa ntry and artillery may change
ment Points remaining to perform the operation.
formation at any time during a Friendly Mo'·e·
Thus, a dismounted cavalry unit that doe s nOt
mem Phase whi le cavalry may only mount or dis-
have enough Movemem Points at the end of the
mount at the end o f a Friendly Mo,·emenl Phase.
Movement P hase may not moun!.
CASES: 16.23] If anillery ei ther lim bers or u nlimbers
(changes formation) with in range and Lin e of
{6.1] UNIT FORMATIONS Sig ht of any Enemy small-arm. unit (excluding
[6. 11] Infantry units in Column gain increased supply wagon crew; see 11.1) those Enemy small·
mobility while sacrificing combat capability. An afms units may fire at the bal1ery before it changes
infa nlry unit (as well as a limbered artillery unit or form ation. This fire is a form of withdrawal fire. Example o fMounted Cavalry Facin,:
a mounted cavalry uni t) may mo'·e through a road If. as a result of suc h fire, the gun crew of th e bat-
o r pike hex occ upied by a Friendly un il ifand on l)' ter ~' is pinned or takes a casualty, the battery may
if the moving uni t expends Mo,·ement Poims 10 not complete ils change of formation. This ru le
pay for the COSt of the other terrain in that hex may be used regardless of the stac ki ng order (see
(Le ., it cannOt u~e the roa d) . Infantry unit s may 8.4) of the artill ery unit in its hex, and on ly the a r-
use roads, pikes and bridges only when in Column. tillery battery is affected (except pinned results).
Infantry in Column may never initiate melee.
though th ey defend normaJly in melee. [nfantr y in [6.24] A unit which cha nges formati on in th e
Column may 1101 engage in fire combat. To ZOC of an Enemy unit triggers .... ithdrawal fire
designatc a unit as heing in Column, place a Col- from the En em)' unit (sec 10.0).
umn Mark er on top of it. In insta n~s where there
are long li nes of infantry in COlum n, it is necessary (6,3) UN IT FORMATION EFFEcr5 ON
to so designate only the lead unit. A unit in Col- FIRE COMBAT
umn formation that is ti red upon automaticaJly [6.3IJ A unit's form ation itself has no effect on
goes imo Lin e formation (this occurs after the defe nse against fire. Whet her a unit is in Line or
combat has becn resolved). Col umn will affect fire only in that a unit in Line
[6 .12] Infantry units in Line for mation may move will present a different (less vulnerable) facing
and engage in combat norma Jly. lnfantry unit s afe than a unit in Co lumn (see 7.2).
consid ered in Une at all times, unless otherwise [6.32] Lim bered artillery units may not fire.
designated (sec 6. 11). Infantry in Line may nOt 16.33] Infant ry in Column ma~· ne"er tire nor ini-
benefi t from pikes or road s. nor may Ihey usc tiate melce. Mounted cavalry may ha ve i l s~tren't h
bridges 10 cross st reams (i.e .. the presence of a doubled wh en in melee with infantry (see 16.2).
road . pike, or b ridge in a hex is di sregarded for the
purposes o f moving a unit in Line for mation). [6.34] Mounted cavalry units may fire through
their one front al hexside if they are armed with
[6. 13] Artil lery is cither limbered or unlim bered. pistols , carbines, or Co lt repeaters.
When a n arti llery ballery is limbered, it is pre- [6.35] Routed units arc always considered effi lad-
pared to move; when it is unlimbered, it is pre-
ed when fircd upon.
pared 10 fire . Unl imbered artillery may only fi re; it
may not move. When artillery is attacked by melee
only the status of the gun cre .... is considered (see
12.12). (The same applies to small-arms fire, CASES:
wh ich affects only the gun cre ..... ) Gun crews arc
considered to bc in Li ne, for purposcs of melee, (7.ll EFFECTS OF FACING
fire combat, and when rOllted and moved witholll [7 .01 FACING ON MOV"~ MENT
gun s (sec 6.11 and lS.1). GENERAL RULE : [7,11] A unit may move into any adjacen t hex
[6.14] Cavalry units may ope rate either mounted regardless of .... hich hex it was facing hefore it
All infantry, artillery and ca,'alry unit s ha ve a mo"ed. Howe,'er . a unit must be faced toward the
o r dismounted. When mounted. they ma~' engage specific faci ng dependent on their forma tio n. line
in melee comba t (or may ch arge), but they may hex (i.e., the lOp of the counter pointed toward the
in fant ry. di smounted cavalry and unlimhered anil- hex) that uni t is to entcr (before it is moved into a
on ly fire if armed "·ith pistol s. Colt repeaters, or lery have three husides which are considered 10 be
carbines. Dismounted cavalry units are considered hex). Th us, a unit may never "back'· imo a hex.
"Frontal" hexsides, an d three which are "En- This is import ant .... hen resolving wi thdra .... al fi re
Line infantry for all purposes (except. of course. filade" hexsid es (see following illu.tration). The
Ihey can not go "imo column"), and they fire, (see 10. 1).
"front '. of each unit is the lOp of each llll it Coutller,
engage in melee combat, and move as such. th e top he xside and th e hexsides to either side of [7.12] Th ere is no COSt ill Movement Poi ms to
Mounted cavalry suffer a one Column adju stment that top hexside. The three rear hexsides are the chan ge facing. All units may change facing fredy
to th e right on the Fire C RT .... hen fired upon (see "cnfilade" he.~sides. Infantry in Column , supply througho ut the Friendly \-loveme nt Phase.
7.0). Caval r~' units a rc printed on oo[h sides, each wagons, mounted cavalry. and limbered artillery Changing facing is not movement; therefore, units
side repre.osenting either mounted or dismoun ted are a l"'ays co nsidered enfiladed WhCllel·er fi red normally rest ricted in movement (out o f Com-
status. To change from one 10 the ot her. si mply upon regardless of the direction of the fire. mand Radiu s. for exam ple) ma y still change facing
pay the COSt in Movement Po ints (see 6.22) and Mounted ca,·al ry have one front a l he ~side, the hex dur ing their Movement Phasl.'S. T here is no restric-
!Urn the unit over. For special rules pertaining to directly at the top of Ihe unit. which the)· may fire tion as to the number of hnsid es .... hich may be
the ability of mount ed ,avalry to charge or ret real tIl rough if arm ed wilh pistols, carbines, or Colt turned.
before comba t, see 16.0. repeat ers. All other types of units have no fadng (7 .13] A unit may chan ge facing only during a
]6.2l CHANGING "'ORMATION and thus arc considered to present frontal hexsides Friendly ,,·lovement Phase, or after melee.
at all timcs.
[6. 21) A unit that i~ outside the Effectiveness (7.2] EFFECTS OF FACIN G ON
Radius of its br igade commander and not Slacked PROCEDURE: FIRE COMBAT
with a division commander in the Initial Com- Each unit is so oriented that the top of the uni, [7.21] The Sta~ king R~Hict ions Chart (8.18)
mand Phase may not change its for mation durin g cou nter is facing tow ard a specific hexside an d is delineates the maximum num her of Strength
the ensuing Friendly Movement Phase although it not situatC"d between t .... o adjacent hexsldes. All Points and/or baneries which are stacked in the
could move one hex in some cases (see 17.11 and units stac ked in the .Iame hex at th e end of a Move- same hex that may fi re out of thai hex through a
S.2). ment Phase maint ain the sa me facing. A unit mov- given hexside at the same target or at different
[6.22] Unit. pay COStS in Movement Points 10 ing into a hex as.l umes the facing of the unit(s) targets. The ke)· word in this rule is "hexsidc": all
change formation. Infantry and artillery nn its may already in that hex. limits appl )' to fire through a hexside. En mpl~ :

Three infantry regiments worth "3" points each [8.13) The number of art illery batteries that may [8.3] DENSITY AND .'IRE COMBAT
are in a cl ear hex. Only four of these nine points be stacked in a given hex is li sted on th e Stacking [8.31] The number of Strength Points in a hex
may fire throu gh anyone hexside. Four more Res trictions chart (8.18). Batteries may be stacked may affect the efficiency of Enemy fire. The more
points (out of lhe remaining five) may fire through wi th infantry and other unit types in the same hex; "crowded" the hex, the more effective th e Enemy
a different hexside, while the last remaining point each bauery counts for one Stacking Point. fire will be.
may fire through lhe remaining frontal hexside. If [8.14) Lead ers and mar kers never count against
onc of those units was art illery , four of the infan- [8.32J In determining the column for Fire
stack ing rest ric tions. Any number of these Strength on the Fire Combat Results Table, the
!ry points plus all of the guns could fire throu gh counterS may be in anyone hex .
the same he.\side (see 9.3). Pl ayer must consult the Density Adjustment Chart
[8.1SJ A unit may not retreat inlO or through a (8.35). He loob under the column with the correct
[1.22) Units may fire through only their fromal Friendly occupied hex . If a retreatin g unit is forced number of Strength Points in the hex, and mak es
hexsides. to ent er a Friendly-occupied hex, the othcr units in any Column adjustm ent as given.
[7.23] Units may be fired upon through any hex- thaI hex are displaced and must then und ergo a [8.33) For th e pllTpos e~ of density each art ill ery
side. A unit which is fired upon through one (or morale check (see 14.3) . battery is worth on ly one Strength Point. Thus, an
more) of its rear hexsides is enfiladed (see 7.0, [8.16) An infantry unit in Column formation may infantry regiment of "4" plus a ballery with six
General Rule). A unit which is enfiladed by at leas t never move into a hex con taining any o!her com· guns would still be worth only 5 Points for pur-
one firing Enemy unit has the lOtal Fire Strength ba! unit. pos es of densi ty.
being d irected against it adjusted on e column 10
[8.17) Mount ed caval ry uni!s may never move in - [8.34) For density purposes a supply wagon is
the right (in favor of the firing Player). If a Lineo f
Fire bisects a frontal hexside and an enfilad e hex· to a hex containing any o!h er unit excepl other worth four Stacking Points. Leaders and markers
~ide, the unit is considered 10 be fired on through
mount ed cavalry un its and lead ers. have no effect on density.
its frontal hcnide. [8.18J Stacking Restrictions Cha rt [8.35) Density Adjustment Chart
(see mapsheet) (see charts and tables)
[7.31) A unit may advance only through on c of its [8.4IJ Units may stac k , or change th eir stacking
fronta l hex sides into a hex to melee one or more [8. 2] EFFECTS OF STACKING order, only during a fr iendly Mov ement Phase,
Enemy units. ON COMBAT with one exception: If the top unit runs out of am-
[7.32) Other than the prm;isions of ease 7.31, fac- munition (see 11 .0), the Player may change the
[8.21J Only the top-most infantry or cavalry unit
ing has no effect on melee combat. The facing of stack ing order at th e end of the Fi re Pha,e in which
in a stack tak es losses when the hex is fired on.
any units in melee combat may be rearranged by depletion occured. Otherwise, it remains the same.
However, ita combat result caUs for losses greater
the owning Player(s) when melee is concluded. th an the number of Strength Points possessed by [8.42) All unils stacked in the same hex must
the to p unit, th e remainder oflosses must be taken maintain the same facing . Uni t ~ moving infO a hex
from the next infantry or cavalry unit in the stac k. assume the facin g of the unit in th e hex.
Thus. if a" I" Strength Point (SP) infamry unit is
[8.01 STACKING stack ed on tOP of a "3" SP unit and the llnit~
undcf.l~o fire with a casualty rewlt of " 2," the top
GENERAL RULE: unit is eliminated and the boltom unit lo ses one [9.01 FIRE COMBAT
Generally, units may mov e th rough other, Friend- Streng th Po int. Artillery on ly incur losses ifno in -
ly units fr eely (with the exception of units in Col- fantry or cavalry units arc present in th e hex. Ex _ GENERAL RULE:
umn, mounted cavalry, and limbered artillery; see ceptio ns: See 6.23 and 8.22. Combat units may fire their weapon s at En emy
6. 11). There is no cost in Movement Points to units in accordance with the rules on Range o f
[8.22J If a stack of unit, is fired upon by artillery
stack or unstack, and stac kin g restrictions apply Weapons , Fire Combat and Lin e of Sight. Fi re oc-
at a range of Inree hexes or greater, the artillery
only at the end of a Movemem or Combat Phase. curs during the Offensive and Defensive Fi re
fires separately at (and th e die is rolled once for)
each unit in the he~, lOp I.Init first. Any resul! to Phases within ea~h Playe r-Turn. Fire may also be
CASES: triggered during the Movement Phase (if a unit
on e uni t affect s onlYlhat unit. If a unit is routed as
[8. 11 UNIT STACKING RESTRICTIONS wit hdraw s or changes formation) and during the
a result of combat, all units in the hex must under-
Retreat Before Melee Phase (if a unit retreats). T he
[8.11 ) The number of uni ts and Combat Strength go morale checks, even if th ey do not suffer any
Fire Combat Resu lts Table has two rows on it, on e
Points that may occupy any single hex at the sa me lo sses. Al l units in th e hex tak e fire before check·
used for small-arms fire and anillery fire against
time is dependent on the type of terrain and, for in- ing fo r rout.
artillery or supply wagons and the other used when
fantry, whether or not th e uni t is in Column. The [8. 23] For purpose, of Case 8.22, the density rul es artill ery fir es on infantry or cavalry. Unit s are
Stacking Restrictions Chart (8.18) listS all th e in 8.3 apply to each individual unit even though never required to fire.
limits. they arc bei ng affect ed individually. Thus, if thre e
[8.12[ for purposes of stacking, the Combat units, each with 4 Points, were fir ed on (as in the PROCEDURE:
Strength Poims of a unit (unadjust ed by terr ain, above Case) , when checking for rewlts the Player The firing Player announ~es which of his unit s are
etc.) is its number of Stacking Points, with the e.\- would adjust two co lumns to the right for density, firing on a giv en Enemy un it. The Combat
ception of supp ly wagons, which are worth four even though the ind ividual units arc only worth 4 Strength of each separate firing unit is modified by
Stacking P oim s and batteries which are worth one Point:;. t The stack consists of 12 P oints). See also the range of that unit from the target unit. The
(see 8.13) . 9.42. Ran ge Effects Chart details th e effect of range on
each weapon type. The Combat Strengths of all fir-
ing units are totaled together, after the cffe~ts of
Ta tlgC havc been appli ed . Th e Total fire Combat
Strength is then located on the Fire Combat Results
Table. The CR T column may be modifi ed to the
left or right as a result of the defending unit's fac -
ing. formation. and the terrain it o~cupies . A die is
rolled a nd the result of that comba t is indica ted at
the int ersection of the CRT ,·oll.lmn and the row
corresponding \0 the die roll result. After results
arc applied, a moral e ch eck (see 9.8) may be re-
quired .
Each combat unit has its init ial Combat Strength
and weapon type printed on the counter. As a unit
su ffers losses, Combat Strength Markers are
placed under the unit to indicate its Curren t
Strength (see 3.32). The Combat Strengt h ofa fir -

ing unil may be affected by the range of the unit (9.33] Husi dt n rt Zo nt Dia&"m
fr om its target. Th e eHects of range arc summar-
ized in the Range Effects Chart (9.2 5).

[9 .11] Co mb at Slrength Markers are neut ral and

may be used by both sides . The Combat Strength
represen ts the unit's c urren t manpow er, fire
st rength, melee capabi lities, and stacking points.

[9 . 121 All in famry unils a nd dismou nt ed cavalry

have a Fire Strength and Melee Ca pability equal to
their Combat Strength . This is the Currtnl
Slf"I'nglh , not the Ini tial Strength given on the
co unt er, a lthough the tWO can be the same. (See
6.1 4 a nd 16.2 for mounted caval ry.)
19.13] All artillery uniu have a Fire Strength equal
to their Combat St rength value (a s modified by
their lIun crew Slatus); however, melee involving
an artillery un it is resol\'ed against its crew. A crew
hasa Melee Strength of "I " when at full stre ngth
and "0" when lU red uced sllength . (Since melee
combat is different ia l, the "0" can be used ma the-
maticall y) . Arti llery "ews may never init iate
melee; lhey use thei r Melee Capabili ty onl~' to de·
fend against melee (~e Case 12.25).
[9. 14] Artillery fire against infamry or cava lry
units is resoh'ed using the G rapeshot row of the
CRT . Artillery fi re alla inst artillery and supply
wagons is rcsolved usi ng th e Small Arms a nd
Counter- Battery row of the CR T (see cham and
[!I. 15] Units armed with sma ll -arms weapo n types
always resol~'e fire combat on Ihe Small·Ar ms and
Counter- Banery f ire row of the CRT .
[9. 16] Firt Co rn bll l Rrsults Tab le U~ IT FIRE Effecti,'e Sirength of 4 x 10 _ 40) and two lIuns fire
(sec charts and tables)
[9.41 MULTI P LE
at the other target (at an Effecti\'e Strength of
[9 .4 1] In fire combat, units firing from different 2 x VI = I) .
hexes at the same En emy hex muSt combine their
[9.2) WEAPO N TYPE AND RANGE Fire Strenath into onc 10tal. Ea ch unit's Fire
[9. 21 ] The type of wea pon fired by eac h indivi- Strength is compute d separate ly for range . and
[9.46) In sp littin g uni ts ' Fi re Strength s, th e Com-
dual unit is noted on Ihe counter for that unit. then all are adde d toget her. In fantry Fire Strength
bat Strength may nOl be so divi d ed as to make the
Units that have no weapon type may nOI engage in and Arti ll ery Fire Strength are never added
Final Fire Strength agai nst any one he~ less than I.
fire combat. T he diffe rent weapon type s are listed together; these units always fire sepa ra te ly.
Exa mple: A battery of six gun s coul d not fire at six
on the Range Effects Chan (9.25). [9.42] When a uni! is fired on by botli artillery and individua l targets si~tcen hexes distant, beca use
[9.22) A unit's wea pon type delineates how fa r sma ll-a rms, both anacks are resolved before any the Final Fire Strength would (theoreti cally) be
an d how effectively it may fir e. result in g casualtie s arc applied. (This can be im - hal ved for each of tho se target s. The battery
portant because the chance of causing a casua lty is would have to split hs fire among only three of the
[9 .23) Each weapo n has a maximum range (i n affected by the den$ily of Combat Strength Points regiment s to produce the necessary one- Point-
terms of hexes) at which it may fire al an Enemy in th e hex.) All casualties (if allY) from both fires minimum -per-t arget, Thi s rest ric tion appli es only
unit. This range is found on the Range Effects are then applied before reso lving a morale chec k , when splitting Fire Sirensth : a unit may always
Chan (9.23 ). No unit may fire at an Enemy un il if necessary (see 13. 2). (Thus, a unit does not fire ils whole Strength - no mailer how much it is
that is outside the maximum range fo r that "escape ," for e~a mp le , artillery fi re because reduce d - a t a single target.
weapon. Ca lcul ate by count in g the di stance, in small-a rms fire causes it to rout and run away.)
hexes, from the firing hex to the target hex. The [9.5J TER RAIN EFFECT S ON
firing unit's hex is nOI counted as part of the range [9.43) During a Fire P hase, smaJl-arm s nre (in. FIR£CO MHAT
figure; th e targeT hex is counted. A unit's Fi re fantry, Ctc.) gcnera lly affects only the top infantry
or ca"alry unit in a stack (see 8.21). The various terrain features on the map have an ef-
SlTength can be greatly aHeeted by range. fect on the abili ty of units 10 withstan d fire. A
[9.24] Adjacell l op posing unit s may a lways [9.44) No unit may be fired upon marc than once dcfemling uni t may der ive the benefit of terrain as
engage in fire comb at against each olher, o r they in any given Fire Phase by small -arms fire, and no long as at least one of the firing units is firing
may fire at ot her, more distant u nits. unit may be fired upon more than o nce in a Com- through or into that terrain.
bat Phase by artillery. A unit may be fired upon by
(9.25] RAnKe Effects C hart ~m3 11 ·arms rirc and art ill ery in any Otle Fire Phase, [ \l .~ I ] In fire co mb a t, terr a in benefits ma y adjust
(see ma ps heet ) but only once by each (exceptio n: 10.2). the total Fire Strellgth Column 10 the left. Effects
of terrain are cumulati ve, bUllhe final net adjust-
(9.4~] No uni t may fire its entire Fire Strength
ment on the C RT may never be more than two co l-
[9.3] FI RE STREN GTH PER HEXSID E more th an once in any given Fire P hase (Exn ll ti on: unlns in any di rect ion. Thus. you may adjust three
T he number of Combat Strenglh Points that may See 10.2). However . within an~' IIh·en Fi re Phase a to the len and one to the rillht for a cumulat ive
fir e out of (not into) a jiven hex is lim ited to the unit may choose to spli t its Fire Strength , directing ch ange of two 10 th e left ; but yo u could no t adj ust
number of frontal hexsides a~ailable to fire it at any number of target he~es. as long as the tota l three to tlie left, as a final resu lt. The C RT column
through. Four Strength Points ma y fi re out of a Combat Strength is not e~eet'ded and the rules of is never adjusted to the left of the last column, and
given hex throu gh a ny one o f it ~ frontal hexs id es. facing are observed . r. xa m p l~: An in fantry regi· a un it(.I) firin g Wilh more than 51 Strengt h Poi nts
ment with a strength of 3 may fire with a strength of fires in the "51 +" ~"OJumn .
[9 .31] The four Strength Poin!s that ma}' fire 1 3tthreed ifferent Enemy hexes orit may fire wilh
through a hexside are "Pre· Range Effects Mod ifi· a stre ngth of 2 at one hex and I at anot her. Note [11.52 ] A unit adjacem to a creSI hc.'lSide whiCh is
catio n Strength Points." Thus, the 4 Poims may that the Current Strength is divid ed, not th e Fina l fired a ll through th at crest hexside, dcri ves a
be doubled. hah'ed, etc. as an effect of range. Fire Strength (which may be the Current Strength defensiv e benefit from the crest if the firing unit
(9.)2] Artillery is not limited to the number of augment ed by terrain. ranlle , etc.). Exa mple: A occupies a lower elevation . Th e Total Fire
Streng th Points of fire per he~s id e. T hus, a ll bat· battery compo~ed of (, guns can fire at an Enemy St rellgth Colum n all the Fire CR T is adjustcd one
!eries in a hex may fire OUt of one hexside (see unitlhal is adjacent and one that is ten he~es d is- column to th e left. This benefit is derived if an~' of
7. 21) . tant. Four guns (HB ) fire attlie nearer tarllet (at an the firing units fi re through the crest hexside.

(9.53] Units in woods hexes that aTC fired upon dp "" Distance (in hex es) from potential obstacle to ned. Rout ed units may become pinned (and re-
derive a defensive bendit. The Total Fire Strength lower position. main routed). Pinned units may change facing but
Column is adjusted one to the left. 2. Line of Sight Gauge Procedure they may not change formation.
(9.54] Roads and pike.1 have no effect on combat [9.85] PIN markers are removed in the Friendly
Note that heights are expressed in increments of
in any way. For any terrain effects, refer to the Rally Phase before units are ralli ed. Once a pinned
five feet . Horizon tally, distance is measured in un -
other terrain in the hex. divided yard increments (corresponding to the unit is meleed, it becomes unpinned. Remove the
[9.55J Other terrain effects on fire (if any) a re hexes). On th e zero distance line, locate the height PIN marker from that unit.
detailed in th e Exclusi ve Rules. of the higher position. Measuring from this point [9.86] Leaders may be kill ed or wounded by
[9.56] Effecis on Co mbat C hari
T~rl'1lin (horizontally, in hexes) locate the heigh t of the Enemy fire (see 17.7) . A leader may be pinned, but
(see mapshect) lower position. Connect these two points with a th e leader d oes not lose his Effectiveness Rating as
straight edge (a transparent plastic ruler is ideal) . a resu lt of such a pin. He simply cannot move (ex-
[9.6] EFFECTS OF FACING Now locat e the height and distanc e of any cept to retreat as a resu lt of melee).
AND FORMATION susp ect ed obstacle. Remember that a man adds 5 [9.87] A combat result of "P" or "R" requires a
[9.61] Units may fire only through th eir fromal feet 10 the height of any level and a woods hex adds mo rale ch eck for the affected unit. A die is rolled;
hexsides; however, they may be fired on through 20 feet to th e height of any obstacle. If the obstacle if the result is greater than the unit's morale, it is
an)' hexsides. Units fired upon through their rear is higher than th e Line of Sight at the point of in· pinned or routed, resp ectively. If th e result is the
(enfilade) hexsides have the lOla] Fire Strength tersection, th en the Line of Sight is blocked . If th e same or lower than the unit' s morale, th ere is no
Column adjusted one to th e right (see 7.2). Line of Sight exactly intersects the obstacle, or effect.
passes ov er it, then the Line of Sight is not block·
[9.62] Infanlr~,. units in Column and limbered ar- cd. If th ere is any doubt, P layers should reson 10 [9.88] Some numerical results are followed by an
tillery may never fire in any Phase . Mount ed a,terisk (-), which ind icates that the affected unit
th e algorithm. Not e that, technically speaking , the
cavalry may on ly fir e if arm ed with pistols, car- may also become pinn ed . After the casualty is
Line of Sight could pass as much as five feet below
bines or Colt repeaters and then only through their the obstacle and still not be blocked (this accounts recorded, a morale chec k is executed for that unit.
one fromal hexside (see 7.0). for th e average height of a man's musket and the If the unit roUlS, no further action is tak en. If the
unit does not roUl , 11 second die is rolled; a result
[9.7J LINE OF SIGHT (LI NE OF FIRE) target abov e the terrain on which the soldiers
greater than the unit' s morale level results in the
T he abi lity of a unit to fire from the hex it is in to stand).
unit bein g pinned. A result equal to or less than the
some oth er hex depends on the terrain between {9,8J RESULTS OF FIRE COMBAT unit's morale lel'el has no effect.
thos e hexes along the Line of Sight (LOS). An CASUALTIES
LOS can either be clea r or blocked; "having a Each casualty number on the Fi re CRT's
dear LOS" is defined as the abil ity to sec the
represents a Strength Point of men kill ed o r one
target. An LOS i ~ represented by a straight lin e gun destroyed, depending on which type of unit is
drawn from the center of the firing unit ' s hex 10 defending . The other results are "P/R"
the center of the target hex. The LOS may only be (Pin/Rout), "P" and "R" which restrict an af-
blocked (d ependin g on elevat ion) if it passes
through a blocking hex or through a blocking hex-
fected unit's actions. GENERAL RULE:
side which is not common with or adjacent to [9.81] When the Fire CRT yields a numerical All infantry units in Line format ion, dismounted
either the firing unit '5 or the target's h ~x. Note: A result and the target unit is infantry or cavalry, cavalry , and unlimbered artillery units have a
clear LOS alway s ex ist, out of a blocking hex con· that unit has lost that number of Strength Points. Zone of Contro l extending into three hexes adja-
taining a firi ng unit , and int o a blocking hex con- Th e Player adjusts his Strength Counter and cent 10 their frontal hexsid es. Supply wagons and
tainin g a target unit, but generally not (d epending records the loss on his OB Roster. (However, see leaders have no ZOC'~. Mounted cav.alry exerts a
on elevation) through a blockin g hex. Thus, un its 9.42). Players shou ld keep an accurate count of ZOC into all six adjacent hexes. the ZOC's of
may always fire into an adjacent hex. If th e LOS is losses as they arc important for determin ing who these unit~ affect withdrawal, retrea t, supply, and
blocked, fire is not poss ible. wins th e gam e . A morale check for the affected command . Exc epti on: Mounted cavalry ZOC's af-
unit must be made (see 13.0). fect the withdrawal and retreat only of mounted
[9 .71 ] Types of blocking terrain are listed on the
Terrain Effects on Combat Chart (9.56) . In addi- [9.82] If an artillery battery is hit by sma ll -arms cavalry unit s (al.lO, see 9.62 and 16.36).
tion, units, Friendly or otherwise, are considered fire, only the crew is affect ed . If a battery suffers a
blocking terrain. Wh ether blocking terrain actual - result of" 1," the gun crew counter is nipped over
ly blocks LOS is dependen t upon the elevation of to its Reduc ed Strength ~ide; ano th er Pnint loss [1 0.IJ WITH DRAWAL FIRE
both th e firing and defending units. and the crew is eliminated. Guns th~msel\'es arc a f- If a Friendly unit leaves an Enemy-controlled hex
fect ed only by a rtillery fire and each Point in a during th e Friendly Movement Phase or the
[9.72] For purposes of determining LOS , Ground given result eliminates a gun.
Level i~ considered to be zero feet high. T rees are Friendly Retreat Before Melee Phase, the Enemy
considered to be 20 feet high, infantry, artillery [9.83] When a Pin/Roftt (P/R) result is obtained , unit exerting that ZOC may fire at the moving unit
and dismoun ted cavalry five feet high, and the Pla yer owning the affec ted unit must deter- before it leaves the hex.
mounted cavalry and sup ply wagons ten feet high . mine which will apply. To do so he first nOteS the ]10.11] Withdrawal fire ta kes place befor e the
Other heights (if any) are specifically indicated on unit's morale (Case 13.1), rolls on e die and com- withdrawing unit leaves the hex; i. e. , the ra nge is
the map. pares the die roll to th e Morale Rating. If it is one hex.
higher than th e Morale Rating, the unit is roUled;
[9.73] The Line of Sight Algorithm and the if it is the same as or lower than the rating, the unit [10.12] Withdrawal fire is in addition to any nor -
Line of Sight Gauge is pinned. When rolling for P/R results, if th e unit mal offensive or defensive fire . Unit s may fire
Players may determine the Lin e of Sight in two has been enfiladed add one to the die-roll, and sub- withdrawal fire a ny number of times, subj e~t only
ways : they may use th e basic a lgorithm (mathema- tract one if th e unit is sta<:k ed with a leader to possible ammunition depletion.
tical exp ression of the Line of Sight) or they may (regardl ess of the number of leaders ); see 17.4. [10.13] If there are tw O(or more) units in th e sam e
use the Line of Sight Gauge , wh ich LI a graphic hex in th e ZOC of an Enemy unit and they both
representation of the algorithm. Usually , Players wish to withdraw, the Enemy unit may fire once at
will find themselves using the algorithm only to the st ack.
check the occasional "close call" on the gauge. [10.14] If there are two (or more) unit s in a stac k
1. T he Basic Algorithm Procedure and some (b ut not all) of the unies wish to
[9.84] When a unit is pinned , place a P IN marker withdraw, they may do so wilhoul bein g fired
A clear Line of Sight exists only if:
on top of all the unils in the hex the pinned unit oc- upon; however, in such a case , the unites) remain-
H is equal 10 hp - 5 ,·upies. Uni ts in a pinned hex may not move (ex- ing in the hex su ffe rs withdrawal fire. In effect,
o or grealer than dp cept to retreat a s a result of Melee; not before): nor they are covering for the withdrawing unites).
H ., Height (in feet) of higher position minu s may they fire in a Friendly Offensive or Defensive [10.15] A unit .mffering casualties during
height of lower position. Fire Phase. Pinned units may us e withdrawal fire withdrawal fire is treated as if it had suffered
(10. 1) and retreat fire(10 .2). They may not initiate casualties during any regular Fire Phase; the own-
D '" Distance (in hexes) from higher position to in g Player must roll for possible rout or leader
melee , although they may engage in melee when so
lower position . attacked . They may not retreat before melee. Pin- loss, etc. If a unit suffcrs a pinned result in
hp;= Height (in feet) of potential obstacle minus ned unit s have a Zone of Control. If any unit in a withdrawal , it may move one hex and then it
height of lower position. stac k becomes pinned, all units in that hex are pin - be<:omes pinned. Important Exccptinn: Sec 12 .88 .
addressed envelo pe, and if phrased so that they
may be a nSI'.'ered in one word. Se nd ru les ques-
(jREAT BATTLES OF tions 10:
Rules Questions Editor fo r
257 Park Avenu e South
New York, N.Y. 10010



tIson's CASES:
Brigade Com bat Effeclivencss (18.0) docs nOI ap-

reek ply 10 this ga me. Ignore Section IS,O and all other
references 10 it in the Siandard Rules.


Infantry un ils of Ihe same brigade arc considered

The liestsFlISt FIght to be with in Ihe Effectiveness Radius of their

brigade comma nder so long as each unit is in Col-
umn. adjaccnllo an ot her unit in Colu mn . and one

August10. 1861 of these un;tS is actually within the Effectiveness

Radius of th e brigade commander . In this way a
long column of men may still be controlled by one


Only Sigel's brigade is eligible 10 ~ delache~ dur-
Copyright © 1980, Simulations Publications, Inc" New York, N.Y., 10010
ing Ihe game. O nce delached, it is independent for
the du ration of Ihc game and may never be reat-
111.0 l NT RODUc..1 ' IO N ANI) 1!'l' VENTORY [19.0] INTRODUCIION lached (see 21.23). All other brigade commanders
or GAME PARTS AND INV ENTORY arc eit her att ached or out of command (see 17.21) .
111. 1 Introduction
111.2In\'cn!ory o f Game Pans OF GAME PARTS [20. 4J SUPPLY WAGONS
10,0 MOmfi CATIO"l;S TO Til E STA!li DARD RULES T he three Co nfedera le supply wagons (there are
20.1 lIrigade Combat Effecli'~ne.\S CASES: no Unio n supply wagons) have neither crews nor
20.2 Eff«1i",,",,~ Radius arM! In Column Units ammuni tion to resupply un ilS. T he supply wago ns
10.3 Auachmcm a nd Detachment o f Brillades [19 ,1] I NTRODUCfIO N
ha ve no crews wilh which to defend Ihemselves,
10.4 Supply Wagons W ilson's Creek is a grand laclical , regimental levcl and they have a mO"ement allowan ce of9. Supply
lO.~ Te rra in simu la lion of lhe Civil War banle fought on 10 wagons may only mo~e along roads or trails . All
20.6 Ammu nition SlalU s and August 1861, five miles southwest of Springfield, fire direcled al a supp ly wag on resultin g in
Ammo Deplet e Di e Ro lls Missouri. T he gam e simulates the surprise Un ion anythin g othe r than "no effecl" is trealed as a
11.0 HOW TO START anack (led by Bri gad ier Gi:n eral Na th aniel l yon) P/ R result. Supp ly wagons nO I Slacked with a
11. 1 Confederate Deploymen t upon an allied force of Co nfederate regula rs led by combat un it a rc captu red if the Un io n Player
21 .1 Union Deploymt'nl Bri ga dier General Benjam in MrCullOt'h, and mo"es an infant ry or cava lry un il int o the hex oc-
12.0 CO NFt:m:RAT E ENCAMPMENT " ,'liLl A LERT Missouri Slale Guards led by Maj or General Ster- cupied by the supply wag on and expends 3 ex tra
12. 1 The Eff«u of Beil'll Encamp«! ling Price. The Banle of Wilson's Cree k was one of Movement Poinls. Once captured, the supply
11.1 Ikcoming Aim ed in the Union Player-Tu rn the pivolal facto rs Ihal kept Missouri in lh e wagon counter is flipped over to ils " pink" side
n .) Becomini A'cn ed in the Union. and may be moved norm all y by th e Union Player
Confederate Player-Turn
21 .• Leaving En ca m~d Statu s afler Alert [19,21 INVENTORY OF GAME PARTS (beginning in the Gam e-Turn ojter caplure). Sup-
22 .S Co n ftderat~ C.~al ry Panic
ply wa go ns may be recaptured by Ihe Confederate
A co mplete game of Wilson '$ Creek incl ud es: player. No unit - artll ery o r small -arms - is d igi-
11.6 ~ader Panic One 22" x 34- ga me map
13.0 RO UT A:\'l) RETREAT MOYEMt:""
ble 10 be resup plied with ammun ition after run-
One Standard Rules boo klel ning out, Supply wagons hil"e a mora le rat ing and
13. 1 Con f.derate Retreats One Ellcl usive Rules booklet are subjecl 10 rout. A wagon forced 10 retreat o r
ll.1 Union Ret reau One di e-cu t counlersheet (200 counlers) roUl o ther than alons a road o r Irail is captu red .
14.1l UN IO N MO\· t:MU~T BO:\'lIS Tw o sill· sided dice (n Ot included in This ru le supplant s cases 11 .23, 11.24, and 11.25
IS.0 CO MMAND STRlICTlI IU:S AND subscription edili on)
PROMOTION SCiI [l)UU:S of the Standard Rules.
Game box (not included in subsc rip tion
25.1 Confederat e Co ntmand Structure 120,5] TERRAIN
2S.2 Conf.d erate Promotion Sch.dule
15.3 U nion Co mrruo.nd Structure If an y of Ihese partS arc missin g or dam aged , [20,51) Troils: Uni ts mQving along IraU s in Col-
15.4 Unio n Promo tion Scheduic please fill OUI Ihe enclosed Complai nt Card and umn, mounted or li mbered formal ion (o nly) pay
26.0 ".CTOR Y CONDITIONS return it to SPI. NOlc that . allhough lhe process the tra il movement rale rather Iha n Iha l of the
26.1 L.,... l~ of Victory used 10 manufac tur e Ihe counters so metimes ot her terra in in Ihe hCll.
26 .1 Vk tory P oim ~ Awa rd Sch.dules result s in mino r im pe rfections, SPI can suppl y [20,52J Brush: Un in moving through bru sh helles
16.3 Victory Poin ts Sc hedule for the Occupat ion replacement parts onl y in cases of gr oss error and pay a hi gher movem ent cost and receive a defen-
of Sharp" and Ra y'. Hou.e illegibility. sive benefit. Brush is no! a LOS obSlacle for ar-
26.4 Lines of Communltion Ques tions regarding Ihe rules of th e game will be tillery units. Small-arms units may fir e through
26,S Un ion U nit, Relrea!;n& off 'he Map answered if acco mpani ed by a stamped, self- two brush hex es (into a third). In th is way brush is
a limi ted LOS obstacl e. ( Note: When using the 3 Lou 1 1528; 3 Lou 2 1529; 3 Ar k 1 1428. [21.27) Should the entry hex choosen by the
LOS algorithm, brush is considered to ha ve a n Pearce: 1525; I Cav c 1914; Carroll c 1525 : Union Player for Sigel's brigade be occupicd by a
-e levat ion of tcn feel. ) Co nfederate unit, Sigel ' s units enter the map after
3 Ar k 2 1526; 4 Ark I 1425; 4 Ark 2 1426;
[20 .53] Crest: Crests are for med where two eleva- 5 Ar k 1 1424; 5 Ark 2 1524. a delay of one Game-T urn on a hex at least three
tion levels arc in a hex. Un its in a cres t hex are hex es and no more than five hexes away fro m the
Price: 1925. origi na ll y chose n entry hex. The orig ina l entry hex
always co nsidered in the higher o f th e two eleva-
tion levels. Thus, uni ts in hex 2330 are on ele vation Rains: 1937; Hu nter c 2741: McCowan c 2138; is not counted when determi ni ng th is distance.
level 4. Units which change elevation levels by Peyton c 2238; 1 MSG 1 0925; [21.28) If a Uun its scheduled to enter the map on a
entering a crest hex genera ll y pay extra M ovement I MSG 2 1025; I MSG 3 1026; I MSG 4 102 7. given hex are u nable to ent er, the rema ining units
P oint costs . Units moving fro m hex 2329 to hex Parsons: 1824; Kelly I 1824; Brown 2c 2011 . enter on the following Game-Tu rn at that hex . Jr
2330 pay ex tra M ovement Points for moving from Clark: 1726; Burbridge 11726 ; Major 2c 1712. sti ll u nab le to enter, they re main off map until that
a lower 10 a hig her elevation. (Players will note entry hex is avai lable for entry (Exception: 21.27 ).
lhat un its moving from hex 2331 10 2330 do not Slack: 1727: H ughes 1727 ; Thornton 1827 ; P layers may never vo luntaril y withhold un its off
pay extra mov ement costs; th ey are moving along Rives c 2433. map if the entry hex is unblocked.
the same elevation). Some units must pay extra M cBride: 2025; Wingo 1925; Foste r 2026; [21.29) For those interested in simulating the
Movement Point costs when movin g from a higher Campbell c 2025. historical battle, the Un ion " main force" shou ld
to lower el eva tion . Thus, a un it moving from hex Ba lterieJ: Gu ibor 1825 ; Woodruff 1732: use Entry Opt ion #3 and Sigel (detached) Entry
Z330 to hex 2329 may have to pay extra movement Reid 1622 ; Bled soe 1024. Opt ion Itl. The Union lost the historica l battle.
costs . All movement costs are list ed on the Terrain
E ffects on Movement Chan (5.19). Supply Wagons: Wagon 1 1530; Wagon 2 1629;
Wagon 3 1729.
[20 .54 ) Steep crest: Some crests are cons idered
steep crests. Steep crests a re indicated by a splash [22.0] CONFEDERATE
panern abutting a crest li ne (the line where two [21.2) UNION DEPLOYMENT
eleva ti o n levels meet) . A st eep crest pr esents a Dep loy ment for the Un ion u nits is determ ined us- ENCAMPMENT
greate r impediment to movement than crests. The ing th e following method : before selling up, the AND ALERT
extra movemem cos t pen alty for crossing a steep Union P lay er rolls a die; on a res ult of I through 4,
crest is added to th e othe r terrain in 1he hex. Un its the Union Deployment Option matc hing the GENERAL RULE:
pay the extra movement cost when entering a cres t number rolled is used . On a resu lt of 5, the Union All Confederate un its start the game "cncamped."
hex by cross ing certain hexsides. Though steep P layer has hi s choice of op tions I through 4; on a W hi le encamped the uni ts are unable to move ,
crests don't a ctu a lly follow the hexsides, Players result o f 6, the Co nfederare P layer chooses one of change formation, or engag e in fire combat or of-
shou ld hav e no trouble determini ng wh ich hex· the Union options 1 through 4. fensive melee. If attacked whil e encamped , the
sides require the el< tra Movement Point expen- [21.21 ) In Options 1 through 4, a ll Union units
diture when being crossed. Example: Th e hel<side defe nding Confederate u nit is enfi lad ed , regard-
ent er the map th rough one of the Union entry less of the actual facing o f the unit. All Confed-
betwee n 2741 and 2841 is a steep crest ; the hexside hex es in any order the Union Player desires. Each
between 2741 and 2742 is not a steep crest. erate uni ts arc alerted as soon as one of them is
uni t entering the hex mus t expend Movement fired upon or " sees " a Union unit , or by virtue of
[20 ,6) AMMU NITJO N STATU S Points for the hex using th e road or trai l rate . the proper alert dice roll for a given P layer-Turn.
AND AMMO DEP l ETE When more than one unit enters (he map on the Only when the Confederate un its arc alerted may
DIE RO LLS same hex, each un it enters sing ly (Le., it doesn't they leave encamped status (see 22.4).
cost subsequent units more Mp vemen t P oints to
There are no OB Rosters in Wilson's Creek . The en ter the map because they a re entering " behind" CASES:
onl y record keep ing nec essary to the play of the the fi rst un it ). All units ent er limbered , mou nted
game is the num ber of rounds of ammuni tion wi th [22.1) THE EFFECTS OF
or in Col u mn formation (depending on the unit BEING ENCA MPED
wh ich ea~h baU ery start ~ . Player> shou ld write the type).
name of each battery on a piece of scratch paper [22 . 11) A ll Confedera te units start the game en-
and, beside the name, ma ke a number of boxes [21.22} T he Union units compr ising the thr ee bri- ca mped. Wh en encamped a unit:
represent ing the number of rounds that battery gades o ther than Sigel's brigade (which may be
detached; see 17 .6) are referred to as the "main l. May !lot mov e during the Fr iend ly Movement
possess es. All batteries start play with 9 rounds.
force." The hex the main force enters is different P ha se.
Each time a battery fi res , one box is crossed out.
W he n all box es have been cross ed out that ballery for the differem Union Deploymelll Options: 2. H as no format ion or facing .
may not fire. Option I: Enter Game-Turn I on hex 01 07. 3. May not engage in fire combat or offensive
As an ex cept ion to 11.21, when Union uniis check Op tion 2; Emer Ga me-Turn 1 011 hex 0140: the melee.
for ammo depletion after rolling a I, they are ConFederate Player subt racts one from his alert [22.12) Wh il e encamped, a unit i.1 always consid-
depleted only by a roll of I, nor I or 2. Confederat e dice roll each Gam e-Turn (see 22 .3) . ered enfi laded when fired upon . An encamped unit
un its are depleted normally. Optio n 3: Enter Game-Tu rn I on hex 2647. .is in encamped status; thereFore, the formation in·
dicated by the unit ' s counter does n ot apply. Th e
Option 4: Enter Game -T urn I on hex 3740; the
Confcderate Player det ermines the act ual forma-
Confederate Player subtracts one from his alert tio n of each unit on ly a fter it has been a lerted (see
dice rolls.
[21.0] HOW TO START 22.4).
[21.H) If the Un ion Player decides to detach Sigel [22..13) While encamped, the fina l Melee Strcngth
GE NERAL RULE: he must secret ely wr ite on a piece of pape r the en· o f a Confedeate un it(s) is reduced by on e in addi-
try hex and Game -Turn of entry for Sigel' s brigade tiOf; to aU other normal reductions.
P layers decide who will play each side, Union and before the game begins. Once the entry has been
Confederate . The Confederate Player is always de cided , the Union Pla yer may Ilot change his [22.2) BECOMING ALERTED IN TH E
the first Player in the Sequencc of Play However, mind. For purposes of th is rule, Sigel ' s brigade UNION PLAYER·TURN
on Gam e-Turn On e th ere is no Confedera te consists of: 3 Mo, 5 Mo , I US le , 2 US Cc , and
Player-Turn. All Confederat e units become alert ed as soon as
Backo ff'~ Baltery. Note: The caval ry unit~ are in_ any Confederat e unit "sees" a Union un it or is
CASES: dep endent units and are called Sige l' s brigade for fi red upon.
purposes of ent ry only.
[22.21] To be "seen," a Union u nit must move to
[21.1) CONFEDERATE [Z 1.24) If detached, Sigel's brigade may enter play within three hexes of a Confederate unit and there
DEPLOYMENT on any of the 4 Union entry hex es. If the emry hex must be a clear Line of Sight from the Confederate
T he Confederate P layer sets his un its up in the choosen, however, is the same hex entered by the to the Union unit. T he three hexes are counted
hel<es list ed belo w. Each uni t's forma tion is deter- main body (see 21.22), the ea rl iest Sigel' s brigade from the Confederat e hel< (exclus ive) to the Union
mined by the Confederate P layer after it has been may enter is on Ga me-Turn Three. hex (inclusive). All Confed erate un its have all·
alert ed (see 22. 4). The Confederat e P layer should [21.25) If Sigel's brigade is detached, it may not arou nd facin g for pu r poses of seeing Un ion unit<;.
set up his units accord ing to the follow ing deploy- be reattached to the main body later in the game
ment schedule : [22.22) At the moment a Union un it is "seen" by
(intportant exception to 17.6). See 20 .3. a Confederate uni t , a morale check must be made
Confederate Deployment: for that Confederate unit or leader in the Un ion
[21.26] If detached, Sigel may never become the
McCulloch; 1926; I Ark I cl7t6 : I Ar k 2c2015 ; S Union division commander. If not detached , Sigel Pla yer-Turn during which it i.\ alerted. A uni t or
KT I c 1819: S KT 2 c 1920: 2 Ark c 1730; may become the divisio n commander (see 25.4). leader which fails a morale ch eck performs rout
movemelil immediQlely. Each Confederate unit [22.62] All Confedera te leaders have Morale Poi nts each Gam e-Turn in which the Confederates
which " sees" a Un ion unit du ring the Union Rat ings of 4 for purposes of the above morale have nOt been alerted at Ihe Slaft of the Un ion
Player-Turn in which the alert occurs mu st be checks. If a leader routs, a " Leader P anic" chit is Movement Phase. Th e bonus app lies even thoug h
checked for morale. placed on the unit to indicate the routed status. during the course of a given Union Move ment
[22.23J Moral e is checked for a unit or leader only leaders that pallic must perfo rm rout movement. Phase the Confederates may be,ome a lerted (see
once as a resu lt of it~ being alerted . regardle ss of 22.2).
[22. 63] Rout ed leaders may not rally any unit s un-
the nu~ber of Union unitS which it "sees" later. til they themsel\'es have rallied, Ilor do routed
[21.24J Du ring the Initial Com mand Phase of the leaders have an Effectiveness Radius umil rallied.
neXt Confederate Player-Turn, a mora le check [22.64] To rally a routed leader, the Confederate [25.0] COMMAN D
must be performed for Qf/those Confederate units P layer rolls a d ie du ring the Confederate Rally
and leaders that did not "see" a Un ion unit in Phase; any result ellce pt a "5" or "6" rallies the STRUCTURES AND
the Union Player-Turn in which units were alertcd. leader. Impo rt ant Note: Routed leaders are rallied PROMOTION
after rally attemp ts are made for routed unit s a nd SCHEDULES
[21.3J BECOMING ALt:RTED IN THE thus, in effect. are ullable to help those units rally.
122.65] Wh en leaders arc stacked with comba t GENERAL RULE:
A f/ Confederate units immediately become al erte d
units during the alert-related morale checks, the Eac h army had its own d istinct organi~at ion and
if the Confederate P layer rolls the proper dice roll leader's morale check is always performed first. If
during a Confederate In itial Command Phase. command st ructure. Thus, the Sta nd ard Division-
the lead<:T routs. he may nOI apply his rOUI die roll al lmegrity ru les (11.0) are modified somewhat. In
starli n& wit h Game-Turn Thrtf!. mudil1cr (exception to 9.83). There is no other ill addition, the promotion sched ules for both sides
[22.3 1] Starting with the Initia l Command Phase effect for be ing staeked wi th a leader tha t routs. deta il the order o f promotion.
of Game -Turn 3, the Confederate Player rolls Iwo
dice to delermin e whether or not his unit s have CASES:
become a lerted. If the dice roll is equal to or less [25.11 CONFEDERATE COMMAND
than the alert number listed o n the Game-Turn
Record Track for that Game·Tum. th en all units MOV EMENT [25. 11 J There are two Confederate divisions pres-
are alerted. O therwise. the unils remai n en- GENERAL RULE: e nl in the game, McCulloch's a nd Price's. Players
camped. will note that ea ch division is distinguished by a
Units which arc forced to retreat (from melee. due
IZl.32 ] An immediate morale check must be per- to rout, etc. ) may ne,'er use the reneat as an "ad- sepa ra te color.
formed for all units alerted in the Confederate va nce." Wh en a unit retrea ts it must always retrcat [25.12 J The two divisions behave as if they were
Player-Turn . towards its own lines. and the retrea t ma)' nOt be: two separate arm ie.l , that is:
[22.4J LEAVING ENCAMPED used as a mean s of placing the unit in 1\ more offen- I. Un its. induding leaders, from the twO divi -
STATUS AlTER Al.ERT sively advantageous position than the hex it oc- sions may never end a Phase stacked toget her.
cupied before the retreat.
If the Confederat es are alerted in the Union 2. Units from the two divisions may never in-
Player-T urn, the Confederate units may leave en- PROCEDURE: it iate melee into the same hex a t the same time.
cam ped status at the beginninll of the next Con- A retreati ng uni t is al\\'ays requ ired 10 ret reat as nor may one rein force an "engaged" melee in-
federate Movement Phase. I f the Confederates are close as possible to a specific hex. If that he~ is volving un its from the other.
a lerted during a Co'l/ederale P layer-Turn. the stac ked to its limit. then the retreating unit mUSt 3. In fi re com ba t. u nits from tWO divisions may
Confedera te units may leave encamped status dur- attem pt to move adjacent to it. Should the path of never combine their Fire Strengths. Olle or the
ing the Movement Phase of that Confederate retreat take the unit into the ZOC of all Enemy other may fire at a given target in a given fire
Player-T urn. Units alerted in thc Confederate unit. the retreatin g unit may nOI swerve to avoid combat resolu tion. never both.
Player-Turn may not move (though they may ex- the ZOC (and subsequent retrcat fire). The on l)' 4. Leaders from o ne divis ion have absolutely no
pend Movemelll P oints to leave encamped status). time a unit may veer from the retreat path is when effect on units of the other division. They may
In o rder to " leave e ncamped status," a unit must a hex on the path is occupied by an En emy uni t. never lead or ra ll y units of the other divisio n. (Ex-
expend the requisite Movement Poin ts (depending ception; See 23. I).
on the unit's type) to change formation; leaving CASES:
encamped status is considered to be a change in [25.13] McCulloch ac ts as bOfh a division com·
forma tion. Until these Movement P oints afe ex- {2J. IJ CONFt: I)ERATE RETREATS mander and a b rigade commander. As such , his
pended. the unit is considered to remain en- When a Confederate unit retreats , it mu st. if possi· brigade commander ratings arc listed at the top of
ca mped . U nit s th at were routed before th ey left ble. move along the fastest possib le path (in Move- his coullter and hi s division commander ratings at
encamped status may ass ume any formati on the ment Point s) toward5 hex 1926. the Confederate the bottom. All Standard Rules app ly for Mc-
Confederate Player wishes afler they have b~n Headquarters. Note: If a Confederate unit begins Culloch as both brigade and di vision commander
ra ll ied. roul or retreat movement within thr~ hexes of except. o f course, he may not expend his Com-
1926. the Confederate P layer may conduct rout or mand Points on himself.
(ll.SJ CONFEDERATE CAVALRY retreat movement of that unit as he chooses. 50 [25. 14] Should McCulloch become a ca5Ilalt~· . his
PANIC ,--, long as the unit ends its mov ement within three replacement (Mc intosh) also behaves as both a
In fn t) hexes of 1926. Eumple: A Confederat e unit in hell division and brigade commander. If both Mc-
Onl~' 2328 that is forced to retreat moves to h e~ 2127 Culloch alld McIntosh become casua lti es, Pearce
(toward 1926). wh ere it maKcs a morale checK . The (or his replacement) becomes division com-
unit routs; it could then be mo,'ed anywh ere within mander. As divi sion commander Pearce would
A Confederate cavalry un it which fails !IS morale a three-hex radiu s of 1926, even if this movement
check as per 22.22 or 22.32 can 1101 assume have the same qualities as McCulloch; i,e .. he
requi res the unit to backtrad on its rOUI path. would be both a division and brigade commander.
moumed formation for the duration o f the game Stacking lim its must be obscf\'ed at the end of the
(the horses ha'·e [rolLed). Place an " Infantr), In (his instance the Confedera re player \\'ould
uni t's movement. replace Mcintosh with a Brigade Commander
Only" mar ker on each cavalry unit which loses its
horses. These uni ts are considered inde pendenl in- [23.21 UN IO N RETREATS Replacement counter. Nore: The counter
fantry regiments for the rest of the game and may represent ing McCulloch is backprinted with
When a Un ion unit rctreats, it must. if possible.
gO into Column formati on. Mcintosh.
move along the fastest poss ible path (i n Movement
Points ) toward s the first hex it entered on the game [25.21 CONH:DERAT[ PROMOTION
leade r map. SCHEDULE
Panic 125.2 1\ Should McCulloch become a casualty. h is
(22.6J LEADEKPANIC COllnter is not removed from play bllt is nip ped
over to reveal his immediate repla cement, IYlc ln-
[22.6 IJ All C onfederate leader.; ellcept McCu l, [24 .0] UN ION MOVEMENT tosh. Mcintosh will then function as the division
loch and Price arc subject to the morale checks re-
quired in 22.22 and 22.32. This exception to the BONUS commander with the same abilities as McCulloch
Standard Rules applies on ly to the two morale as d efined in 25.13.
checks required as a result of a lert. After the Con- GE NERAL RULE: [25.22] Should Price become a casualty. he is re·
federate units have been alerted. the Standard All Union injanlry units (only) hav e their Move- pla,ed by on e of his brigade commallders. The
Ru les apply. ment Allowances increased by two MO\'em enu Confederatc Pla yer has his choice o f which of
Price's brigade commanders \0 promote. Once a [26.21 VICTORYPOINTSAWARD tion can be traced off the map. The Confederat e
brigade commander is promoted, his bri gade com- SCHEDULES Player gets I VP for every Union gun and infan-
mand falls to any an on ymou s brigade replacem ent try/cavalry Strength Point for which a Line of
[26.21] Victory Points Awa rded
lead er. All of th e original brigade commander~ Communication can nOI be traced. A Li ne of
to th~ Union P layu
must become casualties before a brigade repla ce- Communication is defined as a path of hexes, of
ment leader is promoted to command Price's divi- For each supply wagon captured: 5 VP's any length, that is neith er blocked by Enemy units
sion. For each Confederate infantry or cavalry or their Line of Fire, that leads to any entry option
Strength Point killed: I VP hex (regardless of the option actuaily used) or hex
[25.23) The bri gade commanders o f Price's di\' i_
For each Confederate gun destroyed: I VP 3114, An artillery unit is co nsidered to have a Line
sion have an "0" printed where there would nOT-
of Fire through its front three hexsides to any hex
mally be a Divisional Integrity Rating. This in- For each Confederate gun, or infantry or cavairy
within three hexes of an R type artillery unit or
dicates that the rating is variable. Should one of Strength Point captured: 2 VP',
within two hexes o f an M type artill ery unit. To
th ese leaders be promoted 10 division commander, For each Confederate brigade commander kill ed block Lines of Communication with a Line of
th e Confederat e Player rolls one die at the start of or wounded: 3 VP's Fire , a Confederate unit must be in Line formation
each Confederate Initial Command Phase to For each Confederate brigade commander cap- (o r unlimbered), have the proper facing, and have
det erm ine the Divisional Integrity Radius of that tured: 5 VP's a LOS to the hex. Units that are OUl df ammo have
leader for thai Player-Turn. Th e raling is deter-
For killing or woundin g McCulloch or Price: 10 no Lin e of Fire, but may block Lines of Com-
mined again each Confederate Initial Command
YP's each mun ication by actually occupying the hex. Union
Phase. units block Lines of Fire if they are a LOS obstacle
For capturing McCulloch or Price: 15 VP's each
[25.3] UNION COMMAND for the Confed erate units.
For occupation of Sharp'S andlor Ray's house:
Depending on the Union deployment option for a For each gun, infantry and cavalry Strength
OFt' TH to: MAP
given game, the Union side will consist of eith er Point that can trace a Line of Communication at Union units may be retreated off the map if the
one division or one division plus one independem the end of the game: 0;, VP (s ee 26.4). Union player fears th eir total elim inati on. For
bri gade (see 21,2), Lyon commands the only every gun or Strength Point that retreats off the
Union division in the game and is subject to the [26.22] Victory Points Awarded to the
map, the Confederate Player receives 0;, VP. For a
Standard Rules. Confederate P la~'tr
Union unit to retreat off the map , the unit mllst
For each Union gun, infantry and cavalry have sufficient Movement Points remaining to
[25.4] UNION PROMOTION Strength Point killed: I VP enler an imaginary hex off the map. The cost to
SCHEDULE For each Union gun, infantry and cavalry enter the imaginary hex is the same as the terrain in
Should General Lyon become a casualty, he is reo Strength Point captured: 2 VP's the hex the unit last occupies. Once exited , Union
placed in the following order by: L Sturgis. 2, An· For each Union bri gad e commander killed, units may never re -enter the map.
drews. 3. Dietzler, 4. Sigel. wound ed or captured: 3 VP' s
When a bri gad e commander is promoted to divi_ For each Union gun, infantry or cavalry NOTES ON THE COUNTERS
sion commander, an anonymous brigade replace· Strength Point that re treat~ off the map: Gun markers are placed un der the crew counters to
mentleader is entered to command his brigade. If VI VP (see 26.5) indicate the various gun types a battery might have
Sigel is detach ed (s ee 21.2), he may never be pro- and its formation. Th e crew counters list the
For killing, wounding or capturing Lyon:
mot ed to division commander and his position on number and type of guns in a battery.
10 VP's
the above schedule is filled by Sturgis' replace - The Uni on combat units have two slightly dif-
memo For the possession of Shatp's andlor Ray' s
house: VP', as per 26.3 ferent shades of blue; this has no effect on play.
The Confederate units are tw o different colors,
For each Union gun , infantry or cavalry and th is difference affects play (see 25.1).
Strength Point that cannot trace a Line of Com-
munication a t the end of the game: I VP (see Several counters have incorrect info rmation on
26.4) them. Th e three Union batteries labelled "In-
dependent" on the back are not independent; the
[26.0] VICTORY [26.3] VlLTORY POINTS SCHEDULE historical designation on their fronts should be us -
FOR THt: OCCUPATION OF ed . The four div ision leader counters have their
CONDITIONS SHARP'S AND RAY'S HOUSE Rally Ratings and Divisional Integrity Radii
GENERAL RULES: Both Players are eligible to receive Victory Points reversed; the first numb er is the Rally Rating, and
if eith er occupies Sharp's hous e (hex 2021) andlor the second is the Divisional Int eg rity Radius.
Victory is determined by the accumulation of Vic· Ray's house (hex 0734) at the end of the gam e. Th e
tory Points. At the end of th e game Players com· The Confederate infantry unit, 3 La I-McCulloch.
last Player to have a combat unit(s) , not leader is the wrong color; this unit be lon gs to McCulloch,
pare Victory Point Totals and consult Case 26,1 units, in either hex is considered to occupy that
(Levels of Victory). Victory Points are awarded not Price as the color indicates. Two Confederate
hex . If both Players have units engaged in melee in mounted cavalry units arc marked "I Ark I c;"
for inflicting casualties on Enemy combat unit~ either hex at the end of th e game. neither P layer
and lead ers, possessin g certain terrain objectives, one should be mark ed" I Ark 2 co. as on the un-
gets VP' s. The actual VP award depends upon the mounted side. Two Confederate infantry units are
and maintainin g Lines of Communication (see entry option chosen by the Union player.
26.4). marked "Thornton-Slack;" one should be marked
Occupa tion of "Hughes-Slack" as on the routed side of the
PROCEDURE: Sha rp's Ho use ~ Union Confederate counter.
Atth e end of the game both P layers total their Vic- Option 111 20 VP's 20 VP' s
tory Points, according to the schedule given be-
low. To determine the victor and level of victory, Option 112 40 VP's JO VP's DESIGN CREDITS
subtract the Confedera te Player's total from the Option 113 40 VP's 20 VP's Game Design: Richard Wril!:ht
Uni on Player's total. If the differential is at least Physical Systems and Graphics :
+31, the Union Player has achieved either a Op tion 114 40 VP's 30 VP's Redmond A. Simonsen
Marginal , Sub~tantial or Decisive victory. If the Gam e Developm enl: T homas Hudson
differential is less than +31, the Confederat e Occupation of Original Game System Design:
Player has won . Ray's House ~ Union Confederate Richa rd Be rg
Play testers:
CASES: Option#l 20 VP's 10 Vp' s Joe Reise r, Mic hael Georl!:e, Paul Slevens
[26.1 J LEVELS OF VICTORY Option #2 o VP 's 20 VP's Blindtest,ng:
Bill Spitz GrOUII, Henry Milansld, Arnie Stemen.
Union Decisive: 61 + VP's Oplion# 3 20 VP's 10 VP's Lnry Rains, John McBride and the Baylor
Union Substantial: 46to60 VP's Op(ionl/4 20 VP's OVP's School Groull. Scott Georl!:e
Union Marginal: 31!045VP's Rules Editin g: Eric Smi th. Brad Husel
Confederate Marginal: 16to30VP's
At th e end of the game, the Union P layer gets" Rosalind Fruchtman, Ted Koller,
Confederate Substantial: I to 15 VP's VP for every Union gun and infantryl cavalry Manfred F. Milkuh n, Michael Moor~ ,
Confederatc Decisive: Oorless VP' s Strength P oint for which a Lin e of Communica- Bob Ryer. P,J, Snyder

[10 .16) A unit may withdraw from an Enemy tion is repreSented by the number of rounds fired may be used to resu.pply Friendly unilS on the
ZOC through any hnside it wishes, as long as it as compared to the total ro unds ava ilabl e. When Game· Turn aft er they've been recrewed. Only a
does not enter an Ene my-occupied hell. Howe ver, no more rounds are available, artillery may not cavalry or an infantry unit may capture a supply
if in withdrawi ng Ihe unit presents ils en fi lade hex. fire. Small·arms units suffer ammunition deple- wagon. Should a wagon Ix captured its former
sides to the firing unit, Ihe unit fi ring withdrawa l ti on as a res ult on the Fire C RT. These units may crew is also removed from play regardless o f its
fire then gets the benent of enfilade fire (see 7.11). be resupplied by being within supply range of a location on the game map. The crew loss docs not
Note: A unit withdrawi ng will almost invariabl y supply wagon. Units Ihat are out of ammunition count for Victory Point purposes.
present its enfi lade to an enemy unit. (ammo depleted) have no ZOC's except for pur·
111 .2] SMALL·ARMS
poses of negat ing supply and lead er e ffectiveness AMMUNITION SUP PLY
110.17) Withdrawal n re takes place in the Move· lines.
ment Phase and the Retreat Before Melee Phase, In fant ry, d ismo unted cavalry, and all other non-
not during any Fire Phase. (A un it that i~ in the CASES: artillery unit s (small-arms units) are subject to
ZOC of an Enemy unit during a Fire Phase and is possib le ammunition depicti on each time they fire.
forced to relTeat out of the ZOC during that Fire {l U I SUPPLY WAGONS Ammunition depiction never affects the abil ity of
Phase does not surrer withdrawal fi re). Withdraw. Su pply wago ns are considered comba t units a unilt o move.
al fire is nOt conside red part of any Fire Phase, and alt hough they are restricted in their cap;lbili ties. A 111.21) Each lime a small·arms unit fi res and a
units thaI usc withdrawal fire may fire regularly supply wago n has tw o possible statuses; crewed "I" is rolled on the Fi re Combat Rewlt s Table,
durin g any Fire Phase in that Player· Turn. Wilh· and ull crewed. Th e front of the counter shows the there is a possibility of the unit running out of am-
drawal nrc is, in errect, a free shot. Note: Remem· wagon and its crew. The crew has its weapon type, munition. The Player rolls again for each unit that
ber to check for ammunition depletion. morale, and Combat Strength indicaled in the fired in that combat result: if the number rolled is
same manner as an infanlry unit. If the crew is kill· "1" or "2," that un it is consi dered "ammo
1I0.18J Leaders that withdraw from an En emy
ZOC do not tr igger withdrawal fire. ed or rout s away from the wagon, the Wagon depleted." An·Am munition Depletion Marker is
Co unt er is turned over to indicate its uncrewed placed on top o f the unit to indicate its status .
110.19J When a unit tri ggers withdrawal fire, it statu s, and a Wagon Crcw Counter is placed on
may be fired on once by every eligible Enemy unit. the map if a rou l is called for. Supply wagons are [11.22] A unit o ut of ammun it ion may move an d
Th ere is no lim it to the nu mber of Enemy uniu used to resupply artillery and small·arms units engage in melee norma lly. [I may not fire under
which may fire al a withdrawing unit (provided which ha ve run out of ammunition. a ny ci rcumsta nces until it is resupplied, and has a
each Enemy unit is eligible). A single Enemy unit
111.I1J A supply wagon cre w ma y nevcr vo lun -
zoe for su pply and leadership palhs only.
may perform withdrawal fir e a~ many times as [11.23] To be resupplied, a small·arms unit must
tarily abandon its wagon. A Crew Coumer is only
there ar e Friendly unitS which tri gger suc h fire. be able 10 trace a supp ly path to a Friendly supply
placed on the map if'lhe crew rout s.
[10.2J RETREAT FIRE wagon in its Friendh' Resup ply Phase. The route
111 .12) Supply wagon crews suffer casualties on ly of suppl y is traced from the un it to the wagon and
A unillhat is forced to retreal into the ZOC of an from small·arms fire, though Ihey ma y be pinned not viee· versa. Th e supply line is Iraced using the
En emy unil, other than the unit which caused Ihe or rouled du e to artillery fire. Supply wagons are Mov ement Allowance and terrain costs of an in·
retreat, rna}' undergo relreul fire. The procedure affected on ly by artillery fire. fantry unit in Col umn format ion (sec 5.19, Terrain
for relreat fi re is Ihe same as for withdrawal fire Small·Arm s Hr~ Results: EffC(;ts on Movcmem Chart). Note that th e unit
(10.1) with twO exceptions: un its entering the itself does not mO"e: Ih is is simply a method o f
PIN: The wagon is pinned, and may not resupply
ZOC trigger the fir e. as opposed to units leaving determining the d istance. The route to the supply
unils or move.
the ZOC (as in withdrawal fire), and retreat fir e wagon may not p:m through a hex in an En emy
may occur during Ihe Combat Phase. Each tim e a ROUT: Th e crcw rout s. A Wagon Crew Mark er is ZOC (unless occupied by a Friendly unit) or
unit retreat s into the hex of a dirrerent Enemy used and thc crew rout S three he~es. The Wagon through an Enemy occupied he~.
unit, the possibi lity o f ret reat fi re is triggered; Counter is turned over to show that it is cre .... less.
therefore, a retrealing unit may be fired on by [11 .24) An y num ber of uni ts may be resupplied
"I, " "}." ttc.: Th e crew is eliminated and the
several En em y units as it retreats. Relrealing during a Friend ly Resupply Phase, as long as there-
wagon is turned over 10 sho w that it is crewle!;s.
routed units Ihat suffer casualt ies from retreal fire quirements of 11.23 are satisfied and Ihe supply
A rtill e r~' Hr~ Ru ult s: wagon ha s th e necessary ammunition. The number
do not roll for additiona l rou t. Enemy units firing
on retreating unit s rna}, only fire once at a given P in a nd Ro ut results affect the crcw in the same of units a gi"en supply wagon may resupply is the
unit during any retreat. Units firing ret real fire manner as sma ll arms. number of boxes for s mall·arms ammo on the OB
must check for ammunition depletion. Retreat Roster for tha t wagon (see 11. 1).
"I, " ,,}, "tIC.: This number is used 10 determ ine
fir e, lik e withdrawa l fire, is co nsidered a free shot. the column on the Ammunition Loss Table [11. 25J Neither the .... agon nor the unit bei ng
(11.34). A die is rolled and cross-ind exed with the resupplied may have mov ed in that Player·Turn.
AMMUN ITION SUP PLY column 10 determine the number o f Supply Poin ts
the wagon loses.
Units attempting 10 trace a Line of Supply to their Each Player is limited in the total number of lim es
supply wagon.s (11.23) may not tra~e this line {l I. I3J Supply wagons are always independent he may fire each o f his artillery ba tte ri es . Each time
through an Enemy zoe,unless the hex is oc· units . a battery fires, regardless of the number o f gun.1 it
cupied by a Fricndly unit. [11.14} Supply wagons have a stacking va lu e of has, it uses one round of ammunition. The number
pO.4] EHI::CT OF ZQC ON four points. of rounds available to each battery is then um be rof
LEADER CONTROL ballery ammuni tio n boxes on the Player'sOrder o f
[1I . 15J Supply wagon crews ma y not ini tiate Bailie ROSier for that bauery. When the ballery
Units attempting to trace a leadership radius from melee but may defend agai nSI melee. Supply crews fires or otherwise loses a round of ammunition,
a leader to a unit (or another leader) may nOltrace may not engage in offensive fire (see 12. 14). one box is mar ked off on th e battery ' s ammuni tio n
this line through a hex in an Enemy zoe un less th e 111.16J Supply crews do not have a zoe and are supply to indicate the batlery's correct ammo
hex is occu pied by a Friendly un it. incapable of retrem and withdrawal fire. They su pp ly.
(10.5] EXTENT OF may only fire in the Friendl y Defensive Fire Phase. [1I .3 IJ Ea ch time an artillery bauery fi res, it ex·
ZONES OF CONTROL [11. 17] Crewed supp ly wagons may retreat before pends one round o f ammunition. When a battery
zoe' s do not extend through impassa ble hex· melee. In other fo rm s of retreat th e crew retreat s splits its fire, it expe nds only one round of
sides. The presence o f a Friendly unit negates an but the wagon doesn't. ammunition.
En emy zoe for purposes o f s uppl y and leadership [1I . 18J A wagon may Ix recre .... ed if its crew has 111 .32) Wh en a battery runs o ut o f ammunition
lines. However, Ihe p resence of a Friendly unit been eliminated by moving an infantry unit or dis- (i.e., all its am mo boxes have b~n marked o ff) it
do es not negate an Enemy ZOC fo r purposes o f mounted cavalry unit onto Ihe wagon and remov· may not fire. Such balleries may receive additional
withdrawa l or retreat fire. ing on e Strellgth Point from that unit duri ng the rounds of ammunition as per 11.23 if a friendly
Friendly Final Command Phase. The morale and supply wagon is available 10 resupp ly the batter}'.
weapon type of the new cre ....· s hould be noted on [1I.33J Players may transfer rounds of ammuni·
the OB Rostcr. Only one St rength Point may ever lion between friend ly artillery balleries of the same
[11.0J AMMUNITION SUPPLY be assigned to a wa gon and, once assigned. it may weapon type. Both batteries in~olved mUSI spend
not be withdrawn from that wagon and used to one enti re Game·Turn , with ou t firing, in th e sa me
GENERAL RULE : augment Ihe Stre ngth of anOther unit. or adj acent hexes. In th e Resupply Phase of that
All un its ca pable of nrc combat are su bject 10 am· [11.1 9J Supply .... ago ns may be captured and Game·Turn the owning Player may redistribute the
mun ition depiction. Artillery ammuni tion deple. re~rewed by the Enemy P layer. Captured ....·agons rou nds of ammunition betw~n the 1....'0 batteries.
If an arti ll ery ballery is captured or eliminated in [12 .22) Units may nev er fire at onc un it in a me lee in a single hex is list ed in the Stacking
combat, its ammunition supply is likewise Friendly Fire P hase and then melee with a dif- Res trictiuns Chart (8 . IS).
eliminated. No use may be made of captured ferent unit in the ensuing Mel ee Phase. A unit can [12.72) If the defending Player has more units (ur
Enemy guns or ammo. EXcfption : Sec 11.19. on ly me lee with a unit at which it fired. If it did not Strength Points ) than are allowed fur melee, the
[11.34] A mmunition Loss T able fire in the preceding Offens ive Fire Phase, it may Strength Puints over th e maximum do not par-
(see charts and tables ) mel ee with any unit with in the above restrictions. ticipate in th e melee; howev er, they are affected by
[12.23) Melee is not mandatory; simply because a such combat in a ll respects. The attacker may not
unit is adjacent to an Enemy un it docs not require enter a hex to melee wi th more Strength P oints
it to engage in melee. than are allow ed by th e Stacking Restriction Chart
[12.0[ MELEE COMBAT [12.24) Infantry in Col umn may never initiate (S . 18) .
GENERAL RULE: melee, although they may be meleed by Enemy [12.73] Stacking limits in melee apply 10 each side
units. If a unit in Column is meteed, such a unit separately. Thus, both Players may each have up
Melee combat represents hand-to-hand fighting
that ta kes place when Friend ly units attempt 10 goes into Line as soon as melee is resolved. to th e maximum strength limit for that hex.
dislodge Enemy units from a given position. Melee [12 .25] Gun and wagon cr ews may not init iate [12.74] If infantry or dismounted cavalry is stack·
occurs in the Melee Phase when a Phasing Player melee. Exception: If a crew is meleed and an cd with a gun crew in melee, losses are taken from
moves a unit (or unils) into an En emy occupied "enga ged" result is obtained , th e crew may melee th e infantry/cavalry before th e gun crcw,
hex. The ensuing combat is mandatory, and the in its ensuing Friendly Melee Phase. regard less of the stacking order of the uni ts.
result is obtained from the Melee Combat Resu lts [12.26) Units that split fire (see Case 9.4) between Ot herwise, losses are distributed at the option of
Table. As a result of mel ee, units may be captured , twO or more heltes may melee units in on l)' one of the owning Player.
suffer casualties , be forced [0 rctreat and possibly those hexes. Un its may not split their Melee [12.75] Friendly units occupying different hexes
be rouled. or remain engaged in Ihe melee. Melee Strength between hex es. may enter the same hex to melee En emy uni ts
may occur only in the Melee Combat Phase; it may th ere .
never occur during any other Phase. [12.3] EFFECTS OF TERRAIN
[12.76] Units may not move through a hex where
[12.31) Any units that enter an Enemy-occupied units are engaged in melee.
P ROCEDURE: hex for melee purposes by crossin g a stream or
In order fo r a unit to melee with an En emy un it, it moving uperest have one poi nt subtracted from
must begin the Friendly Mel ee Phase adjacent 10 [12_8) RETREAT BEFORE MELEE
their total Melee Strength.
that Enemy un it. Then, in the Melee Phase, it During th e Retreat Before Melee Phase , the at -
mov es into the hex with the Enemy unit . The Melee [12.32) If units are engaged (i.e., "ENG ;" see tacking Player (i.e., the Player whuse Melee Phase
12.94) in melee, the on ly terrain effects which may immediately folluws th e Current Retreat Before
Strengths of the units ar e compared, and th e result-
ing combat different ial is th en used in reference to be applied to tha t melee would be against addi· Melee Phase) must announcc which defending
the Melee CRT . The Melee CRT is a" Differential" tional units j oining it. units he intends to melee. The defending Player
CRT. The comba t ratio is expressed as a difference [12.33] A unit may mele e into a he x only if it cou ld must either immediately exercise his uption to
betw een the total Strength Points of the attacker move into that hex norma lly. retreat before melee (if it is available to him), or
(the P hasing Player) and the total Strength Points declare that he will accept the melee.
of th e defender. The defender ' s points (adjusted [12.4] EFJ!ECT OF LEADERS ON MELEE
[12.81 ) The non-Phas ing (retreating) Player may
for lead ers and moral e) ar e always subtracted from leaders have an effect on melee. Ifa stack of units , move any units subject to melee one or two hexes
the attacker ' s regardles s of who has mo re points. attacking or defending, contains a leader or away from the hex they are in.
Thus, a defender with "8" Points attac ked by a lead ers. that stac k may add one Point to its IOta l
unit with a total strength of " 5" would produce a strength. Example: An infantry regiment worth 5 is [12.82] Retreatin g units may not enter an Enemy
different ial of minus three ( - 3). Differentials stac ked with a leader and melees with an Enemy ZOe.
lower than - 40r higher than + 7 use the - 4 or + 7 regiment wurth 2, which is also stac ked with a [12.83J Units that retreat before melee are subject
columns , respectively. Not e that a unit may adjust leader. The Final Comba t Differentials is + 3; the 5 to withdrawal fi re. The owning Player must cun-
a IO tal of 3 Points: one for terrain, one for a leader, unit add 1 for the leader, for a total of 6, bul the duct a morale chec k for retreating units (before
and one for mora le. defending unit alsu has a leader (2 + 1 = 3) . On ly melee) , regard less uf whether or not they arc fired
one leader per side may be used in the melee re- upon by withdrawal fire . E ~ee ption : sec 12.84.
CASES : gardless of the number of leaders in the hex , [12.84] Mount ed cavalry uni ts (see Case 16.1)
[12.1 ) DEFINITION OF may retreat befo re melee without drawing
MELEE STRENGTH [12 .5] EFn:CTS OJ.' MO RALE AND withd rawal fire. They are simply moved the one or
[12. 11 ) Infantry and dismount ed cavalry I.Inits ROUT ON MELEE two hexes . A morale chec k is not required.
always melee with their Cl.lrrcnt Combat Strength
[12.5 1) If a routed unit defends against melee, [12.85] P hasing units may be advanced into a hex
(which is the same as th eir Fire Strength). tha t unit defends at one-half its Current Strength vacat ed by a unit retreating before melee by any
[12.12] Artillery batteries melee with the strength rounded down. Routed units may nO! initiate units that were going to melee the retreat ing uni ts.
of their crew. Th e Mel ee Strength of a full -strength me lee; if "engaged" in melee, a routed uni t mus t The advancing units are still bound by the Stac k-
gu n crew is "I. " The Melee Strength of a reduced- retreat from melee, if possible. If th e routed unit ing Restrictions Tab le (8.18). A unit so advancing
strength gun crew is "0. " (Remember, melee com- cannot retr eat from the melee wi thout entering an may not initiate melee in that Gam e-Turn.
bat uses a differential, so the " 0" may be used as Enemy ZOe, it is captured. [12 .86] Unlimbered artillery may nO! retrea t
comparison figure.) Not e that gun crews may never befo re melee.
[12.52] If, in a melee, the unit with the lowest
intiate mel ee (see 12.25). [12.87) A pinned ur routed unit may not be
morale in a stack of Friendly meleeing units has a
[12. 13] The Melee Strength of a mounted cavalry morale rat ing that is at least twO Points higher retreated before melee.
unit is its Combat Strength at the time of combat. (better) than the highest mo rale rating of an [12.88] A uni t wh ich a P layer attempts 10 retr eat
However, if mounted cavalry is charging (sec Case En emy unit that is in th e same melee, the Friendly before melee which is' 'pinn ed" by withdrawal fi re
16.2), their Melee Strength is double their Combat meleein g unit s add one to their strength. Example: may not be retreated., it is forced to stand
Strength. Two Union units , both with a morale rating of and a ccept a melee anack.
[12. 14] Supply wagon crews melee with a strength "2 ," ini tiate melee against two Confederate un its,
with moral e ratings of "4" and "5. " Because the [12.89] A unit may retreat before melee rega rdl ess
of one and may not initiate mel ee ( 12.96). There is of whether or no t it is in command.
no half-crew status for wagon crews . lowest-raled CSA unit (4) is two beller than the
highest -rated Uniun uni t (2), the Confedera te [12.9J RESULTS OF MELEE COMBAT
Player adds one to hi s Melee Strength for that
melee. As a result of melee, units/Strength Po ints of both
[12.2) RESTRICTIONS ON ABILITY TO sides may be captured , suffer casualties, be furced
ENGAG E IN MELEE [12 .6] MELEE AN D FIRE COMBAT to retreat, or remain engaged.
[12.21] To engage in meiee, a unit must begin the Neither Player may have a unit fire into a hex in [12.91] A "K " result on the melee CRT means
Friendly Melee Phase adjacent 10 the Enemy unit which units are engaged in mciee. that one Strength Poin t from the side affected has
that is the object of the me lee. Furthermore, it been elimi nated . A "K" result on an art illery unit
mUS I be ab le to move into the defending unit ' s hex [12.7J STACKING IN MELEE results in a loss to the battery 's gun crew. [f the
through on e of the attacking unit's frontal hex - [12.7 1] The maximum number of units and/or crew has previously taken otle loss, a "K" result
sides. Strength P oints that a P layer may have conduct a eliminates the battery.

[12.92] A result of "R" plus a number (e.g. , R2) JUSting melee strengths a nd determining whether [13.33] A unit that is routed and suffers addi·
mean s th a t the affected unit(s) muSt retreat the or not a unit will rout. A mora le check mUSt be tional casualtie s while in a state of ro ut will rou t
gi~e n nu mber of hexes. At the end of the ret rea t. made for a unit each tim e it suffers a casualty (e.g .• again. Routed units sufferin g a second rout result
the owni ng Player conducts a mora le check. The "I"), HR." "P/ R." o r ,I. res ult o n the Fire Coin· (e.s .. from a P/ R result o n the Fire CRn must
path of ret rUt is gene rall y awa y from Enemy lines bat Result s Table. a nd whenever it retreatS before retreat an addi lional th ree he~es. rema ini ng
and toward one's own li nes (see 14.0). Unlimbered melee or r ecei~es an " R" result in melee. Routed routed. Routed units that beco me pi nned ar e both
artillery units may not rctreat. and a ny such retreat un its a rc forced to retreat and they remain routed pinned and routed; but a pinned unit th at rou ts is
resu lt on the Me lee CRT means that all gun s, plm unti l rallied. Ro uted unit s are restricted in what no longe r pinned - it is routed .
the gun HeW in that hex ha ve bee'n ca pt ured. Uni ts they can do. ]13.34] Leaders are ne"e r routed. They arc nOt af·
may n m retrea t into hexes containing impassable fected in any way by a roul resu lt. (Ho wever, see
terrain, Enemy unit s or Enemy ZOC's. Un its CAS ES:
J3. 43).
whic h cannot retreat les ally are captu red. [13.1] MORALE RATINGS
[12.93) A result of " C" plus a number indi ca tes
113. 11 ] Each com bat unit has a Morale Rating, ON ROUT
the number of Comba t Strength Poin ts tha t have co nSist ing of a number from" 5" (best) to "I"
been captured. T he aff~ted unit is reduced by that (wo rst): see the sa mp le uni ts U.J I). 113.41 ] If there is m ore than one unit in a hex for
nu mb er of Strength Points as if it were a nor mal wh ich a moral e chec k is necessary, each unit is
[13.12] Some units may have a printed Morale checked separately.
casualt y, except the loss is recorded on th e OB
Rat ing of "1". Th ese unit s are considered
Roster as a capture. not a kill. Captured Strength [1 3.42) If only the top uni t is affected by th e com-
" grcen" (sec 13. 14).
Poinls/guns arc more cosl l~', in Victory Points. to bat (as in fi re), that unit's morale is c htx:ked fi rst.
lose. P risoners cannot esca pe nor guns be recap- [13.13] Numbered Mora le Ratings are perma· If there is no roul, the morale of the units beneath
tured . An y "C" results against an unlimbered nent; they never chang e. it is nOt checked. If the tOP unit routs, the morale
anil1ery unit res ults in all guns and men being cap- [13. 14] Gree'n units (th ose units with a"?" of all un its under it must be check ed. Furth er·
tured. Morale RatinS) have an un known Mo rale Rat ing. more, if the top unit L~ eliminated emi rely, the
[12.94] A result of "Eng" means th a t all units in It remains unkn o wn umil such a unit ha s il$ first morale of the unit beneath it mU St be checked as if
that hex are engaged; i.e., the fighting is still rag· taste o f comba t (kno wn as "SeC'ing the it were the top unit.
ing. Engaged units ma y neither rire nor move. nor Elephant" ). Wh en a green uni t "Sees the Ele· ]13A3] All units in a hex receive the benefit of an y
may that hex be fired upon by other unengaged pham" for the fi rst tim e (i.e .. something happens leader in a hex. Leade rs in a stack may choose to
unit s. Engas ed uni ts have no ZOC's. Leade rs that that req ui res th e own ing Player to conduci a retreat wit h a routed uni t or remain with th e unit
arc "engaged" may not ra lly other unit s; nor do morale check or the unit is inv olved in melee com· beneath (and take th eir chances there).
they have Effectiveness Radi i. O ther units may not bat). Ihe P layer immediately refers to the Seeing
move through a he~ containi ng engaged un its. the Elephant T able (13.IS). He then ro lls tWO dice 113.44] I f a stack suffers casualties from artillery
to determ ine the Morale Raling of the gree n uni\. fi ring ffom a ran ge of th ree hexes or greater, the
although units may be moved into the hel<. A
counter indi ca ting that the me lccing un its arc Th e Morale Raling is now the per man ent rating morale of all units in the hex is chec ked.
engagcd is placed on the un its. In the ensu ing for th at un it; it should be reco rdcd on th e OB {13.S] RALLY
Player·Turn. the former defending Player has the Ros ter.
[13.51] Routed units rem ain rOUled until they are
following optio ns: [13.1 5] SN'ina th e Elephant T. ble rall ied in a Friend ly Rally P hase.
I. He may fight an other me lee' in his Melee Phase (see chartS and tables)
[t3.5 l ] Non·independent un its (el<ce pl batteries)
wi th th e sa me units , recomputing the differential,
ar e rallied under the fo llowing circumstances:
I. T hey arc Slacked with any Friend ly leader; or
2. He may. wi th in stacking r~tricl ions, bri ng in
more units a nd fight another melee as in I: o r. (13 .21 WH EN UNITS ARE ROUTED 2. They are within the Effectivencss Radius of the
[13.2 1] When there is a possi bility tha t a rout will brigade comm a nder for th a t unit a nd that brigade
J. He may choose to ret reat hbengased units two commander upends a Rally Point (see 17. 13) to
hel<cs, checking their morale at th e end of the occur , the Player with the affected un it checks the
Morale Ralins of the un it (r eme mber 13. 14) and rall y that unit.
retreat. Unit s ret reated fr om a melee do not suffer
wi thd ra wal fire fro m the enemy unites) wi th which ro lls a dic. If the number rolled is greater than the [1 3.53] Th e Effectiveness Radiu s may not be trac·
they were engaged. Note that this is different from unit's Morale Ra ling, tha t uni t has routed. A Rout ed through Enemy comba t units, Enemy ZOC's
retreat before melee. Th ere is no advance by the Marker is placed on a unit that is routed and (although the presenCC' of a Friendly un it in tha t
unites) left in the hel<. A Pla yer may ehome to removed when it is rallied. hex negates the effect of such a ZOC) or impass-
retreat one or more uni n . Un li mbered art illery [13.22 ] All casualties are taken pr ior 10 determin· abl e terrain.
may not be retreated. Optio n 3 may not be com· ing rout. [1J.54] Routed artiller y gun crews. supply wa gon
bi ned wit h options I or 2. crews, and independent units may rally without
[13.231 If a unit is stacked y,'ith a leader, s ubtract
[12.95J A result of " Rpls" ind icates tha t the Pha s· one from any morale chec k die·roll. leaders. If such a unit has been ro uted, the Player
ing Player mUSt retreat 2 hexes, then roll for lead er rolls one die during the Rall y P hase. If the di e roll
[13.24] If a uni t has suffered grt'ater thon S007~ result is higher than the unit' S Morale Rati ng. Ihe
loss on the Leader Casua lty T able (17.76) , if a l osse~ (from its initial strength) add one to the die·
leader is present, and th en perform a morale chcrk unit remains routed. Otherwise, the un it ralli es.
roll. Thus. an independent unit with a Morale Rat ingof
for (he a ff~ted unites). The non· P hasing Player
does not retreat alt hough he rolls for leader loss [13.25] Unlinlbered guns never rou\. Hoy,·cvcr. " 4" would be ra ll ied on a roll of " 4" or less.
and perform s a morale ched for his aff~ted their crews may rout. thus abandoni ng the gun s Leaders ma y rall y these unit types only by being
unites). (see 15 .16) . stacked with them in the Rall y Phase.
[12.96] If a pinned un it, supply wagon, or any a r- ]1 3.26] Any time a uni t's morale is checked as a
tillery unit is involved in me lee and the result is res ult of En emy fire, and that unit has been en·
engaged, that unit ma y then melee in ils Friend ly fi laded by the Enemy fire, add one 10 that morale
Melee Phase. as per 12 .94. This is an Cl<ception to ehec k die roll result. [14.0J RETREATS
the rule that ce na in unit s may not in itiat e melee. [13.3] t:FFECTS OF RO UT GENERAL RULE :
[12 .97J If, in a melee combat. the result iss uch that [13.31 ] Units tha t are rout ed m u Sf retreat three Units may be forced to retreat as a res ult of rout or
bot h sides are totally elimin ated (ei th er through a he.~es (not a n expend iture of Moveme nt Points). in as a direcl result from the Melu C RT. The number
" K" or "C." ctc. ), ignore that result a nd consider addit ion to any Other retreatS tha t ma y have been of hexes retreated depends on the co mba t result
the units engaged. ma ndat ed in that Combat Phase. Units unable to tha i applies. Players must o bser"e cenain restric·
[12.98) Mdee C omhat Res ults Tahle retreat those three hel< cs for any reason (t errain or tions when retrea ti ng un its.
(see charts and table s) Enemy unit s) are capt ur ed . CASES :
[13.32] Ro uted units may nOt engage in any kind
of Fire Combat. They may not in itiate me lee and if (14 . 11 RESTRICTIONS ON Rt... REATS
[13.0J MORALE AND ROUT forced 10 melee' they melee a t half·strengt h (round· A un it may not be ret reated through an Enemy
ed down) . Routed unia have a Move ment unit or an impassa ble hexside. If unab le to re treat
GENERAL RULE : Allow ance of one hex per turn. rega rd less of ter· because it is completely surrounded by En emy
Each combat unit possesses a morale ra ting. A ra in cos\. Routed units may not retreal before unit s, impassable terrain a nd/or the edge of the
unit's Morale Rat ing is used for twO pu rposes: ad· melee'. a nd they have no Zone of Control. map, it is captured.
[14.2] RETREATING THROUGH [15.12) Each gun crew can sustain a maxi mum of [16.25) Cavalry units conducting a charge are
ENEMY zoe's two step-l osses. When a battery's gun crew takes a auto mat ica lly routed after the completion of th e
Un its may be retreat ed through or into hexes in I Strength P oint loss, that bauery's crew counter Melee Combat resulting from the charge. They
Enemy zoe's. However, th ey may thereby be is turned o ver to the VI -crew side. When the gun may be rallied in th e norm al manner.
subjecllO retreat Fire (10.2). Exceptions: See 12.82 crew loses a second Strength Point, the crew is elim- [16.26] Units being charged (except mounted
and 12.92. inated and the battery is removed from play and cavalry) may not retreat before melee. Mounted
considered elimin at ed (not Capt ured) for Victory cava lry units may retreat before melee in the face
[14.3J PRESENCE OF FRIENDLY Poi nt purposes. of an enemy charge, in which case the charging
UNITS AND RETREAT [15.13] When a gun crew is at one-h alf strength , units are not rOUled.
A unit may not be retreated through a hex contain- th e current fire strength of the battery is halved [16.27J Charging cavalry that incur an "engaged"
ing a Friendly unit if there is another path open to (round fractions up). A battery with a Vl crew may result arc still automatically routed after comple-
it (unless that path includes a hex(es) in an Enemy limber, move, and unlimber normally. tion of the melee .
ZOe). If the unit must be retreated onto or [15.14] The Melee Strength of a ballery is "I"
through a Fri endly unit, thaI Friendly unit is with a full crew and "0" with a \.1 crew (see 12. 12). [16.3) SPECIAL MOUNTED
retreated onc hex and the owning Player must con- CAVALRY RULES
duct a morale check. (If the unit retreated 0010 is [15. 15) Gun crews may not be tra nsferred from
unit to unit or replaced in any way. [16.31] A mount ed cavalry unit has a ZOC (for
already rouled, it "rOllts" again and must be the purposes of Enemy supply and Leader Radius
retreated an additiona l three hexes). Th e retreat [15,16] W hen an un limbered artillery crew is paths and init iating melee) that comprises all six
must be onto a vacunt hex if possible; if not, th e routed, the crew routs but the guns remain in the surrounding hexes.
third unit in turn is retrealCd one hex and th e own- original hex. Wh en limbered the entire ballery is
in g Player must conduct a morale check for that mo ved in rout mov ement. [1 6.32] Mounted cava lry meleed by infantry
unit . In this manner. a " chain reaction" of andlor dismounted cavalry defen ds at twice its
retreats and routs is th eoretically possib le. Ar- []5,2] EXPLODING CAISSONS Current Strength.
tillery crews retreat away from their unlimbered Any tim e that an artill ery battery is hit by artillery [16 .33] When one mount ed cavalry unit charges
batteries when forced to retreat. The ballery re- fi re and suffers a loss of "I ," "2," etc., there is a another mounted cavalry unit. they both melee
mains in the hex unless captured by the Enemy . If chance that some ammunition is lost, too. (The with their Current Strengths. Neither attack er nor
a stack is displaced, a morale check is performed shells hit the cais sons, blowing up the ammo.) In defender doubles its strength.
on the top unit. If it does not roUi. the oth er units such a case , th e Player su ffering th e loss rolls a se- [16.34] Mounted cavalry units may on ly fire
need not make moral e checks. cond die; if he rolls a "~I,"~ then a caisson has been through the ir one frontal hexs ide and only then if
hit. The Player now rolls one die again ; the resul- armed with pis to ls , Colt repeaters, or ca·rbines.
[] 4.4) THE PATH OF RETREAT tant number is the number of Ammunition P oints
All retreats are conducted by the owning Player. lost. [16.35] Mounted cavalry units are always enfilad-
In determining the path of ret reat, Players should ed when fired upon , regardless of their facin g.
attempt to follow the terrain of least resistance,
(i. e., the "cheapest" in terms of Movement
Points), away from En emy and toward their own [16.0] SPECIAL
lines. The retreating unit must always end its CAVALRY RULES [17 .0] LEADERSHIP
retreat the num ber of hexes it is mandated to
retr eat away from the hex in which it began the CASES: GENERAL RULE:
retr eat. It may not enter the same hex twice during For combat units and brigade commanders to
anyone retreat. In anoma lous si tuatio ns us e com-
BEFORE MELEE function at their full potential, they must be under
mon sense; however, the retreating Player has th e the command of their immediately superior
fina l say. Players should note here that there is Unrouted mount ed cavalry uni ts in danger of be·
leader. Leadership affects the ability of these units
usually no advance after retreat by a Friend[y unit ing melee anae ked so lely by infantry or dis -
to move, engag e in melee combat. and engage in
inlO an Enemy -vacated hex, unless such retreat is a mount ed cavalry may refuse melee and retreat one
offensive fire. Leaders also affect morale checks
retreat before melee (see [2 .8). Th e specifics of or tWO hexes . Un like normal Retreat Before Melee
(sec 12.8) a morale che~k is not necessary and th ere and rally .
retreat paths are describ ed in the Exclusive Rul es.
is no withdrawal fire. However, if th e cava lry unit PROCEDURE:
is retreated into a hex in an En emy ZOC, it must
In the Initial Command Phas e, the Phasing Player
undergo possible rctreat fire . Dismounted cavalry
examines his brigade commanders to determine
[15.0] RESTRICTIONS ON units retreat before melee as if they were infantry .
which are in the Division Int egrity Radius of their
ARTILLERY [16 .2) CAVALRY CHARGE division commander, which are independent, and
MOVEMENT AND FIRE Mounted cavalry units may charge En emy units. which will be attach ed or detached from that divi-
Moun ted cavalry may a lso melee in a normal man· sion for the ensuin g Game-Turn. The P hasing
GENERAL RULE: ncr, using their given Combat Strength as their P layer then e~amines his combat uni ts to deter-
Artillery unit s may either move or fire in anyone Melee Strength. mine which are in command (wit hin the Effec-
Player-Turn. They may not do both. Once an artil- tiveness Radius of their brigade commander,
[16.21] Mounted cavalry may charge any unit, in- stacked with a [eader, or independent ). Brigade
lery unit has fired, it may not move, and once an cluding other mounted cavalry. .
artillery unit has moved , it may not fir e. However. commanders that are not independent and not
if an artillery unit does not mov e but chan ges for- [16.22) The unit es) being charged may not be in a detached and are out of Divisiona[ Integrity
mation (from lim bered to unlimbered), it may fire. certain type of terrain hex or behind certain terrain Radius of their division commander may only
hexsides. The terrain types which cavalry may not move one hex. Combat units which are out of th e
charge into, through or across are li sted in the Ter· Effectiveness Radius of their brigade commander
rain Effects on Combat Chan (9.57). and not independent or stacked with a leader may
[16.23] To mount a charge. the cavalry units must move one he~ (only), may not fire in the Friendly
beg in the Friendly Movement Phase no more than Offensive Fire Phase and may not initiate melee in
CASES: th e Friendly Melee Phase.
four hexes from the target hex. A cavalry unit
[]5.1) ARTlLLJ::RY G UN CRJ::WS more than four hexes from a target hex may not CASES:
Each arti ll ery unit includes a battery crew. Th ese cha rge that target hex dur ing that Player-Turn,
are men who actually service and fire the cannon. although it may melee normally. [17.1) BRIGADE COMMANDERS
The Combat Strength of each battery may be [16.24] In order to conduct a charge. the owning Brigade commanders are brigade leaders, control-
reduced or eliminated by killing and captur ing P layer moves a mounted cava lry unit that is situ- ling all regiments assi gned to a br igade. All regi-
members of its gun crew, ated in accord with Case 16.23 adjacent to the tar- ments within a brigade. and each reg imental com-
get hex. If it is sti ll adjacent at the beginning of the mand unit has the name of its brigade commander
[15.11) Gun crews suffer casualties only as a result Melee Phase. it may then charge, participating in printed on the counter. Brigade commander
of mele e or small-arms fire, thou gh they may be the Me[ee Combat at twic e its Comba t Strength. counters have three Rating Numbers. The first is
routed or pinned as a result of arti llery fire. Com- Thw;, a mount ed cavalry unit that would normally that brigade commander's Effecti veness Radius,
bat results achieved by artillery fire affect the guns melee at 2-its given Combat Strength -wou ld th e second is his Rally Ratin g, and the third is his
only, leaving the gun crew intact. charge with a Melee Strength of 4. Divisional Integrity Radius shou ld that leader be

requi red to become a divisional leader as a re!;ult [11.4] EFFECT OF [11.66] Independent brigades (" Ind pnt" on the
of p romotion (see 17 .8). Brigade commanders PRESENCE OF LEADERS brigade commander' s counter) may be attached
may on ly affect subordinate units and unit s o f any ON MELEE AND MORALE to a division, but an independent b rigad e com-
command th at are staeked with that leader. Any un it stac ked wi th at least one leader during a ma nder funct ions norm ally withou t needi ng a
[11. IIJ The EffCl;tiveness Radius is the mu imum melee has one poi nt added to its Melee Strength. d ivision commander.
number o f hexes a unit may be fro m its brigade Pla yers subtract one from the die roll on morale [17.61] A brigade which has reac hed its Brigade
co mm and er during the Initia l Co mmand Phase in checks for any unit sta cked with a leader. Com bat Effectiveness Li mit ma y not be detached
order to have ful! movemen t and combat capabili - fro m its division, alt hough it ma y be attached to a
ty. A unit tha t is not with in thaI Radius may be [17.5] LEADERSTACKI NG division if it is currently detac hed.
moved on ly one hex during that Game-Tum'S RESTRICTIO NS
[11.63] All un its in a detac hed brigade are still
Movemen t Phase. Fu rthermore, such a unit may [11.5 1] T here is no limit to the number of leade rs subordi nat e to that brigade com mander (not in-
not fire during th e Offensive Fire Phase and may that may be in a given hex. However, o nl y one dependent) .
not initiate melee (unless a lready engaged in one) leader can affect a un it in that hex regardless of
or ch ange forma tion. However, such un its may how many lea ders are in that hex. [n .7] LEADER CASUALTIES
Stil! rire defensive, wi thdrawal, and retreat rire and [11.521 Leaders must al ways end a Move me nt [11.7 11 Leaders may be killed , wounded or cap-
st il1 eXertaZOC. Phase stack ed with a combat unit, with one excep- tu red as a result o f being involved in comba t.
[11. I2J The Effectiveness Radius of a brigade tion: If the leader is five or more hex es distant [11.12] Whenever a leader is stacked with a unit
commander may be augment ed by his div isional from the nearest Ene my unit at the completion of that suffers a comba t casualty, the (owning)
commander. A brigad e command er th at is within a l! movemen t, it may remain in the hex alone. P layer rolls twO dice and re fe rs to the Lead er
the Division al Integrity Radi us of h is d ivision [1'.53J If a leader is stacked wit h a combat u nit(s) Casualty Table (11.16), following the instructions
commander may have his Effec tiveness Rad ius in- that is eli mi na ted by Fi r ~ Com ba t - an d the leader therein. Each leader in a hex is rolled for separate-
creased by that commander, if the com mander docs not suffer a casualty - the leade r is im- h·. Leade r loss is checked befo re morale checks are
possesses th e nec essary Comm and P oints (see mediately pla ce d on th e nearest com bat unit in his conducted for the un its in the hex.
17 .2). ~om mand . If, as a res ult of fire or me lee, a leade r
[17 .73] If a leader becomes a casualty, he is im-
[n.1l1 Brigade commanders' Ra ll y Ra ti ng.>; a re is alone in a hex that is surrounded by Enemy ·mediat ely removed from the game and the sta tus
used to rally rou ted u nits dur ing the Fr iendly Final units. Enemy ZOC's an dl o r impassable te rra in, o f that leader, either kill ed, wounded or captured.
Command Phase. For each Point in his Rall y that leader is captured. is noted on the OB ROSIer for Victory P oint pu r-
Ra ting a brigade commander may ra ll y one regi- [11 .54] A leader is aut omatica lly captured if he is poses. If a leader is the only Friendly counter in a
ment in hi s co mmand that is within that brigade the on ly unit in a hex that is occupied by an Enemy hex aft er a melee (or there are ot her lead ers), it
comma nder's EffCl;tiveness Radiu s. Any un its combat u nit. may not retreat; it is captured.
stac ked with a brigade commander, includi ng an y
(1 7.6] DETACHME NT AN D 111.141 Lea ders never rout, a lthough they may
not in his command, are autom at ically rallied at
no cost in Ra lly Poinu. AIT ACHMENT OJ-' BRIGADES retreat with u nits that do rout.
Brigades subordinate to one divisional com- [11 .15] An Enemy lead er a lone in a hex is instant·
[17 .14] If all the sub ord inate units of a brigade
mander may be reassi gn ed to another div ision ly cap tured at any point if a Friendly unit is moved
command er have been elimi na ted, thot bri gad e
com mander. A division may only d etach one o f its into that hex .
comman der may still comma nd any unilS with
which he is stacked . o riainal brigades at anyone ti me and may o nly [11.16] LrBduCuua l1y T able
have one brigade from another command attached (sec charts a nd tabl e!;)
[17.2] DIVI SION COMMANDERS to it at a nyone time. T hu s, a d ivi sion whi ch began
the ga me with 3 brigades may be composed of as [17 .8] BATTLEFIELD P ROMOTIONS
Divi5ion commanders a re le aders responsible fo r
the mo~·ement and detachment o f brigade com- few as 2 b rigades (3 - I) or as many as 4 (3 + 1). Beca use of casualties, brigade and divisio n com-
manders and their brigades. Division commander [11.6I J Brigade detachment occurs in the Init ial manders may have to be replaced fro m the lower
co unte rs have tWO Rat ing Numbers. T he first is Comma nd P hase. T o detach a brigade the Playe r ra nks and other leaders promoted in their place.
that commander' .1 Divisional Integrity Radius a nd verba ll y anno un ces which brigade is deta ched for New leaders are placed on an y unit of their com-
the second is his Command Points Ra tin g. the comin g Game-Tu rn for eac h division capable mand duri ng th e next Friendl}' Final Command
of detach ing a brigade. Phase aft er the le ad er was removed from play.
[11.21 ] The Divisional Inteiri ty Rad ius is the
maximum number of hexes a subordinate brigade [11.621 T o be detached, the brigade commander 111.8 1) If a brigade comm a nder is killed, wou nd-
command er may be away from his division com- of the detac hing brigade mUSt be within the Dh·i- ed , or captured, n ip the Leader Counter over to
man der and still be a ble to move. A brigade com- sio nal Integ rity Radius o f his division commandu reveal the Replacement Counter fo r that brigade.
mander which is outside that Radiu s an d not during the Init ia l Command Phase of th e Friendly Th ese represent bri ga de-level brigade com-
dctac hed or independent may move one hex (on ly) Player-Turn. Once deta ched that brigade com- manders th at take command when the ori ginal
d uring the Friendly Mo,·ement Phase, regardless mander and the units subord ina te to him may leader is lost.
of te rrain. move independently or may be auaehed to anOther [11.82) If a replacement brigade commander is
[17.22] A division commander may ex pend his division. kill ed , wou nded. or capt ured , the cou nt er is not
Command Points 10 increase th e Effecti veness [17 .63] A given division ma y only have one of its actually removed from the ga me. Instead it is
Radius of subord inate brigade com manders. Dur- original brigades d et a ched at anyone time and sim ply redep loyed on the map during the next
ing the Init ia l Comma nd Phase the commander ex- may on ly ha~·e one "non-original" brigade attach - Final Frie nd ly Command Phase a nd the loss is
pends his Command Points to augment those ed to it at a nyone time. If a b riga de commander is recorded on paper. (The Replacement Counter
subordinat e brigade commanders which are within OUt of the Divisional Integrity Radi us of his divi- then repre!;ents a different ind iv idual who has
th e Di,·isional Integrit y Radius of that co m- sio n commander du ring the Initi al Comma nd risen to bri gade com mand.) There is no limit to the
mander. O ne Command Point is expended for Phase. that brigade commander is out of com· number of times a rep la,ement lea der may become
each hex added to the brigade commander's mand, not detached . a casual ty and then be replaced. Victory P oints are
Ra dius. A com mander may split his Points among $Cored for the elimina tion of replace ment leaders
several brigade commanders so long as all the [11.64] A brigade may be altachcd to a di vison in the ~me manner as a regu la r b rigade com-
brigade commanders are within the Di v i sio n~lln­ other than the one it was as signed toa t th e start of mander.
tegrily R~dius o f that commander. A brigade com- the game if that brigade commander is within the [17.83] If a divi sio n co mmander is killed , wound-
ma nd er may have his Effectiveness Rad ius in - Divisional Integrity Radi us o f the di \'ision com- ed, or captured. a brigade commander that is
creased by only o ne commander at a time. mander d uri ng the In itial Command Phase. The subordinate to the elimi nated leader is promoted
[17. 23] Division commanders may command owning P laye r states that the briga de is being at- in his place. A new leader .... ou ld then replace the
combat unit s which are sta~ ked with that ~om ­ tac hed. On ly one brigade may ever be attached to a pr omoted brigade com mander. In this case the
mander during the Friendly Initial Com mand division although du ri ng the cou rse of th e ga me pr omoted leader wou ld be one of the anonymo us
Phase. Th ese uni ts ma y be from any brigade and the brigade wkich i5 attached may be changed. brigade replacement lea den. This promotion hap-
function normally for that ent ire Player-Tu rn. pens d uring th, Final Command P hase. Promo-
[11.65] Att ac hing an d detach ing br igades is a tion priority is detailed in the Exclusive Rules.
[17.3] OTH ER COMMAN DERS vol untary action. A divisio n's brigades are never [11.841 All promotions take place at the end of the
The re may be ot her commanders in a game a nd the detac hed simpl y because that division comma nd er Friend ly Final Command Phase of the Game-T urn
effects of these commanders are detailed in the Ex- has been killed or a brigade commander is out of in whi ch the prom otion is necessary, regard less of
clusive Rules for that game. divis iona l integrity. when the leader need ing replacement was removed.

[11.85] When a brigade commander is promoted A given briga de's BeE may be reduced by various Each brigade is listed on the DB ROSIer, and for
to division commander, he has a Divisional ] ntegri. factors (e.g., casualties, amm o dep iction) as listed each there are a number of bla nk boxes. Each time
Iy Radius but 110 Command Points. in the Exclusive Rules. Reduction of the BCE the strength of an infamry or cavalry unit of a
[18.0] BRlGADE COMBAT beyond a certain degree (whic h varies from given brigade is reduced, that brigade's BCE is
brigade !O brigad e) will result in a unit. "losing reduced. The reductio n i~ indicated by ma rking
EFFECTIVENESS BCE." The effects of BCE loss aredestribed in Ihe one (or more) bo)\(es) . When all the boxes !O the
GENERAL RULE: Exclusive Rules. left of the Victory Point award have been marked,
Brigade Comba t Effectiveness (BCE) is a thaI brigade has lost its Brigade Comba t Effec·
numerical measu re of the morale of each brigade. PROCEDURE: tiveness.


(Green Units only)
DICE Morale Rating
2 4
3 3

4 J
"K" melee Small-a rms
6 , Artille ry
melee "Rpls" melee
Killed: 2 or 12 2 or 12 2 - 12
6 2 Captured: - 2·4 -
7 3 Use two dice. The numbers listed are Ihe
8 J numbers needed to be rolled on 11'.'0 dice in
9 3 order for the listed resu lt to apply.

II ,

12 4
Use two dice. See Case 13. 14 for an expla na tio n of
hoI'.' table is used.


t. First Player-Turn
Initial Command Phase
Movement Phase
Defensive Fire Phase
Offensive Fire Phase
Retreat Before Melee Phase
Melee Phase
Ammunition Resupply Phase
Rally Phase
J . Final Command Phase
2. Second Player-Turn
3. Game-Turn Record Interphase
Note: See the Exclusive Rules for additiona l Phases o r Interphases.



1HEAMERICAN CIVIL WAR Number of Strength P oints in H ex

1-2 3-6 7·' 10 +
Effect: - I o +1 +2
STANDARD RULES CHARTS & TABLES The effec t is the number of co lumn shiflS applied to
the Fire Combat Re sults Tables either to the left ( - )
or right ( + ). No te: A bauery counts as one Strength
Point for density purposes and a wagon counts as
Total Fire Strength Directed Inlo Hex
9 12 16 22 29 44
., 4
I. 10 to to 10 10
t. I. "

Gra pesbot I~ 8 II IS 21 28 3S 43 52 62 63 + Fire Combat Result
mE 123
o I 4 7 II 15 1I 28 3S 43
Sma ll-arms a nd to 10 to to to to t. to I• J 011 112 2/3
less 3
• 10 14 20 27 34
" 50 51+ 2
4/ .

R P/ R
P/ R I
2' •
4/ E
j P R P/R 1 1 I I' 2' 2' 6 J/S 4/E WE

P/ R P/ R 1
Results to the left of the slas h apply to the wagon's
small -arms supply; to the right its artillery suppl y.
• • T he number of ammunitio n points of that type
6 P/ R I' I' I' 2' 2' 2' J' J' lost. The loss is ind icated by mar ki ng off that
numbe r of boxes on the wagon's Supply T rack on
the OB Roster. [ - All artillery ammunition is
Ii .. Lose indicated number of Combat Strength then the unit is pinned or routed ; if it is the same eliminated and mark ed off the wagons supply.
Point~/guns and make a Morale Chec k for the or lower, no effect. /I. _ Lo~ indicated number WE _ The supply wagon is eliminated an d remov·
affected uni tes). P / R _ P in or RoUl. Ro ll one of St rength Points/auns and make a Morale ed from play.
die; if result is ~ual to or lower than the units Check. If unit passes the Mora le Ched, roll
morale, un it is pinned; ifhigher, the uni t routs. again; if the result is higher than the un it's P roced ure: Use the combat resu lt number from
P or R ,. poss ible Pin or Rout respecti vely. Roll Morale. it is pinned: if lower, it is not pinned. the artillery fire on the wagon as the col umn on
a die; if the roll is higher than the units morale - _ Noeffect. thi. table. Roll a die and cross·index the column
wit h the die roll to determ ine the amount of am·
mun;tionlost .


- 3
Melee Sirengih DifferenliBI (AU8cker minus Defe nder)
- 2
- 1
0 +1 +2


+3 +4 +5

C2R3 C2R3

Atlkr: CIR2 R2 Rpls Eng K K

2 Defdr: Rp" Eng CI R2 R2 CI R2 CIR2 C2R2 C2R2 C2R2
Att kr: CI R2 CIR2 R2 Rpsi Eng K K
3 Defdr: Rpis Eng CIR2 CIR2 CI R2 CIR2 C2R2 C2R2
Attkr: CIR2 CIR2 CIR2 R2 Rpis Eng K K
4 Defdr: Rpls Eng CIR2 CIR2 CI R2 CIR2 C1R2
Attkr: C2R2 C2R2 CIR2 CIR2 R2 Rpls Ens K K
5 Defdr: Rp ls Eng CIR2 CIR2 CIR2 CIR2
AUkr: C3R3 C3R2 C2R2 CIR2 CIR2 CIR2 Rp ls Eng K
6 Defdr: Rpis Eng CIR2 CIR2 CIR2
Alt kr _ Effect on AUacker. Defdr .. Effect on Defende r. see 12.9S. Terrain and Leader Effects on Melee Combat; se~
K _ Strength Poi nt becomes a casualty. C t,2 , or 3 _ That 12.3 and 12.4. Retrea ts are always executed after losses; thus.
num ber of St rengt h Points is captu red by the Enemy. Rlor a C2 R2 mearu; remove two Poin t.'; which are captured, then
3 - Units must retreat that number of helles, then perform a retreat the remain ing unilJ two hexes. Different ia ls less than
Morale Check. Eng _ Th e units art Engaged; see 12.94. - 4 a re treated as - 4; differen tials ,rtater than + 6 are
- _ No result against that side. Rpl$ _ The units are Repu lsed; treated as + 6.
Hexes ~ 0 1 23 45 & 7 8910 11 12 1 3Wffi~o~~~~~~~~~V~~~~~»~~~V~~~41~~~~*U~~OO~~~~$Y~~~OO


I ............. ;1t;oo
... .!.J.. . ... .... . ... .
240 ... I[ 1 ' .. . .. . .. . ..

2)0 II, ·-f- ··· f·1- ·1. ... .. , .. , ... ~~~
.......... . . . . . . . . . . . D5

I 220

110 T

' 95 I
' 95
+ III '90

11111111[llllllllll lllflllllllllllfTlf l lllllllJil lJllllPi~

' 65
' 60
'55 "['I'
. . . . I . .T
'" ,T, '"
' 40 '40
13' m
130 130
' 25 I2S
"' . I"
.. ..
.'1 1 "'
' 00
.... ::
"1"1 II 11.,.. "
85 T 90

"I·' '·1·'
.... .. .. 80

70 "

'"':>" OS

.( 55 r 60

':::...." 50

" "1'1

40 i
.I ..... r . 40

3S i .l . L ... 3S
0 25 25

" 20




;;; 0
-, o
i1i Hexes~ 01 2 l.56789 1 01 1 121lW 1 516 1 7 1 B I 9~21~~~~~V~~~ll~~~~~n~~~ 4 1 ~~~ E~ u~ ~OO~~ ~~$~~~~ OO
H ..... V . . oJ .... , , , , , ......... UUIIl ...
'Quanlily of ~Iions of Ihis id~nliCllI type: I.

37-t 1-1-1
V. - 'u' /,..
~ F:: F;1'/ ...
'f;'"I ... '/ ... ,
,., / ' M, /'"'" /
~. 1
SI&<! htdp.1

,- ~ , - R~~;si i I~;: '~;I~

F':i I'"''
r:l I'~"' rU:i 1 -1-"-'-



,m, / 'u,,/ c,.,'" / ,.., / ...r«,
' ....... ' h.dpm,
,- R: ,-Rl ,- Rt ~ ~ ,-!d
I .... "'" r~ r ..

IL"'" /"'' '

Panic Only
I~ r::: r=',-..1 ,~,- I'::',-..1 f'::',- \'::'1 '::" =',-..1
,-,,1 d ..J ,-..J ,-..J
",... 1

'- R~

r RJ
I. . . "-,-..J 1',-..-'1 '-I - 1"-'-1'"-

,...,... ...... u.... ...... 5""': SKTI<
Ilnfnl Y
Onb" N2
/ :.- / ,-..J ,-Ml ,-..1 ,-..J ,-..J I;: 1IJtd;

~ ...... 1'... ",.
,- oJ ,-.:
' .... pm.


I ~ 1:.- I ~ I: /Ammo IAmmo /Ammo IAmm, /Ammo /Amm, /

DepLld Deplld Deplld I)epltd I)eplld I)~pltd / P;n / P;n I P;n Pin J

I -'I
R3 ii'3 r:: .
':= 1--
I ~ /:- /! /:- I ~ /" I" / ~ I ~ /" '/
Colmn COlm~ Colmn C olmn Colmn Colmn I P;n / P;n I P;n Pin Pin ......
.. )
T... '-'r~r-
, .M3
Ll,Nl Ll,Nl


Ip;n IP;n IP;n IP;n /P;n IAmmo IAmm, /Amm, IAmmo IAmmo /
I)eplld. I)eplld l)epLtd Deplld I)eplld /-IA-I-I-IA-I-IAm-IAm-IAm_ I _1
I)~pltd I)eplld Deplld I)eplld Veplld I)eplld I)eplld Deplld Deplld l)ePlld ,

11 11 11 11 11 /1 /1 11 11 /1 r I' I E I E IE/ IAmm' IAmmo IAmm"l'mmo IAmmo

ng ng , ng ng E ng Depltd Depltd Deplld Deplld DePltd , I

11 / 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 I I1 J1 I 3 I 3 31 3 / 3 I 3 3 I 3 3 3 I
11 11 11 11 11 / 1 1 11 11 11 I I -t-
3 I 3 3 3 3I3 3I3 3 I I 31
Nr. I (200 pieces): Hack

T".. "."
«~ ! ~~
1--";;-" I" ·' ,
•..,.., I ,...,., I . .
M~ iTi . ,
rr. I


lII£ I ,JIf£
I;:~;;\ :~ \;:\~;, il ;;:I ::::1 1 !>,....
1 I ., 1 J I ---------;J

r~~ 1';; 1~'- T-~:-~ \ ~~I 'l-iitlA\\ 1 "'-1·~"·1

,,, • • 1 "1(0.1 11.. 2 1101 'Mo l - IM o l ----_ --~ ...... _ I 12

~'o~ ";"~I '~""'I '"'O~I '~-1


---- _. ----
-I '~,:::: I ,::::
~ I ;:;;;:,
~ ! ':::'1
~ ':::'1':::'1
~ ~ ':::'1 ~ I ':;.'1
~ ~ ~ ! ~l
~, ..... -t ,· '1
__ I cOlmi ""'1 ,.,." ""'1 .-h,,~ ... ,
Onl)" Only Onh"
m ..

-:i~1 '~~~ I-::T~I =1;: 1~'I '!!I i1 ': 1 I -, -t ~ 1
co'm! co'mT c-;;;o'm"1, Co',.m! :::.;g
,. I ,. "

I I " RT"I '
--- ~ j ::: . .
1 ~ -j -j -l -j 1 ~111
l -C==,======--

1 ~~1~1 1 ~~~'
- ; - ---------;----,-------c
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
,--C-' - - ~-----c--

Rou' Rou' Rou' Rou' Rou' Plo Plo Plo 1 Plo 1 Plo 1 c~':.1 c~':.1 c~,:.l c~,:.l c~,:.l Rou j Rou j Rou j Rou j Rout

~ --;,O 1 1 1 I c~':'°r c~':.°l' c~':.i

Plo Plo Plo c~;m'l C~':'1 21 21 21 2r 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\21


41414141414141 41 41 41 1 21 21 2\ 2\ 2\ 21 21 21 2\ ~
4-~ 1 4 1 4 J 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 ~ ~ 2 J 21 2) 2[ 21 2/ 21 21 21 2'-
Cavalry Charge Blocks Line Shift Fire Effect on
Terrain Type __into or through of Sight Strength Column Melee Strength 0520
Clear yes no ConL
Brush no See 20.52 1 left
Crest no yes l 1 left2 Subtract 1 SP2
when moving up 2
crest 0540
Ridge Hexside no yes! 1 left Subtract 1 SP ConL
when crossed Aiert=-

Steep Crest no yes l 1 left 2 Subtract 2 SP'S2

when crossed 3
Stream hex side no no Subtract 1 SP Conf.
when crossed Alert =2
River hexside no no P
Ford hexside no no Subtract 1 SP
when crossed 4
RoadlTrail OIT OIT OIT OIT Conf.
O/T = The other terrain types in that hex deter- Alert=3
mine whether or not that hex blocks Line of
Sight. P = Prohibited; units may not melee
across river hexsides. - = Terrain type has no 5
effect. Notes: I. See Case 20.S; 2. This effect 0640
applies if the attacking unit occupies a lower Conf.
elevation. Alert=4

f.. ~ ~
e- Aiert= 5
~I &;g ~ ~ c:.j
~ ~ ~.. '" v~ ~ l' ~ '" \~
V~t::I (J
~ ~ ..

t::I b
~O ,;;;,~O
b ~,..
~ ..
4;~ ~
.,." 7
6 2 2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 P Conf.
6 3 1 2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 P Aiert=6
lnf. (Colull!n) 6 2 1 . 1 2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 P
Mounted Cav. 12 3 112 1 3 +2 +1 +3 +2 +3 +1 P 8
~rtillery 9 4~
1 3 +2 +1 P -
P p~
+2 P 0740
Leaders 12 112 112 3 +2 +1 +3 +2 +3 +1 P Conf.
Wagons 9 1
Note: Wagons may move only along roads and trails; fantry unit in Line formation would expend 3 Move-
see Case 20.4. ment Points to enter a brush hex by crossing a crest
(2 + J = 3). Crest and Stream Movement Point costs 0800
The numbers are the amount of Movement Points ex- are not paid if the unit is using a road or trail. ConL
pended to perform a formation change, enter a given P = Prohibited; units may not cross the indicated Aiert=8
hex type of cross a given hexside type. Thus, an in- hexside type.


0 N :Cc=
;.! :;.~
.....c:::• ...II
~ ~-
~ o~ § =-S
0 u<
!! EI :n 8

e~ @



= '"l
'"=- ~0
~ -,-'
iG 'N"

Current Strength Multiplier
Max at Range (in hexes) [8.18] STACKING RESTRICTIONS CHA
Weapon Type Range 1 2 3 4-8 9-14 Terrain of Hex ~ Clear Brush Explana
The number obtained when cross-indexing the left of thl
firing weapon type with the range to the target Maximum number 3/ 12 2/ 8 of units
13 hexes 4 2 112 is the Current Strength Multiplier for that fir- of unitiSPs plus + + and the t
Elevation 1 ing ' unit. Example: Two Strength Points of batteries· 2 bat. 2 bat. the maxij
N (Napoleon) 14 hexes 8 4 2 112 Sharps Carbines firing at a target at two hex
(0-50 feet) Fire Strength 4+all 4 or all tain. • =
range would be multiplied by "2," yielding a units up

Small-Arms 1 2 3 4 5 Fire Strength of "4" (2 x 2 = 4) . - = Weapon per hexsides (9.3) guns guns
No more
R (Rifled Musket) 5 hexes 2 112 112 type may not fire at that range. Maximum Melee 12 SPs 8 SPs same he'
Strength (12.7) units or t
M (Smoothbore Musket) 2 hexes
CS (Sharps Carbine)
Elevation 2
(51-100 feet)

Elevation 5
(201-250 feet)

o Crest

~ Ridge
Explanation: In the first row the number to the
left of the slash determines the maximum number
2/ 8 of units which may occupy a hex at a given point,
+ and the number 'to the right of the slash indicates
2 bat. the maximum Strength Points the stack may con-
4 or all tain . • = Batteries may freely stack with other
units up to a maximum of two batteries per hex.
guns No more than two batteries may ever occupy the
8 SPs same hex, whether they are stacked with other
units or not.
," •



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