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OPINION Dyslipidemia and cardiovascular changes
in children
António Pires a, Cristina Sena b, and Raquel Seiça b

Purpose of review
In this review, we firstly highlight the role of dyslipidemia as a trigger in the initiation and progression of
endothelial dysfunction, considered the earliest atherosclerotic lesion and patent in children with risk
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In this context, we also revise methods that reflect the impact of endothelial dysfunction not only on arterial
stiffness but also on cardiovascular morphology, namely, the common carotid intima-media thickness and
the ventricular geometry.
Recent findings
In view of its atherogenic burden, the most widely studied lipoprotein has been low density lipoprotein
cholesterol. However, the smaller, denser, low density lipoprotein cholesterol particles, the nonhigh density
lipoprotein cholesterol fraction, appear to be more atherogenic and a more sensitive cardiovascular risk
marker. Studies have shown that in children, atherogenic lipids have also been linked to cardiovascular
morphological changes, such as the common carotid intima-media thickness and the ventricular geometry,
both independent cardiovascular risk markers.
In infancy, atherosclerosis is a preclinical disorder in which dyslipidemia plays a crucial role. Due to its
impact on cardiovascular structures, potentially reversible during childhood, dyslipidemia ought to be
managed aggressively to prevent further disease progression that will ultimately culminate in cardiac
disease, a leading cause of mortality in adults.
children, common carotid intima-media thickness, dyslipidemia, endothelial dysfunction,
ventricular geometry

INTRODUCTION infarctions. Mendelian randomization studies have

Lipid abnormalities play a vital role in the patho- shown that for every 1 mmol/l decrease in low
physiological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and, density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels,
hence, cardiovascular disease. As demonstrated by the cardiovascular risk decreases by 50% [5]. Thus,
classical autopsy studies such as the Bogalusa Heart early identification and management of lipid
Study [1] and the Pathobiological Determinants abnormalities in children are crucial to prevent
of Atherosclerosis in Youth [2] study, the earliest the atherosclerotic process and, ultimately, coron-
manifestations of atherosclerosis begin during ary heart disease, a leading cause of death and
childhood in the form of arterial wall fatty streaks, morbidity in adults [6].
particularly in high-risk groups such as the obese.
In the Bogalusa Heart study, the prevalence of fatty a
Hospital Pediátrico, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra and
streaks was 50% during childhood and 85% during b
& Instituto Biomédico de Investigação de Luz e Imagem (IBILI), Faculdade
early adulthood [3 ]. These lesions are character- de Medicina, Laboratório de Fisiologia, Universidade de Coimbra, Coim-
ized by the accumulation of lipid-filled macro- bra, Portugal
phages within the intima of the artery. Although Correspondence to António Pires, Hospital Pediátrico, Centro Hospitalar
clinically silent, they are the precursors of the e Universitário de Coimbra, R. Dr. Afonso Romão, 3030, Coimbra,
atheroma plaque [4 ], and thus, represent the Portugal. Tel: +00351 963825877; e-mail:
preclinical phase of a progressive disease that ulti- Curr Opin Cardiol 2016, 31:95–100
mately leads to adverse events such as myocardial DOI:10.1097/HCO.0000000000000249

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Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.



Among the known cardiovascular risk factors
 In children, atherogenic dyslipidemia contributes (obesity, smoking, hypertension, and diabetes mel-
toward endothelial dysfunction, the earliest known litus), hypercholesterolemia is the most preeminent
atherosclerotic lesion. and longest-known risk factor related to coronary
 During early childhood, atherosclerotic changes are heart disease. In children, genetic causes, particu-
potentially reversible; therefore, early identification larly familial hypercholesterolemia, are the most
and management of atherogenic dyslipidemia common causes of atherogenic dyslipidemia [12 ].
are paramount. During infancy, these cardiovascular risk factors
usually track into adulthood, as exemplified by
 In infancy, atherosclerosis is a preclinical disorder;
thus, its impact on the cardiovascular system can only the LDL-C levels, which are highly predictive of
be accessed through indirect means, such as the adult levels into middle age.
carotid artery IMT and left ventricular geometry. However, the prevalence of secondary dyslipi-
demias is on the rise, mainly because of the escalat-
 Increased carotid artery IMT and LVH are independent
ing incidence of obesity among youth. In high-risk
cardiovascular risk factors and, in children, can be
used for risk stratification. groups, it is frequent to find clustering of risk factors,
which hasten the atherosclerotic process. It is
known that risk factors present during adolescence
likely track into young adulthood [6] and are related
to premature adult cardiovascular disease.
As such, efforts to implement risk reduction
The real prevalence of dyslipidemia among children strategies through primary prevention should be a
has been difficult to assess, as different diagnostic priority, as 80% of adverse cardiovascular events are
criteria for its definition have been used. Based on preventable through lifestyle modifications, which
the results of The National Health and Nutritional should start during infancy when these risk factors
Examination Survey (NHANES), Kit and coworkers are still reversible.
[7] showed that one in five children and adolescents Therefore, to decrease future adult cardiovascu-
in the United States have adverse lipid profiles. lar disease and its socioeconomic burden on
However, a recent study by Tomeleri and coworkers societies, it is imperative to screen the general
[8 ] carried out in Brazilian adolescents, in which pediatric population during vulnerable maturation
cutoff points proposed by NHANES, the National periods and not only at-risk groups. By focusing on
Cholesterol Education Program, and the Brazilian specific groups only, such as the obese or those with
Society of Cardiology for the diagnosis of dyslipide- positive family history of dyslipidemia, many cases
mia were compared, showed that the prevalence of would be missed, as a significant number of parents
dyslipidemia among adolescents, based on the are ignorant of their own lipid profile status. To
respective cutoff points, differed significantly. These address this issue, population-based studies, such
inconsistent results may lead to diagnostic inaccur- as NHANES, have provided valuable data on the
acies, as reported recently by Gooding [9 ], that age-related lipid concentration serum levels. Gener-
ultimately could compromise management. In ally, levels reach young adulthood concentrations
2011, the Expert Panel on Integrated Guidelines by 2 years of age. They then decrease during pubertal
for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction in development to again increase thereafter. As such,
Children and Adolescents [10] recommended stand- screening is aimed at those time intervals, namely,
ard cutoff points that ought to minimize this issue. at the onset of puberty (9–11 years) and young
However, most of these studies focus mostly a adulthood (17–21 years), unless other risk factors
North American reality and may not be representa- coexist where the need for more stringent control
tive of other populations. Recently, the Expert Dys- arises [10].
lipidemia Panel of the International Atherosclerosis
Society [11 ] published an international consensus
regarding the management of dyslipidemia whose
recommendations are based on epidemiological and LOOKING BEYOND SERUM LIPOPROTEINS
genetic studies, as well as clinical trials. Although Screening for dyslipidemia usually includes the
these recommendations mirror a wider global popu- quantification of total cholesterol, LDL-C, high
lation, they lack a pediatric perspective. Attempts density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and trigly-
should also be made to consider cutoff levels based cerides fasting serum levels. Classically, the athero-
on age and sex, as the maturation process influences genic lipid profile comprises high LDL-C, low
serum lipids and lipoprotein levels. HDL-C, and high triglyceride. Although triglyceride

96 Volume 31  Number 1  January 2016

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Dysli pidemia and cardiovascular changes in children Pires et al.

levels appear to be linked to cardiovascular disease, Atherogenic lipids, particularly LDL-C particles,
as validated in recent epidemiological studies, their which account for more than 75% of the circulating
role is still disputed. Nonetheless, raised triglyceride atherogenic lipoproteins [11 ], are central to endo-
levels, through the actions of lipoprotein lipase, and thelial activation. Impaired endothelium triggers an
hepatic lipase, contribute to the formation of small inflammatory response that facilitates the entrance
dense lipoprotein particles, which carry a more of inflammatory cells and lipids, particularly the
aggressive atherogenic phenotype. small dense LDL-C particles, to the intimal space.
Apart from the circulating lipoproteins, their The production of free oxidative radicals is believed
constituent protein moieties, the apolipoproteins to induce endothelial dysfunction. Based on the
A-I (Apo A-I) and B (Apo B) also appear to be relevant oxidative stress theory, once LDL-C migrates into
in cardiovascular disease risk stratification. In lipid the intima it becomes oxidized (ox-LDL) by reactive
transport, apolipoproteins function as structural oxygen species, such as superoxide anion radicals,
proteins of HDL-C (Apo A-I) and LDL-C (Apo B). whose production is stimulated by risk factors, such
Apo B levels reflect the spectrum of proatherogenic as hypercholesterolemia [18 ]. Oxidized LDL-C
particles (very low, intermediate, and LDL-C particles are then taken up by macrophages, which
particles) and Apo A-I reflect the antiatherogenic become lipid-engorged and are then referred to as
particles. Compared with HDL-C and LDL-C, both foam cells. These cells become then a major source
Apo B and Apo A-I appear to be more representative of oxidative substances in atherosclerotic vessels.
of the pro- and antiatherogenic particle phenotype The increased production of reactive oxygen species
in circulation, respectively [13]. has several adverse effects: it decreases nitric oxide
Of particular importance is their ratio (Apo B/ bioavailability and increases the expression of
Apo A-I), which reflects the balance between pro- adhesion molecules, such as vascular cellular and
and antiatherogenic particles, which in adults has intracellular adhesion molecules, E-selectin, and
been strongly correlated to myocardial infarction other cytokines. These all help to perpetuate endo-
and stroke. In children, the Apo B/Apo A-I ratio thelial dysfunction, as exemplified by endothelin-1,
has also been validated as a predictor of metabolic a potent vasoconstrictor that promotes the uptake
syndrome, itself a robust risk factor for cardiovas- of ox-LDL, which, in turn, stimulates the synthesis
cular disease [3 ]. of endothelin-1.
Along the same lines, the non-HDL-C (TC – Thus, ox-LDL contributes to the proinflamma-
HDL-C) fraction is considered a better screening tool tory cascade that characterizes and propagates endo-
than LDL-C and correlates highly with Apo B, as it thelial activation [19 ].
represents the amount of cholesterol carried by the Expansion of the foam cell population within
smaller, more atherogenic molecules and has been the intima forms fatty streaks, the first signs of
shown to be a powerful predictor of atherosclerosis atherosclerosis, visible without magnification, and
compared with other lipoprotein cholesterol present in infancy. Over time, continued accumu-
measurements. lation of foam cells and proliferation of vascular
smooth cells evolve into atherosclerotic plaques.
This lesion is responsible for adverse clinical out-
THE ROLE OF DYSLIPIDEMIA IN comes either by obstructing the arterial lumen or by
ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION rupture, releasing thrombogenic substances. Lipids
In children [14 ], the first, yet reversible, step are thus the first triggers of cardiovascular athero-
toward atherosclerosis is endothelial dysfunction. sclerotic disease, initiating and promoting this com-
It is considered the earliest atherosclerotic lesion plex entity. Of all the known cardiovascular risk
[15 ] and, as such, a preclinical marker of athero- factors known, LDL-C is probably the most athero-
thrombotic disease [16 ]. The endothelium is a met- genic, and, implicitly, prevention must be focused
abolically active unicellular layer that lines the on lowering LDL-C serum levels throughout life,
vascular system. It is responsible for the expression starting in childhood.
of various bioactive mediators that control vascular
function [17]. These, apart from regulating vascular
tone, also have anti-inflammatory and antithrom- ASSESSING ARTERIAL COMPLIANCE:
botic properties. Injury to the endothelium because FUNCTIONAL TESTING
of various mechanisms, most notably hypercholes- During childhood, clinical manifestations of athe-
terolemia, results in the expression of various rosclerotic disease are rare. Therefore, it is impera-
mediators that will eventually compromise vascular tive, in those with risk factors, to seek out evidence
homeostasis and, ultimately, cardiovascular integ- of early atherosclerosis through methods that reflect
rity. its atherogenic burden.

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Endothelial dysfunction compromises nitric structural atherosclerosis, and it has also been
oxide bioavailability, resulting in decreased vascular shown to be an independent predictor of future
& &
tone, which, if sustained, leads to progressive arte- cardiovascular events [28 ,29 ]. Further evidence
rial stiffness. Endothelial health may be assessed by exists that, regardless of abnormal adult LDL-C
invasive and noninvasive methods, and, in both, levels, exposure to continued elevated serum levels
arterial response to an endothelial-dependent of LDL-C in adolescence is related to coronary artery
stimulus is quantified. calcium load in adults, a sign of coronary athero-
Coronary angiography is the gold standard sclerosis and, implicitly, increased IMT.
modality to assess the morphological and functional This implies that raised LDL-C levels in adoles-
status of the coronary arterial bed. Apart from out- cents may induce permanent changes in the coron-
lining stenotic lesions, it directly measures the ary arteries, hence playing an important role in the
endothelial-dependent response to vasodilatory pathogenesis of future ischemic heart disease. This
substances. Its applications are, however, of limited Young Finns study also showed that, apart from
value in children because of the associated costs, lipoproteins, their transport proteins Apo A-I and
invasiveness, and exposure to radiation and con- Apo B and the Apo B/Apo A-I ratio also predicted
trast. Nonetheless, it may be indicated in very high- IMT in adulthood [30]. In children, IMT has, thus,
risk situations, such as in children with persistent also emerged as a potential marker of preclinical
coronary artery aneurysms resulting from Kawasa- atherosclerosis, particularly in high-risk popu-
ki’s disease. lations, where it has been correlated to established
As endothelial dysfunction is a systemic dis- risk factors such as atherogenic dyslipidemia [3 ]
order, assessment of peripheral arterial compliance and, in particular, smaller dense LDL-C particles.
by noninvasive means can be used as a surrogate for This is, however, not universally accepted. In our
coronary endothelial function [20 ]. Several testing own study of a group of obese children with athero-
modalities have been advocated, such as peripheral genic dyslipidemia, we found no correlations
& &
arterial tonometry [21 ] and the pulse wave velocity between the abnormal lipid profile and IMT [31 ],
(PWV). The latter is considered by the European most likely because of the small sample size in
Society of Cardiology as the most simple, noninva- question. Nevertheless, in view of the existing evi-
sive, and reproducible method for the determi- dence, IMT ought to be considered for risk stratifi-
nation of arterial stiffness [22], and of particular cation in children with atherogenic dyslipidemia
interest in children with cardiovascular risk factors and other risk factors.
[23 ]. Its application has been further refined by the Obese adolescents with high triglyceride and
use of MRI-based PWV measurements [24 ]. Another low HDL-C levels have been shown to have higher
surrogate of arterial stiffness is the ambulatory arte- IMT, higher PWV, and increased carotid artery stiff-
rial stiffness index based on 24-h ambulatory blood ness. High triglyceride-to-HDL-C ratio correlates
pressure, also validated in children with cardiovas- strongly with high non-HDL-C and high PWV in
& &
cular risk factors [25 ,26 ]. both lean and obese children, which persist after
adjustment for other risk factors.
Recently, de Giorgis and coworkers [32 ]
DYSLIPIDEMIA AND CARDIOVASCULAR suggested the triglyceride-to-HDL-C ratio as a novel
CHANGES marker of endothelial dysfunction in obese chil-
Atherogenic lipids induce changes in the cardiovas- dren, as it correlated, among other markers, to
cular system that themselves are independent car- IMT. However, caution should be exercised when
diovascular risk factors and can be used in routine applying this marker to other risk groups, as the lipid
clinical practice as surrogates of the atherosclerotic profile found in the obese, contrary to familial
process. hypercholesterolemia, is usually high triglyceride,
low HDL-C, and normal LDL-C levels.

Ultrasound imaging of the intima-media

thickness of the common carotid artery Left ventricular structure and function
The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study In adults, cardiac structure and function predict
showed that risk factors such as dyslipidemia, cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
measured during adolescence, were significantly Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is an import-
associated to with adult carotid artery intima-media ant independent risk factor in cardiovascular
thickness (IMT) as measured by ultrasound imaging disease. LVH is classified according to four geo-
[27]. In adults, IMT has gained acceptance as a metric patterns: concentric hypertrophy, eccentric
noninvasive method to assess the extent of hypertrophy, concentric remodeling and normal

98 Volume 31  Number 1  January 2016

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Dysli pidemia and cardiovascular changes in children Pires et al.

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