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Program MBA in Marketing


Assignment of International marketing

Personal project assignment I

DESTA HUMO……………106/12




1.1.INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

1.2. IMPACT OF COVID-19 TO GLOBALIZATION AND WTO--------------------------------------4

1.3. COVID -19 PADEMIC IMPACT ON AMERICA AND CHINA----------------------------7

1.4. ETHICAL Dilemmas CRISSIS OF COVID-19---------------------------------11

1.4.1. Allocation of scarce resource to health care workers---------------------12


1.4.3. BUSINESS SHARE HOLDER‘S REVENUE FAILER DUE COVID-19----------------------15



The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented disruption to the global economy and

world trade, as production and consumption are scaled back across the globe. One of the most

effective means of addressing this crisis is through timely, accurate information. An informed

public is better positioned to make sound decisions including on questions related to trade. The

coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is seriously threatening world public health security.

Currently, N200 countries and regions have been affected by the epidemic, with the

number of infections and deaths still increasing. As an extreme event, the outbreak of

COVID-19 has greatly damaged the global economic growth and caused a cer-tain

impact on the environment. This paper takes China as a case study, comprehensively

evaluating the dynamic impact of COVID-19 on the environment.


The analysis results indicate that the outbreak of COVID-19 improves China's air quality in the

short term and significantly contributes to global carbon emission reduction. However, in the

long run, there is no evidence that this improvement will continue. When China completely lifts

the lock-down and resumes large-scale industrial production, its energy use and greenhouse

gas (GHG) emissions are likely to exceed the level before the event. Moreover, COVID-19

significantly reduces the concentration of nitro-gen dioxide (NO2) in the atmosphere. The

decline initially occurred near Wuhan and eventually spread to the whole country. The above

phenomenon shows that the decreasing economic activities and traffic restrictions directly lead

to the changes of China's energy consumption and further prevent the environment from

pollution. The results in this study support the fact that strict quarantine measures can not only

protect the public from COVID-19, but also exert a positive impact on the environment. These

findings can provide a reference for other countries to assess the influence of COVID-19 on the


Due to the substantial reduction in urban transportation and industrial activities, China's energy

consumption decreased significantly during the quarantine period. China is a large coal

consumer, and the coal resource dominates the energy consumption structure. China's coal

consumption declined during the epidemic. In most cases, China shuts down for one week

during the Lunar New Year every winter, and a large proportion of industries stop operating.

This holiday usually causes a brief reduction in energy consumption. In the days after the Spring

Festival, energy consumption will rise again with the resumption of production. The Spring

Festival in 2020 seems to be an exception, due to the large-scale outbreak of COVID-19.

Compared with the same period in previous years, coal consumption dropped significantly.

After the Spring Festival in 2020, the decline in coal use was extended for 20 days, with no sign

of a rebound.

COVID-19 does not affect everyone in the same way. There are several reasons that are why

different socioeconomic groups are affected by this pandemic in different ways. To understand

the consequences and to predict how this pandemic affects differently with various

socioeconomic Groups is not easy and good data is the key to it. These socioeconomic Factors

include population density, urban and rural settings, Education level, and lifestyle, the size of

household and homeowners & tenants. Sometimes only a single block distance neighborhood

household Within the socioeconomic spectrum can make a huge difference in the global

market. Common and the public health systems are insufficient. The possibility Of secondary

peak appearance could not be estimated. In the mid-term, the scenario in the southern

Hemisphere should be considered. Not almost All South American and African countries have

access to national Health systems and sufficient health care services. Many of these nations

Decided to close the borders, however very late, when they already had Patients of COVID-19

inside. All these indications show that the Southern Hemisphere would not escape from this

pandemic. The outbreak Is widening in the southern Hemisphere now, and this is happening

While the higher income nations are struggling over their own problems In (i) applying control

actions (ii) trying to recuperate from the massive Social and economic impacts, and (iii) focusing

in preventing re-entry of COVID-19 by foreign travelers (Chinazzi et al., 2020). The long term

scenario Of probable secondary waves of outbreak is concerning as well. A Second wave might

be devastating more than the first one, based on other pandemics in history. Economists have

shown serious concerns about the economic effects of control measures taken during this crisis

(Hemida and Abduallah, 2020). However, there are many models that Show the economic

impacts of the disease and majority of the economists are challenged by the social and

economic depth of the pandemic. They are trying to understand the control as soon as possible.

Although The economic losses are obvious, but still economists are not able to Grasped the

extending nature of the outbreak that is causing far more Economic damage compared to

drastic measures taken to end the pandemic Globally as soon as possible (Meo et al., 2020;

Anderson et al, 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic will have severe impacts on global market and



Only in a period of few months, the world has changed. Thousands of people have been

deceased, and hundreds of thousands have been infected by COVID-19. And the rest of people

who are not infected, their entire life has been changed by this virus. In Italy, the most massive

travel restrictions are being placed since Second World War. In London, the normal busy bars,

theatres, and other public places have been closed and people are asked to stay in their homes.

The flights are being canceled in all over the world. Majority of people are staying at home,

practicing social distancing and working remotely (Harapan et al., 2020). It is all happening to

control the spread of coronavirus, and to decrease the death rate. However, all these changes

have led some unexpected consequences. As industries, transportation systems and all other

bossiness have shut down; it has caused a sudden drop in carbon emission. Compared to this

time last year, levels of air pollution in New York have dropped at almost 50% due to measures

that have been to restrict the spread of virus. In China, emissions data shows a 25% decrease at

the starting point of the year as people were told to stay at home, factories closed and coal use

feel by 40% at china's largest power plants since the last three months of 2019. According to

the ministry of Ecology and Environment, the amount of good quality air was around 11.4%

compared with the same time last year in more than 330 cities all over China. In Europe,

nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emission dropped over northern Italy, Spain and UK.

China has experienced the peak of the epidemic and is now gradually recovering. On April 18,

the National Bureau of Statistics of China released its preliminary accounting results of GDP in

the first quarter of 2020. Affected by the coronavirus disease, China's GDP in the first quarter

was 20.65 trillion Yuan, showing a negative economic growth, a decrease of 5.3% over the same

period last year (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2020b). Among them, the added value

of the first industry was 1018.6 billion Yuan, decreased by 3.2%; the added value of the second

industry was 7363.8 billion Yuan, decreased by 9.6%; the added value of the tertiary industry

was 12,268 billion Yuan, decreased by 5.2%. Fig. 5 presents the quarterly GDP growth curve

from 2016 to 2020. Overall, China's economic growth has maintained a long-term trend since

2016. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 exerted a certain negative impact on the economy

this year. During the quarantine period, household consumption was suppressed.

During the quarantine period, the operating level of China's major industries was much lower

than normal. A series of other industrial indicators are used to illustrate the changes in China's

industrial activities and energy consumption during the epidemic. Qinhuangdao's coal

throughput, which is one of China‘s important coal ports. The number fell to its lowest level in

four years in four weeks in February. Similarly, the refinery operating rate in Shandong

Province, China's main refining center, has fallen to its lowest level since autumn 2015

indicating a sharp decline in oil demand prospects. The average coal consumption of power

plants reached its lowest level in four years.

In addition, due to the slowdown in economic growth, China's industrial production activities

have a potential decline in the potential demand for petroleum products, steel and other

metals far greater than production, resulting in a record high inventory level, which will put

pressure on future production. Taken together, the use of coal and crude oil decreased during

the lockdown in China. Compared with the same period after the Spring Festival holiday in 2019

(within the same two weeks), CO2 emissions reduced by 25% or more. The above data means

that China has reduced about 1 million tons of carbon emissions, equivalent to 6% of global

emissions over the same period. This decline coincided with the lock-down during the epidemic.

It can be concluded that COVID-19 exerted.

According to Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, 2020) the following outbreaks happen due

covid-19 pandemic.

(1) The outbreak of COVID-19 improved China's air quality in the short term and significantly

contributed to global carbon emis-sions reduction. From the time dimension, China's energy

consumption dropped sharply during the outbreak of COVID-19, especially the total coal

consumption. And COVID-19 effectively suppressed the GHG emissions such as CO 2.

However, the ob-served data indicate that this beneficial effect only occurs during quarantine.

As some regions in China lifted the lockdown and en-terprises resumed production, people

and goods began to flow on a large scale. Meanwhile, declining energy consumption is

showing an upward trend, and traffic congestion is gradually returning to the level before

quarantine. It can be deduced from this that when China completely lifts the lockdown and

resumes production, its energy use and GHG emissions are likely to ex-ceed the level before

the outbreak.

(2) The COVID-19 significantly reduces the concentration of NO 2 in the atmosphere. This

reduction initially occurred near Wuhan and eventually spread to the whole country. From a

spatial per-spective, the reduction of environmental pollutants initially ap-peared in areas

with severe epidemics because they firstly implemented strict restrictions. Subsequently, more

and more regions adopted quarantine measures and implemented traffic control. As a result,

the air quality throughout the country im-proved significantly. This phenomenon seems to

imply a close correlation between the economy and environmental pollution. The reduction in

economic activities and traffic restrictions di-rectly affects the changes in China's energy

consumption, and ef-fectively reduce the generation of environmental pollution.

(3)This study enriches the theoretical research on economic and en-vironmental pollution in the

context of extreme events. The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 is an extreme event and a global

emergency public health event. The systematic analysis of the re-lationship between

economic growth and environmental pollu-tion during the outbreak can not only provide a

reference for other countries to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the environ-ment, but also

enrich the theoretical research on the relationship

One’s life (demonstrate form the US in Club Vita's US longevity map) . Therefore, sometimes it

is very unfortunate that people who are feeling the effects of COVID-19 very severely, are

probably in your neighbors (Messner, 2020). Majority of the countries are now trying different

tactics to stop the spreading of the disease and trying to limit only a subset of the people would

catch the disease. It has been indicated that groups with lower socioeconomic status could be

more at danger from the spread of the COVID-19, based on the analysis of New York showing

that poor neighborhoods have been affected highly. COVID-19 spreads by droplets shed of the

respiratory system by someone with the virus, which means it would spread with higher

proximity of people, larger contact networks and lower levels of hygiene.


The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused concerns globally. On 30 January WHO has declared it

as a global health emergency. The easy spread of this virus made people to wear a mask as

precautionary route, use gloves and hand sanitizer on a daily basis that resulted in generation of a

massive amount of medical wastes in the environment. Millions of people have been put on

lockdown in order to reduce the transmission of the virus. This epidemic has also changed the

people's life style; caused extensive job losses and threatened the sustenance of millions of

people, as businesses have shut down to control the spread of virus. All over the world, flights

have been canceled and transport systems have been closed. Overall, the economic activities

have been stopped and stock markets dropped along with the falling carbon emission. However,

the lock down of the COVID-19 pandemic caused the air quality in many cities across the globe

to improve and drop in water pollutions in some parts of the world. Also especially, in

developing countries the trouble on ethical dilemmas. Example , ETHIOPIA.

1.4.1. Allocation of scarce resource to health care workers

As WHO has declared the fast spreading of COVID-19 as an epidemic, the citizens around the

globe hastened to go home. For instance, in the case of Wuhan city in China which has been the

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epicenter of the pandemic with over than 11 million people, is shown to have produced 200

tons of clinical trash on a single day exactly 24 February/2020 which is four times the amount

the city's only dedicated facility can incinerate per day. As coronavirus is spreading rapidly to

other parts of the world, very soon the medical waste management could be a big issue.

Medical health organizations waste management companies have already taken step in

coronavirus decontamination services, it is becoming very crucial for governments to find

solutions soon. At the meantime, it is every individual's duty to follow the regulations while

discarding of their face masks and other medical wastes (Luan and Ching, 2020). To the end, it is

possible only by mutual understanding and willingness and world will emerge stronger than this

epidemic. Some people are at higher risk of adverse effects from contact to medical wastes as

well, including cleaners, trash collectors and some other people who have to spend a great

amount of time in public places. All over the world governments stopped students to go to

schools and universities, and a lot of employees are being asked to work from home, only those

who are maintaining the cleanliness of cities have to go to their jobs daily, that makes them

among the most vulnerable groups and one that is highly susceptible to the virus from

respiratory shed droplets on the masks. They may also be infected by other pathogens existing

in the discarded pieces of garbage, for instance meningitis and Hepatitis B. The masks are made

up of plastic based materials that are liquid- resistant and are long lasting after they are

discarded, ending up in ocean or landfill. The surgical masks should not be worn longer than

one day, discarding them and empty bottles of hand sanitizer along with solid tissue papers are

ending up to a huge trail of medical waste in the environment.

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Even , developed countries , USA, ITALY , SPAIN AND GERMAN also currently BRAZILE lost their

most health care workers due uncontrollable transmission of the pandemic and lack of scarce

resources. In Ethiopia we JAK MA, who was a founder and owner of ALIBABA foundation aid 1 st

and 2nd round mask , gloves and investigation or diagnostic materials in addition other countries

and native/abroad Ethiopians contribute health care materials having this in mind health care

workers in rural or countryside at risk due to unavailability of fully protective clothes and




A researcher works on a vaccine against coronavirus at the Copenhagen's University research

lab in Copenhagen, Denmark, on March 23, 2020.

“The government’s early announcement of a local cure still in clinical testing jeopardizes the

ongoing prevention efforts of the virus,” said Mr Gebremedhin. Speaking to The East African,

Metta-Alem Sinishaw, a senior political analyst said the news of a possible cure coming from

the ministry of Health will “undoubtedly have a substantial adverse effect on public attitude

towards prevention, compromise its own prevention efforts and undermines its credibility.”

“The news of a possible cure, during a time of urgent need for prevention, seems unwise and

untimely. Given the magnitude of devastation of the pandemic, the government’s top priority

should be prevention and co-ordination with all political parties. They should be sending unified

messages to the public to better protect the unfolding disaster posed by the virus,” Metta-Alem


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Scientists are yet to find a vaccine for Covid-19 and are advocating for social-distancing and self-

quarantine as social vaccines at this point.

According to the minister, the laboratory research phase of the project is completed.

“It has passed through various testing stages and the green light has been given for further

clinical trials,” he said adding “the next step is testing the product,” said Mr Belay.

The minister said the research is being carried out as per the World Health Organization

standards and hoped it can be available in the near future. The drug is hoped to cure patients

by boosting their immune system and has proven to be free of toxins.

“We hope to get a successful outcome out of the research” said Ethiopia Health Minister, Liya

Tadesse. The ministry of Health said that it will soon announce the final outcome of the product

once it gets final approval, but advised that the public continue to adhere to the ministry’s and

World Health Organization prevention guidelines. Speaking to The East African, a local medicine

expert who is close to the research team said that the Covid-19 medicine, which is being

developed is “promising.”

"We have developed medication for the virus and it has successfully passed through a number

of laboratory processes in research centers abroad," he said on condition of anonymity.

"We need three months to finally declare whether we have found the cure. But the outcomes

so far are very promising," he added.

According to the source, the research process is being finalized and preparations to proceed for

production are underway. (Saturday April 4 2020)

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Most countries the world government pushing their medical or laboratory institutes to

investigate covid-19 vaccines. Example, recently Madagascar, England , Australia, USA and etc.

do same think to investigate vaccines.


Fundraising event convened by the European Union and billed as a show of global solidarity in

the fight against Covid-19 instead showed just how political this public health crisis has become.

The Coronavirus Global Response Pledging Conference launched today and featuring

representatives from 43 countries, as well as major nonprofit and scientific groupscollected

pledges worth €7.4 billion ($8.2 billion) to “accelerate the development, production and

equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics.” The Commission says

they will continue raising money in the near future.

Today we can truly say the world is united against the coronavirus, and the world will win,” said

Ursula Von Der Leyen, president of the European Commission.

Even before it launched, however, the fundraising drive was controversial. First, EU officials

allowed countries to pledge money that they had already spent on Covid-19 relief since Jan. 30,

as opposed to counting only new funds as part of the recorded pledges. The Commission also

hasn’t clarified on its website how much of the countries’ pledges are made up of new funds

versus old ones.

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Then, some civil society groups questioned how the EU would distribute the money raised.

While $8 billion is a lot of money to pour into research, the EU has so far refused to impose

price caps on pharmaceutical manufacturers, or force companies that receive public funds to

give up their intellectual property—through mandatory licensing, for example, or less

drastically, patent pools or cross-licensing—so that drugs and vaccines can be mass-produced


And, while the guest list for this event was a who’s-who of global health governance, the US

was noticeably absent, even though it is home to the largest pharmaceutical companies in the

world, many of which are now leading the race to develop a vaccine for Covid-19. The world’s

biggest superpower, in essence, contributed less to this effort than Madonna.


The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading very quickly every day, and the number of people putting

on lockdown is increasing, to date more than 120, 438 people have died across the globe and

there is a direct loss to the world economy. However, many think that there is a good side; that

the spread of virus has been decreasing air and water pollution and probably even saved lives in

this process. Nevertheless, this epidemic which is taking people's lives certainly should not be

seen as a way of bringing about positive environmental change.

First of all, it is not certain for how long this dip in emission will be. When the epidemic finally

subside, then carbon and other pollutant emissions get back then it would be as if this clear sky

view never happened and the changes we see today will not have lasting impact. General

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actions to reduce person to person transmission of COVID-19 are required to control the

current outbreak. Special attention and labors should be applied to save the highly vulnerable

populations including children, health care workers, and old people. There is already published

guideline available for the medial employees, health care providers, and public health

individuals and researchers who are interested in working in the coronavirus. Most of death

cases of coronavirus outbreak are happening largely in old people possibly due to a weak

immune system that permits rapid growth of viral infections. The public services must provide

decontaminating reagents for sanitizing hands multiple times on a routine basis.

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