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Ngày: 18/03/2019
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank.
01. It is commonly believed that when a boy and a girl is in a room altogether, pregnancy will_____.
a. Ensue b. eventuate c. entail d. erect
02. We _____ and hawed for weeks before deciding to buy the house.
a. Blared b. dined c. hummed d. thudded
03. She expects the critical thinking skills gained through the debate tournament will stand her in
good_____ in her future career, which, she suggests, could include another debate.
a. Footing b. grounding c. precedent d. stead
04. Your story is interesting and lively, but it contains several historical inaccuracies. For example,
your hero_____ have offered Miss Swinton shelter under his umbrella, as they weren’t invented until
a hundred years later.
a. Couldn’t b. might not c. shouldn’t d. wouldn’t
05. The leaders, sensing that war was _____, prepared their defences
a. Immediate b. immune c. immense d. imminent
06. There is a lot of friendly _____ between the supporters of the two team.
a. Contest b. rivalry c. contention d. defiance
07. He read through it quickly so as to get the _____ of it before settling down to a thorough study.
a. Detail b. run c. core d. gist
08. Despite the high divorce rate, the _____of marriage remains popular.
a. Practice b. habit c. institution d. state
09. I’d rather you_____ a noise last night, I couldn’t get to sleep.
a. Hadn’t made b. wouldn’t make c. didn’t make d. haven’t made
10. “Which is more important?” “Luck is_____ the same importance as effort”
a. On b. of c. the d. as
11. Some English learners have_____ ideas in writing.
a. Trouble expressing b. difficult in expressing c. problems with d. difficulty
12. _____, I was pleased it was over.
a. Though strange it was b. Despite it may sound strange
c. Strange though it may sound d. Even though being very strange
13. _____, we stayed inside the house.
a. The stormy day it was b. It were a stormy day
c. It is a stormy day d. It being a stormy day
14. My supervisor is angry with me, I didn’t do the test I _____ have done last week.
a. Should b. may
c. need to d. must
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15. The project became _____in a lot of political arguments, which was a great shame.
a. Disrupted b. enmeshed c. encroached d. mixed
16. We woke up at the _____of dawn this morning.
a. Touch b. turn c. burst d. crack
17. He doesn’t give a _____about anyone or anything except himself. He’s the most selfish person I
a. Shit b. howl c. chirp d. twitch
18. The _____section of our supermarket has a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables.
a. Production b. produce c. product d. produces
19. The environment and atmosphere at the spa hotel was _____to total relaxation. It was the most
relaxing holiday I’ve ever had.
a. Conducive b. encouraging c. inspiring d. assertive
20. Your argument _____that Britain is still a great power, but this is no longer the case.
a. Outlines b. presupposes c. concerns d. presents
21. Under the circumstances, it _____be best to wait for a few weeks.
a. Seemed b. ought c. might d. should
22. Before the group of doctors would give their opinion they wanted to _____with each other.
a. Confess b. confirm c. confer d. confide
23. An application to join this scheme places you under no obligation_____
a. Indeed b. eventually c. whatsoever d. apart
24. The poor man was _____ of everything after he was evicted from the apartment and having his
properties confiscated.
A. Removed B. possessed C. Deprived D.acquired
25. Mrs McCathy was given a hard _____ by her husband who left her with four children to look after
A. Problem B. worry C. deal D. time
26. Nobody took any _____of his opinions, which infuriated him.
A. Attention B. regard C. notice D. cognition
27. I said Ricardson but I meant Richardso. It was just a _____ of the tongue
A. Slip B. mistake C. fault D. lapse
28. The inaccurate information _____ us into thinking that it was a half-price flight to HCM.
A. Misconducted B. Misfired C. Misinformed D. Misled
29. She doesn’t _____ to be an expert, but certainly she knows a lot.
A. Claim B. impress C. inform D. argue
30. People under 18 aren’t _____ for membership in this association
A. Viable B. eligible C. permissible D. Legal II. GUIDED
CLOZE TEST: Choose the word or phrase that best fits each space in the following passage.
In the top class at Medbury School, maths is the most popular A-level subject. Of the 55 students,
28 have chosen to (01) _____ the exam. And of these 28, 10 have chosen to follow not one but two
of the three available A-level (02) _____.
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Nor is this anything new. Maths regularly (03) _____ more pupils than other A-levels, (04) _____
subjects such as sociology or English, which traditionally were more usually (05) _____ by girls – for
Medbury is a girls' school.
This interest must be (06) _____ to the importance that is given to maths at the school. However, the
(07) _____, Olivia Lake, finds that many 11-year-old girls she interviews as part of the (08) _____ test
say maths is their favourite subject. "In the old days, girls were not given much (09) _____ if they
wanted to do maths, especially in co-educational schools. But in a single sex school today, they are
definitely not pressured to avoid a (10) _____ involving maths. I am sure that this (11) _____ how the
girls perform in the subject."
Student Susan Hill (12) _____ up the success of the Medbury method: "In my mother's day maths was
(13) _____ a dry subject, and the teacher had to make (14) _____ the subject by having a nice
personality. But that's no longer true. Girls get interested in the subject itself and want to (15) _____
01: A. make B. take C. pass D. mark
02: A. courses B. lectures C. periods D. terms
03: A. appeals B. suits C. concerns D. attracts
04: A. overcoming B. competing C. beating D. winning
05: A. deserved B. gained C. obtained D. picked
06: A. according to B. as regards C. due to D. seeing that
07: A. boss B. head C. chief D. captain
08: A. application B. arrival C. entrance D. attendance
09: A. support B. persuasion C. recommendation D. permission
10: A. career B. post C. work D. task
11: A. influences B. directs C. guides D. controls
12: A. breaks B. sums C. shows D. keeps
13: A. seen B. regarded C. considered D. supposed
14: A. out B. up for C. up D. out of
15: A. do B. achieve C. fulfil D. improveIII.
PASSAGE 1: Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
Plants and animals will find it difficult to escape from or adjust to the effect of global warming,
Scientists have already observerd shifts in the lifecycles of many plants and animals, such as flowers
blooming earlier and birds hatching earlier in the spring. Many species have begun shifting where
they live or their annual migration patterns due to warmer temperatures.

With further warming, animals will tend to migrate toward the poles and up mountainsides toward
higher elevations. Plants will also attempt to shift their ranges, seeking new areas as old habitats
grow too warm. In many places, however, human development will prevent these shifts. Species that
find cities or farmland blocking their way north or south may become extinct. Species living in unique
ecosystems, such as those found in polar and mountantop regions, are especially at risk because
migration to new habitats is not possible. For example, polar bears and marine mammals in the Arctic
are already threatened by dwindling sea ice but have nowhere farther to go.

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Projecting species extinction due to global warming is extremely difficult. Some scientists have
estimated that 20 to 50 percent of species could be committed to extiction with 2 to 3 Celsius
degrees of further warming. The rate of warming, not just the magnitude, is extremely important for
plants and animals. Some species and even entire ecosystems, such as certain types of forest, many
not be able to adjust quickly enough and may disappear.

Ocean ecosystems, especially fragile ones like coral reefs, will also be affected by global warming.
Warmer ocean temperatures can cause coral to “bleach”, a state which if prolonged will lead to the
death of the coral. Scientists estimate that even 1 Celsius degree of additional warming could lead
to widespread bleaching and death of coral reefs around the world. Also increasing carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere enters the ocean and increases the acidity of ocean waters. This acidification
furter stresses ocean ecosystems.

Question 1: Scionlists have observed that warmer temperatures in the spring cause flowers
A. die instantly B. bloom earlier C.become lighter D. lose color
Question 2: According to paragraph 2, when their habitats grow warmer, animali tend to move
___________ .
A. south – eastwards and down mountainsides toward lower
B. north – westwards and up mountainsides toward higher
C. toward the North Pole and down mountainsides toward lower
D. toward the poles and up mountainsides toward higher
Question 3: The pronoun “those” in paragraph 2 refers to .
A.species B. ecosystems C. habitats D. areas
Question 4: The phrase “dwindling sea ice” in paragraph 2 refers to .
A. the frozen water in the Artie.
B. the violent Arctic Ocean.
C. the melting ice in the Arctic.
D. the cold ice in the Arctic.
Question 5: It is mentioned in the passage that if the global temperature rose by 2 or 3 Celcius
degrees,_______ .
A. half of the earth’s surface would be
B. the sea level would rise by 20
C. water supply would decrease by 50
D. 20 to 50 percent of species could become
Question 6: According to the passage, if some species are not able to adjust quickly to warmer
temperatures, _________________ .
A. they may be endangered
B. they can begin to develop
C. they will certainly need water.

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D. they move to tropical forests.
Question 7: The word “fragile” in paragraph 4 most probably means .
A. very large
B. easily damaged
C. rather strong
D. pretty hard
Question 8: The bleaching of coral reefs as mentioned in paragraph 4 indicates .
A. the water absorption of coral reefs.
B. the quick growth of marine mammals.
C. the blooming phase of sea weeds.
D. the slow death of coral reefs.
Question 9: The level of acidity in the ocean is increased by _______ .
A. the rising amount of carbon dioxide entering the
B. the decrease of acidity of the pole
C. the extinction of species in coastal
D. the lose of acidity in the atmosphere around the
Question 10: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Influence of climate changes on human
B. Effects of global warming on animals and
C. Global warming and possible solutions
D. Global warming and species
PASSAGE 2: Rearrange the following sentences to make a meaningful passage.
1. That’s why collecting things as a hobby is popular, it takes your mind off other things
2. Sometimes, of course, your mind concentrates when you don’t want it to.
3. Concentration happens when you manage to focus on one thing to be the exclusion of all others,
allowing you to stop worrying about a lot of other things.
4. Maybe you can’t get something out of your head, like a problem or an embarrassing situation.
5. Concentration is good in exams, bad in orange juice
IV. OPEN CLOZE TEST: Supply each blank with one suitable word.
The new university hospital in Trenton, which the Health Minister
Victoria Culley has described as a ‘shining example’ to hospitals all (01) _____ the country, has been
open now for over six months. Having heard several less than complimentary comments about the
organisation and efficiency of the place, I decided to see for myself. Before (02) _____ there, I had
arranged with my local GP to have some routine blood tests for anaemia. In spite of arriving early
(7.15 a.m.!) I found that there were already long queues at the reception desks. While I was waiting,
I looked around and have to admit that it is an impressive building; large and light with marble
everywhere. Eventually my turn came and I presented my doctor’s letters to the receptionist, (03)
_____ informed me that I was in the X-ray queue and I’d have to go to another queue and start again!
I couldn’t believe it and asked her if it would be possible to give me an appointment card anyway

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(04) _____ making me queue up again. She informed me it was no (05) _____ arguing with her and I
should have read the sign, an almost invisible piece of card saying ‘X-rays’
just in front of her where very few people can have seen it. No matter how hard I tried to persuade
her, she wouldn’t give me an appointment card for a blood test, so I started (06) _____ again and
finally got the card at 8.30! I then set off for the blood tests room, following the nice new signs until
they suddenly stopped and I realised that I was in a part of the hospital that hasn’t been finished yet!
When I got to the door I saw a notice saying ‘Back in 10 minutes’. I sat down and waited for 30
minutes before a doctor appeared and told me to come in without, of course, (07) _____ for keeping
me waiting. I asked him why I’d had to wait and he explained he’d had to help out in another ward
which was (08) _____ as a result of a flu epidemic among the doctors! I got out of the hospital at 9.45
a.m. and breathed a sigh of relief. I’m now waiting for the results. So, Mrs Culley, a far from rosy
picture. Certainly the public should be (09) _____ no illusions that things have changed for the better.
Perhaps you should visit the hospital as an anonymous out-patient rather than a government
minister if you really want to know what it’s like, (10) _____ , as I suspect, you don’t actually care that
In Hellenistic times, the idea had been posited that the earth rotated (0)_____ the sun, but this did
not win general acceptance and (1)_____ the 16th century it was still generally accepted that the
heavenly bodies (2)_____ around a stationary earth. In 1543, however, the Polish scholar Copernicus
published a book putting forward the (3)_____ of heliocentric astronomy.
Copernicus' theory received little attention. During this time, however, Dutch craftsmen were
experimenting (4)_____ glass lenses. They made spectacles and also telescopes for (5)_____ at sea.
One of these telescopes fell (6)_____ the hands of the Italian teacher, Galileo Galilei, and he (7)_____
the instrument (8)_____ the skies. By studying sun spots, the phases of Venus and the rings of Jupiter,
he provided clear proof that Copernicus had been correct.
Galileo delayed publishing his findings (9)_____ he recognised that they would arouse a storm
(10)_____ controversy. Authority, (11)_____ of the Bible and of ancient authors, clearly supported a
geocentric universe and the church still held authority as the arbiter of truth. He published his
findings in 1632 but, faced (12)_____ the terror of the Inquisition, he recanted in 1633.
The (13)_____ in navigation, first in Holland, then in France and, (14)_____ all, in England, drove
forward skills in cartography and geographical study. Progress in astronomy and in the construction
of clocks were spin-offs from this. Landsmen could now own clocks (15)_____ told the time with
great accuracy.
V. ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
1. According to the research by linguists, British people attach much (A) significance to accent
and choice of words than anything (B) else, even (C) wealth, when assessing (D) other people’s
social status
2. English pronunciation has been (A) adopted by people from all levels of society may soon (B)
make it possible (C) to judge somebody according to their speech. (D)
3. The most characteristic (A) feature of EE is a tendency to (B) weaken consonants, particularly
“l” and “t” sounds, so (C) the word what is heard as “wha” and “”will” sounds (D) something
like “wiw”
4. First comes (A) the PC, then the internet and e-mail, now the e-book is upon (B) us, a hand-
held (C) device similar in size and appearance to the video cassette.
5. E-book technology is evolving (A) rapidly, and in (B) some of the latest handholds (C) you will
even get (D) Internet access.
VI. WORD FORMS: Supply the appropriate forms of the words in the brackets.
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01: What she noted, she says, was that her seminar class used a rising _____ "to signal identity and
group affiliation" - in other words, to establish what might be called a linguistic micro-community.
02: He was taken to a US airbase to be _____ on the mission. (BRIEF)
03: The day of my graduation, I was so ______ from my first encounter with tequila the night before
that I spent the entire ceremony praying I wouldn’t throw up. (HANG)
04: The hand-woven textiles were made by skilled local _____. (ART)
05: On the video you can see that the ______ has started running. But he was probably looking at the
ground as he ran and failed to see the moment when the ball crossed the line. (LINE)
06: In my experience, when a ____ leader does this, they never lack followers, because deep down
we all want to be part of something purposeful and worthwhile (VISION)
07: Women were expected to adopt a ______ role. (SERVE)
08: Despite the growing awareness since the 50s about the dark heart of Australian _____, there is
still enormous room for cultural enlightenment. (NATION)
09: He was released on bail pending _____ proceedings. (COMMIT)
10: They intend to _____ more places to mature students this year. (LOCATE)
VII. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: Rewrite the following sentences without changing the
meaning. You have to use the exact word given in brackets for each sentence.
1. Their wedding takes place on Saturday.(married)
 They ________________________on Saturday.
2. Would you like some more sauce with your meat? (enough)
 Have _____________________________with your meat?
3. How likely is she to win the race? (chances)
 What__________________________________the race?
4. He wished he had gone to university. (regretted)
 He _________________________________gone to university.
5. Paul had difficulty in starting the car. (difficult)
 Paul _____________________________________the car.
6. Take a jumper with you because it might get cold later on. (case)
 Take a jumper with you_______________________________cold later on.
7. How much did that jacket cost? (pay)
 How much __________________________________that jacket?
8. The only question I had wrong was question seven. (except)
 I had ____________________________________________________question seven
9. I don’t think I’ll go to Jane’s party on Saturday. (doubt)
 I_____________________________________to Jane’s party on Saturday.
10. It was very kind of them to help us. (grateful)
 We _____________________________________for their help.

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