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banking, insurance

& capital markets

Comprehensive Data Security Systems

Data Security Solutions

Capital Markets


Almost everything companies, organizations and insti-

tutions do is now connected with information systems
and data processing. These systems often support crit-
ical processes that powerfully influence success or fail-
ure on the market.

Data access is the key to fortune for the majority of op-

erations. But the unceasing development and prolifera-
tion of solutions designed to illegally access, destroy or
change electronically stored data makes it essential to
deploy more and more advanced resources for secure
storage, transmission and processing.
Data Security Solutions

The issue of IT system security and data protection is Comarch has extensive experience in securing and main-
very broad indeed. It is identified, though, with the con- taining IT system security, which has been proven within
tinuous modification and adaptation of solutions and the company itself and in many customer implementa-
security management to the realities of the operating tions. Based on this experience, the know-how of our en-
environment. gineers and our long-term relations with leading security
solution providers, we would like to present our servic-
es and our advanced, proprietary security systems.

Comarch Security Access Manager

Comarch Security Access Manager – DRACO combines • Authorizes: TANs (Transaction Authentication Num-
the features of Access Management and Identity Man- bers), tokens, SMS passwords, Comarch MobileID,
agement systems to provide unique functionality. certificates
• Supports transaction authorization
Comarch Security Access Manager DRACO supplies world- • Perform full accounting
class identification, authorization, authentication and • Provides single sign-on in applications supported by
accounting that is in line with the latest security trends Comarch DRACO
and adapts to individual customer needs. Comarch Se- • Reflects the company’s organizational structure
curity Access Manager DRACO provides extensive op- • Enables user identity management in a large number
tions for resource and user management: of IT systems
• Identifies users • Supports the creation of virtual organizations (con-
• Provides authentication (passwords, one-time sortiums) and manages their applications and human
passwords, tokens, cryptographic tokens and resources

Indentity Management Systems Access Management Systems

DRACO functionality

Comarch Security Access Manager DRACO Functionality

Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

• Offers a wide choice of integration with applications • Supports permissions transfer (a person’s permission
including legacy applications may be passed to another person)
• Provides centralized user management and authoriza- • Supports resource categorization and trust levels
tion by group, role or function • Enables transparent user identity transfer in the
• Supports diverse access rights: a user may have varied whole call path (servlet, portlet -> Webservice ->
sets of authorizations within one application Webservice)
• Enables multi-level administration.


Identification Authentication Authorization Accounting

Virtual Organizations Reflecting Single Integration with Legacy

(Consortiums) of Organization Structure Sign-On Applications

Groups Contexts

Central User
Permissions Delegating Permissions
Trust Levels Management
(Resource Categorization)
Approving Permissions

Administrative Overtaking Security Policy Management

Database LDAP

Comarch Security Access Manager DRACO Functional Diagram

Data Security Solutions

Comarch Mobile Security

User authentication and authorization represent key el- loaded on to smart (cryptographic) cards and biometric

ements in IT system security. Authentication confirms readers.
user identities, while authorization grants users ac-
cess according to specific security principles and also Comarch MobileID
allows them to confirm the credibility of transactions. Comarch MobileID is a new authentication and author-
Authentication is the first line of defense against un- ization method based on mobile phones that combines
authorized access. features never before seen together in one solution. It
delivers security, ease of use and advanced technol-
The authentication process can be conducted in many ogy at a low price. Comarch MobileID can operate as
ways. First of all there is the simple defense afforded by a stand-alone system and may also be integrated with
static passwords. Next, there are one-time passwords Comarch Security Access Manager DRACO.
generated by tokens. Finally, there are certificates




Basic components of Comarch MobileID

Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

During login the application asks the user to provide the Transaction authorization is based on challenge and
login and password generated by Comarch MobileID. All response. The server component generates an authori-
the user has to do is start the application using a Per- zation code according to the transaction data: account

sonal Identification Number (PIN) only he knows. The ap- number, sum and current time. The user enters this data
plication generates a passcode which the user deploys into the application on his mobile phone (or other mo-
to confirm his identity in the application. bile device). Using this as a base, a response authoriza-
tion code is generated and is validated by the Comar-
A two-part authentication takes place involving what the ch MobileID server.
user knows (PIN) and what the user possesses – a mobile
phone with a personalized Comarch MobileID.

1. The user starts the application 2. The passcode is entered

3. Code Validation
with a PIN only he knows er
into the application
***** User Name k49cqder

Passcode ******

MobileID Server

Comarch Mobile ID User Authentication

The user starts the application Auth challenge code

with a PIN only he knows 3de

Response code

Generates the Challenge Code

and validates the response

MobileID Server

Comarch MobileID Operation Authorization

Data Security Solutions

Comarch MobilePKI card for a SIM with a crypto processor. It is also possible
Comarch MobilePKI is a solution that supports authen- to come to an agreement with the mobile phone opera-
tication and authorization using mobile technology. It tor to add Comarch MobileID to the SIM card.
enables full use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) on mo-
bile phones using SIM cards. System Features
• Telephone communication – access to the bank’s
Comarch MobilePKI authentication and authorization transaction system via SMS

rests on a java application installed on a SIM card (with • Compatible with STK GSM 11.14 standard
the full option with cryptoprocessor). The application • Uses 1024 bit RSA keys
converts the mobile phone into a mobile cryptographic • Generates keys using an application located on a SIM
card that contains a public and private key and does not card (in the case of a cryptographic card the application
require a card reader for signature submission. SMSs are is located on the card)
used to communicate with the transaction system for • Option to use many key pairs
key generation, activation and signature submission. • Private key protected by PIN
• SIM cards can be unblocked by SMS
Using this authentication and authorization method re- • Easy installation.
quires no additional mobile phone operator services. The
only change required is to substitute the common SIM

Network Operator

Bank Server


of generated key
SIM Toolkit

Comarch MobilePKI Authorization and Authentication

Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

Comarch CentralLog
Contemporary business is very heavily dependent on Comarch CentralLog is a comprehensive solution for
high speed communication and reliable and complete managing security data generated by the company’s IT
data. This means that companies and institutions are infrastructure. It includes tools for the centralization,
vulnerable to enormous loss and damage to their IT sys- analysis and storage of the security audit information
tems from break-ins and from the abuses and misuses of produced by various systems and applications. This in-
their own employees. To communicate effectively and cludes those exclusively devoted to security and those
securely on the Internet and on corporate networks com- that are independent, such as data bases.
panies require solutions that enable them to:
The software makes it possible to centralize data anal-

• Identify threats rapidly and accurately ysis, take preventive measures, deliver company secu-
• Reduce the number of events by providing full and rity status reports and alert the appropriate depart-
usable event data ments when a potential or actual problem is uncovered
• Support the reaction by quickly delivering event or detected. The system’s functionality means adminis-
information trators can manage security associated events conven-
• Monitor and audit IT infrastructure effectively to make iently, thoroughly and productively.
it secure.



Evidence Misuse
Gathering Detection


Comarch CentralLog Functional Diagram Comarch CentralLog

Data Security Solutions

Comarch SecureAdmin
IT system monitoring is a significant tool in IT risk man- System Components
agement because it delivers data on the extent and ef- Comarch SecureAdmin has been produced in three tier
ficiency of system resource use. architecture and has the following components:

Comarch SecureAdmin is a user activity monitoring • Sensors – dedicated servers equipped with at least
system which operates transparently at the level of the three network interfaces, including two operating in
network layer (passive and active analysis). These fea- bridge mode. Their task is to monitor network traffic,
tures mean that implementing Comarch SecureAdmin analyze selected connections according to the required
does not require the modification or reconfiguration configurations and record the data collected
of existing applications or systems and its presence is • Network Managing Server – the central server that
not visible to users. manages the sensors and the data collection
• Administration Console – a www console enabling
A further imposing feature is the capacity to monitor system administration and providing a view of the

encrypted connections. This makes it an excellent sup- data collected by the system.
plementary system for monitoring user activity. It is
based on application and system logs and may also be
deployed to monitor administrator activity.


https https

Managing Server


Comarch SecureAdmin System Architecture

Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

High Volume Protocol Analysis mode the sensor uses iptables mechanisms to transfer
There are two ways network traffic is analyzed: connections to a local port and simulate the client’s con-
• passively nection. Meanwhile, the sensor connects with the serv-
• actively using MITM (Man in The Middle). er in the name of the client. The server hides behind the
IP addresses of real servers and clients so that it is in-
Passive analysis is based on the incoming packet queue visible both to the client and the server.
mechanism provided by iptables software. This is the
way analyses for simple protocols in plain text such as Managing SSH keys and SSL certificates and keys is per-
Telnet, POP3, IMAP, FTP, SMTP, SMB, NFS, Oracle, MySQL, formed centrally from the administration console.
PostgreSQL and MSSQL are conducted.
Logging User Activity
MITM analysis techniques, though, involve a sensor in- Comarch SecureAdmin monitors network traffic and
tervening between the server and client and assuming conducts protocol analyses to log user activity. This
their identities. Protocols using encryption or that re- means recording their actions and the consequences
quire modifications to the transmitted packets such as of those actions. Were they performed successfully or

SSH (versions 1 and 2), SSL (FTP, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, SMTP, were errors committed?
HTTP) and X11 are analyzed in this way.
The following information is logged for each connec-
Transparency tion analyzed:
The network traffic analysis and monitoring provid- • Time connection began
ed by Comarch SecureAdmin is transparent to users. • Duration of connection
This is easy to achieve with passive analysis because • Source address and port
the packets transmitted in the connections are in no • Destination address and port
way modified. • MAC and DNS addresses, if available
• Protocol type
Comarch SecureAdmin is exceptional because it also of- • User name and password, if available
fers transparency in MITM connection analysis. In this • Information specific to the monitored protocol.

Comarch SecureAdmin Administrator Desktop

Data Security Solutions

Comarch SOPEL
Comarch SOPEL (Electronic Signature Support System) • Supports a variety of cryptographic key and certificate
provides complete implementation for secure qualified formats (X.509v3, PGP).
electronic signature verification equipment and secure
electronic signature submission software. Both comply The main task performed by the system modules is to
with the Law on Electronic Signatures. support employee document and form signing. Employ-
ees achieve this by using their private keys with optional
Implementing the system delivers all the benefits of time stamping. The model is implemented in such a way
electronic contact with customers and partners while that it can sign information using private keys connect-
providing the following security features: ed with any certificate of the x.509v3 standard stored
• Undeniability – the addressee cannot deny that the in the Certificate System Store in Windows. Basing the
message or information has been sent module on the Windows CryptoAPI library makes it in-
• Consistency and Correctness – it is easy to detect any dependent of the place and mode of storing the pri-
changes made by unauthorized people to messages vate key that is linked to the certificate’s signatory. This
or information. means that, provided the hardware is compatible with
Microsoft CSP (Cryptographic Service Provider) technol-
The electronic signature is especially useful where there ogy, the modules can use any hardware token or micro-
are large numbers of anonymous or occasional elec- processor card that is storing the user’s private key. The
tronic contacts, or where it is necessary to store docu- components are implemented as ActiveX (Internet Ex-
ments as evidence. plorer) or as plug ins (Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox).

Comarch SOPEL System Features

• Full compliance with the legal requirements for
The system also enables the use of private keys located
in the Hardware Security Module for signing.
electronic signatures
• Full compliance with the technical requirements aris- Electronic Signature Verification
ing from the orders pursuant to the Law on Electronic Two operations are performed – always in the same or-
Signatures der – on every document reaching the system: the sig-
• Can work with cryptographic hardware devices (HSM nature check and, if this is passed successfully, the CRL
– Hardware Security Modules) list check (Certificate Revocation List). If the tests in-
• Has interfaces for the most popular programming volved in these two operations are completed success-
languages: C/C#/Java

Signing component

Microsoft Crypto API

SmartCard Crypto Token

Microsoft Enhanced CSP

The signing component’s separation from the cryptographic key storage

Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

fully, the integrity of the electronic signatures support- To ensure that the legal consequences of the declara-
ing the documents is guaranteed. tion of will expressed using the electronic signature
are certain, it is necessary to check whether the certif-
The aim of checking the signatures is to establish the icate (the certificate’s private key) used to execute the
following: signature was valid at the moment of signing. Was it
• Is the signature correct according to a mathematical suspended or annulled at that moment? Is it suspend-
check? ed or annulled now?
• Was the certificate within its expiry date when it was

If any irregularities whatever are detected during these

tests, an attempt has been made to compromise the
correctness and completeness of the data processed
by the system.

New Document


Incorrect Signature Correct Signature

CRL List Check

Failed Verification Successful Verification

Suspended Verification

Electronic Signature Verification

Data Security Solutions

Comarch SafeDesktop
Business today is very heavily dependent on reliable Important Functionality
and complete data. This increases the risk companies • Strong central or local user authentication
and institutions are exposed to. This includes not only • Automatic key generation, certificate issue requests,
the threat of IT system break-ins from the outside but certificates and certificate propagation
also the possibility of damage, obstruction or misuse • Signing e-mails
from their own employees. The conclusion is clear: im- • Encrypting files, catalogues and discs
portant and valuable data should be properly protect- • Creating unidirectional and bidirectional SSL authen-
ed and secured. tication channels for web and other applications
• Single sign-on authentication for web and window
Comarch SafeDesktop is Comarch’s security solution for applications in the MS Windows environment
end-user workstations in IT systems. Comarch SafeDesk- • Encryption key retrieval.
top makes it possible to obtain diverse functionality us- This functionality is also available to users working in
ing microprocessor cards and USB tokens in heteroge- terminal environments (RDP, Citrix, X-Windows) on Win-
neous environments, including the MS Windows 98SE/ dows or Linux platforms.
Me/2000/XP/2003 platform and Linux.

Comarch SmartCard
Comarch SmartCard is a java based cryptographic mi- er transactions, are required. The card’s security rests
croprocessor card for the secure storage of sensitive in- on asymmetrical cryptography. The private key used to

formation such as cryptographic keys and passwords. sign for the transaction never leaves the microproces-
They are chiefly used in PKI (Public Key Architecture) sor card: it is generated there and there is no way that
systems and more and more often in banking, where it can be copied. Only the card’s owner knows the PIN
very high security standards, for example for custom- number.

Comarch SmartCard
Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

Comarch Token
Comarch’s offer includes specialized hardware-program The software attached to the tokens enables the fol-
solutions enabling strong authentication in a variety of lowing features:
customer environments and systems.
• User PIN with a length of 4 to 16 characters (figures,
One of these products is Comarch Token, which is a so- letters and special characters)
lution whose hardware is based on USB tokens. It com- • Administrator PIN (PUK) with a length of 4 to 16 char-
bines cryptographic smart card and card reader features acters (figures, letters and special characters)
in one device. The programming, including the software • Cryptographic algorithms:
inside the token, is produced by Comarch. • Assymetric: key dimensions: RSA: 512, 1024, 2048
• Symmetrical: 3DES
Comarch tokens, with Java Smart Card electronic as- • Hash function: MD5, SHA-1
sembly, provide: • 64kb card memory (including 40kb for the keys, the
• Extensive functionality and high security certificates and the data).
• Durability, ease of use and token transfer capability.

Comarch SmartCard Workshop

Comarch SmartCard Workshop system manages the Users in the system must be identified by a constant
life cycles of cryptographic cards and tokens. In addi- and non-transferable identifier (e.g., the identifier of an
tion to the basic functionality connected with workflow employee who ceases to work at a particular company
and current status reports for cards issued by the sys- cannot be assigned to another employee). This can be,

tem, the system also provides full integration for digit- for example, an e-mail attribute unambiguously con-
al and graphical card personalization. firming the user’s ID. All user operations performed in
the system are based on this constant identifier.
It supports the following phases in the card life cycle:
• Personalization Cryptographic Cards, as well as users, have unique iden-
• Issuing tifiers in the system. In their case this is a serial number.
• Cancelling certificates The system works on the assumption that a card may
• Removing cards from the system. only be assigned to one user during its life cycle (due
to the graphical personalization process). A user may
One of Comarch SmartCard Workshop’s basic purposes possess a number of cards (even at the same time), but
is to manage the life cycle of cryptographic cards. This a card may never be assigned to another user.
involves presenting types of data gathered by the sys-
tem and showing how they are connected. In this way
it is possible to know how the system manages the dif-
ferent objects and processes connected with the card
life cycle. The main objects the system manages are, of
course, users and cards.
Data Security Solutions

Comarch CertificateAuthority
Comarch CertificateAuthority is Comarch proprietary Comarch CertificateAuthority Features
software for full implementation of PKI systems (Public • Capacity to establish expanded Public Key Infrastruc-
Key Infrastructure). This involves issuing certificates for ture with numerous distributed registration points
secure e-mail, web servers, communication channels, and • Highly adaptable to individual requirements
user authentication and authorization. Comarch Certif- • Full compatibility and interoperability with a wide
icateAuthority supports the entire certificate life cycle range of cryptographic software
from application through to expiry or annulment. • Range of options for publishing certificates and CRLs
via mail, ftp, WWW, LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access
Comarch CertificateAuthority Protocol)
Functionality for Operators • Unique capacity to migrate cards from the PGP stand-
• Certificate searches and queries according to certifica- ard to X.509
tion phase and other features, such as the name of • Interoperability with microprocessor cards
the key’s owner and the date the application was • Interoperability with HSM devices (High Security
submitted Module).
• Rejection of certificate searches and queries
• Approval of applications for certificates (certificate Comarch CertificateAuthority
issuing) Standard Modules
• Certificate search and queries according to validity cri- • Registration Authority Module (RA), which allows
teria (valid, cancelled and expired), name of key owner users to submit applications
(CN – Common Name), period of validity, profile • Registration Authority Operator Module (RA Opera-
• Certificate canceling tor), which receives applications
• Generating new CRL lists (Certificate Revocation • Certificate Authority Module (CA), when applications
Lists) are accepted in RA Operator they are ready for issue
• Catalogue configuration by CA.
• Publishing certificates in the directory services
• Publishing CRL lists in the directory services
• Creating new CAs
• Profile definitions
• Certificate/key recovery (KRM – Key Recovery Manage-
ment )
• OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) service.

Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

Comarch Security Content Management

Comarch Security Content Management is a compre- The system allows Internet and telecommunications
hensive solution for Internet service providers. The sys- service providers to offer security options on a pre-paid
tem builds and boosts competitive advantage by ex- basis. This is accomplished without subscribers having
panding the range of services that can be offered. These to install any software.
include a choice of security options and content and
connections monitoring. The system’s modular architecture makes it easily adapt-
able to the needs of service providers, who have var-
Comarch SCM filters access to www pages based on rules iable requirements arising from the number of sub-
defined by subscribers. These rules stipulate which pag- scribers, the range of services offered and the size of
es should be blocked and which allowed in by Comar- the operator.
ch SCM.

Subscriber Filter
History 2
Access Administrator Category
History 1 Data Base
User Profile,
Access Sentry
LOGIN Statistics, History
Mama Control
Password Sport √
******** Erotica x
E-mail √
Shopping x Statistics
Games x
Chat x


16 User Access

Access Denied

Filtering Server

Queries: ??


Overview of Comarch Security Content Management

Data Security Solutions

Comarch Services

There are two aspects to properly functioning securi- Comarch strongly encourages you to use its auditing
ty management and adapting to the specified require- services. The specialists from the Security and Data Pro-
ments. These are an operational security policy and pe- tection Department offer:
riodical security audits.
Penetration Tests
A Security Policy is a set of coherent and precise proce- These simulate a break-in to a corporate network. Comar-
dures, rules and regulations that comply with the pre- ch appoints a ‘Tiger Team’ to perform this kind of audit.
vailing laws. An organization uses these to construct, The team is made up of high caliber and well-educated
manage and provide access to its IT systems and in- professionals whose task it is to conduct a simulated
formational resources. The policy stipulates which re- break-in and then develop ways of improving the qual-
sources should be protected and how this should be ac- ity of the security system.
complished. Its requirements have to suit the system’s
owner and the data being stored. Comarch has exten- Configuration Analysis
sive experience and ability in developing and imple- Even the most secure operating systems, applications
menting security policies. or data protection systems are useless if they have not
been properly configured. This is why we include config-

of the existing

Defining the
Security Policy

Developing the
Security Policy

the Security
Review Policy


Methodology for Developing Security Policy

Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

uration analyses for the majority of operating systems, Comarch Also Offers
security systems, data bases and applications as part • Consultation services for constructing comprehensive
of our offer. In this process we use the security knowl- information security plans (security policy)
edge we have earned and won in the course of years of • Design services for advanced multi-layered security
practical experience in implementing and securing nu- systems
merous systems. • Technology and products implementation for securing
networks, servers and workstations
Security Policy and Procedure • Technical training for company IT security personnel.
Monitoring This includes an overview of security and then focuses
The last set of audits we offer involve analyzing a com- on the implemented products. It also provides training
pany’s existing security policy and procedures. This to help managers and employees to be more aware
should be of particular interest to those responsible and better informed on security policy
for security and those whose task it is to monitor the • Company security management with maintenance
system in its entirety. and service assistance for the security systems
Comarch has used its extensive experience to devel-
op the methodology for security policy projects repre-
sented in figure.

Data Security Solutions

Selected Customers
• BP • Ministerstwo Finansów (Ministry of Finance)
• BPH PBK • Netia
• BDM PKO BP • Norwich Union Services Polska (Universal Pension
• BIG Bank Gdański S.A. Fund)
• Bank DnB NORD Polska S.A • PeKaO S.A.
• DM PBK S.A. • Pekao CDM
• Energis • PKO/Handlowy Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne
• Ernst&Young Polska (Universal Pension Fund)
• Eurobank • Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa S.A.
• Fortis Bank Polska S.A. • PTK Centertel
• Frantschach Świecie S.A. • Raiffesien Bank Polska S.A.
• GE Capital • RHEINHYP-BRE Bank Hipoteczny S.A.
• ING Bank Śląski S.A • Warta Vita S.A.
• Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych (National • Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.
Securities Depository) • U PC/Wizja TV
• KPWiG • Volkswagen Bank Polska
• Laboratorium Kosmetyczne Dr Irena Eris

Comarch Headquarters Comarch Inc. Poland
Al. Jana Pawla II 39 a 10 W 35th Street Gdansk, Katowice Krakow,
31-864 Krakow Chicago, IL 60616 Lublin, Lodz, Poznan,
Poland United States Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw
phone:  +48 12 64 61 000 phone: +1 800 786 4408
fax:  +48 12 64 61 100 fax: +1 800 684 5916 Belgium Brussels
e-mail: e-mail: France Lille
Germany Dresden,
Comarch Software AG Frankfurt/Main
Chemnitzer Str. 50 Lithuania Vilnius
01187 Dresden Panama Panama City
Germany Russia Moscow
phone:  +49 351 3201 3200 Slovakia Bratislava
fax:  +49 351 438 97 10 UAE Dubai
e-mail: Ukraine Kiev, Lviv
USA Chicago, Miami
Comarch OOO
Prechistenskiy Pereulok 14/1
119034 Moscow
phone:  +7 495 783 36 71

Comarch is a leading Central European IT business solutions provider

specializing in forging business relationships that maximize customer
profitability while optimizing business and operational processes. Comarch’s
primary advantage lies in the vast domain of knowledge accumulated in
and applied to our software products. These products incorporate highly
sophisticated IT solutions for businesses in all vertical sectors. Comarch has
a multinational network of offices employing over 2800 highly-experienced
IT specialists in Europe, the Middle East and the Americas.

ComArch Spółka Akcyjna with its registered seat in Kraków at Aleja Jana Pawła II 39A, entered in the National Court Register kept by the
District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, the 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under no. KRS 000057567.
The share capital amounts to 7,960,596.00 zł. The share capital was fully paid, NIP 677-00-65-406

Copyright © Comarch 2008. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent
of Comarch. Comarch reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes in the content from time to time without notice.
Comarch may make improvements and/or changes to the product(s) and/or programs described in this document any time. The trademarks
and service marks of Comarch are the exclusive property of Comarch, and may not be used without permission. All other marks are the
property of their respective owners.


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