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 Urine odor led to research and discovery of the metabolic disease _______________
 Normal urine has a characteristic aromatic odor
 If normal urine is allowed to stand at room temperature and age, it becomes particularly odorous and
ammoniacal because of the conversion of ______ to ammonia by bacteria
 Normally urine in the urinary tract is sterile. When it passes out of the body via the the urethra, it can easily
become ______________ with normal bacterial flora on the skin surface. In an improperly stored specimen,
these contaminating organism can proliferate.
 Urine odor may indicate that a specimen is old and is not suitable for testing because of the many changes that
occur in an unpreserved urine
 A patient with bacterial infection has an ammoniacal fresh urine sample
 Severe urinary tract infection can cause a strongly _________ or fetid aroma
 Conditions of increased fat metabolism with formation and excretion of aromatic ____________ produce a
sweet or fruity-smelling urine
 On occasion, a urine specimen can smell strongly of ________or other cleaning agents. Sometimes the agent
was added to the urine specimen intentionally to interfere with testing
Aromatic, faintly
Pungent, fetid
Sweety, fruity Ketone production due to:

Unsual odor: Associated with amino acid disorder:

Maple syrup
Rotting/ old fish
Cabbage, hops
Sweaty feet
Distinctive Ingested substances: asparagus, garlic, onions
Bleach Adulteration of the specimen or container
 A normal urine specimen will produce a white foam at its surface that readily dissipates on standing
when in it is shaken
 The characteristics of urine foam, namely its color, ease of formation and the amount produced, are
modified by the presence of _________ and ___________
 Moderate to large amounts of protein in urine cause a stable white foam to be produced when the urine
is poured or agitated.
 When bilirubin is present in sufficient amounts, the foam if present will be characteristically yellow.
 Foam characteristics serve as a preliminary and supportive evidence for the presence of bilirubin and
abnormal amounts of protein
 These suspected substances must be detected and confirmed during the chemical examination before
either substance is reported

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