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A Place You Would Live, but Never Have Visited

United Kingdom
South Korea

Those are some places that I have never visited. Of course, I would like to visit all of them if
I had the chance. I really enjoy travelling. In travelling, I could stop in the road trip and take
my picture at iconic places, visit interesting places, have conversation with local people, and
so on. All you need is just a smartphone with good camera to take picture and some money to
survive in the place that you are travelling. Actually there are so many places that I want to
visit for travelling. But I’m supposed to pick one of them for living in this writing. So, If I
had to pick one of them, I would choose Finland.

The biggest reason why I choose Finland for living is because I can see aurora in this country.
I AM the biggest fan of aurora. It is just so pretty even if you see it on smartphone. The
mixture colors made in the sky can always melt myself. I wonder how beautiful aurora is if I
can see it myself. Imagine you live in the place which the sky is so beautiful at night. You
can study/listen to music/have me time while seeing the aurora. That’s beautiful life. I always
see aurora in the picture everyday and hope that I could see aurora someday.

In fact, you can also see aurora in other countries, not only in Finland. So, here is the next
reason why I would love to live in Finland: This country is predicated as The Happiest
Country in the world released by World Happiness Report in 2019. I would love to
experience the ways the Finn live. What aspects that make the Finn happy in their lives. I
know everyone was born to be happy, but it would be great if I have an experience to live in
the happiest country, huh?

If you hear the word ‘Finland’, what might come up in your thought? Education, right? As
you know, Finland is regarded as the country with the best education system. Finland has no
standardized testing. This is of course the main thing why most of the Finn students are
happy, right? There is no examination, not like other countries usually do. The education
system in Finland also doesn’t worry about rank among student. Even Finland’s educational
system doesn’t make list of top students in school. So, there is no competition. I hope
someday I (or maybe my children in the future) could have an experience studying in the
country that have best education system.

This topic is really hard for me. How can I have to choose one place if I can choose all of
them? Hehehe... It’s possible, huh?? So, if I must pick one place that I would like to live but
have never visited, I would choose Finland. This country is not merely a choice for me in this
writing, it’s a dream for me. I hope this dream will come true.

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