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Conclusion and Recommendation:

SSD or Saturated Surface Dry is the condition in which the aggregate has been soaked in
water and has absorbed water into its pore spaces. The excess, free surface moisture has been
removed so that the particles are still saturated, but the surface of the particle is essentially dry.
In the experiment, the weight of a coarse aggregate sample was determined in SSD in air, oven-
dried and submerged states and the weight of the fine aggregates was determined in in SSD in
air, oven-dried, and pycnometer filled with water and water with specimen. These values are
then used to calculate bulk specific gravity, bulk SSD specific gravity, apparent specific gravity
and absorption. For a particular aggregate type, fine aggregate specific gravity can be slightly
higher than coarse aggregate specific gravity, this is because as the aggregate particles get
smaller, the fraction of pores exposed to the aggregate surface increases. Water absorption of
aggregates is important property that is required for the design of concrete and bituminous
mixes. In the experiment, the group was able to compute the absorption percentage of coarse
and fine aggregates and the values were 2.563% and 30.842% respectively. According to BS
8007, aggregates should comply with either BS 882 or BS 1047 and have an absorption, as
measured in accordance with BS 812-2, generally not greater than 3%. The varying moisture
contained on aggregates is one of the major causes of inconsistency in batching concrete from
one to another. Moisture content can have an effect on the concrete compressive strength and
durability because it has a great influence on the water/cement ratio. Knowing the moisture
content on find and coarse aggregates, it allows to accurately calculate and adjust the amount
of water to be added to the mix.
In performing the experiment, the group recommend to use materials that absorbs
water fast in order to cope up with the time like newspaper, or face towel. Be careful when
pouring the fine aggregates in the pcynometer, in may result in inaccuracy of the data. Be sure
to roll over the pycnometer so that bubbles will disappear.

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