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“Families are not a problem; they are first and foremost an opportunity.” My family always asks
how was our day and talk about the things that happened during the day. Whenever someone
needs help, my family is always ready to help it may financial or spiritual. When our family have
personal issues with each other, we talk about it together and try to harmonize things properly
so that everything will be in peace. “The Bible also presents the family as the place where
children are brought up in the faith.” My family is my foundation of my faith, during childhood
they tell stories about the bible and teach us the lessons in the story. Every Sunday, we go to
Church together and in our church, we have a Bible study for children where they also teach us
lessons in the Bible, sing different children songs, and draw things that I’ve learned from the
story. Now, of course we always go to Church every Sunday and sometimes I perform at our
praise and worship and give my tithes.

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