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As one probes into the reason for the lingering problem of industrial action of the Academic

Staff Union of Universities in Nigeria, one will soon discover that it borders around failed
expectations and unattended demands. For the most part, the government seems not to
sufficiently deliver on its promises and agreements with the staff body, thereby causing the
union to use industrial action as a means of getting the government’s attention.
I believe one possible solution to this issue is to ensure that the needs of various
stakeholders in the education sector (particularly tertiary institutions) are adequately
represented and taken into consideration when national budgets are being prepared.
Prompt delivery of financial and other resources should be ensured, as it has been observed
that protracted delays of such usually provoke the union to embark on strike.
Secondly, the government should proactively work on the means of tracking the dysfunction
of the universities with the view and intention of addressing the structural and contingent
causes of strikes.
On a final note, while the government is responsible for financing public institutions, it is also
important for universities to strive for internal sustainability through innovative and practical
means. Spendings should be rational; resources should be optimally utilized. Also,
partnership with private and foreign establishments, along with investing in economic
ventures can help to improve the revenue reserves of institutions. University erudites should
collaborate with national and international agencies for grants that could help solve some of
the problems. This way, institutions won’t be overly dependent on government allocations,
and can be financially empowered to undertake initiative that would further develop and
improve the affairs of the institution.

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