Running Head: 1: Self-Directed Learning

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Self-direct learning refers to the process in which a person takes the responsibility and

initiative for the occurrences around them. The people who participate in direct education

normally do the selection, management, and assessment of their learning activities that can be

pursued at any convenient time, at any place, by use of any means and at any age. The process of

self-directed learning is usually preferred by most teachers in schools in place of the coverage of

syllabus and tests. Individual people involved in SDL often initiate personal, challenging aspects

and ensure the development of unique qualities to accomplish them.

The SDL people have various characters and attributes regarding their initiatives. Self-

directed learners are known to take actions in their own hands and ensure control over both their

goals and the learning techniques they apply. The individual also schedules both short-term and

long-term goals according to their convenience. They also seek out knowledge and take charge

of their learning process. The learners also evaluate their learning processes and redesign their


Self-directed learners are mostly adults since most are highly independent and

autonomous. They are also able to take an active part in learning which is problem-centered and

has a great meaning. Self-directed learners are ambitious, goal-oriented, have competence, are

autonomous and are responsible. The individuals have self-awareness on their strengths and

weaknesses but are not sure of their academic capabilities.

Self-learners gain necessary experience in their youthful age which helps them focus their

attentions on a particular field of interests. Self-discipline in studying and activities enhance their

pursuit of excellence. These individuals typically learn fast and learn with a large skill due to

pressure when placed in demanding and stressful positions. Recognition and achievements

motivate them and enhance their interests and make the process a way of life to them. It is noted

that being closed from opportunities as well as the severe conflicts and opposition motivates

them to success and expertise.

These observed characteristics were reflected in the case study conducted by Robertson

and Merriam. They noted that rural adults and the older people, in general, develop personal

interest and are faced with emerging life scenarios. These aspects lead to such individuals taking

up personal and self-learning initiatives away from formal facilities. It was also observed that

some people participating in self-directed learning re-evaluate, adjust or change their learning

objectives according to their mastery capabilities and levels of skills since they affect their

learning processes.

The case study also noted that most adult individuals participating in self-directed

learning take part as a response to changes in their late life. This is usually as a result of retiring,

having a lot of additional time, loss or changes in the family. Such individuals are also motivated

by external eventualities or people to become learners. Such external factors and people are

referred to as catalysts. Circumstances are the main driving factors to participation in self-

directed learning and not evaluations of the needs to learn or results.

Interest and incentives are the main motivating factors to participate in self-directed

learning. This leads to access of resources thus systematic learning intention. Other contributing

factors are changes about family, time as well as loss. These are found to have a necessary

implication on such individuals compelling them to participate in self-directed learning

initiatives and processes. Rural settings are ideal for self-directed learning.

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