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Direct Methane To Methanol:

Foundations and Prospects

of the Process
Vladimir Arutyunov
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The direct conversion of methane and other reactions, these processes even now seem so-
light hydrocarbons to methanol (DMTM) and
phisticated and inexhaustible, like the nature
other oxygenates has been a long-sought goal of
the gas industry for decades. In spite of some itself. On the other hand, the chemical con-
experience of industrial applications in the version of light alkanes, the main compo-
1930 1940s, nowadays this process remains in nents of natural and associated gas, has
the sphere of academic rather than practical in- become one of the most important trends in
terest. However, some new tendencies in the
modern petro-chemistry and in a full-
world’s gas industry rekindled interest in this
process. The monograph reviews the modern fledged new industrial sector: gas chemistry.
state of knowledge in this area and discusses The wide variety of products of the oxida-
some promising practical applications. tive conversion of natural gas includes
hydrogen, syngas, ethylene, other olefins, ox-
ygenates, and aromatic compounds. The
INTRODUCTION scope of the present monograph is much nar-
rower, limited to the direct conversion of nat-
Intense scientific research and technologi- ural gas to oxygen-containing compounds
cal development in the field of direct conver- (oxygenates), mainly methanol and formal-
sion of natural gas to chemicals has been dehyde, under predominantly homogeneous
going on for a century. The reason for the un- gas-phase conditions. Nowadays, this direc-
flagging interest in this problem is twofold. tion revealed potentiality for new practical
On the one hand, it has been found that, un- applications, in particular concerning low re-
der certain conditions, the oxidation of even sources and remote gas fields, shale gas, and
simple hydrocarbons, such as methane, is other unconventional gas resources.
accompanied by a rapidly increasing com- Since the predominant and most hardly
plexity of the system, with the formation of convertible component of natural and asso-
a multitude of different products, from wa- ciated gas is methane, with the main prod-
ter and carbon oxides to various carbon com- uct of the direct oxidative conversion of
pounds, including such complex as methane and other light alkanes C2 C4 be-
fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. Therefore, ing methanol, the overall process of natural
even though the oxidation of methane and gas oxidative conversion to oxygenates has
its closest homologues gave, in due time, traditionally been referred to as Direct
the main body of data underlying the mod- Methane To Methanol (DMTM), a term
ern concepts of the kinetics of gas-phase that will be used throughout the


monograph. It covers the totality of pro- In this connection, a good deal of the
cesses of conversion of natural gas light al- monograph is devoted to the prospects of
kanes to oxygenates. In addition, the practical applications of DMTM and its pos-
partial oxidation of methane to methanol is sible future role in the gas industry. There is
the subject of the overwhelming majority a vast room for further improvements of the
of published academic and technological in- process given that the interest from the in-
vestigations on the direct gas-phase conver- dustry will promote necessary efforts.
sion of alkanes to oxygenates. On the other Thus, the need in alternative simple and flex-
hand, there are only limited number publi- ible low-scale Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) technol-
cations concerning heavier hydrocarbons; ogies may become a real driving force for
therefore, the focus will be on analysis of a DMTM refinement.
methane partial oxidation to oxygenates, The monograph reviews the modern state
with generalization to other alkanes given of knowledge on DMTM with emphasis on
separately. its most evident practical applications. It
As an industrial technology, DMTM has summarizes and supplements our previous
seen a sweeping rise and subsequent reviews [1 4] and monographs [5, 6] on
decline, mainly due to the lack of under- the subject, including the problem of model-
standing of the underlying complex chemis- ing the homogeneouseheterogeneous oxida-
try. However, scientific research on the tion of light alkanes [7], as well as a number
process have never stopped, as evidenced of recent interesting but somewhat contra-
by a large number of publications, including dictory experimental results. The mono-
very recent, cited in the monograph. Of the graph covers more than 300 publications on
most attractive features of DMTM, apart the high-pressure low-temperature oxida-
of its technological simplicity, are a very effi- tion of methane and other gaseous hydrocar-
cient internal energy self-supply by the par- bons over a period from the beginning of the
tial oxidation of the hydrocarbon itself last century up to now and offers a unique
and the possibility of direct formation of comprehensive analysis of practically all rel-
nonequilibrium products that cannot evant experimental and theoretical data on
be produced in significant amounts under the DMTM process. As well it discusses the
thermodynamically equilibrium conditions. real practical prospects of DMTM.
Current interest in DMTM is prompted by We believe that it will provide researchers
significant changes in the gas industry, and engineers working in the field of gas pro-
which strongly needs low-scale technologies duction and processing with necessary theo-
capable of operating on low resources, retical knowledge and experimental data for
remote and unconventional gas fields. In development and application of new pro-
the technological niche of relatively simple cesses involving the direct oxidation of natu-
small-capacity processes, the direct partial ral gas. We hope that it will be useful for all
oxidation of natural and associated gas to those who work in the field of gas processing
methanol is still one of the most promising and gas chemistry by facilitating their efforts
and elaborated directions. Along with fun- in practical development and utilization of
damental advances in studying the mecha- new effective gas chemical process.
nism of the oxidation of hydrocarbons at The author feels obliged to express his
moderate temperatures and high pressures, deep gratitude to late Professor V.I. Vedeneev
it gives a good chance to revive DMTM as for many years of joint work on the DMTM
an industrial technology. process and especially its mechanism and
to late Professor O.V. Krylov for very fruitful collaboration, which has produced practi-
cooperation and discussions of the whole cally all of our recent results on DMTM.
field of hydrocarbon oxidation. The author Author thanks Dr. V.N. Smirnov for his big
is also grateful to Professor V.I. Savchenko help in preparation of English version of
and Dr. V.M. Rudakov for long-standing this monograph.

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