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Vol. 8, No. 3, 1997

Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Current Direct

The CAER Perspective Coal Liquefaction
Burt Davis, CAER
Work at the CAER
Historical Perspective The Brownsville plant utilized fluid-bed
catalyst technology similar to that Ed Givens, CAER
The discovery of the catalytic synthesis
of ammonia must rank as one of the developed by Exxon during WWII for
catalytic cracking. On a smaller scale, The Advanced Concepts for Direct Coal
important discoveries by mankind. In Liquefaction program was initiated by
addition to providing the fertilizer the Department of Energy (DoE) in
needed to feed an expanding 1991 to develop technologies that
population, Fritz Haber’s recogni- could significantly reduce the cost
tion of recycle processing com- of producing liquid fuels by the
bined with the developing direct liquefaction of coal. One
German technology to handle of the contracts awarded under
high pressures of hydrogen, led this program was to the
a major revolution in the University of Kentucky to
chemical industry. In rapid support a collaborative effort
succession, the Germans devel- between the UK Center for
oped the high-pressure methanol Applied Energy Research
synthesis and introduced the (CAER), CONSOL, Inc., LDP
means to liquefy coal. One of the Associates and SANDIA Na-
processes was the direct hydroge- tional Laboratories. Although
nation of coal at high temperatures significant advances had been made
and pressures that was introduced by Dr. Franz Fischer Dr. Hans Tropsch both in improving the technology for
the work of Friedrich Bergius and the Developers of the Fischer-Tropsch the direct conversion of coal to liquid
other was the development of the Synthesis Process. fuels as well as improving the econom-
hydrogenation of carbon monoxide by ics, the cost is still far greater than for
Franz Fischer, Hans Tropsch and fuels produced from petroleum. The
Helmut Pichler, the so-called Fischer- pilot plants for both direct and indirect
coal liquefaction were constructed and advanced two-stage liquefaction
Tropsch synthesis. technology that had been developed at
operated by the U.S. Bureau of Mines in
During the 1930s the Germans devel- Louisiana, Kansas in 1950. The Fischer- the Advanced Coal Liquefaction R&D
oped these processes to the commercial Tropsch plant utilized a version of a Facility in Wilsonville, AL over the past
scale, and both were used to generate slurry-bubble column reactor that was 10 years contributed significantly
much of the transportation fuels used being tested in Germany, primarily in toward reducing the cost to about $38/
by the Germans in WWII. During and work led by Herbert Kölbel. bbl gasoline product. However, it
following WWII, US officials recognized remains the objective of DoE to further
the potential limits of petroleum crude. The discovery of large petroleum reduce this cost to a level which is more
Major efforts were directed toward reserves in the Middle East had an competitive with petroleum-based
developing the Fischer-Tropsch synthe- enormous impact on the politics of products. This project, among others,
sis processes in the U.S. One of these transportation fuel production and was initiated to investigate alternative
efforts was led by Dobbie Keith, the usage during the 1950-60s in the U.S. To approaches for developing technologies
engineer responsible for building Oak encourage the production of crude in that might ultimately lead to a 25%
Ridge National Laboratory, and a the U.S, producers were offered reduction in product cost.
commercial-scale plant was built at significant tax advantages by the federal
government. In addition, even though In Phase I of this project (August 1991 to
Brownsville, Texas. While the subse-
crude could be imported into the U.S. March 1995) a number of novel con-
quent discovery of major petroleum
for about $2.00 per barrel at a time the cepts were investigated, either individu-
reserves in the Middle East prevented
U.S. crude was produced at a cost of ally or in combination, that could
this plant from being a commercial
$4.50 per barrel, U.S. refiners were potentially contribute toward meeting
success, it did lead to the development
of large scale oxygen-production plants. (continued, page 2) (continued, page 4)

Fischer-Tropsch, (continued) The CAER’s Program reactor was utilized for verification of
The University of Kentucky Center for catalyst integrity during activation.
limited to using at most 25 % foreign Applied Energy Research has an active
During catalyst preparation, the CAER
crude, the remainder being produced research program on Fischer-Tropsch
has developed a procedure that permits
within the U.S. borders. While requiring Synthesis (FTS). Beginning in 1984 the
catalysts to be synthesized continuously.
the consumption of U.S. crude, large initial work at the CAER on FTS was to
One ton of a slurry of the optimum
“gas-guzzlers” were the norm for U.S. utilize isotopic tracers in an attempt to
catalyst formulation was prepared at
drivers, and consumption was encour- define the role of catalyst promoters.
the CAER and taken to UCI where it
aged by retailers who utilized a variety This work involved a three year U.S.
was formed into spherical particles
of “marketing giveaways.” In effect, DoE contract to conduct work directed
using UCI’s equipment.
short-term political and economical toward understanding the reaction
interests were helping to create the U.S. mechanism. By withdrawing catalyst samples
crude oil shortage we experience today. during the activation and use in
A few years later, the CAER was synthesis, CAER researchers were able
In South Africa the fear of being successful in obtaining a DoE contract to define the changes that occur in the
boycotted due to apartheid led to major with the goal of developing an iron catalyst during use. The activation
efforts to develop independence from Fischer-Tropsch (FT) catalyst suitable recipe developed at the CAER was
crude imports. The method used by the for utilization in the slurry bubble proven reliable in its subsequent use in
South Africans was the Fischer-Tropsch column reactor located at La Porte, the La Porte, Texas pilot plant. This
synthesis. This led to the creation of Texas and operated by Air Products for activation was shown to be superior to
Sasol, and the introduction of a govern- the U.S. DoE. This contract was de- those that had been utilized by indus-
ment subsidy which exists even today. signed to provide an understanding trial organizations. During this work,
However, since Sasol now has the that would be disseminated through the CAER personnel interacted with
equipment in place, and crude is readily scientific literature as well as studies investigators representing Exxon, Shell,
available, political and economic needed to develop a F-T catalyst. When Stats Ol, Air Products, UCI, UOP, and
considerations have forced the South the contract was awarded, and even Texas A&M University.
African Government to phase out the today, no commercial iron F-T catalyst
subsidy for transportation fuels. With was (is) available from catalyst manu- Synthesis can be conducted using low
vision, Sasol anticipated the eventuality facturers. United Catalysts, Inc. (UCI) of or high temperature conditions. In
of losing its subsidies and has gradually Louisville, Kentucky, was a subcontrac- addition, the catalyst can be formulated
shifted its emphasis from producing tor to the CAER on this project. During so that it will produce primarily low-
only transportation fuels to deriving a the course of the three-year contract, boiling, intermediate-boiling or high-
significant fraction of its profits from the and the three-year extension, UCI boiling products. Included in the initial
sale of chemicals and petrochemical prepared catalysts in a quantity goals of the CAER work was the
feedstocks. sufficient to operate the pilot plant at La objective to attain a 50% increase in the
Porte, Texas. catalyst activity over that of the
catalysts used in the work by Kölbel
The CAER work had three significant and a much improved catalyst aging
components: develop understanding of rate so that the decline in activity was
the FTS; conduct development work less than 1% CO conversion/week.
that would lead to a suitable iron F-T During the first three-year contract,
catalyst and; cooperate with industrial these two goals were met, and ex-
organizations that are trying to com- ceeded. For example, as Figure 1 shows,
mercialize the process. taking the activity of the catalyst used in
the U.S. Bureau of Mines studies in the
During the course of the research, the early 1950s as 1, the CAER catalyst
CAER has established one of, if not the formulation leading to low-boiling
best equipped Fischer-Tropsch research products (low alpha catalyst) is about
facility in the U.S. This equipment 40 times more active. Thus, there has
includes eight (8) 1-liter continuous been a significant improvement in the
stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) that allow catalytic activity so that the productiv-
around-the-clock operation. These ity of the catalyst/reactor volume is
reactors are ideal for conducting long- now adequate for commercial operation.
term aging studies since all of the
catalyst is exposed to a synthesis gas of
the same composition, which is not the Relative
University of Kentucky case in the more easily operated fixed-
bed reactors. In addition to the CSTRs, 1950 U.S. Bureau 1
Center for Applied the CAER has operated a variety of of Mines

Energy Research fixed-bed reactors to investigate the

activation and activity of FTS catalysts.
The CAER modified the direct-coal 1993 CAER 21
liquefaction pilot plant so that it could
Technology for energy be operated as a 2 inch diameter by 6
1996 CAER 43

and the environment foot long slurry bubble-column reactor.

During the catalyst testing in preparation Figure 1. Comparison of catalyst activities.
for the La Porte pilot plant run, this 2"x 6' (continued, page 3)

Fischer-Tropsch, (continued) cally labeled compound can be fed to involves a species derived from CO that
the reactor during synthesis under the differs from that of the chain initiating
Based on catalyst considerations, CAER typical medium-pressure run conditions species. The view of CAER researchers
researchers suggested that it would be employed with iron catalysts. Space for FTS using an iron catalyst is outlined
much more efficient to utilize two or does not permit a detailed discussion of in Figure 3 below:
more reactors in series, each of these these results; however they have been
operating at less than the 90 %+ CO described in more than 30 publications Data for the addition of 14CO2 which
conversion, the goal at the outset of the in refereed scientific journals. support the above mechanism will be
CAER work. briefly described. For the data shown in
In general, these results show that
Figure 4 the activity of the CO is very
As part of the technology transfer, in different mechanisms are involved for low compared to that of the CO2. In this
addition to the companies mentioned the iron and cobalt catalysts. The
run the 14C was added in the CO2 and
above, CAER has conducted studies for current literature agrees almost exclu- the WGS reverse reaction had occurred
Rema Corp., Energy International and sively that CO dissociates on the
to only a small extent to provide a low
Syncrude. The CAER work has been catalyst surface to produce a surface level of 14C in the CO in the exit gas. If
incorporated in the preliminary carbide which is subsequently hydroge-
the FTS reaction had occurred only
planning for a pioneer plant for nated to a surface carbene species (CH2). using carbon present in the CO, the
Kentucky that would feature IGCC and Chain growth occurs by a polymerization
a chemicals plant that would utilize FTS of these CH2 groups on the catalyst
technology. Thus, CAER indirect coal surface. Eventually chain growth is
liquefaction research has been utilized terminated either by b-H elimination to
by many industrial organizations and produce an alkene or by H addition to
has provided laboratory researchers produce an alkane. Our limited tracer
much understanding of the research studies using a cobalt catalyst produce
requirements that can lead to technol- data that is consistent with this mecha-
ogy transfer. nism (a recent version of this scheme is
shown in Figure 2 below).
A significant feature of the CAER
operation is the ability to utilize both The CAER tracer data indicate the
radioactive and stable isotopes. The carbene mechanism is not valid for an
CSTRs are equipped so that an isotopi- iron catalyst, at least when operated
under the medium-
pressure synthesis
conditions. In gen- Figure 4. Isotropic label in CO, CO2 and
eral, CAER tracer hydrocarbon products from the Fischer-
data are in excellent Tropsch synthesis.
agreement with ear-
lier work reported radioactivity in the methane would
by Professor Paul have been identical to that of the 14CO;
Emmett and co- this is true since we are using a CSTR so
workers. With the that the composition of the gas that
iron catalyst, the encounters all of the catalyst particles is
data indicate that the same. With increasing carbon
oxygen is retained number hydrocarbons, the 14C content
in the growing will increase and will, in fact, double
chain. The results with the increase of each carbon atom.
from many runs In other words, the 14C per gram of
with different car- carbon present in all hydrocarbons will
bon number isotopi- remain constant. It is apparent that the
cally labeled alk- C content of all hydrocarbons, starting
enes and alcohols as with methane, is much higher than the
Figure 2. Scheme of the alkenyl mechanism for the Fischer-Tropsch well as labeled CO2 C content of the CO. Thus, the conclu-
reaction. indicate that the sion is that CO is not providing the car-
mechanism with an bon that initiates a large fraction of the
H2O + CO [COxHy] CO2 + H2 iron catalyst in- chains that incorporate 14C. The CO2 must


z volves different spe- be providing at least half of the carbon

cies for chain ini- that is utilized in forming the chain
C1, Ox, Hy CH4, CH3OH

tiation andgrowth. initiating species that incorporates 14C. It

z CO The CAER data are is proposed that this intermediate is the
consistent with the same one that leads to the WGS reaction,
C2, Ox, Hy C2H4, C2H4, C2H6, C2H5OH chain initiating and this is an intermediate that resembles

z species being, or at an adsorbed formate-like species.

least resembling, a
z For references relating to this article,
CO formate species please contact the author.
that operates both
Cn, Ox, Hy CnH2n

for the WGS and Burt Davis is an Associate Director at the

FTS reactions.
Figure 3. Scheme of the oxygenate mechanism for the Fischer- CAER, where he has worked since the
Chain growth laboratory’s inception in 1977.
Tropsch synthesis..
Direct, (continued) catalyst. The catalyst used in the first the CAER using column flotation. The
run was a combination of 1 wt % iron results indicated similar levels of
DoE’s goals. The concepts included that was introduced as a proprietary mineral rejection and carbon enrich-
mature technologies or ones closely re- ferrihydrite (FeOOH) and a commer- ment: however no selective removal of
lated to them, such as coal cleaning by oil cially available form of organic molyb- the mineral components in the ash
agglomeration, fluid coking and distillate denum, a molybdenum dithiocarbam- occurred. A further benefit of coal
hydrotreating and dewaxing. Other ap- ate, at a loading of 100 ppm Mo on dry cleaning is that, at the same recycle
proaches that were either embryonic or coal. Process conditions were such that ratio, the amount of catalyst that is
less developed were chemical pretreat- essentially all of the 524 °C+ resid was recycled will be increased.
ment of coal to remove oxygen, and recycled to near extinction and solids
were recycled at a rate to substantially In Phase I the biggest area of cost
dispersed catalyst development for appli-
increase the effective concentration of improvement was in the area of the
cation in either an all-slurry or two-stage
the Mo catalyst in the reactor over the catalyst. It was estimated by LDP
process configuration.
fresh Mo make-up rate. At the 100 ppm Associates that the cost of the dispersed
A proposal submitted by the University fresh Mo make-up rate, by recycling catalyst and the supported 2nd-stage
of Kentucky under Phase II of Advanced solids the effective concentration of the catalysts would each contribute about
Coal Liquefaction Concepts was awarded catalyst in the reactor was increased to a $2 to the price of a barrel of gasoline
to continue the development of the level of 400 ppm, which can reduce product. An approach that was pro-
advanced processing concepts that began catalyst cost even further. Using the all- posed for significantly reducing this
in Phase I. During this phase, Hydrocar- slurry config-uration, distillate yields cost was to switch to an all-slurry
bon Technology, Inc. (HTI) of were obtained that approached those process configuration eliminating the
Lawrenceville, NJ joined with the Phase observed in earlier pilot-plant runs at need for the 2nd-stage supported
I team to provide continuous bench- Wilsonville, although the distillation catalyst. The change would, of course,
scale processing capabilities. The overall final cut points were somewhat higher. require a more active dispersed catalyst
aim of Phase II is to develop an integrated to replace the contribution from the
process scheme that is more cost effective Coal cleaning was of particular interest supported catalyst. This change could
than existing liquefaction technologies, for low-rank coals in order to solve decrease operating costs by up to $3.50
and to demonstrate within three-years, operational problems that have plagued per barrel of product. Any increase in
sufficient technical and economic benefits the use of these coals in liquefaction performance over that achieved in the
to justify subsequent scale-up. pilot facilities. The presence of sizable 2-stage configuration could result in a
concentrations of calcium, coupled with further reduction in capital cost. It
Several concepts were selected in labora- the corresponding production of carbon became the objective of the Phase II
tory-scale studies in Phase I to have dioxide that occurs during liquefaction, program, therefore, to operate in an all-
potential for improving coal-liquefaction results in the formation of various slurry configuration and test the
technology, in terms of process effi- dispersed catalysts that had been
ciency and performance, and for re- developed at the UK/CAER during

Simple dispersed
ducing the cost of producing distil- Phase I.
late fuels from coal. These advan-
tages were identified for the lique- During the Phase I laboratory
faction of low-rank coal feeds, testing, it was found that impreg-
though it is considered that selected
concepts or their variants offer
equivalent advantages for process-
catalyst systems offer nation of the coal with low cost
precursors for Fe, Mo, and Ni
produced catalysts that were as
ing higher-rank coals. The Phase II
project continues to focus on low- process economies active as those derived from more
expensive organometallic precur-
rank coal feeds, although coals of sors. At a 100 ppm Mo loading,
other rank may be included. The con- high distillate yields were obtained
cepts that were selected for investiga- at a cost that was even less than the
tion were: cleaning the feed coal for min- mineral forms of calcium carbonate that cost of using iron oxide. These results
eral matter rejection; improvement of foul vessels and transfer lines and have and the simplicity of preparing these
recycle solvent quality through dewaxing been a continuous operational problem. catalyst systems indicated an opportu-
the recycle heavy distillate (especially Cleaning the feed coal by using low pH nity to have considerable impact on
appropriate to low-rank coal liquefac- oil-agglomeration was found to be process economics by switching to these
tion) and/or hydrotreatment; and the effective for not only removing mineral catalyst systems.
development of low-cost, active- matter from the feed coal, but for
dispersed catalysts. selectively reducing the calcium In the second continuous bench-scale
concentrations to very low levels. run made at HTI under Phase II, several
The selected concepts are being tested in Concomitantly, the level of sodium also metal impregnated coals were prepared
a series of continuous recycle runs that decreases, which benefits downstream at a 100 ppm Mo loading, both alone
will provide more accurate appraisal processing of the product over sodium- and in the presence of Fe and Ni. The
than has thus far been possible, and will sensitive catalysts. In continuous runs anticipated costs of metal addition for
permit the technical and economic with oil-agglomerated coal from which the individual metals were: Mo at 100
implications to be determined with a 40 % of the ash had been removed, ppm, $0.38; Fe at 0.17%, $0.13; and Ni at
much higher level of confidence. So far, solubilization of the coal was consis- 50 ppm, $0.10. The results from that
two 25-day continuous bench-scale runs tently 98-99 %, which is far higher than run, which was completed in December
have been made at HTI using a novel has ever been observed at Wilsonville 1996, were dramatically different from
all-slurry configuration that eliminates for the same type of coal. A comparative
the need for any 2nd-stage extruded evaluation of coal cleaning was made at (continued, page 5)

COMMENTARY Direct, (continued)
Some Thoughts on a Book Entitled any other run that has ever been made
‘The End of Science’ with this coal. Quite surprisingly, the
product indicated the absence of any
Irving Wender, University of Pittsburgh significant concentration of retrograde
products, which can result from coking
By now many scientists have read or heard of the book
of the primary product, and can lead to
by John Horgan entitled, ‘The End of Science.’ PBS
the agglomeration of small mineral-
broadcast a program on July 23, 1996 involving a
matter particles that occur after the coal
scientist, a journalist and Horgan to debate Horgan’s
premise that all the important discoveries in science have has been dissolved. With the new
already been made. The August 11, 1996 edition of the Washington Post discussed catalyst, the yield of pre-asphaltene
Horgan’s thesis that the end of science is in sight. Other comments have appeared product was significantly reduced,
in various publications. A browse through the Web reveals that the book must be considerably lowering the concentra-
selling well; physicists, philosophers, mathematicians, biologists, journalists, etc. tion of agglomerated particles in the
have commented on Horgan’s ideas. I would say that most do not believe that recycle solvent. The reduced polymer-
science has, again, ended. ization of the primary products is
probably a result of the activity of the
Who is John Horgan, who dared to write this book? Horgan was an English major finely dispersed catalyst generated by
who took “at least one course in science or mathematics every semester.” It this new catalyst system. We are
appears that Horgan never worked in the general area of science. He has been continuing to analyze these results and
employed as a staff writer for Scientific American and similar publications; the develop supplemental laboratory data
book seems primarily based on a series of articles he wrote for that magazine in
to understand the unique character of
which he profiled outstanding “scientists” of various persuasions during 1989-
the product.
1996, together with various books on similar subjects as added material.

Horgan is a first-class writer and he makes the book interesting and thought- Another approach that was investigated
provoking. He taped most of his interviews and his descriptions of the Nobel during Phase I was the effect of modify-
prize winners and others profiled reveals a talent for detailing physical character- ing the recycle solvent to improve its
istics of his interviewees, which often seem to mirror their thoughts. I did enjoy hydrogen-donor capability by both
Horgan’s aphorisms and quotes which were dug out of his tapes: physicists who increasing the concentration of
do not think much of philosophers and philosophers who feel that physics and donatable hydrogen through hydroge-
mathematics border on the unreal. nation, as well as increasing the
concentration of the H-donor species by
The basis of the book is that the great underlying principles - Darwin’s Natural removing paraffinic material. The latter
Selection, relativity, quantum mechanics, Mendel’s work leading to DNA, etc.
was achieved by applying a dewaxing
have been established. Further advances are to be sought in rigorous application
technique that has long been applied to
of these principles to phenomena as we come upon them. Applied science is left
petroleum residual materials for
to be done; fill in the cracks and add another decimal point.
producing lubricating oils. This concept
The chapter headings infer the author’s wide beliefs and serve to show a ten- was tested in the continuous bench-
dency to be carried off by an overreaching idea - a tendency that appears, at scale runs at HTI in equipment that had
times, farcical. The introduction is about “Searching for the ANSWER- the secret been constructed to effect on-line
of life, the solution to the riddle of the universe,” and introduces “ironic science” dewaxing and hydrotreating. Thus far,
a favorite term that underlies much of the book. Ironic science offers points of the equipment has operated satisfacto-
view and opinions resembling literary criticism, at best interesting, provoking rily; however, modifications are being
further comment. Scientists raise questions they cannot answer, continuing the made to achieve a more rapid develop-
quest for knowledge in the speculative mode called ironic science “even after ment of steady-state compositions in the
empirical science - the kind of science that answers questions - has ended.” recycle streams.
The second chapter is called “The End of Progress.” Here we again encounter
Based upon the overall outcome of the
ironic science which evidently does not converge on the truth and emphasizes
how little we know. In writing of Stephen Hawking in a later chapter, Horgan results obtained from the first two con-
says that Hawking’s declaration that physics was on the verge of finding the tinuous bench-scale runs and the supple-
Answer may well have been an ironic statement, “less an assertion than a mentary laboratory data that are being
provocation.” developed by this research team, an
optimal process configuration incorpo-
Chapter 3 is called “The End of Physics;” chapter 4, “The End of Cosmology;” rating the most technologically viable,
chapter 5, “The End of Evolutionary Biology;” chapter 6, “The End of Social cost-effective process configuration will
Science;” chapter 7, “The End of Neuroscience;” chapter 8, and so on until finally be tested in subsequent bench-scale
the epilogue: “The Terror of God” and as one Web contributor put it, “The runs that will be made under this
End of pizza, politicians, nose hair, sleeping at the wheel, universe, hype, high- program.
sounding writing to get notoriety, art, life, atomic thermal motion and this
idiotic little post.” Ed Givens is a Principal Investigator for the
Chemistry and engineering are apparently relegated to applied science. Advanced Concepts project and has worked
at the CAER for five years. He was previously
(continued, page 6) employed at Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

Commentary, (continued)
In the spring of 1994, a workshop was
held at the Santa Fe Institute entitled,
“The Units of Scientific Knowledge.”
Horgan reported on it, probably with
the idea of writing this book in mind. I
quote one participant who denounced
real numbers as “nonsense.” “Their
precision is a sham, given the noisiness,
the fuzziness, of the world.” He went
on to declare that “physicists know that
every equation is a lie.” This was
followed by a quote from Picasso: “Art
is a lie that helps us see the truth.”
Another who contributes the line “we
go from complexity to perplexity” is Pushing the Envelope
complemented on his maxim.
Organized by the Center for Applied Energy Research at the
E.O. Wilson comments on the front University of Kentucky, the journal FUEL, and the
cover of the book that it is “certain to U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Technology Center
create controversy.” That it has. But I
agree with Vannever Bush’s article October 20 -22, 1997 at The Lexington Hyatt Regency,
published in The Journal Science in 1945
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
which proclaimed that science is “a
largely unexplored hinterland.” I’m Visit
with Vannever Bush - just keep your eye
on the future.
For further information, contact: Ms. Gretchen Tremoulet
University of Kentucky, Center for Applied Energy Research
John Horgan’s ‘The End of Science’ is 2540 Research Park Drive, Lexington, KY 40511-8410 USA
published by Addison-Wesley, 1996. Phone: 606-257-0355 Fax: 606-257-0360 E-mail:

Energeia is published six times a year by the University of Kentucky's Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER). The publication features aspects of energy resource
development and environmentally related topics. Subscriptions are free and may be requested as follows: Marybeth McAlister, Editor of Energeia, CAER, 2540 Research
Park Drive, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40511-8410, (606) 257-0224, FAX: (606)-257-0220, e-mail: Current and recent
past issues of Energeia may be viewed on the CAER Web Page at Copyright © 1997, University of Kentucky.

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Lexington, Kentucky
Center for Applied Energy Research Permit No. 51
2540 Research Park Drive
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40511-8410

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