Why Do I Choose To Be A Writer

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Let's just say I got inspired by a saying i really can't place the origin or... could
it be a figment of my imagination? anyways made-up or not it doesn't quite
matter, the saying paraphrased goes like this "writing simply is expressing
clear thoughts in words". Then I ask myself "how best can I capture my
undisciplined thoughts and make some sense out of it", the search result gave

Still a little unsure I pressed further in my search for answers and this led me
to identifying my penchant for perfection - a way to put it to good use without
having a detrimental effect - and realizing writing offered a way out. I realized
with writing there's never an end to a story, you stop when you choose to.
What am I saying? Essentially, I get to sculpt my stories or thoughts for as long
as I want till am satisfied it's perfect enough. That sounds like a world without
limits. Your vocabulary your paint; your pen your brush; your notepad your
canvas; life your muse.

The truth is, other creative ventures equally hold a strong appeal but none
holds so much delight yet manages to be risky (if you're a writer you'll
understand this). Painting, graphics design, photography, gardening and the
likes are up for grabs for those interested in them but for me its writing. I've
also found over time that none of these endeavors can draw out my inner
genius like writing does, not to mention the memories it helps preserve.

Finally, the sanctuary and shelter writing gives is just too irresistible to
consider otherwise. This is where I find expression, validate my feelings, put
my power of observation to profitable ends. More so, it holds the promise of a
journey full of adventure with each twist and turn a mystery waiting to be
unraveled - all played out on the pages of my notepad. Who says playing with
words, plots and twists and even punctuations isn't fun? Try an unfulfilling 9 -
5 job, let's see how you fair with that.

As a parting gift, let me add this...

If you are a writer like me, let no situation or person talk you out of writing
because your view matters - astute analysis, striking observations, pithy
insights, clever summations - and somewhere out there, there is a chance a
person by reading your article or story will once again believe in humanity.

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