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Scarcity is a grossly marginalized yet great teacher of essentialism and minimalism.

In other
words, it provides an environment where improvisation, innovation, creativity can properly
thrive. As a matter of fact, it's been my greatest teacher; it's taught me in a number of ways the
priceless truth that a great deal of stuffs we get encumbered with are actually unnecessary and
what more they contribute virtually nothing. 

It has quite interestingly earned a negative reputation in our society, hardly does anyone readily
reconcile with the fact that we can't possibly have it all, but how does this do well with the now
prevalent anthem: "you can have it all", "the sky is the limit" and many more, preached by
respected figures in the self-help genres of literature and motivational speakers? Poorly I
suppose, more like it sticks out against the backdrop. The media is equally not cutting us any
slacks as we are daily assaulted with these lies, the echoes constantly reverberating in our
subconscious. Little wonders how often we find ourselves regretting our actions. 

It is notoriously unpopular among intellectuals such that anytime it's mentioned it's looked upon
with contempt like it were a child born out of wedlock who would have done everyone the favor
of dying at childbirth instead of killing the unfortunate mother and being a constant burden to
everyone. Its existence is collectively seen as a deficiency and largely blamed on poor
governance, incompetent leaders who misappropriate public funds and a host of other reasons 

The choice is yours: either see the glass cup as half full or half empty...

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