Child Rescue From Borewells: Albert Francis A, Anbalagan D, Balachandran C

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South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3, No.

3 (2017) 63–70

ISSN No: 2454-9614

Child Rescue From Borewells

Albert Francis A, Anbalagan D, Balachandran C
Department of Mechanical Engineering,K.Ramakrishnan College Of Engineering


Received: 09/01/2017, Revised: 17/02/2017 and Accepted: 10/03/2017


In India,there are many abounded borewells. Improper covering and sealingof bore well, is the main reason for many
bore well accidents. Rescue of trapped child from bore well is very difficult and risky compared to other accidents.The design of
our project is to overcome the problem in existing methods. In existing method, they doesn’t consider the posture of child inside
the bore well. In our rescue robot,there is two mechanism powered by two motorsfor the rescue of the child from the bore well.
One motor is to control the posture finding mechanism and other motor to control the grasping mechanism. Lack of
oxygen,temperature,humiditywhich produces hyperthermia to thetrappedchild.Visualization of child is possible by using infrared
high resolution camera and TV monitor. This light weight machine can easily go into the bore well and save the trapped child.
Key words:Bore well, Grasping mechanism , TV monitor , camera , air bag, posture finding mechanism.

In India, approximately 27 million bore wells are there. India is biggest user of ground water in the world
which is drawing around 230 Chum billion/year (cubic meter).Due to water scarcity,low rain fall, drought and
depletion of underground water, large number of bore wells are dug.When the water gets dried ,the motor along
with casing pipe are removed and outer surface of bore well is not properly covered or sealed..Reports say that
starting from 2009 to 2016 more than 36 children fall into the bore well consecutively. Seventy percentage of
conventional child rescue operation goes to fail.

2.Present day rescue operation

When the child plays near the uncovered bore, without noticing they slip into the bore. Initially people call
the rescue team or army team to save the child life .when the army people come into place,they use ropes and vision
camera to find the distance of childtrapped from the ground. Then oxygen and food supply is provided to the
child.Finally the rescue team makes a new hole adjacent to the bore where the child is trapped. Seventy percentage

South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3, No.3 (2017) 63–70

of child rescue operation goes to fail.

Fig 2.1: image of present day rescue of child from bore well

South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3, No.3 (2017) 63–70

year No of bore well accident Percentage(℅)

2006 1 2.77

2007 7 19.44

2008 2 5.55

2009 4 11.11

2010 1 2.77

2011 2 5.55

2012 4 11.11

2013 5 13.88

2014 8 22.22

2015 1 2.77

2016 1 2.77

total 36 100

Table 2.2: Represents number of bore well between 2006-2016

3.Difficultiesinexisting method of rescuing
 Rescue operation takes more than 36-60hours in which the child may even die.
 Quantity of oxygen is less inside the bore well
 Rescue operation takes more manpower,energy and cost.
 There is no special equipment to rescue the child from the bore well
 Visualization of trapped child is difficult.
 Rescue of child without hurting and wounding is risky
 Most of the rescue operation goes to fail

South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3, No.3 (2017) 63–70

4.Possible solution
The project consist three different sections
1. Posture finding mechanism
2. Grasping mechanism
3. Safety mechanism

4.1.Posture finding mechanism

When the child is trapped into the bore well,theposition of our rescue robot is very important role in rescue
operation .This is because inside the bore well the trapped child may be in any posture or position. In existing
methods they do not consider the posture of child. Motor is attached to the fixed shaft. 12 volts DC motor shaft is
connected to a small spur gear. Then the large spur in the rotating shaft mates with the small spur gear. When the
motor is powered by external source, then the small spur gear motion is transmitted to large spur gear with gear ratio
of 1:20.First find the gap between the child andthe bore surface with the help of a high resolution camera .We can
rotate our robotic device with respect to the posture of the child.By this mechanism, we can find the posture of
child and continue the rescue operation.
4.2.Grasping mechanism
By using graphing mechanism we can hold the child inside the bore well. It consist motor, chain drive, two
mechanical arms and thread rod. When. Sprocket is connected to mid of the thread rod. The pinion is powered by
DC motor, and then power is transmitted to sprocket through chain. when the motor rotate clockwise mechanical
arms is going to hold the trapped child .when the motor rotate anticlockwise, it releases the trapped child .one high
resolution camera placed at the bottom of mechanical arms for visualizing of the child inside the bore well .

4.3.Safety mechanism
In this system we use a one nylon bladder at the bottom of the mechanical arm. Compressed air tank present at the
top of the robotic device. When the motor rotates compressed air passes through a nylon bladder. Nylon bladder get
expand and hold a child when system goes to failure.

South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3, No.3 (2017) 63–70


` fig 5.1 fig 5.2

6.Method of rescuing

 The first step is to visualize the child this is done by lowering the high resolution Camera inside the bore

 With the aid of high resolution camera the location (depth) and position of the child can be determined.

South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3, No.3 (2017) 63–70

 Using the blower, fresh air is supplied to the child through hoses.

 Then posture finding mechanism is operated

 With the aid of both visualizing and mechanical unit the child can be grasped.

 After grasping, the child can be rescued.

 After the rescue, first aid is to be provided to the child by the medical.


Fig 7.1

South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3, No.3 (2017) 63–70



1 high resolution camera To detect posture of the baby

2 Oxygen supply system To supply the oxygen inside the bore well

3 advanced small size servo motor To run the posture mechanism

4 Strain measuring pressure sensor To measure the strain pressure in robot arms

5 Advanced digital infrared thermometer To measure the temperature of the child and surroundings

6 Chain drive system To control the robotic arms and grasp the child

7 Standardized rope and pulley system To carry the rescue robot and its components

8 Nylon bladder To provide extra support to the baby

9 Advanced digital pressure cage To measure the gas pressure during inflating the safety
balloon under the baby

10 Fork screw system To make the rescue robot immovable during rescue

11 High resolution monitor To monitor the rescue operation inside the bore well

A bore well rescue robot was designed, prototype and tested. By using this rescue robot without hurting the child we
can perform rescue operation. This rescue robot definitely minimizes the time taken and human effort. In future
combine with modern technology to the graphing mechanism for better performance.

South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3, No.3 (2017) 63–70

2. A reference paper on S. K, V. S and M. J. Louis, "Bore Well Rescue Robot, "International Journal Of Research
In Aeronautical And Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 6180, April, 2014.
3. A reference paper on“Borewell Rescue System” by Venmathi.V1 , Monisha.P2 , Muthuselvi.P3 , Poorani.K4 ,
Ramya.A5SNS College of Engineering,Coimbatore, India.
4. A reference paper on “Borewell Rescue Robot” by E.Poorniya, S.Sumathi in International Journal of Computer


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