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27 September 2018
Convened ‫منعقد‬، ‫بالنا لئے کے اجالس‬
Reinvigorate ‫دینا تقویت‬، ‫زندگی نئی‬
Vigour ‫جوش‬، ‫توانائی‬، ‫زور‬
Moribund ‫واال مرنے‬، ‫ہو طاری موت پر جس‬
Myriad ‫شمار بے‬، ‫ہا ہزار‬
Apparatus ‫آالت‬، ‫مواد ضروری‬
Hallowed ‫مقدس‬
Orator ‫واال کرنے تقریر‬، ‫بھجن‬
Invective ‫فٹکار‬، ‫گلوچ گالی‬، ‫تراشی دشنام‬
Zealotry ‫متعصب‬، ‫کٹر‬، ‫سرگرمی‬
Emboldened ‫بلند حوصلے‬، ‫دینا جرات‬، ‫ابھارنا‬
27 September 2018
Convened ‫منعقد‬، ‫بالنا لئے کے اجالس‬
To come together in a body
Synonyms: assemble, organize, cluster, collect, gather, meet
Antonyms: disband, break up, disperse,
Reinvigorate ‫دینا تقویت‬، ‫زندگی نئی‬
to give new or renewed strength or energy to (something or someone)
Synonyms: enliven, rejuvenate, renew, renovate, restore, revive
Antonyms: destroy, discourage, kill, ruin, dissuade
Vigour ‫جوش‬، ‫توانائی‬، ‫زور‬
physical strength and good health
Synonyms: good health, robustness, healthiness, stamina, fitness
Antonyms: listlessness, lethargy, sluggishness, torpidity
Moribund ‫واال مرنے‬، ‫ہو طاری موت پر جس‬
(of a person) at the point of death
Synonyms: declining, in decline, dying, stagnating, decaying, crumbling
Antonyms: flourishing
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Myriad ‫شمار بے‬، ‫ہا ہزار‬
a countless or extremely great number of people or things
Synonyms: multitude, a lot, scores, quantities, mass, crowd
Antonyms: bounded, calculable, countable, limited, measurable
Apparatus ‫آالت‬، ‫مواد ضروری‬
the complex structure of a particular organization or system
Synonyms: structure, system, framework, organization, set-up, network
Antonyms: disorganization
Hallowed ‫مقدس‬
regarded as holy
Synonyms: holy, blessed, dedicated, honored
Antonyms: irreligious, unholy, unsacred
Orator ‫واال کرنے تقریر‬، ‫بھجن‬
a public speaker, especially one who is eloquent or skilled
Synonyms: public speaker, lecturer, preacher
Invective ‫فٹکار‬، ‫گلوچ گالی‬، ‫تراشی دشنام‬
insulting, abusive, or highly critical language
Synonyms: abuse, insults, vituperation, curses, bad language
Antonyms: praise
Zealotry ‫متعصب‬، ‫کٹر‬، ‫سرگرمی‬
fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of religious, political, or other ideals; fanaticism
Synonyms: fanaticism, zeal, zealousness, extremism, radicalism
Antonyms: apathy
Emboldened ‫بلند حوصلے‬، ‫دینا جرات‬، ‫ابھارنا‬
give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something
Synonyms: give courage, make brave/braver, encourage, hearten, strengthen, fortify
Antonyms: dishearten, discourage
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 10, 2018
Deteriorate ‫جانا بگڑ خاصیت‬، ‫خراب‬
Triggered ‫کرنا متحرک‬
Frenzied ‫پن دیوانہ‬، ‫غصہ‬
Stirred ‫ ہالیا‬/ ‫دی حرکت‬
Turmoil ‫افراتفری‬
Inducement ‫دینا ترغیب‬
Persuaded ‫قائل‬
Derail ‫پھینکنا اکھاڑ سے جڑ‬
Impervious ‫آمرانہ‬
Retribution ‫عذاب‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 10, 2018
Deteriorate ‫جانا بگڑ خاصیت‬، ‫خراب‬
To become worse as time passes
Synonyms: crumble, decay, sink, rot
Antonyms: upgrade, enrich,forfity
Triggered ‫کرنا متحرک‬
A lever on a gun that you pull to fire
the gun Or a thing that causes sth else to happen
Synonyms: set off, spark,cranj, touch off
Antonyms: cut , kill , shut off
Frenzied ‫پن دیوانہ‬، ‫غصہ‬
Very Excited or upset
Synonyms: agitated, Feverish ; over wrought
Antonyms: Collected , composed, self possessed
Stirred ‫ ہالیا‬/ ‫دی حرکت‬
To cause (a liquid) to move about in a
circle especially repeatedly
Synonyms: whip, shake, shift
Antonyms: Freeze , remain, stick around
Turmoil ‫افراتفری‬
A state of Confusion or Disorder
Synonyms: Disquiet , Fermrnt , restlessness
Antonyms: Calm , ease , peace
Inducement ‫دینا ترغیب‬
A thing that gives you a reason for doing sth and makes you want to do it
Synonyms: Conversion, Convincing
Persuaded ‫قائل‬
A thing that gives you a reason for doing
thing and makes you want to do it
Synonyms: Conversion, Convincing
Derail ‫پھینکنا اکھاڑ سے جڑ‬
To leave its tracks/To Cause (a train) to leave its tracjs
Synonyms: alarm , Flurry , Fuss , weird out
Antonyms: Calm, Compose, soothe
Impervious ‫آمرانہ‬
Not allowing thing
(such as water or light)to enter ot pass through
Synonyms: impenetrable, impermeable
Antonyms: penetrable , pervious , negotiable
Retribution ‫عذاب‬
Punishment for doing sth wrong
Synonyms: revenge, reprisal, payback
Antonyms: clemency , grace , pardon
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 09, 2018
Fiery ‫ تیز‬، ‫جوشیال‬
Panacea ‫اعظم اکسیر‬، ‫عالج‬
Unequivocally ‫مشتبہ‬، ‫ہونا نہ واضح‬
Enact ‫نافذ‬
Arrears ‫جات بقایا‬
Fallout ‫ہے نتیجہ‬
Stigma ‫داغ‬، ‫رسوائی‬
Inextricably ‫انداز پیچیدہ‬
Feline ‫جانور جیسا بلی‬
Recursively ‫تکراری‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 09, 2018
Fiery ‫ تیز‬، ‫جوشیال‬
Consisting of Fire ; using or carried out with the fire.
Synonyms: Ardenet, Boiling Burning
Antonyms: bitter,bone chilling ,cold
Panacea ‫اعظم اکسیر‬، ‫عالج‬
A remedy for all ills or difficulties
Synonyms: cure all, elixir;nostrum
Antonyms: pain, disease, injury
Unequivocally ‫مشتبہ‬، ‫ہونا نہ واضح‬
Not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation
Synonyms: apparent,clear cut ,luminous
Antonyms: Incomprehensible, unfathomable
Enact ‫نافذ‬
To put into effect through legislative or authorative action
Synonyms: make law, pass, approve, ratify, validate, sanction, authorize, accept
Antonyms: repeal, revoke
Arrears ‫جات بقایا‬
money that is owed and should have been paid earlier
Synonyms: debt, obligation
Antonyms: repayment assest, quittance
Fallout ‫ہے نتیجہ‬
To express diff opinions about sth afteb angrily
Synonyms: argue, bicjer, tiff
Antonyms: coexist, get, concur
Stigma ‫داغ‬، ‫رسوائی‬
A mark of guilt or disgrace
Synonyms: blot,slur;smrich
Antonyms: award, credit, modesty
Inextricably ‫انداز پیچیدہ‬
Forming a maze or tangle from which it is impossible to get free
Synonyms: unresolvable
Antonyms: extricable, soluble
Feline ‫جانور جیسا بلی‬
Affecting cats or the cat family
Synonyms: graceful, nimble, spry
Antonyms: awkward, gawky,clumsy
Recursively ‫تکراری‬
In a manner that can repeat indefinitely
Synonyms: circular, repeated; looping
Antonyms: ending, final , terminating
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 08, 2018
Swathes ‫قابض‬، ‫باندھنا‬، ‫لپیٹنا‬
Alienated ‫منقطع سے معاشرے‬
Adamant ‫قائم سے سختی پر ارادے‬، ‫قائم‬
Reassess ‫دوبارہ جائزہ نو سر از‬،‫کرنا تعین لینا‬، ‫جانچنا دوبارہ‬
Perpetuating ‫چڑھنا پروان مسلسل‬، ‫دوام ہمیشہ‬،‫رکھنا‬
Devastating ‫کن تباہ‬، ‫حوصلہ شدید‬،‫شکن المناک‬
Irreparable ‫تالفی ناقابل‬، ‫العالج‬، ‫ترمیم ناقابل‬
Resilience ‫قوت کی ابھرنے‬، ‫ پلٹنا‬، ‫بازگشت‬
Vagaries ‫وہم‬، ‫خودسری‬، ‫یقینی غیر‬، ‫موج‬، ‫خیال عجب‬
Wholly ‫پر طور مکمل‬، ‫سے طرح پوری‬، ‫سراسر‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 08, 2018
Swathes ‫قابض‬، ‫باندھنا‬، ‫لپیٹنا‬
wrap in several layers of fabric
Synonyms: wrap, envelop, bind, swaddle, bandage, bundle up, muffle up,
Antonyms: uncover
Alienated ‫منقطع سے معاشرے‬
make (someone) feel isolated or estranged
Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, isolate, detach, distance
Antonyms: unite
Adamant ‫قائم سے سختی پر ارادے‬، ‫قائم‬
refusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind
Synonyms: unshakeable, immovable, inflexible, unwavering, uncompromising, resolute
Antonyms: unsure
Reassess ‫دوبارہ جائزہ نو سر از‬،‫کرنا تعین لینا‬، ‫جانچنا دوبارہ‬
revise or renew one’s assessment
Synonyms: amend, reassess, reevaluate, reexamine, rethink, review, revise
Antonyms: spoil, ignore, refuse
Perpetuating ‫چڑھنا پروان مسلسل‬، ‫دوام ہمیشہ‬،‫رکھنا‬
make (something) continue indefinitely
Synonyms: keep alive, keep going, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain
Antonyms: discontinue, give up, halt, let go, neglect, release
Devastating ‫کن تباہ‬، ‫حوصلہ شدید‬،‫شکن المناک‬
highly destructive or damaging
Synonyms: destructive, ruinous, disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic;
Antonyms: blessed, fortunate
Irreparable ‫تالفی ناقابل‬، ‫العالج‬، ‫ترمیم ناقابل‬
(of an injury or loss) impossible to rectify or repair
Synonyms: irreversible, irremediable, unrectifiable, irrevocable, irretrievable
Antonyms: repairable
Resilience ‫قوت کی ابھرنے‬، ‫ پلٹنا‬، ‫بازگشت‬
the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness
Synonyms: flexibility, pliability, suppleness, plasticity, elasticity, springiness
Antonyms: rigidity, fragility, vulnerability, weakness
Vagaries ‫وہم‬، ‫خودسری‬، ‫یقینی غیر‬، ‫موج‬، ‫خیال عجب‬
an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone’s behaviour
Synonyms: quirk, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, eccentricity, unpredictability
Wholly ‫پر طور مکمل‬، ‫سے طرح پوری‬، ‫سراسر‬
entirely; fully
Synonyms: completely, totally, absolutely, entirely, fully, thoroughly, utterly, quite, perfectly,
Antonyms: inadequately, incompletely, partially, partly, inclusively
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 07, 2018
Murkiness ‫گدال‬، ‫گہرا‬، ‫تاریک‬
Adequate ‫معقول‬، ‫کافی‬
Malfeasance ‫بدعنوانی‬، ‫جرم‬، ‫رویہ دہ نقصان‬
Desultorily ‫ضابطہ بے‬، ‫ترتیب بے‬، ‫فائدہ بے‬
Bipartisan ‫متعلق سے پارٹیوں دو‬، ‫متعلق سے نظریات مختلف‬
Decapitation ‫ کرنا قتل‬، ‫کرنا قلم سر‬، ‫مارنا گردن‬
Vendetta ‫انتقال‬، ‫دشمنی خاندانی‬، ‫داری دشمن طویل‬
Cumbersome ‫بوجھل‬، ‫بار گراں‬، ‫وزنی‬
Paranoia ‫وسوسہ‬، ‫دماغ خلل‬
Intensified ‫کرنا اختیار شدت‬، ‫کرنا تیز‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 07, 2018
Murkiness ‫گدال‬، ‫گہرا‬، ‫تاریک‬
an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance
Synonyms: fog, fogginess, murk
Antonyms: brightness, day, daybreak, light, morning
Adequate ‫معقول‬، ‫کافی‬
satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to
Malfeasance ‫بدعنوانی‬، ‫جرم‬، ‫رویہ دہ نقصان‬
wrongful conduct by a public official
Synonyms: misbehavior, misconduct, misdoing, wrongdoing
Antonyms: behavior, manners, obedience
Desultorily ‫ضابطہ بے‬، ‫ترتیب بے‬، ‫فائدہ بے‬
without definite aim, direction, rule, or method
Synonyms: aimlessly, anyhow, anyway, anywise, erratically, haphazard
Antonyms: methodically, systematically
Bipartisan ‫متعلق سے پارٹیوں دو‬، ‫متعلق سے نظریات مختلف‬
supported by both sides
Synonyms: bipartizan, two-party, two-way
Decapitation ‫ کرنا قتل‬، ‫کرنا قلم سر‬، ‫مارنا گردن‬
a particularly gruesome series of murders in which the victims were decapitated
Synonyms: behead, guillotine, head
Vendetta ‫انتقال‬، ‫دشمنی خاندانی‬، ‫داری دشمن طویل‬
a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the
murderer’s family.
Synonyms: feud, blood feud, quarrel, argument, falling-out, wrangle, clash, altercation,
Antonyms: agreement, forgiveness, calm, harmony, peace
Cumbersome ‫بوجھل‬، ‫بار گراں‬، ‫وزنی‬
large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy
Synonyms: unwieldy, unmanageable, awkward, clumsy, ungainly, inconvenient, incommodious
Antonyms: manageable, convenient
Paranoia ‫وسوسہ‬، ‫دماغ خلل‬
a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy
Synonyms: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, megalomania
Antonyms: balance, certainty
Intensified ‫کرنا اختیار شدت‬، ‫کرنا تیز‬
become or make more intense
Synonyms: escalate, step up, boost, increase, raise, sharpen, strengthen
Antonyms: lessen, abate
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 06, 2018
Sinister ‫اشوب‬، ‫بدشگونی‬، ‫منحوس‬
Rhetoric ‫خطابت فن‬، ‫بازی بیان‬
Articulate ‫واضح‬، ‫جوڑنا‬،
Coercive ‫آمیز تشدد‬، ‫دباﺅ‬، ‫سخت‬
Snare ‫پھندا‬، ‫پکڑنا سے پھندے‬، ‫جال‬
Perpetual ‫پر طور مستقل‬، ‫دائمی‬، ‫ہمیشہ مسلسل‬
Perplexed ‫مضطرب‬، ‫حیران یا پریشان‬، ‫ہونا ہوا گھبرایا‬
Disruptive ‫واال ڈالنے تفرقہ‬، ‫کرنا منتشر‬
Sovereign ‫حاکمیت‬، ‫اعلیٰ اقتدار‬، ‫مختار‬
Congested ‫گنجان‬، ‫بھاڑ بھیڑ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 06, 2018
Sinister ‫اشوب‬، ‫بدشگونی‬، ‫منحوس‬
giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen
Synonyms: menacing, threatening, ominous, forbidding, baleful, frightening, eerie, alarming,
Antonyms: auspicious, benign, bright, encouraging, favorable,
Rhetoric ‫خطابت فن‬، ‫بازی بیان‬
the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language, expression
Antonyms: inarticulacy, conciseness
Articulate ‫واضح‬، ‫جوڑنا‬،
having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently
Synonyms: eloquent, fluent, communicative, effective, persuasive, coherent, lucid, vivid,
Antonyms: inarticulate, hesitant, unintelligible
Coercive ‫آمیز تشدد‬، ‫دباﺅ‬، ‫سخت‬
relating to or using force or threats
Synonyms: bullying, violent, forced, forceful, intimidating, Antonyms:
Snare ‫پھندا‬، ‫پکڑنا سے پھندے‬، ‫جال‬
a trap for catching birds or mammals typically one having a noose of wire or cord
Synonyms: trap, gin, net, noose; rarespringe
Antonyms: disentangle, untangle
Perpetual ‫پر طور مستقل‬، ‫دائمی‬، ‫ہمیشہ مسلسل‬
never ending or changing
Synonyms: everlasting, never-ending, eternal, permanent, unending, endless
Antonyms: transitory, temporary, intermittent
Perplexed ‫مضطرب‬، ‫حیران یا پریشان‬، ‫ہونا ہوا گھبرایا‬
completely baffled; very puzzled
Synonyms: puzzle, baffle, mystify, bemuse, bewilder, confound, confuse, nonplus, disconcert,
Antonyms: undaunted, unfazed, composed, untroubled
Disruptive ‫واال ڈالنے تفرقہ‬، ‫کرنا منتشر‬
causing or tending to cause disruption
Synonyms: troublemaking, troublesome, unruly, rowdy, disorderly, undisciplined, attention-
Antonyms: well behaved, manageable
Sovereign ‫حاکمیت‬، ‫اعلیٰ اقتدار‬، ‫مختار‬
a supreme ruler, especially a monarch
Synonyms: ruler, monarch, supreme ruler, Crown, crowned head, head of state,
Antonyms: inconsequential, insignificant, minor, negligible
Congested ‫گنجان‬، ‫بھاڑ بھیڑ‬
(of a road or place) so crowded with traffic or people as to hinder or prevent freedom of
Synonyms: crowded, overcrowded, full, overfull, overflowing, full to overflowing/bursting
Antonyms: clear
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 05, 2018
Inadequate ‫ناکافی‬، ‫ادھورا‬، ‫کم‬
Circuitous ‫دار چکر‬، ‫واال پھیر ہیر‬
Zeal ‫جوش‬، ‫اشتیاق‬، ‫ساتھ کے سرگرمی‬
Gauntlet ‫دستانہ فوالدی‬، ‫پنجہ‬
Gusto ‫شوق‬، ‫زوق‬، ‫چاشنی‬
Reiterated ‫اعادہ‬، ‫دہرانا‬، ‫کہنا بار بار‬
Notoriously ‫بدنام‬، ‫اعالنیہ‬
Opaque ‫مبہم‬، ‫شفاف غیر‬
Incarcerated ‫مقید‬، ‫ہونا میں قید‬
Expatriate ‫میں وطن غیر‬، ‫وطن ترک‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 05, 2018
Inadequate ‫ناکافی‬، ‫ادھورا‬، ‫کم‬
lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent
Circuitous ‫دار چکر‬، ‫واال پھیر ہیر‬
(of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way
Synonyms: roundabout, indirect, winding, meandering, serpentine, tortuous, twisting
Antonyms: direct, straight, to the point
Zeal ‫جوش‬، ‫اشتیاق‬، ‫ساتھ کے سرگرمی‬
great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective
Synonyms: passion, zealousness, committedness, ardour, love, fervour,
Antonyms: apathy, indifference
Gauntlet ‫دستانہ فوالدی‬، ‫پنجہ‬
a strong glove with a long, loose wrist
Synonyms: cross, crucible, fire, ordeal, trial
Gusto ‫شوق‬، ‫زوق‬، ‫چاشنی‬
enjoyment and enthusiasm in doing something
Synonyms: enthusiasm, relish, appetite, enjoyment, delight, glee, pleasure, satisfaction
Antonyms: apathy, distaste
Reiterated ‫اعادہ‬، ‫دہرانا‬، ‫کہنا بار بار‬
say something again or a number of times typically for emphasis or clarity
Synonyms: repeat, say again, restate, retell, recapitulate, go over (and over), iterate
Antonyms: sporadic
Notoriously ‫بدنام‬، ‫اعالنیہ‬
used to emphasize that a quality or fact typically a bad one, is well known
Synonyms: infamous, of ill repute, with a bad reputation/name, ill-famed, scandalous;
Antonyms: unknown, anonymous, faceless
Opaque ‫مبہم‬، ‫شفاف غیر‬
not able to be seen through; not transparent
Synonyms: non-transparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, hazy, misty, dirty,
Antonyms: transparent, translucent, clear
Incarcerated ‫مقید‬، ‫ہونا میں قید‬
imprison or confine
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody
Antonyms: free, release
Expatriate ‫میں وطن غیر‬، ‫وطن ترک‬
a person who lives outside their native country
Synonyms: emigrant, non-native, émigré, migrant, economic migrant, guest worker;
Antonyms: national
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 04, 2018
Skepticism ‫شک‬، ‫شبہات و شکوک‬
Disruption ‫خلل‬، ‫رکاوٹ‬، ‫شکستگی‬
Agnostic ‫پرست مادیت‬، ‫ملحد‬، ‫الدین‬
Elicit ‫کرنا حاصل‬، ‫ کرنا ظاہر‬، ‫کھولنا‬
Convergence ‫سنگم‬، ‫مرکز بہ میالن‬
Gaffe ‫بات تکی بے‬، ‫غلطی فاش معاشرتی‬
Combative ‫ جنگجو‬، ‫لڑنے‬،‫تیار کو مرنے جھگڑالو‬
Modicum ‫مقدار قلیل‬، ‫مقدار محدود‬
Ostentatiously ‫نمائشی‬، ‫واال کرنے خودنمائی‬
Humane ‫انسانی‬، ‫دل نرم‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 04, 2018
Skepticism ‫شک‬، ‫شبہات و شکوک‬
a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something
Synonyms: doubt, doubtfulness, dubiousness, a pinch of salt, lack of conviction
Antonyms: conviction, belief, faith
Disruption ‫خلل‬، ‫رکاوٹ‬، ‫شکستگی‬
disturbance or problems which interrupt an event
activity, or process
Synonyms: disturbance, disordering, disarrangement, disarranging, interference, upset,
Antonyms: continue, regular
Agnostic ‫پرست مادیت‬، ‫ملحد‬، ‫الدین‬
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God
Synonyms: sceptic, doubter, questioner, doubting Thomas
Antonyms: believer, theist
Elicit ‫کرنا حاصل‬، ‫ کرنا ظاہر‬، ‫کھولنا‬
evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact)
from someone
Synonyms: obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke, bring about
Antonyms: cover, forgo, hide, suppress
Convergence ‫سنگم‬، ‫مرکز بہ میالن‬
a representation of common ground between
theories or phenomena
Synonyms: aggregation, assembly, association, collection, company
Antonyms: dispersal, scattering
Gaffe ‫بات تکی بے‬، ‫غلطی فاش معاشرتی‬
an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment
to its originator; a blunder
Synonyms: blunder, mistake, error, slip
Antonyms: amenity, attention, civility, courtesy, formality
Combative ‫ جنگجو‬، ‫لڑنے‬،‫تیار کو مرنے جھگڑالو‬
ready or eager to fight or argue
Synonyms: pugnacious, aggressive, antagonistic, quarrelsome, argumentative
Antonyms: conciliatory، agreeable, compromising, peaceful
Modicum ‫مقدار قلیل‬، ‫مقدار محدود‬
a small quantity of a particular thing,
especially something desirable or valuable
Synonyms: little bit, small amount, particle, degree, speck, fragment, scrap
Antonyms: compound, subatomic, particle
Ostentatiously ‫نمائشی‬، ‫واال کرنے خودنمائی‬
in a pretentious or showy way designed to impress
Synonyms: showy, pretentious, conspicuous, obtrusive, flamboyant,
Antonyms: plain, unobtrusive, restrained, modest
Humane ‫انسانی‬، ‫دل نرم‬
having or showing compassion or benevolence
Synonyms: compassionate, kind, kindly, kind-hearted, considerate, understanding
Antonyms: cruel, inhumane
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 03, 2018
Encapsulate ‫محفوظ‬، ‫بند طرح کی کیپسول‬
Strident ‫تیز‬، ‫کرخت‬
Pusillanimous ‫سے بزدلی‬، ‫ہمت پست‬
Procrastinate ‫تاخیر‬، ‫دیر کل آج‬،‫لگانا کرنا‬، ‫کرنا ملتوی‬
Predecessor ‫پیشرو‬، ‫سابقہ‬، ‫پچھلے‬
Malnutrition ‫کمی کی غذائیت‬، ‫غذائیت ناکافی‬
Disparity ‫مساوات عدم‬، ‫فرق‬
Starvation ‫فاقہ‬، ‫مرنا سے بھوک‬
Rhetoric ‫خطابت فن‬، ‫بازی بیان‬
Reinvigorate ‫دینا تقویت‬، ‫زندگی نئی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 03, 2018
Encapsulate ‫محفوظ‬، ‫بند طرح کی کیپسول‬
enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule
Synonyms: enclose, encase, contain, confine, envelop, enfold, sheath
Antonyms: free, let go, release, uncover, unwrap
Strident ‫تیز‬، ‫کرخت‬
(of a sound) loud and harsh; grating
Synonyms: harsh, raucous, rough, grating, rasping, jarring, loud, stentorian,
Antonyms: soft, dulcet
Pusillanimous ‫سے بزدلی‬، ‫ہمت پست‬
showing a lack of courage or determination; timid
Synonyms: afraid, chicken, cowardly, gutless, tame, timid, timorous
Antonyms: brave, unafraid
Procrastinate ‫تاخیر‬، ‫دیر کل آج‬،‫لگانا کرنا‬، ‫کرنا ملتوی‬
delay or postpone action; put off doing something
Synonyms: delay, put off doing something, postpone action, defer action, be dilatory,
Antonyms: hurry
Predecessor ‫پیشرو‬، ‫سابقہ‬، ‫پچھلے‬
a person who held a job or office before the current holder
Synonyms: forerunner, precursor, antecedent
Antonyms: successor, descendant, derivative
Malnutrition ‫کمی کی غذائیت‬، ‫غذائیت ناکافی‬
lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right
Synonyms: undernourishment, malnourishment, undernutrition, poor diet, inadequate diet
Antonyms: fullness
Disparity ‫مساوات عدم‬، ‫فرق‬
a great difference
Synonyms: discrepancy, inconsistency, imbalance, inequality,
Antonyms: parity, similarity
Starvation ‫فاقہ‬، ‫مرنا سے بھوک‬
suffering or death caused by lack of food
Synonyms: extreme hunger, lack of food, famine, want, undernourishment
Antonyms: plenty،wealth
Rhetoric ‫خطابت فن‬، ‫بازی بیان‬
the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language, expression
Antonyms: inarticulacy, conciseness
Reinvigorate ‫دینا تقویت‬، ‫زندگی نئی‬
to give new or renewed strength or energy
to (something or someone)
Synonyms: enliven, rejuvenate, renew, renovate, restore, revive
Antonyms: destroy, discourage, kill, ruin, dissuade
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 02, 2018
Catastrophe ‫تباہی‬، ‫بربادی‬، ‫کن تباہ‬
Partisan ‫جاندار‬، ‫طرفدار‬، ‫حامی‬
Deterioration ‫بگاڑ‬، ‫ابتری‬، ‫خرابی‬، ‫زوال‬
Unequivocal ‫ واضح‬، ‫مبہم غیر‬، ‫صریح صاف‬
Adversarial ‫معاندانہ‬، ‫دشمنانہ‬، ‫تعلق سے منافقت یا جھگڑے‬
Relegate ‫دینا نکال‬، ‫کرنا وطنی جال‬
Staggering ‫انگیز حیرت‬، ‫جھومتے‬،‫واال چلنے ہوئے لڑکھڑانا‬
Attrition ‫ندامت‬، ‫کی چھوڑنے‬، ‫فرسودگی‬
Entrap ‫فعل کا پھنسانے میں دام‬، ‫پھنسانا میں شکنجہ‬
Legion ‫غفیر جم‬، ‫میں تعداد بڑی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 02, 2018
Catastrophe ‫تباہی‬، ‫بربادی‬، ‫کن تباہ‬
an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster
Synonyms: disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust, ruin, ruination, tragedy,
Antonyms: salvation, godsend
Partisan ‫جاندار‬، ‫طرفدار‬، ‫حامی‬
a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person
Synonyms: supporter, follower, adherent, devotee, champion, backer
Antonyms: impartial, unbiased
Deterioration ‫بگاڑ‬، ‫ابتری‬، ‫خرابی‬، ‫زوال‬
the process of becoming progressively worse
Synonyms: decline, decay, collapse, failure, fall, drop, downturn, slump,
Antonyms: improvement
Unequivocal ‫ واضح‬، ‫مبہم غیر‬، ‫صریح صاف‬
leaving no doubt; unambiguous
Synonyms: unambiguous, unmistakable, indisputable, incontrovertible
Antonyms: equivocal, ambiguous, vague
Adversarial ‫معاندانہ‬، ‫دشمنانہ‬، ‫تعلق سے منافقت یا جھگڑے‬
involving or characterized by conflict or opposition
Synonyms: opponent, rival, enemy, foe, nemesis, antagonist, combatant,
Antonyms: ally, supporter
Relegate ‫دینا نکال‬، ‫کرنا وطنی جال‬
assign an inferior rank or position to
Synonyms: downgrade, lower, lower in rank/status, put down
Antonyms: upgrade, promote
Staggering ‫انگیز حیرت‬، ‫جھومتے‬،‫واال چلنے ہوئے لڑکھڑانا‬
walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall
Synonyms: lurch, walk unsteadily, reel, sway, teeter, totter,
Antonyms: unimpressive, uninspiring, unremarkable
Attrition ‫ندامت‬، ‫کی چھوڑنے‬، ‫فرسودگی‬
the process of reducing something’s strength or effectiveness through sustained attack or
Synonyms: wearing down, wearing away, weakening, debilitation
Antonyms: gain, increase
Entrap ‫فعل کا پھنسانے میں دام‬، ‫پھنسانا میں شکنجہ‬
catch in or as in a trap
Synonyms: trap, snare, ensnare, entangle, enmesh
Antonyms: release
Legion ‫غفیر جم‬، ‫میں تعداد بڑی‬
a division of 3,000–6,000 men including a complement of cavalry,
Synonyms: brigade, regiment, battalion, company, troop
Antonyms: countable, limited
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 01, 2018
Abrupt ‫اچانک‬، ‫پر طور ناگہانی‬
Bewildering ‫کن پریشان‬، ‫کن حیران‬، ‫واال دینے الجھا‬
Petulant ‫مزاج تند‬، ‫بدخو‬،‫گستاخ‬
Harrowing ‫کربناک‬، ‫واال پہنچانے دکھ‬، ‫دلخراش‬
Reckoning ‫کتاب حساب‬، ‫کرنا شمار‬، ‫فہمی معاملہ‬
Perplexing ‫مضطرب‬، ‫پیچیدہ‬، ‫حیران یا پریشان‬
Bellicose ‫لڑاکا‬، ‫جھگڑالو‬
Fanatical ‫جنونی‬، ‫کٹر‬، ‫متعصب‬
Medallion ‫تمغہ یا سکہ کا زمانے قدیم‬، ‫تمغہ بڑا‬
Perpetrator ‫وار قصور‬، ‫واال کرنے جرم‬، ‫مرتکب‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 01, 2018
Abrupt ‫اچانک‬، ‫پر طور ناگہانی‬
sudden and unexpected
Synonyms: sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried, hasty
Antonyms: gradual, unhurried
Bewildering ‫کن پریشان‬، ‫کن حیران‬، ‫واال دینے الجھا‬
cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused
Synonyms: baffle, mystify, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, confuse
Antonyms: enlighten, straightforward, comprehensible
Petulant ‫مزاج تند‬، ‫بدخو‬،‫گستاخ‬
(of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered
Synonyms: choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, fiery,
Antonyms: affable, companionable, cordial, extroverted
Harrowing ‫کربناک‬، ‫واال پہنچانے دکھ‬، ‫دلخراش‬
acutely distressing. (Harrow: cause distress to)
Synonyms: distress, trouble, afflict, grieve, torment, torture,
Antonyms: calm, comfort, heartening
Reckoning ‫کتاب حساب‬، ‫کرنا شمار‬، ‫فہمی معاملہ‬
the action or process of calculating or estimating something
Synonyms: appraisal, appraisement, assessment, estimate, evaluation
Perplexing ‫مضطرب‬، ‫پیچیدہ‬، ‫حیران یا پریشان‬
completely baffling; very puzzling.
Synonyms: calculation, estimation, computation, working out,
Antonyms: clear, easy, simple, straightforward, untroublesome
Bellicose ‫لڑاکا‬، ‫جھگڑالو‬
demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight
Synonyms: belligerent, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic,
Antonyms: peaceable
Fanatical ‫جنونی‬، ‫کٹر‬، ‫متعصب‬
filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.
Synonyms: zealous, extremist, extreme, militant, sectarian
Antonyms: moderate, open-minded
Medallion ‫تمغہ یا سکہ کا زمانے قدیم‬، ‫تمغہ بڑا‬
a piece of jewellery in the shape of a medal
worn as a pendant
Synonyms: emblem, jewelry, necklace, medal, badge
Perpetrator ‫وار قصور‬، ‫واال کرنے جرم‬، ‫مرتکب‬
a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act
Synonyms: assassin, criminal, executioner, perpetrator
Antonyms: Innocent, not guilty
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning 30September 2018
Ominous ‫منحوس‬، ‫بدشگون‬، ‫آشوب‬
Depreciation ‫فرسودگی‬، ‫گھٹنا‬، ‫ہونا کم قدروقیمت‬
Reluctant ‫ناراض‬، ‫ضدی‬، ‫اڑیل‬، ‫گریزاں‬
Plague ‫تکلیف‬، ‫کرنا تنگ‬
Spurt ‫کرنا کام سے جانفشانی‬، ‫دوڑنا تیز‬
Inadequate ‫ناکافی‬، ‫ادھورا‬، ‫کم‬
Breach ‫ورزی خالف‬، ‫معاہدہ نقص‬، ‫سوراخ‬
Precautionary ‫احتیاطی‬، ‫بندی پیش‬
Anecdotal ‫سنائی سنی‬، ‫ قصہ‬، ‫مطابق کے روایت‬
Exacerbated ‫کرنا پیدا شدت میں مرض‬، ‫کرنا مشتعل‬
Vigilantism ‫رکن کوئی کا امن تحفظ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
30September 2018
Ominous ‫منحوس‬، ‫بدشگون‬، ‫آشوب‬
giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious
Depreciation ‫فرسودگی‬، ‫گھٹنا‬، ‫ہونا کم قدروقیمت‬
a reduction in the value of an asset over time
Synonyms: devaluation, devaluing, decrease in value, lowering in value,
Antonyms: rise
Reluctant ‫ناراض‬، ‫ضدی‬، ‫اڑیل‬، ‫گریزاں‬
unwilling and hesitant; disinclined
Synonyms: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, grudging, resistant
Antonyms: willing, eager, ready
Plague ‫تکلیف‬، ‫کرنا تنگ‬
a thing causing trouble or irritation
Synonyms: bane, curse, scourge, affliction, blight, cancer, canker
Antonyms: deliver, release, relieve, reprieve
Spurt ‫کرنا کام سے جانفشانی‬، ‫دوڑنا تیز‬
gush out in a sudden and forceful stream
Synonyms: squirt, shoot, spray, fountain, jet, erupt
Antonyms: calm, doldrums, slump
Inadequate ‫ناکافی‬، ‫ادھورا‬، ‫کم‬
lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent
Breach ‫ورزی خالف‬، ‫معاہدہ نقص‬، ‫سوراخ‬
an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct
Synonyms: contravention, violation, breaking, non-observance, infringement
Antonyms: respecting, upholding
Precautionary ‫احتیاطی‬، ‫بندی پیش‬
carried out as a precaution; preventive
Synonyms: preventative, preventive, safety, protective
Antonyms: abetting, aiding, assisting
Anecdotal ‫سنائی سنی‬، ‫ قصہ‬، ‫مطابق کے روایت‬
not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or
Synonyms: informal, unreliable, based on hearsay; unscientific
Antonyms: experimental, scientific
Exacerbated ‫کرنا پیدا شدت میں مرض‬، ‫کرنا مشتعل‬
make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame
Antonyms: calm, reduce
Vigilantism ‫رکن کوئی کا امن تحفظ‬
law enforcement undertaken without legal authority by a self-appointed group of people
Synonyms: avenger, castigator, chastiser
Antonyms: ransomer, redeemer, vindicator
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning 29 September 2018
Culpability ‫مجرم‬، ‫مواخذہ قابل‬
Dubious ‫مشکوک‬، ‫مشتبہ‬
Cahoots ‫شرکت‬، ‫سازش ملی‬،‫ملوث میں بھگت‬
Emphasis ‫دینا زور پر لفظ خاص کسی‬، ‫تاکید‬
Unscrupulous ‫ایمان بے‬، ‫آزاد‬
Invariably ‫تبدیل ناقابل‬، ‫ہمیشہ‬
Evict ‫کردینا دخل بے‬، ‫دینا نکال‬
Clout ‫رسوخ و اثر‬
Suffocating ‫گھٹن‬، ‫دم حبس‬
Atrocities ‫مظالم‬، ‫دلی سنگ‬
Explosion ‫دھماکہ‬
Fatal ‫مہلک‬، ‫خیز ہالکت‬، ‫کن تباہ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
29 September 2018
Culpability ‫مجرم‬، ‫مواخذہ قابل‬
responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame
Synonyms: guilt, blame, fault, responsibility, accountability, liability, answerability
Antonyms: innocence
Dubious ‫مشکوک‬، ‫مشتبہ‬
not to be relied upon; suspect
Synonyms: suspicious, suspect, under suspicion, untrustworthy, unreliable
Antonyms: trustworthy, decisive, clear, definite
Cahoots ‫شرکت‬، ‫سازش ملی‬،‫ملوث میں بھگت‬
colluding or conspiring together secretly
Synonyms: in league, colluding, in collusion, conspiring, conniving
Antonyms: divided, separate, uncoordinated, separated
Emphasis ‫دینا زور پر لفظ خاص کسی‬، ‫تاکید‬
special importance, value, or prominence given to something
Synonyms: prominence, importance, significance
Antonyms: ignorance, lethargy, triviality, unimportance
Unscrupulous ‫ایمان بے‬، ‫آزاد‬
having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair
Synonyms: unprincipled, unethical, immoral, amoral, conscienceless,
Antonyms: ethical, honest
Invariably ‫تبدیل ناقابل‬، ‫ہمیشہ‬
in every case or on every occasion; always
Synonyms: always, every time, each time, on every occasion, at all times
Antonyms: sometimes, never
Evict ‫کردینا دخل بے‬، ‫دینا نکال‬
expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law
Synonyms: expel, eject, oust, remove, dislodge
Antonyms: hold, keep, take in, welcome
Clout ‫رسوخ و اثر‬
influence or power, especially in politics or business
Synonyms: influence, power, pull, weight, sway, leverage, control
Antonyms: powerlessness
Suffocating ‫گھٹن‬، ‫دم حبس‬
difficulty in breathing
Synonyms: asphyxiate, drown, smother,stifle, strangle
Antonyms: free, let go, loose
Atrocities ‫مظالم‬، ‫دلی سنگ‬
an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury
Synonyms: cruelty, abomination, enormity, outrage, horror, monstrosity
Antonyms: goodness, righteousness, virtuousness
Explosion ‫دھماکہ‬
a violent shattering or blowing apart of something, as is caused by a bomb
Synonyms: detonation, discharge, eruption, blowing up
Antonyms: implosion
Fatal ‫مہلک‬، ‫خیز ہالکت‬، ‫کن تباہ‬
causing death
Synonyms: deadly, lethal, mortal, causing death
Antonyms: assisting, blessed, fortunate, harmless, healthy, helpful
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning 28 September 2018
Extraction ‫عمل کا نکالنے‬، ‫نکلوانا‬
Intricate ‫ پیچیدہ‬، ‫ہوا الجھا‬، ‫مشکل‬
Sprawling ‫عریض و وسیع‬
Predicament ‫مشکوک‬، ‫حالت بری‬
Endeavor ‫سعی‬، ‫جدوجہد‬، ‫کوشش‬، ‫محنت‬
Lenient ‫مزاج نرم‬، ‫رحمدل‬
Arbitrarily ‫خودمختار‬، ‫اصولی بے‬، ‫قاعدہ بے‬
Trivia ‫معامالت معمولی‬، ‫چیزیں اہم غیر‬
Dismal ‫کن مایوس‬، ‫افسردہ‬
Inexplicable ‫فہم ناقابل‬، ‫تشریح ناقابل‬
Minnows ‫مچھلی چھوٹی بہت کی قسم ایک‬
Disarray ‫ابتری‬، ‫میں برہنگی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
28 September 2018
Extraction ‫عمل کا نکالنے‬، ‫نکلوانا‬
the action of extracting something, especially using effort or force
Synonyms: removal, taking out, drawing out, pulling out, withdrawal
Antonyms: insertion, relinquishment
Intricate ‫ پیچیدہ‬، ‫ہوا الجھا‬، ‫مشکل‬
very complicated or detailed
Synonyms: complex, complicated, convoluted, tangled,
Antonyms: simple, straightforward
Sprawling ‫عریض و وسیع‬
spread out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way
Synonyms: spread, stretch, straggle, ramble, trail, spill
Predicament ‫مشکوک‬، ‫حالت بری‬
a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
Synonyms: difficult situation, awkward situation, mess, difficulty
Antonyms: advantage, agreement, benefit, blessing
Endeavor ‫سعی‬، ‫جدوجہد‬، ‫کوشش‬، ‫محنت‬
try hard to do or achieve something
Synonyms: try, attempt, venture, undertake, aspire,
Antonyms: idleness, inactivity, passivity, laziness
Lenient ‫مزاج نرم‬، ‫رحمدل‬
more merciful or tolerant than expected
Synonyms: merciful, clement, sparing, forgiving, gentle
Antonyms: merciless, severe, strict
Arbitrarily ‫خودمختار‬، ‫اصولی بے‬، ‫قاعدہ بے‬
on the basis of random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Synonyms: arbitrarily, forthwith, promptly, swiftly
Antonyms: slowly
Trivia ‫معامالت معمولی‬، ‫چیزیں اہم غیر‬
details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value
Synonyms: (petty) details, minutiae, niceties, technicalities,
Antonyms: essentials, nitty-gritty
Dismal ‫کن مایوس‬، ‫افسردہ‬
causing a mood of gloom or depression
Synonyms: dingy, dim, dark, gloomy, sombre, dreary, drab, dull,
Antonyms: bright, cheerful, encouraging, happy, leasant, hopeful
Inexplicable ‫فہم ناقابل‬، ‫تشریح ناقابل‬
unable to be explained or accounted for
Synonyms: unaccountable, unexplainable, incomprehensible, unfathomable,
Antonyms: comprehensible, explainable, fathomable, understandable
Minnows ‫مچھلی چھوٹی بہت کی قسم ایک‬
a small or insignificant person or organization
Synonyms: nobody, spart, lilttle man
Disarray ‫ابتری‬، ‫میں برہنگی‬
a state of disorganization or untidiness
Synonyms: disorder, confusion, chaos
Antonyms: harmony, organization, neatness, peace, arrangement
Table of Contents
Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 11, 2018
Egregious ‫برا بہت‬
Tenable ‫مدافعت قابل‬
Scarce ‫کمی‬، ‫قلیل‬
Covet ‫کرنا خواہش‬، ‫ہرص‬
Wobbling ‫ڈگمگانا سا تھوڑا‬
Stringent ‫کڑی‬، ‫سخت بہت‬
Inflicted ‫لگانا زخم‬
Inaugurate ‫افتتاح‬
Arbitrariess ‫ مصالحت‬، ‫خودمختار‬
Satiates ‫تسکین‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 11, 2018
Egregious ‫برا بہت‬
Very Bad and easily noticed
Synonyms: conspicuous, Flagrant, glaring
Antonyms: trifling , invisible
Tenable ‫مدافعت قابل‬
Capable of being defended against attack or Criticism
Synonyms: Defendable, Defensible
Antonyms: indefensible, untenable
Scarce ‫کمی‬، ‫قلیل‬
Very small in amount or number / very plentiful
Synonyms: skimp, meager, slender
Antonyms: abundant, ample, plentiful
Covet ‫کرنا خواہش‬، ‫ہرص‬
To want (sth that you dont have) very much
Synonyms: desire, crave, hanker
Antonyms: abhor , abominate, Spur, execrate
Wobbling ‫ڈگمگانا سا تھوڑا‬
To move with an unsteady side to side motion
Synonyms: bucket, quake, joggle
Antonyms: dive in , plunge in
Stringent ‫کڑی‬، ‫سخت بہت‬
Very strict or Severe
Synonyms: brass bound, cast iron , rigid
Antonyms: lax, loose, slack, Flexible
Inflicted ‫لگانا زخم‬
To cause someone to experience or be
affected by sth unpleasant or harmful
Synonyms: impose, force, thrust
Antonyms: deny, Unfasten
Inaugurate ‫افتتاح‬
To introduce (someone , such as a newly elected official)
into a job or position with a formal ceremony
Synonyms: innovate, launch, introduce
Antonyms: Close down, stop, halt , wrap up
Arbitrariess ‫ مصالحت‬، ‫خودمختار‬
Having or showing a tendency to force One’s will on others without any regard to fairness or
Synonyms: dictatorial, imperious
Antonyms: dispassionate, fair, disinterested
Satiates ‫تسکین‬
Having one appetite completely satisfied
Synonyms: sated, full, Stuffed
Antonyms: empty, famushed, hungry

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 12, 2018

o Rapacious ‫گیری سخت‬، ‫اللچی‬
o Apathy ‫حسی بے‬، ‫سنگدلی‬
o Laudable ‫تعریف قابل‬
o Fervor ‫شوق‬/‫جوش‬
o Mortgage ‫رکھنا گروی‬، ‫رہن‬
o Surge ‫زنی موج‬/‫اضافے‬
o Segregation ‫علیحدگی‬
o Deluge ‫جانا بھر سے پانی‬
o Unmitigated ‫مسلسل‬، ‫قطعی‬
o Pain-staking ‫محنتی‬، ‫جفاکش‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 12, 2018
Rapacious ‫ اللچی‬،‫سخت گیری‬

Having a huge Appettite

Synonyms: edacious, gluttonous, hoggish
Antonyms: glutted, sated, stuffed

Apathy ‫ سنگدلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

A lack of emotion ot emotional expressiveness

Synonyms: numbness, phlegm, impassiveness
Antonyms: compassion, sympathy

Laudable ‫قابل تعریف‬

Deserving praise/ praise worthy

Synonyms: creditable, meritorioud, stellar
Antonyms: bad, blameable

Fervor ‫جوش‬/‫شوق‬
Great warmth and earnestness of feeling
Synonyms: ardor ; devoutness, jazz , Oomph
Antonyms: discouragement, coolness

Mortgage ‫ رہن‬،‫گروی رکھنا‬

To Obligate by prior agreement

Synonyms: commit, engage, troth
Antonyms: renege

Surge ‫اضافے‬/‫موج زنی‬

A Moving ridge on the surface of water

Synonyms: Billow , swell, comber

Segregation ‫علیحدگی‬

The act or state of settinh someone or sth apart from others

Synonyms: dissociation, sorting out
Antonyms: connection

Deluge ‫پانی سے بھر جانا‬

A great flood of water , inundation, flood

Synonyms: drencher, flux, niagara

Unmitigated ‫ قطعی‬،‫مسلسل‬

Not mitigated, not softened or lessend

Synonyms: absolutely, flat out
Antonyms: incompletely , partially

Pain-staking ‫ جفاکش‬،‫محنتی‬

Taking or characterized by taking , painsor, trouble; expending or showing diligent care and
effort ; careful
Synonyms: finicky , heedful
Antonyms: careless, half-done

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 13, 2018

o Stockpile ‫ذخیرے‬
o Curator ‫محافظ‬
o Covenants ‫عہد‬/‫معاہدہ‬
o Bigot ‫دھرم ہٹ‬/‫آدمی متعصب‬
o Adjudicated ‫تجویز‬/‫سنانا فیصلہ‬
o Unsavory ‫بدمزہ‬
o Sparingly ‫کفایت‬/‫سے انداز نازک‬
o Cynical ‫ناقد‬
o Fete ‫منانا خوشی‬
o Estrange ‫کرنا دور یا بیگانہ‬
o Smothering ‫گھونٹنا گال‬
o Disclosure ‫انکشاف‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 13, 2018
Stockpile ‫ذخیرے‬

A large supply of something that is kept for Future Use

Synonyms: stash, hoard, store
Antonyms: jettison, relinquish

Curator ‫محافظ‬

A person who is in charge of the things in a museum or zoo etc

Synonyms: custodian, keeper, conservator, guardian, caretaker, steward
Antonyms: betrayer, assaulter

Covenants ‫معاہدہ‬/‫عہد‬

A formal and serious agreement or Promise

Synonyms: accord, pact
Antonyms: renege, revoke , disagree

Bigot ‫متعصب آدمی‬/‫ہٹ دھرم‬

A person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people or ideas

Synonyms: Dogmatist; partisan
Antonyms: Freethinker, latitudinarian

Adjudicated ‫فیصلہ سنانا‬/‫تجویز‬

To give an Opinion about (something at issue or in dispute)

Synonyms: umpire, settle
Antonyms: equivocate, hedge
Unsavory ‫بدمزہ‬

Unpleasant or Offensive
Synonyms: Brackish, Yucky
Antonyms: tooth some, appealing, Rich

Sparingly ‫نازک انداز سے‬/‫کفایت‬

Not using or going alot of something

Synonyms: frugal, provident
Antonyms: prodigal, squandering

Cynical ‫ناقد‬

Believing that People are generally or selfish

Synonyms: misanthropic / pessimistic
Antonyms: trustful ; sappy ; uncynical

Fete ‫خوشی منانا‬

A large party or celebration

Synonyms: binge, shindig , bash
Antonyms: mock , defame, malign

Estrange ‫بیگانہ یا دور کرنا‬

To cause someone to be no longest friendly or Close to another person or group

Synonyms: sour, alienate
Antonyms: mollify , reconcile

Smothering ‫گال گھونٹنا‬

To be Cause to be killed by lack of Breathable air

Synonyms: Choke, suffocate
Antonyms: vent , loose, Unleash

Disclosure ‫انکشاف‬

The act of making something known / the act of disclosing something

Synonyms: Revelation ; divergence
Antonyms: Concealment, Cover-up

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 14, 2018

o Counterfeit ‫ جعلی‬/ ‫بناوٹ‬
o Menace ‫ ڈرانا‬/ ‫دھمکی‬
o Fraternity ‫ برادری‬/ ‫چارہ بھائی‬
o Searing ‫ ترین گرم‬/ ‫داغنا‬
o Moribund ‫ واال مرنے‬، ‫بلب جان‬
o Combated ‫ڈالنا جال‬
o Agrarian ‫زرعی‬
o Curtail ‫ کرنا تخفیف‬، ‫کرنا کمی‬
o Rollout ‫دبانا باہر سے بیلن‬
o Stagnation ‫ جمود‬/ ‫حرکت بے‬
 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 14, 2018 (Images Slide Show)
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 14, 2018
Counterfeit ‫ بناوٹ‬/ ‫جعلی‬

made to look like an exact copy of something

in order to trick people
Synonyms: Fake, spurious
Antonyms: Authentic, Real

Menace ‫ دھمکی‬/ ‫ڈرانا‬

a dangerous or possibly harmful person or thing

Synonyms: Hazard, Threat
Antonyms: Guard, Harbor, asylum

Fraternity ‫ بھائی چارہ‬/ ‫برادری‬

a group of people who have the same job, interests, etc.

Synonyms: bound, club; Chamber
Antonyms: council, league, circle

Searing ‫ داغنا‬/ ‫گرم ترین‬

very hot
extremely intense, severe, etc.
Synonyms: ardent, red hot, burning
Antonyms: arctic, bone chilling

Moribund ‫ جان بلب‬، ‫مرنے واال‬

No longer active or effective
Synonyms: dying, at deaths door
Antonyms: Jazzy, peppy, zippy

Combated ‫جال ڈالنا‬

active fighting especially in a war

Synonyms: action, battle
Antonyms: truce, harmony

Agrarian ‫زرعی‬

relating to farms or farming

Synonyms: Farming, agriculture
Antonyms: rustic

Curtail ‫ کمی کرنا‬، ‫تخفیف کرنا‬

to reduce or limit something

Synonyms: abridge, shorten
Antonyms: protract, prolong

Rollout ‫بیلن سے باہر دبانا‬

Synonyms: Cycle, Gyration, Reel, Revolution, Rotation, Run, Spin

Antonyms: Stagnation,

Stagnation ‫ بے حرکت‬/ ‫جمود‬

To stop developing, progressing, moving

Synonyms: doldrums, stagnancy
Antonyms: boom, rise

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 15, 2018

o Reinvigorate ‫ ڈالنا روح نئی‬/ ‫زندگی دوبارہ‬
o Hawk / ‫واال کرنے شکار وقت کے دن عقاب‬
o Pragmatic ‫عملیت‬
o Entail ‫پسندانہ حقیقت‬
o Stalled ‫ ہونا انجام منطقی‬/ ‫کرنا عائد‬
o Abdicate ‫ہوا رکا‬
o Lured ‫ اللچ‬/ ‫ورغالنا‬
o Prognosis ‫مرض تشخیص‬
o Prestige ‫ وقار‬/ ‫شہرت‬
o Alleviate ‫کرنا کم‬، ‫خاتمہ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 15, 2018
Reinvigorate ‫ دوبارہ زندگی‬/ ‫نئی روح ڈالنا‬

to give new or renewed strength or energy to something or someone

Synonyms: invigorated, new born
Antonyms: Tired, emasculated

Hawk / ‫عقاب دن کے وقت شکار کرنے واال‬

One who urges or attempts to cause a war

Synonyms: war monger, jingo, militarist
Antonyms: peace Maker, Dove

Pragmatic ‫عملیت‬

Wiling to see things as they really are and deal with then sensibly
Synonyms: practical, Realistic, hard headed
Antonyms: Blues sky, Utopian

Entail ‫حقیقت پسندانہ‬

to have as part of a whole

Synonyms: compose, incorporate, encompass
Antonyms: miss out, Exclude, Omit

Stalled ‫ عائد کرنا‬/ ‫منطقی انجام ہونا‬

To bring something to have a stand still to stop functioning

Synonyms: fetch up , hold up, Break, stop
Antonyms: Carry On, along, Start up

Abdicate ‫رکا ہوا‬

To give up (as a position of authority) formally

Synonyms: Cede, relinquish, resign
Antonyms: Defend, Claim

Lured ‫ ورغالنا‬/ ‫اللچ‬

Something that persuades one to perform an action for pleasure or gain
Synonyms: Allurement, enticement, Come one
Antonyms: Alert, Notice

Prognosis ‫تشخیص مرض‬

The prospect of Recovery or anticipated from the unusual course of disease or peculiarities’ of
the Case
Synonyms: Arguing, Cast, prediction
Antonyms: Calculation / Measurement

Prestige ‫ شہرت‬/ ‫وقار‬

Reputation or Influence arising from success, achievement, rank or other favourable attributes
Synonyms: weight, importance
Antonyms: Disrepute

Alleviate ‫ خاتمہ‬،‫کم کرنا‬

To make easier to endurr, lessen , mitigate

Synonyms: heighten, magnify, increase
Antonyms: allay, mollify

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 16, 2018

o Smear ‫ ملنا‬/ ‫لگانا داغ‬
o Accolades ‫ شاباش‬/ ‫اعزازات‬
o Baton ‫ڈنڈا کا سپاہی‬
o Mire ‫پھنسنا میں دلدل‬
o Helm ‫پتوار‬
o Wooping
o Exogenous ‫واال نموپانے سے اضافوں طرف کی باہر‬
o Spike ‫چبھونا چیز دار نوک تیز‬
o Penchant ‫رجحان زبردست‬
o Mavens ‫ نظر صاحب‬/ ‫مخضرم‬
o Imminent ‫آسنن یا قریب‬
o Flaunted ‫اکڑنا یا دکھانا شان‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 16, 2018
Smear ‫ داغ لگانا‬/ ‫ملنا‬
To rub an oily or sticky substance over
Synonyms: anoint, coolly
Antonyms: clean, benignity, kind

Accolades ‫ اعزازات‬/ ‫شاباش‬

A formal expression of praise

Synonyms: citation, commendation, eulogy
Antonyms: censure, reprimand

Baton ‫سپاہی کا ڈنڈا‬

A heavy rigid stick used as a weapon or for punishment

Synonyms: billy, cane
Antonyms: spread / divide

Mire ‫دلدل میں پھنسنا‬

Something, you’re stuck or entangled in it. You can’t get out

Synonyms: guck, muck
Antonyms: strengthened, tense

Helm ‫پتوار‬

A wheel or tiller by which a ship is steered

Synonyms: rudder, control
Antonyms: rank, hijack


To seek the favor, affection, or love of especially with a view to marriage

Synonyms: cultivate, solicit
Antonyms: ignore, disregard

Exogenous ‫باہر کی طرف اضافوں سے نموپانے واال‬

found or coming from outside something e.g a system or a person’s body or mind
Synonyms: external , extrinsic
Antonyms: endogenous, internal

Spike ‫تیز نوک دار چیز چبھونا‬

To penetrate or hold something with a pointed object

Synonyms: harpoon, transfix
Antonyms: damp, enervate
Penchant ‫زبردست رجحان‬

A strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way

Synonyms: bias, habituate
Antonyms: allergy, aversion

Mavens ‫ مخضرم‬/ ‫صاحب نظر‬

A person who knows a lot about a particular subject

Synonyms: ace, artist, proficient
Antonyms: amateur, inexpert

Imminent ‫قریب یا آسنن‬

Happening very soon

Synonyms: impending, looming
Antonyms: bygone, foregone, late

Flaunted ‫شان دکھانا یا اکڑنا‬

To show something in a very open way so that other people will notice
Synonyms: display; unveil; strut
Antonyms: camouflage, conceal

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 17, 2018

o Expats ‫کرنا وطن جال‬
o Tepid ‫گرم نیم‬
o Mammoth ‫ ہاتھی کا قسم ایک‬/ ‫جسام‬
o Miniscule / (Minuscule) ‫چھوٹی‬
o Fiscal ‫مال متعلقہ‬
o Plausible ‫ معقول بظاہر‬/ ‫قیاس قرین‬
o Squabble ‫کرنا تکرار‬
o Endorsement ‫کرنا تصدیق یا توثیق‬
o Adherence ‫پابند یا استقامت عمل‬
o Alleviate ‫کرنا کم‬، ‫خاتمہ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 17, 2018
Expats ‫جال وطن کرنا‬
A person forced to emigrate for political reasons
Synonyms: evacuee, exile
Antonyms: citizen, nation

Tepid ‫نیم گرم‬

not hot and not cold

Synonyms: half hearted, luke worm, uneager
Antonyms: warm, hearty

Mammoth ‫ جسام‬/ ‫ایک قسم کا ہاتھی‬

a type of large, Hairy elephant that lived in ancient times and that had very long tusks that curved
upwards / Something that is very large
Synonyms: astronomical, gigantic
Antonyms: midget, pygmy

Miniscule / (Minuscule) ‫چھوٹی‬

very small , very tiny

Synonyms: lover case letter
Antonyms: vast / huge

Fiscal ‫متعلقہ مال‬

relating to money and especially to the money or government, business or organization earns,
spends and owes
Synonyms: dollars and cents, monetary
Antonyms: non financial

Plausible ‫ قرین قیاس‬/ ‫بظاہر معقول‬

possible true, believable or realistic

Synonyms: credible; likely
Antonyms: far fetched,.improbable

Squabble ‫تکرار کرنا‬

a noisy altercation or quarrel usually over petty manners

Synonyms: hassle, tiff, wrangle
Antonyms: coexist, assent

Endorsement ‫توثیق یا تصدیق کرنا‬

a public or official statement of support or approval
Synonyms: advocate, affirm
Antonyms: attack, deny

Adherence ‫عمل استقامت یا پابند‬

the act of adhering , especially : the act of doing what is required by a Rule or Belief etc
Synonyms: adhesion, cling
Antonyms: unsticking

Alleviate ‫ خاتمہ‬،‫کم کرنا‬

To make easier to endure, lessen , mitigate

Synonyms: heighten, magnify, increase
Antonyms: allay, mollify

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 18, 2018

o Ensnared ‫پھانسانا میں چال‬
o Scrupulously ‫ آگاہی‬/ ‫محتاط بڑا میں باتوں چھوٹی چھوٹی‬
o Triggered ‫ کرنا متحرک‬/ ‫کیا متحرک‬
o Incarceration ‫قید‬
o Detention ‫ حراست‬/ ‫بندی نظر‬
o Qualms ‫ہو محسوس مطابق کے رویئے اپنے جو خلش کی ضمیر‬
o Strenuously ‫ سرگرمی‬/ ‫سخت‬
o Congestion ‫جکڑن‬
o Dissident ‫ مقلد غیر‬/ ‫رکھنا رائے مخالف‬
o Chunk ‫ٹکڑا بڑا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 18, 2018
Ensnared ‫چال میں پھانسانا‬

to catch (an animal or person) in a trap or in a place from which there is no escape
Synonyms: catch up, enmesh
Antonyms: disentangle, clear

Scrupulously ‫ چھوٹی چھوٹی باتوں میں بڑا محتاط‬/ ‫آگاہی‬

very caring about doing something correctly
Synonyms: ethical, moral
Antonyms: cut-throat, immoral

Triggered ‫ متحرک کیا‬/ ‫متحرک کرنا‬

A Lever on a gun that you pull to fire the gun

something that causes something else to happen
Synonyms: actuate, activate
Antonyms: kill, turn off

Incarceration ‫قید‬

to put [someone] in prison

Synonyms: confine, immure
Antonyms: emancipate, unfetter

Detention ‫ نظر بندی‬/ ‫حراست‬

the act of keeping someone in a prison or similar place

Synonyms: hold, detainer
Antonyms: emancipation, freedom

Qualms ‫ضمیر کی خلش جو اپنے رویئے کے مطابق محسوس ہو‬

a feeling of doubt or Uncertainty about whether you are doing the right thing
Synonyms: misgiving, compunction
Antonyms: aplomb, certitude

Strenuously ‫ سخت‬/ ‫سرگرمی‬

requiring or Showing great energy and effort

Synonyms: aggressive, striking
Antonyms: non emphatic, non assertive

Congestion ‫جکڑن‬

to prevent passage through by filling with something

Synonyms: block, choke
Antonyms: excavate, empty

Dissident ‫ مخالف رائے رکھنا‬/ ‫غیر مقلد‬

deviating from commonly accepted beliefs or practices
Synonyms: heterodox, maverick
Antonyms: orthodox, conformist

Chunk ‫بڑا ٹکڑا‬

a large amount or part of something

Synonyms: barrel, bucket
Antonyms: dram; glimmer

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 19, 2018

o Perils ‫کرنا دوچار سے خطرے‬
o Piecemeal ‫ریزہ ریزہ‬
o Tentative ‫ آزمائشی‬/ ‫عارضی‬
o Adroitly ‫ہوشیاری‬
o Myriad ‫شمار بے‬
o Sanctuary ‫ مقدس‬/ ‫جگہ پاک‬
o Flouted ‫ کرنا توہین‬/ ‫چڑانا‬
o Cluttering ‫بکھیرنا‬
o Lucrative ‫بخش منافع‬
o Gamut ‫پہلوﺅں‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 19, 2018
Perils ‫خطرے سے دوچار کرنا‬

the possibility that you will be hurt or killed or that something unpleasant or bad will happen
Synonyms: hazard, Imminence
Antonyms: asylum, shield

Piecemeal ‫ریزہ ریزہ‬

Proceeding or changing by steps or Degree

Synonyms: gradational, incremental
Antonyms: abrupt, sudden

Tentative ‫ عارضی‬/ ‫آزمائشی‬

not done with confidence
Synonyms: conditional, Contingent
Antonyms: independent, unalloyed

Adroitly ‫ہوشیاری‬

very clever or skillful

Synonyms: artful , masterful
Antonyms: amateur, artless

Myriad ‫بے شمار‬

a very large no of things

Synonyms: manifold, divers
Antonyms: solitary, singular

Sanctuary ‫ پاک جگہ‬/ ‫مقدس‬

a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter

Synonyms: sanctum, shrine
Antonyms: harm, lay bare

Flouted ‫ چڑانا‬/ ‫توہین کرنا‬

to Break or ignore (a law or rule etc.) without hiding what you are doing or showing fear or
Synonyms: scorn, despise
Antonyms: accept, approve

Cluttering ‫بکھیرنا‬

to fill or cover something with many things

Synonyms: agglomerate, botch
Antonyms: peace, tidiness

Lucrative ‫منافع بخش‬

producing money or wealth

Synonyms: fat, remuneration
Antonyms: unfavorable; unprofitable

Gamut ‫پہلوﺅں‬
a range or series of related things
Synonyms: diapason, spread
Antonyms: extreme, limitation

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 20, 2018

o Reignited ‫بھڑکا سے پھر یا چالنا دوبارہ‬
o Enticing ‫آمیز تحریص یا ورغالنا‬
o Outrageous ‫انگیز اشتعال‬
o Biennial ‫پودا سالہ دو‬
o Cajole ‫ دینا دھوکہ‬/ ‫کرنا چاپلوسی‬
o Dispensation ‫فراہمی‬
o Modicum ‫مقدار قلیل‬
o Entourage ‫مقدار قلیل‬
o Repercussions ‫برگشت یا نتائج‬
o Assassinate ‫قتل‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 20, 2018
Reignited ‫دوبارہ چالنا یا پھر سے بھڑکا‬

To start again heat or a flame / To cause a fuel to burn

Synonyms: burn, inflame, kindle
Antonyms: extinguish, put out

Enticing ‫ورغالنا یا تحریص آمیز‬

Attractive or Tempting
Synonyms: alluring , appealing
Antonyms: disenchanting, disgusting

Outrageous ‫اشتعال انگیز‬

Shockingly bad or Excessive / Very bad and unusual and rather shocking
Synonyms: flamboyant, flashy
Antonyms: magnificent, moral

Biennial ‫دو سالہ پودا‬

A plant having a life cycle that normally takes 2 seasons from germination to death to complete
Synonyms: flower, herb
Antonyms: non cyclic, non oscillatory

Cajole ‫ چاپلوسی کرنا‬/ ‫دھوکہ دینا‬

To persuade by flattery or promises / Wheedle, Coax

Synonyms: bully, palaver
Antonyms: deter, repel, dissuade

Dispensation ‫فراہمی‬

Something that is distributed or given out / an act of dispensing or distribution

Synonyms: allotment, bestowed
Antonyms: denial, veto

Modicum ‫قلیل مقدار‬

A small portion/ a limited quantity

Synonyms: beans, hoot
Antonyms: maximum

Entourage ‫قلیل مقدار‬

The group following and attending to some important person / A body of employees or servants
who accompany and wait on a person
Synonyms: retinue, body guard , tail
Antonyms: flora, prosecution

Repercussions ‫نتائج یا برگشت‬

The power to Bring about a result or another.

Synonyms: sway, impact
Antonyms: powerlessness, impotence, helplessness

Assassinate ‫قتل‬

Murder; especially of socially prominent persons

Synonyms: bump off, rub out, kill
Antonyms: add / begin, animate

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 21, 2018

o Opaque ‫ مبہم‬/ ‫دھندال‬
o Entanglement ‫ہوا الجھا میں معاملے یا چیز پیچیدہ کسی‬
o Predicament ‫حال یا حالت بری‬
o Malaise ‫چینی بے‬
o Pretext ‫عذر یا بہانہ‬
o Throttling ‫کرنا مقرر حد یا کرنا محدود‬
o Consolidated ‫جوڑنا یا استحکام‬
o Reprimand ‫کرنا مذمت یا سرزنش‬
o Leer ‫ نگاہ ترچھی‬/ ‫نظر بری‬
o Austerity ‫سادگی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 21, 2018
Opaque ‫ دھندال‬/ ‫مبہم‬

Difficult to understand or explain

Synonyms: ambiguous, deep, arcane
Antonyms: clear, unequivocal

Entanglement ‫کسی پیچیدہ چیز یا معاملے میں الجھا ہوا‬

Something that catches or holds

Synonyms: web, quagmire
Antonyms: disentangle, release

Predicament ‫بری حالت یا حال‬

A difficult or unpleasant situation
Synonyms: crisis, mess, dilemma
Antonyms: advantages, benefit

Malaise ‫بے چینی‬

A problem or Condition that harms or weakness a group or society etc.

Synonyms: unhappiness, restlessness, uneasiness
Antonyms: comfort, well-being

Pretext ‫بہانہ یا عذر‬

A reason that you give to hide your real reason for doing something
Synonyms: excuse, false excuse, ostensible reason
Antonyms: reality, back, truth, rear

Throttling ‫محدود کرنا یا حد مقرر کرنا‬

1) To defeat (Someone or something) easily or completely.

2) to not allow to grow or develop.
Synonyms: garrote, suffocate, choke
Antonyms: restore, revive

Consolidated ‫استحکام یا جوڑنا‬

1) To join or combine together into one thing

2) To make something (such as a position of power or control) stronger or more secure.
Synonyms: combine, unite, merge, integrate

Reprimand ‫سرزنش یا مذمت کرنا‬

An often public or Formal expression of disapproval.

Synonyms: rebuke, reproof, admonishment, admonition,
Antonyms: praise, commendation

Leer ‫ بری نظر‬/ ‫ترچھی نگاہ‬

To look at someone in an evil or unpleasantly sexual way.

Synonyms: ogle, look lasciviously, look suggestively,

Austerity ‫سادگی‬
Sternness; severity of manner
Synonyms: coldness, gravity
Antonyms: luxuriousness, elaborateness

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 25, 2018

o Relentlessly ‫سے رحمی بے‬، ‫سے سنگدلی‬، ‫مسلسل‬
o Onerous ‫دورہ‬، ‫طلب محنت‬، ‫گراں‬
o Monarchy ‫بادشاہت‬، ‫شہنشاہیت‬
o Entrench ‫بند مورچہ‬، ‫محفوظ میں مورچے‬
o Exacerbated ‫کرنا پیدا شدت میں مرض‬، ‫کرنا مشتعل‬
o Indiscriminate ‫دھند اندھا‬، ‫امتیاز بے‬، ‫اصول بے‬،
o Imperative ‫ضروری اشد‬، ‫الزمی‬، ‫آمرانہ‬
o Abundance ‫کثرت‬، ‫زیادہ‬، ‫وافر‬
o Violent ‫پرتشدد‬، ‫شدید‬
o Conviction
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 25, 2018
Relentlessly ‫ مسلسل‬،‫ سنگدلی سے‬،‫بے رحمی سے‬

in an unceasingly intense or harsh way.

Synonyms: persistent, continuing, constant, continual, continuous, non-stop, lasting,
Antonyms: short-lived, irresolute, intermittent

Onerous ‫ گراں‬،‫ محنت طلب‬،‫دورہ‬

(of a task or responsibility) involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty.

Synonyms: burdensome, heavy, inconvenient, troublesome, awkward, crushing,
Antonyms: easy, effortless

Monarchy ‫ شہنشاہیت‬،‫بادشاہت‬

a form of government with a monarch at the head

Synonyms: kingship, sovereignty, autocracy, monocracy, absolutism

Entrench ‫ مورچے میں محفوظ‬،‫مورچہ بند‬

establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely
Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root, install, plant, embed, anchor, seat, station
Antonyms: dislodge, superficial

Exacerbated ‫ مشتعل کرنا‬،‫مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound;
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Indiscriminate ‫ بے اصول‬،‫ بے امتیاز‬،‫اندھا دھند‬،

done at random or without careful judgement.

Synonyms: non-selective, unselective, undiscriminating, uncritical, aimless,
Antonyms: selective, discriminating, systematic

Imperative ‫ آمرانہ‬،‫ الزمی‬،‫اشد ضروری‬

of vital importance; crucial

giving an authoritative command; peremptory
Synonyms: all-important, vital, crucial, critical, essential
Antonyms: unimportant, optional

Abundance ‫ وافر‬،‫ زیادہ‬،‫کثرت‬

a very large quantity of something

Synonyms: profusion, plentifulness, profuseness, copiousness, amplitude, affluence
Antonyms: lack, scarcity

Violent ‫ شدید‬،‫پرتشدد‬

using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something
Synonyms: brutal, vicious, savage, harsh, rough, aggressive, Antonyms: gentle, weak


a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that
someone is guilty of a criminal offence
Synonyms: sentence, judgement
Antonyms: acquittal

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 26, 2018

o Horrendous ‫ہولناک‬
o Pecuniary ‫مالی یا متعلق سے پیسے‬
o Biodegradable ‫ہو نہ خراب سے عمل کے وغیرہ جراثیم جو‬
o Melee‫ہنگامہ یا پائی ہاتھا‬
o Lopsided ‫ناہموار یا ٹیڑھا‬
o Encroach ‫کرنا تجاوز یا غصب‬
o Fraught ‫ہوا بھرا‬
o Riot ‫غپاڑہ غل یا فسادات‬
o Gabber ‫بک بک یا شپ گپ‬
o Cumulative
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 26, 2018
Horrendous ‫ہولناک‬

Extremely bad or unpleasant

Synonyms: Abhorrent, Appalling
Antonyms: Beautiful, Fortunate, Delightful

Pecuniary ‫پیسے سے متعلق یا مالی‬

Consisting or Money or Banking or Investment.

Synonyms: Dollars and Cents, Monetary
Antonyms: Non-Financial

Biodegradable ‫جو جراثیم وغیرہ کے عمل سے خراب نہ ہو‬

A substance or object that capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms
and thereby avoiding pollution.

Melee‫ہاتھا پائی یا ہنگامہ‬

A confused Fought or Scuffle

Synonyms: Tumult, Disorder
Antonyms: Calm, Harmony

Lopsided ‫ٹیڑھا یا ناہموار‬

With one side lower or smaller than the other
Synonyms: one sided, unequal
Antonyms: Balanced , even ,level

Encroach ‫غصب یا تجاوز کرنا‬

To enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another

Synonyms: horn in, usurp, impinge
Antonyms: Ignore, keep off

Fraught ‫بھرا ہوا‬

Situation or course of action Filled with something undesirable

Synonyms: Charged, replete
Antonyms: empty

Riot ‫فسادات یا غل غپاڑہ‬

A violent Disturbance of the peace by a Crowd

Synonyms: Rampage, Anarchy
Antonyms: Tranquility; Order

Gabber ‫گپ شپ یا بک بک‬

Talk in rapid, excited way

Synonyms: Blowhard, Chatter Box
Antonyms: Apologist


Increasing or Increased in Quality, degree or force by Successive Additions

Synonyms: Accumulative, Mounting
Antonyms: Subtracting, decreasing

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 27, 2018

o Scrutiny ‫کرنا پڑتال جانچ‬، ‫کرنا بین چھان‬
o Sanctions ‫فرمان یا منظوری‬
o Curtail ‫کرنا تخفیف یا کمی‬
o Reinvigorate ‫زندگی دوبارہ‬
o Staggering ‫انگیز حیرت‬
o Nuanced ‫انداز یا پہلو‬
o Vilification ‫کرنا بدنام یا کرنا رسوا‬
o Espouse ‫ملوث یا کرنا تائد‬
o Echelons ‫دینا ترتیب یا عہد‬
o Perpetrator ‫کرنا ارتکاب یا واال کرنے جرم‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 27, 2018
Scrutiny ‫ چھان بین کرنا‬،‫جانچ پڑتال کرنا‬

Critical observation or examination

Synonyms: analysis, review
Antonyms: glimpse, flash, peek

Sanctions ‫منظوری یا فرمان‬

A threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule

Synonyms: approbation, consent
Antonyms: denial, prohibition, opposition

Curtail ‫کمی یا تخفیف کرنا‬

Reduce in extent or quantity, impose a restriction on

Synonyms: decrease, diminish
Antonyms: develop; enlarge

Reinvigorate ‫دوبارہ زندگی‬

Give new energy or strength to

Synonyms: enliven, restore
Antonyms: kill or ruin

Staggering ‫حیرت انگیز‬

Causing great astonishment or amazement

Synonyms: amazing, mind boggling
Antonyms: unimpressive; jading, monotonous

Nuanced ‫پہلو یا انداز‬

A very Slight Difference in appearance,

meaning or sound etc
Synonyms: distinction, hint, gradation
Antonyms: information, brightness

Vilification ‫رسوا کرنا یا بدنام کرنا‬

To speak ill of or defame or slander.

To lower in worth or value
Synonyms: decry, damns, denigrate
Antonyms: exalt; commend

Espouse ‫تائد کرنا یا ملوث‬

Adopt or support (a cause belief or way of life)

Synonyms: adopt, advocate, embrace
Antonyms: attack, desert, reject

Echelons ‫عہد یا ترتیب دینا‬

A level or Rank in an organization, a profession or society

Synonyms: step; file; degree
Antonyms: unemployment

Perpetrator ‫جرم کرنے واال یا ارتکاب کرنا‬

A person who carries out a harmful, illegal or immortal act

Synonyms: criminal, solider
Antonyms: law abiding citizen; sufferer

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 29, 2018

o Clumsiness ‫اناڑی‬، ‫بھدا‬، ‫پن ڈھنگا بے‬
o Countenance ‫چہرہ‬، ‫تائید‬، ‫روپ‬
o Ascertain ‫ یقینی‬، ‫تعین کا بات‬
o Catastrophic ‫کن تباہ‬، ‫عظیم انقالب‬، ‫مصیبت‬
o Vegetation ‫مطالعہ کا نباتات‬، ‫روئیدگی‬
o Monstrous ‫بدصورت‬، ‫دیوہیکل‬
o Ruinous ‫مضر‬، ‫کن تباہ‬، ‫حال خستہ‬
o Outcry ‫چیخ‬، ‫چالہٹ‬، ‫فریاد‬، ‫شورشرابا‬
o Rampant ‫زیادہ سے حد‬، ‫ہوئی بڑھتی روزبروز‬
o Belligerent ‫آور جنگ‬، ‫جنگ شریک‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 29, 2018
Clumsiness ‫ بے ڈھنگا پن‬،‫ بھدا‬،‫اناڑی‬

the quality of being awkward or careless in one’s movements.

Synonyms: awkward, uncoordinated, ungainly, graceless, ungraceful,
Antonyms: graceful, tactful

Countenance ‫ روپ‬،‫ تائید‬،‫چہرہ‬

admit as acceptable or possible.

Synonyms: tolerate, permit, allow, admit of, approve (of), agree to, consent to,
Antonyms: ban, disallow

Ascertain ‫ بات کا تعین‬، ‫یقینی‬

find (something) out for certain; make sure of.

Synonyms: find out, discover, get/come to know, work out, make out, fathom

Catastrophic ‫ مصیبت‬،‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫تباہ کن‬

involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous,
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Vegetation ‫ روئیدگی‬،‫نباتات کا مطالعہ‬

plants considered collectively, especially those found in a particular area or habitat

Synonyms: plants, plant life, flora; greenery, foliage; rareherbage, verdure

Monstrous ‫ دیوہیکل‬،‫بدصورت‬

having the ugly or frightening appearance of a monster

inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong
Synonyms: grotesque, hideous, ugly, ghastly, gruesome, horrible,
Antonyms: lovely, beautiful, normal

Ruinous ‫ خستہ حال‬،‫ تباہ کن‬،‫مضر‬

disastrous or destructive.
Synonyms: disastrous, devastating, catastrophic, calamitous
Antonyms: beneficial

Outcry ‫ شورشرابا‬،‫ فریاد‬،‫ چالہٹ‬،‫چیخ‬

an exclamation or shout
a strong expression of public disapproval or anger
Synonyms: shout, exclamation, objections, indignation, furore,
Antonyms: indifference

Rampant ‫ روزبروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬،‫حد سے زیادہ‬

(especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled,
Antonyms: controlled, under control

Belligerent ‫ شریک جنگ‬،‫جنگ آور‬

a nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law.

Synonyms: hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic
Antonyms: peaceful, neutral

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 30, 2018

o Bonhomie ‫دلی کشاہ‬، ‫مزاجی خوش‬
o Efficacy ‫ افادیت‬، ‫اثر‬
o Vowed ‫کرنا عہد‬
o Malicious ‫مبنی پر بدنیتی‬
o Ire ‫غصہ‬
o Fledgling ‫نوخیز‬
o Armour ‫محافظ‬
o Recuperating ‫شفایابی‬، ‫کرنا وصول‬
o Frivolous ‫ خفیف‬، ‫سنجیدہ غیر‬
o Staunch ‫پختہ‬، ‫پکا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 30, 2018
Bonhomie ‫ خوش مزاجی‬،‫کشاہ دلی‬
Cheerful friendlies / good matured easy friendliness
Synonyms: conviviality, Amenity
Antonyms: Aloofness, Coldness

Efficacy ‫ اثر‬، ‫افادیت‬

The Ability to produce a desired or intended result

Synonyms: Edge, effectiveness
Antonyms: Inability, in ability

Vowed ‫عہد کرنا‬

Solemnly promise to do a specific thing

Synonyms: pledge, Affirm, Swear
Antonyms: Deny, Misuse

Malicious ‫بدنیتی پر مبنی‬

Intended to harm or upset other people

Synonyms: Malignant, Nasty, Spiteful
Antonyms: Aiding, Assisting, Decent

Ire ‫غصہ‬

Synonyms: Annoyance, Fury
Antonyms: Diligent, Calm

Fledgling ‫نوخیز‬

Someone or something that is getting started in a new activity

Synonyms: Newbie, Colt, Cub
Antonyms: Old hand, pro, professional

Armour ‫محافظ‬

Strong covering that protect something, especially the body in the Battle
Synonyms: Bullet proof vest, Shield
Antonyms: Unready, Undress

Recuperating ‫ وصول کرنا‬،‫شفایابی‬

Recover from illness or exertion
Synonyms: Recover, get well
Antonyms: Deteriorate, hurt

Frivolous ‫ غیر سنجیدہ‬، ‫خفیف‬

Not having any serious purpose or value

Synonyms: Foolish, pointless
Antonyms: Intelligent, Sensible

Staunch ‫ پکا‬،‫پختہ‬

Very loyal and committed in attitude

Synonyms: Ardent, Reliable
Antonyms: Disloyal, untrustworthy

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 31, 2018

o Pander ‫کرنا مچاور یا مان بڑا کا کمزوری کسی یا شخص کسی‬
o Thwarted ‫دینا بنا ناکام‬، ‫ترچھا‬
o Marginalise ‫بنانا اہم غیر‬
o Disenfranchised ‫ محروم‬، ‫کرنا استصواب‬
o Plank ‫بندی تختہ‬، ‫ٹکڑا کا لکڑی عمارتی‬
o Reprisal ‫کارروائی انتقامی‬
o Fiasco ‫ناکامی‬
o Abjured ‫خارج‬، ‫کرنا ترک‬
o Capricious ‫غلط‬، ‫رویہ نامناسب‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 31, 2018
Pander ‫کسی شخص یا کسی کمزوری کا بڑا مان یا مچاور کرنا‬

To do or provide exactly what a person or group wants, especially when it is not acceptable,
reasonable, or approved of, usually in order to get some personal advantage
Synonyms: Indulge, Cajole
Antonyms: Annoy, Frustrate

Thwarted ‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناکام بنا دینا‬

Prevent someone from accomplishing something
Synonyms: Stop, Hinder, defeat
Antonyms: Abet, Aid, Assist

Marginalise ‫غیر اہم بنانا‬

To treat someone or something as if they are not important

Synonyms: Criticize, Deprecate
Antonyms: Elevate, Praise, Promote

Disenfranchised ‫ استصواب کرنا‬، ‫محروم‬

Deprived of some right, privilege or immunity, especially deprived of the right to Vote.
Synonyms: Coerce, Deprive, imprison
Antonyms: free, release

Plank ‫ عمارتی لکڑی کا ٹکڑا‬،‫تختہ بندی‬

Along thin or flat piece of timber used especially in building and flooring
Synonyms: Lumber, Platform, Slab
Antonyms: Rise, Ascend, Clock out

Reprisal ‫انتقامی کارروائی‬

Activity against another person, especially as a punishment by military forces or political group
Synonyms: Retribution, Retaliation
Antonyms: Pardon, Kindness

Fiasco ‫ناکامی‬

A complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one

Synonyms: Blunder, Breakdown, Disaster
Antonyms: Miracle, Success, Triumph

Abjured ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫خارج‬

To renounce, repudiate or retract especially with formal solemnity, Recant.

Synonyms: Forswear, Renege
Antonyms: Allow, emphasize

Capricious ‫ نامناسب رویہ‬،‫غلط‬

Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior

Synonyms: Arbitrary, careless
Antonyms: Cautions, Constant
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 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 15, 2018

o Reinvigorate ‫ دوبارہ زندگی‬/ ‫نئی روح ڈالنا‬
o Hawk / ‫عقاب دن کے وقت شکار کرنے واال‬
o Pragmatic ‫عملیت‬
o Entail ‫حقیقت پسندانہ‬
o Stalled ‫ عائد کرنا‬/ ‫منطقی انجام ہونا‬
o Abdicate ‫رکا ہوا‬
o Lured ‫ ورغالنا‬/ ‫اللچ‬
o Prognosis ‫تشخیص مرض‬
o Prestige ‫ شہرت‬/ ‫وقار‬
o Alleviate ‫ خاتمہ‬،‫کم کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 15, 2018
Reinvigorate ‫ دوبارہ زندگی‬/ ‫نئی روح ڈالنا‬

to give new or renewed strength or energy to something or someone

Synonyms: invigorated, new born
Antonyms: Tired, emasculated

Hawk / ‫عقاب دن کے وقت شکار کرنے واال‬

One who urges or attempts to cause a war

Synonyms: war monger, jingo, militarist
Antonyms: peace Maker, Dove

Pragmatic ‫عملیت‬

Wiling to see things as they really are and deal with then sensibly
Synonyms: practical, Realistic, hard headed
Antonyms: Blues sky, Utopian
Entail ‫حقیقت پسندانہ‬

to have as part of a whole

Synonyms: compose, incorporate, encompass
Antonyms: miss out, Exclude, Omit

Stalled ‫ عائد کرنا‬/ ‫منطقی انجام ہونا‬

To bring something to have a stand still to stop functioning

Synonyms: fetch up , hold up, Break, stop
Antonyms: Carry On, along, Start up

Abdicate ‫رکا ہوا‬

To give up (as a position of authority) formally

Synonyms: Cede, relinquish, resign
Antonyms: Defend, Claim

Lured ‫ ورغالنا‬/ ‫اللچ‬

Something that persuades one to perform an action for pleasure or gain

Synonyms: Allurement, enticement, Come one
Antonyms: Alert, Notice

Prognosis ‫تشخیص مرض‬

The prospect of Recovery or anticipated from the unusual course of disease or peculiarities’ of
the Case
Synonyms: Arguing, Cast, prediction
Antonyms: Calculation / Measurement

Prestige ‫ شہرت‬/ ‫وقار‬

Reputation or Influence arising from success, achievement, rank or other favourable attributes
Synonyms: weight, importance
Antonyms: Disrepute

Alleviate ‫ خاتمہ‬،‫کم کرنا‬

To make easier to endurr, lessen , mitigate

Synonyms: heighten, magnify, increase
Antonyms: allay, mollify

Table of Contents
 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 16, 2018
o Smear ‫ داغ لگانا‬/ ‫ملنا‬
o Accolades ‫ اعزازات‬/ ‫شاباش‬
o Baton ‫سپاہی کا ڈنڈا‬
o Mire ‫دلدل میں پھنسنا‬
o Helm ‫پتوار‬
o Wooping
o Exogenous ‫باہر کی طرف اضافوں سے نموپانے واال‬
o Spike ‫تیز نوک دار چیز چبھونا‬
o Penchant ‫زبردست رجحان‬
o Mavens ‫ مخضرم‬/ ‫صاحب نظر‬
o Imminent ‫قریب یا آسنن‬
o Flaunted ‫شان دکھانا یا اکڑنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 16, 2018
Smear ‫ داغ لگانا‬/ ‫ملنا‬

To rub an oily or sticky substance over

Synonyms: anoint, coolly
Antonyms: clean, benignity, kind

Accolades ‫ اعزازات‬/ ‫شاباش‬

A formal expression of praise

Synonyms: citation, commendation, eulogy
Antonyms: censure, reprimand

Baton ‫سپاہی کا ڈنڈا‬

A heavy rigid stick used as a weapon or for punishment

Synonyms: billy, cane
Antonyms: spread / divide

Mire ‫دلدل میں پھنسنا‬

Something, you’re stuck or entangled in it. You can’t get out

Synonyms: guck, muck
Antonyms: strengthened, tense
Helm ‫پتوار‬

A wheel or tiller by which a ship is steered

Synonyms: rudder, control
Antonyms: rank, hijack


To seek the favor, affection, or love of especially with a view to marriage

Synonyms: cultivate, solicit
Antonyms: ignore, disregard

Exogenous ‫باہر کی طرف اضافوں سے نموپانے واال‬

found or coming from outside something e.g a system or a person’s body or mind
Synonyms: external , extrinsic
Antonyms: endogenous, internal

Spike ‫تیز نوک دار چیز چبھونا‬

To penetrate or hold something with a pointed object

Synonyms: harpoon, transfix
Antonyms: damp, enervate

Penchant ‫زبردست رجحان‬

A strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way

Synonyms: bias, habituate
Antonyms: allergy, aversion

Mavens ‫ مخضرم‬/ ‫صاحب نظر‬

A person who knows a lot about a particular subject

Synonyms: ace, artist, proficient
Antonyms: amateur, inexpert

Imminent ‫قریب یا آسنن‬

Happening very soon

Synonyms: impending, looming
Antonyms: bygone, foregone, late

Flaunted ‫شان دکھانا یا اکڑنا‬

To show something in a very open way so that other people will notice
Synonyms: display; unveil; strut
Antonyms: camouflage, conceal

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 17, 2018

o Expats ‫جال وطن کرنا‬
o Tepid ‫نیم گرم‬
o Mammoth ‫ جسام‬/ ‫ایک قسم کا ہاتھی‬
o Miniscule / (Minuscule) ‫چھوٹی‬
o Fiscal ‫متعلقہ مال‬
o Plausible ‫ قرین قیاس‬/ ‫بظاہر معقول‬
o Squabble ‫تکرار کرنا‬
o Endorsement ‫توثیق یا تصدیق کرنا‬
o Adherence ‫عمل استقامت یا پابند‬
o Alleviate ‫ خاتمہ‬،‫کم کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 17, 2018
Expats ‫جال وطن کرنا‬

A person forced to emigrate for political reasons

Synonyms: evacuee, exile
Antonyms: citizen, nation

Tepid ‫نیم گرم‬

not hot and not cold

Synonyms: half hearted, luke worm, uneager
Antonyms: warm, hearty

Mammoth ‫ جسام‬/ ‫ایک قسم کا ہاتھی‬

a type of large, Hairy elephant that lived in ancient times and that had very long tusks that curved
upwards / Something that is very large
Synonyms: astronomical, gigantic
Antonyms: midget, pygmy
Miniscule / (Minuscule) ‫چھوٹی‬

very small , very tiny

Synonyms: lover case letter
Antonyms: vast / huge

Fiscal ‫متعلقہ مال‬

relating to money and especially to the money or government, business or organization earns,
spends and owes
Synonyms: dollars and cents, monetary
Antonyms: non financial

Plausible ‫ قرین قیاس‬/ ‫بظاہر معقول‬

possible true, believable or realistic

Synonyms: credible; likely
Antonyms: far fetched,.improbable

Squabble ‫تکرار کرنا‬

a noisy altercation or quarrel usually over petty manners

Synonyms: hassle, tiff, wrangle
Antonyms: coexist, assent

Endorsement ‫توثیق یا تصدیق کرنا‬

a public or official statement of support or approval

Synonyms: advocate, affirm
Antonyms: attack, deny

Adherence ‫عمل استقامت یا پابند‬

the act of adhering , especially : the act of doing what is required by a Rule or Belief etc
Synonyms: adhesion, cling
Antonyms: unsticking

Alleviate ‫ خاتمہ‬،‫کم کرنا‬

To make easier to endure, lessen , mitigate

Synonyms: heighten, magnify, increase
Antonyms: allay, mollify

Table of Contents
 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 18, 2018
o Ensnared ‫چال میں پھانسانا‬
o Scrupulously ‫ چھوٹی چھوٹی باتوں میں بڑا محتاط‬/ ‫آگاہی‬
o Triggered ‫ متحرک کیا‬/ ‫متحرک کرنا‬
o Incarceration ‫قید‬
o Detention ‫ نظر بندی‬/ ‫حراست‬
o Qualms ‫ضمیر کی خلش جو اپنے رویئے کے مطابق محسوس ہو‬
o Strenuously ‫ سخت‬/ ‫سرگرمی‬
o Congestion ‫جکڑن‬
o Dissident ‫ مخالف رائے رکھنا‬/ ‫غیر مقلد‬
o Chunk ‫بڑا ٹکڑا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 18, 2018
Ensnared ‫چال میں پھانسانا‬

to catch (an animal or person) in a trap or in a place from which there is no escape
Synonyms: catch up, enmesh
Antonyms: disentangle, clear

Scrupulously ‫ چھوٹی چھوٹی باتوں میں بڑا محتاط‬/ ‫آگاہی‬

very caring about doing something correctly

Synonyms: ethical, moral
Antonyms: cut-throat, immoral

Triggered ‫ متحرک کیا‬/ ‫متحرک کرنا‬

A Lever on a gun that you pull to fire the gun

something that causes something else to happen
Synonyms: actuate, activate
Antonyms: kill, turn off

Incarceration ‫قید‬

to put [someone] in prison

Synonyms: confine, immure
Antonyms: emancipate, unfetter
Detention ‫ نظر بندی‬/ ‫حراست‬

the act of keeping someone in a prison or similar place

Synonyms: hold, detainer
Antonyms: emancipation, freedom

Qualms ‫ضمیر کی خلش جو اپنے رویئے کے مطابق محسوس ہو‬

a feeling of doubt or Uncertainty about whether you are doing the right thing
Synonyms: misgiving, compunction
Antonyms: aplomb, certitude

Strenuously ‫ سخت‬/ ‫سرگرمی‬

requiring or Showing great energy and effort

Synonyms: aggressive, striking
Antonyms: non emphatic, non assertive

Congestion ‫جکڑن‬

to prevent passage through by filling with something

Synonyms: block, choke
Antonyms: excavate, empty

Dissident ‫ مخالف رائے رکھنا‬/ ‫غیر مقلد‬

deviating from commonly accepted beliefs or practices

Synonyms: heterodox, maverick
Antonyms: orthodox, conformist

Chunk ‫بڑا ٹکڑا‬

a large amount or part of something

Synonyms: barrel, bucket
Antonyms: dram; glimmer

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 19, 2018

o Perils ‫خطرے سے دوچار کرنا‬
o Piecemeal ‫ریزہ ریزہ‬
o Tentative ‫ عارضی‬/ ‫آزمائشی‬
o Adroitly ‫ہوشیاری‬
o Myriad ‫بے شمار‬
o Sanctuary ‫ پاک جگہ‬/ ‫مقدس‬
o Flouted ‫ چڑانا‬/ ‫توہین کرنا‬
o Cluttering ‫بکھیرنا‬
o Lucrative ‫منافع بخش‬
o Gamut ‫پہلوﺅں‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 19, 2018
Perils ‫خطرے سے دوچار کرنا‬

the possibility that you will be hurt or killed or that something unpleasant or bad will happen
Synonyms: hazard, Imminence
Antonyms: asylum, shield

Piecemeal ‫ریزہ ریزہ‬

Proceeding or changing by steps or Degree

Synonyms: gradational, incremental
Antonyms: abrupt, sudden

Tentative ‫ عارضی‬/ ‫آزمائشی‬

not done with confidence

Synonyms: conditional, Contingent
Antonyms: independent, unalloyed

Adroitly ‫ہوشیاری‬

very clever or skillful

Synonyms: artful , masterful
Antonyms: amateur, artless

Myriad ‫بے شمار‬

a very large no of things

Synonyms: manifold, divers
Antonyms: solitary, singular

Sanctuary ‫ پاک جگہ‬/ ‫مقدس‬

a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter
Synonyms: sanctum, shrine
Antonyms: harm, lay bare

Flouted ‫ چڑانا‬/ ‫توہین کرنا‬

to Break or ignore (a law or rule etc.) without hiding what you are doing or showing fear or
Synonyms: scorn, despise
Antonyms: accept, approve

Cluttering ‫بکھیرنا‬

to fill or cover something with many things

Synonyms: agglomerate, botch
Antonyms: peace, tidiness

Lucrative ‫منافع بخش‬

producing money or wealth

Synonyms: fat, remuneration
Antonyms: unfavorable; unprofitable

Gamut ‫پہلوﺅں‬

a range or series of related things

Synonyms: diapason, spread
Antonyms: extreme, limitation

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 20, 2018

o Reignited ‫دوبارہ چالنا یا پھر سے بھڑکا‬
o Enticing ‫ورغالنا یا تحریص آمیز‬
o Outrageous ‫اشتعال انگیز‬
o Biennial ‫دو سالہ پودا‬
o Cajole ‫ چاپلوسی کرنا‬/ ‫دھوکہ دینا‬
o Dispensation ‫فراہمی‬
o Modicum ‫قلیل مقدار‬
o Entourage ‫قلیل مقدار‬
o Repercussions ‫نتائج یا برگشت‬
o Assassinate ‫قتل‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 20, 2018
Reignited ‫دوبارہ چالنا یا پھر سے بھڑکا‬

To start again heat or a flame / To cause a fuel to burn

Synonyms: burn, inflame, kindle
Antonyms: extinguish, put out

Enticing ‫ورغالنا یا تحریص آمیز‬

Attractive or Tempting
Synonyms: alluring , appealing
Antonyms: disenchanting, disgusting

Outrageous ‫اشتعال انگیز‬

Shockingly bad or Excessive / Very bad and unusual and rather shocking
Synonyms: flamboyant, flashy
Antonyms: magnificent, moral

Biennial ‫دو سالہ پودا‬

A plant having a life cycle that normally takes 2 seasons from germination to death to complete
Synonyms: flower, herb
Antonyms: non cyclic, non oscillatory
Cajole ‫ چاپلوسی کرنا‬/ ‫دھوکہ دینا‬

To persuade by flattery or promises / Wheedle, Coax

Synonyms: bully, palaver
Antonyms: deter, repel, dissuade

Dispensation ‫فراہمی‬

Something that is distributed or given out / an act of dispensing or distribution

Synonyms: allotment, bestowed
Antonyms: denial, veto

Modicum ‫قلیل مقدار‬

A small portion/ a limited quantity

Synonyms: beans, hoot
Antonyms: maximum

Entourage ‫قلیل مقدار‬

The group following and attending to some important person / A body of employees or servants
who accompany and wait on a person
Synonyms: retinue, body guard , tail
Antonyms: flora, prosecution

Repercussions ‫نتائج یا برگشت‬

The power to Bring about a result or another.

Synonyms: sway, impact
Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 21, 2018

o Opaque ‫ دھندال‬/ ‫مبہم‬
o Entanglement ‫کسی پیچیدہ چیز یا معاملے میں الجھا ہوا‬
o Predicament ‫بری حالت یا حال‬
o Malaise ‫بے چینی‬
o Pretext ‫بہانہ یا عذر‬
o Throttling ‫محدود کرنا یا حد مقرر کرنا‬
o Consolidated ‫استحکام یا جوڑنا‬
o Reprimand ‫سرزنش یا مذمت کرنا‬
o Leer ‫ بری نظر‬/ ‫ترچھی نگاہ‬
o Austerity ‫سادگی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
October 21, 2018
Opaque ‫ دھندال‬/ ‫مبہم‬

Difficult to understand or explain

Synonyms: ambiguous, deep, arcane
Antonyms: clear, unequivocal

Entanglement ‫کسی پیچیدہ چیز یا معاملے میں الجھا ہوا‬

Something that catches or holds

Synonyms: web, quagmire
Antonyms: disentangle, release

Predicament ‫بری حالت یا حال‬

A difficult or unpleasant situation

Synonyms: crisis, mess, dilemma
Antonyms: advantages, benefit

Malaise ‫بے چینی‬

A problem or Condition that harms or weakness a group or society etc.

Synonyms: unhappiness, restlessness, uneasiness
Antonyms: comfort, well-being

Pretext ‫بہانہ یا عذر‬

A reason that you give to hide your real reason for doing something
Synonyms: excuse, false excuse, ostensible reason
Antonyms: reality, back, truth, rear

Throttling ‫محدود کرنا یا حد مقرر کرنا‬

1) To defeat (Someone or something) easily or completely.

2) to not allow to grow or develop.
Synonyms: garrote, suffocate, choke
Antonyms: restore, revive
Consolidated ‫استحکام یا جوڑنا‬

1) To join or combine together into one thing

2) To make something (such as a position of power or control) stronger or more secure.
Synonyms: combine, unite, merge, integrate

Reprimand ‫سرزنش یا مذمت کرنا‬

An often public or Formal expression of disapproval.

Synonyms: rebuke, reproof, admonishment, admonition,
Antonyms: praise, commendation

Leer ‫ بری نظر‬/ ‫ترچھی نگاہ‬

To look at someone in an evil or unpleasantly sexual way.

Synonyms: ogle, look lasciviously, look suggestively,

Austerity ‫سادگی‬

Sternness; severity of manner

Synonyms: coldness, gravity
Antonyms: luxuriousness, elaborateness

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 25, 2018

o Relentlessly ‫ مسلسل‬،‫ سنگدلی سے‬،‫بے رحمی سے‬
o Onerous ‫ گراں‬،‫ محنت طلب‬،‫دورہ‬
o Monarchy ‫ شہنشاہیت‬،‫بادشاہت‬
o Entrench ‫ مورچے میں محفوظ‬،‫مورچہ بند‬
o Exacerbated ‫ مشتعل کرنا‬،‫مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬
o Indiscriminate ‫ بے اصول‬،‫ بے امتیاز‬،‫اندھا دھند‬،
o Imperative ‫ آمرانہ‬،‫ الزمی‬،‫اشد ضروری‬
o Abundance ‫ وافر‬،‫ زیادہ‬،‫کثرت‬
o Violent ‫ شدید‬،‫پرتشدد‬
o Conviction
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 25, 2018
Relentlessly ‫ مسلسل‬،‫ سنگدلی سے‬،‫بے رحمی سے‬
in an unceasingly intense or harsh way.
Synonyms: persistent, continuing, constant, continual, continuous, non-stop, lasting,
Antonyms: short-lived, irresolute, intermittent

Onerous ‫ گراں‬،‫ محنت طلب‬،‫دورہ‬

(of a task or responsibility) involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty.

Synonyms: burdensome, heavy, inconvenient, troublesome, awkward, crushing,
Antonyms: easy, effortless

Monarchy ‫ شہنشاہیت‬،‫بادشاہت‬

a form of government with a monarch at the head

Synonyms: kingship, sovereignty, autocracy, monocracy, absolutism

Entrench ‫ مورچے میں محفوظ‬،‫مورچہ بند‬

establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely
Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root, install, plant, embed, anchor, seat, station
Antonyms: dislodge, superficial

Exacerbated ‫ مشتعل کرنا‬،‫مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound;
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Indiscriminate ‫ بے اصول‬،‫ بے امتیاز‬،‫اندھا دھند‬،

done at random or without careful judgement.

Synonyms: non-selective, unselective, undiscriminating, uncritical, aimless,
Antonyms: selective, discriminating, systematic

Imperative ‫ آمرانہ‬،‫ الزمی‬،‫اشد ضروری‬

of vital importance; crucial

giving an authoritative command; peremptory
Synonyms: all-important, vital, crucial, critical, essential
Antonyms: unimportant, optional
Abundance ‫ وافر‬،‫ زیادہ‬،‫کثرت‬

a very large quantity of something

Synonyms: profusion, plentifulness, profuseness, copiousness, amplitude, affluence
Antonyms: lack, scarcity

Violent ‫ شدید‬،‫پرتشدد‬

using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something
Synonyms: brutal, vicious, savage, harsh, rough, aggressive, Antonyms: gentle, weak


a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that
someone is guilty of a criminal offence
Synonyms: sentence, judgement
Antonyms: acquittal

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 26, 2018

o Horrendous ‫ہولناک‬
o Pecuniary ‫پیسے سے متعلق یا مالی‬
o Biodegradable ‫جو جراثیم وغیرہ کے عمل سے خراب نہ ہو‬
o Melee‫ہاتھا پائی یا ہنگامہ‬
o Lopsided ‫ٹیڑھا یا ناہموار‬
o Encroach ‫غصب یا تجاوز کرنا‬
o Fraught ‫بھرا ہوا‬
o Riot ‫فسادات یا غل غپاڑہ‬
o Gabber ‫گپ شپ یا بک بک‬
o Cumulative
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 26, 2018
Horrendous ‫ہولناک‬

Extremely bad or unpleasant

Synonyms: Abhorrent, Appalling
Antonyms: Beautiful, Fortunate, Delightful

Pecuniary ‫پیسے سے متعلق یا مالی‬

Consisting or Money or Banking or Investment.
Synonyms: Dollars and Cents, Monetary
Antonyms: Non-Financial

Biodegradable ‫جو جراثیم وغیرہ کے عمل سے خراب نہ ہو‬

A substance or object that capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms
and thereby avoiding pollution.

Melee‫ہاتھا پائی یا ہنگامہ‬

A confused Fought or Scuffle

Synonyms: Tumult, Disorder
Antonyms: Calm, Harmony

Lopsided ‫ٹیڑھا یا ناہموار‬

With one side lower or smaller than the other

Synonyms: one sided, unequal
Antonyms: Balanced , even ,level

Encroach ‫غصب یا تجاوز کرنا‬

To enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another

Synonyms: horn in, usurp, impinge
Antonyms: Ignore, keep off

Fraught ‫بھرا ہوا‬

Situation or course of action Filled with something undesirable

Synonyms: Charged, replete
Antonyms: empty

Riot ‫فسادات یا غل غپاڑہ‬

A violent Disturbance of the peace by a Crowd

Synonyms: Rampage, Anarchy
Antonyms: Tranquility; Order
Gabber ‫گپ شپ یا بک بک‬

Talk in rapid, excited way

Synonyms: Blowhard, Chatter Box
Antonyms: Apologist


Increasing or Increased in Quality, degree or force by Successive Additions

Synonyms: Accumulative, Mounting
Antonyms: Subtracting, decreasing

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 27, 2018

o Scrutiny ‫ چھان بین کرنا‬،‫جانچ پڑتال کرنا‬
o Sanctions ‫منظوری یا فرمان‬
o Curtail ‫کمی یا تخفیف کرنا‬
o Reinvigorate ‫دوبارہ زندگی‬
o Staggering ‫حیرت انگیز‬
o Nuanced ‫پہلو یا انداز‬
o Vilification ‫رسوا کرنا یا بدنام کرنا‬
o Espouse ‫تائد کرنا یا ملوث‬
o Echelons ‫عہد یا ترتیب دینا‬
o Perpetrator ‫جرم کرنے واال یا ارتکاب کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 27, 2018
Scrutiny ‫ چھان بین کرنا‬،‫جانچ پڑتال کرنا‬

Critical observation or examination

Synonyms: analysis, review
Antonyms: glimpse, flash, peek

Sanctions ‫منظوری یا فرمان‬

A threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule

Synonyms: approbation, consent
Antonyms: denial, prohibition, opposition
Curtail ‫کمی یا تخفیف کرنا‬

Reduce in extent or quantity, impose a restriction on

Synonyms: decrease, diminish
Antonyms: develop; enlarge

Reinvigorate ‫دوبارہ زندگی‬

Give new energy or strength to

Synonyms: enliven, restore
Antonyms: kill or ruin

Staggering ‫حیرت انگیز‬

Causing great astonishment or amazement

Synonyms: amazing, mind boggling
Antonyms: unimpressive; jading, monotonous

Nuanced ‫پہلو یا انداز‬

A very Slight Difference in appearance,

meaning or sound etc
Synonyms: distinction, hint, gradation
Antonyms: information, brightness

Vilification ‫رسوا کرنا یا بدنام کرنا‬

To speak ill of or defame or slander.

To lower in worth or value
Synonyms: decry, damns, denigrate
Antonyms: exalt; commend

Espouse ‫تائد کرنا یا ملوث‬

Adopt or support (a cause belief or way of life)

Synonyms: adopt, advocate, embrace
Antonyms: attack, desert, reject

Echelons ‫عہد یا ترتیب دینا‬

A level or Rank in an organization, a profession or society

Synonyms: step; file; degree
Antonyms: unemployment

Perpetrator ‫جرم کرنے واال یا ارتکاب کرنا‬

A person who carries out a harmful, illegal or immortal act
Synonyms: criminal, solider
Antonyms: law abiding citizen; sufferer

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 29, 2018

o Clumsiness ‫ بے ڈھنگا پن‬،‫ بھدا‬،‫اناڑی‬
o Countenance ‫ روپ‬،‫ تائید‬،‫چہرہ‬
o Ascertain ‫ بات کا تعین‬، ‫یقینی‬
o Catastrophic ‫ مصیبت‬،‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫تباہ کن‬
o Vegetation ‫ روئیدگی‬،‫نباتات کا مطالعہ‬
o Monstrous ‫ دیوہیکل‬،‫بدصورت‬
o Ruinous ‫ خستہ حال‬،‫ تباہ کن‬،‫مضر‬
o Outcry ‫ شورشرابا‬،‫ فریاد‬،‫ چالہٹ‬،‫چیخ‬
o Rampant ‫ روزبروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬،‫حد سے زیادہ‬
o Belligerent ‫ شریک جنگ‬،‫جنگ آور‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 29, 2018
Clumsiness ‫ بے ڈھنگا پن‬،‫ بھدا‬،‫اناڑی‬

the quality of being awkward or careless in one’s movements.

Synonyms: awkward, uncoordinated, ungainly, graceless, ungraceful,
Antonyms: graceful, tactful

Countenance ‫ روپ‬،‫ تائید‬،‫چہرہ‬

admit as acceptable or possible.

Synonyms: tolerate, permit, allow, admit of, approve (of), agree to, consent to,
Antonyms: ban, disallow

Ascertain ‫ بات کا تعین‬، ‫یقینی‬

find (something) out for certain; make sure of.

Synonyms: find out, discover, get/come to know, work out, make out, fathom

Catastrophic ‫ مصیبت‬،‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫تباہ کن‬

involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous,
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Vegetation ‫ روئیدگی‬،‫نباتات کا مطالعہ‬

plants considered collectively, especially those found in a particular area or habitat

Synonyms: plants, plant life, flora; greenery, foliage; rareherbage, verdure

Monstrous ‫ دیوہیکل‬،‫بدصورت‬

having the ugly or frightening appearance of a monster

inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong
Synonyms: grotesque, hideous, ugly, ghastly, gruesome, horrible,
Antonyms: lovely, beautiful, normal

Ruinous ‫ خستہ حال‬،‫ تباہ کن‬،‫مضر‬

disastrous or destructive.
Synonyms: disastrous, devastating, catastrophic, calamitous
Antonyms: beneficial

Outcry ‫ شورشرابا‬،‫ فریاد‬،‫ چالہٹ‬،‫چیخ‬

an exclamation or shout
a strong expression of public disapproval or anger
Synonyms: shout, exclamation, objections, indignation, furore,
Antonyms: indifference

Rampant ‫ روزبروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬،‫حد سے زیادہ‬

(especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked

Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled,
Antonyms: controlled, under control

Belligerent ‫ شریک جنگ‬،‫جنگ آور‬

a nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law.

Synonyms: hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic
Antonyms: peaceful, neutral

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 30, 2018

o Bonhomie ‫ خوش مزاجی‬،‫کشاہ دلی‬
o Efficacy ‫ اثر‬، ‫افادیت‬
o Vowed ‫عہد کرنا‬
o Malicious ‫بدنیتی پر مبنی‬
o Ire ‫غصہ‬
o Fledgling ‫نوخیز‬
o Armour ‫محافظ‬
o Recuperating ‫ وصول کرنا‬،‫شفایابی‬
o Frivolous ‫ غیر سنجیدہ‬، ‫خفیف‬
o Staunch ‫ پکا‬،‫پختہ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 30, 2018
Bonhomie ‫ خوش مزاجی‬،‫کشاہ دلی‬

Cheerful friendlies / good matured easy friendliness

Synonyms: conviviality, Amenity
Antonyms: Aloofness, Coldness

Efficacy ‫ اثر‬، ‫افادیت‬

The Ability to produce a desired or intended result

Synonyms: Edge, effectiveness
Antonyms: Inability, in ability

Vowed ‫عہد کرنا‬

Solemnly promise to do a specific thing

Synonyms: pledge, Affirm, Swear
Antonyms: Deny, Misuse

Malicious ‫بدنیتی پر مبنی‬

Intended to harm or upset other people

Synonyms: Malignant, Nasty, Spiteful
Antonyms: Aiding, Assisting, Decent

Ire ‫غصہ‬
Synonyms: Annoyance, Fury
Antonyms: Diligent, Calm

Fledgling ‫نوخیز‬

Someone or something that is getting started in a new activity

Synonyms: Newbie, Colt, Cub
Antonyms: Old hand, pro, professional

Armour ‫محافظ‬

Strong covering that protect something, especially the body in the Battle
Synonyms: Bullet proof vest, Shield
Antonyms: Unready, Undress

Recuperating ‫ وصول کرنا‬،‫شفایابی‬

Recover from illness or exertion

Synonyms: Recover, get well
Antonyms: Deteriorate, hurt

Frivolous ‫ غیر سنجیدہ‬، ‫خفیف‬

Not having any serious purpose or value

Synonyms: Foolish, pointless
Antonyms: Intelligent, Sensible

Staunch ‫ پکا‬،‫پختہ‬

Very loyal and committed in attitude

Synonyms: Ardent, Reliable
Antonyms: Disloyal, untrustworthy

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning October 31, 2018

o Pander ‫کسی شخص یا کسی کمزوری کا بڑا مان یا مچاور کرنا‬
o Thwarted ‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناکام بنا دینا‬
o Marginalise ‫غیر اہم بنانا‬
o Disenfranchised ‫ استصواب کرنا‬، ‫محروم‬
o Plank ‫ عمارتی لکڑی کا ٹکڑا‬،‫تختہ بندی‬
o Reprisal ‫انتقامی کارروائی‬
o Fiasco ‫ناکامی‬
o Abjured ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫خارج‬
o Capricious ‫ نامناسب رویہ‬،‫غلط‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

October 31, 2018
Pander ‫کسی شخص یا کسی کمزوری کا بڑا مان یا مچاور کرنا‬

To do or provide exactly what a person or group wants, especially when it is not acceptable,
reasonable, or approved of, usually in order to get some personal advantage
Synonyms: Indulge, Cajole
Antonyms: Annoy, Frustrate

Thwarted ‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناکام بنا دینا‬

Prevent someone from accomplishing something

Synonyms: Stop, Hinder, defeat
Antonyms: Abet, Aid, Assist

Marginalise ‫غیر اہم بنانا‬

To treat someone or something as if they are not important

Synonyms: Criticize, Deprecate
Antonyms: Elevate, Praise, Promote

Disenfranchised ‫ استصواب کرنا‬، ‫محروم‬

Deprived of some right, privilege or immunity, especially deprived of the right to Vote.
Synonyms: Coerce, Deprive, imprison
Antonyms: free, release

Plank ‫ عمارتی لکڑی کا ٹکڑا‬،‫تختہ بندی‬

Along thin or flat piece of timber used especially in building and flooring
Synonyms: Lumber, Platform, Slab
Antonyms: Rise, Ascend, Clock out

Reprisal ‫انتقامی کارروائی‬

Activity against another person, especially as a punishment by military forces or political group
Synonyms: Retribution, Retaliation
Antonyms: Pardon, Kindness

Fiasco ‫ناکامی‬
A complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one
Synonyms: Blunder, Breakdown, Disaster
Antonyms: Miracle, Success, Triumph

Abjured ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫خارج‬

To renounce, repudiate or retract especially with formal solemnity, Recant.

Synonyms: Forswear, Renege
Antonyms: Allow, emphasize

Capricious ‫ نامناسب رویہ‬،‫غلط‬

Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior

Synonyms: Arbitrary, careless
Antonyms: Cautions, Constant

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 3, 2018

o Consigned ‫سپرد کرنا‬
o Capitulate ‫اطاعت قبول کرنا‬
o Semblance ‫مشابہت‬
o Limbo ‫قید خانہ‬
o Mutiny ‫بغاوت‬
o Morass ‫دلدل‬
o Affluent ‫ بہتات‬،‫امیر‬
o Surveillance ‫ حراست‬،‫نگرانی‬
o Ratify ‫توثیق‬
o Stark ‫ مکمل طور پر‬،‫سخت‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 3, 2018
Consigned ‫سپرد کرنا‬

to send something to someone

Synonyms: assign, relegate
Antonyms: keep, cease, conceal

Capitulate ‫اطاعت قبول کرنا‬

to accept something or agree to do something unwillingly

Synonyms: bow, defer, concede
Antonyms: win, fight, conquer
Semblance ‫مشابہت‬

a situation or condition that is similar to what is wanted or expected, but is not exactly as hoped
Synonyms: pretense, affinity, analogy
Antonyms: reality, back

Limbo ‫قید خانہ‬

an uncertain situation that you cannot control and in which there is no progress or improvement
Synonyms: oblivion, nothingness
Antonyms: certainty, certitude

Mutiny ‫بغاوت‬

an occasion when a group of people, especially soldiers or sailors, refuses to obey orders and/or
attempts to take control from people in authority
Synonyms: revolt, uprising, riot
Antonyms: calm, peace, obedience

Morass ‫دلدل‬

something that is extremely complicated and difficult to deal with and makes any progress
almost impossible
Synonyms: chaos, quagmire
Antonyms: order, organization

Affluent ‫ بہتات‬،‫امیر‬

having a lot of money or owning a lot of things

Synonyms: moneyed, rich, upscale
Antonyms: destitute, poor, failing

Surveillance ‫ حراست‬،‫نگرانی‬

the careful watching of a person or place, especially by the police orarmy, because of a crime
that has happened or is expected
Synonyms: care, control, examination
Antonyms: neglect, ignorance

Ratify ‫توثیق‬

(especially of governments or organizations) to make an agreement official

Synonyms: approve, confirm
Antonyms: deny, destroy
Stark ‫ مکمل طور پر‬،‫سخت‬

empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or anything that is not necessary
Synonyms: blunt, simple
Antonyms: covered, clothed

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 4, 2018

o Escalate ‫بڑھنا یا رفتار میں تبدیل‬
o Inflammatory ‫ اشتعال‬،‫فساد انگیز‬
o Incur ‫مول لینا‬
o Pre-emptive ‫ قبل‬،‫حق سے زیادہ مطالبہ‬
o Polarize ‫ برقی کیفیت پیدا کرنا‬،‫مرتکز‬
o Unabated ‫بال روک ٹوک‬
o Exacerbate ‫ مشتعل کرنا‬،‫شدت پیدا کرنا‬
o Wane ‫پسندی میں کمی‬
o Intercede ‫ بیچ میں پڑنا‬،‫سفارش‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 4, 2018
Escalate ‫بڑھنا یا رفتار میں تبدیل‬

To become or make something become greater or more serious

Synonyms: expand, grow
Antonyms: decline, decrease

Inflammatory ‫ اشتعال‬،‫فساد انگیز‬

Intended or likely to cause anger or hate

Synonyms: incendiary, provocative
Antonyms: calming, mitigating

Incur ‫مول لینا‬

To experience something, usually something unpleasant, as a result of actions you have taken
Synonyms: acquire, arouse, earn
Antonyms: forfeit, lose

Pre-emptive ‫ قبل‬،‫حق سے زیادہ مطالبہ‬

Done before someone else can act, especially to prevent them doing what they had planned
Synonyms: deterrent, precautionary
Antonyms: reactive, permissive

Polarize ‫ برقی کیفیت پیدا کرنا‬،‫مرتکز‬

To cause something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, to divide
into two completely opposing groups
Synonyms: part, separate, demarcate
Antonyms: combine, connect

Unabated ‫بال روک ٹوک‬

without becoming weaker in strength or force

Synonyms: punishing, nonstop, incessant
Antonyms: relenting, surrounding

Exacerbate ‫ مشتعل کرنا‬،‫شدت پیدا کرنا‬

To make something that is already bad even worse

Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, heighten
Antonyms: aid, alleviate

Wane ‫پسندی میں کمی‬

To become weaker in strength or influence

Synonyms: abate, decrease, die out
Antonyms: enlarge, grow, develop

Intercede ‫ بیچ میں پڑنا‬،‫سفارش‬

To use your influence to persuade someone in authority

to forgive another person, or save this person from punishment
Synonyms: arbitrate, intrude, plead
Antonyms: leave alone

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 5, 2018

o Boilerplate ‫نمونہ‬
o Assortment ‫درجہ بندی‬
o Re-assert ‫حق جتانا‬
o Commuter ‫ادلہ بدلی کرنا‬
o Rickety ‫الغر یا کمزور‬
o Jostling ‫دھکے مارنا‬
o Snail’s Pace ‫چیونٹی کی چال‬
o Harrowing ‫کرب ناک‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 5, 2018
Boilerplate ‫نمونہ‬

A template (a standard way of writing something that can be copied) used in legal Documents,
contracts etc
Synonyms: Customary, Normal
Antonyms: Irregular, Rare, Uncommon

Assortment ‫درجہ بندی‬

A miscellaneous collection of Things or people

Synonyms: Collection, Jumble, Mishmash
Antonyms: Like, similar, same

Re-assert ‫حق جتانا‬

To do something to show that you still have power

Synonyms: Affirm, Argue
Antonyms: Contradict, Hide

Commuter ‫ادلہ بدلی کرنا‬

A person who travel some distance to work on a regular basis

Synonyms: Driver, Traveler
Antonyms: Keep, increased

Rickety ‫الغر یا کمزور‬

Poorly made and likely to collapse in bad or weak condition.

Synonyms: Broken, flimsy
Antonyms: Firm, Steady

Jostling ‫دھکے مارنا‬

Push elbow or bump against someone roughly, typically in a crowd

Synonyms: Hustle, Shore
Antonyms: Leave alone, Pull; Repress

Snail’s Pace ‫چیونٹی کی چال‬

An extremely slow rate
Synonyms: Crawl, Creep or slow
Antonyms: Fast, brisk

Harrowing ‫کرب ناک‬

Extremely upsetting because connected with suffering

Synonyms: Chilling, Disturbing
Antonyms: Pleasant, Calming

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 7, 2018

o Clarion ‫کھال‬، ‫ بلند‬،‫صاف‬
o Millennium ‫ عہد سعادت‬،‫ہزار برس‬
o Pertinent ‫ مناسب‬،‫ٹھیک‬
o Whereabouts ‫اتا پتہ‬
o Caveat ‫ غداری کرنا‬،‫انتباہ‬
o Ostensibly ‫ظاہر طور پر‬
o Incendiary ‫آگ لگانے واال‬
o Veering ‫مڑنا یا رخ بدلنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 7, 2018
Clarion ‫کھال‬، ‫ بلند‬،‫صاف‬

A shrill narrow tubed war trumpet

Synonyms: Blaring, Sharp
Antonyms: Low

Millennium ‫ عہد سعادت‬،‫ہزار برس‬

A period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date of the birth of
Synonyms: happiness, golden age

Pertinent ‫ مناسب‬،‫ٹھیک‬

Relevant or applicable to a particular matter, apposite

Synonyms: Germane, Relative
Antonyms: Extraneous, Pointless
Whereabouts ‫اتا پتہ‬

The place where someone or something is

Synonyms: Location/ Position
Antonyms: Whence, Wherever

Caveat ‫ غداری کرنا‬،‫انتباہ‬

A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions or limitations

Synonyms: Warning, Alarm
Antonyms: Betrayal, Consonance

Ostensibly ‫ظاہر طور پر‬

As appear or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so, apparently

Synonyms: Seemingly, Evidently
Antonyms: Improbably, Unlikely

Incendiary ‫آگ لگانے واال‬

Tending to stir up conflict

Synonyms: Inflammatory, Provocative
Antonyms: Loyal, Peace Making

Veering ‫مڑنا یا رخ بدلنا‬

To change Direction or turnabout or aside /shift.

Synonyms: Bend, Deflect
Antonyms: Stay, Keep to

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 8, 2018

o Breach ‫ نقص معاہدہ‬،‫خالف ورزی‬
o Flounder ‫ ایک خوردنی مچھلی‬،‫ پھسل جانا‬،‫لوٹنا‬
o Huddle ‫ مجلس مذاکرات‬،‫نجی اجالس‬
o Inadequate ‫ ادھورا‬،‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ کم‬،‫ناکافی‬
o Contrast ‫ فرق دیکھنا‬،‫اس کے برعکس‬
o Resolute ‫ استقالل‬،‫ استوار‬،‫ثابت قدم‬
o Presupposes ‫پہلے سے قیاس کرلینا‬،‫پہلے سے فرض کر لینا‬
o Contemplate ‫ارادہ کرنا‬،‫ نیت کرنا‬،‫غور و فکر کرنا‬
o Instigators ‫ بانی فساد‬،‫ فتنہ انگیز‬،‫ اکسانے واال‬،‫محرک کار‬
o Dread ‫ دہشت‬،‫خوف‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
November 8, 2018
Breach ‫ نقص معاہدہ‬،‫خالف ورزی‬

Infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard

Synonyms: crime, debt, error, lawbreaking
Antonyms: noncrime, obey, observe

Flounder ‫ ایک خوردنی مچھلی‬،‫ پھسل جانا‬،‫لوٹنا‬

Struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water

Synonyms: struggle, thrash, thresh, flail
Antonyms: make good progress

Huddle ‫ مجلس مذاکرات‬،‫نجی اجالس‬

crowd together; nestle closely

Synonyms: crowd, gather, throng, flock, herd, pile
Antonyms: disperse, stretch out

Inadequate ‫ ادھورا‬،‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ کم‬،‫ناکافی‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose

Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant,
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent

Contrast ‫ فرق دیکھنا‬،‫اس کے برعکس‬

the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association
Synonyms: difference, dissimilarity, disparity, dissimilitude,
Antonyms: similarity, resemblance

Resolute ‫ استقالل‬،‫ استوار‬،‫ثابت قدم‬

admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering

Synonyms: determined, purposeful, purposive, resolved
Antonyms: irresolute, half-hearted

Presupposes ‫پہلے سے قیاس کرلینا‬،‫پہلے سے فرض کر لینا‬

require as a precondition of possibility or coherence

Synonyms: require, necessitate, imply, entail, mean,
Antonyms: presume, assume, take it for granted
Contemplate ‫ارادہ کرنا‬،‫ نیت کرنا‬،‫غور و فکر کرنا‬

look thoughtfully for a long time at.

Synonyms: view, regard, examine, inspect, observe,
Antonyms: disregard, ignore, overlook

Instigators ‫ بانی فساد‬،‫ فتنہ انگیز‬،‫ اکسانے واال‬،‫محرک کار‬

a person who brings about or initiates something

Synonyms: initiator, prime mover, motivator, architect
Antonyms: peacemaker, reconciler, uniter

Dread ‫ دہشت‬،‫خوف‬

anticipate with great apprehension or fear

Synonyms: fear, be afraid of, worry about, be anxious about,
Antonyms: confidence, calming, comforting, consoling,

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 9, 2018

o Conundrum ‫پہلی‬
o Neutrality ‫غیر جانبداری‬
o Convulsion ‫کپکپی‬،‫ افراتفری‬،‫زلزلہ‬
o Auspices ‫تحفظ یا سرپرستی‬
o Exacerbated ‫مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬
o Praxis ‫رسم و رواج‬
o Stumbling ‫ٹھوکر کھانا‬
o Perks ‫مراعات یا سہولیات‬
o Concomitant ‫ایک ساتھ واقع ہونا‬
o Sporadic ‫ جھٹ پٹ‬،‫ کبھی کبھار‬،‫اکا دکا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 9, 2018
Conundrum ‫پہلی‬

A confusing and difficult problem or question.

Synonyms: Enigma, Mystery
Antonyms: Clarification, Answer

Neutrality ‫غیر جانبداری‬

The state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict; disagreement etc; Impartiality
Synonyms: Disinterest, Noninterference
Antonyms: Bias, Favoritism, Prejudice

Convulsion ‫کپکپی‬،‫ افراتفری‬،‫زلزلہ‬

Any Violent and irregular motion or agitation; a violent shaking ; a tumult, a commotion.
Synonyms: Cramp, Contraction
Antonyms: Harmony, Peace, Placid

Auspices ‫تحفظ یا سرپرستی‬

With the help and support of a particular person or organization

Synonyms: Aegis, Protection
Antonyms: Opposition, Powerlessness

Exacerbated ‫مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬

To make something that is already bad even worse

Synonyms: Heighten; Irritate
Antonyms: Calm; Aid; Alleviate

Praxis ‫رسم و رواج‬

The process of using a theory or something that you have learned in a practical way
Synonyms: Custom, Exercise
Antonyms: Inactivity

Stumbling ‫ٹھوکر کھانا‬

Tripping or losing balance while walking, moving with difficulty

Synonyms: Falter, Fall Down
Antonyms: Continue, Correct

Perks ‫مراعات یا سہولیات‬

An advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your
Synonyms: Gratuity, Bonus, Advantage
Antonyms: Loss; Disadvantage

Concomitant ‫ایک ساتھ واقع ہونا‬

Something that happens with something else and is connected with it
Synonyms: Adjutant, Accessory
Antonyms: Accidental, Chance

Sporadic ‫ جھٹ پٹ‬،‫ کبھی کبھار‬،‫اکا دکا‬

occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated

Synonyms: occasional, infrequent, irregular, periodical, periodic
Antonyms: frequent, regular, steady, continuous

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 13, 2018

o Glaring (adjective) ‫ صاف‬،‫ خیرہ کن‬،‫واضح‬
o Semblance (noun) ‫ مشابہت‬،‫جھلک‬
o Downright (adjective) ‫ صاف‬،‫سیدھا سادھا‬
o Compound (verb) ‫ احاطہ‬،‫ایک سے زیادہ چیزوں کو جوڑنا‬
o Rudimentary (adjective) ‫ نامکمل‬،‫ بنیادی‬،‫ابتدائی‬
o Compel (verb) ‫ زبردستی کرنا‬،‫مجبور کرنا یا ہونا‬
o Gruelling (adjective) ‫ سختی‬،‫ مشقت سے بھرپور‬،‫صبر آزما‬
o Spurred (verb) ‫ مہمیز دار‬،‫حوصلہ افزائی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 13, 2018
Glaring (adjective) ‫ صاف‬،‫ خیرہ کن‬،‫واضح‬

giving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling light

Example: the glaring sun
Synonyms: dazzling, blinding, blazing, strong, extremely bright
Antonyms: dim, soft

Semblance (noun) ‫ مشابہت‬،‫جھلک‬

the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different
Example: she tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order
Synonyms: appearance, outward appearance, approximation
Antonyms: bluntness, candidness, candor, directness

Downright (adjective) ‫ صاف‬،‫سیدھا سادھا‬

(of something bad or unpleasant) utter; complete (used for emphasis

Example: it’s a downright disgrace
Synonyms: complete, total, absolute, utter, thorough, perfect
Antonyms: partial, anything but

Compound (verb) ‫ احاطہ‬،‫ایک سے زیادہ چیزوں کو جوڑنا‬

make up (a composite whole); constitute

Example: a smell compounded of dust and mould
Synonyms: be composed of, be made up of, be constituted of

Rudimentary (adjective) ‫ نامکمل‬،‫ بنیادی‬،‫ابتدائی‬

involving or limited to basic principles

Example: he received a rudimentary education
Synonyms: basic, elementary, introductory, early, primary,
Antonyms: advanced

Compel (verb) ‫ زبردستی کرنا‬،‫مجبور کرنا یا ہونا‬

force or oblige (someone) to do something

Example: a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions
Synonyms: force, coerce into, pressurize into, pressure, impel
Antonyms: weakness

Gruelling (adjective) ‫ سختی‬،‫ مشقت سے بھرپور‬،‫صبر آزما‬

extremely tiring and demanding

Example: a gruelling schedule
Synonyms: exhausting, tiring, fatiguing, wearying, enervating
Antonyms: invigorate, refresh, invigorating, refreshing

Spurred (verb) ‫ مہمیز دار‬،‫حوصلہ افزائی‬

to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster

Example: The rider spurred his mount ruthlessly
Synonyms: arouse, drive, propel, push, spark, stimulate
Antonyms: calm, check, discourage, dissuade

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 14, 2018

o Arise (verb) ‫ طلوع ہونا‬،‫ اونچا ہونا‬،‫اٹھنا‬
o Debilitate (verb) ‫ ضعیف کرنا‬،‫کمزور کرنا‬
o Ailing (adjective) ‫ مریض‬،‫ بیمار‬،‫علیل‬
o Appalling (adjective) ‫ ہولناک‬،‫انتہائی خراب‬
o Uniformity (noun) ‫ ہم شکلی‬،‫یکسائی‬
o Conducive (adjective) ‫ باعث ہونا‬،‫ساز گار‬
o Extort (verb) ‫کسی سے کوئی چیز بالجبر حاصل کرنا‬
o Compulsion (noun) ‫ دباﺅ‬،‫ زبردستی‬،‫مجبوری‬
o Dwindle (verb) ‫ قدر گھٹنا‬،‫ سکڑنا‬،‫کم ہونا‬
o Condone (verb) ‫ چشم پوشی کرنا‬،‫ معاف کرنا‬،‫نظر انداز کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 14, 2018
Arise (verb) ‫ طلوع ہونا‬،‫ اونچا ہونا‬،‫اٹھنا‬

(of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent

Example: New difficulties had arisen
Synonyms: come to light, become apparent, make an appearance, appear, emerge
Antonyms: sit down, lie down

Debilitate (verb) ‫ ضعیف کرنا‬،‫کمزور کرنا‬

make (someone) very weak and infirm

Example: He was severely debilitated by a stomach upset
Synonyms: weakening, enfeebling, enervating, enervative, devitalizing
Antonyms: restorative

Ailing (adjective) ‫ مریض‬،‫ بیمار‬،‫علیل‬

in poor health
Example: I went to see my ailing mother
Synonyms: ill, unwell, not well, sick, sickly, poorly, weak
Antonyms: healthy, strong, successful

Appalling (adjective) ‫ ہولناک‬،‫انتہائی خراب‬

causing shock or dismay; horrific

Example: the cat suffered appalling injuries during the attack
Synonyms: shocking, horrific, horrifying, horrible, terrible, awful,
Antonyms: admirable, excellent

Uniformity (noun) ‫ ہم شکلی‬،‫یکسائی‬

the quality or state of being uniform

Example: an attempt to impose administrative and cultural uniformity
Synonyms: constancy, consistency, conformity, steadiness
Antonyms: variation, changeableness, variety,
Conducive (adjective) ‫ باعث ہونا‬،‫ساز گار‬

making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible

Example: the harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere
Synonyms: good for, helpful to, instrumental in, calculated to produce
Antonyms: unfavourable

Extort (verb) ‫کسی سے کوئی چیز بالجبر حاصل کرنا‬

obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means

Example: he attempted to extort money from the company
Synonyms: force, obtain by force, obtain by threat(s), blackmail someone
Antonyms: donate,

Compulsion (noun) ‫ دباﺅ‬،‫ زبردستی‬،‫مجبوری‬

the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint

Example: the payment was made under compulsion
Synonyms: obligation, constraint, force, coercion, duress, pressure
Antonyms: openness

Dwindle (verb) ‫ قدر گھٹنا‬،‫ سکڑنا‬،‫کم ہونا‬

diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength

Example: traffic has dwindled to a trickle
Synonyms: diminish, decrease, reduce, get smaller, become smaller
Antonyms: increase, flourish

Condone (verb) ‫ چشم پوشی کرنا‬،‫ معاف کرنا‬،‫نظر انداز کرنا‬

accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive)

Example: the college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs
Synonyms: deliberately ignore, not take into consideration, disregard
Antonyms: condemn, punish

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 15, 2018

o Reconnaissance (noun) ‫ مخبری‬،‫ جانچ پڑتال‬،‫ دیکھ بھال‬،‫جاسوسی‬
o Hitherto (adverb) ‫ اب تک ہنوز‬، ‫ اس جگہ تک‬،‫اب تک‬
o Mutilate (verb) ‫ عضو کاٹ ڈالنا‬،‫مسخ‬
o Apparatus (noun) ‫ فلٹرنگ کا سامان‬،‫ ضروری مواد‬،‫آالت‬
o Obfuscate (verb) ‫ حواس باختہ کردینا‬،‫ ظلمت‬،‫تاریک کرنا‬
o Culpability (noun) ‫ قابل مواخذہ‬،‫مجرم‬
o Dubious (adjective) ‫ مشتبہ‬، ‫ چکا چوند کرنا‬،‫مشکوک‬
o Capitulation (noun) ‫معاہدہ‬،‫ مشروط اطاعت‬،‫شکست‬
o Repugnant (adjective) ‫ بدذائقہ‬،‫ناخوشگوار‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 15, 2018
Reconnaissance (noun) ‫ مخبری‬،‫ جانچ پڑتال‬،‫ دیکھ بھال‬،‫جاسوسی‬

military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features

Example: an excellent aircraft for low-level reconnaissance
Synonyms: preliminary survey, survey, exploration, observation, investigation

Hitherto (adverb) ‫ اب تک ہنوز‬، ‫ اس جگہ تک‬،‫اب تک‬

until now or until the point in time under discussion

Example: hitherto part of French West Africa, Benin achieved independence in 1960
Synonyms: previously, formerly, earlier, so far, thus far, before, beforehand
Antonyms: currently, future, later, presently

Mutilate (verb) ‫ عضو کاٹ ڈالنا‬،‫مسخ‬

inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on.

Example: “most of the prisoners had been mutilated”
Synonyms: mangle, maim, disfigure, cut to pieces, cut up, hack up
Antonyms: adorn, aid, assist, beautify, cure, decorate

Apparatus (noun) ‫ فلٹرنگ کا سامان‬،‫ ضروری مواد‬،‫آالت‬

the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.

Example: “firemen wearing breathing apparatus”
Synonyms: equipment, gear, rig, tackle, gadgetry, paraphernalia

Obfuscate (verb) ‫ حواس باختہ کردینا‬،‫ ظلمت‬،‫تاریک کرنا‬

make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.

Example: “the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their
etymological origins”
Synonyms: obscure, confuse, make obscure/unclear, blur, muddle, jumble
Antonyms: clarify

Culpability (noun) ‫ قابل مواخذہ‬،‫مجرم‬

responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame.
Example: “a level of moral culpability”
Synonyms: guilt, blame, fault, responsibility, accountability, liability
Antonyms: innocence

Dubious (adjective) ‫ مشتبہ‬، ‫ چکا چوند کرنا‬،‫مشکوک‬

hesitating or doubting.
Example: “I was rather dubious about the whole idea”
Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, in doubt,
Antonyms: certain, definite

Capitulation (noun) ‫معاہدہ‬،‫ مشروط اطاعت‬،‫شکست‬

the action of ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.

Example: “she gave a sigh of capitulation”
Synonyms: surrender, submission, yielding, giving in, succumbing,
Antonyms: resistance

Repugnant (adjective) ‫ بدذائقہ‬،‫ناخوشگوار‬

extremely distasteful; unacceptable.

Example: “cannibalism seems repugnant to us”
Synonyms: abhorrent, revolting, repulsive, repellent, disgusting, offensive,
Antonyms: attractive, agreeable, pleasant

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 16, 2018

o Embroiled (verb) ‫ مصیبت میں ڈال دینا‬،‫باہم ناچاقی پیدا کرنا‬
o Bait (verb) ‫ شکار کرنے کا چارہ‬،‫اللچ‬
o Inadequate (adjective) ‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ناکافی‬
o Custodian (noun) ‫ محافظ‬،‫نگران‬
o Obscurity (noun) ‫ اندھیرا‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫غیر واضح‬
o Stuttering (verb) ‫ہکالنا‬،‫اٹک اٹک کر بولنا‬
o Rhetoric (noun) ‫ علم انشا‬،‫ خطیبانہ‬،‫بیان بازی‬
o Ruinous (adjective) ‫ خستہ حال‬،‫ مضر‬،‫تباہ کن‬
o Ravaged (adjective) ‫ لوٹنا‬،‫ غارت کرنا‬،‫تباہ کرنا‬
o Convene (verb) ‫ اجالس کےلئے بالنا‬،‫منعقد‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 16, 2018
Embroiled (verb) ‫ مصیبت میں ڈال دینا‬،‫باہم ناچاقی پیدا کرنا‬
involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation.
Example: “the organization is currently embroiled in running battles with pressure groups”
Synonyms: involve, entangle, ensnare, enmesh, catch up,
Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, release

Bait (verb) ‫ شکار کرنے کا چارہ‬،‫اللچ‬

deliberately annoy or taunt (someone).

Example: “the other boys revelled in baiting him about his love of literature”
Synonyms: taunt, goad, provoke, pick on, torment, torture,
Antonyms: repellent

Inadequate (adjective) ‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ناکافی‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.

Example: “these labels prove to be wholly inadequate”
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant, scanty, scarce,
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent

Custodian (noun) ‫ محافظ‬،‫نگران‬

a person who has responsibility for taking care of or protecting something.

Example: “the custodians of pension and insurance funds”
Synonyms: curator, keeper, conservator, guardian, overseer, superintendent

Obscurity (noun) ‫ اندھیرا‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫غیر واضح‬

the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant.

Example: “he is too good a player to slide into obscurity”
Synonyms: insignificance, inconspicuousness, unimportance, anonymity
Antonyms: fame, clarity

Stuttering (verb) ‫ہکالنا‬،‫اٹک اٹک کر بولنا‬

talk with continued involuntary repetition of sounds, especially initial consonants.

Example: “the child was stuttering in fright”
Synonyms: stammer, stumble, speak haltingly, falter,
Antonyms: continue

Rhetoric (noun) ‫ علم انشا‬،‫ خطیبانہ‬،‫بیان بازی‬

the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of
speech and other compositional techniques.
Example: “he is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole”
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language,
Antonyms: inarticulateness, conciseness

Ruinous (adjective) ‫ خستہ حال‬،‫ مضر‬،‫تباہ کن‬

disastrous or destructive.
Example: “a ruinous effect on the environment”
Synonyms: disastrous, devastating, catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic,
Antonyms: intact, well maintained

Ravaged (adjective) ‫ لوٹنا‬،‫ غارت کرنا‬،‫تباہ کرنا‬

severely damaged; devastated.

Example: “he hopes to visit his ravaged homeland”
Synonyms: lay waste, devastate, ruin, leave in ruins, destroy
Antonyms: assist, build, construct

Convene (verb) ‫ اجالس کےلئے بالنا‬،‫منعقد‬

come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.

Example: “he had convened a secret meeting of military personnel”
Synonyms: summon, call, call together, order
Antonyms: disperse

Table of Contents

 Egregious (adjective) ‫سخت‬،‫ اشد‬،‫بہت برا‬

 Insidious (adjective) ‫ دغا باز‬،‫ فریبی‬،‫دھوکہ دینے واال‬
 Arbitrary (adjective) ‫من مانی‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬
 Contemplate (verb) ‫ ارادہ کرنا‬،‫ نیت کرنا‬،‫غور و فکر‬
 Proliferate (verb) ‫ پھولنا‬،‫ بڑھنا‬،‫تعداد میں رکھنا‬
 Commemorate (verb) ‫ ذکر کرنا‬،‫ یاد دالنا‬،‫یادگار‬
 Hazardous (adjective) ‫ خطرناک‬،‫ خطرہ‬،‫مضر‬
 Obscure (adjective) ‫ ابہام‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫غیر واضح‬
 Downtrodden (adjective) ‫ جس کے ساتھ برا سلوک ہو‬،‫مظلوم‬
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Egregious (adjective)
‫سخت‬،‫ اشد‬،‫بہت برا‬

outstandingly bad; shocking.

Example: “egregious abuses of copyright”
Synonyms: blatant, conspicuous, flagrant, glaring, gross, obvious
Antonyms: imperceptible, inconspicuous, unnoticeable, unobtrusive
Insidious (adjective)
‫ دغا باز‬،‫ فریبی‬،‫دھوکہ دینے واال‬

proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.

Example: “sexual harassment is a serious and insidious problem”
Synonyms: stealthy, subtle, surreptitious, sneaking, cunning, crafty,
Antonyms: straightforward

Arbitrary (adjective)
‫من مانی‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic, unpredictable, inconsistent, wild
Antonyms: rational, reasoned

Contemplate (verb)
‫ ارادہ کرنا‬،‫ نیت کرنا‬،‫غور و فکر‬

look thoughtfully for a long time at.

Example: “he contemplated his image in the mirrors”
Synonyms: look at, view, regard, examine, inspect,
Antonyms: forget, ignore, neglect, reject

Proliferate (verb)
‫ پھولنا‬،‫ بڑھنا‬،‫تعداد میں رکھنا‬

increase rapidly in number; multiply.

Example: “the science fiction magazines which proliferated in the 1920s”
Synonyms: increase rapidly, grow rapidly, multiply, become more numerous
Antonyms: decrease, dwindle

Commemorate (verb)
‫ ذکر کرنا‬،‫ یاد دالنا‬،‫یادگار‬

recall and show respect for (someone or something).

Example “a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the war dead”
Synonyms: celebrate, pay tribute to, pay homage to, honour, salute,
Antonyms: disregard, forget, ignore, overlook

Hazardous (adjective)
‫ خطرناک‬،‫ خطرہ‬،‫مضر‬

risky; dangerous.
Example “we work in hazardous conditions”
Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe, perilous, precarious, insecure, tricky
Antonyms: safe, secure, certain

Obscure (adjective)
‫ ابہام‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫غیر واضح‬

not discovered or known about; uncertain.

Example “his origins and parentage are obscure”
Synonyms: unclear, uncertain, unknown, in doubt, doubtful,
Antonyms: famous, renowned

Downtrodden (adjective)
‫ جس کے ساتھ برا سلوک ہو‬،‫مظلوم‬

oppressed or treated badly by people in power.

Example “a downtrodden proletarian struggling for social justice”
Synonyms: oppressed, subjugated, persecuted, subdued, repressed,
Antonyms: rich, wealthy, happy, respected, satisfied

Assorted (adjective)
‫ مختلف نمونوں اور قسموں سے بنا ہوا‬،‫مختلف‬

of various sorts put together; miscellaneous.

Example: “bowls in assorted colours”
Synonyms: mixed, varied, variegated, varying, various, miscellaneous
Antonyms: similar, identical

Antonyms: powerlessness, impotence, helplessness

Assassinate ‫قتل‬

Murder; especially of socially prominent persons

Synonyms: bump off, rub out, kill
Antonyms: add / begin, animateTable of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 28, 2018

o Rhetoric (noun) ‫ خطیبانہ‬،‫بیان بازی‬
o Cling (verb) ‫ لگا ہوا‬،‫ چپکا ہوا‬،‫چمٹنا‬
o Belittle (verb) ‫ گھٹانا‬،‫ گھٹا کر بتانا‬،‫بے عزتی‬
o Fierce (adjective) ‫ تیز‬،‫تند خو‬،‫شدید‬
o Vicious (adjective) ‫ نااہل‬،‫ فاسق‬،‫شیطانی‬
o Myopic (adjective) ‫دور کی نظر کی کمزوری‬
o Remnant (noun) ‫ بچی کھچی چیز‬،‫ یادگار‬،‫باقیات‬
o Insurmountable (adjective) ‫ناقابل قبول‬،‫ ناقابل تسخیر‬،‫ناقابل فتح‬
o Vdequate (adjective) ‫ کافی‬،‫ مناسب‬،‫موزوں‬
o Astute (adjective) ‫ سیانا‬،‫ ہوشیار‬،‫تیز فہم‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 28, 2018
Rhetoric (noun) ‫ خطیبانہ‬،‫بیان بازی‬

the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of
speech and other compositional techniques.
Example: “he is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole”

Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language

Antonyms: inarticulateness

Cling (verb) ‫ لگا ہوا‬،‫ چپکا ہوا‬،‫چمٹنا‬

hold on tightly to.

Example: “baby clung to mother’s arm”
Synonyms: hold on to, clutch, grip, grasp, clasp, attach oneself to, hang on
Antonyms: unsticking, loose

Belittle (verb) ‫ گھٹانا‬،‫ گھٹا کر بتانا‬،‫بے عزتی‬

dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant.

Example: “she belittled Amy’s riding skills whenever she could”

Synonyms: disparage, denigrate, run down, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade,

Antonyms: praise, magnify

Fierce (adjective) ‫ تیز‬،‫تند خو‬،‫شدید‬

having or displaying a violent or ferocious aggressiveness.

Example: “fierce fighting continued throughout the day”

Synonyms: ferocious, savage, vicious; wild, feral, untamed, undomesticated;

Antonyms: gentle, tame, mild

Vicious (adjective) ‫ نااہل‬،‫ فاسق‬،‫شیطانی‬

deliberately cruel or violent.

Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless,
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Myopic (adjective) ‫دور کی نظر کی کمزوری‬

Example: “most myopic children can be fitted with glasses to correct their vision”
Synonyms: short-sighted; nearsighted; informalas blind as a bat
Antonyms: long-sighted, far-sighted

Remnant (noun) ‫ بچی کھچی چیز‬،‫ یادگار‬،‫باقیات‬

a part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed, or destroyed.
Example: “the bogs are an endangered remnant of a primeval landscape”
Synonyms: remains, remainder, leftovers, leavings, residue,
Antonyms: whole

Insurmountable (adjective) ‫ناقابل قبول‬،‫ ناقابل تسخیر‬،‫ناقابل فتح‬

too great to be overcome.

Example: “there are insurmountable difficulties in ensuring equal opportunities for all pupils”
Synonyms: insuperable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable; overwhelming
Antonyms: surmountable

Vdequate (adjective) ‫ کافی‬،‫ مناسب‬،‫موزوں‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Astute (adjective) ‫ سیانا‬،‫ ہوشیار‬،‫تیز فہم‬

having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s
Example: “he had a reputation as an astute businessman”
Synonyms: shrewd, sharp, sharp-witted, razor-sharp, acute, quick, quick-witted,
Antonyms: stupid

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 29, 2018

o Fierce (adjective) ‫ تیز‬،‫ تند خو‬،‫شدید‬
o Muddle (verb) ‫ گڈ مڈ‬،‫مبہم‬
o Plausible (adjective) ‫ قرین قیاس‬،‫ اچھا‬،‫ظاہر داری‬
o Brash (adjective) ‫انتہائی رنگین‬،‫انتہائی اعتماد اور اونچی آواز میں باتیں کرنےواال‬
o Elicit (verb) ‫کھولنا‬،‫ نکالنا‬،‫ظاہر کرنا‬،
o Accustomed (adjective) ‫دستور‬،‫ روایت‬،‫عادی‬
o Drastic (adjective) ‫ قوت سے‬،‫ انتہا پسندی سے‬،‫سخت‬
o Persuasion (noun) ‫اکسانا‬،‫ ترغیب دالنے واال‬،‫قائل کرنے کی کوشش‬
o Cumbersome (adjective) ‫ وزنی‬،‫ گراں بار‬،‫بوجھل‬،
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

November 29, 2018
Fierce (adjective) ‫ تیز‬،‫ تند خو‬،‫شدید‬

having or displaying a violent or ferocious aggressiveness.

Example: “fierce fighting continued throughout the day”
Synonyms: ferocious, savage, vicious; wild, feral, untamed, undomesticated
Antonyms: gentle, tame, mild

Muddle (verb) ‫ گڈ مڈ‬،‫مبہم‬

confuse (a person or their thoughts).

Example: “Adeel was hopelessly muddled by the rates of exchange”
Synonyms: bewilder, confuse, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, baffle, nonplus
Antonyms: enlighten, clear, lucid

Plausible (adjective) ‫ قرین قیاس‬،‫ اچھا‬،‫ظاہر داری‬

(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

Example: “a plausible explanation”
Synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, probable, tenable
Antonyms: unlikely, improbable

Brash (adjective) ‫انتہائی رنگین‬،‫انتہائی اعتماد اور اونچی آواز میں باتیں کرنےواال‬

self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.

Example: “the cafe was a brash new building”
Synonyms: self-assertive, assertive, cocksure, full of oneself, self-confident, arrogant
Antonyms: meek, diffident

Elicit (verb) ‫کھولنا‬،‫ نکالنا‬،‫ظاہر کرنا‬،

evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.

Example: “I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna”
Synonyms: obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke, bring about, bring forth,
Antonyms: disregard, forget, ignore, miss, neglect, overlook,
Accustomed (adjective) ‫دستور‬،‫ روایت‬،‫عادی‬

customary; usual.
Example: “the money would not have kept Sualeha in his accustomed lifestyle”
Synonyms: customary, usual, normal, habitual, familiar, regular, routine,
Antonyms: unusual, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, unused to

Drastic (adjective) ‫ قوت سے‬،‫ انتہا پسندی سے‬،‫سخت‬

likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme.

Example: “a drastic reduction of staffing levels”
Synonyms: extreme, serious, forceful, desperate, dire, radical, far-reaching
Antonyms: mild, moderate

Persuasion (noun) ‫اکسانا‬،‫ ترغیب دالنے واال‬،‫قائل کرنے کی کوشش‬

the action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.

Example: “Saira needed plenty of persuasion before she actually left”
Synonyms: coaxing, persuading, coercion, inducement, convincing, blandishment
Antonyms: agnosticism, know-nothingism

Cumbersome (adjective) ‫ وزنی‬،‫ گراں بار‬،‫بوجھل‬،

large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy.

Example: “organizations with cumbersome hierarchical structures”

Synonyms: unwieldy, unmanageable, awkward, clumsy, ungainly, inconvenient,

Antonyms: manageable, convenient

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 30, 2018

o Falter (verb) ‫ لڑکھڑانا‬،‫ پس و پیش‬،‫ہکالنا‬
o Precarious (adjective) ‫مشتبہ‬،‫ رعایتی‬،‫ فرضی‬،‫نازک‬
o Tout (verb) ‫دالل‬،‫ خبر رساں‬،‫ مخبر‬،‫جاسوس‬
o Bruise ‫ کھال کے اندر کی چوٹ‬،‫خرونچ‬
o Encapsulate (verb) ‫کیپسول کی طرح بند‬
o Astounding (adjective) ‫ حیران کن‬،‫ حیرت زدہ‬،‫حیران کن‬
o Burgeon (verb) ‫پھلنے پھولنے واال‬/‫ بہت تیزی سے بڑھنے‬،‫غنچہ‬،
o Paranoia ‫ خلل دماغ‬،‫وسوسہ‬،
o Linguistic (adjective) ‫ زبانوں کا تقابلی مطالعہ‬،‫لسانیت‬
o Princely (adjective) ‫ شاہانہ‬،‫شاہی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
November 30, 2018
Falter (verb) ‫ لڑکھڑانا‬،‫ پس و پیش‬،‫ہکالنا‬

lose strength or momentum.

Example: “the music faltered, stopped, and started up again”
Synonyms: hesitate, delay, drag one’s feet, stall, think twice, get cold feet,
Antonyms: calm , hold, remain, stabilize

Precarious (adjective) ‫مشتبہ‬،‫ رعایتی‬،‫ فرضی‬،‫نازک‬

not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

Example: “he made a precarious living as a painter”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable,
Antonyms: safe, secure

Tout (verb) ‫دالل‬،‫ خبر رساں‬،‫ مخبر‬،‫جاسوس‬

attempt to sell (something), typically by a direct or persistent approach.

Example: “Akmal was touting his wares”
Synonyms: commend, endorse, praise, recommend, support, urge, push
Antonyms: blame, conceal, condemn, hide

Bruise ‫ کھال کے اندر کی چوٹ‬،‫خرونچ‬

inflict a bruise on (someone or something)

Example: “she tried to bolster her bruised pride”
Synonyms: contuse, injure, mark, make black and blue, discolour, blacken
Antonyms: deaden, de-energise,

Encapsulate (verb) ‫کیپسول کی طرح بند‬

enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule.

Example: “the company would encapsulate the asbestos waste in concrete pellets”
Synonyms: enclose, encase, contain, confine, envelop, enfold, sheath, cocoon
Antonyms: elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract

Astounding (adjective) ‫ حیران کن‬،‫ حیرت زدہ‬،‫حیران کن‬

surprisingly impressive or notable.

Example: “the summit offers astounding views”
Synonyms: amazing, astonishing, staggering, shocking, surprising, breathtaking, striking,
Antonyms: common, customary, mundane, normal, ordinary, typical
Burgeon (verb) ‫پھلنے پھولنے واال‬/‫ بہت تیزی سے بڑھنے‬،‫غنچہ‬،

begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.

Example: “manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand”
Synonyms: grow rapidly, increase rapidly/exponentially, expand, spring up, shoot up
Antonyms: shrink

Paranoia ‫ خلل دماغ‬،‫وسوسہ‬،

unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people.

Example: “mild paranoia afflicts all prime ministers”
Synonyms: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, megalomania, monomania; psychosis
Antonyms: sensible, normal

Linguistic (adjective) ‫ زبانوں کا تقابلی مطالعہ‬،‫لسانیت‬

relating to language or linguistics.

Example: “a child’s linguistic ability”
Synonyms: language-producing, semantic, lingual, semasiological; rhetorical,
Antonyms: nonlexical, nonlinguistic, nonverbal

Princely (adjective) ‫ شاہانہ‬،‫شاہی‬

relating to a prince.
Example: “the princely states of Pakistan”
Synonyms: magnificent, grand, impressive, imposing, splendid, superb, majestic, glorious
Antonyms: poor،, measly

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning December 3, 2018

o Violent (adjective) ‫ تندی سے‬،‫ شدت سے‬،‫پرتشدد‬
o Precedent (noun) ‫ پیش روی‬،‫ نمونہ‬،‫مثال‬
o Abhorrent (adjective) ‫ مکروہ‬،‫ گھناﺅنا‬،‫نفرت انگیز‬
o Coincidence (noun) ‫ اتفاق‬،‫زمانی مطابقت‬
o Speculative (adjective) ‫ سٹا‬،‫ فرضی‬،‫ سوچ بچار‬،‫قیاسی‬
o Gyrate (verb) ‫ چکر دار‬،‫چکر یا دائرے میں گھومنا‬
o Gyration (noun) ‫ چکرا‬،‫ گردش‬، ‫ چکر‬،‫گردش کا عمل‬
o Transgression (noun) ‫ حد سے گزرنا‬،‫قانون شکنی‬،‫ خالف ورزی کرنا‬،‫خطا‬
o Deplorable (adjective) ‫ قابل رحم‬،‫ خستہ‬،‫ بدحال‬،‫ناپسندیدہ‬
o Xenophobic (adjective) ‫ غیر ملکیوں سے نفرت‬،‫غیر گریز‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

December 3, 2018
Violent (adjective) ‫ تندی سے‬،‫ شدت سے‬،‫پرتشدد‬

using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Example: “a violent confrontation with riot police”
Synonyms: brutal, vicious, savage, harsh, rough, aggressive, bullying
Antonyms: gentle, weak

Precedent (noun) ‫ پیش روی‬،‫ نمونہ‬،‫مثال‬

an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent

similar circumstances.
Example: “there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training”
Synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior case
Antonyms: nonrepresentative, atypical, undemocratic, misconception

Abhorrent (adjective) ‫ مکروہ‬،‫ گھناﺅنا‬،‫نفرت انگیز‬

inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant

Example: “racism was abhorrent to us all”
Synonyms: detestable, detested, hateful, hated, loathsome, loathed, despicable, despised,
Antonyms: admirable, loved

Coincidence (noun) ‫ اتفاق‬،‫زمانی مطابقت‬

a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.

Example: “it was a coincidence that she was wearing a jersey like Laura’s”
Synonyms: accident, chance, serendipity, fate, a twist of fate
Antonyms: difference, disagreement, disconnection, discord, division, nonconformity

Speculative (adjective) ‫ سٹا‬،‫ فرضی‬،‫ سوچ بچار‬،‫قیاسی‬

engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge.

Example: “he gave her a speculative glance”
Synonyms: conjectural, suppositional, theoretical, hypothetical, based on guesswork, putative
Antonyms: safe, proven

Gyrate (verb) ‫ چکر دار‬،‫چکر یا دائرے میں گھومنا‬

move or cause to move rapidly in a circle or spiral.

Example: “the dog yelped frenetically, wildly gyrating her tail”
Synonyms: rotate, revolve, move in circles, go round in circles, circle, spiral, wheel round
Antonyms: steady

Gyration (noun) ‫ چکرا‬،‫ گردش‬، ‫ چکر‬،‫گردش کا عمل‬

a rapid movement in a circle or spiral; a whirling motion.
Example: “the gyrations of the dancers’ arms and legs”
Synonyms: rotation, revolution, turning, circling, convolution, spinning, swivelling; wheeling
Antonyms: untwist, reduce, undress, freeze

Transgression (noun) ‫ حد سے گزرنا‬،‫قانون شکنی‬،‫ خالف ورزی کرنا‬،‫خطا‬

an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence.

Example: “I’ll be keeping an eye out for further transgressions”
Synonyms: offence, crime, sin, wrong, wrongdoing, misdemeanour, felony, misdeed,
Antonyms: obedience

Deplorable (adjective) ‫ قابل رحم‬،‫ خستہ‬،‫ بدحال‬،‫ناپسندیدہ‬

deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable.

Example: “children living in deplorable conditions”
Synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, dishonourable, disreputable, discreditable
Antonyms: admirable, excellent

Xenophobic (adjective) ‫ غیر ملکیوں سے نفرت‬،‫غیر گریز‬

having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

Example: “an unadventurous and xenophobic nation”
Synonyms: racist, racialist, ethnocentric, ethnocentrist; nationalist, nationalistic, jingoistic
Antonyms: xenomaniac

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 19, 2019

o Dissent (verb) ‫اختالف رائے ہون‬
o Emanate (verb) ‫ کیونکہ‬،‫ ظاہر ہونا‬،‫جاری ہونا‬
o Suffice (verb) ‫ کفایت کرنا‬،‫کافی ہونا‬
o Ubiquitous (adjective) ‫ ہر جگہ موجود‬،‫حاضر ناضر‬
o Conceal (verb) ‫ راز داری‬،‫ چھپانا‬،‫مخفی‬
o Anecdotal (adjective) ‫ واقعاتی‬،‫ قصہ‬،‫روایت کے مطابق‬
o Disincentive (noun) ‫ مزاحم ہونے والی بات‬،‫حوصلہ شکنی‬
o Adhere (verb) ‫ جما رہنا‬،‫پابند‬،‫ لگا ہونا‬،‫ چپکا ہوا ہونا‬،‫التزام‬
o Inimical (adjective) ‫ بداندیش‬،‫ دشمن‬،‫معاندانہ‬
o Exacerbate(verb) ‫ مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬،‫مشتعل کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

January 19, 2019
Dissent (verb) ‫اختالف رائے ہون‬

hold or express opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “two members dissented from the majority”
Synonyms: differ, demur, diverge; disagree with, fail to agree with
Antonyms: assent, agree, accept

Emanate (verb) ‫ کیونکہ‬،‫ ظاہر ہونا‬،‫جاری ہونا‬

(of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source)

Example: “warmth emanated from the fireplace”
Synonyms: emerge, flow, pour, proceed, issue, ensue, come out, come forth
Antonyms: absorb, inhale, soak (up), sponge

Suffice (verb) ‫ کفایت کرنا‬،‫کافی ہونا‬

be enough or adequate.
Example: “a quick look should suffice”
Synonyms: be enough, be sufficient, be adequate, do, serve, meet requirements
Antonyms: check, deny, disappoint, refuse, restrain, restrict, starve, stint, straiten, tantalize

Ubiquitous (adjective) ‫ ہر جگہ موجود‬،‫حاضر ناضر‬

present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Example: “his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family”
Synonyms: omnipresent, ever-present, present everywhere, everywhere, all-over,
Antonyms: rare, scarce

Conceal (verb) ‫ راز داری‬،‫ چھپانا‬،‫مخفی‬

not allow to be seen; hide.

Example: “a line of sand dunes concealed the distant sea”
Synonyms: hide, keep out of sight, keep hidden, secrete, tuck away; screen, cover
Antonyms: reveal, expose

Anecdotal (adjective) ‫ واقعاتی‬،‫ قصہ‬،‫روایت کے مطابق‬

(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than
facts or research.
“while there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact”
Synonyms: informal, unreliable, based on hearsay; unscientific
Antonyms: experimental, scientific

Disincentive (noun) ‫ مزاحم ہونے والی بات‬،‫حوصلہ شکنی‬

a factor, especially a financial disadvantage, that discourages a particular action.
Example: “spiralling house prices are beginning to act as a disincentive to development”

Synonyms: deterrent, discouragement, dissuasion, damper, brake, curb, check,

Antonyms: incentive

Adhere (verb) ‫ جما رہنا‬،‫پابند‬،‫ لگا ہونا‬،‫ چپکا ہوا ہونا‬،‫التزام‬

stick fast to (a surface or substance).

Example: “paint won’t adhere well to a greasy surface”
Synonyms: stick, stick fast, cling, hold fast, cohere, bond, attach
Antonyms: flout, ignore

Inimical (adjective) ‫ بداندیش‬،‫ دشمن‬،‫معاندانہ‬

tending to obstruct or harm.

Example: “the policy was inimical to Britain’s real interests”
Synonyms: harmful, injurious, detrimental, deleterious, pernicious, damaging
Antonyms: helpful, advantageous

Exacerbate(verb) ‫ مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬،‫مشتعل کرنا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”

Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound;

Antonyms: calm, reduce

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 20, 2019

o Robust (adjective) ‫ تنومند‬،‫ طاقت‬،‫بہت مضبوط‬
o Analogy (noun) ‫ مطابقت‬،‫ قیاس‬،‫مشابہت‬
o Frivolous (adjective) ‫ خفیف‬،‫غیر سنجیدہ‬
o Semblance (noun) ‫ نقش‬،‫ظاہریت‬،‫مماثلت‬،‫جھلک‬
o Expediency (noun) ‫ ضرورت‬،‫ خود غرضی‬،‫مصلحت‬
o Peril (noun) ‫ ڈر‬،‫ خطرہ‬،‫خطرناک‬
o Forgo (verb) ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫چھوڑ دینا‬
o Enormously (adverb) ‫ بہت بڑا‬،‫ بے پناہ‬،‫بہت زیادہ‬
o Weariness (noun) ‫ تھکا ہوا‬،‫ سستی‬،‫تھکاوٹ‬
o Strife (noun) ‫ نزاع‬،‫ اختالف‬،‫ہنگامہ آرائی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
January 20, 2019
Robust (adjective) ‫ تنومند‬،‫ طاقت‬،‫بہت مضبوط‬

strong and healthy; vigorous.

Example: “the Malik family are a robust lot”
Synonyms: strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful, powerfully built, solidly built
Antonyms: weak, frail

Analogy (noun) ‫ مطابقت‬،‫ قیاس‬،‫مشابہت‬

a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or
Example: “an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies”
Synonyms: similarity, parallel, parallelism, correspondence, likeness, resemblance
Antonyms: dissimilarity

Frivolous (adjective) ‫ خفیف‬،‫غیر سنجیدہ‬

not having any serious purpose or value.

Example: “frivolous ribbons and lacy frills”
Synonyms: flippant, glib, waggish, joking, jokey, light-hearted, facetious, fatuous, inane
Antonyms: serious, practical, important

Semblance (noun) ‫ نقش‬،‫ظاہریت‬،‫مماثلت‬،‫جھلک‬

the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.
Example: “she tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order”
Synonyms: appearance, outward appearance, approximation, show, air, guise,
Antonyms: bluntness, candidness, candor, directness, forthrightness,

Expediency (noun) ‫ ضرورت‬،‫ خود غرضی‬،‫مصلحت‬

the quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral;
Example: “an act of political expediency”
Synonyms: convenience, advantage, advantageous, usefulness, utility, benefit, profitability,
Antonyms: disadvantage

Peril (noun) ‫ ڈر‬،‫ خطرہ‬،‫خطرناک‬

serious and immediate danger.

Example: “you could well place us both in peril”
Synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, riskiness, hazard, insecurity, uncertainty,
Antonyms: safety, security

Forgo (verb) ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫چھوڑ دینا‬

go without (something desirable).

Example: “she wanted to forgo the tea and leave while they could”
Synonyms: do without, go without, give up, waive, renounce, surrender, disavow, relinquish
Antonyms: keep

Enormously (adverb) ‫ بہت بڑا‬،‫ بے پناہ‬،‫بہت زیادہ‬

to a very great degree or extent; considerably.

Example: “quality of life varies enormously from one place to another”
Synonyms: very, extremely, exceedingly, exceptionally, especially, tremendously, immensely
Antonyms: moderately

Weariness (noun) ‫ تھکا ہوا‬،‫ سستی‬،‫تھکاوٹ‬

extreme tiredness; fatigue.

Example: “he began to feel weariness”
Synonyms: tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion, prostration, over tiredness, collapse
Antonyms: refreshment, rejuvenation, , revitalization

Strife (noun) ‫ نزاع‬،‫ اختالف‬،‫ہنگامہ آرائی‬

angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.

Example: “strife within the community”
Synonyms: conflict, friction, discord, disagreement, dissension, variance, dispute, argument
Antonyms: harmony, peace, cooperation

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 21, 2019

o Salvation (noun) ‫ بچاﺅ‬،‫ بخشش‬،‫نجات‬
o Goad (verb) ‫اکسانے والی بات‬
o Construe (verb) ‫ معنی لگانا‬،‫ تعبیر کرنا‬،‫تشکیل‬
o Treason (noun) ‫ بے وفا‬،‫ اپنے ملک کی بدخواہی‬،‫ باغیانہ‬،‫غداری‬
o Cajole (verb) ‫ پھسالنا‬،‫ خوشامد کرنا‬،‫چاپلوسی کرنا‬
o Coerce (verb) ‫زبردستی‬،‫ دباﺅ‬،‫ جبر‬،‫مجبور‬
o Obscenity (noun) ‫ بے حیائی‬،‫ بے شرمی‬،‫ فحش‬،‫فحاشی‬
o Imbroglio (noun) ‫ پیچیدہ معاملہ‬،‫ پیچیدہ صورتحال‬،‫گتھی‬
o Dismal (adjective) ‫ بھیانک‬،‫ افسردہ‬،‫مایوس کن‬
o Absurd (adjective) ‫نامعقول‬،‫لغو‬،‫ بے معنی‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
January 21, 2019
Salvation (noun) ‫ بچاﺅ‬،‫ بخشش‬،‫نجات‬

preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss.

Example: “they try to sell it to us as economic salvation”
Synonyms: lifeline, preservation, conservation, means of escape
Antonyms: damnation, downfall, destruction

Goad (verb) ‫اکسانے والی بات‬

provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction.

Example: “he was trying to goad her into a fight”
Synonyms: provoke, spur, prick, sting, prod, egg on, hound, badger, incite, rouse
Antonyms: counterincentive, disincentive

Construe (verb) ‫ معنی لگانا‬،‫ تعبیر کرنا‬،‫تشکیل‬

interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.

Example: “his words could hardly be construed as an apology”
Synonyms: interpret, understand, read, see, take, take to mean, parse,
Antonyms: confound, confuse, obfuscate

Treason (noun) ‫ بے وفا‬،‫ اپنے ملک کی بدخواہی‬،‫ باغیانہ‬،‫غداری‬

the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign
or government.
Example: “they were convicted of treason”
Synonyms: treachery, lese-majesty; disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness,
Antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

Cajole (verb) ‫ پھسالنا‬،‫ خوشامد کرنا‬،‫چاپلوسی کرنا‬

persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.

Example: “he hoped to cajole her into selling the house”
Synonyms: persuade, wheedle, coax, talk into, manoeuvre, get round, prevail on
Antonyms: bully

Coerce (verb) ‫زبردستی‬،‫ دباﺅ‬،‫ جبر‬،‫مجبور‬

persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

Example: “he was coerced into giving evidence”
Synonyms: pressure, pressurize, bring pressure to bear on, use pressure on, put pressure on,
Antonyms: persuade

Obscenity (noun) ‫ بے حیائی‬،‫ بے شرمی‬،‫ فحش‬،‫فحاشی‬

the state or quality of being obscene.

Example: “the book was banned for obscenity”
Synonyms: indecency, immorality, impropriety, salaciousness, smuttiness, smut, lewdness,
Antonyms: goodness, innocence, morality

Imbroglio (noun) ‫ پیچیدہ معاملہ‬،‫ پیچیدہ صورتحال‬،‫گتھی‬

an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.

Example: “a man caught up in a political imbroglio”
Synonyms: complicated situation, complication, complexity, problem, difficulty, predicament
Antonyms: agreement, harmony, peacemaking

Dismal (adjective) ‫ بھیانک‬،‫ افسردہ‬،‫مایوس کن‬

causing a mood of gloom or depression.

Example: “the dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening”
Synonyms: dingy, dim, dark, gloomy, sombre, dreary, drab, dull, desolate, bleak,
Antonyms: bright, cheerful, cheering, cheery

Absurd (adjective) ‫نامعقول‬،‫لغو‬،‫ بے معنی‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬

wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.

Example: “the allegations are patently absurd”
Synonyms: preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, risible; idiotic, stupid,
Antonyms: reasonable, sensible

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 22, 2019

o Accustomed (adjective) ‫ مانوس‬،‫ دستور‬،‫ روایت‬،‫عادی‬
o Egregious (adjective) ‫ سخت‬،‫ بہت بڑا‬،‫اشد‬
o Ensue (verb) ‫ نتیجہ نکلنا‬،‫ بعد میں آنا‬،‫ نتیجے کے طور پر بعد میں رونما ہونا‬،‫نتیجہ نکلنا‬
o Brazen (adjective) ‫ بے غیرت‬،‫ ڈھیٹ‬،‫ ڈھٹائی‬،‫بے حیائ‬
o Spectacle (noun)‫ منظر‬،‫ نظارہ‬،‫ عینک‬،‫تماشا‬
o Alienation (noun) ‫ برگشتہ‬،‫انتقال ملکیت‬
o Disaffection (noun) ‫بے اطمینانی‬
o Condone (verb) ‫ نظر اندا ز کرنا‬،‫ معاف کرنا‬،‫چشم پوشی‬
o Prevent (verb) ‫ منع کرنا‬،‫ بچانا‬،‫روک تھام‬
o Impunity (noun) ‫ معافی سزا‬،‫ بریت‬،‫ آزادی‬،‫چھٹکارا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
January 22, 2019
Accustomed (adjective) ‫ مانوس‬،‫ دستور‬،‫ روایت‬،‫عادی‬

customary; usual.
Example: “his accustomed route”
Synonyms: customary, usual, normal, habitual, familiar, regular, routine, ordinary, typical,
Antonyms: unusual, unaccustomed

Egregious (adjective) ‫ سخت‬،‫ بہت بڑا‬،‫اشد‬

outstandingly bad; shocking.

Example: “egregious abuses of copyright”
Synonyms: shocking, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, terrible, awful, dreadful, grievous,
Antonyms: marvellous

Ensue (verb) ‫ نتیجہ نکلنا‬،‫ بعد میں آنا‬،‫ نتیجے کے طور پر بعد میں رونما ہونا‬،‫نتیجہ نکلنا‬

happen or occur afterwards or as a result.

Example: “the difficulties which ensued from their commitment to Cuba”
Synonyms: result, follow, develop, stem, spring, arise, derive, evolve, proceed, emerge,

Brazen (adjective) ‫ بے غیرت‬،‫ ڈھیٹ‬،‫ ڈھٹائی‬،‫بے حیائ‬

bold and without shame.

Example: “he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance”
Synonyms: bold, shameless, as bold as brass, brazen-faced, forward, presumptuous, brash,
Antonyms: imid, shy

Spectacle (noun)‫ منظر‬،‫ نظارہ‬،‫ عینک‬،‫تماشا‬

a visually striking performance or display.

Example: “the acrobatic feats make a good spectacle”
Synonyms: display, show, performance, presentation, exhibition, pageant, parade,
Antonyms: hiding, expectation, normality, ordinariness

Alienation (noun) ‫ برگشتہ‬،‫انتقال ملکیت‬

the state or experience of being alienated.

Example: “a sense of alienation from our environment”
Synonyms: isolation, detachment, estrangement, distance, separation, severance, parting,
Antonyms: combine, unite, reconcilement, reconciliation
Disaffection (noun) ‫بے اطمینانی‬

a state or feeling of being dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of control.
Example: “there is growing disaffection with large corporations”
Synonyms: dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, discontent, restlessness, frustration; alienation
Antonyms: contentment, loyalty

Condone (verb) ‫ نظر اندا ز کرنا‬،‫ معاف کرنا‬،‫چشم پوشی‬

accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive).

Example: “the college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs”
Synonyms: deliberately ignore, not take into consideration, disregard, take no notice of, take no
account of, accept
Antonyms: condemn, punish

Prevent (verb) ‫ منع کرنا‬،‫ بچانا‬،‫روک تھام‬

keep (something) from happening.

Example: “action must be taken to prevent further accidents”
Synonyms: stop, put a stop to, avert, nip in the bud, fend off, turn aside, stave off, ward off,
Antonyms: allow, cause, encourage

Impunity (noun) ‫ معافی سزا‬،‫ بریت‬،‫ آزادی‬،‫چھٹکارا‬

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”
Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment,
Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 23, 2019

o Punitive (adjective) ‫ سز ا کا اندازہ‬،‫تادیبی‬
o Rife (adjective) ‫ انتہائی بھرا ہوا‬،‫ زورآور‬،‫ طاقتور‬،‫غالب‬
o Amenity (noun) ‫ خوشگواری‬،‫سہولت‬،
o Brim (verb) ‫ کنارا‬،‫ لبریز‬،‫لبا لب‬
o Delinquent (noun) ‫ گناہگار‬،‫ خطا کار‬،‫ عاصی‬،‫ غفلت‬،‫مجرم‬
o Quotidian (adjective) ‫ روزمرہ‬،‫ ہر روز‬،‫یومیہ‬
o Exacerbate (verb) ‫ مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬،‫تیز کرنا‬
o Admonish (verb) ‫ تاکید کرنا‬،‫ متنبہ کرنا‬،‫نصیحت کرنا‬
o Traumatic (adjective) ‫ جسمانی زخم‬،‫تکلیف دہ‬
o Frivolous (adjective) ‫ کم وزن‬،‫ نکما‬،‫ خفیف‬،‫غیر سنجیدہ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
January 23, 2019
Punitive (adjective) ‫ سز ا کا اندازہ‬،‫تادیبی‬

inflicting or intended as punishment.

Example: “he called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc”
Synonyms: penal, disciplinary, corrective, correctional, retributive; in retaliation, in reprisal
Antonyms: compensatory, acquitting

Rife (adjective) ‫ انتہائی بھرا ہوا‬،‫ زورآور‬،‫ طاقتور‬،‫غالب‬

(especially of something undesirable) of common occurrence; widespread.

Example: “male chauvinism was rife in medicine”
Synonyms: widespread, general, common, universal, extensive, ubiquitous, global, omnipresent
Antonyms: scarce, unknown

Amenity (noun) ‫ خوشگواری‬،‫سہولت‬،

a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.

Example: “the property is situated in a convenient location, close to all local amenities”
Synonyms: facility, service, convenience, resource, utility, system, appliance, aid, advantage,
Antonyms: inconvenience, disadvantage, inaccessibility

Brim (verb) ‫ کنارا‬،‫ لبریز‬،‫لبا لب‬

be full to the point of overflowing.

Example: “my eyes brimmed with tears”
Synonyms: be full, be filled up, be filled to the top, be full to capacity, be packed with,
Antonyms: center, inside, interior, middle

Delinquent (noun) ‫ گناہگار‬،‫ خطا کار‬،‫ عاصی‬،‫ غفلت‬،‫مجرم‬

a delinquent person.
Example: “juvenile delinquents”
Synonyms: offender, wrongdoer, malefactor, lawbreaker, culprit, criminal; hooligan, vandal,
Antonyms: early, inopportune, precocious, premature, unseasonable, untimely

Quotidian (adjective) ‫ روزمرہ‬،‫ ہر روز‬،‫یومیہ‬

ordinary or everyday; mundane.

Example: “his story is an achingly human one, mired in quotidian details”
Synonyms: daily, everyday, occurring each/every day, day-to-day; rarediurnal, circadian
Antonyms: unusual, exciting
Exacerbate (verb) ‫ مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬،‫تیز کرنا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound; intensify, increase, heighten,
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Admonish (verb) ‫ تاکید کرنا‬،‫ متنبہ کرنا‬،‫نصیحت کرنا‬

warn or reprimand someone firmly.

Example: “she admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven”
Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, upbraid, chastise, chide, censure, castigate,
Antonyms: praise

Traumatic (adjective) ‫ جسمانی زخم‬،‫تکلیف دہ‬

deeply disturbing or distressing.

Example: “she was going through a traumatic divorce”
Synonyms: disturbing, shocking, distressing, disquieting, upsetting, damaging, scarring,
Antonyms: benefit, blessing, comfort

Frivolous (adjective) ‫ کم وزن‬،‫ نکما‬،‫ خفیف‬،‫غیر سنجیدہ‬

not having any serious purpose or value.

Example: “frivolous ribbons and lacy frills”
Synonyms: flippant, glib, waggish, joking, jokey, light-hearted, facetious, fatuous, inane,
Antonyms: serious, practical, important

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 24, 2019

o Ardent (adjective) ‫ مستعدی سے‬،‫پرجوش‬
o Sprawl (verb) ‫ پاﺅں پھیال کر پیٹ کے بل رینگنا‬،‫ بے ڈھنگی انگڑائی‬،‫لوٹنا‬
o Lurk (verb) ‫ چھپ کر بیٹھنا‬،‫گھات لگا نا‬
o Proponent (verb) ‫ سائل‬،‫ محرک‬،‫حامی‬
o Foster (verb) ‫ پالنا‬،‫ پرورش کرنا‬،‫رضاعی‬
o Arduous (adjective) ‫ مشکل‬،‫ دشوار‬،‫ سخت‬،‫کٹھن‬
o Forsake (verb) ‫ فراموش کرنا‬،‫ بے تعلقی‬،‫ترک کرنا‬
o Provocative (adjective) ‫ اکسانے واال‬،‫اشتعال انگیز‬
o Disaffection (noun) ‫بداندیشی‬،‫ بددل‬،‫ بگڑا ہوا‬،‫بے اطمینانی‬
o Dissent (noun) ‫ اختالف رائے‬،‫اختالفات‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

January 24, 2019
Ardent (adjective) ‫ مستعدی سے‬،‫پرجوش‬

very enthusiastic or passionate.

Example: “an ardent supporter of the conservative cause”
Synonyms: passionate, avid, impassioned, fervent, fervid, zealous, wholehearted, eager
Antonyms: half-hearted

Sprawl (verb) ‫ پاﺅں پھیال کر پیٹ کے بل رینگنا‬،‫ بے ڈھنگی انگڑائی‬،‫لوٹنا‬

sit, lie, or fall with one’s arms and legs spread out in an ungainly way.
Example: “the door shot open, sending him sprawling across the pavement”
Synonyms: stretch out, lounge, loll, lie, lie down, lie back, recline, drape oneself, be recumbent,
Antonyms: straighten, compress, stand

Lurk (verb) ‫ چھپ کر بیٹھنا‬،‫گھات لگا نا‬

be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.

Example: “a ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness”
Synonyms: skulk, loiter, lie in wait, lie low, hide, conceal oneself, take cover, keep out of sight;
Antonyms: come out

Proponent (verb) ‫ سائل‬،‫ محرک‬،‫حامی‬

a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action.

Example: “a strong proponent of the free market and liberal trade policies”
Synonyms: advocate, supporter, upholder, exponent, promoter, adherent, endorser, champion,
Antonyms: adversary, antagonist, opponent

Foster (verb) ‫ پالنا‬،‫ پرورش کرنا‬،‫رضاعی‬

encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable).

Example: “the teacher’s task is to foster learning”
Synonyms: encourage, promote, further, stimulate, advance, forward, cultivate, nurture,
Antonyms: neglect, suppress, destroy

Arduous (adjective) ‫ مشکل‬،‫ دشوار‬،‫ سخت‬،‫کٹھن‬

involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

Example: “an arduous journey”
Synonyms: onerous, taxing, difficult, hard, heavy, laborious, burdensome, strenuous, vigorous,
Antonyms: easy, effortless
Forsake (verb) ‫ فراموش کرنا‬،‫ بے تعلقی‬،‫ترک کرنا‬

abandon or leave.
Example: “he would never forsake Tara”
Synonyms: abandon, desert, leave, quit, depart from, leave behind, leave high and dry, turn
one’s back on
Antonyms: stay with, return to

Provocative (adjective) ‫ اکسانے واال‬،‫اشتعال انگیز‬

causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.

Example: “a provocative article”
Synonyms: annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provoking, maddening, goading,
Antonyms: soothing, calming

Disaffection (noun) ‫بداندیشی‬،‫ بددل‬،‫ بگڑا ہوا‬،‫بے اطمینانی‬

a state or feeling of being dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of control.
Example: “there is growing disaffection with large corporations”
Synonyms: dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, discontent, restlessness, frustration; alienation,
Antonyms: contentment, loyalty

Dissent (noun) ‫ اختالف رائے‬،‫اختالفات‬

the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “there was no dissent from this view”
Synonyms: disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute, demur;
Antonyms: agreement, acceptance

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 27, 2019

o Lieutenant (noun) ‫ کپتانی کا عہدہ‬،‫ مددگار‬،‫جانشین‬
o Enlightened (adjective) ‫ صاحب دل‬،‫ بصیرت‬،‫ چمکانا‬،‫روشن خیال‬
o Restraint (noun) ‫ روک‬،‫پابندی‬،‫ ضبط شدہ‬،‫تحمل‬
o Wayward (adjective) ‫ خود رائے‬،‫ خود پسند‬،‫ضدی‬
o Elude (verb) ‫بچ نکلنا‬،‫ آنکھ سے بچ نکلنا‬،‫بچنا‬،
o Dispensation (noun) ‫ تقدیر ازل‬،‫ فراہمی‬،‫قسمت‬
o Ludicrous (adjective) ‫ محمل‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬،
o Surveillance (noun) ‫ حراست‬،‫نگرانی‬
o Discretionary (adjective) ‫صوابدیدی‬
o Nebulous (adjective) ‫ دھندال‬،‫ غیر واضح‬،‫مبہم‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
January 27, 2019
Lieutenant (noun) ‫ کپتانی کا عہدہ‬،‫ مددگار‬،‫جانشین‬

a deputy or substitute acting for a superior.

Example: “one of the Prime Minister’s most trusted lieutenants”
Synonyms: deputy, second in command, right-hand man/woman, number two, assistant, aide,
Antonyms: adversary, antagonist

Enlightened (adjective) ‫ صاحب دل‬،‫ بصیرت‬،‫ چمکانا‬،‫روشن خیال‬

having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook.

Example: “the more enlightened employers offer better terms”
Synonyms: informed, aware, educated, knowledgeable, learned, wise, literate, intellectual,
Antonyms: ignorant, benighted

Restraint (noun) ‫ روک‬،‫پابندی‬،‫ ضبط شدہ‬،‫تحمل‬

deprivation or restriction of personal liberty or freedom of movement.

Example: “he remained aggressive and required physical restraint”
Synonyms: constraint, check, control, restriction, limitation, curtailment; rein, bridle, brake
Antonyms: incitement

Wayward (adjective) ‫ خود رائے‬،‫ خود پسند‬،‫ضدی‬

difficult to control or predict because of wilful or perverse behaviour.

Example: “a wayward adolescent”
Synonyms: wilful, self-willed, headstrong, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, perverse, contrary,
Antonyms: well behaved, docile

Elude (verb) ‫بچ نکلنا‬،‫ آنکھ سے بچ نکلنا‬،‫بچنا‬،

escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way.
Example: “he tried to elude the security men by sneaking through a back door”
Synonyms: evade, avoid, get away from, dodge, flee, escape (from), run (away) from; lose,
Antonyms: be caught by

Dispensation (noun) ‫ تقدیر ازل‬،‫ فراہمی‬،‫قسمت‬

exemption from a rule or usual requirement.

Example: “although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her
Synonyms: exemption, immunity, exception, exclusion, exoneration, freedom, release, relief
Antonyms: disfavor, whole, denial, veto

Ludicrous (adjective) ‫ محمل‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬،

so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing.

Example: “it’s ludicrous that I have been fined”
Synonyms: absurd, ridiculous, farcical, laughable, risible, preposterous, foolish, idiotic, stupid,
Antonyms: sensible

Surveillance (noun) ‫ حراست‬،‫نگرانی‬

close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.

Example: “he found himself put under surveillance by British military intelligence”
Synonyms: observation, scrutiny, watch, view, inspection, monitoring, supervision,
Antonyms: carelessness, ignorance, neglect

Discretionary (adjective) ‫صوابدیدی‬

available for use at the discretion of the user.

Example: “there has been an increase in year-end discretionary bonuses”
Synonyms: optional, non-compulsory, voluntary, at one’s discretion, up to the individual
Antonyms: compulsory, obligatory

Nebulous (adjective) ‫ دھندال‬،‫ غیر واضح‬،‫مبہم‬

in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.

Example: “a giant nebulous glow”
Synonyms: indistinct, indefinite, unclear, vague, hazy, cloudy, fuzzy, misty, lacking definition
Antonyms: clear, well defined

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 28, 2019

o Bemoan (verb) ‫ رونا‬،‫ نوحہ کرنا‬،‫افسوس‬
o Perceive (verb) ‫ سمجھنا‬، ‫جاننا‬،‫ ادراک کرنا‬،‫خبر‬
o Espionage (noun) ‫ مخبری‬،‫جاسوسی‬
o Alarmist (noun) ‫ سنسنی پیدا کردینے واال‬،‫دہشت انگیز‬،
o Nuance (noun) ‫ نازک پہلوﺅں کی طرف اشارہ‬،‫ شائبہ‬،‫ نازک فرق‬،‫پہلو‬
o Tepid (adjective) ‫شیر گرم‬،‫ نیم گرم‬،‫تھوڑے تھوڑے گرم‬
o Precipitous (adjective) ‫عمودی ڈھلوان‬،‫ اچانک‬،‫ کھڑا‬،‫عمودی‬
o Articulate (adjective) ‫ جڑا ہوا‬،‫واضح‬
o Spectacle (noun) ‫ منظر‬،‫ نظارا‬،‫ عینک‬،‫تماشہ‬
o Unscrupulous (adjective) ‫بے ایمان‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

January 28, 2019
Bemoan (verb) ‫ رونا‬،‫ نوحہ کرنا‬،‫افسوس‬

express discontent or sorrow over (something).

Example: “it was no use bemoaning her lot”
Synonyms: lament, bewail, deplore, complain about, express regret about; mourn, grieve over,
Antonyms: applaud

Perceive (verb) ‫ سمجھنا‬، ‫جاننا‬،‫ ادراک کرنا‬،‫خبر‬

become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Example: “his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”
Synonyms: discern, recognize, become cognizant of, become aware of, become conscious of,
Antonyms: disbelieve, disregard, ignore

Espionage (noun) ‫ مخبری‬،‫جاسوسی‬

the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military
Example: “the camouflage and secrecy of espionage”
Synonyms: spying, undercover work, cloak-and-dagger activities, surveillance, reconnaissance

Alarmist (noun) ‫ سنسنی پیدا کردینے واال‬،‫دہشت انگیز‬،

someone who exaggerates a danger and so causes needless worry or panic.

Example: “the problem is a fabrication by alarmists”
Synonyms: scaremonger, gloom-monger, doom-monger, voice of doom, doomster, doomsayer,
Antonyms: optimist, Pollyanna

Nuance (noun) ‫ نازک پہلوﺅں کی طرف اشارہ‬،‫ شائبہ‬،‫ نازک فرق‬،‫پہلو‬

a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.

Example: “he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect”
Synonyms: fine distinction, subtle distinction/difference, shade, shading, gradation, variation
Antonyms: brightness, information

Tepid (adjective) ‫شیر گرم‬،‫ نیم گرم‬،‫تھوڑے تھوڑے گرم‬

(especially of a liquid) only slightly warm; lukewarm.

Example: “she soaked a flannel in the tepid water”
Synonyms: lukewarm, warmish, slightly warm; at room temperature; chambré
Antonyms: hot, cold

Precipitous (adjective) ‫عمودی ڈھلوان‬،‫ اچانک‬،‫ کھڑا‬،‫عمودی‬

dangerously high or steep.

Example: “the track skirted a precipitous drop”
Synonyms: steep, sheer, high, perpendicular, abrupt, sharp, dizzy, vertiginous, vertical, bluff
Antonyms: calm, flat, kind, nice, gradual

Articulate (adjective) ‫ جڑا ہوا‬،‫واضح‬

having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.

Example: “an articulate account of their experiences”

Synonyms: eloquent, fluent, communicative, effective, persuasive, coherent, lucid, vivid

Antonyms: inarticulate, hesitant, unintelligible

Spectacle (noun) ‫ منظر‬،‫ نظارا‬،‫ عینک‬،‫تماشہ‬

a visually striking performance or display.

Example: “the acrobatic feats make a good spectacle”
Synonyms: display, show, performance, presentation, exhibition, pageant, parade, extravaganza
Antonyms: hiding, expectation, normality, ordinariness

Unscrupulous (adjective) ‫بے ایمان‬

having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.

Example: “unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to harass existing tenants”
Synonyms: unprincipled, unethical, immoral, amoral, conscienceless, untrustworthy, shameless,
Antonyms: ethical, honest

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 29, 2019

o Parley (noun) ‫ معامالت طے کرنا‬،‫قول و قرار کرنا‬
o Circumspect (adjective) ‫ چوکنا‬،‫ محتاط‬،‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫ ہوشیار‬،‫چوکس‬
o Upheaval (noun) ‫انقالب عظیم‬
o Enlighten (verb) ‫ واضح کرنا‬،‫ روشنی ڈالنا‬،‫ منور کرنا‬،‫روشن خیال کرنا‬
o Predecessor (noun) ‫ پچھلے‬،‫ سابقہ‬،‫پیشرو‬
o Cognizant (adjective) ‫ محرم ہونا‬،‫آگاہ‬
o Riposte (noun) ‫ منہ توڑ جواب‬،‫جوابی وار‬
o Nonetheless (adverb) ‫ اس کے باوجود‬،‫ پھر بھی‬،‫ تاہم‬،‫بہرحال‬
o Opprobrium (noun) ‫مذمت‬،‫ طعنہ زنی‬،‫ بدنامی‬،‫ تحقیر‬،‫ ذلت‬،‫رسوائی‬
o Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ مبینہ دعوے پر مبنی‬،‫ ظاہری طور پر‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

January 29, 2019
Parley (noun) ‫ معامالت طے کرنا‬،‫قول و قرار کرنا‬

a conference between opposing sides in a dispute, especially a discussion of terms for an

Example: “a parley is in progress and the invaders may withdraw”
Synonyms: negotiation, talk(s), meeting, conference, summit, discussion, dialogue, conclave,
Antonyms: quiet, silence

Circumspect (adjective) ‫ چوکنا‬،‫ محتاط‬،‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫ ہوشیار‬،‫چوکس‬

wary and unwilling to take risks.

Example: “the officials were very circumspect in their statements”
Synonyms: cautious, wary, careful, chary, guarded, on one’s guard; discreet; watchful, alert,
Antonyms: unguarded, incautious

Upheaval (noun) ‫انقالب عظیم‬

a violent or sudden change or disruption to something.

Example: “major upheavals in the financial markets”
Synonyms: disruption, upset, disturbance, trouble, turbulence; disorder, disorganization,
Antonyms: stability, tranquillity

Enlighten (verb) ‫ واضح کرنا‬،‫ روشنی ڈالنا‬،‫ منور کرنا‬،‫روشن خیال کرنا‬

give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.

Example: “Christopher had not enlightened Francis as to their relationship”
Synonyms: inform, make aware, notify, tell, advise, let know, illuminate, open someone’s eyes,
Antonyms: stultify

Predecessor (noun) ‫ پچھلے‬،‫ سابقہ‬،‫پیشرو‬

a person who held a job or office before the current holder.

Example: “the new President’s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor”
Synonyms: former/previous holder of the post, forerunner, precursor, antecedent
Antonyms: successor

Cognizant (adjective) ‫ محرم ہونا‬،‫آگاہ‬

having knowledge or awareness.

Example: “statesmen must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which they work”
Synonyms: aware, conscious, apprised, abreast; sensible of/to, alive to, sensitive to, alert to,
familiar with,
Antonyms: ignorant, indifferent, senseless, thoughtless

Riposte (noun) ‫ منہ توڑ جواب‬،‫جوابی وار‬

make a quick, clever reply to an insult or criticism.

Example: “‘You’ve got a strange sense of honour,’ Grant riposted”
Synonyms: retort, counter, rejoin, return, retaliate, hurl back, fling back, snap back, answer,
Antonyms: ask, inquire, question

Nonetheless (adverb) ‫ اس کے باوجود‬،‫ پھر بھی‬،‫ تاہم‬،‫بہرحال‬

in spite of that; nevertheless.

Example: “the rally, which the government had declared illegal, was nonetheless attended by
some 6,000”
Synonyms: in spite of that/everything, nevertheless, even so, however, but, still, yet, though, be
that as it may,

Opprobrium (noun) ‫مذمت‬،‫ طعنہ زنی‬،‫ بدنامی‬،‫ تحقیر‬،‫ ذلت‬،‫رسوائی‬

harsh criticism or censure.

Example: “the critical opprobrium generated by his films”
Synonyms: vilification, abuse, vituperation, condemnation, criticism, censure, castigation
Antonyms: praise, honour

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ مبینہ دعوے پر مبنی‬،‫ ظاہری طور پر‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all
intents and purposes,
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 30, 2019

o Sanctuary (noun) ‫مقدس یا پاک جگہ‬
o Tantalize (verb) ‫کلپانا‬،‫ ترسانا‬،‫ للچانا‬،‫بیم و رجا میں رکھنا‬
o Leverage (noun) ‫میکانی مفاد‬،‫ بیرمی نظام‬،‫بیعانہ‬
o Tenuous (adjective) ‫ نزاکت‬،‫ باریک‬،‫ کمزور‬،‫پتال یا نازک‬
o Endowment (noun) ‫ بندوبستی‬،‫ سرمایہ وقف‬،‫چندہ‬،
o Agrarian (adjective) ‫ زمینداری‬،‫زرعی‬
o Woeful (adjective) ‫ غمگینی کے ساتھ‬،‫ پریشان‬،‫ غمزدہ‬،‫ المناک‬،‫غم انگیز‬
o Distinction (noun) ‫ مرتبہ‬،‫ درجہ بزرگی‬،‫ فرق‬،‫امتیاز‬
o Irreconcilable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل مصلحت‬،‫ناقابل مفاہمت‬،
o Spirited (adjective) ‫ آزاد‬،‫ پرجوش‬،‫جوشیال‬،
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

January 30, 2019
Sanctuary (noun) ‫مقدس یا پاک جگہ‬

a holy place;
Example “the sanctuaries of Apollo and Athena”
Synonyms: holy place, temple, shrine, tabernacle, altar, sanctum, inner sanctum, holy of holies,
Antonyms: pitfall, trap, snare, betrayal, violation, extradition

Tantalize (verb) ‫کلپانا‬،‫ ترسانا‬،‫ للچانا‬،‫بیم و رجا میں رکھنا‬

torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable.
Example: “such ambitious questions have long tantalized the world’s best thinkers”
Synonyms: tease, torment, torture, bait; tempt, entice, lure, titillate, intrigue, allure, beguile;
Antonyms: gratify, satisfy

Leverage (noun) ‫میکانی مفاد‬،‫ بیرمی نظام‬،‫بیعانہ‬

the exertion of force by means of a lever.

Example: “my spade hit something solid that wouldn’t respond to leverage”
Synonyms: grip, purchase, hold, grasp; contact, attachment, support, anchorage, force, strength;

Tenuous (adjective) ‫ نزاکت‬،‫ باریک‬،‫ کمزور‬،‫پتال یا نازک‬

vvery weak or slight.

Example: “the tenuous link between interest rates and investment”
Synonyms: slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible, weak, fragile, shaky, sketchy, doubtful,
Antonyms: convincing, substantial, strong

Endowment (noun) ‫ بندوبستی‬،‫ سرمایہ وقف‬،‫چندہ‬،

the action of endowing something or someone.

Example: “he tried to promote the endowment of a Chair of Psychiatry”
Synonyms: funding, financing, subsidizing; donation of money for, provision of capital for,
bequest of money for;
Antonyms: disability, handicap, inability, incapacity
Agrarian (adjective) ‫ زمینداری‬،‫زرعی‬

relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land.

Example: “Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian economy”
Synonyms: agricultural, rural, countryside, farming, rustic, pastoral, bucolic; literarygeorgic,
Antonyms: metro, metropolitan, urban, nonagricultural

Woeful (adjective) ‫ غمگینی کے ساتھ‬،‫ پریشان‬،‫ غمزدہ‬،‫ المناک‬،‫غم انگیز‬

characterized by, expressive of, or causing sorrow or misery.

Example: “her face was woeful”
Synonyms: sad, unhappy, miserable, woebegone, doleful, forlorn, crestfallen, glum, gloomy,
Antonyms: happy, cheerful, uplifting

Distinction (noun) ‫ مرتبہ‬،‫ درجہ بزرگی‬،‫ فرق‬،‫امتیاز‬

a difference or contrast between similar things or people.

Example: “there is a sharp distinction between domestic politics and international politics”
Synonyms: difference, contrast, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, divergence, variance, variation;
Antonyms: similarity

Irreconcilable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل مصلحت‬،‫ناقابل مفاہمت‬،

(of ideas or statements) so different from each other that they cannot be made compatible.
Example: “these two views of the economy are irreconcilable”
Synonyms: incompatible, at odds, at variance, incongruous, conflicting, clashing, discordant,
Antonyms: compatible, similar

Spirited (adjective) ‫ آزاد‬،‫ پرجوش‬،‫جوشیال‬،

full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination.

Example: “a spirited campaigner for women’s rights”
Synonyms: lively, vivacious, vibrant, full of life, vital, animated, high-spirited, sparkling,
Antonyms: timid, apathetic, lifeless

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning January 31, 2019

o Venal (adjective) ‫ بازاری پن‬،‫ اللچی‬،‫ضمیر فروشی‬
o Assent (verb) ‫ منظوری‬،‫ راضی ہونا‬،‫منظور کرنا‬
o Falter (verb) ‫ لڑکھڑانا‬،‫ ہکالنا‬،‫پس و پیش کرنا‬
o Impunity (noun) ‫ معافی سزا‬،‫ آزادی‬،‫ چھٹکارا‬،‫مستثنی‬
ٰ ‫دنڈ سے‬
o Prevaricate (verb) ‫ ہیرپھیر کرنا‬،‫ ٹال مٹول‬،‫حیلہ بہانہ کرنا‬
o Steer (verb) ‫ راستے پر النا‬،‫ دکھانا‬،‫سمت اندازی کرنا‬
o Erasure (noun) ‫ رگڑے ہوئے حروف کا نشان‬،‫کانٹ چھانٹ‬
o Bigotry (noun) ‫ ہٹ دھرمی‬،‫تعصب‬
o Malicious (adjective) ‫حاسد‬،‫ بدنیتی پر مبنی‬،‫ بدخواہ‬،‫کینہ پرور‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

January 31, 2019
Venal (adjective) ‫ بازاری پن‬،‫ اللچی‬،‫ضمیر فروشی‬

showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery; corrupt.

Example: “local customs officers are notoriously venal”
Synonyms: corrupt, corruptible, bribable, open to bribery, purchasable, buyable, grafting;
Antonyms: onourable, honest

Assent (verb) ‫ منظوری‬،‫ راضی ہونا‬،‫منظور کرنا‬

express approval or agreement.

Example: “the Prime Minister assented to the change”
Synonyms: agree to, accept, approve, consent to, acquiesce in, concur in, accede to,
Antonyms: refuse

Falter (verb) ‫ لڑکھڑانا‬،‫ ہکالنا‬،‫پس و پیش کرنا‬

lose strength or momentum.

Example: “the music faltered, stopped, and started up again”
Synonyms: hesitate, delay, drag one’s feet, stall, think twice, get cold feet, change one’s mind,
Antonyms: continue, maintain

Impunity (noun) ‫ معافی سزا‬،‫ آزادی‬،‫ چھٹکارا‬،‫مستثنی‬

ٰ ‫دنڈ سے‬

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”
Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment,
Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Prevaricate (verb) ‫ ہیرپھیر کرنا‬،‫ ٹال مٹول‬،‫حیلہ بہانہ کرنا‬

speak or act in an evasive way.

Example: “he seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions”
Synonyms: be evasive, beat about the bush, hedge, fence, shilly-shally, shuffle, dodge (the
Antonyms: be honest, face, tell truth
Steer (verb) ‫ راستے پر النا‬،‫ دکھانا‬،‫سمت اندازی کرنا‬

guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft), for example by turning a wheel
or operating a rudder.
Example: “he steered the boat slowly towards the busy quay”
Synonyms: guide, direct, manoeuvre; navigate, pilot, drive, be in the driver’s seat of,
Antonyms: abandon, obey

Erasure (noun) ‫ رگڑے ہوئے حروف کا نشان‬،‫کانٹ چھانٹ‬

the removal of writing, recorded material, or data.

Synonyms: deletion, rubbing out, wiping out/off; crossing out, striking out, scoring out, blotting
Antonyms: creation, annex

Bigotry (noun) ‫ ہٹ دھرمی‬،‫تعصب‬

intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Example: “the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry”
Synonyms: prejudice, bias, partiality, partisanship, sectarianism, discrimination, unfairness,
Antonyms: tolerance

Malicious (adjective) ‫حاسد‬،‫ بدنیتی پر مبنی‬،‫ بدخواہ‬،‫کینہ پرور‬

characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.

Example: “he was found guilty of malicious damage”
Synonyms: spiteful, malevolent, hostile, bitter, venomous, poisonous, evil-intentioned, ill-
Antonyms: benevolent

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 01, 2019

o Exhaustive (adjective) ‫ہر لحاظ سے مکمل‬،‫ تشریحی‬،‫ مکمل‬،‫جامع‬
o Urgency (noun) ‫ فوری صورتحال‬،‫ فوری ضروری‬،‫سخت اہمیت‬
o Accusation (noun) ‫ الزامی‬،‫علت‬،‫ موضوع پر شکایت‬،‫الزام‬
o Deceptive (adjective) ‫ گمراہ کن‬،‫ دغا بازی‬،‫فریب‬
o Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ مبینہ دعوے پر مبنی‬،ً‫ظاہرا‬،‫ ظاہر طور‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬
o Periphery (noun) ‫ دائرہ‬،‫ حدود‬،‫ محیط‬،‫عالقے‬
o Resentment (noun) ‫ برا ماننے واال‬،‫ ناراضگی‬،‫ حسد‬،‫تعصب‬
o Enthusiast (noun) ‫ سرگرمی کے ساتھ‬،‫پرجوش‬
o Tarnish (verb) ‫ میال کرنا‬،‫آلودہ کرنا‬
o Extent (noun) ‫ پھیالﺅ‬،‫ حجم‬،‫ خاص لمبائی‬،‫حد‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
February 01, 2019
Exhaustive (adjective) ‫ہر لحاظ سے مکمل‬،‫ تشریحی‬،‫ مکمل‬،‫جامع‬

including or considering all elements or aspects; fully comprehensive.

Example: “the guide outlines every bus route in exhaustive detail”
Synonyms: comprehensive, all-inclusive, complete, full, full-scale, all-embracing, all-
Antonyms: perfunctory, incomplete

Urgency (noun) ‫ فوری صورتحال‬،‫ فوری ضروری‬،‫سخت اہمیت‬

importance requiring swift action.

Example: “the discovery of the ozone hole gave urgency to the issue of CFCs”
Synonyms: importance, top priority, imperativeness, weight, weightiness, gravity, necessity
Antonyms: unimportance, insignificance

Accusation (noun) ‫ الزامی‬،‫علت‬،‫ موضوع پر شکایت‬،‫الزام‬

a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.

Example: “accusations of bribery”
Synonyms: allegation, charge, claim, assertion, asseveration, attribution, incrimination,
Antonyms: approval, praise, exculpation

Deceptive (adjective) ‫ گمراہ کن‬،‫ دغا بازی‬،‫فریب‬

giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading.

Example: “he put the question with deceptive casualness”
Synonyms: misleading, illusory, illusive, illusionary, ambiguous, deceiving, delusive, distorted,
Antonyms: honest

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ مبینہ دعوے پر مبنی‬،ً‫ظاہرا‬،‫ ظاہر طور‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all
intents and purposes
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Periphery (noun) ‫ دائرہ‬،‫ حدود‬،‫ محیط‬،‫عالقے‬

the outer limits or edge of an area or object.
Example: “new buildings on the periphery of the hospital site”
Synonyms: edge, outer edge, margin, fringe, boundary, border, perimeter, circumference, rim,
Antonyms: centre, middle, heart

Resentment (noun) ‫ برا ماننے واال‬،‫ ناراضگی‬،‫ حسد‬،‫تعصب‬

bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

Example: “his resentment at being demoted”
Synonyms: bitterness, indignation, irritation, pique, displeasure, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement,
Antonyms: contentment, happiness

Enthusiast (noun) ‫ سرگرمی کے ساتھ‬،‫پرجوش‬

a person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject.

Example: “a sports car enthusiast”
Synonyms: fan, fanatic, devotee, aficionado, addict, lover, admirer, supporter, follower; expert
Antonyms: adversary, enemy, opponent

Tarnish (verb) ‫ میال کرنا‬،‫آلودہ کرنا‬

lose or cause to lose lustre, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture.

Example” “silver tarnishes too easily”
Synonyms: become discoloured, discolour, stain, rust, oxidize, corrode, deteriorate; become dull,
Antonyms: brighten, polish

Extent (noun) ‫ پھیالﺅ‬،‫ حجم‬،‫ خاص لمبائی‬،‫حد‬

the area covered by something.

Example “an enclosure ten acres in extent”
Synonyms: area, size, expanse, length, stretch, range, scope, compass; proportions, dimensions
Antonyms: confined space, enclosure

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 02, 2019

o Volatile (adjective) ‫ کافور صفت‬،‫ اڑ جانےواال‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬
 Affront (noun) ‫ گستاخی سے پیش آنا‬،‫ برمال ہتک کرنا‬،‫توہین کرنا‬
o Spearhead (verb) ‫ حملے وغیرہ میں پیش روی کرنا‬،‫ پیش رو‬،‫ہر اول‬
o Indigenous (adjective) ‫ فطری عالقہ رکھنے واال‬،‫ ملکی‬،‫دیسی‬
o Fanatical (adjective) ‫ کٹر‬،‫ متصبانہ‬،‫جنونی‬
o Snag (noun) ‫ گرہ‬،‫ رکاوٹ‬، ‫مشکل‬،
o Counterpart (noun) ‫ ہم ثانی‬،‫ جوڑ‬،‫نقل‬،‫ہم منصب‬
o Multitude (noun) ‫ کثرت‬،‫بھیڑ‬
o Undermine (verb) ‫ سرنگ بنانا‬،‫ مجروح‬،‫کمزور‬
o Abet (verb) ‫ مجرم کی مدد کرنا‬،‫ معاونت کرنا‬،‫اعانت کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

February 02, 2019
Volatile (adjective) ‫ کافور صفت‬،‫ اڑ جانےواال‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬

(of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures.

Example: “volatile solvents such as petroleum ether, hexane, and benzene”
Synonyms: evaporative, vaporous, vaporescent; explosive, eruptive, inflammable; unstable
Antonyms: stable, calm

Affront (noun) ‫ گستاخی سے پیش آنا‬،‫ برمال ہتک کرنا‬،‫توہین کرنا‬

an action or remark that causes outrage or offence.
Example: “he took his son’s desertion as a personal affront”
Synonyms: insult, offence, indignity, slight, snub, slur, aspersion, provocation, injury, put down
Antonyms: compliment

Spearhead (verb) ‫ حملے وغیرہ میں پیش روی کرنا‬،‫ پیش رو‬،‫ہر اول‬

lead (an attack or movement).

Example: “he’s spearheading a campaign to reduce the number of accidents at work”
Synonyms: lead, head, front, be the driving force behind; be in the forefront of,
Antonyms: end,finish, mislead

Indigenous (adjective) ‫ فطری عالقہ رکھنے واال‬،‫ ملکی‬،‫دیسی‬

originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

Example: “the indigenous peoples of Siberia”
Synonyms: native, aboriginal, local; original, earliest, first, initial; ancient, primeval, primordial;
Antonyms: expatriate, migrant, adventitious

Fanatical (adjective) ‫ کٹر‬،‫ متصبانہ‬،‫جنونی‬

filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.

Example: “fanatical revolutionaries”
Synonyms: zealous, extremist, extreme, militant, dogmatic, sectarian, bigoted, rabid, maniacal
Antonyms: moderate, open-minded

Snag (noun) ‫ گرہ‬،‫ رکاوٹ‬، ‫مشکل‬،

an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback.
Example: “there’s one small snag”
Synonyms: obstacle, difficulty, complication, catch, hitch, stumbling block, pitfall, unseen
Antonyms: advantage, asset, aid

Counterpart (noun) ‫ ہم ثانی‬،‫ جوڑ‬،‫نقل‬،‫ہم منصب‬

a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing in a
different place or situation.
Example: “the minister held talks with his French counterpart”
Synonyms: equivalent, opposite number, peer, equal, parallel, complement, match, twin, mate,
Antonyms: original

Multitude (noun) ‫ کثرت‬،‫بھیڑ‬

a large number of people or things.

Example: “a multitude of medical conditions are due to being overweight”
Synonyms: a lot, a great/large number, a great/large quantity, host, horde, mass, mountain, drove

Undermine (verb) ‫ سرنگ بنانا‬،‫ مجروح‬،‫کمزور‬

lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.

Example: “this could undermine years of hard work”
Synonyms: subvert, sabotage, threaten, weaken, compromise, diminish, reduce, impair, mar,
Antonyms: enhance, improve, strengthen

Abet (verb) ‫ مجرم کی مدد کرنا‬،‫ معاونت کرنا‬،‫اعانت کرنا‬

encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular to commit a crime.

Example: “he was not guilty of murder but was guilty of aiding and abetting others”
Synonyms: assist, aid, help, lend a hand, support, back, encourage; cooperate with
Antonyms: hinder

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 03, 2019

o Enormous (adjective) ‫ قوی ہیکل‬،‫ بے پناہ‬،‫بہت بڑا‬
o Hinder (verb) ‫ منع کرنا‬،‫ روکنا‬،‫راہ میں رکاوٹ‬
o Anomaly (noun) ‫ انوکھا پن‬،‫ بے قاعدگی‬،‫بے ترتیبی‬،
o Opaque (adjective) ‫ دھندال‬،‫ غیر شفاف‬،‫مبہم‬
o Shun (verb) ‫ بچنا‬،‫ اجتناب کرنا‬،‫پرہیز کرنا‬
o Pretext (noun) ‫ حجت‬،‫ علت‬،‫ عذر کرنا‬،‫بہانے‬
o Endeavour (verb) ‫ سعی کرنا‬،‫ جدوجہد‬،‫کوشش‬
o Refinement (noun) ‫اعلی ذوق‬ ٰ ، ‫ نفاست‬،‫ مالوٹ سے پاک‬،‫خالص ہونا یا کرنا‬
o Irrefutable (adjective) ‫ جو رد نہ ہو سکے‬،‫ناقابل تردید‬
o Thrive (verb) ‫ بڑھنا‬،‫ اضافہ ہونا‬،‫ترقی کی منازل طے کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

February 03, 2019
Enormous (adjective) ‫ قوی ہیکل‬،‫ بے پناہ‬،‫بہت بڑا‬

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Example: “enormous sums of money”
Synonyms: huge, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide; boundless, immeasurable, limitless,
Antonyms: tiny

Hinder (verb) ‫ منع کرنا‬،‫ روکنا‬،‫راہ میں رکاوٹ‬

make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen.

Example: “language barriers hindered communication between scientists”
Synonyms: hamper, be a hindrance to, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, balk, thwart, foil, baffle
Antonyms: help, facilitate

Anomaly (noun) ‫ انوکھا پن‬،‫ بے قاعدگی‬،‫بے ترتیبی‬،

something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

Example: “there are a number of anomalies in the present system”
Synonyms: oddity, peculiarity, abnormality, irregularity, inconsistency, incongruity, deviation,
Antonyms: average, norm, normal, par, standard

Opaque (adjective) ‫ دھندال‬،‫ غیر شفاف‬،‫مبہم‬

not able to be seen through; not transparent.

Example: “bottles filled with a pale opaque liquid”
Synonyms: non-transparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, hazy, misty, dirty, dingy, muddy
Antonyms: transparent, translucent, clear

Shun (verb) ‫ بچنا‬،‫ اجتناب کرنا‬،‫پرہیز کرنا‬

persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution.

Example: “he shunned fashionable society”
Synonyms: avoid, evade, eschew, steer clear of, shy away from, fight shy of, recoil from, keep
away from,
Antonyms: accept, seek, welcome

Pretext (noun) ‫ حجت‬،‫ علت‬،‫ عذر کرنا‬،‫بہانے‬

a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.
Example: “the rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move”
Synonyms: excuse, false excuse, ostensible reason, alleged reason, plea, supposed grounds;
Antonyms: reality, back, truth

Endeavour (verb) ‫ سعی کرنا‬،‫ جدوجہد‬،‫کوشش‬

try hard to do or achieve something.

Example: “he is endeavouring to help the Third World”
Synonyms: try, attempt, venture, undertake, aspire, aim, seek, set out; strive, struggle, labour,
Antonyms: break, ease (up), let up, slacken

Refinement (noun) ‫اعلی ذوق‬

ٰ ، ‫ نفاست‬،‫ مالوٹ سے پاک‬،‫خالص ہونا یا کرنا‬

the process of removing impurities or unwanted elements from a substance.

Example: “the refinement of uranium”
Synonyms: purification, refining, clarifying, clarification, cleansing, straining, sifting, filtering,
Antonyms: adulteration

Irrefutable (adjective) ‫ جو رد نہ ہو سکے‬،‫ناقابل تردید‬

impossible to deny or disprove.

Example: “irrefutable evidence”
Synonyms: indisputable, undeniable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, incontestable,
Antonyms: unreliable

Thrive (verb) ‫ بڑھنا‬،‫ اضافہ ہونا‬،‫ترقی کی منازل طے کرنا‬

(of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously.

Example: “the new baby thrived”
Synonyms: flourish, prosper, grow vigorously, develop well, burgeon, bloom, blossom, do well
Antonyms: decline, wither, fail, stagnate, die, moribund, dying, unhealthy

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 04, 2019

o Halve (verb) ‫ آدھا کرنا‬،‫دو برابر حصوں میں تقسیم کرنا‬
o Eschew (verb) ‫ احتراز کرنا‬،‫ پرہیز کرنا‬،‫ ضائع کرنا‬،‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫باز رہنا‬
o Ominous (adjective) ‫ نحس‬،‫ بدشگون‬،‫منحوس‬،‫آشوب‬
o Abrupt (adjective) ‫ بے جوڑ‬،‫ ناگہانی طور پر‬،‫اچانک‬
o Fiasco (noun) ‫ناکامی‬
o Assuage (verb) ‫ تسکین دینا‬،‫تسلی دینا‬
o Clamour (noun) ‫فریاد کرنا‬،‫ شوروغل‬،‫ہنگامہ‬
o Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫ سرگرمی‬،‫پرجوش‬
o Abet (verb) ‫اعانت کرنا‬،‫مجرم کی مدد کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

February 04, 2019
Halve (verb) ‫ آدھا کرنا‬،‫دو برابر حصوں میں تقسیم کرنا‬

divide into two parts of equal or roughly equal size.

Example: “halve the aubergine lengthways”
Synonyms: cut in half, divide into two equal parts, divide in two, split in two, sever in two
Antonyms: complete, full

Eschew (verb) ‫ احتراز کرنا‬،‫ پرہیز کرنا‬،‫ ضائع کرنا‬،‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫باز رہنا‬

deliberately avoid using; abstain from.

Example: “he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence”
Synonyms: abstain from, refrain from, give up, forgo, forswear, shun, renounce, swear off,
Antonyms: indulge in

Ominous (adjective) ‫ نحس‬،‫ بدشگون‬،‫منحوس‬،‫آشوب‬

giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Example: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead”
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious,
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious

Abrupt (adjective) ‫ بے جوڑ‬،‫ ناگہانی طور پر‬،‫اچانک‬

sudden and unexpected.

Example: “I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject”
Synonyms: sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried, hasty, quick, swift, rapid, speedy,
Antonyms: gradual, unhurried

Fiasco (noun) ‫ناکامی‬

a complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one.

Example: “his plans turned into a fiasco”
Synonyms: failure, disaster, catastrophe, debacle, shambles, farce, mess, wreck, ruin, ruination,
Antonyms: success
Assuage (verb) ‫ تسکین دینا‬،‫تسلی دینا‬

make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.

Example: “the letter assuaged the fears of most members”
Synonyms: relieve, ease, alleviate, soothe, mitigate, dampen, allay, calm, palliate, abate
Antonyms: aggravate, intensify

Clamour (noun) ‫فریاد کرنا‬،‫ شوروغل‬،‫ہنگامہ‬

a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.

Example: “the questions rose to a clamour”
Synonyms: din, racket, loud noise, uproar, tumult, babel, shouting, yelling, screaming, baying,
Antonyms: silence

Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫ سرگرمی‬،‫پرجوش‬

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “he could be wildly enthusiastic about a project”
Synonyms: eager, keen, avid, ardent, fervent, warm, passionate, zealous, lively, vivacious,
Antonyms: apathetic

Abet (verb) ‫اعانت کرنا‬،‫مجرم کی مدد کرنا‬

encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular to commit a crime.

Example: “he was not guilty of murder but was guilty of aiding and abetting others”

Synonyms: assist, aid, help, lend a hand, support, back, encourage; cooperate with, collaborate
Antonyms: hinder

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 05, 2019

o Wreak (verb) ‫ کسی پر غصہ اتارنا‬،‫ انتقام لینا‬،‫بدلہ لینا‬
o Devastate (verb) ‫ غارت کرنا‬،‫ ویران کرنا‬،‫ برباد کرنا‬،‫تباہ کرنا‬
o Havoc (noun) ‫ خرابی‬،‫قہر‬
o Entrench (verb) ‫حفاظت کےلئے مورچہ بند ہونا‬
o Patronage (noun) ‫ حفاظت‬،‫ دستگیری‬،‫سرپرستی‬
o Lethargy (noun) ‫ کمزوری‬،‫ طویل نیند‬،‫غنودگی‬
o Periphery (noun) ‫ عالقے‬،‫ حدود‬،‫ گھیرا‬،‫محیط‬
o Prelude (noun) ‫ پیش خیمہ ہونا‬،‫آغازکرنا‬،
o Besiege (adjective) ‫ محاصرہ کرنا‬،‫گھیر لینا‬
o Gimmick (noun) ‫ ترکیب‬،‫ منصوبہ‬،‫تدبیر‬،
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
February 05, 2019
Wreak (verb) ‫ کسی پر غصہ اتارنا‬،‫ انتقام لینا‬،‫بدلہ لینا‬

cause (a large amount of damage or harm).

Example: “torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday”
Synonyms: inflict, create, cause, result in, effect, engender, bring about, perpetrate, unleash,
Antonyms: destroy, fail, neglect, forget

Devastate (verb) ‫ غارت کرنا‬،‫ ویران کرنا‬،‫ برباد کرنا‬،‫تباہ کرنا‬

destroy or ruin.
Example: “the city was devastated by a huge earthquake”
Synonyms: destroy, ruin, leave in ruins, wreck, lay waste, wreak havoc on, ravage, ransack,
Antonyms: recondition, recover, redeem, rehabilitate, restore

Havoc (noun) ‫ خرابی‬،‫قہر‬

widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, depredation, despoliation, ruination,
Antonyms: peace

Entrench (verb) ‫حفاظت کےلئے مورچہ بند ہونا‬

establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.
Example: “ageism is entrenched in our society”
Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root, install, plant, embed, anchor, seat,
Antonyms: dislodge, superficial

Patronage (noun) ‫ حفاظت‬،‫ دستگیری‬،‫سرپرستی‬

the support given by a patron.

Example: “the arts could no longer depend on private patronage”
Synonyms: sponsorship, backing, funding, financing, philanthropy, promotion, furtherance,
Antonyms: attack, blockage, discouragement

Lethargy (noun) ‫ کمزوری‬،‫ طویل نیند‬،‫غنودگی‬

a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: “there was an air of lethargy about him”
Synonyms: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, torpidity, lifelessness,
Antonyms: vigour, energy, animation

Periphery (noun) ‫ عالقے‬،‫ حدود‬،‫ گھیرا‬،‫محیط‬

the outer limits or edge of an area or object.

Example: “new buildings on the periphery of the hospital site”
Synonyms: edge, outer edge, margin, fringe, boundary, border, perimeter, circumference, rim,
Antonyms: centre, middle, heart

Prelude (noun) ‫ پیش خیمہ ہونا‬،‫آغازکرنا‬،

an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important.

Example: “a ceasefire had been agreed as a prelude to full peace negotiations”
Synonyms: preliminary, overture, opening, preparation, introduction, start, beginning,
Antonyms: conclusion, postscript

Besiege (adjective) ‫ محاصرہ کرنا‬،‫گھیر لینا‬

surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender.
Example: “the king marched north to besiege Berwick”

Synonyms: lay siege to, beleaguer, blockade, surround; shut off, block off; archaicinvest
Antonyms: let go, leave alone

Gimmick (noun) ‫ ترکیب‬،‫ منصوبہ‬،‫تدبیر‬،

a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or trade.

Example: “it is not so much a programme to improve services as a gimmick to gain votes”
Synonyms: publicity device, stunt, contrivance, eye-catching novelty, scheme, trick, dodge,
Antonyms: frankness, honesty, reality

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 06, 2019

o Acrimonious (adjective) ‫ چڑچڑا‬،‫ ترش‬،‫ سخت‬،‫تیز‬
o Haphazard (adjective) ‫ حادثاتی طور پر‬،‫اتفاق سے‬
o Deteriorate (verb) ‫بگاڑنا‬،‫ تاخیر‬،‫خاصیت بگڑ جانا‬
o Hostility (verb) ‫ عداوت‬،‫ جارحیت‬،‫ مخالفانہ‬،‫دشمنی‬
o Indicative (adjective) ‫ جتانے واال‬،‫ دکھانے واال‬،‫نشاندہی‬
o Vigilance (verb) ‫نگہبانی‬،‫ چوکسی‬،‫ہوشیاری‬،‫نگرانی‬
o Evade (verb) ‫ ٹال جانا‬،‫ نکل جانا‬،‫بچنا‬
o Escalate (verb) ‫اضافہ کرنا‬/‫مرحلہ وار رفتار میں تبدیلی‬
o Volatile (adjective) ‫ کافور صفت‬،‫ اڑ جانےواال‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬
o Dishevelled (adjective) ‫ آشفتہ حال‬،‫ بکھیرا ہوا‬،‫پریشان بالوں واال‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

February 06, 2019
Acrimonious (adjective) ‫ چڑچڑا‬،‫ ترش‬،‫ سخت‬،‫تیز‬

(typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.

Example: “an acrimonious dispute about wages”
Synonyms: bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, sarcastic, acid, harsh, sharp, razor-edged,
Antonyms: caring, forgiving, gentle, kind, kindhearted, loving, sweet

Haphazard (adjective) ‫ حادثاتی طور پر‬،‫اتفاق سے‬

lacking any obvious principle of organization.

Example: “the music business works in a haphazard fashion”
Synonyms: random, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, disorganized, disorderly, irregular
Antonyms: methodical, systematic

Deteriorate (verb) ‫بگاڑنا‬،‫ تاخیر‬،‫خاصیت بگڑ جانا‬

become progressively worse.

Example: “relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply”
Synonyms: worsen, get worse, decline, be in decline, degenerate, decay; collapse, fail, fall, drop,
Antonyms: improve

Hostility (verb) ‫ عداوت‬،‫ جارحیت‬،‫ مخالفانہ‬،‫دشمنی‬

hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition.

Example: “their hostility to all outsiders”
Synonyms: antagonism, unfriendliness, bitterness, malevolence, malice, unkindness, spite,
Antonyms: friendliness, approval

Indicative (adjective) ‫ جتانے واال‬،‫ دکھانے واال‬،‫نشاندہی‬

serving as a sign or indication of something.

Example: “having recurrent dreams is not necessarily indicative of any psychological problem”
Synonyms: symptomatic, expressive, suggestive, evocative, typical, characteristic,
Antonyms: unusual

Vigilance (verb) ‫نگہبانی‬،‫ چوکسی‬،‫ہوشیاری‬،‫نگرانی‬

the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Example: “security duties that demand long hours of vigilance”
Synonyms: watchfulness, careful observation, surveillance, attentiveness, attention, alertness
Antonyms: indifference, neglect, carelessness

Evade (verb) ‫ ٹال جانا‬،‫ نکل جانا‬،‫بچنا‬

escape or avoid (someone or something), especially by guile or trickery.

Example: “friends helped him to evade capture for a time”
Synonyms: elude, avoid, dodge, escape (from), stay away from, steer clear of, run away from,
Antonyms: confront, run into

Escalate (verb) ‫اضافہ کرنا‬/‫مرحلہ وار رفتار میں تبدیلی‬

increase rapidly.
Example: “the price of tickets escalated”
Synonyms: increase rapidly, soar, rocket, shoot up, mount, surge, spiral, grow rapidly, rise
Antonyms: plunge, shrink

Volatile (adjective) ‫ کافور صفت‬،‫ اڑ جانےواال‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬

(of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures.

Example: “volatile solvents such as petroleum ether, hexane, and benzene”
Synonyms: evaporative, vaporous, vaporescent; explosive, eruptive, inflammable; unstable
Antonyms: stable, calm

Dishevelled (adjective) ‫ آشفتہ حال‬،‫ بکھیرا ہوا‬،‫پریشان بالوں واال‬

(of a person’s hair, clothes, or appearance) untidy; disordered.

Example: “a man with long dishevelled hair”
Synonyms: untidy, unkempt, scruffy, messy, in a mess, disordered, disarranged, rumpled
Antonyms: tidy, neat

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 07, 2019

o Seemingly (adverb) ‫ دکھاوے کے طور پر‬، ‫بظاہر‬
o Fringe (noun) ‫ جھالر‬،‫ حاشیہ‬،‫ محدود‬،‫محیط‬
o Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ پرانے وقتوں کا‬،‫ پرانا‬،‫ اس سے پہلے‬،‫سابق‬
o Vicious (adjective) ‫ بدکار‬،‫ بدکردار‬،‫ شیطانی‬،‫ فاسق‬،‫نااہل‬
o Willy-Nilly (adverb) ‫ پش و پیش کرنےواال‬،‫ چاہو یا نہ چاہو‬،‫چاروناچار‬
o Populace (noun) ‫ لوگ‬،‫عوام الناس‬
o Anecdotal (adjective) ‫ روایت کے مطابق‬،‫ قصہ‬،‫واقعاتی‬
o Agitation (noun) ‫ ہلچل‬،‫بے تاب‬
o Doom (verb) ‫فتوی‬،‫دینا‬
ٰ ‫ عدالت کا سزا‬،‫ یقینی ہونا‬،‫طے ہونا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

February 07, 2019
Seemingly (adverb) ‫ دکھاوے کے طور پر‬، ‫بظاہر‬

so as to give the impression of having a certain quality; apparently.

Example: “a seemingly competent and well-organized person”

Synonyms: apparently, on the face of it, to all appearances, as far as one can see/tell
Antonyms: genuinely

Fringe (noun) ‫ جھالر‬،‫ حاشیہ‬،‫ محدود‬،‫محیط‬

an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing
or material.
Example: “a long grey skirt with a fringe”
Synonyms: edging, edge, border, hem, trimming, frill, flounce, ruffle; tassels; archaicpurfle
Antonyms: mainstream, middle

Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ پرانے وقتوں کا‬،‫ پرانا‬،‫ اس سے پہلے‬،‫سابق‬

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”
Synonyms: former, old, past, one-time, sometime, as was, ex-, late, then; previous, prior,
Antonyms: present, future

Vicious (adjective) ‫ بدکار‬،‫ بدکردار‬،‫ شیطانی‬،‫ فاسق‬،‫نااہل‬

deliberately cruel or violent.

Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless,
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Willy-Nilly (adverb) ‫ پش و پیش کرنےواال‬،‫ چاہو یا نہ چاہو‬،‫چاروناچار‬

whether one likes it or not.

Example: “he would be forced to collaborate willy-nilly”
Synonyms: whether one likes it or not, necessarily; one way or the other; nolens volens;
Antonyms: possibly

Populace (noun) ‫ لوگ‬،‫عوام الناس‬

the people living in a particular country or area.
Example: “the party misjudged the mood of the populace”
Synonyms: population, inhabitants, residents, natives, occupants, occupiers; community, country

Anecdotal (adjective) ‫ روایت کے مطابق‬،‫ قصہ‬،‫واقعاتی‬

(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than
facts or research.
Example: “while there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact”
Synonyms: informal, unreliable, based on hearsay; unscientific
Antonyms: experimental, scientific

Agitation (noun) ‫ ہلچل‬،‫بے تاب‬

a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.

Example: “she was wringing her hands in agitation”
Synonyms: anxiety, perturbation, disquiet, distress, concern, trouble, alarm, worry, upset
Antonyms: calmness, relaxation

Doom (verb) ‫فتوی‬،‫دینا‬

ٰ ‫ عدالت کا سزا‬،‫ یقینی ہونا‬،‫طے ہونا‬

condemn to certain death or destruction.

Example: “fuel was spilling out of the damaged wing and the aircraft was doomed”
Synonyms: destine, fate, predestine, ordain, preordain, foredoom, mean, foreordain, consign
Antonyms: happy, lucky, promising

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 08, 2019

o Indictment (noun)‫ استغاثہ‬،‫ چاالن‬،‫ الزام‬،‫فرد جرم‬
o Abdicate (verb) ‫ علیحدہ ہونا‬،‫ تخت چھوڑنا‬،‫ چھوڑا ہوا‬،‫ستبردار‬
o Repercussion (noun) ‫پلٹاﺅ‬،‫ ہٹاﺅ‬،‫ واپس‬،‫ دھکیل‬،‫برگشت‬
o Insurrection (noun) ‫ فتنہ‬،‫ فساد‬،‫ سرکشی‬،‫بغاوت‬
o Foretell (verb) ‫پیش گوئی کرنا‬
o Culmination (noun) ‫نقطہ عروج‬،‫ بلند ترین مقام پر پہنچنا‬،‫عروج پر ہونا‬
o Reckon (verb) ‫ حساب کرنا‬،‫ شمار کرنا‬،‫ اندازہ لگانا‬،‫گننا‬
o Lacklustre (adjective) ‫ بے جوش و خروش‬،‫ بے نور‬،‫مایوس‬
o Dismay (verb) ‫ مایوس‬،‫ دبانا‬،‫ ڈرانا‬،‫خوفزدہ کرنا‬
o Unfathomable (adjective) ‫ بے حد گہرا‬،‫عمیق‬،‫ قابل فہم‬،‫انتہائ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

February 08, 2019
Indictment (noun)‫ استغاثہ‬،‫ چاالن‬،‫ الزام‬،‫فرد جرم‬

a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.

Example: “an indictment for conspiracy”
Synonyms: charge, accusation, arraignment, citation, summons; allegation, imputation; plaint;
Antonyms: acquittal

Abdicate (verb) ‫ علیحدہ ہونا‬،‫ تخت چھوڑنا‬،‫ چھوڑا ہوا‬،‫ستبردار‬

(of a monarch) renounce one’s throne.

Example: “in 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor”
Synonyms: resign, retire, quit, stand down, step down, bow out, renounce the throne
Antonyms: accept, take on

Repercussion (noun) ‫پلٹاﺅ‬،‫ ہٹاﺅ‬،‫ واپس‬،‫ دھکیل‬،‫برگشت‬

an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.

Example: “the move would have grave repercussions for the entire region”
Synonyms: consequence, result, effect, outcome, by-product; reverberation, backlash, ripple
Antonyms: cause

Insurrection (noun) ‫ فتنہ‬،‫ فساد‬،‫ سرکشی‬،‫بغاوت‬

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Example: “the insurrection was savagely put down”
Synonyms: rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny, revolution, insurgence, insurgency, rising, rioting,
Antonyms: calm, peace, compliance, obedience, subordination

Foretell (verb) ‫پیش گوئی کرنا‬

predict (the future or a future event).

Example: “a seer had foretold that the earl would assume the throne”
Synonyms: predict, forecast, foresee, anticipate, envisage, envision, see, prophesy,
Antonyms: describe, narrate, recite, recount, relate, report, tell

Culmination (noun) ‫نقطہ عروج‬،‫ بلند ترین مقام پر پہنچنا‬،‫عروج پر ہونا‬

the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.
Example: “the deal marked the culmination of years of negotiation”
Synonyms: climax, pinnacle, peak, high point, highest point, height, high water mark, top,
Antonyms: nadir

Reckon (verb) ‫ حساب کرنا‬،‫ شمار کرنا‬،‫ اندازہ لگانا‬،‫گننا‬

establish by calculation.
Example: “his debts were reckoned at Rs300,000”
Synonyms: calculate, compute, work out, put a figure on, figure, number, quantify; count (up)
Antonyms: abandon, calibrate, measure, scale

Lacklustre (adjective) ‫ بے جوش و خروش‬،‫ بے نور‬،‫مایوس‬

lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.

Example: “no excuses were made for the team’s lacklustre performance”
Synonyms: uninspired, uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum, colourless, characterless,
Antonyms: inspired, brilliant

Dismay (verb) ‫ مایوس‬،‫ دبانا‬،‫ ڈرانا‬،‫خوفزدہ کرنا‬

cause (someone) to feel concern and distress.

Example: “they were dismayed by the U-turn in policy”
Synonyms: appal, horrify, shock, shake, shake up; disconcert, take aback, confound, surprise
Antonyms: encourage, please

Unfathomable (adjective) ‫ بے حد گہرا‬،‫عمیق‬،‫ قابل فہم‬،‫انتہائ‬

incapable of being fully explored or understood.

Example: “her grey eyes were dark with some unfathomable emotion”
Synonyms: inscrutable, incomprehensible, enigmatic, incalculable, indecipherable, obscure
Antonyms: comprehensible, penetrable

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning February 15, 2019

o Dissemination (noun) ‫ بکھیرنا‬،‫ بیج ڈالنا‬،‫بکھراﺅ‬
o Bigotry (noun) ‫ ہٹ دھرمی‬،‫ متعصب آدمی‬،‫تعصب‬
o Incite (verb) ‫ بھڑکانا‬،‫ اکسانا‬،‫ ابھارنا‬،‫مشتعل‬
o Apprehend (verb) ‫ پکڑ لینا‬،‫ سمجھ لینا‬،‫گرفتار کرنا‬
o Vague (adjective) ‫ غیر واضح‬،‫ گول مول‬،‫مبہم‬
o Fraternity (noun) ‫رفاقت‬،‫ بھائی چارہ‬،‫ برادری‬،‫اخوت‬
o Parochial (adjective)‫عالقائی‬،‫ کسی محدود حلقہ کا‬،‫مقامی‬
o Invective (noun)‫ گالی گلوچ‬،‫دشنام انگیز‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
February 15, 2019
Dissemination (noun) ‫ بکھیرنا‬،‫ بیج ڈالنا‬،‫بکھراﺅ‬

the action or fact of spreading something, especially information, widely.

Example: “the dissemination of public information”
Synonyms: spreading, circulation, distribution, dispersal, diffusion; proclamation, promulgation
Antonyms: cloak, conceal, enshroud, hide, hold (in), mask

Bigotry (noun) ‫ ہٹ دھرمی‬،‫ متعصب آدمی‬،‫تعصب‬

intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Example: “the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry”
Synonyms: prejudice, bias, partiality, partisanship, sectarianism, discrimination, unfairness,
Antonyms: tolerance

Incite (verb) ‫ بھڑکانا‬،‫ اکسانا‬،‫ ابھارنا‬،‫مشتعل‬

encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behaviour).

Example: “they conspired to incite riots”
Synonyms: stir up, whip up, work up, encourage, fan the flames of, stoke up, fuel, kindle, ignite
Antonyms: suppress, dissuade, deter

Sporadic (adjective) ‫ کبھی کبھی‬،‫ اکا دکا‬،‫جھٹ پٹ‬

occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated.

Example: “sporadic fighting broke out”
Synonyms: occasional, infrequent, irregular, periodical, periodic, scattered, patchy, isolated,
Antonyms: frequent, regular, steady, continuous

Apprehend (verb) ‫ پکڑ لینا‬،‫ سمجھ لینا‬،‫گرفتار کرنا‬

arrest (someone) for a crime.

Example: “a warrant was issued but he has not been apprehended”
Synonyms: arrest, catch, capture, seize; take prisoner, take into custody, detain, put in jail,
Antonyms: free, misunderstand, release

Vague (adjective) ‫ غیر واضح‬،‫ گول مول‬،‫مبہم‬

of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
Example: “many patients suffer vague symptoms”
Synonyms: indistinct, indefinite, indeterminate, unclear; hazy, cloudy, fuzzy, misty, lacking
Antonyms: clear, precise, firm, sharpness

Fraternity (noun) ‫رفاقت‬،‫ بھائی چارہ‬،‫ برادری‬،‫اخوت‬

a group of people sharing a common profession or interests.

Example: “members of the hunting fraternity”
Synonyms: profession, body of workers; band, group, set, circle
Antonyms: disfavor

Parochial (adjective)‫عالقائی‬،‫ کسی محدود حلقہ کا‬،‫مقامی‬

having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.

Example: “parochial attitudes”
Synonyms: narrow-minded, small-minded, provincial, insular, narrow, small-town, inward-
Antonyms: cosmopolitan, broad-minded, liberal

Invective (noun)‫ گالی گلوچ‬،‫دشنام انگیز‬

insulting, abusive, or highly critical language.

Example: “he let out a stream of invective”
Synonyms: abuse, insults, vituperation, expletives, swear words, swearing, curses, bad language
Antonyms: praise

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 06, 2019

o Thrall (noun) ‫ چاکر‬،‫ حلقہ بگوش‬،‫ مطیع‬،‫غالم بنانا‬
o Pretence (noun) ‫ ڈھونگ‬،‫ نمود‬،‫دکھاوے‬
o Brash (Adjective) ‫ انتہائی اعتماد سے برتاﺅ‬،‫جلد باز‬
o Envisage (Verb) ‫ تصور کرنا‬،‫ آمنے سامنے ہونا‬،‫غور کرنا‬،
o Bigotry (noun) ‫ ہٹ دھرمی‬،‫ متعصب آدمی‬،‫تعصب‬
o Derogatory (Adjective) ‫ حقارت آمیز‬،‫توہین آمیز‬
o Rhetoric (noun) ‫ علم انشائ‬،‫ خطیبانہ‬،‫بیان بازی‬
o Instigate (Verb) ‫ اکسانا‬،‫ بھڑکانا‬،‫ترغیب‬
o Noxious (Adjective) ‫ موذی‬،‫ مضر‬،‫نقصان دہ‬
o Rabid (Adjective) ‫ پاگال‬،‫ دیوانہ‬،‫غضبناک‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 06, 2019
Thrall (noun) ‫ چاکر‬،‫ حلقہ بگوش‬،‫ مطیع‬،‫غالم بنانا‬

the state of being in someone’s power, or of having great power over someone.
Example: “the town in thrall to a villain”
Synonyms: power, clutches, hands, control, grip, grasp, yoke; enslavement, bondage, slavery
Antonyms: freeman, master

Pretence (noun) ‫ ڈھونگ‬،‫ نمود‬،‫دکھاوے‬

an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.

Example: “his anger is masked by a pretence that all is well”
Synonyms: make-believe, act, putting on an act, acting, dissembling, shamming, sham,
Antonyms: reality, honesty

Brash (Adjective) ‫ انتہائی اعتماد سے برتاﺅ‬،‫جلد باز‬

self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.

Example: “he was brash, cocky, and arrogant”
Synonyms: self-assertive, assertive, cocksure, full of oneself, self-confident, arrogant, thrusting
Antonyms: meek, diffident

Envisage (Verb) ‫ تصور کرنا‬،‫ آمنے سامنے ہونا‬،‫غور کرنا‬،

contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.

Example: “the Rome Treaty envisaged free movement across frontiers”
Synonyms: foresee, predict, forecast, foretell, anticipate, expect, think likely, envision
Antonyms: disregard, ignore

Bigotry (noun) ‫ ہٹ دھرمی‬،‫ متعصب آدمی‬،‫تعصب‬

intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Example: “the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry”
Synonyms: prejudice, bias, partiality, partisanship, sectarianism, discrimination, unfairness
Antonyms: tolerance

Derogatory (Adjective) ‫ حقارت آمیز‬،‫توہین آمیز‬

showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.

Example: “she tells me I’m fat and is always making derogatory remarks”
Synonyms: disparaging, denigratory, belittling, diminishing, slighting, deprecatory, depreciatory
Antonyms: complimentary, flattering
Rhetoric (noun) ‫ علم انشائ‬،‫ خطیبانہ‬،‫بیان بازی‬

the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of
speech and other compositional techniques.
Example: “he is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole”
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language, expression,
Antonyms: inarticulateness, conciseness

Instigate (Verb) ‫ اکسانا‬،‫ بھڑکانا‬،‫ترغیب‬

bring about or initiate (an action or event).

Example: “they instigated a reign of terror”
Synonyms: set in motion, put in motion, get under way, get going, get in operation, start, begin
Antonyms: halt, dissuade

Noxious (Adjective) ‫ موذی‬،‫ مضر‬،‫نقصان دہ‬

harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.

Example: “they were overcome by the noxious fumes”
Synonyms: poisonous, toxic, deadly, virulent; harmful, dangerous, pernicious, damaging
Antonyms: innocuous, safe, pleasant

Rabid (Adjective) ‫ پاگال‬،‫ دیوانہ‬،‫غضبناک‬

having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something.

Example: “the show’s small but rabid fan base”
Synonyms: extreme, fanatical, overzealous, over-enthusiastic, extremist, violent, maniacal,
Antonyms: moderate, liberal, half-hearted

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 07, 2019

o Dilute (Verb) ‫ مالوٹ‬،‫ پانی کی آمیزش‬،‫ پتال کرنا‬،‫کمزور‬
o Strenuous (adjective) ‫ مستعد‬،‫جفاکش‬،‫ توانا‬،‫سخت محنتی‬
o Stymie (Verb) ‫ایسی دشوار صورتحال جس میں حل ہونے کے امکانات کم ہوں‬
o Parlance (noun) ‫ بولی‬،‫ محاورہ‬،‫ گفتگو‬،‫اصطالح‬
o Nuisance (noun) ‫ قانون کے مطابق مضر یا نقصان دہ‬،‫پریشانی‬
o Scourge (noun) ‫ درہ‬،‫ کوڑا‬،‫ چابک‬،‫سزا دینا‬
o Reciprocate (verb) ‫ جوابی عمل کرنا‬،‫ بدلہ دینا‬،‫باہم تبادلہ کرنا‬
o Defiant (adjective) ‫ حکم عدول‬،‫گستاخ‬،‫ دلیر‬، ‫ نافرمانی‬،‫سرکش‬
o Excessive (adjective) ‫ ازحد‬،‫ زیادتی‬،‫حد سے زیادہ‬
o Dispel (verb) ‫ دل سے برے اندیشوں کو نکالنا‬،‫خطرات کو دور کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
March 07, 2019
Dilute (Verb) ‫ مالوٹ‬،‫ پانی کی آمیزش‬،‫ پتال کرنا‬،‫کمزور‬

make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.

Example: “bleach can be diluted with cold water”
Synonyms: make weaker, weaken; thin out, thin, make thinner, water down
Antonyms: concentrate, intensify

Strenuous (adjective) ‫ مستعد‬،‫جفاکش‬،‫ توانا‬،‫سخت محنتی‬

requiring or using great effort or exertion.

Example: “the government made strenuous efforts to upgrade the quality of the teaching
Synonyms: arduous, difficult, hard, tough, taxing, demanding, exacting, uphill, stiff, formidable,
Antonyms: easy, effortless, half-hearted, feeble

Stymie (Verb) ‫ایسی دشوار صورتحال جس میں حل ہونے کے امکانات کم ہوں‬

prevent or hinder the progress of.

Example: “the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments”
Synonyms: impede, interfere with, hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, frustrate, thwart, foil, spoil,
Antonyms: assist, help

Parlance (noun) ‫ بولی‬،‫ محاورہ‬،‫ گفتگو‬،‫اصطالح‬

a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular
job or interest.
Example: “dated terms that were once in common parlance”
Synonyms: jargon, language, phraseology, idiom, -speak, talk, speech,
Antonyms: standard, listening, silence

Nuisance (noun) ‫ قانون کے مطابق مضر یا نقصان دہ‬،‫پریشانی‬

a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance.

Example: “it’s a nuisance having all those people clomping through the house”
Synonyms: source of annoyance/irritation, annoyance, inconvenience, bore, bother, irritant
Antonyms: help, blessing

Scourge (noun) ‫ درہ‬،‫ کوڑا‬،‫ چابک‬،‫سزا دینا‬

a person or thing that causes great
trouble or suffering.
Example: “the scourge of mass unemployment”
Synonyms: affliction, bane, curse, plague, menace, evil, misfortune, burden,
Antonyms: blessing, godsend

Reciprocate (verb) ‫ جوابی عمل کرنا‬،‫ بدلہ دینا‬،‫باہم تبادلہ کرنا‬

respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.

Example: “the favour was reciprocated”
Synonyms: requite, return, feel/give in return, repay, give back; match,
Antonyms: absolve, acquit, excuse, forget, forgive, neglect,

Defiant (adjective) ‫ حکم عدول‬،‫گستاخ‬،‫ دلیر‬، ‫ نافرمانی‬،‫سرکش‬

showing defiance.
Example: “a defiant gesture”
Synonyms: intransigent, resistant, obstinate, uncooperative, non-compliant, recalcitrant,
Antonyms: apologetic, cooperative

Excessive (adjective) ‫ ازحد‬،‫ زیادتی‬،‫حد سے زیادہ‬

more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.

Example: “he was drinking excessive amounts of brandy”
Synonyms: immoderate, intemperate, imprudent, overindulgent, unrestrained, unrestricted
Antonyms: insufficient, deficient

Dispel (verb) ‫ دل سے برے اندیشوں کو نکالنا‬،‫خطرات کو دور کرنا‬

make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear.

Example: “the brightness of the day did nothing to dispel Elaine’s dejection”
Synonyms: banish, eliminate, dismiss, chase away, drive away, drive off, get rid of,
Antonyms: engender

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 08, 2019

o Intrusion (noun) ‫ زبردستی گھسنا‬،‫ دخل اندازی‬،‫مداخلت کاری‬
o Bully (verb) ‫ لڑاکا‬،‫بدمعاش‬
o Heinous (Adverb) ‫ بڑا‬،‫ عظیم‬،‫گھناﺅنی‬
o Entrench (verb) ‫ حفاظت کےلئے مورچہ بند ہونا‬،‫مورچہ‬
o Reckon (noun) ‫حساب کرنا‬،‫ اندازہ لگانا‬،‫ شمار کرنا‬،‫گننا‬
o Blatant (adjective) ‫ اودھم مچانے واال‬،‫ وحشیانہ طور پر‬،‫صریح‬
o Furore (noun) ‫ غصہ‬،‫جنون‬،‫ جوش و خروش‬،‫ہنگامہ‬
o Purport (verb) ‫ مطلب پایا جانا‬،‫ مقصد‬،‫ منشاءظاہر کرنا‬،‫دعوی‬
o Uncanny (adjective) ‫ غیر طبعی‬،‫پراسرار‬
o Outshine (verb) ‫دوسروں سے زیادہ روشن ہونا‬،‫دوسروں سے زیادہ توجہ حاصل ہونا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 08, 2019
Intrusion (noun) ‫ زبردستی گھسنا‬،‫ دخل اندازی‬،‫مداخلت کاری‬

the action of intruding.

Example: “he was furious about this intrusion into his private life”
Synonyms: encroachment on, trespass on, obtrusion into; invasion of, incursion into, violation
Antonyms: withdrawal

Bully (verb) ‫ لڑاکا‬،‫بدمعاش‬

seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable).

Example: “her 11- year-old son has been constantly bullied at school”
Synonyms: persecute, oppress, tyrannize, torment, browbeat, intimidate, cow, coerce, strong-
Antonyms: atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy, pathetic, poor,

Heinous (Adverb) ‫ بڑا‬،‫ عظیم‬،‫گھناﺅنی‬

(of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.

Example: “a battery of heinous crimes”
Synonyms: odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, disgraceful, abominable, detestable,
Antonyms: admirable

Entrench (verb) ‫ حفاظت کےلئے مورچہ بند ہونا‬،‫مورچہ‬

establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.
Example: “ageism is entrenched in our society”
Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root, install, plant, embed, anchor, seat
Antonyms: dislodge, superficial

Reckon (noun) ‫حساب کرنا‬،‫ اندازہ لگانا‬،‫ شمار کرنا‬،‫گننا‬

establish by calculation.
Example: “his debts were reckoned at Rs.300,000”
Synonyms: calculate, compute, work out, put a figure on, figure, number, quantify
Antonyms: abandon, disbelieve, subtract
Blatant (adjective) ‫ اودھم مچانے واال‬،‫ وحشیانہ طور پر‬،‫صریح‬

(of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.

Example: “blatant lies”
Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised, unconcealed, overt, open, transparent, patent
Antonyms: inconspicuous, subtle

Furore (noun) ‫ غصہ‬،‫جنون‬،‫ جوش و خروش‬،‫ہنگامہ‬

an outbreak of public anger or excitement.

Example: “the verdict raised a furore over the role of courtroom psychiatry”
Synonyms: commotion, uproar, outcry, disturbance, hubbub, hurly-burly, fuss, upset, tumult
Antonyms: calm, peacefulness, silence

Purport (verb) ‫ مطلب پایا جانا‬،‫ مقصد‬،‫ منشاءظاہر کرنا‬،‫دعوی‬

appear to be or do something, especially falsely.
Example: “she is not the person she purports to be”
Synonyms: claim, lay claim, profess, pretend; set oneself up (as), appear, seem
Antonyms: abandon, deny, gainsay

Uncanny (adjective) ‫ غیر طبعی‬،‫پراسرار‬

strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.

Example: “an uncanny feeling that she was being watched”
Synonyms: eerie, unnatural, preternatural, supernatural, unearthly, other-worldly, unreal,
Antonyms: ordinary, normal, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill

Outshine (verb) ‫دوسروں سے زیادہ روشن ہونا‬،‫دوسروں سے زیادہ توجہ حاصل ہونا‬

shine more brightly than.

Example: “a supernova would outshine all the other stars in its galaxy”
Synonyms: surpass, be superior to, overshadow, eclipse, outclass, dwarf,
Antonyms: aid, be inferior

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 09, 2019

o Castigate (verb) ‫ سرزنش کرنا‬،‫ سزا دینا‬،‫لعنت مالمت کرنا‬
o Utterance (noun) ‫ قول‬،‫اظہارخیاالت‬
o Unflinching (adjective) ‫مصمم‬،‫ پختہ‬،‫ پکا‬،‫غیر متزلزل‬
o Conviction (noun) ‫ احساس جرم کے ساتھ‬، ‫سزا‬
o Bustle (verb) ‫سرگرمی دکھاتے ہوئے‬،‫ بھاگ دوڑ کرنا‬،‫لچل‬
o Perseverance (noun) ‫ استقالل‬،‫ثابت قدم رہنا‬
o Righteous (adjective) ‫متقی‬،‫ صالح‬،‫سچا‬
o Orchestrate (verb) ‫تمثیل پیش کرنا‬،‫ ترتیب دینا‬،‫تائید‬
o Cynic (noun) ‫طعنہ زن‬،‫ ترش رو‬،‫ کلبیت‬،‫ناقد‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 09, 2019
Castigate (verb) ‫ سرزنش کرنا‬،‫ سزا دینا‬،‫لعنت مالمت کرنا‬

reprimand (someone) severely.

Example: “he was castigated for not setting a good example”
Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, upbraid, reprove, reproach,
Antonyms: praise, commend

Utterance (noun) ‫ قول‬،‫اظہارخیاالت‬

a spoken word, statement, or vocal sound.

Example: “he whispered, as if to lend his utterances an added confidentiality”
Synonyms: remark, comment, word, expression, statement, observation, declaration
Antonyms: listening, question, quiet

Unflinching (adjective) ‫مصمم‬،‫ پختہ‬،‫ پکا‬،‫غیر متزلزل‬

not showing fear or hesitation in the face of danger or difficulty.

Example: “he has shown unflinching determination throughout the campaign”
Synonyms: resolute, determined, single-minded, dogged, decided, resolved, firm, persistent,
Antonyms: unsteady, wavering

Conviction (noun) ‫ احساس جرم کے ساتھ‬، ‫سزا‬

a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that
someone is guilty of a criminal offence.
Example: “she had a previous conviction for a similar offence”
Synonyms: declaration/pronouncement of guilt, sentence, judgement
Antonyms: acquittal, uncertainty, doubt

Bustle (verb) ‫سرگرمی دکھاتے ہوئے‬،‫ بھاگ دوڑ کرنا‬،‫لچل‬

move in an energetic and busy manner.

Example: “people clutching clipboards bustled about”
Synonyms: rush, dash, scurry, scuttle, scamper, scramble, flutter, fuss;
Antonyms: amble, deserted, inactive
Perseverance (noun) ‫ استقالل‬،‫ثابت قدم رہنا‬

persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Example: “his perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness”
Synonyms: persistence, tenacity, determination, resolve, resolution, resoluteness, staying power
Antonyms: give up, stop, quit

Righteous (adjective) ‫متقی‬،‫ صالح‬،‫سچا‬

morally right or justifiable.

Example: “feelings of righteous indignation about pay and conditions”
Synonyms: good, virtuous, upright, upstanding, decent, worthy; ethical, principled, moral,
Antonyms: wicked, sinful, unjustifiable

Orchestrate (verb) ‫تمثیل پیش کرنا‬،‫ ترتیب دینا‬،‫تائید‬

arrange or score (music) for orchestral performance.

Example: “the song cycle was stunningly arranged and orchestrated”
Synonyms: organize, arrange, put together, plan, set up, bring about, manage, mobilize
Antonyms: asymmetry, discordance, disproportion

Cynic (noun) ‫طعنہ زن‬،‫ ترش رو‬،‫ کلبیت‬،‫ناقد‬

a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for
honourable or unselfish reasons.
Example: “some cynics thought that the controversy was all a publicity stunt”
Synonyms: sceptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, scoffer; pessimist, prophet of doom,
Antonyms: idealist, optimist

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 11, 2019

o Aplomb (noun) ‫ سیدھا کھڑا ہونا‬،‫خود اعتمادی‬
o Assertion (noun) ‫ حق جتانا‬،‫دعوی‬
o Vitriolic (adjective) ‫ جلی کٹی‬،‫پرجوش‬
o Shrill (adjective) ‫ آواز کی تیزی اور باریکی‬،‫کان پھاڑ آواز‬
o Constraint (noun) ‫مجبوری‬،‫ زبردستی‬،‫رکاوٹ‬
o Eradicate (verb) ‫مٹانا‬،‫جڑ سے اکھاڑنا‬
o Restraint (noun) ‫ پابندی‬،‫ ضبط شدہ‬،‫تحمل‬
o Ascertain (verb) ‫ معلوم کرنا‬،‫تحقیق شدہ‬
o Lingering (adjective) ‫ کاہل‬،‫سست رو‬،‫ دیر لگانا‬،‫مدھم پڑ جانا‬
o Stagger (verb) ‫ لغرش ہونا‬،‫ڈگمگانا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
March 11, 2019
Aplomb (noun) ‫ سیدھا کھڑا ہونا‬،‫خود اعتمادی‬

self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation.

Example: “Diana passed the test with aplomb”
Synonyms: poise, self-assurance, assurance, self-possession, self-confidence, calmness,
Antonyms: gaucheness

Assertion (noun) ‫ حق جتانا‬،‫دعوی‬

a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Example: “his assertion that his father had deserted the family”
Synonyms: declaration, contention, statement, claim, submission, postulation, averment,
Antonyms: disclaimer, challenge, dispute

Vitriolic (adjective) ‫ جلی کٹی‬،‫پرجوش‬

filled with bitter criticism or malice.

Example: “vitriolic attacks on the politicians”
Synonyms: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, astringent, acid, acrid
Antonyms: pleasant, kind

Shrill (adjective) ‫ آواز کی تیزی اور باریکی‬،‫کان پھاڑ آواز‬

(of a voice or sound) high-pitched and piercing.

Example: “a shrill laugh”
Synonyms: high-pitched, piercing, high, sharp, ear-piercing, ear-splitting, air-rending,
Antonyms: low, soft, dulcet
Constraint (noun) ‫مجبوری‬،‫ زبردستی‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

a limitation or restriction.
Example: “time constraints make it impossible to do everything”
Synonyms: restriction, limitation, curb, check, restraint, control, curtailment, damper, rein
Antonyms: openness

Eradicate (verb) ‫مٹانا‬،‫جڑ سے اکھاڑنا‬

destroy completely; put an end to.

Example: “this disease has been eradicated from the world”
Synonyms: get rid of, eliminate, do away with, remove, suppress; exterminate, destroy,
Antonyms: conserve, preserve, protect, save

Restraint (noun) ‫ پابندی‬،‫ ضبط شدہ‬،‫تحمل‬

a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control.

Example: “decisions are made within the financial restraints of the budget”
Synonyms: constraint, check, control, restriction, limitation, curtailment; rein, bridle, brake
Antonyms: incitement

Ascertain (verb) ‫ معلوم کرنا‬،‫تحقیق شدہ‬

find (something) out for certain; make sure of.

Example: “an attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident”
Synonyms: find out, discover, get/come to know, work out, make out, fathom (out)
Antonyms: miss, overlook, disregard, ignore

Lingering (adjective) ‫ کاہل‬،‫سست رو‬،‫ دیر لگانا‬،‫مدھم پڑ جانا‬

lasting for a long time or slow to end.

Example: “there are still some lingering doubts in my mind”
Synonyms: remaining, surviving, persisting, abiding, nagging, niggling, gnawing, lasting,
Antonyms: short-lived
Stagger (verb) ‫ لغرش ہونا‬،‫ڈگمگانا‬

walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.

Example: “he staggered to his feet, swaying a little”
Synonyms: lurch, walk unsteadily, reel, sway, teeter, totter, stumble, wobble, move clumsily
Antonyms: decide, budge, stir, advance, continue

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 13, 2019

o Prudent (adjective) ‫ ہوشیاری سے‬،‫ دانائی‬،‫محتاط‬
o Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ بناوٹی طور پر‬،‫ظاہری طور پر‬
o Autonomous (adjective) ‫ نامحکوم‬،‫خودمختار‬
o Lucrative (adjective) ‫ مفید‬،‫ سودمند‬،‫منافع بخش‬
o Prerequisite (noun) ‫ضروری‬،‫ اولین شرط‬،‫الزمی‬
o Travesty (noun) ‫ شکل بدل دینا‬،‫توڑ موڑ دینا‬
o Extricate (verb) ‫ مشکالت سے نکالنا‬،‫ نجات دالنا‬،‫بچانا‬
o Clumsy (adjective) ‫ بے ڈھنگا‬،‫ بھدا‬،‫اناڑی‬
o Leniency (noun) ‫رحم دل‬،‫ تحمل روادی‬،‫نرمی‬
o Conscientious (adjective) ‫ ایماندار‬،‫ راست بازی‬،‫ باضمیری‬،‫فرض شناس‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 13, 2019
Prudent (adjective) ‫ ہوشیاری سے‬،‫ دانائی‬،‫محتاط‬

acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Example: “no prudent money office manager would authorise a loan without first knowing its

Synonyms: wise, judicious, well judged, sagacious, advisable, sage, shrewd, sensible
Antonyms: unwise, incautious, imprudent, extravagant

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ بناوٹی طور پر‬،‫ظاہری طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the office manager resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: on the surface, supposedly, apparently, outwardly, seemingly,allegedly
Antonyms: genuinely,truly, really

Autonomous (adjective) ‫ نامحکوم‬،‫خودمختار‬

(of a country or region) having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs.
Example: “the federation included seventeen autonomous republics”
Synonyms: independent, self-governing, sovereign,self-determining, free, self-ruling, autarchic
Antonyms: dependent, subservient, subject

Lucrative (adjective) ‫ مفید‬،‫ سودمند‬،‫منافع بخش‬

producing a great deal of profit.

Example: “a lucrative career as a stand-up sportsman”
Synonyms: profitable,moneymaking, profit-making, gainful,advantageous; remunerative, paying
Antonyms: unprofitable

Prerequisite (noun) ‫ضروری‬،‫ اولین شرط‬،‫الزمی‬

a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist.
Example: “sponsorship is not a prerequisite for any project”
Synonyms: necessary condition, condition, precondition,qualification, essential, requirement
Antonyms: unnecessary, non-essential

Travesty (noun) ‫ شکل بدل دینا‬،‫توڑ موڑ دینا‬

a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.

Example: “the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice”
Synonyms: poor imitation, misrepresentation, distortion, parody, perversion, corruption
Antonyms: homage, tribute

Extricate (verb) ‫ مشکالت سے نکالنا‬،‫ نجات دالنا‬،‫بچانا‬

free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty.

Example: “he was trying to extricate himself from official duties”
Synonyms: extract, free,withdraw, let loose, release, unfasten, unclasp, disentangle, get out
Antonyms: entangle, involve
Clumsy (adjective) ‫ بے ڈھنگا‬،‫ بھدا‬،‫اناڑی‬

awkward in movement or in handling things.

Example “the cold made his fingers clumsy”
Synonyms: awkward,blundering, uncoordinated, ungainly, maladroit, graceless, ungraceful
Antonyms: graceful

Leniency (noun) ‫رحم دل‬،‫ تحمل روادی‬،‫نرمی‬

the fact or quality of being more merciful or tolerant than expected; clemency.
Example: “the court could show leniency”
Synonyms: mercifulness, forbearance, mercy,forgiveness; clemency, lenity, tolerance
Antonyms: strictness, severity

Conscientious (adjective) ‫ ایماندار‬،‫ راست بازی‬،‫ باضمیری‬،‫فرض شناس‬

wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.

Example: “a conscientious man, he took his duties very seriously”

Synonyms: diligent,assiduous, industrious, punctilious, particular; religious,painstaking,

Antonyms: casual

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 14, 2019

o Spirited (adjective) ‫ پرجوش‬،‫ بلند حوصلہ‬،‫جوشیال‬
o Languish (verb) ‫کمزور ہونا‬،‫ ترسنا‬،‫ تڑپنا‬،‫مردہ دل ہونا‬
o Hardened (adjective) ‫ بے حس‬،‫ سخت محنت کرنا‬،‫کٹھن‬
o Lump (verb) ‫ سوجن‬، ‫ ڈھیال‬،‫گانٹھ‬
o Archaic (adjective) ‫ بہت پرانا‬،‫ قدیمی‬،‫دقیانوسی‬
o Contaminate (verb) ‫ خراب کرنا‬،‫ ناپاکی‬،‫آلودہ‬
o Errant (adjective) ‫ مہم جو ہانکا‬،‫ آوارہ‬،‫گمراہ‬
o Extort (verb) ‫ کسی سے کوئی چیز بالجبر حاصل کرنا‬،‫ استحصال‬،‫بھتہ خوری‬
o Malaise (noun) ‫ بے اطمینانی‬،‫ بے قراری‬،‫بے چینی‬
o Atrocious (adjective) ‫ بدذات‬،‫ سفاکانہ‬،‫ظالمانہ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
March 14, 2019
Spirited (adjective) ‫ پرجوش‬،‫ بلند حوصلہ‬،‫جوشیال‬

full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination.

Example: “a spirited campaigner for women’s rights”
Synonyms: lively, vivacious, full of life, vibrant, vital,sprightly, animated, dynamic
Antonyms: timid,lifeless, apathetic

Languish (verb) ‫کمزور ہونا‬،‫ ترسنا‬،‫ تڑپنا‬،‫مردہ دل ہونا‬

(of a person, animal, or plant) lose or lack vitality; grow weak.

Example: “plants may appear to be languishing simply because they are dormant”
Synonyms: weaken,decline, grow weak, deteriorate, wither,waste away; go into a decline
Antonyms: thrive, flourish

Hardened (adjective) ‫ بے حس‬،‫ سخت محنت کرنا‬،‫کٹھن‬

strengthened or made secure against attack, especially by nuclear weapons.

Example: “the silos are hardened against air attack”
Synonyms: strengthened,reinforced, fortified, toughened,fortress-like; thickened, literary girded
Antonyms: unfortified, unaccustomed, infrequent

Lump (verb) ‫ سوجن‬، ‫ ڈھیال‬،‫گانٹھ‬

put in an indiscriminate mass or group; treat as alike without regard for particulars.
Example: “Hong Kong and Bangkok tend to be lumped together in holiday brochures”
Synonyms: combine, merge, put, group, pool, mix, bunch, aggregate,collect, unite
Antonyms: success,victory, triumph, win

Archaic (adjective) ‫ بہت پرانا‬،‫ قدیمی‬،‫دقیانوسی‬

very old or old-fashioned.

Example: “prisons are run on archaic methods”
Synonyms: old-fashioned, obsolete,very old, anachronistic, obsolescent,dead; out of date
Antonyms: new, modern

Contaminate (verb) ‫ خراب کرنا‬،‫ ناپاکی‬،‫آلودہ‬

make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.
Example: “the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity”
Synonyms: make impure, pollute, adulterate;blight, defile, corrupt, debase, taint, infect, foul
Antonyms: purify

Errant (adjective) ‫ مہم جو ہانکا‬،‫ آوارہ‬،‫گمراہ‬

erring or straying from the accepted course or standards.

Example: “an errant husband coming back from a night on the tiles”
Synonyms: misbehaving, offending, lawbreaking, guilty, culpable,criminal, delinquent, lawless
Antonyms: innocent, well behaved

Extort (verb) ‫ کسی سے کوئی چیز بالجبر حاصل کرنا‬،‫ استحصال‬،‫بھتہ خوری‬

obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.

Example: “he attempted to extort money from the company”
Synonyms: force, obtain by force,blackmail someone for, coerce, obtain by threat(s), extract,

Malaise (noun) ‫ بے اطمینانی‬،‫ بے قراری‬،‫بے چینی‬

a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
Example: “a general air of malaise”
Synonyms: unhappiness,unease, restlessness,disquiet, trouble, uneasiness, melancholy
Antonyms: comfort, well-being

Atrocious (adjective) ‫ بدذات‬،‫ سفاکانہ‬،‫ظالمانہ‬

horrifyingly wicked.
Example: “atrocious cruelties”
Synonyms: brutal,savage, barbaric, barbarous,nasty, ruthless, brutish, vicious, wicked, cruel
Antonyms: admirable, kindly

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 15, 2019

o Jittery (adjective) ‫ اعصاب زدہ‬،‫ گھبرایا ہوا‬،‫پریشان‬
o Seethe (adjective) ‫جوش دینا‬،‫ کھولتا ہوا‬،‫ابالنا‬
o Indigenous (adjective) ‫ فطری عالقہ رکھنے واال‬،‫ ملکی‬،‫دیسی‬
o Fathom (noun) ‫ قدائم‬،‫پیمائش کا پیمانہ‬
o Fallacious (adjective) ‫مغالطہ‬،‫ دھوکہ بازی‬،‫ مکار‬،‫غلط‬
o Concealment (noun) ‫ پردہ رکھنا‬،‫ مغفی رکھنا‬،‫ چھپانا‬،‫چھپاﺅ‬
o Illicit (adjective) ‫ممنوع‬،‫ ناجائز‬،‫غیر قانونی‬
o Caveat (noun) ‫امتناع‬،‫ عذرداری کرنا‬،‫انتباہ‬
o punitive (adjective) ‫ سزا کے متعلق‬،‫ سزا‬،‫تادیبی‬
o Speculation (noun) ‫ سوچ بچار‬،‫قیاس‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 15, 2019
Jittery (adjective) ‫ اعصاب زدہ‬،‫ گھبرایا ہوا‬،‫پریشان‬

nervous or unable to relax.

Example: “caffeine makes me jittery”
Synonyms: nervous,apprehensive, anxious, worried, uneasy, on edge, edgy, jumpy, tense
Antonyms: cool, calm, relaxed, laid-back

Seethe (adjective) ‫جوش دینا‬،‫ کھولتا ہوا‬،‫ابالنا‬

(of a liquid) boil or be turbulent as if boiling.

Example: “the grey ocean seethed”
Synonyms: boil,froth, bubble, simmer, ferment, foam, rise, fizz, effervesce
Antonyms: be happy, freez

Indigenous (adjective) ‫ فطری عالقہ رکھنے واال‬،‫ ملکی‬،‫دیسی‬

originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

Example: “the indigenous peoples of Siberia”
Synonyms: native,earliest, aboriginal, local; primeval, original, first, initial; ancient
Antonyms: expatriate, adventitious, migrant

Fathom (noun) ‫ قدائم‬،‫پیمائش کا پیمانہ‬

understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought.

Example: “the locals could not fathom out the reason behind his new-found prosperity”
Synonyms: understand, search out, comprehend, make sense of, work out, fathom out, puzzle
Antonyms: misinterpret, guess,
Fallacious (adjective) ‫مغالطہ‬،‫ دھوکہ بازی‬،‫ مکار‬،‫غلط‬

based on a mistaken belief.

Example: “fallacious arguments”
Synonyms: erroneous, false, misleading,flawed, untrue, wrong, incorrect,spurious, faulty
Antonyms: true, correct

Concealment (noun) ‫ پردہ رکھنا‬،‫ مغفی رکھنا‬،‫ چھپانا‬،‫چھپاﺅ‬

the action of hiding something or preventing it from being known.

Example: “the concealment of the weapons”
Synonyms: hiding, protection, secretion,hiding place; cover, shelter, screen
Antonyms: revelation, disclosure

Illicit (adjective) ‫ممنوع‬،‫ ناجائز‬،‫غیر قانونی‬

forbidden by law, rules, or custom.

Example: “illicit drugs”
Synonyms: illegal, unlawful, forbidden, illegitimate, against the law; proscribed, outlawed,
Antonyms: licit, legal, above board

Caveat (noun) ‫امتناع‬،‫ عذرداری کرنا‬،‫انتباہ‬

a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.

Example: “there are a number of caveats which concern the validity of the assessment results”
Synonyms: warning, caution,limitation, admonition, monition,qualification, red flag, alarm bells

punitive (adjective) ‫ سزا کے متعلق‬،‫ سزا‬،‫تادیبی‬

inflicting or intended as punishment.

Example: “he called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc”
Synonyms: penal, disciplinary, castigatorycorrective, correctional, in retaliation, retributive
Antonyms: compensatory, acquitting, exculpating,
Speculation (noun) ‫ سوچ بچار‬،‫قیاس‬

the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Example: “there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit”

Synonyms: conjecture,supposition, theorizing, hypothesizing, hypothesis, guesswork; talk;

Antonyms: demonstrate,establish, document, prove

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 18, 2019

o Altruistic (adjective) ‫ فیضانہ‬،‫ ایثار‬،‫بے غرض‬
o Reprisal (noun) ‫ پاداش‬،‫ بدلہ‬،‫انتقامی کارروائی‬
o Stern (adjective) ‫ سادہ‬،‫ کڑا‬،‫سخت گیر‬
o Maim (verb) ‫ اپاہج‬،‫ لوال‬، ‫ لنگڑا‬،‫نکما کر دینا‬
o Havoc (noun) ‫ اجاڑنا‬،‫ گڑبڑ پھیالنا‬،‫خرابی‬
o Suffocate (verb) ‫ حبس دم‬،‫ دم گھٹنا‬،‫گھٹن‬
o Emission (noun) ‫ اشعاعی طیف‬،‫ نکالنا‬،‫اخراج‬
o Foresee (verb) ‫ بھانپ لینا‬،‫توقع کرنا‬،‫پیشنگوئی کرنا‬
o Jingoism (noun) ‫ بے انتہا محب وطن‬،‫جنگ جوئی‬
o Litigant (noun) ‫ مقدمہ لڑنے واال‬،‫مقدمہ باز‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 18, 2019
Altruistic (adjective) ‫ فیضانہ‬،‫ ایثار‬،‫بے غرض‬

showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
Example: “it was an entirely altruistic act”
Synonyms: unselfish, self-denying; selfless,generous, self-sacrificing, considerate, humanitarian
Antonyms: selfish

Reprisal (noun) ‫ پاداش‬،‫ بدلہ‬،‫انتقامی کارروائی‬

an act of retaliation.
Example: “three youths died in the reprisals which followed”
Synonyms: retaliation, revenge, counterattack, counterstroke, retribution, comeback; vengeance
Antonyms: clemency, leniency, grace,mercy, lenity

Stern (adjective) ‫ سادہ‬،‫ کڑا‬،‫سخت گیر‬

(of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and
exercise of discipline.
Example: “a smile transformed his stern face”
Synonyms: serious, poker-faced, unsmiling,unfriendly, frowning, forbidding, grim, severe
Antonyms: lenient, lax

Maim (verb) ‫ اپاہج‬،‫ لوال‬، ‫ لنگڑا‬،‫نکما کر دینا‬

wound or injure (a person or animal) so that part of the body is permanently damaged.
Example: “100,000 soldiers were killed or maimed”
Synonyms: injure, wound,put out of action, hurt, disable, impair, incapacitate, mar, mutilate
Antonyms: cure,rehabilitate, heal, remedy

Havoc (noun) ‫ اجاڑنا‬،‫ گڑبڑ پھیالنا‬،‫خرابی‬

widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation,desolation, destruction, despoliation, damage, depredation, ruin, disaster
Antonyms: peace

Suffocate (verb) ‫ حبس دم‬،‫ دم گھٹنا‬،‫گھٹن‬

die or cause to die from lack of air or inability to breathe.

Example: “they suffocated in their sleep”
Synonyms: smother, strangle, asphyxiate, strangulate, stifle; choke; throttle
Antonyms: breathe,expire, inspire، exhale, inhale

Emission (noun) ‫ اشعاعی طیف‬،‫ نکالنا‬،‫اخراج‬

the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.

Example: “the effects of lead emission on health”
Synonyms: discharge, excretion, release, outflow, outpouring, outrush, leak, ejection; secretion
Antonyms: concealment, withholding

Foresee (verb) ‫ بھانپ لینا‬،‫توقع کرنا‬،‫پیشنگوئی کرنا‬

be aware of beforehand; predict.

Example: “we did not foresee any difficulties”
Synonyms: anticipate, envision, predict, forecast,foretell, envisage, see, expect
Antonyms: misinterpret, misunderstand

Jingoism (noun) ‫ بے انتہا محب وطن‬،‫جنگ جوئی‬

extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy.

Example: “the popular jingoism that swept the lower–middle classes”
Synonyms: extreme patriotism, isolationism, extreme nationalism, blind patriotism, chauvinism
Antonyms: internationalist

Litigant (noun) ‫ مقدمہ لڑنے واال‬،‫مقدمہ باز‬

a person involved in a lawsuit.

Example: “a litigant in civil proceedings”
Synonyms: litigator, opponent in law, opponent, contestant, contender, disputant, plaintiff
Antonyms: ally, assistant, friend, helper, associate, colleague

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 21, 2019

o Barbaric ‫ غصہ میں وحشی ہو جانا‬،‫وحشیانہ‬
o Divisive (adjective) ‫باعث تقسیم‬
o Persecute (verb) ‫ اذیت دینا‬، ‫ ستانا‬،‫ دق کرنا‬،‫ستائش‬
o Devastation (noun)‫ شدید المناک‬، ‫تباہی‬
o Avert (verb)‫ ہٹانا‬،‫ پھیرنا‬،‫ٹالنا‬
o Paltry (adjective) ‫ادنی‬،‫حقیر‬
ٰ ،‫عمولی‬
o Contingent (adjective)‫ عارضی‬،‫امکان‬
o Precisely (adverb) ‫ ٹھیک ٹھاک‬،‫صحیح‬
o Imprisonment (noun) ‫ جیل میں ڈالنا‬،‫قید کرنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
March 21, 2019
Barbaric ‫ غصہ میں وحشی ہو جانا‬،‫وحشیانہ‬

savagely cruel.
Example: “he carried out barbaric acts in the name of war”
Synonyms: cruel, brutal, savage, barbarous, brutish,ferocious, bestial, fierce, vicious, wicked
Antonyms: benevolent

Divisive (adjective) ‫باعث تقسیم‬

tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.

Example: “the highly divisive issue of abortion”
Synonyms: alienating, estranging, isolating, schismatic; discordant, disharmonious,
Antonyms: accordant

Persecute (verb) ‫ اذیت دینا‬، ‫ ستانا‬،‫ دق کرنا‬،‫ستائش‬

subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race or political or
religious beliefs.
Example: “his followers were persecuted by the authorities”
Synonyms: oppress,maltreat, abuse, discriminate, punish, victimize, ill-treat, mistreat, against
Antonyms: deliverrelieve, reprieve, release,

Devastation (noun)‫ شدید المناک‬، ‫تباہی‬

great destruction or damage.

Example: “the floods caused widespread devastation”
Synonyms: destruction,depredation, ruin, wreckage; desolation, waste, ravages, havoc, ruins
Antonyms: rescue, salvation, salvage, saving
Avert (verb)‫ ہٹانا‬،‫ پھیرنا‬،‫ٹالنا‬

prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence).

Example: “talks failed to avert a rail strike”
Synonyms: prevent,stave off, stop, ward off; avoid, nip in the bud;forestall, head off, preclude
Antonyms: aid,assist, allow

Paltry (adjective) ‫ادنی‬،‫حقیر‬

ٰ ،‫عمولی‬

(of an amount) very small or meagre.

Example: “she would earn a paltry Rs33 more a month”
Synonyms: small,insignificant, meagre, insufficient, trifling, negligible,derisory, inadequate,
Antonyms: considerable, substantial

Contingent (adjective)‫ عارضی‬،‫امکان‬

subject to chance.
Example: “the contingent nature of the job”
Synonyms: chance, possible, accidental, fortuitous, unexpected, unforeseen, unforeseeable
Antonyms: predictable

Precisely (adverb) ‫ ٹھیک ٹھاک‬،‫صحیح‬

exactly (used to emphasize the complete accuracy or truth of a statement).

Example: “at 2.00 precisely, the phone rang”
Synonyms: exactly, prompt, sharp, promptly, on the dot; dead (on),
Antonyms: slightly,vaguely, somewhat

Imprisonment (noun) ‫ جیل میں ڈالنا‬،‫قید کرنا‬

the state of being imprisoned; captivity.

Example: “he was sentenced to two months’ imprisonment”
Synonyms: incarceration,captivity, internment,detention, confinement, custody
Antonyms: freedom

Table of Contents
 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 22, 2019
o Apparently (adverb) ‫ ظاہری طور پر‬،‫ بادی النظر‬،‫بظاہر‬
o Apprehend (verb) ‫ مصیبت میں گرفتار ہونا‬،‫ پکڑنا‬،‫گرفتار‬
o Indicative (adjective) ‫ جتانے واال‬،‫ دکھانے واال‬،‫نشاندہی‬
o Odious (adjective) ‫ برا‬،‫ مکروہ‬،‫ گھناﺅنا‬،‫نفرت انگیز‬
o Obscenity (noun) ‫ بے شرمی‬،‫ فحش‬،‫فحاشی‬
o Unrepentant (adjective) ‫ اپنے گناہ پر نادم ہونے واال‬،‫ غیر نادم‬،‫توبہ‬
o Succumb (verb) ‫ شکست مان لینا‬،‫ شکار‬،‫مطیع ہونا‬
o Bulwark (noun) ‫ چار دیواری‬،‫ دفاعی انتظام‬،‫فصیل‬
o Wayward (adjective) ‫ تلون مزاج‬،‫ خود رائے‬، ‫ ضدی‬،‫خود پسند‬
o Appeasement (noun) ‫ صلح‬،‫ رفع‬،‫ ڈھارس‬،‫اطمینان دالنا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 22, 2019
Apparently (adverb) ‫ ظاہری طور پر‬،‫ بادی النظر‬،‫بظاہر‬

as far as one knows or can see.

Example: “the child nodded, apparently content with the promise”
Synonyms: seemingly, ostensibly, evidently, it seems (that),it appears (that), it would seem

Antonyms: implausibly, incredibly, improbably, impossibly

Apprehend (verb) ‫ مصیبت میں گرفتار ہونا‬،‫ پکڑنا‬،‫گرفتار‬

arrest (someone) for a crime.

Example: “a warrant was issued but he has not been apprehended”
Synonyms: arrest, catch, detain, capture, throw in jail, prisoner, seize; take take into custody, put
in jail
Antonyms: misapprehend, misconstrue, misconceive, misinterpret,mistake, misperceive,

Indicative (adjective) ‫ جتانے واال‬،‫ دکھانے واال‬،‫نشاندہی‬

serving as a sign or indication of something.
Example: “having recurrent dreams is not necessarily indicative of any psychological problem”
Synonyms: symptomatic, suggestive, expressive, evocative, characteristic,typical, representative
Antonyms: concealing

Odious (adjective) ‫ برا‬،‫ مکروہ‬،‫ گھناﺅنا‬،‫نفرت انگیز‬

extremely unpleasant; repulsive.

Example: “a pretty odious character”
Synonyms: revolting, repulsive, hateful, repellent, disgusting,repugnant, offensive, objectionable
Antonyms: delightful, charming, agreeable, pleasant

Obscenity (noun) ‫ بے شرمی‬،‫ فحش‬،‫فحاشی‬

the state or quality of being obscene.

Example: “the book was banned for obscenity”
Synonyms: indecency, salaciousness, immorality,smut, impropriety, smuttiness, lewdness
Antonyms: decency, happiness, propriety

Unrepentant (adjective) ‫ اپنے گناہ پر نادم ہونے واال‬،‫ غیر نادم‬،‫توبہ‬

showing no regret for one’s wrongdoings.

Example: “he was unrepentant and said that his comments were completely accurate”
Synonyms: impenitent,remorseless, unrepenting, shameless, uncontrite, unremorseful,
Antonyms: repentant, regretful

Succumb (verb) ‫ شکست مان لینا‬،‫ شکار‬،‫مطیع ہونا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in,capitulate, give way, submit,be overcome by, surrender, cave
Antonyms: resist, conquer

Bulwark (noun) ‫ چار دیواری‬،‫ دفاعی انتظام‬،‫فصیل‬

a person or thing that acts as a defence.
Example: “the security forces are a bulwark against the breakdown of society”
Synonyms: protector, defender, protection,supporter, guard, defence,buttress, support, prop
Antonyms: harm, weak point

Wayward (adjective) ‫ تلون مزاج‬،‫ خود رائے‬، ‫ ضدی‬،‫خود پسند‬

difficult to control or predict because of wilful or perverse behaviour.

Example: “a wayward adolescent”
Synonyms: wilful,stubborn, self-willed, headstrong,perverse, obstinate, obdurate, contrary
Antonyms: well behaved, docile

Appeasement (noun) ‫ صلح‬،‫ رفع‬،‫ ڈھارس‬،‫اطمینان دالنا‬

the action or process of appeasing.

Example: a policy of appeasement”
Synonyms: conciliation,propitiation, placation, pacification, palliation, reconciliation; allaying
Antonyms: provocation, aggression

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 25, 2019

o Imprisonment (noun) ‫ قید میں رکھنے کا عمل‬،‫ جیل میں ڈالنا‬،‫قید‬
o Absorb (verb) ‫ چوسنا‬،‫ محو‬،‫جذب کرنا‬
o Ramification (noun) ‫ حصوں میں بانٹنا‬،‫ تقسیم‬،‫شاخ در شاخ‬
o Disparity (noun) ‫ فرق‬،‫عدم مساوات‬
o Abysmal (adjective) ‫اتھاہ‬،‫ گہرا‬،‫ ناقابل پیمائش‬،‫انتہائی پست‬
o Harbinger (noun) ‫پیشوا‬
o Solitary (adjective) ‫ سنسان‬،‫تنہا‬
o Confinement (noun) ‫ پابندی‬،‫قید تنہائی‬
o Depredation (noun) ‫ لوٹ کھسوٹ‬،‫ غارت گری‬،‫لوٹ مار‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 25, 2019
Imprisonment (noun) ‫ قید میں رکھنے کا عمل‬،‫ جیل میں ڈالنا‬،‫قید‬

the state of being imprisoned; captivity.

Example: “he was sentenced to two months’ imprisonment”
Synonyms: incarceration,penal servitude, confinement, detention,internment, custody, captivity
Antonyms: freedom

Absorb (verb) ‫ چوسنا‬،‫ محو‬،‫جذب کرنا‬

take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.

Example: “buildings can be designed to absorb and retain heat”
Synonyms: soak up,sop up draw up/in, take up/in, suck up, blot up, sponge up, mop up
Antonyms: exude, give out

Ramification (noun) ‫ حصوں میں بانٹنا‬،‫ تقسیم‬،‫شاخ در شاخ‬

a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.

Example: “any change is bound to have legal ramifications”
Synonyms: consequence,complication, result, outcome, effect, aftermath, upshot,sequel; issue
Antonyms: assemble, combine, associate, blend

Disparity (noun) ‫ فرق‬،‫عدم مساوات‬

a great difference.
Example: “economic disparities between different regions of the country”
Synonyms: discrepancy, unevenness,i mbalance, inconsistency, inequality, incongruity,
Antonyms: parity, similarity

Abysmal (adjective) ‫اتھاہ‬،‫ گہرا‬،‫ ناقابل پیمائش‬،‫انتہائی پست‬

extremely bad; appalling.

Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, shameful, awful, terrible, dreadful, atrocious, disgraceful, frightful,
Antonyms: superb
Harbinger (noun) ‫پیشوا‬

a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.

Example: “witch hazels are the harbingers of spring”
Synonyms: herald, augury, indicator, signal, sign, prelude, portent, indication, omen,

Solitary (adjective) ‫ سنسان‬،‫تنہا‬

done or existing alone.

Example: “I live a pretty solitary life”
Synonyms: lonely, by oneself/itself, unaccompanied, on one’s/its own, companionless, (all)
Antonyms: sociable, accessible, busy

Confinement (noun) ‫ پابندی‬،‫قید تنہائی‬

the action of confining or state of being confined.

Example: “he was immediately released from his confinement”
Synonyms: imprisonment,incarceration, internment, custody, detention, captivity, arrest,
Antonyms: liberty

Depredation (noun) ‫ لوٹ کھسوٹ‬،‫ غارت گری‬،‫لوٹ مار‬

an act of attacking or plundering.

Example: “protecting grain from the depredations of rats and mice”
Synonyms: plundering,sack, plunder, looting, robbing, pillaging, robbery, ravaging, raiding,
Antonyms: goodness, construction,

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 26, 2019

o Impartial (adjective) ‫بے تعصبی‬،‫ منصفانہ مزاج‬،‫غیر جانبدارانہ‬
o Coercion (noun) ‫ زور‬،‫ دباﺅ‬،‫جبر‬
o Obstacle (noun) ‫ آڑ‬،‫ روک‬،‫رکاوٹ‬
o Abysmal (adjective) ‫پرلے درجے کی جہالت‬،‫ بے انتہا گہرا‬،‫انتہائی پست‬
o Accolade (noun) ‫ خراج تحسین‬،‫ شاباش‬،‫واہ واہ‬
o Ebb (verb) ‫ اتار‬،‫ زوال‬،‫تنزل‬
o Etch (verb) ‫نقش کاری کرنا‬،‫ ٹھپہ لگانا‬،‫کنندہ کاری‬
o Assert (verb) ‫ وثوق سے کہنا‬،‫دعوی‬
ٰ ،‫حق جتانا‬
o Obscenity (noun) ‫ فحاشی‬،‫گندا پن‬
o Peculiar (adjective) ‫خصوصیت سے‬،‫ نراال‬،‫ انوکھا‬، ‫عجیب‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 26, 2019
Impartial (adjective) ‫بے تعصبی‬،‫ منصفانہ مزاج‬،‫غیر جانبدارانہ‬

treating all rivals or disputants equally.

Example: “the minister cannot be impartial in the way that a judge would be”
Synonyms: unbiased, non-partisan, unprejudiced,anti-discrimination, neutral, non-discriminatory
Antonyms: biased, partisan

Coercion (noun) ‫ زور‬،‫ دباﺅ‬،‫جبر‬

the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats

Synonyms: force,constraint, compulsion, duress,enforcement, oppression, harassment
Antonyms: persuasion

Obstacle (noun) ‫ آڑ‬،‫ روک‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.

Example: “the major obstacle to achieving that goal is money”
Synonyms: barrier,stumbling block, hurdle, bar,hindrance, block, impediment,catch, snag
Antonyms: asset, advantage, aid

Abysmal (adjective) ‫پرلے درجے کی جہالت‬،‫ بے انتہا گہرا‬،‫انتہائی پست‬

extremely bad; appalling.

Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, awful, dreadful, terrible,atrocious, frightful, disgraceful, shameful,
Antonyms: superb

Accolade (noun) ‫ خراج تحسین‬،‫ شاباش‬،‫واہ واہ‬

an expression of praise or admiration.

Example: “poignant accolades and urgent testimonials of thanks”
Synonyms: tribute,acclaim, commendation, applause, acclamation, ovation, approval
Antonyms: criticism

Ebb (verb) ‫ اتار‬،‫ زوال‬،‫تنزل‬

(of tidewater) move away from the land; recede.

Example: “the tide began to ebb”
Synonyms: recede,retreat, go out, flow back, fall back, draw back, fall away, subside; abate
Antonyms: increase, intensification, intensify

Etch (verb) ‫نقش کاری کرنا‬،‫ ٹھپہ لگانا‬،‫کنندہ کاری‬

engrave (metal, glass, or stone) by coating it with a protective layer, drawing on it with a needle,
and then covering it with acid to attack the parts the needle has exposed, especially in order to
produce prints from it.
Example: “aquatint is a process of achieving tone by etching a metal plate”
Synonyms: engrave, inscribe, carve, cut (in),chisel, impress, incise, chase, notch, score, imprint

Assert (verb) ‫ وثوق سے کہنا‬،‫دعوی‬

ٰ ،‫حق جتانا‬

state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.

Example: “the company asserts that the cuts will not affect development”
Synonyms: declare,contend, maintain, argue, claim, state, propound,posit, submit, postulate
Antonyms: minimize, understate

Obscenity (noun) ‫ فحاشی‬،‫گندا پن‬

the state or quality of being obscene.
Example: “the book was banned for obscenity”
Synonyms: indecency,impropriety, immorality, smuttiness, salaciousness,lewdness, smut
Antonyms: decency, cleanness, innocence

Peculiar (adjective) ‫خصوصیت سے‬،‫ نراال‬،‫ انوکھا‬، ‫عجیب‬

different to what is normal or expected; strange.

Example: “he gave her some very peculiar looks”
Synonyms: strange,odd, unusual, funny,bizarre, curious, weird,queer, uncanny, unexpected
Antonyms: normal, ordinary

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 27, 2019

o Adulation (noun) ‫ خوشامد‬،‫چاپلوسی‬
o Abash (verb) ‫شرمانا‬
o Acquiescence (noun) ‫ رضا مندی‬،‫منظوری‬
o Audacious (adjective) ‫بہادر‬
o Conflagration (adjective) ‫ آتشزدگی‬،‫بے قابو آگ‬
o Prevalence (noun) ‫ اشاعت‬،‫ پھیالﺅ‬،‫غلبہ‬
o Harrow (verb) ‫ کھانچے دار سروان‬،‫ لوٹنا‬،‫لخراش‬
o Exonerate (verb) ‫ بوجھ اتارنا‬،‫حق بحال‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 27, 2019
Adulation (noun) ‫ خوشامد‬،‫چاپلوسی‬

excessive admiration or praise.

Example: “he found it difficult to cope with the adulation of the fans”
Synonyms: hero-worship,admiration, worship, admiring, respect, high regard, lionization,
Antonyms: condemnation, disapproval, disfavor

Abash (verb) ‫شرمانا‬

make (someone) feel embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.

Example: “Harriet looked slightly abashed”
Synonyms: embarrassed,shamefaced, ashamed, remorseful,conscience-stricken, mortified
Antonyms: unabashed, undaunted

Acquiescence (noun) ‫ رضا مندی‬،‫منظوری‬

the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.

Example: “in silent acquiescence, she rose to her feet”
Synonyms: consent,acceptance, agreement, accession, concurrence, seal of approval, approval
Antonyms: refusal

Audacious (adjective) ‫بہادر‬

showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.

Example: “a series of audacious takeovers”
Synonyms: bold, intrepid,fearless, daring, brave, unafraid, courageous, unflinching, valiant
Antonyms: timid

Conflagration (adjective) ‫ آتشزدگی‬،‫بے قابو آگ‬

an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property.

Example: “tinder-dry conditions sparked fears of a conflagration in many drought-devastated
Synonyms: fire,flames, blaze, inferno,holocaust, firestorm,
Antonyms: demilitarization,disarmament, demobilization

Prevalence (noun) ‫ اشاعت‬،‫ پھیالﺅ‬،‫غلبہ‬

the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.

Example: “the prevalence of obesity in adults”
Synonyms: commonness, widespread, currency, presence,pervasiveness, generality, universality
Antonyms: infrequence, infrequency, rareness,
Harrow (verb) ‫ کھانچے دار سروان‬،‫ لوٹنا‬،‫لخراش‬

cause distress to.

Example: “Todd could take it, whereas I’m harrowed by it”
Synonyms: distress,afflict, trouble, grieve,torture, torment, crucify, rack,pain, sear, wound
Antonyms: calm, comfort, heartening

Exonerate (verb) ‫ بوجھ اتارنا‬،‫حق بحال‬

(of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing.
Example: “an inquiry exonerated those involved”
Synonyms: absolve, acquit, clear, find innocent, declare innocent, pronounce not guilty
Antonyms: charge, convict

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning March 28, 2019

o Tangible (adjective) ‫ محسوس ہونے والی‬،‫ قابل احساس‬،‫ٹھوس‬
o Plague (noun) ‫ تکلیف‬،‫طاعون‬
o Incarceration (noun) ‫ قید کرنا‬،‫ حبس‬،‫قید‬
o Archaic (adjective) ‫ متروک‬،‫ دقیانوسی‬،‫قدیمی‬
o Interminable (adjective) ‫ بے حد‬،‫ المتناہی‬،‫ابدی‬
o Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ من مانے طور سے‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬
o Lethal (adjective) ‫ جان لیوا‬،‫مہلک‬
o Ascertain (verb) ‫ معلوم کرنا‬،‫ تحقیق کرنا‬،‫تعین کرنا‬
o Emanate (verb) ‫ خارج کرنا‬،‫ جاری ہونا‬، ‫ظاہر ہونا‬
o Reciprocal (adjective) ‫ باری باری‬،‫ دو طرفہ‬،‫باہمی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

March 28, 2019
Tangible (adjective) ‫ محسوس ہونے والی‬،‫ قابل احساس‬،‫ٹھوس‬

perceptible by touch.
Example: “the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible”
Synonyms: touchable,tactile, palpable, material, real, physical, substantial, solid, corporeal
Antonyms: intangible, theoretical

Plague (noun) ‫ تکلیف‬،‫طاعون‬

any contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people.
plural noun: plagues
Example: “diseases like smallpox wiped out the indigenous people in a succession of plagues”
Synonyms: disease, bubonic sickness; plague,the Black Death; pneumonic plague, contagious
Antonyms: advantage, good luck

Incarceration (noun) ‫ قید کرنا‬،‫ حبس‬،‫قید‬

the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment.

Example: “the public would not be served by her incarceration”
Synonyms: imprisonment,confinement, internment, detention,captivity, custody, restraint
Antonyms: freedom

Archaic (adjective) ‫ متروک‬،‫ دقیانوسی‬،‫قدیمی‬

very old or old-fashioned.

Example: “prisons are run on archaic methods”
Synonyms: obsolete,out of date, obsolescent, anachronistic, outmoded, old-fashioned, behind the
Antonyms: new, modern

Interminable (adjective) ‫ بے حد‬،‫ المتناہی‬،‫ابدی‬

endless or apparently endless (often used hyperbolically).

Example: “we got bogged down in interminable discussions”
Synonyms: seemingly endless, never-ending, endless, unending, non-stop, without end
Antonyms: brief, ending

Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ من مانے طور سے‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, random, whimsical, chance,unpredictable, erratic, wild, inconsistent
Antonyms: rational, reasoned
Lethal (adjective) ‫ جان لیوا‬،‫مہلک‬

very harmful or destructive.

Example: “the Krakatoa eruption was the most lethal on record”
Synonyms: fatal,mortal, deadly, causing death, life-threatening, death-dealing, murderous
Antonyms: harmless, safe

Ascertain (verb) ‫ معلوم کرنا‬،‫ تحقیق کرنا‬،‫تعین کرنا‬

find (something) out for certain; make sure of.

Example: “an attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident”
Synonyms: find out, get/come to know, discover, fathom (out), work out, make out, become
aware of
Antonyms: miss, overlook

Emanate (verb) ‫ خارج کرنا‬،‫ جاری ہونا‬، ‫ظاہر ہونا‬

(of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source).

Example: “warmth emanated from the fireplace”
Synonyms: emerge,pour, flow, proceed,ensue, issue, come out, spread out, come forth
Antonyms: absorb, inhale, soak (up),

Reciprocal (adjective) ‫ باری باری‬،‫ دو طرفہ‬،‫باہمی‬

given, felt, or done in return.

Example: “she was hoping for some reciprocal comment or gesture”
Synonyms: given/felt in return, requited, corresponding;reciprocated returned,
Antonyms: different, independent, singular

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 4, 2019

o Potent (adjective) ‫زوردار‬،‫ طاقتوار‬،‫قوی‬
o Sham (noun) ‫تکیہ پوش‬،‫ ڈرامہ کرنا‬،‫مصنوعی‬
o Enunciate (verb) ‫دعوی کرنا‬
ٰ ،‫ صاف طور سے اظہار کرنا‬،‫بیان کرنا‬
o Introspection (noun) ‫ خود نگری‬،‫ دوربینی‬،‫تجزیہ‬
o Swerve (verb) ‫مقررہ راہ سے ادھر اُدھر ہو جانا‬
o Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ من مانی‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬
o Rampant (adjective) ‫ حد سے زیادہ‬،‫روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬
o Enormous (adjective) ‫ قوی‬،‫ بے پناہ‬،‫بہت بڑا‬
o Contaminate (verb) ‫ ناپاکی‬،‫ خراب‬،‫آلودہ‬
o Devoid (adjective) ‫ محروم‬،‫ خالی‬،‫کھوکھال‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

April 4, 2019
Potent (adjective) ‫زوردار‬،‫ طاقتوار‬،‫قوی‬

having great power, influence, or effect.

Example: “thrones were potent symbols of authority”
Synonyms: powerful, vigorous, strong, mighty, influential, formidable, dominant, commanding
Antonyms: weak, impotent

Sham (noun) ‫تکیہ پوش‬،‫ ڈرامہ کرنا‬،‫مصنوعی‬

a thing that is not what it is purported to be.

Example: “our current free health service is a sham”
Synonyms: pretence, act, fake, fiction, imposture, simulation, fraud, counterfeit, feint, lie
Antonyms: real, genuine

Enunciate (verb) ‫دعوی کرنا‬

ٰ ،‫ صاف طور سے اظہار کرنا‬،‫بیان کرنا‬

say or pronounce clearly.

Example: “she enunciated each word slowly”
Synonyms: pronounce, say, articulate; speak, utter, voice, express, vocalize, mouth; sound
Antonyms: ask, repress, conceal

Introspection (noun) ‫ خود نگری‬،‫ دوربینی‬،‫تجزیہ‬

the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.

Example: “quiet introspection can be extremely valuable”
Synonyms: brooding, soul-searching, self-analysis, heart-searching, self-observation,
Antonyms: unthoughtful

Swerve (verb) ‫مقررہ راہ سے ادھر اُدھر ہو جانا‬

change or cause to change direction abruptly.

Example: “a lorry swerved across her path”
Synonyms: veer, go off course, change direction, deviate, diverge, skew, sheer, twist, curve,
Antonyms: straighten

Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ من مانی‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, random, whimsical, chance, unpredictable, erratic, inconsistent, wild
Antonyms: rational, reasoned

Rampant (adjective) ‫ حد سے زیادہ‬،‫روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬

(especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked.

Example: “political violence was rampant”
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unchecked, unrestrained, unbridled, pandemic, widespread, epidemic
Antonyms: controlled, under control

Enormous (adjective) ‫ قوی‬،‫ بے پناہ‬،‫بہت بڑا‬

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Example: “enormous sums of money”
Synonyms: huge, extensive, vast, expansive, wide; broad, boundless, limitless, immeasurable
Antonyms: tiny

Contaminate (verb) ‫ ناپاکی‬،‫ خراب‬،‫آلودہ‬

make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.

Example: “the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity”
Synonyms: pollute, make impure, adulterate; defile, corrupt, debase, taint, blight, foul, infect,
Antonyms: purify

Devoid (adjective) ‫ محروم‬،‫ خالی‬،‫کھوکھال‬

entirely lacking or free from.

Example: “Kiran kept her voice devoid of emotion”
Synonyms: lacking, free from/of, without, empty of, void of, vacant of, bare of, bereft of, barren
Antonyms: furnished, supplied, provided

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 5, 2019

o Monotonous (adjective) ‫ یک اسلوب‬،‫یک انداز‬
o Evasion (noun) ‫ ٹال جانا‬،‫حیلہ بہانہ‬
o Castigate (verb) ‫ سرزنش کرنا‬،‫ لعنت مالمت کرنا‬،‫سزا دینا‬
o Accumulate (verb) ‫بٹورنا‬،‫ انبار‬،‫ ڈھیر لگانا‬،‫جمع کرنا‬
o Strangle (verb) ‫ پھانسی دینا‬،‫ گال دبانا‬، ‫گال گھونٹنا‬
o Ordeal (noun) ‫ کٹھن گھڑی‬،‫مباہلہ‬،‫ بڑی مصیبت‬،‫آزمائش‬
o Monstrous (adjective) ‫دیو ہیکل‬
o Hearten (verb) ‫ ہمت بڑھانا‬،‫دالسا دینا‬
o Endeavour (verb) ‫ جدوجہد کرنا‬،‫کوشش کرنا‬
o Eradicate (verb) ‫ ختم کرنا‬،‫ جڑ سے اکھاڑ دینا‬،‫مٹانا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

April 5, 2019
Monotonous (adjective) ‫ یک اسلوب‬،‫یک انداز‬

dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.

Example: “the statistics that he quotes with monotonous regularity”

Synonyms: tedious, dull, boring, uninteresting,wearisome, unexciting, repetitive, tiresome

Antonyms: varied, interesting, exciting

Evasion (noun) ‫ ٹال جانا‬،‫حیلہ بہانہ‬

the action of evading something.

Example: “their adroit evasion of almost all questions”
Synonyms: avoidance, eluding, dodging, elusion, bypassing, sidestepping, circumvention,
Antonyms: confrontation

Castigate (verb) ‫ سرزنش کرنا‬،‫ لعنت مالمت کرنا‬،‫سزا دینا‬

reprimand (someone) severely.

Example: “he was castigated for not setting a good example”
Synonyms: reprimand, admonish, rebuke, chastise, upbraid, chide, reprove, scold, reproach,
Antonyms: praise, commend

Accumulate (verb) ‫بٹورنا‬،‫ انبار‬،‫ ڈھیر لگانا‬،‫جمع کرنا‬

gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

Example: “investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence”
Synonyms: gather, assemble; collect, amass, pile up, stockpile, heap up, run up, rack up
Antonyms: dissipate

Strangle (verb) ‫ پھانسی دینا‬،‫ گال دبانا‬، ‫گال گھونٹنا‬

squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death.

Example: “the victim was strangled with a scarf”
Synonyms: throttle, garrotte; choke, asphyxiate, informalstrangulate, stifle
Antonyms: encourage, promote

Ordeal (noun) ‫ کٹھن گھڑی‬،‫مباہلہ‬،‫ بڑی مصیبت‬،‫آزمائش‬

a very unpleasant and prolonged experience.

Example: “the ordeal of having to give evidence”
Synonyms: painful/unpleasant experience, tribulation, trial, test, nightmare, baptism of fire,
Antonyms: comfort, pleasure
Monstrous (adjective) ‫دیو ہیکل‬

having the ugly or frightening appearance of a monster.

Example: “monstrous, bug-eyed fish”
Synonyms: grotesque, ugly, hideous, ghastly, horrible, gruesome, horrid, horrendous, horrific
Antonyms: lovely, beautiful, normal

Hearten (verb) ‫ ہمت بڑھانا‬،‫دالسا دینا‬

make more cheerful or confident.

Example: “she was heartened to observe that the effect was faintly comic”
Synonyms: cheer up, raise someone’s spirits, cheer, comfort, encourage, reassure, boost,
Antonyms: dishearten

Endeavour (verb) ‫ جدوجہد کرنا‬،‫کوشش کرنا‬

try hard to do or achieve something.

Example: “he is endeavouring to help the Third World”
Synonyms: try, venture, attempt, undertake, aim, aspire, seek, strive, set out; labour, struggle
Antonyms: idleness, inactivity

Eradicate (verb) ‫ ختم کرنا‬،‫ جڑ سے اکھاڑ دینا‬،‫مٹانا‬

destroy completely; put an end to.

Example: “this disease has been eradicated from the world”
Synonyms: get rid of, do away with, eliminate, remove, exterminate, suppress; annihilate,
Antonyms: conserve, protect, preserve, save

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 10, 2019

o Vociferous (adjective) ‫ شور سے بھرپور‬،‫ادھم مچانے واال‬
o Amid ‫بیچ میں‬،‫ درمیانی حصہ‬،‫دوران‬
o Nurture (verb) ‫گھر بار چالنا‬،‫ تربیت‬،‫پرورش‬
o Devastate (verb) ‫ تباہ کرنا‬،‫اجاڑنا‬
o Hereditary (adjective) ‫ مورثی‬،‫باپ دادا کا‬
o Remuneration (noun) ‫ مشاہرہ‬،‫ تنخواہ‬،‫معاوضہ‬
o Lethargy (noun) ‫ غذا نہ ملنے کے باعث الغر ہونا‬،‫ کمزوری‬،‫غنودگی‬
o Frivolous (adjective) ‫ خفیف‬،‫غیر سنجیدہ‬
o Constraint (noun) ‫مجبوری‬،‫ زبردستی‬،‫رکاوٹ‬
o Dispensation (noun) ‫ تقدیر ازل‬،‫قسمت‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

April 10, 2019
Vociferous (adjective) ‫ شور سے بھرپور‬،‫ادھم مچانے واال‬

expressing or characterized by vehement opinions; loud and forceful.

Example: “he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover”

Synonyms: vehement, vocal, outspoken, plain-spoken, forthright, candid, frank, open,

Antonyms: silent, quiet

Amid ‫بیچ میں‬،‫ درمیانی حصہ‬،‫دوران‬

surrounded by; in the middle of.

Example: “our dream home, set amid magnificent rolling countryside”
Synonyms: in the middle of, among, surrounded by, amongst, in the thick of, between,
Antonyms: surrounding

Nurture (verb) ‫گھر بار چالنا‬،‫ تربیت‬،‫پرورش‬

care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
Example: “Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family”
Synonyms: bring up, provide for, care for, attend to, take care of, look after, support, rear, raise
Antonyms: neglect, hinder

Devastate (verb) ‫ تباہ کرنا‬،‫اجاڑنا‬

destroy or ruin.
Example: “the city was devastated by a huge earthquake”
Synonyms: destroy, leave in ruins, ruin, lay waste, wreck, wreak havoc on, ransack, ravage,
Antonyms: build, reconstruct, preserve, restore

Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ پرانے وقتوں کا‬،‫ اس سے پہلے‬،‫سابق‬

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”
Synonyms: former, past, old, one-time, as was, sometime, ex-, then; late, prior, previous,
Antonyms: present, future

Hereditary (adjective) ‫ مورثی‬،‫باپ دادا کا‬

(of a characteristic or disease) determined by genetic factors and therefore able to be passed on
from parents to their offspring or descendants.
Example: “cystic fibrosis is our most common fatal hereditary disease”
Synonyms: genetic, congenital, genetical, inborn, inherited, inherent, innate, inbred, in the
Antonyms: conferred, acquired, won

Remuneration (noun) ‫ مشاہرہ‬،‫ تنخواہ‬،‫معاوضہ‬

money paid for work or a service.

Example: “they work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration”
Synonyms: payment, salary, pay, wages; fee(s), earnings, stipend, honorarium, emolument(s),
Antonyms: nonpayment, underpayment

Lethargy (noun) ‫ غذا نہ ملنے کے باعث الغر ہونا‬،‫ کمزوری‬،‫غنودگی‬

a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: “there was an air of lethargy about him”
Synonyms: sluggishness, inactivity, inertia, inaction, torpor, slowness, lifelessness, torpidity
Antonyms: vigour, energy, animation

Frivolous (adjective) ‫ خفیف‬،‫غیر سنجیدہ‬

not having any serious purpose or value.
Example: “frivolous ribbons and lacy frills”
Synonyms: flippant, waggish, glib, joking, light-hearted, jokey, facetious, fatuous, shallow,
Antonyms: serious, practical, important

Constraint (noun) ‫مجبوری‬،‫ زبردستی‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

a limitation or restriction.
Example: “time constraints make it impossible to do everything”
Synonyms: restriction, curb, limitation, check, control, restraint, curtailment, rein; damper
Antonyms: openness

Dispensation (noun) ‫ تقدیر ازل‬،‫قسمت‬

exemption from a rule or usual requirement.

Example: “although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her
Synonyms: exemption, exception, immunity, exclusion, freedom, exoneration, relief, release,
Antonyms: disfavor, denial

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 12, 2019

 Giddiness (noun) ‫چکر‬، ‫سر‬،‫پھرنا کا گھمیر‬، ‫ظرفی کم‬
 Crumble (verb) ‫چورا چورا‬، ‫ریزہ ہو ڈھیر‬،‫ریزہ جانا‬
 Unscrupulous (adjective) ‫ایمان بے‬، ‫اصول بے‬
 Vigorous (adjective) ‫پور بھر‬، ‫زبردست‬، ‫کٹا ہٹا‬
 Obligate (verb) ‫الچار‬، ‫کرنا پابند‬
 Exorbitant (adjective) ‫زیادہ سے حد‬، ‫بکثرت‬
 Fanatical (adjective) ‫جنونی‬، ‫جنون مذہبی‬، ‫متعصب‬
 Conciliatory (adjective) ‫مصالحت‬، ‫منانا‬، ‫دلکش‬
 Odious (adjective) ‫گھناﺅنا‬، ‫انگیز نفرت‬
 Slumber (verb) ‫نیند‬، ‫سونا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

April 12, 2019

Giddiness (noun) ‫ کم ظرفی‬،‫سر کا پھرنا‬،‫ گھمیر‬،‫چکر‬

a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizziness.
Example: “symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and giddiness”

Synonyms: dizziness, loss of balance/equilibrium, light-headedness, spinning/swimming of the head

Antonyms: steadiness

Crumble (verb) ‫ریزہ ریزہ‬،‫ ڈھیر ہو جانا‬،‫چورا چورا‬

break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration.
Example: “the plaster started to crumble”
Synonyms: disintegrate, fall to pieces, fall down, fall apart, break down/up, collapse, tumble
Antonyms: better, upgrade

Unscrupulous (adjective) ‫ بے اصول‬،‫بے ایمان‬

having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.

Example: “unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to harass existing tenants”
Synonyms: unprincipled, immoral, unethical, amoral, untrustworthy, conscienceless, shameless,
Antonyms: ethical, honest

Vigorous (adjective) ‫ ہٹا کٹا‬،‫ زبردست‬،‫بھر پور‬

strong, healthy, and full of energy.

Example: “a tall, vigorous, and muscular man”
Synonyms: robust, in good health, healthy, hale and hearty, strong as an ox/horse/lion, strong,
Antonyms: frail, weak

Obligate (verb) ‫ پابند کرنا‬،‫الچار‬

require or compel (someone) to undertake a legal or moral duty.

Example: “the medical establishment is obligated to take action in the best interest of the public”
Synonyms: oblige, commit, compel, bind, constrain, require, force, make, impel,
Antonyms: free, release

Exorbitant (adjective) ‫ بکثرت‬،‫حد سے زیادہ‬

(of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.

Example: “some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls”
Synonyms: extortionate, extremely high, excessively high, sky-high, excessive, prohibitive,
Antonyms: reasonable, competitive

Fanatical (adjective) ‫ متعصب‬،‫ مذہبی جنون‬،‫جنونی‬

filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.

Example: “fanatical revolutionaries”
Synonyms: zealous, extreme, extremist, militant, sectarian, dogmatic, bigoted, maniacal, rabid,
Antonyms: moderate, open-minded

Conciliatory (adjective) ‫ دلکش‬،‫ منانا‬،‫مصالحت‬

intended or likely to placate or pacify.

Example: “a conciliatory approach”
Synonyms: propitiatory, appeasing, placatory, pacifying, mollifying, pacific, so as to pour oil on
Antonyms: antagonistic

Odious (adjective) ‫ نفرت انگیز‬،‫گھناﺅنا‬

extremely unpleasant; repulsive.

Example: “a pretty odious character”
Synonyms: revolting, repellent, repulsive, repugnant, offensive, disgusting, objectionable, foul,
Antonyms: delightful, pleasant, agreeable, charming

Slumber (verb) ‫ سونا‬،‫نیند‬

Example: “Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle”
Synonyms: sleep, doze, be asleep, rest, nap, take a siesta, take a nap, drowse; catnap, sleep
Antonyms: wake up

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 13, 2019

 Semblance (noun) ‫جھلک‬، ‫مشابہت‬، ‫صورت ہوئی ملتی‬
 Vulnerable (adjective) ‫کمزور‬، ‫محفوظ غیر‬
 Respite (noun) ‫مہلت‬، ‫آرام وقتی‬، ‫ملتوی وقتی‬،‫کرنا سکون‬
 Lethargy (noun) ‫سستی‬، ‫غنودگی‬، ‫بےہوشی‬، ‫نیند طویل‬
 Apathy (noun) ‫حسی بے‬، ‫سنگدلی‬، ‫دلی مردہ‬
 Elude (verb) ‫بچنا‬، ‫نکلنا بچ سے آنکھ‬
 Congregation (noun) ‫جماعت‬، ‫اجتماع قومی کوئی‬، ‫مجلس‬
 Camaraderie (noun) ‫چارہ بھائی‬، ‫پن ساتھی‬، ‫ساتھ دوستانہ‬
 Echelon (noun) ‫دینا ترتیب‬، ‫دینا تربیت طرح کی فوج‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

April 13, 2019

Semblance (noun) ‫ ملتی ہوئی صورت‬،‫ مشابہت‬،‫جھلک‬

the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.
Example: “she tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order”
Synonyms: appearance, approximation, outward appearance, show, guise, air, pretence, veneer,
facade, front
Antonyms: disappearance, departure

Vulnerable (adjective) ‫ غیر محفوظ‬،‫کمزور‬

exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Example: “we were in a vulnerable position”
Synonyms: in danger, in jeopardy, in peril, endangered, at risk, unprotected, unsafe, ill-
protected, unguarded;
Antonyms: well protected, resilient, invulnerable, immune to, above

Havoc (noun) ‫ اجاڑنا‬،‫ خرابی‬،‫کہر‬

widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation, damage, destruction, desolation, despoliation, depredation, ruination,
Antonyms: peace

Respite (noun) ‫ملتوی کرنا‬،‫ وقتی سکون‬،‫ وقتی آرام‬،‫مہلت‬

a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.

Example: “the refugee encampments will provide some respite from the suffering”
Synonyms: rest, breathing space, break, interval, interlude, intermission, recess, pause, lull
Antonyms: clamor, noise, din, racket

Lethargy (noun) ‫ طویل نیند‬،‫ بےہوشی‬،‫ غنودگی‬،‫سستی‬

a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: “there was an air of lethargy about him”
Synonyms: sluggishness, inactivity, inertia, inaction, torpor, slowness, lifelessness, torpidity,
Antonyms: vigour, animation, energy

Apathy (noun) ‫ مردہ دلی‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Example: “widespread apathy among students”
Synonyms: indifference, lack of enthusiasm, lack of interest, unconcern, lack of concern,
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion

Elude (verb) ‫ آنکھ سے بچ نکلنا‬،‫بچنا‬

escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way.
Example: “he tried to elude the security men by sneaking through a back door”
Synonyms: evade, get away from, avoid, dodge, escape (from), flee, lose, duck, run (away)
Antonyms: be caught by

Congregation (noun) ‫ مجلس‬،‫ کوئی قومی اجتماع‬،‫جماعت‬

a group of people assembled for religious worship.

Example: “the singing of psalms by the whole congregation”
Synonyms: parishioners, churchgoers, parish, flock, faithful, fold, following, adherents,
Antonyms: division, separation

Camaraderie (noun) ‫ دوستانہ ساتھ‬،‫ ساتھی پن‬،‫بھائی چارہ‬

mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
Example: “the enforced camaraderie of office life”

Synonyms: friendship, fellowship, comradeship, good fellowship, brotherliness, companionship,

Antonyms: forlornness, lonesomeness, loneliness

Echelon (noun) ‫ فوج کی طرح تربیت دینا‬،‫ترتیب دینا‬

a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.

Example: “the upper echelons of the business world”
Synonyms: level, grade, rank, step, tier, rung, stratum, position, plane, order, sector, division
Antonyms: unemployment

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 16, 2019

 Reverberate (verb) ‫گونجنا‬، ‫کرنا پیدا صدا‬، ‫مڑنا واپس‬
 Exclusion (noun) ‫اخراج‬، ‫شدگی خارج‬، ٰ‫مستثنی‬
 Affirmative (adjective) ‫مثبت‬، ‫مصدق‬، ‫اقراری‬،‫اثباتی‬
 Tantalize (verb) ‫کرنا بیم و امید‬، ‫کرنا طنز‬، ‫دینا طعنہ‬
 Rendezvous (noun) ‫مالقات جائے‬، ‫جگہ کی ملنے‬
 Onus (noun) ‫داری ذمہ‬، ‫بوجھ‬
 Enamour (verb) ‫گرویدہ‬، ‫کرنا محور‬، ‫لینا ہ مو‬
 Admirer (noun) ‫مداح‬، ‫شیدائی‬، ‫کرنا پیار‬
 Inadequate (adjective) ‫ناکافی‬،‫ادھورا‬، ‫کم‬
 Gush (verb) ‫بہانا کا پانی سے تیزی‬، ‫بہنا پانی اچانک‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

April 16, 2019

Reverberate (verb) ‫ واپس مڑنا‬،‫ صدا پیدا کرنا‬،‫گونجنا‬

(of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo.

Example: “her deep booming laugh reverberated around the room”

Synonyms: resound, re-echo, echo, repeat, pulsate, resonate, vibrate, peal, ring, rumble, boom,
Antonyms: damp, deaden, dampen, quiet, dull

Exclusion (noun) ‫مستثنی‬

ٰ ،‫ خارج شدگی‬،‫اخراج‬

the process of excluding or the state of being excluded.

Example: “he had a hand in my exclusion from the committee”
Synonyms: barring, debarment, keeping out, debarring, banning, disbarring, prohibition, ban,
Antonyms: acceptance, inclusion, admission,

Affirmative (adjective) ‫اقراری‬،‫ اثباتی‬،‫ مصدق‬،‫مثبت‬

agreeing with or consenting to a statement or request.

Example: “an affirmative answer”
Synonyms: positive, consenting, assenting, agreeing, corroborative, concurring, favourable,
Antonyms: dissenting, negative

Tantalize (verb) ‫ طعنہ دینا‬،‫ طنز کرنا‬،‫امید و بیم کرنا‬

torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable.
Example: “such ambitious questions have long tantalized the world’s best thinkers”
Synonyms: tease, torture, torment, bait; entice, tempt, lure, intrigue, titillate, allure, flirt, beguile;
Antonyms: gratify, satisfy

Rendezvous (noun) ‫ ملنے کی جگہ‬،‫جائے مالقات‬

a meeting at an agreed time and place.

Example: “Aslam turned up late for their rendezvous”
Synonyms: meeting, engagement, appointment, assignation; literarytryst informaldate;
Antonyms: rejection

Onus (noun) ‫ بوجھ‬،‫ذمہ داری‬

something that is one’s duty or responsibility.

Example: “the onus is on you to show that you have suffered loss”
Synonyms: burden, liability, responsibility, obligation, weight, duty, load, mantle, charge,
Antonyms: free

Enamour (verb) ‫ مو ہ لینا‬،‫ محور کرنا‬،‫گرویدہ‬

be filled with love for.

Example: “it is not difficult to see why Edward is enamoured of her”
Synonyms: in love with, besotted with, infatuated with, smitten with, captivated by, love-struck
Antonyms: indifferent to

Admirer (noun) ‫ پیار کرنا‬،‫ شیدائی‬،‫مداح‬

a person who has a particular regard for someone or something.

Example: “he was a great admirer of Pervez Musharraf”
Synonyms: fan, devotee, enthusiast, addict, supporter, aficionado, adherent, disciple, follower,
Antonyms: irresolute, leader

Inadequate (adjective) ‫ کم‬،‫ناکافی‬،‫ادھورا‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.
Example: “these labels prove to be wholly inadequate”
Synonyms: insufficient, deficient, not enough, poor, scanty, scant, scarce, sparse, too few, too
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent

Gush (verb) ‫ اچانک پانی بہنا‬،‫تیزی سے پانی کا بہانا‬

(of a liquid) flow out of something in a rapid and plentiful stream.

Example: “water gushed out of the washing machine”

Synonyms: surge, spout, burst, spurt, jet, rush, stream, pour, spill, cascade, well out, flood; flow,

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabularyۘ with Urdu Meaning April 17, 2019

 Deteriorate (verb) ‫جانا بگڑ خاصیت‬، ‫خراب‬
 Trample (verb) ‫کرنا پامال‬، ‫روندنا‬، ‫کچلنا تلے پیروں‬
 Plague (verb) ‫طاعون‬، ‫حالت کی کرنے دم میں ناک‬
 Malaise (noun) ‫چینی بے‬، ‫قراری بے‬
 Usher (verb) ‫دربان‬، ‫حاجب‬
 Compulsion (noun) ‫مجبوری‬، ‫زبردستی‬، ‫تحت کے دباﺅ‬
 Litigant (noun) ‫باز مقدمہ‬، ‫واال لڑنے مقدمہ‬
 Corroborate (verb) ‫توثیق‬، ‫کرنا تصدیق‬، ‫کرنا تائید‬
 Habitual (adjective) ‫عادت‬، ‫مستقل‬، ‫معمول حسب‬
 Frivolous (adjective) ‫سنجیدہ غیر‬، ‫خفیف‬، ‫نکما‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabularyۘ with Urdu Meaning

April 17, 2019

Deteriorate (verb) ‫ خراب‬،‫خاصیت بگڑ جانا‬

become progressively worse.

Example: “relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply”
Synonyms: worsen, decline, get worse, degenerate, be in decline, decay; fail, collapse, fall, drop,
Antonyms: improve
Trample (verb) ‫ پیروں تلے کچلنا‬،‫ روندنا‬،‫پامال کرنا‬

tread on and crush.

Example: “the fence had been trampled down”
Synonyms: tread, stamp, tramp, walk over; crush, squash, flatten, compress, compact, press
Antonyms: respect, honour

Plague (verb) ‫ ناک میں دم کرنے کی حالت‬،‫طاعون‬

cause continual trouble or distress to.

Example: “he has been plagued by ill health”
Synonyms: afflict, cause suffering to, bedevil, torture, trouble, torment, beset, dog, rack, curse,
Antonyms: advantage, good fortune, good luck

Malaise (noun) ‫ بے قراری‬،‫بے چینی‬

a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
Example: “a general air of malaise”
Synonyms: unhappiness, uneasiness, restlessness, unease, depression, melancholy, despondency,
disquiet, dejection
Antonyms: comfort, well-being

Usher (verb) ‫ حاجب‬،‫دربان‬

show or guide (someone) somewhere.

Example: “a waiter ushered me to a table”
Synonyms: escort, help, accompany, assist, show, take, see, show someone the way, lead, lead
the way
Antonyms: follow, trail

Compulsion (noun) ‫ دباﺅ کے تحت‬،‫ زبردستی‬،‫مجبوری‬

the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint.
Example: “the payment was made under compulsion”
Synonyms: obligation, force, constraint, coercion, pressure, duress, enforcement, pressurization,
Antonyms: agreement, consent, approval, permission

Litigant (noun) ‫ مقدمہ لڑنے واال‬،‫مقدمہ باز‬

a person involved in a lawsuit.

Example: “the parties litigant”
Synonyms: litigator, opponent, opponent in law, contender, contestant, plaintiff, disputant,
Antonyms: defendant, plaintiff

Corroborate (verb) ‫ تائید کرنا‬،‫ تصدیق کرنا‬،‫توثیق‬

confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).

Example: “the witness had corroborated the boy’s account of the attack”
Synonyms: confirm, endorse, verify, ratify, validate, authenticate, certify; back up, support,
Antonyms: contradict

Habitual (adjective) ‫ حسب معمول‬،‫ مستقل‬،‫عادت‬

done constantly or as a habit.

Example: “his habitual use of heroin”
Synonyms: constant, continual, persistent, continuous, non-stop, perpetual, repeated, recurrent,
Antonyms: infrequent

Frivolous (adjective) ‫ نکما‬،‫ خفیف‬،‫غیر سنجیدہ‬

not having any serious purpose or value.

Example: “frivolous ribbons and lacy frills”
Synonyms: flippant, waggish, glib, joking, light-hearted, jokey, facetious, inane, fatuous,
Antonyms: serious, practical, important

Table of Contents
 Daily Dawn Vocabularyۘ with Urdu Meaning April 23, 2019
 Brutality (noun) ‫مظالم‬، ‫وحشیانہ‬، ‫رحمی بے‬
 Atrocity (noun) ‫ظلم‬، ‫سنگدلی‬، ‫حماقت انتہائی‬
 Heinous (adjective) ‫گھناﺅنی‬، ‫عظیم‬، ‫بڑا‬
 Ridicule (verb) ‫نامعقول‬، ‫خیز مضحکہ‬، ‫اڑانا مذاق‬
 Transgress (verb) ‫ تجاوز‬، ‫ورزی خالف‬، ‫شکنی قانون‬
 Redress (verb) ‫کرنا ازالہ‬، ‫کرنا درست‬، ‫دینا حق‬
 Utterly (adverb) ‫سراسر‬، ٰ‫قطعا‬، ‫بالکل‬
 Succumb (verb) ‫شکار‬، ‫مطیع مان شکست‬،‫ہونا لینا‬
 Blatant (adjective) ‫مچانا اودھم‬، ‫صریح‬، ‫پر طور وحشیانہ‬
 Stricken (verb) ‫حال تباہ‬، ‫مارنا‬، ‫پیٹنا‬
o Today’s Dawn Editorials (April 23, 2019)
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Daily Dawn Vocabularyۘ with Urdu Meaning

April 23, 2019

Brutality (noun) ‫ بے رحمی‬،‫ وحشیانہ‬،‫مظالم‬

savage physical violence; great cruelty.

Example: “brutality against civilians”
Synonyms: savagery, bloodthirstiness, cruelty, viciousness, barbarity, ferocity, wickedness,
Antonyms: gentleness, kindness

Atrocity (noun) ‫ انتہائی حماقت‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫ظلم‬

an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
Example: “a textbook which detailed war atrocities”
Synonyms: act of barbarity, act of savagery, act of brutality, cruelty, act of wickedness,
Antonyms: agreeableness, pleasantness, delightfulness,

Heinous (adjective) ‫ بڑا‬،‫ عظیم‬،‫گھناﺅنی‬

(of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.
Example: “a battery of heinous crimes”
Synonyms: odious, evil, wicked, atrocious, disgraceful, monstrous, detestable, abominable,
Antonyms: admirable

Ridicule (verb) ‫ مذاق اڑانا‬،‫ مضحکہ خیز‬،‫نامعقول‬

subject to contemptuous and dismissive language or behaviour.

Example: “his theory was ridiculed and dismissed”
Synonyms: deride, laugh at, mock, hold up to shame, heap scorn on, expose to ridicule, hold up
to ridicule,
Antonyms: praise

Transgress (verb) ‫ قانون شکنی‬،‫ خالف ورزی‬، ‫تجاوز‬

go beyond the limits of (what is morally, socially, or legally acceptable).

Example: “she had transgressed an unwritten social law”
Synonyms: misbehave, break the law, behave badly, err, commit an offence, lapse, fall from
Antonyms: obey

Redress (verb) ‫ حق دینا‬،‫ درست کرنا‬،‫ازالہ کرنا‬

remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation).

Example: “the power to redress the grievances of our citizens”
Synonyms: rectify, put/set/make right, correct, right, compensate for, put to rights, deal with,
sort out,
Antonyms: absolve, excuse, condone, forgive,

Utterly (adverb) ‫ بالکل‬،ً‫ قطعا‬،‫سراسر‬

completely and without qualification; absolutely.

Example: “he looked utterly ridiculous”
Synonyms: completely, absolutely, totally, entirely, fully, wholly, thoroughly, altogether, quite,
Antonyms: partly, somewhat, partially,
Succumb (verb) ‫مطیع ہونا‬،‫ شکست مان لینا‬،‫شکار‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give way, give in, submit, capitulate, surrender, cave in;
Antonyms: resist, conquer

Blatant (adjective) ‫ وحشیانہ طور پر‬،‫ صریح‬،‫اودھم مچانا‬

(of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.

Example: “blatant lies”
Synonyms: flagrant, obvious, glaring, undisguised, overt, unconcealed, open, patent, transparent,
Antonyms: inconspicuous, subtle

Stricken (verb) ‫ پیٹنا‬،‫ مارنا‬،‫تباہ حال‬

seriously affected by an undesirable condition or unpleasant feeling.

Example: “the pilot landed the stricken aircraft”
Synonyms: troubled, deeply affected, affected, struck, afflicted, hit, wounded, injured,
Antonyms: unaffected

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 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 25, 2019

 Heretofore (adverb) ‫ازیں قبل‬، ‫پہلے سے اس‬، ‫تر پیش‬
 Vanquish (verb) ‫آنا غالب‬، ‫پانا فتح‬
 Straddle (verb) ‫پھیالنا ٹانگیں‬، ‫ہونا کھڑا کر پھیال ٹانگیں‬
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 Pulpit (noun) ‫منبر‬، ‫گاہ خطبہ‬،
 Tendency (noun) ‫رجحان‬، ‫رغبت‬
 Languish (verb) ‫ہونا دل مردہ‬، ‫تڑپنا‬، ‫کمزور‬،‫ہونا ترسنا‬
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 Exploitation (noun) ‫استحصال‬
 Intermediary (noun) ‫درمیانی‬، ‫وسطی‬، ‫واال کرنے مصالحت‬
 Coerce (verb) ‫مجبور‬، ‫دباﺅ‬، ‫کرنا جبر‬
 Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫پرجوش‬، ‫سرگرمی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
April 25, 2019

Heretofore (adverb) ‫ پیش تر‬،‫ اس سے پہلے‬،‫قبل ازیں‬

up to this time
Example: Heretofore her writing has never displayed such depth of feeling.
Synonyms: hitherto, yet, theretofore,
Antonyms: henceforth, henceforward, hereafter

Vanquish (verb) ‫ فتح پانا‬،‫غالب آنا‬

defeat thoroughly.
Example: “he successfully vanquished his rival”
Synonyms: conquer, beat (hollow), defeat (utterly), trounce, triumph over, annihilate, win a
resounding victory over,
Antonyms: discharge, enfranchise, emancipate, liberate, free,

Straddle (verb) ‫ ٹانگیں پھیال کر کھڑا ہونا‬،‫ٹانگیں پھیالنا‬

sit or stand with one leg on either side of.

Example: “he turned the chair round and straddled it”
Synonyms: sit/stand astride, bestraddle; bestride, get on, mount,
Antonyms: side, border, brink

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Pulpit (noun) ‫ خطبہ گاہ‬،‫منبر‬،

a raised enclosed platform in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon.
Example: “many ministers delivered political guidance from their pulpits”
Synonyms: stand, platform, lectern, podium, staging, stage, dais, rostrum; stump; soapbox, box,
Antonyms: ride

Tendency (noun) ‫ رغبت‬،‫رجحان‬

an inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behaviour.

Example: “for students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings”
Synonyms: propensity, proneness, proclivity, aptness, inclination, likelihood, disposition,
Antonyms: averseness, disinclination, dislike

Languish (verb) ‫کمزور ہونا‬،‫ ترسنا‬،‫ تڑپنا‬،‫مردہ دل ہونا‬

(of a person, animal, or plant) lose or lack vitality; grow weak.

Example: “plants may appear to be languishing simply because they are dormant”
Synonyms: weaken, deteriorate, grow weak, decline, wither, go into a decline; droop, wilt, flag,
Antonyms: thrive, flourish

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Exploitation (noun) ‫استحصال‬

the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
Example: “the exploitation of migrant workers”
Synonyms: taking advantage, abuse of, making use, misuse, unfair treatment, ill treatment,
Antonyms: pampering

Intermediary (noun) ‫ مصالحت کرنے واال‬،‫ وسطی‬،‫درمیانی‬

a person who acts as a link between people in order to try and bring about an agreement; a
Example: “negotiations took place through an intermediary”
Synonyms: mediator, negotiator, go-between, intervenor, intercessor, interceder, arbiter,
Antonyms: outer, peripheral

Coerce (verb) ‫ جبر کرنا‬،‫ دباﺅ‬،‫مجبور‬

persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

Example: “he was coerced into giving evidence”
Synonyms: pressure, bring pressure to bear on, pressurize, put pressure on, use pressure on,
Antonyms: persuade

Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫ سرگرمی‬،‫پرجوش‬

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “he could be wildly enthusiastic about a project”

Synonyms: eager, avid, keen, ardent, warm, fervent, passionate, lively, zealous, vivacious,
Antonyms: apathetic

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 26, 2019

 Insinuate (verb) ‫کرنا اشارہ‬، ‫دینا شہ پر طور خفیہ‬، ‫گھیرنا‬
 Inferior (adjective) ‫کمتر‬، ‫ادنی‬، ‫چھوٹا‬، ‫رتبہ کم‬
 Realm (noun) ‫دائرے‬، ‫سلطنت‬، ‫ریاست‬
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 Irreverent (adjective) ‫ادب بے‬، ‫گستاخانہ‬، ‫احترام بے‬
 Denigrate (verb) ‫بدنام‬، ‫کرنا سیاہ‬، ‫ٹیکہ کا کلنک‬
 Slur (verb) ‫کلنک‬، ‫لگانا بہتان‬
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 Perpetual (verb) ‫دائمی‬، ‫پر طور مستقل‬
 Sanctimonious (adjective) ‫درویشانہ‬، ‫ریاکار صورت کی ولی‬،‫کار‬
 Enfeeble (verb) ‫کرنا کمزور‬، ‫مضمحل پیدا نقاہت‬،‫کرنا کرنا‬
 Deceptive (adjective) ‫مغالطے‬،‫پر طور کے فریب‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
April 26, 2019

Insinuate (verb) ‫ گھیرنا‬،‫ خفیہ طور پر شہ دینا‬،‫اشارہ کرنا‬

suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way.

Example: “he was insinuating that I had no self-control”

Synonyms: imply, hint, suggest, intimate, indicate, whisper, convey the impression, give a clue,
Antonyms: withdraw

Inferior (adjective) ‫ کم رتبہ‬،‫ چھوٹا‬،‫ ادنی‬،‫کمتر‬

lower in rank, status, or quality.

Example: “schooling in inner-city areas was inferior to that in the rest of the country”
Synonyms: lower in status, second-class, lesser, second-fiddle, minor, lowly, subservient,
Antonyms: superior, senior

Realm (noun) ‫ ریاست‬،‫ سلطنت‬،‫دائرے‬

a kingdom.
Example: “the defence of the realm”
Synonyms: kingdom, monarchy; sovereign state, empire, palatinate, principality, country,
Antonyms: sky

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Irreverent (adjective) ‫ بے احترام‬،‫ گستاخانہ‬،‫بے ادب‬

showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously.
Example: “He is irreverent about the whole business of politics”
Synonyms: disrespectful, scornful, disdainful, contemptuous, disparaging; derisive, insolent,
Antonyms: reverent, respectful

Denigrate (verb) ‫ کلنک کا ٹیکہ‬،‫ سیاہ کرنا‬،‫بدنام‬

criticize unfairly; disparage.

Example: “doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country”
Synonyms: disparage, diminish, belittle, deprecate, decry, cast aspersions on, criticize unfairly
Antonyms: extol

Slur (verb) ‫ بہتان لگانا‬،‫کلنک‬

speak (words) indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another.
Example: “he was slurring his words like a drunk”
Synonyms: mumble, garble, speak unclearly, stumble over, raremisarticulate, stammer;
Antonyms: enunciate

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Perpetual (verb) ‫ مستقل طور پر‬،‫دائمی‬

never ending or changing.

Example: “deep caves in perpetual darkness”
Synonyms: everlasting, eternal, never-ending, permanent, endless, unending, without end,
Antonyms: transitory, intermittent, temporary,

Sanctimonious (adjective) ‫ریاکار‬،‫ ولی کی صورت کار‬،‫درویشانہ‬

making a show of being morally superior to other people.

Example: “what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first?”
Synonyms: self-righteous, churchy, holier-than-thou, pious, moralizing, pietistic, smug,
Antonyms: forthright, honest, open, sincere
Enfeeble (verb) ‫مضمحل کرنا‬،‫ نقاہت پیدا کرنا‬،‫کمزور کرنا‬

make weak or feeble.

Example: “trade unions are in an enfeebled state”
Synonyms: weaken, make feeble, make weak, debilitate, indispose, incapacitate, prostrate,
Antonyms: strengthen

Deceptive (adjective) ‫مغالطے کے طور پر‬،‫فریب‬

giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading.

Example: “he put the question with deceptive casualness”

Synonyms: misleading, illusive, illusory, illusionary, deceiving, ambiguous, delusive, distorted,

Antonyms: honest

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning April 29, 2019

 Accusation (noun) ‫لگانا الزام‬، ‫لگانا بہتان‬
 Animosity (noun) ‫دشمنی‬، ‫نفرت سخت‬
 Perceive (verb) ‫بوجھنا ادراک‬،‫کرنا‬، ‫کرنا معلوم سے حواس‬
 Inclination (noun) ‫جھکاﺅ‬، ‫شوق‬، ‫رجحان‬، ‫رغبت‬
 Dominance (noun) ‫دستی باال‬، ‫فوقیت‬، ‫اقتدار غالب‬،‫ہونا‬
 Despair (noun) ‫مایوسی‬، ‫تنہائی‬
 Inflict (verb) ‫لگانا زخم‬، ‫دینا تکلیف‬
 Callous (adjective) ‫سنگدل‬، ‫سخت‬، ‫بےدرد‬
 Plight (noun) ‫دینا ضمانت‬، ‫حالت بری‬، ‫دینا قول‬
 Perilous (adjective) ‫خطرناک‬، ‫خوفناک‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

April 29, 2019

Accusation (noun) ‫ بہتان لگانا‬،‫الزام لگانا‬

a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
Example: “accusations of bribery”
Synonyms: allegation, claim, charge, assertion, attribution, asseveration, imputation,
Antonyms: approval, exculpation, compliment

Animosity (noun) ‫ سخت نفرت‬،‫دشمنی‬

strong hostility.
Example: “he no longer felt any animosity towards her”
Synonyms: antipathy, friction, hostility, antagonism, animus, enmity, opposition, acrimony,
Antonyms: goodwill, friendship

Perceive (verb) ‫ حواس سے معلوم کرنا‬،‫بوجھنا‬،‫ادراک کرنا‬

become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Example: “his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”
Synonyms: discern, become recognize, cognizant of, become conscious of, become aware of
Antonyms: disregard, neglect, ignore, overpass

Inclination (noun) ‫ رغبت‬،‫ رجحان‬،‫ شوق‬،‫جھکاﺅ‬

a person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

Example: “Hamza was a scientist by training and inclination”
Synonyms: tendency, proclivity, propensity, leaning; disposition, predisposition, predilection,
Antonyms: aversion, disinclination

Dominance (noun) ‫اقتدار‬،‫ غالب ہونا‬،‫ فوقیت‬،‫باال دستی‬

power and influence over others.

Example: “the worldwide dominance of Hollywood”
Synonyms: supremacy, ascendancy, superiority, pre-eminence, domination, predominance,
Antonyms: subservience, subjugation

Despair (noun) ‫ تنہائی‬،‫مایوسی‬

the complete loss or absence of hope.

Example: “a voice full of self-hatred and despair”
Synonyms: hopelessness, desperation, distress, anguish, pain, unhappiness; dejection,
Antonyms: hope, joy

Inflict (verb) ‫ تکلیف دینا‬،‫زخم لگانا‬

impose something unwelcome on.

Example: “she is wrong to inflict her beliefs on everyone else”
Synonyms: impose, press, force, thrust, saddle someone with, foist; land someone with,
Antonyms: hold, take

Callous (adjective) ‫ بےدرد‬،‫ سخت‬،‫سنگدل‬

showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.

Example: “his callous comments about the murder made me shiver”
Synonyms: heartless, uncaring, unfeeling, cold, hard, cold-hearted, as hard as nails, hard-
Antonyms: kind, compassionate

Plight (noun) ‫ قول دینا‬،‫ بری حالت‬،‫ضمانت دینا‬

a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.

Example: “we must direct our efforts towards relieving the plight of children living in poverty”
Synonyms: predicament, sorry condition, unfortunate/difficult situation, sad state, difficulty,
Antonyms: advantage, solution, blessing

Perilous (adjective) ‫ خوفناک‬،‫خطرناک‬

full of danger or risk.
Example: “a perilous journey south”
Synonyms: dangerous, hazardous, fraught with danger, risky, treacherous; unsafe, precarious,
Antonyms: safe, secure

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

August 07, 2019

Enshrine ‫ احاطہ‬،‫ محفوظ کرنا‬، ‫متبرک‬

place (a revered or precious object) in an appropriate receptacle.

Example: “relics are enshrined under altars”
Synonyms: set down, set out, spell out, express, lay down, set in stone, embody, realize,
Antonyms: belittle, decry, depreciate

Zealot (noun) ‫ کٹر‬،‫پرجوش‬

a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other
Synonyms: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical, Young Turk, diehard, activist, militant;
Antonyms: moderate

Nefarious (adjective) ‫ فاسد‬،‫ شریر‬،‫ناپاک‬،

(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.

Example: “the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates”
Synonyms: wicked, evil, sinful, iniquitous, villainous, criminal, heinous, atrocious, appalling,
Antonyms: good, admirable

Malevolent (adjective) ‫ بداندیشی‬،‫ بدخواہ‬،‫بدتمیزی‬

having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

Example: “the glint of dark, malevolent eyes”
Synonyms: malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, bitter, evil-intentioned, poisonous,
Antonyms: benevolent

Dubious (adjective) ‫ مشتبہ‬،‫مشکوک‬

hesitating or doubting.
Example: “I was rather dubious about the whole idea”
Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, in doubt, hesitant;
Antonyms: certain, definite

Abrogate (verb) ‫ الگ کردینا‬،‫ منسوخی‬،‫منسوخ کرنا‬

repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).

Example: “a proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike”
Synonyms: repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, do away with,
Antonyms: institute, introduce

Vulnerable (adjective) ‫ جو مجروح کیا جا سکے‬،‫ غیر محفوظ‬،‫کمزور‬

exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Example: “we were in a vulnerable position”
Synonyms: in danger, in peril, in jeopardy, at risk, endangered, unsafe, unprotected,
Antonyms: well protected, invulnerable, resilient

Plunge (verb) ‫ غوطہ لگانا‬،‫ گرنا‬،‫چھالنگ لگانا‬

jump or dive quickly and energetically.

Example: “our little daughters whooped as they plunged into the sea”
Synonyms: jump, dive, hurl oneself, throw oneself, fling oneself, launch oneself, catapult

Wherewithal (noun) ‫ خرچ‬،‫مالی وسائل‬

the money or other means needed for a particular purpose.
Example: “they lacked the wherewithal to pay”
Synonyms: money, ready money, cash, capital, finance(s), resources, funds, reserves; means
Antonyms: poor,

Reckless (adjective) ‫ غافل‬،‫عاقب نااندیش‬

heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash or impetuous.

Example: “you mustn’t be so reckless”
Synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless, incautious, heedless, unheeding, inattentive, hasty,
Antonyms: careful, cautious, prudent

Table of Contents

 Falsehood (noun) ‫ دروغ‬،‫ کذب بیانی‬،‫جھوٹ‬

 Chicanery (noun) ‫ ٹال مٹول‬،‫لفظی بحث‬
 Bellicose (adjective) ‫ جھگڑالو‬،‫ لڑاکا‬،‫پھڈے باز‬
 Subterfuge (noun) ‫ عذر‬،‫حیلہ حجت‬
 Sagacity (noun) ‫ غیر معمولی ذہانت‬،‫ذہین‬
 Insipid (adjective) ‫ بے لذت‬،‫ بے لطف‬،‫ پھیکا‬،‫بے مزہ‬
 Devour (verb) ‫ ہڑپ کر جانا‬،‫نگل جانا‬
 Exacerbate (verb) ‫ مرض میں شدت پیدا ہونا‬،‫بڑھ جانا‬
 Worrisome (adjective) ‫ پریشان کن‬،‫تشویشناک‬
 Dwindle (verb) ‫ کم ہونا‬،‫ گھٹنا‬،‫سکڑنا‬
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Falsehood (noun) ‫ دروغ‬،‫ کذب بیانی‬،‫جھوٹ‬

the state of being untrue.

Example: “the truth or falsehood of the many legends which surround her”
Synonyms: lie, fib, untruth, false statement, falsification, fabrication, invention, piece of fiction
Antonyms: truth, truthfulness, honesty

Chicanery (noun) ‫ ٹال مٹول‬،‫لفظی بحث‬

the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one’s purpose.

Example: “storylines packed with political chicanery”
Synonyms: trickery, deception, deceit, deceitfulness, duplicity, dishonesty, unscrupulousness
Antonyms: honesty, candour
Bellicose (adjective) ‫ جھگڑالو‬،‫ لڑاکا‬،‫پھڈے باز‬

demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.

Example: “a mood of bellicose jingoism”
Synonyms: belligerent, aggressive, hostile, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacious, truculent,
Antonyms: peaceable

Subterfuge (noun) ‫ عذر‬،‫حیلہ حجت‬

deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.

Example: “he had to use subterfuge and bluff on many occasions”
Synonyms: trickery, intrigue, deviousness, evasion, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating
Antonyms: honesty, openness

Sagacity (noun) ‫ غیر معمولی ذہانت‬،‫ذہین‬

the quality of being sagacious.

Example: “a man of great political sagacity”
Synonyms: wisdom, (deep) insight, intelligence, understanding, judgement, acuity, astuteness
Antonyms: stupidity

Insipid (adjective) ‫ بے لذت‬،‫ بے لطف‬،‫ پھیکا‬،‫بے مزہ‬

lacking flavour; weak or tasteless.

Example: “mugs of insipid coffee”
Synonyms: tasteless, flavourless, unflavoured, savourless, bland, weak, thin, watery
Antonyms: tasty, interesting

Devour (verb) ‫ ہڑپ کر جانا‬،‫نگل جانا‬

eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly.

Example: “he devoured half of his burger in one bite”
Synonyms: eat hungrily, eat quickly, eat greedily, eat heartily, eat up, swallow, gobble

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ مرض میں شدت پیدا ہونا‬،‫بڑھ جانا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound; intensify, increase, heighten,
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Worrisome (adjective) ‫ پریشان کن‬،‫تشویشناک‬

causing anxiety or concern.

Example: “a worrisome problem”
Synonyms: worrying, daunting, alarming, perturbing, trying, taxing, vexatious, niggling,
Antonyms: encourage, hearten

Dwindle (verb) ‫ کم ہونا‬،‫ گھٹنا‬،‫سکڑنا‬

diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength.

Example: “traffic has dwindled to a trickle”
Synonyms: diminish, decrease, reduce, get smaller, become smaller, grow smaller, become less,
Antonyms: increase, flourish

Vociferous (adjective) ‫ پرشور‬،‫اودھم مچانے واال‬

expressing or characterized by vehement opinions; loud and forceful.

Example: “he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover”
Synonyms: vehement, outspoken, vocal, forthright, plain-spoken, frank, candid, open,
Antonyms: silent, quiet

Refrain (verb) ‫ اجتناب‬،‫ روکنا‬،‫باز رہنا‬

stop oneself from doing something.
Example: “she refrained from comment
Synonyms: abstain, desist, hold back, stop oneself, withhold; forbear, forgo, do without,
Antonyms: Allowed, permit

Nemesis (noun) ‫ انتقام ٰالہی‬،‫بداعمالی کی سزا‬،

the inescapable agent of someone’s or something’s downfall.

Example: “injury, consistently his nemesis, struck him down during the match”
Synonyms: arch-enemy, arch-rival, enemy, rival, foe, adversary, opponent, antagonist,
Antonyms: amnesty, indemnity, pardon,

Inevitable (adjective) ‫ اٹل‬،‫ ہو کر رہنے واال‬،‫ناگزیر طور پر‬

certain to happen; unavoidable.

Example: “war was inevitable”
Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen, sure to happen, inexorable,
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain

Embargo (noun) ‫ حکومت کی طرف سے تجارت پر پابندی‬،‫ممانعت‬

an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.

Example: “an embargo on grain sales”
Synonyms: ban, bar, prohibition, stoppage, interdict, proscription, veto, moratorium;
Antonyms: allow

Stimulus (noun) ‫ محرک‬،‫اشتعال‬،

a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.

Example: “areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli”
Synonyms: spur, stimulant, encouragement, impetus, boost, prompt, prod, incentive,
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement
Impetus (noun) ‫ رفتار کا زور‬،‫ بہاﺅ‬،‫قوت‬

the force or energy with which a body moves.

Example: “hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses all its impetus”
Synonyms: momentum, propulsion, impulsion, impelling force, motive force, driving force
Antonyms: counterincentive, disincentive

Reluctance (noun) ‫ اڑیل‬،‫ ناراض مند‬،‫ہچکچاہٹ‬

unwillingness or disinclination to do something.

Example: “she sensed his reluctance to continue”
Synonyms: unwillingness, disinclination, lack of enthusiasm; hesitation, hesitance
Antonyms: willingness, eagerness

Intrigue (verb) ‫ دغا‬،‫سازش‬

arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.

Example: “I was intrigued by your question”
Synonyms: interest, be of interest to, fascinate, be a source of fascination to,
Antonyms: bore

Distort (verb) ‫ غلط بیان‬،‫ توڑا مروڑا ہوا‬،‫مسخ کرنا‬

pull or twist out of shape.

Example: “a grimace distorted her mouth”
Synonyms: twist, warp, contort, bend, buckle, deform, malform, misshape, disfigure; mangle,
Antonyms: straight

Obligation (noun) ‫ احسان‬،‫ فرض‬،‫ذمہ داری‬

an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
Example: “I have an obligation to look after her”
Synonyms: duty, commitment, responsibility, moral imperative
Antonyms: laziness, indifference
Tumult (noun) ‫ مجمع کا شور‬،‫ فساد‬،‫بلوا‬،‫ دنگا‬،‫ہنگامہ‬

a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.

Example: “a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out”
Synonyms: din, loud noise, racket, uproar, commotion, ruckus, rumpus, hubbub, pandemonium,
Antonyms: silence, peace, tranquillity

Brutality (noun) ‫ بے رحمی‬،‫ وحشیانہ‬،‫بربریت‬

savage physical violence; great cruelty.

Example: “brutality against civilians”
Synonyms: savagery, cruelty, bloodthirstiness, viciousness, ferocity, barbarity, wickedness,
Antonyms: gentleness, kindness

Inclination (noun) ‫ ڈھلوان‬،‫ ٹیڑھا‬،‫جھکا ہوا‬

a person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

Example: “John was a scientist by training and inclination”
Synonyms: tendency, propensity, proclivity, leaning; predisposition, disposition,
Antonyms: aversion, disinclination

Devour (verb) ‫ کھا جانا‬،‫ نگل جانا‬،‫ہڑپ کر جانا‬

eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly.

Example: “he devoured half of his burger in one bite”
Synonyms: eat hungrily, eat quickly, eat greedily, eat heartily, eat up, swallow, gobble
Antonyms: disgorge, vomit

Trample (verb) ‫ روندنا‬،‫پامال کرنا‬

tread on and crush.

Example: “the fence had been trampled down”
Synonyms: tread, tramp, stamp, walk over; squash, crush, flatten, compress,
Antonyms: help, aid, assist

Starve (verb) ‫ بھوک سے مرنا‬،‫فاقہ کشی‬

suffer or die or cause to suffer or die from hunger.

Example: “she left her animals to starve”
Synonyms: dying of hunger, dying from lack of food, faint from lack of food, deprived of food,
Antonyms: well fed, full

Dampen (verb) ‫ گیال کرنا‬،‫قابو کرنا‬،

make slightly wet.

Example: “the fine rain dampened her face”
Synonyms: moisten, damp, wet, dew, water, irrigate, humidify
Antonyms: dry, drench

Malevolent (adjective) ‫ بدخواہ‬،‫ بداندیشی‬،‫بدتمیزی‬

having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

Example: “the glint of dark, malevolent eyes”
Synonyms: malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, bitter, evil-intentioned, poisonous
Antonyms: benevolent

Torrential ‫سیالبی بارش‬

(of rain) falling rapidly and in copious quantities.

Example: “a torrential downpour”
Synonyms: copious, severe, heavy, rapid, relentless, violent; soaking, teeming
Antonyms: controlled, poor

Colossal (adjective) ‫ شاندار‬،‫ وسیع‬،‫دیوہیکل‬

extremely large or great.

Example: “a colossal amount of mail”
Synonyms: huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large, great, giant, mammoth, vast,
Antonyms: tiny
Commensurate (adjective) ‫ مناسب‬،‫ ہم جسامت‬،‫موافق‬

corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.

Example: “salary will be commensurate with age and experience”
Synonyms: equivalent, equal, corresponding, correspondent, comparable, proportionate,
Antonyms: disproportionateff

Fragility (noun) ‫ جلد ٹوٹنے کی صالحیت‬،‫نزاکت‬

the quality of being easily broken or damaged.

Example: “osteoporosis is characterized by bone fragility”
Synonyms: frailty, flimsiness, weakness, delicacy, daintiness, fineness, brittleness;
Antonyms: robustness

Intermittent (adjective) ‫ باری کا‬،‫وقفے وقفے واال‬

occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.

Example: “intermittent rain”
Synonyms: sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, broken, fragmentary, discontinuous,
Antonyms: continuous, steady

Fiasco (noun) ‫شرمناک ناکامی‬

a complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one.

Example: “his plans turned into a fiasco”
Synonyms: failure, disaster, catastrophe, debacle, shambles, farce, mess, wreck, ruin, ruination,
Antonyms: success

Motley (adjective) ‫ رنگ برنگ‬،‫کئی طرح کے‬

incongruously varied in appearance or character; disparate.

Example: “a motley crew of discontents and zealots”
Synonyms: miscellaneous, disparate, diverse, assorted, sundry, varied, mixed, diversified
Antonyms: homogeneous, uniform

Coherent (adjective) ‫ چسیدہ‬،‫ جڑا ہوا‬،‫مربوط‬

(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.

Example: “they failed to develop a coherent economic strategy”
Synonyms: logical, reasoned, reasonable, well reasoned, rational, sound, cogent;
Antonyms: incoherent, muddled

Absurd (adjective) ‫ بے معنی‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬

wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.

Example: “the allegations are patently absurd”
Synonyms: preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, risible
Antonyms: reasonable, sensible

Despondency (noun) ‫ پست ہمت‬،‫ دل شکستگی‬،‫مایوسی‬

low spirits from loss of hope or courage; dejection.

Example: “an air of despondency”
Synonyms: disheartenment, discouragement, dispiritedness, downheartedness,
Antonyms: cheerfulness, hopefulness

Perfidy (noun) ‫عہد وفاداری کو توڑنے کا عمل‬،‫ غدار‬،‫غداری‬

the state of being deceitful and untrustworthy.

Example: “it was an example of his perfidy”
Synonyms: treachery, duplicity, deceit, perfidiousness, deceitfulness, disloyalty, infidelity
Antonyms: faithfulness, loyalty

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning August 16, 2019

o Barely (adverb) ‫بمشکل‬، ‫پر طور عریاں‬، ‫فقط‬
o Dereliction (noun) ‫مال ترک‬، ‫ہوا چھوڑا‬، ‫کوتاہی‬
o Catastrophic (adjective) ‫کن تباہ‬، ‫عظیم انقالب‬
o Autocracy (noun) ‫خودمختاری‬، ‫استبدادی‬، ‫حکومت شخصی‬، ‫حکومت آمرانہ‬
o Curtailment (noun) ‫تخفیف‬، ‫کرنا کمی‬، ‫چھانٹ کاٹ‬
o Heighten (verb) ‫اونچائی‬، ‫کرنا زیادہ‬، ‫کرنا بلند‬
o Unravel (verb) ‫سلجھانا‬، ‫کرنا دریافت‬، ‫کرنا حل عقدہ‬
o Endure (verb) ‫برداشت‬، ‫سہنا‬، ‫جھیلنا‬، ‫کرنا ضبط‬
o Ostensibly (adverb) ‫پر طور بناوٹی‬، ٰ‫ظاہرا‬، ‫نمایاں‬
o Inherent (adjective) ‫مورثی‬، ‫پیدائشی‬، ‫پر طور ذاتی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

August 16, 2019

Barely (adverb) ‫ فقط‬،‫ عریاں طور پر‬،‫بمشکل‬

only just; almost not.
Example: “she nodded, barely able to speak”
Synonyms: hardly, scarcely, just, only just, narrowly, by the skin of one’s teeth, by a hair’s
Antonyms: easily

Dereliction (noun) ‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ چھوڑا ہوا‬،‫ترک مال‬

the state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.
Example: “a 15th-century farmhouse has been saved from dereliction”
Synonyms: dilapidation, disrepair, decrepitude, deterioration, ruin, rack and ruin;
Antonyms: fulfilment

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫تباہ کن‬

extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.
Example: “catastrophic mismanagement of the economy”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful,
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial
Autocracy (noun) ‫ آمرانہ حکومت‬،‫ شخصی حکومت‬،‫ استبدادی‬،‫خودمختاری‬
a system of government by one person with absolute power.
Example: “the Grand Duchy of Tuscany was an autocracy”
Synonyms: absolutism, absolute power, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, tyranny,
Antonyms: democracy

Curtailment (noun) ‫ کاٹ چھانٹ‬،‫ کمی کرنا‬،‫تخفیف‬

the action or fact of reducing or restricting something.
Example: “the curtailment of human rights”
Synonyms: reduction, cut, cutback, decrease, lessening, diminution, retrenchment, shrinkage;
Antonyms: increase, expansion

Heighten (verb) ‫ بلند کرنا‬،‫ زیادہ کرنا‬،‫اونچائی‬

make or become more intense.
Example: “the pleasure was heightened by the sense of guilt that accompanied it”
Synonyms: intensify, increase, enhance, make greater, add to, raise, augment, boost,
Antonyms: reduce

Unravel (verb) ‫ عقدہ حل کرنا‬،‫ دریافت کرنا‬،‫سلجھانا‬

(of twisted, knitted or woven threads) become undone.
Example: “part of the crew neck had unravelled”
Synonyms: untangle, disentangle, straighten out, separate out, unsnarl, unknot, unwind
Antonyms: entangle, tangle

Endure (verb) ‫ ضبط کرنا‬،‫ جھیلنا‬،‫ سہنا‬،‫برداشت‬

suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.
Example: “it seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain”
Synonyms: undergo, go through, live through, experience, meet, encounter;
Antonyms: fade, short-lived
Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ نمایاں‬،ً‫ ظاہرا‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬
as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.
Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface,
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Inherent (adjective) ‫ ذاتی طور پر‬،‫ پیدائشی‬،‫مورثی‬

existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
Example: “any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers”

Synonyms: intrinsic, innate, immanent, built-in, inborn, ingrained, deep-rooted;

Antonyms: acquired, alien

Enthusiasm (noun) ‫ پرجوش‬،‫جوش و خروش‬

intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “her energy and enthusiasm for life”
Synonyms: eagerness, keenness, ardour, fervour, warmth, passion, zeal, zealousness, zest,
Antonyms: apathy

Hazardous (adjective) ‫ خطرناک‬،‫ خطرہ‬،‫موثر‬

risky; dangerous.
Example: “we work in hazardous conditions”
Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe, perilous, precarious, insecure, tricky, unpredictable,
Antonyms: safe, secure, certain

Hubris (noun) ‫ غرور‬،‫ گھمنڈ‬،‫زعم‬

excessive pride or self-confidence.
Example: “the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s”
Synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-
Antonyms: modesty

Lukewarm (adjective) ‫ گنگنا‬،‫نیم گرم‬

(of liquid or food that should be hot) only moderately warm; tepid.
Example: “they drank bitter lukewarm coffee”
Synonyms: tepid, slightly warm, warmish, blood-hot, blood-warm, at room temperature,
Antonyms: hot, cold

Zealot (noun) ‫ متعصب‬،‫کٹر‬

a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other
Example: “reforming zealots destroyed a vast collection of papers”
Synonyms: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical, Young Turk, diehard, activist, militant; bigot,
Antonyms: moderate

Utterance (noun) ‫ بولنے کا عمل‬،‫اظہار‬

a spoken word, statement, or vocal sound.

Example: “he whispered, as if to lend his utterances an added confidentiality”
Synonyms: remark, comment, word, expression, statement, observation, declaration,
Antonyms: silent

Ordeal (noun) ‫ بڑی مصیبت‬، ‫آزمائش‬

a very unpleasant and prolonged experience.

Example: “the ordeal of having to give evidence”
Synonyms: painful/unpleasant experience, trial, tribulation, test, nightmare, trauma, baptism of
Swallow (verb) ‫ ہڑپ کر جانا‬،‫نگلنا‬

cause or allow (something, especially food or drink) to pass down the throat.
Example: “she swallowed a mouthful slowly”
Synonyms: eat, gulp down, consume, devour, eat up, put away, gobble (up), bolt (down), wolf

Precedence (noun) ‫ سبقت‬،‫ پیش روی‬،‫فوقیت‬

the condition of being considered more important than someone or something else; priority in
importance, order, or rank.
Example: “his desire for power soon took precedence over any other consideration”
Synonyms: take priority over, be considered more important/urgent than, outweigh, supersede,

Chauvinism (noun) ‫ وطن پرستی‬،‫اپنی باالدستی منوانا‬

exaggerated or aggressive patriotism.

Example: “public opinion was easily moved to chauvinism and nationalism”
Synonyms: jingoism, excessive patriotism, blind patriotism, excessive nationalism, sectarianism,

Antonyms: broad-mindedness, impartiality, liberality, objectivity

Deliberation (noun) ‫ غور فکر کرنے کے الئق‬،‫سوچ بچار‬

long and careful consideration or discussion.

Example: “after much deliberation we arrived at a compromise”
Synonyms: thought, thinking, consideration, reflection, contemplation, cogitation, pondering
Antonyms: haste

Aggravate (verb) ‫ بڑھکانا‬،‫سنگینی‬

make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

Example: “military action would only aggravate the situation”
Synonyms: annoy, irritate, exasperate, anger, irk, vex, put out, nettle, provoke, incense, rile,
Antonyms: calm, conciliate

Pragmatic (adjective) ‫ نتائجی‬،‫ عملیت‬،‫حقیقت پسندانہ‬

dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than
theoretical considerations.
Example: “a pragmatic approach to politics”
Synonyms: practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical, hard-
Antonyms: impractical, unrealistic, idealistic

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Rebuff (verb) ‫ اچانک روک دینا‬،‫ جھڑک دینا‬،‫ٹھکرا دینا‬

reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner.

Example: “I asked her to be my wife, and was rebuffed in no uncertain terms”
Synonyms: reject, turn down, spurn, refuse, decline, repudiate, disdain; snub, slight,
Antonyms: accept, welcome

Hostile (adjective) ‫ مخالفانہ‬،‫ عداوت‬، ‫دشمنی‬

showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly.

Example: “a hostile audience”
Synonyms: antagonistic, aggressive, confrontational, belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, militant,
Antonyms: friendly, mild

Prone (adjective) ‫ چت‬،‫ ڈھلوان‬،‫شکار‬

likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable.

Example: “farmed fish are prone to disease”
Synonyms: susceptible, vulnerable, liable, inclined, given, subject, disposed, predisposed, open;
Antonyms: resistant, immune

Vigilance (noun) ‫ چوکسی‬،‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫نگرانی‬

the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Example: “security duties that demand long hours of vigilance”
Synonyms: watchfulness, careful observation, surveillance, attentiveness, attention, alertness
Antonyms: inattentiveness

Bustle (verb) ‫سرگرمی دکھانا‬،‫ بھاگ دوڑ کرنا‬،‫ہلچل‬

move in an energetic and busy manner.

Example: “people clutching clipboards bustled about”
Synonyms: rush, dash, scurry, scuttle, scamper, scramble, flutter, fuss; hurry, hasten, make
Antonyms: amble

Lure (verb) ‫ جھانسہ دینا‬،‫ پھسالنا‬،‫اللچ‬

tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some

form of reward.
Example: “the child was lured into a car but managed to escape”

Synonyms: tempt, entice, attract, induce, coax, persuade, inveigle, allure, seduce, win over,
Antonyms: deter, put off

Apathy (noun) ‫ بے پرواہی‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Example: “widespread apathy among students”
Synonyms: indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern,
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion

Optimistic (adjective) ‫پر امیدی کا قائل‬

hopeful and confident about the future.

Example: “the optimistic mood of the Sixties”
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery, positive, confident, hopeful, sanguine, bullish, buoyant, bright;
Antonyms: pessimistic, negative, gloomy, ominous
Disingenuous (adjective) ‫ زمانہ ساز‬،‫ ذلیل‬،‫پیچیدہ‬

not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one
really does.
Example: “this journalist was being somewhat disingenuous as well as cynical”
Synonyms: dishonest, deceitful, underhand, underhanded, duplicitous, double-dealing, two-
Antonyms: ingenuous, frank

Contradictory (adjective) ‫ تردید کرنا‬،‫متضاد‬

mutually opposed or inconsistent.

Example: “the two studies came to contradictory conclusions”
Synonyms: opposed, in opposition, opposite, antithetical, contrary, contrasting, conflicting
Antonyms: consistent, compatible

Rigid (adjective) ‫ کرخت‬،‫ کڑا‬،‫سخت‬

unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible.

Example: “a seat of rigid orange plastic”
Synonyms: stiff, hard, firm, inflexible, non-flexible, unbending, unyielding, inelastic;
Antonyms: flexible, plastic

Linguistic (adjective) ‫ زبانوں کا تقابلی مطالعہ‬،‫لسانی‬

relating to language or linguistics.

Example: “a child’s linguistic ability”
Synonyms: language-producing, semantic, lingual, semasiological

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Protract (verb) ‫ دیر کرنا‬،‫طویل کرنا‬

Example: “he had certainly taken his time, even protracting the process”
Synonyms: prolong, extend, extend the duration of, stretch out, draw out, lengthen, make longer
Antonyms: curtail, shorten

Speculative (adjective) ‫ سوچ بچار‬،‫قیاس آرائی پر مبنی‬

engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge.

Example: “he gave her a speculative glance”
Synonyms: conjectural, suppositional, theoretical, hypothetical, based on guesswork
Antonyms: proven

Cripple (verb) ‫ معذور ہونا‬،‫اپاہج‬،

cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly.

Example: “a young student was crippled for life”
Synonyms: disable, paralyse, immobilize, make lame, lame, incapacitate, debilitate, handicap;
Antonyms: able-bodied, boost

Coincide (verb) ‫ ایک ساتھ ہونا‬،‫ ایک وقت میں ہونا‬،‫موافق‬

occur at the same time.

Example: “publication is timed to coincide with a major exhibition”
Synonyms: occur simultaneously, happen together, happen at the same time, be concurrent
Antonyms: differ

Impatient (adjective) ‫ بے چین‬،‫بے صبر‬

having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked.

Example: “an impatient motorist blaring his horn”
Synonyms: irritated, annoyed, angry, testy, tetchy, snappy, cross, crabby, moody, grumpy,
Antonyms: pleased

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning May 02, 2019

 Vulnerable (adjective) ‫محفوظ غیر‬، ‫خطرناک‬
 Stagger (verb) ‫چلنا کر ڈگمگا‬، ‫چلنا کر لڑکھڑا‬
 Adolescent (adjective) ‫جوانی‬، ‫بلوغت‬،‫ہوا بھڑتا طرف کی بالغ‬
 Impediment (noun) ‫ رکاوٹ‬، ‫مزاحمت‬
 Contravene (verb) ‫جھگڑا‬، ‫کرنا ورزی خالف‬
 Compatriot (noun) ‫ساز وطن‬، ‫وطن ہم‬، ‫باشندے کے دیش ایک‬
 Equivocal (adjective) ‫مشکوک‬،‫مشتبہ‬، ‫ذومعنی‬، ‫مبہم‬
 Chaotic (adjective) ‫افراتفری‬، ‫بے ابتری‬،‫ترتیبی سے‬، ‫برہم درہم‬
 Thwart (verb) ‫بنادینا ناکام‬، ‫ترچھا‬
 Stipulate (verb) ‫کرنا مقرر‬، ‫کرنا بیان‬، ‫کرنا وعدہ‬، ‫لگانا شرط‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

May 02, 2019

Vulnerable (adjective) ‫ خطرناک‬،‫غیر محفوظ‬

exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Example: “we were in a vulnerable position”
Synonyms: in danger, in jeopardy, in peril, at risk, unsafe, endangered, unprotected, ill-
Antonyms: well protected, resilient, invulnerable, immune to, above

Stagger (verb) ‫ لڑکھڑا کر چلنا‬،‫ڈگمگا کر چلنا‬

walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.

Example: “he staggered to his feet, swaying a little”
Synonyms: lurch, reel, walk unsteadily, sway, totter, teeter, stumble, move clumsily, wobble,
Antonyms: advance, continue

Adolescent (adjective) ‫بلوغت کی طرف بھڑتا ہوا‬،‫ بالغ‬،‫جوانی‬

(of a young person) in the process of developing from a child into an adult.
Example: “many parents find it hard to understand their adolescent children”
Synonyms: teenage, pubescent, teenaged, youthful, juvenile; young, informalteen
Antonyms: adult, mature

Impediment (noun) ‫ مزاحمت‬، ‫رکاوٹ‬

a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.

Example: “a serious impediment to scientific progress”
Synonyms: hindrance, obstacle, obstruction, barrier, handicap, bar, block, curb, check, brake,
Antonyms: benefit

Contravene (verb) ‫ خالف ورزی کرنا‬،‫جھگڑا‬

offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct).

Example: “he contravened the Official Secrets Act”
Synonyms: break, fail to comply with, breach, fail to observe, infringe, violate, offend against,
Antonyms: uphold, comply with

Compatriot (noun) ‫ ایک دیش کے باشندے‬،‫ ہم وطن‬،‫وطن ساز‬

a fellow citizen or national of a country.

Example: “Stich defeated his compatriot Boris Becker in the quarter-finals”
Synonyms: fellow countryman, countryman, fellow countrywoman, countrywoman, fellow
Antonyms: alien, immigrant, foreigner,

Equivocal (adjective) ‫ مبہم‬،‫ ذومعنی‬،‫مشکوک‬،‫مشتبہ‬

(of a person) using ambiguous or evasive language.

Example: “he has always been equivocal about the meaning of his lyrics”
Synonyms: ambiguous, non-committal, indefinite, vague, imprecise, indeterminate, inexact,
Antonyms: unequivocal, definite

Chaotic (adjective) ‫ درہم برہم‬،‫بے ترتیبی‬،‫ ابتری سے‬،‫افراتفری‬

in a state of complete confusion and disorder.
Example: “the political situation was chaotic”
Synonyms: disorderly, in disorder, disordered, in chaos, disorganized, in disarray, topsy-turvy,
Antonyms: orderly

Thwart (verb) ‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناکام بنادینا‬

oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition) successfully.

Example: “the government had been able to thwart all attempts by opposition leaders to form
new parties”

Synonyms: foil, balk, frustrate, stand in the way of, scotch, forestall; derail, dash; smash, stop,
Antonyms: assist, facilitate

Stipulate (verb) ‫ شرط لگانا‬،‫ وعدہ کرنا‬،‫ بیان کرنا‬،‫مقرر کرنا‬

demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement.

Example: “he stipulated certain conditions before their marriage”
Synonyms: specify, set out, set down, lay down, state clearly; set forth, demand, insist on,
Antonyms: break, disagree, imply

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning May 04, 2019

 Astound (verb) ‫کن حیران‬، ‫کرنا بکا ہکا‬، ‫زدہ حیرت‬
 Disinterest (noun) ‫متضاد‬، ‫بے توجہ‬،‫غرض ہٹانا‬، ‫جانبدار غیر‬
 Sanction (verb) ‫منظوری‬، ‫قانون‬
 Ailment (noun) ‫بیماری‬، ‫عاللت‬، ‫مرض‬، ‫تکلف‬
 Ostracize (verb) ‫کرنا بدر شہر‬، ‫اخراج‬، ‫کرنا بند پانی حقہ‬
 Ascertain (noun) ‫کرنا تعین‬، ‫کرنا دریافت‬
 Downtrodden (adjective) ‫طرف کی نیچے‬، ‫مظلوم‬، ‫ہوا روندا‬
 Eloquent (adjective) ‫خوشگوار‬، ‫بیان خوش‬، ‫فصاحت‬
 Persuade (verb) ‫کرنا قائل‬، ‫کرنا راغب‬، ‫اکسانا‬
 Pessimistic (adjective) ‫مایوسانہ‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
May 04, 2019

Astound (verb) ‫ حیرت زدہ‬،‫ ہکا بکا کرنا‬،‫حیران کن‬

shock or greatly surprise.

Example: “her bluntness astounded him”
Synonyms: amaze, stagger, astonish, surprise, stun, startle, confound, stupefy, dumbfound, daze,
Antonyms: calm, clarify

Disinterest (noun) ‫ غیر جانبدار‬،‫بے غرض‬،‫ توجہ ہٹانا‬،‫متضاد‬

the state of not being influenced by personal involvement in something; impartiality.

Example: “I do not claim any scholarly disinterest with this book”
Synonyms: impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, detachment, lack of bias, lack of prejudice,
Antonyms: bias

Sanction (verb) ‫ قانون‬،‫منظوری‬

give official permission or approval for (an action).

Example: “the scheme was sanctioned by the court”
Synonyms: authorize, permit, consent to, allow, give permission for, give leave for, warrant,
Antonyms: prohibit, ban

Ailment (noun) ‫ تکلف‬،‫ مرض‬،‫ عاللت‬،‫بیماری‬

an illness, typically a minor one.

Example: “the doctor diagnosed a common stomach ailment”
Synonyms: illness, disorder, disease, affliction, sickness, malady, infection, complaint, upset,
Antonyms: fitness, heartiness, healthiness,
Ostracize (verb) ‫ حقہ پانی بند کرنا‬،‫ اخراج‬،‫شہر بدر کرنا‬

exclude from a society or group.

Example: “she was declared a witch and ostracized by the villagers”
Synonyms: exclude, spurn, shun, cold-shoulder, reject, give someone the cold shoulder,
Antonyms: welcome, befriend, accept, include

Ascertain (noun) ‫ دریافت کرنا‬،‫تعین کرنا‬

find (something) out for certain; make sure of.

Example: “an attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident”
Synonyms: find out, get/come to know, discover, work out, fathom (out), make out, become
aware of,
Antonyms: miss, pass over, overlook,

Downtrodden (adjective) ‫ روندا ہوا‬،‫ مظلوم‬،‫نیچے کی طرف‬

oppressed or treated badly by people in power.

Example: “a downtrodden proletarian struggling for social justice”
Synonyms: oppressed, persecuted, subjugated, subdued, repressed, ground down, tyrannized,
Antonyms: rich, wealthy, happy

Eloquent (adjective) ‫ فصاحت‬،‫ خوش بیان‬،‫خوشگوار‬

fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

Example: “an eloquent speech”
Synonyms: persuasive, articulate, expressive, fluent; forceful, strong, powerful, well spoken,
Antonyms: inarticulate

Persuade (verb) ‫ اکسانا‬،‫ راغب کرنا‬،‫قائل کرنا‬

induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Example: “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”
Synonyms: prevail on, coax, talk someone into, convince, get, make, press someone into, induce,
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter

Pessimistic (adjective) ‫مایوسانہ‬

tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
Example: “he was pessimistic about the prospects”
Synonyms: gloomy, defeatist, negative, downbeat, cynical, gloom-ridden, bleak, dark, black,
Antonyms: optimistic, hopeful, cheerful

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning May 08, 2019

 Hardship (noun) ‫مشکالت‬، ‫گیری سخت‬، ‫شدت‬
 Sanitize (verb) ‫مطابق کے گاری صحت‬، ‫بنانا ستھرا صاف‬
 Disarray (noun) ‫تخریب‬، ‫برہنگی‬، ‫گڑبڑ‬،‫ابتری‬
 Urgency (noun) ‫پر طور فوری‬، ‫اہمیت سخت‬، ‫اصرار حد بے‬
 Hapless (adjective) ‫بدنصیب‬، ‫بدبخت‬، ‫کمبخت‬
 Scrupulous (adjective) ‫وہمی‬، ‫محتاط بہت‬، ‫بین باریک‬
 Read also: English Practice Exercise in Comparative Degree
 Startle (verb) ‫دینا چونکا‬، ‫دینا ڈرا‬، ‫کرنا شروع‬
 Assertion (noun) ٰ‫دعوی‬، ‫جتانا حق‬، ‫کہنا سے وثوق‬
 Evade (verb) ‫جانا ٹال‬، ‫ٹال‬،‫مٹول بچنا‬
 Heinous (adjective) ‫گھناﺅنا‬، ‫ سخت‬، ‫وحشیانہ‬،‫بڑا‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

May 08, 2019

Hardship (noun) ‫ شدت‬،‫ سخت گیری‬،‫مشکالت‬

severe suffering or privation.

Example: “intolerable levels of hardship”
Synonyms: privation, destitution, deprivation, poverty, penury, austerity, want, neediness, need,
Antonyms: prosperity, ease

Sanitize (verb) ‫ صاف ستھرا بنانا‬،‫صحت گاری کے مطابق‬

make clean and hygienic; disinfect.
Example: “new chemicals for sanitizing a pool”
Synonyms: sterilize, clean, disinfect, cleanse, purify, cauterize, fumigate, decontaminate;
Antonyms: dirty

Disarray (noun) ‫گڑبڑ‬،‫ ابتری‬،‫ برہنگی‬،‫تخریب‬

a state of disorganization or untidiness.

Example: “her grey hair was in disarray”
Synonyms: disarrange, bring/throw into disarray, make untidy, bring/throw into disorder,
Antonyms: tidy, organiz

Urgency (noun) ‫ بے حد اصرار‬،‫ سخت اہمیت‬،‫فوری طور پر‬

importance requiring swift action.

Example: “the discovery of the ozone hole gave urgency to the issue of CFCs”
Synonyms: importance, imperativeness, top priority, weight, gravity, weightiness, necessity,
Antonyms: noncritical, nonurgent

Hapless (adjective) ‫ کمبخت‬،‫ بدبخت‬،‫بدنصیب‬

(especially of a person) unfortunate.

Example: “the hapless victims of the disaster”
Synonyms: unfortunate, luckless, unlucky, out of luck, ill-fated, ill-starred, jinxed, doomed;
Antonyms: lucky

Scrupulous (adjective) ‫ باریک بین‬،‫ بہت محتاط‬،‫وہمی‬

(of a person or process) careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.

Example: “the research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail”
Synonyms: careful, painstaking, meticulous, thorough, sedulous, assiduous, attentive, diligent,
Antonyms: careless, slapdash

Read also: English Practice Exercise in Comparative Degree

Startle (verb) ‫ شروع کرنا‬،‫ ڈرا دینا‬،‫چونکا دینا‬

cause to feel sudden shock or alarm.

Example: “a sudden sound in the doorway startled her”
Synonyms: surprise, scare, frighten, alarm, give someone a fright, give someone a shock,
Antonyms: put at ease, ordinary, predictable

Assertion (noun) ‫ وثوق سے کہنا‬،‫ حق جتانا‬،‫دعوی‬

a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Example: “his assertion that his father had deserted the family”
Synonyms: declaration, statement, contention, claim, postulation, submission, averment,
Antonyms: disavowal

Evade (verb) ‫ٹال مٹول‬،‫ بچنا‬،‫ٹال جانا‬

escape or avoid (someone or something), especially by guile or trickery.

Example: “friends helped him to evade capture for a time”

Synonyms: elude, dodge, avoid, escape (from), steer clear of, stay away from, run away from,
Antonyms: confront, run into

Heinous (adjective) ‫وحشیانہ‬،‫ بڑا‬، ‫ سخت‬،‫گھناﺅنا‬

(of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.

Example: “a battery of heinous crimes”
Synonyms: odious, evil, wicked, atrocious, disgraceful, monstrous, detestable, abominable
Antonyms: admirable
Ominous (adjective) ‫ بدشگونی واال‬،‫ نحس‬،‫بدنما‬

giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Example: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious,
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious

Pour (verb) ‫ بھرنا‬،‫ انڈیلنا‬،‫بھانا‬

flow rapidly in a steady stream.

Example: “water poured off the roof”
Synonyms: stream, flow, run, gush, cascade, course, spout, jet, spurt, flood, surge, spill, rush,
Antonyms: drizzle, drip

Conquer (verb) ‫ قبضہ کرنا‬،‫فتح کرنا‬

overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military force.

Example: “he conquered Cyprus”
Synonyms: defeat, beat, vanquish, trounce, annihilate, triumph over, be victorious over, best,
Antonyms: lose to, liberate, lose

Arrogance (noun) ‫ غرور‬،‫تکبر‬

the quality of being arrogant.

Example: “the arrogance of this man is astounding”
Synonyms: haughtiness, conceit, hubris, self-importance, egotism, sense of superiority;
Antonyms: humility, modesty

Sanity (noun) ‫ ثنات عقل‬،‫ دانا‬،‫پاکیزگی‬

the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health.
Example: “I began to doubt my own sanity”
Synonyms: soundness of mind, mental health, mental faculties, balance, balance of mind,
Antonyms: insanity

Dismantle (verb) ‫ ننگا کرنا‬،‫ ختم‬،‫حفاظت سے محروم کرنا‬

take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

Example: “the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap”
Synonyms: take apart, take to pieces, take to bits, pull apart, pull to pieces, deconstruct
Antonyms: assemble, build

Absorb (verb) ‫ محو‬،‫جذب کرنا‬

take control of (a smaller or less powerful entity) and make it a part of a larger one.
Example: “the family firm was absorbed into a larger group”
Synonyms: incorporate, assimilate, integrate, appropriate, take in, subsume, include, co-opt,
Antonyms: reflect, increase

Archaic (adjective) ‫ دقیانوسی‬،‫ فرسودہ‬،‫قدیم‬

very old or old-fashioned.

Example: “prisons are run on archaic methods”
Synonyms: obsolete, obsolescent, out of date, anachronistic, old-fashioned, outmoded,
Antonyms: new, modern

Consent (noun) ‫ راضی ہونا‬،‫ اقرارکرنا‬،‫رضا مندی‬

permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

Example: “no change may be made without the consent of all the partners”
Synonyms: agreement, assent, concurrence, accord;
Antonyms: dissent

Usher (verb) ‫ حاجب‬،‫رہنمائی کرنے واال‬

show or guide (someone) somewhere.

Example: “a waiter ushered me to a table”
Synonyms: escort, accompany, help, assist, take, show, see, lead, show someone the way
Antonyms: hinder, worsen, aggravate

Disintegrate (verb) ‫ اجزاءعلیحدہ کرنا‬،‫ٹوٹ جانا‬

break up into small parts as the result of impact or decay.

Example: “our shoes had to last until they disintegrated on our feet”
Synonyms: break up, break apart, fall apart, fall to pieces, fall to bits, fragment, fracture, shatter
Antonyms: improve

Havoc (noun) ‫ اجاڑنا‬،‫ خرابی‬، ‫تباہی‬

widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, depredation, despoliation, ruination,
Antonyms: peace

Outcry (noun) ‫ چیخ‬،‫ چالہٹ‬،‫فریاد‬

an exclamation or shout.
Example: “an outcry of spontaneous passion”
Synonyms: shout, exclamation, cry, yell, howl, whoop, roar, scream, shriek, screech
Antonyms: indifference

Vigorous (adjective) ‫ زبردست‬،‫بھرپور‬

strong, healthy, and full of energy.

Example: “a tall, vigorous, and muscular man”
Synonyms: robust, healthy, in good health, hale and hearty, strong, strong as an ox/horse/lion,
Antonyms: frail, weak

Sceptical (adjective) ‫ ریبی‬،‫ شک کرنے واال‬،‫شکی‬

not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
Example: “the public were deeply sceptical about some of the proposals”
Synonyms: dubious, doubtful, having reservations, taking something with a pinch of salt,
Antonyms: certain, convinced, optimistic

Yield (verb) ‫ فصل دینا‬، ‫ آمدنی‬،‫پیداوار‬

produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product).

Example: “the land yields grapes and tobacco”
Synonyms: produce, bear, give, supply, provide, afford, return, bring in, pull in, haul in,
Antonyms: resist, defy

Mount (verb) ‫چڑھنا‬

climb up (stairs, a hill, or other rising surface).

Example: “he mounted the steps”
Synonyms: go up, ascend, climb, climb up, scale, clamber up, make one’s way up,
Antonyms: descend

Abate (verb) ‫ تخفیف کرنا‬،‫کم کرنا‬

(of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.

Example: “the storm suddenly abated”
Synonyms: subside, die down/away/out, drop off/away, lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease,
Antonyms: intensify

Scorching (adjective) ‫ بہت گرم‬،‫ جالنے واال‬،‫جلتا ہوا‬

very hot.
Example: “the scorching July sun”
Synonyms: extremely hot, red-hot, unbearably hot, baking (hot), blazing, flaming, fiery,
Antonyms: freezing, mild

Hastily (adverb) ‫ جلدی جلدی‬،‫ جلدی سے‬،‫تعجیال‬

with excessive speed or urgency; hurriedly.
Example: “maybe I acted too hastily”
Synonyms: quickly, hurriedly, in a hurry, fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, briskly, expeditiously,
Antonyms: slowly, carefully, deliberately

Poised (adjective) ‫ پراعتماد ہونا‬،‫باوقار‬

having a composed and self-assured manner.

Example: “not every day you saw that poised, competent kid distressed”
Synonyms: self-possessed, self-assured, composed, assured, self-controlled, cool-headed, calm,
Antonyms: excited, flustered, inelegant

Deprive (verb) ‫ برطرفی‬،‫ محروم کرنا‬،‫معزول‬

prevent (a person or place) from having or using something.

Example: “the city was deprived of its water supplies”
Synonyms: dispossess, strip, divest, relieve, bereave; rob of, cheat out of, trick out of,
Antonyms: appoint, join

Intimidation (noun) ‫ ڈرانا‬،‫دھمکی‬

the action of intimidating someone, or the state of being intimidated.

Example: “the intimidation of witnesses and jurors”
Synonyms: frightening, menacing, terrifying, scaring, alarming, terrorization, terrorizing
Antonyms: reassure, comfort,

Belligerent (adjective) ‫ شریک جنگ‬،‫ جنگ آور‬،‫لڑاکا‬

hostile and aggressive.

Example: “the mood at the meeting was belligerent”
Synonyms: hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacious, bellicose, truculent,
Antonyms: friendly, peaceable

Diminis (adjective) ‫ گھٹانا‬،‫کم ہونا‬

make or become less.
Example: “the new law is expected to diminish the government’s chances”
Synonyms: decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink, contract, grow smaller, fall off, drop off,
Antonyms: increase, flare up, get worse

Subterfuge (noun) ‫ حجت‬،‫ حیلہ‬،‫عذر‬

deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.

Example: “he had to use subterfuge and bluff on many occasions”
Synonyms: trickery, intrigue, deviousness, evasion, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating,
Antonyms: honesty, openness

Crude (adjective) ‫ کچا‬،‫خام‬

in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined.

Example: “crude oil”
Synonyms: unrefined, unpurified, unprocessed, untreated; unmilled, unworked, unpolished,
Antonyms: refined

Rendezvous (noun) ‫سپردگی‬،‫ مالقات کی جگہ‬،‫جائے مالقات‬

a meeting at an agreed time and place.

Example: “Edward turned up late for their rendezvous”
Synonyms: meeting, appointment, engagement, assignation; informaldate;

Ambivalence (noun) ‫ بیک وقت محبت اور نفرت‬،‫تذبذب میں‬

the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
Example: “the law’s ambivalence about the importance of a victim’s identity”
Synonyms: equivocation, uncertainty, unsureness, doubt, indecision, inconclusiveness,
Antonyms: certainty, decisiveness

Truce (noun) ‫ التوائے جنگ‬،‫ عارضی صلح کا معاہدہ‬،‫جنگ بندی‬

an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
Example: “the guerrillas called a three-day truce”

Synonyms: ceasefire, armistice, suspension of hostilities, cessation of hostilities, peace;

Antonyms: fighting, hostilities

Enthusiasm (noun) ‫ پرجوش‬،‫جوش و خروش‬

intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “her energy and enthusiasm for life”
Synonyms: eagerness, keenness, ardour, fervour, warmth, passion, zeal, zealousness, zest,
Antonyms: apathy

Hazardous (adjective) ‫ خطرناک‬،‫ خطرہ‬،‫موثر‬

risky; dangerous.
Example: “we work in hazardous conditions”
Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe, perilous, precarious, insecure, tricky, unpredictable,
Antonyms: safe, secure, certain

Hubris (noun) ‫ غرور‬،‫ گھمنڈ‬،‫زعم‬

excessive pride or self-confidence.

Example: “the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s”
Synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-
Antonyms: modesty

Lukewarm (adjective) ‫ گنگنا‬،‫نیم گرم‬

(of liquid or food that should be hot) only moderately warm; tepid.
Example: “they drank bitter lukewarm coffee”
Synonyms: tepid, slightly warm, warmish, blood-hot, blood-warm, at room temperature,
Antonyms: hot, cold
Zealot (noun) ‫ متعصب‬،‫کٹر‬

a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other
Example: “reforming zealots destroyed a vast collection of papers”
Synonyms: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical, Young Turk, diehard, activist, militant; bigot,
Antonyms: moderate

Utterance (noun) ‫ بولنے کا عمل‬،‫اظہار‬

a spoken word, statement, or vocal sound.

Example: “he whispered, as if to lend his utterances an added confidentiality”
Synonyms: remark, comment, word, expression, statement, observation, declaration,
Antonyms: silent

Ordeal (noun) ‫ بڑی مصیبت‬، ‫آزمائش‬

a very unpleasant and prolonged experience.

Example: “the ordeal of having to give evidence”
Synonyms: painful/unpleasant experience, trial, tribulation, test, nightmare, trauma, baptism of

Swallow (verb) ‫ ہڑپ کر جانا‬،‫نگلنا‬

cause or allow (something, especially food or drink) to pass down the throat.
Example: “she swallowed a mouthful slowly”
Synonyms: eat, gulp down, consume, devour, eat up, put away, gobble (up), bolt (down), wolf

Precedence (noun) ‫ سبقت‬،‫ پیش روی‬،‫فوقیت‬

the condition of being considered more important than someone or something else; priority in
importance, order, or rank.
Example: “his desire for power soon took precedence over any other consideration”
Synonyms: take priority over, be considered more important/urgent than, outweigh, supersede,

Chauvinism (noun) ‫ وطن پرستی‬،‫اپنی باالدستی منوانا‬

exaggerated or aggressive patriotism.

Example: “public opinion was easily moved to chauvinism and nationalism”
Synonyms: jingoism, excessive patriotism, blind patriotism, excessive nationalism, sectarianism,

Antonyms: broad-mindedness, impartiality, liberality, objectivity

Deliberation (noun) ‫ غور فکر کرنے کے الئق‬،‫سوچ بچار‬

long and careful consideration or discussion.

Example: “after much deliberation we arrived at a compromise”
Synonyms: thought, thinking, consideration, reflection, contemplation, cogitation, pondering
Antonyms: haste

Aggravate (verb) ‫ بڑھکانا‬،‫سنگینی‬

make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

Example: “military action would only aggravate the situation”
Synonyms: annoy, irritate, exasperate, anger, irk, vex, put out, nettle, provoke, incense, rile,
Antonyms: calm, conciliate

Pragmatic (adjective) ‫ نتائجی‬،‫ عملیت‬،‫حقیقت پسندانہ‬

dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than
theoretical considerations.
Example: “a pragmatic approach to politics”
Synonyms: practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical, hard-
Antonyms: impractical, unrealistic, idealistic
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Rebuff (verb) ‫ اچانک روک دینا‬،‫ جھڑک دینا‬،‫ٹھکرا دینا‬

reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner.

Example: “I asked her to be my wife, and was rebuffed in no uncertain terms”
Synonyms: reject, turn down, spurn, refuse, decline, repudiate, disdain; snub, slight,
Antonyms: accept, welcome

Hostile (adjective) ‫ مخالفانہ‬،‫ عداوت‬، ‫دشمنی‬

showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly.

Example: “a hostile audience”
Synonyms: antagonistic, aggressive, confrontational, belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, militant,
Antonyms: friendly, mild

Prone (adjective) ‫ چت‬،‫ ڈھلوان‬،‫شکار‬

likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable.

Example: “farmed fish are prone to disease”
Synonyms: susceptible, vulnerable, liable, inclined, given, subject, disposed, predisposed, open;
Antonyms: resistant, immune

Vigilance (noun) ‫ چوکسی‬،‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫نگرانی‬

the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Example: “security duties that demand long hours of vigilance”
Synonyms: watchfulness, careful observation, surveillance, attentiveness, attention, alertness
Antonyms: inattentiveness

Bustle (verb) ‫سرگرمی دکھانا‬،‫ بھاگ دوڑ کرنا‬،‫ہلچل‬

move in an energetic and busy manner.

Example: “people clutching clipboards bustled about”
Synonyms: rush, dash, scurry, scuttle, scamper, scramble, flutter, fuss; hurry, hasten, make
Antonyms: amble

Lure (verb) ‫ جھانسہ دینا‬،‫ پھسالنا‬،‫اللچ‬

tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some

form of reward.
Example: “the child was lured into a car but managed to escape”

Synonyms: tempt, entice, attract, induce, coax, persuade, inveigle, allure, seduce, win over,
Antonyms: deter, put off

Apathy (noun) ‫ بے پرواہی‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Example: “widespread apathy among students”
Synonyms: indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern,
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion

Optimistic (adjective) ‫پر امیدی کا قائل‬

hopeful and confident about the future.

Example: “the optimistic mood of the Sixties”
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery, positive, confident, hopeful, sanguine, bullish, buoyant, bright;
Antonyms: pessimistic, negative, gloomy, ominous

Disingenuous (adjective) ‫ زمانہ ساز‬،‫ ذلیل‬،‫پیچیدہ‬

not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one
really does.
Example: “this journalist was being somewhat disingenuous as well as cynical”
Synonyms: dishonest, deceitful, underhand, underhanded, duplicitous, double-dealing, two-
Antonyms: ingenuous, frank

Contradictory (adjective) ‫ تردید کرنا‬،‫متضاد‬

mutually opposed or inconsistent.

Example: “the two studies came to contradictory conclusions”
Synonyms: opposed, in opposition, opposite, antithetical, contrary, contrasting, conflicting
Antonyms: consistent, compatible

Rigid (adjective) ‫ کرخت‬،‫ کڑا‬،‫سخت‬

unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible.

Example: “a seat of rigid orange plastic”
Synonyms: stiff, hard, firm, inflexible, non-flexible, unbending, unyielding, inelastic;
Antonyms: flexible, plastic

Linguistic (adjective) ‫ زبانوں کا تقابلی مطالعہ‬،‫لسانی‬

relating to language or linguistics.

Example: “a child’s linguistic ability”
Synonyms: language-producing, semantic, lingual, semasiological

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Protract (verb) ‫ دیر کرنا‬،‫طویل کرنا‬

Example: “he had certainly taken his time, even protracting the process”
Synonyms: prolong, extend, extend the duration of, stretch out, draw out, lengthen, make longer
Antonyms: curtail, shorten

Speculative (adjective) ‫ سوچ بچار‬،‫قیاس آرائی پر مبنی‬

engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge.
Example: “he gave her a speculative glance”
Synonyms: conjectural, suppositional, theoretical, hypothetical, based on guesswork
Antonyms: proven

Cripple (verb) ‫ معذور ہونا‬،‫اپاہج‬،

cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly.

Example: “a young student was crippled for life”
Synonyms: disable, paralyse, immobilize, make lame, lame, incapacitate, debilitate, handicap;
Antonyms: able-bodied, boost

Coincide (verb) ‫ ایک ساتھ ہونا‬،‫ ایک وقت میں ہونا‬،‫موافق‬

occur at the same time.

Example: “publication is timed to coincide with a major exhibition”
Synonyms: occur simultaneously, happen together, happen at the same time, be concurrent
Antonyms: differ

Impatient (adjective) ‫ بے چین‬،‫بے صبر‬

having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked.

Example: “an impatient motorist blaring his horn”
Synonyms: irritated, annoyed, angry, testy, tetchy, snappy, cross, crabby, moody, grumpy,
Antonyms: pleased

Inertia (noun) ‫ بے عملی‬،‫ سستی‬،‫سکون‬

a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.

Example: “the bureaucratic inertia of the various tiers of government”
Synonyms: inactivity, inaction, inactiveness, inertness, passivity, apathy, accidie, malaise,
Antonyms: activity, energy

Humiliation (noun) ‫ رسوائی‬،‫ذلت‬

the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated.

Example: “they suffered the humiliation of losing in the opening round”
Synonyms: embarrassment, mortification, shame, indignity, ignominy, disgrace, dishonour,
Antonyms: honour

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Vendetta (noun) ‫ انتقام‬،‫ خاندانی دشمنی‬،‫قبائلی جھگڑا‬

a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone.

Example: “he has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him”
Synonyms: feud, blood feud, quarrel, argument, falling-out, wrangle, clash, altercation, dispute,
Antonyms: agreement, forgiveness, calm, harmony, peace

Jeopardize (verb) ‫ نقصان پہنچانا‬،‫خطرے سے دوچار کرنا‬

put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
Example: “a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York’s position as a financial
Synonyms: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at risk, expose to risk, put in danger,
Antonyms: safeguard

Accumulation (noun) ‫ روپیہ کی زیادتی‬،‫ڈھیر‬

a mass or quantity of something that has gradually gathered or been acquired.

Example: “the accumulation of paperwork on her desk”
Synonyms: amassing, building up, build-up, collection, gathering, assembling, assembly,
Antonyms: dissipation

Deplete (verb) ‫ ختم کرنے کے قابل‬،‫ختم‬

use up the supply or resources of.

Example: “reservoirs have been depleted by years of drought”
Synonyms: exhaust, use up, consume, expend, spend, drain, empty, sap, milk, suck dry,
Antonyms: augment, increase

Saddle (verb) ‫ زین‬،‫کاٹھی‬

burden (someone) with an onerous responsibility or task.

Example: “he’s saddled with debts of $12 million”
Synonyms: burden, encumber, lumber, hamper, weigh down, land, charge; inflict something on

Taper (verb) ‫ مخروطی‬،‫کون نما‬

diminish or reduce in thickness towards one end.

Example: “the tail tapers to a rounded tip”
Synonyms: narrow, thin (out), become narrow, become narrower, become thin, become thinner
Antonyms: thicken, swell

Contingent (adjective) ‫ معاہدہ احتمالی‬،‫ جنگی دستہ‬،‫عارضی‬

subject to chance.
Example: “the contingent nature of the job”
Synonyms: chance, accidental, fortuitous, possible, unforeseen, unforeseeable, unexpected,
Antonyms: predictable

Indulge (verb) ‫ مرضی کے مطابق کام کرنے دینا‬،‫ملوث‬

allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.

Example: “we indulged in a cream tea”
Synonyms: wallow in, give oneself up to, give way to, yield to, abandon oneself to, give rein to
Antonyms: stifle

Betray (verb) ‫ بے وفائی‬،‫دھوکہ دینا‬

expose (one’s country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an
Example: “a double agent who betrayed some 400 British and French agents to the Germans”
Synonyms: break one’s promise to, be disloyal to, be unfaithful to, break faith with
Antonyms: be loyal to

Enact (verb) ‫ فرمان جاری کرنا‬، ‫ نافذ کرنا‬،‫قانون وضع کرنا‬

make (a bill or other proposal) law.

Example: “legislation was enacted to attract international companies”
Synonyms: make law, pass, approve, ratify, validate, sanction, authorize, accept,
Antonyms: repeal

Articulate (verb) ‫ بیان کرنا‬،‫صاف طور سے اظہار کرنا‬

express (an idea or feeling) fluently and coherently.

Example: “they were unable to articulate their emotions”
Synonyms: express, give expression to, voice, give voice to, vocalize, put in words, give
utterance to,
Antonyms: bottle up

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Inviolable (adjective) ‫ محترم‬،‫ناقابل تسخیر‬

never to be broken, infringed, or dishonoured.

Example: “an inviolable rule of chastity”
Synonyms: inalienable, absolute, untouchable, unalterable, unchallengeable, unbreakable,
Antonyms: partial

Stricture (noun) ‫ سختی‬،‫اعتراض‬

a restriction on a person or activity.

Example: “the strictures imposed by the British Board of Film Censors”
Synonyms: constraint, restriction, limitation, control, restraint, straitjacket, curb, check,
Antonyms: freedom

Deteriorate (verb) ‫ خراب کرنا‬،‫خاصیت بگڑ جانا‬

become progressively worse.

Example: “relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply”
Synonyms: worsen, get worse, decline, be in decline, degenerate, decay;
Antonyms: improve

Interim (verb) ‫ درمیانہ عرصہ‬،‫عبوری‬

in or for the intervening period; provisional.

Example: “an interim arrangement”
Synonyms: provisional, temporary, pro tem, stopgap, short-term, fill-in, caretaker, acting,
Antonyms: permanent

Intrigue (verb) ‫ دغا‬،‫سازش‬

arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.

Example: “I was intrigued by your question”
Synonyms: interest, be of interest to, fascinate, be a source of fascination to,
Antonyms: bore

Perpetrate (verb) ‫ مرتکب ہونا‬،‫ارتکاب کرنا‬

carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action).

Example: “a crime has been perpetrated against a sovereign state”
Synonyms: commit, carry out, perform, execute, do, effect, bring about, be guilty of, be to blame
Antonyms: skimp, slight, slur

Emanate (verb) ‫ خارج کرنا‬،‫خارج ہونا‬

(of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source).

Example: “warmth emanated from the fireplace”
Synonyms: emerge, flow, pour, proceed, issue, ensue, come out, come forth, spread out, come;

Appeasement (noun)‫ اطمینان دالنا‬،‫ ڈھارس‬،‫تسکین‬

the action or process of appeasing.

Example: “a policy of appeasement”
Synonyms: conciliation, placation, pacification, propitiation, palliation, allaying, reconciliation;
Antonyms: provocation, aggression

Hubris (noun) ‫ غرور‬،‫ گھمنڈ‬،‫زعم‬

excessive pride or self-confidence.

Example: “the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s”
Synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance,
Antonyms: modesty

Coherent (adjective) ‫ جڑا ہوا‬،‫ تسلسل‬،‫مضبوط‬

(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.

Example: “they failed to develop a coherent economic strategy”
Synonyms: logical, reasoned, reasonable, well reasoned, rational, sound, cogent;
Antonyms: incoherent, muddled

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Deteriorate (verb) ‫ بگاڑنا‬،‫خاصیت بگڑ جانا‬

become progressively worse.

Example: “relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply”
Synonyms: worsen, get worse, decline, be in decline, degenerate, decay;
Antonyms: improve
Psyche (noun) ‫نفسیات‬

the human soul, mind, or spirit.

Example: “their childhood made them want to understand the human psyche and to help others”
Synonyms: soul, spirit, (inner) self, innermost self, (inner) ego, true being, essential nature, life
Antonyms: body

Vigour (noun) ‫ طاقت‬،‫زور‬،

physical strength and good health.

Example: “I was 79, but still full of vigour and vitality”
Synonyms: robustness, healthiness, good health, hardiness, strength, stamina, sturdiness, fitness,
Antonyms: weakness, listlessness, lethargy

Arise (verb) ‫ کھڑے ہونا‬،‫ سامنے آنا‬،‫اٹھنا‬

(of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.

Example: “new difficulties had arisen”
Synonyms: come to light, become apparent, make an appearance, appear, emerge, crop/turn up,
Antonyms: sit down, lie down

Chaotic (adjective) ‫ بدنظمی کی حالت‬،‫افراتفری‬

in a state of complete confusion and disorder.

Example: “the political situation was chaotic”
Synonyms: disorderly, disordered, in disorder, in chaos, in disarray, disorganized, topsy-turvy,
Antonyms: orderly

Lackadaisical (adjective) ‫ سست‬،‫ کمی‬،‫مصنوعی نزاکت کا‬

lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.

Example: “a lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in the second half”
Synonyms: careless, lazy, lax, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, uninterested, lukewarm, indifferent,
Antonyms: enthusiastic, excited
Beleaguer (verb) ‫ محاصر ہ کرنا‬،‫ تنگ کرنا‬، ‫چھیڑنا‬

lay siege to.

Example: “he led a relief force to the aid of the beleaguered city”
Synonyms: besieged, under siege, blockaded, surrounded, encircled, hemmed in, under attack

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning August 26, 2019

 Stultify (verb) ‫بنانا خیز مضحکہ‬، ‫بنانا بیوقوف‬
 Furious (adjective) ‫مشتعل‬، ‫غضبناک‬، ‫برہم‬
 Restraint (noun) ‫تحمل‬، ‫شدہ ضبط‬، ‫پابندی‬
 Intensify (verb) ‫کرنا تیز‬، ‫کرنا اختیار شدت‬، ‫کرنا اضافہ‬
 Quiescent (adjective) ‫پرسکون‬، ‫سکوت‬، ‫خاموش‬، ‫ساکت‬
 Grapple (verb) ‫کشتی‬، ‫گرفت‬، ‫کرنا پائی ہاتھا‬
 Lethargy (noun) ‫سستی‬، ‫کاہل‬، ‫بیہوشی‬، ‫نیند طویل‬
 Repellent (adjective) ‫ناگوار سخت‬، ‫انگیز نفرت‬
 Ramification (noun) ‫افزائش‬، ‫شاخ در شاخ‬، ‫تقسیم‬
 Presage (verb) ‫شگون‬، ‫فال‬، ‫آگاہی پیشگی‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

August 26, 2019

Stultify (verb) ‫ بیوقوف بنانا‬،‫مضحکہ خیز بنانا‬

cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.
Example: “the stultifying conformity of provincial life”

Synonyms: hamper, impede, obstruct, thwart, frustrate, foil, suppress, smother, repress
Antonyms: excite

Furious (adjective) ‫ برہم‬،‫ غضبناک‬،‫مشتعل‬

extremely angry.
Example: “he was furious when he learned about it”
Synonyms: enraged, raging, infuriated, very angry, inflamed, incandescent, fuming, boiling,
Antonyms: calm, placid

Restraint (noun) ‫ پابندی‬،‫ ضبط شدہ‬،‫تحمل‬

deprivation or restriction of personal liberty or freedom of movement.

Example: “he remained aggressive and required physical restraint”
Synonyms: constraint, check, control, restriction, limitation, curtailment; rein, bridle, brake,
Antonyms: incitement

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Intensify (verb) ‫ اضافہ کرنا‬،‫ شدت اختیار کرنا‬،‫تیز کرنا‬

become or make more intense.

Example: “the dispute began to intensify”
Synonyms: escalate, step up, boost, increase, raise, sharpen, strengthen, augment, add to
Antonyms: lessen, abate

Quiescent (adjective) ‫ ساکت‬،‫ خاموش‬،‫ سکوت‬،‫پرسکون‬

in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy.

Example: “strikes were headed by groups of workers who had previously been quiescent”
Synonyms: inactive, inert, latent, fallow, passive, idle, at rest, inoperative, deactivated, in
Antonyms: active

Grapple (verb) ‫ ہاتھا پائی کرنا‬،‫ گرفت‬،‫کشتی‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”
Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle; brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle; close, engage
Antonyms: let go of, release
Lethargy (noun) ‫ طویل نیند‬،‫ بیہوشی‬،‫ کاہل‬،‫سستی‬

a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: “there was an air of lethargy about him”
Synonyms: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, torpidity, lifelessness,
Antonyms: vigour, energy, animation

Repellent (adjective) ‫ نفرت انگیز‬،‫سخت ناگوار‬

causing disgust or distaste.

Example: “the idea was slightly repellent to her”
Synonyms: revolting, repulsive, disgusting, repugnant, sickening, nauseating, stomach-turning,
Antonyms: delightful, lovely

Ramification (noun) ‫ تقسیم‬،‫ شاخ در شاخ‬،‫افزائش‬

a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.

Example: “any change is bound to have legal ramifications”
Synonyms: consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect, upshot, issue, sequel; complication,
Antonyms: consideration, determinant, factor

Presage (verb) ‫ پیشگی آگاہی‬،‫ فال‬،‫شگون‬

be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one).

Example: “the heavy clouds above the moorland presaged snow”

Synonyms: portend, augur, foreshadow, foretell, prophesy, be an omen of, herald, be a sign of,
Antonyms: describe, narrate, recite, recount

Proficient (adjective) ‫ الئق‬،‫ قابل‬،‫ماہر‬

competent or skilled in doing or using something.

Example: “I was proficient at my job”
Synonyms: skilled, skilful, expert, accomplished, experienced, practised, trained, seasoned,
Antonyms: inept, inexpert, incompetent
Adequate (adjective) ‫ معقول‬،‫کافی‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Belligerent (adjective) ‫ شریک جنگ‬،‫ جنگ آور‬،‫لڑاکا‬

hostile and aggressive.

Example: “the mood at the meeting was belligerent”
Synonyms: hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacious, bellicose, truculent,
Antonyms: friendly, peaceable

Scruple (noun) ‫چند رتیوں کا وزن‬

hesitate or be reluctant to do something that one thinks may be wrong.

Example: “she doesn’t scruple to ask her parents for money”
Synonyms: hesitate, be reluctant, be loath, have qualms about, have scruples about, have
misgivings about,
Antonyms: jump at the chance

Atrocity (noun) ‫ سنگدلی‬،‫ظلم‬

an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
Example: “a textbook which detailed war atrocities”
Synonyms: act of barbarity, act of brutality, act of savagery, act of wickedness, cruelty,
Antonyms: agreeableness, delightfulness, pleasantness,

Coherent (adjective) ‫ ربط کے ساتھ‬،‫ جڑا ہوا‬،‫ تسلسل‬،‫مربوط‬

(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.

Example: “they failed to develop a coherent economic strategy”
Synonyms: logical, reasoned, reasonable, well reasoned, rational, sound, cogent;
Antonyms: incoherent, muddled

Barbarity (noun) ‫ غیر مہذب‬،‫بربریت‬

extreme cruelty or brutality.

Example: “the barbarity of the act outraged millions”
Synonyms: brutality, brutalism, cruelty, bestiality, barbarism, barbarousness, savagery,
Antonyms: benevolence, civilization

Presumably (adverb) ‫ مان لینے کے طور پر‬،‫ قیاس کی بنیاد پر‬،‫شاید‬

used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain.
Example: “it was not yet ten o’clock, so presumably the boys were still at the pub”
Synonyms: assume, expect, believe, imagine, dare say, would have thought, doubtless,
undoubtedly, no doubt, pparently, seemingly
Antonyms: implausibly, impossibly, improbably

Usurp (verb) ‫ قبضہ کرنا‬،‫غصب کرنا‬

take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

Example: “Richard usurped the throne”
Synonyms: seize, take over, expropriate, take possession of, take, appropriate, steal, wrest,

Contemplate (verb) ‫ نیت کرنا‬،‫غور و فکر‬

look thoughtfully for a long time at.

Example: “he contemplated his image in the mirrors”
Synonyms: look at, view, regard, examine, inspect, observe, survey, study, scrutinize, scan, stare
Antonyms: ignore, overlook, waive, abandon

Stagnate (verb) ‫ مستحکم‬،‫ بے حرکت‬،‫جمود‬

cease developing; become inactive or dull.

Example: “teaching can easily stagnate into a set of routines”
Synonyms: become stagnant, do nothing, stand still, be sluggish, lie dormant, be inert, languish
Antonyms: rise, boom

Curtailment (noun)‫ کمی کرنا‬،‫ تخفیف‬،‫ کانٹ چھانٹ‬،‫گھٹاﺅ‬

the action or fact of reducing or restricting something.

Example: “the curtailment of human rights”
Synonyms: reduction, cut, cutback, decrease, lessening, diminution, retrenchment, shrinkage;
Antonyms: increase, expansion

Accumulate (verb) ‫بٹورنا‬،‫ جمع کرنا‬،‫ بڑھاوا‬،‫اضافہ‬

gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

Example: “investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence”
Synonyms: gather, collect, assemble; amass, stockpile, pile up, heap up, rack up, run up,
Antonyms: dissipate

Incessantly (adverb) ً ‫ دائما‬،‫ متواتر‬،‫لگاتار‬

without interruption; constantly.

Example: “she talked about him incessantly”
Synonyms: constantly, continually, all the time, non-stop, without stopping, without a break
Antonyms: occasionally

Eschew (verb) ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫باز رہنا‬

deliberately avoid using; abstain from.

Example: “he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence”
Synonyms: abstain from, refrain from, give up, forgo, forswear, shun, renounce, swear off,
Antonyms: indulge in
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Foresight (noun) ‫ دوربینی‬،‫ احتیاط‬،‫دور اندیشی‬

the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future.

Example: “he had the foresight to check that his escape route was clear”
Synonyms: forethought, anticipation, planning, forward planning, provision, prescience
Antonyms: hindsight

Emphasize (verb) ‫ زور دینا‬،‫کسی خاص لفظ پر زور دینا‬

give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing.

Example: “they emphasize the need for daily, one-to-one contact between parent and child”
Synonyms: bring/call/draw attention to, focus attention on, highlight, point up, spotlight,
Antonyms: understate, play down

Resentment (noun) ‫ ناراضگی‬،‫ برا ماننا‬،‫ حسد‬،‫تعصب‬

bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

Example: “his resentment at being demoted”
Synonyms: bitterness, indignation, irritation, pique, displeasure, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement
Antonyms: contentment, happiness

Abet (verb) ‫ جرم یا مجرم کی معاونت کرنا‬،‫مجرم کی مدد کرنا‬

encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular to commit a crime.

Example: “he was not guilty of murder but was guilty of aiding and abetting others”

Synonyms: assist, aid, help, lend a hand, support, back, encourage; cooperate with, collaborate with
Antonyms: hinder

Outcry (noun) ‫ چالہٹ‬،‫ فریاد‬،‫چیخ‬

an exclamation or shout.
Example: “an outcry of spontaneous passion”
Synonyms: shout, exclamation, cry, yell, howl, whoop, roar, scream, shriek, screech;
Antonyms: indifference

Denounce (verb) ‫ مذمت کرنا‬،‫کھلم کھال الزام دینا‬

publicly declare to be wrong or evil.

Example: “the Assembly denounced the use of violence”
Synonyms: condemn, criticize, attack, censure, castigate, decry, revile, vilify, besmirch,
Antonyms: praise

Brazen (adjective) ‫ بے حیا‬،‫ ڈھیٹ‬،‫ڈھٹائی‬

bold and without shame.

Example: “he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance”
Synonyms: bold, shameless, as bold as brass, brazen-faced, forward, presumptuous, brash,
Antonyms: timid, shy

Betrayal (noun) ‫ دغا کرنا‬،‫ بے وفائی‬،‫دھوکہ دہی‬

the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery.

Example: “the betrayal by the king by his daughter”
Synonyms: disloyalty, treachery, perfidy, perfidiousness, bad faith, faithlessness, falseness
Antonyms: loyalty, faithfulness

Disburse (verb) ‫ خرچ کرنا‬،‫ ادائیگی‬،‫بانٹنا‬

pay out (money from a fund).

Example: “$67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed”
Synonyms: pay out, lay out, spend, expend, dole out, hand out, part with, donate, give
Antonyms: claim

Indigenous (adjective) ‫ ملکی‬،‫ فطری عالقہ رکھنے واال‬،‫دیسی‬

originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
Example: “the indigenous peoples of Siberia”
Synonyms: native, aboriginal, local; original, earliest, first, initial; ancient, primeval,
Antonyms: expatriate, migrant, adventitious

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Adequate (adjective) ‫ پورے طور پر‬،‫ کافی‬،‫موزوں‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Disproportionate (adjective) ‫ ناموزوں‬،‫ ناموافق‬،‫غیر متناسب‬

too large or too small in comparison with something else.

Example: “people on lower incomes spend a disproportionate amount of their income on fuel”
Synonyms: out of proportion to, not in proportion to, not appropriate to, not commensurate with
Antonyms: proportional

Coercion (noun) ‫ زور‬، ‫ دباﺅ‬،‫جبر‬

the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enforcement, harassment,
Antonyms: persuasion

Entangle (verb) ‫ مشکالت میں پھنسانا‬،‫کسی پیچیدہ چیز یا معاملے میں الجھا ہوا‬

cause to become twisted together with or caught in.

Example: “fish attempt to swim through the mesh and become entangled”

Synonyms: intertwine, entwine, tangle, intertwist, twist, ravel, snarl, knot, coil, mat, jumble,
Antonyms: disentangle, release
Vicious (adjective) ‫ بدکار ایام‬،‫ فاسق‬،‫شیطانی‬

deliberately cruel or violent.

Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless,
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Shoddy (adjective) ‫مصنوعی‬،‫ بھدا‬،‫ناقص‬

badly made or done.

Example: “we’re not paying good money for shoddy goods”
Synonyms: poor-quality, inferior, second-rate, third-rate, low-grade, cheap, cheapjack, tawdry,
Antonyms: well made, careful

Leaden (adjective) ‫ بوجھل‬،‫بہت بھاری‬

dull, heavy, or slow

Example: “his eyelids were leaden with sleep”
Synonyms: dull, heavy, weighty; listless, lifeless, inactive, inert
Antonyms: light, springy

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬،‫بڑھ جانا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound; intensify, increase, heighten,
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Expeditious (adjective) ‫ تیز رو‬،‫ تیز‬،‫پھرتیال‬

done with speed and efficiency.

Example: “an expeditious investigation”
Synonyms: speedy, swift, quick, rapid, fast; prompt, punctual, immediate, instant, sudden; high-
Antonyms: slow

Inadvertently (adverb) ‫ انجانے سے‬،‫ بھولے سے‬،‫نادانستہ طور پر‬

without intention; accidentally.

Example: “his name had been inadvertently omitted from the list”
Synonyms: accidentally, by accident, unintentionally, unwittingly; unawares, without noticing
Antonyms: deliberately

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Distort (verb) ‫ مسخ کرنا‬،‫ غلط بیان‬،‫توڑا مروڑا ہوا‬

pull or twist out of shape.

Example: “a grimace distorted her mouth”
Synonyms: twist, warp, contort, bend, buckle, deform, malform, misshape, disfigure;
Antonyms: straight

Sordid (adjective) ‫ بدعنوان‬،‫ گھٹیا‬،‫سخت‬

involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.
Example: “the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams”
Synonyms: sleazy, seedy, seamy, unsavoury, shoddy, vile, foul, tawdry, louche, cheap, base, low
Antonyms: high-minded, respectable

Hardened (adjective) ‫ بے حس‬،‫سخت کیا ہوا‬

strengthened or made secure against attack, especially by nuclear weapons.

Example: “the silos are hardened against air attack”
Synonyms: strengthened, fortified, reinforced, toughened, thickened, fortress-like; literarygirded
Antonyms: unfortified

Pernicious (adjective) ‫ تباہ کن‬،‫ فاسد‬،‫ مضر‬،‫نقصان دہ‬

having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Example: “the pernicious influences of the mass media”

Synonyms: harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious, hurtful, detrimental, deleterious, dangerous

Antonyms: beneficial, benign, favourable

Precarious (adjective) ‫ مشتبہ‬،‫خطرناک‬

not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

Example: “a precarious ladder”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risky,
Antonyms: safe, secure

Resonant (adjective) ‫ گمک‬،‫گونج دار‬

(of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or reverberate.

Example: “a full-throated and resonant guffaw”
Synonyms: deep, low, sonorous, full, full-bodied, vibrant, rich, clear, ringing, orotund
Antonyms: faint, thin, weak

Blatant (adjective) ‫ غل غپاڑہ کرنیواال‬،‫ اودھم مچانے واال‬،‫گستاخ‬

(of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.

Example: “blatant lies”
Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised, unconcealed, overt, open, transparent, patent
Antonyms: inconspicuous, subtle

Odious (adjective) ‫ برا‬،‫ نفرت انگیز‬،‫بدصورت‬

extremely unpleasant; repulsive.

Example: “a pretty odious character”
Synonyms: revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, disgusting, offensive, objectionable, vile,
Antonyms: delightful, pleasant, agreeable, charming

Impunity (noun) ‫ سزا سے چھٹکارا‬،‫استثنی‬

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.
Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”
Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment
Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Reveal (verb) ‫ فاش کرنا‬،‫ ظاہر کرنا‬،‫ نمایاں‬،‫افشا کرنا‬

make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others.

Example: “Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie’s whereabouts”
Synonyms: divulge, disclose, tell, let out, let slip, let drop, let fall, give away, give the
Antonyms: hide, conceal

Sordid (adjective) ‫ گندا‬،‫ کمینہ‬،‫ بدعنوان‬،‫گھٹیا‬

involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.
Example: “the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams”
Synonyms: sleazy, seedy, seamy, unsavoury, shoddy, vile, foul, tawdry, louche, cheap, base, low
Antonyms: high-minded, respectable

Vigilant (adjective) ‫ چوکس‬،‫ ہوشیار‬،‫چوکنا‬

keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

Example: “the burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbours”
Synonyms: watchful, on the lookout, observant, sharp-eyed, keen-eyed, gimlet-eyed, eagle-eyed
Antonyms: negligent, inattentive

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Noxious (adjective) ‫ موذی‬،‫ مضر‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬

harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.

Example: “they were overcome by the noxious fumes”
Synonyms: poisonous, toxic, deadly, virulent; harmful, dangerous, pernicious, damaging
Antonyms: innocuous, safe, pleasant

Apathy (noun) ‫ مردہ دلی‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Example: “widespread apathy among students”
Synonyms: indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion

Lucrative (adjective) ‫ دولت خیز‬،‫ سود مند‬،‫نفع بخش‬

producing a great deal of profit.

Example: “a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian”
Synonyms: profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, high-income
Antonyms: unprofitable

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning September 02, 2019

 Steep (adjective) ‫ڈھلوان‬، ‫نامناسب‬
 Herculean (adjective) ‫آزما صبر‬، ‫طاقتور بہت‬
 Clamour (noun) ‫شور‬، ‫آواز عوامی‬
 Intensification (noun) ‫شدت‬، ‫کرنا تیز‬
 Disquiet (noun) ‫تکلیف‬، ‫کرنا آرام بے‬
 Prudent (adjective) ‫محتاط‬، ‫دانا‬، ‫سیانا‬، ‫ہوشیار‬
 Imprudent (adjective) ‫باطل‬، ‫تمیز بے‬، ‫بےوقوف‬
 Slumber (verb) ‫نیند‬، ‫سونا‬
 Callous (adjective) ‫سنگدل‬، ‫درد بے‬، ‫سخت‬
 Confinement (noun) ‫قید‬، ‫پابندی‬، ‫محدود‬
 Check Our Complete collection for Daily Dawn News Vocabulary
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

September 02, 2019
Steep (adjective) ‫ نامناسب‬،‫ڈھلوان‬

(of a slope, flight of stairs, or angle) rising or falling sharply; almost perpendicular.
Example: “she pushed the bike up the steep hill”
Synonyms: precipitous, sheer, abrupt, sharp, perpendicular, vertical, bluff, vertiginous, dizzy
Antonyms: gentle, gradual

Herculean (adjective) ‫ بہت طاقتور‬،‫صبر آزما‬

requiring great strength or effort.

Example: “a Herculean task”
Synonyms: arduous, gruelling, laborious, back-breaking, onerous, strenuous, difficult,
Antonyms: easy, puny

Clamour (noun) ‫ عوامی آواز‬،‫شور‬

a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.

Example: “the questions rose to a clamour”
Synonyms: din, racket, loud noise, uproar, tumult, babel, shouting, yelling, screaming, baying
Antonyms: silence

Intensification (noun) ‫ تیز کرنا‬،‫شدت‬

the action of making or becoming more intense.

Example: “the intensification of the conflict”
Synonyms: escalation, stepping up, boosting, increase, pickup, build-up, sharpening,
Antonyms: abatement

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Disquiet (noun) ‫ بے آرام کرنا‬،‫تکلیف‬

a feeling of worry or unease.

Example: “public disquiet about animal testing”
Synonyms: unease, uneasiness, worry, anxiety, anxiousness, distress, concern
Antonyms: calm

Prudent (adjective) ‫ ہوشیار‬،‫ سیانا‬،‫ دانا‬،‫محتاط‬

acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Example: “no prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its
Synonyms: ise, well judged, judicious, sagacious, sage, shrewd, advisable, well advised, politic
Antonyms: unwise, imprudent, incautious, extravagant

Imprudent (adjective) ‫ بےوقوف‬،‫ بے تمیز‬،‫باطل‬

not showing care for the consequences of an action; rash.

Example: “it would be imprudent to leave her winter coat behind”
Synonyms: unwise, injudicious, incautious, unwary; ill-considered, ill-judged, ill-conceived
Antonyms: prudent, sensible

Slumber (verb) ‫ سونا‬،‫نیند‬

“Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle”

Example: “scaring folk from their slumbers”
Synonyms: sleep, be asleep, doze, rest, take a siesta, nap, take a nap, catnap, drowse
Antonyms: wake up

Callous (adjective) ‫ سخت‬،‫ بے درد‬،‫سنگدل‬

showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.

Example: “his callous comments about the murder made me shiver”
Synonyms: heartless, unfeeling, uncaring, cold, cold-hearted, hard, as hard as nails, hard-hearted
Antonyms: kind, compassionate
Confinement (noun) ‫ محدود‬،‫ پابندی‬،‫قید‬

the action of confining or state of being confined.

Example: “he was immediately released from his confinement”

Synonyms: imprisonment, internment, incarceration, custody, captivity, detention, restraint, arrest

Antonyms: liberty

Virtue (noun) ‫ اخالقی امتیاز‬،‫ نیکی‬،‫ جوہر‬،‫فضیلت‬

behaviour showing high moral standards.

Example: “paragons of virtue”
Synonyms: goodness, virtuousness, righteousness, morality, ethicalness, uprightness,
Antonyms: vice, iniquity

Forebear (noun) ‫ اصالف‬،‫آباﺅاجداد‬

an ancestor.
Example: “generations of his forebears had lived in London”
Synonyms: ancestor, forefather, predecessor, progenitor, father, grandfather, parent, grandparent
Antonyms: descendant

Colossal (adjective) ‫ شاندار‬،‫ بھاری‬،‫دیوہیکل‬

extremely large or great.

Example: “a colossal amount of mail”
Synonyms: huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large, great, giant, mammoth
Antonyms: tiny

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫آفت‬،‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫تباہ کن‬

extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.

Example: “catastrophic mismanagement of the economy”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible,
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Inhumane (adjective) ‫ ظالم‬،‫ بے رحم‬،‫غیر انسانی‬

without compassion for misery or suffering; cruel.

Example: “confining wild horses is inhumane”
Synonyms: cruel, harsh, brutal, callous, sadistic, severe, savage, vicious, barbaric, barbarous
Antonyms: humane, compassionate

Contentious (adjective) ‫ جھگڑالو‬،‫متنازعہ‬

causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.

Example: “a contentious issue”
Synonyms: controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, contended, open to question/debate
Antonyms: uncontroversial

Alienate (verb) ‫ بددلی پیدا کرنا‬،‫ انتقال ملکیت‬،‫اجنبی‬

make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Example: “an urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants”
Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, isolate, detach, distance
Antonyms: unite

Incumbent (adjective) ‫ موجودہ‬،‫ سرکاری مالزم‬،‫عہدہ دار‬

necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Example: “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”
Synonyms: binding, obligatory, mandatory, necessary, compulsory, required, requisite
Antonyms: optional

Mitigate (verb) ‫ کمی کرنا‬،‫تخفیف کرنا‬

make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”
Synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off
Antonyms: aggravate, increase, intensify

Catastrophe (noun) ‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫ آفت‬،‫تباہی‬

an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

Example: “an environmental catastrophe”
Synonyms: disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust, ruin, ruination, tragedy, blow
Antonyms: salvation, godsend

Unabashed (adjective) ‫ غیر معجوب‬،‫ بے باک‬،‫بے شک‬

not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.

Example: “he was unabashed by the furore his words provoked”
Synonyms: unashamed, shameless, unembarrassed, brazen, audacious, barefaced, blatant,
Antonyms: ashamed, sheepish

Warmonger (noun) ‫ ایسا شخص جو جنگ کرنے کی خواہش رکھتا ہو‬،‫جنگجو‬

a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups.

Example: “a trigger-happy warmonger”
Synonyms: militarist, hawk, jingoist, sabre-rattler, aggressor, provoker, belligerent
Antonyms: pacifist

Grandiose (adjective) ‫ وسیع و عریض‬،‫ٹھاٹھ باٹھ‬

impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so.

Example: “the court’s grandiose facade”
Synonyms: magnificent, impressive, grand, imposing, awe-inspiring, splendid, resplendent,
Antonyms: unimpressive, humble, modest, humble

Bellicose (adjective) ‫ جھگڑالو‬،‫ لڑاکو‬،‫پھڈے باز‬

demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
Example: “a mood of bellicose jingoism”
Synonyms: belligerent, aggressive, hostile, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacious, truculent
Antonyms: peaceable

Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫ سرگرمی‬،‫ پرولولہ‬،‫پرجوش‬

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “he could be wildly enthusiastic about a project”
Synonyms: eager, keen, avid, ardent, fervent, warm, passionate, zealous, lively, vivacious,
Antonyms: apathetic

Differ (verb) ‫ الگ ہونا‬،‫مختلف ہونا‬

be unlike or dissimilar.
Example: “the second set of data differed from the first”
Synonyms: vary, be different, be unlike, be dissimilar, be distinguishable, diverge More
Antonyms: coincide, resemble

Sickening (adjective) ‫بیمارکردینے واال‬

causing or liable to cause a feeling of nausea or disgust.

Example: “a sickening stench of blood”
Synonyms: nauseating, stomach-turning, stomach-churning, repulsive, revolting, disgusting
Antonyms: wholesome, delightful

Succumb (verb) ‫مطیع‬،‫ مغلوب ہو جانا‬،‫شکست مان لینا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in
Antonyms: resist, conquer

Cruelty (noun) ‫ ظلم‬،‫بے رحمی‬

cruel behaviour or attitudes.
Example: “he has treated her with extreme cruelty”
Synonyms: brutality, savagery, savageness, inhumanity, barbarism, barbarousness, brutishness
Antonyms: compassion, mercy

Impunity (noun) ‫ سزا سے چھٹکارا‬،‫استثنی‬

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.
Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”

Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment

Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Vigorous (adjective) ‫ ہٹا کٹا‬،‫ طاقت سے‬،‫بھر پور‬

strong, healthy, and full of energy.

Example: “a tall, vigorous, and muscular man”
Synonyms: robust, healthy, in good health, hale and hearty, strong, strong as an ox/horse/lion
Antonyms: frail, weak

Paltry (adjective) ‫ادنی‬

ٰ ،‫حقیر‬
(of an amount) very small or meagre.
Example: “she would earn a paltry rs 3000 more a month”
Synonyms: small, meagre, trifling, insignificant, negligible, inadequate, insufficient, scant,
Antonyms: considerable, substantial

Impetus (noun) ‫ رفتار کا زور‬،‫ قوت‬،‫محرک‬

the force or energy with which a body moves.

Example: “hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses all its impetus”
Synonyms: momentum, propulsion, impulsion, impelling force, motive force, driving force
Antonyms: counterincentive, disincentive
Persuade (noun) ‫ مائل کرنا‬،‫ راضی کرنا‬،‫ قائل کرنا‬،‫اکسانا‬

induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Example: “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”
Synonyms: prevail on, talk someone into, coax, convince, make, get, press someone into, induce
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter

Broaden (verb) ‫ چوڑا ہونا‬،‫ وسیع کرنا‬،‫پھیالنا‬

become larger in distance from side to side; widen.

Example: “her smile broadened”
Synonyms: widen, become/make broader, become/make wider, expand, fill out, stretch (out)
Antonyms: narrow, diminish

Scourge (noun) ‫ سزا دینا‬،‫ چابک‬،‫کوڑے مارنا‬

a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.

Example: “the scourge of mass unemployment”
Synonyms: affliction, bane, curse, plague, menace, evil, misfortune, burden, cross to bear
Antonyms: blessing, godsend

Vengeance (noun) ‫ بدلہ‬،‫انتقام‬

punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

Example: “voters are ready to wreak vengeance on all politicians”
Synonyms: revenge, avengement, retribution, retributive justice, retaliation, requital
Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon, condonation, amnesty

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ شدیدتر کرنا‬،‫ بگاڑنا‬،‫بڑھ جانا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound; intensify, increase, heighten
Antonyms: calm, reduce
Proliferation (noun) ‫پھیالﺅ‬

rapid reproduction of a cell, part, or organism.

Example: “we attempted to measure cell proliferation”
Synonyms: rapid increase, growth, multiplication, spread, escalation, expansion, build-up
Antonyms: decrease

Underlie (verb) ‫ سہنا‬، ‫جھیلنا‬

be the cause or basis of (something).

Example: “the fundamental issue which underlies the conflict”
Synonyms: fundamental, basic, basal, primary, prime, first, cardinal, central, principal, chief
Antonyms: subordinate

Strenuous (adjective) ‫ محنت طلب‬،‫ سرگرمی سے‬،‫سخت محنتی‬

requiring or using great effort or exertion.

Example: “the government made strenuous efforts to upgrade the quality of the teaching
Synonyms: arduous, difficult, hard, tough, taxing, demanding, exacting, uphill, stiff, formidable,
Antonyms: easy, effortless, half-hearted, feeble

Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫ سرگرمی‬،‫ پرولولہ‬،‫پرجوش‬

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “he could be wildly enthusiastic about a project”
Synonyms: eager, keen, avid, ardent, fervent, warm, passionate, zealous, lively, vivacious,
Antonyms: apathetic

Muster (verb) ‫ فوجی دستوں کا ایک جگہ جمع ہونا‬،‫اکٹھے ہونا‬

assemble (troops), especially for inspection or in preparation for battle.
Example: “17,000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill”
Synonyms: assemble, bring together, call together, marshal, mobilize, rally, round up, raise
Antonyms: disperse

Mushroom (verb) ‫ پھیلنا‬،‫تیزی سے بڑھنا‬

increase, spread, or develop rapidly.

Example: “environmental concern mushroomed in the 1960s”
Synonyms: proliferate, grow/develop rapidly, burgeon, spread, increase, expand, spring up,
Antonyms: contract, fail

Stubborn (adjective) ‫ہٹ دھرم‬،‫ کڑا‬،‫ ڈھیٹ‬،‫ضدی‬

having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something,
especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
Example: “a stubborn refusal to learn from experience”
Synonyms: obstinate, stubborn as a mule, mulish, headstrong, wilful, strong-willed, self-willed
Antonyms: compliant, docile

Enormous (adjective) ‫بے پناہ‬،‫ غیر معمولی‬،‫بہت زیادہ‬

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Example: “enormous sums of money”
Synonyms: huge, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide; boundless, immeasurable, limitless
Antonyms: tiny

Pristine (adjective) ‫ پرانا‬،‫ اصلی‬،‫قدیم‬

in its original condition; unspoilt.

Example: “pristine copies of an early magazine”
Synonyms: immaculate, in perfect condition, perfect, in mint condition, as new, unspoiled
Antonyms: dirty, sullied

Ancient (adjective) ‫بہت پرانا‬،‫قدیم‬،

belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.
Example: “the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean”
Synonyms: of long ago, earliest, first, early, past, former, bygone; prehistoric, primeval
Antonyms: recent, contemporary

Robust (adjective) ‫صحتمند‬،‫ طاقتور‬،‫مضبوط‬

strong and healthy; vigorous.

Example: “the Caplan family are a robust lot”
Synonyms: strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful, powerfully built, solidly built
Antonyms: weak, frail

Deteriorate (verb) ‫ خاصیت بگڑ جانا‬،‫بگاڑنا‬

become progressively worse.

Example: “relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply”
Synonyms: worsen, get worse, decline, be in decline, degenerate, decay; collapse, fail, fall, drop
Antonyms: improve

Effectual (adjective) ‫ زور اثر‬،‫نتیجہ خیز‬

(of something inanimate or abstract) successful in producing a desired or intended result;

Example: “tobacco smoke is the most effectual protection against the midge”
Synonyms: effective, successful, efficacious, productive, constructive, fruitful, potent, powerful
Antonyms: ineffectual

Destructive (adjective) ‫ برباد کرنےواال‬،‫ تباہی‬،‫تباہ کن‬

causing great and irreparable damage.

Example: “the destructive power of weapons”
Synonyms: devastating, ruinous, disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic
Antonyms: non-violent, creative

Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ من مانے طور پر‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic, unpredictable, inconsistent
Antonyms: rational, reasoned

Legitimate (adjective) ‫ شرعی‬،‫ قانونی‬،‫جائز‬

conforming to the law or to rules.

Example: “his claims to legitimate authority”
Synonyms: legal, lawful, licit, legalized, authorized, permitted, permissible, allowable
Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate

Persuade (verb) ‫ اکسانا‬،‫ راغب کرنا‬،‫ راضی کرنا‬،‫قائل کرنا‬

induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Example: “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”
Synonyms: prevail on, talk someone into, coax, convince, make, get, press someone into, induce
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter

Qualm (noun) ‫ بہتر طبیعت محسوس نہ ہونا‬،‫ دقتی‬،‫پستی‬

an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear, especially about one’s own conduct; a misgiving.
Example: “military regimes generally have no qualms about controlling the press”
Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation, second thought, worry, concern, anxiety
Antonyms: confidence

Adversary (noun) ‫ حریف‬،‫ رقیب‬،‫مخالف‬

one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute.

Example: “Hamza beat his old adversary in the quarter-finals”
Synonyms: opponent, rival, enemy, foe, nemesis, antagonist, combatant, challenger, contender
Antonyms: ally, supporter
Constraint (noun) ‫ زبردستی‬،‫ پابندی‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

a limitation or restriction.
Example: *”time constraints make it impossible to do everything”
Synonyms: restriction, limitation, curb, check, restraint, control, curtailment, damper, rein
Antonyms: openness

Intensify (verb) ‫ بڑھانا‬،‫ زیادتی کرنا‬،‫شدت اختیار کرنا‬

become or make more intense.

Example: “the dispute began to intensify”
Synonyms: escalate, step up, boost, increase, raise, sharpen, strengthen, augment
Antonyms: lessen, abate

Influential (adjective) ‫ طاقت‬،‫اثر و رسوخ‬

having great influence on someone or something.

Example: “her work is influential in feminist psychology”
Synonyms: powerful, authoritative, dominant, controlling, strong; important
Antonyms: unimportant, insignificant

Brutal (adjective) ‫ بے رحم‬،‫ وحشیانہ‬،‫ظالمانہ‬

savagely violent.
Example: “a brutal murder”
Synonyms: savage, cruel, bloodthirsty, vicious, ferocious, barbaric, barbarous, wicked,
Antonyms: gentle, humane

Impunity (noun) ‫استثنی‬

ٰ ،‫سزا سے چھٹکارا‬

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”
Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment,
Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Woeful (adjective) ‫ المناک‬،‫افسوسناک‬

characterized by, expressive of, or causing sorrow or misery.

Example: “her face was woeful”
Synonyms: sad, unhappy, miserable, woebegone, doleful, forlorn, crestfallen, glum, gloomy
Antonyms: happy, cheerful, uplifting

Reckless (adjective) ‫ عاقبت نااندیش‬،‫ غافل‬،‫الپرواہی‬

heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash or impetuous.

Example: “you mustn’t be so reckless”
Synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless, incautious, heedless, unheeding, inattentive, hasty
Antonyms: careful, cautious, prudent

Opprobrium (noun) ‫ تحقیر‬،‫ بدنامی‬،‫ ذلت‬،‫رسوائی‬

harsh criticism or censure.

Example: “the critical opprobrium generated by his films”
Synonyms: vilification, abuse, vituperation, condemnation, criticism, censure, castigation
Antonyms: praise, honour

Ominous (adjective) ‫ بدشگونی واال‬،‫ بدنما‬،‫نحس‬

giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Example: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead”
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious,
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious

Feeble (adjective) ‫ ضعیف‬،‫ مدھم‬،‫کمزور‬

lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness.

Example: “by now, he was too feeble to leave his room”
Synonyms: weak, weakly, weakened, puny, wasted, frail, infirm, delicate, sickly, ailing, unwell,
Antonyms: strong, brave, forceful
Ignominy (noun) ‫ بدنامی‬،‫ رسوائی‬،‫حقارت‬

public shame or disgrace.

Example: “the ignominy of being imprisoned”
Synonyms: shame, humiliation, embarrassment, mortification; disgrace, dishonour, stigma
Antonyms: honour

Abrupt (adjective) ‫ ناگہانی طور پر‬،‫ غیر متوقع تبدیلی‬،‫اچانک‬

sudden and unexpected.

Example: “I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject”
Synonyms: sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried, hasty, quick, swift, rapid, speedy
Antonyms: gradual, unhurried

Reluctant (adjective) ‫ اڑیل‬،‫ ناراض مند‬، ‫ہچکچاہٹ‬

unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

Example: “today, many ordinary people are still reluctant to talk about politics”
Synonyms: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, grudging, resistant, resisting, opposed
Antonyms: willing, eager, ready

Deplete (verb) ‫ سخت کمی‬،‫ استعمال کرنا‬،‫ خرچ کرنا‬،‫ختم کرنے کے قابل‬

use up the supply or resources of.

Example: “reservoirs have been depleted by years of drought”
Synonyms: exhaust, use up, consume, expend, spend, drain, empty, sap, milk, suck dry
Antonyms: augment, increase

Tumult (noun) ‫ شور‬،‫ دنگا‬،‫ہنگامہ‬

a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.

Example: “a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out”
Synonyms: din, loud noise, racket, uproar, commotion, ruckus, rumpus, hubbub, pandemonium
Antonyms: silence, peace, tranquillity
Lopsided (adjective) ‫ مڑا ہوا‬،‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناہموار‬

with one side lower or smaller than the other.

Example: “a lopsided grin”
Synonyms: asymmetrical, unsymmetrical, uneven, unevenly balanced, unbalanced, off-balance
Antonyms: even, level, balanced

Dissent (noun) ‫ ایک رائے نہ ہونا‬،‫اختالف رائے‬

the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “there was no dissent from this view”
Synonyms: disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute,
Antonyms: agreement, acceptance

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ شدید تر‬، ‫ بگاڑنا‬، ‫بڑھ جانا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound; intensify, increase,
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Acquiescence (noun) ‫ منظوری‬،‫ ماننا‬،‫واقفیت‬

the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.

Example: “in silent acquiescence, she rose to her feet”
Synonyms: consent, agreement, acceptance, accession, concurrence, approval, seal of approval
Antonyms: refusal

Wrangle (verb) ‫ مباحثہ‬،‫ تکرار کرنا‬،‫حجت کرنا‬

have a long, complicated dispute or argument.

Example: “the bureaucrats continue wrangling over the fine print”
Synonyms: argue, quarrel, row, have a row, bicker, squabble, have words, debate, disagree,
Antonyms: agree
Stagnant (adjective) ‫ سست‬،‫ بے حرکت‬،‫جمود‬

(of a body of water or the atmosphere of a confined space) having no current or flow and often
having an unpleasant smell as a consequence.
Example: “a stagnant ditch”
Synonyms: still, motionless, immobile, inert, lifeless, dead, standing, slack, static, stationary
Antonyms: flowing, running, fresh

Succumb (verb) ‫ مغلوب ہو جانا‬،‫ مطیع ہونا‬،‫شکت مان لینا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in; be overcome by
Antonyms: resist, conquer

Adequate (adjective) ‫ معقول‬،‫ موزوں‬، ‫مناسب‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Augur (verb) ‫ اشارہ کرنا‬،‫ نشاندہی کرنا‬،‫شگون بتانا‬

(of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome.

Example: “the end of the cold war seemed to augur well”

Synonyms: bode; portend, herald, be a sign of, be an indication of, be a warning of, warn of

Contraction (noun) ‫ تنگی‬،‫سکڑاﺅ‬

the process of becoming smaller.

Example: “the general contraction of the industry did further damage to morale”
Synonyms: shrinking, reduction in size, shrinkage; decline, decrease, diminution, dwindling
Antonyms: expansion, growth

Stagnant (adjective) ‫ مندی‬،‫ بے حرکت‬،‫جمود‬

(of a body of water or the atmosphere of a confined space) having no current or flow and often
having an unpleasant smell as a consequence.
Example: “a stagnant ditch”
Synonyms: still, motionless, immobile, inert, lifeless, dead, standing, slack, static, stationary
Antonyms: flowing, running, fresh

Fortunate (adjective) ‫ بخت آور‬،‫ کامیاب‬،‫خوش قسمت‬

favoured by or involving good luck; lucky.

Example: “she’d been fortunate to escape serious injury”
Synonyms: lucky, favoured, blessed, blessed with good luck, in luck, born with a silver spoon in
one’s mouth
Antonyms: unfortunate

Predecessor (noun) ‫ سابقہ‬،‫پیشرو‬

a person who held a job or office before the current holder.

Example: “the new President’s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor”
Synonyms: former/previous holder of the post, forerunner, precursor, antecedent
Antonyms: successor

Betray (verb) ‫ دغا کرنا‬،‫دھوکہ دینا‬

expose (one’s country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an

Example: “a double agent who betrayed some 400 British and French agents to the Germans”
Synonyms: break one’s promise to, be disloyal to, be unfaithful to, break faith with, play
someone false
Antonyms: be loyal to
Arrogate (verb) ‫ غرور‬،‫ ناجائز طور پر کسی چیز پر قبضہ کرنا‬،‫تکبر کرنا‬

take or claim (something) without justification.

Example: “they arrogate to themselves the ability to divine the nation’s true interests”
Synonyms: assume, take, take on, take over, secure, acquire, seize, expropriate, take possession
Antonyms: renounce

Reluctance (noun) ‫اڑیل‬،‫ ناراض مند‬،‫ہچکچاہٹ‬

unwillingness or disinclination to do something.

Example: “she sensed his reluctance to continue”
Synonyms: unwillingness, disinclination, lack of enthusiasm; hesitation, hesitance, hesitancy
Antonyms: willingness, eagerness

Arrogance (noun) ‫ غرور‬، ‫کبر‬

the quality of being arrogant.

Example: “the arrogance of this man is astounding”
Synonyms: haughtiness, conceit, hubris, self-importance, egotism, sense of superiority
Antonyms: humility, modesty

Vociferous (adjective) ‫ شور سے بھرپور‬،‫ اودھم مچانے واال‬،‫مخیر‬

expressing or characterized by vehement opinions; loud and forceful.

Example: “he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover”

Synonyms: vehement, outspoken, vocal, forthright, plain-spoken, frank, candid, open,

Antonyms: silent, quiet

Harsh (adjective) ‫ ناگوار‬،‫ تلخ‬،‫سخت‬

unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.

Example: “drenched in a harsh white neon light”
Synonyms: grating, jarring, grinding, rasping, raspy, strident, raucous, brassy, jangling, metallic
Antonyms: soft, dulcet, subdued
Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning September 16, 2019

 Repression (noun) ‫جبر‬، ‫سرکوبی‬، ‫بنانا فرمانبردار زبردستی‬
 Deplorable (adjective) ‫رحم قابل‬، ‫شرمناک‬،‫غمگین‬
 Obdurate (adjective) ‫ضدی‬، ‫تند‬، ‫سخت‬
 Burgeon (verb) ‫غنچہ‬، ‫کلی‬، ‫بڑھانا‬
 Susceptibility (noun) ‫حساسیت‬، ‫جذباتی‬، ‫پذیری اثر‬
 Affluent (adjective) ‫متمول‬، ‫امیر‬، ‫دولتمند‬
 Diminutive (adjective) ‫سا ذرا‬، ‫کم‬، ‫کوتاہ‬
 Permeable (adjective) ‫واال ہونے جذب‬، ‫واال کرنے سرایت‬
 Pedestrian (noun) ‫واال چلنے پیدل‬
 Minuscule (adjective) ‫چھوٹا بہت‬
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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

September 16, 2019

Repression (noun) ‫ زبردستی فرمانبردار بنانا‬،‫ سرکوبی‬،‫جبر‬

the action of subduing someone or something by force.

Example: “students sparked off events that ended in brutal repression”
Synonyms: suppression, quelling, quashing, subduing, crushing, squashing, stamping out
Antonyms: freedom, liberty

Deplorable (adjective) ‫شرمناک‬،‫ غمگین‬،‫قابل رحم‬

deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable.

Example: “children living in deplorable conditions”
Synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, dishonourable, disreputable, discreditable, unworthy, shabby
Antonyms: admirable, excellent

Obdurate (adjective) ‫ سخت‬،‫ تند‬،‫ضدی‬

stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action.
Example: “I argued this point with him, but he was obdurate”
Synonyms: stubborn, obstinate, unyielding, unbending, inflexible, intransigent, implacable
Antonyms: amenable, compliant, malleable, tractable

Burgeon (verb) ‫ بڑھانا‬،‫ کلی‬،‫غنچہ‬

begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.

Example: “manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand”
Synonyms: grow rapidly, increase rapidly/exponentially, expand, spring up, shoot up, swell
Antonyms: shrink

Susceptibility (noun) ‫ اثر پذیری‬،‫ جذباتی‬،‫حساسیت‬

the state or fact of being likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.
Example: “lack of exercise increases susceptibility to disease”
Synonyms: vulnerability, sensitivity, openness, defencelessness, receptiveness, responsiveness
Antonyms: immunity, resistance

Affluent (adjective) ‫ دولتمند‬،‫ امیر‬،‫متمول‬

(especially of a group or area) having a great deal of money; wealthy.

Example: “the affluent societies of the western world”
Synonyms: wealthy, rich, prosperous, opulent, well off, moneyed, cash rich, with deep pockets
Antonyms: poor, impoverished

Diminutive (adjective) ‫ کوتاہ‬،‫ کم‬،‫ذرا سا‬

extremely or unusually small.

Example: “a diminutive figure dressed in black”
Synonyms: tiny, small, little, petite, minute, miniature, mini, minuscule, microscopic,
Antonyms: enormous

Permeable (adjective) ‫ سرایت کرنے واال‬،‫جذب ہونے واال‬

(of a material or membrane) allowing liquids or gases to pass through it.
Example: “a frog’s skin is permeable to water”
Synonyms: porous, pervious, penetrable, spongy, absorbent, absorptive
Antonyms: impermeable, watertight

Pedestrian (noun) ‫پیدل چلنے واال‬

a person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle.

Example: “the road is so dangerous pedestrians avoid it”

Synonyms: walker, person on foot, hiker, rambler, stroller, wayfarer, footslogger; rarefoot traveller
Antonyms: driver

Minuscule (adjective) ‫بہت چھوٹا‬

extremely small; tiny.

Example: “a minuscule fragment of DNA”
Synonyms: tiny, minute, microscopic, nanoscopic, very small, little, micro, diminutive,
Antonyms: vast, huge

Wrangle (verb) ‫ حجت کرنا‬،‫ تکرار کرنا‬،‫بحث کرنا‬

have a long, complicated dispute or argument.

Example: “the bureaucrats continue wrangling over the fine print”
Synonyms: argue, quarrel, row, have a row, bicker, squabble, have words, debate,
Antonyms: agree

Emerge (verb) ‫ کھل جانا‬،‫ نکلنا‬،‫ابھرنا‬

move out of or away from something and become visible.

Example: “black ravens emerged from the fog”
Synonyms: come out, appear, come into view, become visible, make an appearance, turn up,
Antonyms: disappear

Ceremonial (adjective) ‫ رسومات کے ساتھ‬،‫رسمی‬

relating to or used for formal religious or public events.

Example: “a ceremonial occasion”
Synonyms: formal, official, state, public, ritual, ritualistic, prescribed, set, stately, courtly,
Antonyms: informal, unofficial

Ambiguity (noun) ‫ مبہم‬،‫ مشکوک‬،‫ابہام‬

the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.

Example: “we can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act”
Synonyms: ambivalence, equivocation, obscurity, vagueness, abstruseness, doubtfulness,
Antonyms: unambiguousness, transparency

Innocuous (adjective) ‫ معصوم‬،‫ بے ضرر‬،‫غیر مضر‬

not harmful or offensive.

Example: “it was an innocuous question”
Synonyms: harmless, safe, non-dangerous, non-poisonous, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-injurious,
Antonyms: harmful, obnoxious

Enthusiasm (noun) ‫ جوش و خروش‬،‫ گرم جوشی‬،‫ولولہ‬

intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “her energy and enthusiasm for life”
Synonyms: eagerness, keenness, ardour, fervour, warmth, passion, zeal, zealousness,
Antonyms: apathy

Malign (verb) ‫ حسد کرنا‬،‫بدنام کرنا‬

speak about (someone) in a spitefully critical manner.

Example: “don’t you dare malign her in my presence”
Synonyms: defame, slander, libel, smear, run a smear campaign against, vilify, speak ill of
Antonyms: praise

Deceit (noun) ‫دھوکہ دہی‬

the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.

Example: “a web of deceit”
Synonyms: deception, deceitfulness, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud, fraudulence,
Antonyms: honesty

Distant (adjective) ‫ فاصلے پر‬،‫ سرد مہر‬،‫دور کی بات‬

far away in space or time.

Example: “distant parts of the world”
Synonyms: faraway, far off, far, remote, out of the way, outlying, abroad, far-flung,
Antonyms: near, recent

Relinquish (verb) ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫ چھوڑ دینا‬،‫دستبردار ہونا‬

voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up.

Example: “he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive”
Synonyms: renounce, give up, part with, give away, hand over, turn over, lay down, let go of,
Antonyms: keep, retain, continue,

Persuade (verb) ‫ راغب کرنا‬،‫قائل کرنا‬

induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Example: “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing”
Synonyms: prevail on, talk someone into, coax, convince, make, get, press someone into
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter

Deficit (noun) ‫ خسارے کے اخراجات‬،‫ کمی‬،‫خسارہ‬

the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.
Example: “an annual operating deficit”
Synonyms: shortfall, deficiency, shortage, undersupply, slippage; indebtedness, debt,
Antonyms: surplus, profit

Halt (verb) ‫ جگہ‬،‫ٹھہرنا‬

bring or come to an abrupt stop.

Example: “there is growing pressure to halt the bloodshed”
Synonyms: stop, come to a halt, come to a stop, come to a standstill, come to rest, pull up
Antonyms: start, go, continue

Vigorous (adjective) ‫ ہٹا کٹا‬،‫زبردست‬،‫بھرپور‬

strong, healthy, and full of energy.

Example: “a tall, vigorous, and muscular man”
Synonyms: robust, healthy, in good health, hale and hearty, strong, strong as an ox/horse/lion
Antonyms: frail, weak

Absolve (verb) ‫ فارغ‬،‫ بری کرنا‬،‫حل کرنا‬

declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.

Example: “the pardon absolved them of any crimes”
Synonyms: exonerate, discharge, acquit, exculpate, vindicate; release, relieve, liberate, free
Antonyms: blame, condemn, punish

Settle (verb) ‫تصفیہ‬

resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem).

Example: “the unions have settled their year-long dispute with Hollywood producers”
Synonyms: resolve, sort out, reach an agreement about, find a solution to, find an answer to
Antonyms: prolong

Righteousness (noun) ‫ نیکی‬،‫ صداقت‬،‫تقوی‬

the quality of being morally right or justifiable.
Example: “we had little doubt about the righteousness of our cause”
Synonyms: goodness, virtue, virtuousness, uprightness, decency, integrity, worthiness, rectitude
Antonyms: wickedness, sinfulness

Relish (verb) ‫ ذائقہ‬،‫ لذت‬،‫ مزے لینا‬،‫لطف اٹھانا‬

enjoy greatly.
Example: “he was relishing his moment of glory”
Synonyms: enjoy, delight in, love, like, adore, be pleased by, take pleasure in, rejoice in
Antonyms: dislike

Gobble (verb) ‫ بڑے بڑے نوالے کھانا‬،‫بغیر چبائے کھانا‬

eat (something) hurriedly and noisily.

Example: “he gobbled up the rest of his sandwich”
Synonyms: eat greedily/hungrily, guzzle, bolt, gulp, swallow hurriedly, devour, wolf, cram
Antonyms: nibble

Discriminatory (adjective) ‫ فرق‬،‫امتیازی سلوک‬

making or showing an unfair or prejudicial distinction between different categories of people or

things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
Example: “discriminatory employment practices”
Synonyms: prejudicial, biased, prejudiced, preferential, unfair, unjust, invidious, inequitable,
Antonyms: impartial, fair

Mercurial (adjective) ‫ تیز‬،‫ ڈانو ڈول‬،‫غیر یقینی‬

subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.

Example: “his mercurial temperament”
Synonyms: volatile, capricious, temperamental, excitable, fickle
Antonyms: stable, steady,constant

Harrow (verb) ‫ لوٹنا‬،‫دلخراش‬

cause distress to.

Example: “Todd could take it, whereas I’m harrowed by it”
Synonyms: distress, trouble, afflict, grieve, torment, torture, crucify
Antonyms: calm, comfort, heartening

Damning (verb) ‫ دائمی سزا یافتہ‬،‫نقصان دہ‬

(of a circumstance or piece of evidence) strongly suggesting guilt or error.

Example: “I was innocent but the evidence was damning”
Synonyms: incriminating, condemnatory, condemning, damnatory, damaging, derogatory,
conclusive, strong,
Antonyms: vindicatory, inconclusive

Cruelty (noun) ‫ بے رحمی‬،‫ظلم و ستم‬

cruel behaviour or attitudes.

Example: “he has treated her with extreme cruelty”
Synonyms: brutality, savagery, savageness, inhumanity, barbarism, barbarousness, brutishness,
Antonyms: compassion, mercy

Arrogance (noun) ‫ غرور‬،‫تکبر‬

the quality of being arrogant.

Example: “the arrogance of this man is astounding”
Synonyms: haughtiness, conceit, hubris, self-importance, egotism, sense of superiority,
Antonyms: humility, modesty

Atrocious (adjective) ‫ سفاک‬،‫ سنگدل‬،‫انتہائی قبیح‬

horrifyingly wicked.
Example: “atrocious cruelties”
Synonyms: brutal, barbaric, barbarous, brutish, savage, vicious, wicked, cruel, nasty, ruthless
Antonyms: admirable, kindly

Miserable (adjective) ‫ بدنصیب‬،‫خستہ دل‬،‫دکھی‬

(of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.

Example: “their happiness made Anne feel even more miserable”
Synonyms: unhappy, sad, sorrowful, dejected, depressed, downcast, downhearted, down,
Antonyms: happy, contented

Imbroglio (noun) ‫ گتھی‬،‫پیچیدہ صورتحال‬،

an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.

Example: “the abdication imbroglio of 1936”
Synonyms: complicated situation, complication, complexity, problem, difficulty, predicament,
Antonyms: agreement, ease, harmony, peace, simplicity, peacemaking,

Repressive (adjective) ‫جابرانہ‬

(especially of a social or political system) inhibiting or restraining personal freedom.

Example: “a repressive regime”
Synonyms: oppressive, authoritarian, despotic, tyrannical, tyrannous, dictatorial, fascist
Antonyms: democratic, liberal

Assuage (verb) ‫ کم کرنا‬،‫ تسلی دینا‬،‫تسکین دینا‬

make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.

Example: “the letter assuaged the fears of most members”
Synonyms: relieve, ease, alleviate, soothe, mitigate, dampen, allay, calm, palliate
Antonyms: aggravate, intensify

Provocative (adjective) ‫ اکسانے واال‬،‫اشتعال انگیز‬

causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.

Example: “a provocative article”
Synonyms: annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provoking, maddening, goading
Antonyms: soothing, calming

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ ظاہر ہے‬،‫ بناوٹی طور پر‬،‫بادی النظر میں‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Benign (adjective) ‫ مہربان‬،‫ شفیق‬،‫بے ضرر‬

gentle and kind.

Example: “his benign but firm manner”
Synonyms: kindly, kind, warm-hearted, good-natured, friendly, warm, affectionate, agreeable
Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile

Unrelenting (adjective) ‫ سنگدل‬،‫ بے رحم‬،‫بے لگام‬

not yielding in strength, severity, or determination.

Example: “the heat was unrelenting”
Synonyms: implacable, inflexible, uncompromising, unyielding, unbending, inexorable,
Antonyms: intermittent, spasmodic

Relish (noun) ‫ لذت‬،‫ مزے لینا‬،‫لطف اٹھانا‬

great enjoyment.
Example: “she swigged a mouthful of wine with relish”
Synonyms: condiment, accompaniment, sauce, dressing, flavouring, seasoning, dip
Antonyms: dislike

Brazen (adjective) ‫ بے غیرت‬،‫ ڈھیٹ‬،‫ڈھٹائی‬

bold and without shame.
Example: “he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance”
Synonyms: bold, shameless, as bold as brass, brazen-faced, forward, presumptuous, brash
Antonyms: timid, shy

Erupt (verb) ‫ پھٹنا‬،‫پھوٹنا‬

(of a volcano) become active and eject lava, ash, and gases.
Example: “Mount Pinatubo began erupting in June”
Synonyms: become active, flare up, eject/vent material, explode
Antonyms: die down, heal

Amass (verb) ‫جمع کرنا‬

gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things) over a period of
Example: “he amassed a fortune estimated at close to a million pounds”
Synonyms: gather, collect, assemble, accumulate, stockpile, pile up
Antonyms: dissipate

Dubious (adjective) ‫ چکا چوند ڈالنا‬،‫ مشتبہ‬،‫مشکوک‬

hesitating or doubting.
Example: “I was rather dubious about the whole idea”
Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, in doubt, hesitant, undecided, unsettled, unconfirmed
Antonyms: certain, definite

Vengeful (adjective) ‫ قصاصی‬،‫انتقام لینے واال‬

seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.

Example: “a vengeful ex-con”
Synonyms: vindictive, revengeful, out for revenge, avenging, unforgiving, resentful
Antonyms: forgiving, benevolent

Depreciation (adjective) ‫ قدر و قیمت کم ہونا‬،‫ گھٹنا‬،‫فرسودگی‬

a reduction in the value of an asset over time, due in particular to wear and tear.
Example: “provision should be made for depreciation of fixed assets”
Synonyms: devaluation, devaluing, decrease in value, lowering in value, reduction in value
Antonyms: rise

Fierce (adjective) ‫ تیز‬،‫ تند خو‬،‫شدید‬

having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.

Example: “fierce fighting continued throughout the day”
Synonyms: ferocious, savage, vicious, wild, feral, untamed, undomesticated, aggressive
Antonyms: gentle, tame, mild

Expedite (verb) ‫ جلد بازی کرنا‬،‫پھرتی‬

make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.

Example: “he promised to expedite economic reforms”
Synonyms: speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken, precipitate, rush
Antonyms: delay, hinder

Halve (verb) ‫ دو مساوی حصے کرنا‬،‫آدھا‬

divide into two parts of equal or roughly equal size.

Example: “halve the aubergine lengthways”
Synonyms: cut in half, divide into two equal parts, divide in two, split in two, divide equally
Antonyms: complete, full

Mortality (noun) ‫ فانی ہونے کی حالت‬،‫شرح اموات‬

the state of being subject to death.

Example: “the work is increasingly haunted by thoughts of mortality”
Synonyms: impermanence, temporality, transience, ephemerality, impermanency, perishability
Antonyms: immortality

Adequate (adjective) ‫ معقول‬،‫ موزوں‬، ‫مناسب‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.
Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Nonchalant (adjective) ‫ سردمہری‬،‫غیر جذباتی‬

(of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety,
interest, or enthusiasm.
Example: “she gave a nonchalant shrug”
Synonyms: calm, cool, unconcerned, collected, and collected, cool as a cucumber
Antonyms: anxious, concerned

Slacken (verb) ‫ آہستہ چلنا‬،‫سست ہونا‬

make or become slack.

Example: “he slackened his grip”
Synonyms: loosen, make looser, release, relax, loose, lessen, reduce, weaken
Antonyms: tighten

Hearten (verb) ‫ دالسہ دینا‬،‫دل سے‬

make more cheerful or confident.

Example: “she was heartened to observe that the effect was faintly comic”
Synonyms: cheer up, cheer, raise someone’s spirits, encourage, comfort
Antonyms: dishearten

Tarnish (verb) ‫ میال کرنا‬،‫ آلودہ کرنا‬،‫داغدار‬

lose or cause to lose lustre, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture.

Example: “silver tarnishes too easily”
Synonyms: become discoloured, discolour, stain, rust, oxidize, corrode, deteriorate, become dull
Antonyms: brighten, polish

Applaud (verb) ‫ تالی بجا کر سراہنا‬،‫اظہار پسندیدگی کرنا‬

show approval or praise by clapping.

Example: “the crowd whistled and applauded”
Synonyms: clap, cheer, whistle, give a standing ovation to, put one’s hands together, hail
Antonyms: boo, hiss

Ambiguous (adjective) ‫ مشکوک‬،‫مبہم‬

not clear or decided.

Example: “the election result was ambiguous”
Synonyms: equivocal, ambivalent, open to debate, open to argument, arguable, debatable
Antonyms: unambiguous, clear

Indigenous (adjective) ‫ ملکی‬،‫ مقامی طور پر‬،‫دیسی‬

originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

Example: “the indigenous peoples of Siberia”
Synonyms: native, aboriginal, local, original, earliest, first, initial, ancient, primeval
Antonyms: expatriate, migrant, adventitious

Patronize (verb) ‫ اعانت کرنا‬،‫ دستگیری کرنا‬،‫سرپرستی کرنا‬

treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.
Example: “she was determined not to be put down or patronized”
Synonyms: look down on, talk down to, put down, humiliate, treat like a child, treat as inferior
Antonyms: friendly, humble

Reprehensible (adjective) ‫ قصور وار‬،‫قابل مذمت‬

deserving censure or condemnation.

Example: “his complacency and reprehensible laxity”
Synonyms: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, disreputable, despicable, blameworthy,
Antonyms: creditable, praiseworthy, good
Stifle (verb) ‫ گھال گھوٹنا‬،‫ دم روک دینا‬،‫دباﺅ ڈالنا‬

make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate.

Example: “those in the streets were stifled by the fumes”
Synonyms: suffocate, choke, asphyxiate, smother, very hot, sweltering, airless, suffocating
Antonyms: cold, chilly

Decry (verb) ‫ الزام‬،‫بدنام کرنا‬

publicly denounce.
Example: “they decried human rights abuses”
Synonyms: denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, damn, attack, fulminate against, rail against
Antonyms: praise, overrate

Dearth (noun) ‫ کمی‬،‫ گرامی‬،‫افالس‬

a scarcity or lack of something.

Example: “there is a dearth of evidence”
Synonyms: lack, scarcity, scarceness, shortage, shortfall, want, deficiency, insufficiency
Antonyms: abundance, surfeit

Rabid (adjective) ‫حد تک جوشیال‬،‫ دیوانہ‬،‫تند‬

having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something.

Example: “the show’s small but rabid fan base”
Synonyms: extreme, fanatical, overzealous, over-enthusiastic, extremist, violent, maniacal
Antonyms: moderate, liberal, half-hearted

Combustible (adjective) ‫ اشتعال پذیر‬،‫آتش گیر‬

able to catch fire and burn easily.

Example: “a combustible gas”
Synonyms: inflammable, flammable, incendiary, explosive, burnable
Antonyms: incombustible

Invariably (adverb) ‫ بے بدل‬،‫ ہمیشہ‬،‫بال ناغہ‬

in every case or on every occasion; always.

Example: “ranch meals are invariably big and hearty”
Synonyms: always, every time, each time, on every occasion, at all times, without fail
Antonyms: sometimes, never

Mediator (noun) ‫ بیچ بچاﺅ کرنا‬،‫ثالث‬

a person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-
Example: “the government appointed a mediator to assist in finding a resolution to the dispute”
Synonyms: arbitrator, arbiter, negotiator, conciliator, go-between, middleman,
Antonyms: fighter

Ambiguous (adjective) ‫ مشکوک‬،‫مبہم‬

open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
Example: “ambiguous phrases”
Synonyms: equivocal, ambivalent, open to debate, open to argument, arguable, debatable,
Antonyms: unambiguous, clear

Exonerate (noun) ‫ بے خطا ٹھہرنا‬،‫بوجھ اتارنا‬

(of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing.
Example: “an inquiry exonerated those involved”
Synonyms: absolve, clear, acquit, declare innocent, find innocent, pronounce not guilty
Antonyms: charge, convict

Languish (verb) ‫ مردہ دل ہونا‬،‫کمزور ہونا‬

(of a person, animal, or plant) lose or lack vitality; grow weak.

Example: “plants may appear to be languishing simply because they are dormant”
Synonyms: weaken, grow weak, deteriorate, decline, go into a decline, wither, droop, flag
Antonyms: thrive, flourish
Scant (adjective) ‫ چھوٹا‬،‫ کم‬،‫بمشکل کچھ‬

barely sufficient or adequate.

Example: “companies with scant regard for the safety of future generations”
Synonyms: little, little or no, minimal, hardly any, limited, negligible, barely sufficient
Antonyms: abundant, ample, sufficient

Bare (adjective) ‫ ننگے ہاتھ‬،‫ننگا‬،

(of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered.

Example: “he was bare from the waist up”
Synonyms: naked, unclothed, undressed, uncovered, stripped, with nothing on,
Antonyms: clothed

Panic (verb) ‫ پریشانی‬،‫ ہول‬،‫ دہشت‬،‫گھبراہٹ‬

feel or cause to feel panic.

Example: “the crowd panicked and stampeded for the exit”
Synonyms: be alarmed, be scared, be nervous, be afraid, overreact, become panic-stricken
Antonyms: relax

Proximity (noun) ‫ قریبی‬،‫ نزدیکی‬،‫قربت‬

nearness in space, time, or relationship.

Example: “do not operate microphones in close proximity to television sets”
Synonyms: closeness, nearness, presence, juxtaposition, propinquity, adjacency,
Antonyms: distance, remoteness

Subjugate (verb) ‫ زیر اثر‬،‫محکوم‬

bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.

Example: “the invaders had soon subjugated most of the population”
Synonyms: conquer, vanquish, defeat, crush, quell, quash, gain mastery over,
Antonyms: liberate

Excess (noun) ‫ زیادتی‬،‫ فاضل‬،‫ضرورت سے زیادہ‬

an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.

Example: “are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life?”
Synonyms: surplus, surfeit, overabundance, superabundance, superfluity, oversufficiency
Antonyms: dearth, lack

Fundamental (adjective) ‫ اصلی‬،‫بنیادی‬

forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.

Example: “the protection of fundamental human rights”
Synonyms: basic, foundational, rudimentary, elemental, elementary, underlying, basal
Antonyms: secondary, unimportant

Perceive (verb) ‫ سمجھنا‬،‫ ادراک کرنا‬،‫احساس‬

become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Example: “his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”
Synonyms: discern, recognize, become cognizant of, become aware of, become conscious of
Antonyms: disbelieve, misinterpret, neglect

Concede (verb) ‫ اعتراف کرنا‬،‫ تسلیم کرنا‬،‫قبول کرنا‬

admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.
Example: “I had to concede that I’d overreacted”
Synonyms: admit, acknowledge, accept, allow, grant, recognize, own, confess
Antonyms: deny

Surreptitious (adjective) ‫ چوری چھپے‬،‫خفیہ‬

kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.

Example: “low wages were supplemented by surreptitious payments from tradesmen”
Synonyms: secret, stealthy, clandestine, secretive, sneaky, sly, furtive, concealed, hidden
Antonyms: blatant, open, honest
Coerce (verb) ‫ دباﺅ‬،‫ جبر کرنا‬،‫مجبور کرنا‬

persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

Example: “he was coerced into giving evidence”
Synonyms: pressure, pressurize, bring pressure to bear on, use pressure on, put pressure on
Antonyms: persuade

Transmit (verb) ‫ ترسیل کرنا‬،‫منتقل کرنا‬

cause (something) to pass on from one person or place to another.

Example: “knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil”

Synonyms: transfer, pass on, hand on, communicate, convey, impart, channel, carry,
Antonyms: receive

Delirium (noun) ‫ ذہنی خلفشار‬،‫دلیری‬،

an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence,

occurring in intoxication, fever, and other disorders.
Example: “somewhere a patient shouted in delirium”
Synonyms: derangement, dementia, dementedness, temporary madness/insanity, incoherence
Antonyms: lucidity, coherence

Rabid (adjective) ‫ دیوانہ‬،‫پاگل‬

having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something.

Example: “the show’s small but rabid fan base”
Synonyms: extreme, fanatical, overzealous, over-enthusiastic, extremist, violent, maniacal, wild
Antonyms: moderate, liberal, half-hearted

Daily Dawn Vocabulary

Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning 29 September 2019

September 30, 2019

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Daily Dawn Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

September 29, 2019

Culminate (verb) ‫ اوج پر ہونا‬،‫اختتام پذیر ہونا‬

reach a climax or point of highest development.

Example: “weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate”
Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a crescendo, come to a head, reach a finale, peak,
Antonyms: start, begin, peter out,

Peril (noun) ‫ ڈر‬،‫خطرہ‬

serious and immediate danger.

Example: “you could well place us both in peril”
Synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, riskiness, hazard, insecurity, uncertainty, menace,
Antonyms: safety, security

Yield (verb) ‫ رضا مند‬،‫بات مان لینا‬،

give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.

Example: “the Western powers now yielded when they should have resisted”
Synonyms: surrender, capitulate, submit, relent, admit defeat, accept defeat, concede defeat,
Antonyms: resist, defy

Pertinent (adjective) ‫ ٹھیک‬،‫ عین مطابق‬،‫مناست‬

relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.
Example: “she asked me a lot of very pertinent questions”
Synonyms: relevant, to the point, apposite, appropriate, suitable, fitting, fit, apt
Antonyms: irrelevant, inappropriat

Humiliation (noun) ‫ رسوائی‬،‫ذلت‬

the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated.

Example: “they suffered the humiliation of losing in the opening round”
Synonyms: embarrassment, mortification, shame, indignity, ignominy, disgrace, dishonour
Antonyms: honour

Appeasement (noun) ‫ رفع‬،‫ ڈھارس‬،‫تسکین‬

the action or process of appeasing.

Example: “a policy of appeasement”
Synonyms: conciliation, placation, pacification, propitiation, palliation, allaying, reconciliation,
Antonyms: provocation, aggression

Seldom (adverb) ‫ بہت کم‬،‫کبھی کبھار‬

not often; rarely.

Example: “Islay is seldom visited by tourists”
Synonyms: rarely, infrequently, on rare occasions, hardly ever, scarcely ever, hardly,
Antonyms: often, frequently

Strangle (verb) ‫ گال دبانا‬،‫گال گھونٹنا‬

squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death.

Example: “the victim was strangled with a scarf”
Synonyms: throttle, choke, garrotte, asphyxiate, stifle, strangulate,
Antonyms: let out

Remorse (noun) ‫ ندامت‬،‫پچھتاوا‬

deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
Example: “they were filled with remorse and shame”
Synonyms: contrition, deep regret, repentance, penitence, guilt, feelings of guilt
Antonyms: indifference

Antithetical (adjective) ‫متضاد‬

directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible.

Example: “people whose religious beliefs are antithetical to mine”
Synonyms: (directly) opposed to, contrary to, contradictory to, conflicting with, incompatible
Antonyms: same, identical, like

Deride (verb) ‫ تضحیک‬،‫مذاق اڑانا‬

express contempt for; ridicule.

Example: “the decision was derided by environmentalists”
Synonyms: ridicule, mock, jeer at, scoff at, jibe at, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at
Antonyms: respect, praise

Precarious (adjective) ‫ خطرناک‬،‫ غیر مستحکم‬،‫فرضی‬

not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

Example: “a precarious ladder”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risky
Antonyms: safe, secure

Hobble (verb) ‫ لنگڑاہٹ‬،‫لنگڑا کر چلنا‬

walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury.

Example: “he was hobbling around on crutches”
Synonyms: limp, walk with a limp, walk with difficulty, move unsteadily, walk unevenly, walk
Antonyms: stride

Internecine (adjective) ‫ باہمی ہالکت کا باعث‬،‫خونریز‬

destructive to both sides in a conflict.

Example: “the region’s history of savage internecine warfare”
Synonyms: deadly, bloody, violent, fierce, destructive, ruinous, civil, internal, family
Antonyms: beneficial, restorative, salubrious, salutary

Unleash (verb) ‫ کتے کی رسی کھول دینا‬،‫ جانے دینا‬،‫چھوڑ دینا‬

release (a dog) from a leash.

Example: “they dig up badger setts and unleash terriers into them”
Synonyms: let loose, release, free, set free, loose, unloose, unbridle, untie,
Antonyms: restrain

Animosity (noun) ‫ بغض‬،‫ دشمنی‬،‫عداوت‬

strong hostility.
Example: “he no longer felt any animosity towards her”
Synonyms: antipathy, hostility, friction, antagonism, enmity, animus, opposition, aversion
Antonyms: goodwill, friendship

Culminate (verb) ‫ اوج پر ہونا‬،‫اختتام پذیر ہونا‬

reach a climax or point of highest development.

Example: “weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate”
Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a crescendo, come to a head, reach a finale, peak,
Antonyms: start, begin, peter out

Malaise (noun) ‫ بے قراری‬،‫ بے چینی‬،‫بیماری‬

a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
Example: “a general air of malaise”
Synonyms: unhappiness, restlessness, uneasiness, unease, melancholy, depression
Antonyms: comfort, well-being

Grapple (verb) ‫ بھڑ جانا‬،‫ گرفت‬،‫ پکڑ‬،‫ہاتھا پائی‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”

Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle,
Antonyms: let go of, release

Pelt (verb) ‫ کسی جانور کی بال والی کھال‬،‫ آگ برسانا‬،‫پتھر پھینکنا‬

hurl missiles repeatedly at.

Example: “two boys pelted him with rotten apples”
Synonyms: bombard, shower, attack, assail, batter, pepper, strafe, rake, sweep, enfilade
Antonyms: crawl, creep, poke

Toil (verb) ‫ جان مارنا‬،‫سخت محنت کرنا‬

work extremely hard or incessantly.

Example: “we toiled away”
Synonyms: work hard, labour, work one’s fingers to the bone, work like a Trojan, work like a
Antonyms: rest, relax, laze

Harmonious (adjective) ‫ بے تال سر‬،‫بدنظمی‬

tuneful; not discordant.

Example: “harmonious music”
Synonyms: tuneful, melodious, melodic, sweet-sounding, pleasant-sounding, sweet-toned
Antonyms: discordant

Diversity (noun) ‫ الگ الگ‬،‫ جداگانہ‬،‫ فرق‬،‫تنوع‬

the state of being diverse.
Example: “there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports”
Synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, melange, range, array, medley
Antonyms: uniformity

Incumbent (adjective) ‫ مہتمم‬،‫ عہدہ دار‬،‫موجودہ‬

necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Example: “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”
Synonyms: binding, obligatory, mandatory, necessary, compulsory, required, requisite,
Antonyms: optional

Curb (noun) ‫ قید‬،‫ لگام‬،‫روکنا‬

a check or restraint on something.

Example: “plans to introduce tougher curbs on insider dealing”
Synonyms: restraint, restriction, check, brake, rein, control, limitation, limit,
Antonyms: release

Vigilance (noun) ‫ چوکسی‬،‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫نگرانی‬

the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Example: “security duties that demand long hours of vigilance”
Synonyms: watchfulness, careful observation, surveillance, attentiveness, attention, alertness,
Antonyms: inattentiveness

Ravage (noun) ‫ لوٹنا‬،‫ غارت کرنا‬،‫تباہی‬

cause severe and extensive damage to.

Example: “the hurricane ravaged southern Florida”
Synonyms: lay waste, devastate, ruin, leave in ruins, destroy, wreak havoc on, leave desolate,
Antonyms: spare, conserve, preserve, indemnify

Propensity (noun) ‫ خواہش‬،‫ جھکاﺅ‬،‫تبلیغ‬

an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.
Example: “his propensity for violence”
Synonyms: tendency, inclination, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, readiness, susceptibility,
Antonyms: averseness, disinclination, dislike, indisposition

Behest (noun) ‫ حکم‬،‫ ایمائ‬،‫اشارہ‬

a person’s orders or command.

Example: “they had assembled at his behest”
Synonyms: instruction, bidding, request, requirement, wish, desire, command, order
Antonyms: appeal, entreaty, petition, plea, urging

Surveillance (noun) ‫ حراست‬،‫کڑی نگرانی‬

close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.

Example: “he found himself put under surveillance by British military intelligence”
Synonyms: observation, scrutiny, watch, view, inspection, monitoring, supervision

Toil (verb) ‫ جان مارنا‬،‫سخت محنت کرنا‬

work extremely hard or incessantly.

Example: “we toiled away”
Synonyms: work hard, labour, work one’s fingers to the bone, work like a Trojan, work like a
Antonyms: rest, relax, laze

Harmonious (adjective) ‫ بے تال سر‬،‫بدنظمی‬

tuneful; not discordant.

Example: “harmonious music”
Synonyms: tuneful, melodious, melodic, sweet-sounding, pleasant-sounding, sweet-toned
Antonyms: discordant
Diversity (noun) ‫ الگ الگ‬،‫ جداگانہ‬،‫ فرق‬،‫تنوع‬

the state of being diverse.

Example: “there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports”
Synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, melange, range, array, medley
Antonyms: uniformity

Incumbent (adjective) ‫ مہتمم‬،‫ عہدہ دار‬،‫موجودہ‬

necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Example: “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”
Synonyms: binding, obligatory, mandatory, necessary, compulsory, required, requisite,
Antonyms: optional

Curb (noun) ‫ قید‬،‫ لگام‬،‫روکنا‬

a check or restraint on something.

Example: “plans to introduce tougher curbs on insider dealing”
Synonyms: restraint, restriction, check, brake, rein, control, limitation, limit,
Antonyms: release

Vigilance (noun) ‫ چوکسی‬،‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫نگرانی‬

the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Example: “security duties that demand long hours of vigilance”
Synonyms: watchfulness, careful observation, surveillance, attentiveness, attention, alertness,
Antonyms: inattentiveness

Ravage (noun) ‫ لوٹنا‬،‫ غارت کرنا‬،‫تباہی‬

cause severe and extensive damage to.

Example: “the hurricane ravaged southern Florida”
Synonyms: lay waste, devastate, ruin, leave in ruins, destroy, wreak havoc on, leave desolate,
Antonyms: spare, conserve, preserve, indemnify
Propensity (noun) ‫ خواہش‬،‫ جھکاﺅ‬،‫تبلیغ‬

an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.

Example: “his propensity for violence”
Synonyms: tendency, inclination, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, readiness, susceptibility,
Antonyms: averseness, disinclination, dislike, indisposition

Behest (noun) ‫ حکم‬،‫ ایمائ‬،‫اشارہ‬

a person’s orders or command.

Example: “they had assembled at his behest”
Synonyms: instruction, bidding, request, requirement, wish, desire, command, order
Antonyms: appeal, entreaty, petition, plea, urging

Surveillance (noun) ‫ حراست‬،‫کڑی نگرانی‬

close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.

Example: “he found himself put under surveillance by British military intelligence”
Synonyms: observation, scrutiny, watch, view, inspection, monitoring, supervision

Definitive (adjective) ‫ بالکل واضح‬،‫ فیصلہ کن‬،‫قطعی‬

(of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

Example: “a definitive decision”
Synonyms: conclusive, final, ultimate, decisive, unconditional, unqualified, absolute,
Antonyms: provisional

Grievance (noun) ‫ تکلیف‬،‫ گلہ شکوہ‬،‫شکایت‬

a real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment.

Example: “a website which enabled staff to air their grievances”
Synonyms: injustice, unjust act, wrong, injury, ill, offence, disservice, unfairness, evil,
Antonyms: commendation
Hamper (verb) ‫ بیڑی‬،‫ روکنا‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

hinder or impede the movement or progress of.

Example: “their work is hampered by lack of funds”
Synonyms: hinder, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, balk, thwart, foil, curb, delaya
Antonyms: help

Inclusion (noun) ‫ ادخال‬،‫شمولیت‬

the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.

Example: “they have been selected for inclusion in the scheme”
Synonyms: incorporation, addition, insertion, introduction, involvement, taking in,
Antonyms: exclusion, omission

Harmonize (verb) ‫ہم آہنگی‬

produce a pleasing visual combination.

Example: “the containers harmonize in colour, texture, and shape with the flowers they display”
Synonyms: coordinate, go together, match, fit together, blend, mix, balance, tone in
Antonyms: clash

Minuscule (adjective) ‫بہت چھوٹا‬

extremely small; tiny.

Example: “a minuscule fragment of DNA”
Synonyms: tiny, minute, microscopic, nanoscopic, very small, little, micro, diminutive
Antonyms: vast, huge

Sceptical (adjective) ‫ ریبی‬،‫شکی‬

not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.

Example: “the public were deeply sceptical about some of the proposals”
Synonyms: dubious, doubtful, having reservations, doubting, questioning, cynical, distrustful
Antonyms: certain, convinced, optimistic,

Emanate (verb) ‫ خارج ہونا‬،‫ظاہر ہونا‬

(of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source).

Example: “warmth emanated from the fireplace”
Synonyms: emerge, flow, pour, proceed, issue, ensue, come out, come forth, spread out
Antonyms: issue, arrive, eventuate

Refinement (noun) ‫ صفائی‬،‫خالص ہونا یا کرنا‬

the process of removing impurities or unwanted elements from a substance.
Example: “the refinement of uranium”
Synonyms: purification, refining, clarifying, clarification, cleansing, straining, sifting, filtering
Antonyms: adulteration

Trajectory ‫ خط مستدیر‬،‫ مدار‬،‫رفتار‬

the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.
Example: “the missile’s trajectory was preset”
Synonyms: course, route, path, track, line, orbit, flight, flight path, ambit

Harrow (verb) ‫ لوٹنا‬،‫دلخراش‬

cause distress to.

Example: “Todd could take it, whereas I’m harrowed by it”
Synonyms: distress, trouble, afflict, grieve, torment, torture, crucify, rack, sear
Antonyms: calm, comfort, heartening

Provocative (adjective) ‫ اکسانے واال‬،‫اشتعال انگیز‬

causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.

Example: “a provocative article”
Synonyms: annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provoking, maddening, goading
Antonyms: soothing, calming

Tarnish (verb) ‫ آلودہ کرنا‬،‫داغدار‬

lose or cause to lose lustre, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture.

Example: “silver tarnishes too easily”
Synonyms: become discoloured, discolour, stain, rust, oxidize, corrode, deteriorate, become dull,
Antonyms: brighten, polish

Contrary (adjective) ‫ الٹا‬،‫ خودسر‬،‫ الٹ‬،‫برعکس‬

opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.
Example: “he ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal”
Synonyms: opposite, opposing, opposed, contradictory, clashing, conflicting, antithetical
Antonyms: compatible, same

Extinguish (verb) ‫ ناپیدہ‬،‫ گل کرنا‬،‫بجھانا‬

cause (a fire or light) to cease to burn or shine.

Example: “firemen were soaking everything to extinguish the blaze”
Synonyms: douse, put out, quench, stamp out, smother, beat out, dampen down, blow out
Antonyms: light

Nuisance (noun) ‫ قانون کے مطابق مضر یا نقصان دہ‬،‫پریشانی‬

a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance.

Example: “it’s a nuisance having all those people clomping through the house”
Synonyms: source of annoyance/irritation, annoyance, inconvenience, bore, bother, irritant,
Antonyms: help, blessing

Relentless (adjective) ‫ سنگدل‬،‫ بے رحم‬،‫بے لگام‬

unceasingly intense.
Example: “the relentless heat of the desert”
Synonyms: persistent, continuing, constant, continual, continuous, non-stop, lasting, never-
Antonyms: short-lived, irresolute, intermittent

Quash (verb) ‫ غلط قرار دینا‬،‫ منسوخ کرنا‬،‫ مسترد کرنا‬،‫کالعدم قرار دینا‬

reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure.

Example: “his conviction was quashed on appeal”
Synonyms: cancel, reverse, rescind, repeal, revoke, retract, countermand, withdraw
Antonyms: validate

Dissent (noun) ‫ اختالفات‬،‫اختالف رائے‬

the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “there was no dissent from this view”
Synonyms: disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute, demur
Antonyms: agreement, acceptance

Relegate (verb) ‫ خارج البدر کردینا‬،‫ تنزلی کرنا‬،‫نکال دینا‬

assign an inferior rank or position to.

Example: “they aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role”
Synonyms: downgrade, lower, lower in rank/status, put down, move down, consign, banish
Antonyms: upgrade, promote

Strife (noun) ‫ اختالف‬،‫ تصادم‬،‫جھگڑا‬

angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.

Example: “strife within the community”
Synonyms: conflict, friction, discord, disagreement, dissension, variance, dispute, argument,
Antonyms: harmony, peace, cooperation

Normality (noun) ‫ باقاعدگی‬،‫معمول ہونا‬

the condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected.
Example: “the office gradually returned to a semblance of normality”
Synonyms: a normal state of affairs, business as usual, the daily round, routine, a normal pattern,
Antonyms: insanity

Bungle (verb) ‫ اناڑی پن سے کام لینا‬،‫فاش غلطی‬

carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently.

Example: “he bungled his first attempt to manage a group of professional players”
Synonyms: mishandle, mismanage, mess up, make a mess of, botch, spoil, mar, ruin, make a
hash of
Antonyms: succeed in, manage successfully
Lukewarm (adjective) ‫نیم گرم‬

(of liquid or food that should be hot) only moderately warm; tepid.
Example: “they drank bitter lukewarm coffee”
Synonyms: tepid, slightly warm, warmish, blood-hot, blood-warm, at room temperature
Antonyms: hot, cold

Desecrate (verb) ‫ بے ادبی‬،‫ ناپاک کرنا‬،‫بے حرمتی کرنا‬

treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect.

Example: “more than 300 graves were desecrated”
Synonyms: violate, profane, treat sacrilegiously, treat with disrespect, pollute, contaminate,
Antonyms: venerate, sanctify

Inadequate (adjective) ‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ ناکامی‬،‫ناکافی‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.

Example: “these labels prove to be wholly inadequate”
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, sparse
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent,

Simultaneously (adverb) ‫ بیک وقت‬،‫ایک ہی وقت میں‬

at the same time.

Example: “the telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks”
Synonyms: at the same time, at one and the same time, at the same instant/moment, at once,
Antonyms: singly

Enormous (adjective) ‫ غیر معمولی‬،‫بہت زیادہ‬

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Example: “enormous sums of money”
Synonyms: huge, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, boundless, immeasurable, limitless
Antonyms: tiny
Relent (verb) ‫ پگھالنا‬،‫ نرم ہونا‬،‫پرجوش‬

abandon or mitigate a severe or harsh attitude, especially by finally yielding to a request.

Example: “she was going to refuse his request, but relented”

Synonyms: change one’s mind, do a U-turn, back-pedal, back down, give way, give in,
Antonyms: harden

Recalcitrant (adjective) ‫ منحرف‬،‫ سرکش‬،‫ضدی‬

having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.

Example: “a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year-olds”
Synonyms: uncooperative, obstinately disobedient, intractable, unmanageable, ungovernable,
Antonyms: amenable, docile, compliant

Unseemly (adjective) ‫ نا مناسب‬،‫ ناشائستہ‬،‫بے ترتیب‬

(of behaviour or actions) not proper or appropriate.

Example: “an unseemly squabble”
Synonyms: indecorous, improper, inappropriate, unbecoming, unfitting, unbefitting, unsuitable
Antonyms: seemly, decorous

Betray (verb) ‫ بےوفائی کرنا‬،‫ دغا کرنا‬،‫دھوکہ دینا‬

treacherously reveal (information).

Example: “many of those employed by diplomats betrayed secrets”
Synonyms: reveal, disclose, divulge, give away, leak, lay bare, make known, uncover
Antonyms: conceal, hide

Robust (adjective) ‫ تنومند‬،‫مضبوط‬

strong and healthy; vigorous.

Example: “the Caplan family are a robust lot”
Synonyms: strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful, powerfully built, solidly built, as strong as
a horse/ox
Antonyms: weak, frail

Decry (verb) ‫بدنام کرنا‬

publicly denounce.
Example: “they decried human rights abuses”
Synonyms: denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, damn, attack, fulminate against, rail against
Antonyms: praise, overrate

Atrocious (adjective) ‫ ظالمانہ‬،‫ سفاکانہ‬،‫مظالم‬

horrifyingly wicked.
Example: “atrocious cruelties”
Synonyms: brutal, barbaric, barbarous, brutish, savage, vicious, wicked, cruel, nasty, ruthless
Antonyms: admirable, kindly

Prevalent (adjective) ‫ غالب‬،‫مروجہ‬

widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.

Example: “the social ills prevalent in society today”
Synonyms: widespread, prevailing, frequent, usual, common, general, universal, pervasive
Antonyms: uncommon, rare

Hesitancy (noun) ‫ شش و پنج‬،‫ہچکچاہٹ‬

the quality or state of being hesitant.

Example: “Jackson took advantage of some hesitancy in the defence to rifle in a shot”
Synonyms: uncertainty, hesitation, hesitance, unsureness, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiousness
Antonyms: certainty, resolution, willingness

Burdensome (adjective) ‫ اجیرن‬،‫ سخت دوبھر‬،‫بوجھل‬

difficult to carry out or fulfil; taxing.

Example: “the burdensome responsibilities of professional life”
Synonyms: onerous, oppressive, troublesome, weighty, worrisome, vexatious, irksome, trying
Antonyms: Easy, light

Indicative (adjective) ‫ جتانے واال‬،‫ دکھانے واال‬،‫اشارے‬

serving as a sign or indication of something.

Example: “having recurrent dreams is not necessarily indicative of any psychological problem”
Synonyms: symptomatic, expressive, suggestive, evocative, typical, characteristic,
Antonyms: concealing, good humor, ill humor

Suffocate (verb) ‫دم گھٹنا‬

die or cause to die from lack of air or inability to breathe.

Example: “they suffocated in their sleep”
Synonyms: smother, asphyxiate, stifle, choke, strangle, throttle, strangulate, be smothered

Plague (noun) ‫ ناک میں دم کرنے کی حالت‬،‫طاعون‬

any contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people.
Example: “diseases like smallpox wiped out the indigenous people in a succession of plagues”
Synonyms: disease, sickness, bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, ,

Bleak (adjective) ‫ روکھا‬،‫ ویران‬،‫تاریک‬

(of an area of land) lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements.

Example: “a bleak and barren moor”
Synonyms: bare, exposed, desolate, stark, arid, desert, denuded, lunar, open
Antonyms: lush, verdant

Idiosyncrasy (noun) ‫ خاص انداز‬،‫ انوکھا انداز‬،‫مخصوص طرز بیان‬

a mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual.
Example: “one of his little idiosyncrasies was always preferring to be in the car first”
Synonyms: peculiarity, individual/personal trait, oddity, eccentricity, mannerism, quirk
Antonyms: conformity, sameness

Squander (verb) ‫ برباد کرنا‬،‫ ضائع کرنا‬،‫فضول خرچ کرنا‬

waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner.

Example: “Rs100m of taxpayers’ money has been squandered on administering the tax”
Synonyms: waste, misspend, misuse, throw away, dissipate, fritter away, run through, lose
Antonyms: manage, make good use of, save,

Toil (verb) ‫ جان مارنا‬،‫سخت محنت کرنا‬

work extremely hard or incessantly.

Example: “we toiled away”
Synonyms: work hard, labour, work one’s fingers to the bone, work like a Trojan, work like a
dog, work day and night
Antonyms: rest, relax, laze

Combustible (adjective) ‫ اشتعال پذیر‬،‫ احتراق‬،‫آتش گیر‬

able to catch fire and burn easily.

Example: “a combustible gas”
Synonyms: inflammable, flammable, incendiary, explosive, burnable
Antonyms: incombustible

Debilitate (verb) ‫ ضعیف کرنا‬،‫کمزور کرنا‬

make (someone) very weak and infirm.

Example: “he was severely debilitated by a stomach upset”
Synonyms: weakening, enfeebling, enervating, enervative, devitalizing, draining, sapping,
Antonyms: restorative

Distinct (adjective) ‫ منفرد‬،‫ صاف‬،‫واضح‬

recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type.
Example: “the patterns of spoken language are distinct from those of writing”
Synonyms: clear, clear-cut, definite, well defined, sharp, marked, decided, unmistakable
Antonyms: indistinct, fuzzy, indefinite,

Deterrent (noun) ‫ تسدید‬،‫ رکاوٹ‬،‫رخنہ‬

a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

Example: “cameras are a major deterrent to crime”
Synonyms: disincentive, discouragement, dissuasion, damper, brake, curb, check
Antonyms: incentive, encouragement

Predominantly (adverb) ‫ زبردستی سے‬،‫ زور آور‬،‫بنیادی طور پر‬

mainly; for the most part.

Example: “it is predominantly a coastal bird”
Synonyms: mainly, mostly, for the most part, chiefly, principally, primarily, predominately
Antonyms: subsidiary, minor

Convene (verb) ‫ طلب کرنا‬،‫اجالس کے لئے بالنا‬

come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.

Example: “he had convened a secret meeting of military personnel”
Synonyms: summon, call, call together, order, hold, convoke, assemble, gather, meet
Antonyms: disperse

Spurn (verb) ‫ ٹھوکر مارنا‬،‫ٹھکرانا‬

reject with disdain or contempt.

Example: “he spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned”
Synonyms: refuse, decline, say no to, reject, rebuff, scorn, turn down, turn away, repudiate
Antonyms: accept, agree (to), approve
Introspection (noun) ‫ مشاہدہ نفس کرنا‬،‫خودنگری‬

the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.

Example: “quiet introspection can be extremely valuable”
Synonyms: brooding, self-analysis, soul-searching, heart-searching, introversion, self-
Antonyms: unthoughtful

Distrust (verb) ‫بدگمانی کرنا‬،‫ بداعتمادی‬،‫عدم اعتماد‬

doubt the honesty or reliability of; regard with suspicion.

Example: “speculation remained that the Army distrusted the peace process”
Synonyms: mistrust, be suspicious of, be wary/chary of, regard with suspicion, suspect
Antonyms: trust

Malign (verb) ‫ حسدسے دیکھنا‬،‫بدنام کرنا‬

speak about (someone) in a spitefully critical manner.

Example: “don’t you dare malign her in my presence”
Synonyms: defame, slander, libel, smear, run a smear campaign against, vilify, speak ill of
Antonyms: praise

Tendency (noun) ‫ رجحان‬،‫ جھکاﺅ‬،‫رغبت‬

an inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behaviour.

Example: “for students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings”
Synonyms: propensity, proclivity, proneness, aptness, likelihood, inclination, disposition
Antonyms: averseness, disinclination, dislike

Propensity (noun) ‫ میل‬،‫ خواہش‬،‫تبلیغ‬

an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.

Example: “his propensity for violence”
Synonyms: tendency, inclination, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, readiness, susceptibility
Antonyms: hate, incompetence
Arbitration (noun) ‫ثالث کے ذریعے فیصلہ کرنے کا حکم‬،‫ثالثی‬

the use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute.

Example: “Tayside Regional Council called for arbitration to settle the dispute”
Synonyms: adjudication, mediation, mediatorship, negotiation, conciliation, intervention,
Antonyms: disagreement, indecision

Debilitate (verb) ‫ ضعیف کرنا‬،‫کمزور کرنا‬

make (someone) very weak and infirm.

Example: “he was severely debilitated by a stomach upset”
Synonyms: weakening, enfeebling, enervating, enervative, devitalizing, draining
Antonyms: restorative

Vanquish (verb) ‫ فتح کرنا‬،‫شکست دینا‬

defeat thoroughly.
Example: “he successfully vanquished his rival”
Synonyms: conquer, defeat (utterly), beat (hollow), trounce, annihilate, triumph over
Antonyms: succumb, yield, faint, fail

Bland (adjective) ‫ بکواس‬،‫ بے تکا‬،‫بے چین‬

lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.

Example: “bland, mass-produced pop music”
Synonyms: uninteresting, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, dry, drab, dreary, wearisome,
Antonyms: interesting, stimulating

Privy (adjective) ‫ پوشیدہ‬،‫نجی‬

sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private).

Example: “he was no longer privy to her innermost thoughts”
Synonyms: aware of, acquainted with, in on, informed of, advised of, apprised of,
Antonyms: well-known, advertised, aired,
Violent (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫پرتشدد‬

using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Example: “a violent confrontation with riot police”
Synonyms: brutal, vicious, savage, harsh, rough, aggressive, bullying, threatening,
Antonyms: gentle, weak

Immune (adjective) ‫ مدافعتی‬،‫قوت مدافعت‬

resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or

sensitized white blood cells.
Example: “they were naturally immune to hepatitis B”
Synonyms: resistant, not subject, not liable, unsusceptible, not vulnerable, not open, not
Antonyms: susceptible

Obesity (noun) ‫موٹاپا‬

the state of being grossly fat or overweight.

Example: “the problem of obesity among children”
Synonyms: fatness, corpulence, stoutness, fleshiness, heaviness, plumpness, portliness,
Antonyms: emaciation, anorexia

Assertion (noun) ‫ اقرار واثق‬،‫ حق جتانا‬،‫دعوی‬

a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Example: “his assertion that his father had deserted the family”
Synonyms: declaration, contention, statement, claim, submission, postulation, averment,
Antonyms: disclaimer, challenge

Grapple (verb) ‫ گرفت‬،‫ قالب‬،‫کشتی‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”
Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle
Antonyms: let go of, release
Jinx (verb) ‫ بدشگونی النے والی شے‬،‫منحوس‬

bring bad luck to; cast an evil spell on.

Example: “the play is jinxed”
Synonyms: curse, cast a spell on, put the evil eye on, hoodoo, bewitch, point the bone at, hex,
Antonyms: advantage, benefit, boon, luck,

assailant (noun) ‫ جارح‬،‫ ہلہ بولنے واال‬،‫حملہ آور‬

a person who physically attacks another.

Example: “the police have no firm leads about the identity of his assailant”
Synonyms: attacker, mugger, assaulter,
Antonyms: ally, friend

Towering (adjective) ‫بہت اونچا‬،‫ انتہائی بلند‬،‫سربلند‬

extremely tall, especially in comparison with the surroundings.

Example: “Hari looked up at the towering buildings”
Synonyms: high, tall, lofty, elevated, soaring, sky-high, sky-scraping, steep, mountainous
Antonyms: low, short

Jeopardize (verb) ‫ خطرے میں ڈالنا‬،‫نقصان پہنچانا‬

put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
Example: “a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York’s position as a financial
Synonyms: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at risk, expose to risk, put in danger
Antonyms: safeguard

Exemplary (adjective) ‫ خوش اسلوب‬،‫ پسندیدہ‬،‫مثالی‬

serving as a desirable model; very good.

Example: “exemplary behaviour”
Synonyms: perfect, ideal, model, faultless, without fault, copybook, flawless, impeccable
Antonyms: deplorable, unworthy

Buttress (noun) ‫ کسی دیوار کی پشتہ بندی کرنا‬،‫سہارا‬

a structure of stone or brick built against a wall to strengthen or support it.

Example: “the cathedral’s massive buttresses”
Synonyms: prop, support, abutment, shore, pier, reinforcement, stanchion, stay, strut
Antonyms: undercut, undermine, weaken

Autonomous (adjective) ‫ بااختیار‬،‫خودمختار ملک‬

(of a country or region) having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs.
Example: “the federation included sixteen autonomous republics”
Synonyms: self-governing, independent, sovereign, free, self-ruling, self-determining, autarchic
Antonyms: dependent, nonautonomous, non-self-governing

Stipulate (verb) ‫ مقرر کرنا‬،‫شرط رکھنا‬

demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement.

Example: “he stipulated certain conditions before their marriage”
Synonyms: specify, set down, set out, lay down, set forth, state clearly, demand, require, insist
Antonyms: break, break off, calculate, confuse, decline

Defamatory (adjective) ‫ بدنام کن‬،‫ رسوائی‬،‫بدنامی‬

(of remarks, writing, etc.) damaging the good reputation of someone; slanderous or libellous.
Example: “a defamatory allegation”
Synonyms: libellous, slanderous, defaming, calumnious, calumniatory, vilifying, traducing,
Antonyms: complimentary

Diatribe (noun) ‫ گالیوں کی بوچھاڑ‬،‫شدید تنقید‬

a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.

Example: “a diatribe against consumerism”
Synonyms: tirade, harangue, verbal onslaught, verbal attack, stream of abuse, denunciation
Antonyms: encomium, eulogy, panegyric, rhapsody

Tacit (adjective) ‫ چپ چاپ‬،‫خاموش‬

understood or implied without being stated.

Example: “your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement”
Synonyms: implicit, understood, implied, inferred, hinted, suggested, insinuated, unspoken,
Antonyms: explicit, stated

Placate (verb) ‫ منانا‬،‫تسلی دینا‬

make (someone) less angry or hostile.

Example: “they attempted to placate the students with promises”
Synonyms: pacify, calm, calm down, appease, mollify, soothe, win over, quiet, conciliate
Antonyms: provoke, anger

Herald (verb) ‫ خبر دینے واال‬،‫اہم خبر سنانے واال‬

be a sign that (something) is about to happen.

Example: “the speech heralded a change in policy”
Synonyms: signal, indicate, announce, point to, spell, presage, augur, portend, promise,
Antonyms: enemy, foe, rival

Primarily (adverb) ‫ ابتدائی طور پر‬،‫بنیادی طور پر‬

for the most part; mainly.

Example: “around 80 per cent of personal computers are used primarily for word processing”
Synonyms: first and foremost, first, firstly, essentially, in essence, fundamentally, in the first
Antonyms: finally, lastly, ultimately

Disburse (verb) ‫ صرف کرنا‬،‫ خرچ کرنا‬،‫بانٹنا‬

pay out (money from a fund).
Example: “Rs. 67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed”
Synonyms: pay out, lay out, spend, expend, dole out, hand out, part with, donate,
Antonyms: claim

Vary (verb) ‫ بدلنا‬،‫مختلف ہونا‬

differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class.
Example: “the properties vary in price”
Synonyms: differ, be different, be unlike, be dissimilar, range, extend, stretch, reach,
Antonyms: agree, be static

Disbursement (noun) ‫ فراہمی‬،‫ادائیگی‬

the payment of money from a fund.

Example: “they established a committee to supervise the disbursement of aid”
Synonyms: payment, disbursal, paying out, laying out, spending, expending, expenditure,
Antonyms: underpayment, nonpayment

Constrained (adjective) ‫ زبردستی‬،‫ پابندی‬،‫مجبور‬

appearing forced or overly controlled.

Example: “he was acting in a constrained manner”
Synonyms: unnatural, awkward, self-conscious, mannered, artificial, wooden, stilted,
Antonyms: relaxed

Reconcile (verb) ‫ مصالحت‬،‫ ہم آہنگ کرنا‬،‫مالپ کرنا‬

settle (a quarrel).
Example: “advice on how to reconcile the conflict”
Synonyms: reunite, bring (back) together (again), restore harmony between, make peace
Antonyms: estrange, alienate

Sarcastic (adjective) ‫ طنز آمیز‬، ‫طنزیہ‬

marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.
Example: “making sarcastic comments”
Synonyms: sardonic, ironic, ironical, satirical, derisive, scornful, contemptuous, mocking,
Antonyms: amusing, droll, merry, playful, sportive

Compulsion (noun) ‫ زبردستی‬،‫مجبوری کے تحت‬

the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint.

Example: “the payment was made under compulsion”
Synonyms: obligation, constraint, force, coercion, duress, pressure, pressurization, enforcement
Antonyms: agreement, approval, consent, permission

Flout (verb) ‫ چڑانا‬،‫ توہین کرنا‬،‫طعنہ دینا‬

openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention).

Example: “the advertising code is being flouted”
Synonyms: defy, refuse to obey, go against, rebel against, scorn, disdain, show contempt for
Antonyms: observe

Ample (adjective) ‫ کافی‬،‫ فراخ‬،‫وسیع‬

enough or more than enough; plentiful.

Example: “there is ample time for discussion”
Synonyms: enough, sufficient, adequate, plenty of, abundant, more than enough, suitable
Antonyms: insufficient, meagre

Plenary (adjective) ‫ پورا‬،‫ تمام و کمال‬،‫ غیر محدود‬،‫مکمل‬

unqualified; absolute.
Example: “crusaders were offered a plenary indulgence by the Pope”
Synonyms: unconditional, unlimited, unrestricted, unqualified, absolute, complete, sweeping
Antonyms: incomplete, limited, part,

Illicit (adjective) ‫ قانون کے خالف‬،‫ ناروا‬،‫ ممنوع‬،‫ناجائز‬

forbidden by law, rules, or custom.

Example: “illicit drugs”
Synonyms: illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, against the law, outlawed, banned, forbidden,
Antonyms: licit, legal, above board

Adequate (adjective) ‫ کافی‬،‫ موزوں‬،‫مناسب‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable, acceptable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Abysmal (adjective) ‫ بہت برا‬،‫ گہرا‬،‫ناقابل پیمائش‬

extremely bad; appalling.

Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable
Antonyms: superb

Inevitable (adjective) ‫ ہر کر رہنے واال‬،‫ ناقابل ترمیم‬،‫ناگزیر‬

certain to happen; unavoidable.

Example: “war was inevitable”
Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen, sure to happen, inexorable,
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain

Deplete (verb) ‫ ختم کرنے کے قابل‬،‫ استعمال کرنا‬،‫ختم کرنا‬

use up the supply or resources of.

Example: “reservoirs have been depleted by years of drought”
Synonyms: exhaust, use up, consume, expend, spend, drain, empty, sap, milk
Antonyms: augment, increase
Confiscate (verb) ‫ قبضے میں لینا‬،‫ضبط کرنا‬

take or seize (someone’s property) with authority.

Example: “the guards confiscated his camera”
Synonyms: impound, seize, commandeer, requisition, appropriate, expropriate, take possession
Antonyms: return

Worsen (verb) ‫ زیادہ خراب ہونا‬،‫بدتر ہونا‬

make or become worse.

Example: “her condition worsened on the flight”
Synonyms: aggravate, exacerbate, make worse, compound, add to, intensify, increase,
Antonyms: improve, ameliorate, recover,

Yardstick (noun) ‫ ایک گز کا فٹہ‬،‫گز کا پیمانہ‬

a standard used for comparison.

Example: “league tables are not the only yardstick of schools’ performance”
Synonyms: standard, measure, gauge, scale, guide, guideline, indicator, test

Aphorism (verb) ‫ قول زریں‬،‫کہاوت‬،

a pithy observation which contains a general truth.

Example: “the old aphorism ‘the child is father to the man’”
Synonyms: saying, maxim, axiom, adage, precept, epigram, epigraph, dictum, gnome

Enact (verb) ‫ فرمان جاری کرنا‬،‫ قانون وضع کرنا‬،‫نافذ کرنا‬

make (a bill or other proposal) law.

Example: “legislation was enacted to attract international companies”
Synonyms: make law, pass, approve, ratify, validate, sanction, authorize, accept
Antonyms: repeal

Norm (noun) ‫ نمونہ‬،‫ قاعدہ‬،‫معمول‬

something that is usual, typical, or standard.

Example: “strikes were the norm”
Synonyms: standard, usual, normal, typical, average, the rule, predictable, unexceptional
Antonyms: the exception

Shadowy (adjective) ‫ بے اصل‬،‫ عکس دار‬،‫سایہ دار‬

full of shadows.
Example: “a long, shadowy, cobbled passage”
Synonyms: dark, dim, gloomy, murky, shady, shaded, sunless, tenebrous, crepuscular
Antonyms: bright, sunny

Acquiescence (noun) ‫ ماننا‬،‫ منظوری‬،‫ راضی ہونا‬،‫متفق ہونا‬

the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.

Example: “in silent acquiescence, she rose to her feet”
Synonyms: consent, agreement, acceptance, accession, concurrence, approval, seal of approval
Antonyms: refusal

Repressive (adjective) ‫ عکاسی‬،‫ ترجمانی‬،‫اظہار‬

(especially of a social or political system) inhibiting or restraining personal freedom.

Example: “a repressive regime”
Synonyms: oppressive, authoritarian, despotic, tyrannical, tyrannous, dictatorial, fascist
Antonyms: democratic, liberal

Jettison (verb) ‫ بادریزی‬،‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫دستبردارای‬

abandon or discard (someone or something that is no longer wanted).

Example: “the scheme was jettisoned”
Synonyms: dump, drop, ditch, discharge, eject, throw out, empty out, pour out
Antonyms: load, keep, retain
Opaque (adjective) ‫ دھندال‬،‫ غیر شفاف‬،‫مبہم‬

not able to be seen through; not transparent.

Example: “bottles filled with a pale opaque liquid”
Synonyms: non-transparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, hazy, misty, dirty, dingy
Antonyms: transparent, translucent, clear,

Thwart (verb) ‫ ترچھا‬،‫اکام‬،

oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition) successfully.

Example: “the government had been able to thwart all attempts by opposition leaders to form
new parties”
Synonyms: foil, frustrate, balk, stand in the way of, forestall, scotch, derail, smash
Antonyms: assist,facilitate

Emphatic (adjective) ‫ پرزور طریقے سے‬،‫تاکیدی انداز میں کہنا‬

expressing something forcibly and clearly.

Example: “the children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience”
Synonyms: vehement, firm, wholehearted, forceful, forcible, energetic, vigorous, ardent
Antonyms: hesitant, tentative

Languish (verb) ‫ مخمور‬،‫ مردہ دل‬،‫کمزور ہونا‬

(of a person, animal, or plant) lose or lack vitality; grow weak.

Example: “plants may appear to be languishing simply because they are dormant”
Synonyms: weaken, grow weak, deteriorate, decline, go into a decline, wither, droop
Antonyms: thrive, flourish

Ambush (noun) ‫ گھات لگا کر حملہ کرنا‬، ‫گھات لگانا‬

a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position.

Example: “seven members of a patrol were killed in an ambush”
Synonyms: surprise attack, trap, snare, pitfall, lure, ambuscade,
Antonyms: frankness, honesty

Baffle (verb) ‫ کشمکش میں ڈالنا‬،‫چکرا دینا‬

totally bewilder or perplex.

Example: “an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone”
Synonyms: perplex, puzzle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, confuse, confound, nonplus,
Antonyms: enlighten, clear, comprehensible,

Stern (adjective) ‫ جہاز کا عقبی حصہ‬،‫ کڑا‬،‫سخت‬

(of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and
exercise of discipline.
Example: “a smile transformed his stern face”
Synonyms: serious, unsmiling, frowning, poker-faced, severe, forbidding, grim, unfriendly,
Antonyms: genial, friendly

Mushroom ‫ تیزی سے پھیلنا‬،‫ بڑھنا‬،‫فطر‬

increase, spread, or develop rapidly.

Example: “environmental concern mushroomed in the 1960s”
Synonyms: proliferate, grow/develop rapidly, burgeon, spread, increase, expand, spring up,
Antonyms: contract, fail

Obvious (adjective) ‫ بالکل ایسا ہی‬،‫ صاف طور پر‬،‫واضح‬

easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent.

Example: “unemployment has been the most obvious cost of the recession”
Synonyms: clear, plain, plain to see, crystal clear, evident, apparent, manifest, patent,
Antonyms: imperceptible, inconspicuous, obscure,

Vicinity (noun) ‫ پڑوس‬،‫ قریب و جوار میں‬،‫ آس پاس‬،‫محلہ‬

the area near or surrounding a particular place.

Example: “the number of people living in the immediate vicinity was small”
Synonyms: surrounding district, surrounding area, neighbourhood, locality, locale, local area,
Antonyms: distance, remoteness
Indiscriminate (adjective) ‫ بال امتیاز‬،‫ بے اصول‬،‫اندھا دھند‬

done at random or without careful judgement.

Example: “the indiscriminate use of antibiotics can cause problems”
Synonyms: non-selective, unselective, undiscriminating, uncritical, aimless, hit-or-miss,
haphazard, ,
Antonyms: selective, discriminating, systematic,

Flagrant (adjective) ‫ صریح‬،‫ قابل مذمت‬،‫فاش‬

(of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive.

Example: “a flagrant violation of the law”
Synonyms: blatant, glaring, obvious, overt, evident, conspicuous, naked, barefaced,
Antonyms: unobtrusive, slight,

Atrocious (adjective) ‫ ظالمانہ‬،‫سفاکانہ‬

horrifyingly wicked.
Example: “atrocious cruelties”
Synonyms: brutal, barbaric, barbarous, brutish, savage, vicious, wicked, cruel, nasty, ,
Antonyms: admirable, kindly

Clique ‫ خاص لوگ‬،‫ منڈلی‬،‫ جتھہ‬،‫گروہ‬

a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them.
Example: “his flat became a haven for a clique of young men of similar tastes”
Synonyms: coterie, circle, inner circle, crowd, in-crowd, set, group, pack, band,
Antonyms: loner, individualist

Clergy (noun) ‫ پادریوں کا فرقہ‬،‫اہل کلیسا‬

the body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church.
Example: “all marriages were to be solemnized by the clergy”
Synonyms: clergymen, clergywomen, churchmen, churchwomen, clerics, priests, ecclesiastics,
Antonyms: laity

Absorb (verb) ‫ وقف کرنا‬،‫ چوس لینا‬، ‫جذب‬

take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.

Example: “buildings can be designed to absorb and retain heat”
Synonyms: soak up, suck up, draw up/in, take up/in, blot up, mop up, sponge up, sop up, ,
Antonyms: exude, give out

Sectarian (adjective) ‫ خاص جماعت کا‬،‫ فرقہ پرست‬،‫فرقہ وارانہ‬

rigidly following the doctrines of a sect or other group.

Example: “the sectarian Bolshevism advocated by Moscow”
Synonyms: factional, schismatic, cliquish, clannish, partisan, parti pris, denominational,
Antonyms: tolerant, liberal, broad-minded,

Impressionable (adjective) ‫اثر پذیر‬،‫باآسانی کسی سے متاثر ہونا‬

easily influenced.
Example: “children are highly impressionable and susceptible to advertising”
Synonyms: easily influenced, easily led, suggestible, susceptible, receptive, persuadable, pliable
Antonyms: unimpressionable

Amorphous (adjective) ‫ بے فائدہ سی شکل‬،‫ بے ڈھنگا‬،‫بے ساختہ‬

without a clearly defined shape or form.

Example: “an amorphous, characterless conurbation”
Synonyms: shapeless, formless, unformed, unshaped, structureless, unstructured, indeterminate,
Antonyms: shaped, definite

Embolden (verb) ‫ جرات دالنا‬،‫ ہمت دالنا‬،‫حوصلہ افزائی‬

give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.

Example: “emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers”
Synonyms: give courage, make brave/braver, encourage, hearten, strengthen, fortify
Antonyms: dishearten, discourage

Stifle (verb) ‫ دم روک دینا‬،‫دباﺅ ڈالنا‬

make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate.

Example: “those in the streets were stifled by the fumes”
Synonyms: suffocate, choke, asphyxiate, smother, very hot, sweltering, airless, suffocating
Antonyms: cold, chilly

Tyranny (noun) ‫ جابرانہ حکومت‬،‫ظلم‬

cruel and oppressive government or rule.

Example: “refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression”
Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, undemocratic rule
Antonyms: democracy, liberality

Rebuke (verb) ‫ سرزنش کرنا‬،‫ مالمت کرنا‬،‫ڈانت‬

express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behaviour or actions.

Example: “she had rebuked him for drinking too much”

Synonyms: reprimand, reproach, scold, admonish, reprove, remonstrate with

Antonyms: praise, compliment, commend

Dissent (verb) ‫ ایک رائے نہ ہونا‬،‫اختالف‬

hold or express opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “two members dissented from the majority”
Synonyms: differ, demur, diverge, disagree with, fail to agree with, express disagreement with
Antonyms: assent, agree, accept

Apparent (adjective) ‫ نمایاں‬،‫ بظاہر‬،‫ظاہر‬

clearly visible or understood; obvious.

Example: “for no apparent reason she laughed”
Synonyms: evident, plain, obvious, clear, manifest, visible, discernible, perceptible
Antonyms: unclear, obscure

Forthright (adjective) ‫ راست‬،‫ صاف‬،‫ سیدھا‬،‫بالکل‬

(of a person or their manner or speech) direct and outspoken.

Example: “his most forthright attack yet on the reforms”
Synonyms: frank, direct, straightforward, honest, candid, open, sincere, straight
Antonyms: secretive, dishonest

Atrocious (adjective) ‫ مظالم‬،‫ ظالمانہ‬،‫سفاکانہ‬

horrifyingly wicked.
Example: “atrocious cruelties”
Synonyms: brutal, barbaric, barbarous, brutish, savage, vicious, wicked, cruel, nasty, ruthless
Antonyms: admirable, kindly

Sulk (verb) ‫ روکھا‬،‫ جال بھنا‬،‫ روتے بسورتے رہنا‬،‫روٹھ جانا‬

be silent, morose, and bad-tempered out of annoyance or disappointment.

Example: “he was sulking over the break-up of his band”
Synonyms: mope, brood, pout, be sullen, have a long face, be in a bad mood
Antonyms: be cheerful

Spirited (adjective) ‫ پرجوش‬،‫ بلند حوصلہ‬،‫حوصلہ افزائی‬

full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination.

Example: “a spirited campaigner for women’s rights”
Synonyms: lively, vivacious, vibrant, full of life, vital, animated, high-spirited, sparkling
Antonyms: timid, apathetic, lifeless,

Lopsided (adjective) ‫ناہموار‬،

with one side lower or smaller than the other.

Example: “a lopsided grin”
Synonyms: asymmetrical, unsymmetrical, uneven, unevenly balanced, unbalanced, off-balance
Antonyms: even, level, balanced

Reluctant (adjective) ‫ ناراض مند‬،‫ اڑیل‬،‫ہچکچاہٹ‬

unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

Example: “today, many ordinary people are still reluctant to talk about politics”
Synonyms: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, grudging, resistant, resisting, opposed
Antonyms: willing, eager, ready,

Harness (verb) ‫لگام سے قابو کرنا‬

control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy.

Example: “attempts to harness solar energy”
Synonyms: control, exploit, utilize, use, make use of, put to use, render useful,
Antonyms: underuse

Stymie (verb) ‫دشوار صورت جس کے حل ہونے کے امکان کم ہوں‬

prevent or hinder the progress of.

Example: “the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments”
Synonyms: impede, interfere with, hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, frustrate, thwart
Antonyms: assist, help

Endanger (verb) ‫ خطرے میں ڈالنا‬،‫خطرہ ہے‬

put (someone or something) at risk or in danger.

Example: “he was driving in a manner likely to endanger life”
Synonyms: imperil, jeopardize, risk, put at risk, put in danger, expose to danger, put in jeopardy
Antonyms: guard, help, protect, save

Heap (verb) ‫ڈھیر‬

put (objects or a loose substance) in a heap.

Example: “she heaped logs on the fire”
Synonyms: pile up, pile, stack up, stack, make a pile of, make a stack of, make a mound of,
Antonyms: a little, not much, a few, not many

Crude (adjective) ‫ ناصاف تیل‬،‫ کچا‬،‫خام‬

in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined.

Example: “crude oil”
Synonyms: unrefined, unpurified, unprocessed, untreated, unmilled, unworked, unpolished,
Antonyms: refined

Sarcasm (noun) ‫طنز‬

the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

Example: “she didn’t like the note of sarcasm in his voice”
Synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, satire, irony, scorn, sneering, scoffing, gibing
Antonyms: accolade, commendation, compliment

Arrogance (noun) ‫ مغرور‬،‫تکبر‬

the quality of being arrogant.

Example: “the arrogance of this man is astounding”
Synonyms: haughtiness, conceit, hubris, self-importance, egotism, sense of superiority,
Antonyms: humility, modesty

Anguish (noun) ‫ تکلیف‬،‫ کوفت‬،‫ذہنی اذیت‬

severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

Example: “she shut her eyes in anguish”
Synonyms: agony, pain, torment, torture, suffering, distress, angst, misery, sorrow
Antonyms: happiness, contentment

Precedent (noun) ‫ نمونہ‬،‫ مثال‬،‫نظیر‬

an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent
similar circumstances.
Example: “there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training”
Synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior case, previous instance
Antonyms: advanced, late, closing

Intend (verb) ‫ عزم کرنا‬،‫ ارادہ رکھنا‬،‫نیت کرنا‬

have (a course of action) as one’s purpose or intention; plan.

Example: “the company intends to cut 400 jobs”
Synonyms: plan, mean, have the/every intention, have in mind, have in view, have plans, aim

Dwarf (noun) ‫ چھوٹے قد کا‬،‫بونہ‬

(in folklore or fantasy literature) a member of a mythical race of short, stocky humanlike
creatures who are generally skilled in mining and metalworking.
Synonyms: gnome, goblin, hobgoblin, troll, imp, elf, brownie, kelpie, leprechaun,
Antonyms: giant

Obscurity (noun) ‫ ابہام‬،‫دھندالپن‬

the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant.

Example: “he is too good a player to slide into obscurity”

Synonyms: insignificance, inconspicuousness, unimportance, anonymity, non-recognition,

Antonyms: fame

Recalcitrant (adjective) ‫ منحرف‬،‫ سرکش‬،‫ضدی‬

having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.

Example: “a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year-olds”
Synonyms: uncooperative, obstinately disobedient, intractable, unmanageable, ungovernable,
Antonyms: amenable, docile, compliant

Widespread (adjective) ‫ دور تک پھیال ہوا‬، ‫بڑے پیمانے پر‬

found or distributed over a large area or number of people.
Example: “there was widespread support for the war”
Synonyms: general, extensive, universal, common, global, worldwide, international,
Antonyms: local, limited

Testify (verb) ‫ ایمان سے‬،‫ ثبوت ہونا‬،‫گواہی دینا‬

give evidence as a witness in a law court.

Example: “he testified against his own commander”
Synonyms: give evidence, bear witness, be a witness, give one’s testimony, attest
Antonyms: deny

Sceptic (noun) ‫ شک کرنے واال‬،‫شکی‬

a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.

Synonyms: cynic, doubter, questioner, scoffer, pessimist, prophet of doom
Antonyms: believer

Cynic (noun) ‫ ترش رو‬،‫ طعنہ زن‬،‫ناقد‬

a person who questions whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile.

Example: “the cynics were silenced when the factory opened”
Synonyms: sceptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, scoffer, pessimist, prophet of doom,
Antonyms: idealist, optimist

Heir (noun) ‫وارث‬

a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person’s death.
Example: “his eldest son and heir”
Synonyms: successor, heiress, next in line, inheritor, heir apparent, heir presumptive
Antonyms: predecessor
Stir (verb) ‫ جنبش دینا‬،‫ چالنا‬،‫ہلچل‬

move or cause to move slightly.

Example: “nothing stirred except the wind”
Synonyms: get up, get out of bed, rouse oneself, bestir oneself, rise, show signs of life
Antonyms: go to bed, retire

Abysmal (adjective) ‫ انتہائی‬،‫ بے پایاں‬،‫غیر معمولی‬

extremely bad; appalling.

Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable
Antonyms: superb

Naive (adjective) ‫ سادہ لوح‬،‫ سیدھا سادا‬،‫بھوال بھاال‬

(of a person) natural and unaffected; innocent.

Example: “Andy had a sweet, naive look when he smiled”
Synonyms: innocent, unsophisticated, artless, ingenuous, inexperienced, guileless, unworldly
Antonyms: sophisticated, disingenuous, experienced, worldly

Verdict (noun) ‫ جیوری کا فیصلہ‬،‫فیصلہ‬

a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

Example: “the jury returned a verdict of not guilty”

Synonyms: judgement, adjudication, adjudgement, decision, finding, ruling, resolution

Occurrence (noun) ‫ وقوع‬،‫واقعہ‬

an incident or event.
Example: “vandalism used to be a rare occurrence”
Synonyms: event, incident, happening, phenomenon, affair, matter, experience,

Cherish (verb) ‫ عزیز رکھنا‬،‫پالنا پوسنا‬

protect and care for (someone) lovingly.
Example: “he needed a woman he could cherish”
Synonyms: adore, hold dear, love, care very much for, feel great affection for, dote on
Antonyms: neglect

Sovereignty (noun) ‫اعلی‬

ٰ ‫ اقتدار‬،‫ حاکمیت‬،‫خودمختاری‬

supreme power or authority.

Example: “the sovereignty of Parliament”
Synonyms: jurisdiction, supremacy, dominion, power, ascendancy, suzerainty, tyranny,
Antonyms: subservience, subjection

Incursion (noun) ‫ دراندازی‬،‫ چڑھائی‬،‫حملہ‬

an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one.

Example: “incursions into enemy territory”
Synonyms: attack on, assault on, raid on, invasion of, storming of, overrunning of, foray into
Antonyms: retreat

Obliterate (verb) ‫ محو کرنے کا عمل‬،‫ مٹانا‬،‫ختم کرنا‬

destroy utterly; wipe out.

Example: “the memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind”
Synonyms: destroy, wipe out, annihilate, exterminate, extirpate, demolish, eliminate, eradicate,
Antonyms: create, establish

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ مشتعل کرنا‬،‫ تیز کرنا‬،‫بڑھ جانا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify, increase, heighten
Antonyms: calm, reduce
Exuberant (adjective) ‫ بہتات‬،‫ پرجوش‬،‫خوشحال‬

full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness.

Example: “a noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters”
Synonyms: ebullient, buoyant, cheerful, sunny, breezy, jaunty, light-hearted, in high spirits
Antonyms: gloomy

Rivet (verb) ‫ توجہ مرکوز کرنا‬،‫ توجہ دینا‬،‫کیل ٹھونکنا‬

join or fasten (plates of metal) with a rivet or rivets.

Example: “the linings are bonded, not riveted, to the brake shoes for longer wear”
Synonyms: fixed, rooted, frozen, unable to move, motionless, unmoving, immobile, stock-still
Antonyms: bored, uninterested, boring, dull

Listless (adjective) ‫ تھکاوٹ‬،‫ تھکن‬،‫ بے خبر‬،‫بے توجہی‬

(of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm.

Example: “bouts of listless depression”
Synonyms: lethargic, enervated, lackadaisical, spiritless, unenergetic, lifeless, vigourless
Antonyms: energetic, lively

Slump (verb) ‫ سردبازاری‬،‫ گراوٹ‬،‫پھسل جانا‬

sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply.

Example: “she slumped against the cushions”
Synonyms: sit heavily, flop, flump, collapse, sink, fall, subside, sag, slouch
Antonyms: stand up, sit up

Lingering (adjective) ‫ سست رو‬،‫ کاہل‬،‫تاخیر‬

lasting for a long time or slow to end.

Example: “there are still some lingering doubts in my mind”
Synonyms: remaining, surviving, persisting, abiding, nagging, niggling, gnawing, lasting
Antonyms: short-lived
Echelon (noun) ‫ اختیار کا درجہ‬،‫ فوج کی ترتیب دینا‬،‫ترتیب دینا‬

a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.

Example: “the upper echelons of the business world”
Synonyms: level, rank, grade, step, rung, tier, stratum, plane, position, order,
Antonyms: unemployment

Confine (verb) ‫ قید کرنا‬،‫ پابند کرنا‬،‫محدود‬

keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, or time).
Example: “he does not confine his message to high politics”
Synonyms: enclose, incarcerate, imprison, intern, impound, hold captive, trap, shut in/up
Antonyms: release

Unscrupulous (adjective) ‫ بے اصول‬،‫ بے ایمان‬،‫بے اختیار‬

having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.

Example: “unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to harass existing tenants”
Synonyms: unprincipled, unethical, immoral, amoral, conscienceless, untrustworthy, shameless
Antonyms: ethical, honest

Tenacity (noun) ‫ استوار‬،‫ استحکام‬،‫سختی‬

the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip.

Example: “the sheer tenacity of the limpet”
Synonyms: persistence, pertinacity, determination, perseverance, doggedness, tenaciousness,
Antonyms: irresolution, lack of resolve

Adequate (adjective) ‫ کافی‬،‫معقول‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable, acceptable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Seldom (adverb) ‫ کبھی کبھی‬،‫ کبھی کبھار‬،‫بہت کم‬

not often; rarely.

Example: “Islay is seldom visited by tourists”
Synonyms: rarely, infrequently, on rare occasions, hardly ever, scarcely ever, hardly
Antonyms: often, frequently

Stigma (noun) ‫ کلنک کا ٹیکہ‬،‫ رسوائی‬،‫بدنما داغ‬

a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

Example: “the stigma of having gone to prison will always be with me”
Synonyms: shame, disgrace, dishonour, stain, taint, blot, blot on one’s escutcheon
Antonyms: honour, credit

Fancy (adjective) ‫ گمان کرنا‬،‫ تصور کرنا‬،‫خوش اسلوب‬

sophisticated or expensive in a way that is intended to impress.

Example: “fancy hotels and restaurants”
Synonyms: elaborate, ornate, ornamented, ornamental, decorated, decorative, adorned,
Antonyms: plain, unobtrusive

Scourge (noun) ‫ سزا دینا‬،‫کوڑے مارنا‬

a whip used as an instrument of punishment.

Example: “our people did scourge him severely”
Synonyms: affliction, bane, curse, plague, menace, evil, misfortune, burden, cross to bear
Antonyms: blessing, godsend

Boggle (verb) ‫ ہچکچانا‬،‫ چونکنا‬،‫حیرت میں ڈالنا‬

(of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something.
Example: “the mind boggles at the spectacle”
Synonyms: marvel, wonder, be astonished, be astounded, be amazed, be filled with amazement
Antonyms: ameliorate, better, enhance, help, improve

Incendiary (adjective) ‫ آتش گیر‬،‫آگ لگانے واال‬

(of a device or attack) designed to cause fires.

Example: “incendiary bombs”
Synonyms: combustible, flammable, inflammable, fire-producing, fire-raising
Antonyms: conciliatory

Potent (adjective) ‫ طاقتور‬،‫ بااختیار‬،‫قوی‬

having great power, influence, or effect.

Example: “thrones were potent symbols of authority”
Synonyms: powerful, strong, vigorous, mighty, formidable, influential, commanding, dominant
Antonyms: weak, impotent

Menace (verb) ‫ آنکھیں دکھانا‬،‫ ڈرانا‬،‫ خطرہ‬،‫دھمکانا‬

be a threat or possible danger to.

Example: “Africa’s elephants are still menaced by poaching”
Synonyms: threaten, be a danger to, put at risk, jeopardize, imperil, loom over, bully
Antonyms: friendly, auspicious

Coterie (noun) ‫ ٹولی‬،‫ جتھا‬،‫ گروہ‬،‫حلقہ‬

a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other
Example: “a coterie of friends and advisers”
Synonyms: clique, set, circle, inner circle, crowd, in-crowd, gang
Antonyms: loner, individualist

Incarcerate (verb) ‫ حبس‬،‫قید کرنا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody
Antonyms: free, release

Forgery (noun) ‫ نقل‬،‫جعل سازی‬

the action of forging a copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
Example: “he was found guilty of forgery”
Synonyms: counterfeiting, fraudulent copying, fraudulent imitation, falsification, faking,
Antonyms: original

Appalling (adjective) ‫ ہولناک‬،‫خوفناک‬

causing shock or dismay; horrific.

Example: “the cat suffered appalling injuries during the attack”
Synonyms: shocking, horrific, horrifying, horrible, terrible, awful, dreadful, ghastly
Antonyms: admirable, excellent

Opaque (adjective) ‫ دھندال‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫غیر شفاف‬

not able to be seen through; not transparent.

Example: “bottles filled with a pale opaque liquid”
Synonyms: non-transparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, hazy, misty, dirty, dingy
Antonyms: transparent, translucent, clear

Archaic (adjective) ‫ بہت پرانا‬،‫ دقیانوسی‬، ‫قدیم‬

very old or old-fashioned.

Example: “prisons are run on archaic methods”
Synonyms: obsolete, obsolescent, out of date, anachronistic, old-fashioned, outmoded, behind
the times,
Antonyms: new, modern

Intermediary (noun) ‫مصالحت کرنے واال‬

a person who acts as a link between people in order to try and bring about an agreement; a
Example: “negotiations took place through an intermediary”
Synonyms: mediator, go-between, negotiator, intervenor, interceder, intercessor, arbitrator
Antonyms: extreme, farthest, farthermost

Embolden (verb) ‫ بڑھانا‬،‫ حوصلہ افزائی‬،‫ہمت بڑھانا‬

give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.

Example: “emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers”
Synonyms: give courage, make brave/braver, encourage, hearten, strengthen, fortify
Antonyms: dishearten, discourage

Incarcerate (verb) ‫ قید کرنا‬،‫حبس‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody
Antonyms: free, release

Receptive (adjective) ‫ اثر لینے واال‬،‫قبول کرنے واال‬

willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas.

Example: “a receptive audience”
Synonyms: open-minded, open to new ideas, open to suggestions, open, responsive, amenable
Antonyms: resistant, unresponsive

Dissent (verb) ‫ مخالف ہونا‬،‫اختالف رائے‬،‫اختالف‬

hold or express opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “two members dissented from the majority”
Synonyms: differ, demur, diverge, disagree with, fail to agree with, express disagreement with
Antonyms: assent, agree, accept,
Caustic (adjective) ‫ کاٹ کرنے والی اوکھد‬،‫جالنے والی چیز‬

able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action.

Example: “a caustic cleaner”
Synonyms: corrosive, corroding, mordant, acid, alkaline, burning, stinging, acrid,
Antonyms: kind

Marshal (verb) ‫ فوجیوں کا جتھہ‬،‫سپہ ساالر اعظم‬

assemble and arrange (a group of people, especially troops) in order.

Example: “the general marshalled his troops”
Synonyms: gather, gather together, assemble, collect, muster, mass, amass, call together,
Antonyms: disperse, scatter

Ferocious (adjective) ‫ ظالم‬،‫ خطرناک‬،‫وحشی‬

savagely fierce, cruel, or violent.

Example: “a ferocious beast”
Synonyms: fierce, savage, wild, feral, untamed, predatory, rapacious, ravening, aggressive,
Antonyms: tame, gentle

Contrary (adjective) ‫ خالف توقع‬،‫ الٹ‬،‫برعکس‬

opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.

Example: “he ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal”
Synonyms: opposite, opposing, opposed, contradictory, clashing, conflicting, antithetical
Antonyms: compatible, same

Disgruntled (adjective) ‫ آزردہ دل‬،‫ اداس‬،‫ناگوار‬

angry or dissatisfied.
Example: “judges receive letters from disgruntled members of the public”
Synonyms: dissatisfied, discontented, aggrieved, resentful, fed up, displeased, unhappy,
Antonyms: pleased, contented

Ambiguity (noun) ‫ ابہام‬،‫ غیر واضح‬،‫مشکوک‬

the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.
Example: “we can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act”
Synonyms: ambivalence, equivocation, obscurity, vagueness, abstruseness, doubtfulness,
Antonyms: unambiguousness, transparency

Aggrieved (adjective) ‫ متاثرہ فریق‬،‫ ظلم‬،‫غمزدہ‬

feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated.

Example: “they were aggrieved at the outcome”
Synonyms: resentful, affronted, indignant, disgruntled, discontented, angry, distressed, unhappy
Antonyms: pleased

Discretionary (adjective) ‫صوابدیدی‬

available for use at the discretion of the user.

Example: “there has been an increase in year-end discretionary bonuses”
Synonyms: optional, non-compulsory, voluntary, at one’s discretion, up to the individual, non-
Antonyms: compulsory, obligatory

Salutary (adjective) ‫ سودمند‬،‫ نفع بخش‬،‫صحت بخش‬

(especially with reference to something unwelcome or unpleasant) producing good effects;

Example: “it failed to draw salutary lessons from Britain’s loss of its colonies”
Synonyms: beneficial, good, good for one, advantageous, profitable, productive, helpful
Antonyms: unwelcome, irrelevant

Incursion (noun) ‫ چڑھائی‬،‫حملہ‬

an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one.

Example: “incursions into enemy territory”
Synonyms: attack on, assault on, raid on, invasion of, storming of, overrunning of, foray into
Antonyms: retreat

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ ظاہر ہے‬،‫ نمایاں‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ شدید‬، ‫ بگاڑنا‬،‫بڑھ جانا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify, increase, heighten
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Intrude (verb) ‫ بن بالیا مہمان‬،‫زبردستی گھسنا‬

enter with disruptive or adverse effect.

Example: “the noise began to intrude into her thoughts”
Synonyms: encroach, impinge, trespass, infringe, obtrude, thrust oneself in, invade
Antonyms: withdraw

Sustenance (noun) ‫ غذائیت‬،‫ روزی‬،‫ روزگار‬،‫رزق‬

food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment.

Example: “poor rural economies turned to potatoes for sustenance”

Synonyms: nourishment, food, nutriment, nutrition, fare, diet, daily bread, provisions

Vengeance (noun) ‫ قصاص‬،‫ بدلہ‬،‫انتقام‬

punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

Example: “voters are ready to wreak vengeance on all politicians”
Synonyms: revenge, avengement, retribution, retributive justice, retaliation, requital, reprisal
Antonyms: forgiveness, grace, mercy, pardon

Widespread (adjective) ‫ دور تک پھیال ہوا‬، ‫بڑے پیمانے پر‬

found or distributed over a large area or number of people.

Example: “there was widespread support for the war”
Synonyms: general, extensive, universal, common, global, worldwide, international,
Antonyms: local, limited

Testify (verb) ‫ ایمان سے‬،‫ ثبوت ہونا‬،‫گواہی دینا‬

give evidence as a witness in a law court.

Example: “he testified against his own commander”
Synonyms: give evidence, bear witness, be a witness, give one’s testimony, attest
Antonyms: deny

Sceptic (noun) ‫ شک کرنے واال‬،‫شکی‬

a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.

Synonyms: cynic, doubter, questioner, scoffer, pessimist, prophet of doom
Antonyms: believer

Cynic (noun) ‫ ترش رو‬،‫ طعنہ زن‬،‫ناقد‬

a person who questions whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile.

Example: “the cynics were silenced when the factory opened”
Synonyms: sceptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, scoffer, pessimist, prophet of doom,
Antonyms: idealist, optimist

Heir (noun) ‫وارث‬

a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person’s death.
Example: “his eldest son and heir”
Synonyms: successor, heiress, next in line, inheritor, heir apparent, heir presumptive
Antonyms: predecessor

Stir (verb) ‫ جنبش دینا‬،‫ چالنا‬،‫ہلچل‬

move or cause to move slightly.

Example: “nothing stirred except the wind”
Synonyms: get up, get out of bed, rouse oneself, bestir oneself, rise, show signs of life
Antonyms: go to bed, retire

Abysmal (adjective) ‫ انتہائی‬،‫ بے پایاں‬،‫غیر معمولی‬

extremely bad; appalling.

Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable
Antonyms: superb

Naive (adjective) ‫ سادہ لوح‬،‫ سیدھا سادا‬،‫بھوال بھاال‬

(of a person) natural and unaffected; innocent.

Example: “Andy had a sweet, naive look when he smiled”
Synonyms: innocent, unsophisticated, artless, ingenuous, inexperienced, guileless, unworldly
Antonyms: sophisticated, disingenuous, experienced, worldly

Verdict (noun) ‫ جیوری کا فیصلہ‬،‫فیصلہ‬

a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

Example: “the jury returned a verdict of not guilty”

Synonyms: judgement, adjudication, adjudgement, decision, finding, ruling, resolution

Occurrence (noun) ‫ وقوع‬،‫واقعہ‬

an incident or event.
Example: “vandalism used to be a rare occurrence”
Synonyms: event, incident, happening, phenomenon, affair, matter, experience,

Precinctv (noun) ‫ سرحد‬،‫انتظامی مقاصد کےلئے مخصوص عالقہ‬

the area within the walls or perceived boundaries of a particular building or place.
Example: “a former MP who still works in the precincts of the House”
Synonyms: bounds, boundaries, limits, confines, surrounding area, environs, surroundings,

Congregation (noun) ‫ کوئی قومی جماعت‬،‫ جماعت‬،‫اجتماع‬

a group of people assembled for religious worship.

Example: “the singing of psalms by the whole congregation”
Synonyms: parishioners, parish, churchgoers, flock, fold, faithful, following, followers,
adherents, believers, loyal members, fellowship,

Disruption (noun) ‫ خلل‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.

Example: “the scheme was planned to minimize disruption”
Synonyms: disturbance, disordering, disarrangement, disarranging, interference, upset,
upsetting, unsettling, confusion, confusing

Eternity (noun) ‫ ہمیشگی‬،‫ خلود‬،‫اخالقیات‬

endless life after death.

Example: “immortal souls destined for eternity”
Synonyms: the afterlife, everlasting life, life after death, the life to come, the life hereafter
Antonyms: limbo, hell

Hostility (noun) ‫ دشمن فوج‬،‫ عداوت‬،‫دشمنی‬

hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition.
Example: “their hostility to all outsiders”
Synonyms: antagonism, unfriendliness, bitterness, malevolence, malice, unkindness, spite,
Antonyms: friendliness, approval

Diminish (verb) ‫ گھٹنا‬،‫کم کرنا‬

make or become less.

Example: “the new law is expected to diminish the government’s chances”
Synonyms: decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink, contract, grow smaller, fall off
Antonyms: increase, flare up, get worse,

Antagonism (noun) ‫ دشمنی‬،‫ مخالفت‬،‫مخالفانہ‬

active hostility or opposition.

Example: “the antagonism between them”
Synonyms: hostility, friction, enmity, antipathy, animus, opposition, dissension, rivalry, feud
Antonyms: rapport, friendship

Endanger (verb) ‫ جوکھوں میں ڈالنا‬،‫خطرے میں ڈالنا‬

put (someone or something) at risk or in danger.

Example: “he was driving in a manner likely to endanger life”
Synonyms: imperil, jeopardize, risk, put at risk, put in danger, expose to danger, put in jeopardy

Onslaught (noun) ‫ دھاوا بولنا‬،‫سخت حملہ‬

a fierce or destructive attack.

Example: “a series of onslaughts on the citadel”
Synonyms: assault, attack, offensive, aggression, advance, charge, onrush, rush

Praiseworthy (adjective) ‫ قابل تعریف‬،‫قابل ستائش‬

deserving approval and admiration.

Example: “the government’s praiseworthy efforts”
Synonyms: commendable, laudable, admirable, creditable, worthy, worthy of admiration,
Antonyms: blameworthy, disgraceful

Henceforth (adverb) ‫ااا اا ااااا اااا اا اا اااا اا ااا اا‬

from this or that time on.

Example: “henceforth, parties which fail to get 5% of the vote will not be represented in
Synonyms: from now on, as of now, after this, in future, in the future, hence, henceforward,

Congregation (noun) ‫ااااا اااا اااا ااااااا اااااا‬

a group of people assembled for religious worship.

Example: “the singing of psalms by the whole congregation”
Synonyms: parishioners, parish, churchgoers, flock, fold, faithful, following, followers

Capitulation (noun) ‫ااااا ااااا ااااا اااا ااااا‬

the action of ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.

Example: “she gave a sigh of capitulation”
Synonyms: surrender, submission, yielding, giving in, succumbing, acquiescence, laying down
of arms
Antonyms: resistance

Palatable (adjective) ‫ااا اااا ااااااا‬

(of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory.

Example: “a device that made increased taxation more palatable”
Synonyms: pleasant, acceptable, satisfactory, pleasing, agreeable, easy to take, to one’s liking,
Antonyms: disagreeable, unpalatable, unpleasant
Conscientious (adjective) ‫اااا ااا ااااااا‬

wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.

Example: “a conscientious man, he took his duties very seriously”
Synonyms: diligent, industrious, punctilious, painstaking, sedulous, assiduous, dedicated
Antonyms: casual

Arbitrary (adjective) ‫اااا اا ااااااااا ااااااااا‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic, unpredictable, inconsistent
Antonyms: rational, reasoned

Atrocity (noun) ‫ااا اااااا ااااا اا‬

an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
Example: “a textbook which detailed war atrocities”
Synonyms: act of barbarity, act of brutality, act of savagery, act of wickedness, cruelty,
Antonyms: benignity, compassion, humanity, kindness, sympathy

Legitimate (adjective) ‫اااا ااااااا ااااا‬

conforming to the law or to rules.

Example: “his claims to legitimate authority”
Synonyms: legal, lawful, licit, legalized, authorized, permitted, permissible, allowable,
Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate

Alienation (noun) ‫اااااا اااااا اااااااا‬

the state or experience of being alienated.

Example: “a sense of alienation from our environment”
Synonyms: isolation, detachment, estrangement, distance, separation, severance, parting,
division, divorce, cutting off, turning away
Volatile (adjective) ‫ااا اا اااا اا ااااااا ااا‬

(of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures.

Example: “volatile solvents such as petroleum ether, hexane, and benzene”
Synonyms: evaporative, vaporous, vaporescent; explosive, eruptive, inflammable; unstable
Antonyms: stable, calm

Incarcerate (verb) ‫اااا ااا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody, put under lock
and key,
Antonyms: free, release

Unfettered (adjective) ‫اااا اا اااااا ااااا اا ااا ا ااا‬

not confined or restricted.

Example: “his imagination is unfettered by the laws of logic”
Synonyms: unrestrained, unrestricted, unconstrained, free, unbridled, untrammelled, unchecked
Antonyms: restricted, fettered

Dread (verb) ‫ااا ااااا اااا‬

anticipate with great apprehension or fear.

Example: “Jane was dreading the party”
Synonyms: fear, be afraid of, worry about, be anxious about, have forebodings about,
Antonyms: look forward to

Gloomy (adjective) ‫اا ااااا اااااا ااااا‬

dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening.

Example: “a gloomy corridor badly lit by oil lamps”
Synonyms: dark, ill-lit, poorly lit, shadowy, sunless, dim, sombre, dingy, frowzy
Antonyms: bright, sunny, well lit
Murky (adjective) ‫اااا ااااا ااااااا‬

dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.

Example: “the sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling”
Synonyms: dark, gloomy, grey, leaden, dull, dim, overcast, cloudy, clouded,
Antonyms: bright, sunny

Hazardous (adjective) ‫اا ااااا ااااااا‬

risky; dangerous.
Example: “we work in hazardous conditions”
Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe, perilous, precarious, insecure, tricky, unpredictable
Antonyms: safe, secure, certain

Impunity (noun) ‫ااااااا اااااااا‬

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”
Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment
Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Egregious (adjective) ‫ااا اااا ااا اااا اااااا‬

outstandingly bad; shocking.

Example: “egregious abuses of copyright”
Synonyms: shocking, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, terrible, awful, dreadful
Antonyms: marvellous

Coerce (verb) ‫اااا ااااا ااا ااااا ااااا‬

persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

Example: “he was coerced into giving evidence”
Synonyms: pressure, pressurize, bring pressure to bear on, use pressure on, put pressure on
Antonyms: persuade
Ignominious (adjective) ‫اااااا ااااااا ااااا ااا‬

deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.

Example: “no other party risked ignominious defeat”
Synonyms: humiliating, undignified, embarrassing, mortifying, shameful, disgraceful,
Antonyms: glorious

Warp (verb) ‫ااااا ااااا ااا اا اااا ااا‬

make or become bent or twisted out of shape, typically as a result of the effects of heat or damp.
Example: “moisture had warped the box”
Synonyms: buckle, twist, bend, distort, deform, misshape, curve, make/become crooked/curved
Antonyms: straighten, keep shape

Vulnerable (adjective) ‫ااااا ااا ااااا‬

exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Example: “we were in a vulnerable position”
Synonyms: in danger, in peril, in jeopardy, at risk, endangered, unsafe, unprotected, ill-protected
Antonyms: well protected, invulnerable, resilient, immune to, above

Masculinity (noun) ‫ااا اااا ااااااا‬

qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men.

Example: “handsome, muscled, and driven, he’s a prime example of masculinity”
Synonyms: virility, manliness, maleness, vigour, strength, muscularity, ruggedness, toughness
Antonyms: femininity

Erroneous (adjective) ‫اا ااا ااا‬

wrong; incorrect.
Example: “employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions”
Synonyms: wrong, incorrect, mistaken, in error, inaccurate, not accurate, inexact, not exac
Antonyms: right, correct
Negligence (noun) ‫اااااا اا ااااا‬

failure to take proper care over something.

Example: “his injury was due to the negligence of his employers”
Synonyms: carelessness, lack of care, dereliction of duty, non-performance of duty, non-
fulfilment of duty,
Antonyms: conscientiousness, attention to duty

Incline (verb) ‫ااا اااا ااااااا ااااا‬

be favourably disposed towards or willing to do something.

Example: “he was inclined to accept the offer”
Synonyms: disposed, minded, of a mind, willing, ready, prepared, predisposed,
Antonyms: disinclined

Heinous (adjective) ‫ااااااا اااااااا اااااااا‬

(of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.

Example: “a battery of heinous crimes”
Synonyms: odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, disgraceful, abominable, detestable,
Antonyms: admirable

Conundrum (noun) ‫اااا ااااا‬

a confusing and difficult problem or question.

Example: “one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts”
Synonyms: problem, difficult question, vexed question, difficulty, quandary, dilemma, puzzle,

Interpret (verb) ‫اااااا اااا ااااا ااااااا ااااا ااااا‬

explain the meaning of (information or actions).

Example: “the evidence is difficult to interpret”
Synonyms: explain, elucidate, expound, explicate, clarify, make clear, make plain, illuminate
Vengeance (noun) ‫اااا ااااا ااااااا‬

punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

Example: “voters are ready to wreak vengeance on all politicians”
Synonyms: revenge, avengement, retribution, retributive justice, retaliation, requital, reprisal,

Mitigate (verb) ‫ کم کرنا‬،‫ کمی کرنا‬،‫تخفیف کرنا‬

make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”
Synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off,
Antonyms: aggravate, increase, intensify,

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ نمایاں‬،ً‫ ظاہرا‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly,

Thwart (verb) ‫ کامیابی سے مخالفت کرنا‬،‫ آڑا‬،‫ترچھا‬

oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition) successfully.

Example: “the government had been able to thwart all attempts by opposition leaders to form
new parties”
Synonyms: foil, frustrate, balk, stand in the way of, forestall, scotch, derail, smash,
Antonyms: assist, facilitate

Combustible (adjective) ‫ اشتعال پذیر‬،‫آتش گیر‬

able to catch fire and burn easily.

Example: “a combustible gas”
Synonyms: inflammable, flammable, incendiary, explosive, burnable, ignitable,
Antonyms: incombustible
Devastation (noun) ‫ ویرانی‬،‫تباہی‬

great destruction or damage.

Example: “the floods caused widespread devastation”
Synonyms: destruction, ruin, desolation, depredation, waste, havoc, wreckage, ruins,

Empathize (verb) ‫ ہم احساس ہونا‬،‫ ہم درد ہونا‬،‫ہمدردی‬

understand and share the feelings of another.

Example: “counsellors need to be able to empathize with people”
Synonyms: identify, be in tune, have a rapport, feel togetherness, feel at one, commune,

Obligate (verb) ‫ پابند کرنا‬،‫واجب کرنا‬

require or compel (someone) to undertake a legal or moral duty.

Example: “the medical establishment is obligated to take action in the best interest of the public”
Synonyms: oblige, compel, commit, bind, require, constrain, force, impel, make,

Tantamount (adjective) ‫ اہمیت میں برابر‬،‫مساوی‬

equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as.

Example: “the resignations were tantamount to an admission of guilt”
Synonyms: equivalent to, equal to, amounting to, as good as, more or less, synonymous with

Pronouncement (noun) ‫رسمی اعالن‬

a formal or authoritative announcement or declaration.

Example: “distrust of the pronouncements of politicians was endemic”

Synonyms: announcement, proclamation, declaration, formal statement, assertion, judgement,

Alienation (noun) ‫ انتقال ملکیت‬،‫ دور کر دینا‬،‫بیگانگی‬

the state or experience of being alienated.
Example: “a sense of alienation from our environment”
Synonyms: isolation, detachment, estrangement, distance, separation, severance, parting,
division, divorce

Confrontation (noun) ‫ مقابلہ‬،‫محاذ آرائی‬

a hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties.

Example: “a confrontation with the legislature”
Synonyms: conflict, clash, brush, fight, battle, contest, encounter, head-to-head, face-off,
Antonyms: concord, harmony, peace

Reciprocate (verb) ‫ باہم تبادلہ کرنا‬،‫ بات برابر کرنا‬،‫جواب دینا‬

respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.

Example: “the favour was reciprocated”
Synonyms: do the same (in return), respond in kind, return the favour, give as good as one gets
Antonyms: ask, disagree, keep, question

Irritant (noun) ‫ مصیبت‬،‫ اشتعال انگیز‬،‫پریشان کن‬

a thing that is continually annoying or distracting.

Example: “in 1966 Vietnam was becoming an irritant to the government”
Synonyms: annoyance, irritation, source of irritation, source of vexation, source of annoyance,
Antonyms: help, pleasure

Grasp (verb) ‫ مضبوطی سے پکڑنا‬،‫گرفت‬

seize and hold firmly.

Example: “she grasped the bottle”
Synonyms: grip, clutch, clasp, hold, clench, lay hold of, catch, seize, grab, snatch, latch on to,
catch at, grapple,
Antonyms: release
Beleaguer (verb) ‫ محاصرہ‬،‫ تنگ کرنا‬، ‫چھیڑنا‬

lay siege to.

Example: “he led a relief force to the aid of the beleaguered city”
Synonyms: besieged, under siege, blockaded, surrounded, encircled, hemmed in, under attac,
Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, release, rescue

Suffocate (verb) ‫دم گھٹنا‬

die or cause to die from lack of air or inability to breathe.

Example: “they suffocated in their sleep”
Synonyms: smother, asphyxiate, stifle, choke, strangle, throttle, strangulate, be smothered
Antonyms: airy, breezy, unstuffy

Juvenile (adjective) ‫ نابالغ‬،‫ کمسن‬،‫نوعمر‬

for or relating to young people.

Example: “juvenile crime”
Synonyms: young, teenage, teenaged, adolescent, junior, underage, pubescent, prepubescent,
Antonyms: adult

Lethargy (noun) ‫ طویل نیند‬،‫ غنودگی‬،‫سستی‬

a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: “there was an air of lethargy about him”
Synonyms: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, torpidity, lifelessness,
Antonyms: vigour, energy, animatio

Laurel (noun) ‫تمغہ‬

honour or praise awarded for an achievement.

Example: “she has rightly won laurels for this brilliantly perceptive first novel”
Synonyms: honours, awards, trophies, prizes, rewards, tributes, praise, plaudits,

Stimulus (noun) ‫ متحرک‬،‫ تحریک‬،‫اشتعال‬

a thing that arouses activity or energy in someone or something; a spur or incentive.
Example: “if the tax were abolished, it would act as a stimulus to exports”
Synonyms: spur, stimulant, encouragement, impetus, boost, prompt, prod, incentive,
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement

Vacuous (adjective) ‫ بے مغز‬،‫خالی دماغ‬

having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.

Example: “a vacuous smile”
Synonyms: blank, vacant, expressionless, deadpan, inscrutable, inexpressive, poker-faced,
Antonyms: expressive, meaningful, thinking, intelligent,

Derision (noun) ‫ حقارت آمیز‬،‫تضحیک‬

contemptuous ridicule or mockery.

Example: “my stories were greeted with derision and disbelief”
Synonyms: mockery, ridicule, jeering, jeers, sneers, scoffing, jibing, taunts, disdain,
Antonyms: respect, praise

Soulless (adjective) ‫ بے روح‬،‫ مردہ‬،‫بے جان‬

(especially of a place) lacking character and individuality.

Example: “she found the apartment beautiful but soulless”
Synonyms: characterless, featureless, bland, dull, colourless, dreary, drab, uninspiring,

Parlance (noun) ‫ تشویش‬،‫ بولی‬،‫گفتگو‬

a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular
job or interest.
Example: “dated terms that were once in common parlance”
Synonyms: jargon, language, phraseology, idiom, -speak, talk, speech, way/manner of speaking,
Antonyms: standard, listening, silence
Chequered (adjective) ‫رنگ برنگا کرنا‬

having a pattern consisting of alternating squares of different colours.

Example: “a blue and white chequered tablecloth”
Synonyms: checked, multicoloured, many-coloured, harlequin, varicoloured, particoloured,

Upheaval (noun) ‫ انقالب‬،‫ کھلبلی‬،‫ہلچل‬

a violent or sudden change or disruption to something.

Example: “major upheavals in the financial markets”
Synonyms: disruption, upset, disturbance, trouble, turbulence, disorder, disorganization,
Antonyms: stability, tranquillity

Sagacity (noun) ‫غیر معمولی ذہانت‬

the quality of being sagacious.

Example: “a man of great political sagacity”
Synonyms: wisdom, (deep) insight, intelligence, understanding, judgement, acuity, astuteness,
Antonyms: stupidity

Exhaustion (noun) ‫ کمزوری‬،‫تھکن‬

a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness.

Example: “he was pale with exhaustion”
Synonyms: extreme tiredness, overtiredness, fatigue, weariness, lack of energy, enervation,
Antonyms: vigour

Burdensome (adjective) ‫ اجیرن‬،‫ سخت دوبھر‬،‫بوجھل‬

difficult to carry out or fulfil; taxing.

Example: “the burdensome responsibilities of professional life”
Synonyms: onerous, oppressive, troublesome, weighty, worrisome, vexatious, irksome,
Antonyms: easy, light
Indemnity (noun) ‫ نقصان کی ضمانت دینا‬،‫ معاوضہ‬،‫ہرجانہ‬

security or protection against a loss or other financial burden.

Example: “no indemnity will be given for loss of cash”
Synonyms: insurance, assurance, protection, security, indemnification, surety, endorsement,

Ambiguity (noun) ‫ مشکوک‬،‫ابہام‬

the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.

Example: “we can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act”
Synonyms: ambivalence, equivocation, obscurity, vagueness, abstruseness, doubtfulness
Antonyms: unambiguousness, transparency

Precarious (adjective) ‫ نازک مشتبہ‬،‫ فرضی‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬

dependent on chance; uncertain.

Example: “he made a precarious living as a painter”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risky,
Antonyms: safe, secure

Acrimonious (adjective) ‫ تند‬،‫ تیز‬،‫تکلیف دہ‬

(typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.

Example: an acrimonious dispute about wages”
Synonyms: bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, sarcastic, acid, harsh, sharp, razor-edged

Embargo (noun) ‫ حکومت کی طرف سے تجارت پر عارضی پابندی‬،‫ممانعت‬

an official ban on any activity.

Example: “there is a complete embargo on taking photographs in court”
Synonyms: ban, bar, prohibition, stoppage, interdict, proscription, veto, moratorium, restriction
Antonyms: allow
Astonish (verb) ‫ ششدر کرنا‬،‫حیران کرنا‬

surprise or impress (someone) greatly.

Example: “you never fail to astonish me”
Synonyms: amaze, astound, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, confound, dumbfound, stupefy, daze

Elope (verb) ‫آشنا کے ساتھ فرار ہونا‬

run away secretly in order to get married.

Example: “later he eloped with one of the housemaids”
Synonyms: run away to marry, run off/away together, slip away, sneak off, steal away

Malaise (noun) ‫ بیماری‬،‫ بے قراری‬،‫بے چینی‬

a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
Example: “a general air of malaise”
Synonyms: unhappiness, restlessness, uneasiness, unease, melancholy, depression, despondency,
Antonyms: comfort, well-being

Amicable (adjective) ‫ ملنساز‬،‫ مہربان‬،‫خو ش مزاج‬

characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.

Example: “an amicable settlement of the dispute”
Synonyms: friendly, good-natured, cordial, civil, courteous, polite, easy, easy-going,
Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile

Threadbare (adjective) ‫ تار تار‬،‫ پھٹا ہوا‬،‫ پرانا‬،‫ گھسا پٹا‬،‫فرسودہ‬

(of cloth, clothing, or soft furnishings) becoming thin and tattered with age.
Example: “tatty rooms with threadbare carpets”
Synonyms: worn, well worn, old, thin, worn out, holey, moth-eaten, mangy, ragged, frayed,
Antonyms: pristine
Ramification (noun) ‫ شاخ در شاخ‬،‫افزائش‬

a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.

Example: “any change is bound to have legal ramifications”
Synonyms: consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect, upshot, issue, sequel,
Antonyms: consideration, determinant, factor

Dormant (adjective) ‫ بے حس و حرکت‬،‫غیر فعال‬

(of an animal) having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time;
in or as if in a deep sleep.
Example: “dormant butterflies”
Synonyms: asleep, sleeping, slumbering, resting, reposing, drowsing, comatose, supine,
Antonyms: awake, active

Proliferation (noun) ‫ پھولنا‬،‫ بڑھنا‬،‫پھیالﺅ‬

rapid reproduction of a cell, part, or organism.

Example: “we attempted to measure cell proliferation”
Synonyms: rapid increase, growth, multiplication, spread, escalation, expansion, build-up,
Antonyms: decrease

Indulge (verb) ‫ مزے اڑانا‬،‫ مطمئن کرنا‬،‫خوش کرنا‬

allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.

Example: “we indulged in a cream tea”
Synonyms: wallow in, give oneself up to, give way to, yield to, abandon oneself to, give rein to,
Antonyms: stifle

Decrepit (adjective) ‫ بوڑھا‬،‫ شکستہ دل‬،‫زوال‬

worn out or ruined because of age or neglect.

Example: “a row of decrepit houses”
Synonyms: dilapidated, rickety, run down, broken-down, tumbledown, ramshackle, worn out,
Antonyms: sound
Inadequate (adjective) ‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ناکافی‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.

Example: “these labels prove to be wholly inadequate”
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, sparse,
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent,

Scepticism ‫ شکوک و شبہات‬،‫ شک کرنے واال‬،‫شکی‬

a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something.

Example: “these claims were treated with scepticism”

Synonyms: doubt, doubtfulness, dubiousness, a pinch of salt, lack of conviction,

Antonyms: conviction, belief, faith,

Table of Contents

 Daily Dawn English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning November 20, 2019
o Ferment (verb) ‫خمیر‬، ‫سڑن‬، ‫ابال‬
o Tumult (noun) ‫شور‬، ‫ہنگامہ‬، ‫دنگا‬
o Coincide (verb) ‫موافق‬، ‫ہونا میں وقت ایک‬
o Indemnity (noun) ‫ابرائ معاہدہ‬، ‫دینا ضمانت کی نقصان‬
o Harsh (adjective) ‫سخت‬، ‫ناگوار‬
o Tirade (noun) ‫تقریر دھار دھواں‬، ‫تقریر کی قسم سخت لمبی‬
o Partisan (noun) ‫متعصب‬، ‫گیر سخت‬، ‫طرفدار‬
o mimic (verb) ‫کرنا نقل کےلئے اڑانے مذاق‬
o Elicit (verb) ‫واضح‬، ‫کرنا ظاہر‬، ‫للکارانا‬
o Guffaw (noun) ‫لگانا قہقہہ تحاشا بے‬
o Check Our Complete collection for Daily Dawn News English Vocabulary with Urdu
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Daily Dawn English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning
November 20, 2019

Ferment (verb) ‫ ابال‬،‫ سڑن‬،‫خمیر‬

(of a substance) undergo fermentation.

Example: “the drink had fermented, turning some of the juice into alcohol”
Synonyms: undergo fermentation, brew, effervesce, fizz, foam, froth, bubble, seethe,

Tumult (noun) ‫ دنگا‬،‫ ہنگامہ‬،‫شور‬

a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.

Example: “a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out”
Synonyms: din, loud noise, racket, uproar, commotion, ruckus, rumpus, hubbub, pandemonium,
Antonyms: silence

Coincide (verb) ‫ ایک وقت میں ہونا‬،‫موافق‬

occur at the same time.

Example: “publication is timed to coincide with a major exhibition”
Synonyms: occur simultaneously, happen together, happen at the same time, be concurrent
Antonyms: differ

Indemnity (noun) ‫ نقصان کی ضمانت دینا‬،‫معاہدہ ابرائ‬

security or protection against a loss or other financial burden.

Example: “no indemnity will be given for loss of cash”
Synonyms: insurance, assurance, protection, security, indemnification, surety, endorsement,
Antonyms: penalty
Harsh (adjective) ‫ ناگوار‬،‫سخت‬

unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.

Example: “drenched in a harsh white neon light”
Synonyms: grating, jarring, grinding, rasping, raspy, strident, raucous, brassy,
Antonyms: soft, dulcet, subdued

Tirade (noun) ‫ لمبی سخت قسم کی تقریر‬،‫دھواں دھار تقریر‬

a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation.

Example: “a tirade of abuse”
Synonyms: diatribe, invective, polemic, denunciation, rant, broadside, attack, harangue
Antonyms: compliment, praise, calm, harmony, peace

Partisan (noun) ‫ طرفدار‬،‫ سخت گیر‬،‫متعصب‬

a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.

Example: “partisans of the exiled Stuarts”
Synonyms: supporter, follower, adherent, devotee, champion, backer, upholder, promoter,
Antonyms: impartial, unbiased

mimic (verb) ‫مذاق اڑانے کےلئے نقل کرنا‬

imitate (someone or their actions or words), especially in order to entertain or ridicule.

Example: “she mimicked Eileen’s pedantic voice”
Synonyms: imitate, copy, impersonate, do an impression of, take off, do an impersonation of,

Elicit (verb) ‫ للکارانا‬،‫ ظاہر کرنا‬،‫واضح‬

evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.

Example: “I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna”
Synonyms: obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke, bring about, bring forth, induce,

Guffaw (noun) ‫بے تحاشا قہقہہ لگانا‬

laugh loudly and heartily.
Example: “both men guffawed at the remark”
Synonyms: laugh heartily, laugh loudly, roar with laughter, hoot with laughter, laugh

Scathing (adjective) ‫خوفناک تنقید کا نشانہ بنانا‬

witheringly scornful; severely critical.

Example: “she launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister”
Synonyms: devastating, withering, blistering, extremely critical, coruscating, searing, scorching
Antonyms: mild, gentle, complimentary

Resurgence (noun) ‫ نئی روح‬،‫ پھر سے زندہ ہونا‬،‫حیات نو‬

an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.

Example: “a resurgence of interest in religion”
Synonyms: renewal, revival, recovery, rally, upturn, comeback, reinvigoration, reawakening,
Antonyms: death, expiration, extinction

Trajectory (noun) ‫ خط حرکت‬،‫مدار‬

the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.
Example: “the missile’s trajectory was preset”
Synonyms: course, route, path, track, line, orbit, flight, flight path, ambit,

Inertia (noun) ‫ سستی‬،‫بے عملی‬

a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.

Example: “the bureaucratic inertia of the various tiers of government”
Synonyms: inactivity, inaction, inactiveness, inertness, passivity, apathy, accidie, malaise,
Antonyms: activity, energy
Restrained (adjective) ‫ قابو میں رکھنا‬،‫ضبط شدہ‬

characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate.

Example: “his restrained, gentlemanly voice”
Synonyms: self-controlled, controlled, self-restrained, moderate, not given to excesses, sober
Antonyms: immoderate, emotional

Emphasize (verb) ‫ زور دینا‬،‫تاکید کرنا‬

give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing.

Example: “they emphasize the need for daily, one-to-one contact between parent and child”
Synonyms: bring/call/draw attention to, focus attention on, highlight, point up, spotlight,
Antonyms: understate, play down

Slacken (verb) ‫سست ہونا‬

make or become slack.

Example: “he slackened his grip”
Synonyms: loosen, make looser, release, relax, loose, lessen, reduce, weaken, veer,
Antonyms: tighten

Antiquated (adjective) ‫ پرانا‬،‫نوواردات‬

old-fashioned or outdated.
Example: “this antiquated central heating system”
Synonyms: outdated, out of date, outmoded, behind the times, old-fashioned, archaic
Antonyms: current, modern, up to date,

Atrocious (adjective) ‫مظالم‬

horrifyingly wicked.
Example: “atrocious cruelties”
Synonyms: brutal, barbaric, barbarous, brutish, savage, vicious, wicked, cruel, nasty,
Antonyms: admirable, kindly
Pretence (noun) ‫ مکر‬،‫ڈھونگ‬

an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.

Example: “his anger is masked by a pretence that all is well”
Synonyms: make-believe, act, putting on an act, acting, dissembling, shamming, sham,
Antonyms: reality, honesty

Evidently (adverb) ‫ظاہر ہے کہ‬

in a way that is clearly seen or understood; obviously.

Example: “a work so evidently laden with significance”
Synonyms: obviously, clearly, plainly, perceptibly, visibly, discernibly, transparently, manifestly

Perceive (verb) ‫ سمجھنا‬،‫ جاننا‬،‫ادراک کرنا‬

become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Example: “his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”
Synonyms: discern, recognize, become cognizant of, become aware of, become conscious of,
Antonyms: disbelieve, misinterpret, neglect, offer

Disparity (noun) ‫ فرق‬،‫عدم مساوات‬

a great difference.
Example: “economic disparities between different regions of the country”
Synonyms: discrepancy, inconsistency, imbalance, inequality, incongruity, unevenness,
Antonyms: parity, similarity

Ratify (verb) ‫ تصدیق کرنا‬،‫توثیق کرنا‬

sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid.
Example: “both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year”
Synonyms: confirm, approve, sanction, endorse, agree to, accept, consent to, assent to,
Antonyms: reject, revoke
Turbulent (adjective) ‫ افرتفری سے بھرپور‬،‫ انتشار انگیز‬،‫ہنگامہ خیز‬

characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not stable or calm.

Example: “the country’s turbulent history”
Synonyms: tempestuous, stormy, unstable, unsettled, tumultuous, explosive, in turmoil,
Antonyms: peaceful

Stymie (verb) ‫دشوار صورت جس کے حل کے امکانات کم ہوں‬

prevent or hinder the progress of.

Example: “the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments”
Synonyms: impede, interfere with, hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, frustrate, thwart,
Antonyms: assist, help

Irrational (adjective) ‫ غیر منطقی‬،‫ خالف عقل‬،‫غیر معقول‬

not logical or reasonable.

Example: “irrational feelings of hostility”
Synonyms: unreasonable, illogical, groundless, baseless, unfounded, unjustifiable, unsound,
Antonyms: rational, logical

Ostensibly (adverb) ً‫ ظاہرا‬،‫ نمایاں‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”

Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all
intents and purposes,
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly,

Speculative (adjective) ‫ سوچ بچار‬،‫قیاس آرائی پر مبنی‬

engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge.

Example: “he gave her a speculative glance”
Synonyms: conjectural, suppositional, theoretical, hypothetical, based on guesswork, putative,
Antonyms: proven
Erroneous (adjective) ‫ بے قاعدہ‬،‫غلط‬

wrong; incorrect.
Example: “employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions”
Synonyms: wrong, incorrect, mistaken, in error, inaccurate, not accurate, inexact, not exact,
Antonyms: right, correct

Dawn (verb) ‫ دن کی پہلی روشنی‬،‫ طلوع آفتاب‬،‫آغاز‬

(of a day) begin.

Example: “Thursday dawned bright and sunny”
Synonyms: begin, open, break, arrive, emerge, grow light, lighten, brighten,
Antonyms: end

Stubborn (adjective) ‫ کڑا‬،‫ ہٹ دھرم‬،‫ضد‬

having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something,
especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
Example: “a stubborn refusal to learn from experience”
Synonyms: obstinate, stubborn as a mule, mulish, headstrong, wilful, strong-willed, self-willed,
Antonyms: compliant, docile

Aversion (noun) ‫ اختالف‬،‫ کراہت‬،‫نفرت‬

a strong dislike or disinclination.

Example: “they made plain their aversion to the use of force”
Synonyms: dislike of, distaste for, disinclination, abhorrence, hatred, hate, loathing, detestation,
Antonyms: liking, inclination, desire,

Rhetoric (noun) ‫ علم انشا‬،‫ لسانی‬،‫بیان بازی‬

the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of
speech and other compositional techniques.
Example: “he is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole”
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language, expression, way with
Antonyms: quiet, conciseness

Expedient (adjective) ‫ خودغرضی‬،‫ موزوں‬،‫فائدہ مند‬

(of an action) convenient and practical although possibly improper or immoral.

Example: “either side could break the agreement if it were expedient to do so”
Synonyms: convenient, advantageous, in one’s own interests, to one’s own advantage, useful,
Antonyms: inexpedient, ill-advised

Spurious (adjective) ‫ بظاہر ٹھیک‬،‫جعلی‬

not being what it purports to be; false or fake.

Example: “separating authentic and spurious claims”
Synonyms: bogus, fake, not genuine, specious, false, factitious, counterfeit, fraudulent,
Antonyms: authentic, genuine, real,

Chequered (adjective) ‫اجازت نامہ‬،‫ چار خانہ ڈالنا‬،‫رنگ برنگا کرنا‬

having a pattern consisting of alternating squares of different colours.

Example: “a blue and white chequered tablecloth”
Synonyms: checked, multicoloured, many-coloured, harlequin, varicoloured, particoloured,
Antonyms: plain, unchangeable, complain, kvetch

Trajectory (noun) ‫ خط مستدیر‬،‫ مدار‬،‫رفتار‬

the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.
Example: “the missile’s trajectory was preset”
Synonyms: course, route, path, track, line, orbit, flight, flight path, ambit,

Divergence (noun) ‫ منتشر‬،‫ تضاد‬،‫پھیالﺅ‬

the process or state of diverging.

Example: “the divergence between primates and other groups”
Synonyms: separation, dividing, parting, forking, branching, fork, division, bifurcation,
Antonyms: similarity

Legitimate (adjective) ‫ قانونی‬،‫جائز‬

conforming to the law or to rules.

Example: “his claims to legitimate authority”
Synonyms: legal, lawful, licit, legalized, authorized, permitted, permissible, allowable
Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate

Muddy (adjective) ‫ کیچڑ سے گندا کرنا‬،‫ گدال‬،‫کیچڑ‬

covered in or full of mud.

Example” “they changed their muddy boots”
Synonyms: mud-caked, mud-spattered, muddied, dirty, filthy, mucky, grubby, grimy,
Antonyms: clean, clear

Yield (verb) ‫ رضا مند‬،‫ فصل دینا‬،‫پیداوار‬

produce or generate (a result, gain, or financial return).

Example: “this method yields the same results”
Synonyms: produce, bear, give, supply, provide, afford, return, bring in, pull in,

Aggravate (verb) ‫ بگاڑنا‬،‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫بھڑکانا‬

make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

Example: “military action would only aggravate the situation”
Synonyms: annoy, irritate, exasperate, anger, irk, vex, put out, nettle, provoke, incense,
Antonyms: calm, conciliate

Cradle (noun) ‫ جھوال‬،‫بچوں کا کھٹوال‬

a baby’s bed or cot, typically one mounted on rockers.
Example: “the baby slept peacefully in its cradle”
Synonyms: crib, bassinet, Moses basket, cot, carrycot

Tangible (adjective) ‫ محسوس ہونے والی‬،‫ٹھوس‬

perceptible by touch.
Example: “the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible”
Synonyms: touchable, palpable, tactile, material, physical, real, substantial, corporeal,
Antonyms: intangible

Impediment (noun) ‫ لکنت‬،‫ رخنہ‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.

Example: “a serious impediment to scientific progress”
Synonyms: hindrance, obstruction, obstacle, barrier, bar, handicap, block, check, curb
Antonyms: benefit

Incarcerate (verb) ‫قید کرنا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody, put under lock
and key,
Antonyms: free, release

Forfeit (verb) ‫سزا کے طور پر‬،‫ کھو دینا‬،‫ضبط‬

lose or give up (something) as a necessary consequence of something else.

Example: “she didn’t mind forfeiting an hour in bed to muck out the horses”

Synonyms: surrender, relinquish, hand over, deliver up, part with, yield, sacrifice, give up
Antonyms: retain

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ مرض میں شدت پیدا کرنا‬، ‫بگاڑنا‬،‫بڑھ جانا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify, increase, heighten,
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Tout (verb) ‫ دالل‬،‫ خبر رساں‬،‫ مخبر‬،‫جاسوس‬

attempt to persuade people of the merits of.

Example: “she was touted as a potential Prime Minister”
Synonyms: commend, endorse, praise, recommend, support, urge, push, speak of,
Antonyms: belittle, discommend, disparage, put down

Resentment (noun) ‫ غصہ‬،‫ برا ماننا‬،‫ناراضگی‬

bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

Example: “his resentment at being demoted”
Synonyms: bitterness, indignation, irritation, pique, displeasure, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement,
Antonyms: contentment, happiness

Inventive (adjective) ‫ موجو‬،‫ ایجادی‬،‫اختراعی‬

showing creativity or original thought.

Example: “a courageous and inventive piece of film-making”
Synonyms: creative, original, innovational, innovative, imaginative, fertile, ingenious,
Antonyms: unimaginative, uninventive, hackneyed,

Malaise (noun) ‫ بیماری‬،‫ بے قراری‬،‫بے چینی‬

a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
Example: “a general air of malaise”
Synonyms: unhappiness, restlessness, uneasiness, unease, melancholy, depression
Antonyms: comfort, well-being
Beleaguer (verb) ‫ محاصرہ کرنا‬،‫ تنگ کرنا‬،‫چھیڑنا‬

lay siege to.

Example: “he led a relief force to the aid of the beleaguered city”
Synonyms: besieged, under siege, blockaded, surrounded, encircled, hemmed in, under attack,
Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, release, rescue

Suffocate (verb) ‫ حبس‬،‫دم گھٹنا‬

die or cause to die from lack of air or inability to breathe.

Example: “they suffocated in their sleep”
Synonyms: smother, asphyxiate, stifle, choke, strangle, throttle, strangulate, be smothered,
Antonyms: invigorating, refreshed, refreshing, restorative,

Frisk (verb) ‫ کودنا‬، ‫ ناچنا‬،‫اسلحہ وغیرہ تالش کرنے کا عمل‬

(of a police officer or other official) pass the hands over (someone) in a search for hidden
weapons, drugs, or other items.
Example: “he raised his arms to permit the officer to frisk him”
Synonyms: search, body-search, check, inspect, examine, give someone the once-over,

Blockade (noun) ‫ رکاوٹ‬،‫ محاصرہ‬،‫ گھیراﺅ‬،‫ناکہ بندی‬

an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.
Example: “they voted to lift the blockade of major railway junctions”
Synonyms: siege, beleaguerment, encirclement, investment, besiegement, barricade, barrier
Antonyms: reopen, unblock, unbolt

Sear (verb) ‫ کسی چیز کو جال دینا‬،‫مردہ کرنا‬

burn or scorch the surface of (something) with a sudden, intense heat.

Example: “the water got so hot that it seared our lips”

Synonyms: scorch, burn, singe, scald, char, dry up/out, parch, desiccate, dehydrate,
Antonyms: bloom, grow, moisten, wet, freeze
Pliant (adjective) ‫ کھینچے‬،‫جانے کے قابل لچکدار‬

easily influenced or directed; yielding.

Example: “a more pliant prime minister”
Synonyms: compliant, biddable, docile, tractable, yielding, malleable, manageable, governable
Antonyms: inflexible, unadaptable, unformed

Deferment (noun) ‫ تاخیر‬،‫التوا‬

the action or fact of putting something off to a later time; postponement.

Example: “deferment of the decision”
Synonyms: postponement, deferral, suspension, putting off/back, adjournment, delay, shelving
Antonyms: advance, continuation,, persistence

Treason (noun) ‫ بغاوت‬،‫غداری‬

the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign
or government.
Example: “they were convicted of treason”
Synonyms: treachery, lese-majesty, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness, perfidy, perfidiousness
Antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

Robust (adjective) ‫ صحت مند‬،‫ طاقتور‬،‫مضبوط‬

strong and healthy; vigorous.

Example: “the Caplan family are a robust lot”
Synonyms: strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful, powerfully built, solidly built, as strong as
a horse/ox,
Antonyms: weak, frail

Cohort (noun) ‫ گروہ‬،‫ جماعت‬،‫ ہم سلسلہ‬،‫ہم آہنگی‬

a group of people with a common statistical characteristic.

Example: “the 1940–4 birth cohort of women”
Synonyms: group, grouping, category, categorization, grade, grading, classification, class, set,
Antonyms: enemy, foe, opponent, adversary, antagonist,
Irrefutable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل تالفی‬،‫ناقابل تردید‬

impossible to deny or disprove.

Example: “irrefutable evidence”
Synonyms: indisputable, undeniable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, incontestable,
Antonyms: unreliable

Bizarre (adjective) ‫ بے ڈھنگا‬،‫ بے تکا‬،‫عجیب‬

very strange or unusual.

Example: “a bizarre situation”
Synonyms: strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious, offbeat, outlandish, eccentric, unconventional,
Antonyms: ordinary, normal

Burnish (verb) ‫چمکانا‬

polish (something, especially metal) by rubbing.

Example: “highly burnished armour”
Synonyms: polish (up), shine, brighten, rub up/down, buff (up), smooth, glaze, furbish
Antonyms: dull

Waver (verb) ‫ شش و پنج‬،‫ڈولنا‬

move in a quivering way; flicker.

Example: “the flame wavered in the draught”
Synonyms: flicker, quiver, tremble, twinkle, glimmer, wink, blink,
Antonyms: decide, budge, stir, advance, continue

Invoke (verb) ‫ بالنا‬،‫ دعا کرنا‬،‫مدد طلب کرنا‬

cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an

Example: “the antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England”
Synonyms: cite, refer to, adduce, instance, resort to, have recourse to, turn to, call into use,
Antonyms: waive

Abysmal (adjective) ‫ بے پایاں‬،‫ انتہائی‬،‫غیر معمولی‬

extremely bad; appalling.

Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable
Antonyms: superb

Shambolic (adjective) ‫بدنظمی کے ساتھ‬

chaotic, disorganized, or mismanaged.

Example: “the department’s shambolic accounting”
Synonyms: chaotic, disorganized, muddled, confused, in (total) disarray, at sixes and sevens,
Antonyms: efficient, organized

Let-up (noun) ‫ زور ٹوٹنا‬،‫ ڈھیال چھوڑنا‬،‫ تک اجازت دینا‬،‫حائمہ‬

a pause or reduction in the intensity of something dangerous, difficult, or tiring.

Example: “there had been no let-up in the eruption”
Synonyms: abatement, lessening, decrease, diminishing, diminution, subsidence, moderation,
Antonyms: continuation, escalation

Drastic (adjective) ‫ قوی‬،‫سخت‬

likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme.

Example: “a drastic reduction of staffing levels”
Synonyms: extreme, serious, forceful, desperate, dire, radical, far-reaching, momentous,
Antonyms: mild, moderate

Inherent (adjective) ‫ پیدائشی‬،‫مورثی‬

existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
Example: “any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers”
Synonyms: intrinsic, innate, immanent, built-in, inborn, ingrained, deep-rooted, essential,
Antonyms: acquired, alien

Subjugate (verb) ‫بنانا محکوم‬

bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.

Example: “the invaders had soon subjugated most of the population”
Synonyms: conquer, vanquish, defeat, crush, quell, quash, gain mastery over, gain ascendancy
Antonyms: liberate

Stigma (noun) ‫ کلنک کا ٹیکہ‬،‫ رسوائی‬،‫بدنما داغ‬

a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

Example: “the stigma of having gone to prison will always be with me”
Synonyms: shame, disgrace, dishonour, stain, taint, blot, blot on one’s escutcheon,
Antonyms: honour, credit

Retribution (noun) ‫ واپسی‬، ‫ قصاص‬،‫ معاوضہ‬،‫بدلہ‬

punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.

Example: “employees asked not to be named, saying they feared retribution”
Synonyms: punishment, penalty, nemesis, fate, doom, one’s just deserts, due reward, just
Antonyms: condonation, remission, pardon, reprieve

Avow (verb) ‫ اپنی غلطی مان لینا‬،‫اقرار کرنا‬

assert or confess openly.

Example: “he avowed that he had voted Labour in every election”
Synonyms: assert, declare, state, maintain, aver, attest, swear, vow, insist, confess, admit,
Antonyms: disavow

Repercussion (noun) ‫ پیچھے ہٹنا‬،‫ واپس پلٹنا‬،‫رگشت‬

an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.
Example: “the move would have grave repercussions for the entire region”

Synonyms: consequence, result, effect, outcome, by-product, reverberation, backlash,

Antonyms: impact, stroke, shock, collision, contact

Anomaly (noun) ‫ بے قاعدگی‬،‫ بے ترتیبی‬،‫بے ضابطی‬

something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

Example: “there are a number of anomalies in the present system”
Synonyms: oddity, peculiarity, abnormality, irregularity, inconsistency, incongruity, deviation

Sober (verb) ‫ سنجیدہ‬،‫ صوفی‬،‫ہوش مند‬

make or become sober after drinking alcohol.

Example: “that coffee sobered him up”
Synonyms: become sober, become clear-headed, dry out, make sober, clear someone’s head
Antonyms: drunk, light-hearted, frivolous, sensational, emotional,

Grapple (verb) ‫ پکڑ‬،‫ ہاتھا پائی‬،‫ گرفت‬،‫ زنبور‬،‫قالب‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”
Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle, close, engage,
Antonyms: let go of, release

Malaise (noun) ‫ بے قراری‬،‫ بے چینی‬،‫بیماری‬

a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
Example: “a general air of malaise”
Synonyms: unhappiness, restlessness, uneasiness, unease, melancholy, depression, despondency,
Antonyms: comfort, well-being

Inadequate (adjective) ‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ کم‬،‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ناکافی‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.
Example: “these labels prove to be wholly inadequate”
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, sparse, too little
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent,

Contaminate (verb) ‫ ناپاک‬،‫آلودہ کرنا‬

make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.

Example: “the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity”
Synonyms: pollute, adulterate, make impure, defile, debase, corrupt, taint, infect, blight,
Antonyms: purify

Reckon (verb) ‫ اندازہ لگانا‬،‫ شمار کرنا‬،‫حساب‬

establish by calculation.
Example: “his debts were reckoned at rs. 300,000”
Synonyms: calculate, compute, work out, put a figure on, figure, number, quantify, count (up),

Precarious (adjective) ‫فرضی‬،‫ خطرناک‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬

dependent on chance; uncertain.

Example: “he made a precarious living as a painter”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risky,
Antonyms: safe, secure

Tribulation (noun) ‫ ایذا‬،‫ تکلیف‬،‫مصیبت‬

a state of great trouble or suffering.

Example: “his time of tribulation was just beginning”
Synonyms: trouble, worry, anxiety, burden, cross to bear, affliction, ordeal, trial, adversity,
Antonyms: comfort, consolation, solace, relief

Snide (adjective) ‫ وسوسہ پیدا کرنے واال‬،‫ بدخواہ‬،‫پھسلنا‬

derogatory or mocking in an indirect way.
Example: “snide remarks about my mother”
Synonyms: disparaging, derogatory, deprecating, deprecatory, denigratory, insulting,
Antonyms: complimentary, sympathetic

Vent (verb) ‫ منفذ‬،‫راستہ‬،‫ ہوا دار‬،‫نکاس‬

give free expression to (a strong emotion).

Example: “we vent our spleen on drug barons”
Synonyms: let out, give vent to, give free rein to, release, pour out, emit, discharge, reveal, bring
into the open,
Antonyms: bottle (up), repress, suppress

Astonish (verb) ‫ ششدر کرنا‬،‫ مہبوت‬،‫حیران کرنا‬

surprise or impress (someone) greatly.

Example: “you never fail to astonish me”
Synonyms: amaze, astound, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, confound, dumbfound, stupefy, daze
Antonyms: unimpressed, disinterested, incurious, indifferent

Unscrupulous (adjective) ‫ بے اختیار‬،‫ بے ایمان‬،‫بے اصول‬

having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.

Example: “unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to harass existing tenants”
Synonyms: unprincipled, unethical, immoral, amoral, conscienceless, untrustworthy, shameless
Antonyms: ethical, honest

Entrench (verb) ‫حفاظت کے لئے مورچہ بند ہونا‬

establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.
Example: “ageism is entrenched in our society”
Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root, install, plant, embed,
Antonyms: dislodge, superficial
Reluctance (noun) ‫ اڑیل‬،‫ بے اعتناہی‬،‫ہچکچاہٹ‬

unwillingness or disinclination to do something.

Example: “she sensed his reluctance to continue”
Synonyms: unwillingness, disinclination, lack of enthusiasm, hesitation, hesitance, hesitancy,
Antonyms: willingness, eagerness

Chasten (verb) ‫ تزکیہ کرنا‬،‫سرزنش کرنا‬

(of a rebuke or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on.

Example: “the director was somewhat chastened by his recent flops”
Synonyms: subdue, humble, cow, squash, deflate, flatten, bring down, bring low, take down a
peg or two,

Atrocity (noun) ‫ انتہائی حماقت‬،‫ سفاکی‬،‫ بے رحمی‬،‫سنگ دلی‬

an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
Example: “a textbook which detailed war atrocities”
Synonyms: act of barbarity, act of brutality, act of savagery, act of wickedness, cruelty,
Antonyms: agreeableness, delightfulness, pleasantness

Havoc (noun) ‫ خرابی‬، ‫ اجاڑنا‬،‫انتقام لینا‬

widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, depredation, despoliation, ruination
Antonyms: peace

Extricate (verb) ‫ بچانا‬،‫مشکالت سے نکالنا‬

free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty.

Example: “he was trying to extricate himself from official duties”
Synonyms: extract, free, release, disentangle, get out, remove, withdraw, let loose,
Antonyms: entangle, involve

Adversary (noun) ‫ حریف‬،‫مخالف‬

one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute.

Example: “Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-finals”
Synonyms: opponent, rival, enemy, foe, nemesis, antagonist, combatant, challenger,
Antonyms: ally, supporter

Urge (verb) ‫ زور دینا‬،‫ تجویز کرنا‬،‫سفارش کرنا‬

recommend (something) strongly.

Example: “I urge caution in interpreting these results”
Synonyms: advise, counsel, advocate, recommend, suggest, support, endorse, back, champion
Antonyms: discourage

Deplete (verb) ‫ ختم کرنے کے قابل‬،‫ استعمال کرنا‬،‫خرچ کرنا‬

use up the supply or resources of.

Example: “reservoirs have been depleted by years of drought”
Synonyms: exhaust, use up, consume, expend, spend, drain, empty, sap, milk, suck dry,
Antonyms: augment, increase

Recede (verb) ‫ پسپا ہونا‬،‫پیچھے ہٹنا‬

go or move back or further away from a previous position.

Example: “the floodwaters had receded”
Synonyms: retreat, go back, move back, move further off, move away, withdraw, ebb
Antonyms: advance, approach

Squander (verb) ‫ فضول اڑانا‬،‫ ضائع کرنا‬،‫اصراف کرنا‬

waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner.
Example: “Rs100m of taxpayers’ money has been squandered on administering the tax”
Synonyms: waste, misspend, misuse, throw away, dissipate, fritter away, run through, lose,
Antonyms: manage, make good use of, save

Dearth (noun) ‫ کمی‬،‫ گرانی‬،‫افالس‬

a scarcity or lack of something.

Example: “there is a dearth of evidence”
Synonyms: lack, scarcity, scarceness, shortage, shortfall, want, deficiency, insufficiency,
Antonyms: abundance, surfei

Fruition (noun) ‫ پھل دینے کی حالت‬،‫سودمند‬

the realization or fulfilment of a plan or project.

Example: “the plans have come to fruition rather sooner than expected”
Synonyms: fulfilment, realization, actualization, materialization, achievement, attainment,
Antonyms: inception

Paucity (noun) ‫ کم مقدار‬،‫ قلت‬،‫کمی‬

the presence of something in only small or insufficient quantities or amounts.

Example: “a paucity of information”
Synonyms: scarcity, sparseness, sparsity, dearth, shortage, rarity, rareness, poverty,
Antonyms: abundance

Shambolic (adjective) ‫بدنظمی کے ساتھ‬

chaotic, disorganized, or mismanaged.

Example: “the department’s shambolic accounting”
Synonyms: chaotic, disorganized, muddled, confused, in (total) disarray, at sixes and sevens,
Antonyms: efficient, organized

Unceremonious (adjective) ‫ غیر رسمی طور پر‬،‫ اکھڑپن سے‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬

having or showing a lack of courtesy; rough or abrupt.
Example: “he was known for his strong views and unceremonious manners”
Synonyms: abrupt, sudden, hasty, hurried, summary, perfunctory, undignified, rude,
Antonyms: polite

Undaunted (adjective) ‫ نڈر‬،‫ بہادر‬،‫ بے خوف‬،‫دلیر‬

not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment.

Example: “they were undaunted by the huge amount of work needed”

Synonyms: unafraid, undismayed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unabashed, unfaltering,

Antonyms: afraid, fearful

Engross (verb) ‫ جلی خط میں لکھنا‬،‫منحمک کرنا‬

absorb all the attention or interest of.

Example: “they seemed to be engrossed in conversation”
Synonyms: preoccupy, absorb, engage, rivet, grip, hold, interest, catch, captivate,
Antonyms: bore, inattentive

Revelation (noun) ‫ الہام‬،‫ وحی‬،‫ انکشاف‬،‫اظہار‬

a surprising and previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others.
Example: “revelations about his personal life”
Synonyms: disclosure, surprising fact, divulgence, declaration, utterance, announcement, report,
Antonyms: keeping, covering up

Unbridled (adjective) ‫ بے ضبط‬،‫بے لگام‬

uncontrolled; unconstrained.
Example: “a moment of unbridled ambition”
Synonyms: unrestrained, unconstrained, uncontrolled, uninhibited, unrestricted, unchecked,
Antonyms: restrained, controlled
Devastate (verb) ‫ برباد کرنا‬،‫تباہ کن‬

destroy or ruin.
Example: “the city was devastated by a huge earthquake”
Synonyms: destroy, ruin, leave in ruins, wreck, lay waste, wreak havoc on, ravage

Drastic (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫ انتہائی‬،‫سخت‬

likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme.

Example: “a drastic reduction of staffing levels”
Synonyms: extreme, serious, forceful, desperate, dire, radical, far-reaching, momentous
Antonyms: mild, moderate

Contradictory (adjective) ‫ تردیدی‬،‫متضاد‬

mutually opposed or inconsistent.

Example: “the two studies came to contradictory conclusions”
Synonyms: opposed, in opposition, opposite, antithetical, contrary, contrasting, conflicting
Antonyms: consistent, compatible

Perpetuate (verb) ‫جاری رکھنا‬،‫ ہمیشہ رکھنا‬،‫ہمیشہ کےلئے‬

make (something) continue indefinitely.

Example: “the confusion was perpetuated through inadvertence”
Synonyms: keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain,
Antonyms: extinguish, put out, snuff (out)

Apprehension (noun) ‫ خوف‬،‫ فکرمندی‬،‫خدشہ‬

anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Example: “he felt sick with apprehension”
Synonyms: anxiety, angst, alarm, worry, uneasiness, unease, nervousness, misgiving,
Antonyms: confidence
Idyllic (adjective) ‫دلکش انداز میں‬

like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.

Example: “an attractive hotel in an idyllic setting”
Synonyms: perfect, ideal, idealized, wonderful, blissful, halcyon, happy, heavenly, paradisal,
Antonyms: hellish

Solace (noun) ‫ تسلی‬،‫سکون‬

comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness.

Example: “she sought solace in her religion”
Synonyms: comfort, consolation, cheer, support, relief
Antonyms: ache, agony, anguish, distress

Erosion (noun) ‫ مٹ جانا‬،‫ کھانے سے خاتمہ‬،‫کٹاﺅ‬

the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents.
Example: “the problem of soil erosion”
Synonyms: wearing away, abrasion, scraping away, grinding down, crumbling, wear and tear
Antonyms: buildup, construction, rebuilding

Derive (verb) ‫مشق‬،‫ حاصل کرنا‬،‫اخذ کرنا‬

obtain something from (a specified source).

Example: “they derived great comfort from this assurance”
Synonyms: obtain, get, take, gain, acquire, procure, extract, attain, glean
Antonyms: give rise to

Suspicion (noun) ‫ بدگمانی‬،‫ اندیشہ‬،‫شک‬

a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true.

Example: “she had a sneaking suspicion that he was laughing at her”
Synonyms: intuition, feeling, impression, inkling, surmise, guess, conjecture, speculation
Antonyms: certainty
Tenuous (adjective) ‫ ہلکا پھلکا‬،‫ باریک‬،‫ پتال‬،‫کمزور‬

very weak or slight.

Example: “the tenuous link between interest rates and investment”
Synonyms: slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible, weak, fragile, shaky, sketchy, doubtful,
Antonyms: convincing, substantial, strong

Obliterate (verb) ‫ مٹانا‬،‫ختم کرنا‬

destroy utterly; wipe out.

Example: “the memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind”
Synonyms: destroy, wipe out, annihilate, exterminate, extirpate, demolish, eliminate, eradicate
Antonyms: create, establish

Barely (adverb) ‫ فقط‬،‫بمشکل‬

only just; almost not.

Example: “she nodded, barely able to speak”
Synonyms: hardly, scarcely, just, only just, narrowly, by the skin of one’s teeth, by a hair’s
Antonyms: easily

Gruesome (adjective) ‫ ہولناک‬،‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫لرزہ خیز‬

causing repulsion or horror; grisly.

Example: “the most gruesome murder”
Synonyms: grisly, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-chilling
Antonyms: pleasant

Hastily (adverb) ً‫ تعجیال‬،‫جلدی سے‬

with excessive speed or urgency; hurriedly.

Example: “maybe I acted too hastily”
Synonyms: quickly, hurriedly, in a hurry, fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, briskly, expeditiously
Antonyms: slowly, carefully, deliberately
Refute (verb) ‫ غلط ثابت کرنا‬،‫ مسترد کرنا‬،‫تردید کرنا‬

prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.

Example: “these claims have not been convincingly refuted”
Synonyms: disprove, prove wrong/false, show/prove to be wrong/false, rebut, confute, give the
lie to
Antonyms: confirm

Exhume (verb) ‫قبر کھودنا‬

dig out (something buried, especially a corpse) from the ground.

Example: “the bodies were exhumed on the orders of a judge”

Synonyms: disinter, dig up, unearth, bring out of the ground, disentomb, unbury, ungrave
Antonyms: bury

Tantamount (adjective) ‫ مساوی‬،‫برابر‬

equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as.

Example: “the resignations were tantamount to an admission of guilt”
Synonyms: equivalent to, equal to, amounting to, as good as, more or less, synonymous with,
virtually the same as,
Antonyms: unequal, unequivalent

Grim (adjective) ‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫سنگین‬

very serious or gloomy.

Example: “his grim expression”
Synonyms: stern, forbidding, uninviting, unapproachable, aloof, distant, formidable, strict, dour,
Antonyms: amiable, pleasant

Forsake (verb) ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫ چھوڑ دینا‬،‫فراموش کرنا‬

abandon or leave.
Example: “he would never forsake Sitara”
Synonyms: abandon, desert, leave, quit, depart from, leave behind, leave high and dry, turn
one’s back on,
Antonyms: stay with, return to

Miserable (adjective) ‫ بدنصیب‬،‫ خستہ دل‬،‫ آفت زدہ‬،‫دکھی‬

(of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.

Example: “their happiness made Anne feel even more miserable”
Synonyms: unhappy, sad, sorrowful, dejected, depressed, downcast, downhearted, down,
Antonyms: happy, contented

Stem (verb) ‫نتیجہ میں‬

originate in or be caused by.

Example: “many of the universities’ problems stem from rapid expansion”
Synonyms: have its origins in, arise from, originate from, spring from, derive from, come from
Antonyms: cause, give rise to, be independent of

Incarcerate (verb) ‫قید کرنا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody, put under
lock and key,
Antonyms: free, release

Flimsy (adjective) ‫ خفیف‬،‫ نازک‬،‫بودا‬

insubstantial and easily damaged.

Example: “a flimsy barrier”
Synonyms: insubstantial, slight, light, fragile, breakable, frail, shaky, unstable, wobbly, tottery,
Antonyms: sturdy

Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ سابقہ‬،‫ پرانے وقتوں کا‬،‫اس سے پہلے‬

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”
Synonyms: former, old, past, one-time, sometime, as was, ex-, late, then, previous
Antonyms: present, future

Veil (verb) ‫ گھونگٹ‬،‫ نقاب‬،‫پردہ‬

cover with or as if with a veil.

Example: “she veiled her face”
Synonyms: envelop, surround, swathe, enfold, cover, cover up, conceal, hide, secrete
Antonyms: unveil, expose, uncover

Dissent (noun) ‫ اختالف رائے‬،‫اختالف‬

the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “there was no dissent from this view”
Synonyms: disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute, demur
Antonyms: agreement, acceptance

Scold (verb) ‫ جھڑکی‬،‫ڈانٹنا‬

remonstrate with or rebuke (someone) angrily.

Example: “Mum took Anna away, scolding her for her bad behaviour”
Synonyms: rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, admonish, remonstrate with, chastise,
Antonyms: praise, compliment, commendation

Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ پرانے وقتوں کا‬،‫اس سے پہلے‬

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”
Synonyms: former, old, past, one-time, sometime, as was, ex-, late, then, previous,
Antonyms: present, future

Incarcerate (verb) ‫قید کرنا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody
Antonyms: free, release

Stifle (verb) ‫ دم گھونٹ دینے والی شے‬،‫دباﺅ ڈالنا‬

make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate.

Example: “those in the streets were stifled by the fumes”
Synonyms: suffocate, choke, asphyxiate, smother, very hot, sweltering, airless, suffocating
Antonyms: cold, chilly

Debilitate (verb) ‫ ضعیف کرنا‬،‫کمزور کرنا‬

make (someone) very weak and infirm.

Example: “he was severely debilitated by a stomach upset”
Synonyms: weakening, enfeebling, enervating, enervative, devitalizing, draining, sapping
Antonyms: restorative

Spruce (verb) ‫ آراستہ کرنا‬، ‫ سنوارانا‬،‫بنا ٹھنا‬

make someone or something smarter or tidier.

Example: “the fund will be used to spruce up historic buildings”
Synonyms: smarten up, make smarter, tidy up, make tidy, make neater, neaten up, put in order
Antonyms: scruffy, untidy, dishevelled

Deterrent (noun) ‫ ممانعت‬،‫ رکاوٹ‬،‫عبرت‬

a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

Example: “cameras are a major deterrent to crime”
Synonyms: disincentive, discouragement, dissuasion, damper, brake, curb, check, restraint
Antonyms: incentive, encouragement
Stopover (noun) ‫ اسٹیشن‬،‫عارضی قیام کرنا‬

a break in a journey.
Example: “a brief stopover at Shannon Airport”
Synonyms: stay, stop, break, stop-off, visit, sojourn
Antonyms: continuation, go, start

Abysmal (adjective) ‫ اتھاہ‬،‫ بے پایاں‬،‫ انتہائی‬،‫غیر معمولی‬

extremely bad; appalling.

Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable
Antonyms: superb

Plight (noun) ‫ ضمانت دینا‬،‫ بری حالت‬،‫حالت زار‬

a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.

Example: “we must direct our efforts towards relieving the plight of children living in poverty”

Synonyms: predicament, sorry condition, sad state, trouble, difficulty, mess, dire straits,
Antonyms: advantage, solution, benefit, boon, good fortune, blessing

Conscience (noun) ‫ باطن‬،‫ضمیر‬

a person’s moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one’s behaviour.
Example: “he had a guilty conscience about his desires”
Synonyms: sense of right and wrong, sense of right, moral sense, still small voice, inner voice,
voice within,
Antonyms: immorality

Devolve (verb) ‫ آگے بڑھنا‬،‫ حوالے کرنا‬،‫منتقلی‬

transfer or delegate (power) to a lower level, especially from central government to local or
regional administration.
Example: “measures to devolve power to a Scottish assembly”
Synonyms: delegate, pass (down/on), hand down/over/on, depute, transfer, transmit, commit
Antonyms: centralize, retain

Earnest (adjective) ‫ سنجیدہ پن‬،‫ مشتاق‬،‫بے چین‬

resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.

Example: “an earnest student”
Synonyms: serious, serious-minded, solemn, grave, sober, humourless, staid, steady, intense
Antonyms: frivolous, apathetic, half-hearted

Enormous (adjective) ‫ قوی ہیکل‬،‫ غیر معمولی‬،‫بہت زیادہ‬

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Example: “enormous sums of money”
Synonyms: huge, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, boundless, immeasurable, limitless
Antonyms: tiny

Extricate (verb) ‫ بچانا‬،‫مشکالت سے نکالنا‬

free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty.

Example: “he was trying to extricate himself from official duties”
Synonyms: extract, free, release, disentangle, get out, remove, withdraw, let loose
Antonyms: entangle, involv

Quagmire (nuon) ‫دلدل‬

a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.

Example: “torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire”
Synonyms: swamp, morass, bog, peat bog, marsh, mire, quag, marshland, fen

Inevitable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل ترمیم‬،‫ناگزیر‬

certain to happen; unavoidable.

Example: “war was inevitable”
Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen, sure to happen, inexorable,
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain

Notch (verb) ‫ دندانہ‬،‫ گھاﺅ لگانا‬،‫نشان‬

make notches in.

Example: “he notched the stick at each end”
Synonyms: nick, cut, mark, score, incise, carve, engrave, scratch, gash
Antonyms: closing, closure

Vigilance (noun) ‫ چوکسی‬،‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫نگرانی‬

the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Example: “security duties that demand long hours of vigilance”
Synonyms: watchfulness, careful observation, surveillance, attentiveness, attention, alertness,
Antonyms: inattentiveness

Envisage (verb) ‫ گمان کرنا‬،‫ غور کرنا‬،‫تصور کرنا‬

contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.

Example: “the Rome Treaty envisaged free movement across frontiers”

Synonyms: foresee, predict, forecast, foretell, anticipate, expect, think likely, envision
Antonyms: disregard, ignore

Afresh (adverb) ‫ تازہ‬،‫ نئے سرے سے‬، ‫ازسر نو‬

in a new or different way.

Example: “she left the job to start afresh”
Synonyms: anew, again, over again, once again, once more, a second time, another time
Antonyms: continuously, uniformly, uninterruptedly, unintermittently, connectedly

Relegate (verb) ‫ جال وطن کرنا‬،‫نکال دینا‬

assign an inferior rank or position to.

Example: “they aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role”
Synonyms: downgrade, lower, lower in rank/status, put down, move down, consign, banish,
Antonyms: upgrade, promote

Annulment (noun) ‫ منسوخی‬،‫تنسیخ‬

the act of annulling something.

Example: “the applicant sought the annulment of the decision”
Synonyms: invalidation, nullification, voiding, repeal, cancellation, rescinding, reversal
Antonyms: restoration, enactment

Antecedent (noun) ‫ پہلے واقعات‬،‫سابقہ‬

a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.

Example: “some antecedents to the African novel might exist in Africa’s oral traditions”
Synonyms: precursor, forerunner, predecessor,
Antonyms: descendant

Contravene (verb) ‫ مزاحمت‬،‫ کے خالف کرنا‬،‫خالف ورزی کرنا‬

offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct).

Example: “he contravened the Official Secrets Act”
Synonyms: break, breach, fail to comply with, fail to observe, violate, infringe, offend against
Antonyms: uphold, comply with

Ominous (adjective) ‫ نحس‬،‫ منحوس‬،‫بدنما‬

giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Example: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead”
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious,
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious

Contingent (adjective) ‫ حادثاتی واقعہ‬،‫عارضی‬

subject to chance.
Example: “the contingent nature of the job”
Synonyms: chance, accidental, fortuitous, possible, unforeseen, unforeseeable, unexpected
Antonyms: predictable

Oblivious (adjective) ‫ دھیان نہ رکھنے واال‬،‫غافل‬

not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one.

Example: “she became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time”
Synonyms: unaware, unconscious, heedless, unmindful, insensible, unheeding, ignorant
Antonyms: aware, conscious

Fruition (noun) ‫ سودمند‬،‫پھل دینے کی حالت‬

the realization or fulfilment of a plan or project.

Example: “the plans have come to fruition rather sooner than expected”
Synonyms: fulfilment, realization, actualization, materialization, achievement, attainment,
Antonyms: inception

Stymie (verb) ‫ایسی دشوار صورت جس میں حل ہونے کے امکان کم ہوں‬

prevent or hinder the progress of.

Example: “the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments”
Synonyms: impede, interfere with, hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, frustrate, thwart
Antonyms: assist, help

Clamour (noun) ‫ عوامی آواز‬،‫شورو غل‬

a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.

Example: “the questions rose to a clamour”
Synonyms: din, racket, loud noise, uproar, tumult, babel, shouting, yelling, screaming
Antonyms: silence

Discretionary (adjective) ‫صوابدیدی‬

available for use at the discretion of the user.

Example: “there has been an increase in year-end discretionary bonuses”
Synonyms: optional, non-compulsory, voluntary, at one’s discretion, up to the individual
Antonyms: compulsory, obligatory

Predecessor (noun) ‫ سابقہ‬،‫پیشرو‬

a person who held a job or office before the current holder.

Example: “the new President’s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor”
Synonyms: forerunner, precursor, antecedent,
Antonyms: successor

Patronage (noun) ‫ نگرانی‬،‫ دستگیری‬،‫ حفاظت‬،‫معاونت‬

the support given by a patron.

Example: “the arts could no longer depend on private patronage”
Synonyms: sponsorship, backing, funding, financing, philanthropy, promotion, furtherance
Antonyms: attack, blockage, disapproval, discouragement

Supersede (verb) ‫ ہٹانا‬،‫کسی شخص کو دوسرے پر ترجیح دینا‬

take the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or use); supplant.

Example: “the older models of car have now been superseded”
Synonyms: replace, supplant, take the place of, take over from, substitute for
Antonyms: conserve, keep, perpetuate, preserve, sustain, uphold

Glorify (verb) ‫ حمد بیان کرنا‬،‫ تعظیم و تکریم دینا‬،‫تسبیح کرنا‬

praise and worship (God).

Example: “music is used to glorify God”
Synonyms: give praise to, praise, extol, exalt, laud, worship, revere, reverence, venerate

Gag (verb) ‫ زبان بندی کرنا‬،‫ منہ بند کر نا‬،‫حکما ً خاموش کر دینا‬

put a gag on (someone).

Example: “she was bound and gagged by robbers”
Synonyms: stop up, block, plug, clog, stifle, smother, muffle, put a gag on, silence
Antonyms: encourage, give a voice to

Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ پرانے وقتوں کا‬،‫پہلے‬

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”
Synonyms: former, old, past, one-time, sometime, as was, ex-, late, then,
Antonyms: present, future

Dubious (adjective) ‫ مبہم‬،‫ مشتبہ‬،‫مشکوک‬

hesitating or doubting.
Example: “I was rather dubious about the whole idea”
Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, in doubt, hesitant, undecided, unsettled, unconfirmed
Antonyms: certain, definite

Perpetuate (verb) ‫ جاری رکھنا‬،‫ہمیشہ رکھنا‬

make (something) continue indefinitely.

Example: “the confusion was perpetuated through inadvertence”
Synonyms: keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain,

Antonyms: abolish, abrogate, blot out, cancel, discharge, erase

Vengeance (noun) ‫ قصاص‬،‫ بدلہ‬،‫انتقام‬

punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

Example: “voters are ready to wreak vengeance on all politicians”
Synonyms: revenge, avengement, retribution, retributive justice, retaliation, requital, reprisal
Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon, condonation, amnesty, grace

Spontaneous (adjective) ‫ بے ساختہ‬،‫اچانک‬

performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation

or external stimulus.
Example: “the audience broke into spontaneous applause”
Synonyms: unforced, voluntary, unconstrained, unprompted, unbidden, unsolicited, unplanned
Antonyms: planned, forced, calculated

Descend (verb) ‫اترنا‬

move or fall downwards.

Example: “the aircraft began to descend”
Synonyms: go down, come down, drop, fall, sink, subside, dive, plummet, plunge
Antonyms: ascend, climb

Hubris (noun) ‫ غرور‬،‫گھمنڈ‬

excessive pride or self-confidence.

Example: “the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s”
Synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-
Antonyms: modesty

Vicious (adjective) ‫ شیطانی‬،‫ نااہل‬،‫فاسق‬

deliberately cruel or violent.

Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Abhorrent (adjective) ‫ نفرت انگیز‬،‫مکروہ‬

inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.

Example: “racism was abhorrent to us all”
Synonyms: detestable, detested, hateful, hated, loathsome, loathed, despicable, despised
Antonyms: admirable, loved
Abrupt (adjective) ‫ناگہانی طور پر‬،‫ غیر متوقع‬،‫اچانک‬

sudden and unexpected.

Example: “I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject”
Synonyms: sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried, hasty, quick, swift, rapid, speedy
Antonyms: gradual, unhurried

Ransack (verb) ‫ چھیننا‬،‫ لوٹنا‬،‫ چھان مارنا‬،‫مکمل تالشی لینا‬

go through (a place) stealing things and causing damage.

Example: “burglars ransacked her home”
Synonyms: plunder, pillage, steal from, raid, rob, loot, rifle, sack, strip, denude, ravage
Antonyms: skim, survey, reconnoitre

Wreak (verb) ‫ انتقام لینا‬،‫ بدلہ لینا‬،‫بربادی‬

cause (a large amount of damage or harm).

Example: “torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday”
Synonyms: inflict, create, cause, result in, effect, engender, bring about, perpetrate, unleash
Antonyms: destroy, fail, forget, ignore, neglect

Teeter (verb) ‫ جھوال جھولنا‬،‫چھیڑنا‬

move or balance unsteadily; sway back and forth.

Example: “she teetered after him in her high-heeled sandals”
Synonyms: totter, walk unsteadily, wobble, toddle, sway, rock, try to keep one’s balance

Blot (noun) ‫ دھبہ‬،‫داغ‬

a dark mark or stain made by ink, paint, dirt, etc.

Example: “a blot of ink”
Synonyms: spot, dot, mark, speck, fleck, blotch, smudge, patch, dab, smut, splash
Antonyms: honour, enhance
Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ ظاہر ہے‬،‫ نمایاں‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Futile (adjective) ‫ بے اثر‬،‫ ناکارہ‬،‫بیکار‬

incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.

Example: “a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage”
Synonyms: fruitless, vain, pointless, useless, worthless, ineffectual, ineffective, inefficacious
Antonyms: useful, fruitful

Haphazard (adjective) ‫ بے ضابطگی‬،‫ جگہ جگہ‬،‫ بے ترتیبانہ‬،‫بے ہنگم‬

lacking any obvious principle of organization.

Example: “the music business works in a haphazard fashion”
Synonyms: random, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, disorganized, disorderly, irregular
Antonyms: methodical, systematic

Xenophobic (adjective) ‫ اجنبیوں سے بیزاری‬،‫غیر گریز‬

having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

Example: “xenophobic attitudes”
Synonyms: racist, racialist, ethnocentric, ethnocentrist, nationalist, nationalistic, jingoistic
Antonyms: xenomaniac

Aversion (nuon) ‫ اختالف‬،‫ کراہت‬،‫نفرت‬

a strong dislike or disinclination.

Example: “they made plain their aversion to the use of force”
Synonyms: dislike of, distaste for, disinclination, abhorrence, hatred, hate, loathing, detestation
Antonyms: liking, inclination, desire
Humorous (adjective) ‫ خوش طبع‬،‫مزاحیہ‬

causing laughter and amusement; comic.

Example: “a humorous and entertaining talk”
Synonyms: amusing, funny, entertaining, comic, comical, chucklesome, diverting, witty, jocular
Antonyms: serious, boring

Inevitable (adjective) ‫ ہو کر رہنے واال‬،‫ ناقابل ترمیم‬،‫ناگزیر‬

certain to happen; unavoidable.

Example: “war was inevitable”
Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen, sure to happen, inexorable,
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain

Caustic (adjective) ‫ جالنے واال‬،‫جالنے والی چیز‬

able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action.

Example: “a caustic cleaner”
Synonyms: corrosive, corroding, mordant, acid, alkaline, burning, stinging, acrid
Antonyms: kind

Tendency (noun) ‫ رغبت‬،‫رجحان‬

an inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behaviour.

Example: “for students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings”

Synonyms: propensity, proclivity, proneness, aptness, likelihood, inclination, disposition

Antonyms: averseness, disinclination, dislike, indisposition

Hierarchy (noun) ‫درجہ بندی‬

a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status
or authority.
Example: “the initiative was with those lower down in the hierarchy”
Synonyms: pecking order, ranking, grading, ladder, social order, social stratum, social scale
Antonyms: ungraded, unordered, unranked

Discrimination (noun) ‫ تمیز‬،‫ فرق‬، ‫امتیاز‬

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of
race, age, or sex.
Example: “victims of racial discrimination”
Synonyms: prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance, narrow-mindedness, unfairness, inequity
Antonyms: impartiality

Dubious (adjective) ‫ چکا چوند ڈالنا‬،‫ مشتبہ‬،‫مشکوک‬

hesitating or doubting.
Example: “I was rather dubious about the whole idea”
Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, in doubt, hesitant, undecided, unsettled, unconfirmed
Antonyms: certain, definite

Disguise (verb) ‫ چھپانا‬،‫ بہروپ‬،‫بھیس بدلنا‬

give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one’s identity.

Example: “we took elaborate measures to disguised ourselves as locals”
Synonyms: dress oneself up as, pass oneself of as, pretend to be, impersonate, pose as,
personate, in disguise
Antonyms: reveal, expose

Unabashed (adjective) ‫ بے شرم‬،‫ بے حجاب‬،‫بے باک‬

not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.

Example: “he was unabashed by the furore his words provoked”
Synonyms: unashamed, shameless, unembarrassed, brazen, audacious, barefaced, blatant,
Antonyms: abashed, ashamed, sheepish
Barely (adverb) ‫ عریاں طور پر‬،‫ فقط‬،‫بمشکل‬

only just; almost not.

Example: “she nodded, barely able to speak”
Synonyms: hardly, scarcely, just, only just, narrowly, by the skin of one’s teeth
Antonyms: easily

Scarcely (adverb) ‫ کبھی نہیں‬،‫ دقت سے‬،‫شاذو نادر ہی‬

only just; almost not.

Example: “her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she is saying”
Synonyms: hardly, barely, only just, almost not
Antonyms: often

Entangle (verb) ‫ دشواری میں ڈالنا‬،‫ مشکالت میں پھنسانا‬،‫الجھنا‬

cause to become twisted together with or caught in.

Example: “fish attempt to swim through the mesh and become entangled”
Synonyms: intertwine, entwine, tangle, intertwist, twist, ravel, snarl, knot, coil, mat
Antonyms: disentangle, release

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫ برباد کن‬،‫تباہ کن‬

involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

Example: “a catastrophic earthquake”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Mitigate (verb) ‫ ہلکا کرنا‬،‫ کم کرنا‬،‫تخفیف کرنا‬

make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”

Synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off
Antonyms: aggravate, increase, intensify
Lacklustre (adjective) ‫ توانائی یا ولولے سے خالی‬،‫بے نور‬

lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.

Example: “no excuses were made for the team’s lacklustre performance”
Synonyms: uninspired, uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum, colourless, characterless
Antonyms: inspired, brilliant

Pretext (noun) ‫ عذر‬، ‫بہانہ‬

a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.
Example: “the rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move”
Synonyms: excuse, false excuse, ostensible reason, alleged reason, plea, supposed grounds
Antonyms: actuality, candor, fact, frankness, guilelessness, honesty

Ramification (noun) ‫ تقسیم‬،‫ شاخ در شاخ‬،‫افزائش‬

a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.

Example: “any change is bound to have legal ramifications”
Synonyms: consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect, upshot, issue, sequel, complication
Antonyms: line, trunk, stem, bole, course, thread, sequence

Manoeuvre (noun) ‫ باقاعدہ نقل و حرکت‬،‫ حکمت عملی‬،‫تدبیر‬

a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.

Example: “snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres on precipitous slopes”
Synonyms: operation, exercise, activity, move, movement, action,
Antonyms: louse up, mess (up), mishandle, muff, scamp

Alienate (verb) ‫ الگ کرنا‬،‫ دور کردینا‬،‫ اجنبی‬،‫برگشتہ‬

make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Example: “an urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants”
Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, isolate, detach, distance, put at a distance
Antonyms: unite
Imbroglio (noun) ‫ مغلطہ‬،‫ گتھی‬،‫پیچیدہ صورتحال حال‬

an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.

Example: “the abdication imbroglio of 1936”
Synonyms: complicated situation, complication, complexity, problem, difficulty, predicament,
Antonyms: agreement, ease, harmony, peace, simplicity, peacemaking

Incredulity (noun) ‫ یقین نہ کرنا‬، ‫بے اعتباری‬

the state of being unwilling or unable to believe something.

Example: “he stared down the street in incredulity”
Synonyms: disbelief, incredulousness, lack of belief, unbelief, lack of credence, doubt,
Antonyms: credulity, belief

Articulated (adjective) ‫ صاف طور سے اظہار کرنا‬،‫ جڑا ہوا‬،‫ تلفظ‬، ‫واضح‬

having two or more sections connected by a flexible joint.

Example: “an articulated lorry”
Synonyms: hinged, jointed, segmented, coupled, attached, joined, connected, interlocked
Antonyms: fixed

Reluctant (adjective) ‫ اڑیل‬،‫ بے اعتنا‬،‫ہچکچاٹ‬

unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

Example: “today, many ordinary people are still reluctant to talk about politics”
Synonyms: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, grudging, resistant, resisting, opposed
Antonyms: willing, eager, ready

Startling (adjective) ‫ وحشت ناک‬،‫چونکا دینے واال‬

very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable.

Example: “he bore a startling likeness to their father”
Synonyms: surprising, astonishing, amazing, unexpected, unforeseen, staggering, shocking,
Antonyms: predictable, ordinary
Unearth (verb) ‫ دریافت کرنا‬،‫ ظاہر کرنا‬،‫کھود کر نکالنا‬

find (something) in the ground by digging.

Example: “workmen unearthed an ancient artillery shell”
Synonyms: dig up, excavate, exhume, disinter, bring to the surface, mine, quarry, pull out,
Antonyms: bury

Inconceivable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل تصور‬،‫ناقابل فہم‬

not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable.

Example: “it seemed inconceivable that the president had been unaware of what was going on”
Synonyms: beyond belief, unbelievable, extremely difficult to believe, scarcely credible,
Antonyms: likely

Treason (noun) ‫اپنے ملک یا حکومت سے غداری‬

the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign
or government.
Example: “they were convicted of treason”
Synonyms: treachery, lese-majesty, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness, perfidy, perfidiousness
Antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

Abeyance (noun) ‫ تعطل‬،‫ عارضی التوا‬،‫ترک کرنا‬

a state of temporary disuse or suspension.

Example: “matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries”
Synonyms: suspension, a state of suspension, a state of dormancy, a state of latency, a state of
Antonyms: in hand, under way, continuing, continue, resume

Dissent (verb) ‫ مخالف ہونا‬،‫اختالف رائے‬

hold or express opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “two members dissented from the majority”
Synonyms: differ, demur, diverge, disagree with, fail to agree with, express disagreement with,
Antonyms: assent, agree, accept

Exultation (noun) ‫ نہایت خوش‬،‫ نشاط‬،‫مسرت‬

a feeling of triumphant elation or jubilation; rejoicing.

Example: “she laughs in exultation”
Synonyms: jubilation, rejoicing, happiness, pleasure, joy, gladness, delight, glee, elation
Antonyms: gloom, depression

Parochial (adjective) ‫ کسی محدود حلقے کا‬،‫ مقامی‬،‫عالقائی‬

having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.

Example: “parochial attitudes”
Synonyms: narrow-minded, small-minded, provincial, insular, narrow, small-town, inward-
Antonyms: cosmopolitan, broad-minded, liberal

Treachery (noun) ‫ بے وفائی‬،‫ دغا‬،‫ناقابل اعتبار‬،

betrayal of trust.
Example: “many died because of his treachery”
Synonyms: betrayal, disloyalty, perfidy, perfidiousness, faithlessness, unfaithfulness, infidelity
Antonyms: loyalty, faithfulness

Anguish (noun) ‫ کوفت‬،‫ ذہنی اذیت‬،‫شدید تکلیف‬

severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

Example: “she shut her eyes in anguish”
Synonyms: agony, pain, torment, torture, suffering, distress, angst, misery, sorrow, grief
Antonyms: happiness, contentment

Meticulous (adjective) ‫ محتاف‬،‫ باریک بین‬،‫پیچیدہ‬

showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
Example: “the designs are hand-glazed with meticulous care”

Synonyms: careful, conscientious, diligent, ultra-careful, scrupulous, punctilious, painstaking

Antonyms: careless, sloppy, slapdash

Preclude (verb) ‫ باز رکھنا‬،‫روکنا‬

prevent from happening; make impossible.

Example: “the secret nature of his work precluded official recognition”
Synonyms: prevent, make it impossible for, make it impracticable for, rule out, put a stop to,
Antonyms: admit, promote, further, advance

Horrify (adjective) ‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫ دہشت انگیز‬،‫خوفناک‬

fill with horror; shock greatly.

Example: “they were horrified by the very idea”
Synonyms: frighten, scare, terrify, petrify, alarm, panic, terrorize, scare stiff, scare/frighten to
Antonyms: please

Brutalize (verb) ‫ وحشتناک سلوک کرنا‬،‫ظلم برپا کرنا‬

make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to
Exams: “he had been brutalized in prison and become cynical”
Synonyms: desensitize, dehumanize, harden, toughen, case-harden, inure,
Antonyms: dignify, exalt, honor, amend, improve

Deplore (verb) ‫ ماتم کرنا‬،‫ غم کرنا‬،‫ غصہ کرنا‬،‫افالس‬

feel or express strong disapproval of (something).

Example: “we deplore all violence”
Synonyms: abhor, be shocked by, be offended by, be scandalized by, find unacceptable, be
Antonyms: admire, applaud

Obscure (adjective) ‫ چھپی ہوئی‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫غیر واضح‬

not discovered or known about; uncertain.

Example: “his origins and parentage are obscure”
Synonyms: unclear, uncertain, unknown, in doubt, doubtful, dubious, mysterious, hazy,
Antonyms: clear, plain

Restraint (verb) ‫ ممانعت‬،‫ محدود‬،‫تحمل‬

unemotional, dispassionate, or moderate behaviour; self-control.

Example: “he urged the protestors to exercise restraint”
Synonyms: self-control, self-restraint, self-discipline, control, moderation, temperateness,
Antonyms: abandon, forwardness, outspokenness

Introspection (noun) ‫اپنے احساسات یا خیاالت کا امتحان لینا‬،‫خودشناسی‬

the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.

Example: “quiet introspection can be extremely valuable”
Synonyms: brooding, self-analysis, soul-searching, heart-searching, introversion, self-

Inequitable (adjective) ‫غیر منصفانہ‬،‫ناہموار‬

unfair; unjust.
Example: “the present taxes are inequitable”
Synonyms: unfair, unjust, discriminatory, preferential, one-sided, unequal, uneven, unbalanced
Antonyms: fair, impartial

Agrarian (adjective) ‫ زمینداری‬،‫زرعی‬

relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land.
Example: “Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian economy”

Synonyms: agricultural, rural, countryside, farming, rustic, pastoral, bucolic, georgic, sylvan
Antonyms: metro, metropolitan, urban, industrial, industrialized

Noxious (adjective) ‫ مضر‬،‫ موذی‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬

harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.

Example: “they were overcome by the noxious fumes”
Synonyms: poisonous, toxic, deadly, virulent, harmful, dangerous, pernicious, damaging
Antonyms: innocuous, safe, pleasant

Vexatious (adjective) ‫ تکلیف دہ‬،‫ موذی‬،‫پریشان کن‬

causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry.

Example: “the vexatious questions posed by software copyrights”
Synonyms: annoying, vexing, irritating, irksome, displeasing, infuriating, maddening,
Antonyms: delightful, pleasing

Brute (noun) ‫ خونخوار‬،‫ وحشی‬،‫ظالم و جنگی‬

a savagely violent person or animal.

Example: “he was a cold-blooded brute”
Synonyms: savage, beast, monster, animal, sadist, barbarian, devil, demon, fiend, ogre
Antonyms: pacific, peaceable, peaceful

Diabolical (adjective) ‫ شیطان صفت‬،‫شیطانی‬

characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to be suggestive of the Devil.

Example: “his diabolical cunning”
Synonyms: devilish, diabolic, fiendish, satanic, Mephistophelian, demonic, demoniacal,
Antonyms: excellent, godly, holy, sainted, saintly
Clique (noun) ‫ منڈلی‬،‫ خاص لوگ‬،‫ جتھہ‬،‫گروہ‬

a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them.
Example: “his flat became a haven for a clique of young men of similar tastes”
Synonyms: coterie, circle, inner circle, crowd, in-crowd, set, group, pack, band, ring,
Antonyms: loner, individualist

Conscientious (adjective) ‫ ایماندار‬،‫ فرض شناس‬،‫باضمیر‬

wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.

Example: “a conscientious man, he took his duties very seriously”
Synonyms: diligent, industrious, punctilious, painstaking, sedulous, assiduous, dedicated
Antonyms: casual

Shun (verb) ‫ اجتناب کرنا‬،‫ احتراز کرنا‬، ‫بچنا‬

persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution.

Example: “he shunned fashionable society”
Synonyms: avoid, evade, eschew, steer clear of, shy away from, fight shy of, recoil from,
Antonyms: accept, seek, welcome

Fabled (adjective) ‫افسانوی‬

famous, especially by reputation.

Example: “a fabled art collection”
Synonyms: celebrated, renowned, famed, famous, well known, (rightly) prized,
Antonyms: unknown, unsung, derided

Lingering (adjective) ‫ تاخیر‬،‫سست رو‬

lasting for a long time or slow to end.

Example: “there are still some lingering doubts in my mind”
Synonyms: remaining, surviving, persisting, abiding, nagging, niggling, gnawing, lasting
Antonyms: short-lived
Zealot (noun) ‫ پرجوش‬،‫ متعصب‬،‫کٹر‬

a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other
Synonyms: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical, Young Turk, diehard, activist, militant
Antonyms: moderate

Complacency (noun) ‫ خود تسکینی‬،‫ اطمینان‬،‫اخالق‬

a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.

Example: “the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency”

Synonyms: smugness, self-satisfaction, self-approval, self-approbation, self-admiration, self-

Antonyms: dissatisfaction

Galvanize (verb) ‫ جست کاری کرنا‬،‫متحرک کرنا‬

shock or excite (someone) into taking action.

Example: “the urgency of his voice galvanized them into action”
Synonyms: jolt, shock, startle, impel, stir, spur, prod, urge, motivate, stimulate,
Antonyms: demotivate

Malicious (adjective) ‫ دل کا برا‬،‫ حاسد‬،‫ بدخواہ‬،‫بدنیتی پر مبنی‬

characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.

Example: “he was found guilty of malicious damage”
Synonyms: spiteful, malevolent, hostile, bitter, venomous, poisonous, evil-intentioned, ill-
Antonyms: benevolent

Malign (adjective) ‫ذلیل کرنا‬،‫ حسد سے دیکھنا‬،‫بدنام کرنا‬

evil in nature or effect.
Example: “she had a strong and malign influence”
Synonyms: harmful, evil, bad, baleful, hostile, inimical, destructive, malevolent, evil-
Antonyms: beneficial

Veil (verb) ‫ نقاب‬،‫پردہ‬

cover with or as if with a veil.

Example: “she veiled her face”
Synonyms: envelop, surround, swathe, enfold, cover, cover up, conceal, hide, secrete
Antonyms: unveil, expose, uncover

Excoriate (verb) ‫ جلد اکھاڑنا‬،‫خارجی‬،

damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).

Example: “the discharge is acrid and excoriates the skin of the nose”
Synonyms: abrade, rub away, rub off, rub raw, scrape, scratch, chafe, damage

Belligerent (adjective) ‫ جنگ آور‬،‫ شریک جنگ‬،‫لڑاکا‬

hostile and aggressive.

Example: “the mood at the meeting was belligerent”
Synonyms: hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacious, bellicose, truculent
Antonyms: friendly, peaceable

Macabre (adjective) ‫ بھیانک‬،‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫خوفناک‬

disturbing because concerned with or causing a fear of death.

Example: “a macabre series of murders”
Synonyms: gruesome, grisly, grim, gory, morbid, ghastly, unearthly, lurid, grotesque, hideous
Antonyms: agreeable, appealing, attractive, delectable, delicious

Obfuscate (verb) ‫ چکر لگانا‬،‫ تاریک کرنا‬،‫دھندال کرنا‬

make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
Example: “the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their
etymological origins”
Synonyms: obscure, confuse, make obscure/unclear, blur, muddle, jumble, complicate, garble
Antonyms: clarify

Subvert (verb) ‫ تہہ و باال کرنا‬،‫ تہس نہس کرنا‬،‫ زاول‬،‫گرانا‬

undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).

Example: “an attempt to subvert democratic government”
Synonyms: destabilize, unsettle, overthrow, overturn, bring down, bring about the downfall of
Antonyms: aid, help, improve, purify

Abeyance (noun) ‫ تعطل‬،‫ عارضی التوا‬،‫ترک کرنا‬

a state of temporary disuse or suspension.

Example: “matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries”
Synonyms: suspension, a state of suspension, a state of dormancy, a state of latency, a state of

Antonyms: in hand, under way, continuing, continue, resume

Usurp (verb) ‫ ناجائز قبضہ‬،‫غصب کرنا‬

take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

Example: “Rashid usurped the throne”
Synonyms: seize, take over, expropriate, take possession of, take, appropriate, steal
Antonyms: receive, inherit, accept

Reluctance (noun) ‫ ناراض مند‬،‫ اڑیل‬،‫ ہچکچاہٹ‬،‫بے اعتنائی‬

unwillingness or disinclination to do something.

Example: “she sensed his reluctance to continue”
Synonyms: unwillingness, disinclination, lack of enthusiasm, hesitation, hesitance, hesitancy,
Antonyms: willingness, eagerness

Acrimony (noun) ‫ کھردرا پن‬،‫ تند خوہی‬،‫یز مزاجی‬

bitterness or ill feeling.

Example: “the AGM dissolved into acrimony”
Synonyms: bitterness, rancour, resentment, ill feeling, ill will, bad blood, animosity, hostility
Antonyms: goodwill

Nuance (noun) ‫ رنگ وغیرہ کا باریک فرق‬،‫ احساس‬،‫شائبہ‬

a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.

Example: “he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect”
Synonyms: fine distinction, subtle distinction/difference, shade, shading, gradation, variation
Antonyms: brightness, information, light, lot

Emphatic (adjective) ‫ موثر‬،‫ پروزور طریقے سے‬،‫تاکیدی‬

expressing something forcibly and clearly.

Example: “the children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience”
Synonyms: vehement, firm, wholehearted, forceful, forcible, energetic, vigorous, ardent
Antonyms: hesitant, tentative

Stumble (verb) ‫ چوکنا‬،‫ الجھنا‬،‫ھوکر کھانا‬

trip or momentarily lose one’s balance; almost fall.

Example: “her foot caught in the rug and she stumbled”
Synonyms: trip, trip over, trip up, lose one’s balance, lose/miss one’s footing, founder, slip
Antonyms: fix, straighten, pass by, correct, overlook, accuracy, continue,

Succumb (verb) ‫ ہارماننا‬،‫ مغلوب ہو جانا‬،‫شکست مان لینا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in, be overcome by
Antonyms: resist, conquer
Annals (noun) ‫ تقویمی ترتیب سے متعلق‬،‫تواریخ‬

a record of events year by year.

Example: “eighth-century Northumberland annals”
Synonyms: records, archives, chronicles, accounts, registers, journals, history, muniments

Unison (noun) ‫ موافقت‬،‫ہم آہنگی‬

simultaneous performance or utterance of action or speech.

Example: “‘Yes, sir,’ said the girls in unison”
Synonyms: simultaneously, at (one and) the same time, (all) at once, at the same moment
Antonyms: antagonism, battle, conflict, contention, contest, controversy, difference

Sheer (adjective) ‫کترا جانا‬،‫ بالکل‬،‫سراسر‬

nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis).

Example: “she giggled with sheer delight”
Synonyms: utter, complete, absolute, total, pure, perfect, downright, out-and-out, thorough
Antonyms: gradual

Blasphemous (adjective) ‫ کافر‬،‫ بے حرمتی‬،‫ بے ادبی‬،‫گستاخانہ‬

sacrilegious against God or sacred things; profane.

Example: “blasphemous and heretical talk”
Synonyms: sacrilegious, profane, irreligious, irreverent, impious, ungodly, godless, unholy
Antonyms: reverent

Reticent (adjective) ‫ خاموش‬،‫کم گوئی‬

not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily.

Example: “she was extremely reticent about her personal affairs”
Synonyms: reserved, withdrawn, introverted, restrained, inhibited, diffident, shy, modest,
Antonyms: expansive, garrulous

Unequivocal (adjective) ‫ صاف صریح‬،‫ بالکل صاف‬،‫غیر مبہم‬

leaving no doubt; unambiguous.

Example: “an unequivocal answer”
Synonyms: unambiguous, unmistakable, indisputable, incontrovertible, indubitable, undeniable
Antonyms: equivocal, ambiguous, vague

Bereft (adjective) ‫ محروم کیا ہوا‬،‫شکست خوردہ‬

deprived of or lacking (something).

Example: “her room was stark and bereft of colour”
Synonyms: deprived of, robbed of, stripped of, denuded of, cut off from, parted from, devoid of,
Antonyms: joyful, loved, filled, flush, fraught, full

Lackadaisical (adjective) ‫ مصنوعی نزاکت کا‬،‫ سست‬،‫کمی‬

lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.

Example: “a lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in the second half”
Synonyms: careless, lazy, lax, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, uninterested, lukewarm, indifferent
Antonyms: enthusiastic, excited

Alacrity (noun) ‫ پھرتی‬،‫ شوق سے‬،‫ تیزی‬،‫مستعدی‬

brisk and cheerful readiness.

Example: “she accepted the invitation with alacrity”
Synonyms: eagerness, willingness, readiness, enthusiasm, ardour, fervour, keenness, joyousness,
Antonyms: apathy

Sundry (adjective) ‫ متعدد‬،‫ کئی طرح کا‬،‫متفرق‬

of various kinds; several.

Example: “prawn and garlic vol-au-vents and sundry other delicacies”
Synonyms: various, varied, miscellaneous, assorted, mixed, diverse, diversified, motley
Antonyms: alike, identical, like, same, distinct,
Grisly (adjective) ‫ بھیانک‬،‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫خوفناک‬

causing horror or disgust.

Example: “the town was shaken by a series of grisly crimes”
Synonyms: gruesome, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre,
Antonyms: pleasant, attractive

Revulsion (noun) ‫ شدید جذباتی ردعمل‬،‫ احساس‬،‫ ذہنی انقالب‬،‫بغاوت‬

a sense of disgust and loathing.

Example: “news of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion”
Synonyms: disgust, repulsion, abhorrence, repugnance, nausea, loathing, horror
Antonyms: delight, liking

Repulsive (adjective) ‫ دھکیلے جانے کا عمل‬،‫ ناگوار‬،‫نفرت انگیز‬

arousing intense distaste or disgust.

Example: “a repulsive smell”
Synonyms: revolting, disgusting, abhorrent, repellent, repugnant, offensive, objectionable
Antonyms: delightful, pleasant, attractive

Opaque ‫ دھندال‬،‫ غیر شفاف‬،‫مبہم‬

not able to be seen through; not transparent.

Example: “bottles filled with a pale opaque liquid”
Synonyms: non-transparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, hazy, misty, dirty, dingy,
Antonyms: transparent, translucent, clear,

Proficient (adjective) ‫ قابل‬،‫ لیاقت‬،‫ماہر‬

competent or skilled in doing or using something.

Example: “I was proficient at my job”
Synonyms: skilled, skilful, expert, accomplished, experienced, practised, trained, seasoned,
Antonyms: inept, inexpert, incompetent,

Halt (verb) ‫ جگہ‬،‫ مقام‬،‫ ٹھہرنا‬،‫وقفہ‬

bring or come to an abrupt stop.

Example: “there is growing pressure to halt the bloodshed”
Synonyms: stop, come to a halt, come to a stop, come to a standstill, come to rest, pull up, draw
Antonyms: start, go, continue

Petty (adjective) ‫ ذرا سا‬،‫ چھوٹے درجے کا‬،‫ کم حیثیت کا‬،‫ معمولی‬، ‫حقیر‬

of little importance; trivial.

Example: “the petty divisions of party politics”
Synonyms: trivial, trifling, minor, small, slight, unimportant, insignificant, inessential
Antonyms: important, serious, major

Hubris (noun) ‫ زعم‬،‫ غرور‬،‫گھمنڈ‬

excessive pride or self-confidence.

Example: “the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s”
Synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance
Antonyms: modesty

Lethal (adjective) ‫ جان لیوا‬،‫مہلک‬

very harmful or destructive.

Example: “the Krakatoa eruption was the most lethal on record”
Synonyms: fatal, deadly, mortal, causing death, death-dealing, life-threatening, murderous
Antonyms: harmless, safe

Alleviate (verb) ‫ گھٹانا‬،‫ آرام دینا‬،‫کم کرنا‬

make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.

Example: “he couldn’t prevent her pain, only alleviate it”
Synonyms: reduce, ease, relieve, take the edge off, deaden, dull, diminish, lessen,
Antonyms: aggravate
Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ ظاہر ہے‬،‫ بادی النظر میں‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all
intents and purposes,
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Vilification (noun) ‫ تذلیل‬،‫بدگوئی‬

abusively disparaging speech or writing.

Example: “the widespread vilification of politicians”
Synonyms: condemnation, criticism, censure, castigation, denunciation, vituperation, abuse, flak
Antonyms: praise

Oppressive (adjective) ‫ غیر معقول حد تک‬،‫ظالمانہ‬،‫جابرانہ‬

inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment.

Example: “an oppressive dictatorship”
Synonyms: harsh, cruel, brutal, repressive, crushing, tyrannical, tyrannous, iron-fisted
Antonyms: lenient, humane

Travesty (noun) ‫ بہروپ‬،‫ شکل بدل دینا‬،‫تروڑ مروڑ دینا‬

a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.

Example: “the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice”

Synonyms: misrepresentation, distortion, perversion, corruption, poor imitation, poor substitute,


Revival (noun) ‫ نئی روح‬،‫ احیا‬،‫ تازہ ہونے کا عمل‬،‫حیات نو‬

an improvement in the condition, strength, or fortunes of someone or something.

Example: “a revival in the fortunes of the party”
Synonyms: improvement, rallying, picking up, betterment, amelioration, turn for the better,
Antonyms: downturn

Drubbing (noun) ‫ مارپیٹ‬،‫زدوکوب‬

a beating; a thrashing.
Example: “I’ll give the scoundrels a drubbing if I can!”
Synonyms: beating, thrashing, walloping, thumping, battering, pounding, pummelling, slapping
Antonyms: win

Acquiescence (noun) ‫ راضی ہونا‬،‫ رضامندی‬،‫منظوری‬

the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.

Example: “in silent acquiescence, she rose to her feet”
Synonyms: consent, agreement, acceptance, accession, concurrence, approval, seal of approval
Antonyms: refusal

Fierce (adjective) ‫ غضبناک طور پر‬،‫ تیز‬،‫تند خو‬

having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.

Example: “fierce fighting continued throughout the day”
Synonyms: ferocious, savage, vicious, wild, feral, untamed, undomesticated, aggressive
Antonyms: gentle, tame, mild

Pragmatic (adjective) ‫ نتائجی‬،‫ عملیت‬،‫حقیقت پسندانہ‬

dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than
theoretical considerations.
Example: “a pragmatic approach to politics”
Synonyms: practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical
Antonyms: impractical, unrealistic, idealistic

Ominous (adjective) ‫ منحوس‬،‫ بدشگونی واال‬،‫ نحس‬،‫بدنما‬

giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Example: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead”
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious,
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious

Fragile (adjective) ‫ بودا‬،‫نازک‬

(of an object) easily broken or damaged.

Example: “fragile items such as glass and china”
Synonyms: breakable, easily broken, brittle, frangible, smashable, splintery, flimsy, weak
Antonyms: robust

Disillusioned (adjective) ‫اعتماد ختم ہونے کی وجہ سے مایوس‬

disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed.
Example: “the minority groups were completely disillusioned with the party”

Synonyms: disenchanted, disappointed, let down, cast down, downcast, discouraged, disabused
Antonyms: trusting, enthusiastic

Imperative (adjective) ‫ بصورت امر‬،‫ اشد ضروری‬،‫الزمی‬

of vital importance; crucial.

Example: “immediate action was imperative”
Synonyms: vitally important, of vital importance, all-important, vital, crucial, critical, essential
Antonyms: unimportant, optional

Tyranny (noun) ‫ جابرانہ حکومت‬،‫ظلم‬

cruel and oppressive government or rule.

Example: “refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression”
Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, undemocratic rule
Antonyms: democracy, liberality

Convene (verb) ‫ اجالس کے لئے بالنا‬،‫طلب کرنا‬

come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.
Example: “he had convened a secret meeting of military personnel”
Synonyms: summon, call, call together, order, hold, convoke, assemble, gather, meet, get
Antonyms: disperse

Abrogate (verb) ‫منسوخ کرنا‬

repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).

Example: “a proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike”
Synonyms: repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, do away with
Antonyms: institute, introduce

Acumen (noun) ‫ باریک بینی‬،‫ زیرکی‬،‫دانت‬

the ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions.

Example: “she hides a shrewd business acumen”
Synonyms: astuteness, awareness, shrewdness, acuity, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, cleverness
Antonyms: witlessness

Placate (verb) ‫ تسلی دینا‬،‫منانا‬

make (someone) less angry or hostile.

Example: “they attempted to placate the students with promises”
Synonyms: pacify, calm, calm down, appease, mollify, soothe, win over, quiet, conciliate
Antonyms: provoke, anger

Accumulate (verb) ‫ ڈھیر‬،‫ فراہم‬،‫جمع کرنا‬

gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

Example: “investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence”
Synonyms: gather, collect, assemble, amass, stockpile, pile up, heap up, rack up,
Antonyms: dissipate
Antiquated (adjective) ‫ نوواردات‬،‫بہت پرانا‬

old-fashioned or outdated.
Example: “this antiquated central heating system”
Synonyms: outdated, out of date, outmoded, behind the times, old-fashioned, archaic,
Antonyms: current, modern, up to date

Astronomical (adjective) ‫ بہت ہی بڑا‬،‫ فلک شناسی‬،‫فلیکیاتی‬

(of an amount) extremely large.

Example: “he wanted an astronomical fee”
Synonyms: huge, enormous, very large, very great, very big, prodigious, tremendous,
Antonyms: insignificant, small

Superstition (noun) ‫ وہم‬،‫ خرافات‬،‫توہم پرست‬

excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.

Example: “he dismissed the ghost stories as mere superstition”
Synonyms: unfounded belief, credulity, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, fallacy, delusion, illusion
Antonyms: science

Conformist (noun) ‫ مطابقت‬،‫موافق‬

a person who conforms to accepted behaviour or established practices.

Example: “organizations where employees are loyal without being unthinking conformists”

Synonyms: conventionalist, traditionalist, orthodox person, conservative, bourgeois, (old) fogey

Antonyms: eccentric, rebel

Cumulative (adjective) ‫ انبار کا باعث‬،‫ مسلسل بڑھنے والے‬،‫مجموعی‬

increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.

Example: “the cumulative effect of two years of drought”
Synonyms: increasing, accumulative, accumulating, growing, progressive, accruing,
Antonyms: subtractive

Mar (verb) ‫ ضرر پہنچانا‬،‫ بگاڑ دینا‬،‫خراب کر نا‬

impair the quality or appearance of; spoil.

Example: “violence marred a number of New Year celebrations”
Synonyms: spoil, ruin, impair, disfigure, detract from, flaw, blemish, scar, mutilate, deface
Antonyms: improve, enhance

Jettison (verb) ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫دست برداری‬

abandon or discard (someone or something that is no longer wanted).

Example: “the scheme was jettisoned”
Synonyms: dump, drop, ditch, discharge, eject, throw out, empty out, pour out, tip out
Antonyms: load, keep, retain

Overweening (adjective) ‫ بہت پراعتماد‬،‫ اکھڑ‬،‫ خود پسند‬،‫مغرور‬

showing excessive confidence or pride.

Example: “overweening ambition”
Synonyms: overconfident, conceited, cocksure, cocky, smug, haughty, supercilious, disdainful
Antonyms: modest, diffident, unassuming

Complacency (noun) ‫ آسودہ خاطر‬،‫ خاطر جمعی‬،‫اطمینان‬

a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.

Example: “the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency”
Synonyms: smugness, self-satisfaction, self-approval, self-approbation, self-admiration
Antonyms: dissatisfaction

Jeopardize (verb) ‫ نقصان پہنچانا‬،‫خطرے میں ڈالنا‬

put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
Example: “a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York’s position as a financial
Synonyms: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at risk, expose to risk, put in danger
Antonyms: safeguard

Blatant (adjective) ‫ وحشیانہ طور پر‬،‫ اودھم مچانے واال‬،‫ واضح‬،‫کھلم کھال‬

(of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.

Example: “blatant lies”
Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised, unconcealed, overt, open, transparent
Antonyms: inconspicuous, subtle

Articulated (adjective) ‫ جوڑ دار‬،‫جڑا ہوا‬

having two or more sections connected by a flexible joint.

Example: “an articulated lorry”
Synonyms: hinged, jointed, segmented, coupled, attached, joined, connected, interlocked
Antonyms: fixed

Perceive (verb) ‫ سمجھنا‬،‫ جاننا‬،‫ادراک کرنا‬

become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Example: “his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”

Synonyms: discern, recognize, become cognizant of, become aware of, become conscious of
Antonyms: disbelieve, misinterpret, neglect, offer, miss, overpass

Propagate (verb) ‫ توسیع‬،‫ پھیالنا‬،‫جاری رکھنا‬

breed specimens of (a plant or animal) by natural processes from the parent stock.
Example: “try propagating your own houseplants from cuttings”
Synobnyms: breed, grow, cultivate, generate, layer, pipe
Antonyms: reduce, contract, suppress, diminish, fail, dwindle, die, contradict

Monumental (adjective) ‫ شاندار‬، ‫یادگاری‬

great in importance, extent, or size.
Example: “it’s been a monumental effort”
Synonyms: huge, great, enormous, gigantic, massive, colossal, mammoth, immense
Antonyms: small, insignificant, little, unimportant

Pledge (noun) ‫ وعدہ کرنا‬،‫ عہد‬،‫ کفالت‬،‫گروی‬

a solemn promise or undertaking.

Example: “the conference ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution”
Synonyms: promise, undertaking, vow, word, word of honour, commitment, assurance
Antonyms: breach, break

Hefty (adjective) ‫ بھاری شخص‬،‫ زبردست‬،‫ طاقتور‬،‫ہٹا کٹا‬

large and heavy.

Example: “a hefty young chap”
Synonyms: burly, heavy, sturdy, strapping, bulky, brawny, husky, strong, muscular
Antonyms: slight, gaunt, light

Arduous (adjective) ‫ مشقت سے بھر پور‬،‫کٹھن‬

involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

Example: “an arduous journey”
Synonyms: onerous, taxing, difficult, hard, heavy, laborious, burdensome, strenuous
Antonyms: easy, effortless

Culpability (noun) ‫ قابل مواخذہ‬،‫سزا کا مستوجب‬

responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame.

Example: “a level of moral culpability”
Synonyms: guilt, blame, fault, responsibility, accountability, liability, answerability, guiltiness
Antonyms: innocence

Problematic (adjective) ‫ مشکوک‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫پریشان کن‬

constituting or presenting a problem.
Example: “the situation was problematic for teachers”
Synonyms: difficult, hard, problematical, taxing, troublesome, tricky, awkward, controversial,
Antonyms: easy, simple, straightforward

Illustrate (verb) ‫ روشن کرنا‬،‫مثالوں سے سمجھانا‬

provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures.

Example: “the guide is illustrated with full-colour photographs”
Synonyms: decorate, adorn, ornament, embellish, accompany, provide artwork for,
Antonyms: obscure, misinterpret, mystify, confuse, misrepresent

Thwart (verb) ‫ آڑا‬،‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناکام‬

oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition) successfully.

Example: “the government had been able to thwart all attempts by opposition leaders to form
new parties”
Synonyms: foil, frustrate, balk, stand in the way of, forestall, scotch, derail, smash, dash
Antonyms: assist, facilitate

Malleable (adjective) ‫ آسانی سے مڑنے واال‬،‫ نرم‬،‫قابل عمل‬

(of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or
Example: “a malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet”
Synonyms: pliable, ductile, plastic, pliant, soft, workable, shapable, mouldable, tractile,
Antonyms: hard

Paltry (adjective) ‫ ناکارہ‬،‫ حقیر‬،‫معمولی سا‬

(of an amount) very small or meagre.

Example: “she would earn a paltry Rs. 300 more a month”
Synonyms: small, meagre, trifling, insignificant, negligible, inadequate, insufficient, scant
Antonyms: considerable, substantial

Unnerve (verb) ‫ ہمت پست کرنا‬،‫ بے آرا کرنا‬،‫ چھکے چڑھانا‬،‫تنگ کرنا‬
make (someone) lose courage or confidence.
Example: “the journey over the bridge had unnerved me”
Synonyms: demoralize, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, deject, daunt, cow, alarm, frighten, ,
Antonyms: encourage, hearten

Optimistic (verb) ‫ امید کا قائل‬،‫پر امید‬

hopeful and confident about the future.

Example: “the optimistic mood of the Sixties”
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery, positive, confident, hopeful, sanguine, bullish, buoyant, bright,
Antonyms: pessimistic, negative, gloomy, ominous

Engulf (verb) ‫ وقف کرنا‬،‫ نگلنا‬،‫گھیر لینا‬

(of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely.

Example: “the cafe was engulfed in flames”
Synonyms: inundate, flood, deluge, immerse, swamp, wash out, swallow up, submerge
Antonyms: dehydrate, dry, parch

Ardent (adjective) ‫ جوشیال‬،‫ انتہائی جذباتی‬،‫پرجوش‬

very enthusiastic or passionate.

Example: “an ardent supporter of the conservative cause”
Synonyms: passionate, avid, impassioned, fervent, fervid, zealous, wholehearted, eager,
Antonyms: half-hearted

Sceptic (noun) ‫ شک پرست‬،‫ وہمی‬،‫ شک کرنے واال‬،‫شکی‬

a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions

Synonyms: cynic, doubter, questioner, scoffer, pessimist, prophet of doom
Antonyms: believer

Plethora (noun) ‫ڈھیر ساری‬،‫ بہتات‬،‫فروانی‬

a large or excessive amount of something.
Example: “a plethora of committees and subcommittees”
Synonyms: excess, abundance, overabundance, superfluity, surfeit, profusion, more than enough
Antonyms: dearth, lack

Atrocity (noun) ‫ سفاکی‬،‫ بے رحمی‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫ظلم‬

an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
Example: “a textbook which detailed war atrocities”
Synonyms: act of barbarity, act of brutality, act of savagery, act of wickedness, cruelty,
Antonyms: humaneness, inhumane, mercy

Herculean (adjective) ‫ صبر آزما‬،‫بہت طاقتور‬

requiring great strength or effort.

Example: “a Herculean task”
Synonyms: arduous, gruelling, laborious, back-breaking, onerous, strenuous, difficult
Antonyms: easy

Discrimination (noun) ‫ تفریق‬،‫ فرق‬،‫امتیاز‬

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of
race, age, or sex.
Example: “victims of racial discrimination”
Synonyms: prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance, narrow-mindedness, unfairness, inequity
Antonyms: impartiality

Horrific (adjective) ‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫خوفناک‬

causing horror.
Example: “horrific injuries”
Synonyms: dreadful, horrendous, horrifying, horrible, frightful, awful, terrible, fearful,
Antonyms: inoffensive, unalarming. awful, dire, direful

Segregate (verb) ‫ علیحدگی‬،‫ نسلی امتیاز کا شکار‬،‫الگ الگ‬

set apart from the rest or from each other; isolate or divide.
Example: “apprehensions about groups segregated from the rest of society”

Synonyms: separate, set apart, keep apart, sort out, isolate, quarantine, insulate, exclude
Antonyms: amalgamate

Steady (adjective) ‫ ثابت قدم‬،‫مستحکم‬

firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving.

Example: “the lighter the camera, the harder it is to hold steady”
Synonyms: stable, balanced, firm, fixed, secure, secured, fast, safe, immovable
Antonyms: unstable, loose, shaky,

Incontrovertible (adjective) ‫ناقابل تردید‬،‫ تردیدناپذیر‬،‫مسلم‬

not able to be denied or disputed.

Example: “incontrovertible proof”
Synonyms: indisputable, incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable, unassailable, beyond dispute,
Antonyms: questionable

Catastrophe (noun) ‫ تباہی‬،‫ تباہ کن‬،‫ سانحہ‬،‫آفت‬

an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

Example: “an environmental catastrophe”
Synonyms: disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust, ruin, ruination, tragedy,
Antonyms: salvation, godsend

Ferocious (adjective) ‫ ظالم‬،‫ خطرناک‬،‫وحشی‬

savagely fierce, cruel, or violent.

Example: “a ferocious beast”
Synonyms: fierce, savage, wild, feral, untamed, predatory, rapacious, ravening, aggressive,
Antonyms: tame, gentle
Upheaval (noun) ‫ ہلچل‬،‫کھلبلی‬

a violent or sudden change or disruption to something.

Example: “major upheavals in the financial markets”
Synonyms: disruption, upset, disturbance, trouble, turbulence, disorder, disorganization,
Antonyms: stability, tranquillity

Deteriorate (verb) ‫ خراب ہونا‬،‫خاصیت بگڑ جانا‬

become progressively worse.

Example: “relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply”
Synonyms: worsen, get worse, decline, be in decline, degenerate, decay, collapse, fail, fall
Antonyms: improve

Aggravate (verb) ‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫ بگاڑنا‬،‫بھڑکانا‬

make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

Example: “military action would only aggravate the situation”
Synonyms: annoy, irritate, exasperate, anger, irk, vex, put out, nettle, provoke,
Antonyms: calm, conciliate

Impend (verb) ‫ ناگزیر‬،‫قریب ہونا‬

be about to happen.
Example: “my impending departure”
Synonyms: imminent, at hand, close, close at hand, near, nearing, approaching, coming
Antonyms: abate, decline, de-escalate, die down

Devastation (noun) ‫ زبردست‬،‫ ویرانی‬،‫تباہی‬

great destruction or damage.

Example: “the floods caused widespread devastation”
Synonyms: destruction, ruin, desolation, depredation, waste, havoc, wreckage, ruins,
Antonyms: rescue, salvage, salvation, saving
Precipitous (adjective) ‫ عجلت سے‬،‫ جلد عمل‬،‫عمودی‬

dangerously high or steep.

Example: “the track skirted a precipitous drop”
Synonyms: steep, sheer, high, perpendicular, abrupt, sharp, dizzy, vertiginous, vertical,

Apparent (adjective) ‫ واضح‬،‫ صاف‬،‫ نمایاں‬،‫ظاہر‬

clearly visible or understood; obvious.

Example: “for no apparent reason she laughed”
Synonyms: evident, plain, obvious, clear, manifest, visible, discernible, perceptible
Antonyms: unclear, obscure

Bizarre (adjective) ‫ ڈھنگا‬،‫ بے تکا‬،‫ منفرد‬،‫عجیب‬

very strange or unusual.

Example: “a bizarre situation”
Synonyms: strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious, offbeat, outlandish, eccentric, unconventional
Antonyms: ordinary, normal

Apprehension (noun) ‫ ادراک‬،‫ خوف‬،‫ فکرمندی‬،‫خدشہ‬

anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Example: “he felt sick with apprehension”
Synonyms: anxiety, angst, alarm, worry, uneasiness, unease, nervousness, misgiving
Antonyms: confidence

Bellicose (adjective) ‫ جھگڑالو‬،‫ لڑاکا‬،‫پھڈے باز‬

demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.

Example: “a mood of bellicose jingoism”
Synonyms: belligerent, aggressive, hostile, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacious, truculent
Antonyms: peaceable
Befit (verb) ‫ زیب دینا‬،‫موزوں ہونا‬

be appropriate for; suit.

Example: “as befits a Quaker, he was a humane man”
Synonyms: in keeping with, as befits, fitting, appropriate to, fit for, suitable for, suited to
Antonyms: out of keeping with

Elevated (adjective) ‫ بلند مقام پر پہنچانا‬،‫بڑا عہدہ دینا‬

situated or placed higher than the surrounding area.

Example: “this hotel has an elevated position above the village”
Synonyms: raised, upraised, uplifted, lifted up, high up, aloft, aerial, overhead, hoisted
Antonyms: lowly, base

Disastrous (adjective) ‫ تباہ کن‬،‫مصیبت خیز‬

causing great damage.

Example: “a disastrous fire swept through the museum”
Synonyms: catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic, tragic, devastating, ravaging, ruinous
Antonyms: fortunate, successful, beneficial

Contrary (adjective) ‫ برخالف‬،‫ متضاد‬،‫برعکس‬

opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.

Example: “he ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal”
Synonyms: opposite, opposing, opposed, contradictory, clashing, conflicting, antithetical
Antonyms: compatible, same

Provocative (adjective) ‫ اکسانے واال‬،‫اشتعال انگیز‬

causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.

Example: “a provocative article”
Synonyms: annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provoking, maddening, goading
Antonyms: soothing, calming
Posture (verb) ‫ طرز‬،‫ کیفیت‬،‫ ادا‬، ‫حالت‬

behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead.

Example: “a billionaire posturing as a hero of the working class”

Synonyms: pose, strike an attitude, put on airs, attitudinize, behave affectedly

Antonyms: unerect, erect, unrighteous

Reckless (adjective) ‫ بے پرواہ‬،‫ الپراہ‬،‫عاقبت نااندیش‬

heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash or impetuous.

Example: “you mustn’t be so reckless”
Synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless, incautious, heedless, unheeding, inattentive, hasty
Antonyms: careful, cautious, prudent

Provocative (adjective) ‫ اکسانے و اال‬،‫اشتعال انگیز‬

causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.

Example: “a provocative article”
Synonyms: annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provoking, maddening, goading
Antonyms: soothing, calming

Escalation (noun) ‫ اضافہ‬،‫ بڑھاوہ‬،‫تیزی‬

a rapid increase; a rise.

Example: “cost escalations”
Synonyms: rapid increase, rise, hike, advance, growth, leap, upsurge, upturn, upswing
Antonyms: plunge, relaxation

Foe (noun) ‫ حریف‬،‫دشمن‬

an enemy or opponent.
Example: “his work was praised by friends and foes alike”
Synonyms: enemy, adversary, opponent, rival, nemesis, antagonist, combatant, challenger
Antonyms: friend
Instigate (verb) ‫ ترغیب‬،‫ اکسانا‬،‫بڑھکانا‬

bring about or initiate (an action or event).

Example: “they instigated a reign of terror”
Synonyms: set in motion, put in motion, get under way, get going, get off the ground
Antonyms: halt

Cruel (adjective) ‫ ظالمانہ‬،‫ ظالم‬،‫سنگدل‬

wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.

Example: “people who are cruel to animals”
Synonyms: brutal, savage, inhuman, barbaric, barbarous, brutish, bloodthirsty, murderous
Antonyms: compassionate, merciful

Indictment (noun) ‫ استغاثہ‬،‫کسی شخص کے خالف الزام‬

a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.

Example: “an indictment for conspiracy”
Synonyms: charge, accusation, arraignment, citation, summons, allegation, imputation
Antonyms: acquittal

Murky (adjective) ‫ گہرا‬،‫ گدال‬،‫دھندال‬

dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.

Example: “the sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling”
Synonyms: dark, gloomy, grey, leaden, dull, dim, overcast, cloudy, clouded
Antonyms: bright, sunny

Bewildering (adjective) ‫ پریشان کن‬،‫حیرت زدہ‬

confusing or perplexing.
Example: “there is a bewildering array of holidays to choose from”
Synonyms: baffling, difficult to understand, perplexing, puzzling, mystifying, mysterious,
Antonyms: straightforward, comprehensible
Convoluted (adjective) ‫ پیچ‬،‫ لپٹا ہوا‬،‫گنجلک‬

(especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow.

Example: “the film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens”

Synonyms: complicated, complex, involved, intricate, elaborate, impenetrable, serpentine

Antonyms: simple, straightforward

Nutritious (adjective) ‫ غذا پہنچانا‬،‫غذائیت والی‬،

efficient as food; nourishing.

Example: “home-cooked burgers make a nutritious meal”
Synonyms: nourishing, good for one, full of nourishment, full of nutrients, nutritive, wholesome
Antonyms: unwholesome

Ruffle (verb) ‫ گڑبڑ‬،‫ پھڈا‬،‫ جھگڑا‬،‫ابتر کرنا‬

disorder or disarrange (someone’s hair), typically by running one’s hands through it.
Example: “the father laughs and jovially ruffles his son’s hair”
Synonyms: disarrange, tousle, dishevel, rumple, run one’s fingers through, make untidy
Antonyms: smooth

Arrogance (noun) ‫ غرور‬،‫تکبر‬

the quality of being arrogant.

Example: “the arrogance of this man is astounding”
Synonyms: haughtiness, conceit, hubris, self-importance, egotism, sense of superiority,
Antonyms: humility, modesty

Espouse (verb) ‫اپنانا‬،‫ تائید کرنا‬،‫انتخاب کرنا‬

adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life).

Example: “she espoused the causes of justice and freedom for all”
Synonyms: adopt, embrace, take up, take to, take to one’s heart, accept, welcome, support
Antonyms: reject, oppose

Thwart (verb) ‫ آڑا‬،‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناکام‬

oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition) successfully.

Example: “the government had been able to thwart all attempts by opposition leaders to form
new parties”
Synonyms: foil, frustrate, balk, stand in the way of, forestall, scotch, derail, smash, dash
Antonyms: assist, facilitate

Tinpot (adjective) ‫ بے اہمیت‬،‫ معمولی‬،‫گھٹیا‬

(especially of a country or its leader) having or showing poor leadership or organization.

Example: “a tinpot dictator”
Synonyms: inferior, second-rate, third-rate, gimcrack, Mickey Mouse, poxy, twopenny-
Antonyms: valuable

Remorse (noun) ‫ پچھتاوا‬،‫ندامت‬

deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.

Example: “they were filled with remorse and shame”
Synonyms: contrition, deep regret, repentance, penitence, guilt, feelings of guilt
Antonyms: indifference

Reckless (adjective) ‫ بے فکر‬،‫ عاقبت نااندیش‬،‫غافل‬

heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash or impetuous.

Example: “you mustn’t be so reckless”
Synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless, incautious, heedless, unheeding, inattentive, hasty
Antonyms: careful, cautious, prudent

Prevail (verb) ‫ رائج ہونا‬،‫ طاقت میں ہونا‬،‫غالب ہونا‬

prove more powerful or superior.
Example: “it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion”
Synonyms: win, win out, win through, triumph, be victorious, be the victor, gain the victory

Foe (noun) ‫ حریف‬،‫دشمن‬

an enemy or opponent.
Example: “his work was praised by friends and foes alike”
Synonyms: enemy, adversary, opponent, rival, nemesis, antagonist, combatant, challenger
Antonyms: friend

Conspicuous (adjective) ‫ نامور‬،‫ نمایاں‬،‫واضح‬

clearly visible.
Example: “he was very thin, with a conspicuous Adam’s apple”
Synonyms: easily seen, clear, visible, clearly visible, standing out, noticeable, observable
Antonyms: inconspicuous

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫ آفت‬،‫تباہ کن‬

involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

Example: “a catastrophic earthquake”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful,
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Peculiar (adjective) ‫ خاص‬،‫ نراال‬،‫انوکھا‬

different to what is normal or expected; strange.

Example: “he gave her some very peculiar looks”
Synonyms: strange, unusual, odd, funny, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, queer
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
Stringent (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫بہت سخت‬

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Example: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding
Antonyms: lenient, flexible

Ceremonial (adjective) ‫رسومات کے ساتھ‬

relating to or used for formal religious or public events.

Example: “a ceremonial occasion”
Synonyms: formal, official, state, public, ritual, ritualistic, prescribed, set, stately
Antonyms: informal, unofficial

Derelict (adjective) ‫ بے گھر بےروزگار شخص‬،‫الوارث‬

in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.

Example: “a derelict Georgian mansion”
Synonyms: unsafe, dangerous, hazardous, perilous, precarious, insecure, treacherous
Antonyms: safe, in good repair, wholesome, in use

Juvenile (adjective) ‫ کمسن‬،‫ نوعمر‬،‫نابالغ‬

for or relating to young people.

Example: “juvenile crime”
Synonyms: young, teenage, teenaged, adolescent, junior, underage, pubescent, prepubescent
Antonyms: adult

Prostrate (adjective) ‫ گرا ہوا‬،‫ مغلوب‬،‫سجدہ ریز‬

lying stretched out on the ground with one’s face downwards.

Example: “there was a man praying before an idol, lying prostrate”
Synonyms: prone, lying flat, lying down, flat, stretched out, spreadeagled
Antonyms: upright
Baffle (verb) ‫ حیران کرنا‬،‫ کشمکش میں ڈالنا‬،‫چکرا دینا‬

totally bewilder or perplex.

Example: “an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone”
Synonyms: perplex, puzzle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, confuse, confound, nonplus
Antonyms: enlighten, clear, comprehensible

Stymie (verb) ‫دشوار صورت جس کے حل ہونے کے امکانات کم ہوں‬

prevent or hinder the progress of.

Example: “the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments”
Synonyms: impede, interfere with, hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, frustrate, thwart
Antonyms: assist, help

Ominous (adjective) ‫ نحس‬،‫ منحوس‬،‫بدنما‬

giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Example: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead”
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious,
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious

Murky (adjective) ‫ گدال‬،‫ دھندال‬،‫ اداس‬،‫گستاخ‬

dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.

Example: “the sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling”
Synonyms: dark, gloomy, grey, leaden, dull, dim, overcast, cloudy, clouded
Antonyms: bright, sunny

Cripple (verb) ‫ اپاہج‬،‫ معذور ہونا‬،‫لنگڑانا‬

cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly.

Example: “a young student was crippled for life”
Synonyms: disable, paralyse, immobilize, make lame, lame, incapacitate, debilitate, handicap
Antonyms: able-bodied

Prudence (noun) ‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫ دانائی‬،‫سمجھداری‬

the quality of being prudent; cautiousness.

Example: “we need to exercise prudence in such important matters”
Synonyms: wisdom, judgement, good judgement, judiciousness, sagacity, shrewdness,
Antonyms: folly, recklessness

Enfeeble (verb) ‫ مضمحل کرنا‬،‫کمزور کرنا‬،

make weak or feeble.

Example: “trade unions are in an enfeebled state”
Synonyms: weaken, make weak, make feeble, debilitate, incapacitate, indispose, prostrate
Antonyms: strengthen

Proportional (adjective) ‫ برابر‬،‫ نسبتی‬،‫مناسب‬

corresponding in size or amount to something else.

Example: “the punishment should be proportional to the crime”
Synonyms: corresponding, proportionate, comparable, in proportion, pro rata, commensurate
Antonyms: disproportionate

Warmonger (noun) ‫ جنگجو‬،‫جنگ کا حامی شخص‬

a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups.

Example: Donald Trump is a Warmonger
Synonyms: militarist, hawk, jingoist, sabre-rattler, aggressor, provoker, belligerent
Antonyms: pacifist

Lurch (verb) ‫ جھکائی‬،‫ مصیبت‬،‫جھکاﺅ‬

make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger.

Example: “the car lurched forward”
Synonyms: stagger, stumble, sway, reel, roll, weave, totter, flounder, falter,
Antonyms: tiptoe

Fanatical (adjective) ‫ کٹر‬،‫متعصبانہ‬

filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.

Example: “fanatical revolutionaries”
Synonyms: zealous, extremist, extreme, militant, dogmatic, sectarian, bigoted, rabid
Antonyms: moderate, open-minded

Unhinge (verb) ‫ بددماغ‬،‫ بدحواس‬،‫باﺅال‬

make (someone) mentally unbalanced.

Example: “the loneliness had nearly unhinged him”
Synonyms: deranged, demented, unbalanced, out of one’s mind, crazed, mad, insane, lunatic
Antonyms: sane, stable

Cagey (adjective) ‫ پر فن‬،‫چاالک‬

reluctant to give information owing to caution or suspicion.

Example: “a spokesman was cagey about the arrangements his company had struck”
Synonyms: secretive, guarded, non-committal, tight-lipped, reticent, cautious, circumspect
Antonyms: frank, open

Dissent (verb) ‫ اختالف رائے‬،‫مخالف ہونا‬

hold or express opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “two members dissented from the majority”
Synonyms: differ, demur, diverge, disagree with, fail to agree with, express disagreement with
Antonyms: assent, agree, accept

Haste (noun) ‫ پھرتی‬،‫جلدی‬

excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry.
Example: “working with feverish haste”
Synonyms: speed, hastiness, hurry, hurriedness, swiftness, rapidity, rapidness, quickness
Antonyms: slowness, delay

Reluctant (adjective) ‫ ناراض مند‬،‫اڑیل‬

unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

Example: “today, many ordinary people are still reluctant to talk about politics”
Synonyms: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, grudging, resistant, resisting, opposed
Antonyms: willing, eager, ready

Scepticism (noun) ‫ الارادی‬،‫شک کی نظر سے دیکھنا‬،

a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something.

Example: “these claims were treated with scepticism”
Synonyms: doubt, doubtfulness, dubiousness, a pinch of salt, lack of conviction
Antonyms: conviction, belief, faith

Confiscate (verb) ‫ ضبط کرنا‬،‫قبضے میں لینا‬

take or seize (someone’s property) with authority.

Example: “the guards confiscated his camera”
Synonyms: impound, seize, commandeer, requisition, appropriate, expropriate, take possession
Antonyms: return

Defamation (noun) ‫ بہتان‬،‫ رسوائی‬،‫بدنامی‬

the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.

Example: “she sued him for defamation”
Synonyms: libel, slander, character assassination, defamation of character, calumny, vilification
Antonyms: commendation

Gauche (adjective) ‫ بے سلیقہ‬،‫ بے ڈھنگا‬،‫بے ڈھب‬

unsophisticated and socially awkward.
Example: “a shy and gauche teenager”
Synonyms: awkward, gawky, inelegant, graceless, ungraceful, ungainly, bumbling, maladroit
Antonyms: elegant, sophisticated

Intrigue (verb) ‫ ریشہ دوانی‬،‫ فریب‬،‫سازش‬

arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.

Example: “I was intrigued by your question”
Synonyms: interest, be of interest to, fascinate, be a source of fascination to, arouse someone’s
Antonyms: bore

Obscure (verb) ‫ تاریک‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫ دھندال کرنا‬،‫غیر واضح‬

keep from being seen; conceal.

Example: “grey clouds obscure the sun”
Synonyms: hide, conceal, cover, veil, shroud, screen, mask, cloak, cast a shadow over
Antonyms: reveal

Glorify (verb) ‫ حمد‬،‫ تعریف کرنا‬،‫ تعظیم و تکریم کرنا‬،‫تسبیح کرنا‬

praise and worship (God).

Example: “Qawali is used to glorify Almighty Allah”
Synonyms: give praise to, praise, extol, exalt, laud, worship, revere, reverence, venerate
Antonyms: dishonour, vilify

Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ پہلے‬،‫ اس سے پہلے‬، ‫پرانے وقتوں کا‬

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”
Synonyms: former, old, past, one-time, sometime, as was, ex-, late, then
Antonyms: present, future
Urbane (adjective) ‫ خلیق‬،‫مہذب‬

(of a person, especially a man) courteous and refined in manner.

Example: “he is charming and urbane”
Synonyms: suave, sophisticated, debonair, worldly, elegant, cultivated, cultured, civilized
Antonyms: uncouth, unsophisticated, boorish

Denounce (verb) ‫ مخبری کرنا‬،‫ اعالنیہ خالف بولنا‬،‫مذمت کرنا‬

publicly declare to be wrong or evil.

Example: “the Assembly denounced the use of violence”
Synonyms: condemn, criticize, attack, censure, castigate, decry, revile, vilify, besmirch
Antonyms: praise

Adversary (noun) ‫ حریف‬،‫ رقیب‬،‫مخالف‬

one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute.

Example: “Davis beat his old adversary in the quarter-finals”
Synonyms: opponent, rival, enemy, foe, nemesis, antagonist, combatant, challenger
Antonyms: ally, supporter

Enormous (adjective) ‫ قوی ہیکل‬،‫ غیر معمولی‬،‫بہت زیادہ‬

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Example: “enormous sums of money”
Synonyms: huge, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, boundless, immeasurable, limitless
Antonyms: tiny

Feverish (adjective) ‫ بخار سے متاثر‬،‫ بے چین‬،‫بے قرار‬

having or showing the symptoms of a fever.

Example: “she felt sick and feverish”
Synonyms: febrile, fevered, with a high temperature, hot, burning, sweating, shivering, delirious
Antonyms: calm
Endure (verb) ‫ ضبط کرنا‬،‫برداشت کرنا‬

remain in existence; last.

Example: “these cities have endured through time”
Synonyms: last, live, live on, go on, hold on, abide, continue, persist, remain, stay
Antonyms: fade, short-lived

Archaic (adjective) ‫ بہت پرانا‬،‫ دقیانوسی‬،‫قدیم‬

very old or old-fashioned.

Example: “prisons are run on archaic methods”
Synonyms: obsolete, obsolescent, out of date, anachronistic, old-fashioned, outmoded, behind
the times
Antonyms: new, modern

Trajectory (noun) ‫ خط مستدیر‬،‫ خط حرکت‬،‫ مدار‬،‫رفتار‬

the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.
Example: “the missile’s trajectory was preset”
Synonyms: course, route, path, track, line, orbit, flight, flight path, ambit

Dwindle (verb) ‫ سکڑنا‬،‫ کم ہونا‬،‫گھٹنا‬

diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength.

Example: “traffic has dwindled to a trickle”
Synonyms: diminish, decrease, reduce, get smaller, become smaller, grow smaller, become less
Antonyms: increase, flourish

Rampant (adjective) ‫ بپھرا‬،‫ زیادہ‬،‫وحشیانہ‬

(especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked.

Example: “political violence was rampant”
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled, widespread, pandemic, epidemic
Antonyms: controlled, under control
Scarcity (noun) ‫ قلیل‬،‫ کمی‬،‫قلت‬

the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.

Example: “a time of scarcity”
Synonyms: shortage, dearth, lack, want, undersupply, insufficiency, paucity, scarceness
Antonyms: abundance, excess, surplus, commonness

Proliferation (noun) ‫پھیالﺅ‬

rapid reproduction of a cell, part, or organism.

Example: “we attempted to measure cell proliferation”
Synonyms: rapid increase, growth, multiplication, spread, escalation, expansion, build-up,
Antonyms: decrease

Exotic (adjective) ‫ بدیسی پن‬،‫ عجیب‬،‫ مختلف‬،‫اجنبی‬

originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.

Example: “exotic birds”
Synonyms: foreign, non-native, tropical, alien, imported, introduced, unnaturalized, faraway
Antonyms: native, familiar, nearby

Delicacy (noun) ‫ لطافت‬،‫ نفاست‬،‫نزاکت‬

fineness or intricacy of texture or structure.

Example: “miniature pearls of exquisite delicacy”
Synonyms: fineness, exquisiteness, delicateness, intricacy, daintiness, airiness, elegance
Antonyms: crudeness, coarseness

Unbridled (adjective) ‫ بے ضبط‬،‫بے لگام‬

uncontrolled; unconstrained.
Example: “a moment of unbridled ambition”
Synonyms: unrestrained, unconstrained, uncontrolled, uninhibited, unrestricted, unchecked
Antonyms: restrained, controlled
Illicit (adjective) ‫ ممنوع‬،‫ خالف قانون‬،‫ناجائز‬

forbidden by law, rules, or custom.

Example: “illicit drugs”
Synonyms: illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, against the law, outlawed, banned, forbidden,
Antonyms: licit, legal, above board

Abundance (noun) ‫ فراوانی‬،‫کثرت‬

a very large quantity of something.

Example: “the tropical island boasts an abundance of wildlife”
Synonyms: profusion, plentifulness, profuseness, copiousness, amplitude, affluence, lavishness
Antonyms: lack, scarcity

Bravado (noun) ‫ بہادری‬،‫ہمت کرنا‬

a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.

Example: “he possesses none of the classic wheeler-dealer’s casual bravado”

Synonyms: boldness, bold manner, swagger, swaggering, bluster, swashbuckling, machismo

Antonyms: modesty

Ignite (verb) ‫ آگ لگانا‬،‫بھڑکانا‬

catch fire or cause to catch fire.

Example: “furniture can give off lethal fumes when it ignites”
Synonyms: catch fire, catch, burst into flames, be set off, erupt, explode, burn up, burn
Antonyms: go out, extinguish

Fervour (noun) ‫ گرم جوشی‬،‫ شوق‬،‫جوش‬

intense and passionate feeling.
Example: “he talked with all the fervour of a new convert”
Synonyms: passion, ardour, intensity, zeal, vehemence, vehemency, emotion, warmth
Antonyms: apathy

Apathy (noun) ‫ مردہ دلی‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Example: “widespread apathy among students”
Synonyms: indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern,
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion

Exasperation (noun) ‫ خفا کرنا‬،‫ برانگیختہ کرنا‬،‫اشتعال‬

a feeling of intense irritation or annoyance.

Example: “she rolled her eyes in exasperation”
Synonyms: irritation, annoyance, chagrin, vexation, anger, fury, rage, wrath, spleen, ill humour
Antonyms: pleasure, delight

Negligible (adjective) ‫ معمولی سا‬،‫ ناقابل ذکر‬،‫نہ ہونے کے برابر‬

so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant.

Example: “he said that the risks were negligible”
Synonyms: trivial, trifling, insignificant, unimportant, minor, of no account, of no consequence
Antonyms: significant, considerable

Vigilant (adjective) ‫ چوکس‬،‫ ہوشیار‬،‫چوکنا‬

keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

Example: “the burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbours”
Synonyms: watchful, on the lookout, observant, sharp-eyed, keen-eyed, gimlet-eyed, eagle-eyed
Antonyms: negligent, inattentive

Dissonant (adjective) ‫ بے جوڑ‬،‫ناہمواری‬

lacking harmony.
Example: “irregular, dissonant chords”
Synonyms: inharmonious, disharmonious, discordant, unmelodious, atonal, tuneless, off-key
Antonyms: harmonious

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫ آفت‬،‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫تباہ کن‬

extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.

Example: “catastrophic mismanagement of the economy”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Despicable (adjective) ‫ناامیدی‬،‫ مایوسی‬،‫قابل حقارت‬

deserving hatred and contempt.

Example: “a despicable crime”
Synonyms: contemptible, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable
Antonyms: admirable, noble

Complacent (adjective) ‫ خاطر جمعی‬،‫ مطمئن‬،‫آسودہ خاطر‬

showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.

Example: “you can’t afford to be complacent about security”

Synonyms: smug, self-satisfied, pleased with oneself, proud of oneself, self-approving, self-
Antonyms: dissatisfied, humble

Enshrine (verb) ‫ احاطہ کرنا‬،‫متبرک سمجھ کر محفوظ کرنا‬

place (a revered or precious object) in an appropriate receptacle.

Example: “relics are enshrined under altars”
Synonyms: set down, set out, spell out, express, lay down, set in stone, embody, realize
Antonyms: imperil, hazard, jeopardize, forfeit

Exploitation (noun) ‫ فائدہ یا نفع اٹھانا‬،‫استحصال‬

the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
Example: “the exploitation of migrant workers”
Synonyms: taking advantage, making use, abuse of, misuse, ill treatment, unfair treatment
Antonyms: bore, bummer, bust, downer, drag

Depict (verb) ‫ منظر کشی کرنا‬،‫ صورت بیان کرنا‬،‫عکاسی کرنا‬

represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.

Example: “paintings depicting Old Testament scenes”
Synonyms: portray, represent, picture, illustrate, delineate, outline, reproduce, render
Antonyms: misrepresent, exaggerate, deform, caricature

Discourse (noun) ‫ گفتگو‬،‫ اظہار خیال‬،‫ تقریر کرنا‬،‫بیان‬

written or spoken communication or debate.

Example: “the language of political discourse”
Synonyms: discussion, conversation, talk, dialogue, communication, conference, debate
Antonyms: quiet, silence

Offender (noun) ‫ خطا کار‬،‫ گناہگار‬،‫مجرم‬

a person who commits an illegal act.

Example: “an institution for young offenders”
Synonyms: wrongdoer, criminal, lawbreaker, malefactor, felon, delinquent, culprit
Antonyms: gangbuster, lawman

Tenuous (adjective) ‫ باریک‬،‫ پتال‬،‫کمزور‬

very weak or slight.

Example: “the tenuous link between interest rates and investment”
Synonyms: slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible, weak, fragile, shaky, sketchy, doubtful,
Antonyms: convincing, substantial, strong
Proscribe (verb) ‫جال وطن کرنا‬

forbid, especially by law.

Example: “strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces”
Synonyms: forbid, prohibit, ban, bar, disallow, rule out, embargo, veto, make illegal
Antonyms: allow, permit

Scarcely (adverb) ‫ دقت سے‬،‫شاذو نادر ہی‬

only just; almost not.

Example: “her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she is saying”
Synonyms: hardly, barely, only just, almost not,
Antonyms: often

Protract (verb) ‫ دیر کرنا‬،‫طویل کرنا‬

Example: “he had certainly taken his time, even protracting the process”
Synonyms: prolong, extend, extend the duration of, stretch out, draw out, lengthen, make longer
Antonyms: curtail, shorten

Perpetrate (verb) ‫ مرتکب ہونا‬،‫ارتکاب کرنا‬

carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action).

Example: “a crime has been perpetrated against a sovereign state”

Synonyms: commit, carry out, perform, execute, do, effect, bring about, be guilty of, be to
blame for
Antonyms: baffle, come short, defeat, destroy, fail

Alacrity (noun) ‫ شوق سے‬،‫ مستعدی‬،‫ پھرتی‬،‫تیزی‬

brisk and cheerful readiness.

Example: “she accepted the invitation with alacrity”
Synonyms: eagerness, willingness, readiness, enthusiasm, ardour, fervour, keenness, joyousness
Antonyms: apathy

Curtail (verb) ‫ کم کرنا‬،‫ حذف کرنا‬،‫ مختصر کرنا‬،‫تخفیف کرنا‬

reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on.

Example: “civil liberties were further curtailed”
Synonyms: reduce, cut, cut down, cut back, decrease, lessen, diminish, slim down, tighten up
Antonyms: increase, lengthen

Exorbitant (adjective) ‫ زیادہ‬،‫ بکثرت‬،‫بے حد‬

(of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.

Example: “some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls”
Synonyms: extortionate, excessively high, extremely high, excessive, sky-high, prohibitive
Antonyms: reasonable, competitive

Bungle (verb) ‫ اناڑی پن سے کام لینا‬،‫فاش غلطی‬

carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently.

Example: “he bungled his first attempt to manage a group of professional players”
Synonyms: mishandle, mismanage, mess up, make a mess of, botch, spoil, mar, ruin
Antonyms: succeed in, manage successfully

Lacklustre (adjective) ‫ ڈھلمل یقین‬،‫ بے جوش خوش‬،‫بے نور‬

lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.

Example: “no excuses were made for the team’s lacklustre performance”
Synonyms: uninspired, uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum, colourless, characterless,
Antonyms: inspired, brilliant

Lethargy (noun) ‫ کاہلی‬،‫ غنودگی‬،‫سستی‬

a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: “there was an air of lethargy about him”
Synonyms: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, torpidity, lifelessness
Antonyms: vigour, energy, animation
Proliferation (noun) ‫ بڑھنا‬،‫پھولنا‬

rapid increase in the number or amount of something.

Example: “a continuing threat of nuclear proliferation”
Synonyms: rapid increase, growth, multiplication, spread, escalation, expansion, build-up
Antonyms: decrease

Elicit (verb) ‫ کھولنا‬،‫ ظاہر کرنا‬،‫واضح‬

evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.

Example: “I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna”
Synonyms: obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke, bring about, bring forth, induce
Antonyms: hide, placate, repress, cover, give, supress

Acrimonious (adjective) ‫ تکلیف دہ‬،‫ تیز‬،‫تند‬

(typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.

Example: “an acrimonious dispute about wages”
Synonyms: bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, sarcastic, acid, harsh, sharp
Antonyms: smooth, sweet, pleasant, goodnatured, bland

Confound (verb) ‫ منتشر کرنا‬،‫حیران کن‬

cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.
Example: “the inflation figure confounded economic analysts”

Synonyms: amaze, astonish, dumbfound, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, stupefy, daze
Antonyms: arrange, classify, order, allocate, distribute

Ambiguous (adjective) ‫ مشکوک‬،‫مبہم‬

open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
Example: “ambiguous phrases”
Synonyms: equivocal, ambivalent, open to debate, open to argument, arguable, debatable
Antonyms: unambiguous, clear

Charitable (adjective) ‫ سخی‬،‫ دریا دل‬،‫خیراتی‬

relating to the assistance of those in need.

Example: “he has spent Rs 50,000 on charitable causes”
Synonyms: philanthropic, humanitarian, humane, altruistic, benevolent, beneficent, welfare
Antonyms: uncharitable

Cordial (adjective) ‫ خوشگوار‬،‫ پرتپاک‬،‫گرم جوشی‬

warm and friendly.

Example: “the atmosphere was cordial and relaxed”
Synonyms: friendly, warm, genial, affable, amiable, pleasant, fond, affectionate, warm-hearted
Antonyms: unfriendly

Relish (verb) ‫ مزے لینا‬،‫ لطف اٹھانا‬،‫لذت‬

enjoy greatly.
Example: “he was relishing his moment of glory”
Synonyms: enjoy, delight in, love, like, adore, be pleased by, take pleasure in, rejoice in
Antonyms: dislike

Infuriate (verb) ‫ غصہ دالنا‬،‫مشتعل کرنا‬

make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.

Example: “I was infuriated by your article”
Synonyms: enrage, incense, anger, madden, inflame, send into a rage, make someone’s blood
Antonyms: please, soothe

Dividend (noun) ‫ حصہ‬،‫کمپنی کا منافع‬

a sum of money paid regularly (typically annually) by a company to its shareholders out of its
profits (or reserves).
Synonyms: share, portion, percentage, premium, return, payback, gain, surplus, profit
Antonyms: benefit, advantage, gain

Phraseology (noun) ‫ طرز تحریر‬،‫محاورہ‬

a particular mode of expression, especially one characteristic of a particular speaker or subject

Example: “legal phraseology”
Synonyms: wording, choice of words, phrasing, usage, idiom, diction, parlance

Tread (verb) ‫ پاﺅں رکھنا‬،‫ روندنا‬،‫قدم رکھنا‬

walk in a specified way.

Example: “Rosa trod as lightly as she could”
Synonyms: walk, step, stride, pace, go, march, tramp, plod, stomp, trudge
Antonyms: ride, retreat, gladden, stay

Stave (verb) ‫ لکڑی کے پتلے ٹکڑے‬،‫توڑنا‬

break something by forcing it inwards or piercing it roughly.

Example: “the door was staved in”
Synonyms: break in, smash in, put a hole in, push in, kick in, cave in, splinter, shiver,
Antonyms: attract, court, draw, invoke, provoke

Deflect (verb) ‫ روکنا‬،‫ منعکس ہونا‬،‫مڑنا‬

cause (something) to change direction; turn aside from a straight course.

Example: “the bullet was deflected harmlessly into the ceiling”

Synonyms: turn aside/away, divert, avert, sidetrack, distract, draw away, block, parry,
Antonyms: continue, proceed, straighten, unbend, prolong, produce

Flawed (adjective) ‫ خامی‬،‫ نقص‬،‫عیب دار‬

having or characterized by a fundamental weakness or imperfection.

Example: “a fatally flawed strategy”
Synonyms: unsound, defective, faulty, distorted, inaccurate, incorrect, erroneous, imprecise
Antonyms: sound

Absurd (adjective) ‫ نامعقول‬،‫ بے تکا‬،‫ بے معنی‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬

wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.

Example: “the allegations are patently absurd”
Synonyms: preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, risible, idiotic
Antonyms: reasonable, sensible

Emphasize (verb) ‫ تاکید‬،‫زور دینا‬

give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing.

Example: “they emphasize the need for daily, one-to-one contact between parent and child”
Synonyms: bring/call/draw attention to, focus attention on, highlight, point up, spotlight,
Antonyms: understate, play down

Scarce (adjective) ‫ ناکافی‬،‫ کمی‬،‫قلیل‬

(especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand.
Example: “as raw materials became scarce, synthetics were developed”
Synonyms: in short supply, short, scant, scanty, meagre, sparse, hard to find, hard to come by
Antonyms: plentiful, abundant

Squander (verb) ‫ ضائع کرنا‬،‫ فضول اڑانا‬،‫اصراف کرنا‬

waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner.

Example: “£100m of taxpayers’ money has been squandered on administering the tax”
Synonyms: waste, misspend, misuse, throw away, dissipate, fritter away, run through, lose
Antonyms: manage, make good use of, save
Aggravate (verb) ‫ بھڑکانا‬،‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫بگاڑنا‬

make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

Example: “military action would only aggravate the situation”
Synonyms: annoy, irritate, exasperate, anger, irk, vex, put out, nettle, provoke
Antonyms: calm, conciliate

Lukewarm (adjective) ‫ گنگنا‬،‫نیم گرم‬

(of liquid or food that should be hot) only moderately warm; tepid.
Example: “they drank bitter lukewarm coffee”
Synonyms: tepid, slightly warm, warmish, blood-hot, blood-warm, at room temperature
Antonyms: hot, cold

Moribund (adjective) ‫ جس پر موت طاری ہو‬،‫ مرنے واال‬،‫بے حرکت‬

(of a person) at the point of death.

Example: “on examination she was moribund and dehydrated”
Synonyms: dying, expiring, on one’s deathbed, near death, near the end, at death’s door,
breathing one’s last,
Antonyms: thriving, recovering

Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫ سرگرمی‬،‫ ولولہ‬،‫پرجوش‬

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “he could be wildly enthusiastic about a project”

Synonyms: eager, keen, avid, ardent, fervent, warm, passionate, zealous, lively
Antonyms: apathetic

Obscure (verb) ‫ مبہم‬،‫ دھندال‬،‫غیر واضح‬

keep from being seen; conceal.

Example: “grey clouds obscure the sun”
Synonyms: hide, conceal, cover, veil, shroud, screen, mask, cloak, cast a shadow over
Antonyms: reveal
Depreciation (noun) ‫ گھٹنا‬،‫فرسودگی‬

a reduction in the value of an asset over time, due in particular to wear and tear.
Example: “provision should be made for depreciation of fixed assets”
Synonyms: devaluation, devaluing, decrease in value, lowering in value, reduction in value
Antonyms: rise

Chunk (noun) ‫ گلٹی‬،‫بڑا ٹکڑا‬

a thick, solid piece of something.

Example: “huge chunks of masonry littered the street”
Synonyms: lump, hunk, wedge, block, slab, square, nugget, nub, brick, cube,
Antonyms: atom, crumb, dot, fleck, flyspeck, fragment

Phenomenon (noun) ‫ ظہور‬،‫کرشمہ‬،‫ عجوبہ‬،‫مظاہر قدرت‬

a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation
is in question.
Example: “glaciers are interesting natural phenomena”
Synonyms: occurrence, event, happening, fact, situation, circumstance, experience, case,
Antonyms: usualness, normality, regularity

Grumble (verb) ‫ گھورنا‬،‫ شکایت کرنا‬،‫بڑبڑانا‬

complain about something in a bad-tempered way.

Example: “‘I’m getting old,’ she grumbled”
Synonyms: complain, moan, groan, whine, mutter, grouse, bleat, carp, cavil, protest
Antonyms: commendation, compliment, plaudit

Amicable (adjective) ‫ دوستانہ‬،‫ یارانہ‬،‫مہربان‬

characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.

Example: “an amicable settlement of the dispute”
Synonyms: friendly, good-natured, cordial, civil, courteous, polite, easy, easy-going,
Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile

Precarious (adjective) ‫ نازک مشتبہ‬،‫ فرضی‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬

not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

Example: “a precarious ladder”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risky
Antonyms: safe, secure

Simultaneously (adverb) ‫ بیک وقت‬،‫ایک ہی وقت میں‬

at the same time.

Example: “the telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks”
Synonyms: at the same time, at one and the same time, at the same instant/moment, at once,
Antonyms: singly

Soar (verb) ‫ بلند پرواز‬،‫اضافہ‬

fly or rise high in the air.

Example: “the bird spread its wings and soared into the air”
Synonyms: fly up, wing, wing its way, take off, take flight, take to the air, ascend, climb
Antonyms: plummet

Culminate (verb) ‫ انتہا پر ختم ہو جانا‬،‫اختتام پذیر ہونا‬

reach a climax or point of highest development.

Example: “weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate”
Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a crescendo, come to a head, reach a finale, peak
Antonyms: start, begin, peter out

Stringent (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫ بہت سخت‬،‫کڑی‬

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Example: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding
Antonyms: lenient, flexible

Insurgent (noun) ‫ فتنہ انگیز‬،‫ سرکش‬،‫باقی‬

a person fighting against a government or invading force; a rebel or revolutionary.

Example: “an attack by armed insurgents”
Synonyms: rebel, revolutionary, revolutionist, mutineer, agitator, subversive, guerrilla,
anarchist, terrorist,
Antonyms: loyalist

Hostility (noun) ‫جارحیت‬،‫ عداوت‬،‫دشمنی‬

hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition.

Example: “their hostility to all outsiders”
Synonyms: antagonism, unfriendliness, bitterness, malevolence, malice, unkindness, spite
Antonyms: friendliness, approval

Impulsive (adjective) ‫ اکسایا ہوا‬،‫ من مانا‬،‫من کی خواہش پر‬

acting or done without forethought.

Example: “they’d married as impulsive teenagers”
Synonyms: impetuous, spontaneous, hasty, passionate, emotional, uninhibited, unrepressed
Antonyms: cautious, premeditated

Fatigue (verb) ‫ کمزوری‬،‫ تھکن‬،‫تھکاوٹ‬

cause (someone) to feel exhausted.

Example: “they were fatigued by their journey”
Synonyms: tire, tire out, exhaust, wear out, drain, make weary, weary, wash out
Antonyms: invigorate, refresh

Vicious (adjective) ‫ بدکردار‬،‫بدکار‬،‫ فاسق‬،‫شیطانی‬

deliberately cruel or violent.
Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Denounce (verb) ‫ مخبری کرنا‬،‫ اعالنیہ خالف ہونا‬،‫مذمت کرنا‬

publicly declare to be wrong or evil.

Example: “the Assembly denounced the use of violence”
Synonyms: condemn, criticize, attack, censure, castigate, decry, revile, vilify, besmirch, discredit
Antonyms: praise

Perverse (adjective) ‫ گمراہ‬،‫مخالفانہ‬

showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or

Example: “Kate’s perverse decision not to cooperate held good”
Synonyms: awkward, contrary, difficult, unreasonable, uncooperative, unhelpful, obstructive
Antonyms: accommodating, cooperative

Arouse (verb) ‫ جنسی طور پر بیدار کرنا‬،‫شہوت بڑھانا‬

evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response).

Example: “something about the man aroused the guard’s suspicions”
Synonyms: cause, induce, prompt, set off, trigger, stir up, inspire, call forth, call/bring into being
Antonyms: allay

Disparage (verb) ‫ کم قدری کرنا‬،‫ بدنام کرنا‬،‫نفی کرنا‬

regard or represent as being of little worth.

Example: “he never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors”
Synonyms: belittle, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, play down, deflate,
Antonyms: praise, overrate, complimentary

Reprehensible (adjective) ‫قابل نفرت‬،‫ قابل مذمت‬،‫قصور وار‬

deserving censure or condemnation.
Example: “his complacency and reprehensible laxity”
Synonyms: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, disreputable, despicable, blameworthy,
Antonyms: creditable, praiseworthy, good

Disruption (noun) ‫ منتشر کرنا‬،‫ خلل‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.

Example: “the scheme was planned to minimize disruption”
Synonyms: disturbance, disordering, disarrangement, disarranging, interference, upset,
Antonyms: union, amalgamation, reconciliation

Inclination (noun) ‫ رغبت‬،‫ رجحان‬،‫لگاﺅ‬

a person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

Example: “John was a scientist by training and inclination”
Synonyms: tendency, propensity, proclivity, leaning, predisposition, disposition, predilection,
Antonyms: aversion, disinclination

Prod (verb) ‫چھیڑنا‬،‫خار‬

poke with a finger, foot, or pointed object.

Example: “he prodded her in the ribs”
Synonyms: poke, jab, dig, nudge, elbow, butt, push, stab,
Antonyms: curb, halt, pull, suppress, quiet

Exorbitant (adjective) ‫ زیادہ‬،‫ بکثرت‬، ‫بے حد‬

(of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.

Example: “some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls”
Synonyms: extortionate, excessively high, extremely high, excessive, sky-high, prohibitive
Antonyms: reasonable, competitive
Plausible (adjective) ‫ خوش نما‬، ‫ اچھا‬،‫قابل فخر‬

(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

Example: “a plausible explanation”
Synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, probable, tenable, possible,
Antonyms: unlikely, improbable

Porous (adjective) ‫ مسام دار‬،‫غیر محفوظ‬

(of a rock or other material) having minute interstices through which liquid or air may pass.
Example: “layers of porous limestones”
Synonyms: permeable, penetrable, pervious, absorbent, sponge-like, spongy, sieve-like
Antonyms: impermeable

Fester (verb) ‫ جلنا‬،‫ مواد پڑنا‬،‫پیپ دار زخم‬

(of a wound or sore) become septic; suppurate.

Example: “I developed a tropical sore that festered badly”
Synonyms: suppurate, become septic, form pus, secrete pus, discharge, run, weep
Antonyms: build ,delight, flourish

Discrepancy (noun) ‫ فرق‬،‫ اختالف‬،‫تضاد‬

an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.

Example: “there’s a discrepancy between your account and his”
Synonyms: inconsistency, difference, disparity, variance, variation, deviation, divergence
Antonyms: similarity, correspondence

Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫ سرگرمی‬،‫ پرشوق‬، ‫پرجوش‬

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “he could be wildly enthusiastic about a project”

Synonyms: eager, keen, avid, ardent, fervent, warm, passionate, zealous, lively
Antonyms: apathetic
Adequate (adjective) ‫ کافی‬، ‫ موزوں‬،‫مناسب‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable, acceptable
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Predecessor (noun) ‫ سابقہ‬،‫پیشرو‬

a person who held a job or office before the current holder.

Example: “the new President’s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor”
Synonyms: forerunner, precursor, antecedent
Antonyms: successor

Minuscule (adjective) ‫بہت چھوٹا‬

extremely small; tiny.

Example: “a minuscule fragment of DNA”
Synonyms: tiny, minute, microscopic, nanoscopic, very small, little, micro, diminutive,
Antonyms: vast, huge

Cajole (verb) ‫ پٹانا‬،‫ دھوکہ دینا‬،‫چاپلوسی‬

persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.

Example: “he hoped to cajole her into selling the house”
Synonyms: persuade, wheedle, coax, talk into, manoeuvre, get round, prevail on, beguile
Antonyms: bully

Conundrum (noun) ‫ پہیلی‬،‫معمہ‬

a confusing and difficult problem or question.

Example: “one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts”
Synonyms: problem, difficult question, vexed question, difficulty, quandary, dilemma, puzzle
Antonyms: answer, axiom, explanation, proposition, solution
Fragile (adjective) ‫ جلد ٹوٹنے کی صالحیت‬،‫نازک‬

(of an object) easily broken or damaged.

Example: “fragile items such as glass and china”
Synonyms: breakable, easily broken, brittle, frangible, smashable, splintery, flimsy, weak
Antonyms: robust

Abysmal (adjective) ‫ بے انتہا‬،‫ بے پایاں‬،‫انتہائی‬

extremely bad; appalling.

Example: “the quality of her work is abysmal”
Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable
Antonyms: superb

Inexplicable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل انکشاف‬،‫ ناقابل تشریح‬،‫ناقابل فہم‬

unable to be explained or accounted for.

Example: “for some inexplicable reason her mind went completely blank”
Synonyms: unaccountable, unexplainable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable,
Antonyms: understandable

Horrendous (adjective) ‫ ہولناک‬،‫ دہشت ناک‬،‫خوفناک‬

extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible.

Example: “she suffered horrendous injuries”
Synonyms: horrible, dreadful, horrifying, horrific, frightful, fearful, awful, terrible, shocking
Antonyms: calming, comforting, consoling, inviting

Sectarian (adjective) ‫ خاص جماعت کا‬،‫فرقہ وارانہ‬

denoting or concerning a sect or sects.

Example: “the city’s traditional sectarian divide”
Synonyms: factional, schismatic, cliquish, clannish, partisan, parti pris, denominational
Antonyms: tolerant, liberal, broad-minded
Subversive (adjective) ‫ ناس کرنےواال‬،‫ الٹ پلٹ کرنے واال‬،‫تخریبی‬

seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.

Example: “subversive literature”
Synonyms: disruptive, troublemaking, inflammatory, insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist
Antonyms: loyal

Cripple (verb) ‫ لنگڑی‬،‫ لنگڑا‬،‫اپاہج‬

cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly.

Example: “a young student was crippled for life”
Synonyms: disable, paralyse, immobilize, make lame, lame, incapacitate, debilitate, handicap
Antonyms: able-bodied

Emphatic (adjective) ‫ موثر‬،‫ تاکیدی‬،‫زور دینے واال‬

expressing something forcibly and clearly.

Example: “the children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience”
Synonyms: vehement, firm, wholehearted, forceful, forcible, energetic, vigorous, ardent
Antonyms: hesitant, tentative

Plague (verb) ‫ طاعون‬،‫ بال‬،‫ ناک میں دم کرنے کی حالت‬،‫تنگ‬

cause continual trouble or distress to.

Example: “he has been plagued by ill health”
Synonyms: afflict, bedevil, cause suffering to, torture, torment, trouble, beset, dog
Antonyms: abet, aid, assist, help

Quagmire (noun) ‫دلدل‬

a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.

Example: “torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire”
Synonyms: swamp, morass, bog, peat bog, marsh, mire, quag, marshland, fen
Antonyms: agreement, solution, advantage

Pursuit (noun) ‫ تعاقب‬،‫ تالش‬،‫ جستجو‬،‫حصول‬

the action of pursuing someone or something.

Example: “the cat crouched in the grass in pursuit of a bird”
Synonyms: chasing, pursuing, stalking, tracking, trailing, shadowing, dogging, hounding
Antonyms: retreat, surrender

Entrench (verb) ‫ حفاظت کےلئے مورچہ بند ہونا‬،‫گھسنا‬

establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.
Example: “ageism is entrenched in our society”
Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root, install, plant, embed
Antonyms: dislodge, superficial

Cultivate (verb) ‫ جوتنا‬،‫ پرورش کرنا‬،‫کاشت کرنا‬

try to win the friendship or favour of (someone).

Example: “it helps if you go out of your way to cultivate the local people”
Synonyms: seek the friendship of, seek the favour of, try to win over, woo, court, pay court to
Antonyms: ignore

Stagnant (adjective) ‫ سست‬،‫ بے حرکت‬،‫ فاسد‬،‫جمود‬

(of a body of water or the atmosphere of a confined space) having no current or flow and often
having an unpleasant smell as a consequence.
Example: “a stagnant ditch”
Synonyms: still, motionless, immobile, inert, lifeless, dead, standing, slack, static
Antonyms: flowing, running, fresh

Shatter (verb) ‫ توڑ دینا‬،‫ بکھر جانا‬، ‫چکنا چور ہو جانا‬

break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces.

Example: “bullets riddled the bar top, glasses shattered, bottles exploded”
Synonyms: smash, smash to smithereens, break, break into pieces, burst, blow out, explode
Antonyms: please, excite

Pronouncement (noun) ‫ بیان‬،‫ رائے‬،‫رسمی اعالن‬

a formal or authoritative announcement or declaration.

Example: “distrust of the pronouncements of politicians was endemic”
Synonyms: announcement, proclamation, declaration, formal statement, assertion, judgement
Antonyms: concealment

Offence (noun) ‫ ضرر‬، ‫ جارح‬،‫جرم‬

a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act.

Example: “the new offence of obtaining property by deception”
Synonyms: crime, illegal/unlawful act, misdemeanour, felony, wrongdoing, wrong, act of
Antonyms: noncrime

Retaliation (noun) ‫ جزا دینا‬،‫ بدلہ‬،‫ انتقام‬،‫جوابی کارروائی‬

the action of returning a military attack; counter-attack.

Example: “the bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects”
Synonyms: revenge, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, requital, recrimination, getting even,
Antonyms: pardon, condonation, forgiveness

Notorious (adjective) ‫ مشہور‬،‫ معروف‬،‫بدنام‬

famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.

Example: “Lahore is notorious for its smog”
Synonyms: infamous, of ill repute, with a bad reputation/name, ill-famed, scandalous, well
Antonyms: unknown, anonymous, faceless
Hardened (adjective) ‫ بے حس‬،‫سخت کیا ہوا‬

very experienced in a particular job or activity and therefore not easily upset by its more
unpleasant aspects.
Example: “hardened police officers”
Synonyms: inured, desensitized, deadened, accustomed, habituated, acclimatized, used
Antonyms: unaccustomed

Shadowy (adjective) ‫ بے اصل‬،‫ عکس دار‬،‫سایہ دار‬

full of shadows.
Example: “a long, shadowy, cobbled passage”
Synonyms: dark, dim, gloomy, murky, shady, shaded, sunless, tenebrous, crepuscular
Antonyms: bright, sunny

Insurmountable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل فتح‬،‫ناقابل تسخیر‬

too great to be overcome.

Example: “an insurmountable problem”
Synonyms: insuperable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable, overwhelming, hopeless,
Antonyms: surmountable

Alienate (verb) ‫ برگشتہ‬،‫ بددلی پیدا کرنا‬،‫دور کر دینا‬

make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Example: “an urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants”
Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, isolate, detach, distance, put at a distance
Antonyms: unite

Heinous (adjective) ‫ عظیم‬،‫ گھناﺅنا‬،‫ سفاکانہ‬،‫وحشیانہ‬

(of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.

Example: “a battery of heinous crimes”
Synonyms: odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, disgraceful, abominable, detestable,
Antonyms: admirable
Proffer (verb) ‫ نذر کرنا‬،‫پیش شدہ‬،

hold out or put forward (something) to someone for acceptance.

Example: “she proffered a glass of wine”
Synonyms: offer, tender, present, extend, give, submit, volunteer, suggest, propose
Antonyms: refuse, withdraw

Seldom (adverb) ‫ بہت کم‬،‫کبھی کبھار‬

not often; rarely.

Example: “Islay is seldom visited by tourists”
Synonyms: rarely, infrequently, on rare occasions, hardly ever, scarcely ever, hardly
Antonyms: often, frequently

Alienate (verb) ‫ بددلی پیدا کرنا‬،‫ دور کردینا‬،‫ الگ کرنا‬،‫اجنبی‬

make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Example: “an urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants”
Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, isolate, detach, distance, put at a distance
Antonyms: unite

Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ من مانے طور سے‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic, unpredictable, inconsistent
Antonyms: rational, reasoned

Estrangement (noun) ‫ مفارقت‬،‫ بیگانگی‬،‫کشیدگی‬

the fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group.

Example: “the growing estrangement of the police from their communities”
Synonyms: alienation, turning away, antagonism, antipathy, disaffection, hostility,
Antonyms: unity, reconciliation
Foolhardy (adjective) ‫ بے پرواہ‬،‫ اکھڑ‬،‫بےوقوف‬

recklessly bold or rash.

Example: “it would be foolhardy to go into the scheme without support”
Synonyms: reckless, rash, incautious, careless, heedless, unheeding, thoughtless, unwise
Antonyms: wise

Cavalier (noun) ‫ شہہ سوار‬،‫ فوجی بہادر‬،‫گھڑ سوار‬

a horseman, especially a cavalryman

Example: a supporter of King Charles I in the English Civil War.
Synonyms: Royalist, king’s man
Antonyms: Roundhead, parliamentarian

Perfidy (noun) ‫ بے وفائی‬،‫غداری‬

the state of being deceitful and untrustworthy.

Example: “it was an example of his perfidy”
Synonyms: treachery, duplicity, deceit, perfidiousness, deceitfulness, disloyalty, infidelity
Antonyms: faithfulness, loyalty

Eulogize (verb) ‫ مدح کرنا‬،‫ قصیدہ خوانی کرنا‬،‫ستائش کرنا‬

praise highly in speech or writing.

Example: “he was eulogized as a rock star”
Synonyms: praise enthusiastically, go into raptures about/over, wax lyrical about, sing the
praises of, praise to the skies,
Antonyms: criticize

Hubris (noun) ‫ زعم‬،‫ غرور‬، ‫ گھمنڈ‬،‫حبس‬

excessive pride or self-confidence.

Example: “the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s”
Synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-
Antonyms: modesty
Buoy (verb) ‫ ہمت بڑھانا‬،‫ مدد کرنا‬،‫ اچھالنا‬،‫تیرنا‬

keep (someone or something) afloat.

Example: “the creatures could swim, both buoyed up and cooled by the water”
Synonyms: cheer, cheer up, brighten up, ginger up, hearten, rally, animate, invigorate
Antonyms: depress

Havoc (noun) ‫ اجاڑنا‬،‫ خرابی‬،‫ بربادی‬،‫تباہی‬

widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, depredation, despoliation, ruination
Antonyms: peace

Striking (adjective) ‫ ڈرامائی‬،‫ نمایاں‬،‫قابل ذکر‬

attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent.

Example: “the murder bore a striking similarity to an earlier shooting”
Synonyms: noticeable, obvious, conspicuous, evident, salient, visible, distinct, prominent,
Antonyms: inconspicuous, unremarkable

Vulnerable (adjective) ‫ جو مجروح کیا جا سکے‬،‫ غیر محفوظ‬،‫کمزور‬

exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Example: “we were in a vulnerable position”
Synonyms: in danger, in peril, in jeopardy, at risk, endangered, unsafe, unprotected, ill-protected
Antonyms: well protected, invulnerable, resilient

Ravage (verb) ‫ لوٹنا‬،‫ غارت کرنا‬،‫ تباہی‬،‫بربادی‬

cause severe and extensive damage to.

Example: “the hurricane ravaged southern Florida”
Synonyms: lay waste, devastate, ruin, leave in ruins, destroy, wreak havoc on, leave desolate
Antonyms: spare, conserve, preserve, indemnify
Severity (noun) ‫ بدسلوکی‬،‫ شدت‬،‫سخت گیری‬

the fact or condition of being severe.

Example: “sentences should reflect the severity of the crime”
Synonyms: acuteness, seriousness, gravity, graveness, severeness, grievousness, extremity
Antonyms: mildness, leniency, geniality

Decry (verb) ‫ مذمت‬،‫ عیب لگانا‬، ‫بدنا م کرنا‬

publicly denounce.
Example: “they decried human rights abuses”
Synonyms: denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, damn, attack, fulminate against, rail against,
Antonyms: praise, overrate

Legitimate (adjective) ‫ شرعی‬،‫ قانونی‬، ‫جائز‬

conforming to the law or to rules.

Example: “his claims to legitimate authority”
Synonyms: legal, lawful, licit, legalized, authorized, permitted, permissible, allowable
Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate

Resentment (noun) ‫ حسد‬،‫ تعصب‬،‫ برا ماننا‬،‫ناراضگی‬

bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

Example: “his resentment at being demoted”
Synonyms: bitterness, indignation, irritation, pique, displeasure, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement
Antonyms: contentment, happiness

Vigorous (adjective) ‫ ہٹا کٹا‬،‫ زبردست‬،‫بھرپور‬،

strong, healthy, and full of energy.

Example: “a tall, vigorous, and muscular man”
Synonyms: robust, healthy, in good health, hale and hearty, strong, strong as an ox/horse/lion
Antonyms: frail, weak
Swarm (verb) ‫ مکھیوں کا گروہ‬،‫ جھنڈ‬،‫بھیڑ‬

(of flying insects) move in or form a swarm.

Example: “a plague of locusts swarmed across the countryside”
Synonyms: flock, crowd, throng, stream, surge, flood, seethe, pack, crush
Antonyms: paucity, sprinkling, scantling, rarity

Constantly (adverb) ‫ ہمیشہ‬،‫ بالناغہ‬،‫مسلسل‬

continuously over a period of time; always.

Example: “the world is constantly changing”
Synonyms: always, all the time, the entire time, continually, continuously, persistently,
Antonyms: occasionally, sometimes

Sectarian (adjective) ‫فرقہ پرستی‬،‫ خاص جماعت کا‬،‫فرقہ وارانہ‬

denoting or concerning a sect or sects.

Example: “the city’s traditional sectarian divide”
Synonyms: factional, schismatic, cliquish, clannish, partisan, parti pris, denominational,
Antonyms: tolerant, liberal, broad-minded

Complacency (noun) ‫ اخالق‬،‫ خوشی‬،‫غیبت‬

a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.

Example: “the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency”
Synonyms: smugness, self-satisfaction, self-approval, self-approbation, self-admiration, self-
Antonyms: dissatisfaction

Vehement (adjective) ‫ پرزور طریقے سے‬،‫شدید‬

showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
Example: “her voice was low but vehement”
Synonyms: passionate, forceful, ardent, impassioned, heated, spirited, urgent, fervent
Antonyms: mild, apathetic

Scepticism (noun) ‫ الارادی‬،‫ شک‬،‫شکوک و شبہات‬

a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something.

Example: “these claims were treated with scepticism”
Synonyms: doubt, doubtfulness, dubiousness, a pinch of salt, lack of conviction
Antonyms: conviction, belief, faith

Tedious (adjective) ‫ بیزار کن‬،‫ اکتا دینے واال‬،‫ناگوار‬

too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.

Example: “a tedious journey”
Synonyms: boring, monotonous, dull, deadly dull, uninteresting, unexciting, unvaried,
Antonyms: exciting, interesting

Inadequate (adjective) ‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ کم‬،‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ناکافی‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.

Example: “these labels prove to be wholly inadequate”
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, sparse
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent

Epidemic (noun) ‫ وبائی بیماری‬،‫ وبائی مرض‬،‫وبائ‬

a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

Example: “a flu epidemic”
Synonyms: outbreak, plague, scourge, infestation, widespread illness/disease
Antonyms: limited, local

Evacuate (verb) ‫ خطرے کی جگہ سے نکلنا‬،‫ چھوڑ آنا‬،‫خالی کرنا‬

remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safer place.
Example: “several families were evacuated from their homes”

Synonyms: remove, clear, move out, shift, take away, turn out, expel, evict
Antonyms: return to

Shambolic (adjective) ‫ عالمتی طور پر‬،‫بدنظمی کے ساتھ‬

chaotic, disorganized, or mismanaged.

Example: “the department’s shambolic accounting”
Synonyms: chaotic, disorganized, muddled, confused, in (total) disarray, at sixes and sevens
Antonyms: efficient, organized

Vicious (adjective) ‫ فاسق‬،‫ نااہل‬،‫شیطانی‬

deliberately cruel or violent.

Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Abatement (noun) ‫ کم کرنا‬،‫ کٹوتی‬،‫تخفیف‬

the action of abating or being abated; ending or subsiding.

Example: “this trend shows no sign of abatement”
Synonyms: subsiding, dying down/away/out, dropping off/away, lessening, easing (off),
Antonyms: intensification, increase

Deficit (noun) ‫ کمی‬،‫خسارہ‬

the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.

Example: “an annual operating deficit”
Synonyms: shortfall, deficiency, shortage, undersupply, slippage, indebtedness, debt
Antonyms: surplus, profit
Accumulate (verb) ‫ اضافہ‬،‫ ڈھیر‬،‫ فراہم‬،‫جمع کرنا‬

gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

Example: “investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence”
Synonyms: gather, collect, assemble, amass, stockpile, pile up, heap up, rack up
Antonyms: dissipate

Acceleration (noun) ‫ تیزی‬،‫تیزرفتاری‬

a vehicle’s capacity to gain speed.

Example: “the three-litre model has spectacular acceleration”
Synonyms: speeding up, increasing speed, increase in speed, gain in momentum, gathering
speed, opening up
Antonyms: deceleration, slowing down

Perilous (adjective) ‫ خوفناک‬،‫خطرناک‬

full of danger or risk.

Example: “a perilous journey south”
Synonyms: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious
Antonyms: safe, secure

Thwart (verb) ‫ آڑا‬،‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناکام‬

oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition) successfully.

Example: “the government had been able to thwart all attempts by opposition leaders to form
new parties”
Synonyms: foil, frustrate, balk, stand in the way of, forestall, scotch, derail, smash,
Antonyms: assist, facilitate

Shun (verb) ‫ بچنا‬،‫جھگڑا‬

persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution.

Example: “he shunned fashionable society”
Synonyms: avoid, evade, eschew, steer clear of, shy away from, fight shy of, recoil from
Antonyms: accept, seek, welcome
Contaminate (verb) ‫ خراب کرنا‬،‫آلودہ کرنا‬

make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.

Example: “the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity”

Synonyms: pollute, adulterate, make impure, defile, debase, corrupt, taint, infect, blight
Antonyms: purify

Bodily (adjective) ‫ بدیہی‬،‫جسمانی طور پر‬

of or concerning the body.

Example: “children learn to control their bodily functions”
Synonyms: physical, corporeal, corporal, mortal, carnal, fleshly, sensual, material
Antonyms: spiritual, mental

Remuneration (noun) ‫ مشاہرہ‬،‫ تنخواہ‬،‫معاوضہ‬

money paid for work or a service.

Example: “they work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration”
Synonyms: payment, pay, salary, wages, earnings, fee(s), stipend, emolument(s)
Antonyms: nonpayment

Discriminate (verb) ‫ فرق‬،‫ تمیز کرنا‬،‫امتیاز کرنا‬

recognize a distinction; differentiate.

Example: “babies can discriminate between different facial expressions”
Synonyms: differentiate, distinguish, draw/recognize a distinction, tell the difference, discern a
Antonyms: sweeping, promiscuous, indiscriminate, wholesale

Tremendous (adjective) ‫ بہت ہی اچھا‬،‫ بہت زیادہ‬،‫زبردست‬

very great in amount, scale, or intensity.

Example: “Penny put in a tremendous amount of time”
Synonyms: very great, huge, enormous, immense, colossal, massive, prodigious, stupendous
Antonyms: tiny, small, slight, soft

Capricious (adjective) ‫ متغیر‬،‫غلط رویہ‬

given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour.

Example: “a capricious and often brutal administration”
Synonyms: fickle, inconstant, changeable, variable, unstable, mercurial, volatile, erratic,
Antonyms: stable, consistent

Relinquish (verb) ‫ چھوڑ دینا‬،‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫دستبردار ہونا‬

voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up.

Example: “he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive”
Synonyms: renounce, give up, part with, give away, hand over, turn over, lay down, let go of
Antonyms: keep, retain, continue

Insensitive (adjective) ‫ کورا‬،‫ بے ذوق‬،‫بے حس‬

showing or feeling no concern for others’ feelings.

Example: “an insensitive remark”
Synonyms: heartless, unfeeling, inconsiderate, thoughtless, thick-skinned, hard-hearted, stony-
Antonyms: sensitive, compassionate

Gigantic (adjective) ‫ دیوہیکل جسامت کا‬،‫ عفریت‬،‫بہت بڑا‬

of very great size or extent; huge or enormous.

Example: “a gigantic concrete tower”
Synonyms: huge, enormous, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, very big/large, great
Antonyms: tiny

Vigilant (adjective) ‫ محتاط‬،‫ ہوشیار‬،‫چوکنا‬

keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Example: “the burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbours”
Synonyms: watchful, on the lookout, observant, sharp-eyed, keen-eyed, gimlet-eyed, eagle-eyed
Antonyms: negligent, inattentive

Palatial (adjective) ‫قصری‬

ٰ ،‫ محل نما‬،‫شاندار‬

resembling a palace in being spacious and splendid.

Example: “her palatial apartment in Mayfair”
Synonyms: luxurious, deluxe, magnificent, sumptuous, splendid, grand, opulent, lavishly
Antonyms: humble, modest

Sacrifice (noun) ‫ نیاز‬،‫قربانی‬

an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity.

Example: “they offer sacrifices to the spirits”
Synonyms: ritual slaughter, hecatomb, immolation, offering, oblation, self-sacrifice, self-
Antonyms: reservation, appropriation, retention, salvation

Revoke (verb) ‫منسوخ کرنا‬

officially cancel (a decree, decision, or promise).

Example: “the men appealed and the sentence was revoked”
Synonyms: cancel, repeal, rescind, reverse, abrogate, annul, nullify, declare null and void
Antonyms: introduce, enact, ratify

Bigot (noun) ‫ متعصب آدمی‬،‫ بدترین شخص‬،‫مکروہ‬

a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.

Example: “don’t let a few small-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city”
Synonyms: dogmatist, partisan, sectarian, prejudiced person, racist, racialist, sexist,
Antonyms: freethinker, latitudinarian, liberal
Cripple (verb) ‫ لنگڑا‬،‫ معذور‬،‫اپاہج‬

cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly.

Example: “a young student was crippled for life”
Synonyms: disable, paralyse, immobilize, make lame, lame, incapacitate, debilitate, handicap
Antonyms: able-bodied

Staunch (adjective) ‫ خون روکنا‬،‫ پکا‬،‫کٹر‬

very loyal and committed in attitude.

Example: “a staunch supporter of the anti-nuclear lobby”
Synonyms: stalwart, loyal, faithful, trusty, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable
Antonyms: disloyal, unfaithful, unreliable

Rescind (verb) ‫ واپس کرنا‬،‫ رد کرنا‬،‫ختم کرنا‬

revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement).

Example: “the government eventually rescinded the directive”
Synonyms: revoke, repeal, cancel, reverse, abrogate, overturn, overrule, override,
Antonyms: enforce, enact

Atrocious (adjective) ‫ بدذات‬،‫ سنگدالنہ طریقے سے‬،‫مظالم‬

horrifyingly wicked.
Example: “atrocious cruelties”
Synonyms: brutal, barbaric, barbarous, brutish, savage, vicious, wicked, cruel, nasty, ruthless
Antonyms: admirable, kindly

Tyranny (noun) ‫ ظلم‬،‫ استبداد‬،‫جابرانہ حکومت‬

cruel and oppressive government or rule.

Example: “refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression”
Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, undemocratic rule,
reign of terror
Antonyms: democracy, liberality
Speckle (verb) ‫ داغ‬،‫داغدار‬

mark with a large number of small spots or patches of colour.

Example: “gulls whirled round the masts, speckling the docks with guano”
Synonyms: flecked, speckly, specked, freckled, freckly, spotted, spotty, dotted, stippled
Antonyms: plain

Blare (verb) ‫ للکارانا‬،‫ زور دار چیخ‬،‫بالدی‬

make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound.

Example: “the ambulance arrived outside, siren blaring”
Synonyms: blast, sound loudly, trumpet, clamour, boom, roar, thunder, bellow, resound
Antonyms: murmur, waft

Abrupt (adjective) ‫ غیر متوقع‬،‫اچانک‬

sudden and unexpected.

Example: “I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject”
Synonyms: sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried, hasty, quick, swift, rapid
Antonyms: gradual, unhurried

Lament (noun) ‫ رونا‬،‫ رنج و غم میں چالنا‬،‫غم میں چیخنا‬

express passionate grief about.

Example: “he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter”
Synonyms: mourn, grieve (for/over), weep for, shed tears for, sorrow, wail, moan, groan
Antonyms: celebrate, rejoice

Confined (adjective) ‫ تنگ‬،‫ محدود کرنا‬،‫حد مقرر کرنا‬

(of a space) restricted in area or volume; cramped.

Example: “her fear of confined spaces”
Synonyms: cramped, constricted, restricted, limited, confining, small, narrow, compact
Antonyms: open, roomy
Ferocious (adjective) ‫ ظالم‬،‫ خطرناک‬،‫وحشی‬

savagely fierce, cruel, or violent.

Example: “a ferocious beast”
Synonyms: fierce, savage, wild, feral, untamed, predatory, rapacious, ravening, aggressive
Antonyms: tame, gentle

Marginal (adjective) ‫ حاشیہ کا‬،‫اپنی حد پر ہونا‬

relating to or at the edge or margin.

Example: “marginal notes”
Synonyms: slight, small, tiny, minute, low, minor, insignificant, minimal, negligible
Antonyms: vast, gross

Devastating (adjective) ‫ شدید المناک‬،‫تباہ کن‬

highly destructive or damaging.

Example: “a devastating cyclone”
Synonyms: destructive, ruinous, disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic, pernicious

Bigotry (noun) ‫ متعصب آدمی‬،‫ ہٹ دھرمی‬،‫تعصب‬

intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Example: “the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry”
Synonyms: prejudice, bias, partiality, partisanship, sectarianism, discrimination, unfairness
Antonyms: tolerance

Combatant (noun) ‫ جنگجو‬،‫لڑاکا‬

a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.

Example: “in the long Russo-Swedish conflict, both combatants endured terrible sacrifices”
Synonyms: fighter, fighting man, fighting woman, soldier, serviceman, servicewoman, warrior
Antonyms: civilian
Coincide (verb) ‫ ایک ساتھ ہونا‬،‫ اتفاق ہونا‬،‫موافق‬

occur at the same time.

Example: “publication is timed to coincide with a major exhibition”
Synonyms: occur simultaneously, happen together, happen at the same time, be concurrent
Antonyms: differ

Prevalence (noun) ‫ غلبہ‬،‫پھیالﺅ‬

the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.

Example: “the prevalence of obesity in adults”
Synonyms: commonness, currency, widespread presence, generality, pervasiveness, universality
Antonyms: disuse, desuetude, obsoleteness, decay, evanescence

Drastic (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫ انتہائی‬،‫ قوی‬،‫سخت‬

likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme.

Example: “a drastic reduction of staffing levels”
Synonyms: extreme, serious, forceful, desperate, dire, radical, far-reaching, momentous
Antonyms: mild, moderate

Resumption (noun) ‫ دوبارہ قبضہ‬،‫ بازیافت‬،‫بحالی‬

the action of beginning something again after a pause or interruption.

Example: “with peace came the resumption of foreign imports”
Synonyms: restart, restarting, recommencement, reopening, reinstitution, continuation, carrying
Antonyms: suspension, abandonment

Exorbitant (adjective) ‫ بکثرت‬،‫بے حد‬

(of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.

Example: “some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls”
Synonyms: extortionate, excessively high, extremely high, excessive, sky-high, prohibitive,
Antonyms: reasonable, competitive

Entrench (verb) ‫ مورچہ بند‬،‫گھیرے ہوئے‬

establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.
Example: “ageism is entrenched in our society”
Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root, install, plant, embed,
Antonyms: dislodge, superficial

Rampant (adjective) ‫ وحشیانہ‬،‫روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬

(especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked.

Example: “political violence was rampant”
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled, widespread, pandemic, epidemic
Antonyms: controlled, under control

Gargantuan (adjective) ‫ دیوقامت‬،‫بہت بڑا‬

Example: “a gargantuan appetite”
Synonyms: enormous, extremely big, extremely large, massive, huge, colossal, vast, immense
Antonyms: tiny

Apathy (noun) ‫ مردہ دلی‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Example: “widespread apathy among students”
Synonyms: indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion

Hazardous (adjective) ‫ پرخطر‬،‫خطرناک‬

risky; dangerous.
Example: “we work in hazardous conditions”
Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe, perilous, precarious, insecure, tricky, unpredictable
Antonyms: safe, secure, certain

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ بناوٹی طورپر‬،‫ظاہر ہے‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Inadvertently (adverb) ‫ غلطی سے‬،‫نادانستہ طور پر‬

without intention; accidentally.

Example: “his name had been inadvertently omitted from the list”
Synonyms: accidentally, by accident, unintentionally, unwittingly, unawares, without noticing
Antonyms: deliberately

Perpetuate (verb) ‫ استعرار‬،‫ جاری رکھنا‬،‫ہمیشہ رکھنا‬

make (something) continue indefinitely.

Example: “the confusion was perpetuated through inadvertence”
Synonyms: keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain

Decisive (adjective) ‫ فیصلہ کن‬،‫حتمی‬

settling an issue; producing a definite result.

Example: “the archers played a decisive part in the victory”
Synonyms: deciding, conclusive, determining, final, settling, key, pivotal, critical
Antonyms: insignificant

Ambitious (adjective) ‫ خواہش مند‬،‫ بلند نظر‬،‫حوصلہ مند‬

having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

Example: “a ruthlessly ambitious workaholic”
Synonyms: aspiring, determined, forceful, pushy, enterprising, pioneering, progressive, eager
Antonyms: unambitious, lazy

Ominous (adjective) ‫ بدشگونی واال‬،‫ نحس‬،‫بدنما‬

giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Example: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead”
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious,
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious,

Reluctance (noun) ‫ اڑیل‬،‫ بے اعتنائی‬،‫ہچکچاہٹ‬

unwillingness or disinclination to do something.

Example: “she sensed his reluctance to continue”
Synonyms: unwillingness, disinclination, lack of enthusiasm, hesitation, hesitance, hesitancy
Antonyms: willingness, eagerness

Rampant (adjective) ‫ روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬،‫ زیادہ‬،‫وحشیانہ‬

(especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked.

Example: “political violence was rampant”
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled, widespread, pandemic, epidemic
Antonyms: controlled, under control

Condone (verb) ‫ درگزر کرنا‬،‫ تعزیر کرنا‬،‫معاف کرنا‬

accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive).

Example: “the college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs”
Synonyms: deliberately ignore, not take into consideration, disregard, take no notice of, take no
account of
Antonyms: condemn, punish

Abhorrent (adjective) ‫ ناگوار‬،‫مکروہ‬

inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.
Example: “racism was abhorrent to us all”
Synonyms: detestable, detested, hateful, hated, loathsome, loathed, despicable, despised
Antonyms: admirable, loved

Deter (verb) ‫ حائل ہو جانا‬،‫کسی کام سے روکنا‬

discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
Example: “only a health problem would deter him from seeking re-election”
Synonyms: put off, discourage, dissuade, scare off, warn, caution, dishearten, demoralize
Antonyms: encourage

Perpetuate (verb) ‫ جاری رکھنا‬،‫ دوام‬،‫ہمیشہ رکھنا‬

make (something) continue indefinitely.

Example: “the confusion was perpetuated through inadvertence”
Synonyms: keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain

Antonyms: abolish, abrogate, annul, blot out, cancel

Symptomatic (adjective) ‫عالمتی‬،‫اشارے کا‬

serving as a symptom or sign, especially of something undesirable.

Example: “these difficulties are symptomatic of fundamental problems”
Synonyms: indicative, signalling, warning, characteristic, suggestive, typical, representative
Antonyms: atypical, nontypical, uncharacteristic, untypical

Ghastly (adjective) ‫ خوفناک‬،‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫ بھیانک‬،‫سختی سے‬

causing great horror or fear.

Example: “one of the most ghastly crimes ever committed”
Synonyms: terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, awful, dire, frightening, terrifying, horrifying
Antonyms: pleasant, trivial, excusable

Deterrent (noun) ‫ باز رکھنے واال‬،‫ تشدید‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

Example: “cameras are a major deterrent to crime”
Synonyms: disincentive, discouragement, dissuasion, damper, brake, curb, check, restraint
Antonyms: incentive, encouragement

Dismantle (verb) ‫ پاش پاش کرنا‬،‫الگ الگ کر دینا‬

take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

Example: “the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap”
Synonyms: take apart, take to pieces, take to bits, pull apart, pull to pieces, deconstruct
Antonyms: assemble, build

Emerge (verb) ‫ نکلنا‬،‫ سامنے آنا‬،‫ظاہر ہونا‬

move out of or away from something and become visible.

Example: “black ravens emerged from the fog”
Synonyms: come out, appear, come into view, become visible, make an appearance, turn up
Antonyms: disappear

Slothful (adjective) ‫ سست‬،‫کاہل‬

Example: “fatigue made him slothful”
Synonyms: lazy, idle, indolent, work-shy, inactive, inert, sluggish, apathetic, lethargic
Antonyms: active, industrious, energetic

Brutalize (verb) ‫ بے رحمی کا سلوک‬،‫ وحشت ناک سلوک‬،‫ظلم برپا کرنا‬

make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to
Example: “he had been brutalized in prison and become cynical”
Synonyms: desensitize, dehumanize, harden, toughen, case-harden, inure, make unfeeling,
Antonyms: dignify, exalt, honor
Apparently (adverb) ‫ ظاہری طور پر‬،‫بظاہر‬

as far as one knows or can see.

Example: “the child nodded, apparently content with the promise”
Synonyms: seemingly, evidently, it seems (that), it would seem (that), it appears (that),
Antonyms: implausibly, impossibly, improbably, incredibly

Debacle (noun) ‫ بھگڈر‬،‫شرمناک ناکامی‬

a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.

Example: “the only man to reach double figures in the second-innings debacle”
Synonyms: fiasco, failure, catastrophe, disaster, disintegration, mess, wreck, ruin
Antonyms: blockbuster, hit, smash, success, winner

Agitator (noun) ‫ تحریک میں حصہ لینے واال‬،‫ احتجاج کرنےواال‬،‫مشتعل‬

a person who urges others to protest or rebel.

Example: “a political agitator”
Synonyms: troublemaker, rabble-rouser, demagogue, soapbox orator, incendiary, revolutionary
Antonyms: peacemaker, reconciler, uniter

Endanger (verb) ‫ جوکھوں میں ڈالنا‬،‫خطرے سے دوچار کرنا‬

put (someone or something) at risk or in danger.

Example: “he was driving in a manner likely to endanger life”
Synonyms: imperil, jeopardize, risk, put at risk, put in danger, expose to danger, put in jeopardy
Antonyms: cover, defend, protect, shield, screen

Brazen (adjective) ‫ ڈٹ کر سامنا کرنا‬،‫ ڈھیٹ‬،‫بے حیا‬

bold and without shame.

Example: “he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance”
Synonyms: bold, shameless, as bold as brass, brazen-faced, forward, presumptuous, brash,
Antonyms: timid, shy

Erect (verb) ‫ قائم کرنا‬،‫ بنانا‬،‫کھڑا کرنا‬

put together and set upright (a building, wall, or other structure).

Example: “the guest house was erected in the eighteenth century”
Synonyms: build, construct, put up, assemble, put together, fabricate, form, manufacture
Antonyms: demolish, dismantle

Reprimand (verb) ‫ دھمکانا‬،‫ الزام دہی‬،‫ مالمت‬،‫سرزنش‬

address a reprimand to.

Example: “officials were reprimanded for poor work”
Synonyms: rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold
Antonyms: praise, commend, compliment

Dereliction (noun) ‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ چھوڑا ہوا‬،‫ترک مال‬

the state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.

Example: “a 15th-century farmhouse has been saved from dereliction”
Synonyms: dilapidation, disrepair, decrepitude, deterioration, ruin, rack and ruin, abandonment
Antonyms: fulfilment

Rapacious (adjective) ‫ عصمت دری‬،‫ شکار کھیلنا‬،‫شکاری‬

aggressively greedy or grasping.

Example: “rapacious landlords”
Synonyms: grasping, greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, covetous, mercenary, materialistic,
Antonyms: generous

Henchman (noun) ‫ ساتھی‬،‫رفیق‬

a faithful follower or political supporter, especially one prepared to engage in crime or violence
by way of service.
Example: “the dictator’s henchman”
Synonyms: follower, supporter, assistant, aide, helper, adjutant, right-hand man, subordinate
Antonyms: leader
Pernicious (adjective) ‫ تباہ کن‬،‫ مضر‬،‫نقصان دہ‬

having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

Example: “the pernicious influences of the mass media”
Synonyms: harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious, hurtful, detrimental, deleterious,
dangerous Antonyms: beneficial, benign

Hastily (adverb) ‫ پھرتیال‬،‫جلدی سے‬

with excessive speed or urgency; hurriedly.

Example: “maybe I acted too hastily”
Synonyms: quickly, hurriedly, in a hurry, fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, briskly, expeditiously,
Antonyms: slowly, carefully, deliberately

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ تیز کرنا‬،‫ شدید تر‬،‫بگاڑنا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”

Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify, increase, heighten
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Menace (noun) ‫ ڈرانا‬،‫ دھمکی‬،‫خطرہ‬

a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.

Example: “a new initiative aimed at beating the menace of drugs”
Synonyms: danger, peril, risk, hazard, threat, jeopardy
Antonyms: friendly, auspicious

Abandon (verb) ‫ چھوڑ دینا‬،‫ترک کرنا‬

cease to support or look after (someone); desert.

Example: “her natural mother had abandoned her at an early age”
Synonyms: desert, leave, leave high and dry, turn one’s back on, cast aside, break (up) with, jilt
Antonyms: stick by

Hostility (noun) ‫دشمنی‬

hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition.

Example: “their hostility to all outsiders”
Synonyms: antagonism, unfriendliness, bitterness, malevolence, malice, unkindness, spite
Antonyms: friendliness, approval

Misery (noun) ‫بدنصیبی‬،‫ بدبختی‬،‫تکلیف‬

a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort.

Example: “a man who had brought her nothing but misery”
Synonyms: unhappiness, distress, wretchedness, hardship, suffering, affliction, anguish
Antonyms: contentment, pleasure

Dilapidated (adjective) ‫ شکستہ‬،‫ انہدام‬،‫ٹوٹا پھوٹا‬

(of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.

Example: “old, dilapidated buildings”
Synonyms: run down, tumbledown, ramshackle, broken-down, in disrepair, shabby, battered
Antonyms: smart, intact

Enthusiastic (adjective) ‫ جوشیلہ‬،‫ پر جوش‬،‫پر ولولہ‬

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Example: “he could be wildly enthusiastic about a project”
Synonyms: eager, keen, avid, ardent, fervent, warm, passionate, zealous, lively
Antonyms: apathetic

Surrogate (noun) ‫ نائب‬،‫ قائم مقام‬،‫متبادل شخص‬

a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office.

Example: “she served as a surrogate for the President on a trip to South America”
Synonyms: substitute, proxy, replacement, agent, deputy, representative, factor
Antonyms: permanent, real
Parlance (noun) ‫ بولی‬،‫گفتگو‬

a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular
job or interest.
Example: “dated terms that were once in common parlance”
Synonyms: jargon, language, phraseology, idiom, -speak, talk, speech, way/manner of speaking,
Antonyms: standard, listening, silence

Imbroglio (noun) ‫ گتھی‬،‫پیچیدہ معاملہ‬

an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.

Example: “the abdication imbroglio of 1936”
Synonyms: complicated situation, complication, complexity, problem, difficulty, predicament,
Antonyms: agreement, ease, harmony, peace

Conflagration (noun) ‫ بے قابو آگ‬،‫ آتشزدگی‬،‫تپش‬

an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property.

Example: “tinder-dry conditions sparked fears of a conflagration in many drought-devastated

Synonyms: fire, blaze, flames, inferno, firestorm, holocaust


Manifold (adjective) ‫ گوناگوں‬،‫ بھات بھات کا‬،‫کئی گنا‬

many and various.

Example: “the implications of this decision were manifold”
Synonyms: many, numerous, multiple, multifarious, multitudinous, multiplex, legion
Antonyms: few, scant, rare, scarce, uniform, limited

Glance (verb) ‫ نظر ڈالنا‬،‫جھلک‬

take a brief or hurried look.

Example: “Ginny glanced at her watch”
Synonyms: take a quick look, look quickly, look briefly, peek, peep, glimpse, catch a glimpse of
Antonyms: gaze, scrutinize

Capricious (adjective) ‫ موجی‬،‫ متغیر‬،‫غلط رویہ‬

given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour.

Example: “a capricious and often brutal administration”
Synonyms: fickle, inconstant, changeable, variable, unstable, mercurial, volatile, erratic
Antonyms: stable, consistent

Tyranny (noun) ‫ استبداد‬،‫ظلم‬

cruel and oppressive government or rule.

Example: “refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression”
Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, undemocratic rule
Antonyms: democracy, liberality

Sordid (adjective) ‫ خستہ حال‬،‫ گندا‬،‫ کمینہ‬،‫سخت‬

involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.
Example: “the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams”
Synonyms: sleazy, seedy, seamy, unsavoury, shoddy, vile, foul, tawdry, louche, cheap
Antonyms: high-minded, respectable

Blight (noun) ‫ کیڑا لگنا‬،‫ جھلسا دینا‬،‫فرسودہ‬

a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts.
Example: “the vines suffered blight and disease”
Synonyms: disease, canker, infestation, fungus, mildew, mould, rot, decay
Antonyms: blessing

Flaunt (verb) ‫ شان دکھانا‬،‫اکڑ دکھانا‬

display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show
Example: “newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity”
Synonyms: show off, display ostentatiously, draw attention to, make a (great) show of
Antonyms: be modest about, hide

Aloof (adjective) ‫ دور‬،‫ علیحدہ‬،‫بے تعلق‬

not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.

Example: “they were courteous but faintly aloof”
Synonyms: distant, detached, unresponsive, remote, unapproachable, forbidding, stand-offish
Antonyms: familiar, friendly

Scarcity (noun) ‫ قلیل‬،‫ کمی‬،‫قلت‬

the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.

Example: “a time of scarcity”
Synonyms: shortage, dearth, lack, want, undersupply, insufficiency, paucity, scarceness,
Antonyms: abundance, excess, surplus, commonness,

Lingering (adjective) ‫سست رو‬

lasting for a long time or slow to end.

Example: “there are still some lingering doubts in my mind”
Synonyms: remaining, surviving, persisting, abiding, nagging, niggling, gnawing, lasting,
Antonyms: short-lived

Imperative (adjective) ‫ آمرانہ‬،‫ اشد ضروری‬،‫الزمی‬

of vital importance; crucial.

Example: “immediate action was imperative”
Synonyms: vitally important, of vital importance, all-important, vital, crucial, critical, essential,
of the essence,
Antonyms: unimportant, optional

Leap (verb) ‫ چھالنگ لگانا‬،‫ اچھلنا‬،‫کودنا‬

jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.
Example: “he leapt on to the parapet”
Synonyms: jump over, jump, vault over, vault, spring over, bound over, hurdle, skip (over)
Antonyms: reject, fall, plummet

Mitigate (verb) ‫ کمی کرنا‬،‫ اصل سے کم کا انداز لگانا‬،‫تخفیف کرنا‬

make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”
Synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off
Antonyms: aggravate, increase, intensify

Taint (verb) ‫ داغ‬،‫ خراب‬،‫ آلودگی‬،‫آلودہ‬

contaminate or pollute (something).

Example: “the air was tainted by fumes from the cars”
Synonyms: contaminate, pollute, adulterate, infect, blight, befoul, spoil, soil, ruin, destroy
Antonyms: clean

Anaemic (adjective) ‫اینیمیا کا مریض‬

suffering from anaemia.

Example: “the doctor said you were a bit anaemic”
Synonyms: colourless, bloodless, pale, pallid, wan, ashen, white, white as a ghost/sheet, grey
Antonyms: ruddy

Myopic (adjective) ‫دور کی نظر کی کمزوری‬

Example: “most myopic children can be fitted with glasses to correct their vision”
Synonyms: short-sighted, nearsighted, as blind as a bat, purblind
Antonyms: long-sighted
Enrich (verb) ‫ آرائش‬،‫معیاری بنانا‬

improve or enhance the quality or value of.

Example: “her exposure to museums enriched her life in France”
Synonyms: enhance, make richer, improve, add to, augment, supplement, complement,
Antonyms: spoil, devalue, impoverish

Lackadaisical (adjective) ‫ مصنوعی نزاکت کا‬،‫سست‬

lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.

Example: “a lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in the second half”
Synonyms: careless, lazy, lax, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, uninterested, lukewarm, indifferent
Antonyms: enthusiastic, excited

Dispel (verb) ‫ دور کرنا‬،‫ دفع کرنا‬،‫بھگانا‬

make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear.

Example: “the brightness of the day did nothing to dispel Elaine’s dejection”
Synonyms: banish, eliminate, dismiss, chase away, drive away, drive off, get rid of, dissipate
Antonyms: engender

Reluctant (adjective) ‫ ناراض مند‬، ‫ اڑیل‬،‫ہچکچاہٹ‬

unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

Example: “today, many ordinary people are still reluctant to talk about politics”
Synonyms: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, grudging, resistant, resisting, opposed
Antonyms: willing, eager, ready

Myriad (noun) ‫ بے شمار‬،‫ہزار ہا‬

a countless or extremely great number of people or things.

Example: “myriads of insects danced around the light above my head”

Synonyms: multitude, a large/great number/quantity, a lot, scores, quantities, mass, crowd,

Antonyms: calculable
Dismantle (verb) ‫ اکھاڑنا‬،‫ پاش پاش کرنا‬،‫الگ الگ کر دینا‬

take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

Example: “the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap”
Synonyms: take apart, take to pieces, take to bits, pull apart, pull to pieces, deconstruct,
Antonyms: assemble, build

Nurture (verb) ‫ تربیت‬،‫پرورش‬

care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
Example: “Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family”
Synonyms: bring up, care for, provide for, take care of, attend to, look after, rear, support, raise
Antonyms: neglect, hinder

Opprobrium (noun) ‫ ذلت‬،‫رسوائی‬

harsh criticism or censure.

Example: “the critical opprobrium generated by his films”
Synonyms: vilification, abuse, vituperation, condemnation, criticism, censure, castigation,
Antonyms: praise

Hindrance (noun) ‫ مزاحمت‬،‫ آڑ‬،‫ رکاوٹ‬،‫رخنہ‬

a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.

Example: “a hindrance to the development process”
Synonyms: impediment, obstacle, barrier, bar, obstruction, handicap, block, check, curb
Antonyms: help, advantage

Espouse (verb) ‫ تائید کرنا‬،‫انتخاب کرنا‬

adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life).

Example: “she espoused the causes of justice and freedom for all”
Synonyms: adopt, embrace, take up, take to, take to one’s heart, accept, welcome, support, back
Antonyms: reject, oppose

Taper (verb) ‫ کون نما‬،‫مخروطی‬

diminish or reduce in thickness towards one end.

Example: “the tail tapers to a rounded tip”
Synonyms: narrow, thin (out), become narrow, become narrower, become thin, become thinner
Antonyms: thicken, swell

Soaking (adjective) ‫بھگونے کا عمل‬

extremely wet; wet through.

Example: “his jacket was soaking”
Synonyms: drenched, soaked, soaked to the skin, like a drowned rat, wet through, soaked
Antonyms: parched, bone dry

Grievance (noun) ‫ تکلیف‬،‫شکایت‬

a real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment.

Example: “a website which enabled staff to air their grievances”
Synonyms: injustice, unjust act, wrong, injury, ill, offence, disservice, unfairness, evil
Antonyms: commendation

Suspicion (noun) ‫ بدگمانی‬،‫ اندیشہ‬،‫شک‬

a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true.

Example: “she had a sneaking suspicion that he was laughing at her”

Synonyms: intuition, feeling, impression, inkling, surmise, guess, conjecture, speculation

Antonyms: certainty

Constituent (noun) ‫ اسمبلی دستور ساز‬،‫ حلقہ اسمبلی‬،‫آئین ساز‬

a member of an area which elects a representative to a legislative body.
Example: “the MP is playing on his constituents’ sense of regional identity to win votes”
Synonyms: voter, elector, member of the electorate, member of a constituency,

Broadly (adverb) ‫ واضح‬،‫وسیع نظر سے‬

in general and without considering minor details.

Example: “the climate is broadly similar in the two regions”
Synonyms: in general, on the whole, as a rule, in the main, mainly, predominantly, loosely
Antonyms: exactly

Decency (noun) ‫ سلیقہ‬،‫ معقولیت‬،‫شائستگی‬

behaviour that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.

Example: “she had the decency to come and confess”
Synonyms: propriety, decorum, seemliness, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness,
Antonyms: indecency, rudeness

Integrity (noun) ‫ اتحاد‬، ‫ دیانت‬،‫سا لمیت‬

the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Example: “a gentleman of complete integrity”
Synonyms: honesty, uprightness, probity, rectitude, honour, honourableness, upstandingness
Antonyms: dishonesty

Discretion (noun) ‫ اختیار‬،‫ صوابدید‬،‫قوت فیصلہ‬

the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offence or revealing
confidential information.
Example: “she knew she could rely on his discretion”
Synonyms: circumspection, care, carefulness, caution, wariness, chariness, guardedness
Antonyms: indiscretion, rashness
Euphemism (noun) ‫ شکر ریزی‬،‫خوش کالمی‬

a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt
when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
Example: “the jargon has given us ‘downsizing’ as a euphemism for cuts”
Synonyms: polite term, substitute, mild alternative, indirect term, understatement, underplaying
Antonyms: dysphemism, calling a spade a spade

Pursue (verb) ‫ پیروی کرنا‬،‫جاری رکھنا‬

follow or chase (someone or something).

Example: “the officer pursued the van”
Synonyms: go after, run after, follow, chase, give chase to, hunt, stalk, track
Antonyms: avoid, flee

Jittery (adjective) ‫ دباﺅ کا شکار‬،‫گھبرایا ہوا‬،

nervous or unable to relax.

Example: “caffeine makes me jittery”
Synonyms: nervous, anxious, worried, apprehensive, on edge, edgy, tense, strained,
Antonyms: cool, calm, relaxed, laid-back

Bigoted (adjective) ‫ ہٹ دھرمی‬،‫تعصب‬

obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, and intolerant towards other
people’s beliefs and practices.
Example: “a bigoted group of reactionaries”
Synonyms: prejudiced, biased, partial, one-sided, sectarian, discriminatory, intolerant, narrow-
Antonyms: tolerant, liberal

Destructive (adjective) ‫ برباد کرنےواال‬،‫ مہلک‬،‫تباہ کن‬

causing great and irreparable damage.

Example: “the destructive power of weapons”
Synonyms: devastating, ruinous, disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic, pernicious
Antonyms: non-violent, creative

Sedition (noun) ‫بغاوت‬

conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
Synonyms: incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, rabble-rousing, fomentation (of discontent)
Antonyms: union, allegiance, fealty, obedience

Warmth (noun) ‫ گرماہٹ‬،‫ گرمی کا احساس‬،‫گرمجوشی کا احساس‬

the quality, state, or sensation of being warm; moderate heat.

Example: “the warmth of the sun on her skin”
Synonyms: heat, warmness, hotness, cosiness, snugness, comfort, homeliness, mellowness
Antonyms: cool, chill

Aggravate (verb) ‫ بڑھکانا‬،‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫بگاڑنا‬

make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

Example: “military action would only aggravate the situation”
Synonyms: annoy, irritate, exasperate, anger, irk, vex, put out, nettle, provoke, incense
Antonyms: calm, conciliate

Sting (verb) ‫ ڈسنا‬،‫ڈنک مارنا‬

wound or pierce with a sting.

Example: “he was stung by a jellyfish”
Synonyms: prick, wound, injure, hurt, bite, nip, penetrate, poison, urticate
Antonyms: deter

Flimsy (adjective) ‫ کم حیثیت‬،‫ ناپائیدار‬،‫ بودا‬،‫ہلچل‬

insubstantial and easily damaged.
Example: “a flimsy barrier”
Synonyms: insubstantial, slight, light, fragile, breakable, frail, shaky, unstable, wobbly,
Antonyms: sturdy

Treason (noun) ‫ بغاوت‬،‫غداری‬

the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign
or government.
Example: “they were convicted of treason”
Synonyms: treachery, lese-majesty, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness, perfidy, perfidiousness,
Antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

Abrogate (verb) ‫ ختم کرنا‬،‫ مٹانا‬،‫منسوخ کرنا‬

repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).

Example: “a proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike”
Synonyms: repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, do away with,
Antonyms: institute, introduce

Eradicate (verb) ‫ استیصال‬،‫ مٹانا‬،‫جڑ سے اکھاڑنا‬

destroy completely; put an end to.

Example: “this disease has been eradicated from the world”
Synonyms: get rid of, eliminate, do away with, remove, suppress, exterminate, destroy
Antonyms: implant, import, instil, foster, propagate, cherish, encourage

Immunize (verb) ‫ حفاظتی ٹیکے لگوانا‬،‫ مامون کرنا‬،‫محفوظ بنانا‬

make (a person or animal) immune to infection, typically by inoculation.

Example: “the vaccine is used to immunize children against measles”
Synonyms: vaccinate, inoculate, inject, protect from, shield from, safeguard from, give someone
a jab

Brandish (verb) ‫ ہالنا‬،‫لہرانا‬

wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.
Example: “a man leaped out brandishing a knife”
Synonyms: flourish, wave, shake, wield, raise, hold aloft, swing, twirl, wag, swish
Antonyms: stay, arrest, suspend.

Dispensation (noun) ‫ فراہمی‬،‫ تقدیر ازل‬،‫قسمت‬

exemption from a rule or usual requirement.

Example: “although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her
Synonyms: exemption, immunity, exception, exclusion, exoneration, freedom, release, relief,

Antonyms: reservation, injunction, prohibition, enforcement

Endorsement (noun) ‫ چیک کی پشت پر دستخط کرنا‬،‫ تصدیق‬،‫توثیق‬

the action of endorsing someone or something.

Example: “the issue of full independence received overwhelming endorsement”
Synonyms: support, backing, approval, seal of approval, agreement, acceptance,
Antonyms: opposition

Batter (verb) ‫ منہدم کرنا‬،‫ اڑانا‬،‫مسمار کرنا‬

strike repeatedly with hard blows.

Example: “a prisoner was battered to death with a table leg”
Synonyms: pummel, pound, rain blows on, buffet, belabour, thrash, beat up, abuse,
Antonyms: go under, fall, help, lose, surrender, fail, heal, let go, aid, fix

Lingering (adjective) ‫ مدھم پڑ جانا‬،‫ سست رو‬،‫کاہل‬

lasting for a long time or slow to end.

Example: “there are still some lingering doubts in my mind”
Synonyms: remaining, surviving, persisting, abiding, nagging, niggling, gnawing, lasting
Antonyms: short-lived
Treacherous (adjective) ‫ دغا باز‬،‫ ناقابل اعتبار‬،‫غدار‬

guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.

Example: “a treacherous Gestapo agent”
Synonyms: traitorous, disloyal, perfidious, faithless, unfaithful, duplicitous, false-hearted,
Antonyms: loyal, faithful

Opaque (adjective) ‫ دھندال‬،‫ غیرشفاف‬،‫مبہم‬

not able to be seen through; not transparent.

Example: “bottles filled with a pale opaque liquid”
Synonyms: non-transparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, hazy, misty, dirty, dingy,
Antonyms: transparent, translucent, clear

Seldom (adverb) ‫ بہت کم‬،‫کبھی کبھار‬

not often; rarely.

Example: “Islay is seldom visited by tourists”
Synonyms: rarely, infrequently, on rare occasions, hardly ever, scarcely ever, hardly
Antonyms: often, frequently

Ratify (verb) ‫ منظوری دینا‬،‫جائز قرار دینا‬

sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid.
Example: “both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year”
Synonyms: confirm, approve, sanction, endorse, agree to, accept, consent to, assent to
Antonyms: reject, revoke

Succumb (verb) ‫ شکست مان لینا‬،‫ مجبورا ً تسلیم کرنا‬،‫ہار ماننا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in, be overcome by
Antonyms: resist, conquer
Impunity (noun) ‫ آزادی‬،‫ چھٹکارا‬، ‫استثنی‬
exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.
Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”

Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment

Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Triumph (noun) ‫ کامیابی‬،‫ جیت‬،‫فتح‬

a great victory or achievement.

Example: “a garden built to celebrate Napoleon’s many triumphs”
Synonyms: victory, win, conquest, success, achievement, ascendancy, mastery
Antonyms: defeat

Authoritarian (adjective) ‫ تحکم پسند‬،‫ استبدانہ‬،‫آمر‬

favouring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.

Example: “the transition from an authoritarian to a democratic regime”
Synonyms: autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian, despotic, tyrannical, autarchic, draconian,
Antonyms: democratic, liberal, lenient, permissive

Diatribe (noun) ‫ شدید تنقید‬،‫تلخ تنقید‬

a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.

Example: “a diatribe against consumerism”
Synonyms: tirade, harangue, verbal onslaught, verbal attack, stream of abuse, denunciation,
broadside, fulmination
Antonyms: compliment, recommendation, sanction, tribute

Fawn (noun) ‫ خوشامد کرنا‬،‫ ہرن کا بچہ‬،‫ننھا ہرن‬

a young deer in its first year.

Example: “a six-month-old roe fawn”
Synonyms: beige, yellowish brown, pale brown, buff, sand, sandy, oatmeal, wheaten, biscuit

Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ من مانے طورسے‬،‫ خودمختار‬،‫صوابدیدی‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic, unpredictable, inconsistent
Antonyms: rational, reasoned

Ephemeral (adjective) ‫چند روزہ‬،‫ عارضی‬،‫کم حیات‬

lasting for a very short time.

Example: “fashions are ephemeral: new ones regularly drive out the old”
Synonyms: transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, short-lived, momentary, brief, short
Antonyms: long-lived, permanent

Enormity (noun) ‫بداخالقی‬،‫ سنگین جرم‬،‫سخت برائی‬

the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally
Example: “a thorough search disclosed the full enormity of the crime”
Synonyms: wickedness, evilness, vileness, baseness, blackness, depravity, outrageousness
Antonyms: goodness

Stigmatize (verb) ‫رسوا کرنا‬،‫داغدار کرنا‬

describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.

Example: “the institution was stigmatized as a last resort for the destitute”
Synonyms: condemn, denounce, brand, label, mark out, disparage, vilify, pillory, pour scorn on
Antonyms: panegyrize, land, eulogize

Ostensibly (adverb) ً‫ ظاہرا‬،‫ بناوٹی طور پر‬،‫ظاہر ہے‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly,

Indigenous (adjective) ‫ سودیشی‬،‫ ملکی‬،‫مقامی‬

originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

Example: “the indigenous peoples of Siberia”
Synonyms: native, aboriginal, local, original, earliest, first, initial, ancient, primeval
Antonyms: expatriate, migrant, adventitious

Mitigate (verb) ‫ اصل سے کم کا اندازہ لگانا‬،‫ کمی‬،‫تخفیف کرنا‬

make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”

Synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off
Antonyms: aggravate, increase, intensify

Rigid (adjective) ‫ غیر لچکدار‬،‫ کرخت‬،‫سخت‬

unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible.

Example: “a seat of rigid orange plastic”
Synonyms: stiff, hard, firm, inflexible, non-flexible, unbending, unyielding, inelastic
Antonyms: flexible, plastic

Arrogant (adjective) ‫ گستاخی‬،‫ مغرور‬،‫متکبر‬

having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities.

Example: “he’s arrogant and opinionated”
Synonyms: haughty, conceited, hubristic, self-important, opinionated, egotistic, full of oneself,
Antonyms: humble, modest

Miserable (adjective) ‫ بدنصیب‬،‫ خستہ حال‬،‫دکھی‬

(of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.

Example: “their happiness made Anne feel even more miserable”
Synonyms: unhappy, sad, sorrowful, dejected, depressed, downcast, downhearted, down,
Antonyms: happy, contented

Subterfuge (noun) ‫عذر‬،‫ حجت‬،‫حیلہ‬

deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.

Example: “he had to use subterfuge and bluff on many occasions”
Synonyms: trickery, intrigue, deviousness, evasion, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating
Antonyms: honesty, openness

Bustle (verb) ‫ ہنگامہ‬،‫ بھاگ دوڑ کرنا‬،‫ہلچل‬

move in an energetic and busy manner.

Example: “people clutching clipboards bustled about”
Synonyms: rush, dash, scurry, scuttle, scamper, scramble, flutter, fuss, hurry, hasten,
Antonyms: amble

Noxious (adjective) ‫ موذی‬،‫ مضر‬،‫مضحکہ خیز‬

harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.

Example: “they were overcome by the noxious fumes”
Synonyms: poisonous, toxic, deadly, virulent, harmful, dangerous, pernicious, damaging,
Antonyms: innocuous, safe, pleasant

Veracity (noun) ‫ راست بازی‬،‫ راست گوئی‬،‫صداقت‬

conformity to facts; accuracy.

Example: “officials expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story”
Synonyms: truthfulness, truth, accuracy, accurateness, correctness, exactness, precision,
Antonyms: falsity

Stringent (adjective) ‫ بہت سخت‬،‫ کڑی‬،‫شدید‬

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Example: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding,
Antonyms: lenient, flexible

Trivialize (verb) ‫ خفیف کرنا‬،‫ بے قدر کرنا‬،‫بے لطف کرنا‬

make (something) seem less important, significant, or complex than it really is.
Example: “the problem was either trivialized or ignored by teachers”

Synonyms: treat as unimportant, minimize, play down, underplay, make light of, treat lightly,
make little of
Antonyms: make a big thing of

Anguish (noun) ‫ تکلیف‬،‫ کوفت‬،‫ذہنی اذیت‬

severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

Example: “she shut her eyes in anguish”
Synonyms: agony, pain, torment, torture, suffering, distress, angst, misery, sorrow, grief
Antonyms: happiness, contentment

Frivolous (adjective) ‫ خفیف‬،‫غیر سنجیدہ‬

not having any serious purpose or value.
Example: “frivolous ribbons and lacy frills”
Synonyms: flippant, glib, waggish, joking, jokey, light-hearted, facetious, fatuous, inane,
Antonyms: serious, practical, important

Dissent (noun) ‫ اختالف رائے‬،‫ مخالف ہونا‬،‫اختالف‬

the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Example: “there was no dissent from this view”
Synonyms: disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute, demur,
Antonyms: agreement, acceptance

Opportune (adjective) ‫ ٹھیک‬،‫ بروقت‬،‫مناسب‬

(of a time) especially convenient or appropriate for a particular action or event.

Example: “he couldn’t have arrived at a less opportune moment”
Synonyms: auspicious, propitious, favourable, advantageous, heaven-sent, golden, good, right,
Antonyms: disadvantageous, ill-timed

Vague (adjective) ‫ گول مول‬،‫ مبہم‬،‫غیر واضح‬

of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.

Example: “many patients suffer vague symptoms”
Synonyms: indistinct, indefinite, indeterminate, unclear, hazy, cloudy, fuzzy, misty, lacking
Antonyms: clear, precise, firm, sharpness

Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ بے قاعدہ‬،‫ من مانی‬،‫خودمختار‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic, unpredictable, inconsistent, wild
Antonyms: rational, reasoned

Jeopardize (verb) ‫ خطرے میں ڈالنا‬،‫نقصان پہنچانا‬

put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
Example: “a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York’s position as a financial
Synonyms: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at risk, expose to risk, put in danger
Antonyms: safeguard

Inclination (noun) ‫ رغبت‬،‫ شوق‬،‫لگاﺅ‬

a person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

Example: “Qadeer was a scientist by training and inclination”
Synonyms: tendency, propensity, proclivity, leaning, predisposition, disposition, predilection,
Antonyms: aversion, disinclination

Evade (verb) ‫ ٹال مٹول‬،‫ بچ جانا‬،‫بچنا‬

escape or avoid (someone or something), especially by guile or trickery.

Example: “friends helped him to evade capture for a time”

Synonyms: elude, avoid, dodge, escape (from), stay away from, steer clear of, run away from
Antonyms: confront, run into

Vigilance (noun) ‫ چوکسی‬،‫ہوشیاری‬

the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Example: “security duties that demand long hours of vigilance”
Synonyms: watchfulness, careful observation, surveillance, attentiveness, attention, alertness,
Antonyms: inattentiveness

Scrupulous (adjective) ‫ محتاط‬،‫ محنتی‬،‫فرض شناس‬

(of a person or process) careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.
Example: “the research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail”
Synonyms: careful, meticulous, painstaking, thorough, assiduous, sedulous, attentive, diligent
Antonyms: careless, slapdash

Condone (verb) ‫ درگذر کرنا‬،‫ تعزیر کرنا‬،‫معاف کرنا‬

accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive).

Example: “the college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs”
Synonyms: deliberately ignore, not take into consideration, disregard, take no notice of, take no
account of
Antonyms: condemn, punish

Hypocrisy (noun) ‫ ریاکار‬،‫ فریب‬،‫منافقت‬

the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.
Example: “his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life”
Synonyms: sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, pietism, piousness, affected piety, affected
Antonyms: honesty, sincerity

Dissonance (noun) ‫ عدم اطمینان‬،‫ بے جوڑ‬،‫ناہمواری‬

lack of harmony among musical notes.

Example: “an unusual degree of dissonance for such choral styles”
Synonyms: inharmoniousness, discordance, atonality, cacophony, harshness, stridency, grating
Antonyms: harmony, similarity

Vicious (adjective) ‫ فاسق‬،‫ نااہل‬،‫شیطانی‬

deliberately cruel or violent.

Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent
Grotesque (adjective) ‫ بگڑی ہوئی شکل‬،‫حیرت انگیز‬

comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.

Example: “a figure wearing a grotesque mask”
Synonyms: malformed, deformed, misshapen, misproportioned, distorted, twisted, gnarled
Antonyms: ordinary, normal

Stimulus (noun) ‫ معلومات‬،‫ تحریک‬،‫ اشتعال‬،‫محرک‬

a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.

Example: “areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli”
Synonyms: spur, stimulant, encouragement, impetus, boost, prompt, prod, incentive, inducement
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement

Enormous (adjective) ‫ غیر معمولی‬،‫ قوی ہیکل‬،‫بہت زیادہ‬

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Example: “enormous sums of money”
Synonyms: huge, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, boundless, immeasurable, limitless
Antonyms: tiny

Simultaneously (adverb) ‫ ایک ساتھ‬،‫ بیک وقت‬،‫ایک ہی وقت میں‬

at the same time.

Example: “the telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks”
Synonyms: at the same time, at one and the same time, at the same instant/moment, at once,
Antonyms: singly

Guise (noun) ‫کردار‬،‫ بہروپ‬،‫ لباس‬،‫بھیس‬

an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of
Example: “he visited in the guise of an inspector”
Synonyms: likeness, external appearance, appearance, semblance, form, outward form, shape
Antonyms: character, person, individual, sentiment
Autonomy (noun) ‫ خود اختیاری‬،‫خود مختاری‬

the right or condition of self-government.

Example: “between the First and Second World Wars, Canada gained greater autonomy from
Synonyms: self-government, independence, self-rule, home rule, sovereignty, self-determination
Antonyms: coercion, compulsion, constraint

Haphazard (adjective) ‫ بے ہنگم‬،‫اتفاقیہ طور پر‬

lacking any obvious principle of organization.

Example: “the music business works in a haphazard fashion”
Synonyms: random, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, disorganized, disorderly, irregular,
Antonyms: methodical, systematic

Disarray (noun) ‫ تذب بذب‬،‫ذہنی الجھاﺅ‬

a state of disorganization or untidiness.

Example: “her grey hair was in disarray”
Synonyms: disorder, confusion, chaos, untidiness, dishevelment, mess, muddle, clutter, jumble
Antonyms: tidiness, orderliness

Trivial (adjective) ‫ادنی‬

ٰ ،‫ حقیر‬،‫معمولی‬
of little value or importance.
Example: “huge fines were imposed for trivial offences”
Synonyms: unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, minor, of no/little account, of no/little
Antonyms: important, significant, life-and-death

Gruesome (adjective) ‫ ہولناک‬،‫ ڈراﺅنا یا بھیانک‬،‫لرزہ خیز‬

causing repulsion or horror; grisly.
Example: “the most gruesome murder”
Synonyms: grisly, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-chilling
Antonyms: pleasant

Flout (verb) ‫ ہنسی اڑانا‬،‫طعنہ دینا‬

openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention).

Example: “the advertising code is being flouted”
Synonyms: defy, refuse to obey, go against, rebel against, scorn, disdain, show contempt for
Antonyms: observe

Abrupt (adjective) ‫ غیر متوقع‬،‫اچانک‬

sudden and unexpected.

Example: “I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject”
Synonyms: sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried, hasty, quick, swift, rapid, speedy
Antonyms: gradual, unhurried

Erratic (adjective) ‫ سرگرداں‬،‫ ڈانواڈول‬،‫غیر یقینی‬

not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.

Example: “her breathing was erratic”
Synonyms: unpredictable, inconsistent, changeable, variable, inconstant, uncertain, irregular
Antonyms: predictable, consistent

Daunt (verb) ‫ ڈرانے واال‬،‫بے دل کرنا‬

make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive.

Example: “some people are daunted by technology”
Synonyms: intimidate, abash, take aback, shake, ruffle, throw, demoralize, discourage, deter
Antonyms: encourage, hearten

Cohesion (noun) ‫ مالپ‬،‫ ربط‬،‫ہم آہنگی‬

the action or fact of forming a united whole.
Example: “the work at present lacks cohesion”
Synonyms: unity, togetherness, solidarity, bond, sticking together, continuity, coherence,

Behest (noun) ‫ حکم‬،‫ایمائ‬

a person’s orders or command.

Example: “they had assembled at his behest”
Synonyms: instruction, bidding, request, requirement, wish, desire, command, order, decree
Antonyms: option, liberty, non-interference, discretion

Forgo (verb) ‫ ہاتھ دھوبیٹھنا‬،‫ چھوڑ دینا‬،‫ترک کرنا‬

go without (something desirable).

Example: “she wanted to forgo the tea and leave while they could”
Synonyms: do without, go without, give up, waive, renounce, surrender, disavow, relinquish,
part with
Antonyms: keep

Gargantuan (adjective) ‫ دیوقامت‬،‫ بہت بڑا‬،‫جسیم‬

Example: “a gargantuan appetite”
Synonyms: enormous, extremely big, extremely large, massive, huge, colossal, vast, immense
Antonyms: tiny

Ramification (noun) ‫ افزائش‬،‫ شاخ در شاخ‬،‫تقسیم‬

a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.

Example: “any change is bound to have legal ramifications”
Synonyms: consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect, upshot, issue, sequel, complication
Antonyms: line, trunk, stem, bole, course, thread, sequence
Expedite (verb) ‫ جلدی کرنا‬،‫ جلد بازی کرنا‬،‫پھرتی‬

make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.

Example: “he promised to expedite economic reforms”
Synonyms: speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken, precipitate, rush, advance
Antonyms: delay, hinder

Gruesome (adjective) ‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫ بھیانک‬،‫لرزہ خیز‬

causing repulsion or horror; grisly.

Example: “the most gruesome murder”
Synonyms: grisly, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-chilling
Antonyms: pleasant

Rigorous (adjective) ‫ کٹھن‬،‫ بے رحم‬،‫سخت‬

extremely thorough and careful.

Example: “the rigorous testing of consumer products”
Synonyms: meticulous, punctilious, conscientious, careful, diligent, attentive, ultra-careful,
Antonyms: slapdash

Nullify (verb) ‫ کالعدم قرار دینا‬،‫ مسترد کرنا‬،‫منسوخ کرنا‬

make legally null and void; invalidate.

Example: “judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions”
Synonyms: annul, declare null and void, render null and void, void, invalidate, render invalid,
repeal, reverse
Antonyms: ratify, validate, confirm

Restraint (noun) ‫ بندش‬،‫ ممانعت‬،‫محدود‬

a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control.

Example: “decisions are made within the financial restraints of the budget”

Synonyms: constraint, check, control, restriction, limitation, curtailment, rein, bridle

Antonyms: incitement
Blatant (adjective) ‫ اودھم مچانے واال‬،‫ واضح‬،‫کھلم کھال‬

(of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.

Example: “blatant lies”
Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised, unconcealed, overt, open, transparent, patent
Antonyms: inconspicuous, subtle

Exploitation (noun) ‫استحصال‬

the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
Example: “the exploitation of migrant workers”
Synonyms: taking advantage, making use, abuse of, misuse, ill treatment, unfair treatment,
bleeding dry, sucking dry
Antonyms: misapply, misuse

Truce (noun) ‫ عارضی صلح‬،‫جنگ بندی‬

an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
Example: “the guerrillas called a three-day truce”
Synonyms: ceasefire, armistice, suspension of hostilities, cessation of hostilities, peace, break,
Antonyms: fighting, hostilities

Dislodge (verb) ‫ نکال دینا‬،‫ختم کرنا‬

knock or force out of position.

Example: “the hoofs of their horses dislodged loose stones”
Synonyms: remove, move, shift, displace, knock out of place, knock out of position
Antonyms: conceal, hide

Florid (adjective) ‫ زریں‬،‫ رنگین‬،‫گلفام‬

having a red or flushed complexion.

Example: “a stout man with a florid face”
Synonyms: ruddy, red, red-faced, reddish, rosy, rosy-cheeked, pink, pinkish, roseate, rubicund
Antonyms: pale

Pledge (verb) ‫ عہد کرنا‬،‫ گرو‬، ‫ کفالت‬،‫گروی‬

commit (a person or organization) by a solemn promise.

Example: “the government pledged itself to deal with environmental problems”
Synonyms: promise, give one’s word, vow, swear, give an assurance, give an undertaking
Antonyms: word, promise, assurance, parole

Promulgate (verb) ‫ شائع کرنا‬،‫اعالن کرنا‬

promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).

Example: “these objectives have to be promulgated within the organization”
Synonyms: make known, make public, publicize, spread, communicate, propagate, disseminate,
Antonyms: repress, conceal, suppress, stifle, hush, burke

Proviso (noun) ‫ اقرار‬،‫ عہد نامے‬،‫شرط‬

a condition or qualification attached to an agreement or statement.

Example: “he let his house with the proviso that his own staff should remain to run it”
Synonyms: condition, stipulation, provision, clause, rider, qualification, restriction, reservation

Aisle (noun) ‫ طویل تنگ راستہ‬،‫بغلی راستہ‬

a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theatre, an aircraft, or train.
Example: “the musical had the audience dancing in the aisles”
Synonyms: passage, passageway, corridor, gangway, walkway, path, lane, alley
Antonyms: divide, separate

Rampant (adjective) ‫ وحشیانہ‬،‫ حد سے زیادہ‬،‫روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی‬

(especially of something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked.

Example: “political violence was rampant”
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled, widespread, pandemic, epidemic
Antonyms: controlled, under control

Opaque (adjective) ‫ دھندال‬،‫ غیر شفاف‬،‫مبہم‬

not able to be seen through; not transparent.

Example: “bottles filled with a pale opaque liquid”
Synonyms: non-transparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, hazy, misty, dirty, dingy
Antonyms: transparent, translucent, clear

Embryonic (adjective) ‫ ادھورا‬،‫ خام‬،‫جینیاتی‬

relating to an embryo.
Example: “slight differences in embryonic development”
Synonyms: fetal, unborn, unhatched
Antonyms: mature

Maverick (noun) ‫ آزاد رہنے واال‬،‫آزاد خیال‬

an unorthodox or independent-minded person.

Example: “he’s the maverick of the senate”
Synonyms: individualist, nonconformist, free spirit, unorthodox person, unconventional person
Antonyms: conformist

Bonhomie (noun) ‫خوش مزاجی‬،‫ دوستانہ‬،‫کشادہ دلی‬

cheerful friendliness; geniality.

Example: “he exuded good humour and bonhomie”
Synonyms: geniality, congeniality, conviviality, cordiality, affability, amiability, sociability,
Antonyms: coldness

Gaudy (adjective) ‫ پرتکلف‬،‫بھڑکیال‬

extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless.
Example: “silver bows and gaudy ribbons”
Synonyms: garish, lurid, loud, over-bright, glaring, harsh, violent, flashy, showy, glittering
Antonyms: drab, tasteful

Reciprocate (verb) ‫ باہم تبادلہ کرنا‬،‫بدلہ دینا‬

respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.

Example: “the favour was reciprocated”
Synonyms: do the same (in return), respond in kind, return the favour, give as good as one gets
Antonyms: absolve, acquit, excuse, forget

Epitomize (verb) ‫ انتخاب کرنا‬،‫ خالسہ کرنا‬،‫لب لباب پیش کرنا‬

be a perfect example of.

Example: “the company epitomized the problems faced by British industry”
Synonyms: embody, give form/shape to, incorporate, typify, exemplify, represent, be
representative of
Antonyms: expand on, elaborate

Stifle (verb) ‫ سختی سے کچلنا‬،‫ بیخ کنی‬،‫دباﺅ ڈالنا‬

make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate.

Example: “those in the streets were stifled by the fumes”
Synonyms: suffocate, choke, asphyxiate, smother, very hot, sweltering, airless, suffocating
Antonyms: cold, chilly

Rebuff (verb) ‫ اچانک روک‬،‫ انکار‬،‫جھڑکنا‬

reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner.

Example: “I asked her to be my wife, and was rebuffed in no uncertain terms”
Synonyms: reject, turn down, spurn, refuse, decline, repudiate, disdain, snub, slight
Antonyms: accept, welcome

Agitation (noun) ‫ بے تاب‬،‫ احتجاج‬،‫ذہنی بے چینی‬

a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.
Example: “she was wringing her hands in agitation”
Synonyms: anxiety, perturbation, disquiet, distress, concern, trouble, alarm, worry, upset
Antonyms: calmness, relaxation

Compulsion (noun) ‫ دباﺅ‬،‫ زبردستی‬،‫مجبوری‬

the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint.

Example: “the payment was made under compulsion”
Synonyms: obligation, constraint, force, coercion, duress, pressure, pressurization, enforcement
Antonyms: choice, liberty, free will, uncertainty, option

Abdication ‫ علیحدہ ہونا‬،‫ تخت چھوڑنا‬،‫دستبردار ہونا‬

an act of abdicating or renouncing the throne.

Example: “Edward VIII did not marry until after his abdication”
Synonyms: resignation, retirement, relinquishment, renunciation, giving up, surrender,
Antonyms: coronation

Aggravate (verb) ‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫ بگاڑنا‬،‫بڑھکانا‬

Example: make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

“military action would only aggravate the situation”
Synonyms: annoy, irritate, exasperate, anger, irk, vex, put out, nettle, provoke, incense
Antonyms: calm, conciliate

Strenuous (adjective) ‫ توانا‬،‫ توانا‬،‫سخت محنتی‬

requiring or using great effort or exertion.

Example: “the government made strenuous efforts to upgrade the quality of the teaching
Synonyms: arduous, difficult, hard, tough, taxing, demanding, exacting, uphill, stiff, formidable
Antonyms: easy, effortless, half-hearted, feeble
Groan (verb) ‫ غم کی آواز‬،‫ آہ‬،‫کراہنا‬

make a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc.

Example: “Marty groaned and pulled the blanket over his head”
Synonyms: moan, murmur, whine, whimper, mewl, bleat, sigh, wail, howl, sob
Antonyms: giggle, cackle, chuckle, titter, laugh

Populace (noun) ‫ عام لوگ‬،‫عوام الناس‬

the people living in a particular country or area.

Example: “the party misjudged the mood of the populace”
Synonyms: population, inhabitants, residents, natives, occupants, occupiers, community, country
Antonyms: A-list, society, fat, peerage, pride

Stupendous (adjective) ‫ حیرت افزا‬،‫عظیم الشان‬

extremely impressive.
Example: “the most stupendous views”
Synonyms: amazing, astounding, astonishing, extraordinary, remarkable, wonderful, prodigious
Antonyms: run-of-the-mill, ordinary

Contentious (adjective) ‫ فتنہ ساز‬،‫ جھگڑالو‬،‫متنازعہ‬

causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.

Example: “a contentious issue”
Synonyms: controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, contended, open to question/debate
Antonyms: uncontroversial

Disdain (noun) ‫ حقیر سمجھنا‬،‫نفرت کرنا‬

the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect.

Example: “her upper lip curled in disdain”
Synonyms: contempt, scorn, scornfulness, contemptuousness, derision, disrespect, disparagemen
Antonyms: admiration, respect
Echelon (noun) ‫ طبقے یا اختیار کا درجہ‬،‫ترتیب دینا‬

a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.

Example: “the upper echelons of the business world”
Synonyms: level, rank, grade, step, rung, tier, stratum, plane, position, order, division, sector
Antonyms: unemployment

Destructive (adjective) ‫ برباد کرنےواال‬،‫ مہلک‬،‫تباہ کن‬

causing great and irreparable damage.

Example: “the destructive power of weapons”
Synonyms: devastating, ruinous, disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic, pernicious,
Antonyms: non-violent, creative

Ambition (noun) ‫ ہوس‬،‫ امنگ‬،‫خواہش‬

a strong desire to do or achieve something.

Example: “her ambition was to become a pilot”
Synonyms: aspiration, intention, goal, aim, objective, object, purpose, intent, plan, scheme
Antonyms: indifference, inappetency, contentment, moderation

Beleaguer (verb) ‫ محاصرہ کرنا‬،‫ تنگ کرنا‬، ‫چھیڑنا‬

lay siege to.

Example: “he led a relief force to the aid of the beleaguered city”
Synonyms: besieged, under siege, blockaded, surrounded, encircled, hemmed in, under attack
Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, release, rescue

Culminate (verb) ‫ اوج پر ہونا‬،‫اختتام پذیر ہونا‬

reach a climax or point of highest development.

Example: “weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate”
Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a crescendo, come to a head, reach a finale, peak, climax,
Antonyms: start, begin, peter out

Inalienable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل انتقال‬،‫ناقابل معافی‬

not subject to being taken away from or given away by the possessor.
Example: “the shareholders have the inalienable right to dismiss directors”
Synonyms: inviolable, absolute, sacrosanct, unchallengeable, unassailable, untransferable, non-
Antonyms: negotiable, conveyable, assignable, alienable, transferrable

Indulgence (noun) ‫ اختیار‬،‫ شوق‬،‫لذت‬

the action or fact of indulging.

Example: “indulgence in self-pity”
Synonyms: satisfaction, satisfying, gratification, gratifying, fulfilment, fulfilling, satiation,
Antonyms: denial, moderation

Coercion (noun) ‫ جبر کرنا‬،‫ دباﺅ‬،‫زبردستی‬

the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enforcement, harassment,

Antonyms: persuasion

Conducive (adjective) ‫ باعث‬،‫مددگار‬

making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Example: “the harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere”
Synonyms: good for, helpful to, instrumental in, calculated to produce, productive of, useful for
Antonyms: unfavourable

Ostensibly (adverb) ً‫ ظاہرا‬،‫ بناوٹی طور پر‬،‫ظاہر ہے‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.
Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all
intents and purposes
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Spasm (noun) ‫ کھچاوٹ‬،‫مروڑ‬

a sudden involuntary muscular contraction or convulsive movement.

Example: “shifting heavy loads without help brought on muscular back spasms”

Synonyms: convulsion, contraction, throes, cramp, twitch, jerk, tic, start, shudder, shiver

Virulent (adjective) ‫ ہالکت آفرینی‬،‫ زہریال‬،‫وحشی‬

(of a disease or poison) extremely severe or harmful in its effects.

Example: “a virulent strain of influenza”
Synonyms: poisonous, toxic, venomous, noxious, deadly, lethal, fatal, mortal, terminal
Antonyms: non-toxic, harmless, safe, non-contagious

Divisive (adjective) ‫ باعث تقسیم‬،‫تفرقہ آمیز‬

tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.

Example: “the highly divisive issue of abortion”
Synonyms: alienating, estranging, isolating, schismatic, discordant, disharmonious,
Antonyms: unifying

Beleaguer (verb) ‫ محاصرہ کرنا‬،‫ تنگ کرنا‬، ‫چھیڑنا‬

lay siege to.

Example: “he led a relief force to the aid of the beleaguered city”
Synonyms: besieged, under siege, blockaded, surrounded, encircled, hemmed in, under attack
Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, release, rescue

Culminate (verb) ‫ اوج پر ہونا‬،‫اختتام پذیر ہونا‬

reach a climax or point of highest development.

Example: “weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate”
Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a crescendo, come to a head, reach a finale, peak, climax,
Antonyms: start, begin, peter out

Inalienable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل انتقال‬،‫ناقابل معافی‬

not subject to being taken away from or given away by the possessor.
Example: “the shareholders have the inalienable right to dismiss directors”
Synonyms: inviolable, absolute, sacrosanct, unchallengeable, unassailable, untransferable, non-
Antonyms: negotiable, conveyable, assignable, alienable, transferrable

Indulgence (noun) ‫ اختیار‬،‫ شوق‬،‫لذت‬

the action or fact of indulging.

Example: “indulgence in self-pity”
Synonyms: satisfaction, satisfying, gratification, gratifying, fulfilment, fulfilling, satiation,
Antonyms: denial, moderation

Coercion (noun) ‫ جبر کرنا‬،‫ دباﺅ‬،‫زبردستی‬

the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enforcement, harassment,

Antonyms: persuasion

Conducive (adjective) ‫ باعث‬،‫مددگار‬

making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Example: “the harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere”
Synonyms: good for, helpful to, instrumental in, calculated to produce, productive of, useful for
Antonyms: unfavourable

Ostensibly (adverb) ً‫ ظاہرا‬،‫ بناوٹی طور پر‬،‫ظاہر ہے‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all
intents and purposes
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Spasm (noun) ‫ کھچاوٹ‬،‫مروڑ‬

a sudden involuntary muscular contraction or convulsive movement.

Example: “shifting heavy loads without help brought on muscular back spasms”

Synonyms: convulsion, contraction, throes, cramp, twitch, jerk, tic, start, shudder, shiver

Virulent (adjective) ‫ ہالکت آفرینی‬،‫ زہریال‬،‫وحشی‬

(of a disease or poison) extremely severe or harmful in its effects.

Example: “a virulent strain of influenza”
Synonyms: poisonous, toxic, venomous, noxious, deadly, lethal, fatal, mortal, terminal
Antonyms: non-toxic, harmless, safe, non-contagious

Divisive (adjective) ‫ باعث تقسیم‬،‫تفرقہ آمیز‬

tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.

Example: “the highly divisive issue of abortion”
Synonyms: alienating, estranging, isolating, schismatic, discordant, disharmonious,
Antonyms: unifying

Flaunt (verb) ‫ اکڑنا‬،‫ شان دکھانا‬،‫اکڑ دکھانا‬

display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show

Example: “newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity”
Synonyms: show off, display ostentatiously, draw attention to, make a (great) show of, put on
Antonyms: be modest about, hide

Demonstrate (verb) ‫ ثابت کرنا‬،‫ ظاہر کرنا‬،‫مظاہرہ‬

give a practical exhibition and explanation of (how a machine, skill, or craft works or is
Example: “computerized design methods will be demonstrated”
Synonyms: give a demonstration of, show how something is done, show how something works,
Antonyms: hide

Linger (verb) ‫ دیر لگانا‬،‫ مدھم پڑ جانا‬،‫تاخیر‬

stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.

Example: “she lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine”
Synonyms: wait around, stay, remain, stay put, wait, loiter, dawdle, dally, take one’s time
Antonyms: leave

Bellicose (adjective) ‫ لڑاکو‬،‫پھڈے باز‬

demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.

Example: “a mood of bellicose jingoism”
Synonyms: belligerent, aggressive, hostile, threatening, antagonistic, pugnacious, truculent
Antonyms: peaceable

Indulge (verb) ‫ خوش کرنا‬،‫مطمئن کرنا‬

allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.

Example: “we indulged in a cream tea”
Synonyms: wallow in, give oneself up to, give way to, yield to, abandon oneself to, give rein to
Antonyms: stifle
Fanatical (adjective) ‫ متعصبانہ‬،‫جنونی‬

filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.

Example: “fanatical revolutionaries”
Synonyms: zealous, extremist, extreme, militant, dogmatic, sectarian, bigoted, rabid
Antonyms: moderate, open-minded

Browbeat (verb) ‫ دھمکانا‬،‫ ہراساں کرنا‬،‫دھونس جمانا‬

intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words.
Example: “a witness is being browbeaten under cross-examination”
Synonyms: bully, hector, intimidate, force, coerce, compel, badger, dragoon, cow, bludgeon
Antonyms: cheer, comfort, console, reassure, solace, soothe

Dissuade (verb) ‫ حائل ہونا‬،‫ روکنا‬،‫ منع کرنا‬،‫ختم کرنا‬

persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.

Example: “his friends tried to dissuade him from flying”

Synonyms: discourage, deter, prevent, disincline, turn aside, divert, sidetrack, talk out of
Antonyms: persuade, encourage

Cultivate (verb) ‫ جوتنا‬،‫ پرورش کرنا‬،‫کاشت کرنا‬

prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.

Example: “the peasants who cultivated the land became its owners”
Synonyms: till, plough, dig, turn, hoe, farm, work, prepare, fertilize, mulch
Antonyms: ignore

Rivalry (noun) ‫ رقابت‬،‫ ٹکر‬،‫دشمنی‬

competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.
Example: “there always has been intense rivalry between the clubs”
Synonyms: competitiveness, competition, contention, vying, opposition, conflict, struggle, strife,
Antonyms: cooperation, harmony, calm, peace, agreement, concord
Envoy (noun) ‫ ایلچی‬،‫ سفیر‬،‫قاصد‬

a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission.

Example: “the UN special envoy to Yugoslavia”
Synonyms: representative, delegate, deputy, agent, intermediary, mediator, negotiator, proxy
Antonyms: captain, receiver

Battered (adjective) ‫ مسمار کرنا‬،‫پٹا ہوا‬

injured by repeated blows or punishment.

Example: “he finished the day battered and bruised”
Synonyms: beaten, assaulted, thrashed, hit, thumped, abused, maltreated, ill-treated
Antonyms: unaffected, unabused.

Consent (verb) ‫ راضی ہونا‬،‫ اقرار کرنا‬،‫رضا مندی‬

give permission for something to happen.

Example: “he consented to a search by a detective”
Synonyms: agree to, assent to, allow, give permission for, sanction, accept, approve, acquiesce
in, go along with
Antonyms: dissent, forbid

Deride (verb) ‫ مذاق اڑانا‬،‫تضحیک کرنا‬

express contempt for; ridicule.

Example: “the decision was derided by environmentalists”
Synonyms: ridicule, mock, jeer at, scoff at, jibe at, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at
Antonyms: respect, praise

Invade (verb) ‫ چڑھائی کرنا‬،‫حملہ کرنا‬

(of an armed force) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it.
Example: “during the Second World War the island was invaded by the Axis powers”
Synonyms: occupy, conquer, capture, seize, take (over), annex, win, gain, secure, march into
Antonyms: withdraw from

Despise (verb) ‫ ناپسند کرنا‬،‫حقیر جاننا‬

feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.

Example: “he despised himself for being selfish”
Synonyms: detest, hate, loathe, abhor, abominate, execrate, regard with contempt, feel contempt
Antonyms: like, respect

Precarious (adjective) ‫ غیر مستحکم‬،‫خطرناک‬

dependent on chance; uncertain.

Example: “he made a precarious living as a painter”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risky,
Antonyms: safe, secure

Derive (verb) ‫ حاصل کرنا‬،‫اخذ کرنا‬

obtain something from (a specified source).

Example: “they derived great comfort from this assurance”
Synonyms: obtain, get, take, gain, acquire, procure, extract, attain, glean
Antonyms: give rise to

Substantially (adverb) ‫ دراصل‬،‫کافی حد تک‬

to a great or significant extent.

Example: “profits grew substantially”
Synonyms: considerably, significantly, greatly, a great deal, to a great extent, to a large extent
Antonyms: slightly

Imbroglio (noun) ‫ پیچیدہ معاملہ‬،‫گتھی‬

an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.
Example: “the abdication imbroglio of 1936”
Synonyms: complicated situation, complication, complexity, problem, difficulty, predicament,
plight, trouble
Antonyms: agreement, ease, harmony, peace

Turmoil (noun) ‫فساد‬،‫ ہلچل‬،‫ہنگامہ‬

a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.

Example: “the country was in turmoil”
Synonyms: confusion, upheaval(s), turbulence, tumult, disorder, commotion, disturbance,
agitation, ferment
Antonyms: calm, peace

Milieu (noun) ‫معاشرتی ماحول‬

a person’s social environment.

Example: “Gregory came from the same aristocratic milieu as Sidonius”
Synonyms: environment, background, backdrop, setting, context, atmosphere, scene

Reverberation (noun) ‫ گونج‬،‫ انعکاس‬،‫تکرار‬

prolongation of a sound; resonance.

Example: “electronic effects have been added, such as echo and reverberation”
Synonyms: resonance, echo, echoing, re-echoing, resounding, pulsation, vibration
Antonyms: cavernous, hollow, faint, low, muted

Obscenity (noun) ‫ بے شرمی‬،‫فحاشی‬

the state or quality of being obscene.

Example: “the book was banned for obscenity”
Synonyms: indecency, immorality, impropriety, salaciousness, smuttiness, smut, lewdness,
rudeness, vulgarity
Antonyms: decency, blessing, compliment, delight, goodness
Exhort (verb) ‫ جوش‬،‫ حوصلہ افزائی‬،‫نصیحت کرنا‬

strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.

Example: “I exhorted her to be a good child”
Synonyms: urge, encourage, call on, enjoin, adjure, charge, try to persuade, press, pressure,
Antonyms: discourage

Emanate (verb) ‫ظاہر ہونا‬

(of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source).

Example: “warmth emanated from the fireplace”
Synonyms: emerge, flow, pour, proceed, issue, ensue, come out, come forth, spread out
Antonyms: terminate, culminate, end, evene, issue, arrive, eventuate

Obfuscate (verb) ‫ اندھیرا کرنا‬،‫ تاریک کرنا‬،‫دھندال کرنا‬

make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.

Example: “the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their
etymological origins”
Synonyms: obscure, confuse, make obscure/unclear, blur, muddle, jumble, complicate, garble,
Antonyms: clarify

Embolden (verb) ‫حوصلہ افزائی کرنا‬

give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.

Example: “emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers”
Synonyms: give courage, make brave/braver, encourage, hearten, strengthen, fortify, stiffen the
resolve of,
Antonyms: dishearten, discourage

Defiance (noun) ‫ سرکشی‬،‫ انحراف‬،‫نافرمانی‬

open resistance; bold disobedience.

Example: “an act of defiance”
Synonyms: resistance, opposition, confrontation, non-compliance, disobedience,
insubordination, dissent
Antonyms: submission, obedience

Outshine ‫دوسروں سے زیادہ توجہ حاصل کرنا‬

be much better than (someone) in a particular area.

Example: “it is a shame when a mother outshines a daughter”

Synonyms: surpass, be superior to, overshadow, eclipse, outclass, dwarf, tower above/over, put
in the shade
Antonyms: lost (to), fail, fall behind

Pessimist (noun) ‫ قنوطیت‬،‫مایوس‬

a person who tends to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
Example: “the pessimists point to ways in which life has deteriorated”
Synonyms: defeatist, fatalist, alarmist, prophet of doom, cynic, doomsayer, doomster, gloom-
Antonyms: optimist

Fragile (adjective) ‫ بودا‬،‫ خراب‬،‫نازک‬

(of an object) easily broken or damaged.

Example: “fragile items such as glass and china”
Synonyms: breakable, easily broken, brittle, frangible, smashable, splintery, flimsy, weak, frail
Antonyms: robust

Optimistic (adjective) ‫پر امید‬

hopeful and confident about the future.

Example: “the optimistic mood of the Sixties”
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery, positive, confident, hopeful, sanguine, bullish, buoyant, bright
Antonyms: pessimistic, negative, gloomy, ominous
Chaotic (adjective) ‫ افراتفری‬،‫بدنظمی کی حالت‬

in a state of complete confusion and disorder.

Example: “the political situation was chaotic”
Synonyms: disorderly, disordered, in disorder, in chaos, in disarray, disorganized, topsy-turvy
Antonyms: orderly

Medieval (adjective) ‫قرون وسطہ سے متعلق‬

relating to the Middle Ages.

Example: “a medieval castle”
Synonyms: of the Middle Ages, Middle Age, of the Dark Ages, Dark-Age, 11th to 14th century,
6th to 14th century
Antonyms: modern

Discrepancy (noun) ‫ فرق‬،‫ اختالف‬،‫تضاد‬

an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.

Example: “there’s a discrepancy between your account and his”
Synonyms: inconsistency, difference, disparity, variance, variation, deviation, divergence,
Antonyms: similarity, correspondence

Notorious (adjective) ‫ معروف‬،‫بدنام زمانہ‬

famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.

Example: “Los Angeles is notorious for its smog”
Synonyms: infamous, of ill repute, with a bad reputation/name, ill-famed, scandalous, well
Antonyms: unknown, anonymous, faceless

Excoriate (verb) ‫ کھال چھیلنا‬،‫جلد ادھیڑنا‬

damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).

Example: “the discharge is acrid and excoriates the skin of the nose”
Synonyms: abrade, rub away, rub off, rub raw, scrape, scratch, chafe, damage, strip away
Antonyms: praise, approve of
Trajectory (noun) ‫ مدار‬،‫رفتار‬

the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.
Example: “the missile’s trajectory was preset”
Synonyms: course, route, path, track, line, orbit, flight, flight path, ambit, direction,

Embodiment (noun) ‫ اوتار‬،‫ یکجائی‬،‫عملی اظہار‬

a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling.

Example: “she seemed to be a living embodiment of vitality”

Synonyms: personification, incarnation, incorporation, realization, manifestation, expression,

representation, actualization
Antonyms: archetype, idea, ideal, model, original, pattern, prototype

Wretched (adjective) ‫ دکھی‬،‫بے چارہ‬،

(of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state.

Example: “I felt so wretched because I thought I might never see you again”
Synonyms: miserable, unhappy, sad, broken-hearted, heartbroken, grief-stricken, grieving,
Antonyms: cheerful, fortunate

Rebuttal (noun) ‫دعوی‬

ٰ ،‫تردید‬

an instance of rebutting evidence or an accusation.

Synonyms: refutation, denial, disproving, counter-argument, countering, invalidation, negation,
Antonyms: confirmation

Communal (adjective) ‫ گروہی‬،‫فرقہ وارانہ‬

shared by all members of a community; for common use.
Example: “a communal bathroom and kitchen”
Synonyms: shared, joint, common, general, public, collective, cooperative, community,
Antonyms: private, individual

Conspicuous (adjective) ‫ نامور‬،‫ نمایاں‬،‫واضح‬

clearly visible.
Example: “he was very thin, with a conspicuous Adam’s apple”
Synonyms: easily seen, clear, visible, clearly visible, standing out, noticeable, observable,
Antonyms: inconspicuous

Catastrophe (noun) ‫ آفت‬،‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫تباہی‬

an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

Example: “an environmental catastrophe”
Synonyms: disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust, ruin, ruination, tragedy, blow
Antonyms: salvation, godsend

Dissipate (verb) ‫ ضائع کرنا‬،‫ منتشر کرنا‬،‫الگ کرنا‬

(with reference to a feeling or emotion) disappear or cause to disappear.

Example: “the concern she’d felt for him had wholly dissipated”
Synonyms: disappear, vanish, evaporate, dissolve, melt away, melt into thin air, be dispelled
Antonyms: grow, develop

Noxious (adjective) ‫ مضر‬،‫ فاسد‬،‫موذی‬

harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.

Example: “they were overcome by the noxious fumes”
Synonyms: poisonous, toxic, deadly, virulent, harmful, dangerous, pernicious, damaging
Antonyms: innocuous, safe, pleasant

Lackadaisical (adjective) ‫ فکر مند‬،‫مصنوعی نزاکت کا‬

lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.
Example: “a lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in the second half”
Synonyms: careless, lazy, lax, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, uninterested, lukewarm, indifferent
Antonyms: enthusiastic, excited

Conjecture (noun) ‫ تکا مارنا‬،‫قیاس آرائی‬

an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

Example: “conjectures about the newcomer were many and varied”

Synonyms: guess, speculation, surmise, fancy, notion, belief, suspicion, presumption,

Antonyms: fact

Surmise (verb) ‫ گمان‬،‫ اندازہ‬،‫قیاس‬

suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.

Example: “he surmised that something must be wrong”
Synonyms: guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer, come to the conclusion, conclude
Antonyms: know

Triumphant (adjective) ‫ غالب‬،‫فاتح‬

having won a battle or contest; victorious.

Example: “two of their triumphant Cup team”s
Synonyms: victorious, successful, winning, prize-winning, conquering, undefeated, unbeaten,
Antonyms: unsuccessful, defeated, losing

Deteriorate (verb) ‫ خراب ہونا‬،‫خاصیت بگڑ جانا‬

become progressively worse.

Example: “relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply”
Synonyms: worsen, get worse, decline, be in decline, degenerate, decay, collapse, fail, fall, drop
Antonyms: improve
Fugitive (noun) ‫ چھپا ہوا‬،‫مفرور‬

a person who has escaped from captivity or is in hiding.

Example: “fugitives from justice”
Synonyms: escapee, escaper, runaway, deserter, refugee, renegade, absconder, runagate
Antonyms: permanent, long-lasting

Seldom (adverb) ‫ بہت کم‬،‫کبھی کبھار‬

not often; rarely.

Example: “Islay is seldom visited by tourists”
Synonyms: rarely, infrequently, on rare occasions, hardly ever, scarcely ever, hardly
Antonyms: often, frequently

Relinquish (verb) ‫ ترک کرنا‬،‫ چھوڑ دینا‬،‫دستبردار ہونا‬

voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up.

Example: “he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive”
Synonyms: renounce, give up, part with, give away, hand over, turn over, lay down, let go of,
Antonyms: keep, retain, continue

Hazard (noun) ‫ ڈر‬،‫خطرہ‬

a danger or risk.
Example: “the hazards of childbirth”
Synonyms: danger, risk, peril, threat, menace, difficulty, problem, pitfall, jeopardy, perilousness
Antonyms: keep safe

Acute (adjective) ‫ تیز‬،‫ روشن دماغ‬،‫شدید‬

(of an unpleasant or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or

intense degree.
Example: “an acute housing shortage”
Synonyms: severe, critical, drastic, dire, dreadful, terrible, awful, grave, bad, serious
Antonyms: negligible
Repercussion (noun) ‫ واپس پلٹنا‬،‫ برگرشت‬،‫نتیجہ‬

an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.

Example: “the move would have grave repercussions for the entire region”
Synonyms: consequence, result, effect, outcome, by-product, reverberation, backlash
Antonyms: impact, stroke, shock, collision, contact

Unwind (verb) ‫ بل کھولنا‬،‫لپیٹی ہوئی چیز کھولنا‬

undo or be undone after winding or being wound.

Example: “Ella unwound the long woollen scarf from her neck”
Synonyms: unroll, uncoil, unreel, undo, unravel, untwine, untwist, disentangle, spread out
Antonyms: wrap, wind, twine, roll

Brandish (verb) ‫ لہرانا‬،‫ جھولنا‬،‫ہالنا‬

wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.

Example: “a man leaped out brandishing a knife”
Synonyms: flourish, wave, shake, wield, raise, hold aloft, swing, twirl, wag, swish, flap
Antonyms: stay, arrest, suspend

Evade (verb) ‫ ٹال جانا‬،‫ نکل جانا‬،‫بچنا‬

escape or avoid (someone or something), especially by guile or trickery.

Example: “friends helped him to evade capture for a time”
Synonyms: elude, avoid, dodge, escape (from), stay away from, steer clear of, run away from,
Antonyms: confront, run into

Enormous (adjective) ‫ قوی ہیکل‬،‫ غیر معمولی‬،‫بہت زیادہ‬

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Example: “enormous sums of money”
Synonyms: huge, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, boundless, immeasurable, limitless,
Antonyms: tiny
Obfuscate (verb) ‫ اندھیرا کرنا‬،‫ تاریک کرنا‬،‫دھندال کرنا‬

make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.

Example: “the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their
etymological origins”
Synonyms: obscure, confuse, make obscure/unclear, blur, muddle, jumble, complicate, garble
Antonyms: clarify

Muddle (verb) ‫ گڈ مڈ کرنا‬،‫ الجھانا‬،‫گڑبڑ‬

bring into a disordered or confusing state.

Example: “I fear he may have muddled the message”
Synonyms: confuse, mix up, jumble, jumble up, disarrange, disorganize, disorder, disturb
Antonyms: be in (good) order, orderly

Allegiance (noun) ‫ اطاعت‬،‫ عہد وفا‬،‫ تابعداری‬،‫بیعت‬

loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause.

Example: “those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to the republic”
Synonyms: loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, obedience, fealty, adherence, homage, devotion, bond
Antonyms: disloyalty, treachery

Exhort (verb) ‫ جوش‬،‫ حوصلہ افزائی‬،‫نصیحت‬

strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.

Example: “I exhorted her to be a good child”
Synonyms: urge, encourage, call on, enjoin, adjure, charge, try to persuade, press
Antonyms: discourage

Contingent (adjective) ‫ حادثاتی واقعہ‬،‫عارضی‬

subject to chance.
Example: “the contingent nature of the job”
Synonyms: chance, accidental, fortuitous, possible, unforeseen, unforeseeable, unexpected
Antonyms: predictable
Egregious (adjective) ‫ بہت برا‬،‫ قابل مذمت‬،‫فاش‬

outstandingly bad; shocking.

Example: “egregious abuses of copyright”
Synonyms: shocking, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, terrible, awful, dreadful, grievous
Antonyms: marvellous

Dubious (adjective) ‫ چکاچوند ڈالنا‬،‫ مشتبہ‬،‫مشکوک‬

hesitating or doubting.
Example: “I was rather dubious about the whole idea”
Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, in doubt, hesitant, undecided, unsettled, unconfirmed
Antonyms: certain, definite

Obstruct (verb) ‫ آڑے آنا‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

block (an opening, path, road, etc.); be or get in the way of.
Example: “she was obstructing the entrance”
Synonyms: block, block up, clog, clog up, get/stand in the way of, cut off, shut off, jam, bung up
Antonyms: clear

Peculiar (adjective) ‫ نراال‬،‫ انوکھا‬،‫عجیب‬

different to what is normal or expected; strange.

Example: “he gave her some very peculiar looks”
Synonyms: strange, unusual, odd, funny, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, queer, unexpected,
Antonyms: normal, ordinary

Dissuade (verb) ‫ سمجھانا بجھانا‬،‫منع کرنا‬

persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.

Example: “his friends tried to dissuade him from flying”
Synonyms: discourage, deter, prevent, disincline, turn aside, divert, sidetrack, talk out of,
persuade against,
Antonyms: persuade, encourage

Homogeneity (noun) ‫ ہم نوعی‬،‫ ہم جنس‬،‫یکسانیت‬

the quality or state of being all the same or all of the same kind.
Example: “the cultural homogeneity of our society”
Synonyms: uniformity, homogeneousness, similarity, similar nature, similitude, likeness,
alikeness, sameness,
Antonyms: variety, difference

Alienate (verb) ‫ بددلی پیدا کرنا‬،‫دور کر دینا‬

make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Example: “an urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants”
Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, isolate, detach, distance, put at a distance,
Antonyms: unite

Suspicion (noun) ‫ بدگمانی‬،‫ اندیشہ‬،‫شک‬

a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true.

Example: “she had a sneaking suspicion that he was laughing at her”
Synonyms: intuition, feeling, impression, inkling, surmise, guess, conjecture, speculation,
Antonyms: certainty

Intervene (verb) ‫ حائل ہونا‬،‫مداخلت کرنا‬

take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events.

Example: “he acted outside his authority when he intervened in the dispute”
Synonyms: intercede, involve oneself, get involved, interpose oneself, insinuate oneself, step in,
cut in,
Antonyms:stand by, avoid, eschew, shun

Surreal (adjective) ‫ الشعوریت‬،‫غیر حقیقی‬

having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre.
Example: “a surreal mix of fact and fantasy”
Synonyms: unreal, bizarre, unusual, weird, strange, freakish, unearthly, uncanny, dreamlike,
Antonyms: existent, real

Tumultuous (adjective) ‫ پر شور‬،‫ہنگامہ خیز‬

making an uproar or loud, confused noise.

Example: “tumultuous applause”
Synonyms: loud, deafening, thunderous, thundering, ear-shattering, ear-splitting, ear-piercing,
Antonyms: soft, peaceful, uneventful

Vigilant (adjective) ‫ چوکس‬،‫ ہوشیار‬،‫چوکنا‬

keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

Example: “the burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbours”

Synonyms: watchful, on the lookout, observant, sharp-eyed, keen-eyed, gimlet-eyed, eagle-eyed,

Antonyms: negligent, inattentive

Vibrant (adjective) ‫ تیزی سے لرزنے وال‬،‫متحرک‬

full of energy and life.

Example: “a vibrant cosmopolitan city”
Synonyms: spirited, lively, full of life, full of spirit, high-spirited, energetic, sprightly, vigorous,
Antonyms: spiritless, listless, dull

Dominance (noun) ‫ اثر‬،‫ اقتدار‬،‫غلبہ‬

power and influence over others.

Example: “the worldwide dominance of Hollywood”
Synonyms: supremacy, superiority, ascendancy, pre-eminence, predominance, domination,
dominion, mastery
Antonyms: subservience, subjugation

Tacit (adjective) ‫خاموشی سے‬

understood or implied without being stated.

Example: “your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement”
Synonyms: implicit, understood, implied, inferred, hinted, suggested, insinuated, unspoken
Antonyms: explicit, stated

Stagnate (verb) ‫ بہنے سے رک جانا‬،‫جمود‬

(of water or air) cease to flow or move; become stagnant.

Example: “stagnating consumer confidence”
Synonyms: stop flowing, become stagnant, become trapped, stand, become foul, become stale,
Antonyms: flow

Resolute (adjective) ‫ ثابت قدم‬،‫پرعزم‬

admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.

Example: “he was resolute in his fight to uphold liberal values”
Synonyms: determined, purposeful, purposive, resolved, decided, adamant, single-minded, firm,
Antonyms: irresolute, half-hearted

Unflinching (adjective) ‫ کھرچنا‬،‫ پختہ‬،‫پکا‬

not showing fear or hesitation in the face of danger or difficulty.

Example: “he has shown unflinching determination throughout the campaign”
Synonyms: resolute, determined, single-minded, dogged, decided, resolved, firm, persistent,
Antonyms: unsteady, wavering

Provocative (adjective) ‫اکسانے واال‬،‫اشتعال انگیز‬

causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.

Example: “a provocative article”
Synonyms: annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, provoking, maddening, goading,
Antonyms: soothing, calming

Toxic (adjective) ‫ جراثیمی زہر‬،‫زہریال‬

Example: “the dumping of toxic waste”
Synonyms: poisonous, venomous, virulent, noxious, dangerous, destructive, harmful, unsafe
Antonyms: non-toxic, harmless, safe

Incumbent (adjective) ‫ عہدہ دار‬،‫ سرکاری مالزم‬،‫موجودہ‬

necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Example: “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”
Synonyms: binding, obligatory, mandatory, necessary, compulsory, required, requisite, essential
Antonyms: optional

Spew (verb) ‫ قے کرنا‬،‫ تھوکنا‬،‫اگلنا‬

expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly.

Example: “buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust”

Synonyms: emit, discharge, eject, expel, belch out, pour out, spout, disgorge
Antonyms: dribble, strain, bottle, seep, contain,

Vanquish (verb) ‫ فتح کرنا‬،‫ فتح پانا‬،‫شکست دینا‬

defeat thoroughly.
Example: “he successfully vanquished his rival”
Synonyms: conquer, defeat (utterly), beat (hollow), trounce, annihilate, triumph over, win a
resounding victory over,
Antonyms: succumb, yield, faint, fail

Decelerate (verb) ‫ آہستہ‬،‫رفتار کم کرنا‬

reduce or cause to reduce in speed.

Example: “the train began to decelerate”
Synonyms: slow down, slow up, slow, go slower, ease up, slack up, reduce speed, lessen one’s
Antonyms: accelerate

Incur (verb) ‫ مول لینا‬،‫خرچ کرنا‬

become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one’s own behaviour or

Example: “I will pay any expenses incurred”
Synonyms: suffer, sustain, experience, bring upon oneself, expose oneself to, lay oneself open
to, run up,
Antonyms: avoid

Equivocal (adjective) ‫ متضاد‬،‫ مشکوک‬، ‫مشتبہ‬

open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous.

Example: “the equivocal nature of her remarks”
Synonyms: ambiguous, indefinite, non-committal, vague, indeterminate, imprecise, inexact
Antonyms: unequivocal, definite

Assess (verb) ‫ تخمینہ لگانا‬،‫ قیمت لگانا‬،‫اندازہ لگانا‬

evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

Example: “the committee must assess the relative importance of the issues”
Synonyms: evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, form an opinion of, check out
Antonyms: help, assist, aid, neglect, give, guess

Laurel (noun) ‫ فتح نصیب کرنا‬،‫سرفرازی حاصل کرنا‬

honour or praise awarded for an achievement.

Example: “she has rightly won laurels for this brilliantly perceptive first novel”
Synonyms: honours, awards, trophies, prizes, rewards, tributes, praise, plaudits, accolades
Antonyms: criticism, disadvantage, dishonor, disrespect
Nurture (verb) ‫ گھر بار چالنا‬،‫ تربیت‬،‫پرورش‬

care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
Example: “Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family”
Synonyms: bring up, care for, provide for, take care of, attend to, look after, rear, support
Antonyms: neglect, hinder

Bludgeon (verb) ‫ گتکا یا سونٹا‬،‫ڈنڈا‬

beat (someone) repeatedly with a bludgeon or other heavy object.

Example: “she was found bludgeoned to death in the basement”
Synonyms: batter, cudgel, club, strike, hit, beat, beat up, hammer, thrash, clobber
Antonyms: civilian

Cruelty (noun) ‫ بے رحمی‬،‫ظلم و ستم‬

cruel behaviour or attitudes.

Example: “he has treated her with extreme cruelty”
Synonyms: brutality, savagery, savageness, inhumanity, barbarism, barbarousness, brutishness
Antonyms: compassion, mercy

Boggle (verb) ‫ جھجکنا‬،‫ شک ہونا‬،‫ چونکنا‬،‫شبہ‬

(of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something.
Example: “the mind boggles at the spectacle”
Synonyms: marvel, wonder, be astonished, be astounded, be amazed, be filled with amazement
Antonyms: ameliorate, better, enhance, help, improve

Peculiar (adjective) ‫خصوصیت سے‬،‫ نراال‬،‫ انوکھا‬، ‫عجیب‬

different to what is normal or expected; strange.

Example: “he gave her some very peculiar looks”
Synonyms: strange,odd, unusual, funny,bizarre, curious, weird,queer, uncanny, unexpected
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
Arbitrary (adjective) ‫ من مانی‬،‫ صوابدیدی‬،‫خودمختار‬

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Example: “an arbitrary decision”
Synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic, unpredictable, inconsistent, wild
Antonyms: rational, reasoned

Incriminate (verb) ‫ الزام دینا‬،‫مجرمانہ‬

make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.

Example: “he refused to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself”
Synonyms: implicate, involve, blame, accuse, denounce, inform against, blacken the name of
Antonyms: absolve, clear

Accuse (verb) ‫ قصور وار ٹھہرانا‬،‫الزام لگانا‬

charge (someone) with an offence or crime.

Example: “he was accused of murdering his wife’s lover”
Synonyms: charge with, indict for, arraign for, take to court for, put on trial for, bring to trial for,
prosecute for
Antonyms: absolve, clear, exonerate

Deprive (verb) ‫ برطرفی‬،‫محروم کرنا‬

prevent (a person or place) from having or using something.

Example: “the city was deprived of its water supplies”
Synonyms: dispossess, strip, divest, relieve, bereave, rob of, cheat out of, trick out of
Antonyms: invest, endow, compensate, enrich, supply

Incarcerate (verb) ‫قید کرنا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody, put under
lock and key
Antonyms: free, release

Prudence (noun) ‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫ دانائی‬،‫سمجھداری‬

the quality of being prudent; cautiousness.

Example: “we need to exercise prudence in such important matters”
Synonyms: wisdom, judgement, good judgement, judiciousness, sagacity, shrewdness,
Antonyms: folly, recklessness

Embolden (verb) ‫حوصلہ افزائی کرنا‬

give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.

Example: “emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers”
Synonyms: give courage, make brave/braver, encourage, hearten, strengthen, fortify, stiffen the
resolve of
Antonyms: dishearten, discourage

Spur (noun) ‫ مہمیز‬،‫اکسانے والی بات‬

a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive.

Example: “wars act as a spur to practical invention”

Synonyms: stimulus, incentive, encouragement, stimulant, stimulation, inducement, impetus,

Antonyms: disincentive, discouragement

Debris (noun) ‫ملبہ‬

scattered pieces of rubbish or remains.

Example: “workmen were clearing the roads of the debris from shattered buildings”
Synonyms: detritus, refuse, rubbish, waste, waste matter, discarded matter, litter, scrap, dross
Antonyms: valuable, purity, neatness, cleanliness, find

Apathy (noun) ‫ مردہ دلی‬،‫ سنگدلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Example: “widespread apathy among students”
Synonyms: indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern,
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion

Brace (verb) ‫ طاقت بخش‬،‫ کسنا‬،‫سہارا‬

make (a structure) stronger or firmer with wood, iron, or other forms of support.
Example: “the posts were braced by lengths of timber”
Synonyms: support, shore up, prop up, hold up, buttress, carry, bear, underpin, strengthen
Antonyms: tiring

Galvanize (verb) ‫ ملمع کرنا‬،‫جست کاری کرنا‬

shock or excite (someone) into taking action.

Example: “the urgency of his voice galvanized them into action”
Synonyms: jolt, shock, startle, impel, stir, spur, prod, urge, motivate, stimulate, electrify,
Antonyms: demotivate

Partisan (noun) ‫ ہمراہی‬،‫ طرفدارا‬،‫متعصب‬

a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.

Example: “partisans of the exiled Stuarts”
Synonyms: supporter, follower, adherent, devotee, champion, backer, upholder, promoter,
Antonyms: impartial, unbiased

Violent (adjective) ‫ زبردستی‬،‫ شدید‬،‫پرتشدد‬

using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Example: “a violent confrontation with riot police”
Synonyms: brutal, vicious, savage, harsh, rough, aggressive, bullying, threatening, terrorizing
Antonyms: gentle, weak
Impediment (noun) ‫ لکنت‬،‫ رکاوٹ‬،‫رخنہ‬

a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.

Example: “a serious impediment to scientific progress”
Synonyms: hindrance, obstruction, obstacle, barrier, bar, handicap, block, check, curb, brake
Antonyms: benefit

Inauguration (noun) ‫ آغاز‬،‫افتتاحی‬

the beginning or introduction of a system, policy, or period.

Example: “the inauguration of an independent prosecution service”
Synonyms: initiation, institution, setting up, launch, establishment, foundation, founding,
Antonyms: demise, winding up, closure

Vicious (adjective) ‫ فاسق‬،‫نااہل‬،‫ ظالمانہ‬،‫شیطانی‬

deliberately cruel or violent.

Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Zeal (noun) ‫ لگن‬،‫ ولولہ‬،‫ اشتیاق‬،‫جوش‬

great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.

Example: “his zeal for privatization”
Synonyms: passion, zealousness, committedness, ardour, love, fervour, fire, avidity, fondness,
Antonyms: apathy, indifference

Worsen (verb) ‫ خراب‬،‫بدتر ہونا‬

make or become worse.

Example: “her condition worsened on the flight”
Synonyms: aggravate, exacerbate, make worse, compound, add to, intensify, increase, magnify
Antonyms: improve, ameliorate, recover
Sagacity (noun) ‫ فہم‬،‫ سمجھ فراست‬،‫غیر معمولی ذہانت‬

the quality of being sagacious.

Example: “a man of great political sagacity”
Synonyms: wisdom, (deep) insight, intelligence, understanding, judgement, acuity, astuteness
Antonyms: stupidity

Essential (adjective) ‫ ناگزیر‬،‫ ضروری‬،‫الزمی‬

absolutely necessary; extremely important.

Example: “it is essential to keep up-to-date records”
Synonyms: crucial, necessary, key, vital, indispensable, needed, required, called for, requisite
Antonyms: inessential, unimportant, optional

Defunct (adjective) ‫ مرا ہوا‬،‫مرحوم‬

no longer existing or functioning.

Example: “the now defunct Somerset & Dorset railway line”
Synonyms: disused, no longer in use, unused, inoperative, non-functioning, unusable, obsolete,
no longer in existence
Antonyms: working, extant

Distort (verb) ‫ مسخ کرنا‬،‫ تروڑ مروڑ کر پیش کرنا‬،‫بگاڑنا‬

pull or twist out of shape.

Example: “a grimace distorted her mouth”
Synonyms: twist, warp, contort, bend, buckle, deform, malform, misshape, disfigure, mangle,
Antonyms: straight

Quarrel (noun) ‫ لڑائی کرنا‬،‫جھگڑا کرنا‬

a heated argument or disagreement, typically about a trivial issue and between people who are
usually on good term.
Example: “she made the mistake of picking a quarrel with John”
Synonyms: argument, row, fight, disagreement, difference of opinion, dissension, falling-out,
Antonyms: reconciliation, agreement

Impair (verb) ‫ خراب کرنا‬،‫قدر کم کرنا‬

weaken or damage (something, especially a faculty or function).

Example: “a noisy job could permanently impair their hearing”
Synonyms: damage, harm, diminish, reduce, weaken, lessen, decrease, blunt, impede, hinder
Antonyms: improve, enhance

Proliferation (noun) ‫ نمود‬،‫پھیالﺅ‬

rapid increase in the number or amount of something.

Example: “a continuing threat of nuclear proliferation”
Synonyms: rapid increase, growth, multiplication, spread, escalation, expansion, build-up,
Antonyms: decrease

Acquiesce (verb) ‫ راضی ہونا‬،‫ متفق ہونا‬،‫ماننا‬

accept something reluctantly but without protest.

Example: “Sara acquiesced in his decision”
Synonyms: permit, consent to, agree to, allow, assent to, give one’s consent to, accept
Antonyms: forbid

Determine (verb) ‫ احاطہ کرنا‬،‫ تعین کرنا‬،‫فیصلہ کرنا‬

cause (something) to occur in a particular way or to have a particular nature.

Example: “it will be her mental attitude that determines her future”
Synonyms: control, decide, regulate, direct, rule, dictate, govern, condition, form, shape
Antonyms: irresolute, weak-willed, pusillanimous

Stipulate (verb) ‫ بیان کرنا‬،‫مقرر کر لینا‬

demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement.
Example: “he stipulated certain conditions before their marriage”

Synonyms: specify, set down, set out, lay down, set forth, state clearly, demand, require, insist
Antonyms: retract, decline, refuse, withdraw, revoke, disagree, deprecate

Periodic (adjective) ‫ دوری‬،‫ وقفے وقفے سے‬،‫گردشی‬

appearing or occurring at intervals.

Example: “the periodic visits she made to her father”
Synonyms: regular, periodical, at fixed intervals, recurrent, recurring, repeated, cyclical, cyclic
Antonyms: episodic, unexpected, unusual

Lethargy (noun) ‫ سستی‬،‫ کاہلی‬،‫ بے ہوشی‬،‫غنودگی‬

a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: “there was an air of lethargy about him”
Synonyms: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, torpidity, lifelessness
Antonyms: vigour, energy, animation

Massive (adjective) ‫ وزنی‬،‫ وسیع وعریض‬،‫بڑے پیمانے پر‬

large and heavy or solid.

Example: “a massive rampart of stone”
Synonyms: huge, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large, great, giant, colossal, mammoth
Antonyms: tiny

Cripple (verb) ‫ اپاہج‬،‫معذور ہونا‬

cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly.

Example: “a young student was crippled for life”
Synonyms: disable, paralyse, immobilize, make lame, lame, incapacitate, debilitate, handicap
Antonyms: able-bodied
Aggravate (verb) ‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫ بگاڑنا‬،‫بھڑکانا‬

make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

Example: “military action would only aggravate the situation”
Synonyms: annoy, irritate, exasperate, anger, irk, vex, put out, nettle, provoke
Antonyms: calm, conciliate

Stupendous (adjective) ‫ حیرت افزا‬،‫عظیم الشان‬

extremely impressive.
Example: “the most stupendous views”
Synonyms: amazing, astounding, astonishing, extraordinary, remarkable, wonderful, prodigious
Antonyms: run-of-the-mill, ordinary

Integrity (noun) ‫ کلیت‬،‫ دیانت‬،‫اتحاد‬

the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Example: “a gentleman of complete integrity”
Synonyms: honesty, uprightness, probity, rectitude, honour, honourableness, upstandingness
Antonyms: dishonesty

Damning (adjective) ‫نقصان دہ‬،‫مذمت کا سبب بننے والی شے‬

(of a circumstance or piece of evidence) strongly suggesting guilt or error.

Example: “I was innocent but the evidence was damning”
Synonyms: incriminating, condemnatory, condemning, damnatory, damaging, derogatory,
conclusive, strong
Antonyms: vindicatory, inconclusive

Conscientious (adjective) ‫ باضمیر‬،‫ محنتی‬،‫فرض شناس‬

wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.

Example: “a conscientious man, he took his duties very seriously”
Synonyms: diligent, industrious, punctilious, painstaking, sedulous, assiduous, dedicated
Antonyms: casual
Expedite (verb) ‫ جلد بازی کرنا‬،‫پھرتی‬

make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.

Example: “he promised to expedite economic reforms”

Synonyms: speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken, precipitate, rush, advance
Antonyms: delay, hinder

Circumvent (verb) ‫ جل دینا‬،‫ دام میں النا‬،‫گھیر لینا‬

find a way around (an obstacle).

Example: “if you come to an obstruction in a road you can seek to circumvent it”
Synonyms: avoid, get round, find a way round, evade, get past, bypass, sidestep, dodge
Antonyms: force, subjugate, reduce, compel

Havoc (noun) ‫ خرابی‬، ‫تباہی‬

widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, depredation, despoliation, ruination
Antonyms: peace

Entity (noun) ‫ ہستی‬،‫ کوئی موجودہ شے‬،‫وجود‬

a thing with distinct and independent existence.

Example: “Church and empire were fused in a single entity”
Synonyms: organization, institution, establishment, body, operation, structure, system, unit
Antonyms: nonentity, non-existence

Impoverish (verb) ‫ بے زر‬،‫ مفلس‬،‫حاجت مند‬

make (a person or area) poor.

Example: “the wars had impoverished him”
Synonyms: make poor, make penniless, reduce to penury, reduce to destitution, bring to ruin,
bring someone to their knees
Antonyms: make wealthy, rich, wealthy

Deprivation (noun) ‫ ضرورتمند ہونا‬،‫ معزول‬،‫محرومی‬

the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society.

Example: “low wages mean that 3.75 million people suffer serious deprivation”
Synonyms: poverty, impoverishment, penury, privation, hardship, destitution, need, neediness
Antonyms: wealth

Rhetoric (noun) ‫ خطیبانہ‬،‫ لسانی‬،‫بیان بازی‬

the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of
speech and other compositional techniques.
Example: “he is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole”
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language, expression, way with
Antonyms: inarticulateness

Baffle (verb) ‫ حیران کرنا‬،‫ دھوکہ دینا‬،‫ناکام بنا دینا‬

totally bewilder or perplex.

Example: “an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone”
Synonyms: perplex, puzzle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, confuse, confound, nonplus, disconcert
Antonyms: enlighten, clear, comprehensible

Incumbent (adjective) ‫ عہدیددار‬،‫موجودہ‬

necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Example: “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”
Synonyms: binding, obligatory, mandatory, necessary, compulsory, required, requisite, essential
Antonyms: optional

Chastise (verb) ‫ سرزنش کرنا‬،‫ سزا دینا‬،‫عذاب‬

rebuke or reprimand severely.
Example: “he chastised his colleagues for their laziness”
Synonyms: scold, upbraid, berate, reprimand, reprove, rebuke, admonish, chide, censure
Antonyms: praise

Torrential (adjective) ‫ سیالبی بارش‬،‫ سیالب کا سا‬،‫تیز‬

(of rain) falling rapidly and in copious quantities.

Example: “a torrential downpour”
Synonyms: copious, severe, heavy, rapid, relentless, violent, soaking, teeming
Antonyms: controlled, meager

Propensity (noun) ‫ خواہش‬،‫تبلیغ‬

an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.

Example: “his propensity for violence”
Synonyms: tendency, inclination, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, readiness, susceptibility

Contagious (adjective) ‫ خراب‬،‫ وبائی‬،‫متعدی‬

(of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.
Example: “a contagious disease”
Synonyms: infectious, communicable, transmittable, transmissible, transferable, spreadable,
Antonyms: noninfectious

Owing (adjective) ‫ قرض‬،‫واجب االدا‬

(of money) yet to be paid.

Example: “no rent was owing”
Synonyms: unpaid, unsettled, to be paid, payable, receivable, due, overdue, undischarged, owed
Antonyms: paid, settled
Lethargic (adjective) ‫ غنودگی‬،‫ کاہل‬،‫سست‬

affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.

Example: “I felt tired and a little lethargic”
Synonyms: sluggish, inert, inactive, slow, torpid, lifeless, dull, languid, listless, lazy
Antonyms: vigorous, energetic, animated

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ بظاہر‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all
intents and purposes,
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly

Hygiene (noun) ‫ مفید صحت‬،‫حفظان صحت‬

conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially

through cleanliness.
Example: “poor standards of food hygiene”
Synonyms: cleanliness, personal hygiene, personal cleanliness, purity, sterility, disinfection,
sanitation, sanitariness
Antonyms: uncleanliness

Mysterious (adjective) ‫ مخفی‬،‫پراسرار‬

difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify.

Example: “his colleague had vanished in mysterious circumstances”
Synonyms: puzzling, strange, peculiar, curious, funny, queer, odd, weird, bizarre, mystifying,
Antonyms: straightforward

Stimulus (noun) ‫ اشتعال‬،‫محرک‬

a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.

Example: “areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli”
Synonyms: spur, stimulant, encouragement, impetus, boost, prompt, prod, incentive, inducement
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement
Incarcerate (verb) ‫قید کرنا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody, put under
lock and key,
Antonyms: free, release

Abeyance (noun) ‫ تعطل‬،‫ عارضی التوا‬،‫ترک کرنا‬

a state of temporary disuse or suspension.

Example: “matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries”
Synonyms: suspension, a state of suspension, a state of dormancy, a state of latency, a state of
Antonyms: in hand, under way, continuing, continue

Ambiguous (adjective) ‫ غیر واضح‬،‫ مشکوک‬،‫مبہم‬

open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
Example: “ambiguous phrases”
Synonyms: equivocal, ambivalent, open to debate, open to argument, arguable, debatable,
Antonyms: unambiguous, clear

Abdicate (verb) ‫ تخت چھوڑنا‬،‫دستبردار ہونا‬

(of a monarch) renounce one’s throne.

Example: “in 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor”
Synonyms: resign, retire, quit, stand down, step down, bow out, renounce the throne, demit,
resign from,
Antonyms: be crowned, accede to

Dishearten (verb) ‫ ناامیدی‬،‫مایوس کن‬

cause (someone) to lose determination or confidence.

Example: “the farmer was disheartened by the damage to his crops”
Synonyms: discourage, dispirit, demoralize, depress, dismay, daunt, deter, unman, unnerve
Antonyms: hearten, encourage, heartened

Duress (noun) ‫ ناجائز تشدد‬،‫ دباﺅ‬،‫ جبر‬،‫سخت‬

threats, violence, constraints, or other action used to coerce someone into doing something
against their will or better judgement.
Example: “confessions extracted under duress”
Synonyms: coercion, compulsion, force, pressure, pressurization, intimidation, threats
Antonyms: free will

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫بگاڑنا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify, increase, heighten
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Innumerable (adjective) ‫ بے حساب‬،‫ بے شمار‬،‫ان گنت‬

too many to be counted (often used hyperbolically).

Example: “innumerable flags of all colours”
Synonyms: countless, numerous, very many, manifold, multitudinous, multifarious, untold,
Antonyms: few

Ameliorate (verb) ‫ درست کرنا‬،‫بہتر کرنا‬

make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.

Example: “the reform did much to ameliorate living standards”
Synonyms: improve, make better, better, make improvements to, enhance, help, benefit, boost
Antonyms: worsen, leave alone
Taint (verb) ‫ خراب کرنا‬،‫داغ‬

contaminate or pollute (something).

Example: “the air was tainted by fumes from the cars”
Synonyms: contaminate, pollute, adulterate, infect, blight, befoul, spoil, soil, ruin, destroy
Antonyms: clean

Vagary (noun) ‫ موج‬،‫ تغیر‬،‫وہم‬

an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone’s behaviour.

Example: “the vagaries of the weather”
Synonyms: quirk, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, eccentricity, unpredictability, fluctuation
Antonyms: purpose, determination, judgment, conviction

Moratorium (noun) ‫ قانونی مہلت‬،‫قرضے میں مہلت‬

a temporary prohibition of an activity.

Example: “a moratorium on the use of drift nets”
Synonyms: embargo, ban, prohibition, suspension, postponement, stay, stoppage, halt, freeze
Antonyms: resuscitation, renewal, recommencement, continuance

Paranoid (adjective) ‫ احتیاط کا‬،‫وسوسہ‬

characterized by or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia.

Example: “paranoid schizophrenia”
Synonyms: irrationally anxious, over-suspicious, paranoiac, suspicious, mistrustful, distrustful
Antonyms: certain, confident, positive, sure

Grim (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫ سخت‬،‫سنگین‬

very serious or gloomy.

Example: “his grim expression”
Synonyms: stern, forbidding, uninviting, unapproachable, aloof, distant, formidable, strict, dour
Antonyms: amiable, pleasant

Adequate (adjective) ‫ کافی‬،‫ معقول‬،‫مناسب‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable, acceptable,
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Ferocious (adjective) ‫ ظالم‬،‫ خطرناک‬،‫وحشی‬

savagely fierce, cruel, or violent.

Example: “a ferocious beast”
Synonyms: fierce, savage, wild, feral, untamed, predatory, rapacious, ravening, aggressive,
Antonyms: tame, gentle

Ascendant (adjective) ‫غالب‬،‫ عروج‬،‫غلبہ پانا‬

rising in power or influence.

Example: “the newly ascendant liberal party”
Synonyms: rising (in power), in the ascendant, on the up and up, on the way up, up-and-coming
Antonyms: declining

Bolster (verb) ‫ حوصلہ افزائی کرنا‬،‫تقویت دینا‬

support or strengthen.
Example: “the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence”
Synonyms: strengthen, support, reinforce, make stronger, boost, fortify, give a boost to, prop up
Antonyms: undermine

Tenuous (adjective) ‫ ہلکا پتال‬،‫باریک‬

very weak or slight.

Example: “the tenuous link between interest rates and investment”
Synonyms: slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible, weak, fragile, shaky, sketchy, doubtful,
Antonyms: convincing, substantial, strong
Catastrophe (noun) ‫ انقالب عظیم‬،‫ آفت‬،‫تباہی‬

an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

Example: “an environmental catastrophe”
Synonyms: disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust, ruin, ruination, tragedy, blow
Antonyms: salvation, godsend

Commencement (noun) ‫ نفاذ قانون‬،‫آغاز‬

the beginning of something.

Example: “the commencement of the trial”
Synonyms: beginning, start, starting point, opening, outset, onset, launch, initiation, inception
Antonyms: conclusion

Prelude (noun) ‫ پیش خیمہ کرنا‬،‫آغاز کرنا‬

an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important.

Example: “a ceasefire had been agreed as a prelude to full peace negotiations”

Synonyms: preliminary, overture, opening, preparation, introduction, start, beginning, curtain-

Antonyms: conclusion, postscript

Proponent (noun) ‫ کسی بات کی وکالت کرنےواال‬،‫حامی‬

a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action.

Example: “a strong proponent of the free market and liberal trade policies”
Synonyms: advocate, supporter, upholder, exponent, promoter, adherent, endorser, champion,
Antonyms: adversary, antagonist, opponent

Fatality (noun) ‫ کثرت اموات‬،‫شرح اموات‬

an occurrence of death by accident, in war, or from disease.

Example: “80 per cent of pedestrian fatalities occur in built-up areas”
Synonyms: death, casualty, mortality, victim, loss, dead person, dead, fatal accident, tragedy
Antonyms: birth

Proximity (noun) ‫ نزدیکی‬،‫ رشتہ داری‬،‫قرابت‬

nearness in space, time, or relationship.

Example: “do not operate microphones in close proximity to television sets”
Synonyms: closeness, nearness, presence, juxtaposition, propinquity, adjacency, accessibility,
Antonyms: distance, remoteness

Incumbent (adjective) ‫ عہدیدار‬،‫ سرکاری مالزم‬،‫موجودہ‬

necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Example: “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”
Synonyms: binding, obligatory, mandatory, necessary, compulsory, required, requisite
Antonyms: optional

Severity (noun) ‫ شدت‬،‫سخت گیری‬

the fact or condition of being severe.

Example: “sentences should reflect the severity of the crime”
Synonyms: acuteness, seriousness, gravity, graveness, severeness, grievousness, extremity,
Antonyms: mildness, leniency, geniality, elaboration,

Stringent (adjective) ‫ کڑی‬،‫ شدید‬،‫بہت سخت‬

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Example: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding,
Antonyms: lenient, flexible
Qualm (noun) ‫ بہتر طبیعت محسوس نہ ہونا‬،‫ دقتی‬،‫پستی‬

an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear, especially about one’s own conduct; a misgiving.
Example: “military regimes generally have no qualms about controlling the press”
Synonyms: misgiving, doubt, reservation, second thought, worry, concern, anxiety, hesitation
Antonyms: confidence

Endure (verb) ‫ سہنا‬،‫ جھیلنا‬،‫برداشت‬

suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.

Example: “it seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain”
Synonyms: undergo, go through, live through, experience, meet, encounter, cope with, deal with
Antonyms: fade, short-lived

Contagious (adjective) ‫ وبائی‬،‫متعدی‬

(of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.
Example: “a contagious disease”
Synonyms: infectious, communicable, transmittable, transmissible, transferable, spreadable
Antonyms: noninfectious

Ravage (verb) ‫ غارت کرنا‬،‫ تباہی‬،‫بربادی‬

cause severe and extensive damage to.

Example: “the hurricane ravaged southern Florida”
Synonyms: lay waste, devastate, ruin, leave in ruins, destroy, wreak havoc on, leave desolate
Antonyms: spare, conserve, preserve, indemnify

Precaution (noun) ‫ خبر گیری‬،‫ پرہیز‬،‫احتیاط‬

a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from

Example: “he had taken the precaution of seeking legal advice”

Synonyms: safeguard, safety measure, insurance, defence, provision, backstop

Antonyms: carelessness, thoughtlessness, improvidence
Plummet (verb) ‫گہرائی ناپنے کا آلہ‬،‫پنسال‬

fall or drop straight down at high speed.

Example: “a climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet down an icy gully”
Synonyms: plunge, fall headlong, hurtle, nosedive, dive, drop, crash, descend rapidly

Menace (noun) ‫ دھمکانا‬،‫خطرے سے دوچار کرنا‬

a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.

Example: “a new initiative aimed at beating the menace of drugs”
Synonyms: danger, peril, risk, hazard, threat, jeopardy
Antonyms: friendly, auspicious

Stimulus (noun) ‫ تحریک‬،‫ اشتعال‬،‫محرک‬

a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.

Example: “areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli”
Synonyms: spur, stimulant, encouragement, impetus, boost, prompt, prod, incentive, inducement
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement

Meagre (adjective) ‫ قلیل‬،‫ الغر‬،‫ چھوٹا‬،‫معمولی‬

(of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.

Example: “they were forced to supplement their meagre earnings”
Synonyms: inadequate, scanty, scant, paltry, limited, restricted, modest, insufficient, sparse,
Antonyms: abundant

Afloat (adjective) ‫ پوری شدت کے ساتھ‬،‫پانی میں تیرتا ہوا‬

floating in water; not sinking.

Example: “they trod water to keep afloat”
Synonyms: buoyant, floating, buoyed up, non-submerged, suspended, drifting, on/above the
Antonyms: sunk, sinking

Omit (verb) ‫ نظر انداز کرنا‬،‫چھوڑ دینا‬

leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.

Example: “he was omitted from the second Test”
Synonyms: leave out, exclude, fail to include, except, shut out, leave off, take out, miss out, miss
Antonyms: add, include

Abrupt (adjective) ‫ غیر متوقع‬،‫اچانک‬

sudden and unexpected.

Example: “I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject”
Synonyms: sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried, hasty, quick, swift, rapid, speedy
Antonyms: gradual, unhurried

Befit (verb) ‫ جچنا‬،‫ زیب دینا‬،‫موزوں ہونا‬

be appropriate for; suit.

Example: “as befits a Quaker, he was a humane man”
Synonyms: in keeping with, as befits, fitting, appropriate to, fit for, suitable for, suited to, apt
for, proper to
Antonyms: out of keeping with

Virtue (noun) ‫ فضیلت‬،‫ اچھائی‬،‫نیکی‬

behaviour showing high moral standards.

Example: “paragons of virtue”
Synonyms: goodness, virtuousness, righteousness, morality, ethicalness, uprightness,
Antonyms: vice, iniquity

Cohesion (noun) ‫ ہم آہنگی‬،‫ ربط‬،‫مالپ‬

the action or fact of forming a united whole.
Example: “the work at present lacks cohesion”
Synonyms: unity, togetherness, solidarity, bond, sticking together, continuity, coherence,
Antonyms: incoherence, incoherency

Grim (adjective) ‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫سنگین‬

very serious or gloomy.

Example: “his grim expression”
Synonyms: stern, forbidding, uninviting, unapproachable, aloof, distant, formidable, strict, dour
Antonyms: amiable, pleasant

Inevitable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل ترمیم‬،‫ناگزیر‬

certain to happen; unavoidable.

Example: “war was inevitable”
Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen, sure to happen, inexorable,
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain

Succumb (verb) ‫ شکست تسلیم کرنا‬،‫ہار ماننا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in, be overcome by, be
overwhelmed by
Antonyms: resist, conquer

Contrary (adjective) ‫ برخالف‬،‫ متضاد‬،‫برعکس‬

opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.

Example: “he ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal”
Synonyms: opposite, opposing, opposed, contradictory, clashing, conflicting, antithetical
Antonyms: compatible, same
Coherent (adjective) ‫ چسپیدہ‬،‫ قابل غور‬،‫مربوط‬

(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.

Example: “they failed to develop a coherent economic strategy”
Synonyms: logical, reasoned, reasonable, well reasoned, rational, sound, cogent, consistent
Antonyms: incoherent, muddled

Divisive (adjective) ‫ اختالف رائے سے متعلق‬،‫ باعث تقسیم‬،‫تفرقہ انگیز‬

tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.

Example: “the highly divisive issue of abortion”
Synonyms: alienating, estranging, isolating, schismatic, discordant, disharmonious,
Antonyms: unifying

Drastic (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫ انتہائی‬،‫سخت‬

likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme.

Example: “a drastic reduction of staffing levels”
Synonyms: extreme, serious, forceful, desperate, dire, radical, far-reaching, momentous
Antonyms: mild, moderate

Discrepancy (noun) ‫ فرق‬،‫ اختالف‬،‫تضاد‬

an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.

Example: “there’s a discrepancy between your account and his”

Synonyms: inconsistency, difference, disparity, variance, variation, deviation, divergence,

disagreement, dissimilarity
Antonyms: similarity, correspondence

Annoyance (noun) ‫ غصہ دالنے والی‬،‫ مصیبت‬،‫جھنجھالہٹ‬

the feeling or state of being annoyed; irritation.

Example: “there was annoyance at government interference”
Synonyms: irritation, exasperation, vexation, indignation, anger, crossness, displeasure, chagrin,
Antonyms: pleasure

Derogatory (adjective) ‫ تحقیر آمیز‬،‫ حقارت آمیز‬،‫توہین آمیز‬

showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.

Example: “she tells me I’m fat and is always making derogatory remarks”
Synonyms: disparaging, denigratory, belittling, diminishing, slighting, deprecatory,
depreciatory, depreciative
Antonyms: complimentary, flattering

Vitriolic (adjective) ‫ پرجوش‬،‫جلی کٹی‬

filled with bitter criticism or malice.

Example: “vitriolic attacks on the politicians”
Synonyms: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, astringent, acid, acrid
Antonyms: pleasant, kind

Gesture (noun) ‫اشارہ‬

a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.
Example: “Imran made a gesture of apology”
Synonyms: signal, signalling, sign, signing, motion, motioning, wave, indication, gesticulation
Antonyms: speech

Rarity (noun) ‫ ہلکا پن‬،‫ قلت‬،‫لطافت‬

the state or quality of being rare.

Example: “the rarity of the condition”
Synonyms: infrequency, rareness, unusualness, uncommonness, singularity, uniqueness, scarcity
Antonyms: normality, standard, regularity, usual, usualness
Immense (adjective) ‫ عظیم‬،‫ بہت زیادہ‬،‫بے پناہ‬

extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.

Example: “the cost of restoration has been immense”
Synonyms: huge, vast, massive, enormous, gigantic, colossal, cosmic, great, very large, very big
Antonyms: tiny

Colossal (adjective) ‫ دیوہیکل‬،‫ شاندار‬،‫بھاری بھرکم‬

extremely large or great.

Example: “a colossal amount of mail”
Synonyms: huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, very large, great, giant, mammoth
Antonyms: tiny

Contingency (noun) ‫ حادثاتی واقعہ‬،‫ ممکنہ نتیجہ‬،‫امکان‬

a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.
Example: “a detailed contract which attempts to provide for all possible contingencies”
Synonyms: eventuality, (chance) event, incident, happening, occurrence, juncture, possibility
Antonyms: advantage, bad luck, certainty, good fortune

Dilapidated (adjective) ‫ انہدام‬،‫ ٹوٹا پھوٹا‬،‫خستہ حال‬

(of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.

Example: “old, dilapidated buildings”
Synonyms: run down, tumbledown, ramshackle, broken-down, in disrepair, shabby, battered
Antonyms: smart, intact

Stringent (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫ بہت سخت‬،‫کڑی‬

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Example: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding
Antonyms: lenient, flexible
Utmost (adjective) ‫ ازحد‬،‫ حتی المکان‬،‫آخری حد تک‬

most extreme; greatest.

Example: “a matter of the utmost importance”
Synonyms: greatest, maximum, greatest possible, highest, most, most extreme, greatest amount
Antonyms: least possible, very little

Barbaric (adjective) ‫ غیر مہذب جنگلی‬،‫وحشیانہ‬

savagely cruel.
Example: “he carried out barbaric acts in the name of war”
Synonyms: cruel, brutal, barbarous, brutish, bestial, savage, vicious, fierce, ferocious, wicked
Antonyms: benevolent

Flatten (verb) ‫ چپٹا کرنا‬،‫ہموار بنانا‬

make or become flat or flatter.

Example: “her hair had been flattened by the storm”
Synonyms: make/become flat, make/become even, make/become smooth, smooth (out/off),
level (out/off)
Antonyms: roughen, make uneven

Ease (verb) ‫ سہولت‬،‫ آرام سے‬،‫آسانی سے‬

make (something unpleasant or intense) less serious or severe.

Example: “a huge road-building programme to ease congestion”
Synonyms: relieve, alleviate, mitigate, assuage, allay, soothe, soften, palliate, ameliorate,
Antonyms: aggravate

Apparent (adjective) ‫ظاہر‬

clearly visible or understood; obvious.
Example: “for no apparent reason she laughed”
Synonyms: evident, plain, obvious, clear, manifest, visible, discernible, perceptible, perceivable
Antonyms: unclear, obscure

Inconsequential (adjective) ‫ بے ربط‬،‫ بے نتیجہ‬،‫غیر یقینی‬

not important or significant.

Example: “they talked about inconsequential things”
Synonyms: insignificant, unimportant, of little/no importance, of little/no consequence, of
little/no account, of no moment
Antonyms: significant, important

Dismal (adjective) ‫ افسردہ‬،‫مایوس کن‬

causing a mood of gloom or depression.

Example: “the dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening”
Synonyms: dingy, dim, dark, gloomy, sombre, dreary, drab, dull, desolate, bleak, cheerless
Antonyms: bright, cheerful

Disastrous (adjective) ‫ آفت انگیز‬،‫ تباہ کن‬،‫مصیبت خیز‬

causing great damage.

Example: “a disastrous fire swept through the museum”
Synonyms: catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic, tragic, devastating, ravaging, ruinous, harmful
Antonyms: fortunate, successful, beneficial

Grapple (verb) ‫ چیزیں پکڑنے واال آلہ‬،‫ کنڈا‬،‫قالب‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”
Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle, close
Antonyms: let go of, release

Incarcerate (verb) ‫قیدکرنا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody, put under
lock and key
Antonyms: free, release

Squalid (adjective) ‫ پست‬،‫ بدعنوان‬،‫گھٹیا‬

(of a place) extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.
Example: “the squalid, overcrowded prison”
Synonyms: dirty, filthy, grubby, grimy, mucky, slummy, slumlike, foul, vile, low, poor, sorry
Antonyms: clean, pleasant

Sceptical (adjective) ‫ وہمی‬،‫شکی‬

not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.

Example: “the public were deeply sceptical about some of the proposals”

Synonyms: dubious, doubtful, having reservations, doubting, questioning, cynical, distrustful,

Antonyms: certain, convinced, optimistic

Incentive (noun) ‫ مالزمین کو ملنے واال اضافی معاوضہ‬،‫حوصلہ افزائی‬

a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something.

Example: “give farmers an incentive to improve their land”
Synonyms: inducement, motivation, motive, reason, stimulus, stimulant, spur, impetus,
Antonyms: deterrent, disincentive

Severe (adjective) ‫ سخت ناگوار‬،‫ بے رحم‬،‫شدید‬

(of something bad or undesirable) very great; intense.

Example: “a severe shortage of technicians”
Synonyms: acute, very bad, serious, grave, critical, dire, drastic, grievous, extreme, dreadful
Antonyms: minor, negligible, gentle, slight

Disruption (noun) ‫ منتشر کرنا‬،‫ رکاوٹ‬،‫خلل‬

disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.

Example: “the scheme was planned to minimize disruption”
Synonyms: disturbance, disordering, disarrangement, disarranging, interference, upset,
upsetting, unsettling
Antonyms: union, amalgamation, reconciliation

Plight (noun) ‫ ضمانت دینا‬،‫ بری حالت‬،‫حالت زار‬

a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.

Example: “we must direct our efforts towards relieving the plight of children living in poverty”
Synonyms: predicament, sorry condition, sad state, trouble, difficulty, mess, dire straits
Antonyms: advantage, solution, benefit

Stimulus (noun) ‫ ابھارنے والی چیز‬،‫ اشتعال‬،‫محرک‬

a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.

Example: “areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli”
Synonyms: spur, stimulant, encouragement, impetus, boost, prompt, prod, incentive, inducement
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement

Inadequate (adjective) ‫ تھوڑا‬،‫ناکافی‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.

Example: “these labels prove to be wholly inadequate”
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, sparse, too little, too
few Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent

Resilience (noun) ‫ ابھرنے کی قوت‬،‫ نرمی‬، ‫لچک‬

the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

Example: “the often remarkable resilience of so many British institutions”
Synonyms: flexibility, pliability, suppleness, plasticity, elasticity, springiness, spring, give
Antonyms: rigidity, fragility, vulnerability, weakness

Conceivable (adjective) ‫ قابل ادراک‬،‫ تصوراتی‬،‫قابل فرہم‬

capable of being imagined or grasped mentally.

Example: “a mass uprising was entirely conceivable”
Synonyms: imaginable, possible, plausible, tenable, credible, believable, thinkable, feasible,
Antonyms: inconceivable

Endanger (verb) ‫ جوکھوں میں ڈالنا‬،‫خطرے میں ڈالنا‬

put (someone or something) at risk or in danger.

Example: “he was driving in a manner likely to endanger life”
Synonyms: imperil, jeopardize, risk, put at risk, put in danger, expose to danger, put in jeopardy
Antonyms: cover, defend, protect, shield, screen

Rattle (verb) ‫ کھڑکھڑاہٹ‬،‫جھنجھٹ‬

make or cause to make a rapid succession of short, sharp knocking sounds.

Example: “the roof rattled with little gusts of wind”

Synonyms: clatter, bang, clang, clank, clink, clunk, jingle, jangle, tinkle
Antonyms: quiet, silence, silentness

Curtailment (noun) ‫ تخفیف‬،‫ کمی‬،‫کاٹ چھانٹ‬

the action or fact of reducing or restricting something.

Example: “the curtailment of human rights”
Synonyms: reduction, cut, cutback, decrease, lessening, diminution, retrenchment, shrinkage
Antonyms: increase, expansion

Spike (verb) ‫ لمبی مضبوط سے کیل‬،‫اتار چڑھاﺅ‬

impale on or pierce with a sharp point.

Example: “she spiked another oyster”
Synonyms: impale, spear, skewer, pierce, penetrate, perforate, stab, run through, stick, spit
Antonyms: damp, dampen, deaden

Depict (verb) ‫ صورت بیان کرنا‬،‫ دکھانا‬،‫منظر کشی کرنا‬

represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.

Example: “paintings depicting Old Testament scenes”
Synonyms: portray, represent, picture, illustrate, delineate, outline, reproduce, render, draw
Antonyms: misrepresent, exaggerate, deform, caricature

Recrimination (noun) ‫ الٹی تہمت‬،‫جوابی الزام‬

an accusation in response to one from someone else.

Example: “there are no tears, no recriminations”
Synonyms: accusation(s), mutual accusation(s), counter-accusation(s), countercharge(s),
Antonyms: acquiescence, acceptance, confession, silence

Scuttle (verb) ‫ عجلت سے کام لینا‬،‫ تیز تیز چلنا‬،‫فرار ہونا‬

run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps.

Example: “a mouse scuttled across the floor”
Synonyms: scamper, scurry, scramble, bustle, skip, trot, hurry, hasten, make haste
Antonyms: hang, lag, shuffle, poke, decelerate, walk, tarry,

Prevent (verb) ‫ منع کرنا‬،‫ روکنا‬،‫ بچانا‬،‫باز رکھنا‬

keep (something) from happening.

Example: “action must be taken to prevent further accidents”
Synonyms: stop, put a stop to, avert, nip in the bud, fend off, turn aside, stave off, ward off, head
Antonyms: allow, cause, encourage
Chaos (noun) ‫ابتری‬،‫ بے ترتیبی‬،‫افراتفری‬

complete disorder and confusion.

Example: “snow caused chaos in the region”
Synonyms: disorder, disarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium,
Antonyms: order, orderliness

Malaise (noun) ‫ بیماری‬،‫ بے قراری‬،‫بے چینی‬

a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
Example: “a general air of malaise”
Synonyms: unhappiness, restlessness, uneasiness, unease, melancholy, depression, despondency,
Antonyms: comfort, well-being

Prevalence (noun) ‫ پھیالﺅ‬،‫غلبہ‬

the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.

Example: “the prevalence of obesity in adults”
Synonyms: commonness, currency, widespread presence, generality, pervasiveness, universality
Antonyms: disuse, desuetude, obsoleteness, decay

Tendency (noun) ‫ جھکاﺅ‬،‫ رجحان‬،‫رغبت‬

an inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behaviour.

Example: “for students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings”

Synonyms: ropensity, proclivity, proneness, aptness, likelihood, inclination, disposition,

Antonyms: averseness, disinclination, dislike, indisposition

Assess (verb) ‫ تخمینہ لگانا‬،‫اندازہ لگانا‬

evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

Example: “the committee must assess the relative importance of the issues”
Synonyms: evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, form an opinion of, check out
Antonyms: help, assist, aid, neglect, give, guess, ignore, condone,

Assumption (noun) ‫ بیان کرنا‬،‫ فرض کردہ‬،‫مفروضہ‬

a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

Example: “they made certain assumptions about the market”
Synonyms: supposition, presupposition, presumption, premise, belief, expectation, conjecture
Antonyms: distrust, timidity, bashfulness, misgiving, self-distrust

Remuneration (noun) ‫ مشاہرہ‬،‫ مزدوری‬،‫ تنخواہ‬،‫معاوضہ‬

money paid for work or a service.

Example: “they work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration”
Synonyms: payment, pay, salary, wages, earnings, fee(s), stipend, emolument(s), honorarium
Antonyms: nonpayment

Disbursement (noun) ‫ مال خرچ کرنے کا عمل‬،‫ ادا کرنے کا عمل‬،‫ادائیگی‬

the payment of money from a fund.

Example: “they established a committee to supervise the disbursement of aid”
Synonyms: payment, disbursal, paying out, laying out, spending, expending, expenditure,
Antonyms: underpayment

Hostility (noun) ‫ دشمنی‬،‫عداوت‬

hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition.

Example: “their hostility to all outsiders”
Synonyms: antagonism, unfriendliness, bitterness, malevolence, malice, unkindness, spite,
Antonyms: friendliness, approval

Indulge (verb) ‫ بخشنا‬،‫ خوش کرنا‬،‫مطمئن کرنا‬

allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
Example: “we indulged in a cream tea”
Synonyms: wallow in, give oneself up to, give way to, yield to, abandon oneself to, give rein to
Antonyms: stifle

Myopic (adjective) ‫دور کی نظر میں کمزوری‬

Example: “most myopic children can be fitted with glasses to correct their vision”
Synonyms: short-sighted, nearsighted, as blind as a bat, purblind
Antonyms: long-sighted

Entrench (verb) ‫ خندق کھودنا‬،‫ مورچہ بند ہونا‬،‫گھسنا‬

establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.
Example: “ageism is entrenched in our society”
Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root, install, plant, embed, anchor, seat
Antonyms: dislodge, superficial

Inherent (adjective) ‫ذاتی‬،‫ بنیادی طور پر‬،‫پیدائشی‬

existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.

Example: “any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers”

Synonyms: intrinsic, innate, immanent, built-in, inborn, ingrained, deep-rooted, essential,

Antonyms: acquired, alien

Culpable (adjective) ‫ قابل گرفت‬،‫ سزا کا مستجب‬،‫قابل مواخذہ‬

deserving blame.
Example: “mercy killings are less culpable than ‘ordinary’ murders”
Synonyms: to blame, guilty, at fault, in the wrong, blameworthy, blameable, censurable,
Antonyms: blameless, innocent

Adverse (adjective) ‫ منفی‬،‫ الٹا‬،‫برعکس‬

preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable.
Example: “taxes are having an adverse effect on production”
Synonyms: unfavourable, disadvantageous, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfortunate, unlucky,
Antonyms: favourable, beneficial, positive, friendly,

Devise (verb) ‫ ایجاد کرنا‬،‫ترکیب سوچنا‬

plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought.

Example: “a training programme should be devised”
Synonyms: conceive, think up, come up with, dream up, draw up, work out, form, formulate
Antonyms: miscontrive, mismanage

Parochial (adjective) ‫ عالقائی‬، ‫ مقامی‬،‫کسی محدود حلقہ کا‬

having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.

Example: “parochial attitudes”
Synonyms: narrow-minded, small-minded, provincial, insular, narrow, small-town, inward-
Antonyms: cosmopolitan, broad-minded, liberal

Stimulus (noun) ‫ تحریک‬،‫ اشتعال‬،‫محرک‬

a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.

Example: “areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli”
Synonyms: spur, stimulant, encouragement, impetus, boost, prompt, prod, incentive, inducement
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement

Ample (adjective) ‫ وسیع‬،‫ بکثرت‬،‫ وافر‬،‫کافی‬

enough or more than enough; plentiful.

Example: “there is ample time for discussion”
Synonyms: enough, sufficient, adequate, plenty of, abundant, more than enough, enough and to
Antonyms: insufficient, meagre

Fortitude (noun) ‫ حوصلہ‬،‫ برداشت‬،‫ ہمت‬،‫صبر‬

courage in pain or adversity.

Example: “she endured her illness with great fortitude”
Synonyms: courage, bravery, strength of mind, strength of character, moral strength, toughness
of spirit
Antonyms: faint-heartedness

Fend (verb) ‫ باز رکھنا‬،‫ بغیر مدد کے کام کرنا‬،‫باز رکھنا‬

look after and provide for oneself, without any help from others.
Example: “she left her 14-year-old daughter to fend for herself”
Synonyms: ward off, head off, stave off, hold off, keep off, repel, repulse, resist, forestall
Antonyms: encourage

Abrupt (adjective) ‫ غیر متوقع‬،‫اچانک‬

sudden and unexpected.

Example: “I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject”
Synonyms: sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried, hasty, quick, swift, rapid, speedy
Antonyms: gradual, unhurried

Rebuff (verb) ‫ ٹھکرا دینا‬،‫ روک دینا‬،‫جھڑکنا‬

reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner.

Example: “I asked her to be my wife, and was rebuffed in no uncertain terms”

Synonyms: reject, turn down, spurn, refuse, decline, repudiate, disdain, snub, slight
Antonyms: accept, welcome

Triumphant (adjective) ‫ کامیاب‬،‫ غالب‬،‫فاتح‬

having won a battle or contest; victorious.
Example: “two of their triumphant Cup team”
Synonyms: victorious, successful, winning, prize-winning, conquering, undefeated, unbeaten,
Antonyms: unsuccessful, defeated, losing

Clergy (noun) ‫ پادری‬،‫اہل کلیسا‬

the body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church.
Example: “all marriages were to be solemnized by the clergy”
Synonyms: clergymen, clergywomen, churchmen, churchwomen, clerics, priests, ecclesiastics,
men/women of God
Antonyms: laity

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ شدید ترکرنا‬،‫ بگاڑنا‬،‫بڑھ جانا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify, increase, heighten,
Antonyms: calm, reduce

Squalid (adjective) ‫ غلیظ‬،‫ پست‬،‫ بدعنوان‬،‫گھٹیا‬

(of a place) extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.
Example: “the squalid, overcrowded prison”
Synonyms: dirty, filthy, grubby, grimy, mucky, slummy, slumlike, foul, vile, low, poor, sorry
Antonyms: clean, pleasant

Inadequate (adjective) ‫تھوڑا‬،‫ کوتاہی‬،‫ناکافی‬

lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.

Example: “these labels prove to be wholly inadequate”
Synonyms: insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, sparse, too little, too
Antonyms: adequate, sufficient, competent,

Despicable (adjective) ‫ کمینہ‬،‫ مایوسی‬،‫ قابل حقارت‬،‫حقیر‬

deserving hatred and contempt.

Example: “a despicable crime”
Synonyms: contemptible, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable
Antonyms: admirable, noble

Ulterior (adjective) ‫ خفیہ مقاصد‬،‫درپردہ‬

existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden.

Example: “could there be an ulterior motive behind his request?”
Synonyms: secondary, underlying, undisclosed, undivulged, unexpressed, unapparent, under
Antonyms: primary, overt

Deprived (adjective) ‫ برطرفی‬،‫ معزول‬،‫محروم کرنا‬

suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and cultural benefits.
Example: “the charity cares for destitute and deprived children”
Synonyms: disadvantaged, underprivileged, poverty-stricken, impoverished, poor, destitute,
Antonyms: fortunate, wealthy

Incarceration (noun) ‫ حبس‬،‫ اسیری‬،‫قید‬

the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment.

Example: “the public would not be served by her incarceration”

Synonyms: imprisonment, internment, confinement, detention, custody, captivity, restraint,

penal servitude,
Antonyms: freedom

Countenance (noun) ‫ چہرہ‬،‫ روپ‬،‫ تائید‬،‫حلیہ‬

a person’s face or facial expression.
Example: “his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away”
Synonyms: face, features, physiognomy, profile, facial expression, expression, look, appearance
Antonyms: oppose, confront, discourage, discountenance

Hitherto (adverb) ‫ ہنوز‬،‫ اس جگہ تک‬،‫اب تک‬

until now or until the point in time under discussion.

Example: “hitherto part of French West Africa, Benin achieved independence in 1960”
Synonyms: previously, formerly, earlier, so far, thus far, before, beforehand, to date, as yet
Antonyms: afterward. (or afterwards), later, subsequently

Disperse (verb) ‫پھیالنا‬،‫ منتشر کرنا‬،‫الگ کرنا‬

distribute or spread over a wide area.

Example: “storms can disperse seeds via high altitudes”
Synonyms: scatter, disseminate, distribute, spread, broadcast, diffuse, strew, sow, sprinkle
Antonyms: gather

Calamity (noun) ‫ سانحہ‬،‫ قہر‬،‫آفت‬

an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.

Example: “emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity”
Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe, tragedy, cataclysm, devastating blow, crisis, adversity, blight,
Antonyms: godsend, blessing

Isolation (noun) ‫ مخصوص‬،‫ علیحدگی‬،‫تنہائی‬

the process or fact of isolating or being isolated.

Example: “isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety”
Synonyms: separation, segregation, setting apart, keeping apart, quarantine, insulation, seclusion
Antonyms: contact, accessibility
Adverse (adjective) ‫ ناموافق‬،‫ الٹا‬،‫ برعکس‬،‫مختلف‬

preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable.

Example: “taxes are having an adverse effect on production”
Synonyms: unfavourable, disadvantageous, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfortunate, unlucky,
Antonyms: favourable, beneficial, positive, friendly

Disincentive (noun) ‫ ناپسندیدہ‬،‫پیداوار یا ترقی میں مانع‬

a factor, especially a financial disadvantage, that discourages a particular action.

Example: “spiralling house prices are beginning to act as a disincentive to development”
Synonyms: deterrent, discouragement, dissuasion, damper, brake, curb, check, restraint,
Antonyms: incentive

Intrusion (noun) ‫ خلل اندازی‬،‫ حملہ‬،‫ قبضہ‬،‫مداخلت کاری‬

the action of intruding.

Example: “he was furious about this intrusion into his private life”
Synonyms: encroachment on, trespass on, obtrusion into, invasion of, incursion into, violation
of, interruption of
Antonyms: withdrawal

Fertile (adjective) ‫ اگانے کے قابل‬،‫زرخیز‬

(of soil or land) producing or capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops.

Example: “the fertile coastal plain”
Synonyms: fecund, fruitful, productive, high-yielding, prolific, proliferating, propagative,
Antonyms: infertile

Breeding (noun) ‫ نسل بڑھانا‬،‫افزائش نسل‬

the mating and production of offspring by animals.

Example: “the flooding of the rivers is a trigger for breeding to start”
Synonyms: reproduction, reproducing, procreation, multiplying, propagation, mating, rearing,
Antonyms: bad manners, vulgarity

Glimpse (noun) ‫ سرسری طور پر دیکھنا‬،‫جھلک‬

a momentary or partial view.

Example: “she caught a glimpse of the ocean”
Synonyms: brief look, quick look, glance, peek, peep, sight, sighting
Antonyms: observation, scrutiny, investigation, inspection

Moratorium ‫ قرضے میں مہلت‬،‫استقامت‬

a temporary prohibition of an activity.

Example: “a moratorium on the use of drift nets”
Synonyms: embargo, ban, prohibition, suspension, postponement, stay, stoppage, halt, freeze
Antonyms: recommencement, renewal, resumption, resuscitation

Frighten (verb) ‫ ڈرا ہوا‬،‫خوفزدہ‬

make (someone) afraid or anxious.

Example: “the savagery of his thoughts frightened him”
Synonyms: scare, startle, alarm, terrify, petrify, shock, chill, appal, agitate, panic, throw into
Antonyms: reassure, comfort, comforting,

Peril (noun) ‫ ڈر‬،‫خطرہ‬

serious and immediate danger.

Example: “you could well place us both in peril”
Synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, riskiness, hazard, insecurity, uncertainty, menace, threat
Antonyms: safety, security

Succumb (verb) ‫ شکست مان لینا‬،‫ہار ماننا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in, be overcome by, be
overwhelmed by
Antonyms: resist, conquer

Cumbersome (adjective) ‫ گراں‬،‫ بھاری‬،‫بوجھل‬

large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy.

Example: “cumbersome diving suits”
Synonyms: unwieldy, unmanageable, awkward, clumsy, ungainly, inconvenient, incommodious
Antonyms: manageable, convenient

Derive (verb) ‫ کشید کیا ہوا‬،‫ حاصل کیا ہوا‬،‫ماخوذ‬

obtain something from (a specified source).

Example: “they derived great comfort from this assurance”
Synonyms: obtain, get, take, gain, acquire, procure, extract, attain, glean
Antonyms: give rise to

Distinction (noun) ‫اختالف‬،‫ فرق‬،‫ تفریق‬،‫امتیاز‬

a difference or contrast between similar things or people.

Example: “there is a sharp distinction between domestic politics and international politics”
Synonyms: difference, contrast, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, divergence, variance, variation,
Antonyms: similarity

Malicious (verb) ‫ سخی‬، ‫ فیاضی‬،‫مہربان‬

characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.

Example: “he was found guilty of malicious damage”
Synonyms: spiteful, malevolent, hostile, bitter, venomous, poisonous, evil-intentioned, ill-
Antonyms: benevolent
Disruption (noun) ‫ شکستگی‬،‫ خلل‬،‫رکاوٹ‬

disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.

Example: “the scheme was planned to minimize disruption”
Synonyms: disturbance, disordering, disarrangement, disarranging, interference, upset, upsetting
Antonyms: union, amalgamation, reconciliation

Ordeal (noun) ‫ کٹھن آزمائش‬،‫ کٹھن گھڑی‬،‫بڑی مصیبت‬

a very unpleasant and prolonged experience.

Example: “the ordeal of having to give evidence”
Synonyms: painful/unpleasant experience, trial, tribulation, test, nightmare, trauma, baptism of
Antonyms: argument, plea, discussion, investigation, evidence

Gruelling (adjective) ‫ مشقت سے بھر پور‬،‫ صبر آزما‬،‫غمزدہ‬

extremely tiring and demanding.

Example: “a gruelling schedule”
Synonyms: exhausting, tiring, fatiguing, wearying, enervating, taxing, draining, sapping,
Antonyms: cheap, easy, effortless, facile, light, mindless

Hearten (verb) ‫ دل سے‬،‫دالسا دینا‬

make more cheerful or confident.

Example: “she was heartened to observe that the effect was faintly comic”
Synonyms: cheer up, cheer, raise someone’s spirits, encourage, comfort, reassure, console, boost
Antonyms: dishearten

Meagre (adjective) ‫ قلیل‬،‫ الغر‬،‫ چھوٹا‬،‫معمولی‬

(of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.

Example:”they were forced to supplement their meagre earnings”
Synonyms: inadequate, scanty, scant, paltry, limited, restricted, modest, insufficient, sparse,
Antonyms: abundant

Pertain (verb) ‫ نسبت رکھنا‬،‫ سروکار رکھنا‬،‫متعلق ہونا‬

be appropriate, related, or applicable to.

Example: “matters pertaining to the organization of government”
Synonyms: concern, relate to, be related to, be connected with, be relevant to, have relevance to,
apply to
Antonyms: be foreign to

Justifiable (adjective) ‫ جواز کے قابل‬،‫ عذر پذیر‬،‫معقول‬

able to be shown to be right or reasonable; defensible.

Example: “it is not financially justifiable”
Synonyms: valid, legitimate, warranted, well founded, justified, just, sound, reasonable,
sensible, defensible
Antonyms: unjustifiable, indefensible

Infantile (adjective) ‫ بچوں جیسا‬،‫ بچگانہ‬،‫ طفالنہ‬،‫شیر خوار‬

of or occurring among babies or very young children.

Example: “infantile colic”
Synonyms: childish, babyish, immature, puerile, juvenile, adolescent, silly, foolish, inane
Antonyms: mature

Incarcerate (verb) ‫قید کرنا‬

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody, put under
lock and key
Antonyms: free, release

Pitted (adjective) ‫ ایسا عمل جو گہرے داغ پیدا کرے‬،‫کھردرا‬

having a hollow or indentation on the surface.
Example: “his jowled and pitted face”
Synonyms: pockmarked, pocked, scarred, blemished, marked, pocky, potholed, rutted, rutty,
Antonyms: smooth

Assault (verb) ‫ زنا بالجبر‬،‫ چڑھائی‬،‫حملہ‬

make a physical attack on.

Example: “he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer”
Synonyms: hit, strike, physically attack, aim blows at, slap, smack, beat, thrash, spank
Antonyms: defense, resistance, repulsion, retaliation, undermining

Grisly (adjective) ‫ بھیانک‬،‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫خوفناک‬

causing horror or disgust.

Example: “the town was shaken by a series of grisly crimes”
Synonyms: gruesome, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-
chilling, horrible
Antonyms: pleasant, attractive

Alienate (verb) ‫معاشرے سے منقطع‬،‫ بددلی پیدا کردینا‬،‫دور کر دینا‬

make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Example: “an urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants”
Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, isolate, detach, distance, put at a distance,
set against
Antonyms: unite

Exorbitant (adjective) ‫ زیادہ‬،‫ بکثرت‬،‫بے حد‬

(of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.

Example: “some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls”
Synonyms: extortionate, excessively high, extremely high, excessive, sky-high, prohibitive,
outrageous, unreasonable
Antonyms: reasonable, competitive

Havoc (noun) ‫ انتقام لینا اجاڑنا‬،‫ خرابی‬،‫تباہی‬

widespread destruction.
Example: “the hurricane ripped through Florida causing havoc”
Synonyms: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, depredation, despoliation, ruination,
Antonyms: peace

Fragile (adjective) ‫ باآسانی ٹوٹ جانیواال‬،‫ کمزور‬،‫ خراب‬،‫نازک‬

(of an object) easily broken or damaged.

Example: “fragile items such as glass and china”
Synonyms: breakable, easily broken, brittle, frangible, smashable, splintery, flimsy, weak, frail
Antonyms: robust

Stark (adjective) ‫ سادہ‬،‫ واضح‬،‫کھال‬

severe or bare in appearance or outline.

Example: “the ridge formed a stark silhouette against the sky”
Synonyms: sharply delineated, sharp, sharply defined, well focused, crisp, distinct, obvious
Antonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, pleasant, comfortable, ornate

Precarious (adjective) ‫ رعایتی‬،‫ فرضی‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬

dependent on chance; uncertain.

Example: “he made a precarious living as a painter”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risky
Antonyms: safe, secure

Impoverish (verb) ‫ مفلس کرنےکاعمل‬،‫ معاشی طور پر تباہ‬،‫ بے زر‬،‫دبال کرنا‬

make (a person or area) poor.

Example: “the wars had impoverished him”
Synonyms: make poor, make penniless, reduce to penury, reduce to destitution, bring to ruin,
bring someone to their knees
Antonyms: make wealthy, rich, wealthy
Cessation (noun) ‫ٹھہراﺅ‬،‫ اختتام‬،‫ بند‬،‫خاتمہ‬

the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.

Example: “the cessation of hostilities”
Synonyms: end, ending, termination, stopping, halting, ceasing, finish, finishing, stoppage,
Antonyms: start, resumption

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫ سانحہ‬،‫ بربادی‬،‫تباہ کن‬

extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.

Example: “catastrophic mismanagement of the economy”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Ruinous (adjective) ‫ کھنڈر میں تبدیل شدہ‬،‫ مضر‬،‫تباہ کن‬

disastrous or destructive.
Example: “a ruinous effect on the environment”
Synonyms: disastrous, devastating, catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic, crippling, crushing,
Antonyms: beneficial

Simultaneously (adverb) ‫ ایک ہی وقت میں‬، ‫ ایک ساتھ‬،‫بیک وقت‬

at the same time.

Example: “the telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks”
Synonyms: at the same time, at one and the same time, at the same instant/moment, at once,
Antonyms: singly

Perpetrate (verb) ‫انجام دینا‬،‫ مجرم ہونا‬،‫ارتکاب کرنا‬

carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action).

Example: “a crime has been perpetrated against a sovereign state”
Synonyms: commit, carry out, perform, execute, do, effect, bring about, be guilty of, be to
blame for,
Antonyms: baffle, come short, defeat, destroy, fail, frustrate, mar

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Maim (verb) ‫ اپاہج کرنا‬،‫ کاٹنا‬،‫زخمی کرنا‬

wound or injure (a person or animal) so that part of the body is permanently damaged.
Example: “100,000 soldiers were killed or maimed”
Synonyms: injure, wound, hurt, disable, put out of action, incapacitate, impair, mar, mutilate
Antonyms: restore, reinvigorate, mend, strengthen

Precarious (adjective) ‫ رعایئتی‬،‫ فرضی‬،‫غیر مستحکم‬

not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

Example: “a precarious ladder”
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, unpredictable, undependable, risky
Antonyms: safe, secure

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫ تباہی‬،‫ بربادی‬،‫تباہ کن‬

involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

Example: “a catastrophic earthquake”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Embryonic (adjective) ‫ خام‬،‫ جینیاتی‬،‫ادھورا‬

relating to an embryo.
Example: “slight differences in embryonic development”
Synonyms: fetal, unborn, unhatched
Antonyms: mature
Alienate (verb) ‫ برگشتہ‬،‫ بددلی پیدا کر دینا‬،‫دورکر دینا‬

make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Example: “an urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants”
Synonyms: estrange, turn away, set apart, drive apart, isolate, detach, distance, put at a distance,
set against
Antonyms: unite

Converge (verb) ‫ مائل ہونا‬،‫ ملنا‬،‫اکٹھا کرنا‬

(of lines) tend to meet at a point.

Example: “a pair of lines of longitude are parallel at the equator but converge toward the poles”
Synonyms: meet, intersect, cross, come together, connect, link up, coincide, join, unite
Antonyms: separate, diverge

Harness (verb) ‫ بگھی کے جانور‬،‫ کنٹرول‬،‫ہتھیار‬

put a harness on (a horse or other draught animal).

Example: “how to groom a horse and harness it”
Synonyms: hitch up, put something in harness, saddle, yoke, couple
Antonyms: unhitch

Abridge (verb) ‫ گھٹانا‬،‫مختصر کرنا‬

shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense.

Example: “the introduction is abridged from the author’s afterword to the novel”

Synonyms: shorten, cut, cut short/down, curtail, truncate, lessen, trim, crop, clip, pare down
Antonyms: lengthen, expand on, pad out

Prolong (verb) ‫ جاری رکھنا‬،‫ بڑھانا‬،‫طول دینا‬

extend the duration of.

Example: “an idea which prolonged the life of the engine by many years”
Synonyms: lengthen, make longer, extend, extend the duration of, draw out, drag out, protract,
spin out
Antonyms: shorten

Prudence (noun) ‫ احتیاط‬،‫ دانائی‬،‫ہوشیاری‬

the quality of being prudent; cautiousness.

Example: “we need to exercise prudence in such important matters”
Synonyms: wisdom, judgement, good judgement, judiciousness, sagacity, shrewdness,
Antonyms: folly, recklessness

Culpable (adjective) ‫ قابل گرفت‬،‫ سزا کا مستوجب‬،‫قابل مواخذہ‬

deserving blame.
Example: “mercy killings are less culpable than ‘ordinary’ murders”
Synonyms: to blame, guilty, at fault, in the wrong, blameworthy, blameable, censurable,
Antonyms: blameless, innocent

Nevertheless (adverb) ‫ اس کے باوجود‬،‫ پھر بھی‬،‫بہرحال‬

in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same.

Example: “statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading”
Synonyms: in spite of that/everything, nonetheless, even so, however, but, still, yet, though, be
that as it may

Exacerbate (verb) ‫ تیز کرنا‬،‫ شدید تر کرنا‬،‫بگاڑنا‬

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Example: “the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem”
Synonyms: ggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify, increase, heighten
Antonyms: calm, reduce
Persist (verb) ‫ اصرار‬،‫ قائم رہنا‬،‫ثابت قدم رہنا‬

continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Example: “the minority of drivers who persist in drinking”
Synonyms: persevere, continue, carry on, go on, keep at it, keep on, keep going, keep it up
Antonyms: abandon, stop

Grapple (verb) ‫ ہاتھا پائی‬،‫ کنڈا‬،‫قالب‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”
Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle, close,
Antonyms: let go of, release

Epidemic (noun) ‫ وبائی مرض‬،‫وبائی بیماری‬

a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

Example: “a flu epidemic”
Synonyms: outbreak, plague, scourge, infestation, widespread illness/disease, pandemic,
Antonyms: limited, local

Perpetuate (verb) ‫ استعرار‬،‫ جاری رکھنا‬،‫ہمیشہ کے لئے‬

make (something) continue indefinitely.

Example: “the confusion was perpetuated through inadvertence”
Synonyms: keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain,

Antonyms: abolish, abrogate, annul, blot out, cancel

Apparatus (noun) ‫ ضروری مواد‬،‫آالت‬

the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.

Example: “firemen wearing breathing apparatus”
Synonyms: equipment, gear, rig, tackle, gadgetry, paraphernalia, appliance, instrument, tool
Hierarchy (noun) ‫ پیشوا‬،‫درجہ بندی‬

a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status
or authority.
Example: “the initiative was with those lower down in the hierarchy”
Synonyms: pecking order, ranking, grading, ladder, social order, social stratum, social scale
Antonyms: nonhierarchic, nonhierarchical. not classified hierarchically

Dilute (verb) ‫ کمزور‬،‫ مالوٹ کرنا‬،‫پتال کرنا‬

make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.

Example: “bleach can be diluted with cold water”
Synonyms: make weaker, weaken, thin out, thin, make thinner, water down, add water to, mix
Antonyms: concentrate

Contradict (verb) ‫ حقیقت سے انکار‬،‫ حق کی تردید کرنا‬،‫تضاد‬

deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.

Example: “the survey appears to contradict the industry’s claims”
Synonyms: deny, refute, rebut, dispute, counter, say the opposite of, gainsay, controvert
Antonyms: confirm, verify, agree with

Abdicate (verb) ‫ تخت چھوڑنا‬،‫دستبردار ہونا‬

(of a monarch) renounce one’s throne.

Example: “in 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor”
Synonyms: resign, retire, quit, stand down, step down, bow out, renounce the throne, demit
Antonyms: be crowned, accede to

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫ تباہی‬،‫ بربادی‬،‫تباہ کن‬

extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.
Example: “catastrophic mismanagement of the economy”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial

Stringent (adjective) ‫ کڑی‬،‫ شدید‬،‫بہت سخت‬

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Example: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding,
Antonyms: lenient, flexible

Stirring (adjective) ‫ ہلچل‬،‫ جذبہ پیدا کرنا‬،‫جذبات بڑھانا‬

causing excitement or strong emotion; rousing.

Example: “stirring songs”
Synonyms: exciting, thrilling, action-packed, gripping, riveting, dramatic, rousing, spirited,
Antonyms: boring, pedestrian

Misery (noun) ‫ تباہی‬،‫ بدنصیبی‬،‫تکلیف‬

a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort.

Example: “a man who had brought her nothing but misery”
Synonyms: unhappiness, distress, wretchedness, hardship, suffering, affliction, anguish, anxiety
Antonyms: contentment, pleasure

Subterfuge (noun) ‫ حجت‬،‫ حیلہ‬،‫عذر‬

deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.

Example: “he had to use subterfuge and bluff on many occasions”
Synonyms: trickery, intrigue, deviousness, evasion, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating,
Antonyms: honesty, openness
Conciliatory (adjective) ‫صلح پسندانہ‬،‫مفاہمانہ‬،‫ دلکش‬،‫صلح آمیز‬

intended or likely to placate or pacify.

Example: “a conciliatory approach”
Synonyms: propitiatory, placatory, appeasing, pacifying, pacific, mollifying, peacemaking,
Antonyms: antagonistic

Vengeance (noun) ‫ قصاص‬،‫ بدلہ‬،‫انتقام‬

punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

Example: “voters are ready to wreak vengeance on all politicians”

Synonyms: revenge, avengement, retribution, retributive justice, retaliation, requital, reprisal,

Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon, condonation, amnesty, grace

Distress (verb) ‫ تکلیف‬،‫ پریشان‬،‫ دکھ‬،‫رنج‬

cause (someone) anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

Example: “I didn’t mean to distress you”
Synonyms: cause anguish to, cause suffering to, pain, upset, make miserable, make wretched,
grieve, sadde.
Antonyms: calm, soothe, please, comforting.

Earnest (adjective) ‫ زر پیشگی‬،‫بیعانہ‬

resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.

Example: “an earnest student”
Synonyms: serious, serious-minded, solemn, grave, sober, humourless, staid, steady.
Antonyms: frivolous, apathetic, half-hearted.

Fluctuation (noun) ‫ کمی بیشی‬،‫ گھٹنا بڑھنا‬،‫اتار چڑھاﺅ‬

an irregular rising and falling in number or amount; a variation.
Example: “fluctuations in the yearly values could be caused by a variety of factors”
Synonyms: variation, shift, change, alteration, swing, movement, oscillation, undulation,
Antonyms: stability

Conviction (noun) ‫ سزا دہی‬،‫ احساس جرم‬،‫سزا یابی‬

a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that
someone is guilty of a criminal offence.
Example: “she had a previous conviction for a similar offence”
Synonyms: sentence, judgement, belief, opinion, view, thought
Antonyms: acquittal

Unravel (verb) ‫ عقدہ حل کرنا‬،‫سلجھانا‬

investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling).

Example: “they were attempting to unravel the cause of death
Synonyms: solve, resolve, work out, clear up, puzzle out, find an answer to, get to the bottom of
Antonyms: complicate, entangle

Culminate (verb) ‫ اوج پر ہونا‬،‫اختتام پذیر ہونا‬

reach a climax or point of highest development.

Example: “weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate”
Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a crescendo, come to a head, reach a finale, peak, climax
Antonyms: start, begin, peter out

Cunning (adjective) ‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫ حکمت‬،‫ دغا‬،‫چاالکی‬

having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion.

Example: “a cunning look came into his eyes”
Synonyms: crafty, wily, artful, guileful, devious, sly, knowing, scheming, designing, tricky
Antonyms: honest, guileless, naive

Predecessor (noun) ‫ سابقہ‬،‫پیشرو‬

a person who held a job or office before the current holder.
Example: “the new President’s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor”
Synonyms: forerunner, precursor, antecedent
Antonyms: successor

Travesty (noun) ‫ بہروپ‬،،‫ شکل بدل دینا‬،‫تروڑ مروڑ دینا‬

a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.

Example: “the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice”

Synonyms: misrepresentation, distortion, perversion, corruption, poor imitation, poor substitute,

Antonyms: representation, reproduction, portraiture, copy

Implacable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل تسخیر‬،‫ سخت‬،‫ سنگ دل‬،‫کٹھور‬

unable to be appeased or placated.

Example: “he was an implacable enemy of Ted’s”
Synonyms: unappeasable, unpacifiable, unplacatable, unmollifiable, unforgiving, unsparing,
grudge-holding, inexorable
Antonyms: appeasable, placable, conciliable, mitigable

Wreak (verb) ‫ سزا دینا‬،‫ انتقام لینا‬،‫بدلہ لینا‬

cause (a large amount of damage or harm).

Example: “torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday”
Synonyms: inflict, create, cause, result in, effect, engender, bring about, perpetrate, unleash,
Antonyms: destroy, fail, forget, ignore, neglect

Shambolic (adjective) ‫بدنظمی کے ساتھ‬

chaotic, disorganized, or mismanaged.

Example: “the department’s shambolic accounting”
Synonyms: chaotic, disorganized, muddled, confused, in (total) disarray, at sixes and sevens,
Antonyms: efficient, organized.

Burgeon (verb) ‫ شگوفہ‬،‫ بڑھانا‬،‫غنچہ‬

begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.

Example: “manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand”
Synonyms: grow rapidly, increase rapidly/exponentially, expand, spring up, shoot up, swell,
Antonyms: shrink

Formidable (adjective) ‫ ہیبت ناک‬،‫ ڈراﺅنا‬،‫خوفناک‬

inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.
Example: “a formidable opponent”
Synonyms: intimidating, forbidding, redoubtable, daunting, alarming, frightening, terrifying,
Antonyms: pleasant-looking, comforting, easy, weak.

Haphazard (adjective) ‫ بے ضابطہ‬،‫ بے ہنگم‬،‫اتفاقی‬

lacking any obvious principle of organization.

Example: “the music business works in a haphazard fashion”
Synonyms: random, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, disorganized, disorderly, irregular,
Antonyms: methodical, systematic.

Reprimand (noun) ‫ الزام دہی‬،‫ مالمت‬،‫سرزنش‬

a formal expression of disapproval.

Example: “the golfer received a reprimand for a breach of rules”
Synonyms: rebuke, reproof, admonishment, admonition, reproach, reproval, scolding,
Antonyms: praise, commendation

Despicable (adjective) ‫ قابل حقارت‬،‫مایوسی‬

deserving hatred and contempt.
Example: “a despicable crime”
Synonyms: contemptible, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable,
Antonyms: admirable, noble

Deplorable (adjective) ‫ غمگین‬،‫ قابل نفرت‬،‫قابل مذمت‬

deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable.

Example: “children living in deplorable conditions”
Synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, dishonourable, disreputable, discreditable, unworthy, shabby,
Antonyms: admirable

Succumb (verb) ‫ شکست مان لینا‬،‫ مجبورا ً تسلیم کرنا‬،‫ہار ماننا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”

Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in, be overcome by, be
overwhelmed by.
Antonyms: resist, conquer.

Desperate (adjective) ‫مایوس‬

feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
Example: “a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth”
Synonyms: despairing, hopeless, anguished, distressed, in despair, suicidal, miserable, wretched.
Antonyms: cheerful, composed.

Adverse (adjective) ‫ مخالف‬،‫ ناموافق‬،‫ الٹا‬،‫برعکس‬

preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable.

Example: “taxes are having an adverse effect on production”.
Synonyms: unfavourable, disadvantageous, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfortunate, unlucky,
Antonyms: favourable, beneficial, positive, friendly.

Fraught (adjective) ‫ لدا ہوا‬،‫ بھرا ہوا‬،‫معنی خیز‬

(of a situation or course of action) filled with or likely to result in (something undesirable).
Example: “marketing any new product is fraught with danger”.
Synonyms: anxious, worried, upset, distraught, overwrought, agitated, distressed, distracted.
Antonyms: calm.

Dilute (verb) ‫ مالوٹ کرنا‬،‫ پتال کرنا‬،‫کمزور‬

make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.

Example: “bleach can be diluted with cold water”
Synonyms: make weaker, weaken, thin out, thin, make thinner, water down, add water to, mix.
Antonyms: concentrate

Negate (verb) ‫ نفی کرنا‬،‫ انکار کرنا‬،‫غلط ثابت کرنا‬

make ineffective; nullify.

Example: “alcohol negates the effects of the drug”
Synonyms: invalidate, nullify, render null and void, render invalid, make ineffective, neutralize.
Antonyms: confirm, support, validate.

Ethical (adjective) ‫ اخالقی‬،‫اصولی‬

relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.

Example: “ethical issues in nursing”
Synonyms: morally correct, right-minded, right-thinking, principled, irreproachable,
Antonyms: unethical

Destitute (adjective) ‫ بے سہارا‬،‫ مفلس‬،‫محتاج‬

extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself.

Example: “the charity cares for destitute children”.
Synonyms: penniless, impoverished, poverty-stricken, poor, impecunious, indigent, down and
Antonyms: rich.

Nosedive (verb) ‫اچانک آنا‬

(of an aircraft) make a nosedive.

Example: “the plane nosedived into the ground and exploded”.
Synonyms: dive, plunge, pitch (down), drop rapidly, swoop, plummet, crash-dive.
Antonyms: soar, climb, zoom.

Abiding (adjective) ‫ باقی رہنا‬،‫پائیدار‬

(of a feeling or memory) lasting a long time; enduring.

Example: “he had an abiding respect for her”.
Synonyms: enduring, lasting, persisting, long-lasting, lifelong, continuing, remaining, surviving.
Antonyms: short-lived, ephemeral, transitory.

Crusader (noun) ‫صلیبی جنگ کرنے واال‬

a fighter in the medieval Crusades.

Example: “crusaders for early detection and treatment of mental illnesses”
Synonyms: campaigner, fighter, battler, champion, advocate, promoter, enthusiast, reformer.
Antonyms: dabbler, dilettante.

Cognizant (adjective) ‫ شعور‬،‫آگاہی‬

having knowledge or awareness.

Example: “statesmen must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which they work”
Synonyms: aware, conscious, apprised, abreast, sensible of/to, alive to, sensitive to, alert to.

Incriminate (verb) ‫ الزام لگانا‬،‫الزام دینا‬

make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.

Example: “he refused to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself”.
Synonyms: implicate, involve, blame, accuse, denounce, inform against, blacken the name of,
entrap, frame.
Antonyms: absolve, clear.

Dispensation (noun) ‫ نظم و نسق‬،‫ بٹورا‬،‫ تقسیم‬،‫ بانٹ‬،‫تقدیر ازل‬

exemption from a rule or usual requirement.

Example: “although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her
Synonyms: exemption, immunity, exception, exclusion, exoneration, freedom, release, relief.
Antonyms: reservation, injunction, prohibition, enforcement, retention.

Ensue (verb) ‫ ظاہر ہونا‬،‫ تعاقب کرنا‬،‫نتیجہ نکلنا‬

happen or occur afterwards or as a result.

Example: “the difficulties which ensued from their commitment to Cuba”
Synonyms: result, follow, develop, stem, spring, arise, derive, evolve, proceed, emerge,
Antonyms: precede, threaten, premonish, forewarn.

Portend (verb) ‫ فال نکالنا‬،‫ عالمت یا نشانی‬،‫شگون ہونا‬

be a sign or warning that (something, especially something momentous or calamitous) is likely to

Example: “the eclipses portend some major events”.
Synonyms: presage, augur, foreshadow, foretell, prophesy, be a sign of, be a warning of, warn
Antonyms: contradict, negative, preclude, forefend.

Precautionary (adjective) ‫ احتیاطی‬،‫ پہلے سے احتیاط‬،‫خبر گیری‬

carried out as a precaution; preventive.

Example: “she was taken to hospital as a precautionary measure”.
Synonyms: preventative, preventive, safety, protective, precautional.
Antonyms: carelessness, thoughtlessness, improvidence.
Perplex (verb) ‫ الجھانا‬،‫ پیچیدہ بنانا‬،‫پیچیدہ کرنا‬

make (someone) feel completely baffled.

Example: “she was perplexed by her husband’s moodiness”.
Synonyms: puzzle, baffle, mystify, bemuse, bewilder, confound, confuse, nonplus, disconcert,
Antonyms: clear, enlighten, explicate, disentangle.

Betray (verb) ‫ دغا کرنا‬،‫دھوکہ د ینا‬

expose (one’s country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an

Example: “a double agent who betrayed some 400 British and French agents to the Germans”.
Synonyms: break one’s promise to, be disloyal to, be unfaithful to, break faith with, play
someone false, fail, let down.
Antonyms: be loyal to.

Escalation (noun) ‫ بڑھاوا‬،‫تیزی‬

a rapid increase; a rise.

Example: “cost escalations”
Synonyms: rapid increase, rise, hike, advance, growth, leap, upsurge, upturn, upswing, climb.
Antonyms: plunge, relaxation.

Peculiar (adjective) ‫ مخصوص‬، ‫ خاص‬،‫ نراال‬،‫انوکھا‬

different to what is normal or expected; strange.

Example: “he gave her some very peculiar looks”.
Synonyms: strange, unusual, odd, funny, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, queer, unexpected.
Antonyms: normal, ordinary

Dismay (noun) ‫ خوفزدہ کرنا‬،‫ مایوسی‬،‫ناامیدی‬

concern and distress caused by something unexpected.

Example: “to his dismay, she left him”
Synonyms: alarm, shock, surprise, consternation, concern, perturbation, disquiet, disquietude.
Antonyms: pleasure, relief
Tremendous (adjective) ‫ بہت زیادہ‬،‫ غیر معمولی‬،‫زبردست‬

very great in amount, scale, or intensity.

Example: “Penny put in a tremendous amount of time”
Synonyms: very great, huge, enormous, immense, colossal, massive, prodigious, stupendous.
Antonyms: tiny, small, slight, soft.

Lament (verb) ‫ غم میں چیخنا‬،‫ رونا‬،‫نوحہ‬

express passionate grief about.

Example: “he was lamenting the death of his infant daughter”
Synonyms: mourn, grieve (for/over), weep for, shed tears for, sorrow, wail, moan, groan, weep.
Antonyms: celebrate, rejoice.

Bedridden (adjective) ‫ صاحب فراش‬،‫ بستر سے لگا‬،‫ضعیف‬

confined to bed by sickness or old age.

Example: For six years she had been helpless and bedridden in that little room.
Synonyms: confined to bed, housebound, out of action/commission, disabled, incapacitated,
Antonyms: healthy, strong

Spirited (adjective) ‫پرجوش‬

full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination.

Example: “a spirited campaigner for women’s rights”
Synonyms: lively, vivacious, vibrant, full of life, vital, animated, high-spirited, sparkling.
Antonyms: timid, apathetic, lifeless.

Intrigue (verb) ‫ جوڑ توڑ‬،‫ ریشہ دوانی‬،‫سازش‬

arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.

Example: “I was intrigued by your question”
Synonyms: interest, be of interest to, fascinate, be a source of fascination to, arouse someone’s
Antonyms: bore.
Gruesome (adjective) ‫ بھیانک‬،‫ مکروہ‬،‫ ڈراﺅنا یا ہولناک‬،‫لرزہ خیز‬

causing repulsion or horror; grisly.

Example: “the most gruesome murder”
Synonyms: grisly, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-chilling,
Antonyms: pleasant.

Unsavoury (adjective) ‫ بدمزہ‬،‫اخالقی طور پر ناگوار‬

disagreeable to taste, smell, or look at.

Example: “they looked at the scanty, unsavoury portions of food doled out to them”
Synonyms: unpalatable, unappetizing, unpleasant, distasteful, disagreeable, uninviting,
unappealing, unattractive.
Antonyms: tasty, appetizing.

Cynical (adjective) ‫ ترش رو‬،‫ کلبی‬،‫مذموم‬

believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or
Example: “he was brutally cynical and hardened to every sob story under the sun”

Synonyms: sceptical, doubtful, distrustful, suspicious, disbelieving, unbelieving, scoffing.

Antonyms: optimistic, credulous.

Plausible (adjective) ‫ ظاہر داری‬،‫ اچھا‬،‫قابل فخر‬

(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

Example: “a plausible explanation”
Synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, probable, tenable, possible.
Antonyms: unlikely, improbable.

Dissipate (verb) ‫ منتشر کرنا‬،‫الگ کرنا‬

(with reference to a feeling or emotion) disappear or cause to disappear.

Example: “the concern she’d felt for him had wholly dissipated”
Synonyms: disappear, vanish, evaporate, dissolve, melt away, melt into thin air, be dispelled.
Antonyms: grow, develop.
Evaluate (verb) ‫ اندازہ کرنا‬،‫اندازہ لگانا‬

form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess.

Example: “the study will assist in evaluating the impact of recent changes”
Synonyms: assess, assess the worth of, put a value/price on, judge, gauge, rate, estimate,
Antonyms: criticize add multiply divide subtract

Diminish (verb) ‫ گھٹانا‬،‫کم کرنا‬

make or become less.

Example: “the new law is expected to diminish the government’s chances”
Synonyms: decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink, contract, grow smaller, fall off, drop off.
Antonyms: increase, flare up, get worse.

Expeditious (adjective) ‫ تیز‬،‫پھرتیال‬

done with speed and efficiency.

Example: “an expeditious investigation”
Synonyms: speedy, swift, quick, rapid, fast, prompt, punctual, immediate, instant.
Antonyms: slow.

Lethargy (noun) ‫ بیہوشی‬،‫ غنودگی‬،‫سستی‬

a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Example: “there was an air of lethargy about him”
Synonyms: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, torpidity, lifelessness,
Antonyms: vigour, energy, animation.

Incarceration (noun) ‫ اسیری‬،‫قید‬

the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment.
Example: “the public would not be served by her incarceration”
Synonyms: imprisonment, internment, confinement, detention, custody, captivity, restraint,
penal servitude.
Antonyms: freedom.

Purgatory (noun) ‫ وقتی عذاب‬،‫مقام کنارہ‬

mental anguish or suffering.

Example: “this was purgatory, worse than anything she’d faced in her life”
Synonyms: torment, torture, misery, suffering, affliction, anguish, agony, wretchedness.
Antonyms: paradise, bliss.

Optimistic (adjective) ‫ امید پرستانہ‬،‫پر امید‬

hopeful and confident about the future.

Example: “the optimistic mood of the Sixties”.
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery, positive, confident, hopeful, sanguine, bullish, buoyant, bright.
Antonyms: pessimistic, negative, gloomy, ominous.

Stumble (verb) ‫ الجھانا‬،‫ٹھوکر کھانا‬

trip or momentarily lose one’s balance; almost fall.

Example: “her foot caught in the rug and she stumbled”.
Synonyms: trip, trip over, trip up, lose one’s balance, lose/miss one’s footing, founder, slip,

Antonyms: fix, straighten, pass by, correct, overlook.

Prolong (verb) ‫ جاری رکھنا‬،‫ بڑھانا‬،‫طول دینا‬

extend the duration of.

Example: “an idea which prolonged the life of the engine by many years”
Synonyms: lengthen, make longer, extend, extend the duration of, draw out, drag out, protract,
spin out.
Antonyms: shorten.
Emerge (verb) ‫ مشہور ہونا‬،‫ سامنے آنا‬،‫ظاہر ہونا‬

move out of or away from something and become visible.

Example: “black ravens emerged from the fog”
Synonyms: come out, appear, come into view, become visible, make an appearance, turn up,
spring up.
Antonyms: disappear.

Impoverish (verb) ‫ معاشی طور پر تباہ کرنا‬،‫ بے زر‬،‫دبال کرنا‬

make (a person or area) poor.

Example: “the wars had impoverished him”
Synonyms: make poor, make penniless, reduce to penury, reduce to destitution, bring to ruin,
bring someone to their knees.
Antonyms: make wealthy, rich, wealthy.

Ally (noun) ‫ دوست‬،‫ تعلق بنانا‬،‫اتحادی‬

combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit.

Example: “he allied his racing experience with his father’s business acumen”.
Synonyms: combine, marry, couple, merge, amalgamate, join, pool, fuse, weld, knit.
Antonyms: split.

Unmitigated (adjective) ‫ قطعی‬،‫ پکا‬،‫بال امتیاز‬

absolute; unqualified.
Example: “the tour had been an unmitigated disaster”.
Synonyms: absolute, unqualified, unconditional, categorical, complete, total, thoroughgoing,
downright, outright.
Antonyms: partial.

Truce (noun) ‫ عارضی صلح‬،‫جنگ بندی‬

an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
Example: “the guerrillas called a three-day truce”.
Synonyms: ceasefire, armistice, suspension of hostilities, cessation of hostilities, peace, break.
Antonyms: fighting, hostilities.

Cessation (noun) ‫ اختتام‬،‫ بند‬،‫خاتمہ‬

the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.

Example: “the cessation of hostilities”.
Synonyms: end, ending, termination, stopping, halting, ceasing, finish, finishing, stoppage,
Antonyms: start, resumption.

Reckless (adjective) ‫بے فکر‬،‫ بے پرواہ‬،‫الپرواہ‬

heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash or impetuous.

Example: “you mustn’t be so reckless”
Synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless, incautious, heedless, unheeding, inattentive, hasty,
Antonyms: careful, cautious, prudent.

Misery (noun) ‫ تباہی‬،‫ بدنصیبی‬،‫تکلیف‬

a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort.

Example: “a man who had brought her nothing but misery”
Synonyms: unhappiness, distress, wretchedness, hardship, suffering, affliction, anguish, anxiety.
Antonyms: contentment, pleasure.

Grapple (verb) ‫ ہاتھا پائی‬،‫ کنڈا‬،‫ کالب‬،‫آنکڑا‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”

Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle, close.
Antonyms: let go of, release.
Barely (adverb) ‫ بس تھوڑی دیر پہلے‬،‫ عریاں طور پر‬،‫مشکل سے‬

only just; almost not.

Example: “she nodded, barely able to speak”
Synonyms: hardly, scarcely, just, only just, narrowly, by the skin of one’s teeth, by a hair’s
Antonyms: easily

Shamble (verb) ‫ لڑکھڑاتے ہوئے چلنا‬،‫لرزنا‬

(of a person) move with a slow, shuffling, awkward gait.

Example: “he shambled off down the corridor”
Synonyms: shuffle, lumber, totter, dodder, stumble, scuff/drag one’s feet, hobble, limp,
Antonyms: run, sprint, bound, dapper.

Significant (adjective) ‫ بامعنی‬،‫ اہمیت‬،‫اہم‬

sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.

Example: “a significant increase in sales”.
Synonyms: notable, noteworthy, worthy of attention, remarkable, outstanding, important, of
Antonyms: insignificant, minor.

Paucity (noun) ‫ قلت‬،‫کمی‬

the presence of something in only small or insufficient quantities or amounts.

Example: “a paucity of information”.
Synonyms: scarcity, sparseness, sparsity, dearth, shortage, rarity, rareness, poverty,
Antonyms: abundance

Futile (adjective) ‫ بے مقصد‬،‫ بے فائدہ‬،‫بیکار‬

incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.

Example: “a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage”.
Synonyms: fruitless, vain, pointless, useless, worthless, ineffectual, ineffective, inefficacious.
Antonyms: useful, fruitful.

Congregate (verb) ‫ جمع ہونا‬،‫جمع کرنا‬

gather into a crowd or mass.

Example: “some 4,000 demonstrators had congregated at a border point”.
Synonyms: assemble, gather, collect, come together, flock together, get together, convene.
Antonyms: disperse.

Cram (verb) ‫ بھرنا‬،‫ ازبریاد کرنا‬،‫رٹا لگانا‬

completely fill (a place or container) to the point of overflowing.

Example: “the ashtray by the bed was crammed with cigarette butts”.
Synonyms: stuff, pack, jam, fill, crowd, throng, overfill, fill up, fill to overflowing, stuff to the
Antonyms: clear, empty, evacuate, vacate.

Disbursement (noun) ‫ الگت‬،‫ادائیگی‬

the payment of money from a fund.

Example: “they established a committee to supervise the disbursement of aid”
Synonyms: payment, disbursal, paying out, laying out, spending, expending, expenditure,
Antonyms: underpayment.

Critique (noun) ‫ جائزہ‬،‫ تنقید‬،‫تبصرہ‬

a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political

Example: “a critique of Marxist historicism”.
Synonyms: analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, appreciation, review, write-up, criticism.
Antonyms: reject, disapprove.

Censure (verb) ‫ مذمت کرنا‬،‫ ڈانٹ‬،‫مالمت کرنا‬

express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement.
Example: “the company was heavily censured by inspectors from the Department of Trade”.

Synonyms: condemn, criticize, castigate, chastise, lambaste, pillory, savage, attack, find fault
Antonyms: praise, commend.

Subtle (adjective) ‫ چاالک‬،‫ٹھیک ٹھاک‬

(especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyse or

Example: “his language expresses rich and subtle meanings”.
Synonyms: fine, fine-drawn, ultra-fine, nice, overnice, minute, precise, narrow, tenuous.
Antonyms: crude.

Shanty (noun) ‫ کٹیا‬،‫جھونپڑی‬

a small, crudely built shack.

Synonyms: shack, hut, cabin, lean-to, shed, hovel, bothy, shieling, shiel, tilt, hok.
Antonyms: Palace

Adequate (adjective) ‫ مناسب‬،‫ کافی‬،‫ پورے طور پر‬،‫معقول‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable, acceptable,
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to.

Integral (adjective) ‫ تمام‬،‫ پیدائشی‬،‫ کامل‬،‫بنیادی طور پر‬

necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental.

Example: “games are an integral part of the school’s curriculum”.
Synonyms: essential, fundamental, basic, intrinsic, inherent, constitutive, innate, structural, vital.
Antonyms: incidental, peripheral.

Mushroom (verb) ‫ کھمبی‬،‫تیزی سے بڑھنا‬

increase, spread, or develop rapidly.

Example: “environmental concern mushroomed in the 1960s”.
Synonyms: proliferate, grow/develop rapidly, burgeon, spread, increase, expand, spring up.
Antonyms: contract, fail

Mitigate (verb) ‫ اصل سے کم کا اندازا لگانا‬،‫تخفیف کرنا‬

make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”
Synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off,
Antonyms: aggravate, increase, intensify.

Proliferate (verb) ‫ پیدا کرنا‬،‫ اگانا‬،‫ بڑھنا‬،‫پھولنا‬

increase rapidly in number; multiply.

Example: “the science fiction magazines which proliferated in the 1920s”
Synonyms: increase rapidly, grow rapidly, multiply, become more numerous, mushroom,
Antonyms: decrease, dwindle.

Peril (noun) ‫ ڈر‬،‫خطرہ‬

serious and immediate danger.

Example: “you could well place us both in peril”.
Synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, riskiness, hazard, insecurity, uncertainty, menace.
Antonyms: safety, security.

Jurisdiction (noun) ‫ قانون نافذکرنے کا حق‬،‫ اختیار‬،‫دائرہ کار‬

the official power to make legal decisions and judgements.
Example: “the English court had no jurisdiction over the defendants”.
Synonyms: authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, command, sway.
Antonyms: freedom, independence, immunity, exemption.

Predicament (noun) ‫ بری حالت‬،‫خطرناک صورتحال‬

a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.

Example: “the club’s financial predicament”.
Synonyms: difficult situation, awkward situation, mess, difficulty, problematic situation, issue,
Antonyms: kettle of fish

Bootleg (adjective) ‫ ممنوعہ تجارت‬،‫کاال دھندہ‬

(of alcoholic drink or a recording) made, distributed, or sold illegally.

Example: “bootleg cassettes”.
Synonyms: illegal, illicit, unlawful, unauthorized, unsanctioned, unlicensed, unofficial, pirated,
Antonyms: legal, permitted.

Precaution (noun) ‫ خبر گیری‬،‫ پہلے سے احتیاط‬،‫پیش بندی‬

a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from

Example: “he had taken the precaution of seeking legal advice”.

Synonyms: safeguard, safety measure, insurance, defence, provision, backstop.

Antonyms: carelessness, thoughtlessness, improvidence.

Ominous (adjective) ‫ منحوس‬،‫ نحس‬،‫بدنما‬

giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Example: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead”
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, doomy, inauspicious,
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious.

Grim (adjective) ‫ سخت مزاج‬،‫ڈراﺅنا‬

very serious or gloomy.

Example: “his grim expression”
Synonyms: stern, forbidding, uninviting, unapproachable, aloof, distant, formidable, strict, dour.
Antonyms: amiable, pleasant.

Tremendous (adjective) ‫ زبردست‬،‫ لش پش‬،‫بہت ہی اچھا‬

very great in amount, scale, or intensity.

Example: “Penny put in a tremendous amount of time”
Synonyms: very great, huge, enormous, immense, colossal, massive, prodigious, stupendous,
Antonyms: tiny, small, slight, soft.

Dilute (verb) ‫ رقت‬،‫ مالوٹ کرنا‬،‫پتال کرنا‬

make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.

Example: “bleach can be diluted with cold water”
Synonyms: make weaker, weaken, thin out, thin, make thinner, water down, add water to, mix,
Antonyms: concentrate

Vacillate (verb) ‫ لڑکھڑاہٹ‬،‫ ڈھلنا‬،‫ جھومنا‬،‫ڈگمانا‬

waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive.

Example: “I vacillated between teaching and journalism”
Synonyms: dither, be indecisive, be irresolute, be undecided, be uncertain, be unsure, be
doubtful, waver.
Antonyms: resolute

Hasten (verb) ‫ دوڑنا‬،‫ عجلت بازی کرنا‬،‫جلدی کرنا‬

be quick to do something.
Example: “he hastened to refute the assertion”
Synonyms: hurry, go fast, go quickly, make haste, hurtle, dash, dart, race, rush, fly, flash.
Antonyms: dawdle, crawl

Yield (verb) ‫ ہتھیار ڈال دینا‬،‫ حوالے کرنا‬،‫پیداوار‬

give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.

Example: “the Western powers now yielded when they should have resisted”
Synonyms: surrender, capitulate, submit, relent, admit defeat, accept defeat, concede defeat.
Antonyms: resist, defy.

Apprehension (noun) ‫ سراسیمگی‬،‫ خوف‬،‫فکر مندی‬

anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Example: “he felt sick with apprehension”
Synonyms: anxiety, angst, alarm, worry, uneasiness, unease, nervousness, misgiving, disquiet.
Antonyms: confidence

Afflict (verb) ‫ ایذا پہنچانا‬،‫ تکلیف میں ڈالنا‬،‫دکھی ہونا‬

(of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely.

Example: “his younger child was afflicted with a skin disease”

Synonyms: trouble, bother, burden, distress, cause trouble to, cause suffering to, beset, harass.
Antonyms: comfort.

Breach (noun) ‫ عہد شکنی‬،‫ وعدہ خالفی‬،‫خالف ورزی‬

an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.

Example: “a breach of confidence”
Synonyms: contravention, violation, breaking, non-observance, infringement, transgression,
Antonyms: respecting, upholding

Severe (adjective) ‫ سخت ناگوار‬،‫ بے رحم‬،‫بہت سخت‬

(of something bad or undesirable) very great; intense.
Example: “a severe shortage of technicians”
Synonyms: acute, very bad, serious, grave, critical, dire, drastic, grievous, extreme, dreadful.
Antonyms: minor, negligible, gentle, slight.

Blunt (adjective) ‫ شدت کم کرنا‬،‫ صاف گو‬،‫دھار کم کرنا‬

(of a cutting implement) not having a sharp edge or point.

Example: “a blunt knife”
Synonyms: not sharp, unsharpened, dull, dulled, worn (down), edgeless.
Antonyms: sharp.

Catastrophic (adjective) ‫ تباہی‬،‫ بربادی‬،‫تباہ کن‬

involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

Example: “a catastrophic earthquake”
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible.
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial.

Diminish (verb) ‫ کم ہونا‬،‫ کم کرنا‬،‫گھٹانا‬

make or become less.

Example: “the new law is expected to diminish the government’s chances”
Synonyms: decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink, contract, grow smaller.
Antonyms: increase, flare up, get worse.

Grapple (verb) ‫ہاتھاپائی‬،‫ پکڑ‬،‫ قالب‬،‫آنکڑا‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”
Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle, close.
Antonyms: let go of, release.
Moribund (adjective) ‫ مرنے واال‬،‫ جس پر موت طاری ہو‬،‫بے حرکت‬

(of a person) at the point of death.

Example: “on examination she was moribund and dehydrated”
Synonyms: dying, expiring, on one’s deathbed, near death, near the end, at death’s door,
breathing one’s last.
Antonyms: thriving, recovering.

Substantiate (verb) ‫ پیدا کرنا‬،‫ توثیق کرنا‬،‫ثابت کرنا‬

provide evidence to support or prove the truth of.

Example: “they had found nothing to substantiate the allegations”
Synonyms: prove, give proof of, show to be true, give substance to, support, uphold, back up,
bear out.
Antonyms: disprove, refute.

Indictment (noun) ‫ چاالن‬،‫الزام‬،

a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.

Example: “an indictment for conspiracy”
Synonyms: charge, accusation, arraignment, citation, summons, allegation, imputation, plaint,
Antonyms: acquittal

Egregious (adjective) ‫ بہت برا‬،‫ قابل مذمت‬،‫فاش‬

outstandingly bad; shocking.

Example: “egregious abuses of copyright”
Synonyms: shocking, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, terrible, awful, dreadful, grievous.
Antonyms: marvellous.

Provoke (verb) ‫ اکسانا‬،‫ للکارانا‬،‫ظاہر کرنا‬

stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in

Example: “the decision provoked a storm of protest from civil rights organizations”
Synonyms: arouse, produce, evoke, cause, give rise to, occasion, call forth, draw forth.
Antonyms: allay

Confined (adjective) ‫ پابند کرنا‬،‫ محدود کرنا‬،‫قید کرنا‬

(of a space) restricted in area or volume; cramped.

Example: “her fear of confined spaces”
Synonyms: cramped, constricted, restricted, limited, confining, small, narrow, compact, tight.
Antonyms: open, roomy.

Fraught (adjective) ‫ لدا ہوا‬،‫ بھرا ہوا‬،‫معنی خیز‬

(of a situation or course of action) filled with or likely to result in (something undesirable).
Example: “marketing any new product is fraught with danger”.
Synonyms: full of, filled with, swarming with, rife with, thick with, bristling with, charged with,
loaded with.
Antonyms: calm.

Burgeon (verb) ‫ کلی‬،‫ غنچہ‬،‫بڑھانا‬

begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.

Example: “manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand”.
Synonyms: grow rapidly, increase rapidly/exponentially, expand, spring up, shoot up, swell,
Antonyms: shrink.

Optimism (noun) ‫ امید پرستانہ‬،‫ پر امید شخص‬،‫پرامیدی‬

hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something.

Example: “the talks had been amicable and there were grounds for optimism”
Synonyms: hopefulness, hope, confidence, buoyancy, cheer, good cheer, cheerfulness,
Antonyms: pessimism.
Dilute (verb) ‫ مالوٹ کرنا‬،‫ پتال کرنا‬،‫کمزور‬

make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.

Example: “bleach can be diluted with cold water”
Synonyms: make weaker, weaken, thin out, thin, make thinner, water down, add water to, mix.
Antonyms: concentrate.

Excoriate (verb) ‫ گڑھا‬،‫ کھدائی کرنا‬،‫کھود کر نکالنا‬

damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).

Example: “the discharge is acrid and excoriates the skin of the nose”
Synonyms: abrade, rub away, rub off, rub raw, scrape, scratch, chafe, damage, strip away, peel
Antonyms: praise, approve of.

Grapple (verb) ‫ کنڈا‬،‫ کالب‬،‫ہاتھا پائی‬

engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Example: “passers-by grappled with the man after the knife attack”
Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle, brawl, fight, scuffle, clash, combat, battle.
Antonyms: let go of, release.

Disarray (noun) ‫ ابتری‬،‫ تذبذب‬،‫ذہنی الجھاﺅ‬

a state of disorganization or untidiness.

Example: “her grey hair was in disarray”.
Synonyms: disorder, confusion, chaos, untidiness, dishevelment, mess, muddle, clutter, jumble.
Antonyms: tidiness, orderliness.

Deleterious (adjective) ‫ مہلک‬،‫مضر‬

causing harm or damage.

Example: “divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children”
Synonyms: harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious, inimical, hurtful, bad, adverse,
disadvantageous, unfavourable.
Antonyms: beneficial, advantageous.
Unforeseen (adjective) ‫ اتفاقی‬،‫ ناگہانی‬،‫غیر متوقع‬

not anticipated or predicted.

Example: “our insurance package enables you to protect yourself and your dependants against
unforeseen circumstances”
Synonyms: unpredicted, unexpected, unanticipated, unplanned, accidental, unlooked for,
unsought, not bargained for.
Antonyms: expected, predictable.

Grim (adjective) ‫ سخت مزاج‬،‫کج خلق‬

very serious or gloomy.

Example: “his grim expression”
Synonyms: stern, forbidding, uninviting, unapproachable, aloof, distant, formidable, strict, dour.
Antonyms: amiable, pleasant

Friable (adjective) ‫ نرم‬،‫بوسیدگی‬

easily crumbled.
Example: “the soil was friable between her fingers”
Synonyms: crumbly, easily crumbled, powdery, dusty, chalky, soft, dry, crisp, brittle.
Antonyms: elastic, flexible, pliable, pliant, resilient.

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ بادی النظر‬،‫ بظاہر‬،‫بناوٹی طور پر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all
intents and purposes.
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly.

Populace (noun) ‫ آبادی‬،‫رعایا‬،‫ عام لوگ‬،‫عوام الناس‬

the people living in a particular country or area.

Example: “the party misjudged the mood of the populace”
Synonyms: population, inhabitants, residents, natives, occupants, occupiers, community,
country, public.
Antonyms: best, upper crust, A-list, society‫۔‬

Complacency (noun) ‫ اطمینان‬،‫ خاطر جمعی‬،‫اخالق‬

a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.

Example: “the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency”.
Synonyms: smugness, self-satisfaction, self-approval, self-approbation, self-admiration, self-
Antonyms: dissatisfaction.

Belittle (verb) ‫ نفی کرنا‬،‫ بے عزتی‬،‫گھٹا کر بتانا‬

dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant.

Example: “she belittled Amy’s riding skills whenever she could”
Synonyms: disparage, denigrate, run down, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, play down.
Antonyms: praise, magnify.

Arduous (adjective) ‫ مشکل‬، ‫ کٹھن‬،‫جفا کش‬

involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

Example: “an arduous journey”
Synonyms: onerous, taxing, difficult, hard, heavy, laborious, burdensome, strenuous, vigorous,
Antonyms: easy, effortless.

Parochial (adjective) ‫ مقامی‬،‫عالقائی‬

having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.

Example: “parochial attitudes”
Synonyms: narrow-minded, small-minded, provincial, insular, narrow, small-town, inward-
Antonyms: cosmopolitan, broad-minded, liberal.

Engulf (verb) ‫ نگلنا‬،‫ وقف کرنا‬،‫گھیر لینا‬

(of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely.
Example: “the cafe was engulfed in flames”
Synonyms: inundate, flood, deluge, immerse, swamp, wash out, swallow up, submerge.
Antonyms: dehydrate, dry, parch

Bequeath (verb) ‫ مرنے کے بعد چھوڑ جانا‬،‫وصیت کرنا‬

leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.

Example: “he bequeathed his art collection to the town”

Synonyms: leave, leave in one’s will, will, make over, pass on, hand on, hand down, cede,
Antonyms: withhold, alienate‫۔‬

Stealth (noun) ‫ چوری چھپکے‬،‫ پوشیدہ‬،‫خفیہ طور سے‬

cautious and surreptitious action or movement.

Example: “the silence and stealth of a hungry cat”
Synonyms: furtiveness, secretiveness, secrecy, surreptitiousness, sneakiness, slyness, covertness.
Antonyms: openness

Allude (verb) ‫ حوالہ دینا‬،‫اشارہ کرنا‬

suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.

Example: “she had a way of alluding to Jean but never saying her name”
Synonyms: refer to, suggest, hint at, imply, mention, touch on, mention in passing, mention en
Antonyms: specify, demonstrate, declare, mention

Deceased (noun) ‫ متوفی‬،‫مرحوم‬

the recently dead person in question.

Example: “the judge inferred that the deceased was confused as to the extent of his assets”
Synonyms: dead, expired, departed, gone, no more, passed on, passed away, late, lost.
Antonyms: lively, existing, animate, going

Nigh (adverb) ً ‫ تقریبا‬،‫نزدیکی‬، ‫ پاس‬، ‫قریب‬

Example: “a car weighing nigh on two tons”
Synonyms: well-nigh, almost, nearly, just about, more or less, practically, virtually, all but, as
good as.
Antonyms: away, deep, distant, far

Rigorous (adjective) ‫ کٹھن‬،‫ بے رحم‬،‫سخت‬

extremely thorough and careful.

Example: “the rigorous testing of consumer products”
Synonyms: meticulous, punctilious, conscientious, careful, diligent, attentive, ultra-careful,
Antonyms: slapdash

Fruition (noun) ‫ پھل دینے کی حالت‬،‫ دستیابی‬،‫سودمند‬

the realization or fulfilment of a plan or project.

Example: “the plans have come to fruition rather sooner than expected”
Synonyms: fulfilment, realization, actualization, materialization, achievement, attainment,
accomplishment, resolution.
Antonyms: inception

Ensue (verb) ‫ ظاہر ہونا‬،‫نتیجہ نکلنا‬

happen or occur afterwards or as a result.

Example: “the difficulties which ensued from their commitment to Cuba”
Synonyms: result, follow, develop, stem, spring, arise, derive, evolve, proceed, emerge, emanate
Antonyms: precede, threaten, premonish, forewarn

Edict (noun) ‫فتوی‬

ٰ ،‫ فرمان‬،‫حکم‬
an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.
Example: “Clovis issued an edict protecting Church property”
Synonyms: decree, order, command, commandment, mandate, proclamation, pronouncement,
Antonyms: suggestion, entreaty, petition

Perilous (adjective) ‫ خوفناک‬،‫خطرناک‬

full of danger or risk.

Example: “a perilous journey south”
Synonyms: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious.
Antonyms: safe, secure

Contagious (adjective) ‫ متعدی‬،‫ خراب‬،‫وبائی‬

(of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.
Example: “a contagious disease”
Synonyms: infectious, communicable, transmittable, transmissible, transferable, spreadable
Antonyms: noninfectious

Remittance (noun) ‫ ترسیل رقم‬،‫رقم کی منتقلی‬

a sum of money sent in payment or as a gift.

Example: “complete your booking form and send it together with your remittance”
Synonyms: payment, settlement, money, fee, cheque, money order, transfer of funds, negotiable
Antonyms: nonpayment, underpayment

Substantial (adjective) ‫ حقیقی‬،‫ خاصی بڑی‬،‫خاصی مقدار‬

of considerable importance, size, or worth.

Example: “a substantial amount of cash”
Synonyms: considerable, real, material, weighty, solid, sizeable, meaningful, significant.
Antonyms: insubstantial, worthless
Plummet (verb) ‫ تیزی سے نیچے گرنا‬،‫گہرائی ناپنے کا آلہ‬

fall or drop straight down at high speed.

Example: “a climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet down an icy gully”
Synonyms: plunge, fall headlong, hurtle, nosedive, dive, drop, crash, descend rapidly.
Antonyms: rocket, ascend, soar, rise, skyrocket

Respite (noun) ‫ وقتی سکون‬،‫ مہلت‬،‫ وقفہ‬،‫وقتی آرام‬

a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.

Example: “the refugee encampments will provide some respite from the suffering”
Synonyms: rest, break, breathing space, interval, intermission, interlude, recess, lull, pause.
Antonyms: clamor, din, noise, racket

Uncanny (adjective) ‫ غیر طبعی‬،‫پراسرار‬

strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.

Example: “an uncanny feeling that she was being watched”.
Synonyms: eerie, unnatural, preternatural, supernatural, unearthly, other-worldly, unreal,
Antonyms: ordinary, normal, unremarkable.

Homicide (noun) ‫ مردم کشی‬،‫انسان کا قتل‬

the killing of one person by another.

Example: “he was charged with homicide”
Synonyms: murder, killing, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter,
Antonyms: birth

Bigoted (adjective) ‫ دوسرے کی نہ ماننے واال‬،‫ متعصب‬،‫ہٹ دھرم‬

obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, and intolerant towards other
people’s beliefs and practices.
Example: “a bigoted group of reactionaries”
Synonyms: prejudiced, biased, partial, one-sided, sectarian, discriminatory, intolerant, narrow-
Antonyms: tolerant, liberal

Escalation (noun) ‫ اضافہ‬،‫ بڑھاوا‬،‫تیزی‬

a rapid increase; a rise.

Example: “cost escalations”
Synonyms: rapid increase, rise, hike, advance, growth, leap, upsurge, upturn, upswing, climb.
Antonyms: plunge, relaxation

Impunity (noun) ‫ آزادی‬،‫استثنی‬

ٰ ،‫سزا سے چھٹکارا‬

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

Example: “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”

Synonyms: immunity, indemnity, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment,

Antonyms: liability, responsibility

Culpable (adjective) ‫ قابل گرفت‬،‫ سزا کا مستوجب‬،‫قابل مواخذہ‬

deserving blame.
Example: “mercy killings are less culpable than ‘ordinary’ murders”
Synonyms: to blame, guilty, at fault, in the wrong, blameworthy, blameable, censurable,
Antonyms: blameless, innocent

Cautious (adjective) ‫ احتیاط سے‬،‫ ہوشیاری‬،‫محتاط‬

(of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.

Example: “a cautious driver”
Synonyms: careful, wary, aware, heedful, attentive, alert, watchful, vigilant, circumspect,
Antonyms: incautious, reckless

Optimism (noun) ‫ امید پروری‬،‫پر امیدی‬

hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something.

Example: “the talks had been amicable and there were grounds for optimism”
Synonyms: hopefulness, hope, confidence, buoyancy, cheer, good cheer, cheerfulness,
sanguineness, positiveness.
Antonyms: pessimism

Reciprocate (verb) ‫ بدلے میں کوئی کام کرنا‬،‫جوابی عمل‬

respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.

Example: “the favour was reciprocated”
Synonyms: do the same (in return), respond in kind, return the favour, give as good as one gets,
give tit for tat.
Antonyms: absolve, acquit, excuse, forget, forgive, neglect.

Vicious (adjective) ‫ ظالمانہ‬،‫ نااہل‬،‫فاسق‬

deliberately cruel or violent.

Example: “a vicious assault”
Synonyms: brutal, ferocious, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless, remorseless, merciless,
Antonyms: gentle, kindly, benevolent

Alarmist (noun) ‫سنسنی پیدا کردینے واال‬،‫دہشت انگیز‬

someone who exaggerates a danger and so causes needless worry or panic.

Example: “the problem is a fabrication by alarmists”
Synonyms: scaremonger, gloom-monger, doom-monger, voice of doom, doomster, doomsayer,
doom merchant.
Antonyms: optimist, Pollyanna

Urgency (noun) ‫ فوری ضرورت‬،‫سخت اہمیت‬

importance requiring swift action.

Example: “the discovery of the ozone hole gave urgency to the issue of CFCs”
Synonyms: importance, top priority, imperativeness, weight, weightiness, gravity, necessity,
Antonyms: unimportant, insignificant, trifling, trivial.

Clergy (noun) ‫ پادری‬،‫اہل کلیسا‬

the body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church.
Example: “all marriages were to be solemnized by the clergy”
Synonyms: clergymen, clergywomen, churchmen, churchwomen, clerics, priests, ecclesiastics,
men/women of God.
Antonyms: laity

Observance (noun) ‫ ریت‬،‫ بجا آوری‬،‫ تعمیل‬،‫مشاہدہ‬

the practice of observing the requirements of law, morality, or ritual.

Example: “strict observance of the rules”
Synonyms: rite, ritual, ceremony, ceremonial, celebration, practice, service, office, festival.
Antonyms: brush-off, disregard, ignoring‫۔‬

Baffle (verb) ‫ ناکام بنا دینا‬،‫حیران کرنا‬

totally bewilder or perplex.

Example: “an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone”
Synonyms: perplex, puzzle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, confuse, confound, nonplus, disconcert.
Antonyms: enlighten, clear, comprehensible

Clandestine (adjective) ‫ پراسرار‬،‫ مخفی‬،‫چوری چھپے‬

kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.

Example: “she deserved better than these clandestine meetings”

Synonyms: secret, covert, furtive, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner,

Antonyms: open, above board

Thrive (verb) ‫ بڑھنا‬،‫ تیزی سے پھیالنا‬،‫ پھلنا پھولنا‬،‫پنپنا‬

(of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously.
Example: “the new baby thrived”
Synonyms: flourish, prosper, grow vigorously, develop well, burgeon, bloom, blossom, do well
Antonyms: decline, wither, fail, stagnate

Conducive (adjective) ‫ باعث‬،‫مدد گار‬

making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Example: “the harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere”
Synonyms: good for, helpful to, instrumental in, calculated to produce, productive of, useful for,
Antonyms: unfavourable

Thwart (verb) ‫ آڑا‬،‫ ترچھا‬،‫ناکام بنا دینا‬

prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.

Example: “he never did anything to thwart his father”
Synonyms: foil, frustrate, balk, stand in the way of, forestall, scotch, derail, smash, dash.
Antonyms: assist, facilitate

Tempestuous (adjective) ‫ تند‬،‫ تیز‬،‫ ہنگامہ خیز‬،‫جذباتی‬

characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion.

Example: “he had a reckless and tempestuous streak”
Synonyms: turbulent, stormy, tumultuous, violent, wild, lively, heated, explosive, uncontrolled.
Antonyms: peaceful, placid, calm

Emaciated (adjective) ‫ بیماری کی وجہ سے نہایت کمزور‬،‫الغر‬

abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food.

Example: “she was so emaciated she could hardly stand”
Synonyms: thin, skeletal, bony, wasted, thin as a rake, scrawny, skinny, scraggy, skin and bones.
Antonyms: fat
Seclusion (noun) ‫دوسرے سے الگ ہونے کا عمل‬،‫تنہائی‬

the state of being private and away from other people.

Example: “they enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion”
Synonyms: isolation, solitude, retreat, privacy, privateness, retirement, withdrawal, purdah, an
ivory tower.
Antonyms: association, companionship, company, converse

Tendency (noun) ‫ رغبت‬،‫رجحان‬

an inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behaviour.

Example: “for students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings”
Synonyms: propensity, proclivity, proneness, aptness, likelihood, inclination, disposition,
Antonyms: averseness, disinclination, dislike,

Stigmatize (verb) ‫ داغ داغ کرنا‬،‫ رسوا کرنا‬،‫بدنام کرنا‬

describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.

Example: “the institution was stigmatized as a last resort for the destitute”

Synonyms: condemn, denounce, brand, label, mark out, disparage, vilify, pillory.
Antonyms: panegyrize, land, eulogize

Communiqué (noun) ‫ اطالع‬،‫ سرکاری اعالن‬،‫اعالمیہ‬

an official announcement or statement, especially one made to the media.

Example: “the country’s foreign ministry issued a communique”
Synonyms: official communication, press release, bulletin, message, missive, dispatch,
statement, report.
Antonyms: heedlessness, ignorance

Surreal (adjective) ‫ ال شعوریت‬،‫غیر حقیقی‬،

having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre.

Example: “a surreal mix of fact and fantasy”
Synonyms: unreal, bizarre, unusual, weird, strange, freakish, unearthly, uncanny, dreamlike.
Antonyms: existent, real
Feasible (adjective) ‫عمل پذیر‬

possible to do easily or conveniently.

Example: “it is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display”
Synonyms: practicable, practical, workable, achievable, attainable, realizable, viable, realistic,
Antonyms: impractical

Precaution (noun) ‫ پہلے سے احتیاط‬،‫خبر گیری‬

a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from

Example: “he had taken the precaution of seeking legal advice”
Synonyms: safeguard, safety measure, insurance, defence, provision, backstop.
Antonyms: carelessness, thoughtlessness, improvidence

Preventive (adjective) ‫ بیماری کا دفاع کرنا‬،‫ امتناعی‬،‫انسدادی‬

designed to keep something undesirable such as illness or harm from occurring.

Example: “preventive medicine”
Synonyms: inhibitory, preventative, deterrent, pre-emptive, obstructive, precautionary,
Antonyms: permissive, unhealthful, bailable

Stringent (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫بہت سخت‬

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Example: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding,
Antonyms: lenient, flexible

Naive (adjective) ‫ سادہ لوح‬،‫بھوال بھاال‬

(of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.
Example: “the rather naive young man had been totally misled”
Synonyms: innocent, unsophisticated, artless, ingenuous, inexperienced, guileless.
Antonyms: sophisticated, disingenuous, experienced, worldly,

Bust (verb) ‫ دیوالیہ ہونا‬،‫ ناکام ہونا‬،‫ناکامی‬

break, split, or burst.

Example: “they bust the tunnel wide open”
Synonyms: break, crack, snap, fracture, shatter, smash, smash to smithereens, fragment.
Antonyms: bushel, touch on, furbish up, fix

Disastrous (adjective) ‫ مصیبت خیز‬،‫تباہ کن‬

causing great damage.

Example: “a disastrous fire swept through the museum”
Synonyms: catastrophic, calamitous, cataclysmic, tragic, devastating, ravaging, ruinous,
Antonyms: fortunate, successful, beneficial

Apparatus (noun) ‫کسی مقصد کو پورا کرنے کےلئے بنائی جانیوالی مشین‬

the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.

Example: “firemen wearing breathing apparatus”
Synonyms: equipment, gear, rig, tackle, gadgetry, paraphernalia, appliance, instrument.
Antonyms: surface, ship, nonsubmersible, agitate

Sectarian (adjective) ‫ خاص جماعت کا‬،‫فرقہ وارانہ‬

denoting or concerning a sect or sects.

Example: “the city’s traditional sectarian divide”
Synonyms: factional, schismatic, cliquish, clannish, partisan, parti pris, denominational,
Antonyms: tolerant, liberal, broad-minded

Maim (verb) ‫ اپاہج کرنا‬،‫ کاٹنا‬،‫زخمی کرنا‬

wound or injure (a person or animal) so that part of the body is permanently damaged.
Example: “100,000 soldiers were killed or maimed”
Synonyms: injure, wound, hurt, disable, put out of action, incapacitate, impair, mar, mutilate
Antonyms: restore, reinvigorate, mend, strengthen

Vibrant (adjective) ‫ تیزی سے لرزنے واال‬،‫متحرک‬

full of energy and life.

Example: “a vibrant cosmopolitan city”
Synonyms: spirited, lively, full of life, full of spirit, high-spirited, energetic, sprightly, vigorous,
Antonyms: spiritless, listless, dull

Disrupt (verb) ‫ وقفہ کرنا‬،‫ روکنا‬،‫منتشر کرنا‬

interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem.

Example: “flooding disrupted rail services”
Synonyms: throw into confusion, throw into disorder, throw into disarray, cause
confusion/turmoil in, play havoc with.
Antonyms: organize, arrange

Fragile (adjective) ‫ آسانی سے ٹوٹ جانیواال‬،‫نازک‬

(of an object) easily broken or damaged.

Example: “fragile items such as glass and china”
Synonyms: breakable, easily broken, brittle, frangible, smashable, splintery, flimsy, weak, frail.
Antonyms: robust

Extinguish (verb) ‫ ناپیدہ‬،‫ گل کرنا‬،‫بجھانا‬

cause (a fire or light) to cease to burn or shine.

Example: “firemen were soaking everything to extinguish the blaze”
Synonyms: douse, put out, quench, stamp out, smother, beat out, dampen down, blow out.
Antonyms: light
Hubris (noun) ‫ زعم‬،‫ غرور‬،‫گھمنڈ‬

excessive pride or self-confidence.

Example: “the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s”
Synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-
Antonyms: modesty

Vulnerable (adjective) ‫ جو مجروح کیا جا سکے‬،‫غیر محفوظ‬

exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Example: “we were in a vulnerable position”
Synonyms: in danger, in peril, in jeopardy, at risk, endangered, unsafe, unprotected, ill-
Antonyms: well protected, invulnerable, resilient

Chaotic (adjective) ‫ بدنظمی کی حالت‬،‫افراتفری‬

in a state of complete confusion and disorder.

Example: “the political situation was chaotic”
Synonyms: disorderly, disordered, in disorder, in chaos, in disarray, disorganized, topsy-turvy.
Antonyms: orderly

Adequate (adjective) ‫ مناسب‬،‫ کافی‬،‫معقول‬

satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Example: “this office is perfectly adequate for my needs”
Synonyms: sufficient, enough, ample, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable, acceptable,
Antonyms: insufficient, inadequate, unequal to

Stringent (adjective) ‫ شدید‬،‫بہت سخت‬

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

Example: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding.
Antonyms: lenient, flexible
Ravage (verb) ‫ غارت‬،‫ بربادی‬،‫تباہی‬

cause severe and extensive damage to.

Example: “the hurricane ravaged southern Florida”
Synonyms: lay waste, devastate, ruin, leave in ruins, destroy, wreak havoc on, leave desolate,
level, raze.
Antonyms: spare, conserve, preserve, indemnify

Detonate (verb) ‫ دھماکہ کرنا‬،‫پھوڑنا‬

explode or cause to explode.

Example: “two other bombs failed to detonate”
Synonyms: explode, go off, be set off, blow up, burst apart, shatter, erupt, ignite, bang, blast,
Antonyms: deflagrate

Conclave (noun) ‫ خفیہ مجلس‬،‫نجی اجتماع گاہ‬

a private meeting
Example: There’d be a deadlock when a conclave started checking their claims.
Synonyms: (private) meeting, gathering, assembly, conference, convention, convocation,
council, session.

Envisage (verb) ‫ گمان کرنا‬،‫تصور کرنا‬

contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.

Example: “the Rome Treaty envisaged free movement across frontiers”
Synonyms: foresee, predict, forecast, foretell, anticipate, expect, think likely, envision, intend.
Antonyms: unforeseen, disregard, ignore

Cogent (adjective) ‫ موثر‬،‫ زور دار‬،‫معقول‬

(of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.
Example: “they put forward cogent arguments for British membership”
Synonyms: convincing, compelling, strong, forceful, powerful, potent, weighty, valid, sound.
Antonyms: vague, unconvincing, muddled

Erratic (adjective) ‫ ڈانواڈول‬،‫ متزلزل‬،‫غیر یقینی‬

not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.

Example: “her breathing was erratic”
Synonyms: unpredictable, inconsistent, changeable, variable, inconstant, uncertain, irregular,
Antonyms: predictable,consistent

Dilemma (noun) ‫ مشکوک‬،‫ المیہ‬،‫دوہری مشکل‬

a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives,
especially ones that are equally undesirable.
Example: “he wants to make money, but he also disapproves of it: Den’s dilemma in a nutshell”
Synonyms: quandary, predicament, difficulty, problem, puzzle, conundrum, awkward situation,
tricky situation.
Antonyms: extrication, rebutment, freedom, advantage

Contagious (adjective) ‫ وبا‬،‫ خراب‬،‫ متعدی‬،‫وبائی‬

(of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.
Example: “a contagious disease”
Synonyms: infectious, communicable, transmittable, transmissible, transferable, spreadable,
Antonyms: noninfectious

Devastate (verb) ‫المناک‬،‫ زبردست‬،‫تباہ کن‬

destroy or ruin.
Example: “the city was devastated by a huge earthquake”
Synonyms: destroy, ruin, leave in ruins, wreck, lay waste, wreak havoc on, ravage, ransack.
Antonyms: recondition, recover, redeem
Swarm (verb) ‫ فوج‬،‫ مکھیوں کا گروہ‬،‫بھیڑ‬

(of flying insects) move in or form a swarm.

Example: “a plague of locusts swarmed across the countryside”
Synonyms: flock, crowd, throng, stream, surge, flood, seethe, pack, crush.
Antonyms: paucity, sprinkling, scantling, rarity

Implacable (adjective) ‫ ناقابل تسخیر‬،‫ سخت‬،‫ سنگ دل‬،‫کٹھور‬

unable to be appeased or placated.

Example: “he was an implacable enemy of Ted’s”
Synonyms: unappeasable, unpacifiable, unplacatable, unmollifiable, unforgiving, unsparing,
grudge-holding, inexorable
Antonyms: appeasable, placable, conciliable, mitigable

Emaciated (adjective) ‫ سوکھا‬،‫ دبال‬،‫ الغر‬،‫کمزوری‬

abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food.

Example:”she was so emaciated she could hardly stand”
Synonyms: thin, skeletal, bony, wasted, thin as a rake, scrawny, skinny, scraggy, skin and bones,
Antonyms: fat

Mitigate (verb) ‫ تخفیف کرنا‬،‫ کمی‬،‫اصل سے کم کا انداز کرنا‬

make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.

Example: “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”
Synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off,
allay, ease
Antonyms: aggravate, increase, intensify

Unravel (verb) ‫ سلجھانا‬،‫عقدہ حل کرنا‬

investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling).

Example: “they were attempting to unravel the cause of death”
Synonyms: solve, resolve, work out, clear up, puzzle out, find an answer to, get to the bottom of.
Antonyms: complicate

Abate (verb) ‫ کم کرنا‬،‫ زور ٹوٹنا‬،‫ہلکا پڑنا‬

(of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.

Example: “the storm suddenly abated”
Synonyms: subside, die down/away/out, drop off/away, lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease.
Antonyms: intensify

Unpalatable (adjective) ‫ تلخ‬،‫ ناگوار‬،‫ ناپسندیدہ‬،‫بدمزہ‬

not pleasant to taste.

Example: “scraps of unpalatable food”
Synonyms: unappetizing, uninviting, unappealing, unsavoury, off-putting, inedible, uneatable,
Antonyms: palatable, tasty

Erstwhile (adjective) ‫ سابقہ‬،‫ اس سے پہلے‬،‫پرانا‬

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”
Synonyms: former, old, past, one-time, sometime, as was, ex-, late, then, previous.
Antonyms: present, future

Chronic (adjective) ‫ دیرینہ مرض‬،‫شدید مرض‬

(of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.

Example: “chronic bronchitis”
Synonyms: persistent, long-standing, long-term, constantly recurring, incurable, immedicable.
Antonyms: acute

Unsanitary (adjective)

not sanitary.
Example: “the unsanitary conditions in the orphanage”
Synonyms: unhygienic, insanitary, dirty, filthy, unclean, impure, contaminated, unhealthy.
Antonyms: sanitary, hygienic, clean

Pristine (adjective) ‫ پرانا‬،‫ اصلی‬،‫قدیم‬،

in its original condition; unspoilt.

Example: “pristine copies of an early magazine”
Synonyms: immaculate, in perfect condition, perfect, in mint condition, as new, unspoiled,
Antonyms: dirty, sullied

Incarcerate (verb) ‫قید کرنا‬،

imprison or confine.
Example: “many are incarcerated for property offences”
Synonyms: imprison, put in prison, send to prison, jail, lock up, take into custody.
Antonyms: free, release

Apathy (noun) ‫ سنگدلی‬،‫ مردہ دلی‬،‫بے حسی‬

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Example: “widespread apathy among students”
Synonyms: indifference, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern,
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion

Ostensibly (adverb) ‫ بناوٹی طور پر‬،‫ بادی النظر‬،‫بظاہر‬

as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Example: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly
Disdain (noun) ‫ نفرت کرنا‬،‫ حقیر سمجھنا‬،‫ توہین‬،‫حقارت‬

the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect.

Example: “her upper lip curled in disdain”
Synonyms: contempt, scorn, scornfulness, contemptuousness, derision, disrespect,
Antonyms: admiration, respect

Affluent (adjective) ‫ متمول‬،‫ دولتمند‬،‫امیر‬

(especially of a group or area) having a great deal of money; wealthy.

Example: “the affluent societies of the western world”
Synonyms: wealthy, rich, prosperous, opulent, well off, moneyed, cash rich, with deep pockets.
Antonyms: poor, impoverished

Befuddle (verb) ‫ بدمست کرنا‬،‫ مست کیا ہوا‬،‫چکرانا‬

cause to become unable to think clearly.

Example: “even in my befuddled state I could see that they meant trouble”
Synonyms: confused, muddled, addled, bewildered, disoriented, disorientated, all at sea, mixed
Antonyms: clear

Confront (verb) ‫ سامنا کرنا‬،‫کسی چیز کا مقابلہ کرنا‬

come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.

Example: “300 policemen confronted an equal number of union supporters”
Synonyms: challenge, square up to, oppose, resist, defy, beard, tackle, attack, assault.
Antonyms: avoid

Succumb (verb) ‫ مجبورا ً تسلیم کرنا‬،‫ شکست مان لینا‬،‫ہار ماننا‬

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

Example: “we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Synonyms: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in, be overcome by.
Antonyms: resist, conquer
Catharsis (noun) ‫دست‬،‫ اسہال‬،‫ذہنی دباﺅ ختم کرنا‬

the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
Example: “music is a means of catharsis for them”
Synonyms: purging, purgation, purification, cleansing, release, relief, emotional release, freeing.
Antonyms: repression

Disarm (verb) ‫ نہتا کرنا‬،‫غیر مسلح کرنا‬

take a weapon or weapons away from (a person, force, or country).

Example: “guerrillas had completely disarmed their forces”

Synonyms: deprive of arms, take weapons from, render defenceless, make powerless,
Antonyms: arm, militarize

Scourge (noun) ‫ کوڑے مارنا‬،‫سزا دینا‬

a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.

Example: “the scourge of mass unemployment”
Synonyms: affliction, bane, curse, plague, menace, evil, misfortune, burden, cross to bear.
Antonyms: blessing, godsend

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