Network Management

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Network management:

As this is 21st century, the colleges are the platforms of learning; we can see many
services and networks implemented in the colleges. so, it is very important to
have knowledge about the things like how the networks operate and the issues
that it experiences and how those things are providing the impacts to the faculty,
students and staff. There are many network managements tools that we used in
this project which we can see clearly in the diagram below ( fig 1). Those helps
helps all the department that are under the network operation. This part of our
project discusses the various network management option that are available to
the university.

Automatic network
discovery Active Topology Maps

Status monitoring
and analysis
Security service
Cisco Network
Management Tools
Fault Web based

Oss integration
performance polling

Fig: Network management tools

The some network management that we use in our project are given below
 Unified communication management: it helps to give much flexibility to
the applications, call control, ip communication and messaging etc. all the
network for example deliver data, voice, video and several rich media need
the unified communication management.
 Telepresence Network management: It helps in providing the good quality
of audio, high quality video and interactive elements in order to deliver the
face-to-face experience with the power of underlying networks.
 Performance assurance: the network management products helps to
manage the various network resources and also the various plans require
to change the usage of resources and also aids in solving the problems
beforehand that affect the user. Fast access to the configuration, simple to
study the performance reports on various data, video traffic and voice
helps to plan he capacity and monitor the train with optimizing the
 Switching and routing management: with the help of advance
configuration and inventory management they save the time and effort of
the network administrators.
 Identify management: due to the day by day increasing way to access the
networks it could create the problems like security breaches and also the
uncontrolled user access. The operators can use the network management
products to identify the trust, access control, compliance features and
policies which result to provide the protection to the profit of the company.
 Cable, content, video management: the cisco management tools helps to
make sure the high availability and also the performance. With the help of
these product the university department can have access to the various
services such as video on demand, ip telephony and also the various

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