IIIrd Year All Branch Paper June 2019

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Roll No. il YEAR (Vi Semester) B.E. EXAMINATION May - June 2019 SUBJECT CODE: 4< en SUBJECT TITLE: Principles of Management & Managerial Economics (6S & NGS) Time : 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks : 70 Minimum Passing Marks : 22 L/BCHL/ BaTL GOL Note: | & Answer alive questions. Allquestions carry equal marks. 'm each question part o, b, care compulsory and port d has internal choice. Out of which part o & b (Max. 50 swords) carry 2 marks, part ¢ (Max. 100 words) carry 3 marks and part d (Max. 400 words) corry 7 marks. Word init wouks not be followed for (except) diagram, numerical, desivation ete 3. All Ports of each question are to be attempted at one place 4. Assume suitable value for missing data, if ony. ‘Question Marks No. 1._[(a)_| Point out two differences between administration and management. 2 (b)_| What do you mean by Scientific Management? o2 (c}_| Discuss contribution of F W Taylor in the area of management. 03, (d)__| Discuss steps of Decision Making in an environment of uncertainty? 7 OR {(@) | Discuss role of motivation for a computer hard ware company, Northed to survive in| 07 the present day globalised economic environment? 2.__[{a)_[ why control is required in a Project? @ (b)_| Discuss Project Organisation in your own words 02 {c)_| Discuss tools of Project Control? 03 (a)_| What do you mean by PERT in Project Management? How it increases efficiency of the | 07 project? OR (e)_| Why and for whom an electronic company Elex, will make report. What are the stepsit | 07 should take while preparing detailed Project Report. 3. | (@)_| Whether following topics are of ‘Microeconomics’ or ‘Macroeconomics’? 2 i, Monopoly Inflation Bank iv. Price elasticity of demand. (b)_[ Whether Perfect competition is real world situation? Discuss. 2 () | [Cost of Machine Rs. 50,000.00 03 Cost of Raw Material Rs. 200.00/unit Selling Price in the market Rs. 700 00/unit Calculate the Break Even point. (@)_ [What do you understand by Managerial Economics? Discuss importance of learning | 07 Managerial Economics for engineering students. ‘OR {e) | Discuss relation between Total cost, Average cost and Marginal cost. Also discuss | 07 significance of Marginal cost in economic analysis? 4__[(@)_| What do you mean by Production in Economics? 2 ‘[(b)__| Why labour is @ unique factor of production? Discuss. _ 2 [(c}_| Discuss factors which affect Productivity. 4. 8 | {a) | ‘Capitat intensive’ or ‘tabours intensive’ which production system you will suggestion | 07 |__| fora country tke india? OR OR How advent of information and Communication Technology (ICT) has affected the 7 production process? Discuss. s Ht feet Discuss significance of Entrepreneurship. _ Te Discuss significance of Ethics. 02 Discuss quality of a good Entrepreneur. 08 Ta) | Discuss role of Government in development of entrepreneurship among youth. ow OR Te) | What do you understand by Engineering Ethics? Why engineers should take ethical | 07 measures in their profession? Discuss Eee eR KR RK THB, £. (CIVIL) EXAMINATION MAY-JUNE 2019 BCEL-606/CEL-602/6112: Theory of Structures-II Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 76 Min. Passing Marks: 22 Note: Attempt all five questions. Part a, b, and c of each question is compulsory and carries 2, 2, and 3 marks respectively Out of parts d and e (7 marks each) any one of them is to be attempted. Missing data, if any, may be assumed suitably, Ques. Course No. Outcomes 1, a, What do you mean by “relative stiffness” and “carry over factor” as used in moment COL distribution method. bb. List the conditions that may cause sway of frames cor ¢. Explain the procedure for analysis of box: frames. cor Analyze the frame shown in Fig. by moment distribution method. Take El as constant, cor e. Analyze the frame shown in Fig, 2 by Kani's method. Take El as constant. cor 2. a, What are the assumptions of Portal method? co2 b. What do you mean by Basic wind velocity? C02 c. Explain use of “Substitute frame method’ to analyze frames for vertical loading. co2 4. Use Cantilever method to find axial force, shear force and bending moment in members BE CO2 and DE of the frame shown in Fig. 3. Take same cross-sectional area for all the members. ©. Find axial foree, shear force and bending moment in members BE and DE of the frame shown co2 in Fig. 3 by Portal method. 3. a, Explain Local and Global coordinates. C03 b. What do you mean by transformation matrices? £03 c. Explain, with examples, degree of (i) Static indeterminacy and (ii) Kinematic indeterminacy. €03 4. Analyze the truss shown in Fig. 4 by stiffiiess method. Cross-sectional area of each member of C03 the truss is 500mm" and E = 2 x 10° MPa, €. Analyze the beam shown in Fig. $ by Force method. Take support reaction at A and bending «COB moment at B as redundant. 4. a, What do you mean by rotling loads? Explain with examples. co4 b. Explain the difference between Bending moment diagram and Influence line diagram for co4 bending moment. . Explain the process of estimating absolute maximum bending moment for a girder subjected to cos series of point loads. 4. A system of wheel loads, shown in Fig. 6, crosses a simply supported span of 25 m. Find the cos absolute maximum bending moment, Draw the Influence lines for force in members UsUs and U:Ls of truss shown in Fig. 7. cos 5. a. Write down the assumptions of Plastic analysis cos b. Explain the difference between normal hinge and plastic hinge. COs . Differentiate between upper and lower bound theorems in plastic analysis. COs 4. What is a shape factor? Explain its significance. Find the shape factor for the section shown in cos Fig. 8. Find the collage load for the fame shown in Fig 9 using the mechanism method cos 100 KN B CHeeee 21 60 KN a | KN I I A B TT je Lp + eZ Ga F Sop Sm] Figure t Figure 2 10 KN 100 KN “ * et eeancazen_Hasssssnensdsaniaa 4HSRGRGS A juseatiae [5 m 250 KN 0 +5 z u 4m ae in titi Wile ~~ 4m om Figure 3 Figure 4 6oKN KN Load (in KN) 20KN SKN 25 KN 20K1 a | 7 ae Le am 3m sn jm 40 . 0 Distance in my --22™—|_ 40m ‘om Figure 5 Figure 6 lo ta Lg SS re 10 PANELS @ 50M =50 M; HEIGHT OF TRUSS =6M Figure 7 100 W Is 2 2w, Bl amp 4c 00 | 20, SL 2 st Mp My T= Wah UE A D jee Stoo eee Jan | | Figure 8 Figure 9 it Year BE (CIVIL) VI- SEMESTER , EXAMINATION MAY-JUNE, 2019 Subject Code: BCEL - 602 Subject: Solid waste, Air and Noise Pollution (Elective-II) (6S) Time: 3 Hours ‘Max Marks: 70, Minimum Passing Marks: 22 Answer all five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. Note: 2. In each question part a, b,c, are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Out of which part a & b (Max, 50 words) carry 2 marks, part ¢ (Max. 109 words) carry 3 marks and part d (Bax. 400 words) carry 7 marks. Word Umit would not be followed for (except) diagram, numerical, derivation etc. 3. Alll parts of each question are to be attempted at one place, Assume suitable volue for missing data if any. ~ Gisstion no. Marks co Q1(a) Explain about the factors affecting generation of solid waste from 02 Ot community. {b) What are the nuisance associated with unattended solid waste? oz col {)_ What do you mean by 3-R policy? Explain, 3 cot (a) What are the various methods of house to house collection of solid waste? -«O7-—SCON Also discuss about their economics, merits & demerits. OR 07 OB (2) With the help of flow diagram explain about the set-up of solid waste management scheme for a city of 20 fac population. Q2(a) Mention the factors considered while making choice between composting & 02 —CO® Incineration method of treatment. (b) Mention about the various eauipments of ancillaries required at sanitary _«02—= Oa land fill sites, {c) Describe in detail about the role and effect of the temperature on 03 Cod composting process. (4) Write short notes on (-} — (150 words) o7 cos () Transfer station and its economics (i) Refused derived fuel ©) il) Solid Waste management fas in India (iv) Maintenance of land fill sites 3 (a) Enlist various types of air pollutants. 2 cor {b) What do you mean by air quality index? Explain in brief, a co2 (c) Describe effect of air pollution on Economic activities materials etc. 03 cos (a) Write short notes on(}— _(180words): 07 co3 () London smog episode 8) Indoor air pollution — QQ Ce) (il) Salient features of air Act: 1981 (iv) Secondary Air Pollutants Q.4(a) What is the importance of wind Rose diagram in the study of air pollution? 02 CoA (b) Enumerate Various meterological parameters affecting dispersion of air 02 CO4 pollutants. Page 4 of 2 fe) (a) (e) Q5 (a) 4b) {el} (a) (e) Describe salient features of fumigation and trapping type of plume, Describe in details about the fabric filer under following headings: - Theory of separation, efficiency, operating problems, cleaning filler media, merits & demerits oR With the help of the neat sketch, explain working & constructional features of cyclones. Also discuss its merits & demerits. Define noise label scale Decibel. ‘What are the harmful effects of Notse on human being? Explain. ‘What are the various sources of noise in urban area? Describe in brief. Describe in detail about the various methods & strategies used for prevention & control of noise in various zones of urban settlements. oR Write short notes on (any Three) (125 words) : (i) Legislative measures for noise control Noise level rating Acceptable & permissible noise levels, (iv) Salient features of Noise level- meter. Page 2 of 2 03 o o7 o o oe co8, co4, Coa co3 cos cca cog C08 cos Roll No... EXAMINATION MAY-JUNE 2019 SUBJECT CODE: CHL GIS 4 Soin SUBJECT TITLE: IRRIGATION ENGINEFRING & . Maximum Marky: 7 Answer all five questions. All questions eaury equa In cach question part a, b. ¢ are compulsory | (Max. 50. words ) carry 2 marks, part © (Ma: stugle gure a8 be wart Mlas. 00 | diagram, numerical 4. Assume suitable v Question Ne. 1a)! Define Tnrigation and list ls type jo | Detine Field capacity and Permanent willing point nf wil ont conchae cons | with irrigation process, ee ier | Derive relation between delta, duty and base period my | Derive a formula for determining the time required typ a gen I area of border strip, Determine (i) the time required to arity an are ' | of 0.7 hectares and (ii) the maximum area that ean be arngated liom a | | lube well with a diseharge of @.035a0''s | The infiltration capacity of soil may be taken as Stn 12 the id sverige depth of How of wateras 150mm. oe HA a on cae a et ie Determine evapotranspiration lor wheat a ven belon Aigo [OS | CONS | calculate the field irrigation requirement, if the water application | : aficiency is 90%, Take erop factor as 0.8 i a ‘| Period | Mean Monthly J Monthiy a ; ‘| | Temp’C | omay | | Oct. 25 | to Nov 18 i | Dee. B : il } (an, 9 | LBeb. i [| {March [19 | (April 27 ta) Explain reservoir plannin: ; What is Mas: do on-monsoon i ieeeitaea Discuss reservoir sedimentation. How the probable Hie uf reseivoir is | F | COLI I estimated? + [Tar Describe the types of dams with their flnctions and sites: What is diversion head work and fist Ws eomponeut Distinguish between Bligh’s & Khoska's theory or State the principle & design eruteria tor silt cicctor for removing the TOE silt in front of sluice gate. ee l 3 ‘SRR eee EENEONE iene cere Tide Tit the steps for the determination of apliit pressures anil exit | gradient for ap actical profile of a woir by Khoskt's thy | applying ia [An inipervious floor ofa weir on permeable wiy'and hav ig : | sheet piles at both the ends. The apstream pile is Sin deep Se the i | downstream pile is 6m deep. The weir ereates @ net heel on Voy Jeet the thickness of the weir floor calcul IN vpliit pressures at the jumetion of the inner faces af the pile Ahh " _| Khosla’s the ‘i Ola, oory & as ba Y Write Lacey w Design an irrigation canal from. the i | Kennedy’s theory. 7 full supply discharge 15 fons | Bed slope Tin 3000 i | | Rugosity coefficient 0.0225 j sana and all Hocus CORAS Critical velocity ratio | Critical velocity ratio | m=t_ i | Side slopes, Horizontal | L. HE OR a Ww | Design a trapezoidal concrete lined channel to discharge of 1007 0 \ | | mis. The longitudinal slope is {in 40U0 and the side sivpes | S01 Assume B/D ratio ag 8 and N= 0.015. 3a__| Define eross regulator and state its funetions a {_[iby 1 What is the wuility of escape channel? Write, ca [Define Canal fall and enumerate is type. | | \ Td Give in detail, ‘the design procedure of Sarda type fulls having | 07 CORS Lu | rectangular crest { OR Uw Give the design procedure of Gibb's rigid module for cunal outlet oF [Coas fil Year BE (CIVIL) VI- SEMESTER , EXAMINATION MAY-JUNE, 2019 Subject Code: CEL-604 / 6114 Subject: Environmental Engineering-I (GS & NGS) Time: 3 Hours ‘Max Marks: 70 ‘Minimum Passing Marks: 22 L__ Answer al five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. Note: 2. In each question part a, b, ¢, are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Out of which part a & b (Max. 50 words) corry 2 marks, part ¢ (Max. 100 words) carey 3 marks and part d (ox, 400 words) carry 7 marks. Word Limit would not be followed for (except) diagram, numerical, derivation ete. 3. Allparts of each question are to be attempted ot one place Assume suitable value for missing data if 7 Guestion No. Marks ¢O 0.1(a) What is the importance of fire demand in water distribution system? Explain. 02-0 (b) Mention about the requirement of water for different uses in an average 02 CO Indian town. (< 2.0 Lac Population) (c)_ What are an various points considered while selection of site for Intake well? @8-—= CO. Explain. (d) Population of town recorded during last 6 decades is respectively 32000 67 co (1961), 37500 (1974), 43200 (1981), 53400 (1992), 66800 (2001) and 81500 (2011). Work out the population after 20 years & 30 years Le. in 2031 & 2041, Using incremental increase method. oR 7 0 fe) Write short notes on: (125 word) ‘* Fluctuation in water demand ‘¢ Water standards for different uses * Determination of D.0. in water sample Q2{a) Explain about the factors affecting dose of coagulants. 2 co (b) Why Aeration is practiced in modern water treatment plants? Explain. oe co (c)_ Explain about the design elements & parameters for plain sedimentation 03 CO tank, (a) Design filter units and under drainage system of Rapid sand filter for atown 07 CO having 4imld of water demand, oR (e) Write short notes on: (125 word) (any three} 7” * Break point chlorination and its importance © Tube settlers: constriction & working. * Comparative study of lime soda and zeolite process of softening * Methods of desalination Q3(a) Enumerate various types of valves & pipe fittings required in water 02 CO distribution system. (b) How the leaks in water supply networks can be detected? Explain in brief. 02 c0 (©). Discuss about the merits & demerits of Dead end layout of water distribution 03 co system, (2) Given below the details about seasonal discharges (in cumecs) of a river for6 07S CO Determine the storage capacity of reservoir required to maintain a 4 throughout the year Page 1 of 2 fe) 2,4 (a) () c) (a) fe) asia) {b) () a) (e) [Tap Sou 2018 1050 300 | 2017 3000 250 50, 2016 3500 370 90 2015 2200 150 120 2084 1400 350 20 [rons | --erEEaOOOr FFE [E-e--EEEEI#00 ie OR Write short notes on: (128 words) ‘¢ Maintenance of distribution system 3 step-by-step procedure for analysis of distribution system using hardy cross method, © Water hammer: causes, effects & control. Explain about the various methods of disinfection of well water in rural area. How financing and management of water supply projects in rural area can be accomplished? ‘With the help of neat sketches, explain about sanitary dug well construction, With the help of sketches describe about single stack & double stack system of building drainage system of plumbing. OR With the help of sketches deserbe about constructional features & working of roof-top ground water recharging system. Classify various sources of air pollution. What ate the factors affecting dispersion of pollutants? ‘What do you mean by temperature inversion® How temperature inversion is formed? Explain. with the help of neat sketches, explain working & constructional features of cyclone separators. oR ‘Write short notes on : (125 words) «Chernobyl episode ‘Fumigation type of Plume behavior «Secondary air pollutants. Page 2 of 2 07 es a 7 7 a 02 3 o co 83 co co co co roy co Time :3 Hours Note: Question No. 1 (b) (o) (a) fe) (b) {c) (a) fe) Rall No..... IN YEAR B.E. EXAMINATION MAY ~ JUNE 2019 BCEL-604 : GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING - I Maximum Marks 1. Answer oll five questions. All questions corry equal marks 270 Minimum Possing Marks :22 2 ineach question part a, &, ¢ are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Out of which part a & b (Rox. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part c (Mex. 100 words) carry 3 marks and part o (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks, Word lint would not be followed for (except) chagram, numerical, derwation etc 3. AllPoit of each question are to be otcempted at one pace. 8. Assume suitable volue for missing dato if ony. Briefly describe the process of soil formation. Distinguish between sift and clay. Define void ratio, porosity and dry density. ‘A sample of clay taken from a natural stratum was found to be partially saturated and when tested in the laboratory gave the following results Specific gravity of soil particles = 2.6, Wet weight of sample = 2.50 N Dry weight of sample 2.1 N And volume of sample = 150 cm’. Complete the degree of saturation, oR Discuss the step by step procedure for conducting coarse sieve analysis and fine sieve analysis in the laboratory. State Darcy's law of flow of fluids through soils and define coefficient of permeability. State the variables on which permeability of a soil depends. Differentiate between normally consolidated and over consolidated soil. Define total, effective and pore pressure in soll. Explain what is understood by quick sand? Can it occur in (i) uniformly graded coarse silt (i) clays, if not, why not? Also derive an expression for the hydraulic gradient for the occurrence of such a phenomenon. oR In the laboratory a 2 cm thick soil sample takes 25 minutes to reach 30% degree of consolidation. Find the time taken for a Sm thick clay layer in the field to reach 40% consolidation. Assume, double drainage in both cases. State the basic requirements to be satisfied for the validity of Boussinesq equation far stress-distribution. Explain the concept of pressure bulb in soils. Write brief explanation on Westergaard’s analysis. Marks 02 02 03 o7 07 02 02 03 07 o7 02 03 Course Outcome Mapped td) fe) fa) (b) fe. (a) le} (a) (b) (ch (a) le) What is Newmark’s chart? How it is used to work out stresses at any point? OR What are the advantages and disadvantages of triaxial shear test? What are the three standard triaxial shear tests with respect to drainage conditions? Explain with reasons the situations for which each test is to be performed. What are the finite and infinite slopes? ‘What is meant by the condition of failure? What is the difference between stability number and safety factor? Describe any one method for stability analysis of slopes. OR For what conditions the stability of earth dam is checked, Distinguish between active and passive earth pressure. Explain at rest conditions in earth pressure against a retaining wall What factors affect the magnitude of lateral earth pressure that is developed behind retaining walls? Describe the Cullman’s theory for working out earth pressure. oR What is arching in soil? Explain the effect of reinforcing in earth? Ree Ee o7 o7 02 02 03 o7 07 02 02 03 o7 o7 lil B. E. (CIVIL ENGINEERING) EXAMINATION, MAY-JUNE 2019 BCEL-605/CEL-605/6115: Structural Design & Drawing — ii (Steel) Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70 Minimum Passing Marks: 22 Note: 1, Total number of questions: 10. All questions carry equal marks. Attempt five questions, one from each unit. Use of Steel Tables, 1S: 800-2007 and other relevant codes is permitted. 4. All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place. 5. Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed. @No. z | Maris | Course] ies! | EEE et eee Outcomes “UNR=T 1 TI : fi@). iscuss the advantages of welded conneections over bolied connections. [oF COI Ab). A tie member in a roof truss consisting of an ISA 80mm x 80mm x 8mm is welded to a 10 col 10mm thick gusset plate at site. Design welds to transmit load equal to 150 KN. Sketch the design details, OR Aa). ‘What do you mean by partial safety factors? What are the values of partial safety factors 02 cos prescribed by IS code. 2b). | A bolted eccentric connection is shown in Fig. 1. Thickness of the lange of Usection is | a2 cor 11.8mm and that of bracket plate is 12mm. Grade of steel is Fe410.The bolts used are 18mm diameter of grade 4.6, Determine the safe load F that can be carried by the joint, 1 : 50mm FL | Toon oe | ty ey & jm ™ i | A 80mm ey oe a rou [80mm Sf | tote A th FIG.1 UNIT-IL 3 ‘A single angle 130 x 130 x 10 is connected to a 12 mm thick gusset plate at the ends| 14 COZ with five 24mm diameter bolts of grade 4.6 to transfer tension (see Fig. 2). Spacing of bolt is 60mm; edge distance is 80mm. Find the tension carrying capacity of the angle, Take ‘50 MPa and f, = 410 MPa. i i i i 1 i aa % | | design loud is 3S0KN. Use 16mm diameter bolts OR [Design a tension splice to connect a 300.16 mim plate with a 300810 mim plare The T [ony iy Toon, car BG). | Explain the terms () buekling class and (ii) imperfection factor? wf coz 3(b). | A column consisting of ISHB 300@ 63 ka/m is subjected to an axial load of 2500KN.| 10 COs L_ Design slab base for the column, The base tests on concrete pedestal of grade M25 oR 6. VA column of length 6m is to carry an axial Toad of 1500 KN. The colmmn is resrained in} 14 | COR, cosy | | position and direction at both ends. Design a b ;ction for the column with two | L | channels back to back connected with battens. i t t + aH eeaee iastes eee | 1 | UNIT. IV. 7(a). | What do you mean by (i) web buckling and (ii) web crippling. Explain the procedure for | 0# cos applying its checks in design of beams. 7(b). | Design a suitable section for a simply supported span of 5 m and carrying load of | 10 | CO3, COs 40KN/m (including self weight). Take f, = 250 MPa. Assume the beam to be laterally supported. OR 8. Design, for flexure, the laterally supporied two span continuous beam subjected to lead | 14] CO3, COd of 80KNim over entire length as shown in Fig. 3. The beam is of uniform plastic moment of resistance, 20 kN | i [a i | FIG.3 i 4m 4m | UNIT-V What do you mean by curtailment of flanges. Design the flange and web plates ofl 14 | CO3,CO4 simply supported Plate Girder of span 22 m. The girder is subjected to uniformly distributed load of intensity 32 KN/m over its span. OR 10. A simply supported Plate Girder have flange plates of size 600mm x lémm and web] 14 | CO3,CO4 plate of size 1000mm x 12mm. Span of Plate Girder is 20 m and it is subjected to uniformly distributed load of intensity 25 KN/m, Stiffener bearing length at support is 380mm. Design bearing stiffener forthe plate girder. we Rott No... ie MADHAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE GWALIOR-05 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BE THIRD YEAR EXAMINATION APRIL-MAY 2019 MELG01/6221: Machine Design-II Tine: 3 Hours Maxinurn Marks: 70 isinur Pass Mars: 22 Note: | £ Answerallfve questans. A questions cory equal mar 2 In each question part a,b, ¢ ore compulscry and port d hos interno choice. Out of which part ob (Mex. 50 words) carry 2 marks, parc (Max, £00 words) catry 3 marks and part d (hx. 400 words) cary 7 marks. Word | init woutd not be followed far except) diagram, numercal and cervation. | 3 atpots of each question ore tobe attempted at one pace. | 4. Assume suitable valu for ising dat, ian. | 5. Design data books permitted inthe exam hal 7 ‘Question Marks | €O No. Mapped 1. | @)_| Define the following terms: Endurance limit and Notch sensitivity. el cor (©) _[ Give practical examples of low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue failure. [cor (©) Jillustrate how the stress concentration in a component can be | 03 | cO3 reduced. {@) | A forged steel bar, 50 mm in diameter, is subjected to a reversed bending | 07 | COs stress of 250 N/mm’. The bar is made of steel 40C8 (Sq. = 600 N/mm’), Calculate the life of the bar for a reliability of 90%. ‘OR, {e) | Atransmission shaft of cold drawn steel 27Min2 (S.= 500 N/mm® andS,= | 07 | Coa 300 N/mm’) is subjected to a fluctuating torque which varies from 100, IN-m to +400 N-m. The factor of safety is 2 and the expected reliability is ‘90%. Neglecting the effect of stress concentration, determine the diameter of the shaft. Assume the distortion energy theory of failure. 2.__[1a)_| What is the difference between Clutch and Flange coupling? oz [coz (b}_| Give practical applications of Cone clutch and Centrifugal clitch oz [coz (€) | Why it is necessary to dissipate the heat generated when clutches | 03 | co3 operate? (@) | An engine developing 45 kW at 1000 r.p.m. is fitted with a cone | 07 | C05 clutch built inside the flywheel. The cone has a face angle of 12.5° and a maximum mean diameter of 500 mm. The coefficient of friction is 0.2. The normal pressure on the clutch face is not to exceed 0.1 N/mm*, Determine : (i) the face width required {ti) axial spring force necessary to engage the clutch. oR (e) | Describe the principle of operation of internal expanding shoe brake | 07 cos with neat sketch. Also derive the expression for the braking torque. 3.__| (a)_| Why non-circular section of wire for spring is not generally used? a co (b) [State the importance of A.M.wahl factor in the design of helical] 02 | coz springs? (G_ | What is pulsating shear stress? Why are springs subjected to pulsating | 03 | COS shear stress? {(@)_ | Design a spring for a balance to measure 0 to 1000 N overa scale of length | 07 | Coa 80 mm, The spring is to be enclosed in a casing of 25 mm diameter. The approximate number of turns is 30. The modulus of righty is 85 kN/mm2, Also calculate the maximum shear stress induced OR (e)_ | Design a cose coTled helical compression spring for a service load ranging | 07 | C04 | from 2250 N to 2750 N. The axial deflection of the spring for the load range | | ls 6 mm. Assume a spring index of 5. The permissible shear stress intensity | L 1s 420 MPa and modulus of rigidity, G = 84 KN/mm stress concentration _glect the effect of | a Te ‘Why's it preferable to use elliptical cross-section of the arms in fiywheel? _| 02 COL 1 (o) | {) Define the term: () Piston rib and {ij Piston skirt Why is piston pin located at or above the middle of the skirt length 02 03 ‘co3 (a) ‘A four stroke diesel engine has the following specifications : Brake power = 5 kW; Speed = 1200 r.p.m; Indicated mean effective pressure = 0.35 N / mm?; Mechanical efficiency = 80 %. Determine: (i) bore and length of the cylinder (i) thickness of the cylinder head (it) Size of studs for the cylinder head. o7 C06 OR te) The intercepted areas between the oulput torque curve and the mean resistance line of a turning moment diagram for a multicylinder engine, taken in order from one end are as follows: = 35, + 410, ~ 285, + 325, ~ 335, + 260, ~365, + 285, ~ 260 mm, The diagram has been drawn to a scale of 1 mm = 70 N-m and 1 mm =4.5°. The engine speed is 900 r.p.m. and the fluctuation of speed is not to exceed 2% of the mean speed. Find the mass and cross-section of the flywheel rim having 650 mm mean diameter. The density of the material of the flywheel may be taken as 7200 kg / m*. The rim is rectangular with the ‘width 2 times the thickness. Neglect effect of arms of flywheel. o7 C06 ‘What is the material for worm wheel? 2 C02 C) ‘What are four important parameters that are required to specify the worm ‘gear drive? 2 C02 @ Explain the different cause of gear tooth fallures and suggest possible remedies to avoid such failures. 8 @ ‘pair of spur gears with 20° full-depth involute teeth consists of a 19 teath pinion meshing with a 40 teeth gear. The pinion is mounted on a crankshaft, of 7.5 kW single cylinder diesel engine running at 1500 rpm. The driven shaft is connected to a two-stage compressor. Assume the Service factor as 15. The pinion as well as the gear is made of steel 40C8 (Su. = 600 N/mm*). ‘The module and face width of the gears are 4 and 40 mm respectively and deformation factor is equal to 11400 N/mm? (i) if the gears are machined to meet the specifications of Grade 8, determine the factor of safety for bending using Buckingham’s equation for dynamicload. (il ts the gear design satisfactory? if not, what is the method to satisfy the design conditions? o7 C05 OR lel ‘A pair of bevel gears, with 20° pressure angle, consists of @20 teeth pinion ‘meshing with a 30 teeth gear. The module is 4 mm, while the face width is 20 mm, The material for the pinion and gear is steel SOC4 [Sy = 750 N/mmn*). The gear teeth are lapped and ground and the surface hardness is 400 BHN. The pinion rotates at 500 rpm and receives 2.5 kW power from the electric motor. The starting torque of the motor is 150% of the rated. torque. Determine the factor of safety against bending failure and against pitting failure. 7 05 Total No. of Question: $ Total No. Printed Pages: 2 Roll No. I" Year B.E. Examination, May-June, 2019 MEL 602/ 6222: Industrial Engineering & Operation Research Time: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 70 Minimum Passing Marks: Note: [Answer all five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 2 In-each question, part a, b, ¢ are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Out of which part a & b (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part ¢ (Max. 100 words) carry 3 marks and part d (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks. Word limit would not be followed for (except) diagram, numerical, derivation etc. 3. All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place. 4. Assume suitable value for missing data, if any. S. Normal Distribution Function table is permitted in the exam, if needed. 1.(a) What is the utility of SIMO chart? Draw symbols used in SIMO charts. (®) Describe the symbols being used in the process analysis. (©) Deseribe “Micro-Motion Study”. Give few suitable examples of its application, (@ Define motion study. List the different charts which are used as tool of motion study. Explain motion study equipment in short, oR (©) What are the objectives of ergonomics? Explain the principles of designing the workplace, 2.(@) What are the various allowances? Explain briefly. (b) Define predetermined motion time system (PMTS).. (©) Briefly describe the procedure for the time study. What are various equipments needed for time study? (@ A work sampling study showed that 20% of a work week of 48 hours was consumed by avoidable delay. If each time a work sampling observation was made the operator was rated and the average of such ratings was 110%. If 100 units were produced by the operator in that period, calculate standard time. OR (©) A work sampling study was conducted to estimate the time for which the laborers at a utility company remain idle. A total of 720 observations were made of these laborers, Forty five of these observations were made when a laborer was idle. What is the accuracy of the current estimate of the proportion of time consumed by idleness if the confidence level is 68%? 3.(@) What is the concept of productivity? Enlist the tools of Productivity. Discuss how it can be improved. (b) Explain the A-B-C Analysis. (©) Explain the terms like Scheduling and Dispatching. (@) Describe the objective & functions of production planning & control. OR (© A particular item has a demand of 9000 units/year. The cost of one procurement is Rs 100 and the holding cost per unit is Rs 2.40 per year. The replacement is instantaneous and no shortages are allowed. Determine (@ the economic lot size, Gi) the number of orders per year, Page 1 of 2 2 22 {02} {02} 103} [07] (07 {02} [02] (03) {07 [07] [02] [02] {03} (07) (07) co1 co2 co3 co3 cod coL co2 co2 co4 co4 co2 col cos cos co6 Gii) the time between orders, _(iv) the total cost per year if the cost of one unit is Rs 1. 4.(a) What is linear programming? Discuss the application of linear programming t [02 ‘managerial decision making, (b) What is degeneracy in simplex? How degeneracy is resolved? [02] (©) Find the optimal assignment for the assignment problem with the following cost matrix. [03] Ion ww 4f3[3[1]/8 Bi_7 [9 [2/6 cls [4]s]7 pis [77/6 (@ Solve the following problem by simplex method, (07) Maximize Z = 5X; + 3X2+ 7X3 Subject to: Xj + Xq + 2X3 < 28; 3X1 + 2X + Xj< 26; Xi + Xo + Xy S18; and Xj, Xo, HZ 0. oR (©) Find the initial basic feasible solution of the following transportation problem by Vogel’s [07] approximation method and check optimality by MODI method. Si S2_S3_ 8, Ss Se _ Supply wild [279] 6 [9 fio] 5 wf 7[3[7[7]5 [5 6 ws 6{s fo ;nts fi, 2 wef 6 [8 [ii[ 2,2 ]10| 9 Demand 4 4 6 2 4 2 5.(@) Explain the following terms: (i) Total Float, (fi) Free Float and (iii) Independent Float. {02 (b) What do you understand by the following terms in connection with network analysis: {02 (Dummy activity and (i) Looping (©) Howis PERT different from CPM? Explain their fields of application, [03] @ A self-service store employs one cashier at its counter. Nine customers arrive on an (07] average every 5 minutes while the cashier can serve 10 customers in 5 minutes. Assuming Poisson distribution for arrival rate and exponential distribution for service rate, find (@ Average number of customers in the system, Gii) Average number of customers in queue or average queue length. Gii)Average time a customer spends in the system. Gv)Average time a customer waits before being served. OR (©) A person repairing radios finds that the time spent on the radio sets has been exponential [07] distribution with mean 20 minutes. If the radios are repaired in the order in which they come in and their arrival is approximately Poisson with an average rate of 15 for 8- hour day, what is the repairman’s expected idle time each day? How many jobs are ahead of the average set just brought in? co2 cos co4 cos cos co1 co2 co3 cos coe Roll No. 1lt YEAR (VI-SEM) BE EXAMINATION MAY-JUNE, 2019 BIMEL-602/BAUL-606: COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (as) Time: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 70 Minimum Passing marks: 22, 4. Answer ail five questions. All question corry equal marks 2. In each question porto, by € are compulsory and port d hes intznal choice. Ovt of which porta & 8 (ke. $0 ores) carry 2 marks, port ¢ (Max. 100 words} cony 3 marks and part d (Max. 400 words) corry marke word {mit would not be followed for (except) elagrer, aumercal, derivation ete 3. Allpars ofeach question ave to be attempted et one place 4. Assume suitable vee for missing dat, if any. Question Marks Course No. Cutcome ‘Mapped 4. (@) Define geometric modelling? {02} (coay (0) Give the reasons for the importance of 3D geometry in modern CAD 02) [co-1] system, (0) What is the role of CIM software in manufacturing industry [03] {c02, 0-3] (@) Explain the various geometric modelling methods used in CAD. Give a (071 (eo) comparative application of each of them. or (2) Give some examples of engineering analysis software in common use on [07] {co-, CAD systems. 2] 2 (2) What is the concept of group technology? {02} {co3, co] (©) Compare the point-to-point and continuous path control in a motion 02] feo, control system? cos} (21 Describe open and close loop control system. {03} (2) Write a manual NC part program to cut the profile as shown in figure witha [07] {co = cutting speed of 1200 rpm. zat (©) Write a complete part program for the following component shown in fig [07] {(co.3, using an end-mill cutter of 20 mm diameter. Show the statements only for seca the profile shown in the top view up to a depth of 5 mm in one cut. Clearly show the axes system chosen with a sketch and the direction of the cutter for the motion statements. (a) (oy i) (@) i) @) ©) @ ) C) @ ) 0 @ (e) Define micro and Minicomputer? ‘What is the basic architecture computer system? Explain briefly computer programming languages. ‘What are the advantages of CAD systems over tracitional methods of design? Are there any limitations? on Compare 2D and 3D wireframe modelling with respect to their utility for an engineering industry. How do you specify a robot? What is Actuator in robot? Explain common joints used in robots. Discuss the performance characteristics of actuators. Compare electrical, pneumatic & hydraulic actuators for their characteristics. oR What are the main applications of robots in hazardous areas? Describe in details Discuss the objective of CAQC. Draw a neat sketch of in-process inspection end post process inspection. How CMM Is used is CAQC system? How computer integrated manufacturing system differs from the system where only CNC machines are used. What are the advantages of CIM? oR What are the different types of material handling equipments used in ‘manufacturing industries? Give a brief description of each one of them. {oz} [02] [03) [07] {o7) f02) {02) 03] {o7) {o7) {02} {02} {03} {o7) tor ([coa) [coa, 0-4) [cosy (con, co-6) (co-, co] {cos} (cos, cos} (cos, 0-6] [co-4, 0-6} (co-4, co] Ico.) [co-4 [co-4 [co-, co] (cos, 0-6} ( ‘Time: 3 Hours Note: Roll No. Hi BE EXAMINATION. MAY - JUNE 2019 MEL-603/6223: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE-I} (GS & NGS) Masimum Marks: 70, 1: Answer all five questions. ATi questions carry equal marks Minimum Passing Marks: 22 2, In each question part a, 6, ¢ are compulsory and part d has internal choice, Out of which part a & & Gas SO word) carry 2 marks, parc (max.100 word) carry 3 marks ad part d (Mee, dO won carry Zruarks, Word limit would nt be followed for (axeep) diagram, numerical, déshation ce 3-All Parts of each question are fo be aitempted at one place, 4. Assume suitable value for missing data, ifans. ‘Question No. Marks 1, | (@) [Viste desirable characteristics of pean (02) (©)_| Why gear finishing is requived? i @ (©) _| Differentiate between forming and generating. ~ | 3) (@_| Skeich a hob and show the names of is various elements on the sketch, Oy OR (© | Caleulate the setings ofthe gear‘oothvernier to iaspecta gear Raving 3d tech and wih OTC wD Smm. 2. | @)_| What is six-point location principle? @® (0) | What is meant by Tocating and clamping a workpiece? @) (©) _| What are the main differences between ajig anda fixture? @ (JA hole is specified a5 40°™°°°inm. The maling shalt has « clearance TH Wik Wau @7y pearance of 001mm. The tolerance on the shaf is 0.0mm. Find maximum clearance i on between the hole and the shat EL OR | © | AGo-No Go plug gauge isto Be designed for measuring a hole oF wominal Gaaiter Sima) wi oO a tte tolerance of 30.05mn, Considering 10% of work tolerance tobe the guise lees and no wear condition, find the dimension (in mm) ofthe Go plug gauge as por tte undfane sg tolerance syst 3. |G) _| Explain the importance of suriace fish, ) (b)_| What is meant by “Lay? 2) (©) | How is the center line average value emaller han the rans vag? 3) (@) | Describe the stylus method of measuring surface roughness. 07) OR (© | Discuss the effects of surface quality on Rinetional propentes. Give hs low affecting wm surfice finish, 4. | (@)_ | Discuss the two Tength standards, @ (b) | Where are vernier height gauge and vernier depih gauge wed? @ (© _| Explain the principle of collimation @)y (¢) | Differentiate between direst measuring and indirect measuring mnarneale @ ‘OR (0 | Mist sinale feature gives the electrical comparator w unique aivaniige over al Sie @ comparators? (@)_| What is a “Screw pitch gauge” 3) (0)_[ List the advantages of thread rolling, @) (¢) | Describe the principle of working of an involute tester @) (2 | Describe the common types of eco arising in serow threads indica We Sours oF We Oy Srrors and discuss the effect ofthese errors on correct functioning of the serene ‘OR (© | Amerie thread of pitch 2mm and tread angle 60°1s inspected for Ws ich Gmeler using |r ‘wire method, Find the diameter of the best size wire in inn 7 ROI NO... MADHAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE GWALIOR-05 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BE THIRD YEAR EXAMINATION APRIL-MAY 2019 BMEL-603/MEL604/6224: Power Plant Engineering Tima:3 Howes Hee Maximum Marks: 70 asserts: 22 Note: |Z Answer alive questions. Al questions cary equal mors 2. ineach question porto, 8 ¢ are computsory and port hos internal cheice. Out of which part, (hos. SO ‘words carry 2 mors, part (Max. 100 word) carry 3 marks ond por d (Max. 400 werds) cory ? marke. Word | __ limit would not befotowed for (ncept diagram, numerical and derivation. | 2 At Paris of ech question are oe atempte et one place. 4._Assume suitable value for sng dato, fay. _| Question Marks | Course No. Outcome | Mapped L_[(@)_| What do you mean by Primary and Secondary energy sources? | cor (0) _| How biomass can be used for the production of biogas? 02 [coz (c)_ | What are the basic resources of India for power generation? List out their| 03 | C02 ‘capacities in different regions. (@ | Write an essay in brief on Renewable sources of energy. Discuss clearly | 07 | cod about its exploitation, advantages and disadvantages. On (@) | Differentiate between thermoelectric generator and conventional power| 07 | COd plant. Write the principle of a thermoelectric generator. | ta)_| What are the basic elements of feed water treatment plant? a | or (b)_| Why coal handling system Is needed for big power plants? 02 | con (©) | Why air-cooled (or dry-type) cooling system is preferred over water cooling | 03. | C02 system in modern power plants? Ta) [A Steam Power station of 100 MW capacity uses coal of calorific value of | 07 | COS 25600 Ki/Kg. The thermal efficiency of the station is 30% and electrical generation efficiency is 92%. Determine the coal required per hour when _|__| the ptant is working at full load. OR (e)_ Discuss the general layout and circuits of steam Power piants with the help | 07 | Coe of schematic diagram. size (al_| Define the term “nuclear fission’. What are the essential requirements to] 02 | C01 ‘cause nuclear fission? {]_| Discuss the concept of bonding energy. | co {c)_| Write a brief note on atomic structure, 03 [coz (a) | What do you understand by natural radioactivity? Describe the different | 07 | C04 radioactive emission and their effects on parent atom. OR 1@) | What is the purpose of coolant in a nuclear reactor? Discuss the various | 07 | CO# | coolant used in nuclear reactor. “&_|{a)_| Explain the function of draft tube in case of hydraulic turbines. a | cor (6) | Differentiate between run-off river plant without and with pondage. 02 | cor (d_| Wiite a short note on mass curve and Power duration curve. coz (a) | What is the principle of Solar thermal power plant? Discuss Solar cos | | |_| drought tower power plant with neat aiageam. He | OR capacity are connected to a common grid. The energy output from base plant is 135 x 10° KWh and from peak load plant is 9.5 x 10° KWh, The ‘maximum load taken by the peak load plant is 15 MW and used for 2800 hrs during a year. The maximum load on base plant is 25 MW. Determine the following for both plants (i) Annual load factor; (Plant use factor; ii) Capacity factor (e) | Describe the function of each component and operation of hydro-electric | 07 ] cO5 power plant with schematic diagram, ae | Explain the Hopkinson and Doherty rates oftanfe oe at fs the influence of load factor on plant design? oz [cos Discuss any one method of determining the depreciation of electric power| 03. | _cO2 plant. (a)_| The capital cost of a hydro-power station of 100 MW capacity is Rs. 100007 07 | COS KW. The annual depreciation charges are 15% of the capital cost. A royalty of Rs. 2/KW per year and Rs. 0.3/KWh generated is to be paid for using the river water for power generation. The maximum demand on power station | | is 70 MW and annual load factor i5-0.6, The annual salaries; maintenance charges are Rs. 10’. if 20% of this expense is also chargeable as fixed ‘charges, determine the generation charge in two-part tariff. | OR Te) [A base load plant of 32 MW capacity and peak load plant of 20 MW] 07 | cos eee EE Roll No... HI-VEAR B.TECH, /B.E. EXAMINATION MAY-JUNE, 2019 SUBJECT CODE: BAUL-604 (ili), SUBJECT TITLE: Automotive Design & Assembly Drawing Time 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 70 Minimum Passing Marks: 22 [ Note: ‘Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks, Attempt ary question (a) or (b) in each question. Use of Design Data Book i permitted Assume suitable value for missing data it any. : : i | Question ‘Question | twarks | Course No. | Seer Outcomes 1. | (a) | Design an edge Cam to the following particulars: rr cO-2 Maximum distance of centre of cam from edge of follower 60 mm, lift 56 mm. The cam is to lift the follower with simple harmonic motion during one half of @ revolution, and then allows it suddenly to drop halfway, then to fall with uniform motion during the remaining half of revolution. Pepe [ OR | Po) | Explain following: 4 (i) Single dwell and double dwell cam design. (i) Pressure angle and radius of curvature of cam motion. cO-2 2. | {a)_| An automotive plate clutch consists of two pairs of contacting surfaces | 14 cO3 with asbestos friction lining, The maximum engine torque is 250 N-m. ‘The coefficient of friction is 0.35. The inner and outer diameters of friction lining are 175 and 250 mm respectively. The clamping force is provided by nine springs, each compressed by 5 mm to. give a force of 800 N, when the clutch is new. (i) What is the factor of safety with respect to slippage when the clutch is brand new? (ii) What is the factor of safety with respect to slippage after initi has occurred? I wear (iil) How much wear of friction lining can take place before the clutch will slip? OR (b) | A plate clutch having a single driving plate with contact surfaces on | 14 cO-3 each side is required to transmit 110 kW at 1250 rpm, The outer sliameter of the contact surfaces is to be 300 mm. The coefficient of | friction is 0.4. {a} Assuming a uniform pressure of 0.17 N/mm?; determine the inner diameter of the friction surfaces. {b) Assuming the same dimensions and the same total axial thrust, determine the maximum torque that can be transmitted and the maximum intensity of pressure when uniform wear conditions have | been reached. | 114P5g0 3. [fal TA double shoe brake, as shown in figure is capable of absorbing a | torque of 1400 N-m. The diameter of the brake drum is 350 mm and | the angle of contact for each shoe is 100°. If the coefficient of friction | between the brake drum and lining is 0.4; find: 2. the spring force | necessary to set the brake; and 2. the width of the brake shoes, if the bearing pressure on the lining material is not to exceed 0.3 N/mm’, —4 A dso en 4 T CO-a OR (b) ‘A double block brake is shown in figure The brake drum rotates in a clockwise direction and the actuating force is 500 N. The coefficient of friction between the blocks and the drum is 0.35. Calculate the torque absorbing capacity of the brake. 4 co-4 4 1@) | ‘An eccentric cam, 100 mm in diameter, ‘ rotates with an eccentricity of 10 mm as shown in figure. The roller follower is held ane ageinst the cam by means of a helical compression spring. The force between the cam and the follower varias from 100 Nat the lowest position to 350 N at the highest position of the follower. The permissible shear stress in the spring wire is recommended as 30% of the ultimate tensile strength. Design the spring from static considerations and determine the factor of safety against fluctuating stresses, Neglect the effect of inertia forces 4 cot 214Pag oR ISSESSSREERnsseeeeneetones OR iasaaaabes nnaneenea Classify suspension springs Design a leat spring for the following | 14 | specifications: Total load = 140 KN; Number of springs supporting the | load = 4 ; Maximum number of leaves = 10; Span of the spring = 1000 ) mm ; Permissible deflection = 80 mm. Take Young's modulus, E = 200 kN/mm* and allowable stress in spring material as 600 MPa. P cos 5. |{a) | Assemble the parts of the piston, shown in figure-1 and draw the | 14 following views: Sectional view from the front, (i) Half sectional view from the left, (i) Sectional view from above. cO-8 OR {b) | 04, prepare the part deawings i Figure -2, shows the assembly drawing of a petrol engine connecting | 14 COG 314Page 4) arage RRRER EEE Total No. of Question: 5 Total No. Printed Pages: 2 Roll No, UI Year B.E. Examination, May-June, 2019 BMEL 604: Operation Research and Supply Chain Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70 Note: 2 Answer all five questions. All questions carry equal marks 2 In cach question, part a, 6, ¢ are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Out of which part a & b (Max. 30 words) carry 2 marks, part e (Max. 100 words) carry 3 marks and part d (Max, £00 words) carry 7 marks. Word limit would not be followed jor (except) diagram, numerical, derivation etc. 3. All parts of each question are to be altempied at one place, 4, Assume suitable value for missing data, if any. 5. Normal Distribution Function table is permitted in the exam, if needed, 1.(@) What are the essential characteristics of a linear programming model? (02) coz (b) 4 firm manufactures two products A & B on which the profits earned per unit are Rs 3 and [02] CO3 Rs 4 respectively. Each product is processed on two machines M; and Mp. Product A Tequires one minute of processing time on M, and two minutes on Mg, while B requires one minute on M; and one minute on Mz. Machine My is available for not more than 7 hrs 30 minutes while machine M; is available for 10 hrs during any working day. Find the number of units of products A and B to be manufactured to get maximum profit by graphical method, (©) A company has a team of four salesmen and there. are four districts where the company {03] CO4 wants to start its business. After taking into account the capabilities of salesmen and the ature of districts, the company estimates that the profit per day in rupees for each salesman in each district is as below: inimum Passing Marks: 22 District 1 ou m Iv A (16 Tio 14 Til Salesman B14 [il 15 [15 ce (a5 a5 13 [12 D3 Ti2 14 [15 Find the assignment of salesmen to various districts which will yield maximum profit. (@) Solve the following problem by simplex method, Maximize Z = 5X1 +3X2.+ 7X3 Subject to: X) + X2 + 2X3<28; 3X; +2Xy + 107] Cos Xy$26; Xi + Xp + Xy<185 and Xi, Xo, X20. OR (©) Find the initial basic feasible solution of the following transportation problem by approximation method and check optimality by MODI method, Wi Wo Ws Wi Ws Supply mi7TeT4y,s[o] 40 Bis |s;6l7{[s| 30 Blots [olels]| 20 9 3 Vogel's {07] COS mis [7[7[s 10 Requirement 30 30 15 20 2. (a) Why is replacement of items required? : [02] coz (b) What do you understand by traffic intensity? Can it be more than 1? {02} Co2 (©) What is queueing theory? What do you understand by 103] C03 e amples. (@) Trucks at a single platform weigh-bridge arrive according to Poisson probability distribution. [07] COS Page 1 of 2 The time required to weigh the truck follows an exponential probability distribution. The Tea rival rate js 12 trucks per day, and the mean service rate is 18 trucks per day. Determine the following: (a) What is the probability that no trucks are in the system? (b) What is the average number of trucks waiting for service? (c) What is the average time truck waits for weighing service to begin’ (d) What is the probability that an arriving truck will have to wait for service. OR (©) The cost of machine is Rs 6100 and its serap value is Rs 100. The maintenance costs found [07] Cos from experience are as follows: Yer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Maintenance Cost (Rs) 100 250 400 600 900 1200 1600 2000 When should the machine be replace? 3-(a) Differentiate between P sysiem and Q system of inventory control i02| Cos (b) Write assumptions of basic EOQ model. {02] Cox (©) Explain the ABC analysis. What are its advantages and disadvantages? 03] Coz (4) A manufacturer requires 1,000 units of a raw material, pet month. The ordering cost is Rs, 15 [07] coe per order. The carrying cost in addition to Rs, 2 per unit, is estimated to be 15% of average \ventory per unit per year. The purchase price of the raw material is Rs. 10 per unit. Find the Economie Lot Size and the total cost. The manufacturer is offered as 5% discount in purchase price for order for 2,000 units or more but less than 5,000 units, A further 2% discount is available for order of 5,000 or more units. Which of the three ways of purchase he should adopt? OR (©) A company uses $000 units of a product as raw material, costing Rs 10 per unit, The [07] Cos administrative cost per purchase is Rs 40, The holding costs are 28% of the averase inventory. The company is following an optimal purchase policy and places order according ‘o the EOQ. It has been offered a quantity discount of 1% if it purchases its entire requirement only four times a year. Should the company accept the offer of quantity discount of 1% ? Ifnot, what minimum discount should the company demand? 4. (a) Differentiate between CPM and PERT. [02] cos (b) Define float. What are its types? Also, mention its significance, [02] co2 (©) How will you catty out consistency check in an AMP? Take an example and calculate [03] CO3 inconsistency ratio. (2) A project is composed of following activities, the time estimate for which are given below: [07] Cos Activity [1-2 | 1-3 | 1-4 | 25 [3-5 | 46] 5-6 Cs ee [7 [7 sa fas tll [4 2 fi fs __[s~_T6 () Draw the network diagram for the project and determine the critical path. ! (ii) Calculate slack for each node. Uli) TF the project due date is 19 weeks, what is the probability of not meeting the due date? OR (©) What is decision making? Indicate the difference between decision-making under risk and [07] CO6 uncertainty in statistical decision theory. 5.(a) What is supply chain? (02] COL (b) Define supply chain integration. 02] Coz (©) Identify the major drivers of supply chain performance. [03] Co3 (@) What is bull-whip effect? Explain its impact of Supply chain management. [07] Coa OR (e) Describe the push/ pull and cyele views af supply chain prc 5 with suitable [o7] Cos Page 2 of 2 Time: 3 Hours Roll No IH YEAR B.E. EXAMINATION MAY - JUNE 2019 BMEL-605: Turbo Machinery (GS) Maximum Marks: 70 Minimum Passing Marks: 22 Note: Tanner all ive questions. Al questions cary eal marks | 2. In each question part ab, v are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Out of which poo a £ | Afar. 50 sores) carry? marks. part eta. 100 words carey 4 marks part dias 400 scons rey 1 7 marks, Word limis wand nat be followed for texeept diaeyan, rumerical, derivation et j 3. Al parts of each question are to be atempted at one place 4. Assume sultable value for missing data, if ay Question Marks | CO! No. Mapped (@)_| Define the term turbo machine | cor (b)_| What do you understand by impulse and reaction turbines? 02 | co3 (©_| Explain the Euler‘s turbine equation 03 | Cos 1. [Gg [Classify and explain the turbo machines with respect to Tow | 07 | cog direction, types of fluid and degree of reaction OR © _| Dillerentiate turbo-machines and positive displacement machines, a7 | 0s (a)_| Define the term governing related to steam turbine. | cor What do you understand by the term compounding in steam|~ 02! 1 ©) | turbines? | Jeera Define the term "re-heat factor” used in connection with steam | 03 3 © : cos turbines, A The rotor of an impulse turbine is 60 cm diameter and runs at 9,600 | _ 07 7 rp.m, The nozzles are at 20° to the plane, of the wheel, and the | (@) | steam leaves them at 600 m/sec, The blades outlet angle are 30° and cos the friction factor is 0.8. Calculate the power developed per kg of steam per second and the diagram efficiency OR (@)_| Write detailed note on the governing of steam turbines, 07 | Co6 (a)_| How water turbines are different from steam turbines? 02 cor | (b)_| Draw the general velocity diagram for Pelton turbine 2_|_cor (©)_| Why draft tubes are generally used in reaction turbines? 03__| Co3 (a) |_ Discuss the factors for selection of trbines in a hydropower plant. | OT | Cay 7 ‘What are various losses in such plants? + OR t ‘A Kaplan turbine is to be designed for developing 9100 KW. The net | 07 | i head available is 5.6 m. The speed ratio is 2.09 and flow ratio is ee (©) | 0.68. The overall efficiency is 86% and Boss dia is 1/3 of runner dia. ee Find diameter of runner, speed and specific speed of turbine nae Dae the term manometric head in connection with centrifugal | 02 | Coy thy Define the term specific speed for centrifugal pump. 2 1 (©) _| Explain the unit quantities for a centrif D 03 (ay | Detive an expression for the minimum ~ speed Tor starting @| OT centrifugal pump i OR i Find the height irom the water surface at which a centrifugal pump | 07 may be installed in the following case to avoid cavitation: | (e) | Atmospheric pressure = 1.0 bar: vapor pressure = 0.022 bar: inlet | and other losses in suction pipe ~ 1.42 m: effective head of pump [49 m: = i (iow fans are differen 02 Cor (b)_| Define the term slip. 2 CO (c)_| Define the term choking and stalling. oH 03 cO3 (d)_| Draw and explain the h-s diagram for the axial compressor stage. 07 | Cos OR (@ | Explain choking oF centifugal flow compressor stage at inlet. [07 | Cos impeller and diffuser ROH Nov. esers . Vi Semester, 3" year Examination, MAY - JUNE2019 ‘Subject: BAUL-605 (Fuels and Pollution Control) (GS) fe: Shr. Max. Marks: 70 Min, Marks: 22 Note: Attempt all questions. AM questions carry equal marks, Assume sulable daa missing, Part (a) and (b) have 2 marks each and words limi is 5 Part (¢) is of 3 marks wi Part (a) h words timit 100, of J marks with alternate choice : Course i oie aA Questions Marks outcome 0. mapped 1,(@) How the pollutants effect an environment? 2 © col (b) List the various alternative fuel used in automobile sector. 02 coz (©) Write down the merits of various potential alternative fuels. 3 co2 (a Explain emission formation in St engine and the effect of design and fillieos ce: operating variables on emission formation OR Explain any one of the contol techniques used for controlling exhaust Po i 07 .( © emission in St engine. (with neat sketch) COE Ces 2.(a) Explain emission formation in CI engine. 02 co3 (©) List various conttol techniques o reduce harmful emission of Clengines, 203 {e _ Describe NO, selective catalytic reduction method for reducing diesel eae engine emission (@) Explain the need and working of diesel oxidation catalytic convertor 07 cos OR (© Explain NO, -particulates emission trade off'n diesel engine, o7 cos 3.(a) Describe the various emission measuring instruments used in SI engines 02 © cos (©) How NDIR is used for measuring CO in exhaust gas? 02 cos (©) Differentiate between Liquid and Gas chromatography. 03 cos Explain emission test procedure used in India in detail to regulate the output (© of air pollutants from IC engines, aa Goad OR (Explain different types of smokes exhaust from diesel engines? Explain a 7 07 10: continuous indication type smoke meters, Cos Page tof 2 Roll No... 4a) ) (©) (a) © b) © @ @ ‘What are the modifications to be made in SI engine for using aleohol as a fuel? What are the advantages of alcohol and methanol as a fuel? Write short note on dual fuel system, Explain properties of hydrogen gas used as a fue! storage techniques. -xplain its production and OR Explain performance, combustion and emission characteristics of LPG and CNG in Cl engine. List the structure of various vegetable oils that can be used as a fuel in diesel engines, ‘What do you mean by semi-adiabatic engine and surftce ignition engine! Explain any one method of improving performance of vegetable oils used as a fuel in IC engines, What do you mean by Bio-diesel? How the blending of vegetable oil with other secondary fuel will affect the performance of engine? oR Explain performance, combustion and emission characteristics of vegetable oil fuelled diesel engine. 02 03 07 07 02 2 03 07 07 co2 cO4 coz COs co4 cos col col cos cos Page 2 of 2 Roll No... Vil Sem, 4th YEAR B.E, EXAMINATION May-June 2019 BMEL-606/MEL-605/6225 (wot July 2018) Dynamics of Machines/Theory of Machines-II (6$/NGS) Tine: 3 Hors Maximim Marks: 70 Minimum Passing Marks: 22 Note: 4. Answer all five questions. All questions carry equal marks, 2. In each question part a, b, ¢ are compulsory and part d has internal choice, Out of which part @ & b (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part c (Max. 100 words) carry 3 ‘marks and part d (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks. Word limit would not be followed for (except) diagram, numerical, derivation etc. 4 All Parts of each question are to be ottempted at one place. Draw figures wherever is required. 4. Assume suitable value for missing data, if any. Question Marks COs No. Unit 1. {a} Define and draw in a gear; pitch circle, pressure angle and clearance. 02 1 {b) What is interference in gearing and how to avoid that? 02 2 {c) Differentiate involute and cycloidal tooth form of a gear. 03 3 (a) A drive on @ machine tool is to be made by two spiral gear wheels, the 7 5 spirals of which are of the same hand and has normal pitch of 12.5 mm. The wheels are of equal diameter and the centre distance between the axes of the shafts is approximately 134 mm. The angle between the shafts is 80° and the speed ratio 1.25. Determine : 1). the spiral angle of each wheel, 2) the number of teeth on each wheel, 3) the efficiency of the drive, ifthe friction angle is 6", and 4) the maximum efficiency. OR {e) Two gear wheels mesh externally and are to give a velo Uy ratioof3 07 4 to 1, The teeth are of involute form ; module = 6 mm, addendum = ‘one module, pressure angle = 20°. The pinion rotates at 90 r.p.m. Determine: 1) The number of teeth on the pinion to avoid interference on it and the corresponding number of teeth on the wheel, 2) The length of path and arc of contact, 3) The number of pairs of teeth in contact, and4, The maximum aay fe) Unit-2 Define gyroscopic couple. Show gyroscopic effect in an aeroplane. Differentiate between simple, compound, and epicyclic gear trains. What are the special advantages of epicyclic gear trains? In the epicyclic gear train, as shown in Figure 4, the driving gear A rotating in clockwise direction has 14 teeth and the fixed annular gear C has 100 teeth. The ratio of teeth in gears E and D is 98:44. If 1.85 kW is supplied to the gear A rotating at 1200 r.p.m,, find : 1.the speed and direction of rotation of gear E, and 2.the fixing torque required at G, assuming 100% efficiency throughout and that all teeth have the same pitch. Figure 1 OR A four-wheeled trolley car of mass 2500 kg runs on rails, which are 1.5 m apart and travels around a curve of 30 m radius at 24 km/hr. The rails are at the same level. Each wheel of the trolley is 0.75 m in diameter and each of the two axles is driven by a motor running ina direction opposite to that of the wheels at a speed of five times the speed of rotation of the wheels. The moment of inertia of each axle with gear and wheels is 18 kg-m*, Each motor with shaft and gear pinion has a moment of inertia of 12 kg-m’. The centre of gravity of the car Is 0.9 m above the rail level. Determine the vertical force exerted by each wheel on the rails taking into consideration the centrifugal and gyroscopic effects. State the centrifugal and ayroscopic effects on trolley. 02 02 03 o7 07 a 3[ fa) (b) (c) (a) (e) (a) (b) {o) (a) (e) Units ‘Write a short note on primary and secondary balancing, How two disturbing masses can be balanced by one mass in different planes? Derive the following expressions, for an uncoupled two cylinder locomotive engine: (a) Variation is tractive force ; (b) Swaying couple; and (c) Hammer blow. The reciprocating mass per cylinder in a 60° V-twin engine is 1.5 kg. The stroke and connecting rod length are 100 mm and 250 mm respectively. If the engine runs at 2500 r.p.m,, determine the maximum and minimum values of the primary and secondary forces, Also, \d out the crank position corresponding these values. OR A shaft is supported in bearings 1.8 m apart and projects 0.45 m beyond bearings at each end. The shaft carries three pulleys one at each end and one at the middle ofits length. The mass of end pulleys '5 48 kg and 20 kg and their centre of gravity are 15 mm and 12.5 mm respectively from the shaft axis, The centre pulley has a mass of $6 kg and its centre of gravity is 15 mm from the shaft axis. If the pulleys are arranged so as to give static balance, determine : 1. relative angular positions of the pulleys, and 2. dynamic forces produced on the bearings when the shaft rotates at 300 r.p.m. Unit-4 Define and draw coupler curves? Classify the synthesis problems, What do you mean by dimensional synthesis of pre-conceived type mechanism? Determine the proportions of four bar mechanism, by using three Precision points, to generate y = x"5, where x varies between 1 and 4, ‘Assume, 5 = 10°; AB=90°; ¢hs= 90°; and Ad =90". Take length of the fixed link AD as 25 mm, oR Synthesize a four bar linkage, as shown in Fig. 25.14, using Freudenstein’s equa ¥ in one of its positions. the 02 03 07 07 02 02 03 07 07 fa) (b) {c) (a) (e) specification of position @, velocity w and acceleration a are as follows: = 60", wr" 5 rad/s; c= 2 rad/s? 3 a Demy Ao = 60° pero 1 Fgure2 Units Describe a cam and follower mechanism. Enlist and draw types of followers. Define the following terms as applied ta cam with a neat sketch : (a) Base circle, (b) Pitch circle, {c) Pressure angle, and (d) Stroke of the follower. A flat ended valve tappet is operated by a-symmetrical cam with circular arc for flank and nose. The straight line path of the tappet asses through the cam axis. Total angle of action = 150°, Lift = 6 mm. Base circle diameter = 30 mm. Period of acceleration is half the period of retardation during the lift. The cam rotates at 1250 r.p.m. Find :1. flank and nose radii; 2.maximum acceleration and retardation during the lift. oR Draw the profile of the cam when the roller follower moves with cycloidal motion during out stroke and return stroke, as given below : 1, Out stroke with maximum displacement of 31.4 mm during 180° of cam rotation; 2.Return stroke for the next 150° of cam rotation; -3,Dwell for the remaining 30° of cars rotation. The minimum radius of the cam is 15 mm and the roller diameter of the follower is 10 mm, ‘The axis of the roller follower is offset by 10 mm towards right from the axis of cam shaft. 02 1 02 2 03 3 07 4 07 4 Totat No. of Question: 5 UP" Year B.E. Examination, MAY Total No. Printed Pages: 2 Roll Now seessoves JUNE 2019 BAUL 602: TQM & SQC Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70 Minimum Passing Marks: 22 Note: 1a) 4. Answer all five questions. All questions earey equi marks question, part ab. © are compulsory and part d hus inscraal choice, Oud of which part a & b (Max, 30 words) carry 2 nuarks, part ¢ (Mie 100 words) camry 3 meerks cane! part (Mex. 400 words) carry 7 marks. Word timit would not be followed for (exeep sara, numerical, derivation et. 3. All parts of cach yuestion are to be astempted at one place 4. Assume suitable value for missing data, ifuny. 5. Use of SOC table is permitted, Explain the principles of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), {02| (b) What are the advantage and disadvantages of total employee involvement? {02 (c) Explain in brief the purpose of ISO 9000 series of quality standards. 103) (a) What are the barriers for TQM implementation and how are they overcome’? 107) OR (e) Explain the flowchart of policy management and relation with daily management. J07] 2.4a) Define the quality. 102] (b) Explain the Taguchi loss function and rebust design? 102] (c) Explain the cost of quality 103] (d) What is the Kaizen? Explain the approach to implement Kaizen? Differentiate [07] between Kaizen and innovation, oR {e) Discuss the Deming’s fourteen point programme for quality management 107] 3.{a) State the objective of X-bar and R charts. {02| (b) Explain the PDSA eyele. {02| (c) How will you classify defect? Explain. (03) (d) Control charts for X-bar and R are maintained on ce tw) n dimensions of a [07] manufactured part, measured in mm. The subgroup size is 4. The values of X-bar and R are computed for each subgroup. After 20 subgroups EX-bar = 412.83 and ZR = 3.39. Compute the values of 3 sigma limits for the X-bar and R charts and estimate the value of o* on the assumption that the process is in statistical control OR An item is made in lots of 200 each, The lo sare given 100% inspection. The record [07] sheet for the first 25 lots inspected showed that a total of 75 items were defective. (i) Determine the trail control limits for np chart showing number of defectives in each lot, (ii) Assume that all points fall within the control limits. What is your estimate of the fraction defective p Page 1 of 2 co2 coi 03 COs COs col co2 col COs cos col cor COs C06 C06 4.ia) Explain control chart patterns. (hy Explain systematic and matrix: diagrams. (c), What is brainstorming process? Why itis requite (d) Explain the cause-effect diagram with suitable example. OR (e) Define the waste and explain various waste elimination techniques. 3.(a) Define the process eapability thy What is ATI? (e) Compare random sampling and stratified sampling. (d) Explain the OC curve with reference to sampling inspection and the meaning of the terms: (1) AQL (2) LTPD 3) 1QL (4) Producer's risk (5) Consumer's tisk OR {e} A single sampling plan uses a sample size of 15. and an acceptance number 1_Lising hypergeometric: proba ies, compute the probability of aeceptanee of lots of 50 articles 2% defective ereneenne. 2} jor] 103] 107) 07 1024 024 103} wy 1071 cor cor COR COs Cot cor cor COR COS COs 1H B.E EXAMINATION MAY - JUNE 2019 BAUL-603: OPERATION MANAGEMENT (GS) Time: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 70 Min, Passing Marks: 22 [Note [7 Answer all five questions. All questions carrs equal marks i | | 2. dn cach question part a, b, ¢ are compulsory and part dl has internal choice. Out of which part a db (mas.50 words) carry 2 marks, part ¢ (max.100 words) carry 3 marks und part d (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks, Word limit would not be followed for (except) diagram, numerical, derivation ete 3, All Parts of each question are to be attempted at one place 4, Assume suitable value for missing data. if any. Hi : ‘Ques. Marks | Course No. | outcome | Mapped 1. | (a) | What do you understand by practical worst-case performance? (02) col |__| (@) | State the various decision areas of production and operations management [teay_ | Cos [© _| Write short note on-SWOT analysis. (03) COT (@ | Explain the relationship between productivity and standard of living, (i) Coz OR (©) | Name and discuss various competitive priorities, need to be considered while | (07) | COt deciding business strate 2. | (@) | What is product design? (2) Col (b) | How can we extend product's useful life? (02) Coz (©)_| Discuss design by evolution, by innovation and new design. ®_|_ ce (a) | What are services? How do they differ from manufacturing products? (07) C012 OR (e) | Explain difference between technical and function quality. Also discuss various factors (07) COs, which affect service quality. I 3. | G@)_| What are the causes of unreliability? @)_|_ cor (©) | Explain the term maintenance of machine? | @2) Coz (©) _| Derive the exponential equation for reliability. (03) cos (d) | What is the need of replacement of equipments? Give its various reasons. 7) cor | OR (©) | Explain Deming’s funnel-marble experiment in detail. (07) COS 4. | @)_| Discuss the need of locating new plant location. (03) ‘C03 (b) | What do you understand by Centroid method? (02) col (© | Explain and enlist the types of plant layouts with their applications. @)_ [cor @) | Which factors should be considered by the design engineer in the design and | (07) co4 development of the product? OR (©)_| Discuss the problems of inventories flow and operators in process layout. @ [cos 5. | (@) | Whatare the objectives of MRP? (02) Ol (b) | How linear programming can be used for aggregate planning? (02) COF (©) | Discuss Johnsons rule of sequencing n jobs on 3 machines. (03) cols @) | Explain the concept of sales forecasting. State the techniques of sales forecasting and iy C02 explain any one technique in details. OR (©) | What is the effect of Tust-in-Time philosophy on in-process inventories and cycle time? | (07) COS Name the various factors in JIT and explain any two of them, | | i % 4 : s E SIXTH semester Electrical Engineering Examinations, MAY - JUNE 2019 BEEL-602; Electrical Machines IL Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks:70 Minimum passing marks:22 1, Answer all five questions. All questions carry equal marks 2. 2. Ineach question part a,b,c, are compulsory and part d_ has internal choice, Part age b carry 2 marks, part C carry 3 marks and part d camry 7 marks - All parts of one question are to be answered at one place only. write in short and to the points only. Assume suitable values for missing data. Symbols used have usual meanings. Draw graphs clearly mentioning all necessary parameters. ‘The stator winding resistance is 2.5 ohms and during the blocked rotor test ‘Question mar | cous Ee ks__| eco. T [a | Write the merits and demerits of synchronous reluctance motor, comparing [2 [2 with induetion motor, b_| What are the applications of synchronous reluctance motor 20 © | Explain the principle of operation and constructional features of 3. {4 synchronous reluctance motor d [Draw the phasor diagram of asynchronous reluctance motor. Indicating [7 [3 supply voltage, stator current, load angle, excitation emf, and phase angle. ‘OR B | Explain torque-speed characteristics of synchronous reluctance motor. How you |7 | 6 can_determine the torque-speed characteristics in the laboratory, 2 [a [Draw the stator-rotor, coil-pole diagram ofa four phase two pole stepper [2 [5 motor. b | Draw the Longitudinal cross sectional view ofa three stack variable 2 [i reluctance stepper motor. © |How step angle is decided? Draw the torque-angle curve of a stepper |3 [3 motor. @ | (Determine the equivalent circuit and current rising rate diagram ofatwo [7 [2 pole stepper motor.(ii) how many types of stepper motors are there ? where they are used ? OR B | Draw the digital circuit diagram for speed control and starting ofa 7 (4 stepper motor, Explain it. 3 |a | Why single phase induction motors are not self starting? how you can make it |2 | 6 self starting ? | Write specific uses of single phase induction motor. How direction of aa rotation can be reversed ? | Explain the double revolving field theory of single phase induction motor. [3 | 1 How forward field and backward field slips are calculated ? @_ | Draw the equivalent circuit of a single phase induction motor. Explain. [7 |3 How you can determine its equivalent circuit parameters, OR @ |The following data relates to tests ona 110 volts 150 watt,6polesingle [7 [2 phase induction motor.: | | No load test:110 volts.63 watts.2.7 amps i Blocked rotor test:55 volts, 212 watts,5.8 amps i i £ boas 4k [the starting winding is open. Determine the equivalent circuit parameters oF the motor. Draw the different constructional components of any PMBLDCM(permanent magnet brushless DC_ motor) Derive the back emf of PMBLDCM . Draw input current. waveform of any PMBLDCM_drive, for variable load(minimum to maximum), How the speed ofany PMBLDCM drive is being controlled? Draw is speed controller(for constant torque) circuit diagram, Write the advantages of PMBLDCM over ordinary DC motor and induction motor. Where this motor is used ? OR Compare the constructional similarities and differences between PMBLDCM and PMSM(permanent_magnet synchronous motor) ‘What are the main features(construction point of view) of Permanent Magnet synchronous motor ‘Make comparison between SyRM(synchronous reluctance motor) and PMSM(permanent magnet synchronous motor). What are the applications of PMSM? Draw necessary connection diagrams. Draw the phasor diagram ofa PMSM and its torque speed characteristics. Explain the torque speed characteristics from stability point of view. Write this machines limitations/demerits. OR Draw the digital control model of any PMSM, Explain how microprocessor can be used for controlling it(for constant speed and constant torque operation) Roll No. 7 ae Vi semester 3rd YEAR B.E. EXAMINATION MAY - JUNE 2019 SUBJECT CODE: BEEL-603 /EEL-602/6332 SUBJECT TITLE: Power Electronics (6S/NGS) Time 3 Hours. Naximam Marks 70 inimuin Pass Marks :22 Note: | £ Answer all five questions. Allquestions carry equal marks. 2. In each question part o, 8, c are compulsory ond part d has interno! choice. Cut of which part a & b (Mux. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part c (Max. 100 words) cary 3 marks and part d (Mox. 490 words) cosry 7 marks. Word | limit would not be followed for (except) diagram, numsericel derivation ec. | 3. AllPorts ofeach question are tobe attempted at one place. 4. Assume suitable volue for missing dat, any. 5. PLEASE MENTION IF ANY IS CODE, DATA TABLES ETC. ARE PERMITTED IN THE EXAM. ‘Question Marks | O No. 1._ | {@)_| Draw the symbolic representation of MOSFET and Its ideal V-I Characteristic. | 02 1_| {b)_| Sketch Dynamic characteristics of a power diode. @ 1 {(¢)_| Sketch the two transistor model of SCR? B 2 (a) | Derive the switching frequency of UIT relaxation circuit. Also estimate the [07 3 minimum and maximum charging resistance for control of firing angle between 30° to 120° of 60 Hz supply. Assume C=0.1F and 9=0.7. OR Te) | i the sting voliage is 4000V and seven 600V rating thyristors are used the | 07 6 sting, (i) Compute the de-rating factor? | (Gi) What will be the effect on de-rating factor if one extra thyristor is added in | the same sting? 2.__|{@)_| Balist applications of rectifiers? oe [4 (6) | Match the following: 2 ‘A. Single phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier with R -loed () Yo = “(1 + cosa) B, Single phase half wave controlled rect with R-loed (il) = cosa C. Single phase half controlled rectifier with RL load Gii)-Yy = #8 (L+e08a) D. Single phase fully controlled rectifier with RL load (iv) Wop {e | What are the conditions for operation fully controlled rectifier in different |" 03° |” 4 modes? {a | in rectifier shown below, The delay angle of thyristor T; measured from | 07 positive going zero crossing of Vs is 30°. If the input voltage Vs is 100 sin (00m). Analyze the average voltage across R (in Volt) under steady state | condition? oR ‘A single phase full bri consists | 07 [5 of four SCR, a load resistance of 20 @ and a very large inductance so that load LL current is constant. Determine (i) Ave output voltage and (ii) R.M.S_ output, y | woltage. Also derive the fomula used, fa) ‘Make a fair comparison between dual converter and cyclo-conve (b) Fill in the blanks: (® cyclo-converter is known as, Gi) A single phase to single phase eyclo-converter using bridge circuit can be developed by employing a total number of __ thyristors. ‘erating prineiple of an ideal Dual converter? Explain in brief. 03, (a) Expk jperation of midpoint type single phase to single phase step up cyelo-converter? Enlist the conduction of various thyristors in the waveforms 7 OR e) ‘A 3 phase circulating current type dual-converter js fed from 400V, 3phase, 50 HZ supply. The peak value of circulating current is 42 A. If the firing angle is zero, Find the value of current limiting reactor. 07 (a) Define inverter. What are its different types? oz (b) Fill in the blanks: (When a single phase inverter operates with de source voltage V, The output voltage can be expressed as 1) A three phase inverter can be formed after combing ___single phase inverter in parallel. 02 © Enlist the conduction sequence of 3-phase bridge inverter operating in conduction mode (i) 120° and (ii) 180°. 08 (a) ‘A single phase half bridge inverter has Load resistance of 322 while the input voltage is 30V (DC). Calculate (1) rms out put voltage at fundamental frequency (ll) fundamental output power (Il) average and peak current of each device and PIV rating 7 OR fe) Explain the working of S-phase bridge inverter with ‘appropriate cireuit diagram. Draw the phase and line voltage waveform for 180° mode of operation for star connected load. 7 5. (a) Fill in the blanks: {) Inastep up chopper duty cycle is greater than _an less than __- i) Voltage commutated chopper consists of and diode. 02 (b) Wilts the disadvantage of frequency modulation of chopper over pulse width modulation? 02 () “K step up chopper has Input voltage of 150V and output voltage 250 V. if petiod of blocking / cycle is Imsec. Find the duration of conduction/eyele? 8 (a) TE step down chopper has a resistive load R=100. and input voltage Vs~220V. ‘When the chopper switch is on, its voltage drop is 2V. Considering chopping frequency 1KHz and duty eycle 50% . Compute (}) Average output voltage (i) RMS output voltage and (II1) chopper efficiency. 07 OR e) Explain the working of Voltage Commitated chopper with associated waveforms. a7 ee RRR ER 22 Advanced Microprocessor and Interfa B.E- Examination MAY - JUNE 2019 Third Year Electrical Engineering ig: BEELGO04/EEL603 Time: 8 tours Mxinum orks: 70 Nininum Pass Marks: 22 Note? | E anaer a fe awestons A qston cary Sat aria 2 Im each question part a,b, ¢ are compuksery and port d has internal cholce. Out of whlch port @ & b tdox. 0 swords} carry 2 marks, port ¢ (Mos. 100 words) carry 3 marks and port d (ox. 400 words) carry ? marke Word | ___ lime would not be flowed fr lexcept) dhograry, numerical, derivation et 3. AllParts of each question are tobe attempted ot one plac. 4_Assume sutoble value for missing dot, fen i Guestion | Marks | course No. Outcome Mapped ~ | (@) | What isa fetch cycle? 02 {(b) | Give the significance of SIM and RIM instructions available in BOBS? o2 {c)_| Explain the addressing modes of 6085 with example. 08 z (a) | Draw the pin configuration of Intel 8085 Microprocessor. Discuss the role of } 7 z | each pin of 8085 Microprocessor, | ot oR {e) | What is interrupt? What are various interrupts available with Intel BOBS | OF z Microprocessor? How interrupts are ciassified. State the priority of Interrupt pins in 8085 Microprocessor and how they are triggered. 2.__|(a)_| Explain the instruction set 8086? 02 3 {b)_| What are the advantages of using memory segmentation BORG? 02 3 {c)_| Explain the Maximum mode of operation of 8086. o3_| 2 (a) [Write program to find the number of positive numbers and negative | 07 1 numbers in a given series of signed numbers using 8086. OR (e)_| Draw and Explain functional block diagram of 6086 Microprocessor. o7 z 3._[ Ta) _[ list the operating modes of 8253 timer 2 a (b)_| What is the use of modem control unit in 8251? oz [4 {c) | What is DMA? Explain the DMA based data transfer using 8257 DMA] 03 | 2 controller. (d) | Draw the block diagram of 8255 PPI. What are different operating modes of | 07 z 8255 PPI? Discuss how to determine the control word for 8255? OR (e) | What are the different ways to end the interrupt execution in 8259| 07 5 programmable Interrupt controller? | (a) | What are register banks in 8051 microcontroller? 0 3 (©) | What are the addressing modes supported by 8051? a 3 {(@)_| What are the functions of the following signals of 8051? ALE/PROG, PSEN 08 i jer the pin configuration of intel 8051 Microcontvoiles, Discuss the role of 2 | each pin of 8051 Microcontroller. | oR = Explain in detail the modes of operation of Timer unit in 805% 07 i microcontroller? t Compare the features of microprocessor and microcontroller. 02 2 Discuss various applications of microcontroller? 02 a Discuss in detail stepper motor interfacing with 8051. 03 6 What is a stepper motor? Discuss its applications. Show interface connection | O7 6 for a microprocessor-based scheme for controlling a stepper motor. OR Show with a neat sketch and suitable interface @ microprocessor based | 07 scheme to measure, display and contro! water-level. Se SUBJECT CODE: BEEL-605 Time:3 ME YEAR B.E. EXAMINATION, MAY-JUNE 2019 (GSINGS) 'L-604/6334 SUBJECT TITLE: Applied Instrumentation Hours Maximum Marks: 70 Minimum Passing Marks:22 [ Note: 1. Answer all five question. All question carry equal marks. car yy 3 marks and part d carry ? marks All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place. 4, Assume suitable value for missing data, if any. 5._No, of printed pages 2 In Each question part a,b, ¢ are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Out of which part a carry 2 mark, part b carry 2 marks, part ¢ Question No. Marks COs 1 j@ ‘Why ammeter-voltmeter methods not suitable Tor precise measurement of low resistance? Col (b) Draw the circuit and phasor diagram of Schering bridge? CO3 (c) Explain the sources of error in a Wheatstone bridge used to measure very low resistance? C02 @ Ina AC bridge, branch AB is an inductive resistor, branches BC and ED are variable resistors, branches CD and DA are non-reactive resistors of 4000 each and branch CE is a condenser of 2qnF capacitance. The supply is connected to A and C and the detector to B and E. Balance is obtained when the resistance of BC is 4000 and that of ED is 5000.Determine the resistance and inductance of AB? Cor OR’ What ‘are the difficulties associated with the measurement of low resistance? Explain the procedure for measuring a low resistance with the help of Kelvin's double bridge. Derive the relation for finding unknown resistance? COs Give the theory underlying the use of magnetic potentiometer? C02 What are the sources of inaccuracies during magnetic measurements? Coz Write in short on Ballistic test on a ring specimen? co2 A tansformer is operated on 1000V, 50 Hz and gives a total loss of 1000W of which 700W is due to the hysteresis If the transformer were to be operated at 2000V, 100Hz.what would be the losses due to the hysteresis and eddy currents? Stienmetz index is 1.6? CcO4 OR’ (e) Describe the Lloyd-fisher square for measurement of iron losses in a specimen of laminations? Describe how corrections for resistance of wattmeter pressure coil and resistance of secondary windings are applied? COs ‘What are the apparatus essential for different types of high voltage test performed in laboratory? ‘What is fisher loop test? For what purpose it is performed? Draw the cireuit diagram? | Describe in brief the Murray Loop method of fo | Explain in detail the use of sphere gaps for high vollage m ent bringing out their advantages and disadvantages in such measurement? OR’ Page 1 of 2 [In a test by Murray Toop for ground fall on 1000 meters of cable f 7 COs | | having a resistance of 1.62 per km, the faculty cable is looped with | | | | | Sound cable of the same length and cross section, Ifthe ratio of the other | | | : two arms of testing network at balance is in the ratio of 3:1, calculate the distance of the fault from the testing end of the cable? 4 |(@) | Explain the effect of secondary burden on the ratio and phase angle 2 | cor} errors of a current transformers? (©) | Discuss the characteristies of current transformers. What are the causes | 2 | COS Esse of error in them? (c) | Describe the application of CTs and PTs for the measurement of 3. | C06 | current, voltage , power and energy? | [(d) J Explain clearly with the help of @ phasor diagram the principle of | 7 | COs | operation of a current transformer. Mention some precautions to be taken while using it. What measures should be taken to reduce the ratio error? OR (©) |A 1000/54,” S0Hz current transformer has a secondary burden | 7 | COa,C comprising a non-inductive impedance of 1.69. The primary winding 0s has one turn. Calculate the flux in the core and ratio ertor at full load. Neglect leakage reactance and assume the iron loss in the core to be | 1.SW at full load and mmé=100A? 5 | (@)_| Whatis an input device? “The input device may consist of a primary 2 | COs sensing element and a transducer.” Comment on it. (b) | Lis the different types of tranducers.What is the difference between | 2 | COS active and passive transducers? (©) | A copper resistor having resistance of 15Q at 20° C is used to indicate] 3 | CO the temperature of bearings of a machine. Determine the limiting value of resistance if the maximum temperature of the bearing is not to exceed 175°C.The temperature coefficient of resistance of copper at 20° C is 0.014250? @ | Differentiate between the following: 7 | cos |. Transducers and Inverse transducers . Primary and secondary transducers Ml, Analog and Digital transducers V, Output and Input transducers OR | |@ [Explain the principle, working, construction , characteristics and| 7 | COS applications of thermistors? Good Luck! Page 2 of 2 Roll No il YEAR B.E. EXAMINATION MAY-JUNE 2019 Subject Code: BEEL-606 / EEL-605 / 6335 Subject Title: Power Systom Analysis & Control (GS & NGS) Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70/100 Min, Passing Marks: 22/35 oF all th ive questions. al Wi questions corey equal ‘marks. internal choice. Out of which @ 8 b {max $0 words} carry 2 masks 100 words) Corry 3 marks and post (max 400 words) carry 7 marks. Word init would not be followed for (except) diagram, numerical derivation etc 3, Allpurts of each question are to be attempted at one place 4. Assume suitable volue for missing dato, if ony. i ‘Marks| Course Questi (CHNOHH|E-HS-re Serer eee Beer i 1.1 (a)! What do you understand by surge impedance and surge impedance loading? al (0), What is Ferranti effect? Explain. 02 | | 1 (e)) tist the reasons for connecting transmission lines in (i) tandem (if) parallel. Draw and{ 03 | CO1 |_| write equations for tandem connection, | (6), Write the steps required for drawing sending end circle diagram of a transmission Tine. | ! State the information provided by the circle diagram, | 07 | coz OR (ce) Write power equitation for receiving end of a long transmission line, show that power at fixed frequency power will follow circular path. 2. {a} Draw and explain governor characteristic "_{b}/ What are the different methods of voltage control in power system? _ rr | (c}, Derive relation between real power P, reactive power Q resistance &, reactance X & | | toad angle. Show that voltage V depends upon reactive power Q & load angle depends | { | on real power P. | 03 (a)! Derive relation between P, Q V,, Vz R, Xt; and ty for a tap changing transformer. The | | notation has their usual meanings and product of off nominal ratio t2t2 = 1 | A 230 V line is fed through 33/230 KV transformer from a constant 33 kV supply. The | | impedance of the 3-phase line and transformer at 230 KV is (30+j80) ohm. Both the transformers are equipped with tap changing facilities which are so arranged that the | product of two off nominal setting is unity. f the load on the system is 150 MW at 0.9 pif, determine the setting of tap changer required to maintain the voltage of the load : |__| bus bar at 33kv. o7_| cos {e)| The generators rated 200 MW and 400 MW are operating in parallel. The droop | characteristics of their governors are 4% and 5%, respectively from no load to full load. ‘Assuming that the generators are operating at SO Hz at no load, how a load of 600 MW would be shared between them. What will be the system frequency at this load? | assume fee governor operation, 07 | cos fee ot | toa (b)/ Derive an expression for frequency of oscillation when synchronous generator! 02 | Coa subjected to small disturbance during steady state stability, [c) A? pole, 80 Hy, 11kV turbo generator has a rating of 60 f 3.|_{a]/ Discus different types of stability in power system, power factor (88 lagging. Its rotor has a moment of inertia of 88 Constant in MJ per MVA and momentum in MI-S/elect kg-sq. m, Calculate its inertia al degree. 03 | coa v2

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