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Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Clinical

Overview and Update on Management
Kelly A. Cawcutt, MD, and Steve G. Peters, MD

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Sepsis is among the oldest themes in medicine; however, despite modern advances, it remains a leading
cause of death in the United States. Every clinician should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of
sepsis, along with early management strategies, to expeditiously provide appropriate care and decrease
resultant morbidity and mortality. This review addresses the definitions, pathogenesis, clinical manifes-
tations, management, and outcomes of patients with sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock.
ª 2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89(11):1572-1578

ne of the oldest themes in the his- current clinical practice, research, and educa-
tory of medicine is the syndrome tion on sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock.
From the College of Medi- of sepsis, with descriptions dating The definition follows a continuum of vari-
cine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
to Hippocrates. Despite advances in medicine, ables. Sepsis was initially defined as findings
from germ theory to the advent of modern of the systemic inflammatory response syn-
critical care medicine, sepsis continues to be drome in the presence of documented or
a leading cause of inpatient expenditures and suspected infection. Features of the systemic
death in the United States, thus demanding inflammatory response syndrome include
ongoing attention and research.1,2 fever or hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnea,
The descriptions and categories of severity and leukocytosis. The current definition of
of sepsis have evolved over the past 30 years, sepsis is less specific, defining sepsis as
with the first international consensus panel suspected or documented infection plus at
defining sepsis in the early 1990s.1,2 This first least 1 systemic manifestation of infection
classification provided the framework for the (Table).

1572 Mayo Clin Proc. n November 2014;89(11):1572-1578 n n ª 2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Severe sepsis has been defined as sepsis

TABLE. Definitions of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS),
plus evidence of organ dysfunction (eg, hypo-
Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock1-3
tension, oliguria, and metabolic acidosis), and
septic shock has been defined as sepsis with Term Criteria
persistent signs of hypotension despite fluid SIRS Meets 2 of of the following 4:
d Temperature >38 C or <36 C
d Heart rate >90 beats/min
The incidence of severe sepsis in the
d Respiratory rate >30 breaths/min or arterial CO2 <32mm Hg
United States has been reported as approxi-
White blood cell count >12,000 or <4000 cells/mL or >10% band
mately 300 cases per 100,000 population forms
and is increasing. The annual hospital cost Sepsis d 1991 definition: SIRS plus documented or suspected infection
for the care of patients with sepsis in the Current definition: Documented or suspected infection plus systemic
United States has recently been estimated at manifestations of infection (any of the SIRS criteria count, in addition
$14 billion/y.1,2 The condition is responsible other possible manifestations include elevations of procalcitonin,
for 2% of hospital admissions, with approxi- C-reactive protein, hyperglycemia in those without diabetes, altered
mately 50% of these patients requiring the mental status)
intensive care unit (ICU). Severe sepsis ac- Severe sepsis Sepsis plus evidence of organ dysfunction
d Arterial hypoxemia (PaO2/FiO2<300)
counts for 10% of all ICU admissions. The
d Acute oliguria (urine output <0.5 mL/kg per hour for at least 2 h
rising incidence is postulated to be secondary
despite adequate fluid resuscitation
to the increases in the aging population, the d Increase in creatinine >0.5 mg/dL
number of patients who are immunocompro- d Coagulation abnormalities (INR>1.5, aPTT>60 s,
mised from any cause, and an increasing platelets <100,000/mL)
number of patients undergoing invasive d Hepatic dysfunction (elevated bilirubin)

procedures.2 d Paralytic ileus

Sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock may d Decreased capillary refill or skin mottling

be secondary to either community-acquired, Septic shock Sepsis with hypotension refractory to fluid resuscitation or
health careeassociated or hospital-associated hyperlactatemia.
d Refractory hypotension persists despite resuscitation with bolus
infections. The most common underlying
causes are pneumonia, intra-abdominal infec- intravenous fluid of 30 mL/kg
d Hyperlactatemia >1 mmol/L
tions, and urinary tract infections. Etiologic or-
ganisms cover the spectrum of pathogens, aPTT ¼ activated partial thromboplastin time; INR ¼ international normalized ratio.
with bacteria and fungi being predominant.
However, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus
epidermidis, Enterococcus species, Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeru- An imbalance of these mechanisms may lead
ginosa, species within the Klebsiella family, and to either excess tissue damage (proinflamma-
Candida species account for most of the path- tory) or immunosuppression and increased
ogens described.1,2 susceptibility to secondary infections (anti-
inflammatory). The individual patient response
PATHOGENESIS is dependent on characteristics of both the host
The pathophysiology of sepsis is complex and (comorbidities and immunosuppression) and
multifactorial. A detailed description of these the pathogen (virulence and organism load).1
mechanisms is beyond the scope of this re- Furthermore, coagulation abnormalities,
view; however, an abbreviated overview is such as intravascular coagulation and fi-
crucial for comprehension. brinolysis, result in endothelial dysfunction,
Infection triggers both proinflammatory microvascular thrombi, and impaired tissue
and anti-inflammatory processes that ultimately oxygenation. This impairment, combined with
contribute to the clearance of infection and the the systemic vasodilation and hypotension,
tissue damage that lead to organ failure.1,4 In causes tissue hypoperfusion and decreased
general, the proinflammatory processes are trig- tissue oxygenation, further complicated by
gered by the infectious agent and are focused on impaired mitochondrial oxygen utilization sec-
the elimination of the pathogen, whereas the ondary to oxidative stress. These mechanisms
anti-inflammatory processes are triggered by result in further tissue damage and ultimately
the host to promote tissue repair and healing. contribute to multiorgan failure.1,4

Mayo Clin Proc. n November 2014;89(11):1572-1578 n 1573

CLINICAL FEATURES based EGDT arm; a protocol-based standard

The clinical features of severe sepsis vary signif- therapy (requiring rapid resuscitation but no
icantly, depending on multiple factors including requirement for initial central line placement,
host characteristics, site and severity of infec- mixed venous oxygen saturation [SvO2] moni-
tion, and time course of sepsis before therapy. toring, or blood transfusions for a hematocrit
Organ dysfunction commonly includes hypo- <30); and a “usual care” arm in which care
tension, acute respiratory distress syndrome, was directed by the bedside clinician. In this
altered mental status, acute kidney injury, ileus, study, the protocol-based EGDT arm did not
hepatic dysfunction, disseminated intravascular show any improvement in short (2-3 months)
coagulation, adrenal dysfunction, and euthyroid or long-term (1 year) mortality or need for or-
sick syndrome.1 The cumulative effect of organ gan support as compared with the other 2
dysfunction is the strongest predictor of mortal- arms.9
ity.2 For patients surviving beyond early sepsis, One should note that the mortality in all the
immunosuppression increases the risk for sec- 3 arms ranged from 18.2% to 21% and this is
ondary infections.1 much lower than historically reported figures
for severe sepsis and septic shock. It is very
likely that “standard” care has improved and
evolved to a great extent since the original pub-
The management of patients with severe sepsis
lication of the EGDT study. The focus should
and septic shock has transitioned to protocols,
remain on early fluid resuscitation, timely anti-
with utilization of “bundles” reported to improve
biotic administration, and appropriate use of
timeliness and quality of care and decrease mor-
tality. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign provided
Current recommendations and guidelines
the first consensus on a bundled care process
for the management of sepsis are discussed
for the management of patients with severe sepsis
in the sections that follow. Once a diagnosis
and septic shock. This has been revised and
of severe sepsis or septic shock is recognized,
updated recently.2,3,5-7 Two main “bundles” are
typically in the emergency department or hos-
recognized: an early-goal-directed therapy
pital ward, treatment should start immediately
(EGDT) bundle for the first 6 hours and a man-
and transfer to an ICU should be considered.
agement protocol used after the first 6 hours of
therapy, usually in an ICU.1,8
Critical Care Ultrasound
A detailed discussion regarding the utilization
and value of critical care ultrasound is beyond
The goals of the first bundle target resuscitation
the scope of this review. However, it should be
and mitigating the effects of uncontrolled infec-
noted that bedside ultrasound assessment of
tion. The landmark study by Rivers et al8
critically ill patients allows trained clinicians
demonstrated multiple benefits, most notably
to rapidly assess volume status and cardiac
a survival benefit, with a protocol designed to
function; in addition, further evaluations may
guide the management of severe sepsis and sep-
include assessment of intra-abdominal fluid,
tic shock. The protocol included specific target
pleural effusions, pulmonary edema, and
values for central venous pressure (CVP), mean
deep vein thrombosis.
arterial pressure (MAP), urine output, central
venous oxygen saturation, arterial oxygen satu-
ration, hematocrit, cardiac index, and systemic Fluid Management
oxygen consumption.8 Subsequently, multiple Early administration of intravenous fluids re-
studies analyzed each component of the bundle mains the primary focus of the first minutes
with a resultant evolution of practice that is rep- of therapy for severe sepsis. There has been
resented in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign long-standing debate regarding the choice
guidelines.3,4,7 and appropriate volume of intravenous fluid,
Of note, a recently published multicenter with the primary controversy surrounding
study, the Protocolized Care for Early Septic the use of crystalloids versus colloids. The cur-
Shock trial, prospectively randomized patients rent guidelines recommend crystalloids as the
in a 1:1:1 ratio into 1 of 3 groups: a protocol- initial fluid choice, with a minimum initial
n n
1574 Mayo Clin Proc. November 2014;89(11):1572-1578

fluid challenge of 30 mL/kg, of which a in most patients. A quantitative and aggressive

portion could be albumin.3 approach to early fluid resuscitation with a
The Saline versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation goal of achieving hemodynamic targets and tis-
study compared resuscitation strategies using sue perfusion goals should be the standard of
4% albumin and normal saline, with the overall care.
results demonstrating similar outcomes.10 A
recent multicenter randomized study revisited Hemodynamics, Oxygenation, and Tissue
the use of albumin in combination with crystal- Perfusion
loids, compared with crystalloids alone, and Targets of early resuscitation for sepsis include
found no difference in 28- and 90-day survival CVP, MAP, SvO2, and serum lactate. Although
among patients with severe sepsis.11 Crystalloids measuring the CVP may not be the ideal method
include saline solutions, lactated Ringer’s solu- for monitoring fluid responsiveness compared
tion, and newer balanced salt solutions. Normal with other dynamic variables, it remains a com-
saline, the most commonly used crystalloid, is mon and useful initial target, with a goal of 8 to
actually mildly hypertonic and its excessive use 12 mm Hg for nonventilated patients and 12 to
has been associated with hyperchloremic (non- 15 mm Hg for those requiring mechanical
anion gap) metabolic acidosis and a tendency to- ventilation.
ward higher rates of acute kidney injury. The use Given that the CVP may not accurately define
of lactated Ringer’s solution alternating with volume status, particularly in mechanically
normal saline is one way to balance these con- ventilated patients with high airway pressures,
cerns. Other crystalloids, particularly balanced alternative noninvasive methods of assessing
salt solutions, have gained favor in the attempt intravascular volume should be considered. A
to decrease adverse effects associated with simple method of assessing intravascular volume
normal saline.12 Semisynthetic colloids, such and fluid responsiveness is with a passive leg
as hydroxyethyl starch, are not recommended raise. Passive leg raise is completed with the pa-
for resuscitation because of adverse events tient moved to a supine position with the legs
including renal failure, coagulopathy, and raised to 45 for several minutes while moni-
increased mortality in some studies.12,13 toring hemodynamic response for improvement
Resuscitation utilizing blood transfusions has with the increased venous return.16 Alternatively,
been stressed in previous studies because of the clinicians may use dynamic variables such as
expectation that increasing erythrocytes and pulse pressure variation or ultrasound evaluation
hemoglobin will result in increased oxygen- of the inferior vena cava (IVC). Pulse pressure
carrying capacity and improved oxygen delivery. variation is calculated via arterial line measure-
The Rivers EGDT protocol included a hematocrit ments of maximum and minimum pulse pres-
goal of 30% or more if, after improvement in sure during a single respiratory cycle, with
blood pressure, the SvO2 remained less than increasing variation predicting fluid responsive-
70%.8 This recommendation remained in the ness.17,18 Finally, ultrasound may be used to
initial Surviving Sepsis guidelines, but in the examine the IVC for collapsibility. A minimally
absence of evidence that transfusions were truly collapsible IVC is associated with euvolemia or
beneficial, and with increasing evidence for hypervolemia, whereas a highly collapsible IVC
harm secondary to arbitrary transfusion thresh- is associated with hypovolemia.19
olds in other settings, the recommendations The typical MAP goal is 65 mmg Hg or more
have been modified to transfusion for hemoglo- with or without the use of vasopressors. Espe-
bin less than 7.0 g/dL (with a goal range of 7.0- cially in patients with chronic hypertension or
9.0 g/dL) unless myocardial ischemia, coronary relatively low blood pressure, the MAP should
artery disease, acute hemorrhage, or severe hyp- be interpreted in context of other signs of tissue
oxemia are present.3,7,14,15 perfusion. Mixed venous oxygen saturation re-
In summary, there does not appear to be any flects the net balance between oxygen delivery
mortality benefit for colloids over crystalloids in (dependent on arterial oxygen saturation, hemo-
early resuscitation of patients with severe sepsis globin, and cardiac output) and oxygen con-
and septic shock. There is, however, a substan- sumption by the tissues. A true mixed venous
tial cost advantage to using crystalloids and these sample is obtained from the right atrium; sam-
should be the preferred initial resuscitation fluid ples from the subclavian or vena cava typically

Mayo Clin Proc. n November 2014;89(11):1572-1578 n 1575

show slightly higher saturation. The published therapy should have activity (and adequate
targets for adequate venous oxygen saturation target tissue penetration) against all likely path-
are 70% or more for superior vena cava and ogens and should be given within the first hour
65% for right atrial measurements. Mixed after the recognition of severe sepsis or septic
venous oxygen saturation can be measured by shock. Mortality increases for each hour that
intermittent samples, or continuously by the the patient does not receive adequate antimi-
use of an oximetric central venous catheter. Pul- crobial therapy.3,4 Ideally, 2 sets of blood cul-
monary arterial catheterization and monitoring tures combined with cultures from other
have not been shown to improve outcomes potential sources, such as urine, tracheal secre-
and may confer some risk.20 Elevated lactate tions, or other body fluids, if applicable, should
levels are part of the diagnostic criteria for severe be obtained before the initiation of antimicro-
sepsis, and lactate clearance, as a marker of bial agents, but only if this can be done without
improving tissue perfusion, is another target of a significant time delay. Furthermore, the
early therapy. The ideal is normalization of source of infection (eg, drainage of abscess)
lactate; however, early improvement of 10% or should be controlled aggressively.1,3
more to 20% from baseline lactate is associated
with mortality benefit similar to an SvO2 value Corticosteroids
of 70% or more.3,21 In light of the mortality Corticosteroid use for the treatment of sepsis
benefit of lactate clearance and results of the has been a source of great controversy. Early
above-mentioned Protocolized Care for Early studies of short-course high-dose methylpred-
Septic Shock trial, the insertion of central venous nisolone showed no evidence of benefit and
catheters and rigorous following of serial SvO2 frequent adverse effects. Other studies have
measurements may not be essential for the early yielded conflicting results, including those uti-
management of severe sepsis. Importantly, stra- lizing adrenocorticotropic hormone, stimula-
tegies to optimize both SvO2 and lactate clear- tion testing, and identifying subgroups with
ance may be complementary. Currently, no “relative adrenal insufficiency.” Current guide-
single measure is clearly superior. lines recommend against stimulation testing
and advise initiating intravenous corticoste-
Vasopressors roids (eg, hydrocortisone 200 mg/d) for pa-
Norepinephrine is recommended as the first tients in refractory shock who have remained
choice for vasopressor use in patients with sep- hemodynamically unstable even after adequate
tic shock.3 Dopamine had been used widely as fluid resuscitation and vasopressor use.3,4,23,24
a first-line agent, but compared with norepi-
nephrine, it is associated with a higher rate of Bicarbonate Therapy
dysrhythmia. Furthermore, low-dose dopa- There is no strong evidence to support the use of
mine for renal protection is not recommen- sodium bicarbonate for improving hemody-
ded.3,4,22 If a second vasopressor is needed to namics or decreasing vasopressor use in patients
maintain MAP, epinephrine or vasopressin with a pH of 7.15 or more; therefore, this ther-
would be appropriate. Vasopressin can be apy is not recommended.3 Furthermore, tempo-
added to norepinephrine, but it is not recom- rary and partial correction of metabolic acidosis
mended as a single agent. Finally, inotropic by bicarbonate might mask the important moni-
agents such as dobutamine may be used if there toring of improving acidemia as a sign of
is evidence for myocardial dysfunction or improved tissue oxygen delivery.
ongoing hypoperfusion despite fluid resuscita-
tion and initiation of vasopressors.3 SUPPLEMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Prophylactic measures to prevent ventilator-
Treatment of Infection associated pneumonia, venous thromboembo-
Rapid treatment of the infection leading to se- lism, and stress ulcers have become a standard
vere sepsis or septic shock is of paramount bundle for critically ill and intubated patients
importance. To target appropriate therapy, cli- and are appropriately applied to severe sepsis.
nicians must quickly assess the patient and Components of these bundles are recommended
determine a potential source for the sepsis in the Surviving Sepsis guidelines and include
syndrome. Initial intravenous antimicrobial elevation of the head of the bed, ventilator-
n n
1576 Mayo Clin Proc. November 2014;89(11):1572-1578

weaning protocols, prophylactic anticoagulants if enteral nutrition is possible. Hypocaloric

and intermittent pneumatic compression devices feeding, or underfeeding, is recommended
when possible to prevent venous thromboembo- within the first week because there may be
lism, and H2 blocker or proton-pump inhibitor an association with improved outcomes,
prophylaxis for stress ulcers.3 including mortality.3,30
Finally, management of any critically ill
Ventilator Management patient, including those with severe sepsis
Lung-protective ventilation is recommended and septic shock, should include a discussion
for patients with severe sepsis or septic shock surrounding the goals of care for the individ-
regardless of whether they have been diagnosed ual patient. Ideally, this conversation should
with acute respiratory distress syndrome. A occur as early as possible, but no more than
tidal volume of 6 mL/kg ideal body weight 72 hours into treatment.3
should be utilized combined with a goal
plateau pressure of <30 cm H2O and applica- OUTCOMES
tion of positive end-expiratory pressure.3,4,25 In recent decades, advances in the management
of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock
Antimicrobial Stewardship have demonstrated a great reduction in mortal-
The initiation of broad-spectrum, empiric, anti- ity from greater than 80% to approximately
microbial agents has become a common and 20% to 30%.1,2 The mortality of patients with
appropriate practice given the mortality risk septic shock remains the highest, with mortal-
of delay in effective therapy. However, the ity approaching 50% in some studies.2 There
cost of this practice may be increasing antimi- are many factors affecting outcomes, including
crobial resistance. Infection by resistant organ- the site of infection and the underlying path-
isms prolongs hospital stays and duration of ogen. Gram-negative organisms and fungal in-
mechanical ventilation, with a less well- fections are generally associated with a higher
defined effect on mortality.2 Daily assessment mortality than are gram-positive organisms.2
is necessary for potential de-escalation or modi- Despite the improvement in early mortality
fication of therapy.3,26,27 rates, patients with sepsis remain at an in-
creased risk of death for months to years after
Glycemic Control, Nutrition, and Goals of hospital discharge. Furthermore, as survival im-
Care proves, long-term outcomes gain increasing
Glucose control in critically ill patients has importance and interest. Primary care providers
evolved significantly as clinical trials produced will see sepsis survivors in follow-up and must
seemingly discordant results. Early studies recognize long-term health outcomes of such pa-
showed improved outcomes and fewer compli- tients. Sepsis survivors have demonstrated
cations (especially in surgical patients), with impaired physical states, neurocognitive dysfunc-
glucose maintained at approximately 80 to 108 tion, and overall lower quality of life. In addition,
mg/dL. The large scale NICE-SUGAR trial found chronic conditions may worsen, or the patients
that tight glycemic control was associated with may present in follow-up with new chronic med-
higher 90-day mortality. Current guidelines ical problems such as chronic kidney disease or
call for a protocol for glucose monitoring and cardiovascular disease.1
management with insulin after 2 consecutive
blood glucose values of more than 180 mg/dL, CONCLUSION
with a target level to remain 180 mg/dL or Sepsis, in all its manifestations, has plagued
less.3,28,29 physicians since the advent of medicine.
Early in the course of severe sepsis, consid- Despite remarkable advances in the manage-
eration of enteral or parenteral nutrition is ment of such patients, the recognition and
typically deferred because there is little evi- timely, appropriate treatment of sepsis, severe
dence of benefit, but potential harm, of sepsis, and septic shock remains of utmost
attempting feeding. After initial resuscitation, importance. Every clinician should have a
enteral feeding may be initiated, if tolerated. basic understanding of the incidence, clinical
Parenteral nutrition should not be provided features, and treatment of sepsis, particularly
within the first week and should be avoided given the rising incidence and the mortality

Mayo Clin Proc. n November 2014;89(11):1572-1578 n 1577

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