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Before Chris Paul can see my tears, I turn my back and supposed to walk away when suddenly he grab

my arm again. What he did next is unexpected.

He kiss me on the lips.

I was too dumbfounded that makes me unable to move. Seconds were past but still his lips didn't parted
mine. I feel his hand holding my waist thightly.

The splashes of camera awaken me. It was like someone poured me some cold water. Students are now
started capturing us and others are trying to videotape. And those students whimpering and mumbling
didn't escaped from my ears.

Eager to escape from him, I was struggling to loosen his hands from my waist and to get away from his
kisses. But still he didn't stop. He even bite my lips which I don't know if he do it purposely.

As soon as I taste blood in my lips, the pain followed.

My tears were getting started to fall again. But right now, it is unstoppable. Chris Paul makes a distance
between us as soon as he noticed my tears. His face looks apologetic.

"I'm sorry!" The only words came out from his mouth.

I was trying to wiped my tears and turned my back, ready to run. But he is faster than me. For the third
time, he grab my arm again. Too angry for what he had just done, I step on his foot with all my strength.
I saw some of pain displayed on his face but it was disappeared quickly for my dismay.

What he did next makes my eyes even wider. I didn't foresee it coming. His right hand is holding my legs
and his right hand is touching my back. And then he suddenly carry me and lay me beside the driver
seat. He lock the door and quickly turned to the driver's seat. He lift the key and his car started on and
he drove outside the campus.

"What had you just done? Are you insane?" I feel like all my bloods are coming up to my head.

"You stop the car right now!"

"Althea, calm. Look, I'm sorry!" he said looking to my side while his hands still on the wheel.

"Stop the car Paul or else I will open the door and jump!" I tried to open the door but it was lock.
He step on the gas and drive more faster.

"Paul!" I screamed, the only thing that I'm good.

To my surprised, he suddenly step on the brake moving to the side. I was almost doomed to the front if
not because of the seatbelt on my waist.

"Are you totally nuts? What do you think you are doing?" I feel like my chicks are getting redder
because of anger.

"Look Althea, I am trying my best to solve this problem!" both of his hands are now holding his head like
squeezing it.

"And do you think your actions right now are the best solution, huh? And where is your common

"Don't throw me an insult Althea! You still didn't know me!" I know it was beyond my limits. But how
could he blame me after all what he did. Undecided of what should I response to him, I keep in silent in
a while.

"Look, I'm sorry. Truly I am. I didn't mean to kiss you nor to carry you but it was the best solution for
me." he said sincerely. But still, I didn't response.

"Let us pretend that we are in relationship." he said out of nowhere.

"What did you just said?"

"Pretend as if we are in relationship!" he said blantly.

"No, no, no! And why should I agree to your damn idea? You are really ridiculous, unbelievable and
pointless!" I exclaimed out of frustration. I hurriedly opened the door and went outside. I was out of air
and I need to breath deeply. He then followed me and went to my side with furious expression.
"Then what can you suggest? Do you want them to think that I had just fuck you and that's all! Then we
are finish? Atleast, I should save some dignity to myself! I am not that kind of person. If you have still
face to face them, if you still have your dignity, then you should think twice my offer thoroughly. Unless
you have a better idea in your mind."

"How dare you?" I slap him hardly. My fingers leave some marks on his face. My body was shaken upon
hearing his words.

"How dare you to say that to me?" I think my eyes are now getting swollen. "How could you just said it
easily? Do you think this is my fault? Do you think I wanted it to happen? Do you think I still have the
face in front of other students? Did you even consider my side? Did you even consider my feelings right
now? Did you know who between us was the most laughable for them? Did you know who is the most
affected between us? Huh? Are you a human? How could you do this to me?" I sob. I can't hold myself
anylonger. He is now insulting me. He is now throwing the blame on me.

"Althea." he was trying to hold me but I avoided him.

"Don't! Don't touch me! Don't dare to lay your fingers on me!" upon saying those words, we are now
both look devastated. He turned to the right side and open the driver's seat. He turned on his car and
without any warning, he leave me in the middle of nowhere.

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