Ontology-Based Quality Evaluation of Value Generalization Hierarchies For Data Anonymization

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Ontology-Based Quality Evaluation of

Value Generalization Hierarchies

for Data Anonymization

Vanessa Ayala-Rivera1 , Patrick McDonagh2 , Thomas Cerqueus1 , and

Liam Murphy1
arXiv:1503.01812v1 [cs.DB] 5 Mar 2015

Lero@UCD, School of Computer Science and Informatics,
University College Dublin
Lero@DCU, School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University

Abstract. In privacy-preserving data publishing, approaches using Va-

lue Generalization Hierarchies (VGHs) form an important class of anony-
mization algorithms. VGHs play a key role in the utility of published
datasets as they dictate how the anonymization of the data occurs. For
categorical attributes, it is imperative to preserve the semantics of the
original data in order to achieve a higher utility. Despite this, semantics
have not being formally considered in the specification of VGHs. More-
over, there are no methods that allow the users to assess the quality of
their VGH. In this paper, we propose a measurement scheme, based on
ontologies, to quantitatively evaluate the quality of VGHs, in terms of
semantic consistency and taxonomic organization, with the aim of pro-
ducing higher-quality anonymizations. We demonstrate, through a case
study, how our evaluation scheme can be used to compare the quality of
multiple VGHs and can help to identify faulty VGHs.

1 Introduction
Data publishing is an essential element of scientific and societal research.
By exploiting data, researchers can create innovative solutions and im-
proved services. However, this data often contains sensitive information
about individuals, whose personal data needs to be protected from dis-
closure. Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) develops methods
of anonymization for releasing this data without compromising the con-
fidentiality of individuals, while trying to retain the utility of the data.
A common mechanism to anonymize data is generalization. This con-
sists in replacing a specific value with a broader, more general value
(e.g., replacing flu with respiratory disease) with the objective of making
the original value more difficult to distinguish. Full-domain generaliza-
tion is one of the most known and widely used generalization schemes
[17, 18, 21, 28, 31]. Under this scheme, all values in an attribute are gener-
alized to their respective ancestor values at the same (higher) level of a
hierarchy. This hierarchy, commonly known as Value Generalization Hi-
erarchy (VGH) [28], contains a set of terms related to an attribute within
a specific domain. The leaf nodes correspond to the original values of a
dataset and the ancestor nodes correspond to the candidate values used
for the generalizations. More general terms are located at higher levels in
the VGH and more specialized terms are lower in the VGH.
For categorical attributes, a generalization should ideally correspond
to a “less specific but semantically consistent value” [31]. In spite of this
objective, most of anonymization methods do not usually consider the
semantics of the terms [22]. Some generalization methods rely on the
assumption that VGHs are well-specified by preserving the proper se-
mantics in the VGH specification. In this context, it has been discussed
in the literature that VGHs play an important role in the quality of the
anonymized data [7,27]. It has also been argued that a “good” VGH may
improve the utility of the anonymized data [7]. Similarly, a “bad” VGH
may cause over-generalization which can potentially reduce data preci-
sion [20, 27]. However, it is unclear as to what a “good” or “bad” VGH
is quantitatively, and how the quality of a VGH can be measured. So far,
the responses to these questions have been left to the judgement of the
users who define the VGHs. Moreover, these decisions sometimes repre-
sent the subjective opinion of a single individual, and thus correspond
to just one interpretation of a domain (to which the VGH pertains to).
These situations demonstrate how user-defined VGHs can offer a partial
and subjective knowledge model of a domain. In our opinion, above prob-
lems occur because there are currently no approaches that examine what
a “good” VGH is, or any other mechanisms that allow the users to assess
in a standardized manner the quality of their VGH. This is further exacer-
bated by the fact that VGHs may be specified without a deep knowledge
in the underlying semantics of the domain which the VGH represents.
In this paper, to address the above problems, we introduce a method
for the evaluation of the quality of VGHs with respect to how well the
semantics of the concepts specified in the VGH are maintained through-
out the generalization process. The quality of VGHs is measured using
semantic similarity metrics applied to the concepts found in the VGH
and also using the structural organization of the VGH. To the best of
our knowledge, none of the previous works have proposed an approach
that applies ontologies and semantics to VGHs to allow users to assess the
quality of the VGHs used for anonymization. As a result of measuring the
semantic loss of VGHs, the users can improve the specification of their
VGHs and prevent applications from using inconsistent, incorrect, or re-
dundant VGHs. Thus, helping to improve the utility of the anonymized
data by retaining more meaning of the original concepts.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
– We propose a new method and a composite score to evaluate the
quality of a given VGH based on the semantic properties of the VGH
and the information contained in a reference ontology.
– We analyze and discuss the issues commonly encountered in the spec-
ification of VGHs and identify desirable properties in a “good” VGH.
Section 2 discusses the related work and the motivation for the use of
semantics and ontologies in anonymization. Section 3 presents our VGH
quality assessment method. Section 4 presents our empirical evaluation.
Section 5 presents our conclusions and future work.

2 Background and Related Work

VGHs for categorical attributes can be manually created by knowledge

engineers, domain experts or users, who attempt to preserve the proper
semantics in their specification. However, two important aspects with
respect to the specification of VGHs remain open and have not been
addressed before. First, preserving the underlying semantics of the con-
cepts when defining a VGH and secondly, the existence of a measurement
scheme based on standard representations of knowledge that can be used
to quantitatively evaluate the quality of a VGH.
Importance of Semantics in VGHs. Preserving the semantics of
data is a key requirement when generalizing categorical attributes. De-
spite its importance, semantics have not been properly or sufficiently
considered as part of the anonymization process. Many anonymization
methods have ignored this issue by dealing with categorical data in a
naı̈ve way, proposing arbitrary suppressions or generalizations that ne-
glect the importance of the semantics of the data [20, 22]. Generaliza-
tions may also be carried out using semantically-unaware VGHs (e.g.,
alphabetically-ordered VGHs), which negatively impact the utility of the
anonymized data. For example, consider a list of academic course names.
These courses can be generalized into alphabetical ranges (“A-E”, “F-J”,
and so on), according to their first letter. However, such a hierarchy does
not make sense, as no information can be acquired from these general-
izations (e.g., alphabetical ranges do not provide any useful indication
as to which discipline/department each course belongs to). This example
demonstrates that the quality of the results (and the analysis performed)
depends on the VGH definition, thus motivating the importance of using
semantically-meaningful VGHs. However, this is not a trivial task as it
can be difficult to identify when these problematic scenarios may occur.
This is because, there are no formal approaches in the current literature
to assess the quality of VGHs in the context of anonymization.
Preservation of semantics is a dimension that has shallowly been con-
sidered in related works [5,22]. Only recently have researchers investigated
this fundamental aspect and integrated this to some degree in the anony-
mization of categorical attributes [5, 9, 10, 14, 22, 23]. In some of these
works, the use of semantics is often tightly coupled with the proposed al-
gorithms, as they incorporate semantics in the anonymization process it-
self (execution phase). Our approach incorporates this aspect at an earlier
stage of anonymization (formalization phase) when the VGH is defined.
Moreover, our approach is independent of the methods used for anony-
mization, as they do not need to be adapted in order to benefit from our
VGH evaluation approach. Hence, it is complementary to existing meth-
ods, by helping to enhance their effectiveness. If a VGH is semantically
coherent, the results can be more meaningful for applications.
VGHs: Subjective Knowledge Models. Data semantics is defined
in [30] as “the meaning of data and a reflection of the real world”. As users
can perceive the real world differently (based on education, cultural back-
ground, etc.), there can be more than a single way to represent objects
and their relationships. For example, in the PPDP area, there have been
disagreements about how the VGHs should be specified for a particular
domain. In [12], Fung et al. did not agree with the groupings specified by
Iyengar [15] for the native-country attribute. Iyengar grouped the values
according to continents, except Americas; whereas Fung et al. followed
the grouping according to the World Factbook [4]. To avoid this type
of discrepancy, VGHs should ideally be created by domain experts who
will provide the adequate semantic background for the specification of
the VGH. However, this is rarely the case as subject-matter experts are
becoming less available, and with the rapid evolution of the domain knowl-
edge field, it is possible that their knowledge may become incomplete or
obsolete [34]. In previous works, it is commonly assumed that the data
publishers are capable of creating VGHs based upon their own knowl-
edge [7, 20]. These situations demonstrate how VGHs may be limited in
scope, offering a partial and biased view of a domain [22], as they usu-
ally represent the understanding of a single individual. To address these
problems, we advocate for the use of ontologies as standard knowledge
structures to evaluate VGHs in terms of semantics preservation.
Ontologies: Standard Knowledge Structures. Ontologies are
structures that model the knowledge of a particular domain. They repre-
sent a formal and explicit specification of shared conceptualizations of a
domain of interest [13]. Since they are usually created from the consensus
of multiple experts, they are widely accepted as accurate, impartial repre-
sentations of a domain. The concepts in ontologies are associated through
relationships. The subsumption relationship (is-a) constitutes the back-
bone of an ontology. However, other type of relationships can exist, such
as aggregation (part-of ), synonymy (synOf ), or other application-specific
relationships. An example of an ontology can be seen in Appendix A.
For several years, much effort has been devoted to the development of
ontologies. Thus, many ontologies are available today [8, 24] for various
domains (e.g., WordNet [11] for English terms, UMLS [19] for biomedical
concepts). WordNet can be used as a lexical ontology for English terms.
It contains nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, which are grouped in
sets of synonyms, called synsets. Synsets represent one underlying lexi-
cal concept or a sense of a group of terms (e.g., to refer to the concept
expressed by “a motor vehicle with four wheels usually propelled by an in-
ternal combustion engine”, we could use any of the following terms: car,
auto, automobile, machine or motorcar ). In WordNet, common semantic
relationships connecting noun concepts are referred to as: synonymy (sim-
ilarity), hypernymy/hyponymy (subsumption) and holonymy/meronymy
(aggregation). Appendix B provides an example of the synonyms and
hypernyms structure of a noun in WordNet. Among the semantic rela-
tionships, subsumption is the one that provides a potential basis for the
construction of a VGH. This is because, when only is-a relationships are
considered, an ontology becomes a totally ordered taxonomy, where one
concept is a subclass of another, which reflects the principle of specializa-
tion/generalization. From the above, we believe that the use of ontologies
(and their inherent semantics) in the evaluation of VGHs plays a cru-
cial role in the production of anonymized data with maximum utility.
In our work, we exploit ontologies (e.g., WordNet) to propose a method
to measure the quality of VGHs in an objective way. Some works have
started to use the taxonomical structure of the ontologies (instead of user-
defined VGHs) to guide an anonymization process [22,23]. However, these
algorithms have been developed/adapted to efficiently handle the com-
plexity of the graph model offered by ontologies. Otherwise, the direct
application of ontologies would negatively impact the algorithms’ perfor-
mance (i.e., too costly) and become impractical in real-world. Especially,
in some of the existing anonymization algorithms (e.g., [17, 31]), where
“the generalisation space is exponentially large according to the depth
of the hierarchy, the branching factor, the values and the number of at-
tributes to consider” [23]. Thus, our goal here is to evaluate VGHs, not
the creation of anonymization algorithms based on ontologies.
Semantic Similarity in Ontologies. Semantic similarity refers to
“the proximity of two concepts within a given ontology” [16]. Several
approaches have been proposed for calculating the semantic similarity
between two terms in a taxonomy [6, 25, 29]. Among these, path-based
measures represent a straightforward way of computing similarity by re-
lying on the path length connecting two concepts. The lower the distance
between the concepts, the higher their similarity. Wu and Palmer’s metric
(WuP) [33] is a well-known path-based measure that considers the path
length and the position of the compared concepts in the taxonomy. The
concepts located in a higher level within a taxonomy are given a larger
weight (as they are considered less similar) than those in a lower level. Re-
fer to Appendix C for an explanation of the WuP metric and an example
of its calculation. Applied to the PPDP context, we use semantic distance
(the inverse of semantic similarity) to quantify how much meaning of the
VGH concepts is lost due to generalization operations. The objective is
to quantitatively measure the quality of a VGH using semantic similarity
metrics and an ontology.

3 VGH Quality Assessment

This section presents the proposed approach to assess the quality of a

VGH. We describe how to calculate a quality score to identify whether
the generalization relationships in the VGH have been specified with the
intent of preserving the semantics of the concepts in the VGH. Thus, the
VGHs can be enhanced to potentially improve the data utility in terms
of meaning and accuracy.
Applying the concept of semantic distance to the anonymization con-
text, we propose a quality score, called Generalization Semantic Loss
(GSL). GSL quantifies how much information is lost (in terms of se-
mantics) when a value in a leaf node (original value) is replaced with a
broader value in an ancestor node as a result of generalization using a
VGH. From the semantic loss perspective, lower values of GSL are desir-
able. GSL is measured from leaves to ancestors, following the full-domain
generalization process, and considering only the initial and the final state
of the data (not the intermediary generalizations performed to achieve
the privacy requirement). The GSL score for a leaf-ancestor transition is:

T ransGSL(l, a) = 1 − Sim(l, a) (1)

where l and a denote the terms at a leaf and ancestor nodes respectively.
In this expression, the value of 1 represents the maximum semantic sim-
ilarity for the WuP metric. If an alternative similarity metric is used,
this 1 should be replaced by the maximum value produced by the chosen
metric (i.e., the similarity score between a concept and itself).
Our VGH assessment approach exploits the taxonomical structure of
a reference ontology; which represents a generalization hierarchy tree with
the finest-granularity for a given domain. The reference ontology is used
as the source of knowledge, from which the similarity between the terms
specified in a VGH will be evaluated. We only use the is-a relationships, as
the anonymization methods in our scope are ones based on generalization,
which is exactly what this type of subclass relationship represents.

Procedure 1 Computation of GSL

Input: Value Generalization Hierarchy V GH, reference ontology O, syntactic category
of the words in the VGH cat;
Output: GSL score assigned to the VGH V ghGSL;
1: V ghGSL = 0;
2: h = height(V GH);
3: for i ∈ [1, h] do
4: levelGSLi = 0;
5: wi = getWeight(i, h);
6: for l ∈ getLeafNodes(V GH) do
7: a = getAncestorNodeOfLevel(i, l, V GH);
8: cl = getConceptFromOntology(l, O, cat);
9: Hn = getHypernyms(cl , O);
10: ca = getConceptFromOntology(a, O, cat, Hn );
11: transGSLla = TransGSL(cl , ca );
12: levelGSLi = max(levelGSLi , transGSLla );
13: end for
14: V ghGSL += (levelGSLi * wi );
15: end for
16: return V ghGSL;

Procedure 1 depicts the process for computing the GSL score for a
VGH, termed VghGSL. To aid in the understanding of the quality as-
sessment process, we use a VGH created for a set of vertebrate animals
(shown in Figure 1), noun as the syntactic category and WordNet [11]
as the reference ontology. Even though there are limitations to WordNet
(e.g., inaccurate or incomplete domain specifications), for the purpose of
our experiment, we consider that WordNet represents the standard ontol-
ogy. To calculate semantic similarity, we will use the WuP metric (shown
in Appendix C). Compared to other metrics, its simplicity leads to a com-
putationally efficient solution. However, our approach can be applied to
other similarity metrics.
For each level in the VGH (levels are defined by the height at which the
ancestor nodes are positioned in the VGH), the similarity between each
leaf and ancestor node needs to be calculated. First, each of the words
in the VGH are mapped to a concept (or synset if WordNet is used) in
the reference ontology. If the exact word is not found, a synonym is used.
When multiple senses are available for the same word, the correct sense for
the word must be disambiguated. Automatic word-sense disambiguation
[26] is a broad research field on its own, and is beyond the scope of
this paper. In our approach, the senses of the terms at the leaf nodes
are disambiguated by hand (as the user is involved in the assessment
process), consequently the ancestors’ senses are derived from the inherited
hypernyms associated with the leaf terms. Appendix D provides a method
which demonstrates the retrieval process for a concept.

Fig. 1. Example of TransGSL (leaf-ancestor) calculation in vertebrates VGH.

Once the correct concepts (and senses) are retrieved from the refer-
ence ontology, the GSL scores for leaf-ancestors transitions (TransGSL)
are calculated (as given by Equation 1). This process is depicted in Fig-
ure 1, which shows an example of how the TransGSL between the leaf node
salmon (sense#1), and its corresponding ancestor nodes is calculated us-
ing the WuP metric. The semantic similarity is calculated according to
WordNet and the associated hypernym tree for salmon concept. For ex-
ample, the semantic similarity between salmon#1 and fish#1 is 0.9231.
Thus, the TransGSL for this transition is 1 - 0.9231 = 0.0769. It can be
seen that the TransGSL for the generalization salmon -> ectotherm is
higher than to the other two ancestors. This is because ectotherm is not
part of the hypernym tree for salmon but a sister term (share the same
hypernym) of chordate. Once the TransGSL scores have been calculated
for each leaf-ancestor transition, a representative score for each level is
obtained. This is given by:
LevelGSL(i) = max T ransGSL(l, a) (2)

where i is the index of a level in the VGH, l is a leaf node and a is

an ancestor of l in level i, and max is the maximum score among the
TransGSL scores of level i. The LevelGSL score is calculated per level,
as, in full-domain generalization, the same generalization rules are applied
to all values at a particular level of an attribute, such that all values are
generalized to their respective ancestor values at the same (higher) level
of the VGH [17, 28, 32]. Moreover, by assessing the semantic loss at each
level of the VGH, the users can identify where in the VGH, semantic loss
is higher and if required, modify the VGH by referring to the reference
ontology. The LevelGSL score can be determined by selecting the score
of the transition with maximum loss, or calculating the average loss of all
transitions in a level, etc. The choice of the function may depend on the
objective of the user. For instance, if we want to avoid the worst cases of
semantic loss in the VGH, the maximum score per level can be used to
compute the overall (VghGSL) score for the VGH (as shown in Figure 2).
Finally, the LevelGSL scores are multiplied by a weight assigned to each
level, and then added up. The VghGSL score is given by:
V ghGSL(V GH) = wi · LevelGSL(i) (3)

where i is the index of a level in the VGH, wi is the weight associated

to Level i, and h denotes the height of the VGH. Weights are associated
to a level to assign a penalty. The assigned weights have to be specified
such that the sum of all weights is equal to 1. To explain the VghGSL
measure, consider Figure 2 and Table 1. The table shows the TransGSL
scores calculated for each of the transitions going from the leaf nodes
to their corresponding ancestors. Using these scores, the LevelGSL score
for each level is calculated according to a function. In this case max
(generalization causing the maximum TransGSL), which is shown next to
the VGH for each level in Figure 2. For example, for Level 1, the maximum
value for TransGSL is 0.1538, which is the score corresponding to the
Fig. 2. Example of LevelGSL calculation in vertebrates VGH.
Table 1. TransGSL scores for all levels in the vertebrates VGH.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Leaf Nodes
Bird Mammal Reptile Amphibian Fish Homeotherm Ectotherm Vertebrate
Parrot 0.0435 - - - - 0.2381 - 0.0909
Cat - 0.1538 - - - 0.3333 - 0.2
Dog - 0.1538 - - - 0.1579 - 0.2
Snake - - 0.0833 - - - 0.2727 0.1304
Crocodile - - 0.12 - - - 0.3043 0.1667
Frog - - - 0.0435 - - 0.2381 0.0909
Salmon - - - - 0.0769 - 0.3043 0.1667

generalizations cat -> mammal and dog -> mammal. In this example, we
simplified the calculation of VghGSL by setting all weights to 1/h (i.e.,
1/3). The LevelGSL scores are added up ( 0.1538
3 + 0.3333
3 + 0.2
3 = 0.2290).
Weights. For the computation of VghGSL, we handle two weight
variations. The first one is a constant weight (i.e., 1/h), which does not
depend on the levels of a VGH, thus, all the levels are penalized in the
same manner. This weight is defined with the aim of using the arithmetic
mean in the computation of the VghGSL, as it is unknown how many
generalizations will be needed to satisfy the privacy requirement. The
second variation is a level-based weight which depends on the VGH level
considered and it is given by: wi = P h , where i is the index of a level
in the VGH and h denotes the height of the VGH. To better explain how
the weights work, consider the case where two VGHs have obtained the
same LevelGSL scores, but in different levels. VGH1 has a score of 0.1
and 0.2 in Levels 1 and 2 respectively. VGH2 has the same scores but
reversed, this is, 0.2 for Level 1 and 0.1 for Level 2. When all the leaf-
ancestor transitions in the VGH have the same penalty (using a constant
weight, i.e., 1/2), both VGHs obtain the same VghGSL score (0.15). Since
we use the average function, the assessment will provide similar scores for
correctly (i.e., VGH1) and incorrectly (i.e., VGH2) ordered VGHs. Most
of the similarity metrics consider the fact that concepts at the lower
levels are more similar than those at the upper levels (e.g., WuP). In
order to reintroduce this aspect in our assessment, we penalize the loss of
information per level, giving a larger weight to the lower levels, compared
to the higher levels. By using the level-based weight in this scenario (0.666
for Level 1 and 0.333 for Level 2), the VghGSL score is 0.1333 for VGH1
and 0.1666 for VGH2.

4 Empirical Evaluation
To evaluate our proposed method, we conducted a case study using mem-
bers from our research group. We pursued two objectives in this experi-
ment: (i) to investigate how VGHs (of the same domain) created by differ-
ent people are subjective to their interpretation of the domain, and (ii) to
demonstrate how our proposed VGH assessment method can be applied
to quantitatively measure the quality of the created VGHs. We present
the study in two phases. First, we review some of the issues encountered
in the specification of a categorical VGH, and second, we show how the
VghGSL score can be used to compare in a standard manner, the quality
of multiple VGHs. Thus, helping to identify which VGH (among a set of
VGHs created for a domain) can retain higher utility in the anonymized
data by better preserving the semantics of the original values.
For our evaluation, consider the scenario where a veterinary labora-
tory has been testing a new treatment for animals. The laboratory would
like to share their results, while protecting the specific details about the
animals used in their tests; thus the dataset needs to be anonymized.
Phase 1: Specification of VGHs. To guide the anonymization
of the animal attribute, we asked two members of our team (postdoc-
toral researchers who are not experts in the field of knowledge engineer-
ing) to create their own VGHs using multiple sources (e.g., dictionaries,
Wikipedia, WordNet3 ) and their own knowledge about the domain. It is
worth mentioning that the subjects (i.e., researchers) created the VGHs
without pre-computing the semantic loss, or any other information met-
rics, among the terms in their VGHs. The VGHs created are provided
in Appendix E and are denoted as VGH1 and VGH2. The leaf nodes
correspond to the original values of animal attribute. The VGHs created
are height-unbalanced (i.e., leaf nodes are at different heights). Since a
common pre-condition of full-domain generalization methods is that the
VGHs are height-balanced, a typical approach is to replicate the leaf val-
ues until reaching the same height of the deepest leaf node.
As discussed in Section 2, it is common that data publishers (who are
not necessarily domain experts) create a VGH with the aim of anonymiz-
WordNet was used by the subjects only as source of knowledge (e.g., definitions,
taxonomies), and not to measure similarity between terms.
ing a dataset. In our experiment, the subjects were not experts in the
domain, so they faced some difficulties while defining their VGHs. It was
reported that the process of building a VGH from multiple sources was
cumbersome, as different taxonomies were available for the same domain.
Most of these taxonomies were application-specific, so it was challenging
to come up with a final aggregated taxonomy. Another issue in the defini-
tion of the VGHs was that the subjects often used adjectives as the terms
of the ancestor nodes, which modify or elaborate the meaning of words,
rather than representing an is-a relationship. This caused the VGHs to
have mixed syntactic categories (e.g., nouns and adjectives) in the defini-
tion of the ancestor nodes. It has been argued that language semantics are
mostly captured by nouns, therefore, most of research focuses on nouns in
semantic similarity calculation [25]. This is the case for WordNet-based
similarity metrics. Since these metrics are focused on taxonomic relations,
their applicability is restricted to the noun and verb categories. Moreover,
the categories to be measured have to be of the same type (i.e., noun-
noun or verb-verb). Therefore, we nominalized the adjectives found in the
VGHs mapping them to a related noun, for example warm-blooded was
mapped to homeotherm; similarly cold-blooded was mapped to ectotherm.
Even though the subjects attempted to provide the adequate generaliza-
tions in the VGH, in the end, they were uncertain about the quality of
their VGHs. Thus, the second phase of our experiment was to compare
the quality of the VGHs using our proposed VghGSL measure.
Phase 2: Comparing the Quality of VGHs. In our implemen-
tation, we used WordNet 3.0 and the Java libraries JAWS 1.3 [1] and
RiTa [3] to retrieve data from the WordNet database. To calculate the
semantic similarity among terms, we used the library JWI [2].
To compute the VghGSL score, we used the weight variations ex-
plained in Section 3. The constant weight to assign no penalty (setting
all level weights to 1/h), and the level-based weight to penalize more the
information loss at lower levels (using the wi equation). To compare the
VGHs, we first calculated the TransGSL score for all leaf-ancestor transi-
tions and then obtained the LevelGSLs (using the max function). Table 2
presents the results for each VGH, showing the transitions causing the
maximum loss per level, and the LevelGSL scores calculated using the
constant weight (1/4) and the level-based weights (0.4 for Level 1, 0.3
for Level 2, 0.2 for Level 3 and 0.1 for Level 4). The VghGSL scores are
shown in the last row of each VGH table.
From Table 2, it can be deduced that VGH1 is better specified than
VGH2. According to the VghGSL scores, VGH1 better preserves the se-
Table 2. VGHs Comparison using Constant and Level-Based Weighted GSL.

Max TransGSL Transition LevelGSL ·1/h LevelGSL ·wi
L0->L1 Horse, Giraffe -> Ungulate 0.0258 0.0414
L0->L2 Horse, Giraffe, Tiger -> Mammal 0.0463 0.0556
L0->L3 Horse, Giraffe, Tiger -> Homeotherm 0.09 0.072
L0->L4 Horse, Giraffe, Tiger -> Animal 0.0833 0.0333
VghGSL Score 0.2454 0.2023

Max TransGSL Transition LevelGSL ·1/h LevelGSL ·wi
L0->L1 Horse, Giraffe -> Herbivore 0.09 0.1440
L0->L2 Horse, Giraffe, Tiger -> Mammal 0.0463 0.0556
L0->L3 Horse, Giraffe, Tiger -> Vertebrate 0.0577 0.0462
L0->L4 Horse, Giraffe, Tiger -> Animal 0.0833 0.0333
VghGSL Score 0.2773 0.2791
LevelGSL(max) * 1/h

LevelGSL(max) * wi
0.2 0.2
0.15 VGH2 0.15 VGH2
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
VGH Levels VGH Levels
Fig. 3. Constant Weight LevelGSLs. Fig. 4. Level-Based Weight LevelGSLs.

mantics of the original data throughout the generalizations by minimiz-

ing the worst cases of semantic loss. However, if we look at the constant
weight LevelGSL scores (shown in Figure 3), it can be seen that the scores
fluctuate between the VGHs, depending on the number of generalizations
required to satisfy the desired privacy degree (e.g., the k value from k-
anonymity [28, 32]). For example, if only one generalization is performed
(i.e., ending at Level 1), VGH1 seems to be better than VGH2; however,
this situation changes if three generalizations are required (i.e., ending
at Level 3). Moreover, the peak observed for VGH2 denotes a poorly-
defined generalization, as the score at Level i is higher than the one at
Level i + 1 (i.e., a child concept is less specific than its parent concept).
Although both VGHs obtained LevelGSL scores of 0.09 (VGH1 at Level 3
and VGH2 at Level 1), these do not represent the same semantic loss in
the VGH. Thus, following the idea behind most semantic similarity met-
rics (i.e., the concepts’ meaning is better preserved at the lower levels),
we differentiate between the loss at the various levels of the VGH by us-
ing the level-based weight(wi ) LevelGSL. Figure 4 depicts these results,
showing that the 0.09 score obtained in lower levels (VGH2 at Level 1)
represents a worse case, as losing semantics at lower levels is undesirable
(the meaning of the most specific concepts is lost).
In our experiments, we used the max function to obtain the Level-
GSL, as the aim was to avoid the worst cases of semantic loss. However,
other functions can be used. For example, consider the case where most
transitions in a VGH have fine-grained definitions (having low semantic
loss), except for one branch (transitions forming a path from a leaf to the
VGH root). Such transitions represent the maximum TransGSL at each
level, thus, their scores become the LevelGSLs. In this case, the VGH
will be heavily impacted by the high scores in that branch; even when
most of the transitions are balanced with a low semantic loss. Considering
this scenario, a more fair approach would be to use avg as the function
for LevelGSL selection and complement the results with the max and
standard deviation per level.
Finally, in terms of semantic preservation, fine-grained VGHs would be
preferable. However, in terms of privacy, this may not be always desirable,
as the data may become vulnerable to attacks. Inferences about the data
can still happen if the semantic distance between concepts is small enough
for the data to be still sensitive (e.g., crocodile->crocodilian). Ultimately,
the users will decide about the specification of their VGHs. Our approach
will help users to make an informed decision about this by quantitatively
assessing VGHs and allowing for comparison between VGHs.

5 Conclusions And Future Work

In this paper, we proposed the use of semantic retention for the evaluation
of Value Generalization Hierarchies (VGHs) for categorical attributes. We
integrate semantic similarity metrics and the taxonomical structure of on-
tologies to compute a measure that serves as the quality score for a VGH.
This measure quantifies the semantic loss incurred when the original val-
ues of a dataset are replaced by broader values due to generalization. Our
evaluation shows how our proposed measure can be used to identify VGHs
that have not been well-specified, in terms of semantics. Moreover, this
measure can be used to compare multiple VGHs in a standard manner
and thus help to identify which one better preserves the semantics of the
original data. Future work involves evaluating the improvements that our
VGH assessment approach brings to the utility of the anonymized data
in terms of semantics. We also intend to explore how to automatically
generate semantic-driven VGHs for categorical attributes, based on on-
tologies. We also plan to consider other semantic similarity measures for
our VGH assessment method.
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Appendix A Example of a Simple Ontology

Figure 5 shows an example of an ontology having subsumption (is-a) and

aggregation (part-of ) relationships.

Fig. 5. An example of a simple ontology for vehicle.

Appendix B Hypernym of Senses in WordNet

This appendix shows an example of how synonyms and hypernyms are

structured in WordNet. Figure 6 provides part of the synonyms and hy-
pernyms for the bow noun, showing two different senses: reverence and
Sense 6
Bow: Bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or
shame or greeting.
⇒ reverence
⇒ action
⇒ act, deed, human action, human activity
⇒ event
⇒ psychological feature
⇒ abstraction, abstract entity
⇒ entity
Sense 8
Bow: A decorative interlacing of ribbons.
⇒ decoration, ornament, ornamentation
⇒ artifact, artefact
⇒ whole, unit
⇒ object, physical object
⇒ physical entity
⇒ entity
Fig. 6. A hypernym of senses of bow in WordNet.

Appendix C The WuPalmer Metric

This appendix presents the equation for the WuPalmer measure given by:
2 ∗ N3
SimW uP (c1 , c2 ) =
N1 + N2 + 2 ∗ N3
where c1 and c2 are the two concepts for which the semantic similarity is
measured, N1 and N2 denote the number of is-a links on the path from
c1 and c2 respectively, to their least common subsumer (LCS), and N3
denotes the number of is-a links on the path from the LCS to the root
of the taxonomy. The score range is (0,1] (1 for identical concepts). To
illustrate the WuP metric, say we want to calculate the similarity between
car and compact car in the ontology shown in Appendix A. The LCS is
car. Thus, following the formula, we obtain SimW uP (car, compact car) =
0+1+(2∗2) = 0.8.

Appendix D Retrieving a Concept from WordNet

In our work, the senses of the terms at the ancestor nodes are obtained
from the inherited hypernyms associated with the leaf terms. To do this,
a matching is performed between the hypernyms of a leaf node and each
of the leaf node’s ancestors. If there is a match, the sense for the matched
hypernym is selected. Otherwise, a manual disambiguation is needed. This
process is shown below in Procedure 2.
Procedure 2 getConceptFromOntology
Input: a node in the VGH n, reference ontology O, syntactic category of the words
in the VGH cat, inherited hypernyms of the concept in a VGH node Hn ;
Output: underlying lexical concept from ontology for the VGH node concept;
1: Cn = getConceptSetForWord(n, O, cat);
2: if n is a leaf node then
3: sn = getDisambiguatedSense(n, Cn );
4: else
5: if Cn is found in Hn then
6: sn = getSense(Cn , Hn );
7: else
8: sn = getDisambiguatedSense(n, Cn );
9: end if
10: end if
11: concept = getConcept(sn , Cn );
12: return concept;

Appendix E VGHs Created for Our Empirical Evaluation

This appendix shows the VGHs created for the animal attribute.

Fig. 7. The two different VGHs specified in our experiment.


Supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland grant 10/CE/I1855

and Science Foundation Ireland grant 08/SRC/I1403 FAME SRC (Fed-
erated, Autonomic Management of End-to-End Communications Services
- Scientific Research Cluster).

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