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Summary of Enrollment Procedures for SY 2020-21 under the NSF-Science,

Technology and Engineering (STE) Program

1. Enrollment shall primarily be administered remotely within the first two weeks of
June starting June 1, 2020. Advisers of the previous SY shall contact parents of
her advisory class and forward the link for the Learners Enrollment and Survey
Form (LESF). She will provide the parents with her email address, FB and
Messenger accounts and contact number for the electronic submission of
accomplished LESF.

If remote enrollment is not possible due to poor or absence of electronic means the
following modes of enrollment shall be adapted while strictly complying with the
minimum health and safety standards set by IATF/DOH (wearing of face mask, hand
washing/sanitizing, physical distancing). Physical enrollment shall be begin on the third
week of June.

2. The adviser shall coordinate with the barangay officials for the distribution and
retrieval of printed LESF. Copies of printed LESF can be asked from the
barangay hall and to ensure confidentiality of data, drop boxes shall be provided
for the filled out LESF.
3. A parent/guardian can ask a copy of the printed LESF from the guard on duty at
the school entrance. Accomplished LESF can also be turned over to the guard
on duty. Advisers shall then retrieve these LESfs.

Information dissemination of these enrollment schemes is necessary.

Grade & Section Contact

Name of adviser Messenger Account
to Facilitate Number
Jemimah Dorcas Cajefe 8-Pasteur Jemimah Dorcas Castillo Cajefe
Ronald Guliman 8-Harvey Ronald Guliman 09973282521
Marissa quijano 9-Linnaeus Marissa quijano 09457125486
Salva Mae Quijano 9-Forsskal Salva Mae Corpin Quijano 09365198025
Ma. Felidona Macaso 10-Darwin Mafe De Leon Macaso 09566532207
Eden Morillo 10-Aristotle Eden B. Morillo 09051975963

SSC Enrollment Focal Persons:

Fernando Zamora Contact#:09973274449; Messenger: Fernando Zamora

Virginia Papilleras Contact #: 0965052851; Messenger: Virginia Papilleras

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