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First part of a counselling session would be a time allotted for the client to be settled in, and

then exploring where you listen actively to what the client says, you reflect on the client’s

feelings so they would feel listened to.

Friend: Hi, are you busy?

Me: Hello, what can I do for you?

Friend: I really need someone to talk to.

Me: What do you want to talk about?

Friend: There is something strange about me for the past few weeks.

Me: What made you say that?

Friend: It all started when my Grandfather died. Since I was young until he got sick, he was the

one who’s taking care of me, we played together, we ate together... There was a lot of great

memories I had spent with him. Until I grew up, we were together, until such time he cannot

afford to live because of his illness. He died of cardiac arrest. 

Me: How did this affect you?

Friend: That moment, my mind doesn't know how to function. I don’t know what to think, what to

feel. I liked to think that he was just sleeping, and that he will come back, so we can spend more

time together. My mind denies the reality that he won’t come back anymore. These thoughts

crushed my heart. My mind is shuttered, to the point that, I talk less to the people around me, I

just reject their presence, I eat less, I have no appetite at all, which made me lose weight.

Me: Okay, I’m listening.

Friend: I really loved playing chess with him, from my childhood until he got ill. We always play

when there is a break. My hobby, our hobby, just become a memory for me. I don’t feel playing

chess anymore. I just remember him which make me sad. 

Me: So you have been less engaging to people around you and prefer being alone, am I right?

The second part involves sharing a feeling to what the client says, and maybe disclose a little

about yourself to a certain extent. Here we also confront discrepancies and recognize existing

patterns in the client's life.

Friend: Yes. I keep myself busy with other things, other hobby, which I used to do, but this

makes me think about him and remember our time together. 

Me: That’s quite sad.

Friend: Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I can't even get to sleep because of that event, I

can’t forget what happened. I really can't accept he’s gone.

Me: Is this the first time you experienced loss?

Friend: Yes, maybe that’s why I am being this way because these are all new to me.

Me: How have you been coping up?

Friend: For the past weeks I experienced these events in my life, it really affects not only my

emotions, but also my mind and my physical body.

Me: Do you think your grandfather wants to see you this way?

Friend: I know that my Grandfather will get mad at me knowing that i'm letting myself get into

this situation. Maybe there is a reason why he left us, maybe he cannot afford to live because

he experienced more pain than the pleasure. 

Me: Personally, I have never experienced loss in my life, all the relatives I grew up with are still

alive now. But I understand how hard it is to accept things that are gotten from you without

warning. What do you think you should do about this?

The last part of the session should involve summarizing the whole session where you will let

your client feel that they were being listened to, the actions that the client can take from his own

words and setting goals.

Friend: Maybe this is the time to accept that there is no permanent thing in this world. That

everyone must accept changes in our everyday lives. That the body is not permanent but the

soul. Maybe this is the time to make a change, not to live in the past, not to dwell on the things

that already happened, and believe that everything happens for a reason. I should live in the

present, so the future will benefit on it, that our future will be brighter than the present. 

Me: Alright then, that’s a good idea. Get back to me some time and let’s see how you’ve

improved on this issue, okay? Thank you for trusting me with what you are feeling.

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