Fines Migration in Two-Phase Flow: Amlt K. Sarkar, Mukul M. Sharma

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Fines Migration in

Two-Phase Flow
Amlt K. Sarkar, SPE, and Mukul M. Sharma, SPE, U. of Texas

Summary. Fines migration is a Introduction 1,000 psi)) were used to monitor different
recognized source of permeability Formation fines may be defined as uncon- sections of the core to record differential
fined solid particles made up of clay min- pressure with better accuracy.
reduction and productivity decline The different fluids used. in the experi-
erals or nonclay species deposited over
in consolidated and unconsolidated geologic time or introduced during comple- ments were brine (3 % NaCl), mineral oil
cores. Previous investigations have tion or drilling operations.! Fines are al- (Sontex 55™, viscosity 10.0 mPa·s at
ways present in sandstone reservoirs, and 24°C [10 cp at 75°F)), Crude Oil 1 (mix-
shown that salinity, flow rate, pH, and
their migration with flowing fluids can cause ture of 65.0% crude oil and 35.0% toluene,
temperature significantly affect the permeability impairment. More detailed viscosity 6.85 mPa·s at 24°C [6.85 cp at
process. The presence of residual oil knowledge of fines mobilization, migration, 75°F], asphaltene content 3.5%), Crude Oil
saturation (ROS), fractional flow of oil and plugging processes is necessary for a 2 (viscosity 22.9 mPa·s at 24°C [22.9 cp
complete understanding of the problem. To at 75°F], asphaltene content 6.5 %), Toluene
and water, polarity of oil, and core Extract 1 (3.0% asphaltene), Toluene Ex-
investigate the potential for fines migration,
wettability are other factors whose ef- "water-shock" experiments are carried out. tract 2 (6.5% asphaltene), and pentane
fects have not been studied syste- These involve a sudden change from salt to extract.
fresh water in flow through a sandstone core Polar pentane extracts were prepared by
matically. This experimental study mixing crude oil in excess pentane, separat-
sample. The major factors affecting the
investigates the effect of these fac- fines-migration process are salinity, flow ing the lighter pentane-soluble part from the
tors. Both oil saturation and the wet- rate, pH, temperature, rate of salinity heavier pentane-insoluble part by centrifug-
tability condition of the core are change, and adsorption of organic material ing (at 10,000 rev/min for 20 minutes), and
from oiP-lO In this study, additional fac- collecting the top fraction by decanting. The
shown to affect the extent and rate bottom fraction was recovered with toluene
tors that come into play when two fluid
of permeability impairment signifi- phases are present in a core are investigated. and is described as the toluene extract.
cantly. Wettability determinations
Corefloodlng Apparatus Experimental Results
made from endpoint relative perme-
Core samples (about 2.54 cm [l in.] in di- The experiments can be divided into the fol-
abilities clearly show that oil-wet lowing categories: (1) single-phase experi-
ameter and 8.0 cm [3.1 in.] long) were cut
cores sustained slower and less along the bedding plane from blocks of ments, (2) two-phase experiments with
damage than water-wet cores. Berea sandstone. The cores were placed in nonpolar oil, (3) two-phase experiments
a Hassler core holder. The difference be- with polar crude oil, (4) two-phase experi-
. tween core fluid pressure and the confining ments with polar compound extracts, (5)
pressure was kept at a minimum of 2.1 MPa steady-state two-phase experiments, and (6)
[300 psi]. Multiple pressure taps along the scanning electron microscope (SEM) study.
length of the core were used for measuring For the purpose of this discussion, the
pressure drops across the inlet section (Sec- single-phase permeability ratio (PR) is the
tion 1, 1.5 cm [0.6 in.] long), middle sec- ratio of freshwater permeability to brine per-
tion (Section 2, 5.1 cm [2 in.] long), and meability. The two-phase PR is the ratio of
outlet section (Section 3, 1.7 cm [0.7 in.] freshwater effective permeability to brine ef-
long). For thin-core studies, the cores were fective permeability. The two-phase PR (ab-
carefully cut in slices perpendicular to the solute) is the ratio of freshwater effective
bedding plane. Experiments on these cores permeability to brine absolute permeability .
were conducted by "potting" them in A damage time (DT) is defined as the PV
epoxy. of fresh water injected after which the PR
Two accumulators with internal pistons remains unchanged. A particle discharge
were used for on-line storage of mineral- time (PDT) is expressed as the PV's inject-
oil/crude-oil and brine. In this way, it was ed after which no particles were observed
possible to avoid flowing brine or crude in the effluent.
through the pumps. Three sets of trans- Porosity values for the cores ranged from
ducers (nine transducers in all) of increas- 19.0 to 21.0% and PV's ranged from 8.0
ing pressure range (0 to 69, 0 to 1380, and to 9.0 mL, except in the thin-core studies.
o to 6900 kPa [0 to 10, 0 to 200, and 0 to DT ranged from 1.35 to 13.0 PV. Sop Swr'
and oil recovery were also calculated. Ef-
Copyright 1990 Society of Petroleum Engineers fluent particle concentration, for a size range
646 May 1990 • JPT

Single-Phase Two-Phase Water Ratio,
Shock Displacements Displacements Shock k. fw
k. w1o DT
Experiment Condition ~ ~ k fw k. w ~ k.w k.fw
1 Single-phase 65.43 0.093 0.0014 1.36
2 Sor(MO) 82.5 54.8 3.17 0.079 0.024 1.35
3 Swr(B) 82.94 58.65 0.059 0.019
4 Sor(MO)/IOW 117.0 6.92 0.059 0.008 1.40
5/1 Sor(C) 96.13 58.38 31.45 0.193 0.0068 4.30
5/2 Sor(C) 122.0 103.0 103.5 3.62 0.08 0.022
6 Sor(C)/IOW 103.5 10.5 6.72 0.64 13.0
7 Sor(pE)/IOW 103.5 67.97 12.43 0.18 4.8
8/1 Sor(TE)1I0W 135.2 35.3 1.18 0.033 9.0
8/2 Sor(TE)/IOW 138.42 25.22 2.09 0.148
9 Aged core 98.4 67.29 48.73 3.11 0.478
10/1 Thin core 83.0 0.153 0.0018
10/2 Thin core 83.0 6.45 0.078
11 Fractional flow 112.5 12.7 0.017 0.0047

IOW=initiallyoil-wet, MO= mineral oil, B=brine, C=crude oil, PE= pentane extract, and TE =toluene extract.

from 0.5 to 25.0 p.m, are expressed in units -thick core suffers complete damage when nally, the mineral oil, at residual brine
of 10 10 particles/25 mL of solution. Most compared with an 8.3-cm [3.3-in.] -long saturation, was displaced with fresh water.
effluent particles (80%) are found in the core. A 0.25-cm [0. I-in.] -long core, how- This type of experiment resembles a water-
lower size ranges, and no particle size ex- ever, suffers only partial damage. This flood. The PR was 0.019, the maximum ef-
ceeded 15.0 jLm. Table 1 shows the perme- clearly indicates that the capture length de- fluent particle concentration 1.38 units, and
ability and PR results for all the experi- fined by Sharma et al. 11 is about 2.5 rum the PDT 2.26 PV.
ments. Table 2 gives the qualitative wetta- [0.1 in.] for this Berea sample. Initially Oil-Saturated Core. In Experi-
bility results for the two-phase experiments. ment 4, the core was initially saturated with
Two-Phase Experiments With Nonpolar mineral oil and flow was established with
Single-Phase Experiments. In the single- Oil. Core at ROS. In Experiment 2, the core mineral oil. The mineral oil was then dis-
phase experiment (Experiment 1), the core was initially saturated with brine and flow placed with brine to establish residual min-
was initially saturated with brine and flow was established with brine. The brine was eral oil saturation. Finally, brine was
was established with brine to measure the displaced with mineral oil until Swr was at- displaced with fresh water in the presence
base permeability. The brine was then dis- tained. Mineral oil was then displaced with of residual mineral oil. The PR was 0.008,
placed with fresh water. The PR was 0.001 brine to establish a residual mineral oil satu- and $e DT was 1.4 PV. The PR plot is simi-
and the DT was 1.36 PV. Figs. 1 and 2 ration. Finally, brine was displaced by fresh lar to Fig. 3.
show the plots for PR and effluent particle water in the presence of residual mineral oil.
concentration, respectively. The maximum The PR was 0.024 and the DT was 1.35 PV. Two-Phase Experiments With Polar Oil.
effluent particle concentration was 1.49 units Fig. 3 shows the plot of PRo The maximum Core at ROS. In Experiment 511, the core
and the PDT was 2.89 PV. effluent particle concentration was 2.47 was initially saturated with brine and flow
In the single-phase thin-core study, water- units, and the PDT was 2.5 PV. was established with brine. The brine was
shock experiments were performed with two Dynamic Displacement. In Experiment 3, displaced with Crude Oil 1 until Swr was at-
core samples measuring 0.5 and 0.25 cm the core was initially saturated with brine tained. Crude Oil 1 was then displaced with
[0.2 and 0.1 in.] in length (Experiments lOll and flow was established with brine. The brine to establish a residual Crude Oil 1 satu-
and 10/2, respectively). These experiments brine was displaced with mineral oil to es- ration. Finally, brine was displaced by fresh
show (Table 1) that even a 0.5-cm [0.2-in.] tablish an interstitial water saturation. Fi- water in the presence of residual Crude Oil


Ratio, Residual Maximum
Shock k. fw Saturations Oil Qualitative Effluent
Experiment Condition k. w1o Swr ~ Recovery kO
_ro_ ~
kO Wettability Concentration PDT
2 Sor(MO) 0.024 0.253 0.367 0.507 0.664 0.038 WW 2.47 2.51
3 Swr(B) 0.019 0.212 0.26 0.668 0.7 WW 1.38 2.26
4 Sor(MO)1I0W 0.008 0.356 0.643 0.059 WW
5/1 Sor(C) 0.0068 0.199 0.36 0.645 0.607 0.327 OW 2.61 4.13
5/2 Sor(C) 0.022 0.84 0.Q3 WW
6 Sor(C)/IOW 0.64 0.426 0.57 0.1 WW
7 Sor(PE)1I0W 0.18 0.31 0.689 0.67 OW 0.68 2.00
8/1 Sor(TE)/IOW 0.033 0.24 0.76 0.26 OWIWW
812 S or(TE)/IOW 0.148 0.18 0.31 0.689 0.1 OW/WW
9 Aged core 0.478 0.17 0.684 0.495 OW
11 Fractional flow 0.0047 0.113 WW

lOW = initially oil wet, MO =mineral oil. B=brine. C =crude, PE =pentane extract, TE =toluene extract, WW =water·wet, and OW =oil-wet.

JPT • May 1990 647

10' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 10 0 \0;':;;;:--:-=:0-----------,
¢ SEC11ON3 t:. seCTION 2

,¥ 10.1


'o .. L __..J:~~sa~~~~:'!::!!I 10" ' : -_ _-'--_ _-'--_ _- ' - - _ - - - - '

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0·"!l:1.0-----:,':-.0~3.0:--'::-.0-----:5.':-0~•.0:--:7:':-.0--::.':-0~•.o---=tO_O 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Fig. 1-PR vs. PV injected for single- Fig. 2-Effluent particle concentration vs. Fig. 3-PR vs. PV injected for core at
phase flow (Experiment 1). PV injected for single-phase flow (Experi- residual mineral oil saturation (Experiment
ment 1). 2).

1. The PR was 0.006, and the DT was 4.3 Initially Oil-Saturated Core. In Experi- and finally, the brine was displaced with
PV. Figs. 4 and 5 show the plots ofPR (ab- ment 6, the core was initially saturated with fresh water in the presence of residual Crude
solute) and effluent particle concentration, Crude Oil 1 and flow was established with Oil 1. Fig. 6 is a plot of the PRo It is evi-
respectively. The maximum effluent parti- Crude Oil 1. Crude Oil 1 was then displaced dent that, during the initial water shock, the
cle concentration was 2.61 units, and the with brine to establish residual Crude Oil permeability in the first two sections of the
PDT was 4.13 PV. In Fig. 4, the PR de- 1 saturation. Finally, brine was displaced core is not significantly impaired. In fact,
creases and then increases slightly. This may with fresh water in the presence of a residual it is clear that after an initial decrease, the
occur as a result of pressure buildup that saturation of Crude Oil 1. The PR was as permeabilities in both sections are restored
causes some of the bridges at pore throats high as 0.64, and the DT was 13.0 PV. to close to their original values. If the flow
to be broken or sheared away. Consequent- When the freshwater flow was stopped for is stopped for a few hours and then resumed,
ly, a fluctuation occurred in the plot of ef- a few hours and restarted, the PR declined however, a large decrease in permeability
fluent particle concentration as well. to 0.0083. The results indicate a slow release is observed. Because of the slow release of
Dynamic Displacement. In Experiment of particles, with the accumulated particle particles, a high concentration of particles
5/2, the core was initially saturated with concentration being sufficient to cause per- is achieved only by waiting long enough for
brine and flow was established with brine. meability decline when flow is resumed. a large number to be released.
The brine was displaced with Crude Oil 2 Core Aged With Crude Oil I. In Experi-
to establish an interstitial water saturation. ment 9, the core was initially saturated with Two-Phase Experiments With Polar Ex-
Next, a displacement with brine, followed brine and flow was established with brine. tracts. Initially Pentane-Extract-Wet Core.
by an oilflood and, finally, a fresh water- Then brine was displaced with Crude Oil 1 In Experiment 7, the core was initially satu-
flood were carried out. The plots of kr vs. to establish an interstitial water saturation. rated with pentane extract and flow was es-
Sw, obtained by the Johnson-Bossler- The core was then aged in an oven at 70°C tablished. The pentane extract was displaced
Naumann technique for the damaged and un- and 6900 kPa [158°F and 1,000 psi] for 40 with brine to establish residual pentane ex-
damaged cores, are available in Ref. 12. The days. Crude Oi11 was displaced with brine tract saturation, and finally, brine was dis-
final PR was 0.022. to establish residual Crude Oil 1 saturation, placed with fresh water. The PR was 0.18,


10·1 E 2.0

e e,;e~e""e.......;-e-O!Mr~.-I

10.2 e


O.O"'-____...L...._ _ _- ' -_ _ _--'--_ _--'-_ _ _---'-_ _ _ _ ~~

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0


Fig. 4-PR vs. PV injected for core at residual Crude Oil 1 satu- Fig. 5-Effluent particle concentration vs. PV injected for core
ration (Experiment 5/1). at residual Crude Oil 1 saturation (Experiment 5/1).

648 May 1990 • JPT

o SECTION 1 100~------------------------------------,
1 + SECTION3 Legend

10 0

0 .~
&! ~

a.. 0

10 ·2

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0

Fig. 6-PR vs. PV injected for core aged with Crude Oil 1 (Ex- Flg_ 7-PR vs. PV injected for initially pentane-extract-wet core
periment 9). (Experiment 7).

and the DT was 4.8 PV. Fig. 7 shows the water at a flow rate of 0.112 mLimin shocked at residual Crude Oil 1 saturation
PR plot. The maximum effluent particle (Region VI). The permeabilities for all three (Experiment 5/1), where the water shock
concentration was 0.68 units, and the PDT sections decreased sharply. The fines that was given in a single stage.
was 2.00 PV. It was observed that the PR were previously coated with toluene extract
was much higher, the DT was longer, the became free to flow and caused significant SEM Study. Scanning electron micrographs
maximum effluent particle concentration permeability impairment. The flow rate was were taken of cores from different experi-
was smaller, and the rate of particle release increased further to 1.12 mLimin, and as ments. The samples were prepared by
was slower than in single-phase flow. There- a result, the permeability decreased slight- breaking the cores across the middle and
fore, initially wetting the core with the pen- ly, indicating that in single-phase flow the coating them with gold. An energy-
tane extract has an effect on the bridges are firmly made and permeability dispersive X-ray analysis was carried out on
fines-migration process. decreases with an increase in flow rate. different locations of the sample to obtain
Initially Toluene-Extract-Wet Core. qualitative information on the types of min-
These experiments were carried out with Steady-State Two-Phase Flow. In these ex- erals present. 12 The single-phase damaged
two different asphaltene concentrations in periments, the core was initially saturated core sample shows that the fines are dis-
toluene. In both cases, the core was initial- with brine and flow was established with persed and less compact at the pore throat.
ly saturated with toluene extract and flow brine. The brine was displaced with Crude Fines jammed at the pore throat mainly
was established. The toluene extract was dis- Oil 2 to establish interstitial water satura- range from 5 to 15 /-tm. The core aged with
placed with brine to establish residual tion. Next, water and oil were flowed crude oil (after damage) also shows that
toluene extract saturation, and finally, brine together at different fractional flows to ob- fines are dispersed and that fines of the same
was displaced with fresh water in the pres- serve permeability impairment with a gradu- size are blocking pore throats. The rock sur-
ence of residual toluene extract. al increase in the freshwater fractional flow. faces coated with organic matter were seen
For the first case with Toluene Extract 1, The experiment was done in several stages. to retain the clays in a compact form while
the PR was 0.033 and the DT was 9.0 PV. In the first stage, 35.0% brine and 65.0% the water-wet fines were dispersed. No
In the case with Toluene Extract 2, the PR oil were flowed together. After steady state quantitative conclusions can be made from
was 0.148 (at the flow rate of 0.448 was established, fresh water was flowed in- these micrographs.
mLlmin). Fig. 8 shows the PR plot. The ef- stead of brine. When the pressure drops be-
fect of change in flow rates is shown on the Discussion
came steady, damage at that particular
plot. As the flow was increased from 0.112 fractional flow was assumed to be complete. Single-Phase Results. Fines migration in
to 0.448 rnL/min, the permeability increased In the next stage, a fractional flow was es- single-phase flow has been investigated by
in all three sections. When the flow rate was tablished and the damage process was car- several researchers. 4·6 In our case, single-
reduced again (Region III), the permeabil- ried out at 50.0% brine/water and 50.0% phase experiments were carried out to serve
ity remained unchanged. As the flow rate oil. Finally, the core was shocked with as a comparison with two-phase experi-
was again increased sharply (Region IV), the freshwater fractional flows of 0.8 and 1.0. ments. Our results show that permeability
permeability increased in Section 1 and de- The plots of effective oil and water per- ofthe Berea sandstone decreased by a factor
creased in Sections 2 and 3. This may be meabilities and relative permeability damage of 1,000 within 1.3 PV of freshwater injec-
a result of particles in Section 1 being ratios as a function of fractional flow of tion. Previous researchers 5 have reported
released and captured in Sections 2 and 3. water are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respec- permeability decline ratios ranging from 100
Finally, the core was extracted with tively. The undamaged oil and water rela- to 25,000. The variation in results is possi-
toluene and a mixture of chloroform and tive permeability values are taken from the bly because of differences in initial perme-
acetone in succession. The permeability in dynamic displacement experiment with polar ability, clay composition, and clay content
all three sections increased significantly. The crude oil (Experiment 5/2). The final PR of the different cores used.
system at this point had only one fluid phase. was 0.0047, which is similar to the result Fig. 11 shows a plot of the effluent
The core was then shocked again with fresh obtained with an initially water-wet core particle-size distribution. The plot shows

JPT • May 1990 649

o 0YEIWl.


10 1
'--,--, ... , L!gend
,, o OIL

0 0 0

,, @ WATER

.~ 10 0

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 ~
0 0 §
~ ~
w 10 -1
0 0 0

<> ,./
<> <> <>
., ~

10 -2
10.3 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 Fractional Flow of Water

Fig. 8-PR vs. PV injected for initially toluene-extract-wet core Fig. 9-Effective permeability vs. fractional flow of water for
(Experiment 812). steady-state two-phase flow with Crude Oil 2 (Experiment 11).

that smaller particles are produced at longer The residual saturations and endpoint rela-
time. This may be owing to gradual block- tive permeabilities for these experiments,
age of larger pore throats that initially al- listed in Table 2, also show that the core still
low the larger particles to be produced. The behaves like a water-wet system even if con-
plot of effluent particle concentration (Fig. tacted by mineral oil first.
"The presence of polar 2) shows that a high concentration of parti- Results of the dynamic displacement ex-
crude 011 .•• has a cles was discharged for a short time period. periments carried out with fresh water are
shown in Table 2. Note that the cumulative
tendency to change Effect of Nonpolar Oil. Two-phase experi- oil recovered during waterflooding was
the nature of the core ments with nonpolar oil show that the per- slightly higher when fresh water was used.
surface. It tends to meability reduction is lower by a factor of This may be a result of the high pressure
10 compared with single-phase flow. The gradients in the continuous water phase. The
slow the fines-release DT, the maximum particle concentration, permeability reduction ratio at the end of the
process but cannot and the PDT, however, are similar. Fig. 12 freshwater flood was the same as that ob-
prevent it." compares plots of the PR' s for single-phase tained when the core was initially at ROS.
and two-phase flow with mineral oil (Ex- This suggests that the displacement process
periment 2). The smaller reduction in per- occurs ahead of the damage front and is rela-
meability in the presence of a residual oil tively unaffected by it, at least in a homo-
phase may be a result of the immobilization geneous core sample. The pressure drops
.of particles in the pores occupied by the dis- required for the freshwater flood are of
connected ganglia of mineral oil. It should course enormous and will very quickly be-
also be noted that in Fig. 3,the permeabil- came impractical to achieve in a field. The
ity reduction in the upstream section of the effluent particle concentration profile indi-
core is not as severe as in the downstream cates that the suspended particles break
sections. This is because there are not through immediately after the oil bank is
enough particles in this section to plug all produced. 12
the small pores. In the terminology of Shar-
m'a and Yortsos,l1 B< I-a, where Effect of Polar Crude Oil. The shock ex-
B=ratio of particle to pore concentrations periments with polar crude oil show results
and a = fraction of pores with radius great- that are significantly different from those
er than the particle radius. Sections 2 and with mineral oil. For initially water-wet
3. see larger concentrations of particles and cores, the permeability reduction ratio is
are damaged to the same extent. similar but the DT is longer. The maximum
~~--~----~--~~~----+ When the core was initially saturated with effluent particle concentration is similar, but
0.00 020
mineral oil, similar results were obtained. the PDT is longer. The presence of polar
This clearly suggests that the nonpolar min- crude oil therefore has a tendency to change
eral oil cannot cause any change in the na- the nature of the core surface. It tends to
Fig. 1O-Relatlve permeability damage ra- ture of the pore surface of the core even slow the fines-release process but cannot
tio vs. fractional flow of water for steady- when initially saturated with the oil. Again, prevent it.
state two-phase flow with Crude Oil 2 (Ex- no particles are released from the regions When the core is initially saturated with
periment 11). where oil is present as an immobile phase. crude oil, the PR is much higher and the DT

650 May 1990 • JPT

10 3 10 0

o Pv .... O o 1-PHASE
10 2 d PV-l0.3g ® 2-PHASE
• PV.26.77
X PV_6.1
:§ o PV_I.27
1 • PV.' 1.77
'"0 10 ~ PV_17.18 10 -1

Z PV-33.27
~ ~
c: 10 0
2lc: i

~ 10 -2

0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 10 -3
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Particle size, Micron

Fig. 11-Particle·size distribution for single-phase flow (Experi- Fig. 12-PR vs. PV injected for Experiments 1 and 2_
ment 10/1).

is much longer. When the flow was stopped literature 13 and explained by the fact that equations, neglecting capillary pressure. We
for a while, additional damage occurred. asphaltene particles by themselves cover less can show that 12 for iw=iwd, krodlkro=
The results indicate that the release of fines pore surface area. Resin particles, on the krwdlkrw'
does occur but at a much slower rate. There- other hand, do not flocculate and cover the
fore, the concentration of particles was not surface of the medium more evenly to pre- Conclusions
sufficient to cause the formation of stable vent the release of fines. For the toluene- 1. In single-phase flow, the permeability
bridges. When the flow is stopped, the par- extract-wet cores, the higher the concentra- reduction ratio (ratio of permeability re-
ticle concentration builds up locally. Any tion of asphaltene, the lower the extent of tained to initial permeability) is on the or-
subsequent flow causes a logjam effect; i.e., permeability reduction. All the cores treated der of 1/1,000 and the rate of permeability
stable bridges form and permeability is re- with the extracts showed a tendency toward decline is very high. Dispersed fines move
duced. This indicates that at extremely slow becoming more oil-wet, as shown in Table a distance of <0.5 cm [<0.2 in.] before
rates-i.e., rate of release much greater than 2. The extent ofwettability alteration toward being trapped at pore throats. A high con-
rate of convective particle transport- oil-wetness generally appears to be related centration of fines is observed in the effluent
sufficient particle concentration can be built to the degree to which fines migration is for a short period of time, indicating a high
up to form bridges. Among all the experi- prevented. rate of release. 11
ments conducted, the crude oils were the 2. In two-phase flow with nonpolar min-
most successful at preventing damage. This Effect of Fractional Flow _ Two-phase ex- eral oil, the permeability reduction is on the
indicates that crude oils containing polar periments at fixed fractional flow with po- order of 1150. This shows the effect of the
compounds are most effective in causing ad- lar crude oil show that with an increase in presence of a residual oil phase. The result
sorption of these compounds on dry rock fractional flow of water, the permeability of is the same whether the medium is initially
surfaces and therefore in preventing fines the medium declines gradually. Both oil and saturated with oil or water. Initially saturat-
release. water relative permeability curves shift ing the core with a nonpolar mineral oil does
The shock experiment with the aged core down in equal proportion such that the ratio not make the core oil-wet. The effluent par-
shows that the adsorption of polar ends to of damaged to undamaged relative permea- ticle concentration profile is similar to that
the rock surface is a slow process. Over geo- bilities is the same for both oil and water. obtained with single-phase flow.
logic time at reservoir temperatures and The damaging fines are mobile only in the 3. In the case oftwo-phase flow with po-
pressures, this process may well cause the water phase. 1 As such, the effective per- lar crude oil, the permeability reduction ratio
fines to become immobile by adsorbing on meability to water should decrease as plug- is similar to that for nonpolar oil. But when
them. For the short contact time allowed in ging occurs. Why then does the effective the core is initially saturated with oil, the
the experiment (40 days), the adsorption of permeability to oil decrease? The reason can permeability reduction is on the order of
polar compounds caused the fines release to be found in the condition of local capillary 111.5 and the rate of permeability decline
be slowed but not prevented. It is difficult equilibrium. The pressure difference be- is slow, indicating that fines release is
to conjecture how significant this effect will tween the continuous water and oil phases slowed but not prevented.
be for a given reservoir. It is clear, how- must be equal to the capillary pressure. As 4. As a result of low particle concentra-
ever, that this is a significant factor that must such, if the pressure gradient in one phase tions and localized pressure fluctuations ow-
be considered. The wettability of the core increases owing to pore plugging, the phases ing to capillary instabilities, the bridges
also seems to have been altered by aging, must redistribute microscopically to enforce formed -in two-phase flow are unstable at
as indicated by the endpoint relative perme- equal pressure gradients in each phase along high pressure gradients, as indicated by both
abilities (Table 2). the core's length. This redistribution of the effluent particle concentration proflle and
phases causes the oil permeability to drop. the permeability reduction plots.
Effect of Polar Extracts. Two-phase ex- This experiment, therefore, shows that 5. When the core i~ aged with polar crude
periments with polar compound extracts both oil and water relative permeability oil at 70°C [158°F] for 40 days, permea-
show that the pentane-extract-wet core has values decrease in equal proportion at a par- bility does not decline, but with a pause in
less fines migration than the toluene-extract- ticular fractional flow. These results may be flow, the permeability reduction obtained is
wet core. Similar results are reported in the expected on the basis of fractional flow in the range of 1115. This indicates a very

JPT • May 1990 651

slow release of particles for such cores, search Program at the U. of Texas for their
perhaps caused by a mixed-wettability con- financial support of this work.
6. In the case of two-phase flow with the References
core initially wet with polar compound ex- 1. Muecke, T.W.: "Formation Fines and Fac-
tracts, the permeability reduction is higher tors Controlling Their Movement in Porous
than for a core initially saturated with min- Media," JPT (Feb. 1979) 144-50.
eral oil, but lower than for a core saturated 2. Anderson, W.G.: "Wettability Literature
with crude oil. Permeability decline is higher Survey-Part 1: Rock/Oil/Brine Interactions
in the case of toluene-extract- than with and the Effects of Core Handling on Wetta-
pentane-extract-treated cores. Higher con- bility," JPT (Oct. 1986) 1125-44.
centrations of asphaltene in the toluene 3. Mungan, N.: "Permeability Reduction Due
extract caused smaller reductions in perme- to Salinity Changes," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech.
Sarkar Sharma (July-Sept. 1968) 113-17.
7. The effluent particle concentrations 4. Mungan, N.: "Permeability Reduction
Amit K. Sarkar is a doctoral candidate Through Changes in pH and Salinity," JPT
In petroleum engineering at the U. of from the core indicate that the rate and du-
ration of fines release depend on the fluids (Dec. 1965) 1449-53; Trans., AIME, 234.
Texas in Austin. He is currently work-
saturating the core. The fines observed in 5. Gruesbeck, C. and Collins, R.E.: "Entrain-
ing on microbial EOR mechanisms and
the effluent are always < 15.0 /tm in size. ment and Deposition of Fine Particles in
simulation. He previously worked with
8. When both oil and fresh water flow si- Porous Media," SPEl (Dec. 1982) 847-56.
the Oil & Natural Gas Commission in In-
dia in well testing and workover opera- multaneously, the permeability declines 6. Khilar, K.C. and Fogler, H.S.: "Water Sen-
sitivity of Sandstones," SPEl (Feb. 1983)
tions. He holds a BS degree in chemical gradually with an increase in f W' At a par- 55-64.
engineering from the U. of Burdwan, In- ticular fractional flow, both oil and water
dia, and an MS degree in petroleum en- 7. Clementz, D.M.: "Clay Stabilization in
relative permeabilities decrease in equal Sandstones Through Adsorption of Petrole-
gineering from the U. of Texas. Mukui proportion when compared with an un-
M. Sharma, assistant professor of petro- um Heavy Ends," JPT(Sept. 1977) 1061-66.
damaged core. This indicates that fluid 8. Collins, S.H. and Melrose, J.C.: "Adsorp-
leum engineering at the U. of Texas, has
research interests in petrophysics, for-
redistribution occurs within the pores to tion of Asphaltenes and Water on Reservoir
mation damage, and surface phenome- maintain equal pressure gradients in the Rock Minerals," paper SPE 11800 present-
na. He holds a BS degree in chemical water and the oil phases. ed at the 1983 SPE IntI. Symposium on Oil-
engineering from the Indian Inst. of field and Geothermal Chemistry, Denver,
Technology and MS and PhD degrees in Nomenclature June 1-3.
chemical and petroleum engineering f w = fractional flow of water 9. Cuiec, L.: "Rock/Crude-Oil Interactions and
from the U. of Southern California, Wettability: An Attempt to Understand Their
k = permeability, md
where he was 1986-87 SPE student Interrelation," paper SPE 13211 presented
chapter faculty sponsor. keJw1kew = two-phase-flow permeability at the 1984 SPE Annual Technical Confer-
ratio ence and Exhibition, Houston, Sept. 16-19.
kfw = single-phase permeability 10. Denekas, O.M., Mattax, C.C., and Davis,
with fresh water, md G. T.: "Effects of Crude Oil Components on
kfwlko = single-phase-flow Rock Wettability," Trans., AIME (1959)
permeability ratio 216, 330-33.
11. Sharma, M.M. and Yortsos, Y.C.: "Fines
ko,kw = single-phase oil and water
Migration in Porous Media," AIChE J. (Oct.
permeability, md 1987) 33, No. 10, 1654-62.
kr = relative permeability 12. Sarkar, A.K.: "An Experimental Investiga-
k7o,kRv = endpoint relative tion of Fines Migration in Two Phase Flow,"
permeabilities to oil and MS thesis, U. of Texas, Austin (1988).
water 13. Crocker, M.E. and Marchin, L.M.: "Wet-
!!..p = pressure drop over section tability and Adsorption Characteristics of
of core, psi Crude-Oil Asphaltene and Polar Fractions,"
JPT (April 1988) 470-74; Trans., AIME,
Sor = ROS, fraction
Swr = residual water saturation,
fraction Provenance
Subscripts Original SPE manuscript, An Experimen-
d = damaged core tal Investigation of Fines Migration in
e = effective Two-Phase Flow, received for review
fw = freshwater March 23, 1988. Paper accepted for publi-
o = oil cation Nov. 28, 1989. Revised manuscript
w = water received Nov. 2, 1989. Paper (SPE 17437)
first presented at the 1988 SPE California
Acknowledgments Regional Meeting held in Long Beach,
March 23-25.
The authors thank the sponsors of the Stimu-
lation, Logging, and Formation Damage Re- JPT

652 May 1990 • JPT

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