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PEDIATRIC RADIOLOGICAL CASE Brought to you by an unrestricted educational grant from Guerbet, LLC

Large-bowel obstruction

Nihal Hamouda, MD; Scott A. Jorgensen, MD; Alexander J. Towbin, MD; and Richard Towbin, MD

CASE SUMMARY ure 3) as well as pneumatosis in the In neonates, the most common causes
A 9-year-old male presented to the colonic wall (Figures 3). Axial CT include intestinal atresia, meconium
emergency department with two days image, in lung window, demonstrates ileus, Hirschsprung disease, and mal-
of non-bloody, non-bilious emesis more clearly intramural bowel gas and rotation. In older children, adhesions
and one day of abdominal distention. free air in the abdomen (Figure 4). can often cause obstruction, with
His past medical history was signifi- Axial CT image, in soft tissue win- approximately 5% of children having
cant for Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, dow, shows significant ascites and had abdominal surgery develop adhe-
neurogenic bladder, recurrent urinary extra-luminal fluid and air in the retro- sions resulting in bowel obstruction.
tract infections, severe developmen- peritoneum (Figure 5). A coronal CT Other causes include intussusception
tal delay, history of malrotation status image, in soft tissue window, shows and inflammatory bowel disease. 1
post Ladd procedure, and gastrostomy the stomach, distal colon, and small In the adult population, malignancy
tube dependence. Physical exam was intestine are decompressed. The small remains the most common cause.2 Pre-
notable for a moderately distended bowel is present in the right side of the senting symptoms include abdominal
abdomen. abdomen, consistent with the patient’s pain, distension, obstipation, and peri-
history of malrotation (Figure 6). tonitis if perforation occurs.2
IMAGING FINDINGS Abdominal radiography is typi-
Radiographs were obtained on pre- DIAGNOSIS cally the first imaging study obtained
sentation. Supine image (Figure 1) Large-bowel obstruction. in patients suspected of having a bowel
shows central dilated loops of bowel The differential diagnosis includes obstruction and should include supine
with decompressed small bowel and bowel ischemia, bowel perforation, and decubitus films. Large-bowel
distal colon. The image also demon- necrotizing enterocolitis (given the obstruction should be considered if the
strates the presence of intramural presence of pneumatosis), intra-ab- colonic diameter is greater than 6 cm
bowel gas (pneumatosis intestinalis). dominal abscess, adynamic ileus, or and in the presence of air-fluid levels,
Decubitus image (Figure 2) shows Ogilvie syndrome. although these findings are not specific
air-fluid levels in the colon, which can for obstruction and can be seen with
be a nonspecific finding. Given these DISCUSSION paralytic ileus and toxic megacolon.
findings, a CT scan of the abdomen Large-bowel obstruction (LBO) is Complications of LBO including pneu-
and pelvis was performed. much less common than small bowel matosis intestinalis, pneumoperitoneum,
Axial CT images, in soft tissue obstruction but is considered an and portal venous gas.2 A CT abdomen
window, show a large dilated loop of abdominal emergency. The etiology and pelvis study with IV contrast is the
bowel in the left upper quadrant (Fig- of bowel obstruction varies by age. gold standard for diagnosing bowel

28 November 2018



FIGURE 1. Supine radiograph shows central dilated loops of bowel FIGURE 2. Decubitus radiograph demonstrates air-fluid levels in
with decompressed small bowel and distal colon, as well as pneuma- the colon (arrow).
tosis intestinalis (arrow).

FIGURES 3. Axial CT images, in soft tissue window, show a large dilated loop of bowel in the left upper quadrant as well as pneumatosis in
the colonic wall (arrows).

obstruction, and is useful in identifying or free intra-abdominal air as seen on stric decompression to prevent vom-
the cause and location of the obstruc- plain radiographs. iting and aspiration.4 In the presence
tion. CT will demonstrate dilated, thin- Management of a large-bowel of peritonitis or pneumoperitoneum,
walled colon proximal to the transition obstruction varies depending on the urgent surgical intervention is neces-
point and compressed bowel distal etiology. Initial treatment should focus sary. If bowel resection is warranted
to the obstruction.2,3 It will also con- on fluid resuscitation, correction of in a child, surgeons will often attempt
firm findings of intramural bowel gas electrolyte abnormalities, and nasoga- primary anastomosis of the bowel

November 2018 29


FIGURE 4. Axial CT image, in lung window, demonstrates more clearly intramural bowel gas FIGURE 6. Coronal CT image, in soft tissue
and free air in the abdomen (arrows). window, shows the stomach, distal colon,
and small intestines are decompressed.
The small bowel is present in the right
side of the abdomen, consistent with the
patient’s history of malrotation (arrow).

obstruction and can be useful in delin-

eating the etiology and location of the

1. Hryhorczuk A, Lee E, Eisenberg R. Bowel obstruc-
tions in older children. AJR. 2013; 201:W1-W8.
2. Jaffe T, Thompson W. Large-bowel obstruction in
the adult: classic radiographic and CT findings, etiol-
ogy, and mimics. Radiology. 2015; 275:651-663.
3. Large-bowel obstruction. Radiopaedia. https://
Jones J, et al. Accessed 1/22/17.
4. Sawai R. Management of colonic obstruction: a
review. Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 2012; 25:200-203.

Prepared by Dr. Hamouda while

FIGURE 5. Axial CT image demonstrates significant ascites and extraluminal fluid and air in
the retroperitoneum (arrow).
with the Department of Pediatric
Emergency Medicine, Phoenix Chil-
instead of colostomy, while in the emergency. Clinical history includes dren’s Hospital, Dr. Jorgensen and
adult population, colostomy is more vomiting, abdominal distension, and Dr. Richard Towbin while with the
often performed.4 obstipation. Abdominal radiographs Radiology Department, Phoenix
can raise suspicion for obstruction Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, AZ;
CONCLUSION by demonstrating dilated colon and and Dr. Alexander Towbin while
Although much less common than the presence of intramural bowel gas with the Radiology Department,
small-bowel obstruction, large-bowel or pneumoperitoneum. A CT study Cincinnati Children’s Hospital,
obstruction can occur in the pediat- of the abdomen and pelvis is the gold Cincinnati, OH.
ric population and is an abdominal standard for diagnosing large-bowel

30 November 2018


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