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Leave me alone and get me some food!

Looking back on how I was then I

Childhood. Never waste it; you only get it once some say you are born
in to this word innocent and fragile. But its parents choice too
chooses who you become they teach the most important things in life,
teach you to be good caring people. Parents are your first steps in to
the world. As for mine you failed you stupid idiots!

There once was a little girl who had everything a castle for a house,
rich parents, only child she was there apple of there eye, they would
do anything for her! Shame it was too late to save me now.
It was my fourteenth when it all changed you see, when I was little I
had every thing but my parents had never taught me to care that’s the
day I died.
I’m called Susie may and this is how I died.

understand why she came. It was December

cold, wet and horrible I hated the cold like every think else that I hated my
parents were stupid everyone at school was irritating I use to make the ginger
haired girl cry I suppose ‘carrot head ‘ wasn’t the nicest thing to call her. I
stormed out the house shattering our new glass back door ad stomped across the
cold snowy field in my new swayed £400 pound boots I forced my mother to get
me I didn’t even like them that much. As I stormed screaming across the field
birds dispatched fleeting from the once rested trees. I finally reached the dark
coal black canopy of trees. As I crossed over in to the shadows of the darkness
the air started to chill my fiery hot anger stated to twist and freeze in to ice my
body curled in to a ball trying to repel the sharp ice in my veins. What was
happening to me?

Then finally my body was a frozen statue thick layer of ice stooping my skin to
breath, I was stuck in this desolate place no one to help me no one to save me but
then after a day of stuck in this place looking at my ice sculpture reflection in
shards of ice, no was coming, no one would come. Then a sharp pain of
realisation hit me smack on in chest why would anyone come why would anyone
want to help me…I was a horrible person. Suddenly the ice started to melt from
the tip of my fingers then I realise this won’t just an unfortunate event this was a
lesson a lesson that no one ever taught me. How to be a nice person. The more I
think about all the horrible stuff I done and how I could change and be a better
person soon after a lot of thinking botch my arms were free from the ice that
enclosed my torso. I missed my mum and dad I miss when I was little and we
used to be a happy family. Suddenly a warms of a burning fire filled my chest I
was enlightened! Then the ice shattered to the floor I was free. In some ways was
glad the ice had got to me I wanted to change I wanted to be a better person so I
turned round and skipped home I was so surprise with my new challenge I didn’t
hear the pacing foot prints behind me. I got out my phone and text my mum
saying how much I loved her and how sorry I was about how I was before, my
ginger class mate saying how beautiful her hair was and sorry for what I said
before. Shame I never got to see them again. Those footsteps heard my last
screams. At least I know in my memory’s that I died a nice person and that my
parents know how much I loved them.

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