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S.No times Question Section and Case Laws

State the requirements relating to solemnisation of

Christian marriage under the Christian Marriage Act.
(Or)Discuss the essential requirements to be observed for
a christian marriage. (OR)State the conditions for a valid
1 5 christian marriage. How are the marriages solemnised by
or before the registrar of marriages as per the Christian
Marriage Act? (or)Explain how the marriages are
solemnised by the religious minister under the Christian
marriage act?

Explain the various sources of Hindu law (OR)Explain the

different sources of Hindu law and mention the
2 4
essentials of a valid custom and its relative importance as
a source of hindu law.

"Under the Hindu system of law custom outweighs the

3 2 written text of law"- Elucidate with reference to leading

Marriage among Mohammedans is not a sacrament but

purely a civil contract. Comment (OR) Marriage in Islam is
4 2 only a contract and not a sacramental function. Critically
examine this statement and state the legal effects of valid
and irregular marriage.
The object of Hindu Marriage Amending Legislation of
1976 is to streamline the law as to Divorce. Elucidate the
5 2 statement.(OR) Explain the changes made by the
Marriage Laws Amendment Act 1976, in the Hindu law of
Divorce and Judicial Separation

6 2 Explain Dower- Write its essentiality and kinds

Explain the kinds of guardianship and the powers of

guardian under the Mohammedan Law. (or) State the
7 3
provisions relating to the guardianship of the person and
property of a minor under muslim law.

Analyse the dissolution of marriage under the Hindu Law,

Muslim Law and Christian Law. (or) Discuss the legal
8 2 position of a woman to get divorce from her husband
under the laws applicable to Hindus, Muslims and

State the grounds for divorce available under the Indian

9 2 Divorce Act 1869 (or) Examine the law of divorce
applicable to Christians.

Examine the changes introduced into the adoption by the

Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956
The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956 secularised
adoptions. Comment

Explain the power of the testamentary guardian and the

12 natural guardian under the Hindu Minority and Guardianship
Act 1956.

Who is a natural guardian of a minor under Hindu Minority and

13 Guardianship Act 1956? What are his powers? How do they
differ from defacto guardian ?

The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act is both codifying and

14 supplemental enactment, its provisions must be read in the
context of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890- Elucidate

Discuss the capacity of the person giving in adoption and the

15 person taking in adoption prior and after the Hindu Adoption
and Maintenance Act 1956

What is adoption and write the procedure of adoption by a

Hindu male and female?

Discuss the requisites of a valid adoption under the Hindu

Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956

Explain the doctrine of "Relation Back" and state how it is

affected by the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
Welfare of minor to be paramount consideration under the
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956. Discuss

Write the essential requirements of valid marriage under the

Hindu Marriage Act 1955.

What are the conditions to be satisfied for a valid marriage

21 under the HMA 1955? Explain the consequences of Violation
of these conditions.

Examine the legal consequences of void and voidable

marriages according to the Hindu Marriage Act 1955

Bring out the differences between void and voidable marriages

under the Hindu law and the Mohammedan Law

State when a Hindu Marriage is void or voidable under the

Hindu Marriage Act 1955

Distinguish between valid, irregular and void marriages under

the Islamic Law.

Mention the grounds on which a Hindu wife can seek

26 dissolution of marriage and compare her position in that
regard to that of Muslim wife.

Explain the present law relating to the maintenance of wife

27 and a divorced woman not remarried with reference to Hindu,
Muslim and Christian laws.

Examine the judicial and non judicial divorce under Muslim

28 Law. Point out the differences between these two methods of
Explain Talaq under Mohamedan Law and state the different
modes of talaq and its consequences

State the present position of law of maintenance under

Mohamedan Law.

Enumerate the different kinds of matrimonial relief available

under the Special Marriage Act 1954.

Discuss the important changes brought about by the Special

32 Marriage Act 1954 regarding the solemnisation of marriage
and their dissolution.

Define "Acknowledgement of Paternity". State the conditions

33 for a valid acknowledgement of paternity under the
Mohammedan law.

Discuss the important features of the Hindu joint family and

34 point out the differences between Mitakshara and dayabhaga

Explain the provisions in the Hindu Marriage Act 1955

35 regarding restitution of conjugal rights and its constitutional

What are the grounds under which a hindu wife is entitiled to

maintenance and separate residence?
S.No times Question Section and Case Laws

Who are the sharers according to Hanafi Law? (or) State

1 4 the rules of succession among sharers under hanafi law.
(OR) Discuss the rules under Hanafi law of inheritance

How is the property distributed to the heirs of a Christian

female died intestate? (OR) Discuss the rules of
2 3
succession applicable to female intestate under christian
law of inheritance

Explain the rules of inheritance for Stridhana property

3 3
before the passing of Hindu Succession Act 1956

Explain the various rules under the Indian Succession Act

4 2
1925 relating to intestate succession.

What is Partition? Explain the various modes of partition

5 2
under Mitakshara law.

Who are Class I heirs under the Hindu Succession Act

6 1956?In what respects does the Act make changes in the
rights of (a) widow and (b) daughter of the deceased
Describe the sharers and the extent of their respective shares
under the sunni law

State the law laid down under the Indian Succession Act 1925
relating to construction of a will.

Narrate the rules as to intestate succession applicable to

Christians under the Indian Succession Act 1925

Explain the term Hiba under Muslim Law. Explain the

requirements for completion of Hiba.

Explain clearly the difference between Mitakshara and

Dayabhaga in regard to Daya and Vibhaga

Explain the scope and extent of son's pious obligation to pay

12 the debts of the father. What are the debts left outside the
scope of pious obligation?

Explain the classification of Stridhana Property and changes

made under the Hindu Succession Act 1956

14 State the doctrine of Aul and Radd in Hanafi and Shia Law.

15 Explain lapse, abatement and ademption of legacies

Explain the law relating to specific and demonstrative

Examine the powers of a Karta in the management of Hindu

Joint family property

Who is a Karta? Examine the powers of the Karta to contract

debts and to alienate the joint family property.

A Mohammedan testator has no unlimited power of disposition

by Will. Explain.

20 Formalities of Wakf and role of Muttawalli in Wakf

What is Wakf? Explain the various requirements for making

valid Wakf.

How is a Wakf created and explain the powers of Mutawalli

over the wakf property?

Define the 'Executor and Administrator' and their duties and

powers under the Indian Succession Act 1925

Explain the various provisions for execution of privileged and

unprivileged will.

What are the principles governing the making of a privileged

will? What are the methods by which a will can be revoked?
26 Sunni law and Shia law of inheritance. Discuss

Compare the powers of a muslim to make a gift, a Wakf and a

Will to his property.

Probate shall be granted only to an executor appointed by will.


What is probate? To whom could probate be granted? State

the effects of grant of probate?

Explain how Hindu Succession Act 1956 is a 'Magna Carta' in

rights of property of Hindu Women in modern society.

Explain the terms of 'Joint Family' and 'Coparcenary' under the

Mitakshara Law

The right of inheritance according to the Hindu Law is wholly

32 regulated with reference to the spiritual benefits to be
conferred on the propositus. Elucidate.

Expalin the general rule of inheritance of a male hindu who

died intestate under the Hindu Succession Act 1956

State the various circumstances which disqualify a Hindu to

34 become a legal heir before and after the Hindu Succession
Act 1956

Explain notional partition, state to what extent it has been

modified by recent legislation.

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