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Remarks- section, case laws,

S.No Problems repeated

A marriage was solemnised between a Hindu male aged 20 years

and a Hindu female aged 21/22 years without the consent of their
1 parents. Decide the legality of the marriage. (Or) A marriage was thrice
solemnised between a hindu male aged 18 years and a hindu
female aged 25 yrs. Decide the legality of the marriage

The immovable property of a hindu minor is sold by the father for

2 the benefit of the minor without the permission of the court. Is thrice
the sale valid?

A', a Shia woman marries a christian male. Is the marriage valid?

3 twice
Will it make any difference if 'A' is a Sunni woman?

A, a Mohammedan woman lived with her husband for a month

and went to her parents house. After two years she sued for
4 twice
dissolution of marriage on the ground that she was not
maintained by her husband for two years. Decide.

Rama married Radha in 1992 and married Geetha in 1993. Radha

5 died in 1994. In 1995 Geetha claimed maintenance from rama on twice
the ground of cruelty. Can she succeed?
Mohamedan is aged 65 years. He acknowledged Abdul who is aged
50 as his legitimate son. Is the acknowledgement valid?

A Shia male marries a Christian woman for 10 years. Examine the

validity of the marriage.

A Muslim acknowledges B as his son under circumstances in which

8 his marriage to B's mother is not proved. Is the acknowlegement

A Hindu wife obtains a decree for judicial separation on the ground

that her husband is living in adultery with another woman. One year
9 later her husband files a petition for divorce on the ground that there
was no resumption of cohabitation for one year after the receiving of
the decree for judicial separation. Decide.

A hindu husband obtains a decree for restitution of conjugal rights

against his wife. One year later he files a petition for divorce on the
grounds that there was no resumption of cohabitation for one year
after the decree of restitution of conjugal rights. Decide.

A Muslim wife claims dower from her husband when the divorce takes
11 effect. He objects to the payment of full dower on the ground that the
marriage was not consummated. Decide.

A' a muslim girl got married before she attained 15 years of age.
12 Thereafter She filed the petition for divorce after attaining 19 years of
age. Can she succeed?
A Hindu male was married to a Hindu female according to the Hindu
form of marriage. The male hindu converts to christianity and the wife
converts to islamic religion. They both want to have a dissolution of
marriage. Advise parties.

A marries B a woman undergoing iddat at that time. Subsequently A

14 dies. B claims A 's property as his wife. Decide the validity of her

Raja and rani wanted to marry each other. Though they attained the
age of majority, their parents opposed their marriage. Hence they
15 went to the temple and in the presence of the presiding deity and an
Archaka, Raja tied the Mangalsutra (Thali) to Rani. Is the Marriage
valid? State your answer with reasons.

Ramani is the wife of Raju. Ramani went to her parent's home for her
delivery. In the mean time Raju filed a petition against his wife
Ramani for getting divorce on the ground of desertion. Whether Raju
can succeed or not?

A, a hindu has a lunatic male child and he adopts a girl child B. Is the
adoption Valid?

A hindu female converted to Islam and then married a muslim male in

18 2014. In 2015 she reconverted to Hinduism. Explain the legal effects
of such reconversion.

A hindu father adopts a male child after his only son had married
under the Special Marriage Act. Is the adoption Valid ?
A' is married to 'B' who at that time was already having a wife. So A's
20 marriage was void. A third party 'C' brings a suit for declaration that
A's marriage with B is void. Decide.

X a muslim male divorced his wife Y by pronouncing irrevocable talaq.

After one month Y married A. Is the Marriage valid?

A Hindu male adopts a son. He has a son of a predeceased son

22 during the time when he adopts son. Discuss the validity of the

A Hindu female aged 40, adopts a 20 years old son. State the validity
of her adoption?

A hindu female of 30 years adopts a boy of 12 years. Examine the

validity of the adoption.

A Hindu female aged 30 years adopts a 10 years old son. Write the
validity of her adoption.

A Hindu male and female announce in the newspaper that they

propose to live as a husband and wife from a specified date and
accordingly live together without any marriage rituals. Is it a valid

The immovable property of a minor Mohammedan is sold by his

mother as a guardian. Is the sale valid?

A Hindu Male married a hindu female in 1980. In 1981 the husband

28 became a muslim. The wife wants to divorce her husband. Advice
A' a Hindu Male is married to 'B' in 1957. In 1958 A converts to
Christianity. In 1959 B sued A for divorce. Decide.

A Hindu widow inherits property from her husband in 1983. She

30 adopted a boy in 1987. Can the adopted son claim any right over the
property inherited by the widow.

A' a Hindu female was married before she attained 15 years of age.
She repudiated the marriage before she attained 18 years of age.
She filed the petition for divorce after attaining 19 years of age. Will A

A' a Mohammedan married his wife's sister. Is the marriage valid? Will
it make any difference if 'A' happens to be a Hindu?

A Hindu woman wants to marry a christian man. How will you advise
them for getting a legally valid marriage?

34 A Hindu man wants to marry a christian woman.Advise him.

A and B married on 1.1.2015 under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955. On

the next day A came to know that B had already married another
woman and had a child by her. A wants to get divorce immediately.

Ragul married Rita at her 15th age and sold her property in the next
year as her guardian. Rita's father is alive. Is the sale Valid?
Sankar employed in Chennai,married Sankari who is in employment
37 in Delhi. Sankari insisted that Sankar resigns his job to live with her in
Delhi. Sankar refused. Sankari filed a divorce petition. Decide.

A Hindu bachelor adopts and then marries. The wife dies leaving
38 Stridhana property. The adoptee and the husband are the only
claimants. Decide who will inherit the property.

A' a hindu widow sues her father and father in law for maintenance
separately. Can she succeed?

X has two sons A and B. A is given in adoption to Y. Y has a daughter

D. Can A marry D? Decide.

Arun's wife is Bhuvana. She executed a registered divorce deed to

divorce Arun. Decide the validity of the deed.
Remarks- section, case laws,
S.No Problems repeated

A Hindu woman dies leaving behind her mother, husband,a son and a
daughter. How will you divide the property of the deceased?

A female hindu inherited property from her father. Then she died
2 leaving her mother, husband, two sons , two daughters. 2
Distribute her estate.

A female hindu died intestate leaving behind her mother and

3 husband. Distribute her property which is inherited from her father
among them.

A female hindu died intestate leaving her mother, husband, two sons ,
two daughters. Distribute her estate.

X' a female hindu dies leaving her mother, father, two sons ,three
daughters and two sisters. Distribute the estate among them.

A female hindu died intestate leaving behind her husband, father,

6 mother, one legitimate son, one illegitimate son, and two daughters.
Distribute her own self acquired property among them.
A Hindu dies leaving behind his mother, son's daughter and an
7 illegitimate son. Distribute the estate according to the Hindu
succession Act 1956

A Hindu dies leaving behind his mother, father, brother and the
uterine sister. Distribute the estate.

A hindu male died leaving behind his mother, wife, two sons and two
daughters of void marriage. Divide the property.

A Hindu male died intestate leaving his father, mother, one

illegitimate son and three daughters. Distribute his estate.

A male hindu died intestate leaving behind his widow, father, mother,
11 one son, one grandson through predeceased son and 3 daughters.
Distribute his estate among them.

A male Hindu dies intestate leaving his divorced wife, two sons,
12 3
brother and sister. Distribute his property.

A female Christian died leaving behind her husband, two sons of

13 a predeceased son and four sons of another predeceased son. 2
Distribute the estate.

A christian lady dies leaving behind her husband , father, mother,

14 three grand daughters through first predeceased son and one
grandson through second predeceased son. Distribute her estate.
A Christian female dies leaving behind her two children of
15 predeceased son and three children of predeceased daughter.
Distribute her property.

A Christian dies leaving property of the net value of Rs 15000/-.

He is survived by his widow and son. Distribute the property.
16 (OR) A Christian dies intestate leaving property of the net value 2
of Rs.18000/ He is survived by his widow and son.Distribute the

A male christian died intestate leaving behind his widow and three
17 grandsons through first predeceased son and one grandson through
second predeceased son. Divide his property among them.

A male christian dies intestate leaving his wife, three sons, one
18 daughter and two grandsons through predeceased son. 2
Distribute his estate.

A christian male dies intestate leaving his father, mother, wife and
son. Divide his property.

A Shia muslim female dies leaving her father, mother and

20 2
husband. Distribute her property.
A Shia muslim died intestate leaving behind her husband,
daughter ,father and mother. Distribute her estate among them.

A Shia muslim dies leaving his wife, father and mother.Distribute his

A hanafi muslim died leaving behind his wife, father and mother.
Distribute his estate.

A Hanafi Muslim dies leaving his widow, mother, daughter and a

24 2
full sister. Distribute his property.

A Hanafi Mohammedan dies leaving behind a son, two daughters,

25 mother and a brother. Distribute the estate of the deceased among

A Hanafi Muslim woman dies leaving her husband, mother and

daughter. Distribute the estate.

A Hanafi Muslim woman dies leaving her husband, father, mother and
three daughters. Distribute her property.

A hanafi muslim dies leaving his widow, son and daughter. Distribute
his property.
A Hanafi Muslim died leaving behind her husband,mother, son and
son's daughter. Distribute her property.

A hanafi muslim dies leaving his father, mother, two daughters and
son's daughter. Distribute the property among the heirs.

A Hanafi Muslim died leaving behind his wife,mother, daughter and

son's daughter. Distribute his property.

A sum of money is bequeathed to A, B and C to be equally

32 divided among them. B dies before the testator. A claims half the 3
legacy. Decide.

'A' bequeaths his legacy to 'B'. B dies before the testator. What
happens to the legacy?

A, a hindu converted to christianity before the death of his father.

34 2
Can A claim share in the property of his father on his death?

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