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This chapter will talk about the conclusion and recommendation

regarding to the discussion of the previous chapters and results of the study.


The researchers have concluded that in order to have a suitable way in

securing, retrieving and storing data, the Application of QR Based Algorithm

for Learning and Development Management System: The Case of Civil

Service, Philippines will help their dilemma in relation to duplication of entry

and misplacement of tangible documents of each employee. User-

friendliness, user interface design and ease of reservation are already

possessed by the system.

The current system is manually done by the Civil Service Commission

Regional Office and according to the interview conducted by the researchers,

they encounter different problems in conducting a training. The problems are

as follows, lack of manpower, reservation of participants is difficult to manage

in terms of cancellation of reservation, double entry of participants, difficulties

in retrieving information in releasing certificates and dissemination of

information about the training, likewise, during their attendance, some

participants are not honest and the possibilities that the persons with

disabilities cannot attend the said training. And in addition, when disaster

comes such the Yolanda typhoon the files of the Civil Service has lost. Some

of these problems occur due to the manual process of reservation. The

Application of QR Code Based Algorithm for Learning and Development

Management System: The Case of Civil Service, Philippines, aims to solve

problems encountered and to change the manual system into automated to

render quality of service. The Civil Service Commission Regional Office will

not have to store the data in a file cabinet or have a bulky paper in a table

instead; they will store the files in a database for better storage and high

confidentiality. And with the developmental and implemented of the system,

the following problems will be solved: reservation will be standardized and be

made easy for the would-be participants, request for cancellation will easily be

monitored, monitoring of participants per training will be easier for the office,

double entries will be eliminated, replacement of participant will be made

easy, attendance monitoring during the conduct of training will be easier for

both participants and the facilitator, information dissemination of trainings will

be improved, and notifying or confirming the reservations of participants right

after they have done the reservation. The system would be beneficial to the

office because this would provide more efficient and effective processing of

data, resulting to a faster and easier generation of the outputs.


The proponents had identified some recommendations which will be

discussed below. Each of these recommendations will be useful for the future

researchers in further improving methods in developing an web-based system

using a CodeIgniter (CI).

To the future researchers who will refer to this source or will be

developing an web-based system using PHP CodeIgniter framework they

should be knowledgeable enough with regards to basic foundation of PHP

and JavaScript scripting language. In addition to this, they should know one of

the basic functions of PHP framework (MVC- Model View Controller).

With regards in gathering data, Likert Scale – a 5-point scale survey

that is commonly used to know the respondents acceptability of the developed

software (Rahman, 2016). But before that, researchers should conduct

Cronbach’s Alpha Test prior to actual survey. Cronbach’s Alpha Test

determines the consistency of test items if the range is 0.70 above [ CITATION

Tav11 \l 1033 ]. Graupera (2017) and other studies mentioned that a result of

0.6 is considered acceptable depending on circumstances. The researchers

must ask need and guidance from experts like the panelist or advisers or

officials that can help explain a specific topic. Furthermore, respond to the

needs of the client and take note all important comments that needed to be



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