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Maryam Amin

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As the word itself reveals what it might
means . Thus we can describe it as
intolerance , radicalism , exaggeration
nothing positive of any sort . Without any
doubt we can say that whole world has
been dumped in it till knees . In todays
world nobody nor any field on a safe hand
from this plague.
Religious extremism :
It is the type of extremism which we face
largely in our world . Governments and
organizations are using it as a tool to
achieve their illegal aims . They try every
inhuman method to achieve their political
and non political aims . How are extremist
groups are created ? Nevertheless they are
funded by such organizations . They are
the one to be blamed
In Europe :
Trying not to be biased but these are the
one who started it all . As statements of
there official has proved it . After British it
is America who is now tying to rule the
world through this vicious scheme . As the
Muslims are victims of this . In every road
of life they are destined to overcome it .
Far white Christians are aiming to rule the
world by sowing the seed of religious
extremist . Hate is being promoted among
people in order to deviate them from the
failure of their own government . And
people are easily blinded by it .
In Asia :
As no one is safe so we are not an
exception .Lets take China in which
communist party is controlling the entire
country by provoking hate speech among
its minorities . Muslims are their biggest
target . Pakistan itself is not safe from it .
Religious extremism is also found in my
country despite if the fact that it is
prohibited in our religion. Some group of
people in the so called name of Islam are
playing politics by flaming extremism .
Sadly it is the thing we inherited from our
oppressors .
Conclusion :
Therefore knowing the fact that we are
being used by such fascist groups . It as
time to unveil their dirty games and think
by our minds . Undoubtedly it is vulgar act
and ultimately it destroys the whole
humanity as it disturb the peace of the
world .Extremism of any kind in not
justifiable on any grounds . Now it is up to
us if we still want to be puppets of people
who provoke others to such evil or use our
mind and see their cunning games with our
eyes wide open.

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