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Name of company Date and me the

Name of report report was printed
Administrator ex-
cuses the tardiness Name of employee

Page number of the

TimeTec User ID
Department the
employee belongs to

Total work hours

in a day/shi

Total OT work hours

in a day/shi

Name of leave taken

Total short me in a

Summary of leave
taken by employee

Employee’s a end-
ance summary

The general a endance records of an employee comprises of detailed clocking ac vi es of an employee in a month including his/her calculated work me, over me and short me. The
summary of a endance, tardiness and leave taken are also available in this report.
© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Name of report Date and me the Page no.
Name of employee report was printed of report
Administrator ex-
cuses the tardiness

TimeTec User ID Department

the employees
belongs to

Total work hours in a day / shi

Total OT work hours in a day/shi

Total short me
in a day/shi

Name of leave taken

Summary of leave taken by employee

Employee’s a endance summary

The general a endance records of an employee comprises of detailed clocking ac vi es of an employee in a month including his/her calculated work me, over me and short me. The
summary of a endance, tardiness and leave taken are also available in this report.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the

Name of report report was printed
Date of report

Page number of the


Working group
that employee
belongs to

Department the
Branch the employee belongs to
belongs to

TimeTec user Name of the Type of day Total work Total OT Tota short
ID of the employee for the date hours in a hours in a me in a
employee day/shi day/shi day/shi

This report lists employees’ daily a endance into one page, where an administrator is able to check daily a endance on all or selected employees along with its summary of a endance at
the bo om of the report.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Name of report Date and me the
Date range of report report was printed
Name of employee

Page number of the


TimeTec User ID
Department the
employee belongs to

The dates in a

Generate employee’s weekly a endance into a page with the summary of a endance at the bo om of the report.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the Page number of the

Legend Name of report report was printed report
Date range of report

Total work Total OT Total Short

Branch and depart- hour hour hour
ment that employee Details of First in and Last out
belongs to me of employee everyday
User ID and full
name of the

This report is a comprehensive report detailing ac vi es of all employees in a month including their leave taken, absence, tardiness and it also provides first
IN and last OUT me of every employee.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014
Date and me the Page no.
report was printed of report

Name of company
Name of report
Name of employee

Job/work code
User ID

Name of employee

Working schedule that the employee belongs to

Descrip on of Job/
work code

Total work hour, over me

and different OT

This report is exclusively for the Job Cost op on at the flexi schedule. It displays the users’ mul ple break me and also the job’s work code for the break me.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Date and me the Page no.

Name of company report was printed of report
Name of report

Name of employee

User ID

Job/work code
Total work hour Total over me

Summary of leave taken by employee

Summary of employee’s a endance

This report is the summary of the a endance details of the job cost op on at the flexi schedule. It displays the users’ mul ple break me and also the job’s
work code the par cular break me.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the Page number of the

Name of report report was printed report
Date range of report

Department the
employee belongs to
Branch the
belongs to

User ID and full Working Total work Total OT Total Short Leave taken
name of the schedule that hour hour hour
employee employee
belongs to

This report shows employees that have irregular clocking ac vi es, for example extended break me, early out, come in late, and etc. Administrator can correct these irregular clocking
ac vi es to match the ac vi es of the affected staff, if necessary.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014
Name of company Date and me the Page number of the
Name of report report was printed report
Date range of report

Working group
that employee
belongs to

Department the
employee belongs to

Branch that em-

ployee belongs to
User ID and name of

Employee went Employee came Total Short Total OT Leave taken

out early for lunch back late from lunch hour hour

This report shows employees with tardiness e.g. late in, early out and etc. This report shows the me of tardiness in red and the total short minutes as a result of the tardiness.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Working group Name of company Date and me the

that employee Name of report report was printed
belongs to Date range of report

Working schedule Type of leave Total leave

Date of Day of leave
Branch and department that that employee taken taken
leave taken taken
employee belongs to User ID and belongs to
name of employee

This report shows the list of employees who have taken leave and the par culars of their leave for reference.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Working group Name of company

Date and me the
that employee Name of report
report was printed
belongs to Date range of report

Branch and department that

employee belongs to Total work Total OT
User ID and name of employee hours hours

This is an over me approval worksheet report shows the list of employees that worked over me and the quan ty of hours that he/she is en tled to. This report is important for a superior
to check the details of over me actually taken before approving the claims.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Date and me the
Name of report
Legend report was printed
Date range of report

Branch and department that The working efficiency Details of tardiness

employee belongs to of the employee
User ID and name of employee

Total Short Total work Total OT

hour hours hours

This report details out the work rate, tardiness, total work me, OT and short for workdays/restdays and offdays for each employee. Analysis of each employee’s working performance could
be viewed using this report.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Date and me the Page number of the
Name of report
report was printed report
Date range of report

Branch and department that Working Predefined in Total late Total late Total days in Total rest- Total Total leave Total days
employee belongs to schedule of the and out me of in me in me the month days and absent take employee
User ID and name of employee employee the employee holidays in present to
a month work

The report looks similar to the a endance summary except it is missing work rate, work me, OT and short hours. With this report, employers can have an overview of
how many staff is late to work or have taken early out.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014
Name of company
Name of report Date and me the Page number of the
Date range of report report was printed report
Name of employee

Short Working OT of
Details of tardiness
me of me of employee in
employee employee a day
in a day in a day

This report details out the work rate, tardiness, total work me, OT and short for workdays/rest days and off days for the employees.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Name of report Date and me the Page number of the
Legend Date range of report report was printed report
Name of employee

Total days The working Short Working OT of

Tardiness details of the employee
in the efficiency of me of me of employee
month the employee employee employee

This report details out the work rate, tardiness, total work me, OT and short for workdays/rest days and off days for employees.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the Page number of the

Name of report report was printed report
Pay per hour Date range of report

Pay per hour Total pay Total pay

Branch employee belongs to
for normal for OT
User ID and name of employee
working hours

This report is useful for companies that pay their employees by hour. The report shows total work me and OT for different day types with different pay rates for calcula on. To predeter-
mine the rate/hour > user profile > select user > edit > rate/hour > insert value > submit to save se ngs.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the

Working group that Name of report report was printed
employee belongs to Date range of report

Branch and department that Time that employee Terminal that Work code inserted
employee belongs to report eda endance employee reported by employee
User ID and name of employee at the terminal a endance to

This report lists the details of a endance by user ID.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the

Working group that Name of report report was printed
employee belongs to Date range of report

Branch and depart- ID and name of Terminal Time that employee ID of employee Work code inserted by
ment that employee which employee reported reported a endance reported a endance employee
belongs to a endance to at the terminal at the terminal
User ID and name of

This report lists the transac on record of staff by terminal ID.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the

Name of report report was printed
Working group that Date range of report
employee belongs to

This report records all the transac on data downloaded from every terminal.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Name of report Date and me the Page no.
Data range of report report was printed of report

ID of terminal which employee

report a endacen to

Type of transac on the employee

performed at the termial

This report displays the monitoring ac vi es in each terminal. The informa on that will be displayed in this report includes terminal ID, user ID, terminal serial no.,
work codes, date/ me during verifica on and etc.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Name of report Date and me the Page number of the
Schedule number report was printed report
Name of schedule

This is a checklist showing detailed se ngs of clocking schedules.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Name of report Date and me the
Duty Group number report was printed

The month of The working Work day Rest day

calendar schedule

This is a checklist showing the annual working calendar of a par cular working group.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Name of report Date and me the
Date range of the week report was printed

Employee ID and name Detailing the duty roster of each staff

This is a checklist of the weekly working calendar of a par cular working group.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Date and me the
Name of report
report was printed
Month of the roster

Number indicates which “L” indicates employee is on

working group the employee leave for the par cular day
belongs to

This is a checklist of the weekly working calendar of a par cular working group.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Date and me the

Name of company
report was printed
Name of report

Employees’ user ID and name Branch and department em- Working group em- Working group em-
ployees belong to ployees belong to ployees belong to

A list of all or selected employees’ names.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the

Name of report report was printed
Date range of the week

Names of branches

A list of all branch names.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the

Name of report report was printed

Names of department

A list of all department names.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company Date and me the

Name of report report was printed

Names of Sec on

A list of all sec on names.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014

Name of company
Name of report

Names of remark Relevant work codes

A list of all remark names.

© 2015 TimeTec Computing Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. l Updated 14-08-2014
Name of Company T imeT ec C omputing S dn B hd

C locking Data from T erminal (01/07/2017 - 31/07/2017)

Details of terminal(s) where

Terminal ID: 12(Wooden door entry (62), 13(Wooden door exit (63), 11(Glass exit (61)
this user performed clocking

User ID & User Name

Department or Division for User
3039 - Henry Pang Kok Loong
TimeTec Group > TimeTec Computing Sdn Bhd > Product Development
Diff OT
Date Workday Day T ype In Out Work Overtime S hort Hour Leave T ype Work C ode
03/07/2017 Monday Workday 09:06 AM 8.00 0.10
(ID: 12)
04/07/2017 Tuesday Workday 08:58 AM 06:13 PM 8.00 0.13
(ID: 12) (ID: 13) Name
06/07/2017 Thursday Workday Annual of
07/07/2017 Friday Workday 06:10 PM 7.34 0.26 Leave
(ID: 13) taken
11/07/2017 Tuesday Workday 08:53 AM 8.00 0.33
(ID: 12)
13/07/2017 Thursday Workday 06:18 PM 8.00 0.18
(ID: 13)
14/07/2017 Friday Workday 09:07 AM 8.00 0.17
(ID: 12)
17/07/2017 Monday Workday 06:22 PM 8.00
(ID: 13)
18/07/2017 Tuesday Workday 08:56 AM 7.55 0.05
(ID: 12)
20/07/2017 Thursday Workday 09:09 AM 8.00 0.40
(ID: 12)
21/07/2017 Friday Workday 08:57 AM 06:07 PM 8.00 0.07
(ID: 12) (ID: 13)
24/07/2017 Monday Workday 08:47 AM 7.47 0.13
(ID: 12)
25/07/2017 Tuesday Workday 09:05 AM 06:16 PM 8.00 0.16
(ID: 12) (ID: 11)
28/07/2017 Friday Workday 08:59 AM 06:08 PM 6.31 1.29
(ID: 12) (ID: 11)
31/07/2017 Monday Workday Annual

Leave: Annual 2.00 Summary of leave taken by the employee


Day T ype Days P res ent Abs ent On Leave Work Overtime Diff OT Hour S hort Hour
Workday 21.00 19.00 2.00 144.18 2.46 7.42
Restday 10.00
31.00 19.00 2.00 144.18 2.46 7.42

Employee’s attendance summary

Supervisor Henry Pang Kok Loong
Date Date

This report is catered to track users clocking on Fingertec terminals. Each clocking data will display the ID of Fingertec device
for monitoring purpose. The report displays general user attendance records, comprising of user Clock In, Out, Work time,
Overtime, Short Hour and Leave taken within the chosen date range.

Date and time the report was generated Admin that generated the report

Generated 11/08/2017 09:53:22 AM 1 of 1 Printed by

Name of Company Huds on Auto

F ingertec T erminal Us er Lis t

Terminal Model Terminal Serial Number Total users in the terminal

T erminal ID : 109 Model : TA200 Plus S erial No. : 3213512 T otal Us er(s ) : 9

No. T imeT ec Us er ID Us ername P rivilege P as s word C ard No. F ingerprint

1 140000 Bakri Enroller 0000000000 2

2 140001 Dambar User 0000000000 2

3 140002 Dipendra User 0000000000 2

4 140003 HomBahadur User 0000000000 2

5 140005 Fitri User 0000000000 2

6 140006 Gajendra User 0000000000 2

7 140007 Motilal User 0000000000 2

8 140008 WanNoraini User 0000000000 2

9 999999 Ken Supervisor Yes 6683612 1

This report is exclusively for accounts using Fingertec terminals within TimeTec TA. Details out user list for the selected
Fingertec terminal, together with their privileges, user ID and clocking methods allowed.

Date and time the report was generated Admin that generated the report

Generated 2017/07/28 10:30:23 1 of 1 Printed by

Name of Company Huds on Auto

Mobile Location Tracking Report (2017/07/01 - 2017/07/28)

Coordinates Clocking type Reporting Description

Location of of Clocking selected while channel used of Job/ Work
Clocking Location clocking for clocking Code

T imeT ec C locking R eporting

Date T ime Name Location C oordinates R emark
Us er ID T ype C hannel
2017/07/02 03:03:02 1992 Una Jalan Sekolah, Kampung 3.1653875, Clock-In GPS Clock-In
Bukit Kapar, 40150 101.4229918
Kapar, Selangor,
2017/07/07 22:29:59 1992 Una Jalan Sekolah, Kampung 3.1657416, Clock-In GPS Clock-In
Bukit Kapar, 40150 101.4228147
Kapar, Selangor,
2017/07/08 00:43:34 1992 Una Jalan Sekolah, Kampung 3.1656718, Clock-In GPS Clock-In
Bukit Kapar, 40150 101.4227557
Kapar, Selangor,
2017/07/10 10:29:54 1992 Una 2-10, Jalan BK 3/2, 3.0532324, Clock-In GPS Clock-In
Bandar Kinrara 3, 47180 101.6382772
Puchong, Selangor,
2017/07/14 10:55:09 1992 Una Main Office 3.0532227, Clock-In GPS Clock-In

2017/07/14 11:17:51 1992 Una Main Office 3.0532227, Clock-In GPS Clock-In

2017/07/17 10:28:54 696969 puah test 3.0531991, Clock-In GPS Clock-In


2017/07/17 10:30:15 696969 puah test 3.0531572, Clock-In GPS Clock-In


2017/07/19 23:30:29 1992 Una Jalan Sekolah, Kampung 3.1657919, Clock-In GPS Clock-In
Bukit Kapar, 40150 101.4227431
Kapar, Selangor,

Test Technical
2017/07/10 10:25:38 14 Faiz Shu Izhan 2-10, Jalan BK 3/2, 3.053213, Clock-In Supervisor
Bandar Kinrara 3, 47180 101.6382995 Clock-In
Puchong, Selangor,

This report enables Administrators to monitor the location that a mobile clocking is made. There are details of the date, time,
location, coordinates and reporting channel options (GPS/NFC/Beacon/Supervisor Clock-In) for mobile punches made by the
user. This report is also available in a User View, where users are able to view their own mobile clocking records.

Date and time the report was generated Admin that generated the report

Generated 2017/07/28 09:59:27 1 of 1 Printed by

Name of Company T imeT ec C omputing S dn B hd

Terminal Disconnection Report (01/11/2016 - 01/01/2017) Duration terminal was disconnected

before reconnection to TimeTec
Bandar Kinrara (HQ) Terminal Group selected for the report

No S erial No. Model Location Dis connect R econnect Duration (mins )

1 3101409 Staircase entrance (64) 18/11/2016 06:01 PM - -
2 3101409 Staircase entrance (64) 10/11/2016 08:06 PM 10/11/2016 08:13 PM 7
3 3101409 Staircase entrance (64) 06/11/2016 08:05 PM 06/11/2016 08:12 PM 7
4 3101409 Staircase entrance (64) 02/11/2016 04:25 PM 02/11/2016 04:31 PM 6
5 3101409 Staircase entrance (64) 02/11/2016 03:58 PM 02/11/2016 04:05 PM 7
6 3101409 Staircase entrance (64) 02/11/2016 03:12 PM 02/11/2016 03:22 PM 10
7 3101409 Staircase entrance (64) 02/11/2016 03:03 PM 02/11/2016 03:10 PM 7
8 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 15/12/2016 10:30 AM 15/12/2016 10:36 AM 6
9 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 08/12/2016 06:03 PM 08/12/2016 06:36 PM 33
10 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 08/12/2016 03:17 PM 08/12/2016 03:27 PM 10
11 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 08/12/2016 12:40 PM 08/12/2016 01:57 PM 77
12 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 07/12/2016 08:07 PM 07/12/2016 08:12 PM 5
13 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 25/11/2016 08:08 PM 25/11/2016 08:13 PM 5
14 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 18/11/2016 08:06 PM 18/11/2016 08:13 PM 7
15 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 14/11/2016 08:11 AM 14/11/2016 08:17 AM 6
16 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 10/11/2016 08:06 PM 10/11/2016 08:13 PM 7
17 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 02/11/2016 03:12 PM 02/11/2016 03:21 PM 9
18 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 02/11/2016 03:02 PM 02/11/2016 03:11 PM 9
19 3101300 Wooden door exit (63) 02/11/2016 09:00 AM 02/11/2016 09:07 AM 7
20 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 15/12/2016 12:09 PM 15/12/2016 12:15 PM 6
21 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 15/12/2016 10:30 AM 15/12/2016 10:35 AM 5
22 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 10/12/2016 08:07 PM 10/12/2016 08:13 PM 6
23 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 08/12/2016 12:40 PM 08/12/2016 01:56 PM 76
24 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 25/11/2016 08:06 PM 25/11/2016 08:13 PM 7
25 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 20/11/2016 08:08 PM 20/11/2016 08:13 PM 5
26 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 15/11/2016 08:08 AM 15/11/2016 08:13 AM 5
27 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 14/11/2016 08:10 AM 14/11/2016 08:16 AM 6
28 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 09/11/2016 08:07 PM 09/11/2016 08:13 PM 6
29 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 02/11/2016 03:12 PM 02/11/2016 03:22 PM 10
30 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 02/11/2016 03:02 PM 02/11/2016 03:09 PM 7
31 3101237 TA100TC Wooden door entry (62) 02/11/2016 09:01 AM 02/11/2016 09:06 AM 5
32 3101217 Q2i Glass exit (61) 15/12/2016 12:10 PM 15/12/2016 12:15 PM 5
33 3101217 Q2i Glass exit (61) 15/12/2016 10:29 AM 15/12/2016 10:35 AM 6
34 3101217 Q2i Glass exit (61) 15/12/2016 08:08 AM 15/12/2016 08:14 AM 6
35 3101217 Q2i Glass exit (61) 12/12/2016 08:13 AM 12/12/2016 08:18 AM 5
36 3101217 Q2i Glass exit (61) 08/12/2016 12:39 PM 08/12/2016 01:57 PM 78

This report displays records of any disconnection from TimeTec within a period of time for the selected terminals. It includes
the disconnected and reconnection time of the terminal as well as the duration in between those two times.

Date and time the report was generated Admin that generated the report

Generated 11/08/2017 11:29:39 AM 1 of 4 Printed by

Name of Company Huds on Auto

Daily Gross Wages Report (2017/07/04 - 2017/07/08)

workday Holiday R es tday Offday

WOR K T IME x 100 % x 300 % x 100 % x 100 % Pay rates for each
day type, this can be
OV E R T IME x 200 % x 200 % x 100 % x 100 % set in Company >
Day type
DIF F OT HOUR x 200 % x0% x 100 % x 100 %

Wages Percentage by Day Type

User ID & User Name

Rate per hour for this user,

1992 - Una required to be set in User Profile

Date Workday Day T ype In Out R ate per Hour (R M 5) T otal


Work Hour Work Hour Overtime Overtime x Diff.OT Diff.OT x

x R ate R ate (R M) R ate (R M)
(R M)

2017/07/04 Tuesday workday 08:01 23:50 8.24 42.00 0.50 8.30 1.00 10.00 RM 60.30

2017/07/05 Wednesday workday 08:59 23:25 7.25 37.10 0.25 4.20 1.00 10.00 RM 51.30

2017/07/06 Thursday workday 08:15 23:49 8.25 42.10 0.49 8.20 1.00 10.00 RM 60.30

2017/07/07 Friday workday 07:45 23:15 8.30 42.50 0.15 2.50 1.00 10.00 RM 55.00

2017/07/08 Saturday Restday 07:31 23:34 8.16 41.35 0.34 2.85 1.00 5.00 RM 49.20

G rand T otal 205.05 26.05 45.00 R M 276.10

This report shows the daily Work time and Overtime (OT) for different day types with different pay rates for salary calculation,
which will be useful for companies that pay their employees by hour.

Date and time the report was generated Admin that generated the report

Generated 2017/07/27 10:40:02 1 of 1 Printed by

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