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Name : Khổng Quang Minh
ID : minhkqFX06049

1. Which issue is more disconcerting - a board member leaked

confidential information about the firm or the tactics used to
investigate the leak? Discuss about your opinion and defense it
by the knowledge obtained.

My opinion: In my personal opinion, I found it very important and more

dangerous to " the tactics used to investigate the leak". In the HP scandal, the
main controversy was that while investigating board members, private detectives
used illegal methods to gather information and evidence. Leaking information of
board members is also a violation of law. But when it was unclear who violated it,
Dunn investigated all council members and violated their individual rights. The
point here is that those who did not leak HP's information but still have their
personal rights violated through investigative activities.

The actions of detectives violate basic human rights of people. Each person
should be protected with his or her personal information. Considering
pragmatism, there may be people who agree when the interests of the company
are first. But every person on the board has his own right to choose. Will they
agree to the collection of personal information for investigation? The investigation
had unlawful acts affecting individuals without their permission. Moreover, the
illegal collection of personal information can affect other aspects, other issues in
their lives, issues that are not related to HP leaks (such as family matters). ,
children, and more).

2. Can the use of pretexting to gain information ever be justified?

Is it considered legal under any circumstances?

According to my personal opinion, I think that used of pretexting to gain personal

information of another person without the consent of the state agency authorized
it are illegal and must be punished punishment by law.
Only in special cases (such as criminal investigations, criminal evidence
searches, ...) and authorized by the competent authorities, use of pretexting to
get personal information of others is considered legal.

Article 12 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948

states: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary infringement on privacy, family,
home, correspondence or insult to honor. or reputation. Everyone has the right to
the law to protect against such infringements. ” This is the premise, the basic
foundation for countries to try to reach this common standard.

In Vietnam, the right to private life, personal secrets and family secrets is clearly
defined, in the 2013 constitution article 21 of the constitution stipulates “Everyone
has the right to inviolability of private life, personal secret, family secret; have the
right to protect his honor and reputation; Information about private life, personal
secrets and family secrets is guaranteed by law ”. The Civil Code 2015, Article
38, Clause 1 states: "Personal life, personal secrets, family secrets are inviolable
and protected by law ...".

As analyzed above, we can see that the infringement of privacy, personal

information of others is condemned by Vietnamese law and the world, anyone
who violates will be violating the law and must be punished.

3. Contact

Pretexting is another form of social engineering where attackers focus on

creating a good pretext, or a fabricated scenario, that they can use to try stealing
their victims’ personal information. These attacks commonly take the form of a
scammer pretending to need certain information from their target in order to
confirm their identity.

Pretexters can impersonate co-workers, police officers, bankers, tax authorities,

clergy, insurance investigators, etc. Simply put: anyone who can be perceived as
having authority or a right-to-know by the targeted victim. The pretexter must
simply prepare answers to questions that might be asked by the victim.
Sometimes, an authoritative voice, an earnest tone, and an ability to think on
one’s feet are all that is needed to create a pretextual scenario.

Pretexting attacks are commonly used to gain both sensitive and non-sensitive
information. For instance, a group of scammers posed as representatives from
modeling agencies and escort services. They invented fake background stories
and interview questions to make women and teenage girls, send them nude
pictures of themselves. Later, they sold those pictures to pornographic
businesses for large amounts of money.

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