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- Narrative Story

Submitted to: Ms. Krizzia Caliso

English 3 Teacher

Submitted by: Athena D. Ledesma

ABM11 – B
Chapter 1


Was there something more severe to feel other than that? Many would say,
“Stop clinging to what hurts you, instead learn from it and grow”. Well, that is a
point that a man could rightfully share though. To feel pain is also to be alive.
How could a tear fall from a corpse’ eyes?

Pain is a feeling that our body requires to perceive so that we would be

able to withstand what is coming next. It makes us stronger, bolder, and wiser.
But pain is something that should never be shared, for pain is present to all. You
may let people know your heart is in pieces, but breaking theirs too is another

To learn from it is okay. To grow from it is okay… but telling people to

stop feeling that pain is also telling people to stop blinking their eyes for a year.
To feel pain is involuntary. For having that pain for so long is immeasurable.
Every man’s tolerance to pain is different. You may torture someone with words
but still tolerate it with understanding. You may hit someone with jokes but scar
them for life.

Pain is a toxic that reacts like medicine – as long as proper use is

undertaken.” – A. P.

“Hey you pig! What’s with these nonsense quotes you were writing again?!” Someone
suddenly roared like a hungry lion in a cage. A blonde girl approached Aramis with her
comrades – or so what she prefers to be called – following her like a tail.

“H-hi Mia! What are you talking about?” Aramis replied, stuttering, with an awkward
smile all plastered on her lips.


Mia the blonde girl threw her tray at Aramis’ table with all of her force gathering
everyone’s attention. Her hands were shaking, completely frightened for what this bully may do
to her again. Composing herself, she casted her well-practiced unaffected face – making Mia
rage into her temper again. She likes it when people are afraid of her. She thinks it’s a sign of
respect. Completely making a fool of herself.
The cafeteria’s staffs weren’t able to do anything for Mia has this so called
“connections” at the higher positions. People at the cafeteria were completely quiet. As if they
were just waiting for a movie’s next scenario.

Aramis was gripping onto her skirt as Mia was spilling the orange juice on her head.
People reacted like an audience to a show. Not even minding to stop the commotion. Mia felt
satisfied of doing such. She thinks of herself as powerful – the superior. No one would ever dare
to stop her. She then left the place as if she won something but totally achieves nothing.

On the other hand, Aramis was trying to compose herself acting like nothing happened
even though all eyes were still on her as she was packing her things. She felt every move she
made was being observed. Who wouldn’t? Her face was completely covered with that sticky
orange juice.

As she was walking at the hallway heading to the comfort room, her eyes were already
showing off how hurt she was. What’s more awful was that, no one dared to sooth her. Her lips
were shaking as her voice was raging to scream the pain she felt. Her palms were completely
wounded as her nails were dug in to her skin as she was controlling herself earlier.

Arriving at the comfort room, she hastily entered a cubicle pouring her tears out. But still,
not a sound was heard.

“Have you read the school’s quote today?” a female voice was heard outside the cubicle,
turning on the faucet. Aramis’ crying session paused as she tried to listen to the conversation.

“Yeah, it was about ‘pain’ right?” another female voice responded.

“Yes sissy! But after the quote, there was a note written that we can name a student who
seems to be a bully and shall be called to the Discipline Office! And guess who…?” the girl
asked as if it’s a very interesting topic.

“Mia Anderson?”

“YES! And she just made a scene with Aramis again. Tsk, poor Aramis. I don’t even get
it why Mia always bullies her. She keeps calling her a pig she’s not even that fat.” then their
footsteps were heard – fading, leaving the room.

Aramis was tired of crying, she fixed her bag and went out of the cubicle. Letting the
water flow on her palm then washed her face with it that somehow seemed to calm her. She
faced the mirror looking straight to her own eyes. Eyes that is deep like well. Maybe that was the
reason why no one dared to look at her – knowing she’s too deep that they might get drowned.
Her face is like a plain mask – too emotionless. She then tied her hair into a bun making
the scar on her face more visible. A scar that will always remind her of her nightmares.

Chapter 2

An eerie silence was enclosing the hallways. No one was already passing the halls since it
was already pass the dismissal time. Her steps echoed, breaking the silence. The breeze was
soothing, making her mind filled with serenity.

As she was passing the Locker’s Corridor, she heard footsteps following her. She did not
dare to look back and check who it was. Instead, she hastens her pace and continued walking.
When she was about to take a turn, she suddenly bumped into someone.

“Stupid! Look what have you done!” A female voice screamed in front of her. It was
Mia. Her shirt was all covered of coffee as Aramis accidentally bumped her.

“I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean it.” she said as she was trying to dry her clothes with
her handkerchief. She then snapped her hands away and threw her empty cup to her – making her
flinch to the force.

“Don’t touch me you filthy pig! You know what? You really deserved to be called as
such! You are greedy for attention so you act pitiful but still stay on your own wastes. You
disgust me Aramis, that’s why no one will ever like you!” she shouted.

“What do you know about me?” Aramis asked her, voice so deep and firm. Mia was
taken aback, not expecting this version of Aramis – knowing Aramis never talked back at her,
not even once.

“I don’t have to know you just to say this pig. With that disgusting scar on your face
makes you look like a criminal and that face do not belong here in my school. I’m sure it was you
who wrote my name there at Today’s Quote forum. Good news for you pig, I’m suspended! But
here’s the thing, it will not stop me making your life like hell until you leave my territory.” She
said while pointing her fingers on Aramis’ forehead. Then Aramis looked at her, straight to her
eyes, like already judging her soul.

“So does that make you ‘Satan’?” Aramis asked her, with pure sarcasm on her tone.
In rage, Mia was about to slap her but a foreign hand was able to stop it. A tall guy with a
blank expression on his face had a tight grip on Mia’s hands but still facing Aramis. His hazel
eyes looked at her as if examining how okay she was. Mia loses herself from the grip and was
completely shocked by the sudden intrusion.

“Who do you think you are?” she asked completely irritated.

“I’m the School’s Council President. I’m the one who is responsible for today’s quote
forum and I know that it has nothing to do with your suspension. You are caught on our CCTV
Camera bullying a student which is strictly prohibited according to our school’s policies.” his
deep voice sounded so firm making Mia took a step a back.

“W-what?” Mia asked, stuttering.

“It’s better if you leave now Miss Anderson or you can have another ticket to the
Discipline Office from me, your choice.” He told her, making Mia clear her throat.

“We’re not yet done Aramis.” She said, giving Aramis her glares and left the place.

He took a look at Aramis face again. Aramis jokingly punch his shoulder.

“Stop taking credits for my fights Andrew.” Aramis casually told him, but Andrew’s
musical laughter echoed the place. Her lips were able to curve a smile because of his laugh. The
very first smile that she casted today.

“I can’t believe you just said that. Did you even fight?” Andrew teased her, chuckling.
Aramis glared at him, making him earning a whack on his head, not able to dodge.

They then started walking, heading their way home.

“Aramis.” Andrew’s deep voice called her.


“I just want you to know that you are still beautiful even if you have that scar.” he told
her. She looked at him, sensing how serious he was. The gloomy sky matched their atmosphere.
A cold breeze envelopes them yet it never interrupted the scene.

Suddenly, Aramis’ tears went streaming down on her cheeks. She weeps again for
remembering her nightmare that scarred her, physically and emotionally.
It was the after party of her debut when she was finally legal to drive her new car.
Together with her very boy best friend Vincent – Mia’s friend too, she drove it not asking for the
permission of their parents. Driving the car, Aramis was not able to avoid the coming truck.
Waking up at the hospital, she was just then welcomed by Vincent’s funeral notice. Realizing
that she was the only one who was able to survive.

Andrew globes her into a hug.

“Maybe you made a mistake, but it’s not your entire fault.” He whispered, calming

Chapter 3



Two lines that welcome Aramis at the announcement board as she arrived early in the
morning. Her face wasn’t able to express how crestfallen she was. All the students were just
completely staring at her as she was passing by the halls.

“Was she really a criminal?”

“Maybe, she will be expelled right? Maybe that was the reason why.”

“I thought she was just an introvert. I can’t believe this.”

“But the school can’t expel her right away, right?”

Aramis discharge herself to the crowd’s voice by plugging an earphone to her ears and
played the music. She then entered the cafeteria ang bought an icecream. Not having care to the
people who was judging her.

All of sudden, crumpled papers were thrown at her table, some were disposable cups and
tissues. She removed her earphones and heard how the crowd curses her. Someone suddenly
tapped her back. It was a gay who smiles at her, sarcastically.

“Get lost pig!” the gay whispered on her ears, purely sarcastic.

Ignoring them, Aramis stood up leaving the cafeteria. Her tears were already so close to
her eyes. Passing by the announcement board again the crowd doubled.
“Hey! The pig is going to be expelled!” A student shouted while dancing like a dumb
where everyone then laughed.
Aramis was so close to her tears but suddenly Andrew arrived were everyone was then
silenced. Aramis wasn’t able to look at him, for any another eye movement will cause her eyes to

Andrew opened the board and picked out the paper were Aramis’ name was printed as a
candidate for expulsion. Everyone was quiet, waiting for him to confirm the news. Andrew
raised the paper to the crowd for them to see it one last time. Students started to shout as if it was
the best news the saw.

Andrew’s face was still serious and his hazel eyes were blank. No expression to read.

The shouts came to ceased as Andrew reaped the paper into pieces right in front of them.
His eyebrows started to narrow and his eyes started to express how annoyed he was. The
students were shocked by the sudden outrage of the School’s President who was known as the
well-composed person.

“Aramis Palma is not going to be expelled and this paper is a fraud. The student who
posted this paper without the permission from the office shall be investigated and shall undergo
disciplinary actions.” Andrew announced to the crowd dead serious.

“Mr. President, you know what? I really wonder why you are so protective of Aramis.
Are you being bias?” Mia suddenly asked, purely sarcastic to Andrew.

“As a Students Council Officer it is my responsibility to give proper actions when there’s
an existing amiss regarding to my fellow students. In case you forget my name Miss Anderson, I
am Andrew Palma.” Andrew replied, matching Mia’s sarcasm.

“And so?”

“As Aramis’ twin brother, it is also my responsibility to protect her.” he said and
everyone was silenced by the revelation.

Andrew took a sticky note on Aramis’ back saying ‘I’m a pig’.

“Now my time to ask, how many number of tongue do you have? How many eyes do you
have? Isn’t it the same with ours?” no one dared to answer his question.

“I gave you an information not even reaching a half of my whole story, but still none of
you reacted like garbage. Now, none of you have the information reaching half of the half of
Aramis scar’s whole story, but all of you treated her like trash. Are you all hypocrites?” Andrew
asked dead serious.
“I am not obliged to tell you all my entire story so none of you has the right to treat me
like a judge in a court – just to justify your nonsense stupid rumours. We all have the same
number of tongue, but I listen more and only understand your range of comprehension. We all
have the same number of eyes, but I observe and see more of what your words simply shows.”
Aramis stated making everyone looked at her now differently. She then left the place and was
followed by Andrew.

When they were already seemed distant to the crowd Aramis stopped to take a breath for
she felt she just stopped breathing for the whole day.

“I thought you would never say a word again Aramis.” Andew teased her while

“Stop it twin brother! Psh!” Aramis addressed him sarcastically.

“Hey! Respect lady! I’m still 5 minutes older than you.” he said. Aramis continued
walking, in her mind she was praying for a better day.

The End

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