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Harmony Engine Evo RTAS OS X Notes

Thank you for purchasing or evaluating Harmony Engine Evo RTAS for Mac OS X.
While the Owner's Manual contains all the platform-independent information
you'll need to get the full benefit of Harmony Engine Evo (and we really
encourage you to read it), this file includes specific installation and use issues
unique to the RTAS OS X version.


The Harmony Engine Evo RTAS installer will automatically install the plug-in in
the correct location, and no reboot of the computer will be necessary.


Authorization is the process by which this software is allowed to run on your

computer. Detailed instructions covering the available authorization options will
be found in the file “Authorization Read Me” which is included on the installation
CD ROM or with your software download.

NOTE: When initially installed, this software will run for ten days without

So even if you can‘t authorize it right away you can still use your software in
the meantime. (During this period, click the “Continue” button whenever you
are presented with the Trial Period screen at launch.) But don’t procrastinate
too long. After those ten days are up, you will no longer be able to launch this
software until it’s authorized.


Harmony Engine Evo can be used as a real-time RTAS plug-in or from the
AudioSuite menu.


Within Pro Tools's hierarchical plug-in menus, Harmony Engine Evo will be found
in the category "Pitch Shift."

In Pro Tools, Option-Click a continuous control (i.e., slider or knob) to reset it to

its default value.


In the original Harmony Engine, when you were using Scale Interval or
Chord Degrees mode in combination with the Harmony Preset buttons,
the settings of the Key/Root and Scale popups were not stored with
button presets. THIS FUNCTION HAS BEEN CHANGED in Harmony Engine
Evo. The settings of the Key/Root and Scale popups ARE now stored with
button presets. If you have existing sessions using Harmony Engine that
depend on the old functionality, you may have to modify your button
presets and/or any host automation of the Key/Root and Scale popups.


Harmony Engine Evo contains a new group of presets which are designed to
highlight the addition of CHOIR. If you have modified and saved any of the
presets that were included with the original Harmony Engine, these presets will
not be overwritten by installing Harmony Engine Evo. Any unmodified original
Harmony Engine presets can be safely deleted since the basic settings from the
older presets can be recalled using the new presets included with Harmony
Engine Evo.


Here are basic instructions for routing MIDI to Harmony Engine Evo in Pro Tools:

• Instantiate Harmony Engine Evo on an audio track.

• Create a MIDI track (or use an existing MIDI track).

• Go to the Mix view.

• Select Harmony Engine Evo as the destination for the output of your MIDI
track using the MIDI output selection popup (the middle of the three popups
above the MIDI channel's pan slider).

• If you are using Chords via MIDI or MIDI Omni mode, any MIDI channel will
work. If, however, you are using MIDI Channels mode, you must select the
proper channel.
Additionally, the "Stay By Me" and "Lift Us Away" tutorial sessions have MIDI
pre-routed, so you can always open those sessions and simply replace our files
with yours.


Currently, Pro Tools does not provide Harmony Engine Evo with the ability to
generate 5 individual real-time audio tracks where additional plug-ins can be
added. However, you can create a 5 channel bus and do a non-real-time export
of the 5 Harmony Engine Evo voices to separate tracks for additional
processing. Refer to your Pro Tools manual for details. Additionally, we will be
adding step-by-step instructions for accomplishing this to our web
Knowledgebase. Watch for it.

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