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1. Organic Law of Education 8/2013, 9th December, for the Improvement of Educational
Quality (Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa)
which modifies the Organic Law of Education 2/2006, 3rd May (Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3
de mayo, de Educación).
2. Royal Decree 1105/2014, 26th December (Real Decreto 1105/2014, de 26 de diciembre)
whereby the teaching requirements for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate
are established.
3. Law of Non-University Education in the Canary Islands 6/2014, 25 th July (Ley 6/2014, de
25 de julio, Canaria de Educación no Universitaria) regulates the education system in the
Community of Canary Islands and its evaluation, with exception of University education,
which is designed to respond to its unique reality.
4. Decree 315/2015, 28th August (Decreto 315/2015, de 28 de agosto) establishes the ordinance
of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate in the Autonomous Community of
Canary Islands
5. Decree 83/2016, 4th July (Decreto 83/2016, de 4 de julio) establishes the curriculum of
Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate in our community in accordance with
Royal Decree 1105/2014 and Order ECD/65/2015, 21st January.
6. Order ECD/65/2015, 21st January, wherein the relationship between key competences,
content and assessment criteria of Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education and
Baccalaureate are described.
7. Decree 81/2010, July 8th, (Decreto 81/2010, de 8 de julio) whereby the Organic Regulations
of Non-University Educative Centres of Canary Islands are established. Every educational
centre in the Canary Islands also adheres to the Resolution of the Vice-Ministry of
Education and Universities through which instructions for organisation and operation are
issued to public non-university educational centres of the Autonomous Community of the
Canary Islands for the academic year 2019-2020.
8. The School Educational Project is developed in accordance with article 121 of the Organic
Law of Education 2/2006, 3rd May.
9. The Annual General Programme is developed in accordance with article 125 of Organic
Law of Education 2/2006, 3rd May.
10. Article 42 of Decree 81/2010 defines the Annual General Programme as the academic plan
that schools develop at the beginning of each academic year in order to establish an action
plan derived from the School Educational Project as a result of previous year’s report and,
consequently, establishes the School Improvement Plan for the present academic year.

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