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Jews Caused The Civil War

In this 12-part essay from Willie Martin of Jew Watch is the entire history of how, when and why the Civil
War was perpetrated upon the united states.  There is more history on this page than was ever known or
taught in American schools.  And I have no doubt that it is the absolute truth based on what I know of Jews
and their history in this country and it’s apparent they sent emissaries to the ends of the earth to orchestrate
one of the bloodiest conflicts on American soil.  Be prepared for a long read, but it is essential that you do
read every word to know the truth behind the lies of the War Between the States for over 150 years.


Jews Caused The Civil War – Part 1

Caleb Cushing himself was appointed minister to China to make the arrangements! In typical political fashion,
he gave several speeches to the American public before he left in which he repeated, over and over, his pro-
American and anti-British beliefs.

He then bought for himself a very elaborate Major General’s uniform and had prepared for him a letter of
introduction written by Daniel Webster and signed by President Tyler. The letter stated: “It is proper, and
according to the will of heaven, that our two governments should respect each other, and act wisely. I therefore
send to you Count Caleb Cushing, one of the wise and learned men of this country. We doubt not that you will
be pleased that our ministry of peace shall come to Peking and that your great officers will, by your order, make
a treaty with him to regulate affairs of trade, so that nothing may happen to disturb the peace between China and

Note that the letter called Caleb Cushing a “Count” which was in direct violation of United States policy.
Notice also that Caleb stated to the people of the United States that he was pro-American and anti-British, thus,
he went to China under a total misrepresentation to the American people. He set sail for China with a sizable
fleet of warships. He first stopped and exchanged views with British officials in Malta, Bombay and Colombo.
He was received and saluted by the British and was given the details of the British communication systems for
their entire empire. When he arrive in China, the Chinese Emperor wasn’t looking forward to his arrival. He
didn’t want another rape of Chinese sovereignty like he had just received from the British.

So Cushing sent him a letter:  “It is neither the custom in China, nor consistent with the high character of its
sovereign, to decline to receive the embassies of friendly states. To do so, indeed, would among western States
be considered an act of national insult, and a just cause of war.”

Nothing happened. The Chinese Emperor remained quiet. So, one week later he wrote another letter which said:
“It is my duty, in the outset, not to omit any of the tokens of respect customary among western nations. If these
demonstrations are not met in a correspondent manner, it will be the misfortune of China, but it will not be the
fault of the United States.”

Cushing then ordered an American warship to sail up to Canton Bay and fire a few warning shots into
Whampoa. The Chinese still refused to reply. So, Cushing sent another letter: “I can assure your excellency that
this is not the way for China to cultivate good will and maintain peace. The late war with England was caused
by the conduct of authorities at Canton, in disregarding the rights of public officers who represented the British
Government. If, in the face of the experience of the last five years, the Chinese government now reverts to
antiquated customs, which have already brought such disaster upon her, it can be regarded in no other light than
as evidence that she invites and desires war with the other great Western Powers.” (Claude M. Fuess, The Life
of Caleb Cushing, Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York 1923)

The Chinese government was no match for the armada of navy ships that arrived on the Chinese coast prepared
for war. China capitulated and signed the treaty which gave to the United States the same freedoms and rights in
China that the British had. Thus, Cushing arranged for the open opium trade with China by the Boston
Brahmins, those very “dear” fellows who ruled America from behind the scenes then and just like their
descendants do today. Of course, the American public didn’t know about this, but nevertheless we were judged
as a nation by Yahweh. Then, on his way home from China, he stopped in Mexico to create more havoc for the
American reputation.

In addition to further destroying the American reputation, he was to set the stage for the development of a part
of their new empire, not to be confused with the expansion of the United States. The Tyler administration was
concurrently with the Cushing China debacle, planning on Annexing Texas to the Union. Texas had already
revolted from Mexico and declared itself to be an independent republic.

John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay approved of annexing Texas but not if it would cause war between the
U.S. and Mexico. Mexico flatly stated that if the U.S. annexed Texas, war would be declared. But war was
exactly what the Boston Brahmins and the Essex Junto wanted. Such a move would create a large part of their
proposed new empire. From the official biography of Cushing the following is extracted: “Caleb Cushing left
the ship Perry at San Blas, Mexico, and rode on horseback to Guadelajara, at which he took a diligence (a form
of stagecoach) for Mexico City, his route lying directly between two hostile revolutionary armies. What he had
learned from his correspondents about American politics convinced him that a knowledge of Mexican affairs
would undoubtedly be an asset during the next few years, and he seized every favorable opportunity for
gathering information.”

During this overland journey Cushing acquired a considerable knowledge of Mexican character, a knowledge
which, it may be added, led him to view war with that country with approbation and even elation. What he saw
of Mexican sloth, procrastination, shiftlessness, bigotry, and treachery gave him an insuperable prejudice
against that nation. Cushing’s report on Mexico, dated March 22, 1845, was exhaustive and authoritative, and
was used extensively by the War Department two years later. (The Life of Caleb Cushing, by Claude M. Fuess)

President Tyler, Cushing and the Boston Brahmins wanted that war with Mexico. Mexico had already made
their proclamation which stated, “Mexico would consider equivalent to a declaration of war against the Mexican
Republic the passage of an act for the incorporation of Texas with the territory of the United States; the
certainty of the fact being sufficient for the immediate proclamation of war.” (Samuel Flagg Bemis, The Latin
American Policy of the U.S.: An Historical Interpretation, Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York 1943)

The U.S. Senate tried to honor the Mexican government’s declaration. The Senators, including 26 Southern
Senators, voted 35 to 16 to reject President Tyler’s recommendation to annex Texas. The number of Southern
Senators voting against the proposal leaves no doubt as to the thoughts of most of the South.

That didn’t stop the Brahmins. President Tyler was replaced at the polls by James Polk who defeated the pro-
American and anti-British candidate Henry Clay. Another spoiler named John Slidell helped defeat Henry Clay
and as a reward President Tyler sent Slidell to Mexico in the capacity, of all things, of peace commissioner!
Again, just like in the case of Caleb Cushing and the Chinese Emperor, the Mexican government refused to
receive Slidell. John Slidell sent a message to Polk and the war with Mexico was declared.

The war with Mexico was to serve several purposes. First, it was another excellent way to discredit the good
name of the American’s intentions of a republican form of government. Second, it was to provide the means to
secure land for the empire of the oligarchies rather than that of the United States.
Third, it was to provide training for the generals who were later to fight the yet to be declared, but planned,
Civil War between the states. The names of the generals who trained in the Mexican War included Ulysses S.
Grant, Robert E. Lee, William T. Sherman, and Jefferson Davis. The Civil War, of course, was to provide the
land for the Brahmins to be the keystone for the Jews new empire. They then could have their nobility, their
middle class serfs and then their slaves, both black and white.

General William Tecumseh Sherman, a general in the Norther Army during the Civil War, made a rather cryptic
comment in his book Memoirs I: “…the truth is not always palatable and should not always be told.” (The
Hidden Face of the Civil War, by Otto Eisenhiml, p. 5)

A similar comment was made by the author of the biography of Senator Zachariah Chandler of Michigan, a
Senator during the Civil War: “The secret history of these days…concealing many startling revelations, has yet
been sparingly written; it is doubtful if the veil will ever be more than slightly lifted.” (The Hidden Face of the
Civil War, p. 5)

Those who have attempted to lift the veil have discovered that there are indeed many hidden truths about this
fateful period in American history. One who only hinted at the truth about the real causes of the War was
Colonel Edward Mandell House [A Jew], who wrote his book entitled “Philip Dru, Administrator,” in 1912. In
it, he has one of his characters make the following statement: “Cynical Europe said that the North would have it
appear that a war had been fought for human freedom, whereas it was fought for money.” (Philip Dru,
Administrator, by Colonel Edward Mandell House, p. 119)

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 2 

The Civil War was actually fought over States Rights but the ownership of the media; the newspapers,
magazines, publishing houses and etc., HAVE BEEN USED TO CREATE A HATRED OF THE WHITE
just think about this, the old slave owners both white and black had to pay for their slaves food, clothing,
medical expenses and provide housing. THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDES FOR ITS SLAVES; FOOD,
CLOTHING, MEDICAL EXPENSES, AND PROVIDES HOUSING. Exactly the same thing, therefore the
Blacks changed from one slavery to another and were simply too stupid to understand what happened to them.
And they blamed the White Man when it was really the Jews who did it to them.  Is it possible that the Civil
War was fought for reasons other than those traditionally offered? Is it possible that the real reasons for the war
are among the secrets that some wish not to be revealed? Is it possible that slavery and states rights were not the
real causes of the War?

After the demise of the Second Bank of the United States, the state banks, those chartered by the various states
in the Union, operated the banking system of the United States and issued all of the money. Almost exclusively,
this money was backed by gold, not by debt and paper money.

However, the financial position of the federal government had been slowly deteriorating; “At the outbreak of
the war the United States Treasury was in greater shambles than Fort. Sumter. Southern banks had been quietly
withdrawing large  amounts of funds on deposit in the North. When Lincoln took office, he found his Treasury
almost empty.” (Our Crowd, by Stephen Birmingham, p. 93)

The Civil War actually started in 1837, the year after the charter of the Second Bank had expired, when the
Rothschild family sent one of their representatives to the United States. His name was August Belmont, and he
arrived during the panic of 1837. He quickly made his presence felt by buying government bonds. His success
and prosperity soon led him to the White House, where he became the, “…financial advisor to the President of
the United States.” (Our Crowd, p. 93)

Another of the pieces of this enormous puzzle fell into place in 1854 when a secret organization known as the
Knights of the Golden Circle was formed by George W.L. Bickley (Confederate Agent, A Discovery in History,
by James D. Horan p. 16), who; “… declared that he had created the fateful war of 1861 with an organization
that had engineered and spread secession.” (Klandestine, by William H. McIlhany II, p. 12)

Another leading character in the story of the Civil War was J.P. Morgan, later to become one of America’s most
wealthy and influential industrialists and bankers. Mr. Morgan went to Europe in 1856 to study at the
University of Gottingen in Germany. It is not inconceivable that one of the people he met while in college was
Karl Marx, who was active during this time writing and publicizing his ideas about Communism, since Marx
was in and out of Germany on a regular basis; and because Morgan later became an agent for the Rothschild

At any rate, it was during this time that the European bankers began plotting the Civil War. “According to John
Reeves, in an authorized biography entitled “The Rothschilds, the Financial Rulers of Nations,” a pivotal
meeting took place in London, in 1857. It was at this meeting that the International Banking Syndicate decided
that (America) the North was to be pitted against the South under the old principle of ‘divide and conquer.’ This
amazing agreement was corroborated by MacKenzie in his historical research entitled ‘The Nineteenth
Century.'” (Committee to Restore the Constitution, Fort Collins, Colorado, January, 1976 Bulletin)

The plotters realized that once again the American people would not accept a national bank without a reason for
having one, and once again the plotters decided upon a war. Wars are costly, and they force governments into a
position where they must borrow money to pay for them, and the decision was made once again to force the
United States into a war so that it would have to deal with the issue of how to pay for its costs.

But the plotters had a difficult problem: what nation could they induce to fight against the United States
Government? The United States was too powerful, and no country, or combinations of countries, could match
them in a “balance of power” showdown. Canada to the north and Mexico to the south were not strong enough
and couldn’t raise an army adequate for the anticipated conflict, so they were discounted. England and France
were 3,000 miles away and across a huge ocean that made the supplying of an invading army nearly impossible.
And Russia had no central bank so the bankers had no control over that nation.

So the bankers made the decision to divide the United States into two parts, thereby creating an enemy for the
government of the United States to war against. But the bankers first had to locate an issue to use in causing the
Southern States to secede from the Union. The issue of slavery was ideal for that purpose.

Next the bankers had to create an organization that could promote secession amongst the southern states so that
they would divide themselves away from the federal government. So the Knights of the Golden Circle was
created for that purpose. Abraham Lincoln began to see the drama unfold as he was campaigning for the
Presidency in 1860. He saw the war as an attempt to split the Union, not over the issue of slavery, but just for
the sake of splitting the Union. He wrote: “I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the
sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. If it (the Union) cannot be saved without giving up
that principle, I was about to say I would rather be assassinated on this spot than surrender it.” (Abraham
Lincoln, the Boy and the Man, by James P. Morgan, pp. 174-175)

So many of his fellow Americans also saw the war as an attempt to split the Union that; “…it was not
uncommon for men to declare that they would resign their officer’s commission if the war was perverted into an
attack on slavery.” (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson, by Gene
Smith, p. 98)
The Knights of the Golden Circle were successful in spreading the message of secession amongst the various
Southern States. As each state withdrew from the Union, it left independently of the others. The withdrawing
states then formed a Confederation of States, as separate and independent entities. The independence of each
state was written into the Southern Constitution: “We, the people of the Confederate States, each state acting for
itself, and in its sovereign and independent character…” (Quest of a Hemisphere, by Donzella Cross Boyle, p.

This action was significant because, should the South win the war, each state could withdraw from the
Confederation, re-establish its sovereign nature and set up its own central bank. The Southern States could then
have a series of European-Controlled Banks, the Bank of Georgia, the Bank of South Carolina, etc., and then
any two could have a series of wars, such as in Europe for centuries, in a perpetual game of Balance of Power
politics. It would be a successful method of insuring that large profits could be made on the loaning of money to
the states involved.

The War of 1812, was instigated by the Rothschilds to force the renewal of their Charter for the Bank of the
United States. When this charter was vetoed by President Andrew Jackson in 1836, the Jews precipitated a
financial panic and set up their plan to bring about the Civil War, which would simultaneously destroy the
American Republic and despoil the wealthy Christian families of the South.

The Communist Manifesto of 1848, set Europe ablaze with revolutions, wars and counter-revolutions. In Aug.
1903, Max Nordau, in his address to the 6th Zionist Congress in Balse, Switzerland, revealed the plan for even
greater conflagrations, the coming world wars: “Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you
the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward…The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the
future World War; the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be
created.” Onward and upward over the bodies of Fifty Million more Dead Christians was Max Nordau’s ecstatic
vision of the coming world war {World War I}, and so it came to pass!

Professional historians have never been able to offer a satisfactory explanation of how the European Nations
became embroiled in the First World War. Arch-duke Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavril Princeps at
Sarajevo; Austria demanded an apology from Serbia, Serbia apologized but Austria inexplicably declared war

Three Jewish advisers to Kaiser Wilhelm, Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, Max Warburg and Albert Ballin,
then had the Kaiser declare war, and the other nations were involved. Why? To carry out the Jewish plan. On
February 8, 1920, Winston Churchill expressed alarm over world developments in an interview published in the
Sunday Illustrated Herald, London: “From the days of Adam (Spartacus) Weishaupt, to those of Karl Marx to
those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman. This world-wide conspiracy for the
overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious
malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing…There is no need to exaggerate the part
played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these
international, and for the most part, atheistic Jews. It is certainly a very great one: it probably outweighs all
others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the
principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders.”

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 3


Churchill referred, of course, to the overthrow of the Christian Orthodox Church in Russia and its replacement
by a hateful gang of homicidal maniacs, whose unimaginable success was accomplished by the astute financial
aid of Jacob Schiff to the Jewish revolutionaries, and by Max Warburg in Germany, who, at the crucial moment
of the revolution in Russia, arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a sealed train to
lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph.

The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in Russia has never been equaled in
the history of the world. This problem will be resolved in a major revolution in this country. Every active life
force in America today is moving us toward this end. It will come when the natural forces of history have
culminated in the proper circumstances for the battle to be waged. America will purge itself of the Jew, just as
every other Western Nation has. Truth is on the side of a White Western World under Jesus Christ.

But all of these defeats at the hands of Jackson and the American people didn’t deter the bankers from
attempting to re-charter the Bank. President John Tyler vetoed two bills in 1841 to revive the Second Bank of
the United States. So the Bank’s charter expired in 1836 and, for the next 24 years, until the Civil War started in
1861, the United States had no central bank. So for the years up until 1861, at least, the bankers had been foiled
in their attempts to completely enmesh the United States in the web of a permanent banking establishment.
Now, please observe the development and growth and chronological history of the evil forces which have now
captured our country. After the horrors of the French revolution, they used Rhodes Scholarships and other
subtle techniques to infiltrate and influence and control colleges, universities, schools, churches, political
parties, and high government positions in the United States.

The Jacobins

1786: The Jacobins, The clubs or lodges of the French Revolution, was founded in 1786. The Bishop of Autun
(Talleyrand), Mirabeau, and the Duc d’Orleans, Grand Master of the Grand-Orient de France founded a Lodge
in Paris in 1786 which was duly “illuminated” by Bode and Guillaume Baron de Busche. This was the Club
Breton which afterwards became known as the Jacobin Club, a name of Templar origin, recalling that of
Jacques de Molay. Le Forestier in Les Illumines de Baviere et la Franc-Maconnerie Allemande gives the
substance of a book written by Girtaner, quoting the latter as to the funds available at that date for revolution.

“In his Nouvelles Historiques et considerations politiques sur la Revolution Francaise (1793) the Swiss
Girtaner, an ex-freemason who had joined the ranks of the enemies of the sect, states that, from 1786, there had
existed in Paris a Propaganda Club whose chiefs were then the Duc de la Rochefoucauld, Grand Master of the
Lodge in the Rue Coq-Heron, Condorcet and Sieyes and that the aim of the organization was to further the
triumph of dogmatic Atheism and create a great social upheaval. The members charged with spreading the
propaganda of the subversive principles of the club numbered 50,000. In 1790, it had twenty thousand livres at
its disposal, but by the end of 1791, these had increased to thirty millions.” (Les Illumines de Baviere et la
Franc-Maconnerie Allemande, p. 635)

The conspiracy formed by Philippe of Orleans (Duc de Chartres, Masonic name, “Egalite”) to overthrow Louis
XVI, was directed by Siller and Mirabeau and, of the 605 elected members of the Tiers Etat, 477 deputies were
Freemasons. (Les Neuf Soeurs, Louis Aimable) Revolutions cost money. “L’Or de Pitt” (Pitt’s gold) had to go
through some channel that would not compromise the English government and, in dealing with such a delicate
matter as the fostering of revolution in a foreign country, it was good policy to organize a similar movement at
home which however should remain abortive, being led by Lord Stanhope, Pitt’s brother-in- law.

In this connection, the history and failure of Wolfe Tone’s Bantry Bay expedition is interesting. The history of
the Terror in the French Revolution of 1793 is the history of lodges such as that of the Philaletes, among whose
members the following Jacobin leaders are known to us chiefly for their uncompromising bestiality. Among the
members of the “Club de la Propagande” Condorcet, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, Sieyes, de Beauharnais, Charles
Theodore Lameth. Among the members of the Lodge “Les Amis Reunis” Babeuf, Ceruty, Marat, Hebert,
Among the members of the Lodge “Les Neuf Socurs” (Louis Aimable, op. cit.) Condorcet, Jean Sylvain Bailly,
Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, Dom Gerle, Claude Fauchet, Jean Pierre Brissot, Benoit Camille Desmoulins,
Cerutti, Danton, Nicholas de Bonneville, Rabaud Saint Etienne, Lalande, Duc de la Rochefoucauld. Among the
members of the “Amis des Noirs” (Founded 1787) Brisset, Sieyes, Condorcet, Mirabeau (the elder) duc de la
Rochefoucauld, Pelletier de St. Fargeau, Lafayette, Gorsas. Valadi, Carra. Other prominent Jacobin Freemasons
of the Revolution of 1793 were: Guillotin, Dupui, Fouche, Rebespierre, Collot-d’Herbois.

According to Arruel (Histoire du Jacobinisme, Vol. II, p. 446) the last mentioned lodge of the “Amis des Noirs”
appears to have been only the cover name behind which operated the Comite Regulateur or Central Committee
of the combined lodges and clubs. An international organization with foreign branches in America and Europe,
the deliberations of this group of conspirators were sent to the Central Committee of the Grand Orient from
where they were relayed to the provinces, addressed to the various Worshipful Masters or Presidents of the
Lodges. This group according to Barruel, was the central guiding committee of the Revolution. The “Club
Regulateur” is said to have numbered at least 500,000 brothers.

Lafayette (Loge de la Candeur), when he marched on Versailles at the head of 15,000 national guardsmen and
brought the King back to Paris, was already, presumably, fully informed on Dupont’s plan of revolution which
he himself and Mirabeau had approved at a session of the “Amis Reunis” early in June.

While remarking that the vote for the death of the King of France, Louis XVI, was carried by a majority of one,
Pignatel (Batailles Maconniques, Fernand Pignatel, p. 143) further states that, in consequence of certain
irregularities in the balloting, some five votes for death were cast by unqualified persons while four others voted
twice. After the storm of revolution had subsided, the power in France seems to have been vested in the Comite
de Salut Public, but the 300 who controlled France and of whose power we read in Memoirs of the time
(Autobiography of Wolfe Tone) were the 300 Masonic leaders.

That they in turn were controlled by a small clique is obvious. Even the 300 Masonic leaders of the French
Revolution of 1793 seem to have had their successors in modern history — Rathenau mentioned them in his
works. One of the most interesting episodes of the French Revolution was that known as the Conspiracy of
Babeuf. Abeuf formed the Society of the Pantheon which according to Professor Laski (The Socialist Tradition
in the French Revolution, Harold J. Laski) was operated by, “a secret committee of direction. Among them were
some extraordinary men, Darthe, Sylvain Marechal, Germain and Buonarroti, who was to survive them all and
be their historian.”

1861: The Civil War planned, financed and precipitate by the Satanic, Illuminati, Jewish Bankers to divide and
weaken and capture the United States. It was money, not slavery, that caused the Civil War. The conspirators
have planned, caused and financed every bloody War for hundreds of years.

Civil War

In the guise of the Roman Catholic Church, the Red Dragon, who was, “…wroth with the woman {National
Israel — United States} went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which {nationally} keep the {10}
commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Revelation 12:17)

Since the Dragon was not able to destroy the “manchild nation” {America} as soon as it was born, sought to
exterminate it with his secret weapon masquerading as the Roman Catholic Church. Samuel Morse, father of
electronic telegraphy, found out about the conspiracy of Rome to kill our young American Republic and
published in 1834 his remarkable work, Conspiracies Against the Liberties of the U.S.

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 4 

The book which revealed this bit of information on page 290, also carried this quotation: “It is under those
bloody banners {religious massacres in Europe} of 6,000 Roman Catholic priest, Jesuits and Bishops, in the
United States, and marching to the conquest of this republic, backed by their seven millions of blind and
obedient slaves…A political conspiracy under the cloak of a religious mission was formed against the U.S., yes,
without Romanism, the last awful Civil War would have been impossible, Jeff Davis would never have dared to
attack the North, had he not had assurance from the Pope, the Jesuits, the Bishops, the Priests and the whole
people of the Church of Rome under the name and mask of Democracy, except they would help him.” (Fifty
Years In The Church of Rome, page 290, by Father Chiniquy); “The Jesuits are a Military Organization, not a
religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of
this organization is: Power. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to
control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most enormous of abuses.” (Memorial of the
Captivity of Napoleon St. Helena, General Montholon, Vol. ii p. 62, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, p.
289); “Pope Gregory VII {a Jew} decided it was not murder to kill excommunicated persons. This rule was
incorporated in the canon law. During the revision of the code, which took place in the 16th century, and which
produced a whole volume of corrections, the passage was allowed to stand. It appears in every reprint of the
Corpus Juris. It has been for 700 years, and continues to be, part of the ecclesiastical law. Far from being a dead
letter, it obtained a new application in the days of the Inquisition {under a Spanish Basque, a Jew, whose name
was Lopez DeRecalde, but who preferred to be called Ignatuis Loyola}; and one of the later Popes has declared
that the murder of a Protestant is so good a deed that it atones, and more than atones, for the murder of a
Catholic.” (The London Times July 20, 1872)

“Has the Church of Rome expressed any regret for having promulgated and executed such bloody laws? No! On
the contrary, she has anathematized all those who think or say that she was wrong when she deluged the world
with the blood of the millions she ordered to be slaughtered to quench her thirst for blood {is this not what the
Jews have done to Christians since they Crucified the Lord Jesus Christ}; she positively said that she had the
right to punish those heretics by tortures and death. Those bloody and anti-social laws, were written on the
banners of the Roman Catholics, when slaughtering 100,000 Waldenses in the mountains of Piedmont, more
than 50,000 defenseless men, women and children in the city of Bezieres.

It is under the inspiration of those diabolical laws of Rome, that 75,000 Protestants were massacred the night
and following week of St Bartholomew. It was to obey those bloody laws that Louis XIV revoked the Edict of
Nates, caused the death of half a million of men, women, and children, who perished in all the highways of
France, and caused twice that number to die in the land of exile, where they had found a refuge. Those anti-
social laws, today, are written on her banners with the blood of ten millions of martyrs. It is under those bloody
banners that 6,000 Roman Catholic priests, Jesuits and bishops, in the United States, are marching to the
conquest of this republic, backed by their seven millions of blind and obedient slaves. Those laws, are still the
ruling laws of Rome, were the main cause of the last rebellion of the Southern States.

Yes! Without Romanism, the last awful Civil War would have been impossible. Jeff Davis would never have
dared to attack the North, had he not had assurance from the Pope, that the Jesuits, the bishops, the priests and
the whole people of the Church of Rome, under the name and mask of democracy, would help him. These
diabolical and anti-social laws of Rome caused a Roman Catholic {Beauregard a Jew} to be the man chosen to
fire the first gun at Fort Sumter, against the flag of Liberty, on the 12th of April, 1861. Those anti-Christian and
anti-social laws caused the Pope of Rome to be the only crowned prince in the whole world, so depraved as to
publicly shake hands with Jeff Davis, and proclaim him president of a legitimate government.

These are the laws which led the assassins of Abraham Lincoln to the house of a rabid Roman Catholic woman,
Mary Surratt {a Jewess}, which was not only the rendezvous of the priests of Washington, but the very
dwelling-house of some of them. Those bloody and infernal laws of Rome nerved the arm of the Roman
Catholic, Booth {a Jew}, when he slaughtered one of the noblest men God has ever given to the world. Those
bloody and anti-social laws of Rome, after having covered Europe with ruins, tears, and blood for ten centuries,
have crossed the oceans to continue their work of slavery and desolation, blood and tears, ignorance and
demoralization, on this continent. Under the mask and name of democracy {which is in all reality Judaism} they
have raised the standard of rebellion of the South against the North, and caused more than half a million of the
most heroic sons of America to fall on the fields of carnage. In the very near future, if God does not
miraculously prevent it, those laws of dark deeds and blood will cause the prosperity, the rights, the education,
and the liberties of this too confident nation to be buried under the mountain of smoking and bloody ruins. On
the top of that mountain, Rome {Judaism through the rule of the Black Pope} will raise her throne and plant her
victorious banners.” (The London Times p. 289-291)

Lincoln was quoted to have said: “We owe it to the Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of
her noble sons. Though there were differences of opinion between the South and the North, on the question of
slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the
North, had they not relied on the Promises of the Jesuits {the Jews}, that…

The Money and the Arms of the Roman Catholic Church, and even the arms of France were at their disposal, if
they would attack us {See how long the Dragon; Satan’s Children have been working to enslave the entire
world and destroy the memory of Christ and Christianity from off the face of the earth, and if possible at the
same time to destroy True Israel the Anglo-Saxons, Germanic, Celtic and Kindred People}. I pity the Priests,
the Bishops and the Monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are in Great part
responsible for the Tears and Blood Shed in this war. I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole
truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It
would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides.

The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the Priests and Jesuits, if they
could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this
Republic, and if they could learn how the Priests, the Nuns, and the Monks, which daily land on our shores,
under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the
hospitals, are nothing but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon and the other despots of Europe, to
undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution and our laws, destroy our
schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain and wherever
there are any people who want to be free…New projects of assassination are detected almost every day,
accompanied with such savage circumstances that they bring to my memory the massacre of St. Bartholomew
and the Gunpowder Plot.

Our investigation indicates that they come from the same masters in the art of murder, the Jesuits {the Jews}.
The New York riots were evidently a Romish plot from beginning to end. We have the proofs in hand that they
were the work of Bishop Hughes and his emissaries. No doubt can remain about the bloody attempts of Rome to
destroy New York, when we know the easy way it was stopped. I wrote to Bishop Hughes, telling him that the
whole country would hold him responsible for it if he would not stop it at once. He then gathered the rioters
around his palace, called them his ‘dear friends,’ invited them to go back home peacefully, and all was finished!
…From the beginning of our civil war, there has been, not a secret, but a public alliance, between the Pope of
Rome and Jeff Davis. The pope and his Jesuits have advised, supported, and directed Jeff Davis {through Judah
P. Benjamin, also a Jew} on the land, from the first gun shot at Fort Sumter by the Rabid Roman Catholic
Beauregard {Jew}.

They are helping him on the sea by guiding and supporting the rabid Roman Catholic pirate, Semmes, on the
ocean …The pope has thrown away the mask, and shown himself the public partisan and the protector of the
rebellion, by taking Jeff Davis by the hand, and impudently recognizing the Southern States as a legitimate

I have the proof in hand that that very Bishop Hughes, whom I had sent to Rome…is the very man who advised
the pope to recognize the legitimacy of the Southern republic, and put the whole weight of his tiara in the
balance against us in favor of our enemies! Such is the perfidity of those Jesuits {Jews}.” (Fifty Years In the
Church of Rome, pages 297-299)

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 5Judah P. Benjamin, Rothschild Agent

“Napoleon’s (Rothchild) object was to assure the predomination of the French over the Latin races and to
augment the influence of these races in America. Napoleon decided to recognize the independence of the
rebellious American States and repeatedly urged the British government to join him in so doing.” (Mackenzie in
his historical research entitled, The Nineteenth Century)

The most prominent Jew on either side during the Civil War, was Judah P. Benjamin, born in the West Indies, a
brilliant lawyer, Attorney General, Secretary of War and Secretary of State of the Confederacy. Writing about
Benjamin’s days as a student at Yale, Burton J. Hendrick in his Statesmen of the Lost Cause (1939) said: “All
that we can say with any definiteness, at this late date, is that Benjamin left Yale, not of his own volition and
not because of financial stringency; that his offense was so serious that the authorities declined to consider his
request for a rehearing; that he himself misstated the reason for the separation; that the charge was made, in a
responsible journal and by a college mate of standing, that he had been caught stealing from his fellow students;
that Benjamin made no public denial of this charge; that all his life he showed a constant apprehension of a
biography and destroyed all papers and documents that would facilitate inquiries into his past.” (Statesmen of
the Lost Cause (1939), p. 164)

John Slidell (another traitorous Jew), one-time fellow Senator of Judah P. Benjamin from Louisiana, became
Confederate envoy to France soon after the Civil War began. Of him, Burton J. Hendrick said: “Long before
Slidell attained the Senate…in 1853, the word ‘Slidellian’ had taken on a well-defined meaning…In this
proceeding, Judah P. Benjamin was his associate, as in politics generally; and, justly or unjustly, the standing of
both men suffered severely…”

Benjamin and Slidell’s biographers have been unable to discover the truth or falsity of these accusations, any
more than they have proved, or disproved, similar scandals involving the Techuantepec Railway, in which both
Benjamin and Slidell were concerned…His (Slidell’s) ancestry contained perhaps a Jewish strain; at any rate, in
Paris he became in intimate of leading Jewish families. One to whom he was especially close was Emile
Erlanger, head of the great French (Jewish) banking house of Erlanger et Cie…Erlanger’s son…fell in love with
Slidell’s daughter, the spirituelle Matilda, and, from that moment, Confederate and French relations present a
romantic association of Haymen and baste finance. Erlanger was made the French intermediary in all
Confederate transactions…”

The Erlanger loan (to the Confederacy) only one party found profitable. That was the banking house of Erlanger
et Cie. Matilda Slidell’s father-in-law emerged from the transaction with gains not far from $2,700,000…It is a
fair estimate that the Confederate Treasury obtained about $2,500,000 from a bond issue for which it had
pledged payment…of $15,000,000 in capital and seven percent in interest.” (Statesmen of the Lost Cause, pp.
220, 231)

Edwin de Leon, another Jew, was appointed Confederate publicity agent in Paris. Of him, Hendrick said: “On
leaving Richmond, the Secretary of State had given de Leon extremely confidential letters from Benjamin to
Slidell… Benjamin sought to bribe Napoleon III, into recognizing the Confederacy and breaking the blockade.
On the voyage to France, de Leon opened and read these communications; which he presented the documents,
with broken seals, to Slidell, that diplomat’s anger knew no restraint.” (Statesmen of the Lost Cause, p. 391)

Judah P. Benjamin was chosen by the Rothschilds to do their work in the United States and he was the first
adviser to Jefferson Davis, the President of the Southern Confederacy. Benjamin has been called “the brains of
the revolt.” He was also the Secretary of State of the Confederacy under Jeff Davis.
The Confederacy consisted of eleven Southern States bound by a written Constitution, modeled in part after our
own Constitution. It was founded on the fundamental principle that each one of its eleven constituted States had
the right to secede from the Union, or to separate from the other 23 out of the 34 states of the Union.

Nevertheless, at the instigation of Benjamin, and under pressure of Napoleon, Texas and Louisiana were placed
on the bargain counter in exchange, presumably, for Napoleon’s aid. The latter was supported by Disraeli of
England, who had assured the Confederacy of the support of Britain behind the nine remaining States, after
Texas and Louisiana were to be ceded to France.

Under the guiding hand of Judah P. Benjamin {a Jew}, chosen by the Rothschilds and the Church of Rome to
represent the International Bankers to do their work for them in the United States, was also the first advisor to
Jefferson Davis, the President of the Southern Confederacy. Benjamin is reputed to be the “brains of the revolt,”
as he was also the Secretary of State of the Confederacy.

Through the hands of this man, huge sums of money were provided to finance the destruction of this great New
Christian American Republic flowed. The Confederacy fell and the men who had fought a valiant fight for what
they believed right were thrown into the even greater travail of the Reconstruction; while Judah P. Benjamin,
almost alone of the leaders of the South, forsook immediately the suffering people who had honored and
enriched him, fled to England and was soon embarked upon a new career of distinction and wealth, Reminiscent
of others of his Religion {Jewish} dispossessed of their temporary cause and gains. While we are talking of the
Civil War it behooves us to mention that Abraham Lincoln (Little has been published about the early life of
Abraham Lincoln. However, during a search of some old property records and will in a small courthouse in
central North Carolina, Alex Christopher the author of “Pandora’s Box,”; in one of the old will books dated
around 1840, he found the will of one A.A. Springs. Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed at the
secret that it disclosed, but one must remember that it is a known fact that wills, even though they are classified
public records the same as property and corporation records, they are rarely combed through as he was doing at
the time, and these records hold many dark secrets that can be hidden in public view, but are never uncovered
because there are very few who research these old records.

This practice of hiding secrets in public view and the conspirators can say, when faced with the facts and
accused of concealing the records; they can reply “Well it was there in the public record in plan view for any
and all to find.” In the will of A.A. Springs was the list of his property. it went into detail to whom the property
was to be dispersed and it included his children. Mr. Christopher and others were looking to find what railroads
and banks this man might have owned and had left to his son Leroy Springs. He didn’t find anything like that,
but he did find the prize of the century. On the bottom of page three of four pages was a paragraph where the
father, A.A. Springs, left to his son an enormous amount of land in the state of Alabama which amounted to the
land that is today known as Huntsville, Alabama and then he went into detail to name the son and at first Mr.
Christopher and the others with him couldn’t believe what they were seeing, but there it was the name of the
son and it was “ABRAHAM LINCOLN!”

This new information that they had about the Springs (real name Springstein) family, this was just another twist
to add to the already manipulative family. This new information about Lincoln built a fire under them to see
where this new lead would take them, because everything they had found in the railroad and banking saga had
been areal mind-bender. They figured this one would be the same; so they inquired at the local archives and
historical records on families and found a reference to one Abraham Lincoln in the family genealogy of the
family of the Carolina by the name of McAdden, in a published genealogy on the family. The family members
in the Carolinas were in a limited edition that at one time could be found in the public libraries. The section on
Lincoln and the story went something like the following:

“In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks, who was of the family lineage of the McAdden family was
visiting some of her family in the community of Lincolnton, North Carolina. While on her stay with family in
the Carolina’, she vistaed with many of the neighboring families that she had known for many years; one such
visit was the Springs family. The sordid details had been omitted but obviously the young Nancy Hanks had
found herself in a compromised position and was forced to succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs. She became
pregnant as a result. There were no details of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless female. Abraham
Lincoln was the result of that act, which leads one to wonder if the name Lincoln was real or a fabricated name
for the are of conception was Lincolnton. Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since the Spring were of the race
that called themselves Jewish, that made Lincoln part Jewish and as part of the Springs family, he also became a
relative of the Rothschild family by blood.”

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 6 

The following information was derived from information that exists in the Smithsonian, National Archives, the
Congressional Library, Courtroom Police files, public and private libraries and storage vaults across the United
States and Europe:

“Abraham Lincoln was slapped three times with a white glove by a member of the Hapsburg royal family of
Germany (Payseur family relatives) during a White House reception in 1862. The German royal family member
demanded a pistol duel with the, then, President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The blows to the face
stunned Lincoln but he non- verbally refused to participate in the duel by bowing his head before walking out of
the reception room. What had ol’ honest Abe done to so enrage and up-set the royal European personage?

It seems that the practice of promiscuity was running rampant in many families in those days and the German
King Leopold had, had an illegitimate daughter named Elizabeth who was sent to America, where she lived in a
very comfortable manner. Although Leopold could not recognize her position, he was very interested in her life.

In the early or mid 1850s, Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth began having sexual liaisons that produced twin
daughters named Ella and Emily in 1856. The regal German father who was so royally up-set with ol’ honest
Abe probably had full knowledge of what the true blood line of Lincoln really was. Abraham’s wife, Mary
Todd Lincoln, did not find out about Elizabeth, Ella and Emily until 1865. Previous to being informed about
Elizabeth and the twins, Mrs. Lincoln had developed a ravaging dependency on opium. Her main supplier of the
drug was a former member of the Confederate Intelligence community, he was a former member because the
Southern gentlemen did not approve of his drug pushing and unreliable behavior. It was because of his
involvement with the Souther Intelligence Community, Mary’s supplier – John Wilks Booth – knew about the
lover and the illegal twins.

After being spurned by the Confederate intelligence community, Mary’s ‘candy man’ approached and became
involved with the Rothschild Empire of Europe, for he realized the European banking moguls would be very
interested in his pipeline to the White House.

(At this time) Abraham was searching for an issue that would unite the North and South AFTER the Civil War
ended. The issue needed to be popular to all levels of American citizenry so they could ‘rally around the Stars
and Stripes’ thus rapidly healing the wounds of the bloodiest war in history. Lincoln was seriously considering
one major movement or event that would galvanize his fellow Northern and Southern patriot countrymen into
cutting loose the United States of America from the dictatorial grip of the Hapsbergs bloodline of banking
control in Europe. All the time, the Rothschilds were trying to take control of the entire world monetary system,
and at that time the Rothschilds were trying to get a foot-hold in America and find a way around the British,
Virginia Company, and French Bourbon family that were gaining control in this country through government

Lincoln found himself in real hot water, because under the Virginia Company covenant the 48 families that
formed it were all of the Holy Grail Bloodline. This country was to be an extension of what all the royal
families of Europe controlled. The royalty of Europe is Hapsburg, no matter what their name is. The royal
family of England is one such example. Now what Lincoln did is he wanted to become independent of the
covenant (in favor of his family) on the Rothschild side…the Rothschilds and their family bloodline have
always been undermining the affairs of the Hapsbergs and stealing the monetary control away from them. No
matter what the history books say, the Rothschilds didn’t get (total) real control on things in America and the
Federal Reserve until the Springs usurped the Payseur family companies in the early 1920s…

(But Lincoln had fallen from Rothschild grace also and so, due, in part to his Executive Order to print United
States Greenbacks, thus interfering with the Jewish International Banks profits) It appears that the Rothschild
family wanted Lincoln embarrassed to the maximum degree. (So) Mary Todd’s drug dealer (John Wilks Booth)
was hired to kidnap the President of the United States. Abraham would be put on a boat for a two month cruise
of the Atlantic where he would be injected with and addicted to opium and then dumped on the streets of
Washington. While the forcefully addicted President was stumbling around our nation’s capital, the press would
be informed of Elizabeth, Ella and Emily.

The drug pusher (Booth) and collaborator (agent) of the Rothschilds had his perfect accomplice in the plot to
kidnap and discredit the leader of the North American continent in the First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln. After
being informed of Abe’s lover and the twins and the kidnap plot by her drug supplier, Mary was promised that
after her husband resigned or was impeached, she and Abe would be moved to Europe to live happily ever after
with plenty of opium.

Superficially Mary expressed a desire to live in Europe with plenty of opium and no Civil War or politics to
distract her husband or family. But her drug suppler had totally underestimated the confusion, desperation and
anger of Mary Todd Lincoln.

The plotters decided the Presidential snatch needed to take place in a public, yet discreet location where
minimum witnesses would be present. There were too many potential witnesses at the White House. Two hours
before the capture was to take place, Mary Todd had on the floor, a tantrum, because Abe had decided not to go
out of the White House that night. Mary’s outrageous outburst caused Abe to change his mind and the First
family departed.

Several minutes after arriving at the kidnap location, Mary instructed the family bodyguard to take a position
that placed the First Family out of his visual sight. The position also required the bodyguard to traverse several
flights of stairs to reach Abe and Mary should he be needed for any reason…

A wagon with a wooden cover arrived at the back entrance of the kidnap location with several men including
Mary’s opium supplier. The plan was for the drug pusher to traverse the backstairs entrance, silently move
down a hallway, and open an unlocked door to a darkened room where Mary and Abe were sitting.

After entering the room, Mary’s drug man (Booth) would tell the President an urgent message was waiting for
him at the War Department. Before descending down the backstairs, Abe would be knocked out with a
chloroform loth. The kidnappers would load the limp body into the covered wagon and swiftly stow Lincoln on
an opium boat for a novel ‘cruise’ of the Atlantic Ocean.

When Booth actually opened the door to the darkened room where Abe and Mary were sitting, he went into a
panic and shock. Abe was asleep with his head on Mary’s left shoulder and the First Lady had her head turned
toward the left looking at the door…When she was sure the man who opened the door was Booth, she turned
and looked at the President to be sure the pistol she was pointing would explode beneath the lower left earlobe
of her husband.

Before Mary pulled the trigger, John Wilkes Booth, drug supplier to the First Lady, realized he was the patsy in
all this mess. But he did not know if he was only Mary’s patsy or also a chump for the Rothschild family. Were
the men hiding around the back door of Ford’s Theater there to help Booth with the kidnaping or there to point
the false finger at the ‘innocent’ Booth? Booth was not about to run into the hallway or down the backstairs to
find out the answer to that question.

The only escape route was to jump the balcony and crash onto the stage during the performance. That night,
Booth gave a literal interpretation of the theatrical phrase ‘brake a leg’ as he fractured one of his during his
leaping act from ‘lethally looney Mary’ and the men lurking around the back entrance of Ford’s Theater.

In a novelty case on a wall in Ford’s Theater is ‘The Gun That Shot Abraham Lincoln.’ If anyone (assassin)
were to kill a head of state, they would use a revolver, because several bullets might be needed to accomplish
the murder and stop any guards during the escape. One would only use a one-shot pistol if they were absolutely
sure they had intimate access to the victim.
The gun on the wall of Ford’s Theater is a derringer-the perfect weapon for the left handed female assassin who
did not attend her husbands funeral. Mary Todd was not hiding in her room due to overwhelming grief and
sorrow; she was imprisoned in her room with two armed guards for two weeks after killing her husband.

In the 1860s, an act of Congress mandated the compensation of widows of former and active Congressmen,
Senators, Vice Presidents and Presidents. The mouth and duration was ratified by both Houses of Congress for
each widow. Mary Todd Lincoln applied for her widowers compensation three times and was denied the
mandated compensation three times by both Houses of Congress. An unknown benefactor paid for Mary’s
passage to Europe where she died in small cottage in Germany.

Jews Caused The Civil War – Part 7

In 1867, the Secret Service was founded so that drunken municipal law enforcement could not unwittingly
participate with drug-addicted First Ladies or Gentlemen in vengeful high- brow killings of philandering
Presidents of the United States. (To cover up the murders committed which would reflect a bad light for the
presiding Administration, such as the Foster murder is doing at the present time).

Before Booth jumped out of the balcony of the Presidential Box of the Ford Theater, he shouted at General
Riley and his wife who were sitting to the right-front of the Lincolns. Booth’s words expressed his innocence
but also sealed the fate of the Rileys. Within a week of the shooting, General Riley and his wife were packed off
to an insane asylum where they both died of ‘unknown causes’ within 30 days of being committed.” (Pandora’s
Box, by Alex Christopher, pp. 282-286) was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth {A Jew}. That the plot of
Booth, involved not only the assassination of Lincoln, which was accomplished, but also the assassination on
the same night of the Vice President, Andrew Johnson, of the Secretary of State, William H. Seward, and of
General Ulysses S. Grant. Seward, who was ill at his home, was stabbed, as was also his son, Frederick Seward,
by David E. Herold {A Jew}, a co-conspirator with Booth, who was hanged.

Vice President Johnson escaped injury, but George A. Atzerodt {also a Jew} was hanged for conspiring with
Booth to kill him. General Grant, who was to have attended the theater with Lincoln that night, due to an
unexpected departure for Burlington, New Jersey, was unharmed.

“John Booth, A Jewish silversmith whose ancestors had been exiled from Portugal because of their radical
political views. In London the refugees had continued their trade and free thinking, and John had married
Wilkes’ cousin. This Wilkes was the ‘celebrated agitator John Wilkes of Westminster, London…John Wilkes
Booth’s father was Junius Brutus Booth.” (The Mad Booths of Maryland)

Our American school children have been taught that the Civil War was fought over the slavery problem, but this
was only a surface issue to hide the intrigue of the Great Red Dragon to foment one side against the other. After
thousands of our choice White Israel sons and one of our greatest Presidents were murdered, our Great God
stopped the slaughter of the Dragon: By the Intervention of the Czar of Russia, who God sent to our National
Rescue, but unknown to most Americans.

Division of U.S. Plotted in London

Disraeli, the late Jewish Prime Minister of England, determined to divide the United States and give one part to
Lionel {Rothschild}. Thus the North would become a British Colony annexed to Canada. The South would go
to Napoleon {Rothschild}. In the year 1857, the money power of old Europe was centered in the House of
Rothschild. Disraeli represented them in England; Napoleon III in France; Bismarck in Germany and Mazzini in
Italy. According to Mr. John Reeves, who wrote on page 228, of an authorized biography entitled “The
Rothschilds, The Financial Rulers of Nations,” based on research in their own archives, there was a famous
meeting in the City of London in 1857. The great Rothschild family was assembled from the countries of
Europe for the marriage of Lionel Rothschild’s daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of James
Rothschild of Paris.

It was at this time Disraeli is reported to have said: “Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild —
a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the
United States into two parts, one for you, James, and one for you, Lionel. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I
shall advise him.”

Thus, in London, we see a plan fostered by the money power of Europe, moving in on America, and pitting the
North against the South under the old principle of “divide and conquer.” This has always been the Jewish plan
to destroy nations which are dangerous to their plans for world conquest, to divide and conquer. Germany is a
prime example, as it was divided after World War II.

Remember that the Civil War with all of its suffering, blood shed and death was calmly planned and blueprinted
by the Satanic Rothschild bankers in Europe and in conjunction with their agents who control the Catholic
Church from behind the scenes, in 1857. The Rothschild, Jewish, Zionist triumvirate in obedience to their
Bilderberger comrades did the same with World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam.

Intervention of the Czar of Russia Saved the United States

Disraeli and the Catholic Church had already assured the Confederacy of Britain’s support. However, this was
not to help the South; it was to crush both the North and the South and to conquer and possess both. As a result,
English, French and Spanish troops were landed at Vera Cruz in 1862.

The French General, Bazaine, occupied the capitol of Mexico at the time. So Napoleon was ready to strike and
help divide and destroy the United States. The danger was great. The situation looked hopeless. Understanding
the situation Lincoln spent long nights in humble prayer to Almighty God. He knew the North, alone, could not
withstand such a combination. Moreover, Archduke Maximilian had been induced to accept the throne of

But God stepped in! Fortunately God in His wisdom exposed this Satanic plot to the Christian Czar of Russia
through his Ambassadors in Paris and London; who upon learning of the Rothschild – Disraeli – Catholic –
Napoleonic plot immediately dispatched a fleet of ships and men to San Francisco under the command of
Admiral S. Lesowsky.

He also rushed a squadron to New York to New York under the command of Admiral A.A. Popoff. Both
Admirals had orders from the Czar to be ready to fight any power {nation} on earth, and To take their orders
directly from President Abraham Lincoln; and Him Alone. Needless to say, this quick, generous and vigorous
action saved the United States from the intrigue of the International Jewish Bankers. So James Rothschild was
left without Mexico and the Southern States, and Lionel could not capture the North through military measures.
But the European Machevillis were determined on financial conquest, if not actual slavery. At the same time,
this great and good Christian Czar, who, as the servant of Almighty God and by His Power, saved the United
States, lovingly and voluntarily emancipated 47 million serfs on September 19, 1861, and Translated the Entire
Bible into the Russian language. For his courageous and benevolent acts, he was murdered by the Atheistic,
God-hating, one-world, Jewish bankers in 1881. He was another casualty in the conflict of the ages. The
conflict between right and wrong, light and darkness, good and evil, Christ and anti-Christ, God and Satan. The
same devils murdered Lincoln on April 4, 1865. The history books lie about why Booth killed Lincoln. Coded
messages in Booth’s trunk and the key to these codes in Judah P. Benjamin’s possession proved that Lincoln;
Was Murdered by Orders from the Jewish Rothschild Bankers. Their successors are still doing the same today.

Our childrens’ history textbooks continue to teach that the American Civil War was fought over the Slavery
issue. But if we look behind the scenes we will find that the “slave question” was but the surface issue. Below
the surface ran a current of intrigue that ended with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln because he was
determined that the United States was to be free from the bondage of the International Jewish Bankers. The part
the Catholic Church through the Jesuits has already been presented. Now we will present the “Rest of The
Story.” In 1857, the Rothschild Illuminati bankers ruled Europe.

“At that moment another member of the Jewish race was rising to power in Great Britain. Benjamin Disraeli
was rapidly advancing to the primacy of the British Cabinet, the same height to which his Secession compatriot
reached in the Confederacy at an earlier day.”

The Jews from the North were a serious problem to the Union side during the Civil War. On page 330 of Series
One, Vol. XVII, Part II, of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, we find a
communication from Major General U.S. Grant to Major General Hurlburt, then stationed at Jackson,
Tennessee. Writing at La Grange, Tennessee, on November 9, 1862, General Grant said: “Refuse all permits to
come south of Jackson for the present. The Israelites especially should be kept out…” Again on November 10,
1862, this time to General Webster at Jackson, Grant wrote: “Give orders to all the conductors on the road that
no Jews are to be permitted to travel on the railroad from any point. They may go north and be encouraged in it;
but they are such an intolerable nuisance that the department must be purged of them.”

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 8

Then writing on December 7, 1862, from Headquarters of the Thirteenth Army Corps at Oxford, Mississippi, to
the Assistant Secretary of War, C.P. Wolcott, General Grant said: “I have long since believed that in spite of all
the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the specie regulations of the Treasury Department have
been violated, and mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I
instructed the commanding officer at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have
frequently had them expelled from the department, but they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of all that
can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any
wood yard on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton themselves they
will act as agents for someone else, who will be at a military post with a Treasury permit to receive cotton and
pay for it in Treasury notes, which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate, paying gold.”

General Grant, a patient and tolerant individual, finally lost his patience. He issued General Order No. 11, as
Commander of the 13th Army Corps, Department of the Tennessee: “The Jews, as a class violating every
regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled
from the Department within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order. Post commanders will see that all
of this class of people be furnished passes and required to leave, and any one returning after such notification
will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless
furnished with permit from headquarters. No passes will be given these people to visit trade headquarters for the
purpose of making personal application for trade permits. By order of Maj. Gen. U.S. Grant: JNO. A.
RAWLINS, Assistant Adjutant-General.”

The Jews, of course, protested and were influential enough even at that time and in the face of the orders of a
respected Corps Commander, to make their protest effective. On January 4, 1863, the General-in-Chief, H.W.
Halleck, addressed General Grant as follows: “A paper purporting to be General Order No. 11, issued by you
December 17, has been presented here. By its terms it expels all Jews from your department. If such an order
has been issued, it will be immediately revoked.”

There was nothing for Grant to do but obey, and on January 7, 1863, he revoked his order expelling the Jews
from his department. At the same time other Union generals were complaining of the Jews. “To Maj. General
John A. McClernand: ‘The cotton speculators are quite clamorous for aid in getting their cotton away from
Middleburg, Hickory Valley, etc., and offer to pay liberally for the service. I think I can bring it away with
safety, and make it pay to the Government. As some of the Jew owners have as good as stolen the cotton from
the planters, I have no conscientious scruples in making them pay liberally to take it away. L.F. Ross, Brigadier

In a letter written from Memphis, July 30, 1862, General W.T. Sherman said, in part: “I found as many Jews
and speculators here trading in cotton, and secessionists had become so open in refusing anything but gold, that
I have felt myself bound to stop it. The gold can have but one use, the purchase of arms and ammunition…Of
course, I have respected all permits by yourself or the Secretary but in these new cases (swarms of Jews) I have
stopped it.”

Booth’s Code Found in Benjamin Trunk

The good Czar, after several unsuccessful attempts on his life, was murdered in 1881. Lincoln was murdered in
1865, on April 4th, by an actor, John Wilkes Booth, in whose trunk was found coded messages the key to which
was found in Judah P. Benjamin’s possession. Benjamin escaped to England where he later died. The Czar,
Alexander II, had been responsible on September 19, 1861, by imperial decree, for emancipating the Russian
serfs, in number over 47-million. Serfdom in Russia was ended by the stroke of a pen. But in the United States,
it took billions of dollars and oceans of blood to free three million, not serfs, but slaves, because of an infamous
plot of English and European Jewish money lords.

Bismarck Told the Story in 1876

Bismarck told the whole story in 1876. He said: “The division of the United States into two federations of equal
rank was decided long before the Civil War by the High Financial Power of Europe.”

These filthy banker Vipers were afraid the United States, if allowed to remain united, would attain economical
and financial independence and upset their financial domination over the world. The Rothschild Jewish bankers
thought Lincoln, an illiterate rail-splitter, would be weak enough to carry out their sugar-coated, diabolical

He decided to eliminate the International Jewish, Illuminati bankers by allowing the states to borrow directly
from the people. He realized that the source of wealth resides in the work and economy of the nation. He
bitterly opposed the international financiers who control the nations through their money. Thus, as soon as the
International Jewish Bankers realized that Lincoln had saved the nation from their plot, they decided to have
him killed.

Deny it if you will, but like or not, hate it or love it, believe it or not, the fact remains: Every President of the
United States, since 1914, has either (a) been controlled by the Jews or (b) has been a closet Jew as in the case
of Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower. They have never dared to defy, or fail to kowtow to, the
Mystery of Iniquity, Synagogue of Satan, Generation of Vipers {Name Jesus Christ and John the Baptist gave
them}, Illuminati, Rothschild, Rockefeller (THE ROCKEFELLER FAMILY – SECRET JEWS! A book
overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the Jewish community states that the
Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent (meaning Spanish and Portuguese Jews). The book is entitled “The
Grandees – America’s Sephardic Elite.” The author is Stephen Birmingham, who is recognized by the Jewish
community as an expert on Jewish history.

The publisher of “The Grandees” is the Jewish owned publishing firm of “Harper and Row” of New York City.
Mr. Birmingham also wrote the book “Our Crowd” about the family background of America’s wealthiest and
most successful Jews. Both books have been hailed by Jewish publications as first class works in the
documentation of Jewish history.

In “The Grandees” Stephen Birmingham reveals the existence of a very rare book which was published only for
Jews some years ago. The work was published only for Jews some years ago. The work was compiled by the
Jewish historian Malcolm H. Stern and entitled “Americans of Jewish Decent.” That book weighed 10 pounds
and gave the history of 25,000 Jewish individuals in America. It is extremely interesting to note that only 550
copies of the book were printed and each copy was consecutively numbered. The book was delivered to the top
Jewish community leaders in America for their personal reference files in dealing with and contacting Jews who
are “Marranos” (those Jews who “PRETEND” to be Christians in their community but secretly hold to their
Jewish faith and race when among their own kind).

Mr. Birmingham in “The Grandees” reports: “Who would expect to find the Rockefellers in the book.” Stern’s
work traces what he calls the “Nobility of Jewry – the Sephardim who lived in Spain and Portugal as princes of
the land.” Many centuries ago the Jews flooded into Spain in great numbers and through usury and stealth
became vast land owners. The Jews controlled both Spain and Portugal through their monopoly over the
finances of the country.

It was in 1492 that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain expelled the Jews from their country and
confiscated their ill-gotten wealth. It was during this period that the Rockefeller family moved to the Turkish
Empire which welcomed the Jews at that time, believing them to be a “poor persecuted people.”

The grandfather of our former Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller, admitted that his family once moved from
Turkey to France. It was from France that they moved to America. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., was a wealthy man
even before he took over Standard Oil Co., which made their family one of the richest in the world. No one has
ever explained how this family came into such wealth as soon as they arrived in America from France.

There is no known information on how the Rockefellers came into huge amounts of money in France. Some
thing they got their money from the Rothschilds and were originally their agents in buying up Christian
businesses in America. “Marranos” are Jews who “PRETEND” to convert to Christianity so as to deceive
Christians in their business dealings, but secretly continued to practice Judaism in private rituals. For this
reason, a Marrano family like the Rockefellers would make the perfect tool for the Rothschilds of France who
have for centuries used secret agents to carry on their work.

“The Thunderbolt” was the first publication to bring Vice- President Nelson Rockefeller’s Jewish ancestry to
public attention. This information finally explains why he has always been able to work so closely with Jewish
interests and why his administration as governor of New York was loaded down with Jews from top to bottom.
His political campaigns of the past were always directed by Jews and he was always the support of the Jewish
community in all of his political races.

Normally the Jews would not support a Christian multi- millionaire for political office because they would be
afraid they could not control him after the election. The fact that Jewish community leaders have long known
that the Rockefellers were fellow Jews goes a long way in explaining why the organized Jewish community has
always supported the Rockefeller’s political ambitions. Now we can see why Nelson and David Rockefeller
boosted his fellow Jew Henry Kissinger into the Nixon administration and Kissinger in turn has used his
position to bring his fellow Jew Rockefeller into power) International Jewish Banker Gangsters. Every
President has tamely submitted, betrayed his country, and lead humanity and this formerly Christian Nation to
the brink of destruction. They are afraid of the blackmail and hired assassins of the International Money
Changers. Bismarck said: “The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the
United States great enough to wear his boots. And the Jews went anew to grab the riches of the world.”

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 9

Bismarck was a true prophet. For he further said: “I fear the Jewish banks with their craftiness and tortuous
tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America. And use it to systematically corrupt modern
civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos that the earth
should become their inheritance.”

These prophetic words have been perfectly fulfilled, and is attested to by the Spanish American War, World
War I, World War II, Korean War and the Vietnamese War. The conspirators have used the astronomical wealth
and technology and abundant resources of the United States to fasten the bands of bondage, torture and curse of
Communism upon almost one-half of the worlds population. An interesting side note. The Czar of Russia, for
his part in saving the United States Government during the war by sending his two fleets to American waters,
asked to be paid for the use of his fleets. Then President Andrew Johnson, who had replaced Lincoln as
President after his assassination, had no constitutional authority to give American money to the head of a
foreign government.

That and the cost of the fleets was rather high: $7.2 million. So President Johnson had Secretary of State
William Seward arrange for the purchase of Alaska from the Russians in April, 1867. This act has unfairly been
called “Seward’s folly” by those historians unfamiliar with the actual reasons for Alaska’s purchase, and to this
day, Secretary of State Seward has been criticized for the purchase of what was then a piece of worthless land.
But Seward was only purchasing the land as a method by which he could pay the Czar of Russia for the use of
his fleets, an action, which in all probability saved the United States of America from a more serious war with
England, France and Spain.

U.S. Issue of Debt-Free Money Is Sabotaged by European Jewish Bankers

As the Civil War entered the critical days of 1862, President Lincoln was in dire need of money to carry out the
obligations of the government in that conflict. He was offered loans by the banking interests, but In December,
1861, the banks had broken down and suspended specie payments. A bill passed Congress on February 25,
1862, whereby the Government could issue $150-million, which would be full legal tender for every debt in the
United States and was an achievement for Lincoln. However, the banking interests were furious.

In July, 1862, the Bank of England {which was, and still is dominated by the Rothschild family} issued the
notorious Hazard Circular which was judiciously circulated among the banking interests of America. It said:
“Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This, I and my European
friends are glad of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the
European plan, led by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done by
controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a
means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are
now awaiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make his recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow
the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot control that.”
The term “greenback” was employed by the banking interests to deceive the masses. Ridicule and derision was
attached to it for the simple reason that it bore no interest or tribute to the bankers and was simply non-
cancelable United States currency issued by the Government.

Gold Holders Dictate Division of Money Law

On two other occasions, July, 1862, and in March, 1863, Congress issued a total of $300- million of United
States Notes, or greenbacks, but the bankers saw to it that they carried the following restrictive clause: “This
note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt.”

This reservation permitted the Rothschilds, who had a corner on the gold, to make a market for their gold. Had
the “greenbacks” been permitted to retain their full legal tender value, there would have been no need for
Rothschild gold with which to pay import duties. The price of gold rose to approximately $2.85 measured in
greenbacks. All importers were obliged to go to the banking interests to buy gold to pay duties on their goods,
and the Wall Street financiers held the power to fix the price.

The Civil War was still raging. Lincoln was teaching the people that bonds were unnecessary and that paper
money, issued in proportion to the country’s wealth, debt-free at its source of origin, was the only kind of
currency that should be permitted. However, the restrictive clauses of the two later issues of greenbacks
seriously crippled the President’s efforts for an honest money system, and Mr. Lincoln was forced, in the heat
of the Civil War, to permit — because he could not stop the evil machinations of the money manipulators — the
“National Banking Act” of February 25, 1863, which gave private banks a national charter to issue and lend

In brief, it permitted private corporations to coin and regulate the value of money. But Lincoln was determined
to end this situation as soon as peace could be secured. He was determined to have a Constitutional money
system because he saw that financial slavery was only less subtle than chattel slavery, a little more refined, but
in the end, the cruel, despotic exploitation of the American people.

President Lincoln saw the problem developing, and was fortunate that the government of Russia was willing to
assist his government in the event of a war with England and France. “While still President-elect, he (Lincoln)
had been informed by the Russian minister to the United States that his country was willing to aid the
Washington government should it be menaced by England and France.” (The Hidden Face of the Civil War, p.

Eleven Southern States seceded from the Union to form the Confederacy. But in a rather enigmatic move, the
flag adopted by the Confederacy had thirteen stars on it. Some believe that this was because the number thirteen
has significance to the Freemason. Others believe that because America is regathered Israel, it was because the
Southern States were led, unseen and unknown, by Almighty God to raise a standard testifying of the Thirteen
Tribes of Israel, just as the original thirteen states.

The South started the Civil War on April 12, 1861, when they fired upon Ft. Sumter, a Northern fort in South
Carolina. One of the members of the Knights of the Golden Circle was the well known bandit Jesse James, and
it was Jesse’s father, George James, a Captain in the Southern Army, who fired the first shot at the fort. (The
Unseen Hand, by A. Ralph Epperson, p. 154)

Lincoln, now President of the Northern States, once again reported to the American people that the war was a
result of conspiratorial forces at work in the South. He told the North that: “…combinations too powerful to be
suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various Southern
States.” (Short History of the Civil War, by Bruce Catton, p. 27) Actually the reverse was true, the Norther
States and the Presidency had been taken over by the Jews, of which Lincoln was one.
Lincoln, and later the Russian Government, saw that England and France were aligning themselves against the
North on the side of the South, and immediately issued orders for a sea blockade of the Southern States to
prevent these two nations from using the seas to send supplies to the South.

The Russian Minister to the United States also saw this alignment and he advised his government in April,
1861, that: “England will take advantage of the first opportunity to recognize the seceded states and that France
will follow her [Please keep in mind that two of the Jewish Rothschild brothers had “Central Banks in England
and France!].” (Why the North Won the Civil War, by David Donald, p. 57)

The Russian foreign minister instructed his American Minister in Washington in July, 1861, “…to assure the
American Nation that it could assume ‘the most cordial sympathy on the part of our August Master (The Czar
of Russia) during the serious crisis which it is passing through at the present.'” (Why the North Won the Civil
War, p. 58)

It is of significant importance to note that Russia, at this time in its history, was a Christian Nation!

Lincoln was receiving great pressure from certain of the banking establishment to float interest-bearing loans to
pay the costs of the war. Salmon P. Chase, after whom the Chase Manhattan Bank, now owned by the
Rockefeller interests, and who had been named Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury during the Civil War and
under the control of his Jewish counterparts the Rothschilds — to prevent the other banks in the United States
from helping the Union finance the war and in his conspiratorial role to help divide the United States, “…
threatened the (rest of the American Bankers) that, if they did not accept the bonds he was issuing, he would
flood the country with circulating notes, even if it should take a thousand dollars of such currency to buy a
breakfast.” (Abraham Lincoln, the Boy and the Man, by James Morgan, p. 207)

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 10

It was at this time that Lincoln decided not to borrow money from the International Jewish Banking interests
nor to create interest bearing money by creating a national bank that would loan the government the needed
money by printing large quantities of paper money. Therefore, Lincoln issued the “Greenback” in February,
1862. This money was not only unbacked by gold, but was debt free.

Lincoln was playing a deadly game. He had crossed the International Jewish Bankers. The war was being
fought to force the United States into a position of having to create a national bank, run independently by the
European bankers, and Lincoln had turn his back on them by issuing his own Fiat Money.

However, the International Jewish Bankers, not to be undone, out-maneuvered Lincoln, at least to a degree,
when on August 5, 1861, they induced Congress, mostly through the influence of Secretary of the Treasury
Chase, to pass an income tax. They imposed “a three-percent federal income tax. this was superseded almost at
once by an act of March, 1862, signed in July, while maintaining a three-percent tax on income below $10,000,
increased the rate to five percent above that level.” (American Opinion, February, 1980, p. 24) It was a
graduated income tax, just as proposed by Karl Marx thirteen years before.

England and France now moved to increase the pressure on Lincoln’s government. On November 8, 1861,
England: “…dispatched 8,000 troops to Canada as tangible proof that she meant business.” (The Hidden Face of
the Civil War, by Otto Eisenschiml, p. 2)

In their support of the South. France marched troops into Mexico after landing them on the coast and imposing
their choice of rulers, the emperor Maximillian, as the head of Mexico. Lincoln could see that he was being
flanked by the European Governments.
In 1938, Jerry Voorhis, a Congressman from California, wrote a pamphlet entitled “Dollars and Sense,” in
which he shared a little bit of history with the American people about the events of the Civil War. “In July
1862, an agent of the London bankers sent the following letter to leading financiers and bankers in the United
States soon after Lincoln’s first issue of greenbacks: ‘The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of
the war must be used to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking
basis. We are not waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury (Salmon P. Chase) to make this recommendation to
Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, for we
cannot control them. But we can control the bonds and through them the bank issues.” (Dollars and Sense, by
Jerry Voorhis, p. 2)

In order to curtail the flow of the military equipment of the largely rural South needed to wage the war, Lincoln,
on April 19, 1861, imposed the naval blockade previously mentioned. The Confederacy needed, “…to go
abroad and replace privateers with powerful warships which (they were) to buy or have built to order. The first
of these vessels, the Sumter, was commissioned in the spring of 1861, and was followed in 1862 by the Florida
and the Alabama.” (The Hidden Face of the Civil War, pp. 18-19)

The South was purchasing these ships from England and France to break the blockade, and Secretary of State
William Seward saw the importance of keeping these two nations out of the war. Therefore, he; “…warned the
British government: ‘If any European power provokes war, we shall not shrink from it.’ Similarly Seward
advised Mercier that French recognition of the Confederacy would result in war with the United States.” (Why
the North Won the Civil War, p. 60)

Lincoln continued to see the danger from the European bankers and the two European countries of France and
England. He saw the main issue of the war as being the preservation of the union. He repeated his statement that
preserving the Union was his main task: “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union. If I could
save the Union without freeing any slaves, I would do it.” (The Irony of Democracy, An Uncommon
Introduction to American Politics, by Thomas R. Dye and L. Harmon Zeigler, p. 73)

But even though Lincoln was not conducting the war over the issue of slavery, he issued the Emancipation
Proclamation freeing the slaves on September 22, 1862, claiming the right to do so as the Commander-in-Chief
of the Army and Navy. There was no act of Congress, just the solitary act of the President of the United States.
But his act had the force of law, and the American people accepted it as such.

In addition to the external threat from England and France, Lincoln also had an internal threat to contend with:
the central bank. On February 25, 1863, Congress passed the National Banking Act. This act created a federally
chartered national bank that had the power to issue U.S. Bank Notes, money created to be loaned to the
government supported not by gold but by debt. The money was loaned to the government at interest, and
became Legal Tender. This bill was supported and guided by the Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase.

Lincoln, after the passage of this act, once again warned the American people. He said:
“The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is
more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near
future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country.
Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will
endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a
few hands, and the republic is destroyed.” (The Federal Reserve Bank, by H.S. Kennan, p. 9)

A few months after the passage of the act, the Rothschild bank in England wrote a letter to a New York firm of
bankers [Kuhn, Loeb and Co.]: “The few who understand the system (interest-bearing money) will either be so
interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on
the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that
capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting
the system is inimical to their interests.” (National Economy and the Banking System of the United States, by
Senator Robert L. Owen, pp. 99-100)

Lincoln was betting on the blockade he had imposed around the South as a means of keeping England and
France out of the war. The blockade was effectively doing this, at least on the surface, but others were using it
as a means of making enormous profits. Private individuals were “running” the blockade by equipping several
ships with essential provisions for the South, and then hoping that a percentage of these ships would make it
through the blockade, so the blockade runner could charge exorbitant prices for the goods in Southern cities.
One of these individuals was a Jew by the name of Thomas W. House, a Rothschild agent, who amassed a
fortune during the Civil War. House was the father of Colonel Edward Mandell House, the key to the election
of President Woodrow Wilson and the passage of the Federal Reserve bill in 1913.

Lincoln realized that the North needed an ally to keep the European countries out of the war directly, as both
nations were building ships capable of running the blockade, and the entry of England and France directly into
the war could spell the end of the North and the Union. He looked to other European countries for assistance
and found none willing to provide the support for his government. There was one country, however, that had no
central bank and therefore no internal force preventing its support of the United States. That country was
Russia, who was at the time a great Christian Nation.

Russia had a large navy and had already pledged its support to Lincoln prior to the beginning of the war. It
could now involve itself and keep England and France out of the war because these two nations feared a war
with the Russian government.

Lincoln needed something that he could use as a means of encouraging the Russian people to send their navy to
the defense of the United States. Therefore, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves as
a gesture to the Russian people who had their Czar free the serfs with a similar proclamation in 1861. Lincoln
anticipated that this one act would encourage the Russian people to support their government when it lent
support to the Union.

Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 11

The Czar of Russia, Alexander II, issued orders to his imperial navy to sail for the American ports of New York
City and San Francisco as a sign of support for Lincoln and the United States. It also served as a dramatic
means of indicating to France and England they would have to contend with the Russian Government as well
should they enter the war on the side of the South. These ships began arriving in the United States in September,

It was commonly understood why these ships were entering the American waters. “The average Northerner
(understood)…that the Russian Czar was taking this means of warning England and France that if they made
war in support of the South, he would help the North…” (Short History of the Civil War, by Bruce Catton, p.

In October, 1863, the city of Baltimore issued a proclamation inviting the: “…officers of the Russian ships of
war now in or shortly to arrive at that Port (New York) to visit the city of Baltimore…and to accept of its
hospitalities, as a testimonial of the high respect of the authorities and citizens of Baltimore for the Sovereign
and people of Russia, who, when other powers and people strongly bound to us by ties of interest or common
decent (England and France?) have lent material and support to the Rebels of the South, have honorably
abstained from all attempts to assist the rebellion, and have given our government reliable assurances of their
sympathy and good will.” (Before the Storm, by Baron C. Wrangell-Rokassowsky)
The Czar issued orders to his Admirals that they were to be ready to fight any power and to take their orders
only from President Abraham Lincoln. And in the event of war, the Russian Navy was ordered to, “…attack the
enemy’s commercial shipping and their colonies, so as to cause them the greatest possible damage.” (Before the
Storm, p. 57)

In addition to all of the problems, Lincoln faced one more: the machinations of an internal conspiracy. Lincoln
had anticipated such a conspiracy in 1837 when he stated:
“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reaches us it must spring up
amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.
As a nation of free men, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” (Speech given at Springfield, Illinois,
January 27, 1837) So Lincoln feared that the ultimate death of his nation would be caused by her own sons, his
fellow Americans.

Early in 1863, Lincoln wrote a letter to Major General Joseph Hooker, in which he said: “I have placed you at
the head of the Army of the Potomac. I have heard, in such a way as to believe it, of your recently saying that
both the army and the government needed a dictator.” (Abraham Lincoln: Complete Works, by John G. Nicoley
and John Hay, Vol. II, pp. 306, 354 and 355)

Apparently what Lincoln had heard about General Hooker was true, as Hooker had,
“…once been feared as the potential leader of a Radical coup d’etat.” (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The
Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson, by Gene Smith, p. 61)

The Radicals referred to in Lincoln’s letter to General Hooker were a group of Republicans, amongst others,
who saw that the North would ultimately win the war with the South, and they wanted Lincoln to make the
South pay for its rebellion after the victory. Lincoln favored the softer approach of allowing the Southern States
to return to the Union after the war ended, without reprisals against them or their fighting men. The Radicals
were frequently called the “Jacobins” after the group that fomented the French Revolution of 1789. As
mentioned earlier, they were an offshoot of the Illuminati. And they made the South pay indeed, White Men
were murdered by the Union Army and their lands and businesses were given to blacks and Jews. This
continued until the formation of the KKK.

On April 14, 1865, the conspiracy that Lincoln both feared and had knowledge of assassinated him. Eight
people were tried for the crime, and four were later hung. In addition to the conspiracy’s successful attempt on
Lincoln’s life, the plan was to also assassinate Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s Vice President, and Secretary of
State Seward. Both of these other attempts failed, but if they had been successful, there is little doubt who
would have been the one to reap all of the benefits: the Jewish Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.

In fact, after the successful assassination of Lincoln, Stanton “became in that moment the functioning
government of the United States, when he assumed control of the city of Washington D.C. in an attempt to
capture Lincoln’s killer.”

The man who killed Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, had several links with societies of the day, one of which was
the Carbonari of Italy, an Illuminati-like secret organization active in Italian intrigue.

One of the many evidences of Stanton’s complicity in the assassination attempts is the fact that he failed to
block off the road that Booth took as he left Washington D.C. after the assassination, even though Stanton had
ordered military blockades on all of the other roads.

It is now believed that Stanton also arranged for another man, similar in build and appearance to Booth, to be
captured and then murdered by troops under the command of Stanton. It is further believed that Stanton
certified that the murdered man was Booth, thereby allowing Booth to escape.
But perhaps the most incriminating evidence that Stanton was involved in the assassination of Lincoln lies in
the missing pages of the diary kept by Mr. Booth. Stanton testified before Congressional investigating
committees, “…that the pages were missing when the diary was given to him in April of 1865. The missing
pages contain the names of some seventy high government officials and prominent businessmen who were
involved in a conspiracy to eliminate Lincoln. The purported eighteen missing pages were recently discovered
in the attic of Stanton’s descendants.” (The Lincoln Conspiracy, by David Balsiger and Charles E. Sellier, Jr.,
Los Angeles: Shick Sunn Classic Books, 1977, caption under the photograph between pages 160 and 161)

And Booth was even linked to those involved with the conspiracy in the South: “A coded message was found in
the trunk of Booth, the key to which was discovered in Judah P. Benjamin’s possession. Benjamin…was the
Civil War campaign strategist of the House of Rothschild.” (The Federal Reserve, by H.S. Kennan, p. 246)
Judah P. Benjamin held many key positions in the Confederacy during the Civil War.

So, it appears that Lincoln was the subject of a major conspiracy to assassinate him, a conspiracy so important
that even the European bankers were involved. Lincoln had to be eliminated because he dared to oppose the
attempt to force a central bank onto the American people, and as an example to those who would later oppose
such machinations in high places.

One of the early books on the subject of this conspiracy was published just months after the assassination of
President Lincoln. It was entitled “The Assassination and History of the Conspiracy,” and it clearly identified
the Knights of the Golden Circle as the fountainhead of the assassination plot. The back cover of the book
carried an advertisement for another book that offered the reader, “…an inside view of the modus of the
infamous organization, its connection with the rebellion and the Copperhead movement in the North.” The
second book was written by Edmund Wright, who claimed to be a member of the Knights.

After the attempt on his life failed, and after Lincoln’s death, Vice-President Johnson became the President of
the United States. He continued Lincoln’s policy of amnesty to the defeated South after the war was over. He
issued an Amnesty Proclamation on May 29, 1865, welcoming the South back into the Union with only a few

1). The South must repudiate the debt of the war;

2). Repeal all secession ordinances and laws; and

3). Abolish slavery forever.

The first requirement did not endear President Johnson to those who wished the South to redeem its contractual
obligations to those who had loaned it the money it needed to fight the war. One of these debtors was the
Rothschild family, who had heavily funded the South’s efforts in the war. But Johnson also had to face another

The Czar of Russia, for his part in saving the United States during the war by sending his fleet to American
waters, and apparently because of an agreement he made with Lincoln, asked to be paid for the use of his fleet.
Johnson had no constitutional authority to give American dollars to the head of a foreign government. And the
cost of the fleet was rather high: $7.2 million.

So Johnson had Secretary of State William Seward arrange for the purchase of Alaska from the Russians in
April, 1867. This act has unfairly been called “Seward’s folly” by those historians unfamiliar with the actual
reasons for Alaska’s purchase, and to this day, Secretary of State Seward has been criticized for the purchase of
what was then a piece of worthless land. But Seward was only purchasing the land as a method by which he
could pay the Czar of Russia for the use of his fleet, an action that probably saved America from a more serious
war with both England and France.
Jews Caused the Civil War – Part 12

However, the most serious problem Johnson was to have during his tenure as President of the United States was
still to occur. He asked for the resignation of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, and Stanton refused. The Radical
Republicans, also called the Jacobins, in the Senate started impeachment proceedings against President Johnson.
These efforts failed by the slim margin of only one vote, and Johnson continued in office. In an interesting quirk
of fate, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time was Salmon P. Chase, and it was his task to preside
over the impeachment trial of President Johnson. Chase had resigned as Secretary of the Treasury to become the
Chief Justice. It was almost as if the conspiracy had anticipated the impeachment proceedings and had wanted a
man they felt they could trust in that key position.

Jewish Senator Benjamin F. Wade, President Pro-Tempore of the Senate and next in line of succession to the
Chief Executive’s position, had been so confident that Johnson would be found guilty of the charges against
him and removed from office that he had already informally named his new cabinet. To show their power the
conspirators had Stanton appointed the Secretary of the Treasury (The Lincoln Conspiracy, by David Balsiger
and Charles E. Sellier, Jr., p. 294)

Chief Justice Chase’s role in these events would be recognized years later by John Thompson, founder of the
Chase National Bank [Later to be called the Chase Manhattan Bank, after its merger with the Manhattan Bank
owned by the Warburgs] who named his bank after him. In addition, other honors came to the Chief Justice. His
picture is found on the $10,000 bill printed by the U.S. Treasury. This bill is believed to be the highest existing
denomination currency in the Unites States today].

After the Civil War ended, President Johnson, “…had no doubt there was a conspiracy afoot among the
Radicals [The Jacobeans] to incite another revolution.” (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Impeachment of
Andrew Johnson, by Gene Smith, p. 185)

It was the intent of the Jacobins to stir up the newly freed slaves and then use this dissatisfaction as the reason
for starting another Civil War. And in fact there was a large riot in Memphis, Tennessee, in April, 1866, where
a group of whites, were incited by Jews, to attack Negroes and forty-six of the Negroes were killed. Later, in
July, 1866, there was a riot in New Orleans where a group of marching Negroes were fired upon and many of
them were killed. By this one can see how long the Jews have been using the blacks in America to further their
own purposes. They use the ignorance of the blacks and the incapability of them to see who their real enemies

The Radicals blamed Johnson for these killings, but some knew that the rioting was the work of others. Gideon
Wells, the Secretary of the Navy, was one and he wrote in his diary: “There is little doubt that the New Orleans
riots had their origin with the Radical members of Congress in Washington. It is part of a deliberate conspiracy
and was to be the commencement of a series of bloody affrays through the States lately in the rebellion (The
South). There is a determination to involve the country in civil war, if necessary, to secure Negro suffrage in the
States and Radical ascendancy in the general government.” (Quoted in Dan Smoot’s Report, July 8, 1963, Vol.
9, No. 27, p. 212)

Even President Johnson was aware of the attempts to incite another Civil War as he once, “…told Orville
Browning that ‘he had no doubt that there was a conspiracy afoot among the Radicals to incite another
revolution, and especially to arm and exasperate the Negroes.’ The President himself was coming to believe that
Stevens and Sumner (The leaders of the Radicals, also known as the Jacobins) and their followers intended to
take the government into their own hands.
It was an ‘unmistakable design,’ he once told Welles. They would declare Tennessee out of the Union and so
get rid of him, and then set up a Directory based on the French Revolution’s model.” (High Crimes and
Misdemeanors, The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, p. 157 and 185)

One of the groups acting to incite the riots was the Knights of the Golden Circle, whose war-time members
included John Wilkes Booth and Jefferson Davis, the head of the Confederacy. Another member, Jesse James,
was secretly hoarding large quantities of gold stolen from banks and mining companies in an attempt to buy a
second Civil War. It has been estimated that Jesse and the other members of the Knights had buried over $7
billion in gold all over the western states.

Jesse James, a 33rd degree Mason, lived to be 107 years old. He claimed that his secret to his long life was that
he changed his name frequently after first locating a cowboy with approximately his same physical
characteristics. He then would kill or have him killed by shooting him in the face. He would then plant some
items known to be his on the body, such as jewelry or clothing. His next step would be to have a known relative
or a close friend identify the body as being that of Jesse James. Since there were no other means of identifying
the body such as pictures or fingerprints, the public assumed that the relative or friend knew what they were
saying when they identified the body. Grateful townspeople were happy to think that the notorious bank robber,
or any of his dangerous aliases, was dead, so they tended to believe that the identification was correct. Jesse
claimed that it was by this method that he assumed the identities or aliases of some seventy-three individuals. In
fact, he claimed that one of the aliases he used in later years was that of William A. Clark, the copper king and
later a U.S. Senator from the Las Vegas area of Nevada. It is after Senator Clark that Clark County, Nevada is
named (Jesse James was One of His Names, by Del Schrader with Jesse James III, p. 187).

The Knights of the Golden Circle, was, “…brother to those secret organizations made up of other victims of
despotism: the Confrereries of medieval France, the Carbonari of Italy, the Vehmgerict of Germany, (and) the
Nihilists of Russia.” (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, p. 194)

It was the Nihilists who were credited with the assassination of the Czar of Russia, Alexander II, in 1881. This
was the same Czar who sent the fleet to America during the Civil War. So he, like Lincoln, had to pay the price
for outwitting the Jewish International Bankers who had caused the Civil War.

The final important act of the Civil War came in 1875, when Congress passed the Specie Redemption Act,
declaring it the policy of the government to redeem President Lincoln’s “Greenbacks” on January 1, 1879.

Thus history records that:

1). President Abraham Lincoln betrayed the Jewish International Bankers and paid with his life for it.

2). The United States still did not have a central bank.

3). It was time for the conspiracy to change it’s strategy.



Many people suffer under the misapprehension that Jesus was a "Jew," moreover, that he was "King of the
Jews." Thus, by inference, that the "Jews" were the "Chosen People" of the Holy Bible and so ancient
possessors and modern inheritors of the Bible Covenants gifted by Yahweh to their forebears Abraham, Jacob
and Judah. However, this is not the case. In fact, during Christ's Mission and Passion no such people existed
called "Jews" nor indeed did the word "Jew." In short: Jesus was NOT a "Jew" nor was he "King of the Jews."

In fact, Jesus is referred as a "Jew" for the first time in the New Testament in the 18th century; in the revised
18th century English language editions of the 14th century first English translations of the New Testament. The
etymology of the word "Jew" is quit clear. Although "Jew" is a modern conception its roots lie in the 3rd and
4th centuries AD. That is, the modern English word "Jew" is the 18th century contraction and corruption of the
4th century Latin "Iudaeus" found in St. Jerome's Vulgate Edition and derived from the Greek word "Ioudaios."
The evolution of this can easily be seen in the extant manuscripts from the 4th century to the 18th century,
which illustrate not only the origin of the word "Jew" found in the Latin word "Iudaeus" but also its current use
in the English language. Littered throughout these manuscripts are the many earlier English equivalents used
by various chroniclers between the 4th and the 18th century. Thus, from the Latin "Iudaeus" to the English
"Jew" the evolution of these English forms is: "Gyu," "Giu," "Iu," "Iuu," "Iuw," "Ieuu," "Ieuy," "Iwe," "Iow,"
"Iewe," "Ieue," "Iue," "Ive," "Iew," and then, finally, the 18th century, "Jew." Similarly, the evolution of the
English equivalents for "Jews" is: "Giwis," "Giws," "Gyues," "Gywes," "Giwes," "Geus," "Iuys," "Iows,"
"Iouis," "Iews," and then, finally, in the 18th century, "Jews."

CONTINUE AT THIS LINK: Overlords of Chaos

Jonathan Williams recorded in his book, LEGIONS OF SATAN , in 1781, THAT Cornwallis revealed to
Washington that a -

"holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will supposedly be the citadel of freedom,
but her millions will unknowingly be the loyal subjects of the Crown."

Cornwallis went on to explain that what would seem to be a seem to be a contradiction:

"Your churches will be used to teach the Jews' religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will
be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British
Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will
all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."

The Canadian Intelligence Service - Excerpt from September 1952 issue - submitted by James Moorhouse. -
The following speech was given by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency
Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952.
"The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and
because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely
promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew
a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can
state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our control Commissions
will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The
white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white
race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous
enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the
Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us
to retain mastery over a world of dark people."

The Muslims are not the enemy.

They don’t extort usury through the Federal Reserve; they aren’t manufacturing population-reducing vaccines
and GMO seeds; they didn’t devise our abortion laws (about fifty million dead); they didn’t bail out the banks;
they didn’t create the Department of Homeland Security and impose the PATRIOT Act; they aren’t wiretapping
our private conversations or scanning us at the airport; they didn’t impose godless Communism on several
countries and cause the death of millions of innocent people; they haven’t instituted the draconian healthcare
laws; they have not orchestrated the nation’s economic crashes; they have not deindustrialized the nation and
outsourced so many jobs; they haven’t wiped out the middle class by passing trade laws like NAFTA; [88] and
they haven’t foreclosed on thousands of homes; they are not the reason thousands of people live in tent cities;
they haven’t developed depleted uranium weapons. Instead of worrying about a mosque, consider what’s going
on behind the closed doors at the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, the Senate and House chambers, the CFR, the
State Department, the UN or dozens of other places. The Muslims didn’t instigate the attacks on the USS
Liberty or the USS Cole and they didn’t orchestrate the highly organized attack in Manhattan on 9/11. By Way
of Deception

America's vilest traitor, Edward Mandell House, is attributed with giving a very detailed outline of the New
World Order plans that were to be implemented gradually over time to enslave the American people ... a plan
that has been repeated in Canada, Australia, Britain and elsewhere. He stated, in a private meeting with
Woodrow Wilson:

“Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that’s you and your children)
in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of
pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security
as a charge back for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being able to
work and earn a living. They will be our chattels (property) and we will hold the security interest over them
forever, by operation of the lawmerchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly
or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading (Birth Certificate) to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent,
secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make
us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by
accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only
logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debts to the registrants in the form of benefits and
privileges. This will inevitably reap us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a
contributor to this fraud, which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will
unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for
their redemption and we will employ the high office (presidency) of our dummy corporation (USA) to foment
this plot against America.”
Our Constitutional Rights
"The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private
business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He ows no such duty [to submit his books and
papers for an examination] to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life
and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land [Common Law] long antecedent to the
organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the
Constitution. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his
property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as
he does not trespass upon their rights." Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 47 (1906).


"A great civilization is not conquered without, until it has destroyed
itself from within." The Fall of the Roman Empire - 1964
"To defend Jews, Judaism, Israel or any other alias these criminals
care to use is in all instances a crime against humanity. Both their
'sacred' book, the Talmud, and their greatest philosopher,
Maimonides, agree that it is the duty of all Jews to kill or enslave all
the non Jews of the world. All Jews renew an oath every year to not
tell the truth about anything they choose to lie about. And all Jewish
holidays celebrate the slaughter of non Jews, right down to eating the
'ears' of Palestinians as they celebrate all their ancient betrayals and
atrocities. Jews appeal to your higher sense of morality while
possessing none of their own. In any one of a million ways, this will be
the cause of your premature death, if the Jews are allowed to continue
their homicidal rampage unimpeded." ~John Kaminski
"There is a great danger for the United States of America, this great
danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land which the Jews have
settled, they have depressed the normal level and lowered the degree
of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated
-- they have created a state within a state, and when they are opposed
they attempt to strangle the nation financially as in the case of
Portugal and Spain. For more than 1700 years, they have lamented
their sorrowful fate -- namely, that they were driven out of their
motherland, but gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give
them back Palestine and their property, they would immediately find
pressing reasons for not returning there. Why? Because they are
vampires -- they cannot live among themselves; they must live among
Christians and others who do not belong to their race ."If they are not
excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than
100 years, they will stream into this country in such numbers they will
rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we
Americans shed our blood and sacrificed life, property and personal
freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children
will be working in the fields to feed the Jews while they remain in the
Counting House gleefully rubbing their hands. "I warn you,
gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children's
children will curse you in your graves. Their ideas are not those of
Americans even when they have lived among us for ten generations.
The leopard cannot change its spots. The Jews are a danger to this
land and if they are allowed to enter they will imperil our institutions
-- they should be excluded by the Constitution."
~Statement in the Convention, concerning Jewish immigration to
America and the danger it posed (1789)

Quote of the Week

"The degree to which you resist injustice is the degree to which you are free."

--Utah Phillips

“For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their
homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at
once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on
vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of
their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States, in this Constitution, in less than 200 years
they will have swarmed in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our
form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and
jeopardized our liberty.”
--Benjamin Franklin (George Armstrong, The Rothschild Money Trust, 1940, p. 92)

BUILDING A MONUMENT TO A FALSEHOOD - "The plan to build a mosque at Ground Zero is is a

sophisticated propaganda ploy by the Rothschild/Zionist-controlled U.S. government and media, designed to
underline and cement in the public mind the blatant falsehood that Muslims were responsible for the terror
attacks of 9-11. This project is founded on the false premise of Muslim guilt and is meant to create a
permanent monument to the falsehood that 9-11 was carried out by Islamic terrorists. The people behind this
project are the high-level Rothschild agents involved in the Zionist false-flag terrorism and cover-up of 9-11,
including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, whose sprawling media empire
has pushed the lies about 9-11and the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."

--Christopher Bollyn -9/4/2010

"The money powers prey on the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The
banking powers are more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than
bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their

--Abraham Lincoln

“There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americans. The one absolutely certain way of bringing
this nation to ruin would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”

— President Theodore Roosevelt

"What we need is 'organized non-cooperation'."

--David Icke

"Liberty lost never comes back."

--Judge Andrew Napolitano

"Freedom cannot be attained and retained by observers. Freedom gained and kept can only be achieved with
a warrior class who will stand firm and live the words they speak. Will you be part of the warrior class? If
not, Samuel Adams, American Patriot and politician, summed it up best: 'If ye love wealth better than
liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains
set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

--Samuel Adams

“The germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible body - working like
gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing it's noiseless step like
a thief over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall render powerless the checks of one branch over the other
and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."

--Pres. Thomas Jefferson

“The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsely, but because they speak the truth. This is
because if men speak falsehoods, their own words can be used against them; while if they speak truly, there
is nothing which can be used against them - except force.”

-- John “the Birdman” Bryant 1943 - 2009

"The problem with this World isn't so much that we don't know what is true, for it is not the truth itself
which sets you free. It is the ability to discover what is the truth that makes us free."

--Anonymous author

“From greed arises mutual distrust, that casts a blight on all human dealings; from greed arises hateful envy
which makes a man consider the advantages of another as losses to himself; from greed arises narrow
individualism which orders and subordinates everything to its own advantage without taking account of
others, on the contrary cruelly trampling underfoot all rights of others. Hence the disorder and inequality
from which arises the accumulation of the wealth of nations in the hands of a small group of individuals
who manipulate the market of the world at their own caprice, to the immense harm of the masses. Profiting
by so much economic distress and so much moral disorder, the enemies of all social order, be they called
Communists, or any other name, boldly set about breaking through every restraint. This is the most dreadful
evil of our times, for they destroy every bond of law, human or divine; they engage openly and in secret in a
relentless struggle against Religion and against God himself; they carry out the diabolical program of
wresting from the hearts of all, even children, all religious sentiment; for well they know that when once
belief in God has been taken from the heart of mankind they will be entirely free to work out their will.”

--Pope Pius XI

"If our masters are human (and I have grave doubts on that point) then they are lower than a serpent's belly
for their crimes against humanity. These maniacally evil incarnate devils deserve the cruelest death
imaginable and their corrupted, black souls forever banished to the ether never to rise again. Unfortunately,
history proves time and again that these demons are born into the world every so often to terrorize the
human race."


Random Quotes
"John Swinton, the then preeminent New York journalist and Chief of Staff at the New York Times, was the
guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor
Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying thus:

There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it
and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know
beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the
paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who
would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I
allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation
would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to
fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know
it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the
scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our
lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
-- John Swinton, 1880

Borrowed from this website:

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is

--Thomas Jefferson

"A measure of Zionist subversion is when a nation's defenders are defamed and forgotten, while its traitors
are rewarded and honored."

--Dr. Henry Makow from his article Robert Edmondson "Testified Against the Jews" 2008

"One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the
mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies
will crumble under the weight of that one truth. And there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies
than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the
revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to
follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth." (by Delamar Duvaris
as written in the preface of "Behold the Pale Horse" by William Cooper).

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy
at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves
among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of
government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he
wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city,
he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." - Cicero, 42 B.C.

Treasonous Quotes by dual-citizen Americans &

Israeli leaders
“I encourage my soldiers to rape Arabic girls, since the Palestinian woman is a slave for the Jews, and we do
whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do.”–Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

“Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people
and the State of Israel on trial.” Ariel Sharon

“I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him
suffer before killing him.” Ariel Sharon

“Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to
deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from underneath the feet of
the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up one or two
synagogues here and there, I don't care.” Ariel Sharon
”The progress we have made in the last thirty years is overwhelming. Now we are in total control, and there
is NOTHING America can do. America is now marching under our orders into WW3″ – David Bloomberg

Quotes by the Enemy

We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and
demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own.” by Maurice Samuel

“You must only ever write of us as a passive, powerless, historically oppressed minority, struggling to
maintain our ancient identity in a world where all the odds are against us, poor helpless us, poor persecuted
and beleaguered us! Otherwise we will smash you to pieces.” by Joe Sobran

The Jewish neocon Michael Ledeen, in his recent book, The War Against The Terror Masters, goes right for
the jugular. He shows not hesitation in manifesting the venom of his Jewish arrogance and the Jewish
neocon agenda to create a Jewish New World Order: —- "First and foremost, we must bring down the terror
regimes, beginning with the Big Three: Iran, Iraq, and Syria. We will remain engaged. We have to ensure
the fulfillment of the democratic revolution. We do not want stability in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and even
Saudi Arabia; we want things to change. The real issue is not whether, but how to destabilize. Creative
destruction is our middle name both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every
day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies
have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may
be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. We must destroy them to advance our historic mission."
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”

--A comment made by Benjamin Netanyahu to Jonathan Pollard (convicted traitor and spy) upon exiting
Pollard’s jail cell.[

"It is a reality that we have complete control of organized Christianity. Almost anywhere, completely. We
'Jews' must become lawyers so we could control and strangle the courts, we should become teachers and
leaders in all churches."

--Harold W. Rosenthal

"Anytime truth comes forth which exposes us, we simply rally our forces - the ignorant Christians. They
attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own family."

--Harold Wallace Rosenthal

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”

— Mary Frances Berry, former Chair, U.S. Civil Rights Commission

“It’s always illegitimate for white men to organize as white men.”

— William Raspberry, a black columnist for the Washington Post

“We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

— William Casey, CIA Director (at his first staff meeting, 1981)

“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They are scum. But don't tell them this! We need all the useful idiots we
can get right now.”

— ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu.

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