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Learning activity 3


You will learn more about biographies, productivity and accountability.

A. Read the following text and circle the correct option.

Rodolfo Llinás is / was a Colombian neuroscientist. He was born on December

16th, 1934 in Bogota, Colombia. He 1. attended / attend the Gimnasio Moderno
School. He 2. got / gets his MD from Universidad Javeriana in 1959 and his
PhD in 1965 from Australian National University under the supervision on Sir
John Eccles. While he was still studying medicine, he 3. had / have the chance
to travel to Europe where he 4. participates / participated in some experiments
about electricity in the brain. After he 5. graduated / will graduate from medical
school, he 6. went / wents to the United States to work in the field of
neurosurgery. He 7. felt / felted disappointed because that work did not have
much to do with studying the brain. In 1962, he 8. worked / work at the Marine
Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts. Then he 9. traveled / did travel to
Australia to do his PhD research. In 1966 he went to Minneapolis and 10.
worked / works there as an associate professor. His principal research is about
the biological origin of consciousness. Nowadays, he 11. lives / lived in New
York and he 12. is / was the chairman of the department of Physiology &
Neuroscience at the NYU School of Medicine. He 13. was / is also a
neuroscience professor and he will continue teaching because he loves it.

B. Answer the following questions about Llinás’ biography.

1. Where is he from?

2. When was he born?


3. What school did he go to?


4. Where did he get his PhD from?

5. What field did he work in when he was in the USA?

6. Was he excited about his job there? Why? Why not?


7. Where does he live now?


8. What is his principal research about?


9. What is his current position?


10. What will he do in the next years?


C. Complete the following time line according to the information from the text.

1934 1959 1965 1966 2014

He went to

D. Complete the following sentences about accountability and productivity with a

word from the box. You can use each word only once.

Celebrate Prioritizing
Accountability Setting goals
Time management At all levels.
Productivity Accountability partner Don’t worry! Just do it!

1. Using and applying knowledge and skills to create a quality results in a

specified timeframe is _____________.

2. When you make a list of objectives you want to reach you are ____________.

3. When you reach your goals, allow yourself some time to ______________.

4. When you decide in what order you should do things, based on how
important or urgent they are, you are _________________.

5. If you complete all your daily tasks, you are demonstrating good

6. When you respond for actions that you do and those that you don’t you are
reflecting _________________.

7. You can apply productivity and accountability _______________.

8. Someone who expects you to do things as you say is your


9. When you are worried about a task you didn’t do, _________________.


A. Write a paragraph explaining a situation in which you can apply the concepts of
productivity and accountability.

Document control
Name Position Dependence Date
Theme expert
Dirección de
Asesora English
Author Johana Méndez formación November
Dot Works -
Sarmiento profesional. 2014
Programa de
Dirección General

Rachman Bustillo Copy editor – Línea
Adaptation Agroindustrial. October 2015
Martínez de producción
Regional Quindío

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