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Why so many people move from villages to big cities? There seem to be many reasons for this.

first reason is that there are many more shops, restaurants, cinemas and theaters in the cities.
People who live there have many opportunities to meet with their friends, to rest or to see an
interesting movie. Thanks to that, they rarely get bored. The situation is different in the villages.
People living there have no such possibilities to spend there free time. They often stay at home and
watch TV. They can also go to the disco, if there is one in the nearby.

Next important reason is that it is much easier to find a good job in the city. There are much better
opportunities to get good education there as well.

In many villages people have difficulties in installing a phone, electricity or TV. There are no such
problems in the city. Also the communication is worse in villages. There are not many buses, trains,
and no tramways. Although it is easier to travel in the city, many means of transportation may be
problematic for people living in the cities. They cause much traffic, and different kinds of accidents
happen often in the cities. Some residents of the cities consider the constant noise very painful. Too
many cars and factories cause dangerous pollution of the environment. What is positive about life in
a city is that it is much easier to get medical care. One can feel more secure than in a village, where
there are fewer doctors, specialists, and where one must patiently wait for help.

In a village, people can spend more time in fresh air. There is always place to walk or run. Although
there are fewer such places in the cities, there are other places to make sport there. One can go to a
sport club, tennis court or swimming pool. For children and teenagers there are playgrounds. In each
city there is also a park, where people can walk, run or rest.

In a city you can meet many different people, also foreigners, you have better access to information
as well. There are also more shops, which makes shopping easier.

Among many advantages, there are also disadvantages of living in the city. If you are a quiet and not
too social person, you may find peace and silence in the village. The cities are noisy and crowded,
and the air there is very polluted. It seems to me that people from villages are more help- giving and
careful of others, they have more time to get to know others. As life in big cities is very expensive and
exhausting, people there are much more stressed.

It is difficult to say, where it is better for people to live- in a city or in a village. Although living in big
city seems easier, country- life is quieter and healthier. If I were to decide where to live, I would
choose a city after all. I hope to have a chance to find a good and well paid job, to meet interesting
people and to have better health protection.
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