B-Stage Graphene-Epoxy Composite Films

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GGraphene, which is a layer of

carbon atoms in a hexagonal lattice, has

been reported to have excellent mechani-
cal, electrical, thermal, and gas barrier
properties. One of the most widely used
applications of graphene is graphene–
polymer composites, which are one of the
most promising solutions, since highly
functional materials can be produced with

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a small amount graphene flakes incorpo-
rated in a lightweight polymer matrix.
Graphene–polymer composites have been
investigated for various types of applica-

tions such as thermal interface materials,
electromagnetic interference shielding
materials, gas sensor materials, and gas
barrier materials [1], [2].
In general, the properties of polymer

composites can be changed by the filler ori-
entation direction when the fillers with a
high aspect ratio (the ratio of length to
thickness) are aligned to a specific direction.

Composite Films
Therefore, the alignment of nanosized fill-
ers, such as carbon nanotubes and graphene
in polymer composites, has been broadly
investigated, and horizontally aligned gra-
phene/polymer composites have been
reported using various techniques such as
solvent evaporation [3], pressing [4], vacu-
um filtration [5], and electric or magnetic
field application [6]–[8]. Electric field appli-
cation is one of the most promising tech-
niques because it is quite simple and various
Effects of film viscosity changes on the electric
orientations can be possible depending on
applied electric field direction. Polymer
field-induced alignment of graphene flakes.


Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MNANO.2015.2472695

Date of publication: 23 September 2015

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viscosity should be maintained at the lowest applications, such as anisotropic conduc- EXPERIMENT
value for better graphene alignment. There- tive films, wafer-level packaging, and
fore, it was reported that graphene was easi- three-dimensional chip-stacking technol- FABRICATION OF B-STAGE
ly aligned to a specific direction in very ogies [9], [10]. GRAPHENE–EPOXY
low-viscosity liquid polymer composites. This rapid viscosity reduction by tem- COMPOSITE FILMS
However, this alignment method has pro- perature would be effective in aligning Graphene flakes used in this study were
cess problems such as postpolymer solidifi- graphene flakes by applying an electric commercially available exfoliated gra-
cation processes and a mold [7], [8]. field. However, the reduced viscosity of phene nanoplatelet flakes. The mean size
B-stage epoxy films have been widely B-stage adhesive films cannot be main- of the flakes was 5 µm with a thickness of
used in various electronic packaging appli- tained for a sufficient amount of time 6–8 nm. Epoxy resins and adipic acid dihy-
cations. The term B-stage means that the because of the curing reaction. Because of drazide were used as the polymer matrix
chemical curing reaction of thermosetting this reaction, the film viscosity increases and curing agent, respectively. Methyl-eth-
adhesives such as epoxies and acrylics did with time at high temperatures. There- yl ketone was used as an organic solvent.
not occurr at room temperature. One of fore, it is important to investigate the Graphene–epoxy composite was pre-
the unique properties of B-stage adhesive effects of viscosity change on the gra- pared by solution-mixing and a comma-
films is that the viscosity of the film can phene alignment in B-stage epoxy films. roll coating, schematically illustrated in
be controlled by temperature. At room In this article, the effects of time-tem- Figure 1. First, graphene flakes were dis-
temperature, the B-stage films are in a perature dependent viscosity changes on persed in an organic solvent, then the
solid format; however, when heated, the electric field-induced alignment of gra- epoxy resin and curing agent were mixed
viscosity of the B-stage films rapidly phene flakes in B-stage graphene–epoxy into the solution. After that, the mixed
reduces to a very low value and then composite film are investigated. The align- solution was heated to dry out the sol-
increases again due to the curing reaction ment direction was parallel to the compos- vent while preventing the graphene flake
of polymer resins. Because of their viscosi- ite film (horizontal direction). Electric agglomeration. Later, B-stage graphene–
ty characteristics, B-stage adhesive films fields were applied to the graphene-epoxy epoxy composite films were coated on a
can be used to attach chips to substrates composite film at various temperatures and releasing film using a comma-roll film
with uniform thickness without any voids times. The aligned graphene structure was coater. The amount of graphene flakes
and residuals, and are currently being characterized in terms of film morphology was 3 wt. % in epoxy resin, and the coat-
used for various electronic packaging and electrical resistance. ed final film thickness was 40 µm.

Mixing with Epoxy Resin

Organic Solvent

Solvent Evaporation
Graphene Dispersion


Releasing Film


FIGURE 1  An illustration of the B-stage graphene–epoxy composite film fabrication processes.

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GRAPHENE FLAKES IN B-STAGE B-Stage Graphene–Epoxy Composite Film (3 wt. %, 40 µm)
The experimental setup of electric field E
applications is illustrated in Figure 2. The
electric field direction is parallel to the film Glass
direction. An electric field of 200 V/mm dc Power
was applied to the films coated on a releas- Hot Plate Supply
ing film. The films were placed on a glass
on a hot plate to apply the electric field at
FIGURE 2  An illustration of the experimental setup for applying an electric field on B-stage com-
a high temperature. The electric field was posite films.
applied right after the film started to be
heated, and the heating times and tempera-
tures were summarized in Table 1. laminated films. The electric field applica- lines that could easily determine orien-
tion time was 60 min and the tempera- tation. In addition, as the electric field
B-STAGE GRAPHENE–EPOXY tures were 80, 100, and 120 °C. was applied, more graphene flakes were
COMPOSITE FILM CHARACTERIZATION aligned toward the electric field, as shown
Film viscosity was measured by a rota- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in Figure 4(b).
tional plate-to-plate rheometer to mea- To investigate the degree of graphene
sure the viscosity changes during the FILM VISCOSITY OF B-STAGE alignment, flake orientation was measured
alignment process. Composite films were GRAPHENE–EPOXY with various electric field application times
laminated into 1-mm thick samples, and COMPOSITE FILMS and temperatures. Figure 5 shows the
the samples were heated from 30 °C to Figure 3 shows film viscosity of the com- degree of graphene alignment increment
target temperatures at the heating rate of posite films as a function of time at vari- as a function of time and temperature.
20 °C/min and held at the target tem- ous heating conditions. Arrows in each First, as the applying electric field times
perature for 60 min while viscosities were graph indicate the time taken to reach the increased, the degree of graphene align-
measured. The target temperatures were target temperature. First, as the tempera- ment increased. At about 10 min, the
80, 100, and 120 °C. ture increased, film viscosity decreased oriented flakes still remained at random
Graphene alignment was characterized to a certain point and then
in terms of flake orientation and electrical drastically increased because
sheet resistance. To measure the flake ori- of the curing reaction to the T A B L E 1 E xperimental variables of temperatures
and times for applying electric field.
entation, the angle of graphene flakes with epoxy. The minimum vis-
respect to the electric field direction was cosity values were different
directly measured from the cross-sectional between various isothermal Temperature Viscosity Field application
(°C) (Pa · s) times (min)
scanning electron microscope (SEM) temperatures. The lowest vis-
80 1,756 10, 20, and 60
images, and the degree of graphene align- cosity was obtained when the
100 735 10, 20, and 60
ment was defined as the portion of gra- film samples were heated to
120 473.5 10, 20, and 60
phene flakes that had an orientation of less 120 °C. However, the vis-
than 5°. The degree of alignment was cosity increasing speed was
compared for various electric field applica- the fastest because the curing
tion conditions. reaction occurred at a faster
To observe the property changes rate at higher temperatures.
induced by graphene flake alignment, a
Viscosity (Pa ⋅ s)

four-point probe method was used to EFFECTS OF TIME
measure the sheet resistance of composite AND TEMPERATURE 104
films. Graphene–epoxy composite films ON DEGREE OF
120 °C
with various graphene contents (1, 3, and GRAPHENE ALIGNMENT 103 100 °C
10 wt. %) were fabricated using the same Figure 4 shows the cross- 80 °C
procedure as mentioned above. As a ref- sectional SEM images of 102
erence, the nonaligned graphene films 3 wt. % filled graphene–











were laminated on a glass substrate and epoxy composite films with

Time (s)
cured at 100 °C for 60 min. To compare and without applying elec-
the effect of horizontal alignment of gra- tric field. Graphene flakes in
phene flake, an electric field of 200 V/mm graphene–epoxy composite FIGURE 3  Film viscosity as a function of time at various
heating temperatures.
was applied during the curing of films were shown as white

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Electric Field Direction

Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 10 µm Acc.V Spot Magn Det WD 10 µm

10.0 kV 3.0 2000x SE 7.0 10.0 kV 4.0 2000x SE 6.7

(a) (b)

FIGURE 4  Cross-sectional SEM images of (a) nonaligned composite film and (b) aligned composite film with applied electric field (200 V/mm,
100 °C, and 60 min).

orientations and then gradually aligned as graphene alignment in B-stage composite

longer field times were applied. In addi- films. Further investigation is needed on
Alignment Increment (% p)

tion, maximum degree of alignment how these viscosity changes affect gra-
Degree of Graphene

20 18.7
14.7 increase was obtained at 100 °C, which phene alignment.
9.5 was higher than 80 and 120 °C. This can
10 7
be explained by the minimized film viscosi- THEORETICAL APPROACH: EFFECTS
5 1.9
0.5 5.8 ty and moderate viscosity increase by cur- OF VISCOSITY CHANGES ON THE
0 0.2 2.2 ing, as shown in Figure 3. Even though the ALIGNMENT OF GRAPHENE FLAKE
10 20 60 minimum isothermal viscosity was the low- Several authors have theoretically inves-
Field est at 120 °C rather than 100 °C, a better tigated the rotation of an ellipsoid par-
Application Time (min) degree of graphene alignment was observed ticle induced by an external electric field.
at 100 °C since the viscosity drastically When an electric field is applied to a flake,
80 °C 100 °C 120 °C
increased at 120 °C rather than 100 °C. the electrically polarized flake interacts
It was found that both the minimum with the electric field, rotating toward
FIGURE 5  The degree of graphene alignment ­viscosity and the viscosity increasing rate the direction of the electric field. On the
increments at various times and temperatures.
were important for electric field-induced other hand, the viscous polymer suppress-
es the rotation and these electrostatic and
hydrodynamic torque forces balance each
other [11], [12].
Torque (τe)
Based on the work on liquid crystalline
flake by Kosz et al. [12], the equation of
motion was expressed as follows when the
θ z electric field was applied to a single flake,
Torque (τh)
illustrated in Figure 6:

di = K $ h $ sin i $ cos i,
Rotation dt E2
where i is the angle shown in Figure 6, h
is the viscosity of polymer matrix, E is the
x y electric field, and K is the coefficient relat-
Viscosity of Polymer Matrix: η ed to dielectric constant difference and
flake size. Here, the value K was assumed
FIGURE 6  An illustration of a graphene flake rotation suspended in a polymer matrix an applied as constant because resins and graphene
electric field (E ).
flakes were all the same in this study.

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T A B L E 2 A summary of theoretically calculated integration value of viscosity changes
and experimental degree of graphene alignment increments.
Integration Value

Field application condition Integration Degree of alignment
0.2 value increment (%p)
0.1 Temperature Time (min)
10 0.18 1.9
80 20 0.30 2.2



60 60 0.31 5.8


Time (s)
10 0.34 0.5
Isothermally Held at 120 °C
100 20 0.37 14.7
Isothermally Held at 100 °C
Isothermally Held at 80 °C 60 0.38 18.7
10 0.32 0.2
120 20 0.33 7
FIGURE 7  The calculated integration value
of viscosity changes from Figure 3. 60 0.33 9.5

As shown previously, the viscosity of

B-stage composite film changed with
times during heating. Therefore, by tak- Film viscosity was measured by a rotational
ing the viscosity as a function of time and
assuming the initial angle of i 0 at initial plate-to-plate rheometer to measure the
state (t = 0), the differential equation can
be solved as
viscosity changes during the alignment process.
In ` tan i j = KE 2 # 1 dt.
tan i 0 h (t)

This result suggested that a single gra- composites at the same time when the the sample, calculation included viscosity
phene flake will be aligned more to the integration value of viscosity change was of films during heating. The maximum
electric field at shorter time when the higher during certain conditions. calculated integration value of viscosity
integrated value of the inverse of viscosity Figure 7 shows the calculated data change was obtained at 100 °C because
was higher. In addition, more graphene from viscosity as a function of time. Since of its low viscosity and moderate viscosity
flakes can be aligned in graphene–polymer the electric field was applied after heating increasing speed.

20.0 M
10.6 M 500 k
426.4 k
15.0 M 3 wt%, 200 V/mm
Sheet Resistance (Ω/sq)

Sheet Resistance (Ω/sq)

400 k
10.0 M 232.7 k
3.7 M 300 k
5.0 M 235.0 k
187.0 k
200 k
426.4 k
400.0 k
100 k
200.0 k
31.2 k
0.0 0
Epoxy 1 3 10 As-Cured 80 °C 100 °C 120 °C
wt. % 60 min 60 min 60 min
(a) (b)

FIGURE 8  (a) The sheet resistance of graphene–epoxy composite films with various graphene contents. (b) Sheet resistance of 3 wt. % gra-
phene–epoxy composite films with various electric field application conditions (E = 200 V/mm).

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Seung-Yoon Jung (gaiusjsy@kaist.ac.kr)
B-stage adhesive films can be used to attach is with the Department of Materials and

chips to substrates with uniform thickness Science Engineering, Korea Advanced

Institute of Science and Technology,
without any voids and residuals and are Daejeon, South Korea.
Kyung-Wook Paik (kwpaik@kaist.ac.kr)
currently being used for various electronic is with the Department of Materials and

packaging applications. Science Engineering, Korea Advanced

Institute of Science and Technology,
Daejeon, South Korea.

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