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Money Dropper: Drop Money Like It’s Hot

Leaked by CaptainCrunch

-> after one hour of work [FROM A CUSTOMER]

Once you have set everything up and you follow my schedule, you can earn $150+ per day!

Table of contents:
Front Page 1
Table of contents 1
Terms of Service 2
Introduction 2
Quick overview 2
What do you need 3
Getting started 3
Method 7
An important note 10
Conclusion 10
Terms of Service
- 1. You are not allowed to resell this eBook.
- 2. You are not allowed to leak this eBook.
- 3. You are not allowed to discuss methods stated in this eBook with others.
- 4. There are no refunds available with the only exception if you have bought the refund
version of this eBook and you have tried the method for at least a week and you show me
(Kipcorn) proof.
- 5. I have the right to change the terms of service any time I want.

Hello and welcome to Money Dropper, the best method to earn you some quick and easy cash! This
method is guaranteed to work if you follow this eBook step by step! My customers have earned more
than 30 dollars within an hour and I myself have made more than 4000$ in one month doing this.
Since this is unsaturatable and working I thought I would spread the love and give you guys an
opportunity to earn some money as well! The best part about this method is that you can choose
yourself how much you want to earn. Some people say time is money, and that’s exactly what you do
with method. If you invest a lot of time into this you can earn a lot. The best way to approach this
method is to do it at least one hour per day to make it more legitimate, but don’t worry if you miss
one day!

Quick overview
I will give you a broad and quick overview of what we are going to do exactly, the full method is
described below with full details and pictures! What we are going to do is sign up to an adult PPL
program. If you are thinking “OMG, not this CPA shit again”, you’re wrong. We don’t have to wait
and hope that someone fills out an offer. The method we are using is a simple sign-up lead.

The only thing that you need to do is fill in an email address and a nickname. You then need to verify
that email address and you’re done. We are going to use a VPN for this, which is a paid one. You will
earn your money back within an hour, I promise! All that is left is traffic to make it look more
legitimate. We are using a traffic exchange program for that, if you want to invest to get more hits on
there that is possible, but I did it without the investment.
What do you need
We need a couple of things for this to work.

A VPN which can change the IP address you are using very quickly. The best one I found is
HideMyAss. If you buy one month it is $11,52. This may seem like a lot but you will make that money
back within half an hour. A link to HideMyAss is here:

An account on CrakRevenue. This is the PPL website we are going to use. If you sign up under my
affiliate link you will have a higher chance to be accepted. It is completely fine with me if you do not
want to do that. |

An account on 10khits. This is the traffic exchange website that we are going to use. I have tried
other websites, such as Hitleap, but they are banning people because they don’t allow adult content.
10khits doesn’t allow it either but you can easily go around that.

A free website and a .tk account. We will make a simple website (all the files included) to get
accepted into 10khits. Once we are accepted we will change the .tk address to the CrakRevenue
page. |

As you can see we only need an investment of $11,52. This is really low compared to what we are
going to make.

Getting started
Step 1.
We are going to start with making an account on CrakRevenue. Head over to their website
( and click on Apply Now at the top of the page.
You will be greeted with this page:
Fill in all the details and click on ‘sign-up & start making money’. An email will be sent to the email
address you filled in. Click on the link that you can find in that email and you will see this page:

Fill in all the details you can fill in. For Company Name fill in something, it doesn’t matter.
For Website fill in: ‘None’. This worked for me and it should work for you. You will now go to a page
where you need to fill in your experience and how you are going to get traffic. Fill out the form
exactly like this:
1. Media Buying, SEO and Social Network
2. English, French, Asian and Other: Dutch
3. Click all three boxes
4. Fill in 1-5k
5. Friend
6. Dating, Cams and Video on Demand
In the last box you will need to exaggerate a bit. I have made a mock version of what you should fill
in. Don’t copy it exactly.
“I have multiple big Facebook pages where adult humor is the main content. I also own the according
Twitter and Tumblr pages to it. I also have other methods on gaining a lot of unique hits on the links,
if you want to know them more please reach out to me.”

You will now see a screen that your application is sent and that you should wait for it to be accepted.
This took one business day for me. Once you are accepted fill in your payment details.

If you’re accepted go to step 2, if you are not yet accepted go to step 3 for increased productivity.

Step 2.
Once you are accepted log in to your account and click on “web offers”. It is the second green button
from the left.

Scroll down or use the search function on your browser to find “Live Free Fun”. Do not use the 30%
revshare option. Here is a direct link to it.
You will see a page like the picture below. Copy the link which can be found under “Your link code”
and save it somewhere where you can quickly access it. From now on I will call this link
hyperlinksecure link .

As you can see we will be earning 3$ for every sign up. Believe me, signing up takes literally 20
seconds. If you have saved the link you can proceed to step 3.

Step 3.
We need to grab the direct URL, and not the hyperlinksecure URL. So make sure your parents are
away now because we’re going to that website with adult content on it. Grab your hyperlinksecure
link and go the website. You will see a link that looks like this.

Copy this link and save it somewhere.

Go to and log in with your Google account (gmail) or

Facebook to make it quick. You do need this later though so don’t use something random.
If you are signed in go here:

Now make up some random name, it doesn’t really matter. Click on “Add new domain”. You will
have to choose if you want a free domain or a paid domain, of course we want a free one. Where it
says “Your referrer URL”, we need to fill in the link we just made above, the full link. Change the
“Registration length” to 12 months and type the characters. Then click next.

Now we have our .tk domain! Great! We are almost done with the set-up. Now proceed to step 5.
Step 4.
Head over to

Click on sign up and fill in all your details.

When you are registered and on the main page it may seem a bit weird and you may be a bit
confused as to what you need to do. No fear, Kipcorn is here!

Click on “Add New Site”.

Fill in your details and click on “Add New Site”. When you click on add new site it will check if your
website has framebreakers. It does not have that so wait 20 seconds and click on confirm.
When you have clicked on confirm click on “Surf Now!”. It is the big blue button in the top right.
Keep this page open for as long as you can. You will need this every day so open it every time you’re
on your computer. Once you have gathered some traffic points you can allocate them to your
website. Don’t spend all at once but use the schedule at the bottom of this pdf file. Once you have
visited 1000 pages (shouldn’t take that long) you receive a bonus of 10000 hits!

Step 5.
Now the only thing left is the VPN. I will not go into this as much because it is really easy. Just go to and click on “Order 1 month”. You will be asked to make a new
account. Make a new account and buy the VPN. Then go back to the website, log in, and download
their client which can be found under “Download & setup”. Then install it. Once it is installed you can
open the program.

We are now finally done with the set up. Congratulations on making it this far! This is the hardest
part of the eBook and I can assure you it will only be easy shit from now on!

Finally, we are going to start with the actual method. What we are going to do is use a different IP
each time using our VPN and sign up to LiveFreeFun. This is really easy because you don’t need any
personal information. Just an email address you can verify and a nickname you can make up yourself!
The email provider we are going to use is This site makes it really easy
for us to get a disposable email address. What I recommend is that you put your .tk domain, which
leads to the LiveFreeFun site, in your bookmarks. This way you will get redirected from your .tk
Step 1.
Open up HideMyAss VPN (or your own VPN, I will use HMA for all the pictures). Use your credentials
to log in and click “Remember my username and password”. You will be connected to an IP address
in America. If you are not connected to an IP address in America change it to a location in the USA.

Now go to your browser and head over to Click on the button below
for a random, not used, email address. Now you don’t have to come up with a random name.

Once you have clicked on that button copy the email address you have.

Go to your .tk domain, if you have saved it in your bookmarks just click on it there.
You will see this page. In email address just paste the dispostable address you got. If you’re not
creative with nicknames just use the dispostable address again but delete
Even though you’re connected with your VPN it will show the page in your own language. Mine is
Dutch but it isn’t hard to understand what I mean in this picture.

Click on the big yellow button. You will see a page that says that you have to confirm your email
address. You can close that tab page on your browser now. Go back to your dispostable email box.
Click on the box that says “Check for new messages”. It will check for new messages and you should
see an email saying “Please Confirm Your LiveFreeFun signup!”. Click on there. To access the email
you need to complete a simple Captcha code. Then click on “View the email message”.

You will see a page that says “Click here to activate your account”. Click on it and you will go to this

Click on the big blue button beneath the page to “Start surfing”. Visit a couple of pages to make it
look more legit. Then be sure to log out of your account.
When you have logged out, head over to your HMA client and click on “Change IP address”.
Once the IP address has been changed (can take up to a minute or so) you can repeat the process.
Go to your .tk website, sign up for LiveFreeFun with a dispostable email address and verifying it.

In quick steps this is what you need to do.

1. Make sure you’re connected to a new USA IP address, you can check that by going to
2. Open a dispostable email account.
3. Go to your .tk domain, which will redirect you to LiveFreeFun, and sign up for it using the
dispostable email account.
4. Verify the email address.
5. Visit two pages.
6. Log out!
7. Change your IP on your VPN client.
8. Go to step 1.

An important note
CrakRevenue will check your hits the first 5 days to make sure they are not fake. This will not be a
problem. However, they will find it suspicious if you get 50 leads the first day, the second day etc.
You need to build up and then get a constant amount of leads and views. I used this schedule and I
did not get banned. I highly recommend you do the same. If you do not use this schedule you will not
be eligible for a refund (if you bought the refund version).

a. Day 1: Hits: 50 Signups: 4

b. Day 2: Hits: 55 Signups: 9
c. Day 3: Hits: 55 Signups: 13
d. Day 4: Hits: 65 Signups: 17
e. Day 5: Hits: 65 Signups: 11
f. Day 6: Hits: 100 Signups: 19
g. Day 7: Hits: 110 Signups: 22
h. Day 8: Hits: 125 Signups: 28
i. Day 9: Hits: 200 Signups: 37
j. Day 10: Hits: 250 Signups: 44
k. Day 11: Hits: 250 Signups: 51
l. Day 12: Hits: 350 Signups: 63
m. Day 13: Hits: 400 Signups: 58
Once you get to day 13 just keep the hits constant at 400 and fluctuate the signups between 55 and
65 per day. This equals to $165-$195 per day!

As you can see this method is really easy and simple once you have set everything up. If you think the
eBook was really confusing read it again! Maybe read it 3 times. It will definitely help you understand
things better. You can also always hit me up on Skype for support. I hope everything goes well and
you end up making $150+ per day just like me.

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