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Protest Events

Events on May 29, 2020:

 Jack Evans Headquarters
 On May 29, 2020, at approximately 6:30 PM, around 600 people gathered
outside of Jack Evans Headquarters to protest. The protest remained
peaceful as individuals spoke to the assembled crowd. At approximately
8:30 PM protesters began marching towards the Dallas Police Association
building. At this point, the protest splintered off into multiple groups. One
group blocked off Interstate 35 North until the Dallas Sherriff’s Office was
able to clear the protestors from the freeway. The other group went through
the Central Business District and Deep Ellum causing large scale property
damage and looting. Members of this group also threw bricks and rocks at
officers causing minor injuries. Multiple patrol vehicles were damaged. A
couple of hours later, a group reformed at Jack Evans Headquarters. The
protest at JEHQ remained peaceful and officers withdrew inside the
building. After officers withdrew inside, the JEHQ crowd dispersed. As of
3:30 AM, there remained approximately 150 individuals within the Central
Business District causing property damage, looting and setting at least one
Dallas Police vehicle on fire. There have also been reports of looting at the
Cityplace Target.

 Events on May 30, 2020:

 “Justice for George Floyd, Atatiana Jefferson and All Stolen Lives” and
Dallas Riot”
 On May 30, 2020, at approximately 1:25pm, the protest started. Between
4:30pm and 5:00pm there were approximately 350 protesters in the
downtown area of Dallas. Several occupied police vehicles were
surrounded and damaged by rocks and bottles being thrown. Several
businesses in the were looted including two (2) firearm stores. Protesters
set civilian vehicles on fire. The protesters got onto and briefly blocked the
traffic of multiple freeways near downtown. Protesters used vehicles to
create a blockade around location. Members of the “Dallas Riot” group
who are street racers, blocked intersections and performed “donuts”.
Reports received regarding some protesters pointing guns at other
individuals. Protester also fired guns in the air and at buildings causing
damage. Public transportation trains and buses were shut down until
3:00am in order to prevent people from entering the downtown area.
Multiple fires were started with trash cans and pallets throughout the
downtown area. At least two civilians transported for serious injuries. The
organizers of the “DallasRiot” event discovered the security measures in
place at the Galleria and Northpark Malls. They made an announcement on
social media and joined other protesters in the downtown area. Multiple
arrests were made throughout the day’s events.

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