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General Objective: After 1 hour of varied lecture-demonstration, the listeners will be able to acquire comprehensive knowledge, enrich competitive

skills and
develop positive attitude towards the concept of medical hand washing.

Specific Time
Content Methodology Resources Evaluation
Objectives Allotment

2 minutes I. Opening Human Resources:

Prayer Time and Effort of
3 minutes both the presentor
II. Class and listeners
5 minutes Management
Book Resources:
5 minutes Preconditioning Allen, Mary A. 2002.
Activity Mosby’s Pocket
Dictionary of
1. Define hand Hand washing is the process cleaning hands with water and soap 40 minutes IV. Introduction Medicine, Nursing and
washing. or other special chemical liquid, to take off dirt, germs, and poisons.
Allied Health. 4th ed.
V. Lecture –
2. Differentiate Medical hand washing pertains to the hygiene related to the Demonstration Singapore: Elsevier.
medical hand administration of medical care in order to remove as many Proper
washing from organisms from the hands as possible. While surgical hand washing Kozier et. al. 2008. Kozier
surgical hand is the ritualistic presurgical preparation of hands and arms by and Erb’s Fundamental
washing. surgeons and their assistants which includes thorough, vigorous and of Nursing. 8th ed.
systematic cleaning with a brush of all skin surfaces. Singapore: Pearson
Education, Inc.

 To reduce the number of microorganisms on the hands. Nettina, Sandra M. 2001.

3. Identify the  To reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms to clients. Manuals of Nursing
purpose of  To reduce the risk of cross-contamination among clients.
Practice. 7th ed.
medical hand  To reduce the risk of transmission of infectious organisms to
washing. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams
4. Know when • Before and after eating. and Wilkins.
to perform
• After using the bedpan or restroom.
medical hand
washing. • After hands have come in contact with any body substances. Internet
• Hands are visibly soiled. Resources:
• Before handling invasive devices.
• After contact with medical equipment or furniture. http//:simple.wikipedia.
• Before and after giving care of any kind. org/wiki/Hand_washing

5. Assess the

 Presence of factors increasing susceptibility to infection and
status of the companions/content/
possibility of undiagnosed infection.
client in …/Ck
performing  Use of immunosuppressive medications. List8-1.doc
medical hand  Recent diagnostic procedures or treatments that penetrated the
washing. skin or a body cavity.
 Current nutritional status.
 Signs and symptoms indicating the presence of an infection
either localized signs or systemic indications.

6. Enumerate  Gather all equipment needed.

the steps in Rationale: Saves time and energy.
medical hand
washing.  Assess the hands.
- Nails should be kept short.
Rationale: Short, natural nails are less likely to harbor
microorganisms, scratch a client, or puncture gloves.

- Remove all jewelry.

Rationale: Microorganisms can lodge in the settings of
jewelry and under rings.

- Check hands for breaks in the skin.

Rationale: A nurse who has open sores ay require a work
assignment with decreased risk of transmission of infectious
organisms due to the chance of acquiring or passing on an

 Introduce yourself and explain to the client what you are going
to do and why it is necessary.
Rationale: Lessen the anxiety of the client.

 Turn on the water and adjust the flow.

- Five common type of faucet controls:
 hand-operated handles
 knee levers
 foot pedals
 elbow controls
 infrared controls

- Adjust the flow so that the water is warm.

Rationale: Warm water removes less of the protective oil of
the skin than hot water.

 Wet hands thoroughly by holding them under the running water

and apply soap to the hands.
- Hold the hands lower than the elbows so that the water
flows from the arms to the fingertips.
Rationale: The water should flow from the least
contaminated to the most contaminated area.

- If the soap is liquid, apply 2-4 ml (1tsp). If it is bar soap,

granules or sheets, rub them firmly between hands. Rinse
the bar soap and place it back to the dish.
Rationale: Removes the foam that may contain

 Thoroughly wash and rinse the hands.

- Scrub your hands firmly and do it with circular
motions. Scrub the palms and back of your hands. Then
proceed with each finger, the areas in between fingers, the
knuckles, wrist area, up to the forearms. Do the hand
scrubbing and circular motions for 10 to 30 seconds. But if
your hands are extremely dirty, then do these motions
Rationale: The circular action creates friction that helps
remove microorganisms mechanically. Interlacing the
fingers and thumbs cleans the interdigital spaces.
- Rub the fingertips against the palm of the opposite
Rationale: The nails and fingertips are commonly missed
during hand washing.

- Rinse the hands.

 Thoroughly pat dry the hands and arms.

- Dry hands and arms thoroughly with a paper towel without
Rationale: Moist skin becomes chapped readily as does dry
skin that is rubbed vigorously, chapping produce lesions.

- Discard the paper towel in the appropriate container.

 Turn off the water.

- Use a new paper towel to grasp a hand-operated control.
Rationale: This prevents the nurse from picking up
microorganisms from the faucet handles.
5 minutes
 Apply lotion to the area.
Rationale: Moisten the hands and make it soft.
7. Synthesis

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