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I’d like to say thank you for buying our eBook.

Let’s just say I am not going to feed you bullshit like MANY eBooks out there, this will
be legitimate as they come.
So before we get into everything, you will read a section about us, please read it and
understand that nobody really makes good money unless you REALLY try and are
dedicated. In this method we are going to be showing you SEVERAL ways on
making money, we’ve used our own methods dealing with Cost per Action/Pay per

About us:
So my name is Kevin and I’m eighteen years old, I’ve been working on an eBook
with my partner McFlurry for a long time now, he’s currently seventeen years old and
we came up with these methods ourselves and decided to share it to the community.
We’ve struggled but we got there and we make a steady income now, not going to lie
making money online was never my thing, we had no idea it would become so easy
after being so dedicated and we finally done it. We’ve been close to giving up on
making money as it was hard, but then it changed all of a sudden we started making
a good amount DAILY and yes every day we make at least $70 - $100 maybe even
more. At the bottom you can see we’ve just checked out our earnings and we have

Okay, enough about us we need to concentrate on you guys now and help you earn
a bit of eMoneyz.

About us
Virtual PPD
Virtual PPD
In this method I’m going to be showing you how to sell a virtual item in exchange for
promoting your survey link (PPD Link) It’s pretty simple, easy and only a few hours of
your time and you can make up to $20 – $50 within in 1 hour by doing this. So let’s
get started.

To Do List:

 Brain
 Any PPD site, I recommend FileIce click for easier acceptance.
 Communication skills
 Few hours of your time
 Gaming platform (Steam, Orgin) ect

Step 1) This is simply, Go to FileIce and go to the Advanced File Manager

So it should look something like this, Obviously you won’t have “GTA 5 Beta Key
Generator” that is from a previous method that I may get into. So you have the
Random.txt or .docx whatever you decide and if you click on it, you should be
prompted with another box just copy that for now. Make sure you put something in
the .txt such as “thanks for downloading the survey, “Date Here””

Step 2) So now you want to contact a gamer or something, it can be a friend or a

random person, this is where communication skills come into and propose in giving
them a valuable virtual item if they complete a small survey.

Step 3) Now if they say no, don’t give up you need to fight and keep making a good
offer so they can’t refuse and lure them in by offering them a small item of value,
doing this is luring them in. So now you probably have their attention so now offer
them to do a small survey in exchange for the higher item.
Step 4) Let’s hope they have downloaded it, so to make sure you have to remember
what you wrote in that .txt file if they can’t give you the correct information on the .txt
do not proceed in giving them the higher item as they failed to do the survey. If they
validate it correctly then you know you’ve just earned eMoneyz. (Remember to
change the .txt file EVERY time you talk to someone new)

Step 5) As I said in the “To Do List” this can be used in a vary of gaming platforms
just as long as the valuable item is used, the profits all consider on how much you
actually paid for the game.

You’re probably scratching your head at this, wondering what the

fuck, but basically all you need to do is have a bunch of steam accounts if you
can and then meet active gamers that want a game or something and then just
pass it on in exchange of your survey. You can actually make about $20 - $50
in about 1 or 2 hours depending on the game and platform.

Here is a picture of my earnings with this eBook:

Hope you enjoyed this.


For those who don’t know what CPA is, CPA stands for Cost-Per-action. In other
words it’s an online advertising payment structure hat is payment based only on
qualifying actions such as leads, surveys, sales, and registration. In order to perform
these actions you will need to join a CPA Affiliate Marketing company. Those are
large marketing companies that will pay you for an action hence the name “Cost-Per-
Action”. On these sites you can earn big money and if you follow along you should
have no problem doing so.

To get accepted into CPA networks it will be easy if you have your own website. It
will help your chances of getting accepted and will help you in the long run. If you
have a website it should generally have a catchy domain, hosting and an email that
has your domain in it like If you don’t have this you will still
probably get accepted. Most CPA networks will accepted you rather quickly, usually
between 24-48 hours.

CPA Affiliate Networks

I suggest you use as you will automatically get accepted.

For some of these networks you will need to answer a few questions like “How do
you plan on promoting our site?” or “Have you done any marketing before”

Simply answer those questions with something along these lines “I have my own
website and I have done CPA marketing before. I have used free forums and other
websites to bring traffic to my website”

They will usually accept you once you say that.

Let’s get on with the method…..

For this example we will use so please register and confirm your
email. Once you have registered you can start to look for your first LEAD or Offer.

Once you find one the visitor will need to fill it out with his information such as email
address, and name. If the visitor does not do so you will not be credited and you
won’t earn any money. Or if you do an offer you must fill out the survey or complete
the offer to earn money. If you choose to fill out a survey to earn money you get to
work at your own pace and you determine how much money you make. But with
those the only work if you put valid information in. Because it will check with your
registration information and if the information does not match you will not get

Below is what all the list of offers should look like and where you should be, from this
you can do what I said above.

Once you get credited the money you may do another and then another one.
Remember the more time you dedicate the more money you will make.
If this method isn’t for you feel free to check out our other methods that are in this

Thank you for reading this eBook by SoulZeh and McFlurry. We wish you the best of
luck earning money. We can’t guarantee you will make money but these are the two
main ways we made our money as you can see in the payment proof above. CPA
and PPD are our 2 favorite methods and if you have any questions feel free to ask
us on the thread or through a personal message. The method provided are the exact
methods we used with the same pictures and all.

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