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English Workshop #3 Second Term 8°

STUDENT NAME: ________________________________________________________________
Desempeño: Describe gustos y la frecuencia con que se hacen algunas actividades de entretenimiento.
Time Frequency - "How often ...?"

Target Vocab: day, date, week, month, year, calendar, ride a bike, swim, ski, play piano, play (a sport), do ballet,
get a haircut, read a book, eat (steak), take a bath, play a board game, go bowling, go to the movie theatre, play
TV (video) games

1. Check out the pictures, practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary and complete the information bellow

a. According to the information in the pictures complete the information:

Fill the blanks with information about Today…
• The day is _____________________.
• The date is _______________________.
• This month is ____________________.
• It is the _______________ week of the month.
• The year is _________________.

2.Look at the calendar and answer following questions in your folder:

✓ How many months are there in a year?
✓ How many days are there in August?
✓ Which month comes before May?
✓ Which day is November 17th?
✓ Which months have 30 days?
✓ Which months have 31 days?
✓ How many days are there in February?
✓ Which month comes after October?
✓ Which day and date is Christmas?
✓ Which day and date is your birthday?
✓ Which day and date is the first day of the year?
✓ Which day and date is it today?

Mg. Leonardo Rozo Romero

English Workshop #3 Second Term 8°
3. Look at the pictures, write the name of the actions in English, practice their pronunciations and answer the
questions about them.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

4. Answer questions about the pictures: Remember use adverbs of frequency

❖ How often do you go to the cinema?
❖ How often do you play an instrument?
❖ How often do you go dancing?
❖ How often do you ride a bike?
❖ How often do you get a haircut?
❖ How often do you read a book?
❖ How often do you play video games?
❖ How often do you watch tv?

Grammar: Time frequency “HOW OFTEN”

Check the video for understanding.

The commonest adverbials of frequency are:

always never normally
rarely seldom sometimes
occasionally often usually

We usually put these one-word adverbials of frequency in front of the main verb:
We often spend Christmas with friends. I have never enjoyed myself so much.

Mg. Leonardo Rozo Romero

English Workshop #3 Second Term 8°
but they usually come after the verb be:
He was always tired in the evening. We are never late for work.

We use the adverbial a lot to mean often or frequently. It comes at the end of the clause: We go to the cinema a lot.

We can also use a lot with another time adverbial: We go to the cinema a lot at the weekend.

We use much/a lot with a negative to mean not often: We don't go out much/a lot. (= We don't go out often.)

We often use phrases with every as adverbials of frequency. We use every with words
like minute, hour, day, week, month and year:
There is a big celebration every year. We have a meeting twice every week.
I usually go home once every two months. There is a leap year every four years.

We also use every with days of the week and months of the year:
We have a meeting every Monday. We go on holiday every August.

We use the phrase every other:

We will email you every other day. (= on alternate days) We go to see my mother every other week. (= in alternate

We use phrases with once, twice, three times, four times, etc. and a period of time:
I go swimming twice a week. I see my old school friends four or five times a year.

We use how often and ever to ask questions about frequency. how often comes at the beginning of the clause:
How often do you go to the cinema? How often have you been here?

Ever comes before the main verb:

Do you ever go to the cinema at the weekend? Have you ever been there?

5. Write other activities you do and the frequency they are done by you.
Example: I always read a book at night.

• Puede realizar su trabajo imprimiendo la guía y haciéndola allí mismo, en Word, PDF o a mano, pero con excelente
presentación y que sea legible. El envío puede hacerse por archivos adjuntos en Word, PDF, la guía o en fotos.
• El trabajo debe estar marcado con el nombre completo del estudiante, grado y grupo.
• La actividad debe ser completada en su totalidad, de lo contrario no será calificada y será devuelta.
• Trabajos o actividades que sean iguales serán anulados todos, sin importar quien lo haya hecho.
• Tener en cuenta las fechas estipuladas para la entrega. (martes 19 de mayo)

Mg. Leonardo Rozo Romero

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