The Miracle in Cave With The Spider by Omar

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The miracle in cave with the spider by omar

Last night in our house when everyone should have been getting I say that this thing was bigger than my dads motorbike helmet. Ok ok sorry.
I did exaggerate that. But it WAS as big as a tennis ball. Mum saw it ready for iftar something happened that caused complete and utter panic.
It was a spider. Now I know that you know that I haave a big imagination and I sometimes imagine things that aren’t there but believe me when
frist and she went BANANAS. then Maryam saw it and she went totally nuts. It was on the wall in the kitchen. I heard screaming. AAAHHH so I
went downstairs.Just in time to see esa grab a handful of the pakora batter makes some super Yummy fried stuff and throw it at the spider. It
landed b meters away on the wall. This made mum and Maryam very mad at esa and turned their attention towards him.
And mine. Which is when the scariest thing in the whole world happened…THE SPIDER DISAPPEARED it must have made a run for it. And now,
WE HAD NO IDEA WHERE IT WAS. Iftar time was in 2 mins. None of us cared. We were spider spooked to the max. we have to find it and kill it
said Maryam. “or it wil land on us when we’re not looking. If it wasn’t Ramadan and I wasn’t being very well behaved, I would have secretly
very much enjoyed a spider landing on Maryam. But not this month.

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