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JULY 6, 1928-JUNE 17, 1929



Proceedings of the Board of Trustees


July 6th, 1928.

Present Trustees YauCleef, Chairman ; Farrand, R. B. Williams,

and R. H. Tremau ; Faculty Representatives Moore and Thill}' and
Comptroller Bostwick.

Regrets were received from Trustees J. DuPratt White, C. E. Tre-

man, Wesiinghouse, Pound and Wilson and their absence excused.

Action was taken as follows :

1. Leave of absence, without salary, for the academic year 1928-29,

was granted Assistant Professor Morris A.Copeland of the Department

of Economics.

2. Professor E. S. Savage was appointed Acting Head of the

Department of Animal Husbaudr)' for the months of July, August

and September, without change in salary.

3. It was recommended that Frank II. Hodder be appointed

Professor of American History for the academic year 192S-29 at a

salary of $ 6,000.
4. The following resignations were presented to take effect at the

end of the academic year 1927-2S :

L. B. Hoisington, Assistant Professor of Psychology.

G. R. Megathlin, Instructor in Geology.

5. The following appointments and changes in the staff were made

for the academic year 192S-29 unless otherwise stated :

C. W. Rose to be Assistant in Mineralogy at a salary of $400.

L. C. Conant, now Assistant in Geology, to be Instructor at a

salary of $1,500.
J. D. Forrester to be Assistant in Geology at a salary of $500.
The salary of V. E. Jones, Assistant in Geology was increased
from $500 to $600.
E. C. VanKeuren to be Instructor in English (part time) for the
first term at a salary of $300 for the term. (This salary is to be paid

from funds of the Veterinary College. )


6. The following appointments and changes in the staff of the

Summer Session of 1928 were made :

B. Lenrow, Instructor in Public Speaking, resigned.

C. H. Saylor and A. L. Dresser, Assistants in Chemistry, resigned.

W. M. Dunbar was appointed Instructor in Architecture at a salary

of $575-
Richard R. Dunham was appointed half-time Instructor in Public
Speaking at a salary of $150.
The following half-time Instructors in Mathematics were put on

full time and their increased from $175 to $300

salaries : B. R. Beisel,
H. J. Lane and H. L. Schug.
E. A.
Georgi, A. W. Avens, R. C. Tallman, C. R. Fordyce and S.
F. Whearty, Assistants in Chemistry each at a salary of $125.
7. The President reported that by virtue of the authority conferred

upon him by the Trustees he had granted a leave of absence, without

salary, for the months of August and September to Director F. B.

Morrison of the State Experiment Stations.

8. Changes and additions to the staff of the Summer School in the

State Colleges were made as follows :

Resignations :

R. D.Harwood, Biology.
Sid Robinson, Biology.

Harry A. Ross, Agricultural Economics and Farm Management.

George F. Warren, Agricultural Economics and Farm Mgt.
L. W. Sharp, Cytology.

Increases in Salary
Walter B. Bliss, Rural Education, from $650 to $750.
Peter P. Kellogg, Nature Study, from $100 to $200.
Myron S. Kendrick, Agricultural Economics and Farm Manage

ment, from #125 to $250.

Claude W. Leister, Nature Study, from $100 to $200.
W. C. Muenscher, Botany, from $225 to $450, if enrollment


Appointments :

A. L. Carson, Clerk in Rural Education, $150.

James E. Crouch, Ornithology, $200.
C. B. Gentry, Rural Education, $250.
Leland Spencer, Agricultural Economics and Farm Management,
Henry C. Taylor, Agricultural Economics and Farm Manage
ment $300.
George A. Works, Agricultural Economics and Farm Manage
ment and Rural Education, $300.

9. Changes in the distribution of salaries for certain members of

the staff of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at

Geneva for the year 1928-29, were made as follows :

L. K. Jones : In the original budget $1,750 of L. K.

salary was carried on the State Fund, and $r,500 on Purnell. This
was changed to $1,250 on the State Fund and $2,000 on the Purnell
G. P. VanEscltine : The salary of G. P. Van Eseltine was carried

entirely on the State Fund. This was changed to $1,500 on the State
Fund and $1,500 on the Purnell Fund.
Vice Andei son : To offset these changes, totalling $2,000 the item
' "
for Vice Anderson was changed from $2,100 on the State Fund
and $1,250 on the Purnell Fund, to $3,350 011 the State Fund.
Vice Shriner : The item for "Vice Shriner was changed from
$2,250 on the Purnell Fund to $750 on the State Fund and $1,500 on

the Purnell Fund.

10. It was recommended that paragraph 3, sub-division A, of Article

VIII of the University Statutes be 0 amended that the Director of

Admissions will be a member of the University Faculty.

ir. The President reported that he had received an offer from

private sources for supplementing the salary of the headship of the
Department of Animal Husbandry by the $2,500 annually,
sum of

but that the principal sum for producing this amount had not as yet
been made available. It was therefore
Resolved : That the Trustees would welcome a contribution of
$50,000 the income of which would be used for the benefit of the De
partment of Animal Husbandry, more specifically at the present time
to supplement the salary of the head of that department and when no
longer needed for that purpose to be used for the general benefit of
the department, and it was

Further Resolved : That should a capital sum of $50,000 not be

made available the Trustees would approve the payment of the sum

of $2,500 as a supplement to the salary provided by the State budget

for the head of the Department of Animal Husbandry, in case satis

factory guarantees through deposit of securities with the University
or otherwise, are offered which would insure the necessary annual

payments until other provision is made by the State or is forthcoming

from other sources.

12. An appropriation of $400 was made to cover the salary of an

Assistant in Geology for the year 1928-29.

13. The sabbatic leave of absence heretofore granted Professor O.

D. vonEngeln was cancelled at his request.

14. The title of H. Glasgow, Associate in Research (Entomology)

in the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, was changed

to Chief of Research.

15- Dr. W. A. Hagau was granted a of $400 to be paid from

the income the
Veterinary College for certain research work which

he is doing during the Summer for the Commissioner of Agriculture

Markets, on the reaction of tuberculin.
16. The President reported that the New York State Veterinary Medi
Society had prepared a tablet commemorative of the foundation of

that society which it wished to present to the New York State Veter

inary College and Dean Moore was authorized to accept this gift on

behalf of the College.

17. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council the

following grants were made :

Supplement to Grant No. i$g : $r,ooo to Professor W. D. Bancroft

forresearches in photochemistry in accordance with the terms of the

letter of June 9, 1928.

Grant No. /// $300 to Professor H. Ries for an investigation of

he moulding sand resources of the United States in accordance with

the terms of his letter of June 18, 192S.

Grant 175 : $300 to Dr. G. H. Maughan for a study of the effect of

energy on the development of certain glands of chickens in
accordance with the terms of his letter of May 24, 1928.

Grant No. ij6 : $750 to Professor H. S. Liddell for assistance in

his study of conditioned reflexes in the sheep and goat in accordance

with the terms of his letter of June 22, 1928.

Grant No. ijj : $r,oooto Professor C. K. Burdick for a comparative

study of restatements of torts and agency and conflicts of laws in

accordance with the terms of his letter of June 18, 1928.

Grant No. iyS : $400 to Professor Harry Caplin for the publication

of a manuscript ; the De Imaginatione of Gianfrancesco Pico della

Mirandola : text, commentary, introduction, and translation.

18. The report of the Heckscher Research Council for the year

1927-28 was received and placed on file.

19. Authority was granted for the improvement of the chimes in

accordance with the plan presented by Professor A. W. Smith with

the understanding that this improvement will necessitate an expend

iture of about $2,000. It is expected that the total amount will be

obtained from private subscriptions, but it is possible that the

University may have to assume a portion of the cost.

20. Authority was granted Librarian Willard Austen to sell such

masonic money, badges and medals from the Loewy collection as he

may deem advisable.

2i. The following offer from the estate of LaVerne Noyes, deceased,
was accepted
by the Trustees and the President requested to express

to the representatives of the estate the appreciation of the Trustees :

"Estate of LaVerne Noyes

2500 Roosevelt Road

Chicago, June 29, 1928.

President, Cornell University,

Ithaca, N. Y.
Dear Sir :

The trustees of the Estate of LaVerne Noyes are pleased to offer

you, for the benefit of eligible students at Cornell University, ten

scholarships for the year 192S-29, under the provisions for such

scholarships in the will of the late LaVerne Noyes.

The obligation which the trustees of the estate assume is the pay
ment in full, to the University, of the regular tuition for ten deserving
students needing this assistance, who shall be selected by you or

some other designated officer of the institution, and whose applica

tions for benefits under the provisions of Mr. will shall be ap
proved by the trustees of the estate. The]acceptanceof the applications
and the payment of the tuition under this proposition will be governed

strictly by the provisions of the will as set forth in the application for

scholarship blank. Formal itemized bill for tuition, when due, should

be rendered to "Estate of LaVerne Noyes" for students whose

applications have been approved by the trustees.

Only applicants who enlisted prior to September 11, 1918 will be


It is the present expectation that men now awarded scholarships

will be continued thru their college course^ provided they continue to

need this assistance. While the trustees reserve the right to discontinue
all payments at the close of the academic year if, in their judgement,
it shall seem necessary or desirable to do so, it is their hope that the

awarding of these scholarships may continue.

We shall be pleased to have your acceptance of this offer as

promptly as possible, so that wemay make our plans according^.

Yours truly,
Estate of LaVerne Noyes,
By F. L. Dole

22. The following changes in the staff of the Cornell University

Medical College in New York City for the year 1928-29 were made :

Resignations :

J. S. Manning, Assistant in Surgery.

H. E. Martin, Instructor in Clinical Surgery.

Appointments :

Joseph L. Schwind, Instructor in Anatomy, at a salary of $2,500.

H .B.
Haag, Assistant in Pharmacology, at a salary of $2500.
Wade Duly, Assistant in Surgery, at a salary of $250.
John Staige Davis. Jr.. Assistant inSurgical Research, Department
of Surgery, at a
salary of $1,250.
George L. Birnbaum, Assistant in Surgical Research at a salary
of $500.
23. The date of the Autumn meeting of the Board of Trustees was

fixed as November 17th, 1928.

24. Leave of absence without prejudice to salary was granted to

President Farrand for the period approximately from June 7th to
September 15th, 1928.

25. A committee consisting of Trustees Gannett and C. E. Treman

was appointed for the purpose of conferring with the Alumni Repre
sentative on the qnestion of the presence of intoxicants on the

University premises during alumni reunions.

L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.

July 15, 1928.

With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee except

Trustees Ickelheimer and Upson, who are out of the country, the

following items were approved :

1. That the University subscribe to 250 shares of American Tele

phone & Telegraph stock at par under rights (Trustee Hiscock not

voting. )
2. That the University subscribe to 250 additional shares of New
York Central Railroad stock at par under rights.


3. That the University exchange 300 shares of Melville Shoe

8% first preferred stock into the new Melville Shoe 6f/r first preferred

4. That the University deposit its 500 shares of International Paper

preferred stock under the plan for the formation of a new
Company and that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer, be and he here
by is authorized to assign the certificates and to execute any other
papers necessary, in the name of the University and attach thereto
the University's corporate seal.

5. That the University exchange its Palmolive Peet 7% preferred

stock at no for the new Colgate-Palmolive Peet 6% preferred stock

at par and that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer, be and he hereby
i9 authorized to assign the certificates and attach thereto the
University's corporate seal and execute any other papers that may
be necessary to effect this exchange.

6. That the Treasurer, George F. Rogalsky, be and he is authorized

to endorse in blank the certificates of deposit for the preferred

shares of the Mackay Companies and the 4% bonds of the Com

mercial Cable Company for exchange into the new 5 % bonds of the
International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation and attach thereto
the University's corporate seal.

Geo. F. Rogalsky,
Secretary pro tem.

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

September 4, 1928.
At a meeting of the Finance Committee it was duly voted that
the University exercise its rights to subscribe to 80 shares of the
common stock of the International Nickel Company and that George
F. Rogalsky, as Treasurer, be and he hereby is authorized to sub
scribe for said stock in the name of the University and to attach

thereto the University's corporate seal.

George F. Rogalsky,
Secretary pro tern.

September 20, 1928.
With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee ex

cept Trustees White, Ickelheimer and Upson, who were not avail
able, it was -,--.

Resolved, That the University sell 500 shares of Illinois Central

common stock at the market, and that George F. Rogalsky, as Treas
urer, be and he hereby is authorized to assign the certificates and

attach thereto the University's corporate seal.

George F. Rogalsky,
Secretary pro tern.


New York City, September 20, 1928.
Present Trustees Farrand, Chairman ; [Miller, Horace White,
Eastman, Pyrke, Newman ; Deans Mann and Moore ; Director Van
Rensselaer, Vice-Director Hedrick; Faculty Representatives Thomp
son, Kruse and Fish and Comptroller Bostwick.
Regrets were received from Trustees Wilson, J. DuPratt White,
Graves, Pratt and Gannett, and their absence excused.

Action was taken and recommendation was made to the Board of

Trustees as follows :


New York State Veterinary College

1- The sabbatic leave of absence heretofore granted Dr. C. M.
Carpenter for the second term of the academic year 1928-29 was

recommended changed to a leave of absence for the entire year,

without salary.

2. That the following appointments be made for the year 1928-29:

Donald W. Baker to be Instructor in Diagnosis at a salary of
Miss Harriet L. Mansfield to be Instructor in the Department of

Pathology and Bacteriology at a salary of $1,500.

3. The following changes in salary were recommended for the

academic year 1928-29:
C. E. Hayden, from $3,000 to $3,250.
M. G. Fincher, from $3,000 to $3,250.
H. L. Gilman, from $2,750 to $3,000.
H. C. Stephenson, from $2,500 to $2,750.
M. J. Gibbons, from $1,900 to $2,150.
4. Recommendation was made that a sum not to exceed $400.00
be used from the income of the college to pay for instruction in
English for the first term of the academic year 1928-29.

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station

5. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State Agricul

tural Experiment Station made since the last regular meeting of the

Council by the Dean under authority given him, were reported and

ratified as follows :

J. P. McCollum, Assistant in Research (Horticulture) for the

period July 1 to September 30, 1928, at a salary of $175 per month, a

total of $525.
P. Carodemus, Assistant in Research (Chemistry), for the period

July 1 to September 30, 1928, at a salary of $150 per month, a total

of $450 for the period.

P. V. Traphagen, Assistant in Research (Agronomy), for the

period July 1 to November 30, 1928, at a salary of $125 per month,
total of $625 for the period.

Miss Elma Peterson, Clerk, July 1, 1928, at a salary of $85 per


Earl Mahoney, Student Assistant (Bacteriology), effective Sep

tember 15th, at a salary of $25 per month.
M. W. Yale, Student Assistant (Bacteriology), effective October
1st, at a salary of $40 per month.

Paul A. Hansen, Assistant in Research (Bacteriology), effective

as early in October as he can arrive in Geneva, with salary at the

rate of $2,200 a year, as successor to P. S. Prickett.
Resignations :
P. S. Prickett, Assistant in Research (Bacteriology), effective July
9, 1928.
P. P. Carodemus, Assistant in Research (Chemistry), effective

September 15, 1928.

L. K. Jones, Associate in Research (Botany), effective September
1, 1928.

6. The retirement of Frank E. Newton from the service of the

Station as of July 1st, 1928, after forty-two years of service, was

reported and the President was requested to extend to Mr. Newton

the deep appreciation of the Trustees for his long and faithful

7. It was reported that the contract for printing bulletins and cir

culars of the Station for the year beginning July 1, 1929, had been
awarded W. F. Humphrey with the approval
to of the Comptroller
of the University and the State Comptroller.

8. A report was made that by mutual consent the contract for

rental of laboratory space at Vassar College for the Hudson Valley
horticultural investigations had been extended for another year
without change in terms.

9. It was recommended that authority be granted Dr. U. P.

Hedrick to sign all papers relative to the withdrawal of alcohol free
of tax for use at the State Experiment Station.

10. The resignation of F. B. Morrison as Director of the New

New York State and Cornell University Experiment Stations was

received and accepted.

11. It was recommended that F. B. Morrison be appointed Pro

fessor of Animal Husbandry and head of that department at a sal

ary of $10,000 a year, effective October 1st, 1928.

12. The appointment of U. P. Hedrick as Acting Director of the

New York Experiment Station at Geneva at an annual salary of
$6,500 and house and supplies was recommended, effective October
1, 1928.
New York State College of Home Economics

13. The following resignations of Home Demonstration Agents

were reported :

Name County Date

Edith M. Gordon Monroe May 31
Muriel Lamb Monroe July 31
Jane Snow Becker Wyoming July 31

Lois Gordnier Chenango July 15

Marj orie Williams Chemung June 30

Florence Becker Chautauqua July 22
Marj orie Bunting Allegany Aug. 14

G. Dorothy) Williams Cayuga June 30

Bess McDermond Syracuse (City) Aug. 31

Irene D. Zehner Onondaga Aug. 31

14. The following appointments of Home Demonstration Agents

by the respective county organizations were reported for record :

Name County Date Salary iLever State (County

Elizabeth Coon Genesee July 1 $2,200 $600 $600 $1,000

Muriel Lamb Monroe June 1 1,800 600 600 600

Gladys Adams Chenango Aug. 20 1,800 600 600 600

Ada C. Hall Cayuga Sept. 1 1,900 600 600 700

Marj orie H. Bunting Chautauqua Aug. 15 2,500 600 600 1,300

G. Dorothy Williams Chemung Sept. 1 2,400 600 600 1,200

Muriel Lamb Monroe July 1 1,800 600 600 600

Jane S. Becker Monroe Aug. 1 2,500 600 600 1,300

Gertrude Carncross Sullivan Sept. 1 1,800 600 600 600

Helen Paine Wyoming Aug. 1 1,900 600 600 700

Irene D. Zehner Syracuse (City) Sept. 16 3,000 (City and County)
Eileen S. Androus Onondaga Sept. 1 2,500 600 600 1,300

Sara Kerr Tompkins Aug. 21 2,600 600 600 1,400

15. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of

the last of the Council

Home Economics made since regular meeting
and ratified
by the Dean under authority given him, were reported

as follows :


Department Date
Name Position

Assistant Institution Management June 30

J. P. Binns
Assistant Institution Management June 30
Brandon Watson
Assistant Institution Management June 30
L. L. Benway

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund
Irene Sanborn Assistant Home Economics Oct. 1 $1,000 State
(Half time)
Janet Bump Assistant Household Man- 1- 440 Purnell
agement Oct. 15 (Half time)
Mildred Slater Assistant Foods and Nutri- July 1 80 mo. Purnell
Annabel L. Merrill Res. Assistant Home Economics Sept. 15 750 Purnell
(Half time)
W. R. Needham Assistant Hotel Manage- 1- 50 mo. Hotel
ment Apr. 30

New York State College oe Agriculture

16. The following resignations of County Agricultural Agents
and County Club Agents were reported :

county agricultural agents

Name County Date

C. D. Kingsbury (Co. Forester) Erie June 15
L. S. Reiner Ulster-Sullivan September 1

county club agents

John H. Craig Albany June 14

J. S. White Nassau September 30

17. The following appointments of County Agricultural Agents

and County Club Agents made by the respective county organiza

tions were reported for record :

county agricultural agents


Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham

A. J. Collins Erie June 16 $2,500 $ 600 $600

(County Forester) July 1 1,200 (Clarke-McNary)

J. E. Davis Chautauqua Julyl 2,300 1,200

(County Forester)
H. L. Hoyt (Asst.) Oneida Julyl 1,800 $300
W. S. Salisbury (Asst.) Monroe July 1 1,500 1,200
Robert Crane (Asst.) Steuben Aug. 1-Sept. 30 1,800 1,500
E. C. Masten (Asst.) Allegany Aug. 13-Dec. 13 1,500 1,200

Revised Appointments:

J. D. Rensselaer July 1 $3,200 ;600 $240 $1,760

H. B. Little Saratoga July 1 3,300 600 600 200 1,900
J. G. Curtis Westchester July 1 3,500 600 200 2,100


Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham County

E. C. Masten Allegany Aug. 13-Dec. 13 1,500 1,200 300
E. F. Graham Cattaraugus Julyl 1,800 600 1,200
G. H. Salisbury Chautauqua Julyl 1,800 300 600 900
J. E. Davis (Co. For.) Chautauqua Julyl 2,300 1,200 1,100
A. J. Collins (Co. For.) Erie Julyl 2,500 600 600 1,300
W. S. Salisbury Monroe Julyl-Oct.31 1,500 1,200 300
H. L. Hoyt Oneida Julyl 1,800 300 1,500
C. K. Bullock (Spray) Ontario Julyl 2,100 300 900 1,200
C. I. Bowman Orleans Julyl 1,700 600 1,100
Robert Crane Steuben July 1-Sept. 30 1,800 750 1,050
L. S. Reiner Ulster-Sullivan July 1-Aug. 31 3,200 1,500 1,700

Name County Date Salary Lever State County
George H. Use Albany June 15-30 $2,400 $600 $600 $1,200
Robert W. Foote Franklin June 19-Sept. 10 100 100 (per month)
Paul W. Thayer Cayuga July 23-Sept. 30 150 150 (per month) Capper
Revised Appointments:

N-ame County Date Salary Ketcham State County

R. O. Bale Schuyler Aug. 1 $2,300 $ 900 $600 $ 900
R. W. Foote Franklin Aug. 1-Sept. 19 100 100 (per month)
C. C. Henderson Cortland Aug. 1 2,200 1,200 600 400
Dorothy Powell (Asso.) Nassau Aug. 1 2,600 300 2,300
Edith L. Cleeland ( ) Otsego Aug. 1 1,600 600 1,000
Albert Hoefer (promo.) Rensselaer May 1-June 30 250 to 275 (Increase on Lever)
18. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of

Agriculture made since the last regular meeting of the Council by

the Dean under authority given him, were reported and ratified as

follows :

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund
Franklin Sherman Spec. Investigator Entomology June 1 $ 150 College
L. C. Chadwick Investigator Floriculture Julyl 1,800 State
C. R. Saddlemire Stockman Animal Husb. Julyl 1,800 State
Spec. Investigator Poultry Husb. 1- 150 G.L.F.
H. S. Wilgus, Jr. July
Sept. 30 (Mo.) Fellowship
A. G. Marshak Potato Inspector Plant Pathology July 1- 125 N. Y. S. Imp.
Aug. 31 (Mo.) C.-op. Asso.
Plant Pathology 1- 250 N. Y. S. Imp.
K. H. Fernow Potato Inspector July
Aug. 31 (Mo.) Co-op. Asso.
Plant Pathology 1- 250 N. Y. S. Imp.
S. E. A. McCallan Potato Inspector July
Aug. 31 (Mo.) Co-op. Asso.

Name Position Department Date
Jesse A. DeFrance Assistant Botany June 30
P. J. Newton Assistant Rural Engineering \ June 14
Max J. Plice Assistant June 30
H. H. Thornberry Assistant Plant Pathology September 30
Franklin Sherman Assistant Entomology September 30
Sid Robinson Assistant Entomology June 30
A. C. Everhart Assistant Poultry Husb. August 31
Name Position Department Date Salary Fund
Robert Goldin Assistant Botany Julyl $ 750 State
G. R. Hanselman Assistant Rur. Engineering Julyl- lOOmo.State
Sept. 30 (Fulltime)
J. A. DeFrance Assistant Orn. Horticulture Oct. 1 1,200 State
F. G. Merkle Assistant Agronomy Oct. 1 750 State
M. J. Plice Assistant Agronomy July 1 1,200 Chas. Lathrop
(Half time) Pack Fel
H. H. Thornberry Assistant Plant Pathology Oct. 1 750 State
(Half time)
Jos. Patterer Assistant Floriculture Julyl 1,800 State
(Plant Prop.)
A. C. Everhart Assistant Poultry Husb. July 1 125 mo. State
B. H. Davis Assistant Plant Pathology Oct. 1 750 State
Franklin Sherman Assistant Entomology Oct. 1 750 State
A. B. Klots Assistant Biology Oct. 1 750 State
Assistant Soil Survey 1- 75 State
Paul Beers July mo.

Sept. 30
S. W. Wentworth Assistant Pomology Sept. 1 1,200 State
R. M. Riley Assistant Veg.Gardening Oct. 1 750 State
(Half time)
A. L. Wilson Assistant Veg. Gardening Oct. 1 750 State
(Half time)

Name Position Department Date
P. J. Chapman Instructor Entomology May 15
R. P. Myers Instructor Dairy Industry Julyl

L. P. Ham Instructor Extension Service July 20

Erwin Graue Instructor Agr. Economics Julyl
(Rur. Economy)
H. J. Stover Instructor Agr. Economics Sept. 30
E. H. Wheeler Instructor Entomology June 30

P. D. Harwood Ext. Instructor Entomology Sept. 15


Name Position Department Date Fund
H. D. Brokaw Ext. Instructor Rural Eng. Nov. 1 $ 250 mo. State
P. D. Harwood Ext. Instructor June 1- 125
Entomology mo. State
Sept. 30
M. P. Catherwood Instructor Agr'l Eco. Julyl No salary
I. M. Vaughan Instructor Farm Managem't Julyl 200 mo. State
(Full time)
F. A. Harper Instructor Farm Managem't Julyl 1,200 State
Randall Whitaker Res. Instructor Dairy Industry Julyl 2,500 Am. Dry
Milk Inst.
Caroline J. Muskat Instructor Rural Education Oct. 1 2,400 L.S.R.M.
(Reappointment), (Psychology)
T. E. LaMont , Instructor Farm Managem't Julyl 1,500 State
S. W. Warren Instructor Farm Managem't Oct. 1 1,000 State
E. H. Mereness Ext. Instructor Farm Managem't Sept. 1 500 Lever
(5 mos.)
C. W.. Leister Instructor Entomology Oct. 1 1,800 State
(Ornithology) (2/3 time)
H. H. Boysen Instructor Dairy Industry Julyl 1,500 State
B. L. Herrington Instructor Dairy Industry Sept. 17 100 mo. State
W. E. Blauvelt Ext. Instructor Entomology Oct. 1 200 mo. State
P. R. Needham Instructor Entomology Oct. 1 1,650 State
W. D. Mills Ext. Instructor Plant Pathology Julyl $2,000 to $2,400 State
H. S. Mills Instructor Veg. Gardening Oct. 1 2,250 to 2,400 State

19. It was recommended that the request of Professor H. H.

Whetzel, Professor of Plant Pathology, for sabbatic leave of ab

sence for either one term or both terms of the academic year 1929-30
be approved, the length of the leave to be determined later in accord

ance with the needs of the Department.

20. The authorization by the President to the Dean for Dr. J. C.

Bradley to continue his work in Europe for a period not to exceed

two months without prejudice to salary in addition to his period of

sabbatic leave was recommended for approval.

21. The following changes in the staff of the 1928 Summer Ses
sion in Agriculture and Home Economics were reported for ap
proval :

S. Robinson, Biology $250
H. A. Ross, Agricultural Economics 750

G. F. Warren, Agricultural Economics. 400

F. H. Randolph, Hotel Engineering 650
Helen Bull, Home Economics ': 200
Mrs. H, B. Meek,. Home Economics 250
K. S. Hazeltine, Nature Study.... 200
R. D. Harwood, Biology 250
Salary Decrease:
C. H. Lane.. .......: from $150 to $125

22. It was recommended that. Miss Helen U. Wing be promoted

from Assistant in Dairy Industry to Instructor in Dairy Industry,
without change in salary, promotion to become effective October 1st,
23. The resignation of Dr. I.'F. Hall, Extension Assistant Pro
fessor of Farm Management, effective September 30th, 1928, was

24. The following increases in salary to be made on state funds

available within the College were recommended :
Dr. P. F. Sharp, Professor of Dairy Chemistry, from $4,750 to
$5,000, effective October 1st, 1928.

Dr. W. V. Price, Professor of Dairy Industry, from $4,250 to

$4,750, effective September 1st, 1928.

25. It was recommended that the recommendation of the Agricul

tural College Council made on January. 6th, 1912, be so amended

that the free tuition scholarships therein provided for may be

awarded either in the New York State College of Agriculture or the

New York State. College of Home, Economics in the discretion of

the Dean.

26. The execution of the following temporary fellowships and in-

vestigatorships for research and graduate study were reported.:

By the Armstrong Tree Service, Ltd., a fellowship for the investi

gation of diseases of shade and ornamental trees, continuing for two

years beginning June 1, 1928, and carrying an annual grant of $1,250

from the donors.
By the N. V. Potash Export My., a fellowship for the study of the

effects of potash on -properties -of muck or peat soil or on plant

growth. This fellowship extends for a period of three years begin

ning July 1, 1928, and provides that the donor, shall pay the Univer

sity $2,400 the first


and --$1,-700 each for the second and third


By the American Dry Milk Institute, renewal for the year 1928-29
of its previously existing investigatorship to enable the further

study of the value of dried skimmed milk in mixtures for the manu
facture of ice cream. The investigatorship carries a grant of $2,000.
By the Grange League Federation Exchange, Inc., an investigator-
ship for the purpose of promoting a study of the vitamin content,
both A and D, of red cod liver oil of American origin. The invest-

tigatorship extends for a period of three months beginning July 1,

1928, and carries a grant of

27. The appointment of Donald J. Bushey as Extension Assistant

Professor in Ornamental Horticulture, effective October 1st, 1928,
at a salary of $2,750 on state funds was recommended.

28. It was recommended that the budget requests to be made for

the year 1929-30 for the State Colleges and the New York State Ex
periment Station be authorized substantially as recommended in the
following summaries and transmitted to the New York State De
partment of Education:


1928-29 1929-30 Increase Decrease
Personal Service $ 988,843 $1,065,345 $76,502
Maintenance and Operation :

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 125,000 125,000

Printing and Advertising 44,800 49,880 5,080
Equipment, Supplies and Materials 85,000 100,000 15,000
Traveling Expenses 36,000 43,000 7,000
Communication 14,000 15,355 1,355
Fixed Charges 49,800 49,800
Rent 1,440 1,440
Repairs 15,000 15,000
Repairs Deficiency (Loggias) 5,750 5,750
Repairs Deficiency (1927-28) 2,988 2,988
Appropriation for premiums for compen
sation insurance (1929-30) 4,000 4,000
Appropriation for premiums for compen
sation insurance 1928-29 (3/4ths year).. 3,000 3,000
Maintenance Undistributed :

Summer School 20,000 20,000

Extension Work with Indians as pro
vided by Chap. 662, Laws of 1920 6,000 6,000
Expense of Exhibits 1,000 3,000 2,000
Expenses of conferences of County
Agents and Junior Extension Workers 2,600 3,000 400
Muck Land Investigations 13,800 13,800
Long Island Vegetable Research Farm.... 14,900 16,110 1,210
Nursery Courses 15,270 15,270

Total Maintenance and Operation .$

376,790 $ 409,463 $ 38,423 $5,750

Total Maintenance Undistributed .$

29,600 $ 45,800 $ 16,200
Total .$1,425,403 $1,551,988 $126,585
Reimbursement for payment to widow of

late Prof. W. A. Stocking 2,222.25 2,222.25

Grand Total $1,425,403 $1,554,210.25 $128,807.25


1928-29 1929-30 Increase

New Construction or Permanent Betterments:
For continuing the development of the
New York State College of Agriculture
at Cornell University in accordance
with the plan approved by the Trustees
of Cornell University, etc., as provided

by Chapter 165 of Laws of 1920 $1,100,000 $781,000

Office and laboratory building at the
Long Island Vegetable Research Farm.. 13,730 $13,730
Cement floor, experiment building at Al
fred 150 150
Field building, vegetable gardens 5,425 5,425
Machinery, shed and workroom in or
chards ,
6,000 6,000
Farm tool and implement shed 17,200 17,200

$1,100,000 $823,505
Net Decrease 276,495
1928-29 1929-30 Increase Decrease
Personal Service $171,247 $195,837 $24,590
Maintenance and Operation :

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 12,000 12,000

Printing and Advertising 5,500 5,700 200
Equipment, Supplies and Materials 6,500 8,500 2,000
Traveling Expenses 5,250 6,500 1,250
Communication 2,000 2,350 350
Fixed Charges and Contributions 26,400 26,400
Repairs 1,200 1,800 600
Appropriation for premium on compensa
tion insurance for employees (1929-30) 750 750
Appropriation for premium on compensa
tion insurance for employees (1928-29,
3/4ths year) 560 560
Maintenance Undistributed:
Summer School 3,200 5,200 2,000
Expenses of conferences of County Farm
and Home Bureau Agents and Junior
Extension Workers 1,200 1,700 500
Parental Education and Child Guidance OCArvA

Salaries and Maintenance 35,000 35,000

Total Maintenance and Operation 58,850 64,560 5,710

Total Maintenance Undistributed 4,400 41,900 37,500

Grand Total $234,497 $302,297 $67,800



1928-29 1929-30 Increase Decrease
Personal Service $102,920 $117,790 $14,870
Maintenance and Operation :

Fuel, Heat, Light, Power and Water 9,250 9,250

Printing and Advertising 2,200 2,200
Equipment, Supplies and Materials 8,000 8,000
Traveling Expenses 500 500
Communication 1,350 1,500 150
Repairs and Alterations 3,000 3,000
Repairs, Special 3,900 3,900
Investigation Breeding Animals
and 15,000 15,000
Investigation, Poultry Diseases 15,000 15,000
Investigation, Johne's Disease 5,000 5,000
Investigation, Mastitis 5,000 5,000
Investigation, Tuberculin Reaction 7,500 7,500
Compensation insurance for employees
(1929-30) .375 375
Compensation insurance for employees

(1928-29, 3/4ths year) 280 280

Total Maintenance and Operation $59,300 $ 76,505 $17,205

Grand Total $162,220 $194,295 $32,075

New Construction and Permanent Betterments :

New laboratory for pathology and bacter

iology 350,000 350,000
Equipment for laboratory 40,000 40,000
Building for experimental animals 25,000 25,000

$415,000 $415,000


1928-29 1929-30 Increase Decrease
Personal Service $212,680 $233,520 $20,840
Maintenance and Operation :

Fuel, Light, Power and Water 8,750 9,250 500

Printing and Advertising 9,000 9,000
Equipment, Supplies and Materials 27,500 33,300 5,800
Traveling Expenses 5,000 5,000
Communication 3,000 3,000
Fixed Charges and Contributions 75 75
Rent 3,200 3,200
Repairs 7,500 14,500 7,000
Contingencies 100 100
Compensation insurance for employees

(1929-30) 1,100 1,100

Compensation insurance for employees

(1928-29, 3/4ths year) 855 855


i028-2g 1929-30 Increase Decrease

Maintenance Undistributed :
Fredonia Deficiency Mainteanance and

Operation 1,800 1,800

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm,
Maintenance and Operation 1,800 1,800
Insects and Diseases affecting Small
Fruits, including Raspberries, Mainten
ance and Operation 4,500 1,000 $3,500
Hudson Valley Horticultural Investiga
tions, Maintenance and Operation 3,500 3,500
Nursery Shrubs and Plants, Services and

Expenses 13,450 13,450

Fredonia Vineyard, Services and Ex
penses 2,500 2,500
Corn Borer Investigations 7,250 7,250
Inv. of Bacterial Content of Market
Milk, Services and Expenses...., 5,000 5,000
Inv. of Oriental Peach Moth, Services
and Expenses 12,000 12,000

Total Maintenance and Operation $ 64,125 $ 79,380 $ 15,255

Total Maintenance Undistributed $ 23,250 48,300 $ 28,550 ,500

Grand Total $300,055 $361,200 $ 64,645 ,500

Construction and Permanent Betterments :

Horticultural Building $315,000 $315,000

Greenhouses 80,000

$395,000 $395,000

L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

October 6th, 1928.
Trustees Van Cleef, Chairman ; Farrand, Cornell, R. B.
Williams, C. E. Treman, Pound, and R. H. Treman, Faculty Repre
sentatives Moore, Thilly and AYarren, and Comptroller Bostwick.
Regrets were received from Trustees White, Wilson and Westing-

house and their absence excused.

1. The President reported the death on August 23rd, 1928, of

Professor J. G. Pertsch of the Department of Electrical Engineer
2. The Comptroller was authorized to pay to Airs. J. G. Pertsch
an amount equal to one-half the annual salary of Professor Pertsch
in such manner as he may deem advisable.

3. In accordance with the authority granted this committee by

the Board of Trustees its meeting on June 18th, 1928, and
at upon

the statement of the President that Mr. Oakleigh Thorne had given

assurance that he would be responsible for the annual payment of

not exceeding $2,500 to the University for the purpose of increasing

the salary of the head of the Department of Animal Husbandry from
$7,500, the amount provided by State appropriation, to $10,000 a year

until such time as the increased salary should be provided by State

appropriation or from other sources, Dr. F. B. Morrison was ap
pointed professor and head of the Department of Animal Hus

bandry in the New York State College of Agriculture, effective

October 1st 1928, at a salary of $10,000 a year.

4. Dr. U. P. Hedrick was appointed Director of the New York

State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva at a salary of
$6,500 a year and house and supplies, effective October 1st, 1928.
5. Dean A. R. Mann was appointed Director of the Cornell Uni
Experiment Station, October 1st, 1928,
versity Agricultural effective

without change in salary.

6. The resignation of Dr. F. B. Morrison as Director of the New

York State Experiment Station at Geneva and the Cornell Univer
Station October 1st,
sity Experiment was reported, effective as of


7.The President reported that although Dr. E. A.

Bates, Adviser
m Indian Extension Work, did not
carry the title of Assistant Pro
fessor, that the duties of his position were equivalent to those of an
Assistant Professor and recommended that he be granted a sabbatic
leave of absence for six months beginning March 1929. This 1st,
leave was granted.

8. The minutes of the meeting of the State College Council of

September 20th, 1928, were approved, the recommendations therein

contained adopted, and the appointments and appropriations made as

therein recommended.

9. The following resignations were reported, effective at the be

ginning of the academic year 1928-29 :

B. Lenrow and A. L. Woehl, Instructors in Public Speaking.

G. A. Scherer, Assistant in Chemistry.

V. E. Jones, Assistant in Geology.
Paul M. Swingle, Instructor in Mathematics.
S. W. Barnes, Instructor in Physics.
Fritz Koerner and M. C. Newton, Instructors in Civil Engineer
H. P. Lewis, Instructor in Experimental Engineering.
G. B. Welch and D. White, Assistants in Physics.
K. W. Sherk and E. W. Hughes, Assistants in Chemistry.
Carol O. Eberhart, Assistant in Law Library.

10. A leave of absence, without salary, for the academic year

1928-29, was granted E. B. Johnson, Instructor in Chemistry.

11. Upon recommendation of the President the following ap

pointments were made for the academic year 1928-29, unless other

wise stated :

Floyd E. Lovelace and E. R. Rushton, Assistants in Chemistry,

each at a salary of $500.
Ellis Freeman, Instructor in Psychology at a salary of $1,500.
Mack Easton, Instructor in Public Speaking at a salary of $1,500.
Harold F. Harding, Instructor in Public Speaking at a salary of
George Kalif, Instructor in English, part time, at a salary of $800.
(Payable from Heckscher Grant No. 100.)
Abel Ross Miller and Dwight L. Espe, Assistants in Physiology,
each at a salary of $750 and free tuition in the Graduate School.
J. Stanley Kirk, Assistant in Biochemistry at a salary of $750 and

free tuition in the Graduate School.

H. R. Mouat, Student Assistant in Histology and Embryology at a

salary of $250.

Russel Milliser, Assistant in Anatomy at a salary of $750 and free

tuition in the Graduate School.
W. S. Shaw, Student Assistant in Histology and Embryology at a

salary of $250 and free tuition in the College of Veterinary Medicine

or its equivalent.

J. N. Clark, Assistant in Chemistry for the first term at a salary

of $375 for the term but not free tuition.
John C. Trussell, Assistant Librarian in the Law Library for the
first term at a salary of $150 for the term.
The following are to be Assistants in Public Speaking, with the
salaries stated, payable from funds furnished by the Dramatic Club
unless otherwise stated :

Constance C. Brown, $600.

Elizabeth Goepp, $600.
Frances Eagan, without salary.

Judson Genung, $900.

Elizabeth Worman, $600, payable from Public Speaking funds.
W. I. Patnode, Assistant in Chemistry at a salary of $600.
L. P. Gould, Assistant in Chemistry at a salary of $750 but not
free tuition.
Miss G. H. Duncan, Assistant in Geology at a salary of $750.
C. E. O'Rourke, Instructor in Civil Engineering in the C. E. Sum
mer Survey Camp of 1928 at a salary of $275.

Archibald Laidlaw, Assistant Law Librarian for the first term of

the Summer Session in Law at a salary of $42.50.
Charles L. Brayton, Assistant Law Librarian for the second term

of the Summer Session in Law at a salary of $42.50.

Leonard P. Adams, Assistant in Economics at a salary of $400.

Helen Sullivan and Ruth Gordon, Assistants in Ecomonics, each
at a salary of $300.
Oscar Altman, Casper Rappenecker, and John H. Weidner, Assist
ants in Economics, each at a salary of $250.

Five hundred dollars of the appropriation for Assistants in Eco

nomics is to be available for assistance by the hour in that depart


D. N. Ball, Assistant in Chemistry for the first term at a salary of

$250 for the term.

O. C. Beaman, Assistant in Chemistry for the first term at a salary

of $375 but not free tuition.
A. W. Lewis, Assistant in Chemistry at a salary of $600.
Louis G. Millward, Assistant in Geology at a salary of $500.
L. A. Richards, Assistant in Physics at a salary of
E. R. Mann, Assistant in Physics at a salary of
D. W. Mueller and F. L. Yerzley, Assistants in Physics, each at a

salary of

W. W. Strahl and P. A. Reynolds, Assistants in Philosophy, each

at a salary of $600.
F. Colucci, Reader in the Department of Romance Languages at a
salary of $500.

L. C. Lay, Instructor in Industrial Engineering at a salary of

D. R.
Morey, Assistant in Physics, part time, at a salary of $200.
J. A.
Thomas, Assistant in the Department of Anatomy in the
Veterinary College at a salary of $400.
Theodorus S. Chadeayne, Assistant in Civil Engineering for the
first term at a salary of $200 for the term.

W. S. Craig and F. P. Kneen, Assistants in Heat Power Engineer

ing, each at a
salary of $500.
Norman S. Buchanan, Instructor in Economics, part time, at a

salary of $900.
Vivian S. Lawrence, Instructor in Mathematics, part time, at a
salary of $900.

Leaman A. D j e, Instructor in Mathematics, part time, at a salary

of $675 for the first term and $450 for the second term.
(The salaries of Messrs. Dye and Lawrence total $2,025, of which
$2,000 is to be paid from Heckscher Grant Supplement to No. 149
and $25 from funds available in the budget.)
L. A. Wood and N. W. Goldsmith, Assistants in Physics, at $800,
to be promoted to be Instructors in Physics, each at a salary of
H. L. Goodman, Instructor in Experimental Engineering at a sal

ary of $1,500.
William D. Moeder, Instructor in Electrical Engineering at a sal

ary of $1,200.
12. The following increases in salaries were approved, to take

effect at the beginning of the academic year 1928-29:

An increase of $500 in the salary of Assistant Professor Paul T.
Homan of the Department of Economics, for the current academic


The salary of Samuel Weibley, Assistant Engineer in the Depart

ment of Physics, was increased from $1,500 to $1,600 a year, effective

July 1, 1928.
The following Assistants in Chemistry were increased from $500
to $600 a year: J. C. Cothran, A. P. Davis, N. A. Skow, W. R.
Roy H. Ritter, now Instructor in Civil Engineering on part time
at $1,000, to give full time and to receive $1,500 a year.
The salary of E. H. Woods, Instructor in Experimental Engineer
ing, was increased from $1,500 to $1,800 a year.

13. The President reported that he had authorized an additional

assistantship inChemistry and the increase of one $500 Assistant to

a $600
Assistantship for the academic year 1928-29 in order to carry
on the work of Dr.
Johnson, who is absent on leave without salary.
14. One hundred dollars of the sum of $1,600 appropriated for
chaperonage was made available to Dean Fitch, to be used for re

search work on office records women students.


15. The following appointments were made to the staff of the

Cornell University Medical College and Medical College Clinic in
New York City for the year 1928-29 :

Faculty (Without Salary)

Department of Anatomy
C. Malcolm Gilman, M.D., Instructor in Anatomy.
William L. Sneed, M.D., Instructor in Applied Anatomy.
Department of Bacteriology
Robert A. Cooke, M.D., Assistant Professor of Applied Immun

Edgar L. Milford, A.B., Assistant in Bacteriology and Immun


Will C. Spain, M.D., Instructor in Applied Immunology.

Department of Dermatology
George T. Elliott, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine, Depart
ment Dermatology (Emeritus).

J. Frank Fraser, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine,

Department of Dermatology.
Arthur F. Kraetzer, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine, Depart
ment of Dermatology.
Ray H. Rulison, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine, Department
of Dermatology.
Andrew J. Gilmour, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine, De
partment of Dermatology.
John H. Harris, M. D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine, Depart
ment of Dermatology.

J. Frank Fraser, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Dermatol

ogy, at a salary of $1,500.

Ray H. Rulison, M.D., Arthur F. Kraetzer, M.D., Physicians to
theClinic, Department of Dermatology, salary $7.00 per Clinic.
Nelson Paul Anderson, M.D., Andrew J. Gilmour, M.D., John H.
Harris, M.D., Julia V. Lichtenstein, M.D., Francis J. Osborne, M.D.,
Henry D. Niles, M.D., Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, Depart
ment of Dermatology, salary $5.00 per Clinic.

Department of Chemistry
Nathan F. Blau, Ph.D., Associate in Chemistry.
Department of Laryngology and Rhinology -

Thomas A. Mulcahy, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery, Depart

ment of Laryngology and Rhinology.

Arthur Palmer, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Laryngology
and Rhinology, salary $1,500.

William J. Jackson, M.D., Thomas A. Mulcahy, M.D., Surgeons

to the Clinic, Department of Laryngology and Rhinology, salary
$7.00 per Clinic.
Ann S. Belcher, M.D., Emmet C. Fitch, M.D., Thomas J. Garrick,
M.D., Herbert Graebner, M.D., Samuel F. Kelly, M.D., William H.
Ayers, M.D., James O. MacDonald, M.D., Assistant Surgeons to the

Clinic, Department of Laryngology and Rhinology, salary $5.00 per

Department of Medicine
Walter L. Niles, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine.
Alexander Lambert, M.D., Professor in Clinical Medicine.
Henry B. Richardson, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine.
Harry A. Bray, M.D., Lecturer on Tuberculosis.
Alice R. Bernheim, M.D., Associate in Medicine.
Walter H. Brundage, M.D., Nancy Jenison, M.D., Walter S. Mc-
Clellan, M.D., Instructors in Medicine.
Benjamin H. Archer, M.D., Harold S. Belcher, M.D., Harry S.
Berkoff, M.D., Laila Coston Conner, M.D., Theodore J. Curphey,
M.D., Haynes H. Fellows, M.D., Helen Gavin, M.D., Connie M.
Guion, M.D., Harry H. Hamilton, M.D., Louis A. Hauser, M.D., Eve
lyn Holt, M.D., Edwin R. P. Janvrin, M.D., Janette Jennison, M.D.,
Michael Lake, M.D., Berton Lattin, M.D., Leon I. Levine, M.D.,
Winifred Kirk, M.D., Kirby Martin, M.D., Douglass Palmer, M.D.,
Anna Piatt, M.D., J. Randolph Quinn, M.D., Herman Philip, M.D.,
Malcolm K. Smith, M.D., Nathaniel Stanton, M.D., Neil C. Stevens,
M.D., Ephraim Shorr, M.D., Edward Tolstoi, M.D., Sydney Wein-
traub, M.D., John H. Whaley, M.D., Harriet White, M.D., Stephen
White, M.D., Instructors in Clinical Medicine.
Dorothy R. Rhodes, A.B., Assistant in Medicine.
Russell L. Cecil, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Medicine,
salary $2,000.
Walter H. Brundage, M.D., Connie M. Guion, M.D., Henry B.
Richardson, M.D., Berton Lattin, M.D., Nancy Jenison, M.D., Dan

H. Witt, M.D., Edmund R. P. Janvrin, M.D., Physicians to the

Clinic, Department of Medicine, at a salary of $7.00 per Clinic.
Harold Stewart Belcher, M.D., Theodore J. Curphy, M.D., Laila
Coston Conner, M.D., Neil C. Stevens, M.D., Harry S. Berkoff,
M.D., Edwin T. Hauser, M.D, Helen Gavin, M.D., Winifred Kirk,
M.D., Malcolm K. Smith, M.D., Joseph Yaswen, M.D., Ada C. Reid,
M.D., Benjamin H. Archer, M.D., J. Randolph Quinn, M.D., Louis
A. Hauser, M.D., Anna Piatt, M.D., Leon I. Levine, M.D., Evelyn
Holt, M.D., Ephraim Shorr, M.D., Wheelan D. Sutliff, M.D., Ed
ward Tolstoi, M.D., Harriet White, M.D., Kirby Martin, M.D.,
Maurice Kagan, M.D., Theresa Scanlon, M.D., Harry B. Torrey,
M.D., Bryant E. Christensen, M.D., Charles Kaufman, M.D., Scott
Johnson, M.D., Aaron D. Spielman, M.D., William B. Vance, M.D.,
Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, Department of Medicine, at a
salary of $5.00 per Clinic.

Haynes Harold Fellows, M.D., Physician in Charge, Department
of Medicine (Gastro-Enterology), salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Sydney Weintraub, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of

Medicine (Gastro-Enterology), salary $7.00 per Clinic.
Nancy Jenison, M.D., Nathaniel B. Stanton, M.D., Michael Lake,
M.D., Jeannette Jenison, M.D., Douglas Palmer, M.D., Herman
Phillip, M.D., John H. Whaley, M.D., Stephen White, AID., Assist
ant Physicians to the Clinic, Department of Medicine (Gastro-En
terology), salary $5.00 per Clinic.

Henry James Spencer, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department
of Medicine (Diabetes), salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Evelyn Holt, M.D., Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department

of Medicine (Diabetes), salary $5.00 per Clinic.

Archer, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department
Benjamin H.
of Medicine (Arthritis), salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Kristian G. Hansson, M.D., Assistant Physician to the Clinic, De

partment of Medicine (Arthritis), salary $5.00 per Clinic.

Connie M. Guion, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of

Medicine (Endocrine), salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Horace S. Baldwin, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of

Medicine (Asthma), salary $7.00 per Clinic.


Harold S. Belcher, M.D., Harry S. Berkoff, M.D., Wheelan

Dwight Sutliffe, M.D., Evelyn Holt, M.D., Assistant Physicians to
the Clinic, Department of Medicine (Asthma), salary $5.00 per
Edward R. P. Janvrin, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department
of Medicine (Tuberculosis), salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Berton Lattin, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of Medi
cine (Cardiac), salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Arthur M. Master, M.D., Assistant Physician in Charge of Elec

trocardiography, Department of Medicine (Cardiac), salary $5.00
per Clinic.

Henry James Spencer, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department
of Medicine (Overweight), salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Ralph A. Eckhardt, M.D., Assistant Physician to the Clinic, De

partment of Medicine (Overweight), salary $5.00 per Clinic.

Department of Military Science and Tactics

William H. Allen, M.D., Major, U. S. A., Professor of Military
Science and Tactics (assigned by the War Department).

Department of Neurology
Clinical Medicine, Depart-
Charles L. Dana, M.D., Professor of

ment of Neurology.

Thomas K. Davis, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Neurol
ogy, salary $1,500.
Lewis D. Stevenson, M.D., Walter M. Kraus, M.D., Physicians to
the Clinic, Department of Neurology, salary $7.00 per Clinic.
Theodore W. Neumann, M.D., Rhoda Muriel Ivimey, M.D., Pat
rick N. Carroll, M.D., Aaron Bell, M.D., Alfred H. Ehrenclou,
M.D., Theophilus P. Allen, M.D., Wendell Mitchell, M.D., Lucy
Miller, M.D., Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, Department of Neu
rology, salary $5.00 per Clinic.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

J. Clifton Edgar, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, Emeritus.
Lynn L. Fulkerson, M.D., John F. McGrath, M.D., Instructors in
Obstetrics and Gynecology.

John F. McGrath, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, salary $1,500.

S. Schmerzler, M.D., Louis P. Biro, M.D., Eleanor J. Murphy,

M.D., Thomas A. Iovino, M.D., Robert G. Dunovant, M.D., Mar-
jorie Hopper, M.D., Isabel Knowlton, M.D., Assistant Surgeons to
the Clinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, salary $5.00
per Clinic.

Department of Ophthalmology
Samuel P. Oast, M.D., George W. Vandegrift, M.D., Milton L
Berliner, M.D., Instructors in Clinical Surgery, Department of Oph

Samuel P. Oast, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Ophthal
mology, salary $1,500.
George W. Vandegrift, M.D., Milton L. Berliner, M.D., Surgeons
to theClinic, Department of Ophthalmology, salary $7.00 per Clinic.
Marc C. Angelillo, M.D., Samuel Schwartzman, M.D., Leo Tru
man Boyes, M.D., Joseph H. Singer, M.D., Assistant Surgeons to the
Clinic, Department of Ophthalmology, salary $5.00 per Clinic.
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Arthur H. Cilley, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery,
Department of Orthopedic Surgery.
Kristian G. Hannson, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery, Depart
ment of Orthopedic Surgery.
Arthur H. Cilley, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Orthopedic
Surgery, salary $1,500.
Ware, M.D., Surgeon to the Clinic, Department of Ortho
John S.
pedicSurgery, salary $7.00 per Clinic.
Joseph H. Gaston, M.D., Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Depart
ment of Orthopedic Surgery, salary $5.00.

Department of Otology
George B. McAuliffe, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Sur
gery, Department of Otology.
Gervais W. McAuliffe, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery, De
partment of Otology.
Stewart L. Craig, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Surgery, Department.
of Otology.
George B. McAuliffe, M.D., Chief of Clinic, salary $1,500.
Gervais W. McAuliffe, MX>., Emmet C. Fitch, M.D., Surgeons to
the Clinic, salary $7.00 per Clinic.
Carl Fornell, M.D., Ann M. Belcher, M.D., Edward M. Pullen,
M.D., Assistant Surgeons to the Clinic, Department of Otology, sal
ary $5.00 per Clinic.

Department of Pathology
Fred W. Stewart, M.D., Associate in Pathology.
Charles T. Olcott, M.D., Instructor in Surgical Pathology.
Max Cutler, M.D., Assistant in Pathology.
Gilbert Dalldorf, M.D., Instructor in Surgical Pathology and As
sistantin Pathology.

Department of Pediatrics
Philip Moen Stimson, M.D., Chief of Clinic, salary $1,500.

Helen Harrington, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of

Pediatrics, salary $7.00 per Clinic.
George C. Ludlow, M.D., Harold T. Vogel, M.D., Virginia T.
Weeks, M.D., Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, Department of
Pediatrics, salary $5.00 per Clinic.

Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Walter C. Klotz, M.D., Assistant Professor of Public Health and

Preventive Medicine.


Harry H. Hamilton, M.D., Physician to the Clinic, Department of

Public Health and Preventive Medicine.

Emanuel W. Billard, M.D., Harry S. Berkoff, M.D., Anna Piatt,
M.D., Mary Putnam, M.D., Assistant Physicians to the Clinic, salary
$5.00 per Clinic.

Department of Roentgenology
John C. Carty, M.D., Ramsay Spillman, M.D., Webster W. Belden,
M.D., Ralph E. Herendeen, M.D., Irving Schwartz, M.D., Instructors
in Roentgenology.
John C. Carty, M.D., Chief of Clinic, salary $3,840.
Francis J. Osborne, M.D., Michael Lake, M.D., Surgeons to the

Clinic, Department of Roentgenology, salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Department of Surgery
Frederic S. Dennis, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Emeritus.
George Woolsey, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Emeritus.
Irving S. Haynes, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Emeritus.
John Rogers, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Emeritus.
Alfred S. Taylor, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery.
Burton J. Lee, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery.
Pol Coryllos, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery.
Byron Stookey, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery.
Jacob Buckstein, M.D., Instructor in Surgical Roentgenology.
Joseph E. J. King, M.D., Instructor in Surgery.
John H. Morris, M.D., Assistant in Surgical Research.

Russel H. Patterson, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Sur
gery, salary $1,500.
John E. Sutton, Jr., M.D., Surgeon to the Clinic, Department of

Surgery,salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Lewis C. Wagner, M.D., Ralph C. Kahle, M.D., Robert K. Felter,
M.D., Assistant Surgeons to the Clinic, Department of Surgery, sal
ary $5.00 per Clinic.
Clinic Dentistry
Louis Wack, M.D., Surgeon to the Clinic, Department of Den

tistry, salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Max Halpern, M.D., Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Department
of Dentistry, salary $5.00 per Clinic.
Department oj Urology
Miguel Alvarez, M.D., Benjamin S. Barringer, M.D., Paul M.
Butterfield, M.D., Roy B. Henline, M.D., Howard S. Jeck, M.D.,
Lisle B. Kingery, M.D., William A. Wilson, M.D., Robert F. Zeiss,

M'D., Instructors in Clinical Surgery, Department of Urology.

William A. Wilson, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Department of Urology,
salary $1,500.
Miguel Alvarez, M.D., Lisle B. Kingery, M.D., Leo Marquith,
M.D., Wendell J. Washburn, M.D., Louis Neuwelt, M.D., Robert F.
Zeiss, M.D., Paul M. Butterfield, M.D., Thomas J. Kirwin, M.D.,
Roy B. Henline, M.D., Thomas P. Burrus, M.D., Michele Iovine,
M.D., Allister M. McClellan, M.D., Vincent McAuliffe, M.D., As
sistant Surgeons to the Clinic, Department of Urology, salary $5.00

per Clinic.

16. In order to correct typographical errors in appointments in

the Cornell University Medical College in New York City for the

year 1928-29, the following changes were made :

Dr. Samuel Z. Levine from Instructor to Associate in Pediatrics.
Dr. James Wilson and Dr. Thomas E. Waldie from Instructors in
Clinical Pediatrics to Instructors in Pediatrics.

17. The following appointments were made in the Medical Col

lege in New York City for the year 1928-29 :
Grant Guillemont and John Noll, Student Assistants in the De
partment of Physiology, each at a salary of $400.
Herbert Pollack, Student Assistant in the Department of Physiol
ogy at a salary of $200.

Authority was granted the President to confer degrees as of

September, 1928, in accordance with the recommendations of the

special faculties, upon students who have fulfilled all necessary re


19. The President reported the gift of $1,000 from Mr. Albert
Jonas of the Class of '80 as an addition to his previous gifts to the
Albert and Olive Jonas Fund.

20. The provisions in the Will of George W. Lefevre, who died

on August 13th, 1928, were reported as follows :
"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Cornell University at Ith
aca, N. Y., all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, the in
come from which is to be used each year in the payment of scholar
ships in said University herein provided, such residuary fund to

be known as 'The George W. Lefevre Trust Fund for Scholarships

in Cornell and the said scholarships to be known as

'The George W. Lefevre Scholarships.' The income from said fund

is to be used each year in the payment of scholarships, of which as

many as possible shall each year be four hundred dollars ($400)

each in amount. Each of such scholarships shall be payable each

year in four equal installments. Said scholarships shall be awarded

by the University to eligible students who shall be the successful con

testants in competitive tests or examinations to be conducted by the

University as the basis for awarding such scholarships, and the

action of the University in the award of any scholarship as herein
provided shall be final. The following students of the University,
and no others, shall be eligible to compete for the award of a

scholarship provided for herein, namely, all students, whether male

or female, who shall be in their first year's attendance in the Fresh

man class in the University and shall be regularly enrolled as

such students therein at the beginning of any college year, and who

shall be in financial need and shall satisfy said University that their
parents cannot contribute the amount required to meet the necessary

University charges and necessary living expenses at said University;

and any student to whom a scholarship shall be awarded, as herein
provided, shall thereafter be entitled to hold said scholarship each

year during such time as such student shall maintain a standing satis
factory to said University and shall remain regularly enrolled as a
student therein, or in any department or course thereof, whether as

an undergraduate or as a graduate student.

The general objects of the gifts provided for herein are to ad

vance the interests and usefulness of Cornell University, and to aid

and encourage young men and women of superior who shall

be in need of financial assistance and shall desire to receive the
benefit of education at said University.

I give to said University full power and authority to hold, man

age, invest and reinvest the whole and any part of my residuary
estate which shall pass to said University under this Will, and to
receive and collect the rents, issues and profits thereof and apply
the net income as herein provided. I hereby give to said University
full power and authority to sell any and all personal property at

any time forming part of the said fund and to invest the proceeds

of such sale as herein provided. I direct that all investments made

by said University in respect to the said fund shall be of the class to

which Trustees shall be
by the law of the State of New

York. I hereby give to said University full power and authority to

sell, exchange, mortgage and lease, on such terms as shall to it seem
expedient, any and all real estate passing to said University as part

of my

21. The recommendations of Professor A. W. Smith for inscrip

tions on the underface of the arch at the base of the Library Tower

setting forth the history of the chimes and the names of the donors
were approved.

22. Authority was granted the Comptroller to arrange for the

sale of certain parcels of land in Pitcairn Township, St. Lawrence
County, aggregating approximately 875 acres which were transferred
toCornell University as a part of the residuary estate of Professor
Willard Fiske, and to execute a deed therefor on behalf of the Uni
versity and to attach thereto the University's corporate seal.

23. A leave of absence, without prejudice to salary, was granted

A. W. Gibson, Associate Secretary of Resident Instruction in the

Agricultural College, from October 15th to October 27th, 1928.
24. A recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees that
Acting Dean George Young, Jr., be appointed Dean of the College
of Architecture at a salary of $6,000 a year.

25. The President reported that informal negotiations were being

carried on with a view to inviting the following named authorities

in chemistry and allied sciences to visit Cornell under the auspices

of the Baker Non-Resident Lectureship Fund :

Professor F. M. Jaeger, The University, Groningen, Holland.
Professor Alfred Stock, Englerstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Professor K. Fajans, Prinzregentenstrasse 54, Munich, Germany.
Professor G. Hevesy, Hebelstrasse 38, Freiburg i. Br., Germany.
Professor N. V. Sidgwick, Lincoln College, Oxford, England.
Professor W. L. Bragg, The Physical Laboratories, The Univer
sity, Manchester, England.
The President's recommendation that the above named gentlemen

be appointed visiting lecturers on the Baker Foundation was ap


26. The President reported conversations and

correspondence re
garding the ultimate disposition of the gift 925
of shares of East
man Kodak Company stock given to the University by Mr. George
W. Todd of Rochester. Mr. Todd's family desire and Mr. Todd
consents that, if agreeable to the Board of Trustees, the gift, with
such adidtions as may be made thereto, be used to establish the
George W. Todd Professorship in the Department of English under
conditions that may be mutually agreeable to the Trustees and to the
donor. The suggestion was cordially approved and the President
was authorized to arrange with Mr. Todd the details of said endow


27. The President was authorized to invite Dr. H. A. Barton to

accept an Assistant Professorship of Physics for a term of three
years, effective at the beginning of the academic year 1929-30, at a

salary of $3,500 a year.

28. The President presented a request from the Department of

Geology for the inauguration of a summer field school in Geology to

be named in honor of former Professor H. S. Williams. The com

mittee signified its approval of the establishment of such a field

school provided funds for the endowment thereof can be obtained

and satisfactory plans worked out by the Department of Geology.

29. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council the

following grants were made :

Supplement to Grant No. n: $3,500 to Professor F. K. Richt-

myer for assistance in a study of X-ray spectra and the absorption

of X-rays by different materials in accordance with the terms of his

letter of September 4th, 1928.

Supplement to Grant No. 140: $1,500 to Professor E. Merritt for

assistance in studying the influence of conditions in the upper atmos

phere upon the propagation of electric waves in accordance with the

terms of his letter September 18th, 1928.


Supplement to Grant No. 12S: $100 to Dr. W. H. French for

rotographs of manuscripts containing Middle English metrical ro

mances in accordance with the terms of his letter of August 18th,


30. The following minute of appreciation for the notable work

done by Professor and Mrs. John Henry Comstock was adopted by

the committee and the President requested to transmit a copy thereof
to Professor and Mrs. Comstock:
"The Board of Trustees of Cornell University wish to associate
themselves with the many friends of Professor and Mrs. John
Henry Comstock who are extending to them warm greetings and

congratulations on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary.


The Board recalls with deep appreciation not only the notable con

tributions to science and by both Professor and

to education made

Airs. Comstock during their long years of active University service,

but particularly also the engaging hospitality and the friendly per
sonal relations established by them which have been an inspiration

to so many generations of Cornell students.

The Board earnestly hopes that health and happiness lie before
these two distinguished figures in Cornell

31. A special chimes service was authorized for Sunday, October

7th, in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Cornell

32. The report of the Heckscher Research Council for the year

1927-28 was received, accepted and placed on file.

33. The Comptroller reported that owing to an amendment to the
Workmen's Compensation Act effective October 1st, 1928, it was

now necessary for Cornell University to secure the benefits of work

men's compensation to its employees and authority was granted him

to make the required deposit of bonds with the Department of

Labor to secure permission for Cornell University to carry its own

insurance or make such other arrangements therefor as he may

deem advisable.

The Comptroller was also requested to formulate the details of a

plan for setting aside the necessary funds for this insurance.
34. The Comptroller was authorized to continue negotiations for
the purchase of the property owned by the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity
on Thurston Avenue, and also the property owned by Professor L.
M. Dennis on University Avenue, and to transfer to the Alpha Chi
Rho fraternity a portion of the property so purchased from Pro
fessor Dennis at such price and under such terms as he may deem
advisable, and authority was granted him to execute such deeds or
other instruments on behalf of the University as may be necessary to
complete the transfers of the above named properties and to attach

thereto the University's corporate seal.

35. The Comptroller reported on the sale of the Ithaca Street

Railway system and also on the informal proposition of Mr. F. L.
Morse to develop an electric generating plant in Fall Creek Gorge
and furnish to Cornell University its necessary electrical energy.

A committee consisting of Trustees J. DuPratt White, Sanderson,

Sackett and Comptroller Bostwick was appointed to investigate and

report on such proposition as may be made concerning the furnish

ing of electric current to Cornell University by Mr. F. L. Morse.
L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees


October 19, 1928.
Present President Dr. Mr.
Farrand, Robinson, Williams, Dr.
Elser. Owing to the absence from the city Mr. Westinghouse and

Dr. Hartwell were unable to attend.

A letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees advising of the

approval of the minutes of the Medical College Council of May 11,
1928, approving of the Budget
and of the Medical College and

Medical College Clinic for the year beginning July 1, 1928, was

presented and placed on file.

It was moved and carried that the following recommendations be
made to the Board of Trustees :

1. That the following balances of special funds be reserved :

Anatomy National Research Council $697 45

Experimental Biochemistry 758 67
Experimental Therapeutics 2,198 43
General Education Board Research Farm 13,181 10

General Education Board Building Fund 1,470 00

Library Alfred Michaelis Fund 126 31

Medicine Second Division, Bellevue Hospital,

Cancer Research__325 00

Neurology Special Research 306 43

Pediatrics Special Research 2,386 03
Pneumona Digitalis Study 1, 364 40
Surgery Transfusion Fund T,T54 00

Surgical Research Given Fund 1,868 25

Student Loan Fund 233 18^26,069 25

and that in order to meet expenses contracted for prior to June 30,

1928, the following unexpended balance of appropriations and special

funds be reappropriated :

Bacteriology 625 00

Clothing Locker Key Deposits 129 25

Microscope Locker Key Deposits 43 80 $798 05

^26,867 3


2. That out of the net earnings of the Cornell Clinic for the year

ended June 30, 1928, amounting to $13,559.40 there be appropriated

$6,500.00 for necessary alterations to the first floor of the old Medical
College Building, 408-412 East 26th Street, to house and install the
Clinic Department of Orthopedics, Physiotherapy and Basal Metabo
lism and to make necessary changes in the basement of the main
College Building to provide for the
necessary expansion of
3. That Cornell University Medical College Scholarships be granted
as follows :

ElizabethHumeston, Second Year Polk Scholarship, $250

Albert C.
Santy, Second Year C.U.M.C. 500
H. H. Dodds, Fourth Year C.U.M.C. 500
Duncan Whitehead, Second Year j C.U.M.C. 500

4. That on request of Dr. Foster Kennedy an appropriation be

made to continue the salary of a technician in Bellevue Hospital from

July 1, 1928, to June 30, 1929, at the rate of $150 a month.

5. That leave of absence, with salary, be granted to Dr. E. F. Du

Bois from July 14th, 1928 to March 1929.

6. That on request of Dr. E. F. DuBois an appropriation of $1,000

be to pay Dr. Richardson as Acting Director
made of the Second
Medical Division, Bellevue Hospital (Cornell).

7. That on request of Dr. Lewis A. Conner, Dr. Whelan D. Sutliff

be appointed to a Travelling Fellowship in Medicine at a salary at the
rate of $2,200 a year and that Dr. Norman Plummer be appointed to

the position of Instructor in Medicine at a

salary of $2,000 a year, in
place of Dr. Sutliff.

8. That the appointment of Dr. John H. Richards be changed to

read "Instructor in salary $300 and that this amount be
transferred from the budget appropriation of the Department of

Clinical Pathology to Medicine.

9. That on request of Dr. Ewing, Dr. Gillbert Dalldorf be ap

pointed an Assistant in Pathology at a salary of $500 for the Session
of 1928-1929.

10. That the following appointments be made in the Department

Psychiatry for the Session

of 1929 :
William L. Russell, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry (without salary)
Mortimer W. Raynor, M.D., Professor of Clinical Psychiatry,

salary $500.
Abraham Kardiner, M,D., Instructor in Psychiatry, salary $100.
George W. Henry, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, salary $100.
Oswald H. Boltz, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, salary $100.

Joseph P. Eidson, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, without salary.

Charles G. McGafnn, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, without

Michael J. Lonergan, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, without


Dr. Ewing requests an appropriation of $1,500 to cover cost of

animals and food and $1,200 for wages for an animal keeper for Dr.
L'Esperance's work on Hodgkin's Disease. Referred to Dr. Robin
son with power to act.

Request from Dr. Ewing for an appropriation of $700 for repairs to

present equipment and for the purchase of new apparatus for the
iu the Department of
Pathology and for a small increase
in salary for the photographer. Referred to Dr. Robinson with power

to act.

(Note : Director Robinson under

authority granted him, under

date of Oct. 24th, 1928, made the following recommendations) :

$800 for Technician.

$1,500 for Animal Supplies.
$700 for photographic apparatus.

$80 for an increase of salary for the Assistant Photographer.

The report of the annual inspection of the Cornell Clinic by the
State Department of Charities was presented and placed on file.
The Department directed that it be classified as follows :

Plant, Class I ; Administration, Class I.

Mr. Willson reported the receipt from the General Education

Board through the University Treasurer of $8,750 "being first
quarterly payment of grant for 1928-1929 for organization, administra
tion and maintenance of the new Medical

The following gifts were reported :

From Dr. Samuel J. Druskin's widow, lantern slides, microscopic

slides, charts, etc., dealing with Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Gift of $100 to Second Surgical Division, Bellevue Hospital.

It was moved and carried that these gifts be properly acknow

ledged by the Director and that the thanks of the Council be

expressed to the donors.

There being no further business the meeting was declared


J. Thorne Willson,
Secretary of the Council.


November 3rd, 1928.
PresentTrustees Van
Cleef, Chairman ; Farrand, Cornell, R. B.
Williams, C. E. Treman, Pound, R. H. Treman ; Faculty Represent
atives Thilly and Moore and Comptroller Bostwick.
Regrets were received from Trustees J. Du Pratt White, Wilson and

Westinghouse and their absence excused.

Action was taken as follows :

1. The resignation of L. C.Roess, Instructor in Electrical Engineer

ing, was reported effective at the beginning of the academic year


2. The following appointments were made for the academic year

1928-29 :
Frank J. Bristol, Instructor in Electrical Engineering, at a
of $1,200.
C. R. Fordyce, Assistant to the Non-Resident Lecturer in Chemistry
for the first term, $400 for the term, to be
at a
salary of paid from the
Baker Non-Resident Lectureship Fund.

Owing to changes in the department, the sabbatic leave of

absence heretofore granted Professor F. O. Ellenwood of the Depart

ment of Heat Power Engineering for the academic year 1928-29, was


4, The salary of E. R. Paige, Instructor in Electrical Engineering,

was increased from $1,500 to $1,800 a year, for a two year term, effec
tive at the beginning of the academic year 1928-29.

5. Upon the recommendation of the President the following were

appointed to the Eleanor Tatum Long Graduate Scholarships in

Structural Geology for the academic year 1928-29:

P. H. Price at a stipend of $600.

Arthur Wedel at a stipend of $900.

6. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of

October 19th, 1928, were approved and the appointments and appro

priations made as therein recommended, except the appointment of

professors which were recommended to the Full Board.

7. The following resignations were reported in the staff of the

Medical College in New York ^City, effective September 30, 1928,

unless otherwise stated :

Bailey, Associate Professor

Harold('C. of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Carl E. Weigle, Assistant in Clinical Pediatrics.

Whelan D. Sutliffe, Bacteriologist and Instructor in Medicine,

(Bellevue Hospital Clinic.)

Haynes Harold Fellows, Charge) to the Clinic, De

Physician (in
partment of
Gastro-Enterology (Medicine) effective October ist, 1928.
Harry Beal Torrey, Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department
of Medicine, effective August
30, 1928.
Vincent J. McAuliffe, Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Department
of Urology, effective September
1, 1928.
Leland E. Hinsie, Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department of
Psychiatry, effective September 12, 1928.
Abraham Kardiner, Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department
of Psychiatry, effective September 20, 1928.

Earl H. Adams, Assistant Physician to the Clinic, Department of


8. Upon recommendation of the President, the following appoint

ments were made to the staff of the Cornell University Medical Col
lege and Medical College Clinic, for the year 1928-29, unless other

wise stated ;
Theodore J. Curphy and Michael Lake, Instructors in Clinical

Pathology, each at a salary of $500.

Eleanor B. Newton, Assistant in Chemistry at a salary of $1,250.
Carl H. Smith, Assistant in Clinical Pediatrics at a salary of $300.

Appointments in the Clinic :

Sidney Weintraub was promoted from Attending Physician to Phy

sician in Charge of Gastro-Enterology, Department of Medicine, ap
pointment to date from October 1, 1928, salary $7.00 per Clinic.

Douglas-Palmer was promoted from Assistant Physician to Physi

cian, Department of Medicine, Gastro-Enterology, salary $7.00 per

Clinic, appointment to date from July 23, 1928.

Wendell Johnson Stainsby, Assistant Physician to Clinic, Depart

ment of Medicine, salary $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to date from
September 27, 1928.

William R. Delzell, Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Department

of Urology, salary $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to date from
September 26, 1928.

Hilda W. Allen was promoted to Assistant Physician to the Clinic,

Department of Psychiatry, salary $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to

date from October 9, 1928.

Alfred H. Ehrenclou was promoted from Assistant Physician to

Physician to the Clinic, Department of Neurology, salary $7.00 per

Clinic, appointment to date from September 28, 1928.

Fred Adams was promoted to Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, De

partment of Urology, salary $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to date

from October 9, 1928.


William Meade Archer, Assistant Surgeon to the Clinic, Depart

ment of
Roentgenology, salary $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to date
from October 4, 1928.
George B. McAuliffe was appointed Acting Head of the Department
of Otology, at a
salary of $300.
The title of Edwin T. Hauser was changed from Instructor in
Clinical Medicine to Instructor in Medicine without change of salary.

Rees Jensen, Assistant in Surgery, without salary.

Douglas Palmer, Assistant Radiologist to the Clinic, Department

Radiology, at a
salary of $5.00 per Clinic, appointment to date
from October 23, 1928.

9. The appointment of the following Conference Committees for

the 1928-29 were reported by the President :

Faculty of Law: Dean Burdick and Professors H. E. Whiteside

and E. E. Cheatham.
Medical Faculty: Secretary Kerr and Professors B. F. Kingsbury
and J. B. Sumner.

Faculty of Architecture: Dean Young and Professors F. H. Bos-

worth and A. C. Phelps.

Faculty of Engineering: Dean Kimball and Directors F. A.

Barnes, Herman Diederichs and P. M. Lincoln.

10. The election by the University Faculty at its meeting on

October 10, 1928, of the following members of Councils was reported:

Library Council: Professor W. B. Carver to succeed himself and

Professor William Strunk to succeed Professor H. R. Smart, each

for a term of two years beginning November 1, 1928.

Heckscher Council: Professor Carl Becker to succeed himself for

a term of four years beginning November 1, 1928.

11. Owing to the exceptional circumstances involved, a leave of

absence for the year 1929-1930 was granted Professor Horace L. Jones,
without prejudice to salary.

12. A leave of absence without prejudice to salary was granted

Dean R. Louise Fitch from December 1, 1928 to January 11, 1929.

13. The request for an additional appropriation

by the State of

$5,000 to be included in the budget for 1929-30 for repairs to build

ings at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at

Geneva was approved.

14. The President was authorized to reconstitute the Committee on

Decoration and Ornamentation of Goldwin Smith Hall in such man

ner as he may deem advisable after consultation with Dean Ogden.

15. The Comptroller reported the following provisions contained

in the Will of Forbes Heermans, deceased :


"Likewise, on the death of my sister, Mary E. Heermans, I direct

that the net avails of

my trust estate then remaining in the hands of
rny trustees, shall be divided and distributed to the following
* * *
named persons and for the following purposes, viz:

To the Trustees of Cornell University at Ithaca, New York, the

sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) in trust nevertheless for
the following charitable and educational uses and purposes: the

principal of such trust fund shall be kept invested in safe, interest

paying securities and the income accruing therefrom shall be utilized

by the trustees of the University to provide a short course of lectures

to be given or biennially as may be deemed best, at Cornell
University 011 the Drama, Dramatic Composition or kindred themes,
these lectures to be given whenever possible by some American-born

dramatist, actor or stage director, and the unexpended balance of the

annual income, if any, shall be divided into three equal parts, two

parts thereof to be given as a first prize to the student

submitting the
best essay on play writing or the best short one act
play on an

American theme, and the third part to be given to the other student
* * *
submitting the second best essay or play as aforesaid.

I direct that the surplus of assets, if any, my trust estate remain


ing in the hands of my trustees after providing for the distribution

hereinabove set forth, shall be divided by my trustees into twelve
* * *
equal parts, which I give and bequeath as follows, viz:
To Cornell University two (2) parts thereof to be added to the
general endowment fund of the University and allocated to the fund

for maintaining a Kappa Alpha

16. The Comptroller reported the following provisions in the Will

of Ida B. Criddle, deceased :
* *
"I also make the following bequests *. I give and bequeath to
the officers, directors or other governing board of Cornell University
of Two Thousand ($2,000) Dollars, to
at Ithaca, New York, the sum
be used by them in any way they

17. It appearing that there is no provision in the Will of James N.

Oliphant for the appointment of a trustee, it was the opinion of the

Committee that Floyd Mundy, the Executor of such Will, should be

appointed trustes'without bond, and the Comptroller was authorized

to give such consent for such appointment as may^be

necessary on

the part of Cornell University.

18. Whereas : Mr. Edward W. Sheldon, as trustee under the

agreement, dated January 22, 1925 and amended November 1, 1926,

with Cornell University in connection with the sale of 30,000 shares

of the capital stock of the International Railway Company to Mr.

Nelson Robinson, has fully carried out and fulfilled the duties under-

taken by him, and has under date of November i, 1928 submitted to

the University a full account of his acts as such trustee, now be it

Resolved : That the said Edward YV. Sheldon be and he hereby is

discharged from any and all liability to Cornell University under the
above mentioned trust agreement, and further
Resolved : That the Trustees of Cornell University express to Mr.
Sheldon their sincere appreciation of the able manner in which he
has conducted the affairs of the trust and the service thereby
rendered the University.
The President was requested to express to Mr. Nelson Robinson
the deep appreciation of the trustees for his assistance to the Univer

sity in this matter.

19. The salary of Director U. P. Hedrick was readjusted for the

period from July r, 192S to September 30, 1928 so as to be payable at
the annual rate of $5,000 from State Funds and 51,000 from Hatch

20. The President made a short report concerning the development

of plans for strengthening the College of Architecture.

L. N. Simmons,

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees


November 16, 1928

Present Trustees R. B.Williams, Chairman; Van Cleef, Farrand,

J. DuPratt White, Cooke, R. H. Treman, Hiscock and Upson.
The President's recommendation of a budget of $72,500 for the

coming Summer Session was approved and its adoption recommended

to the Board of Trustees.


George F Rogalsky
pro tern.

November 16, 1928.

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman; Farrand, J. Du

Pratt White, Cooke, R. H. Treman, Hiscock, Upson and Comptroller
A Regret was received from Trustee Ickelheimer and his absence


1. Comptroller Bostwick reported on the security vaults.

2. It was moved and carried that Comptroller Bostwick get com

petitive bids for the care of our negotiable securities in New York

City and award the custody of such securities accordingly.

3. J. F. Schoellkopf , Jr was unanimously nominated for the vacancy

on the Finance Committee.

4. The report of sales and purchases of securites to October 1st, as

printed was approved.

5. It was voted to sell the following :

(a) $25,000 Heller Brothers 7's at not less than 90.

(b) 250 shares of General Baking Company common stock at

the market, and in connection therewith // was resolved that

George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he hereby is author

ized to endorse the certificates in blank and to attach

thereto the University's corporate seal.


(c) $5,ooo Missouri, Kansas & Texas first 4's at the market at

the discretion of Comptroller Bostwick.

(d) $50,000 Southern Railway consolidated 5's at the market at

the discretion of Comptroller Bostwick.

(e) 500 shares of Diamond Match stock, and in connection

therewith it was that George F.

Rogalsky as
Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized to endorse the
certificates in blank and to attach thereto the University's
corporate seal. In connection with such sale of Diamond
Match stcok it was further that George F.
as Treasurer, be and he hereby is authorized to endorse in
blank the stock of the North American Match Corporation
and to attach thereto the University's corporate seal, for
such amounts of said stock as
may be due to any purchaser
from us of Diamond Match stock.

(f) 500 shares of International Paper 7% preferred certificates of

deposit and in connection therewith it was resolved that
George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he hereby is auth

orized to endorse the certificates in blank and to attach

thereto the University's corporate seal.

(g) $75,000 International Paper Co. 1st. and ref. 5's of 1947.

(h) 200 shares of Pullman stock, and in connection therewith it

was resolved that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he

hereby is authorized to endorse the certificates in blank and

to attach thereto the University's corporate seal.

(i) 200 shares of International Nickel preferred and 80 shares of

common at the market, and in connection therewith it was

resolved that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he

hereby is authorized to endorse the certificates in blank and

to attach thereto the University's corporate seal.

. The following purchases were authorized :

(a) 2,000 shares of Buffalo, Niagara Falls & Eastern 6.40%


(b) 200 shares American Water Works preferred.

(c) $50,000 Goodyear Tire & Rubber first 5's.

(d) 500 sharesChicago, Rock Island & Pacific 6l/r preferred.

(e) 250 shares Postum Company stock.
(f ) 500 shares Filene Sons Company 6%% prefered.

(g) 60 shares Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe common.

(h) $500,000 of 5^% guaranteed mortgages.
(i) As many Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe convertible
debenture 4>'s as we will be entitled to under rights.

7- The sale of 580 shares of Westinghonse Air Brake stock in the

discretion of Comptroller Bostwick was authorized, and in connec

tion therewith it was resolved that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer

be and he hereby is authorized to endorse the certificates in blank
and to attach thereto the University's corporate seal.


George F. Rogalsky,
Secretary pro tern.


November 16, 1928.

Present Trustees J. DuPratt White, Chairman; Farrand, Sackett,

Sanderson, Whitman, Upson and R. H Treman; Comptroller Bost
wick and Superintendent Curtis.

Regrets were received from Trustees Wakeman and Westinghouse

and their absence excused.

Action was taken and recommendations made to the Board of

Trustees as follows :

1. The recommendation of Mr. Klauder that gypsum block be used

for interior partitions in the War Menorial Group and Boldt Tower
in place of the solid plaster on metal lath specified, was approved.

2. It was recommended that the University fire station north of

Bailey Hall be discontinued.

3. The use of the building at present used for the University Fire
station north of Bailey Hall was referred to the President and Comp
troller with power.

4. A sight on the west side of Judd Falls Road to the south of the
rural engineering sheds was approved for a building for the storage

of tools for the Agricultural College. The exact location of this

building is to be approved by the Chairman of the Landscape Com
mittee and the matter of
selecting an architect for preparing prelim

inary plans for such

building was referred to the Comptroller with


5. It was recommended that subject to the approval of the Archi

tectural Advisory Board the Plan Commission's
for running plan

Dryden Road to the north of the present artillery stables be changed

so that the road would occupy approximately its present site.

6. It was also recommended that the artillery stables be moved to a

more appropriate location as soon as possible.


7- The matter of
determining the locations from which earth is to
be secured to furnish the back fill for the Plant
Industry Building
was referred to the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds with


8. The Landscape Committee was requested to make a

study of
Garden Avenue, the
parking space around Bailey Hall and the pro
posed plaza to the south of the its
hall, and to report recommend
ations for improvement at the next of the Committee.
9. It was recommended that the Board Trustees
of request the
Cornellian Council to give careful consideration to the importance of

establishing fund for the development and improvement

a of the
campus as distinct from the buildings thereon.
io. The construction of a concrete walk or walk and curb from the
Library to Willard Straight Hall was authorized. (Trustee E. N.
Sanderson offered to provide the necessary funds for the
building of

this walk).

n. The committee heretofore appointed to confer with Mr. F. L.

Morse regarding the University's rights in Fall Creek was requested

to make an immediate examination of the legal questions involved.

12. The request of Professor C. S. Northup for the fitting up of a

certain portion of the attic of Goldwin. Smith Hall for his use was

referred to the Committee on Improvements to Physical Plant.

13. A report of the Arboretum Committee was received and the

plans for thinning andclearing out the existing plantings were
approved, the work to be done as and when funds become available

therefor, and the Committee was requested to report at the next

meeting of this Committee more detailed plans for the work proposed.

14. Trustee Upson made a report on behalf of the sub-committee

appointed to consider ways and means of cleaning out Beebe Lake

and Trustee R. H. Treman was requested to take the matter

up with

the Stewart Park Commission and the City of Ithaca with a view to

securing permission from them for the deposit on their property of

the material taken from Beebe Lake. Mr. Upson's report follows :

"As chairman of the sub-committee having to do with the dredging

of Beebe Lake, I desire to present to you certain problems connected

therewith which in my opinion should have careful consideration

before we proceed further.

As you are aware, Mr. Curtis has been making some experiments

this summer in the use of a syphon with a jet, and has also opened

up the blow-off gate. All of these experiments lead us to believe

that in order to do the work adequately we will have to provide
substantial equipment. In other words, no easy short-cut method
appears to be feasible.

It is the conclusion of Mr. Curtis and our sub-committee that in

order to do this work adequately it will be necessary either to have
the University invest a substantial amount of money in equipment,
or give a guarantee to a contractor for a substantial amount of money
in order to place his equipment on the site.

In either instance we are confronted with the possibility of being

stopped in our operations either because of the sentiment of the city
against our
dumping the refuse into Fall Creek, or through a legal
action on their part forcing the recognition of this sentiment. In
either event it is possible and probable that the University will

sustain a loss caused by the preparation to do this work.

For this reason we are reluctant to embark on any program until

we can get the full meeting of the Buildings and Grounds Committee
to authorize such a procedure.

An alternate solution which was proposed by us to Mr. R. H.

Treman, Chairman of the Stewart Park Commission, was to make an

arrangement with the Stewart Park Commission so that the material

might be deposited on their site. We proposed to do this at cost ;

that is, the excess cost to us over dumping it over the top of the dam.
In my opinion and the opinion of Mr. Curtis such an arrangement

would be extremely advantageous to the Stewart Park organization,

for the reason that it will give them an unusually rich material for
the fill, which will add greatly to the fertility of their park, and at
the same time give them a fill at a very low cost, far below the cost

of any other method.

Apparently Mr. Treman was not able to get an acceptance of this

proposition on the part of the Commission.

Unless some such scheme is adopted I can not at the present time
see a solution of our problem without the possibilty of
incurring the
criticism of the City of Ithaca.

We all recognize that it is desirable to do this work just as soon as

possible in order to avoid a recurrence of the interference with the

skating and winter sports which was encountered last year. For this
reason we are loth to let the matter drop. On the other hand, so

much is involved in taking steps to pursue our original program at

this time, that we feel the whole committee should give careful con
sideration to all these facts before any active steps are

15. The matter of building an incinerator in connection with the

Heating Plant was referred to Trustee Sanderson and Superintendent

Curtis for investigation and report.

L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary


November 17, 1928.

Trustees J, DuPratt White, Vice-Chairman Farrand
Graves, Pyrke, Turner, Cornell, Cooke, Crawford, Gannett, Gherardi,
Ickelheimer, Miller, Newman, Pound, Sackett, Sanderson, Schoell-
kopf, Taylor, C. E. Treman, R. H. Treman, Upson, Van Cleef, Van
Namee, Warner, Horace White, Whitman, R. B. Williams, and R. H.
Williams ; Faculty Representatives
Moore, Thilly and Warren and
Comptroller Bostwick,
Regrets were received from Trustees
Hiscock, Smith, Baker, Pratt,
Schwab, Teagle, Wakeman, Westinghouse and Wilson and their
absence excused.

1. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of June 18th, 1928,

were approved as printed.

2. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on General Ad

ministration of
July 6th, October 6th and November 3rd, 1928, were

approved as printed and the action therein contained ratified and


3. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on Buildings and

Grounds of June 18th, 1928, were approved as printed and the action

therein contained ratified and confirmed.

4. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on Finance of July

15th, and September 4th and 20th, 1928, were approved as printed,
and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed.

5. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of

October 19th, 1928, were approved as printed, the recommendations

therein contained adopted and appointments and appropriations

made as recommended.

6. The minutes of the meeting of the State College Council of Sep

tember 20th, 1928, were approved as printed and the action therein

contained ratified and confirmed.

7. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on Buildings and

Grounds of November 16, 1928, were approved as read by the Secretary,

with the exception that said Committee was directed to take no further
steps toward the cleaning out of Beebe Lake until after the next

meeting of the Board of Trustees.

8. The Committee on General Administration was requested to

make recommendation to the Board at its next
meeting for the filling
of the vacancy on that Committee.

9. Trustee J. F. Schoellkopf, Jr. was elected to fill the vacancy on

the Committee on Finance and Trustee Myron C. Taylor was elected

to fill the vacancy on the Medical College Council.


io. The filling of the existing vacancy on the Heckscher Research

Council was deferred until the next
meeting of the Board of Trustees.
n. The President presented a preliminary report for the year

ending June 30th, 1928.

12. The report of the Comptroller for the year

ending June 30th,
1928, was received.

13. By the concurrent vote of a

majority of the Trustees, sub-divi
sion (A) of Section 3 of Article VIII of the University Statutes was
amended to include the Director of Admissions as a member of the

University Faculty as follows :

"(A) The University Faculty. The University Faculty shall con

sist of the President of the University, who shall be ex-officio the
presiding officer, and the professors and assistant professors who are
members of the above named special faculties, the Librarian and the
assistant librarians in the University Library, the Registrar, the
Director of Admissions, the Secretary of the University, and the Dean
of Women. The
and professors
assistant professors whom the
University may in the departments of ( 1 ) Military Science
and Tactics,
(2) Physical Education and Training, and (3) Hygiene
and Preventive Medicine shall not be members of any special
faculty but shall be members of the University Faculty. It shall be
the function of the University Faculty to consider questions which

concern more than one college and questions of University policy ;

and it shall havejurisdiction over the students of the
University for unsatisfactory work, for which, discipline is
' '
entrusted to the respective special faculties.

14. Upon recommendation of the Budget Committee an appropria

tion of $72,500 was made for the regular

1929 Summer Session.
15. Upon recommendation of the President, George Young, Jr.
was elected Dean of the College of Architecture at a salary of $6,000
a year as Dean of the College and Professor of Architecture, effective

at the beginning of the present academic year.

16. Upon recommendation of the President the Board approved the

extending to Professor Wolfgang Kohler of the

University of Berlin,
an invitation to accept an appointment as Lecturer in Psychology for
a period of not less than four weeks
during the second term of the
current academic year, at a salary of $',500, which sum is available

in the budget of the Department of Psychology.

17. Upon recommendation of the President the following appoint

ments were made for the current academic year unless otherwise

stated : F. H. Hodder to be Acting Professor of American History

at a salary of $6,000.
Mortimer W. Raynor to be Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at a

salary of $500.

William L. Russell to be Professor of Psychiatry, without salary.

W. J. Congdon to be Assistant in
Chemistry, effective November
ist, 1928, at a salary at the rate of $750 a year, but not free tuition.
J. A. Raynolds to be Assistant in
Chemistry for the second term of
the current academic year at a
salary at the rate of $500 a year.
H. M. Southworth to be Assistant in
Physics, part time, at a
of $200 for the period from November ist to the end of the academic

18. The resignation of R. W. Dornte, Assistant in Chemistry, was

reported effective November ist, 1928.

19. The following sabbatic leaves of absence were granted :

Melvin L. Nichols, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for the

academic year 1929-30.

James B. Sumner, Assistant Professor of Bio-chemistry, for the first

term of the academic year 1929-30.

20. Saturday, January 26th, 1929, was adopted as the date of the
Winter meeting of the Board of Trustees, and Saturday, April 27th,
1929, was adopted as the date of the Spring meeting of the Board of

21. The following resolution on the death of Professor John George

Pertsch, Jr. adopted by the University Faculty, was

concurred in and adopted by the Board :

On August 23rd, 1928 Professor Pertsch saved from drowning a person

struggling in the rough waters of Lake Cayuga. The effort proved
too much for his strength, and he met his own death in a deed that
was of a piece with his kindly, generous life.

George Pertsch, Jr. was born in Baltimore in 1887.

John He
received from Cornell University in 1909 the degree of Mechanical
Engineer. On graduating he was made an assistant in his college,
and by successive promotions came to a professorship of Electrical
Engineering. His whole academic life was spent in Cornell. He

was a contributor to the journals of his profession and was a member

of numerous learned societies.

In recording his death the Faculty wishes to bear witness to the

fine qualities that made Professor Pertsch a valued and well-loved

colleague. His students found him an admirably informed and

wholly sympathetic teacher ; few indeed of the teaching

staff aroused

a deeper response. His associates recognized in him a constant

kindliness and fairmindedness, a straightforward
manliness, a
thoroughness in dealing with his subject, a steady industry, that well
explained his popularity. In his death the University loses a teacher

and scholar difficult to replace, and very many members of the

Faculty lose a true friend.

22. It was reported that the University Faculty, at a meeting held

on November 14th, 1928, passed a resolution recommending to the
Board of Trustees that daylight saving be not adopted for the year
1929-30. A hope was expressed by the Board that the Faculty might

work out some solution which would give the students more daylight
hours for recreation.

23. The matter of

arranging the assignment to the University of a

patent for the production of Beta Lactose and the use of the process

for its production

by a commercial concern was referred to the

President, the Comptroller, the University Attorney and Dean Mann

with power.

24. The expenditure of $3,000 from the Income Funds of the

College of Agriculture was approved for the purpose of enabling
Professor Emeritus L. H. Bailey to continue the extension of the
collections of scientific enterprises now under
way by Dr. Bailey.

25. The Board approved the establishment of a

University press

and referred the matter to the Committee on General Administra

tion with power.

26. The report of Trustee C. E. Cornell on the inspection of the

rooming houses and fraternities for the year 1927-28 was received and

placed on file.

27. The President made a report on the current affairs of the


28. During a temporary absence of the President from the meeting,

the Trustees expressing concern as to his health, voted to him a leave

of absence of one month at the expense of University to be taken at
such time during the Winter as he may desire.

L. N .
Assistant Secretary.

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees


December 15, 1928.

Present Trustees
VanCleef, Chairman; Hiscock, Chairman of the
Board; Cornell, R. B. Williams, J. DuPratt White, Wilson, C. E.
Treman, Pound and R. H. Treman; Faculty Representatives Moore
and Thilly and Comptroller Bostwick.

Regrets were received from Trustee Westinghouse and his absence


1. Dr. R. P. Sibley, Secretary of the College of Arts and Sciences,

was also appointed Assistant Dean of that College with no change in

2. It was recommended to the Board that Dr. L. L. Van Slyke,

Chief in Research, who retires from active service at the New York
State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva on
January 31, 1929,
be appointed Professor of Dairy Chemistry, Emeritus.
3. It was recommended to the Board that J. P. Porter, now Assis
tant Professor of Ornamental Horticulture, be appointed
Professor of Ornamental Horticulture at a salary of $3,500 a year,

effective October 1, 1928.

4. Sabbatic leaves of absence were granted as follows :

C. L. Walker, Professor of Civil Engineering, for the second term

of the academic year 1928-29.

S. S. Garrett, Professor of Mechanics of Engineering, for the

academic year 1929-30.

O. D. von Engeln, Professor of Geology, for the academic year


5. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council, the

grants were made :
Supplement to Grant No. 176 : $1,000 to Professor H. S. Liddell
for assistance in an investigation of conditioned reflexes in the sheep
and dog, in accordance with the terms of his letter of November 23,


Grant No. 1/9 : $2,500 to Professor L. M. Dennis for assistance in

an investigation of the separation of isotopes, in accordance with the
terms of his letter of November 12, 1928.

6. The application of Professor G. Watts Cunningham for admis

sion to the benefits of the Wm. H. Sage Pension Fund was granted.

7. The following appointments of Assistants in Military Science

and Tactics for the academic year 1928-29, without
salary other than
that they receive as cadet officers were made :

Cadet Colonels : H. K. McCorkle and D. N. Schoales.

Cadet Lieutetiant Colonels : W. P. Bullock and T. M. Goodfellow.
Cadet Majors: J. Clark, R. I. Dodge, Walter C. Knox, R. S.
Milans, N. I. Smith and J. H. Tuck.
Cadet Captains J. F.
Anderson, G. W. Behrman, S. W. Beyland,
B. Bissell, O. B. Bromley, E. C. Collins, G. B. Conger, J. G. Connell,
R. H. Crum, F. H. Cusack, F. H. Fleischer, Jacob A. Herrman, G.
T. Lacey, A. N. LeFeber, D. L. Lewis, W. A. Little, J. C. Marshall,
G. G. Penniman, H. C. Purcell, E. C. Raedel, C. Snitow, W. W.
Stillman, R. S. Taggart, A. W. Tresch, A. S. Trowbridge, G. G.

8. The resignation of Dr. Marion E. Snavely, Instructor in Hy

giene and Assistant Medical Advisor of Women, was reported

effective November 17, 1928

9. A gift of $2,000 was reported by the Comptroller, in accordance

with the terms of the following letter :

"Syracuse, NT. Y. ,

December 13, 1928.

My dear Comptroller :

As you know, Horace K. White, our father, established, in 1872, a

fund of $500, the income to be annually awarded to students in the

graduating class of the New York State Veterinary College.

brothers and I wish to increase this fund to the sum of $2,500,
to the end that the First Prize may be increased to $100 and the

Second Prize to $25 annually.

If this course is agreeable to the University, we will be happy to

make the gift, and for that purpose I am enclosing my check for

This sum is the gift of Horace White, Andrew S. White and

Ernest I. White, as above indicated.

With best wishes, I am

Very sincerely yours,

(Signed) Horace White.

This gift was accepted and the Comptroller requested to express to

Messrs. White the appreciation of the Trustees.

10. Trustee J. DuPratt White presented an offer of a gift from

Mr. Myron C. Taylor for the construction of a new Law School

building, and it was accordingly

That the very
: generous offer of a giftof $1,500,000 by

Myron C. Taylor to provide an adequate

building for the Law School
of Cornell University is received with
deep appreciation by the
Board of Trustees and is accepted in full accordance wdth the condi

tions of the gift as set forth by the donor in his letter to the Board of

Trustees of December 14, 1928, and

Resolved: That the warm thanks of the Board be transmitted to

Mr. Taylor for his far sighted gift ; and

Resolved : That the appropriate Committees of the Board and

Officers of the University proceed immediately to the completion of

plans for the construction of the building for which the gift provides,

Resolved: That upon completion, the building shall be named

Myron Taylor Hall and shall be so known as long as it shall stand.

11. The matter of clearing the site south of 3 Central Avenue and

west of Central Avenue for the construction of the new Law School
to of Trustees Hiscock,
building was referred a committee
J. DuPratt White, R. H. Treman, R. B. Williams, Farrand and
Comptroller Bostwick with power. Trustee J. DuPratt White was

later chosen Chairman of this Committee.

L. N. Simmons
Assistant Secretary


December 21, 1928.
Present President
Farrand, Dr. Robinson, Dr. Hartwell, Mr.
Westinghouse. Mr. Williams was unable to attend on account of

absence abroad. Dr. Elser was reported ill.

A letter from the the Board Trustees advising
Secretary of of of the
approval by the Board of the minutes of the Medical College Council
meeting, October 19, 1928, was presented and placed on file.
President Farrand announced the appointment of Mr. Myron C.
Taylor as a member of the Council to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Mr. Ira A. Place.

Dr. Robinson reported the receipt of a gift of $5,000 from Mrs.

Carlos de Heredia to the Cornell University Medical College in New
York City 'to promote interest in the study Industrial
teaching of

Dr. Robinson stated that he had acknowledged the receipt of the

gift whereupon it was resolved that the Council recommend the
acceptance of the gift and that the action of Dr. Robinson as con

tained in his reply to Mrs. Heredia be approved.

It was further resolved that the fund so established by Mrs.
Heredia be called the "William Gilman Thompson

A letter from the American Association for the Advancement of

Science and affiliated sciences soliciting a contribution to its fund for

entertainment and reception committees, was presented. In view of

the fact that the letter was referred to Dr. Robinson by Dr. Niles it
was voted that all correspondence with the Association be referred to
Dr. Robinson.
It was moved and carried that the action of Dr. Robinson in

making the nominations for the Staff of the General Memorial Hos

pital, to serve during the year 1929, be approved :

Clinical Staff
Director of Cancer Research, James Ewing, M. D.
Clinical Director, William S. Stone, M. D.

Attending Surgeons, William B. Coley, M. D., Burton J. Lee, M.D.

Douglas Quick, M. D., Frank E. Adair, M. D.

Attending Surgeon, Urological Department, Benjamin S.
Barringer, M. D.
Attending Gynecologist, William P. Healy, M. D.
Attending Physician, Lloyd F. Craver, M. D.
Associate Attending Surgeons, Archie L. Dean, M. D., Nathan
Green, M. D., George E. Binkley, M. D.
Assistant Surgeons, Samuel Johnson, M. D., Hayes E. Martin, M.

D., Duffy, M. D., Bradley L. Coley, M. D.

Assistant Gynecologist, Frank R. Smith, M. D.

Neurological Associate Surgeon, Byron Stookey, M. D.

Associate Neurologist, George Hall Hyslop, M. D.
Clinical Assistants, Norman E. Treves, M. D., John T. Toole, M.
D., Howard C.
Taylor, M. D.
Anaesthetists, Harry Landesman, M. D., Alfred E. Phelps, M. D.
Roentgenologist, Ralph E. Herendeen, M. D.
Assistant Roentgenologist, James J. Duffy, M. D.
Dentist, Frank A. Engel, D. D. S.
Laboratory Research Staff

Pathologist, James Ewing, M. D.

Assistant Pathologist, Frederick W. Stewart, M. D.
Serologist, Elise S. L'Esperance, M. D.
Bacteriologist, J. C. Torrey, Ph. D.
Biologist, Halsey J. Bagg, Ph. D.
Assistant in Biology, Clarence R. Halter, M. A.
Physicist, Gioacchino Failla, D. Sc.
Assistant Physicist, Edith H. Quimby, M. A.
Biophysicist, Wolfgang Pauli, Ph.D.
Assistants in Biophysics, Ware Cattell.
Director, Department of Chemistry, Stanley R. Benedict, Ph. D.
Chemists, Kanematsu Sugiura, D. Sc, Helen Q. Woodward, Ph.D.
Helen R. Downes, Ph. D.
Photographer, William S. Dunn.
A contribution from Dr. Foster Kennedy of $50 to the
Loan Fund was announced and received with appreciation by the
It was moved and carried that the following recommendations be
made to the Board of Trustees :

1. That an appropriation of $700 be made for wages for an addi

tional porter in the College from December 1, 1928, to July 1, 1929.

2. That the request of Dr. Stockard for the transfer of $2,500 from
unused salaries balance in the Anatomy budget amounting to $9,500
to the general expense account of the department be approved and

that permission be granted to use this $2,500 to balance the deficit

now standing against the Anatomy Farm account.

3. That a loan from the Loan Fund of $500 be granted to
Miss Sara Bass who is unable to pay the tuition fee for the current


4. That an additional appropriation of $1,500 for the Library be


5. That under the standing resolution the following special course

fees be paid to the following instructors :

Dr. William C. Thro, 2 students

@ $50 $100
Dr. J. F. Nonidez, 1 student
@ $50 50

Dr. C. R. Stockard, 1 student

@ $30 30

6. That the request of Dr. Benedict for authority to employ a Sec

retary to the Department of

Chemistry on a half time basis for six
months (January 1, 1929 to July 1, 1929) at a salary of $62.50 per

month, be granted and that an appropriation not to exceed $375 be

made therefor.
There being no further business the meeting was declared

J. T. Wiixson,
Secretary of the Council.


January 5th, 1929.

Present Trustees VanCleef, Chairman ;

Farrand, Cornell, R. B.
Williams, J. DuPratt White, C. E. Treman, R. Y '"reman ; Faculty
Representatives Diederichs, Thilly and Warrel nand Comptroller

Regrets were received from Trustees Westinghouse and Pound and

their absence excused.

Action was taken as follows :

1. Wolfgang Kohler was appointed to be Lecturer in Psychology

for a period of about six weeks during the second term of the current

academic year, at a salary of $1,500 for that period.

2. A gift of $10,000 was reported from Lincoln K. Passmore to be

added to the John Faxon Passmore Memorial Fund. This gift

was accepted and the President requested to express to Mr. Passmore

the appreciation of the Trustees.

3. The President reported that he had been advised by DuPont

deNemours & Company that they would continue for the academic

year 1929-30 the DuPont Fellowship in Chemistry amounting to $750

and the DuPont Scholarship in Engineering amounting to $400.

4. A gift of $1,000 was reported by the President from Mrs. Henry

Morgenthau,Sr.,for a Fellowship in Home Economics for the current

"in the interest farm This


academic year of women and gift

was accepted and the President requested to express to Mrs. Morgen-

thau the appreciation of the Trustees.


5. Authority was granted the President to confer degrees at the end

of the present academic term in accordance with the recommendations

of the special
faculties, upon students who have fulfilled all

6. Upon recommendation of the President, an appropriation of

$100 was made to Professor J. T. Parson for his services in engrossing

for the University.

7. The receipt of a gift of $1,000 from Trustee E. T. Turner to be

used toward the cost of the repair of the chimes was reported and

accepted, and the President requested to express to Mr. Turner the

appreciation of the Trustees.

8. The Comptroller reported that under the Will of Otto M. Eidlitz

'81, who died October 29, 1928, the University was given a bequest in
the following terms :

"I give and bequeath unto The Cornell University situated at

Ithaca, New York, the twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)

sum of

to establish a scholarship fund, and I request that the Trustees of said

University invest said sum and use and apply the income thereof as
payment for tuition or financial
help in the Engineering Department
of said University of such students selected by the Dean of the En
gineering Department requiring financial assistance to educate them
as may be most deserving of choice because of their character and
intellectual promise."

This gift was accepted and the President requested to express to

the family of Mr. Eidlitz the appreciation of the Trustees for his
interest in the University.

9. Dr. J.J.Willaman was recommended to the Board of Trustees for

appointment as Chief in Research in the Division of Chemistry at the
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva, at a

salary of $4,500 a year, effective April ist, 1929.

10. The President was authorized to make the necessary request to

the Carnegie Foundation for a
retiring allowance for Dean V. A.
Moore who will retire at the end of the present academic year.

11. It was recommended to the Board that H. W. Edgerton be ap

pointed Professor of Law at a of $8,500 a year, effective Octo
ber ist, 1929.

12. The resignation of William R. Osgood, Assistant Professor of

Civil Engineering, effective at the end of present academic term was


13. John Hedberg was appointed Instructor in Civil Engineering

for the second term of the current academic year, at a
salary of $600

for the term.


14- The President reported a gift of

$5,000 made to the Medical
College in New York
City by Mrs. Carlos de Heredia "to promote
interest in the study or of Industrial
This gift
was accepted and established as the William Gilman Thompson Fund.
The President was requested to express to Mrs. Heredia the appreci
ation of the Trustees.

15. An appropriation of $7,825 or so much thereof as may be

needed was made for the 1929 Summer School of Biology, the sum of
$1,750 of this amount to be supplied
by the New York State College
Agriculture, with the understanding that the increases in the re
quested budget will be taken under consideration.

16. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of

December 21, 1928, the
were approved as read by the Secretary and

appointments and appropriations made as therein recommended.

17. It was recommended to the Board that Trustee Frank H. Hiscock

be appointed to the vacancy on the Committee on General Adminis

18. The purchase of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity property on

South Avenue was authorized and the matter was referred to the
Comptroller with power.

19. A
committee consisting of Trustees VanCleef, J. DuPratt White

and Comptroller Bostwick was appointed to consider the question of

the Univeisity's right under its charter to sell real estate.

20. The Comptroller reported that Trustee Sackett had agreed to

provide funds to the amount of $7,000 for the purchase of the
bach lot on the corner of Stewart Avenue and Fall Creek Drive, and

that negotiations were being carried on for its purchase This action

was approved and the President requested to express to Trustee

Sackett the appreciation of the Trustees for his generosity.

21. The matter of the purchase of the property owned by the

Edwards estate in Forest Home and bordering on Fall Creek was

referred to the Comptroller with power.

22. An appropriation not to exceed $290 was made to pay for the
stone furnished for the building of the Fuertes Memorial at Stewart


23. The President reported the appointment of Professor Herman

Diederichs as Faculty Representative on the Board of Trustees for a

term of three years, from January 1, 1929.


24. The Comptroller reported the purchase of the properties of

Alpha Chi Rho and Phi Kappa Sigma fraternities on Thurston

Avenue, a portion of the Whittaker property on Stewart Avenue and

the property of Professor L. M. Dennis on University Avenue. He

also reported that a portiou of the Dennis property had been re-sold

to the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity. These transfers were all made in
accordance with authority heretofore granted him.

25. The Comptroller reported that he was in receipt of the first

$10,000 installment of the Harrison D. McFadden gift toward the
construction of the War Memorial.

26. The matter of

allowing a bus operating from Cayuga Heights
to cross the campus or establish a terminal thereon was referred to
the Comptroller and the University Attorney with power.

27. The matter of the Ithaca-Cortland bus operating across the

University campus was referred to the Comptroller with power.

28. Trustee J. DuPratt White made a report on the present status

of the Lefevre Will trial and the matter was referred to Mr. White
with full power to make such settlement with the heirs of Mr.
Lefevre as he might deem to the best interests of the University.
L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary

January 11, 1929.

With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee

except Trustee Schoellkopf who was absent from his city of resi

dence, the purchase of $50,000 Charles Warner Company debenture

6's with stock purchase warrant at 99^ and interest was authorized.

Geo. F. Rogalsky,
Secretary pro tern.

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

January 18, 1929.

With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee ex

cept Trustees Farrand, Hiscock and Cook, who were absent from their
respective cities of residence, the subcription to $50,000 American

International Corp. Convertible 5>^'s at 105 was authorized.

George F. Rogalsky,
Secretary pro tern


January 25, 1929.

Present Trustees J. DuPratt White, Chairman ; Farrand, Sackett,
Sanderson, Whitman, Wakeman, Upson, R. H. Treman and

Comptroller Bostwick.
Regrets were received from Trustees Westinghouse and his absence


Action was taken as follows :

1. The following letter from the Architectural Advisory Board was

presented :

"January 16, 1929,

Mr. J. DuPratt White, Chairman,
Committee on Buildings and Grounds,

14 Wall St., New York City.

My dear Mr. White :

When your Advisory Board suggested the appointment of Mr.

Jackson as architect of the new Law School Building that recommen
dation was made in the rather broad terms of 'as architect to study
the architectural problem in connection with the new Law School."

No site was then suggested as it was thought that that was one phase

of the problem.

At a meeting held in Ithaca, June last, with Mr. Jackson the ques
tion of the definite site was discussed at length. In the light of the

study Mr. Jackson had made at that time, no official recommendation


was then made to you

by the Architectural Board, but it was the

unanimous opinion of your Board that the best site was the one described
in Mr. Taylor's deed of gift, namely to the South of the re-located

South Avenue and West of Central Avenue.

On Monday, last, January 14th, Mr. Jackson presented his prelim

inary studies for the Law School upon this site and in view of these
studies the Architectural Advisory Board would recommend to the
Board of Trustees and your Committee that the University should

secure possession of the sites now covered by the leases of Psi Upsilon

fraternity, Sigma Phi fraternity and Professor E. L- Nichols.

The Advisory Board has for some time past been discussing the ad

visability of recommending a slight change in the University plan.

This modification is embodied in a drawing prepared by Mr. Ackerman
in connection with the Fine Arts Building, and your Board would

now recommend that this principle be accepled : namely, that the

broad walk as contemplated in the University's general plan be mod

ified so as to permit vehicular travel from the new South Avenue

northerly and around Sage Chapel, and southerly along Sage

Avenue as modified to the new South Avenne.
Your Board examined the designs prepared by Mr. Ackerman for
the Fine Arts Building, and read with interest the program which

accompanied them. The site for which this building is designed had
been recommended by your Board on May 12th, 1925, and they would
now approve this design of the Fine Arts Building as an architectural
expression of the academic program about which this building is
This program suggested the advisability of the erection of a separate

building for Music. In the opinion of your Board the most desirable
site for such a
building would be that now occupied by Barnes Hall.
If this is not they would recommend, if studies are to be

made for buildiug, that they be made for the site bounded on
such a

the East by Central Avenue, on the South and West by the new South
Avenue and on the North by the depression just South of Willard
Straight Hall.
Very sincerely,

(Signed) M. B. Medary,
F. H.

2. Whereas, by the acceptance of the terms of the gift of Mr.

Myron C. Taylor the Board has approved the general location of the

new Law School building west of Central Avenue and south of

South Avenue, and

WHEREAS, after due consideration by the Architectural Advisory

Board of the preliminary studies for such Law School, it recommends

the securing of the site now occupied by the houses of Psi Upsilon
and Sigma Phi fraternities and Professor E. L. Nichols :

It is recommended to the Board of Trustees that possession of

these sites be secured as soon as possible.

3. The report and plans prepared by Mr. Frederick L. Ackerman

for a Fine Arts Building were presented and it was recommended

that an outline of this report be presented by the President to the

Board of Trustees and that it approve the general plan of the program

as outlined and that the Committee on Buildings and Grounds be

authority to approve the sites for the location of the proposed
Fine Arts and Music buildings and the details of their design and

4. That the principle be accepted that the Broad Walk as contem

plated in the general plan be modified to permit vehicular travel

from the new South Avenue northerly and around Sage Avenue as

modified, to the new South Avenue.

5. It was reported that the Architectural Advisory Board had

approved the recommendation of this Committee that Dryden Road,
where it passes the Artillery Stables, be retained approximately in its
present location.

6. It was recommended that the architects charged with

plans for the new service buildings at East Ithaca be instructed to
prepare detail plans and specifications for the construction of the unit

designed to house the new laundry. This unit is estimated to cost

about $120,000 with an additional cost of $30,000 for equipment.

There is available for this construction approximately $75,000.

7. The Comptroller reported that the new water works system was

practically completed and would probably be in operation within a

short time He also reported that satisfactory arrangements had

been made with two of the manufacturing concerns
along Fall Creek
whereby the University is to pay for water diverted for potable


8. The installation of a water

softening device in connection

with the new water works system was authorized.

9. A made by the Special

report was Committee appointed to
arrange dredging of Beebe Lake and it was authorized to pro
for the
ceed with the dredging to the extent permitted by the appropriations

heretofore made, it being expressly called to the attention of the

Board that there is a possibility of legal complications
arising from
the deposit of the material from the dam.

io. A report was presented

by the Committee appointed to consider

the development of Garden Avenue the parking space

and around

Bailey Hall and it was recommended that with the consent of the

President, the barn and tenant house now located on the President's
lot be removed and a portion of the lot developed in accordance with

the plan presented.

n. A request was submitted from the Cornell Athletic Association

for permission to raze the two old buildings near the toboggan slide

and erect a new building at that location. It was recommended that

this permission be granted subject to the approval of this committee

as to the type and location of

building to be erected.

12. A communication from the Military Department concerning

the construction of new artillery stables and riding shed was

presented but no action taken.

13. Trustee R. H. Treman presented certain recommendations for

the expenditure of the funds provided by gift for the beautification of

the campus, including planting around Willard Straight Hall and the
care of trees on the Campus which were approved.

14. The President reported that the matter of

holding Commence
ment exercises in the Drill Hall had been very carefully studied and
presented some very serious problems, and it was recommended that

the Commencement for 1929 be held in Bailey Hall as heretofore.

15. Trustee Sanderson reported that the matter of

constructing an

incinerator in connection with the stack of the Central Heating

Plant involved some rather serious
engineering problems and upon
his recommendation it was moved that Mr. Jennings of the Jarvis

Engineering Company be requested to visit the University for the

purpose of studying these problems and making recommendations.

L. N. Simmons
Assistant Secretary


January 25, 1929.

Present Trustees Farrand, Chairman ; Pyrke, Horace White, J.

DuPratt White ; Deans Mann and Moore ; Directors Hedrick and

Van Rensselaer ; Faculty Representatives Thompson and Kruse, and

Comptroller Bostwick.

Regrets were received from Trustees Miller, Gannett, Van Namee,

Pratt, Graves and Taylor and Faculty Representative Fish and their

absence excused.

Action was taken and recommendations were made to the Board as

follows :

New York State College of Agriculture

1. The following resignations of County Agricultural Agents and

County Club Agents were reported for record :

County Agricultural Agents

Name County Date

B. D. Gilbert Herkimer October 1

Robert Crane Steuben October 1

G. H. Salisbury Chautauqua October 1

F. B. Morris Oswego November 1

C. H. Fullager Fulton November 1

E. F. McCauliff Genesee November 1

C. K. Bullock Ontario November 15

County Club Agents

Dorothy Powell Nassau September 30

P. W. Thayer Cayuga September 24

R. W. Foote Franklin September 19

2. The following appointments of County Agricultural Agents and

County Club Agents made by the respective county organizations

were reported for record :


County Agricultural Agents


Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketch am County

H. L. Page Oswego Oct. i $1,500 $1,200 $300
W. G. Been Suffolk f Oct. i- 1,800 600 1,200

(Asst.) (Dec. r

S. R. Shapley Niagara f Oct. i- 1,500 1,200 300

(Asst.) 1 Nov. 30

W. E. Field Onondaga [Oct. 1-

2,100 300 1,800

(Asst.) l June 30

J. S. White Herkimer Oct. 1 2,700 600 600 1,500

E. F. McCauliff Genesee Oct. 1 1,500 600 900

George Brainard Oswego Nov. 1 3,000 600 600 1,800

H. L. Hoyt Fulton Nov. 15 2,300 600 600 1,100

W. G. Been Suffolk Dec. 31 2,400 600 1,800

W. S. Salisbury r Monroe (Nov. 1-30 1,800 900 900

(Asst.) 1 Ulster \( Dec. 1 1,800 900 900

Mar. 31
E. F. Frane Wayne f Nov. 1 2,600 600 2,000

(Asst.) I Jan. 1, '29

C. I. Bowman Orleans f Nov. 1 1,800 (600 1,200
(Asst. ) 1 Dec. 31

f Jan. 1 (900 (900

\ June 30

C. K. Bullock Ontario f Nov. 16 2,100 600 600 900

(Asst.) \ Dec. 31

F.B.Morris (Asst Nov. 1 4,006 3-250 (756

Co. Agt. Leader) (U.S.D.
E. C. Masten Allegany j Dec. 13-
1,800 1,800

(Asst.) { Feb. 1

C. K. Bullock Chautauqua j Jan.

2,100 900 1,200

(Asst.) l Feb. 28

/ Mar. 1- 600 1,500

l June 30

E. E. Frame Wayne Jan. 1- 2,600 600 2,000

(Asst. ) June 30
S. R.Shapley fi Niagara f Dec. r-31 1,500 1,200 300

(Asst.) j I Jan. 1-3 1 600 900

j Genesee ( Feb. 1- 1,800 600 1,200

I l June 30

W. G. Been Suffolk /Jan. 1 2,400 600 1,800

(Asst.) \ April 30

Paul Allen (Inc.) Sullivan Jan. 1 3,000 1,080 600 1,320

R. W. Pease Ontario Jan. 1 3.300 1,200 600 1,500

A. R. Blanchard Tioga Jan. 1 2,440 1,200 600 400


(Salary s)
County Club Agents
Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham County
Dorothy L.Powell Nassau Oct. 1 $2,600 $600 $600 $1,400
F. W. Schubert
(Asst.) Nassau Oct. 1 2,000 300 1,700

R. B. Ace Livingston Jan. 1 2,000 600 1,200 200

P. W. Thayer Tompkins Jan. 11- 1,800 600 600 600

(Asst.) Apr 30
E. W. Hoffman Tompkins Jan. 11 2,600 600 2,000

3. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of

Agriculture made since the last regular

meeting of the Council by
the Dean, under
authority given him, were reported and ratified as

follows :

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund

W. M. Phipps Chemical Agronomy Mar 31 $200 mo. Adams
Analyst 1929
Resignations :

M. C McFeeters Assistant Agronomy June 30

K. R. Wood Assistant Farm Practice Sept. 30

S. G. Ericson Assistant Forestry Jan. 31

Appointments :

Rural Education
P. P. Kellogg Assistant
lOct. 1 650 State

Jeannette L. Fortier Res. Assist. Rural Education Oct. 1 720 Hughes

D. W. Parsons Assistant Rural Education Oct. 1 75o G.E.B.
A. W. Woodrow Assistant Entomology Oct. 1 75o State
H. W. Higbee Assistant Agronomy Oct. 1 75o State
Ladley Husted Assistant Plant Pathology Oct. 1 750 State
Minna F. Koch Assistant Botany Oct. 1 750 State
C. F. Moreland Assistant Botany Oct. 1 75o State
Hettie M. Chute Assistant Botany Oct. 1 750 State
R. H. Hartshorn Assistant Veg. Gardening Oct. 1 75o State
R. L. Higley Assistant Farm Practice Oct. 1 50 mo. State
H. W. Beers Assistant Farm Practice Oct. 1 50 mo. State
P. F. Tinker Assistant Dairy Industry Nov. 1-
25 mo. State
(W.C.) Feb. 28

Lucy E. Boothroyd Assistant Pomology Oct. 15 750 State

R. W. Babb Assistant Dairy Industry Nov. 1- 25 mo. State
(Student) Dec. 31
C. E. Safford Assistant Dairy Industry Nov. 1- 25 mo. State
(Student) Dec. 31
A. C. Everhart Assistant Dairy Industry Dec. 1-31 60 mo. State
A. J. Pratt Assistant Veg. Gardening Feb. 1 750 State
Helen Craig Assistant Botany Feb. 1 750 State
D. P. Beatty Assistant Forestry Feb. 1 500 State

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund
P. R. Burkholder Instructor Botany Sept. 30

G. A. Arnold Instructor Botany Sept. 30

H. N. Young Extension Farm Manage't Dec. 31

E. H. Mereness Extension
IE; Farm Manage't Dec. 31

I In structor

L. M. Vaughan Extension Farm Manage't Mar. 1

R. A. Laubengayer Instructor Botany Jan. 31

A. J. Beyleveld Instructor Farm Manage't Jan. 25

Appointments :

A. J. Beyleveld Instructor Agr'l Economics Oct. 1 40 mo. State

K. A. H. Murray Instructor Agr'l Economics Oct. 1 no salary
L- M. Vaughan J Extension Agr'l Economics Mar. 1 2,400 Lever
I. Instructor
K. A. Howlett I Extension Agr'l Economics Nov. 1 175 mo. State
i. Instructor
R. D. Reid Instructor Farm Manage't (Jan. 1- 250 mo. State
Mar. 31)
J. J. McAllister Instructor Plant Breed. Jan. 1 125 mo. State
E. H. Mereness Extension Farm Manage't Jan. 1 (500 State
Instructor 7 mo. )
H. N. Young Extension Farm Manage't Jan. 1- 1,800 State
tin structor Mar. 31

Promotions :

Barbara McClintock Instructor Botanv Oct. 1 1,500 to State


Richard Laubengayer, Instructor Botany Oct. 1 900 to State

(from Asst. ) 1,200

George S. Butts f Extension Extension Oct. 1 2,200 to State

t Instructor 2,400

L. M. Vaughan 1 Extension Agr'l Econnmics Nov. 1 266.66 State

\ Instructor (Nov. only)
Anne T. Gordon Instructor Botany Feb. 1 750 to State

4. The resignation of W. V. Price, Professor of

Dairy Industry,
effective February 20, 1929, was reported.

5. The following sabbatic leaves of absence were recommended :

P. W. Claassen, Professor of Biology, for the first term of the

academic year 1929-30.

G. F. Warren, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Farm

Management, for the first term of the academic year 1929-30.

G. P. Scoville, Professor of Farm Management, for the academic

year 1929-30.

H. E. Thomas, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, for either

one semester or two semesters, as may be authorized by the President

during the academic year 1929-30.

P. H. Wessels, Research Professor in Vegetable Gardening at the

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm, for one-half year or one year,
as may be authorized by the President, beginning September 1, 1929.
F. O. Underwood, Extension Assistant Professor of Vegetable
Gardening, for a period equivalent to one semester, beginning July
1, 1929.

A. B. Recknagel, Professor of Forest Management and Utilization,

for the academic year 1929-30.

6. It was recommended that a leave of absence, without prejudice

to salary, be granted Lewis Knudson, Professor of Plant Physiology,

from January 30, 1929 to February 18, 1929.

7. A leave of absence, without salary, was recommended for H. H.

Love, Professor of Plant Breeding, for the period from October 1 to

October 30, 1929.

8. Whereas : It is deemed desirable that the Director of Resident

Instruction, the Director of the Extension Service, and the Director

of the Experiment Station in the Colleges of Agriculture and Home
Economics be given seats and votes in the Faculties of Agriculture
and Home Economics, and the University Faculty, it is :

Resolved : That recommendation be made to the Board of

Trustees that Article VIII of the Statutes be amended as follows :

(A) The University Faculty. The University Faculty shall con

sist of the President of the University who shall be ex-officio the

presiding officer, and the professors and assistant professors who are

members of the abovefaculties, the Librarian, the

named special

Assistant Librarians in the University Library, the Registrar, the

Secretary of the University, the Dean of Women, the Director of

Admissions, and the Director of Resident Instruction, the Director of
Extension Service, and the Director of the Experiment Station in
the Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics, (the remainder of
the section remaining as at present. )

(B) The Special Faculties. Insert after the first sentence the

following The Director of Resident Instruction, the Director of the

Extension Service and the Director of the Experiment Station in the
Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics shall be members of

the Faculties of Agriculture and Home Economics.

9. The Dean outlined a development program now under consider

ation for the Department of Animal Husbandry and stated that a


conference of persons interested in the subject was to be held in the

near future, and it was

Resolved : That the Council approve the general plan as outlined

by the Dean, and it was recommended that should it seem desirable

to present some or all of the program to the Legislature at the pres

ent session, the selection of items to be so presented be referred to

the President, the Dean of the College of Agriculture, and the
Comptroller with power.

10. The Dean presented a list of items of construction and improve

ment as listed below, the cost of which he recommended should be
met from the balance in the appropriation for Improvements and

Extension in the college, and the Council approved the items

provided the money was available for the purposes, the final
approval of the items, or modifications thereof, being referred to the
Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power.

Tools and implement storage for the department of Farm

Practice $10,000 00

Reconditioning Sections of the manufacturing end of the

dairy industry building to provide research laboratories
in animal nutrition :

Dairy $25,000 00

Animal Husbandry 29,363 00

$54,363 00

Field house for Vegetable Gardening $ 4,400 00

Tool house in the orchard 4,000 00

Sidewalk on Tower Road 1,80000

Service road to freight entrance, Roberts Hall 1,000 00

Curb for roads and drives at the agricultural barns i,5o 00

Grade the area north of the new greenhouse to an elevation

of 913, the elevation of the greenhouse floor 7,400 00

Improve the area in front of Fernow Hall 13,000 00

Grading around the Insectary 5,60000

Remove high bank west of Judd Falls Road 1,600 00

Cattle pass under the extension of Tower Road

New York State College of Home Economics

[i. The following resignations of Home Demonstration Agents

were reported for record :

Home Demonstration Agents

Name County Dale
Anna R. Willman Cortland October 31
Mabel Ray Oswego November 14
Winifred Magner Warren November 30

12. The following appointments of Home Demonstration Agents

made by the respective county organizations were reported for record :

Home Demonstration Agents


Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketchain County

Janet Cameron Allegany Oct. i $2,600 $600 $600 $200 $ ,200

Lois Doren Cortland Nov. i 1,800 600 600 600

Caroline Pringle Cattaraugus Nov. 7 1,800 300 1,500

Frances Scudder Oswego Nov. 15 2,100 600 600 300 600

Winifred Magner Orange Dec. 1 2,400 2,400

Anna R. Willman Tompkins Nov. 15 2,250 1,800 45o

13. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of

Home Economics made since the last regular meeting of the Council

by the Dean, under authority given him, were reported and ratified

as follows :

Appointments :

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund

R. S. Milans Assistant Hotel Engineer'g Oct. 1

250] Hotel
Clement Rynalski Assistant Hoiel Engineer'g Oct. 1 200 Hotel
A. C. Hunt Assistant Hotel Admin. Oct. 1 200 Hotel
R. A. Rose Assistant Hotel Admin. Oct. 1 250 Hotel
R. J. Kief Lecturer Institution Mgmt. Oct. 1 35o J Hotel

Nancy L. Booker Assistant Household Mgmt. Oct. 1 750 Purnell

Y* time
Marion Fish Assistant Household Mgmt. Oct. 1 750 Purnell
Yz time
Ruth Crosby Assistant Home Economics Oct. 1 750 State
Ida H. McCartney Assistant Home Economics Nov. 1 75 mo. State
Beulah C. Eastman Instructor Home Economics Oct. 1 75 mo. L.S.R.M
Yz time
Mrs. Elva C. Fuller Instructor Home Economics Nov. 5- 2,250 State
Dec. 22

14. Sabbatic leave of absence was recommended for H. B. Meek,

Professor of Hotel Administration, for the academic year 1929-30.

15. It was recommended that in the event funds became available

for the building of a new Home Economics building or buildings, the

location thereof and details of construction be referred to the
Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power.

New York State Veterinary College

16. The following resolution from the New York Holstein-Friesian

Association was presented :

WHEREAS animal husbandry constitutes the largest industry in the

agriculture of the Empire State, and

Whereas the ravages of disease in its various forms have become

a hindrance to the progress of live stock and poultry industries that
it is little less than ruinous in some instances, and a heavy burden to

a large number of animal owners, and

Whereas the New York State College of Veterinary at Cornell

University has made many discoveries that have added much in the
prevention and repression of animal diseases, and at present has
under way researches, the results of which will be invaluable to
animal and poultry owners, and also has provided the State with

well-trained practitioners of veterinary medicines, and

Whereas the strongest safeguards against loss from diseases rest

in greater knowledge and better understanding of their nature, and a

sufficient number of competent veterinarians to apply the newer

information, therefore be it

Resolved : That this association approve the work of the New York
State Veterinary it urgently recommends that the legisla
College and

ture make appropriations for its maintenance adequate for the study
of the many destructive diseases of domesticated animals now exist

ing, to employ efficient research workers on animal diseases and

teachers to the end, that the investigations way on milk

now under

fever, immunization of
hog cholera, infectious abortion, Johne's dis
ease, tuberculosis, poultry diseases may be continued and others,

that are required for better understanding of mastitis in its various

forms, hemorrhagic septicenda and numerous other infections of

poultry and sheep, may be undertaken and that a thorough course of

instruction in veterinary medicines may be given, and further be it

Resolved : That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Governor

of the State, Bureau of Budgets, the Chairman of the Finance Com
mittee in the Senate and of the Ways and Means Committee of the

Assembly, to the Chairman of the Board of Regents and to the

Honorable Commissioner of Education, to the Chairman of the Board

of Trustees of Cornell University and its President, and to the Editors

of the American Agriculturist, the Rural New Yorker, the Dairyman's
League News, and the Holstein-World.

Dean Moore was requested to make a stud}' of the needs of the

college to enable it to improve and broaden the work on Animal
diseases and to make recommendations for such improvement.

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station

17. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State Agricultural
Experiment Station made since the last regular
meeting of the
Council by the Dean, under authority given him, were reported and

ratified as follows :
Mrs. Eva E. Knowlton, Assistant in Research (Horticulture) for
the period January i to July i, 1929, at a total salary of $975.
Miss Evelyn West, Assistant in Research (Bacteriology) for the
period January 10 to July 1, 1929, at a salary of $150 per month, a

total of $856.45 for the period.

18. It wras reported that J. J. Willaman had been recommended by

the Committee on General Administration for appointment as Chief
in Research in Chemistry, at a salary of $4,500 a year, with house,
effective April 1, 1929.

19. It was recommended that J. G. Horsfall be appointed Associatiate

in Research in Botany (with the title of Assistant Professor) at a

salary of $2,750 a year, effective February 1, 1929.

20 The retirement of Lucius L. Van Slyke, Chief in Research in

Chemistry, was reported effective February 1, 1929, and it was recom

mended that he be appointed Professor of Dairy Chemistry, Emeritus.

21. Sabbatic leave of absence was granted E. E.Clayton, Associate

in Research (Long Island Vegetable Research Farm), for the period
October 1, 1929 to March 15, 1930.

22. It was recommended that the agreements with Gordon Mead

and Dewitt Moore for the use of land and fruit trees in connection

with the Hudson Valley horticultural work be continued for a period

of five years.

23. It was recommended that the lease covering the rental of

fifteen acres of land from A T. Ogden, Kinderhook, Columbia

County, be approved for a period of five years, at an annual rental of


24. Dean Mann made a short report

concerning the survey of the
State Colleges which was made by the State authorities.

L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.


January 26, 1929.

Present Trusteees Hiscock,

Chairman; J. DuPratt White, Farrand,
Pyrke, Turner, Cornell, Cooke, Ickelheimer, Pound, Sackett, Sand
erson, Schoellkopf, C. E. Treman, R. H. Treman, Upson, VanCleef,

Wakeman, Warner, Horace White, Whitman, R. B. Williams and

R. H. Williams ; Faculty Representatives Thilly, Warren and
Diederichs and Comptroller Bostwick.

Regrets were received from Trustees Roosevelt, Lehman, Graves,

Witter, Crawford, Gannett, Gherardi, Miller, Newman, Pratt, Taylor
Teagle, VauNamee and Westinghouse and their absence excused.

1. The miuutes of the meeting of the Board of November 17, 1928,

were approved as printed.

2. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on General

Administration of December 15, 1928 and January 5, 1929 were ap
proved as printed and the action therein contained ratified and


3. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on Finance of

November 16, 1928 and January 11, 1929 were approved as printed

and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed.

4. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of

December 21, 1928, were approved as printed, the recommendations

therein contained adopted and appointments and appropriations

made as recommended.

5. The minutes of the meeting of the State College Council of

January 25, 1929, were approved as read by the Secretary, the recom

mendations therein contained adopted and appointments and

appropriations made as recommended.

6. It was reported that Daniel P. Witter had been elected President

of the New York State Agricultural Society and by virtue of that
office became a Trustee of the University.

7. The death of Trustee Thomas B. Wilson at his home in Hall,

N. Y., on January 11, 1929, was reported and the President requested

to prepare appropriate resolutions for presentation to the Board at its

next meeting.

8. The gift of Mr. Myron C. Taylor of $r, 500, 000 for providing an

adequate building for the Law School of Cornell University was re

ported, and the action of the Committee on General Administration

in accepting this gift under the terms of the proposal was ratified and

the following resolution adopted :

Resolved : That it is with a sense of

deep appreciation that
the Trustees accept the very generous offer of Mr. Myron C.
Taylor and in full accordance with the conditions of the gift

as set forth by the donor in his letter to the Board of Trustees

of December 14, 1928, and be it further
Resolved : That the President is hereby requested to trans
mit to Mr. Taylor the most cordial thanks of the Board for
his generou nd far-sighted gift.

9. The Secretary reported those portions of the minutes of the

meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds of

January 25,

1929 upon which immediate action by the Board was desired, and, on

motion, the following portions of the minutes of such meeting were

approved, and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed,

and recommendations adopted as follows :

{a) Section 2
recommending the securing as soon as possible of the
sites now occupied by the houses of Psi Upsilon and Sigma Phi
fraternities, and Professor E. L. Nichols.
(b) Section 3 recommending the approval of the program for the
development of the general field of Fine Arts as outlined in the pro

gram submitted by Mr. Ackerman and as summarized by the President

in his report to the Board, and referring to the Committee on Build
ings and Grounds with power to select the site and to study and

report on the plans for the construction of the Fine Arts building.

(c) Section 9 authorizing the Committee to proceed with the dredg

ing of Beebe Lake.
(d) Section 11 granting to the Cornell Athletic Association permis
sion to substitute a new
building for the two old buildings near the
toboggan slide, such building to be subject to the approval of the
Committee as to type and location.
(e) Section 14 that Commencement for this year be held in Bailey

10. By vote of the majority of the Board of Trustees, Article VIII

of the Statutes of the University were amended to read as follows :

(A) The University Faculty. The University Faculty shall consist

of the President of the University who shall be ex-officio the presiding

officer, and the professors and assistant professors who are members of

the above namedVpecial faculties, the Librarian, the Assistant Librarians

in the University Library, the Registrar, the Secretary of the Univer
sity, the Dean of Women, the Director of Admissions, and the Direc
tor of Resident Instruction, the Director of Extension Service, and
the Director of Experiment Station in the Colleges of Agriculture and

Home Economics, (the remainder of the section

remaining as at

present. )
(B) The Special Faculties. Insert after the first sentence the
following: The Director of Resident Instruction, the Director of the
Extension Service and the Director of the Experiment Station in the
Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics shall be members of
the Faculties of Agriculture and Home Economics.

11. Resolved: That the recommendation of the State College

Council that consisting of the President, the Dean of the
a committee

College of Agriculture, and the Comptroller be given power to pass

upon items to be presented this year to the Legislature in connection

with the Department of Animal Husbandry be approved with the

understanding that the President may appoint some one to act in his
place, if absent.

12. The Committee on General Administration was requested to

make recommendations to the Board at its next
meeting for the filling
of the vacancies on that committee.

13. The filling of the vacancy on the Heckscher Research Council

was deferred until the next meeting of the Board.

14. By ballot duly had, Henry W. Edgerton was elected Professor

of Law, effective October ist, 1929, at a salary of $8,500 a year.

T5- J- J- Willaman was appointed Chief in Research (with the title

of Professor) in the Division of Chemistry at the New York State
Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva, at a salary of $4,500
a year, effective April ist, 1929.

16. The following appointments were made :

Maude Burns to be Assistant Medical Adviser of Women from

January 6th, to June 6th, 1929, with salary at the rate of $2,500 a


John C. Trussell to be Assistant Law Librarian for the second term

of the current academic year at a salary of $150 for the term.

Arthur G. Crafts to be Instructor in Physics for the year 1928-29,
effective January 15, 1929, with
salary at the rate of $1,500 a year.

D. N. Ball, to be Assistant in Chemistry for the second term, with

salary at the rate of $500. a year.

O. C. Beaman, to be Assistant in Chemistry for the second term,
with salary at the rate of $750. a year but not free tuition.

J. M. Clark, to be Assistant in Chemistry for the second term, with

salary at the rate of $750 a year, but not free tuttion.

C. R. Fordyce to be Assistant to the Non-Resident Lecturer in

Chemistry for the second term at a salary of $400 for the term, pay
able from the George F. Baker Non-Resident Lecture Fund.

17. The resignation of E. E. Zimmerman, Instructor in Physics}

was reported effective January 15, 1929, and the resignation of H. R.

Mouat, Assistant in Histology and Embryology was reported effective

at the end of the first term.

18. Upon recommendation of the Committee on General Adminis

tration, J. P. Porter was appointed Acting Professor of Ornamental

Horticulture at a salary of $3,500 a year, effective October 1, 1928.

19. Upon recommendation of the President, the employment of

Professor F. A. Waugh as advisor in laying out landscape plans at

the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at an annual

retaining fee of $500 was approved.


20. Sabbatic leave of absence was granted Paul M. Lincoln, Profes

sor of Electrical Engineering, for the academic year 1929-30.

21. A leave of absence, without salary, was granted J. P. Bretz,

Professor of American History, for the academic year 1929-30.

22. A leave of absence, without salary, was granted W.H.Farnham,

Assistant Professor of Law for the academic year 1929-30.

23. A leave of absence, without prejudice to salary, was granted

F. H. Bosworth, Professor of Architecture, for a period of about three

weeks beginning January 30, 1929.

24. The applications of G. I. Dale, Professor of Romance Languages

and Literature, and M. A. Lee, Professor of Industrial Engineering,
for admission to the benefits of the William H. Sage Pension Fund
was granted.

25. A report was received from the University Faculty stating that
at a meeting held on January 26th the following action was taken :
"Resolved : (1) That all formal University exercises for under
graduates in undergraduate courses shall close at four p. m.

(2) That to effect this earlier closing,

(a) The morning schedule of University exercises shall be
gin at eight o'clock
sharp with exercises thereafter

beginning ^exactly
on the hour, each lecture or recita
tion period to be 50 minutes long, and the last exercise
to close at 12:50 p. m.

(b) All afternoon exercises to begin also on the hour (the

first, at 2 m.,) except laboratories

p. or similar exer

cises which may begin at 1 :4o P.M.

(3) That no exceptions to the provision for 4 o'clock closing for
undergraduates be allowed save by permission of the Dean of

the College concerned.

(4) That the plan for earlier closing outlined above shall go into
effect at the beginning of the second term, 1929-30.

26. The following resolution on the retirement of Professor H. H.

Wing, adopted by the University Faculty was unanimously concurred
in and adopted by the Board :

On June 30, 1928, Professor Henry Hiram Wing retired from active

participation in university affairs, thus ending an almost uninter

rupted service to the university of forty years. During that period

he saw the College of Agriculture develop from a small beginning in
a few rooms in Morrill Hall to the large and diversified institution of

the present. In this development Professor Wing played no small

part. Graduating from Cornell with the class of 1881 he became

Assistant Director of the New York Experiment Station at Geneva,

holding this position for two years. In 1884 he became Instructor in

Agriculture'and Farm Superintendent University of Nebraska, at the

returning to Cornell in Deputy

and Secretary of the
i88Sas Director
Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, a position held
until 1894. Meanwhile in 1890 he was appointed instructor in Dairy

Husbandry and in 1891 Assistant Professor of Animal Industry and

Dairy Husbandry, becoming professor of these subjects in 1902. In
1903 his chair became that of Animal Husbandry alone. From 1896
to 1903 he served as secretary to the Faculty of Agriculture. During
this long period of association with the work in Animal Husbandry

he has seen it develop from very small beginniugs to the large and
influential place it now occupies in the field of Agriculture at Cornell.
It was largely through Professor Wing's efforts and ability that this

development has come about. His wise, careful and conservative

guidance has contributed much to a sound and sane development of

Animal Husbandry and also Dairy Industry, not

only at Cornell but
throughout the state and the nation.

Among Professor Wing's personal contributions to Agriculture

must be mentioned his contributions to feeding practices, live stock

management and to the testing and recording of milk and butterfat

production as a basis for live stock improvement. His development
of the Glista family of Holstein-Fresian in the university herd

also was a notable achievement. Most noteworthy, however, was his

pioneer service in the introduction, establishment and long sup
ervision of the system of official
testing and advanced registry of
purebred cattle. His text on "Milk and its has long been
standard in its field, and has passed through many editions.

His colleagues in the university feel greatly the loss of his kindly
assistance and advice in the daily wrork and will ever think of him as

a man of lofty ideals, deep sincerity, frankness and sound judgment.

They join most heartily in wishing Professor Wing many more years

of activity in his chosen field.

27. The following resolution on the retirement of Professor H. C.

Elmer, adopted by the University Faculty was unanimously con

curred in and adopted by the Board :

Professor Elmer was born in Rushford,New York, in the year i860,

held a state scholarship in Cornell University during the years 1879-83,
and, after a career of distinction as an undergraduate, received the

degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1883. He immediately proceeded to

The Johns Hopkins University/for further study of the Classics during
the two periods of 1883-85 and 1886-88, with an interval ofstudy
abroad, in Germany and Italy, in the academic year 1885-86. On re

ceiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Johns Hopkins in

Assistant Professor Latin in Cornell Uni-
1S88, he was appointed of

versify. In 1910 he was appointed Professor of Latin. Apart from

two other periods of study abroad, in 1895-96 and in 1909-10, he has
for forty years been continuously active at Cornell University as a
teacher and scholar of the best gifts, the most distinguished training,
and the highest attainment.

Professor Elmer early made himself known throughout the scholarly

world as an authority on Latin syntax, and has an enviable reputation

besides as an editor of Terence and Plautus. His learning has made

him vital in helping others to learn. As an effective, exact, patient,

sympathetic teacher, he has endeared himself to generations of class

ical students in our College of Arts and Sciences. He has been a

good and wise friend to his colleagues, and to his University. Nor
will his helpful influence cease. Many of his pupils are now teaching
throughout the country. His latest achievement, a Latin Grammar,
the fruit of great knowledge and
long experience, has been per

fected and issued in his first year of release from academic duties.
It is a model book ; its expert method, lucid expression, and sim

plicity of arrangement, with no lowering, but rather an elevation, of

standards, will do much to promote the study of Latin and humanity

in America.
The Faculty herewith expresses for Professor Elmer its high esteem,
its affectionate regard ,
its regret at his retirement in the fullness

of his power from active teaching its heartfelt desire that he will

continue to reside, as he now does, in our midst ; its confident hope

that in his well-earned leisure he will keep adding to those tasteful
scholarly productions which have shed lustre upon himself and

upon Cornell University.

Authority was granted the President to execute, on approval of


the University Attorney, an agreement with the General Education

Board whereby they agree to give to Cornell University the sum
of $1,500,000 upon the
raising by the University of a like amount.
29. Authority was granted the President to appoint a committee

for the control of the so-called Lloyd Tracts of land and the following
members of the faculty were appointed on this committee :

P. W. Claassen, Chairman ; K. M. Wiegand, H. H. Whetzel, A.H.


30. The President reported certain plans for the development of

the.Department of Music which were approved and he was authorized

to proceed with the preliminary development as outlined.

31. It was expressed as the sense of the Board that if a plan other

wise practical and desirable looking toward the housing of a limited

number of fraternities is presented, the use of University laud for that
purpose would not be considered an insuperable problem.
32. The question of the purchase of the property now occupied by
William Hazlitt Smith on Oak Avenue was referred to the University
Attorney and the Comptroller to investigate and report.

33. Upon recommendation of the Graduate School Faculty, the

action of the Trustees of February 5th, 192 1 with the addition of a

fourth paragraph was continued as follows :

"The Council of the Graduate School, to which was referred

vote of the Board of Trustees at the meeting of May ist, 1920, the
recommendation of the Faculty of the Graduate School to the effect

that the stipends at present attaching to fellowships and scholarships

should be doubled, begs to recommend as a temporary arrangement

that the Board authorize each of the departments to which scholar

ships and fellowships are assigned to use, with the approval of the

Faculty, the funds at its disposal for the payment of those stipends

during the year 1921-1922 in any of the following ways :

(1) To fill all fellowships and scholarships at the stipends now

established ;

(2) To combine the stipends of two or more scholarships or fellow

ships in order to increase the stipend of a single
scholarship or

fellowship ;

(3) To leave the scholarships and fellowships, or any of them, un

filledduring the year 1921-22 in order to reserve such unused funds
for increasing the stipends of such scholarships and fellowships as

may be filled during the year 1922-23 ;

(4) To leave the scholarships and fellowships, or any of them,

during one or more years in order to reserve such unused
funds for increasing the stipends of such scholarships and fellowships
as may be filled during a subsequent

34. The following appointments for the 1929 Summer Session were

made at the individual salaries indicated ;

Instructing Staff

Ralph Palmer Agnew, Mathematics $300

Dane Lewis Baldwin, English 350

Dorothy Hammond Bateman, Physical Education 400

Frank Greene Bates, Government 750

Ben Raymond Beisel, Mathematics 300

Jerome H. Bentley, Education 750

Madison Bentley, Ph. D. Psychology 750

Albert Wilhelm Boesche, German 750

Samuel Latimer Boothroyd, Astronomy 375

Julian Pleasant Bretz, History 750

Thomas Roland Briggs, Chemistry 750

Kenneth William Britt, Chemistry tuition plus 125

Wendell S. Brooks, Education 750

Olin T. Brown, Geology 300

Arthur Wesley Browne, Chemistry 750

William F. Bruce, Education ($100 by Ag. ) plus 300

James Dabney Burfoot, Jr. Geology 350

Earle Nelson Burrows, Structural Engineering 575

Leon Felipe Caniino, Spanish 300

J. Neale Carman, French 350

Minnie Pearl Carr, Education (^ time paid by Ag.) 112 50

Walter Buckingham Carver, Mathematics 750

Carl G. Chamberlain, Physical Education 400

Cleveland King Chase, Latin 750

Raymond G. Clapp, Physical Education 750

Arthur Holly Compton, Physics 750

Walter Rodney Cornell, Mechanics 750

Clyde Firman Craig, Mathematics 575

CollierCobb, Geology 75

George Irving Dale, Spanish.. 750

Karl M. Dallenbach, Psychology 575

Myron Bonham Deily, Spanish 300

Richard Roy Dunham, Public Speaking 200

W. M. Dunbar, Architectural Design 575

Charles Love Durham, Latin 750

Jeannette Evans, Hygiene 575

Emery N. Ferriss, Education {% time pd. by Ag. ) 18750

Frank Samuel Freeman, Education 575

Jean M. Gelas, Physical Education 400

Sidney Gonzales George, Mechanics 750

Gibbs, Physics
Roswell Clifton 750

Gould, Physical Education

Adrain G. 575
Guy Everett Grantham, Physics 575
Othon Goepp Guerlac, French 750

Edwin Harold Hadlock, Mathematics (^time) 150

Henry Clay Harshbarger, Public

Speaking 350

William Alexander Hammond, Philosphy 750

George Andrews Hedger, History 750

Marvin Theodore Herrick, Public Speaking 287 50

Frank Heywood Hodder, American History 750

Harley Earl Howe, Physics 575

Eric Vail Howell, Mechanics 575
Hoyt H. Hudson, English 750

Wallie Abraham Hurwitz, Mathematics 750


John Irwin Hutchinson, Mathematics {% time) 375

James Hutton, Greek 350
Leland H. Jenks, History 750
John Raven Johnson, Chemistry 575
Riverda H.Jordan, Education 750

MarcelKessel, English 350

Horace Kidger, Social Science 750

George Keezer, Psychology 300

Ernest R. Kroegtr, Music 750

Ernest August Kubler, German 350

P. S.
Kupalov, Physiology 150

Robert A. Law, English 750

Albert Washington Laubengayer, Chemistry 575

Frank Burr Marsh, History 750

Clyde Walter Mason, Chemistry 575

James Frederick Mason, French 750

Benton Sullivan Monroe, English 575

Royal Evert Montgomery, Economics 575
Guy Muchmore, Public Speaking
Brooks 575
Albert S. Muller, Physical Education 300

Carleton Chase Murdock, Physics 575

Arthur E. .Murphy, Philosophy 575
Maurice Jackson Murray, Chemistry 350

Howard A. Myerhoff, Geology 650

J. H. Nelson, English 575
Melvin L. Nichols, Chemistry 575
Clark Sutherland Northup, English 750

Charles E.
O'Rourke, Engineeiing 575
Robert Morris Ogden, Education 750

Andrew Prosper Pelmont, French 350

Miles Albion Pond, Descriptive Geometry 575

Paul Russell Pope, German 750

Harold LyleReed, Economics 750

Ashley Robey, Chemistry 125

Fred Stillman Rogers, Kinematics 750

Charles Frederick Roos, Mathematics 575

Martin \V. Sampson, English 750

Ernest William Schoder, Hydraulics 750

Howard Lester Schug, Mathematics {% time) 150

Herbert H. Scofield, Engineering 750

Harry W. Seitz, Music 600

Francis R. Sharpe, Mathematics 750

Robert Pelton Sibley, English (^ time) 375

Dean Franklin Smiley Hygiene 575
1 991

Harold D. Smith, Music 575

Lloyd Preston Smith, Physics 1 75
Virgil Snyder, Mathematics 75

Walter Hutchinson Stainton, Public Speaking 575

C. B. Stilson, Chemistry 125
Walter King Stone, Drawing and Painting 575
Marcellus H. Stow, Geology 575
Charles Kenneth Thomas, Public Speaking 350

Charles Chapman Torrance, Mathematics {% time) 150

Clarence Ellsworth Townsend, Mechanical Drawing 750

Leonard Church Urquhart, Structural Engineering 750

Oscar Diederich VonEngeln, Geology and Geography 750

Russell Halderman Wagner, Public Speaking 575

Kenneth L. Washburn, Drawing and Painting 350

Harry Porter Weld, Psychology 750

Franklin Grandley Williams, Mathematics 300

James Albert Winans, Public Speaking 250

Charles V. P. Young, Physical Education 750

Karl Abell Zeller, Physics 575

Alvan A. Tenney, Economics 575

In addition to the above list provision should be made for the

following positions for which instructors have not yet been secured :

Instructor in Mathematics 300

Instructor in Organic Chemistry 300

Assistant in Quantitative Analysis Chemistry 125

Assistant in Organic Chemistry 125
Assistant in Physical Chemistry 125
Assistant in Chemical Microscopy 125
Assistant in Physics 200

Instructor in Economics 350

Instructor in Economics 350

Instructor in Economics 350

Instructor in French 350


R. H. Jordan, Chairman
B. S. Monroe, Secretary 500

R. Louise Fitch, Dean of Women 750

In addition provision should be made for the appointment

for Prudence Sage College and Cas-

of wardens Risley Hall,
cadilla Hall, each at a salary of $150.00 and home during the

^Subject to revision by the President.


session. It is further understood that an adjustment will be

made in housing seven additional women to be appointed

with the approval of the Dean of Women who will serve as

chaperons in the seven

University cottages 450

$69,537 50

L. N. Simmons
Assistant Secretary


January 26, 1929

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman, Cooke, Farrand,

Schoellkopf, Hiscock, R. H. Treman, J. Du Pratt White, Ickelheimer,
Upson and Comptroller Bostwick.
The following sales at the market were authorized

1. $25,000 Belding Hemingway 6's.

2. $50,000 Certain-Teed Products 5^'s.

3. $60,000 Pierce, Butler & Pierce First 6's.

4. $2,000 Ogilvie Flour Mills 6's.
5. 500 shares Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe preferred stock.

6. 500 shares Rensellaer & Saratoga guaranteed stock.

7. 1000 shares Union Pacific preferred stock.

8. 225 shares U. S. Leather stock

The following purchases were authorized at the discretion of

Comptroller Bostwick
1. 500 shares Eastman Kodak common stock.

2. 400 shares Baltimore & Ohio common stock.

3. 500 shares Southern Pacific common stock.

4. 500 shares General Baking 6c/o preferred stock.

5. 350 shares U. S. Leather preferred stock.

6. 500 shares Standard Oil of California common stock.

7. 500 shares Standard Oil of New Jersey common stock.

8. 500 shares Texas Corp. common stock.

9. 500 shares Gulf Oil Corp. common stock.

10. 50 shares Middle West Utilities stock at 130 under rights.

At this point Messrs. Cooke and Schoellkopf were excused.

The following sales at the market were authorized

1. 100 shares Albany & Susquehanna stock.

2. 250 shares New York Central.

3. 500 shares Diamond Match.
4. 700 shares Pullman, Inc.

5. 5 shares Philadelphia Co. preferred.

6. 500 shares U. S. Steel preferred.

7. 500 shares Associated Dry Goods first preferred.

In connection with each of the above sales of stock, it was resolved

that George F. Rogalsky as Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized

to endorse the certificates in blank and to attach thereto the University s

corporate seal.

Comptroller Bostwick was authorized to purchase eligible accept

ances for the temporary investment of the University funds.

Comptroller Bostwick was also requested to look into the situtation

of our various Seaboard Railway bonds as well as the Long Bell 6's
and to use his judgement in selling the same.

Geo. F. Rogalsky,
Secretary pro tem.

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees


March 2nd, 1929.

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman pro tem ; Farrand,

Cornell, J. DuPratt White, C. E. Treman and Pound ; Faculty Re
presentatives Thilly and Diederichs and Comptroller Bostwick.
Regrets were received from Trustees Van Cleef, Westiughouse and

R. H. Treman and their absence excused.

Action was taken as follows :

1. The following resignations were reported effective at the end of

the first term unless otherwise stated :

S. P. Hall, Assistant in Physics.

J. H.
Wells, Assistant in Chemistry.
J. W.
Wells, Assistant in Geology, effective February 25, 1929.
R. E. Nichols, Assistant in the Department of Materia Medica
and Small Animal Clinic ; effective
January 31, 1929,
H. E. Compter, Assistant Law Librarian in the Law School.
Rene Taupin, Instructor in French in the Summer Session
of 1929.

2. Upon recommendation of the President the following appoint

ments were made for the current term unless otherwise stated :

J. B. Baty, Instructor in Civil Engineering, part time, at a salary of

$500 for the term.

H. P. Truesdell, Assistant in Civil Engineering, at a salary of $300
for the term.
Theodore W. Goers, Assistant in Histology and Embryology, at a

salaryof $125 for the term.

Edwin D. Peck, Assistant in the Department of Materia Medica

and Small Animal Clinic in the Veterinary College with
salary at the
rate of $1,000 a year
; effective February 1, 1929.
H. Laurens Williams, III, Assistant Law Librarian at a
salary of

$150 for the term.

C. R. Mingins and H. E. Spencer, Assistants in Physics, each at a

salary of $350 for the term.


A. F. Samuels, Assistant in Physics, effective March 4, 1929, with

salary at the rate of $800 a year,

L. L. Barnes, now Assistant in Physics at $800 a y7ear, was promoted

to an Instructor ship with salary at the rate of $r,2oo a year.

R. W. Moree, Assistant in Geology, with salary at the rate of $400

a year, effective February 25, 1929.

The following to be Assistants in Military Science and Tactics with

salary other than that they receive as cadet officers :

W. C.
Knox, Cadet Colonel.
E. C.
Collins, R. H. Crum and A. S. Trowbridge, Cadet Majors.
D. W. Adams, A. E. Alexander, C. J. Clavell, A. S. Githens.E.L.

Green, Jr., T. F. Oueally and S. W. Tompkins, Cadet Captains.

Appointments in the 1929 Summer Session :

J. Papish, Assistant Professor in Optical Chemistry, at a

salary of

L. R. Andrus, Instructor in French at a salary of $350.
J. H. Patterson, Instructor inEconomics, at a salary of $350.
W. R. Leonard, Instructor in Economics, at a salary of $350.
R. C. Tallman, Assistant in Chemistry, at a salary of $200.
Lehman Edward Hoag, Assistant in Chemistry, at a salary of $100.
Paul P. McClellan, Assistant in Qualitative Analysis, at a salary
of $125.
Avery Brewster George, Assistant in Quantitative Analysis, at a

salary of $125.

3. Upon recommendation of the President, the following increases

in salary were granted for the current term :
L. C. Lay, Instructor in Industrial Engineering ; salary increased
from $1,200 to $1,500 a year.
The salaries of F. H. Hirsh, E. R. Mann, J. H. Marchant, G. K.
Schoepfle and J. W. Then, Assistants in Physics, were increased by
$100 each.

The salary of G. H. Teeple, Assistant in Physics, was increased

by $200 for the second term.

4. Sabbatic leave of absence was granted H. J. Metzgar, Extension

Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, for a period of one year,
beginning June 1, 1929.

5. Upon the recommendation of the President, the sum of $1,000

appropriated to Heckscher Grant No. 157-D was applied to the ap
propriation for salaries in the Department of Physics to be used for
increases in salaries of assistants in the department carrying the work

of Professor Collins now absent on leave.

6. The following appointments were made to the staff of the 1929

Summer School of Biology at the salaries indicated :

Howard B. Adelmann, Agriculture ' University

Asst. Prof, of Histology Embryology and . .
$ 300

Otis F. Curtis, Prof. Botany (Physiology) . .

Ernest Dorsey, Instructor in Plant Breeding . .
Arthur J. Eames, Professor Botany (Anatomy) .
Harry M. Fitzpatrick,
Professor of Plant Pathology ( Mycology ) 475
William A. Hagan,
Professor of Pathology- and Bacteriology . .
Oskar A. Johannsen, Professor Entomology7 .
Benjamin F. Kingsbury,
Professor of Histology and Embryology .

Richard A. Laubengayer, Instructor Botany . .

Robert Matheson, Professor Entomology ....
Clyde H. Myers, Professor Plant Breeding . . 100

Loren C. Petry7, Professor Botany . ...

Hugh D. Reed, Professor Zoology7 475
William C. Senning, Instructor Zoology . . .
Lester W. Sharp. Professor Botany (Cytology) 475
DonaldS. Welch, Asst.Prof. Plant Pathology 400

Karl M. Wiegand, Professor Botany 475

Albert H. Wright, Professor Zoology 475
Benjamin P. Young, Asst. Prof. Zoology .... 400

Printing, Etc, . .
25 175

$1,750 $6,000
Amount appropriated by
College of Agriculture $i,75
Maximum amount authorized

by Trustees . . ...
7. The President reported that the General Education Board had
allocated to Cornell University the sum of $25,000 for experimental

work in the department of Anatomy in the Medical College in New

York City for the year 1929.

8. The application of Professor Madison Bentley for admission to

the benefits of the William H. Sage Pension Fund was granted.

9. On account of erroneous representation made to him and upon

recommendation of Dean Emerson, free tuition in the Graduate

School for the present academic term was granted Mr. Eugene James
10. Notice of the appointment the Governor of Mr. Peter G. Ten
Eyck as Trustee of the University to succeed Mr. T. B. Wilson, was


11. Authority was granted to the Comptroller to consent on behalf

of the University to the assignment of the Professor George P. Bristol
lease to Professor F. B. Morrison.

12. The following sabbatic leaves of absence were granted :

W. A.
Hammond, Dean of the University Faculty, for the first term
of the academic year 1929-30.

Sumner H. Slichter, Professor for the

of Economics, academie year


13. A leave of
absence, without salary, effective March 4, 1929,
was granted H. R. Childs, Instructor in Physics, for the remainder
of the current academic year.

14. A recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees that Paul

J. Weaver be appointed Professor Music
of at a salary of $7, 000 a year,
effective July 1, 1929.
15. A recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees that
Richard McKeon be appointed Professor of Ancient and Mediaeval
Philosophy at a
salary of $5,000 a year, effective July 1, 1929, if he
will accept the position.

16. The salary of R. E. Cushman, Professor of Government, was

increased from $6,000 to $7,000 a year, effective July ist, next.

17. It was voted that the regular
meeting of the Committee for

April, 1929 be held at the call of the Chairman and not on April 6th,
the regular date therefor.

18. The Comptroller reported a conference with the Mayor of the

City of Ithaca concerning the dredging of Beebe Lake and stated he

was advised that there was opposition to having the silt from Beebe
Lake discharged into the Creek bed.

The Comptroller was authorized to consult with the City authorities

and if advisable to assist in repairing any damages done at cost of

not exceeding $5,000.

19. Upon recommendation of the Comptroller, L. N. Simmons,

Assistant to the Comptroller, was granted free tuition in the
Graduate School.

20. Authority was granted the President to execute an agreement

with the General Education Board whereby they agree to give to

Cornell University the sum of $1,500,000 for the development of

research and graduate instruction in the field of General Physiology

and the basic sciences contributory thereto, upon the raising by the
University of a like amount, and to attach to such agreement the
corporate seal of the University.

L. N. Simmons
Assistant Secretary


March 30, 1929.

Present Trustees J. Du Pratt White, Chairman, Farrand and R.H.

Treman ; Comptroller Bostwick and Superintendent Curtis. Mr.
Frederick L. Ackerman was also present
during a portion of the

Regrets were received from Trustees Westinghouse, Sanderson,

Wakeman, Upson, Whitman and Sackett and their absence excused.

1. The report of Mr. Ackerman on the design and site of the new

Fine Arts Building was read.

2. It was Resolved : That subject to the approval of the absent

members of the Committee the site recommended for the proposed

Fine Arts building between Sage Ave and East Avenue, and Stimson
Hall and Sage College be approved.

3. // was Resolved: That the plans for the proposed Fine Arts Building
prepared and submitted by Mr. Ackerman be turned over to the
Architectural Advisory Board with a request that they study them
and report their approval or suggestions to this committee, it being
understood that the exterior of the building is to be constructed

mainly of local stone.

4. Chairman White reported that it was desirable to have made a

study of the proposed recreational unit of the Women's Dormitory

Group and that the special committee recommend that Mr. Frederick
L. Ackerman prepare plans for such unit on the basis of reimbursement

to him of the cost, not to exceed $6,000, with the understanding that
in the event of the unit
being constructed this cost will be credited on
his general architectural fee. Mr. Ackerman presented a preliminary
report upon the recreational unit.

5. Whereas under the agreement with Mr. Frederick L. Ackerman

to make a preliminary study of the proposed women's dormitory
group at an estimated cost of $6,000 it was the intent that if and

when the buildings were constructed Mr. Ackerman was selected as

architect this payment should be proportionately credited upon the

architect's fees for buildings constructed, and as Mr. Ackerman esti
$2,000 as a fair proportion to be charged against the
now being erected it was

Resolved : That the Treasurer be authorized to charge $2,000 of the

amount so advanced to Mr. Ackerman against the architect's fees for
the present buildings.

6. The location of the curved road in front of the entrance of the

women's new dormitory group was approved as laid out in plan No.
C8-299 presented by Mr. Ackerman and the Landscape Committee
widening the
was requested to study the matter of

or otherwise
providing adequate parking space for automobiles.

The Comptroller and

7. was requested to investigate the availability
Greycourt Terrace for to advise the
cost of use by a fraternity and

houses with their

concerning this and other available

capacities and conveniences.

8. The Comptroller was requested to have an appraisal made im

mediately of the Psi Upsilon and Sigma Phi houses by some appraiser

not located in the city.

L. N. Simmons
Assistant Secretary

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees


April 13th 1929.

Present Trustees R.
Williams, Chairman ; Farrand. Hiscock,
R. H. Treman, Upson, J. DuPratt White, VanCleef and Comptroller
Regrets were received from Trustees Cooke, Ickelheimer and

Schoellkopf and their absence excused.

1. It was Resolved, That in reporting the deficit of the University in

the Comptroller's Report the loss from operation be set up as a deficit

and the cost of real estate purchased be carried as an indebtedness.

2. The President was authorized to make application to the General

Education Board for additional funds from the allowance granted by
the Board for the use of the Medical College in New York City.

3. It was recommended that the salary of Mr. C. E. Cornell for

services rendered the University in connection with student
be increased to $4,000 a year, effective July ist, 1929, and that in ad

dition to his present duties he assume such duties as may be assigned

him by the Comptroller.

4. The budget of the University for the year 192930 as recom

mended by the President was approved and recommended to the

Board of Trustees with the understanding that the President shall
have authority to make such minor changes before the budget is
proved by the Trustees as may be found necessary.

L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary

April 13th, 1929.

Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman ; Farrand, Hiscock,

R. H. Treman, Upson, J. DuPratt White and Comptroller Bostwick.
Regrets were received from Trustees Cooke, Ickelheimer and

Schoellkopf and their absence excused.

i. It was recommended that the firm of Haskins & Sells be em

ployed to audit the accounts of the University for the current year.

2. In connection with the call for redemption of the preferred stock

of the Atlantic Refining Company, it was resolved that George F.

Rogalsky as Treasurer, be and he hereby is authorized to assign the

certificates in blank and to attach thereto the University's corporate

3. In connection with the retirement of the preferred stock of the

American Cyanamid Company and its offer of two shares of Class
Common in exchange therefor, it was resolved that payment of

the preferred stock held by the University be accepted under the call

and not exchanged for the Common stock and that George F. Rogal

sky as Treasurer, be and he hereby is authorized to assign the certifi

cates in blank and to attach thereto the University's corporate seal.

4. The purchase of 500 shares of Eastman Kodak Company stock

at the market was authorized.

L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.


April 13th, 1929.

Present Trustees Van Cleef, Chairman ; Farrand, Pound, R. H.

Treman, J. DuPratt White, R. B. Williams ; Faculty Representatives
Comptroller Bostwick. Trustees Hiscock
Thilly and Diederichs, and
a part of the meeting.
and Upson were present during

Regrets were received from Trustees C. E. Treman and Westing-

their excused.
house and absence

1. The appointment
by the Governor of George R. Van Namee to
succeed himself as Trustee of the University for a term of five years

was reported.

2. The President explained that under a change in the rules of the

Carnegie Foundation which is to take effect May ist, 1929, the retiring
allowances will be greatly reduced, and in order to avoid this reduc

tion for Dean W. A. Hammond, Professors H. J. Davenport and G.

R. McDermott and Librarian Willard Austen, he had made applica

tion for a retiring allowance for these men effective April 30th, 1929.

This action was approved.

3. Authority was granted to the Committee on Pensions in its dis

cretion to employ an actuary to prepare and report upon a plan or

plans for a pension system for the University.


4. Leave of absence without prejudice to salary was granted Dr.

Alva Gwin, Assistant Medical Adviser of Women, from May 16th to
June 16th, 1929.

5. Leave of absence was granted Miss Gussie Gaskill for part of the
academic year 1929-30, she to be allowed $25.00 per month during her
absence as compensation for services performed during that time in

connection with the Wason Chinese collection.

6. Upon recommendation of the President $1,000 of the accumulated

interest on the Barnes Book Fund was added to the principal of that
7. Captain C. G. Mead was appointed Proctor for a period of one

beginning March 15th, 1929, at a
salary of $2,000 a year.

8. The resignation of Assistant Professor M. L. Nichols of the De

partment of Chemistry from the staff of the 1929 Summer Session
was reported.

9. The following appointments for the 1929 Summer Session were

made :

Charles Walter Morse, Instructor in Chemistry, at a salary7 of $350.

The following to be Wardens of the Halls specified, each at a salary
of $150 and home.
Miss Gertrude H.Nye, Prudence Risley Hall.
Miss Mary E. Cornell, Sage College.
Mrs. Mabel Daniel, Cascadilla Hall.
10. The following appointments for the 1929 Summer Session in
Law were made and the budget approved as herein set forth :
C. K. Burdick, Director $250
L. P. Wilson, Professor 600
H. E. Whiteside, Professor 600
J. B. Cheadle, Professor 700

G. P. Costigan, Jr. Professor 750

E.C.Dickinson, Professor 550

E. D. Dickinson, Professor 700

D. English, Professor 500

J. N. Frierson, Professor 550

G. C. Grismore, Professor 750

C. T. McCormick. Professor 700

G. H. Robinson, Professor 600

T. Wright, Professor 700

H. D. Laube, Assistant Professor 500

W. H. Farnham, Asst. Professor and Secretary __ 600

E. E. Willever, Librarian and Lecturer on Legal
Visiting Lecturer 100 $9,400

Miscellaneous :

Advertising 750

Printing 150

Postage 150 $1,050

Total $10,450

11. The following resolution concerning the University calendar

passed by the University Faculty at its meeting on March 13th, 1929,
was reported and approved :

' '
Resolved : If the Board of Trustees approve, that the dates of the
firstday of instruction, Commencement, the vacation periods, and
University holidays be fixed as follows for the five years 1930-1935 :
F'irst day of instruction : Thursday, Sept. 25, 1930 ; Sept. 24, 1931;
Sept. 22, 1932 ; Sept. 28, 1933 ; Sept. 27, 1934.

Thanksgiving Recess Thanksgiving Day (Thursday)

, and the Fri

day and Saturday next after it in each year.

Christmas Recess : From Saturday, at 1 p. M. until the third fol

lowing Monday 8 a.m., as follows : in 1930-31, from Dec. 20 till


Jan. 5 ; in 1931-32, from Dec. 19 till Jan. 4 ; in 1932-33, from Dec. 17

till Jan. 2 ; in 1933-34, from Dec. 23 till Jan. 8; in 1934-35, from Dec.
22 till Jan. 7.
First day of instruction for the second term : Monday, Feb. 9,1931;
Feb. 8, 1932 ; Feb. 1933 ; Feb. 12, 1934 ; FAeb. 11, 1935.
Spring Recess : From Saturday at 1 p. M. until the second follow
follows in from March till April
ing Monday at 8 a.m., as : 1931 28

6 ; in 1932, from Mar. 26 till April 4 ; in 1933, from Mar .25 till April
30 till
3 ; in 1934, from Mar. 31 till April 9 ; in 1935, from Mar.
April 8.

Spring Day : Saturday, May 23, 1931; May 21, 1932; May 20, 1933;

May 26, 1934 ; May 25, 1935.

Commencement : Monday, June 15, 1931 ; June 13, 1932 ; June 12,

1933 ; June 18, 1934 ; June 17,

12. The President reported the receipt of a gift of $6,000 made by

Miss Jane C. Goldenburgh of Woodmere, Long Island, to establish

a memorial to be known as "The Craig C. Goldenburgh Memorial

Jane C. Goldenburgh in memory of her brother,

Fund, established
a member of the Class of 1930, the income to be used by the Trustees
in carrying
way may in their judgment be most useful
in whatever
out the purposes of the

This fund was established and the President authorized to direct

the expenditure of the iucome therefrom for the year 1929-30.

13. The Comptroller reported the receipt of the sum of $135.00 from
the American Association of University Women. This gift was

accepted in accordance with the terms of the following letter :


"2 1 6 Wait Avenue, Ithaca, New York

March 2, 1929.

Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York.
By direction of the Executive Board of the Ithaca branch of the
American Association of
University Women, I herewith hand you a

check for the sum of $135.00 which we wish to give to Cornell Uni

versity to be used as a loan fund to be known as "The Student Loan

Fund of the Ithaca Branch of the American Association of University

We desire that this sum of $135.00 be accepted by the University as

the initial principal of a loan fund from which loans are to be made

to women students in Cornell University upon the recommendation

of the Dean of Women or such other official of the University as may

be designated by the executive board of the Ithaca Branch of the
American Association of University Women.
We request that the loans be made on notes bearing 5 % interest
and that they be given for such length of time as may be recom
mended by the Dean of Women.
All payments of principal and all interest pa37ments on such notes

are to be added to and form a part of the principal of the loan fund

hereby established.

The Ithaca Branch of the American Association of University

Women shall be notified ifany time for a period of three consecu

tive y7ears no student or students have been designated by the Dean

of Women or other selected official to receive the benefits of this loan

fund. Should the organization after such notification so desire, or

should it disband or cease to exist, the loan fund hereby established

shall thereafter be administered by the trustees of Cornell University

in such manner as by them shall seem best.
Very truly yours,
Adelaide M. Lewis (Mrs. R. D.)
Treasurer, Ithaca Branch

14. The Comptroller reported a provision in the Will of Alice Brad

ford Wiles, deceased, and late of the Cit}' of Chicago, whereby a trust
is established by her estate for the benefit of her brothers and sisters

and her children, the said trust fund to be divided between the child

ren or the descendants of her children twenty-one years after the death

of said children ; Cornell University to take a half of this trust fund

only in the event the children or direct descendants of her children

shall fail.
15. The Comptroller reported the receipt of a gift of $5,000 from
Mr. A. S. Gilbert "To be used for the assistance of students in the
School of Engineering in such manner as the Faculty of the School

may from time to time determine. Mrs. Gilbert and

I make this in memory of our son, Carl R. Gilbert,

endowment who
died in November last, while a student in the School of
of your University. We do this as an appreciation of the many
kindnesses extended to Carl, and as a slight recognition of the
patience and consideration of Dean Kimball and the members of his

The gift w7as accepted and the Carl R. Gilbert Memorial Fund was

established under the terms expressed the donors in the letter

by of


1 6. A gift of $ 1,000. from Colonel H. L. Cooper to be used for re

search work in concrete was reported and accepted.

17. There was reported the receipt of $1,000 from Mrs. Anna
Gauntlett Whitcomb, representing the gifts of herself and relatives

toward the cost of the new bells recently added to the University
chimes. This gift was accepted and the President requested to ex

press to Mrs. Whitcomb the appreciation of the Trustees.

18. Upon recommendation of the President Professor Horace E.

Whiteside was admitted to the benefits of the William H. Sage Pension

19. The suggestion of Professor A. W. Smith for an addition to the

inscriptions on the underface of the arch at the base of the Library
tower was approved and the detailed wording of such inscription was

referred to the President with power.

20. The following resignations were reported :

Bruce Williams, Professor of Government, effective at the end of

the present academic year.

A. E. Murphy, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, effective at the

end of the present academic year.

H. F. Vieweg, Instructor in Physics, effective April 8th, 1929.

21. The salary of R. H. Jordan, as Chairman of the Board of Ad

ministration of the Summer Session was increased to $1,000, and the

President was granted authority to increase the salary of B. S. Monroe,

Secretary of the Board of Administration of the Summer Session to
$750 if upon investigation he finds such action advisable.

22. Sabbatic leaves of absence were granted as follows :

P. R. Pope, Professor of German, for the second term of the aca

demic year 1929-30.

T. R. Briggs, Professor of Chemistry, for the second term of the

academic year 1929-30.

23. Upon recommendation of the President a contingent fund of

$500.00 was established from the income of the Baker Non-Resident

Lectureship Fund to cover disbursements incident to the visits to

Ithaca of lecturers under the fund.

24. The Comptroller reported the receipt of the sum of $4,000 as

provided under the Will of Sylvester Edick which was reported to

the Board on April 4th, 1925, and the scholarship therein provided

for was established.

25. Upon recommendation of the President authority was granted

Dean Dexter S. Kimball to express on behalf of the University, ap

proval ofthe bill establishing Federal aid for Mechanic Arts Research
in Land Grant Colleges and Universities.

26. Mr. Charles Newman appeared before the Committee on behalf

of Mrs. Bristol and stated why he felt that the University should pay
more than $7,000 as heretofore offered for the Bristol house. After
discussion the matter was referred to the Chairman of the Committee
and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees with power.

27. A recommendation was made to the Board that Trustee Frank

E. Gannett be appointed a member of the Committee 011 General

28. Authorization was given to the Comptroller to sell the lots

owned by the University on Long's sub-division in the City of Topeka,
Kansas, and he was authorized to execute a deed or deeds therefor on

behalf of the University and to attach thereto the University's

corporate seal.

29. The Comptroller reported that he had been advised by

Registrar David F. Hoy that he desired to his property
sell on Fall
Creek Drive. A committee consisting of Trustees Van Cleef and R.
H. Treman and the Comptroller was appointed with power, in their

discretion, to purchase this property at a sum not to exceed $30,000

upon such terms as may be deemed advisable.
L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

March 22nd, 1929.

Present President Farrand, Dr. Robinson, Director ; Mr. Wil

liams, Mr. Taylor and Dr. Elser.
Dr. Hartwell and Mr. Westinghouse were unable to attend owing
to absence from the city.

A letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees advising of

the approval of the minutes of the Medical College Council meeting

of December 21, 1928, was presented and placed on file.

Dr. Robinson of the Committee on the Library requested author

ization by the Council for the disposal, by sale or exchange, of sur

plus books and journals which are not needed by the Library.

It was explained by Dr. Robinson that the present accumulation of

duplicate copies were of little value to the library and occupied

much space needed for new accessions.

It was moved and carried that the Librarian, on authorization of

the Library Committee, be permitted dispose of, by sale

to or ex

change, all books and journals not needed by the Library.

On the recommendation of the Secretary of the Faculty it was

moved and carried that the following named students be granted
permission to give their notes in adjustment of balances due on tui
tion fees :

John P. West, first year class, balance due $250.00

Charles J. Benninger, second year class, balance due 250.00

It was moved and carried that under the standing resolution No.
5, March 23, 1902, the following special course fee be paid the fol

lowing instructor :
Charles R. Stockard, M. D, 1 student @ $30.00 $30.00

Dr. Robinson presented for consideration and discussion by the

Council the question of student assistants desiring to prolong their

course in the College with reduced work, viz., to extend his last two
years of medical study to cover a period of three years and to pay a

partial fee.


It was Dr. Robinson's belief that it would be desirable and advan

tageous to the Medical College to encourage certain worthy students

to remain a longer time with the school and engage in research

After a general discussion of the question it was the opinion of

the Council that it would be unwise at this time to adopt any definite
ruling. That each specific case should be presented for individual

The following letter addressed to Dr. Niles from the Clinical Re

search Society of New York was presented by Dr. Robinson:

"January 19th, 1929.

Dr. Walter L Niles,
Cornell Medical School,
New York City.
Dear Dr. Niles:
I am enclosing a check drawn to the order of Cornell Medical
School for two hundred dollars, which represents the sum appro
priated by the Clinical Research Society of New York for its annual

scholarship loan.
It is the plan of the Society at present to make such an appropria
tion each year and offer it to one of the three medical schools in
New York in rotation.

It is the desire of the Society to have this sum of money extended

as a loan rather than as a gift to some needy, Christian male mem
ber of the Fourth Year Class. The Clinical Research Society re
quests that the recipient furnish the Society with the names of the
two individuals who would be willing to act as personal sponsors.

I am enclosing a form which the Society desires to have filled in

by the students receiving this sum of money and returned to me
when the award is made. It is the wish of the Society that the
choice of the recipient shall be at the pleasure of the Dean's Office

of the College receiving this sum, and our only qualifications of this
loan are those which I have already set forth.
Yours very sincerely,
(Signed) A. Benson Cannon,


This is to certify that I have this day received from the Clinical
Research Society through Cornell University Medical School the
sum of dollars.
It is understood that I have received this sum of money as a loan
and that it is my intention to reimburse the Society for this loan
within five years after graduation from the Cornell University
Medical School.
I agree to pay to the Clinical Research Society five per cent inter
est on this loan, beginning three years after graduation.

I hereby furnish the Clinical Research Society with the names of

two individuals who know me and are willing to vouch for me.


Dr. Robinson reported that he had formally acknowledged the re

ceipt of this letter and the check for $200 enclosed herewith. It
was voted by the Council that it be accepted and the money be made

available for the year 1929-1930 in accordance with the terms of the

Dr. Robinson reported the offer of a gift to the Medical College

through Dr. Milton Benjamin Rosenbluth of $25,000.00, the funds to
be used for medical research purposes. Dr. Robinson's reply to Dr.
Rosenbluth was as follows :

"March 18th, 1929.

Dr. Milton Benjamin Rosenbluth,
116 West 59th Street,
New York, N. Y.
My dear Dr. Rosenbluth :

The subject of your visit was reported to the Commit

last Friday
tee on Educational Policy Cornell University Medical College
of the
and it was received with enthusiasm. We shall be glad to appoint
a committee to formulate a plan for the use of the funds but will
await further instructions from you.

I can assure you that the funds placed at the disposal of Cornell
University for the pursuit of medical research will be used strictly
for the purpose of I may say
the gift and with assurance that
valuable results may be accomplished. I shall of course report this
matter to President Farrand.

Yours very sincerely,


(Signed) G. Canby

After a general discussion by the Council it seemed unnecessary

for any definite action to be taken at this meeting.

Dr. Robinson reported progress being made in the preparation of

the general Medical College Budget for 1929-1930. He stated that in

response to notices sent to the heads of the various departments,
appointments had been made and that he was interviewing the heads
of the departments personally concerning their requirements for the

ensuing year.
Dr. Farrand explained that the "Budget of the General

Board of Trustees of the University would be held on April 27th,

1929, and that the Medical College budget should be presented to the
Budget Committee of the Board at its meeting on April 13th.
The President pointed out that he had conferred with Dr. Robin
son concerning the probable need of the Medical School for the
coming year and that it seemed necessary and important that we

prepare a budget somewhat in excess of the current one in order to

take care of already increased activities in some departments and in
general preparation for the expansion to come in the new associa

tion recently formed.

Dr. Robinson, in reply to Mr. question as to the time
when we might expect to occupy the new buildings, stated that the
earliest date would be October 1st, 1931. Excavation operations fol
lowed by assembling and erection of steel work would begin about

June first, this year.

In connection with the proposed increase in the new budget and

how it could be met, Dr. Farrand stated that he believed it might be

possible to secure the additional funds needed from the allowance

granted by the General Education Board. That certain funds had

already been turned over to the University by the General Educa
tion Board and he suggested that the Council authorize the Presi
dent to prepare a request for the payment of the balance due or so

much as was actually needed for the new development.

It was moved, seconded, and carried that the President be author

ized, with power, to proceed in accordance with his suggestion.

There being no further business the meeting was declared ad

J. T. Willson,
Secretary of the Council.


April 26th, 1929.
Present Trustees J. DuPratt
White, Farrand, Sackett, Chairman ;
Sanderson, R. H. Treman, Upson and Whitman; Comptroller Bost
wick and Superintendent Curtis.

Regrets were received from Trustees Westinghouse and Wakeman

and their absence excused.

Action was taken as follows :

1. The site for the proposed Fine Arts Building, as heretofore

recommended, was confirmed by a vote of the committee.

2. A report from the Architectural Advisory Board concerning

the plans for the new Fine Arts Building was read and it was re

solved that this report be forwarded to Mr. Ackerman, the architect,

with the request that he re-study the plans for the building in line

with the suggestions made by the Advisory Board.

3. It zvas resolved that, subject to the approval of the Architec
turalAdvisory Board, the site north of the present Home Economics
Building, substantially as shown on the General Plan, be approved as
the site for the new Home Economics Building.
4. The plans for the service roads and roads of approach to the

new group of women's dormitories were approved as laid out on plan

No. M1247 prepared by Mr. Cooley, with the understanding that

the road indicated as running close to the westerly side of the ter

race in front of the group shall not be constructed at the present

time, and with the further understanding that the circular roads on

the south and north of the group be made solid instead of being
constructed with a center space for planting.

5. The area north and east of the barn back of the President's
house as indicated on plan No. S1247 prepared by the Landscape
Committee was approved for development as a parking space.

6. Authorization was given for the preparation of plans and

specifications for the remodeling of the President's barn into a

garage and apartment.

7. The Superintendent was requested to prepare plans and specifi

cations for the construction of a permanent concrete road and curb

on Tower Road from East Avenue to Garden Avenue, and to have

such plans ready for presentation at the next meeting of this com


8. Plans were presented fora sports building to be constructed

by the Athletic Association on University grounds near the toboggan

slide. The construction of this building was approved in accordance
with the general plans presented, subject to the approval of the
Architectural Advisory Board, and subject also to the condition that
toilet facilities be provided in the building, if feasible.
9. The plans for a new laundry unit as presented by Mr. Francis
Y. Joannes were approved subject to the approval of the Architec
tural Advisory Board, and it was recommended that the Comp
troller be authorized to proceed with the construction and equip
ment of the building and that he be given authority to ask for bids
and execute such contracts as in his judgment may be necessary for
such construction and attach thereto the University's corporate seal.

10. The use by the Music Department of the house located at


320 Wait Avenue, and known as the Scorpion House, was approved

and necessary alterations amounting to approximately $6,000 were


11. A report of the progress on the dredging of Beebe Lake was


12. A report on the working of the new filter plant was made.

13. The Chairman presented a request from Mr. Charles Z.

Klauder for permission to examine the specifications for the new

group of dormitories and permission for such examination

was granted, subject to the approval of the architect, Mr. Frederick

L. Ackerman.

14. The Superintendent was requested to examine into and re

port on the use of direct control valves for the control of heat in the
University buildings.
L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.

April 27th, 1929.
Present Hiscock, Chairman; J. DuPratt White, Far
rand, Pyrke, Witter, C. E. Cornell, Crawford, Gannett, Gherardi,
Ickelheimer, Miller, Newman, Pound, Sackett, Sanderson, Teagle,
TenEyck, C. E. Treman, R. H. Treman, Upson, VanCleef,
Namee, Whitman, R. B. Williams and R. H. Williams ; Faculty
Representatives Thilly, Warren and Diederichs.

Regrets were received from Trustees Graves, Turner, Cooke,

Schoellkopf, Taylor, Wakeman, Warner, Westinghouse and Horace
White and their absence excused.

1. The committee appointed to formulate a resolution on the

death of Senator Thomas B. Wilson, presented the following, which

was adopted :

The Board of Trustees have learned with deep sorrow and regret

of the death of their colleague, Thomas B. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson was one of the first trustees appointed by the Gover
nor of the State under the laws of 1909 and he served continuously
from that year until his death in January last. During his term as a

member of the Board Mr. Wilson served on various committees and

by his wise and experienced counsel contributed greatly to the de

liberations of the Board. Mr. Wilson not only carried the complete

confidence of his colleagues but won the personal affection of every

member of the Board. The Board desires to place on record an ex

pression of its sense of irreparable loss in his death and orders this
minute spread upon the records of the Board and a copy transmitted
to the family of Mr. Wilson.
2. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of January 26th,
1929, were approved as printed.

3. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on General

Administration of March 2nd and April 13th, 1929 were approved

as printed and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed.

4. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on Finance of

January 18th and 26th, and April 13th, 1929, were approved as

printed and the action therein contained ratified and confirmed.

5. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of

March 22nd, 1929, were approved as presented, the recommenda

tions therein contained adopted, and appointments and appropria

tions made as therein recommended.

6. The Secretary reported those portions of the minutes of the

meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds of April 26th,

1929, upon which immediate action by the Board was desired, and,
on motion, the following portions of the minutes of such meeting
were approved, and the action therein contained ratified and con

firmed, and recommendations adopted as follows :

(a) Section 3. It was resolved that, subject to the approval of

the Architectural Advisory Board, the site north of the pres

ent Home Economics Building substantially as shown on the

General Plan, be approved as the site for the new Home Eco
nomics Building.

(b) Section 5. The area north and east of the barn back of the
President's house as indicated on plan No. S1247 prepared by
the Landscape Committee, was approved for development as

a parking space.

(c) Section 8. Plans were presented forbuilding to be

a sports

constructed by the Athletic Association University grounds


near the toboggan slide. The construction of this building

was approved in accordance with the general plans presented,
subject to the approval of the Architectural Advisory Board,
and subject also to the condition that toilet facilities be pro

vided in the building if feasible.

(d) Section 9. The plans for a new laundry unit as presented

to the
by Mr. Francis Y. Joannes
were approved subject

approval of the Architectural Advisory Board, and it was


recommended that the Comptroller be authorized to proceed

with the construction and equipment of the building and that

he be given authority to ask for bids and execute such con

tracts as in his judgment may be necessary for such con

struction and attach thereto the University's corporate seal.

(e) Section 10. The use by the Music Department of the house
located at 320 Wait Avenue and known as the Scorpion
House, was approved and necessary alterations amounting to
approximately $6,000 were recommended.

7. Trustees Frank E. Gannett and Bancroft Gherardi were ap

pointed to fill the vacancies on the Committee on General Adminis

8. Trustee Frank E. Gannett presented his resignation from the

State College Council, which was accepted.

9. The University budget for the year 1929-1930 as proposed and

recommended by the Budget Committee was approved with the
minor changes recommended by the President, and appointments

and appropriations made as therein recommended.

10. The President reported that Dean W. A. Hammond had

stated that he did not wish to avail himself of the opportunity to

retire on April 30th, 1929, and therefore will not retire until June,

11. By ballot duly had the following were elected to professor

ships, July 1st, 1929:


P. T. Homan, Professor of Economics, at a salary of $5,000 a


M. A. Copeland, Professor of Economics, at a salary of $5,000 a


Paul J. Weaver, Professor of Music, at a salary of $7,000 a year.

Jacob Papish, Professor of Chemistry, at a salary of $4,000 a


D. F. Smiley, Professor of Hygiene and to continue as Medical

Adviser, at a salary of $5,000 a year.

H. D. Laube, Professor of Law and Secretary of the Law School,

$6,000 a year.
at a salary of

J. B. Sumner, Professor of Biochemistry, at a salary of $4,000 a


12. Authority was granted the President to confer degrees on

June 13th, 1929, upon candidates recommended by the faculty of the

Medical College in New York City.

13. The President reported that owing to the new rules estab

lished by the Carnegie Foundation he had made application for retir-


ing allowances for Professor Herbert J. Davenport, George R. Mc-

Dermott, and Librarian Willard Austen, and that such allowances
had been granted as follows :

Willard Austen, $2,050, effective June 17th, 1929.

Herbert J. Davenport, $2,800; effective August 10th, 1929.
George R. McDermott, $1,850, effective June 17th, 1929.

14. By the concurrent vote of a majority of the total membership

of theBoard the following amendments to the University Statutes
and Rules and Regulations were made :

Section 3(A) of Article VIII was amended to read as follows:

"The University Faculty shall consist of the President of the
University, who shall be ex-officio the presiding officer, and the
deans, professors and assistant professors, who are members of the
above named faculties,
special the Librarian and the assistant libra
rians in the University Library, the Registrar, the Secretary
of the University, the Dean of Women, the Director of Admis
sions, and the Director of Resident Instruction, the Director of Ex
tension Service, and the Director of the Experiment Station in the
Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics. The professors and

assistant professors whom University may appoint in the Depart

ments of (1) Military Science and Tactics, (2) Physical Education
and Training, and (3) Hygiene and Preventive Medicine shall not
be members of any special faculty but shall be members of the Uni
versity Faculty, it shall be the function of the University Faculty
to consider questions which concern more than one college and ques

tions of University policy; and it shall have disciplinary jurisdiction

over the students of the University except for unsatisfactory work,
for which discipline is entrusted to the respective special

Section 3(B) was amended so that the first sentence shall read

as follows :
"Each special faculty, except that of the Graduate School, shall be
composed of the President, who shall be ex-officio the presiding offi
cer, the Dean, and all professors, assistant professors, and instruc
tors who give instruction to regular students in the department or
departments under the charge of that faculty, or to graduate stu
dents in the corresponding division of the Graduate School, but in
structors shall not have the right to vote until after four years of
service as such, here or in an institution of equal academic stand

ing; provided, however, that no instructor who was entitled to a

vote in his special faculty on Commencement Day, 1919, shall be de

prived of his right to vote by this

Article XI, Section 2, paragraph 1, was amended by striking out


the words "the director of experiment and inserting the

words "the Director of the New York State Experiment Station at


Paragraph A of Section 2 of Article XVIII was amended by

repealing and striking out the following clause: "Provided, how

ever, that no student shall be allowed to transfer from any such

course to another course where tuition is charged without first pay

ing the regular tuition fees for the hours for which he receives
in the latter

credit and Article XVIII was further amended

by adding Paragraph C as follows :

(c) Any student transferring from one college or course in the

University to another, must pay for the hours of credit he receives
in the latter college or course an amount corresponding to the dif
ference in tuition ; and no such transfer shall be allowed or credit
given until such payment has been made.

Section 1 of sub-division (a) of Article XIX was amended so that

the second paragraph will read as follows :

"Said fellowships have been and are assigned, one to each of the
following departments or groups of departments : Mathematics ;
Chemistry, Physics; Civil Engineering; Animal Biology; Botany,
Geology, and Physical Geography ; Architecture, Landscape Archi
tecture, and Fine Arts ; Agriculture, Horticulture, Home Economics
and Veterinary Science ; English ; Germanic Languages ; Romance
Languages ; and two to Mechanical and Electrical

Section 2 of Article IV of the Rules and Regulations was amended

by repealing that portion of the paragraph reading as follows : "No

student shall be allowed to transfer from free-tuition courses in the
University to the courses in hotel administration without first paying
the regular tuition fees for the hours for which he may receive

credit in the latter

15. Upon recommendation of the faculty of the College of Agri

culture it was

"Resolved, That senior students in the College of Agriculture, if

they desire to take courses in the endowed colleges beyond the hours
allowed free under the rules of that College, and beyond the total

hours required for graduation, may be allowed to do so upon pay

ment for the additional hours of instruction at the rate of tuition in

the College in which the instruction is

16. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council the

following grants were made :

Physical Sciences

Supplements to Grants

Grant No. 6: $2,000 to L. M. Dennis, for a study of germanium

and its compounds.

Grant No. n: $5,800 to F. K. Richtmyer, for a study of the ab

sorption of X-rays.

Grant No. 140: $2,000 to E. Merritt, for a study of the influence

of conditions in the upper atmosphere on the propagation of electric


Grant No. 156: $2,500 to C. C. Murdock and T. R. Briggs, for a

study of the size and shape of colloidal particles with particular

reference to catalytic agents.

Grant No. 157a: $4,500 to R. C. Gibbs, for a study of line spectra

in the extreme ultra-violet.

Grant No. 157b: $3,500 to R. C. Gibbs and J. R. Johnson, for a

study of the absorption of visible and ultra-violet light by different
materials in relation to their chemical constitution.

Grant No. 157c: $3,500 to E. L. Nichols and E. Merritt, for the

study of luminescence, particularly the relation between phosphores

cence and fluorescence and chemical constitution.

Grant No. i$7d: $1,000 to J. R. Collins, for a study of the effect

of temperature on the nearer infra-red absorption of liquids and of

luminescent effects in the nearer infra-red.

Grant No. 155: $2,000 to F. Bedell and H. J. Reich, for investiga
tions in alternating current measurement.

Grant No. 159: $10,000 to W. D. Bancroft, for a study of the

chemistry of radicals and the theory of concentrated solutions.

Grant No. 160: $2,500 to J. Papish, for an investigation of the oc

currence, distribution, and association of the rarer chemical elements.

Grant No. 174: $500 to H. Ries, for an investigation of the

moulding sand resources of the United States.

Grant No. 179: $500 to L. M. Dennis, for an investigation of the

separation of isotypes.

New Grants
Grant No. 180: $500 to S. L. Boothroyd and J. Papish, for an in
vestigation of the rarer elements present in meteorites.

Grant No. 181: $2,750 to L. M. Dennis, R. C. Gibbs and J. Papish,

for the purchase of an adjustable etalon to be used in connection

with researches under other grants.

Biological Sciences
Supplements to Grants
Grant No. 25: $150 to A. A. Allen, for investigation of the artifi

cial propagation of the canvasback and other ducks.

Grant No. 64: $2,000 to H. H. Whetzel, for taxonomic studies in

the genera Schlerotinia and Botrytis.

Grant No. 106: $500 to H. D. Reed, A. C. Fraser and G. E.

body, for genetrical and morphological studies of

Grant No in: $200 to L. C. Petry, for a collection of fossil

plants of the Devonian formation in America.

Grant No. 131: $500 to P. W. Claassen, for a study of the biology

and taxonomy of the Plecoptera.

Grant No. 162: $400 to J. B. Sumner, for the study of the enzyme


Grant No. 163: $1,000 to J. A. Dye, for a study of tissue respira

tion and endocrine functions.

New Grants
Grant No. 182: $1,750 to P. J. Kruse, for a study of reflex action

in man.

Grant No. 183: $750 to E. F. Hopkins, for a study of the physio

logical effect of iron and certain other elements in the ionized state.

Supplements to Grants

Grant No. 143: $250 to H. Hermannsson, for a study of Old

Norse and Icelandic manuscripts.

Grant No. 171: $1,000 to G. E. G. Catlin, for a study of certain

social problems and the appropriate legislation for dealing with them.

Grant No. 177: $500 to C. K. Burdick, for a comparative study

of restatements of torts and agency and conflicts of laws.

New Grants
Grant No. 184: $500 to W. F. Willcox, for a study of the statis

tics oi international migration.

17. The President gave a short report on the financial condition

of the Cornell University Medical College in New York City.

18. Upon recommendation ofPresident, P. H. Price and Ar
thur A. Wedel Eleanor Tatum Long Graduate
were appointed to the
Scholarships in Structural Geology for the academic years 1929-30,
each at a stipend of $900.
19. Upon recommendation of the President the sum of $486.75
from the accumulated income of the Eleanor Tatum Long Scholar
ship Fund was added to the principal of the fund in order to in
crease it to $30,000.
20. Upon recommendation of Dean A. R. Mann the portrait of
Emeritus Professor H. H. Wing, presented by former students,
members of the faculty and other interested parties throughout the

State, was accepted and the President requested to express to the

donors the appreciation of the Trustees.

21. Sabbatic leave of absence was granted Charles A. Burdick,

Dean of the Law School, for the second term of the academic vear

22. A gift of $17,500 was reported to be used toward the estab

lishment of a fund to be known as the Henry Shaler Williams Me

morial. This gift was accepted and the fund established in accord

ance with the provisions of the following deed of gift and the Presi
dent was requested to express to the donors the appreciation of the
"We, the undersigned donors, do herewith give to Cornell Univer
sity the amounts and in the manner indicated after our respective

names, toward the establishment of a Henry fund to be known as the

Shaler Williams Memorial, in perpetuation of the of Henry

Shaler Williams (1847-1918), quondam professor of Geology and

Paleontology at Cornell University, and founder of Sigma XL
The purpose of this fund is, broadly, to foster scientific study and

especially scientific research, and its acceptance by the trustees of

Cornell University carries the obligation so to use it. It is hoped

and expected, however, that so long as there is adequate opportu

nity, it will be applied in the field of Geology and Paleontology7. It

is understood and acceptable that the fund may be mingled with

and invested together with the other invested funds of the Univer
sity, so long as there be credited to the fund the net average rate
received by the University on its funds.
The income may be used in paying personnel, in furnishing
scholarships and/or in the purchase of facilities and equipment, if
all in keeping with the general purposes above stated; moreover, if
found wise, a portion of the principal not over one-third may be
used in the purchase of such facilities and equipment,
including real

But no permanent impairment of the fund shall be so permitted,

and in case such use of principal should involve a purchase reason

ably susceptible of depreciation and deterioration, then the income

from a remaining portion of the fund shall be not spent but accumu

lated until a proper reserve has been established against such possi

ble loss or depreciation. It is further understood that in case of the

discontinuance of the use in accordance with the purpose of the trust,
material, tangible asset, it be incumbent
of such shall upon the
said trustees to dispose of it and return the proceeds into the princi

pal of the trust-

It being the intention that the fund shall not be regarded as per

manently established until it amounts to at least S25.000. it is under

stood that the income from at least one-fifth of the fund shall be
accumulated, and periodically added to the principal of the fund,
until that sum ($25,000) is reached.

It being understood that a present pressing need in the Cornell

Department of Geology is a summer camp as a place of study for a

few selected students in field work of the department, specific assent

is hereby given, but under the provisions above outlined, that such

portion of the fund as is deemed wise by the said trustees may be

applied toward the purchase and/or construction of such a camp,
and toward scholarships to be used in conjunction therewith, both to
bear the name of the fund.
Rogers H. Williams _
Mrs. George R. (Ellen D.) Williams 2,500
Augusta H. Williams 2,500
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Newman _ 2,500
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tanner 2,500
R. B. Williams 1,000
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Williams 1,000
Otis L. Williams

23. The President reported that the Carnegie Corporation had

made a gift of $10,000 to the University for use in connection with

the development of the Department of Fine Arts. This gift was

accepted and the President requested to express to the donor the

appreciation of the Trustees.
The President was authorized to expend this money as he may
deem necessary for the advancement of the purposes for which it
was given.

24. A request from the President of the Alumni Corporation ask

ing that a committee be appointed from the Board of Trustees of

the University to confer with the Alumni Committee making a sur

vey of athletic conditions at Cornell was presented. After discus

sion it was

"Resolved, That it is the sense of the Board that the appointment

of a special committee on athletics would not be consistent with the

policy of the Board in matters of academic administration;

That the Committee on General Administration be requested to
furnish to the Athletic Survey Committee of the_ Alumni Corpora
tion such information as it may have or may obtain which would be
helpful to the Survey Committee in its deliberations ;
That in communicating this attitude and action of the Board the
Chairman be requested to express to the Survey Committee the
Board's recognition of the importance of the inquiry in which that
committee is engaged, its appreciation of the spirit in which the in

quiry is being conducted and its hope

that recommendations may
result which will be of benefit to the general athletic situation of the

25. The President reported that there had been received through

the Cornellian Council the sum of $7,900 which had been raised

through the personal efforts of Dr. Frank H. Miller; $6,900 of the

fund to be added to and become a part of the Flower Library En-


dowment in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and $1,000 of the

fund to endow the Charles Gross Bondy Prize Fund. These funds
were established and the appreciation of the Trustees expressed to
Dr. Miller for his interest and efforts.

26. The President also reported that there had been received

through the Cornellian Council from Trustee E. N. Sanderson, the

sum of $1,000 to be added to and become a part of the Flower Li
brary Endowment as above established. This gift was accepted and

the appreciation of the Trustees expressed.

Adjourned. >

L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.

April 27, 1929.
Present Trustees R. B. Williams, Chairman ; Hiscock, Ickelhei
mer, R. H. Treman, Upson, Farrand, J. DuPratt White, and Comp
troller Bostwick.

1. The following purchases were authorized at approximately the

present market prices :

500 shares Standard Oil of California.

$50,000 Missouri-Pacific Convertible 5j4s.
$50,000 Warner Co. 6s.
500 shares Oliver Farm Equipment 6% preferred.

2. The sale of 30 shares of American Cyanamid 6% preferred

stock at the market was authorized and in connection therewith, it

was resolved that George F. Rogalsky, as Treasurer, be and he
hereby is authorized to assign the certificates in blank and to attach

thereto the University's corporate seal.

3. A previous authorization to purchase 350 shares of United

States Leather preferred stock was rescinded.

4. The Comptroller was requested to look into the Webster Mills

6>4s held by the University and to sell the same if in his judgment
circumstances warrant a sale.

5. It was duly voted to sell our balance of 430 shares of Diamond

Match stock at the market and in connection therewith it was re

solved that George F. Rogalsky, as Treasurer, be and he hereby is

authorized to endorse the certificates in blank and to attach thereto

the University's corporate seal.

It was also resolved that George F. Rogalsky be and he hereby is

authorized to assign in blank for sale any rights to subscribe to Dia

mond Match stock that may be received.

George F. Rogalsky,
Secretary, pro tem.

Lectureship and Special Funds 36,225
Fellowships 12,975
Scholarships 42,950
Prizes 2,530
Student Aid 31,689
Special Funds 107,191
Interest, Annuities and Retiring Allowances 52,845
Maintenance of Physical Plant 249,880
Improvement of Physical Plant 20,000
Miscellaneous Operating Expenses 104,050
Library 66,967
Agriculture 28,200
Summer Session 1929 (not including Law) 72,500
Summer School of Biology, 1929 6,075
Architecture 90,775

College of Arts and Sciences

Office and General 15,925

Arts Department
Classics 31,000
Economics 57,400
Education 17,800
English 74,800
German 22,825
Government 16,650
History, American 12,500
History, Ancient 8,000
History, English 5,350
History, Mediaeval 7,775
History, Modern European 7,450
Literature, Comparative Study of 7,525
Music 13,600
Philosophy 33,850

Psychology 25,300
Public Speaking 25,150
Romance Languages 40,700
Scandinavian 3,025
Semitics 5,700

Total Arts Departments $ 416,400

Science Departments
Chemistry 169,140
Geology -- 44,115

Mathematics 58,710
Physics 1 18,900
Zoology 14,610
Total Science Department $ 405,475

Total Arts and Sciences $ 721,875

General Departments
Military 15,705
Physical Education 29,750
Hygiene 42,465
Medicine 62,670
Graduate School 3,500
Law 95,870
Engineering 368,033
University Faculty 2,750
Dean of Women 13,650
Division of Education 750
President's Office 23,700
Bureau of Public Information 7,080
Registrar's Office 8,500
Director of Admission's Office 10,656
Secretary's Office 19,590
Superintendent's Office 25,400
Comptroller's Office 29,980
Purchasing Office 17,640
Treasurer's Office 20,720
Alumni Representative's Office 15,680
Other Officers 8,400


Tuition 1,055,000
Estimated Increased Attendance (30 @ $400) 12,000
Estimated Increased Attendance (Law School
15 @ $300) 4,500
State for Agricultural Students 27,400
State for Home Economics Students 45,900
Instruction in Hotel Management 19,100
Summer Session (including Biology) 66,000
Summer Session, Law 7,600
Fees except Infirmary and Willard Straight Hall 141,500
Residential Halls 35,000
Invested Funds (unrestricted) less Insurance
Reserve 623,500
Invested Funds (restricted) less Insurance Re
serve 263,500
Semi-Centennial Endowment Fund Subscription
Interest 30,000
U. S. Congressional Industrial Fund 50,000
Part of Medical Adviser to Infirmary 7,500
G-S Items to G-S Special Fund 3,400
Light and Water 26,000
Anonymous Donation for Professorial Salaries.. 18,000
Anonymous Donation for Professorial Salaries
(Unexpended Balance) 5,425
Anonymous Donation for Architecture 10,000
Cornellian Council, Unrestricted 140,000


Excess of Income over Expenditures 6.184


Lectureship and Special Funds
Goldwin Smith Special Fund for the following or other

appropriate purposes 8,750

Goldwin Smith Special Supernormal Salary Fund....

Goldwin Smith Lectureship Fund

Goldwin Smith Faculty Prize Fund
Goldwin Smith Reading Room Fund
From these are paid the G-S Department appropria

tions hereinafter marked (G-S)

Any surplus of income to be used toward the payment
of salaries in G-S Hall
Chemical Non-Resident Lectures 19,750
Irvine Lectures 100
Messenger Lectures 4,365
Schiff Non-Resident Lectures 3,260

$ 36,225
2 University Fellowships @ $525 each 1,050
21 University Fellowships @ $425 each 8,925
Boldt, George C 1,000
Earle, Charles Bull 500
Gage, Susan Phelps 500
Meyer, Edgar J 500
Schiff, Jacob H. ($425 and tuition) 500

$ 12,975
Graduate Scholarships 5,600
36 Undergraduate Scholarships @ $200 each 7,200
Beatty Agricultural 325
Boldt, George C 2,000
Brigden, Carrie G 140
Dreyfus Memorial 1 ,365

Fraser Law 150

Hall, Mary F 950
Kenney, Eudorus C 2,725
5 Law School First Year 1,500
Long, Eleanor Tatum 1,600
McMullen, John 14,740
North, C. Howell 650
Osborn, Laura 380
Padgham, Frank W 400

Scholarships {Continued)
Roberts, Charles H 1,700
Saunders, Alexander and Mary E 675
Schermerhorn, Grace 100
Smith, Judson N 200
Thompson, William D 50
Wentz, John L 300
Wilson, Fred L 200

$ 42,950

Baird, M. Z 50
Barnes, A. S 50
Bennett, J. G 50
Bennett, P. S 30
Besse, Anna 50
Boardman Senior Law 100
Caldwell, G. C 50
Class of '86 Memorial 86
Class of '94 Debate 94
Corson, Browning 50
Corson, French 50
Courant, J. M 50
Crandall, C. L 190
Dickinson, Paul 25
Eastman, A. R 125
Fuertes Medal 50
Fuertes Prize Debate 180
Guilford Essay 150
Messenger, L. L 250
Miller, Jane 50
Pack, C. L 50
Pack Foundation Forestry 50
Philosophy, Graduate 25
Ring Memorial 100
Sampson, Frances 50
Sibley 100
White, Spanish 300
White, Veterinary 25
Woodford 100

$ 2,530

Student Aid
Dearstyne Fund 156
Guiteau Loan Fund 26,000
Hubbard Memorial Fund 109
Hunter Loan Fund for Young Women 772
Jonas, Albert and Olive, Fund 109
Knickerbacker, John, Fund 1,650
Morris, Ruth, Loan Fund 300
Polish Student Loan Fund 11
Schling, Max, Loan Fund 142
Seidell Book Fund 76
Smith, C. F., Fund 294
Straight, Willard, Memorial 325
Vail Fund 545
Women's Guild 545
Women Students Loan Fund 531
Wurts Loan Fund 124

$ 31,689
Special Funds
Anonymous Endowment 7,400
Anvil Club 16
Beekeepers Library 79
Bennett, C. E., Research in Classical Languages 325
Class 1896 Memorial Library Fund
of 109
Class Funds 1,074
Cornell Masque 300
Cornell University Christian Association 2,050
Heckscher Foundation 50,000
Hinkley, Orchestra Foundation 1,029
Infirmary Endowment 5,458
King-Osborn Memorial 2,500
Ludwig, Robert and Charlotte, Fund 1,692
Pack Research in Forest Soils 7,100
Patten, H. J., Fund 1,000
Rowlee Memorial 45
Sage Chapel:
Dean Sage Sermon Fund 4,260
Expense 900
Organ Care 200
Sunday Programs 250
Tanner Foundation 2,730
Tansey Memorial 38
Thorne Professorship Fund 7,530
Treman, R. H.^ Fund _
Wild, L. P., Fund 142
Income added to Principal 9,329


Interest, Annuities and Retiring Allowances

Cornell, C. E., Annuity 300
Fiske, Monzecchi, Annuity 2,200
Mitchell Interest 225
Preswick Annuity 300
Professorial Pensions 26,420
Schurman, J. G., Annuity 6,000
Interest on Accumulated Deficit 17,400

$ 52,845

Maintenance of Physical Plant

Care of Buildings 39,880
Repairs to Buildings 35,000
Electric Service 21,000
Grounds, Care of 22,000
Landscape Work and Ornamentation 5,000
CentralHeating Plant and Distribution System:
Manufacturing Supplies 1,800
Manufacturing Maintenance 9,500
Manufacturing Labor 25,000
Manufacturing Fuel 160,000
Electric Service 3,500
University Transmission Lines 8,000
General Transmission Lines 500
Water 700

University Appropriation 100,000

Water Works:
Operation 16,700
Interest and Depreciation 17,000

Less Credits and Adjustments 17,700
Goldwin Smith Hall Ornamentation 250
Spraying Elms 250
Expense of Superintendent's Car 500
Night Watchmen 5,000
Buildings and Grounds Special 1,500
Tennis Courts and Alumni Field 1,000
Organ Cleaning and Repairs 2,500


Improvements of Physical Plant

Departmental Improvements:
Psychology (Considerable Structural Changes
Romance Languages (Rearrange Office No. 278
Public Speaking (Miscellaneous)
Physics (Miscellaneous)
Physics (Sprinkler System)..
Geology (Miscellaneous)
Geology ( Elevator)
Medicine (Miscellaneous)
Law (New Benches and Desks in Lecture Room A)
Military (Miscellaneous)
Water Meter for Baker Group 20,000
Storage Building at East Ithaca
Street Lighting, East Avenue
New Sidewalk White Gate to South Avenue
New Sidewalk Central Avenue from South Avenue
to University Avenue)
Parking Space East Side of Central Avenue opposite
Willard Straight Hall
Cornice- Rand Hall
Conduit for Telephones Willard Straight to Library
Conduit for Electric Lines Library to University
Ya Ton Dump Truck
$ 20,000
Miscellaneous Operating Expenses
Administrative Office Expense . 12,000
Advertising and Lectures 400
American Council on Education. 500
Architectural Advisory Board, Salaries . 4,500
(Medary $1,000, Fleming $2,500, Bosworth $1,000)
Architectural Advisory Board Expenses . 2,000
Audit by Public Accountants . 2,000
Chimer 500
City of Ithaca . 5,000
C. U. C. A. Handbook 250
C. U. C. A. Employment Bureau . 1,300
Diplomas and Commencement . 8,000
Entrance Examination Board . 1,200
Faculty Committee on Intelligence Testing 500
Insurance (Fire) . 18,000
Insurance (Workmen's Compensation) . 6,000
Inspection of Buildings for Fire Hazard 300
Law Quarterly 500
Moral and Religious Welfare Work . 7,500
President's House Entertainment Account .. 5,000

Miscellaneous Operating Expenses {Continued)

President's House Heat and Care 3,500
Special Assistance C. L. Durham 2,000
Sundry Unitemized Expenses 12,000
Telephone Service 8,000

Traveling Expenses 3 000

Y. W. C. A 100

, Librarian 5,000
Willis, E. R. B., Assistant Librarian 3,600
Hermannsson, H., Curator Icelandic Collection 2,000
Hamilton, G. L Curator Italian Collections
, 600
Gaskill, Miss G., Curator White and Wason Collections 1,800
Ingersoll, Miss E. S., Supervisor Accessions 2,100
de Grassi, G., Supervisor Classification and Shelves 2,100
Speed, Miss E. R., Supervisor Catalogs 2,100
Leland, Miss Lillian, Supervisor Periodicals 1,800
Farr, M. E., Cataloger 1,800
Howe, A. C, Cataloger. 1,600
Lorentz, M. C, Cataloger. 1,500
Dorr, M. L., Cataloger 1,300
Mather, Mrs. Mercie, Stenographer 900
Reese, Miss M. C Assistant, Readers Division
, 1,100
Dorn, C. M., Assistant, Readers Division 900
,Asistant, Accessions Division 900
Loveless, Mrs. Emily, Assistant, Stacks Division 900
,Assistant, Stacks Division 900
,Assistant, Periodicals Division 900
,Page, Readers Division 300
Student Assistants Day Hours.. 900
Student Assistants Evening Hours 1,000
Student Assistants Periodicals ~~
Student Assistants Catalog 300
Printing, Stationery, etc 800
Postage, Express, Freight, etc 300
Furniture, Repairs, etc -

$ 38,000
Income Barnes Book Fund 273
Income Botsford Fund 36
Income Chemical Library Book Fund 273
Income Church Book Fund 136
Income Comstock Memorial Fund 143

Library {Continued)
Income Flower Library Book Fund 600
Income Goldwin Smith Hall Reading Room Fund 148
Income Harris Mathematics Library Fund 3
Income Howland Fund 92
Income Icelandic Book Fund 437
Income Icelandic Publication Fund 273
Income Kuichling Library Fund 66
Income Loewy Book Fund 54
Income Petrarch and Dante Book Fund 327
Income Risley Hall Library Fund 14
Income Sage Library Fund 16,376
Income Schiff Foundation Book Fund 137
Income Van Cleef Memorial Fund 1,146
Income Victorean Poets Fund 54
One-third Free Income Fiske Library Fund 7,579
Appropriation White Library 800

$ 28,967
Congressional Industrial Fund 20,000
General Appropriation 5,700
Tuition, Fees, and other income, U. S. and State appro

priations and gifts as received

Mann, A. R., Dean (part salary) 2,500

$ 28,200

Summer Session 1929 (not including Law) 72,500

Summer School of Biology, 1929 6,075

Architecture, College of
Young, George, Jr., Dean and Professor 7,000
Bosworth, F. H., Professor 6,000

Martin, C. A., Professor 5,000

Brauner, O. M., Professor 5,000
Phelps, A. C, Professor 5,000
Davis, E. G, Professor 4,000

Midjo, C. M. S., Professor 4,500

Burnham, L. P., Professor 3,750
Schuchardt, W. H., Professor No salary
Seymour, A. D., Professor 4,500
Chamberlain. G. R., Asst. Professor (L/A).... 1930 1,000

Architecture {Continued) Term

Montillon, E. D., Asst. Professor 1931 3,000
Baxter, H. E., Asst. Professor 1932 3,500
Stone, W. K., Asst. Professor 1932 2,500
Lawson, E., Asst. Professor 1931 3,000
Dunbar, W. M. L., Asst. Professor 1931 3,250
Finlayson, D. L., Asst. Professor 1931 4,200
Camden, Harry P., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500
Todd, C. L., Instructor 1930 2,250
Abbuehl, E., Instructor 1930 2,250
Grimes, J. W., Instructor 1931 2,250
Washburn, K. L., Instructor 1931 2,250
Harris, R. S., Librarian 1,800
, Asst. Librarian 1,500

$ 81,000
Clerk 1,200
Clerk 900
Appropriation 7,675

$ 90.775


Office and General
Ogden, R. M., Dean 2,500
Sibley, R. P., Ass't Dean and Secretary 5,000
Ashton, Miss L. H., Assistant Secretary 2,000
Assistants to Dean and Secretary 4,000

$ 13,500

Office Supplies and Equipment 1,200

(Including Advisory Board for Underclass
men, Committee on Admission and appro

priation for Chairman of the latter.)

Reading Room (G-S) 525
American Classical School Rome (G-S) 250
American Classical School Athens (G-S) 250
American Classical School Jerusalem (G-S) 100
ResearchRoom, Marine Biological Labora
tory Woods Hole, Mass 100

$ 15,925


Classics Expires

Andrews, E. P., Professor 5,000

Durham, C. L., Professor 5,000
Jones, H. L., Professor (L/A with full salary) 5,000
, Professor 5,000
Caplan, H., Ass't Professor 1931 4,000
Hutton, James, Ass't Professor 1932 3,000
McDonald, W. F., Instructor 1930 2,500

$ 29,500
Museum Maintenance 500
Museum Additions 500
Appropriation ( G-S) 500

$ 31,000
Willcox, W. F., Professor 7,000
Reed, H. L., Professor 7,000
English, D., Professor 5,000
Slichter, S. H., Professor (L/A 1929-30) 3,000
Professor 2,500
Homan, P. T., Professor 5,000
Copeland, M. A., Professor 5,000
Woodward, J. L., Ass't Professor.. 1932 3,000
O'Leary, P. M., Ass't Professor 1932 3,000
Hathcock, J. W., Instructor 1930 1,800
, Instructor 1,800
Junkin, W. R., Instructor 1930 1,500
Instructor 1,200
McNatt, E. B., Instructor 1930 1,800
Leonard, W. R., Instructor 1930 1,500
Instructor 1,200
Instructor 1,200
Assistant 250
, Assistant 250
, Assistant 250
Assistant 230
Assistant 250
Assistant 250
, Assistant 250
Assistant 250
Assistant 250
, Assistant 250

$ 55,000
Technical andClerical Assistance 1,050
Assistant to Professor H. L. Reed 750
Laboratory of Industrial Relations 100
Appropriation 500

$ 57,400

Education Expis

Ogden, R. M., Professor 6,000

Jordan, R. H., Professor 5,000
Freeman, F. S., Ass't Professor 1931 3,000
Bruce, W. F., Instructor 1930 2,500

$ 16,500
Appropriation ( G-S) 300
Appropriation Secondary Schools 1,000

$ 17,800
Sampson, M. W., Professor 7,000
Strunk, W., Professor 5,000
Prescott, F. C, Professor 6000,
Northup, C. S., Professor 5,000
Adams, J. Q., Professor 7,000
Monroe, B. S., Asst. Professor 1931 4,000
Broughton, L. N., Asst. Professor 1931 3,750
Smith, F. M., Asst. Professor 1931 3,750
Hebel, J. W., Asst. Professor 1931 4,000
French, W. H., Asst. Professor 1932 3,000
Baldwin, D. L., Instructor ! 1930 2,100
Marx, M., Instructor 1930 2,100
Van Allen, G. R., Instructor 1931 2,100
Carroll, W. B., Instructor 1931 2,100
Mitchell, D. R., Instructor 1930 2,100
Johnson, E. M., Instructor 1931 2,100
Lindsay, J. R., Instructor 1931 2,100
Kessel, M., Instructor 1931 2,100
Elson, J. J., Instructor 1930 1,800
Muller, H. J., Instructor 1931 1,800
Ainsworth, E. G, Instructor 1931 1,800
Bissell, F. O., Instructor 1931 1,800

$ 72,500
Clerk 600
Appropriation (G-S) 150
Reading Papers 500
Cornell Studies in English 750
Assistant to Professor Adams 300

$ 74,800
Faust, A. B., Professor 5,000
Boesche, A. W., Professor 5,000
Pope, P. R., Professor (L/A 2nd Term) 5,000

German (Continued) E^s

Andrews, A. L., Asst. Professor 1931 3,750

Kubler, E. A. R., Instructor 1930 2,000

Spann, M Instructor 1930 2,000

$ 22,750
Appropriation (G-S) 75

$ 22,825

Cushman, R. E., Professor 7,000

Professor 5,000

Catlin, G. E. G, Professor (Part time) 2,500

Shipman, G. A., Instructor 1930 L800

$ 16,300
Appropriation (G-S) 350

$ 16,650

History, American
Hull, C. H., Professor
Bretz, J. P., Professor
Assistant 500

Assistant 500

$ 12,500
Appropriation (G-S).

$ 12,500

History, Ancient
Laistner, M. L. W., Professor 5,500
Assistant 800
Assistant 800
Assistant 800

$ 7,900
Appropriation (G-S) 100

$ 8,000

History, English
Marcham, F. G, Asst. Professor 1931 3,500
Ramsay, R. G., Instructor 1,800

$ 5,300
Appropriation (G-S) 50

$ 5,350

History, Mediaeval e1pis

Smith, Preserved, Professor 7,000
, Assistant 750

$ 7,750
Appropriation (G-S) 25

$ 7,775
History, Modern European
Becker, C, Professor 7,000
Hickman, Miss E., Assistant (free tuition) ._

$ 7,350
Appropriation (G-S) 100

$ 7,450

Literature, Comparative Study of

Cooper, L., Professor. 7,000

Appropriation (G-S) 25
Cornell Studies in English.. 500

$ 7,525

Weaver, Paul J., Professor 7,000
Smith, H. D., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000
Coleman, G. L., Instructor 1,100

$ 11,100
Appropriation 2,500

$ 13,600

Professor 5,000
Hammond, W. A., Professor 7,000
Thilly, F., Professor House and 6,000
Cunningham, G. W., Professor 6,000
Smart, H. R., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500
Paine, E. T., Instructor 1931 2,100
Robinson, R. G, Instructor 1930 2,500
, Assistant 800
Assistant 600

$ 32,500
Appropriation (G-S) 150
Philosophical Review 1,200

$ 33,850

Psychology Expires

Bentley, M., Professor 6,500

Weld, H. P., Professor 5,000
Dallenbach, K. M., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500
Feldman, S., Instructor 1930 1,800
Kreezer, G, Instructor 1930 1,500
, Instructor 1,500
, Assistant 750
, Assistant 750

$ 21,300
Appropriation 2,100
Mechanician, half time 1,000
Clerk 900

$ 25,300
Public Speaking
Drummond, A. M., Professor 5,000
Muchmore, G. B., Asst. Professor 1930 4,000
Wichelns, H. A., Asst. Professor 1930 4,000
Wagner, R. H., Asst. Professor 1932 3,250
Stainton, W. H., Asst. Professor 1931 1,600
(Plus $1,400 from Dramatic Club)
Thomas, C. K., Instructor 1930 2,500
Harshbarger, H. C, Instructor 1930 1,800
Easton, Mack, Instructor 1930 1,500
, Assistant 300

$ 24,950
Appropriation (G-S) 300
Debate Council 300
Clerk 600

$ 25,150
Romance Languages
Mason, J. F., Professor 5,000
Hamilton, G. L., Professor 5,000
Guerlac, O. G, Professor 5,000
Pumpelly, L., Professor 5,000
Dale, G. L, Professor 5,000
Bishop, M. G, Asst. Professor 1932 3,500
Pelmont, A. P., Instructor 1930 2,500
Camino, L. F., Instructor 1931 2,100
Deily, M. B., Instructor 1931 2,100
Andrus, L. R., Instructor 1930 1,800
Fay, E. G., Instructor 1930 1,500

Romance Languages {Continued)


McGrath, E. M., Instructor 1930 1,500

, Reader 500

$ 40,500
Appropriation (G-S) 200

$ 40,700
Hermannsson, H., Professor 3,000

Appropriation (G-S) 25

$ 3,025
Schmidt, N., Professor 5,500
Appropriation (G-S) 200

$ 5,700

Dennis, L. M., Professor.. 7,000
Bancroft, W. D., Professor 7,000
Chamot, E. M., Professor 5,000
Cavanaugh, G. W., Professor 4,500
Browne, A. W., Professor 5,000
Rhodes, F. H., Professor 4,500
Briggs, T. R., Professor (L/A 2nd Term) 4,000
Papish, J., Professor 4,000
Nichols, M. L., Asst. Professor 1931 1,500
(L/A 1929-30)
Mason, C. W., Asst. Professor 1930 2,750
Johnson, J. R., Asst. Professor 1930 4,000
Laubengayer, A. W., Asst Professor 1931 2,500
Bedient, H. A., Instructor (part time) 1930 1,500
Instructor 1,500
Hosking, H. J., Instructor 1930 1,500
Johnson, E. B., Instructor 1931 2,100
Morse, C. W., Instructor 1930 1,800
Murray, M. J., Instructor 1931 1,500
Miscall, J., Instructor 1931 2,100
50 Assistants 26,650

$ 90,400
Griffiths, H. J., Overseer 3,000
Griffiths, H. J., one-half house rent 360
Barron, E. J., Assistant to Overseer 1,800
Bush, H., Mechanician 2,400
Brandt, A. L., Glassblower 2,400

Chemistry {Continued) Expires

Willsey, V., Storeroom Clerk 1,800

Sherwood, A., Asst. to Storeroom Clerk 1,020
Feehan, H., Storeroom Attendant 1,020
, Asst. in charge of Museum and

Night Clerk in Library, 9 mos. @ $100 900

Business Clerk 1,380
, Secretary to Head of Dept 1,200
, Stenographer, plus $600 from
Baker Fund 600
Stenographer 1,080
Stenographer 1,080
Apparatus Clerk 1,080
, Record Clerk 1,080
Librarian 1,080
, Assistant Business Clerk 960
Student Attendants, Stockroom, @ $ .40 an

hour 3,000
Appropriation 51,500

$ 78,740

Ries, H., Professor 6,000
Gill, A. C, Professor 5,000
Harris, G. D., Professor 5,000
von Engeln, O. D., Professor (L/A 1929-30).. 2,250
Nevin, C. M., Asst. Professor 1931 3,500
St. John, Miss R. N, Instructor 1930 2,100
Tuck, R., Instructor 1930 1,500
Trainer, D. W., Jr., Instructor 1931 2,100
Burfoot, J. D., Jr., Instructor 1931 2,100
Cole, W. S., Instructor 1930 1,800
Brown, O. W., Instructor 1930 1,800
Megathlin, G. R., Instructor 1930 1,500
Millward, L. G. Assistant in Geology 600
Assistant in Geology
Assistant in Geology
Jones, V E., Assistant in Eng. Geology 600
Bissell, B., Assistant in Mineralogy 400
Assistant in Paleontology
Miss G. H. Duncan, Assistant in Geology 700

Geology {Continued) v^
Assistance by the hour Physical Geography 75
Assistance by the hour Mineralogy 100
Sheldon, Miss P. G, Curator 1,200

$ 39,925
Appropriation 4,190

$ 44,115
Hutchinson, J. I., Professor 5,000
Snyder, V., Professor 5,500
Sharpe, F. R., Professor 5,000
Ranum, A., Professor 4,250
Hurwitz, W., Professor 5,000
Carver, W. B., Professor 4,250
Gillespie, D. C., Professor 4,250
Craig, C. F., Asst. Professor 1930 2,750
Roos, C. F., Asst. Professor 1931 3,000
Banff orth.F.R., Asst. Professor 1932 3,000
Agnew, R. P., Instructor 1930 1,800
Hadlock, E. H., Instructor 1930 1,800
Lowenstein, L. L., Instructor 1930 1,500
Paradiso, L. J., Instructor 1930 1,800
Schus, H. L., Instructor 1930 1,800
Beisel, B. R., Instructor 1930 1,800
Torrance, C. C, Instructor 1930 1,500
Cameron, R. H., Instructor (part time) 1930 900
Lawrence, V. S., Instructor (part time). 1930 900
Dye, L. A., Instructor _ 1930 1,800

$ 57,600
Appropriation 150
Clerk _ _.

$ 58,710
Merritt, E, Professor 7,000
Bedell, F., Professor 6,000
Trevor, J. E., Professor (part time) 1,000
Richtmyer, F. K., Professor 7,000
Gibbs, R. C, Professor 6,000
Kennard, E. H., Professor 4,500
Grantham, G. E., Asst. Professor 1931 4,000
Howe, H. E., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500
Murdock, C. C, Asst. Professor 1930 3,750
Collins, J. R., Asst. Professor 1930 3,750
Barton, H. A., Asst. Professor 1932 3,500
Instructor 2,100
Seemann, H. E Instructor., 1930 2,100
Childs, H. R., Instructor 1930 1,500

Physics {Continued)
Crafts, A. G, Instructor 1,500
Reich, H. J., Instructor 1931 1,800
Webb, J. S., Instructor 1930 1,500
White, H. E., Instructor 1931 1,800
Wilber, D. T., Instructor 1931 1,800
Kruger, G, Instructor 1930 1,500
Smith, L. P., Instructor 1930 1,800
Gartlein, C. \V., Instructor 1931 1,800
Nelson, H. R., Instructor 1930 1,500
Carr, P. H., Instructor 1930 1,500
Wood, L. A., Instructor 1931 1,500
Goldsmith, N. W., Instructor 1931 1,500
Barnes, L. L., Instructor 1930 1,200
Spencer, H. E., Assistant .-.
Then, J. W., Assistant 800
Hirsh, F. R., Jr., Assistant 800
Mingins, C. R., Instructor (part time) 1930 700
Marchant, J. H., Assistant 800
Teeple, J. H., Assistant 800
Schoepfle, G. K., Assistant 800
Richards, L. A., Assistant 800
Mann, E. R., Assistant 800
, Undergraduate Assistant 400
, Undergraduate Assistant 400
, Undergraduate Assistant 400

$ 84,600
Mechanician (Stubbs) 2,300
Mechanician (Fulkerson) 2,200
Engineer (Calkins) 1,800
Assistant Engineer (Weibly) 1,600
Glassblower (Banta) 2,400
Appropriation 24,000

Reed, H. D., Professor (Agriculture)
Young, B. P., Asst. Professor 1930 3,750
Senning, W. C, Instructor 1930 2,100
Hazzard, A. S., Instructor 1930 1,800
Mekeel, Mary, Assistant (half salary) 500

$ 8,150
Technician (5/12ths salary) 500
Preparator 1,100
Stenographer 960
Maintenance 3,900

$ 14,610

Beacham, J. W., Jr., Commandant 1,000
Coleman, G. L., Instructor Cadet Band 600
Nolan, Miss C, Stenographer 1,200
Hughes, George, Armorer 1,080
Appropriation 3,200
2 Cadet Colonels @ $200 each 400
2 Cadet Lieutenant Colonels @ $175 each 350
6 Cadet Majors @ $151.50 each 909
27 Cadet Captains @ $110 each 2,970
26 Cadet First Lieutenants @ $80 each 2,080
26 Cadet Second Lieutenants @ ^>66 each 1,716
2 Cadet Chief Musicians @ $50 each 100
1 Cadet Drum Major @ $50 50
1 Cadet Chief Trumpeter @ $50 50

$ 15,705

Physical Education
Young, C. V. P., Professor 5,000

Men's Department
O'Connell, W. C, Instructor and Assistant
Director of Gymnasium 2,000
Ortner, H. P., Instructor 1,600
Fallon, J. J., Instructor 1,400
Bawlf, N., Instructor 1,200
Darrieulat, F., Instructor 1,250
Faulkner, E. J., Instructor 1,200
Assistants (Gymnasium, Swimming, Track,
Rowing and Corrective Work) 2,000
Women's Department
Bateman, Miss D. H., Instructor 2,300
Canfield, Miss E. B., Instructor 1,500
Waterman, Miss P. R., Instructor 1,800
Daniels, Miss E. D., Instructor 1,800
Read, Miss A. G., Instructor 1,800
Assistants (Clerical and Musical) 400

$ 25,250
Appropriation for Supplies 2,500
Janitor Service, including partial care of Ten
nis Courts 2,000

$ 29,750
Smiley, D. F., Professor and Medical Adviser.. 5,000
Gould, A. G., Asst. Professor and Asst. Medi
cal Adviser 3,750
Evans, Jennette, Asst. Professor and Medical
Adviser (Women) 4,000
Showacre, E. C, Asst. Professor and Asst.
Medical Adviser 4,000
York, W. H., Asst. Professor and Asst. Medi
cal Adviser 3,500
Gwin, Alva, Asst. Professor and Asst. Medical
Adviser (Women) 2,750
Robinson, P. J., Instructor and Asst. Medical
Adviser 2,750
Gibson, R. S., Instructor and Asst. Medical
Adviser 2,750
Britton, H. A., Assistant Medical Adviser 2,500
Instructor and Assistant Medi
cal Adviser (Women) 2,500
Carter, Miss E. K., Nurse 1,440
Eckley, P. W., Laboratory Assistant 1,000

$ 35,940
Secretary 1,475
Clerical Assistant (Men) 900
Clerical and Laboratory Assistant (Women).. 900
Student Help by the hour 1,250
Appropriation 2,000

$ 42,465
Anatomy Expires

Kerr, A. T., Professor 5,000

Papez, J. W., Asst. Professor 1930 3,750
Instructor 1,200
Milliser, R., Instructor (Medical Tuition and) 1930 1,200
Assistant 750

$ 11,900
Histology and Embryology
Kingsbury, B. F., Professor ($500 from Sage
Research) 5,500
Adelman, H. B., Asst. Professor 1931 3,250
Instructor 1,200
Instructor 1,200
Assistant ,
Assistant 750
Student Assistant 250
, Student Assistant 250

$ 13,150

Physiology Expires

Liddell, H. S.. Asst. Professor 1930 3,500

Dye, J. A., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000
Maughan, G. H., Instructor 1930 2,100
Anderson, O. D., Instructor 1930 1,200
Espe, D. L., Assistant: 750

$ 10,550

Sumner, J. B., Professor ($500 from Sage Re
search) _
Hand, D. B., Instructor 1930 1,500
Kirk, J. S., Instructor _ 1930 1,200

$ 6,700

Kerr, A. T., Secretary 1,000
Assistant to 1,200
Preparator and Embalmer (Anatomy) 1,200
Preparator (Histology) 1,500
Laboratory Helper (Histology) 600
Mechanician (Physiology) 2,000
Animal and Laboratory Attendant (Physiol
ogy) 1,020
Library Attendant _ 300
Appropriation (Anatomy) 3,000
Appropriation and Embryology)- 2,450
Appropriation (Physiology and Biochemistry) 4,100
Appropriation (Sage Research) 2,000

$ 20,370

Total College of Medicine- $ 62,670

Graduate School
Emerson, R. A., Dean 1931 1,000
Secretary _ 1,500
Stenographer (part time). 600
Appropriation 400

$ 3.500


Burdick, C. K., Dean and Professor 9,500

Stevens, R. S., Professor S,500
Cheatham, E. E., Professor 8,500
Edgerton, H. W., Professor 8,500
Wilson, L. P., Professor 8,000
Thompson, G. J., Professor 8,000
Whiteside, H. E., Professor 7,000
Laube, H. D., Professor and Secretary 6,000
Varrell, H. E., Asst. Professor 1930 3,500

$ 67,500
Willever, E. E., Librarian 4,000
Cataloging Asst. to Librarian..
, 750
3 Student Library Assistants, Sept. to June 900
3 Student Library Assistants, June to Sept 300
Caretaker during Librarian's vacation 100
Secretary to the Dean 1,200
Stenographer (part time) 420
Appropriation for College 1,750
Appropriation for Law Library 8,000
Appropriation for Non-Resident Lecturers 500
Appropriation for Summer Session, 1929 10,450

$ 95,870


Kimball, D. S., Dean 9.000
Newman, Miss M. S., Secretary 2,320
Markell, Miss L. M., Secretary to Dean 1,440

Savercool, Miss D., Recorder 840

$ 13,600


Barnes, F. A., Director 6,000

Ogden, H. N., Professor 5,000
Seery, F. J., Professor 4,2o0

Urquhart, L. C, Professor 4.250

Boothroyd, S. L., Professor 4.250

Scofield, H. H., Professor 4,250

Walker, C. L., Professor 4,000

Civil J"erm
Engineering {Continued)
Schoder, E. W., Professor 4,250
George, S. G., Professor 4,000
Parson, J. T., Professor 4,000
Rettger, E. W., Professor 4,000
Underwood, P. H., Professor 4,000
Conwefl, W. L., Professor 4,000
Crandall, C, Assistant Professor 1930 3,000
Perry, J. E., Assistant Professor 1930 3,000
O'Rourke, C. E., Assistant Professor 1932 3,000
Pond, M. A., Assistant Professor 1931 3,000
Burrows, E. N., Assistant Professor 1931 3,000
Lawrence, L. A., Assistant Professor 1931 3,000
Howell, E. V, Assistant Professor 1931 3,000
Thatcher, R. Y., Assistant Professor 1932 3,000
Pendleton, C. M., Instructor 1931 2,100
Spry, F. J., Instructor 1931 2,100
Boyles, A. F., Instructor 1930 2,100
Brown, P. E., Instructor 1930 2,100
Ritter, R. H., Instructor 1931 1,500
Hedberg, John, Instructor. 1931 1,500
Instructor 1,200
Assistant 200
Cass, C. D., Mechanician 1,900
Northrup, J. H., Mechanician 1,400

$ 96,350
CivilEngineering, Summer Surveying
Underwood, P. H., Professor in charge 750
Boothroyd, S. L., Professor 525
Conwell, W. L., Professor 475
Lawrence, L. A., Assistant Professor 475
Perry, J. E., Assistant Professor 450
Thatcher, R. Y., Assistant Professor 400
Spry, F. J., Instructor 325
, Instructor 300

$ 3,700


Experimental Engineering
Diederichs, H., Director 7,000
Gage, V., Professor 4,000
Davis, A. C, Professor 4,000
Andrae, W. C, Asst. Professor 1930 2,500
Experimental Engineering {Continued)
Clark, C. B., Instructor 2,100
Jeffrey, J. O., Instructor 1930 2,100
Terry, C. W., Instructor 1931 1,800
Woods, E. H., Instructor 1931 1,800
Goodman, H. L., Instructor 1931 1,500
Egbert, N. L., Instructor 1931 2,100

$ 28,900
Research and Commercial Testing
Sawdon, W. M., Professor 4,500
Upton, G. B., Professor 4,500

$ 9,000

Heat-Power Engineering
Barnard, W. N., Professor 5,000
Ernsberger, M. C, Professor 4,250
Ellenwood, F. O., Professor 4,250
Clark, R. E., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000
Hook, W. H., Asst. Professor 1932 3,000
Mackey, C. O., Asst. Professor 1932 2,500
Assistant 500
Assistant 500

$ 23,000

Machine Drawing
Townsend, C. E., Professor 4,000
Fenner, L. A., Instructor 1931 2,400
Cleary, S. F., Instructor 1930 2,300
Hanselman, G. R., Instructor 1931 2,300
Hotchkiss, H. J., Instructor 1930 2,100

$ 13,100

Machine Design
Albert, C. D., Professor 4,750
Rogers, F. S., Professor 4,000

Garner, E. F., Asst. Professor 1932 3,500

Koshkin, S. J., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000
Weiss, H. A. J., Instructor 1930 2,400

Morris, R. C, Instructor 1930 2,100

Thompson, T. E., Instructor 1931 1,800

Millard, C. J., Instructor 1930 1,500
Instructor 1,800

$ 24,850

Industrial Engineering Term

Lee, M. A., Professor 4,500
Bangs, J. R., Asst. Professor 1932 3,000
Lay, L. C, Instructor 1931 1,500
, Assistant 500

$ 9,500

Wood, E. H., Professor 4,500
Garrett, S. S., Professor 4,000
Switzer, F. G., Professor Hydraulic Eng. 4,000
Cornell, W. R., Professor 3,750
Perkins, H. C, Asst. Professor 1931 3,000
Wood, K. D., Asst. Professor 1930 2,500

$ 21,750

Mechanic Arts
Wells, A. E., Professor (plus $400 from Shop
Account) 4,250
Mordoff, W. E., Asst. Professor 1930 3,000
Howe, B. N., Foreman 1,700
Hooper, L., Foreman 1,700
Patterson, C. H., Foreman 1,700
Head, W. L., Foreman 1,700
Hodges, R. W., Foreman 1,600
Schallowitz, R., Assistant 1,400
Bush, H. S., Assistant 1,400
Yawger, E. S., Assistant 1,400
Sanderson, G. M., Assistant 1,400

$ 21,250

General for Mechanical Engineering

Race, G. W., Mechanician 1,800

Patch, S. C, Mechanician 1,600
Neigh, A. W., Engineer 1,700
Dans, Clayton, Assistant Mechanician 1,100
Hawthorne, Miss L., Clerk (plus $180 from
Commercial Account) 960

$ 7,160


Term Expires
Lincoln, P. M., Director (L/A 1929-30) 3,500
Karapetoff, V., Professor 5500
Ballard, W. C, Professor 4 000
Chamberlain, R. F., Professor 4 000
Bason, G. F., Asst. Professor 1931 30OO
Asst. Professor
, 2 500
Tarboux, J. G., Asst. Professor 1930 2,500
Strong, E. M., Asst. Professor 1932 2^500
Burckmyer, L. A., Asst. Professor 1932 2,500
McLean, T., Instructor 1930 2,100
> Instructor 2 100
Northrop, M. G., Instructor 1931 2,100
Malti, M. G., Instructor 1930 2,100
Meserve, W. E., Instructor 1931 2,100
Cotner, W. W., Instructor 1930 1,800
Ramadanoff, D., Instructor 1931 1,800
McCarthy, D. D., Instructor..... 1931 1,800
Paige, E. R., Instructor 1930 1,800
Thomson, W. L., Instructor. 1930 1,500
Browne, K. A., Instructor 1930 1,500
Lakas, J. M., Instructor 1930 1,500
Ohl, D. E., Instructor 1930 1,500
Moeder, W. D., Instructor 1931 1,500
Bristol, F. J., Instructor 1931 1,500
, Instructor 1,200

$ 57,900

General for Electrical Engineering

Culligan, G. A., Mechanician 1,800
Dans, Lamont, Asst. Mechanician 900

$ 2,700


Administration 13,600
School Civil Engineering
of 96,350
Civil Engineering Summer Survey 3,700
Sibley School of Mechanical
Engineering 158,510
School of Electrical Engineering 60,600
Appropriation 35,000
Bell Research Fund 273




School of Civil Engineering

Lynch, Miss Helen, Secretary 1,440

Korheer, Mrs. J. C, Librarian 1,320
Murray, J. I., Carpenter 1,320
Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering
Kramer, Francis, Toolkeeper 1,120
Dulin, Mrs. Eleanor 900
Marsh, Miss Lena, Librarian 700
Simpson, Miss Grace, Secretary 1,140
Komaromi, Miss M., Stenographer 840
School Electrical Engineering

Handlen, Miss K, Secretary 1,260

Batchelor, Mrs. I. M., Librarian 960

University Faculty
Hammond, W. A., Dean (See Philosophy) 1,000
Appropriation 1 ,750

$ 2,750

Dean of Women
Fitch, Miss R. L., Dean 5,500
Howe, Miss Ruby, Assistant to Dean 2,500
Simonds, Miss Eleanor, Assistant to Dean 2,000
Appropriation for Entertainment 900
Appropriation for Office and General Ex
penses 1,000
Appropriation for Traveling 300
Appropriation for Vocational Letcures 150
Appropriation for Chaperonage Outside Resi
dential Halls 1,300

$ 13,650
Appropriation for Wardens (Charge to Build
Nye, Miss Gertrude, Room, Board and 1,600
Seely, Miss Grace, Room, Board and 1,600
4 Wardens for New Dormitory Units,
Room, Board and 4,800

Division of Education
Appropriation 750

President's Office
Farrand, Livingston, President 20,000
Carman, Miss A. B., Secretary to President. 2,200
Hughes, Miss Amy, Stenographer 1,500

$ 23,700

Bureau of Public Information

Boochever, L. C, Director 4,000
($2,000 paid by Cornellian Council)
Leonard, Mrs. M., Stenographer 1,080
Appropriation 2,000

$ 7,080

Registrar's Office
Hoy, D. F., Registrar 5,000
Haupin, G. D., Asst. to Registrar. 2,750
Stenographer (part time) 400
Student Help by the hour 350

$ 8,500

Director of Office
Bradford, E. F., Director 6,000
Clark, Miss R. M., Assistant 1,980
Starr, Mrs. E. H., Stenographer. 1,476
Additional Services 1,200

$ 10,656

Secretary's Office
Patterson, Woodford, Secretary 4,000
Smith, Miss Madge, Assistant 1,800
Powers, Miss E. M., Assistant 1,440

$ 7,240
Appropriation Secretary's Office 1,200
Appropriation University Publications. 11,150

$ 19,590

Superintendent's Office
Curtis, C. E., Superintendent 6,000
Peters, J. A., Architectural Assistant 3,700
Ward, H. A., Mechanical and Electrical Engi
neer 4,300
McClintock, W. G., Civil Engineer 3,700
Miller, J. E., Assistant Engineer 2,800
Repairs Assistant 3,000
Cooley, C. R., Landscape ArchlUsct
($2,000 from Grounds Ornamentation)
($1,500 from Sackett Gorge Fund)
Office Assistants 6,900

$ 30,400
Less Credits for New Construction, etc 5,000

$ 25,400

Comptroller's Office
Bostwick, C. D., Comptroller 10,000
Simmons, L. N., Assistant to Comptroller 4,500
Brewer, C. A Auditor 3,720
Office Assistants 11,760

$ 29,980
Purchasing Office
Frank, G. S., Manager 4,000
($1,500 additional from Agriculture)
Assistants, Office 6,300
Assistants, Storeroom 6,140
University Messenger and Delivery 1,200

$ 17,640
Treasurer's Office

Rogalsky, G. F., Treasurer 6,000

Assistants 14,720

$ 20,720
Alumni Representative's Office 15,680

Other Officers
Van Cleef, Mynderse, Attorney 1,200
Cornell, C. E., Inspector 4,000
Mead, C. G., Proctor 2,000
McGraine, William, President's and Comp
troller's Messenger 1,200

$ 8.400

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

June i, 1929.
Trustees Van Cleef, Chairman ; Farrand, C. E. Treman,
R. H. Treman, J. DuPratt White, R. B. Williams andGannett ; Fac
ulty Representatives Thilly, Warren and Diederichs ; Comptroller
Regrets were received from Trustees Pound, Westinghouse and

Gherardi and their absence excused.

Action was taken as follows :

1. The President reported the death of Professor Alvin C.Bealof the

Department of Floriculture on May 6, 1929.

2. The following resignations were reported :

William S. Craig, Assistant in Heat-Power Engineering, effective

April 15, 1929.

H. C. Harshbarger, Instructor in Public Speaking, effective June

17th, 1929.

Conway L. Todd, Instructor in Architecture, effective June 17th,


H. F.Seemann, Harvey E. White, Gerald Kruger, Herbert J. Reich,

Instructors in Physics, effective June 17th, 1929.
Herbert E. Spencer, Assistant in Physics, effective June 17, 1929.
Miss A. C. Howe, Cataloguer in the Library, effective June ist, 1929.

Pearl Sheldon, Assistant in Geology, effective June 17th, 1929.

3. Upon recommendation of the President the following appoint

ments were made for the academic year 1929-30 unless otherwise

stated :

Howard Newton Fairchild to be Assistant in Heat-Power Engineer

with salary at the rate of $500 a year, effective April 15th, 1929.
W. S. Howell to be instructor in Public Speaking at a salary of

Harry Inge Johnstone to be Instructor in Architecture at a salary
of $2,000.
Judson Genung, Bernard W. Hewitt and Elizabeth Worman to be
Assistants in Public Speaking, salary from the University,

but with free tuition in the Graduate School. (It is understood that

they will be paid for their services by the Cornell Dramatic Club. )

J. H. Teeple, now Assistant in Physics, to be Instructor in Physics

for a term of two years at a salary of $1,500 a year.

Herbert Whittaker Briggs to be Assistant Professor of Government

for a term of three years at a salary of $4,000 a year, effective July 1,

G. K. Schoepfle, E. R. Mann and L. A. Richards, now Assistants

in Physics, to be Instructors in Physics each at a salary of $1,200.
Donald Weier Meuller and Alexander Felix Samuels to be Assistants
in Physics, each at a salary of $800.
W. Paul Gilbert, Robert William Shaw, Kenneth M. Simpson and

M. W. Trawick to be Assistants in Physics, each at a salary of $700.

Isidor Fankuchen to be Assistant in Physics, part time, at a
of $400.
J. H. Stewart to be Assistant in Mediaeval History at a
salary of

Chamberlain Ferry to be Assistant in Geology at a
salary of $600.
Freeland F. Penney to be Assistant in American History at a sal

ary of $500.
Miss A.E.Beal to be Cataloguer in the Library at a
salary of $1,500.

4. The following resignations from the staff of the Summer Session

were reported :

Collier Cobb from the staff of Geology.

R. C. Gibbs from the staff of Physics.

5. The following appointments to the staff of the Summer Session

were made :

Professor Ellsworth David Elston of Dartmouth College to teach

Geology salary of $750.

at a

Professor E. H. Kennard to teach Physics (part time) at a

salary of

Increase in the salary of Instructor L. P. Smith appointed to teach
Physics (part time) to $350 for full time service.

Harry Inge Johnstone to teach Design at a

salary of $350.
Assistant Professor Karl D. Wood to give instruction in Mechanics
at a salary of $575.
6. An appropriation of
$925 was made to be added to the appropri-

tion for the 1929 Summer Session for the purpose of

providing addi

tional instruction in Mechanics and Design.

7. Upon recommendation of the President the following increases

in salary were made :

Dr. Alva Gwin, Assistant Medical Advisor to Women and Assistant

Professor of Hygiene from $2,750 to $3,000.
C. E. O'Rourke, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, from
$3,000 to $3,500.

C. F. Roos, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, from $3,000 to

Miss M. L. Dorr Cataloguer in the Library, from $1,300 to $1,400.
8. Ellis Freeman was appointed Instructor in for
Psvchology a

term of two years at a

salary of $1,800 a year.

9. The following sabbatic leaves of absence were granted :

Professor E. W. Rettger of the School Civil for the

first term of the academic year 1929-30.

Professor E. W. Schoder of the School Civil for the

second term of the academic year 1929-30.

Professor G. B. Upton of the School Mechanical for

the second term of the academic year 1929-30.

10. The President reported that Professor H. J. Davenport prefers

to retire on Commencement Day, 1929, with a
retiring allowance of

$2,770 a year from the Carnegie Foundation rather than on August

10, 1929, with an allowance of $2,Soo. This change was approved.

11. Six additional McMullen undergraduate scholarships each

with an annual stipend of

$500, and one additional McMullen research

scholarship with an annual stipend of $i,Soo, were established. The

total number of scholarships now established under this fund is as

follows :

15 undergraduate scholarships at $ 500 each

3 research scholarships at 1,500 each

1 research at 1,800
12. The following were recommended for appointment by the
Board of Trustees:
Alban G. Widgery to be Acting Professor of the Philosophy of Re
ligion for the academic year 1929-30 at a salary of $5,500.
Ruskin Raymond Rosborough to be Acting Professor of Classics
for the academic year 1929-30 at a salary of $5,000.
13. Upon the recommendation of the Joint Administrative Board
of the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical College Association the

following were recommended for appointment by the Board of

Dr. Stanley R. Benedict to be Professor of Biochemistry and Di
rector of the Laboratories of Biochemistry at a salary of $12,000 a

year, effective July 1, 1929.

Dr. Eugene F. DuBois to be Professor of Medicine at a salary of

$9,000 a year, 1, 1929.

effective July
Dr. Oscar M. Schloss to be Professor of Pediatrics in the Medical
College and Pediatrician-in-Chief of the New York Hospital at a sal

ary of $20,000 a year, divided into $15,000 a year as Professor of Ped

iatrics and $5,000 a year as Pediatrician-in-Chief. This appointmen

is to become effective when the Department of Pediatrics of the New

York Hospital-Cornell Medical College is reorganized on a univer

sity basis and when the Pediatric unit of the New York Hospital is
put into service.

A further condition of this appointment is that Dr. Schloss is to

receive $10,000 a year as
long as he may live after retirement on ac

count of age or
by reason of ill health before reaching the age of

retirement, and that in case of his death his wife shall receive $7,000
a year
during her lifetime. Dr. Schloss is to receive a
salary of

$10,000 a year
beginning July 1, 1929, as Professor of Pediatrics.

Dr. Charles R. Stockard to be Professor of

Anatomy and Director
of the Anatomical Laboratories at a salary of $16,000 a year, effective

July 1, 1929.

14. The President was authorized to invite Professor George P.

Thomson University of Aberdeen, Scotland, to be non-resident
of the
lecturer in Chemistry on the Baker Foundation for the first term of
the academic year 1929-30, and

James D. McKay to be assistant to Professor Thomson for the same


15. A leave of absence was granted to Professor Halldor Hermann-

sson, without prejudice to salary, from June 6 to September 26, 1929,

for the purpose of pursuing his work under the Heckscher Grant No.

16. The appropriation for the Cornell University Christian Associa

tion Employment Bureau was increased from $1,300 to $1,600 to cover

a necessary increase in salary.

17. The Department of Physics was authorized to loan to Mr. Henry

Ford for his museum at Dearborn, Michigan, certain instruments
from the department, said instruments to be carried in the inventory
of the department and designated as loaned.

18. That portion of the department of Zoology now in the New

York .State College of Agriculture was transferred to the College of

Arts and Sciences and an appropriation of $16,171 or so much there

of as may be needed was made to cover the cost of
conducting this

19. The President was authorized to grant not to exceed six addi

tional free tuition scholarships to foreign students for the academic

year 1929-30.

20. The Cornellian Council was requested to consider the advisabil

ity of raising a fund for the purpose of

furnishing free tuition scholar
ships to certain foreign students of promise for the furtherance of

international relationships.

2i. The Comptroller reported theofollowing provision in the will of

Frank E. Wade, '89, of Buffalo, Y., who died on April 10th, 1929 :
T give and bequeath to Cornell University for the student aid and
loan fund the sum of one thousand

22. The Comptroller also reported the following provision in the

will of Mary L. Walker Peters City who died on May
of New York
2nd, 1929 : I give and bequeath to Cornell University in the State
of New York, in memory of my late husband, Charles Grenville

Peters, the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in trust,

to apply the income of said bequest each year for the purposes of

Cancer Research, and I specifically direct that none of said income

shall be employed for the construction of

23. The request of the Women's Self Government Association that

the fees assessed by that organization be collected by the University
Treasurer was denied as
being contrary to University policy.

24. The erection of a bronze tablet in the College of

by the Cornellian Council to commemorate the establishment of the
John Edson Sweet Professorship of Engineering was approved with

the understanding that the exact

wording on the tablet shall be
by the President.

25. The Comptroller gave a report on the operation of the dredge

in Beebe Lake and pointed out to the committee the possibility of

the University's liability for damage as a result of the dredging

operations. The matter of
continuing the dredging operations at the
present time was referred to the Comptroller, with power,
further consideration
by the Buildings and Grounds Committee.

26. Trustee J. DuPratt White reported that the George W. Lefevre

will contest had been settled and that the estate would amount to

something over $300,000, although the amount to be received by the

University is still uncertain.

27. A letter was presented from Mr. P. A. Tilden intimating that

there possibility of a gift to the University for the construction

was a

of dormitories. Consideration of this letter was referred to the

Comptroller, with power.

28. Chairman VanCleef reported that the John Wilson Durant will

contest had been settled and that the University had received $6,007.55
as its share of the estate.

29 The proposition presented by Mr. G. Gilson Terriberry for the

soliciting of insurance to the benefit of Cornell University was dis
approved as being contrary to university policy.


L. N .
Assistant Secretary.

May 10th, 1929.
With the approval of all members of the Finance Committee ex

cepting Trustees Cooke and Schoellkopf, who were absent, the pur

chase on approximately a $Y2% basis of $50,000 American I. G.

Chemical Convertible 5j4s of 1949 was authorized.

George: F. Rogalsky,
Secretary Pro Tem.

Proceedings of the Board of Trustees


May 17, 1929.
Present President
Farrand, Dr. Robinson, Director, Mr. Williams,
Dr. Hartwell, and Dr. Elser. Mr. Taylor and Air. Westinghouse
were unable to attend on account of absence from the city.

A letter from the Secretary of the Board Trustees advising of


the approval of the minutes of the Medical College Council meeting

on March 22, 1929, was presented and placed on file.

Dr. Robinson presented for consideration of the Council, the

Medical College budget (including Clinic Budget) for 1929-1930.
After a general discussion of the various departmental items it was
moved and carried that the budgets be approved as presented.

Dr. Robinson reported that in a letter from Dr. Rosenbluth, a

definite offer of $25,000 to be expended during the coming fiscal year

had been made and the correspondence in regard to this proposed

gift was reported. A letter from Dr. DuBois was read in which he
stated that he had learned that funds from the same source had been
paid to New York University and Bellevue Medical College, and

there seemed to be no reason to doubt the sincerity of the donor nor

his abilitv to furnish the funds he had promised to give. Dr. Rob
inson stated that he had appointed a committee to formulate a plan

for the expenditure of this fund, and that there was reason to

believe that this fund would be continued in following years.

It was moved and carried that the gift to the Medical College
through Dr. Rosenbluth be accepted with the appreciation of the


Dr. Robinson reported a gift from Mrs. Irene Heinz Given,

through Dr. Santee, of $6,000, to be used as follows :

For use of Department of Surgical Research $3,500.00

For use of Second Surgical Division, B. H. (For
Blood Transfusion) 2,500.00

It was voted that the gift of Mrs. Given be accepted with the

appreciation of the Council.


Dr. Elser reported that the patent rights for the manufacture of

Dr. Coca's preparations have been secured and the patents assigned

to Cornell University. He explained that it was now desired to turn

over the right to manufacture to any reputable manufacturers of

pharmaceutical preparations. He believed that the College should

receive some compensation in the way of royalty. That so far some

$400 from the receipts of the Department of Immunology had been

expended in procuring the necessary patents. After some discussion
it was moved that the question of extending the privilege of the
manufacture of these products be left to President Farrand and

Dr. Elser with power, and that this project be approved by the Coun
cil and recommended to the Trustees.
It was moved and carried that the following recommendations be
made to the Board of Trustees :

1. That upon Dr. Robinson's request, with Dr. Conner's consent,

$200.00 be paid to the Journalof Clinical Investigation, following a

similar payment last year. The amount to be charged to the expense

appropriation for the Department of Medicine.

2. That Mr. Paul Lange Phillips, a student assistant in Anatomy,

prolonging his Medical Course to five years, be not required to pay
tuition fee for 1929-1930 as he has already paid tuition during four

3. That Mr. Gerald Klatskin, who has received a New York State
Scholarship good for the year 1929-1930, and who has been accepted

as a first year student, have refunded to him $100.00 which he paid as

deposit in accordance with our requirements for entrance into the

first year class for session 1929-1930, the refund to be made after

Mr. Klatskin has completed registration.

That Mr. Richard Henry Schmidt, first year student, who has
paid his tuition fees in full, having received a New York State
Scholarship, there be refunded to him the value of this scholarship,
which is estimated at $125.00.

5. That under the standing resolution No. 5 of March 23, 1902,

the following special course fees be paid to the following instructors :

Dr. James Ewing, 2 special students $100.00
Dr. Charles R. Stockard, 2 special students 55.00


6. That at the request of Dr. Conner, Dr. Kirby A. Martin, ap

pointed without salary to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Dr. Ryder, receive the $200.00 originally appropriated for Dr.
Ryder in the budget for 1928-1929.

7. That the request of Dr. Sweet, Department of Surgical Re

search, for transfer of $500 unused salary of the chemist provided

in the Surgical Research Budget to the credit of the expense account

of his department, be granted.

8. That the request of Professor C. R. Stockard, for the payment

of his June 15, 1929, salary on May 15, 1929, be granted, in order to
enable him to make his arrangements for going abroad early in June,


9. That the annual contribution by the Medical College to the

Marine Biological Laboratory at Wroods Hole, Mass., be increased
to $500.00 and that the amount be included in the budget for 1929-

Dr. Hartwell, Chairman of the Faculty Committee of the Clinic,

presented for consideration the question of raising the fees now being
charged in the Clinic. After a general discussion of the question it
was voted that the matter be referred to the Clinic Finance Com

There being no further business the meeting was declared ad

J. T. Willson,
Secretary of the Council.


1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
General Endowment Fund $215,000.00 $220,000.00 $5,000.00
Loomis Laboratory Fund 6,500.00 6,450.00 $ 50.00
Polk Prize Fund 550.00 545.00 5.00
Polk Scholarship Fund 275.00 270.00 5.00
Seeligman Prize Fund 100.00 100.00
X Y Z Loan Fund 300.00 300.00
Pediatrics Endowment 11,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00
Michaelis Prize Fund 50.00 50.00
Michaelis Library Fund 100.00 100.00
Student Fees 113,000.00 115,500.00 2,500.00
Interest on Bank Balances 750.00 700.00 50.00
Donation, Chemical Foundation,
Inc 10,000.00 10,000.00
Donation, Gen'l Education Board.. 25,000.00 25,000.00
Clinic Income Overhead 3,600.00 4,000.00 400.00
Overhead, Rent 20,750.00 20,750.00
Salary C. P 1,200.00 1,200.00
Miscellaneous Income 1,000.00 975.00 25.00

$387,225.00 $411,940.00 $29,850.00 $5,135.00


1927-1928 1928-1929
National Research Council (An
atomySex Research) $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00
National 'Tuberculosis Ass'n
(AnatomyT. B. Fund) 5,000.00 5,000.00
Dr. John Rogers (Experimental
Biochemistry) 7,000.00 7,000.00
Dr. Walter L. Niles (Pediatrics) 2,000.00 500.00
Clinical Research Society (Stu
dent Loan Fund) 200.00
Dr. Foster Kennedy (Student
Loan Fund) 50.00
Student Loan Fund Balances 250.00
New York University (Pneu
monia Digitalis Fund) 1,624.88
C. H. Whitman (Second Surgi
cal Div. B. H.) 100.00
Columbia University (through P.
Marsh) (Second Surgical Div.
B. H.) 200.00
Mrs. Carlos de Heredia (Wm.
Thompson Gilman Fund) 5,000.00
Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt (Pneu
monia Digitalis Fund) 1,500.00
Irene H. Given (Surgical Re
search and Transfusion Fund) 4,000.00 6,000.00
Dr. John H. Hartwell (Surgical
Research) 175.00
General Education Board (Bldg.
Fund Anatomy Farm) 8,000.00

$35,425.00 $33,174.88

*Unexpended balances at the end of the year to be reappropriated for session


Total Budgets
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
General Administration $117,678.08 $122,279.50 $ 4,601.42
Departmental 357,681.00 381,335.00 23,654.00
Special Research 36,500.00 36,500.00

$511,859.08 $540,114.50 $28,255.42

Budget 1929-1930 $540, 1 14.50

Budget 1928-1929 511,859.08

Increase $ 28,255.42

Estimated Budaet $511,859.08 $540,114.50

Estimated Income 387,225.00 411,940.00

Estimated Deficit $124,634.08 $128,174.50

Deficit 1929-1930 $128,174.50

Deficit 1928-1929 124,634.08

Increase Deficit 1929-1930 $ 3,540.42


1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

1. Dean's Office $ 9,200.00 ; 4,200.00 $ 5,000.00
2. Secretary's Office 3,400.00 3,400.00
3. Treasurer's Office 10,800.00 10,800.00
4. Building Service 11,700.00 12,900.00 $ 1,200.00
5. Engineer's Department 24,795.00 25.170.00 375.00
6. Laundry 1,210.00 1.210.00
7. Library 5,760.00 6.460. CO 700.00
8. Loomis Laboratory 6,056.00 6,206.00 150.00
9. Old Building (410 E. 2,) 510.00 510.00
10. Clinic (Traveling & Research) 21.6S4.58 20,000.00 1,684.58
11. Administration and General
Building Expenses 14,762.50 15,762.50 1,000.00
12. Miscellaneous 7,800.00 15,661.00 7,861.00

$117,678.08 $122,279.50 $11,286.00 $ 6,684.58

/ Dean's Office
Dean _ $5,000.00 $5,000.00
Secretary to Dean 3,000.00 $3,000.00
Clerk 1,200.00 1,200.00

$9,200.00 $4,200.00 $5,000.00

2 Secretary's Office
Secretary of Faculty. $1,600.00 $1,600.00
Secretary 1,800.00 1,800.00

$3,400.00 $3,400.-00

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

Treasurer's Office
Manager $5,500.00 $5,500.00
Assistant 2,600 2,600.00
Clerk 1,500.00 1,500.00
Clerk 1,200.00 1,200.00

$10,800.00 $10,800.00

4 Building Service
Housekeeper $1,320.00 $1,320.00
Porters (3) 2,400.00 3,600.00 $1,200.00
Helpers (2 women) 1,560.00 1,560.00
Helper (part time) 390.00 390.00
Night Watchman 1,200.00 1,200.00
Telephone Operator (part time) 500.00 500.00
Elevator Operator 1,020.00 1,020.00
Receiving Clerk (part time) 700.00 700.00
Night Attendant 1,200.00 1,200.00
Window Cleaning (contract).... 660.00 660.00
Housekeeping Supplies 750.00 750.00

$11,700.00 $12,900.00 $1,200.00

5 Engineer's Department
Chief Engineer $3,250.00 $3,500.00 $ 250.00
Assistant Engineer 2,400.00 2,400.00
Fireman (1) 12 mos 1,320.00 1,320.00
Firemen (2) 8 mos 1,760.00 1,760.'30

Oiler (1) 8 mos 800.-00 800.00

Plumber-Electrician (part time) 840.00 840.00
Fuel 7,500.00 7,500.00
Electricity (Edison) 4,750.00 4,750.00
Oil, waste, packing, etc. 370.00
Refrigerating supplies 300.00
Repairs and renewal parts 855.00 2.300.C 125.00
Boiler repairs 275.00
Pipe covering 325.00
Incidentals 50.00

$24,795.00 $25,170.00 $375.00

6 Laundry
Laundress $960.00
Supplies and repairs. 250.00 250.00

$1,210.00 $1,210.00

7 Library
Librarian $2,700.00
2,700.00 $2,700.00
Student Assistant 570.00 570.00
Cleaner (part time) 390.00 390.00
Books 200.00 400.00 $200.00
Foreign and Domestic Journals 1,600.00 1,800.00 200.00
Binding 200.00 500.00 300.00
Supplies, printing, etc 100.00 100.00

$5,760.00 $6,460.00 $700.00


Loomis Laboratory 1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

Janitor $1,200.00 $1,200.00
Helper 1,200.00 1,200.00
Building repairs 500.00 500.00
Water 300.00 300.00
Fuel 1,500.00 1,500.00
Gas 300.00 300.00
Electricitv (D.C.-A.C.) 750.00 900.00 $150.00
Supplies _
100.00 100.00
Window cleaning (contract) 156.00 156.00
Incidentals 50.00 50.00

5,056.00 $6,206.00 $150.00

Old Building (410 E. 26th St.)

Water $150.00 $150.00
Gas 100.00 100.00
Electricity 100.00 100.00
Building repairs 100.00 100.00
Window cleaning (contract) 60.00 60.00

$510.00 $510.00

10 Clinic
Teaching and Research and

possible deficit $21,684.58 $20,000.00 $1,684.58

11 Administration and General

Building Expense
Repairs and Painting $3,250.00 $3,250.00
Furniture and Repairs 500.00 500.00
Water 1,500.00 1,500.00
Gas 750.00 750.00
Telephone 1,000.00 1,000.00
Electric Lamps 300.00 300.00
Uniforms 50.00 50.00
Plumbing Fixtures 300.00 300.00
Insurance (J. T. W. Bond) 12.50 12.50
Stationery and Printing 1,200.00 1,200.00
Advertising Journals 500.00 $500.00
Bulletins, Announcements 3,000.00 4,000.00 $1,000.00
Postage 750.00 750.00
Traveling Expenses 750.00 75O.0O
Entertainment 500.00 1,000.00 500.00
Incidental Expenses 400.00 400.00

$14,762.50 $15,762.50 $1,500.00 $500.00


12 Miscellaneous 192S-1929 7929-/930 Increase Decrease

J. M. Polk Prizes $500.00 $500.00
X Y Z Loan Fund 300.00 300.00
Medical Care to Students 1,000.00 1,000.00
Emergency Wages 600.00 600.00
J. M. Polk Scholarship 250.00 250.00
Seeligman Prizes in Obstetrics.. 100.00 100.00
Michaelis Prize in Medicine 50.00 50.00
Contingent Fund 5,000.00 5,000.00
Special Repairs Fund 4,500.00 $4,500.00
Insurance Compensation 1,461.00 1,461.00
Insurance, Fire, Boiler and Ele
vator 1,400.00 1,400.00
Contribution to Marine Biolog
ical Laboratory, Woods Hole,

Mass 500.00 500.00

$7,800.00 $15,661.00 $7,861.00


1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Anatomy $ 62,940.00 $ 65,900.00 $ 2,960.00
Bacteriology 23,560.00 24,260.00 700.00
Chemistry 21,656.00 25,510.00 3,854.00
Dermatology 300.00 900.00 600.00
Laryngology and Rhinology 800.00 950/00 150.00
Medicine 7,305.00 7,305.00
Clinical Pathology 11,860.00 13.270.00 1,410.00
X. Y. Hospital 6,500.00 5,700.00 $800.00
Bellevue Hospital Clinic. 30,760.00 32,960.00 2,200.00
Neurology 1,400.00 3,200.00 1,800.00
Obstetrics and Gynecology 5,220.00 4,920.00 300.00
Ophthalmology 300.00 300.00
Orthopedic Surgery 600.00 600.00
Otology 300.00 300.00
Pathology 43,210.00 46,790.00 3.580.00
Pediatrics 25,720.00 27,270.00 1.550.00
Pharmacology 18,200.00 19,400.00 1,200.00
Physiology 37,240.00 40,880.00 3,640.00
Public Health and Preventive
Medicine 15,390.00 16,040.00 650.00
Psychiatry 500.00 900.00 400.00
Roentgenology 500.00 500.00
Surgery 11,440.00 11,740.00 300.00

'BellevueHospital Clinic. 11,280.00 9.140.00 2,140.00

Surgical Research 20,000.00 20,000.00
Urology 700.00 2.600.00 1,900.00

$357,681. '00 $381,335.00 $2o,S94.00 $3,240.00


Department of Anatomy
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Charles R. Stockard, M.D,
Professor of Anatomv $12,000.00 $12,000.00
Charles V. Morrill, M.D.,
Associate Prof, of Anatomy.... 5,000.00 6,000.00 $1,000.00

Professor of Microscopical
Anatomy 8,000.00 8,000.00
George X. Papanicolaou, M.D.,
Asst. Professor of Anatomy.... 4,200.00 4,200.00
Jose F. Xonidez, M.D.,
Asst. Professor of Anatomy.... 3,600.00 4,000.00 400.00
Philip B. Armstrong, M.D.,
Instructor in Anatomy 2,400.00 2,500.00 100.00

Assistant in Anatomy 1,500.00 1,000.00 $500.00

Louis Hausman, M.D.,
Associate in Xeuro-Anatomy.... 200.00 200.00
Paul Lenge Phillips, A.B.,
Assistant in Anatomy 1,300.00 1,300.00
Emilia M. Vicari, Ph.D.,
Research Assistant 2,000.00 2,400.00 400.00
Joseph L. Schwind, Ph.D.,
Instructor in Anatomy 2,500.00 2,400.00 100.00
(Original Budget Research Asst.)
$42,700.00 $44,000.00 $600.00

Wages, Apparatus, etc.

1 Secretary $1,500 .00 $1,500.00
1 Preparateur 2,640 00 3,000.00 $360.00
1 Helper (Anatomical Porter).. 1,200 00 1,200.00
1 Helper (Anatomical Porter).. 1,000. .00 1,000.00
1 Helper 600 .00 600.00
1 Technician 1,000 1,500.00 500.00
1 Technician 1,200 1,500.00 300.00
1 Laboratory Assistant 1,600 .00 1,800.00 200.00
1 Laboratory Assistant 1,500 .00 1,800.00 300.00
1 Preparateur Micr. Anatomy.... 2,000. .00 2,000.00
Apparatus 900. 001
Chemicals 600 |

Glassware 600. 00|

Animals 250. 00 |
Animal Food 1,200. 00 r 6,000.00
Publications 400. 00
Special Apparatus 500. 00
Instruments 350. 00
Incidentals (Contingencies) 1,200. 00

$20,240.00 $21,900.00 $1,660.00

Salaries 42,700.00 44,000.00 1,900.00 600.00

$62,940.00 $65,900.00 $3,560.00 $600.00


Department of Bacteriology
and Immunology
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
William J. Elser, M.D.,
Professor of Bacteriology
and Immunology $5,500.00 $5,500.00
Arthur F. Coca, M.D.,
Professor of Immunology 3,000.00 3,000.00
George W. Wheeler, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Bacter
iology 2,500.00 2,500.00
Ruth A. Thomas, A.B.,
Instructor in Bacteriology 2,900.00 3,000.00 $100.00
Gustav I. Steffen,
Instructor in Bacteriology 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00
Ella F. Grove,
Instructor in Immunology 500.00 500.00

Instructor in Applied Immun

ology 300.00 300.00
Eugenie Leslie, M.D.,
Assistant in Bacteriology 1,500.00 1,600.00 100.00

$18,700.00 $19,400.00 $700.00

Wages, Apparatus, etc.

1 Janitor $1,500.00 $1,500.00

1 Helper 160.00 160.00
Chemicals, glassware, etc 1,080.00 1,080.00
Apparatus ]
Chemicals I
Glassware I
Animals I
Animal Food \ 720.00 720.00
Publications I
Special Apparatus
Instruments I
Incidentals J
Caretaker 900.00 900.00
Contingent Fund for operating
obligatory course in Immun
ology 500.00 500.00

$ 4,860.00 $ 4,860.00
Salaries 18,700.00 19,400.00 $700.00

$23,560.00 $24,260.00 $700.00


Department of Chemistry
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
S. R. Benedict, Ph.D.,
Professor of Chemistry..... $8,000.00 $8,000.00
H. E. Morrow, A.B.,
Instructor in Chemistry 3,000.00 3,000.00
E. Osterberg,
Instructor in Chemistry 2,600.00 3,000.00 $400.00
(Original Budget)
Instructor in Chemistry,
$2,200.00 200.00 200.00
Eleanor B. Newton, A.B.,
Instructor in Chemistry 1,250.00 1,500.00 250.00
Jeanette A. Behre, Ph.D.,
Instructor in Chemistry 750.00 750.00
Gertrude Gottschall,
Assistant in Chemistry 1,800.00 1,800.00

$15,800.00 $18,050.00 $2,450.00 $200.00

Wages, Apparatus, etc.

1 Janitor $1,380.00 $1,680.00 $300.00

1 Helper 1,116.00 1,200.00 84.00
1 Helper 1,020.00 1,080.00 60.00
Secretary two-thirds time
granted $375.00 1928-1929 1,000.00 1,000.00
Apparatus 400.00 ]
Glassware 800.00 I
Chemicals 740.00 |
Animals 100.00 [ 2,500.00 160.00
Animal Food 100.00 |
Incidentals, including stationery,
cleaning materials, etc 200.00 j
$ 5,856.00 $ 7,460.00 $1,604.00
Salaries 15,800.00 18,050.00 2,450.00 $200.00

$21,656.00 $25,510.00 $4,054.00 $200.00

Department of Dermatology
Hans J. Schwartz, M.D.,
Professorof Clinical Medicine,
Department of Dermatology $300.00 $300.00
J. Frank Fraser, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clini
calMedicine, Department of
Dermatology and Instructor
in Dermato-Pathology 600.00
(Transferred from Pathol

$300.00 $900.00 $600.00


Department of Laryngology

and Rhinology
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Arthur Palmer, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clinical
Surgery and Acting Head of

the Department of Laryn

gology and Rhinology $300.00 $300.00
William J. Jackson, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery,
Department of Laryngology
and Rhinology 150.00 150.00
Samuel F. Kelley, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery,
Department of Laryngology
and Rhinology 150.00 150.00
James O. MacDonald, M.D.,
Assistant in Clinical Surgery,
Department of Laryngology
and Rhinology 150.00 $150.00

$600.00 $750.00 $150.00

New equipment, instruments,
lantern slides, charts, etc.,
for teaching purposes 200.00 200.00

$800.00 $950.00 $150.00

Department of Medicine
Lewis A. Conner, M.A.,
Professor of Medicine $4,000.00 $4,000.00
Malcolm Goodridge, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Medi
cine 1,000.00 1,000.00
Cary Eggleston, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clini
cal Medicine 200.00 200.00
Arthur L Holland, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clini
cal Medicine 200.00 200.00
Harold E. B. Pardee, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clini
cal Medicine 500.00 500.00
Charles H. Nammack, M.D.,
Instructor in Medicine 200.00 200.00
Asa L. Lincoln, M.D.,
Instructor in Medicine 100.00 100.00
Edwin T. Hauser, M.D.,
Instructor in Medicine 200.00 200.00
*Kirby Martin, M.D., ^^

Instructor in Medicine 200.00 200.00

John H. Richards, M.D.,
Instructor in Medicine 300.00 300.00
(Transferred from Clinical
?Formerly Mortin Ryder, resigned.

$6,900.00 $6,900.00
45.O0 405.00
$7,305.00 $7,305.00

(Clinical Pathology)
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
William C. Thro, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Pathol
ogy $4,200.00 $5,400.00 $1,200.00
(To be refunded

by Clinic)
Theodore J. Curphey, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Pathol
ogy 500.00 500.00
Michael Lake, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Pathol
ogy 500.00 500.00

$5,200.00 $6,400.00 $1,200.00

1 Technician $1,920.00 $1,980.00 $60.00

1 or 2 Technicians 1,860.00 1,920.00 60.00
1 Cleaner 720.00 780.00 60.00
1 Porter 840.00 840.00
Clerical Work 350.00 350.00
Apparatus 170.001
Chemicals 180.00 j
Glassware 330.00 |
Animals 40.00 I
Animal Food 48.00 | 1,000.00 30.00
Publications 50.00 |
Special Apparatus 60.00 j
Instruments 40.00
Incidentals 52.00 j

$6,660.00 $6,870.00 $ 210.00

Salaries 5,200.00 6,400.00 1,200.00

$11,860.00 $13,270.00 $1,410.00

(New York Hospital)

Nellis B. Foster, M.D.,
Associate Professor of Medi
cine $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $500.00
Ralph G. Stillman, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clini
calPathology 1,000.00 1,300.00 $300.00
Horace Baldwin, M.D.,
Instructor in Medicine 1,200.00 600.00 600.00

$4,700.00 $3,900.00 $300.00 $1,100.00

Wages, Supplies, etc.

1 Technician 1,500.00 1,500.00
Supplies 300.00 300.00

$6,500.00 $5,700.00 $300.00 $1,100.00


(Bellevue Hospital Medical Clinic)

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Eugene F. DuBois, M.D.,
Director andAssociate Profes
sor of Medicine.. $4,500.00 $4,500.00
*Xorman Plummer, M.D.,
Bacteriologist and Instructor
in Medicine 2,600.00 2,400.00 $200.00
(Formerly Whelan D. Sutliff,
on Leave of Absence)

Paul Reznikoff, M.D.,

Clinical Pathologist in Wards
and Instructor in Medicine.. 3,200.00 3,200.00
Dan H. Witt, M.D.
Instructor in Medicine 200.00 200.00
Doctors for Dispensary 1,520.00]
Dispensary Chief 750.00 \ 2,270.00
Douglas Symmers, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Patho
logical Anatomy 500.00 500.00
Russell L. Cecil, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clini
cal Medicine 500.00 500.00

Henry B. Richardson, M.D.,

Assistant Professor of Medi
cine 1,000.00 1,000.00

$13,770.00 $14,570.00 $1,000.00 $200.00

Wages and Supplies

Technician $2,500.00 $2,500.00
Head Nurse }
Two Assistant Xurses f 3,200.00 4,000.00 $800.00
Secretary 1,620.00 1,620.00
2 Technicians 3,460.00 3,700.00 240.00
Technical Assistant for Clin.
Path 1,300.00 1,500.00 200.00
Porter for Chemical Laboratory 1,140.00 1,200.00 60.00
Messenger 540.00 540.00
Cleaning Woman 900.00 900.00
Cleaning Woman 390.00 390.00

$15,050.00 $16,350.00 $1,300.00

Bacteriology 540.00 540.00
Clinical Pathology 300.00 300.00
Wards - 400.00 400.00
Office Supplies 300.00 300.00
Chemical Supplies 400.00 500.00 100.00

$1,940.00 $2,040.00 $100.00

*Appointed Session 1928-1929


1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

Salaries $13,770.00 $14,570.00 $1,000.00 $200.00
Wages and Supplies 15,050.00 16,350.00 1,300.00
Bacteriology, etc 1,940.00 2,040.00 100.00

$30,760.00 $32,960.00 $2,400.00 $200.00

Medicine $ 7,305.00 $ 7,305.00
Clinical Pathology 11,860.00 13,270.00 $1,410.00
New York Hospital 6,500.00 5,700.00 300.00 $1,100.00
Bellevue Hospital 30,760.00 32,960.00 2,400.00 200.00

$56,425.00 $59,235.00 $4,110.00 $1,300.00

Department of Neurology
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Foster Kennedy, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Medi
cine, Department of Neu
rology $500.00 $500.00
Thomas K. Davis, M.D.,
Associate in Clinical Medicine,
Department of Neurology.... 180.00 180.00
Walter M. Kraus, M.D.,
Associate in Clinical Medicine,
Department of Neurology.... 180.00 180.00
Lewis D. Stevenson, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Medicine,
Department of Neurology.... 180.00 180.00
Junius W. Stephenson, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Medicine,
Department of Neurology.... 180.00 180.00
George Hyslop, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Medicine,
Department of Neurology.... 180.00 180.00

$1,400.00 $1,400.00
Technician 1,800.00 $1,800.00

$1,400.00 $3,200.00 $1,800.00

Department Obstetrics and

George G. Ward, M.D.,
Professor of Obstetrics and
$1,100.00 $1,100.00

Associate Professor of Ob
1,000.00 $1,000.00
stetrics Gynecology

Lillian K. P. Farrar, M.D.,

Professor Ob-
Assistant of
rri <mcaaa
600.00 750.00 $150.00
stetrics Gynecology

Hervey G. Williamson, M.D., Ob-

Assistant Professor of
,nnnn ^ ocaaa
500.00 750.00 250.00
stetrics and Gynecology

Department Obstetrics {Continued)

1928-1929 1929-1930 In crease Decrease
Howard G. McCandlish, M.D.,
Instructor in Obstetrics and

Gynecology 500.00 600:00 100.00

Charles T. Snyder, M.D.,
Instructor in Obstetrics and

Gynecology 300.00 400.00 100.00

Ogden F. Conkey, M.D.,
Instructor in Obstetrics and

Gynecology 300.00 300.00

William P. Driscoll, M.D.,
Instructor in Obstetrics and

Gynecology 300.00 300.00

Alfred Plaut, M.D.,
Instructor in Gynecological
Pathology 100.00 200.00 100.00
Joseph N. Nathanson, M.D.
Instructor in Gynecology and

Obstetrics 200.00 200.00

$4,900.00 $4,600.00 $700.00 $1,000.00

Special apparatus, lantern slides,
manikin, etc 320.00 320.00

$5,220.00 $4,920.00 $700.00 $1,000.00

Department of Ophthalmology
Bernard Samuels, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Surgery,
Department of Ophthalmol
ogy $300.00 $300.00

$300.00 $300.00
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Charlton Wallace, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Surgery,
Department of Orthopedic
Surgery $300.00 $300.00
Irvin Balenzweig, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery,
Department of Orthopedic
Surgery 200.00 200.00
John S. Ware, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery,
Department of Orthopedic
Surgery 100.00 100.00

? $600.00
Department of Otology
George B. McAuliffe, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clini
cal Surgery and Acting
Head of the Department of

Otology 300.00 300.00

$300.00 $300.00

Department of Pathology
James Ewing, M.D., 1928-1929 19 29- 1930 Increase Decrease
Professor of Pathology $9,000.00 $9,000.00
Otto H. Schultze, M.D.,
Professor of Medical Juris
prudence 1,000.00 1,000.00
Elise S. L'Esperance, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Pathol (See Sur-
ogy 5,500.00 6,200.00 $700.00 gery)
Lawrence W. Smith, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Pathol
ogy 7,500.00 7,500.00
James Denton, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Pathol
ogy 1,200.00 1,200.00
Douglas Symmers, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Patho
logical Anatomy 1,000.00 1,000.00
(Receives $500 from Depart
ment of Medicine)
Charles S. B. Cassassa, M.D.,
Instructor in Pathological
Anatomy 1,000.00 1,000.00
Lewis Stephenson, M.D.,
Instructor in Neuro-Pathol-

ogy 1,000.00 1,000.00

Charles T. Olcott, M.D.,
Instructor in Pathology 1,500.00 1,500.00
Arthur H. Dodge, M.D.,
Instructor in Pathological
Anatomy 1,000.00 1,200.00 200.00
J. Frank Fraser, M.D.,
Instructor in Dermo-Pathol-
ogy 600.00 (See Dermatology) $600.00
Gilbert Dalldorf, M.D.,
Assistant in Pathology 500.00 500.00

Wages, Supplies, etc. $30,300.00 $31,100.00 $1,400.00 $600.00

1 Secretary $1,800.00 $1,800.00
1 Custodian 1,800.00 1,920.00 $120.00
1 Technician 1,680.00 1,560.00 $120.00
1 Porter 120.00 120.00
1 Technician (Bellevue Hospi-

pital, 150.00 150.00
1 Technician (Curator) 1,320.00 1,560.00 240.00
1 Cleaner 780.00 900.00 120.00
1 Photographer 2,500.00 2,500.00
1 Assistant Photographer 1,200.00 1,320.00 120.00
Photographic Supplies 300.00 300.00
Chemicals, Glassware, etc 810.00]
Publications 180.00 } 1,260.00
Museum Glassware 270.00 j
Animals and Supplies 1,500.00 1,500.00
Technician 800.00 800.00

$12,910.00 $15,690.00 $2,900.00 $120.00

Salaries 30,300.00 31,100.00 1,400.00 600.00

$43,210.00 $46,790.00 $4,300.00 $720.00


Department of Pediatrics 1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

Oscar M. Schloss, M.D.,
Professor of Pediatrics $4,000.00 $4,000.00
Louis C. Schroeder, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Ped. 1,000.00 1,000.00
Lvnne A. Hoag, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Ped. 5,000.00 5,500.00 $500.00
Samuel Z. Levine, M.D.,
Associate in Pediatrics 3,400.00 3,900.00 500.00
Jesse F. Sammis, M.D.,
Instructor in Pediatrics 300.00 300.00
May G. Wilson, M.D.,
Instructor in Pediatrics 250.00 300.00 50.00
PhilipM. Stimson, M.D.,
Instructor in Pediatrics 300.00 300.00
Arthur F. Anderson, M.D.,
Associate in Pediatrics 600.00 600.00
James Wilson, M.D.,
Associate in Pediatrics 1,900.00 1,900.00
Thomas E. Waldie, M.D.,
Instructor in Pediatrics 150.00 200.00 50.00
Robert O. DuBois, M.D.,
Assistant in Clinical Ped 300.00 300.00
Carl H. Smith, M.D.,
Assistant in Clinical Ped. 300.00 300.00
Haskell Talamo, M.D.,
Research Assistant in Ped. 1,200 600.00 600.00
Max B. Brahdy, M.D.,
Assistant in Pediatrics 150.00 150.00
Louis Weymuller, M.D.,
Research Asst. in Ped. (6 mos. ) 900-00 900.00
Tyson Wyatt, Instr. in Pediatrics 1,200.00 1.200-00

$18,700.00 $19,550.00 $3,350.00 22,500.00

Wages and Supplies
Secretary $1,400.00 $1,400.00
Technician 2,300.00 2,400.00 $100.00
Apparatus 360.00 ]
Chemicals 120.00 |
Glassware 290.00 |
Animals 500.00 [ 2,600.00 600.00
Publications 300.00 |
Special Apparatus 200.00 I
Instruments 100.00 |
Incidentals ,. 130.00 J
Nurse to supervise calorimeter

work from October to May,

inclusive 1,320.00 1,320.00

$ 7,020.00 $ 7,720.00
Salaries 18,700.00 19,550.00 850.00

$25,720.00 $27,270.00 $1,550.00

From Special Budget
Dorthea Moore, M.D., Asst. in Ped. 1,500-00 1,500-00
LudwigSchoenthal, M.D.,
Assistant in Pediatrics 1,500.00 1,500.00
23,000-00 23,000.00

Department of Pharmacology 1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

Robert A. Hatcher, M.D.,
Professor of Pharmacology.... $7,500.00 $7,500.00
Harry Gold, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Phar
macology 4,000.00 4,000.00
Harvey B. Haag, M.D.,
Assistant in Pharmacology 2,500.00 3,500.00 $1,000.00

$14,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,000.00

Wages, Supplies, etc.

1 Helper $1,200.00 $1,200.00

1 Helper 1,500.00 1,500.00
Supplies (Research) 800.00 1,000.00 $200.00
Supplies (Teaching) 700.00 700.00

$ 4,200.00 $ 4,400.00 $200.00

Salaries 14,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00

$18,200.00 $19,400.00 $1,200.00

Department of Physiology
Graham Lusk, Ph.D.,
Professor of Physiology $10,000.00 $10,000.00
D. J. Edwards, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor of Phys
iology 6,000.00 7,000.00 $1,000.00
William H. Chambers, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Phys
iology 5,000.00 5,000.00
McKeen Cattell, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Phys
iology 5,000.00 5,000.00

Two (2) student assistants

equal to remission of their

fees 1,000.00 1,000.00

$27,000.00 $28,000.00 $1,000.00

Wages, Supplies, etc.

1 Mechanic $2,100.00 $2,100.00

2 Helpers 2,160.00 2,340.00 $180.00
1 Secretary 1,200.00 1,200.00
1 Animal Keeper 1,080.00 1,140.00 60.00
Apparatus and Glassware 588.90 1
Chemicals 302.11 |
Animals 539.15
Animal Food 336.32 |
64.78 j- 3,700.00
Instruments 332.17
Incidentals 536.57
Replenishment of Apparatus 1,000.00 J
Extra Mechanic 2,400.00 2,400.00

$10,240.00 $12,880.00 $2,640.00

Salaries 27,000.00 28,000.00 1,000.00

$37,240.00 $40,880.00 $3,640.00


Department of Public Health

and Preventive Medicine

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

John C. Torrey, Ph.D.,
Professor of Public Health
and Preventive Medicine $7,500.00 $7,500.00
Morton C. Kahn, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Public
Health and Preventive
Medicine 3,500.00 3,500.00
Ralph W. Nauss, M.D.,
Instructor in Public Health
and Preventive Medicine 800.00

$11,800.00 $11,800.00
Wages, Apparatus, etc.
1 Helper (Technician) $1,320.00 $1,320.00
1 Helper (Woman) 840.00 840.00
1 Stenographer (part time) 480.00 $480.00
Apparatus 200.00 1
Chemicals, including materials I
for media 200.00 I
Glassware 175.00 |
Animals 125.00 \ 1,600.00 170.00
Animal Food 175.00 1
Special Apparatus 300.00 I
Instruments 75.00 |
Incidentals 180.00 J
$ 3,590.00 $ 4,240.00 $650.(
Salaries 11,800.00 11,800.00

$15,390.00 $16,040.00 $650.00

Department of Psychiatry
Mortimer Raynor, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Psychia
$200.00 $500.00 $300.00=*
Abraham Kardiner, M.D.,
Instructor in Psychiatry 100.00 100.00
George W. Henry, M.D.,
Instructor in Psychiatry 100.00 100.00
Oswald H. Boltz, M.D.,
Instructor in Psychiatry 100.00 100.00
Michael J. Lonergan, M.D.,
Instructor in Psychiatry 100.00 100.00

$500.00 $900.00 $400.00

Department of Roentgenology
Harry M. Imboden, M.D.,
Professor of Roentgenolgy. $500.00 $500.00

$500.00 $500.00
Appropriated during session.

Department of Surgery
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Charles L. Gibson, M.D.,
Professor of Surgery $4,000.00 $4,000.00
John A. Hartwell, M.D.,
Associate Professor of Sur
gery 1,000.00 1,000.00
Henry H. M. Lyle, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Sur
gery 350.00 350.00
Charles E. Farr, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Surgery.. 250.00 250.00
James M. Hirtzrot, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Surgery.. 250.00 250.00
Preston A. Wade, M.D.,
Instructor in Surgery 500.00 500.00
Joseph P. Hoguet, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clinical
Surgery 400.00 400.00
John C. A. Gerster, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clinical
Surgery 350.00 350.00
Ralph G. Stillman, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clinical
Pathology 1,100.00 1,300.00 $200.00
Morris K. Smith, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clinical
Surgery 250.00 25O.0O
W. Morris Weeden, M.D.,
Instructor in Surgery 600.00 600.00
Leila C. Knox, M.D.,
Instructor in Surgical Pathol
ogy 250.00 250.00
John E. Sutton, M.D.,
Instructor in Surgery 250.00 350.00 100.00
Nelson W. Cornell, M.D.,
Instructor in Surgery 500.00 500.00
Wade Duley, M.D.,
Assistant in Surgery 250.00 250.00
Paul K. Sauers, M.D.,
Instructor in Op. Surgery 50.00 50.00
Woodhull L. Condict, M.D.,
Instructor in Op. Surgery 50.00 50.00
H. H. Johnson, M.D.,
Instructor in Op. Surgery 50.00 50.00
A. J. Beller, M.D.,
Instructor in Op. Surgery 50.00 50.00
William V. Healey, M.D.,
Instructor in Op. Surgery 50.00 50.00
Walter Stenson, M.D.,
Instructor in Op. Surgery 50.00 50.00

$10,600.00 $10,900.00 $300.00


Department of
Surgery {Continued)
192S-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
U7ages, Supplies, etc.
Operative Surgery $100.00 $100.00
N.Y. Hospital Follow-up Svstem 100.00 100.00
Secretary at X. Y. Hospital 490.00 490.00
Operating Room at X. Y. Hos
pital 50.00 50.00
Xurse at St. Luke's (Dr. Lyle).. 100.00 100.00

$ 840.00 $ 840.00
Salaries 10,600.00 10,900.00 $300.00

$11,440.00 $11,740.00 $300.00

(Bellevue Surgical Clinic)

Harold E. Santee, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Surgery.. $500.00 $500.00
Guilford S. Dudley, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Clini
calSurgery 500.00 500.00
Elise S. L'Esperance, M.D.,
Surgical Pathology (trans
ferred to Pathology) 700.00 $700.00

Instructor in Surgical Pathol

ogy 400.00 400.00
Russel H. Patterson, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery.. 300.00 300.00
Francis A. Sutherland, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery.. 300.00 300.00
H. Bergamini, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery.. 300.00 300.00
Edward W. Saunders, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery.. 300.00 300.00
Penelope Marsh, A.B.,
Surgical Bacteriologist and Li
brarian 1,900.00 1,900.00 ($200 comes back to
College from First
Surgical Division,
Harry S. Cooper, M.D.,
Instructor in Clinical Surgery 300.00 300.00

$5,500.00 $4,800.00 $700.00

Wages, Supplies, etc.

TTechnician $1,800.00 $1,800.00

1 Recorder Clinical Clerks*
1,740.00 $1,740.00
1 Stenographer 1,500.00 1,800.00 $300.00
Materials, Supplies, etc 740.00 740.00

$5,780.00 $4,340.00 $300.00 $1,740.00

Salaries - 5,500.00 4,800.00 700.00

$11,280.00 $9,140.00 $300.00 $2,440.00

*Has not been used for several years.

(Surgical Research)
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
J. E. Sweet, M.D.,
Professor of Surgical Re
search $9,000.00 $9,000.00
Florence West, A.B.,
Assistant in Surgical Research 2,000.00 2,500.00 $500.00
Edward W. Saunders, M.D.,
Assistant in Surgical Research 1,250.00 1,250.00
John Staige Davis, M.D.,
Assistant in Surgical Research 1,250.00 1,250.00
George L. Birnbaum, M.D.,
Assistant in Surgical Research 500.00 500.00
Unassigned 500.00 $500.00
Antonio Delario, M.D.,
Assistant in Surgical Research 900.00 900 00
Henry S. F. Cooper, M.D.,
Assistant in Surgical Research 1,250.00 1,250.00

$15,750.00 $15,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,750.00

Wages, Supplies, etc.
Janitor $1,200.00 $1,200.00
Anaesthetist 1,000.00 1,200.00 $200.00
Animals 1,200.00 1,200.00
Animal Food, Petty Cash 350.00 350.00
Supplies and Equipment 500.00 650.00 150.00

$ 4.250.00 $ 4,600.00 $350.00

Salaries 15,750.00 15,400.00 1,400.00 $1,750.00

$20,000.00 $20,000.00 $1,750.00 $1,750.00

Surgery $11,440.00 $11,740.00 $300.00
Bellevue Surgical Clinic 11,280.00 9,140.00 300.00 $2,440.00
Surgical Research 20,000.00 20,000.00

$42,720.00 $40,880.00 $600.00 $2,440.00

Ella Heinz Given Fund $3,500.00
Antonio Delario, M.D.,
Given Fellow in Surgical Research $ 900.00
Mary Cooper, B.S.,
Assistant in Chemistry and Bacteriology 1,800.00
Current Expenses, Illustrations, etc 800.00

$3,500.00 $3,500.00
Department of Urology
Edward L. Keyes, M.D.,
Professor of Clinical Sur
gery, Department of Urol
ogy $500.00 $500.00
A. Raymond Stevens, M.D.,
Associate Professor of Clini
cal Surgery, Department of

Urology 100.00 100.00

$600.00 $600.00

Department of
Urology {Continued)
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
1 Secretary 1,620.00 $1,620.00
Supplies and Equipment 100.00 380.00 280.00

$700.00 $2,600.00 $1,900.00

Summary Research Departments
Experimental Therapeutics
(Department $11,500.00 $11,500.00*
of Medicine)
Research Farm
(Department of Anatomy) 25,000.00 25,000.00

$36,500.00 $36,500.00
*$ 1,500 Budget appropriation.

10,000 Gift from Chemical Foundation, Inc.

Department of Medicine
(Experimental Medicine)
John W. Churchman, M.D.,
Professor of Experimental
Therapeutics, Department of
Medicine $6,500.00 $6,500.00
Bacteriologist 2,500.00 2,520.00 $20.00
Laboratory Supplies 1,000.00 1,000.00
Laboratory Helper 1,000.00 700.00 300.00
Stenographic Assistance 500.00 780.00 280.00

$11,500.00 $11,500.00 $300.00 $300.00

Department of Anatomy
(Research Farm)
Scientific Associate $3,000.00 $3,000.00
Manager of Farm $1,800.00 $1,800.00
1 Foreman and Kennelmaster 1,800.00 1,800.00
One Kennelmaster 1,200.00 1,200.00
Unskilled Helper 1,200.00 1,200.00
Unskilled Helper 1,200.00 1,200.00
One Kennelman 1,800.00 1,800.00
1 Helper and Cook 1,000.00 1,080.00 80.00
Two Kennel and Farm Helpers.. 1,200.00 1,200.00
One Laboratory Helper 420.00 420.00
Food for dogs 1,800.00 4,800.00 3,000.00
Maintenance of Farm House
and Feeding Employees 3,000.00 3,600.00 600.00
Purchase of Pedigreed and

Registered dogs, mating, etc... 5,000.00 3,600.00 1,400.00

Minor buildings and altering
runs, kennels, etc 1,500.00 2,200.00 700.00
Apparatus Sup-
Research and
Supplies 2,500.00 1,800.00 700.00
Expendable supplies, chemicals,
etc 1,200.00 1,200.00
Insurance, upkeep and contin

gencies 1,800.00 1,500.00 300.00

$25,000.00 $25,000.00 $10,800.00 $10,800.00



Proposed Budget for Year 1929-1930
Estimated Income from Patients $328,000.00
Estimated Expenditures General and Medical Administra
tion (Schedule A) $135,164.00
Estimated Expenditures Clinic Departments (Schedule B).. 198,432.00

Total Estimated Operating Expenditures 333,596.00

Estimated Operating Deficit 5,596.00
Charge by College to Clinic, Rent, etc 20,'750.00

Total Estimated Deficit $26,346.00


Note : For details under different headings see Schedules B and C.
1928-1929 1929-19 30 Increase Decrease
1. Office Dir. of Clinic $ 13,800.00 $ 11,364.00 $ 264.00 $ 2,700.00
2. Office Ch. Clin. Executive 4,680.00 4,800.00 120.00
3. Social Service 6,900.00 6,900.00
4. Clin. Admin. Studies 2,280.00 2,280.00
5. Registration and Appointments 12,340.00 11,600.00 1,920.00
6. History and Records 8,820.00 11,520.00 2,700.00
7. Stenographic Service 9,020.00 7,200.00 2,400.00 4,220.00
8. Business Office 15,050.00 15,170.00 120.00
9. Housekeeping 12.540.00 12,060.00 600.00 1,080.00
10. Clinic Telephone Service 1,120.00 1,120.00
11. Pharmacy 5,070.00 5.070.00
12. Diet Classes 2,080.00 2080.00
13. General Expenses, Clinic Sup
plies (See Schedule C) 47,900.00 44.000.00 5,150.00 9,050.00

$132,420.00 $135,164.00 $22,454.00 $19,710.00


Note: For details under each department see Schedule E.
Medicine $ 40,920.00 $ 39,300.00 $ 1,440.00 $ 3,060.00
Gastro Enterologv 14,260.00 16,870.00 2,610.00
Pediatrics 3,950.00 5,960.00 2,010.00
Health 4,302.00 4,710.00 1,500.00 1,092.00
Surgery 7,560.00 7,270.00 60.00 35O.0O
Gynecology 11,310.00 11,470.00 160.00
Dental Surgery 4,700.00 4,700.00
Xeurology 9,730.00 7,372.00 600.00 2,958.00
Psychiatry 8,820.00 8,670.00 1,890.00 2,040.00
Skin '. 13,240.00 13,016.00 976.00 1,200.00
Urology 11,670.00 11,542.00 172.00 300.00
Eve 8,538.00 7,780.00 243.00 1,000.00
Ear 9,288.00 9,420.00 792.00 660.00
Xose and Throat 11,893.00 12,732.00 834.00
Orthopedic Surgery 7,986.00 15,040.00 7,340.00 286.00
Physiotherapy 1,730.00 1,730.00
X-ray Service 11,780.00 13,700.00 4,260.00 2,340.00
Central Laboratory 4,530.00 5,880.00 1,350.00
Medical Vacation 3,000.00 3,000.00

$186,212.00 $198,432.00 $29,236.00 $17,016.00



1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

1 Office, Director of Clinic
Director $9,000.00 $9,000.00
Assistant 2,700.00 $2,700.00
Secretary (Executive Asst.) 2,100.00 2,364.00 $264.00

$13,800.00 $11,364.00 $264.00 $2,700.00

2 Office, Chief CI. Executive

Chief Clinic Executive $3,000.00 $3,000.00
Secretary 1,680.00 1,800.00 $120.00

$4,680.00 $4,800.00 $120.00

3 Social Service
Supervisor $2,700.00 $2,700.00
Case Worker 2,300.00 2.300.00
Case Worker 1,900.00 1,900.00

$6,900.00 $6,900.00

4 Clinic Administrative Studies

Statistician $2,280.00 $2,280.00

$2,280.00 $2,280.00

5 Registration and Appointment

Registrar $2,100.00 $2,280.00 $180.00
Assistant Registrar 1,740.00 1,920.00 180.00
Assistant Registrar 1,520.00 1,640.00 120.00
Appointment Clerk (2) 2,880.00 1,500.00 1,380.00
Appointment Clerk 1,440.00 1,440.00
Appointment Clerk (2) 2,600.00 1,320.00 1.280.00
Usher 1,500.00 1,500.00

$12,340.00 $11,600.00 $1,920.00 $2,650.00

6 History and Records

Chief Record Clerk $2,200.00 $2,220.00 $20.00
Assistant Record Clerk 1,420.00 1,420.00
Assistant Record Clerk (4) 5,200.00 5,200.00
Typist (2) 2,680.00 2,680.00

$8,820.00 $11,520.00 $2,700.00

7 Stenographic Service
Stenographer, Chief $1,920.00 $1,680.00 $240.00
Assistant Stenographer (2) 3,120.00 3,120.00
Assistant Stenographer (2) 2,400.00 $2,400.00
Typist 1,380.00 1,380.00
Typist 1,300.00 1,300.00
Typist 1,300.00 1,300.00

$9,020.00 $7,200.00 $2,400.00 $4,220.00


Business Office
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Business Manager $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Cashier 2,750.00 2,870.00 $120.00
Assistants (2) 2,800.00 2,800.00
Assistant 1,200.00 1,200.00
Bookkeepers (3) 4,800.00 4,800.00
Receiving Clerk, part time 380.00 380.00
Stock Clerk 1,320.00 1,320.00
Auditor, part time 300.00 300.00

$15,050.00 $15,170.00 $120.00

Housekeeper, part time $ 600.00 $ 600.00
Porters 7,560.00 6,480.00 $1,080.00
Attendant, Evening, part time 120.00 120.00
Cleaners (3) 1,740.00 1,740.00
Cleaner, part time 600.00 600.00
Laundryman 1,200.00 1,200.00
Laundress, part time 480.00 480.00
Plumber and Electrician, part
time 840.00 840.00

$12,540.00 $12,060.00 $600.00 $1,080.00

Clinic Service
Telephone Operator $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Night Engineer, part time 120.00 120.00

$1,120.00 $1,120.00

Pharmacist $2,400.00 $2,400.00
Assistant Pharmacist 1,800.00 1,800.00
Relief Pharmacist 150.00 150.00
Helper 720.00 720.00

$5,070.00 $5,070.00

Diet Classes
Dietitian $ 600.00 $ 600.00
Rent 1,250.00 1,250.00

Cleaner, part time 60.00 60.00

Telephone 30.00 30.00
Breakage 25.00 25.00
Food Supplies. 115.00 115.00

$2,080.00 $2,080.00


Note: Item "13", Schedule A.

1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease

Prmting $2,800.00 $2,400.00 $400.00
Postage 1,000.00 850.00 15000
Stationery and other Supplies 1,00000 1,250.00 $250 00
Linen, Gowns, Coats, etc 900.00 450.00 450 00
Housekeeping Supplies 1,200.00 700.00 50000
Building Repairs 1,000.00 800.00 20000
Furniture Repairs 900.00 800.00 100 00
Lamps and Fixtures 150.00 150.00
Drugs and Medical Supplies 4,700.00 5,700.00 1,000.00
X-ray Supplies 6,500.00 8,500.00 2,000.00
Laboratory Supplies 500.00 500.00
Instrument Repairs.. 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00
Xew Equipment 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,50000
Telephone 2,000.00 2,000.00
Traveling Expenses 300.00 300.00
Heat, Light, etc 3,600.00 4,200.00 600.00
Incidental Expenses 100.00 30000 200.00
Emergencies 750.00 500.00 250.00
Vacations, Non-Medical Staff 5,500.00 4,500.00 1,000.00
Special Pension Fund 600.00 600.00
Contingent Fund 7,500.00 4,000.00 3,500.00

$47,900.00 $44,000.00 $5,150.00 $9,050.00


Chief $2,000.00 $2,000.00
Assistant Medical Staff 21,000.00 21,900.00 $900.00
Clinic Executives 7,000.00 5,280.00 $1,720.00
Nurses 4,800.00 5,340.00 540.00
Technicians 2,000.00 1,260.00 740.00
Clerks (3) 4,120.00 3,520.00 600.00

$40,920.00 $39,300.00 $1,440.00 $3,060.00

Gastro Enterology
Medical Staff $9,000.00 $10,350.00 $1,350.00
Clinic Executive 1,360.00 1,420.00 60.00
Xurses (2), part time 1,800.00 3,000.00 1,200.00
Clerk 1,440.00 1,440.00
Clerk, part time 660.00 660.00

$14,260.00 $16,870.00 $2,610.00

Chief $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 1,550.00 2,000.00 $450.00
Clinic Executive, part time 900.00 900.00
Nurse, part time 900.00 900.00
Clerk, part time 660.00 660.00

$3,950.00 $5,960.00 $2,010.00


Health Examinations
1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Chief in charge $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff $2,652.00 1,560.00 $1,092.00
Clinic Executive, part time 900.00 900.00
Nurse, part time 750.00 750.00
Clerk, part time

$4,302.00 $4,710.00 $1,500.00 $1,092.00

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,50000
Assistant Medical Staff 3,600.00 3,250.00 $350.00
Xurse, Clinic Executive 1,800.00 1,860.00 60.00
Clerk, part time 660.00 660.00

$7,560.00 $7,270.00 L00 $350.00

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 4,200.00 4,300.00 $100.00
Clinic Executive 2,100.00 2,160.00 60.00
Xurses (2) 2,850.00 2,850.00
Clerk, part time 660.00 660.00

$11,310.00 $11,470.00 $160.00

Dental Service
Medical Staff $2,500.00 $2,500.00
Clinic Executive 1,000.00 1,000.00
Technician (Dental Hygiene) 1,20000 1,200.00

$4,700.00 $4,700.00
Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 3,200.00 3,172.00 $ 28.00
Clinic Executive 2,400.00 2,100.00 300.00
Case Worker 950.00 950.00
Stenographer _ 1,680.00 1,680.00
Clerk, part time 600.00 600.00

$9,730.00 $7,372.00 $600.00 $2,958.00

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 1,580.00 2,100.00 $520.00
Clinic Executive 2,100.00 2,520.00 420.00
Case Worker 1,000.00 1,950.00 950.00
Clerk-Stenographer 1,440.00 1,440.00
Clerk - 1,200.00 600.00 600.00

$8,820.00 $8,670.00 $1,890.00 $2,040.00

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 4,600.00 5,096.00 $496.00
Clinic Executive 1,800.00 2,100.00 300.00
Technician Nurse 2,100.00 1,800.00 $300.00
Technician Xurse 1,800.00 900.00 900.00
Clerk - L440.00 1,620.00 180.00

$13,240.00 $13,016.00 $976.00 $1,200.00


1928-1929 1929-1930 Increase Decrease
Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 3,750.00 3,802.00 $52.00
Clinic Executive 2,220.00 1,920.00 $300.00
Nurse 1,800.00 1,800.00
Nurse (attendant) 1,500.00 1,620.00 120.00
Clerk, part time 900.00 900.00

$11,670.00 $11,542.00 $172.00 $300.00

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 4,250.00 4,420.00 $170.00
Clinic Executive 1,000.00 $1,000.00
Nurse 1,128.00 1,200.00 72.00
Clerk 660.00 660.00

$8,538.00 $7,780.00 $242.00 $1,000.00

Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 4,400.00 4,420.00 20.00
Clinic Executive 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00
Nurse 1,128.00 1,200.00 72.00
Clerk 660.00 $660.00
Attendant 600.00 600.00

$9,288.00 $9,220.00 $592.00 $660.00

Nose and Throat
Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 6,750.00 6,864.00 $114.00
Clinic Executive 1,800.00 1,860.00 60.00
Nurse 1,128.00 1,128.00
Clerk 720.00 1,380.00 660.00

$11,898.00 $12,732.00 $834.00

Orthopedics and Physiotherapy
Chief of Clinic $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Assistant Medical Staff 2,000.00 2,080.00 $80.00
Nurse and Clin. Executive 1,320.00 1,320.00
Masseur 900.00 900.00
Masseuse 1,200.00 1,200.00
Masseuse 1,200.00 1,200.00
Masseuse, part time 766.00 480.00 $286.00
Attendant-Clerk 1,200.00 1,200.00
Attendant 1,200.00 1,200.00
Doorman 1,080.00 1,080.00
Runners (2) 2,160.00 2,160.00
Cleaner, part time 720.00 720.00

$7,986.00 $15,040.00 $7,340.00 $286.00

Physiotherapy and Massage

Masseur $ 600.00 $600.00
Masseuse 480.00 480.00
Clerk and Attendant 650.00 650.00

$1,730.00 $1,730.00

X-Ray Service
1929 1929-1910 Increase Decrease
Chief of Clinic $3,840.00 $4,500.00 $660.00
Assistant Medical Staff 2,700.00 1,800.00 $900.00
Assistant Medical Staff (Skin).. 900.00 $900.00
Asst. Med. Staff (Gastro) (1)
Clinic Exec, and Nurse 2,040.00 2,040.00
Technician 2,000.00 2,000.00
Technician 1,800.00 1,800.00
Stenographer and Clerk 1,440.00 1,440.00
Clerk, part time 660.00 660.00

$11,780.00 $13,700.00 $4,260.00 $2,340.00

(1) Adjustments from time to time in accordance with number of staff

assigned temporarily to make fluoroscopic examinations, such funds being trans

ferred from the appropriation for Gastroenterology Service.

Clinic Laboratory
Chief of Service $1,200.00 $1,200.00
Technician $1,920.00 1,920.00
Technician 1,860.00 1,860.00
Serologist 750.00 900.00 150.00

$4,530.00 $5,880.00 $1,350.00

Medical Vacation

Assistant Medical Staff $3,000.00 $3,000.00

$3,000.00 $3,000.00


June 8th, 1929.

Present Trustees Farrand, Chairman; J. DuPratt White, Miller,

Ten Eyck, Pratt, Pyrke, Witter, Newman ; Deans Mann and Moore ;
Directors Hedrick and Van Rensselaer ; Faculty Representatives
Fish, Kruse and Thompson, and Comptroller Bostwick.

Regrets were received from Trustee Taylor and his absence ex


Action was taken and recommendations made to the Board of

Trustees as follows :

New York State Veterinary College

1. Dean Moore made a report on the past development and future

needs of the New York State Veterinary College.

2. The President, on behalf of the Council and the Veterinary

College, expressed to Dean Moore the deep appreciation felt for his
many years of service in behalf of the University and Veterinary

3. A gift of $7,950, secured through the efforts of Dr. Frank H.

Miller for the purpose of increasing the endowment of the Roswell
P. Flower Library, was reported.

4. A gift of $1,000, secured through the efforts of Dr. Frank H

Miller to endow a prize of $50.00 to be awarded annually by the
Department of Materia Medica and Small Animal Clinic, and to be
known as the Charles Gross Bondy Prize, was also reported.

5. It was recommended that the President be empowered to take

such action as he may deem advisable toward securing the benefits of
one of the State Pension Systems for the employees of the State
institutions under the control of Cornell University.

6. It was recommended that the name of the Roswell P. Flower

Library be changed to the Flower Veterinary Library.


7. A three leave of absence without prejudice to salary

was approved and recommended for Miss H. H. Haight, this leave
to be taken some time during the next academic year.

8. Dean Moore reported a plan of co-operative work between the

Federal Bureau of Animal Industry and the Veterinary College on

infectious abortion, whereby the Bureau is to furnish the sum of

$3,500 for salaries during the coming year, and it was recommended

that Dr. A. G. Gierke be appointed Instructor at $2,500 and that

Doctors R. R. Birch and H. L. Gilman each receive the sum of $500
from the appropriation made by the Federal Bureau.

9. It was recommended that the payment of the rent of a house

at Veterinary Experiment Station for the Superintendent of the
Station be made by the College from the income funds of the Sta

10. It was recommended that the lump sum appropriation of

$46,000 for the investigation of diseases be divided approximately as

follows :

(a) Investigation of diseases of swine and breeding ani

mals ($15,000 requested) $14,500

(b) Investigation of poultry diseases ($15,000 requested).... 14,500

(c) Investigation of Johne's disease 5,000

(d) Investigation of mastitis 5,000

(e) Investigation of tuberculin reactions ($7,500 requested) 7,000

The following expenditures to be made from the income of

the revolving funds of the College were approved and recommended :

(a) From the Income of the College:

1. For the expense of two members of the faculty to

attend the annual meeting of the American Veteri

nary Medical Association in Detroit in August, 1929.$150.00
2. To in entertaining the New York State Veteri

nary Medical Society at its annual meeting to be

held at the College June 19 and 20 150.00

3. For the publication of the proceedings of the Veteri

nary Conference 500.00

4. For Dr. Earl Sunderville for making much needed

changes in the museum during the summer 500.00

(b) From the Income of the Departments:

To continue the research work and maintain the

clinics, necessary for teaching purposes, through the


1. Ambulatory Clinic
D. H. Udall, \Y2 months $833.33
M. G. Fincher, 2 months 722.22
W. J. Gibbons, 2 months 477.76

2. Small Animal Clinic

H. J. Milks, \Y2 months 833.33
H. C. Stephenson, 2 months 611.10

3. Surgical and Consulting Clinic

J. N. Frost, 1 month 555.55
J. Maurer, V/2 months 383.33

4. Farriery
Henry Asmus, 2 months 577.76

5. Veterinary Experiment Station

J. W. Benner, 1 month 372.22

(c) From Special Research Funds

1. Johne's Disease
W. A. Hagan, V/2 months 666.66

2. Poultry
E. L. Brunett, 2 months 564.44
C. E. Hayden, 1 month 361.11

12. Expenditures heretofore made from income funds of the

College were approved as follows :

State Fair, 1928 $150.00

Printing report of Conference 150.00
For additional clerical work and equipment 550.00

13. The budget of the New York State Veterinary College for
the year 1929-30, totaling $178,955, was approved as presented for
recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

New York State College of Home Economics

14. The following resignations of Home Demonstration Agents

were reported :

Name County Date

Anna R. Willman (Asst.) Tompkins January 31
Eloise Irish Schuyler April 8
Frances Hook Tompkins April 8
Mildred Neff Madison April 15

15. The following appointments of Home Demonstration Agents

made by the respective county organizations were reported for record

as follows :

Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham County
Martha Parrott Warren Feb. 1 $1800 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600
Frances L. Hook Tompkins Feb. 6 1800 $1800
Ruth L. Bond Ulster March 15 1500 1500
Eloise Irish Franklin April 9 2200 600 600 200 800
Frances Hook Schuyler April 9 1800 600 600 600
Janice M. Dorr (Asst.) Onondaga May 1 1800 1800
Janet Cameron Allegany May 1 2600 1800 600 200
Ann P. Duncan Broome June 1 2700 2100 600
Ada C. Hall Cayuga May 1 1900 1300 600
Gladys Adams Chenango May 1 1900 1300 600
Orilla Wright Delaware May 1 2200 1600 600
Frances Holbrook Erie June 1 3000 900 600 1500
Eloise Irish Franklin Mayl 2200 1400 600 200
Olive Foster Jefferson June 1 2600 2000 600
Olive P. Deal Lewis May 1 1900 1300 600
Jane S. Becker Monroe June 1 2500 900 600 1000
Frances Scudder Oswego May 1 2100 1200 600 300
Estelle Jones Saratoga May 1 2200 1600 600
Doris Wadsworth Wayne May 1 2200 1600 600
Helen Paine Wyoming June 1 2000 1400 600
Ruth E. Boise Yates June 1 2000 1400 600
16. Minor changes in the staff oi : the New York State College of

Home Economics made since the last regular meeting of the: Coun-

cil by the Dean under authority given him, were repo rted and ratified

as follows :

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund
R. A. Rose Assistant Hotel Administration Feb. 1-June 30 $250.00 Hotel
A. C. Hunt Assistant Hotel Administration Feb. 1-June 30 200.00 State
K. W. Baker Assistant Hotel Administration Feb. 1-June 30 200.00 Hotel
Clement Rynalski Assistant Hotel Engineering Feb. 1-June 30 200.00 Hotel
Ida H. McCartney Assistant Home Economics Feb. 16 70.00 mo . State
Margaret J. McArthur Assistant Household Management March 1 17.50 mo . State
(Part time)
W. R. Needham Assistant Hotel Administration May 1-June 30 60.00 mo . Hotel
Name Positio n Department Date
Miriam J. Bartlett Instructor Home Economics J une 30
Helen M. Taylor Extension Instructor Home Economics J une 30
Name Position Department . Date Salary Fund
Mrs. Elva C. Campbell Instructor Home Economi cs Dec. 22-Feti. 7 $2250 College
Rachael W. Sanders Instructor Home Economics Feb. 18-June 30 2250 State
Mrs. B. C. Eastman Instructor April 1 Home Economics 1350 L.S.R.M.

17. The following appointments of County Home Demonstration

Agents made by the respective county organizations were reported

for record and the allocations of Federal and State funds approved

as follows, effective July 1st, 1929:

Name County Salary State Lever County
Janet Cameron Allegany $2400 $1200
Ann Phillips Duncan Broome 2700 600 1500
Charlotte Culver Cattaraugus 2200 600 600 1000
Ada Hall Cayuga 1900 600 600 700
Marj orie Bunting Chautauqua 2300 600 1100
G. Dorothy Williams Chemung 2400 600 1200
Gladys Adams Chenango 1900 600 600 700
Lois Doren Cortland 1800 600 600 600
Orrilla Wright Delaware 2200 600 600 1000
Frances Holbrook Erie 3000 600 600 1800
Eloise Irish Franklin 2000 600 600 800
Elizabeth Coon Genesee 2300 600 600 1100
Grace H. Smith Herkimer 2400 600 600 1200
Olive Foster Jefferson 2600 600 600 1400
Olive P. Deal Lewis 1900 600 600 700
Jane Snow Becker Monroe 2500 600 600 1300
Florence Elrey Nassau 3000 600 600 1800
Laura Ray Niagara 2400 600 600 1200
A. Ruth Jonas Oneida 2600 600 600 1400
Eileen S. Androus Onondaga 2500 600 600 1300
Virginia S. Brewster Ontario 2000 600 600 800
J. Waldene Hine Orleans 2000 600 600 800
Frances Scudder Oswego 1800 600 600 600
Alice Bosserman Otsego 2700 600 600 1500
Mabel Milhan St. Lawrence 2700 600 600 1500
Estelle Jones Saratoga 2200 600 600 1000
Frances Hook Schuyler 1800 600 600 600
Lois A. Douque Steuben 2500 600 600 1300
Kathleen McBride Suffolk 3000 600 600 1800
Ethel Olsen Tioga 2100 600 600 900
Sara Kerr Tompkins 2600 600 600 1400
Evelyn Nance Ulster 2600 600 600 1400
Martha Parrot Warren 2000 600 600 800
Doris Wadsworth Wayne 2200 600 600 1000
Helen M. Paine Wyoming 2000 600 600 800
Ruth E. Boies Yates 2000 600 600 800
Mrs. Katherine Britt Buffalo City 3000
Georgie Watkins Rochester City 3500
Margaret Tuttle Syracuse City 1900
(Acting Agent)

18. The following resignations were reported :

Miss Adelaide Barts as Assistant State Leader of Home Demon

stration Agents, effective January 31, 1929.
Miss Helen B. Kay, Extension Assistant Professor of Home Eco
nomics,effective June 30, 1929.

19. It was recommended that Lillian Shaben be appointed as

Acting Extension Assistant Professor of Home Economics from

March 25, 1929, to June 30, 1929, with salary at the rate of $277.77
per month on Capper-Ketcham funds.

20. The retirement of Miss Annette J. Warner as Professor of

Home Economics was June 30th, 1929, and it was

reported, effective
recommended that Miss Warner be appointed Professor of Home

Economics, Emeritus, effective July 1, 1929.

21. It was that the following changes in title be


made, July 1st, 1929:


Miss Muriel Brasie, from Acting Assistant Professor to Assistant

Dr. Edith H. MacArthur, from Acting Assistant Professor to As
sistant Professor.
Miss Marion C. Pfund, from Acting Assistant Professor to Assistant
Mrs. Dorothy Barnard Scott, from Acting Assistant Professor to
Assistant Professor.

22. It was recommended that Dr. Helen Bull be appointed as Act

ing Professor of Home Economics for the year beginning July 1st,
1929, at a salary of $2,000 a year for half time service.

23. Sabbatic leave of absence was recommended for Assistant

Professor Dora H. Erway of the Department of Household Art of
the Colloge of Home Economics, for the second semester of the
year 1929-30.

24. The budget for the New York State College of Home Eco
nomics for the year 1929-30, totaling $906,751.41, was approved as

presented for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

New York State College of Agriculture

25. The following resignations of County Agricultural Agents

and County Club Agents were reported for record :


County Agricultural Agents

Name County Date

H. L. Hoyt (Assistant) Oneida November 15
G. F. Britt Genesee March 31
C. I. Bowman (Assistant) Orleans March 16
O. G. Agne Jefferson March 31
E. C. Masten Nassau February 28
W. R. Rafferty Orleans June 30
County Club Agents
F. C. Essick Chemung January 31
F. W. Schubert Nassau February 28
G. H. Use Albany June 15
P. W. Thayer (Assistant) Tompkin; June 15

26. The following appointments of County Agricultural Agents

were reported for record and the allocations of Federal and State
funds approved as follows :

County Agricultural Agents


Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham County

D. L. Hayes Madison Mar. 1-June 30 $3000 $ 900 $ 600 $1500
C. M. Slack Washington Mar. 1-June 30 2500 900 600 1000
G. R. Czirr Clinton Mar. 1-June 30 2500 1140 600 760
RussellRafferty Orleans March 16 1800 900 900
W. S. Salisbury Ulster April 1 1800 600 300 900
(Assistant) (Spiray Service)
G. R. Shapley Genesee April 1 1800 600 600 600
(Assistant) (Farm Bureau)
C. I. Bowman Genesee April 1 2500 600 600 1300
E. C. Masten Nassau Feb. 1-Mar. 15 1800 1800
Russell Rafferty Orleans Feb. 18-Mar .15 1800 1800
Jefferson March 1- 2500 2500
E. C. Masten
April 1 2500 600 600 1300
N. F. Smith Livingston April 1-June 30 1500 1200 300
H. L. Page Oswego April 1 1800 1200 600
S. R. Shapley Genesee April 1 1800 1200 600
R. B. Russell Cattaraugus April 24 1500 1500
E. H. Clark Oneida May 1 1800 300 1500

County Club Agents

Name County Date Salary Lever State Ketcham County
A. H. Mead Columbia Feb. 15 2000 600 1200 200
Hazel S. Dunn Schenectady Feb. 4 2200 600 1200 400
Elizabeth Wooley Cortland f Feb. 7 1200 1200
(Assistant) { Mar. 4
I Mar. 5 1500 600 900
E. C. Grant Chemung Feb. 18 $3000 $ 600 $ 600 $1800
L C. Pratt Madison April 1 2000 600 1200 200
J. A. Lennox Delaware April 1 3200 1800 600 800
Allen Pomeroy Otsego April 1 2750 1200 600 950
A. B. Woodard Ontario April 1 2200 1200 600 400
G. D. Musser Orange April 1 3000 1080 600 1320
H. L. Case Chenango April 1 3300 1800 600 900
E. B. Fuller Monroe May 1 2820 1200 600 1020
E. L. Cleeland Otsego April 1 1800 600 600 600
P. W. Thayer Tompkins May 1-June 30 1800 600 600 600
S. B. Dorrance Cayuga May 1 1800 1800
W. J. Dupree Franklin June 1 1200 1200
W. J. Chapman Greene May 1 1800 1800
P. W. Thayer Albany June 16 2400 600 600 1200

County Agricultural Agents

D. M. Dalrymple Seneca Jan. 1- From $2000 $ 900 $ 600 % 800
June 30 to 2300
H. P. Beals Otsego Mar. 1- From 900 600 1800
June 30 to 3300
M. E. Thompson Allegany Mar. 1- From 2400 900 600 1200
June 30 to 2700
H. L. Vaughan Cortland Mar. 1- From 3000 900 600 1800
June 30 to 3300
H. L. Page Oswego April 1 From 1500 600 600 600
(Assistant) to (Farm Bureau)
R H. Hewitt Chemung May 1- From 3200 1200 600 2000
June 30 to 3800

County Club Agents

F. E. Heinzelman Onondaga April 1- From 3000 1320 600 1280

June 30 to 3200
L. H. Westfal Oswego April 1 From 3000 1320 600 1280
to 3200
C. W. Reed Jefferson May 1- From 2600 1320 600 880
June 30 to 2800

27. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State College of Agriculture made since

the last regular meeting of the Council by the Dean under authority given him, were reported

and ratified as follows :

Name Position Department Date
R. H. Bamer Horseman Animal Husbandry April 30

Appointments :
Salary Fund
Name Position County Departmc nt Date Lever County
C. V. R. Pond Field Asst. Dutchess Plant Path. April -June 30 $ 50 mo. $135.00
C. K. Bullock Field Asst. Chautauqua Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 75.00
M. N. Taylor Field Asst. Erie Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 258.33
R. C. Coombs Field Asst. Monroe Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo.
E.J.Hambleton Field Asst. Niag ara Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 212.50
J. A. Evans Field Asst. Ontario Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 150.00
Sidney Jones Field Asst. Oran O'p Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 125.00
R. G. Palmer Field Asst. Orleans Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo.
W. G. Been Field Asst. Suffolk Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 150.00
W.S. Salisbury Field Asst. Ulster Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo. 75.00
E. E. Frane Field Asst. Wayne Plant Path. April -June 30 50 mo.
C. C. Cornwall Experimental- Vegetable April '. 6 1500 State
ist (12ths) Gardening
W. Thomson Superintendent An. Husb. May 1 1500 State
John Huson Superintendent An. Husb. June 3 1320 State

Resignations :
Name Position Date Department
A. L. Rand Assistant Entomology February 28
A. B. Dorrance Assistant Agronomy February 14
Jeannette L. Fortier Assistant Rural Educatior March 31
E. J. Hambleton Assistant Entomology March 31
Bertha T. Nelson Assistant Rural Educatioi May 31
Name Position Department Date Salary Fund
Mrs. Helen Craig Assistant Botany February 1 $ 750 State
R. L. Payne Assistant Plant Pathology February 1 750 State
G. B. Saunders Assistant Entomology March 1 750 State
A. L. Lang Assistant Agronomy February 15 750 State
Bertha T. Nelson Assistant Rural Education April 1 675 Smith-


Name Position Department Date Fund

A. J. Paulas Assistant Rural Education April 1 720 Smith-

R. G. Thompson Assistant Floriculture May 1-June 30 810 State
V. S. L. Pate Assistant Entomology April 1-May 31 750 State
H. E. Hill Research Asst. Botany April 20-June 30 850 State
Paul Beers Assistant Soil Agronomy May 15-June 30 675 State
Don B. Creager Research Asst. Plant Pathology June 10-30 10 State

Name Position Department Date
R. A. Laubengayer Instructor Botany January 31
J. G. Horsfall Instructor Plant Pathology January 31
H. S. Mills Instructor Vegetable Gardening February 28
S. E. A. McCallan Instructor Plant Pathology April 30
R. B. Farnham Instructor Floriculture and Ornamen March 20
tal Horticulture
L E. Longley Instructor Floriculture and Ornamen March 31
tal Horticulture

Name Position Department Date Salary Fund
B. H. Belknap Instructor Agr'l Economics Feb. 1-June 30 $ 133.33 mo. State
Instructor (Rural Economy)
E. O. Storm Agr'l Economics Feb. 15-June 15 75.00 mo. State
K. C. Howlett Ext. Instructor Farm Management Feb. 15-March 15 175.00 mo. State
K. G. Parker Instructor Plant Pathology April 1 150.00 mo. State
W. H. Long Instructor Agr'l Economics March 1-May 31 100.00 mo. State
L. M. Vaughan Instructor Agr'l Economics March 1 225.00 mo. State
A. J. Beyleveld Instructor Agr'l Economics March 1-May 31 100.00 mo. State
M. A. AlcMaster Instructor Floriculture and April 1 2400.00 State
Orn. Hort.
T. E. LaMont Instructor Agr'l Economics April 1-June 30 2025.00 :Purnell
(full time)
M. P. Catherwood Instructor Agr'l Economics March 1-June 30 30 mo. Purnell

Mrs. Pauline Stark Instructor Dairy Industry February 1 From 1200
to 1800 State
Anne T. Gordon Assistant to Botany February 1 From 750
Instructor to 1200 State
B. H. Davis Assistant to Plant Pathology February 1 From 750
Instructor to 1000 State
Georges Knaysi Instructor Dairy Industry March 1 From 1800
to 2400 State

28. Sabbatic leaves of absence were granted as follows :

H. E. Botsford, Extension Professor of Poultry Husbandry, for

the academic years 1929-30.
H. P. Cooper, Assistant Professor of Field Crops, for the second

semester of 1929-30.
A. J. Eames, Professor of Botany, for the second semester of

H. M. Fitzpatrick, Professor of Plant Pathology, for the second

semester of the year 1929-30.

C. H. Guise, Assistant Professor of Forestry, leave of absence
without salary for the academic year 1929-30, and sabbatic leave of
absence for the academic year 1930-31.

29. The report of the execution of a special temporary fellowship

agreement with the American Rose Society for the investigation of

diseases of roses, with special reference to methods of control, was

reported. Under this fellowship the American Rose Society has

agreed to pay to Cornell University the sum of $1,250 a year, for a

period of two years beginning April 1, 1929.

30. The report of the execution of a special temporary fellowship

agreement with Nassau County Farm Bureau Association for the
conduct of investigations having to do with the diseases of truck
crops was reported. Under this fellowship the Nassau County Farm
Bureau Association has agreed to pay toCornell University the sum
of $1,200 a year for a period of two years beginning April 1, 1929.

31. It was recommended to the Board of Trustees that a commit

tee be appointed to consider the inclusion in the industrial fellowship

agreements of a provision requiring the turning over to the Univer
sity of any patentable matters or discoveries which may arise in the
process of the studies conducted under the fellowship.

32. It was recommended that the following appointments be


James E. Knott, Research Assistant Professor in the Department

of Vegetable Gardening at a salary of $4,000, effective July 1, 1929.
Allan Goodrich Newhall, Research Assistant Professor or Plant
Pathology, effective August 1, 1929, at a salary of $3,500 a year.

Frank Forrest Hill, Assistant Professor of Rural Economy at a

salary of $4,500 a year, effective July 1, 1929.

S. J. Brownell, Extension Assistant Professor of Animal Hus

bandry at a salary of $3,600, effective October 1, 1929.

Emanuel Fritz, Acting Professor of Forestry for the second

semester of the year 1929-30, at a salary of $2,250.

Francis Irving Righter, Acting Assistant Professor of Forest

Management for the academic year 1929-30, at a salary of $3,250.

33. It was recommended that the Department Meteorology be


discontinued as a separate department and the in Meteorology


and Climatology be transferred to the Department of Agronomy,

effective July 1, 1929.
34. It was recommended that the title of Mr. George W. Parker,
Managing Clerk and head of the business in the College of

Agriculture, be changed to that of Bursar.

35. It was recommended that consideration be given by the Board

of Trustees to the desirability of seeking legislation to admit the
staffs of the state institutions at Cornell University to the benefits of


the provisions of one of the retirements systems.

36. Dean Mann reported concerning the legislation appropriating

$30,000 ($25,000 for construction, $5,000 for administration) for a
poultry improvement station to be located in Chemung County and
to be administered by Cornell University.

Owing to an error in this bill, which provides that the land to be

accepted by the State shall be in the city of Elmira, it is impossible
to proceed during the current year with the construction of this sta

tion, and it is recommended to the Board that the necessary action

be taken by the University to secure the proper amendments to the
law at the next meeting of the Legislature to facilitate the adminis

tration of this unit, and that such preliminary work in connection

with securing the approval of the Attorney General to the title of

the land proposed to be used be completed as soon as possible so that

there may be no delay after the necessary amendments to the bill are

37. The Dean reported that the Legislature of 1929 had appro

priated the sum of $475,000 for the construction of a central unit for
a new Home Economics Building and had also appropriated funds
for the construction of a new calf barn and for the preparation of

plans horiticultural laboratory at the New York State

for a new

Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva.

It was recommended that the Board take appropriate action to ex

pedite the work.

38. Dean Mann reported that the Conservation Commission of

the State
interested in co-operating with Cornell University in

expanding the fisheries researches now being carried on and that the
Federal Bureau of Fisheries was also interested in establishing a

research laboratory near Ithaca, to be operated in connection with or

under the supervision of the University.

39. A report was made that under authorization given by the

Council at its meeting on January 25, 1929, special fund estimates for
which State appropriations are available are now before the State
Architect for formal approval as follows :

Six-foot concrete walk on Tower Road $ 1,883.13

Animal Husbandry Department south of corridor,

manufacturing section 31,698.68

Dairy Industry Department, Part 11, north of

corridor, manufacturing section 34,243.84

Cinder concrete culvert and storm drain east of

Judd Falls Road 3,082.00

Laboratory and workroom, Vegetable Gardening... 6,469.06
Machine storage and repair shed, Pomology De

partment 4,856.93
30-foot pavement Tower Road 38,443.81

Total $120,677.45

40. The following appointments for the Summer School of the

Xew York State College of Agriculture, the Xew York State Col
lege of Home Economics, and the Summer School of Biology are

recommended :

Summer School of Agriculture:

Arthur Alien (Ornithology) $ 575.00
Elsa Allen (Ornithology) 350.00
Thomas L. Bayne, Jr. (Rural Education) 500.00
Cora E. Binzel (Rural Education) 650.00
William F. Bruce (Education) (part time) 100.00
Julian E. Butterworth (Rural Education) 750.00
Minnie P. Carr (Rural Education) (part time) 337.50
Arthur L. Carson (Secretary) (part time) 150.00
Peter W. Claassen (Biology) 625.00
Anna B. Comstock (Xature Study) 400.00
Joshua A. Cope (Forestry) (part time) 525.00
James E. Crouch (Ornithology) 200.00
Ralph W. Curtis (Ornamental Horticulture) 700.00
Ralph A. Felton (Rural Social Organization) 600.00
Emery X. Ferriss (Rural Education) (part time) 562.50
Albert M. Field (Rural Education) 700.00

Eva T. Gordon (Xature Study) _ 200.00

Gordon O. Hall (Poultry Husbandry) (part time) 100.00
William J. Hamilton (Biology) 300.00
Earl V. Hardenburg (Vegetable Gardening) 150.00
V. B. Hart (Farm Management) 625.00
Hazel Hicks (Rural Education) _
Edwin R. Hoskins (Rural Education) 500.00
Chester J. Hunn (Ornamental Horticulture) 500.00
John C. Hutter (Poultry Husbandry) 325.00
Peter P. Kellogg (Nature Study) 200.00
Paul J. Kruse (Rural Education) 750.00
Lawrence H. MacDaniels (Pomology) (part time) 225.00
Bruce L. Melvin (Rural Social Organization) 600.00
Lua A. Minns (Floriculture) 375.00
Clyde B. Moore (Rural Education) 750.00
Richard A. Mordoff (Meteorology) 575.00
Walter C. Muenscher (Botany) 450.00
Milton G. Nelson (Rural Education) (part time) 250.00
E. Laurence Palmer (Rural Education) 700.00
James B. Palmer (Rural Education) 400.00
George E. Peabody (Extension Teaching) 425.00
Frank A. Pearson (Marketing) 700.00
Joseph P. Porter (Ornamental Horticulture) 500.00
Louis M. Roehl (Rural Engineering) 500.00
E. Dwight Sanderson (Rural Social Organization) 750.00
James M. Sherman (Dairy Industry) (part time) 700.00
Edward W. Spry (Rural Education) -
Clifford M. Stark (Bacteriology) _ 300.00
Rolland M. Stewart (Rural Education) _. 1200.00
Homer C. Thompson (Vegetable Gardening) 400.00
George F. Warren (Farm Management) 750.00
Andrew L. Winsor (Rural Education) 500.00
Louis E. Wolf (Entomology) 400.00
Paul Work (Vegetable Gardening) _ 625.00

Summer School of Home Economics:

Muriel Brasie (Clothing) (part time) $350.00
Lucile Brewer (Foods) 525.00
Dora W. Erway (Household Arts) (part time) 225.00
Marie Fowler (Child Guidance) 625.00
Irma Gross (Home Management) _ _ 500.00
Mary Henry (Human Nutrition) 575.00
Edith McArthur (Nutrition) (part time) 300.00
Lucile Marine (Child Guidance) _ 500.00

Claribel Nye (Family Life) (part time) 275.00

Jennie E. Reece (Child Guidance) (part time) 100.00
Marie A. Reed (Graduate Nurse) (part time) 150.00
Katharine Reeves (Child Guidance) 325.00
Ruth J. Scott (Clothing and Textiles) (part time) 225.00
Lucile Spaulding (Nursery School) 300.00

41. The following appointments are recommended for the Sum

mer School in Hotel Administration, subject to cancellation if de
mand and income do not warrant continuance :

Jessie A. Boys (Foods), July 8 to July 27 *$250.00

John Courtney (Hotel Administration) 400.00
Katharine W. Harris (Foods), July 29 to August 16
Frank H. Randolph (Hotel Engineering) 650.00
Allan H. Treman (Hotel Law), July 29 to August 16 400.00
Richard S. Uhrbrock (Personnel Management), July 29 to
August 16 325.00

42. The following appointments are recommended for the 1929

Summer Forestry Camp :

S. N. Spring $500.00
R. C. Bryant 500.00
C. H. Guise 361.11
Cook and Helper 138.89

43. The appointment of County Agricultural Agents and County

Club Agents for the year 1929-30 by the respective county organiza

tions were reported, and the allocation of State and Federal funds
approved as follows :

County Agricultural Agents:

Name County Salary Lever State County
H. B. Davis Albany $3300 $ 600 $600 $2100
M. E. Thompson Allegany 2500 600 600 1300
T. C. Murray Broome 3000 600 600 1800
C. N. Abbey Cattaraugus 3000 600 600 1800
Charles L. Messer Cayuga 3000 600 600 1800
K. E. Paine Chautauqua 3300 600 600 2100
R. H. Hewitt Chemung 3200 600 600 2000
K. D. Scott Chenango 3800 600 600 2600
G. R. Czirr Clinton 2500 600 600 1300
A. B. Buchholz Columbia 4000 600 600 2800
H. L. Vaughn Cortland 3200 600 600 2000

*$500 if repeated July 29 to August 16.


Name County Salary Lever State County

C. G. Bradt Delaware 3500 600 600 2300
A. L. Sheperd Dutchess 3300 600 600 2100
R. F. Fricke Erie 4100 600 600 2900
F. R. Smith Essex 2500 600 600 1300
C. W. Radway Franklin 3240 600 600 2040
H. L. Hoyt Fulton 2300 600 600 1100
C. I. Bowman Genesee 2500 600 600 1300
E. G. Brougham Greene 3180 780 600 1800
J. S. White Herkimer 2700 600 600 1500
E. C. Masten Jefferson 2500 600 600 1300
J. C. Otis Lewis 3000 840 600 1560
C. H. Fogg Livingston 2600 603 600 1400
D. L. Hayes Madison 3000 600 600 1800
E. D. Merrill Monroe 4500 600 600 3300
C. M. Austin Montgomery 3400 600 600 2200
H. H. Campbell Nassau 3100 600 600 1900
L. A. Muckle Xiagara 4000 600 600 2800
G. W. Bush Oneida 4000 603 600 2800
D. D. Ward Onondaga 4000 600 600 2800
R. W. Pease Ontario 3300 600 600 2100
C. C. Davis Orange 3400 600 600 2200
R. G. Palmer Orleans 3600 600 600 2400
G. H. Brainard Oswego 3000 600 600 1800
H. P. Beals Otsego 3200 600 600 2000
J. D. King Rensselaer 3500 603 600 2300
R. B. Mihalko Rockland 3000 600 600 1800
L. H. Claus St. Lawrence 3000 600 600 1800
H. B. Little Saratoga 3300 600 600 2100
Clarence Johnson Schenectady 3000 600 600 1800
R. F. Pollard Schoharie 3300 600 600 2100
L. 0. Bond Schuyler 2740 840 600 1300
D. M. Dalrymple Seneca 2300 900 600 800
William S. Stempfle Steuben 3800 603 600 2600
E. S. Foster Suffolk 3400 600 600 2200
P. H. Allen Sullivan 3000 1080 600 1320
A. R. Blanchard Tioga 2440 840 600 1000
H. C. Morse Tompkins 2980 780 600 1600
Albert Kurdt Ulster 2725 600 600 1525
S. H. Fogg Warren 2680 780 600 1300
C. M. Slack Washington 3000 600 030 1800
M. E. Buckman Wayne 3000 600 600 1800
J. G. Curtis Westchester 3500 603 600 2300
L. H. Woodward Wyoming 3240 840 600 1800
C. B. Raymond Yates 3240 840 600 1800

Assistant County Agents:

Capper Serv
Name County Salary Lever Kctcham County ice
R. F. Foote Allegany $1800 $1800
E. F. Graham Cattaraugus 1800 600 $1200
C. K. Bullock Chautauqua 2100 600 1200 $300
J. E. Davis Chautauqua 2400 $1200 1200
M. X. Taylor Erie 3100 2800 300
A. J. Collins Erie 3000 600 600 1800
S. R. Shapley Genesee 1800 1200 600
N. F. Smith Livingston 1800 900 900
R. C. Coombs Monroe 3500 3200 300
R. S. Granger Monroe 1500 900 600
E. H. Clark Oneida 1800 300 1500
W. E. Fields Onondaga 2280 300 1980
W. R. Rafferty Orleans 1800 900 900
H. L. Page Oswego 1800 1200 600
W. G. Been Suffolk 2400 600 1500 300
W. S. Salisbury Ulster 1800 300 1200 300
E. F. Frane Wayne 2800 600 1900 300

County Club Agents:

Paul W. Thayer Albany $2400 $600 $600 $1200
Samuel B. Dorrance Cayuga 450(3 mos.) $450(3'< mos.)
Ernest C. Grant Chemung 3000 eoo 600 1800
Harry L. Case Chenango 3300 600 600 2100
Alden H. Mead Columbia 2000 600 1200 200
Chalmer C. Henderson Cortland 2400 600 1200 600
Elizabeth Woolley Cortland
Associate 1500 600 900
John A. Lennox Delaware 3200 600 600 2000
H. H. Tozier, Jr. Dutchess 3200 600 600 2000
W. J. Dupree Franklin 200 200
John D. Walker Genesee 2600 600 600 1400
W. J. Chapman Greene 600 600
Charles W. Reed Jefferson 2800 600 600 1600
Russell B. Ace Livingston 2000 600 1200 200
Leon C. Pratt Madison 2000 600 1200 200
E. B. Fuller Monroe 2820 600 600 1620
Dorothy L. Powell Nassau 2800 600 600 1600
Everdell G. Smith Oneida 2800 600 600 1600
F. E. Heinzelman Onondaga 3200 600 600 2000
Arthur B. Woodard Ontario 2200 600 600 1000
George D. Musser Orange 3000 600 600 1800


Name County Salary State Lever Ketcham County

Leon H. Westfall Oswego 3200 600 600 2000
Allen Pomeroy Otsego 2750 600 600 1550
Edith L. Cleeland Otsego
Assoc. 1800 600 1200
Albert Hoefer Rensselaer 3500 600 600 2300
Hazel S. Dunn Schenectady 2200 600 1200 400
Robert 0. Bale Schuyler 2300 600 800 900
E. W. Hoffman Tompkins 2600 600 600 1400
Allison A. McKenzie Wyoming 2400 600 600 1200

44. The budget for the New York State College of Agriculture
for the year 1929-30, totaling $1,934,889.35, was approved as pre

sented for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station

45. It was recommended that the Division of Agronomy be discon
tinued and that R. C. Collison, Chief in Research, and J. D. Harlan,
Assistant in Research, be transferred to the Horticultural Division,
and that the title of R. C. Collison be changed from Chief in Re
search (Agronomy) to Chief in Research (Orchard Soil Investiga
tions), and that of J. D. Harlan from Assistant in Research (Agron
omy) to Assistant in Research (Orchard Soil Investigations).

46. It was recommended that the experimental work in Poultry

be discontinued at the Station, but that permission be granted to re

tain a part of the poultry plant for the time being in charge of

tryman O'Neill, at a salary of $1,500 a year.

47. A report was made that the Chiefs in Research in the Divi
sions of Horticulture, Botany and Entomology had compared the
projects under way in their divisions with those in charge of similar

work at Cornell, and that there is now no duplication of work be

New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
tween the and the

New York State College of Agriculture in these divisions.

The Chiefs in Research in Bacteriology, Dairying, and Chemistry
are engaged at the present in co-ordinating their work with similar

work at Cornell with a view to avoiding duplication.

4S. It was recommended that Prof. P. J. Parrott be appointed

Vice-Director and Chief in (Entomology) of

Research the New
York State Agricultural Experiment Station, at a salary of $5,500
a year, with house, effective July 1, 1929.

49. The following resignations were reported :

James E. Mensching, Associate in Research (Agronomy), effective

June 30, 1929.

Viola Elver, Librarian, effective June 30, 1929.
21 IO

50. The following retirements, effective June 30th, 1929, were

reported :

W. P. Wheeler, Associate in Research (Animal Husbandry).

H. W. Hadlow, Superintendent of Buildings.
51. Minor changes in the staff of the New York State Agricul
turalExperiment Station made since the last regular meeting of the

Council by the Dean, under authority given him, were reported and

ratified as follows :

Z. I. Kertesz, Assistant in Research (Chemistry), at a salary of

$2,200 per annum, effective July 1, 1929.

Frederick Borg, Librarian, at a salary of $1,800 a year, effective

July 1, 1929.
52. It was recommended that the following appointments be
made :

Bernhard R. Nebel, Associate in Research (Horticulture) at a

salary of $3,000 a year, effective September 1, 1929.

G. E. R. Hervey to be Associate in Research (Entomology) at a

salary of $3,000 a year, effective July 1, 1929.

53. Leaves of absence were recommended as follows :

H. B. Tukey for a period of nine months beginning in September,

1929, and ending in June, 1930, at half salary.

C. B. Sayre, from about September 15, 1929, to February 1, 1930,

at full salary.

54. The following leases were reported for confirmation :

Lease laboratory space at Vassar College for use in connection


with Hudson Valley Horticultural Investigations for 1929-30, at $360

for the year.

Lease of 28 acres of land, with buildings, at Fredonia, N. Y., from

H. B. Benjamin Estate for five years, at an annual rental of $1,600.
55. The budget for the New York State Agricultural Experiment
Station for the year 1929-30, as presented, was recommended for ap
proval by the Board.
L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.
21 1 1


BUDGET FOR 1929-30

I. Administrative Service 1929-30

P. A. Fish, Dean, (12 mos.) $7,000 f $6,000 )

Supplemental bill X 1,000 j

Helena H. Haight, Clerk and Bookkeeper . . . 2,000 2,250

Mable B. Howell, Stenographer and

Secretary . . 1,200 1,200

M. L. Boyle, Clerk and Stenographer 960 1,020

Agnes Sullivan, Stenographer 960 960

Elsie A. Brown, Stenographer 960

E. Clifford Williams, Librarian 1,500 1,620

Archibald Wilson, Machinist 1,320 1,380

Warren B. Holden, Attendant 1,000 I, coo

Labor by the hour 750 600

$16,690 $17,990
General Expense
Office $1,500
Library . . . . 500
Machinist . . 100 2,100

$18,790 $20,090
Teaching and Research Service
Department of Anatomy
G. S. Hopkins, Professor ... 5,000

Earl Sunderville, Assistant Professor and Secretary

of the Faculty 3,250 3,250

Assistant 400 400

Thomas Merrill, Attendant . . . 1,000 1,000

Labor by the hour 500

$9,650 $10,150
General Expense 300 300

.950 $10,450
Department of Materia Medica and Small Animal Clinic
H. J. Milks, Professor and Superintendent of Small
Animal Clinic $5, 000 $5,000
H. C. Stephenson, Assistant Professor 2,750 2,750

Assistant . 1,000 1,000

George Schneider, Attendant 1,000 1,000

Labor by the hour 150 100

J.90Q $9,850
General Expense 500 400

$10,400 $10,250

Department of Medicine and

Ambulatory Clinic
D. H. Udall, Professor and Superintendent of

Ambulatory Clinic $5,000 . . 5,000

M. G. Fincher, Assistant Professor 3,250 . 3,250
W. J. Gibbons, Instructor 2,150 2,150
Seth D. Johnson, Instructor (12 mos)
($1,800, to be paid from appropriation for investigation
of mastitis)
George Willis, Groom 1,000 1,000

Henry Fatula, Teamster 1,000 1,000

$12,400 $12,400
General Expense
Medicine $600
Obstetrics 100

Keeping Team 1,000

Investigation mastitis 5,000 2,500 6,700

$14,900 $19,100

Department of Pathology and Bacteriology

W. A. Hagau, Professor of Pathology and

Bacteriology Head of Department

and $4,000 . . . $4,000
P. Olafson, Assistant Professor of Pathology 3,100 . . . 3,100

Harriet L. Mansfield, Instructor in Pathology 1,500 . 1,500

Donald Baker, Instructor in Diagnosis 2,000 . 2,000
R. C. Klussendorf, Assistant in Diagnosis 1,200 . . 1,200

Frank Bloom, Assistant in Bacteriology 400 . 400

E. L. Brunett, Assistant Professor in Poultry Diseases 2,540 2,54o
J. M. Hendrickson, Assistant Professor in Poultry
Research ( 12 mos. ) *4,ooo *4,ooo
K. F. Hilbert, Instructor in Poultry Investigation
( 12 mos. ) ... *i,8oo *2,4oo
C. C. Ellis, Instructor in Poultry Investigation
(12 mos.) . . *i,2oo *I,200
Norma F. Rose, Technician (12 mos. ) .... *i,5oo *i.5oo
Laboratory Helper ( 12 mos. )
Labor by hour, poultry disease diagnosis and inves
tigation . . . *900 *6oo
Alexander Zeissig, Assistant Professor in Investiga
tion (12 mos. ) **$2,750

Irving H. Everts, Attendant . 1,000 1,000

Labor by the hour, Pathology .... . . 150 100

$25,290 $26,140
General Expense
Department $ 800
Poultry Research, Ithaca 1,500

Poultry Research, Long Island 1,500

Johne's Disease 5,000

Tuberculin reactions 7,000 8,850 15,800

l,i4o 1I.94Q

*Paid from appropriation for poultry investigation.

**Paid from appropriation for Johne's disease investigation.

5. Department of Physiology.
P. A. Fish, Professor, (salary included in administrative service)
, Professor $5,ooo $5,ooo
C. E. Hayden, Assistant Professor 3,250 3,250

, Assistant . . . . 400 400

Temporary Labor 100 100

$S,75o $8,750

General Expense
Department . $400
Research ... 500 500 900

$9,250 $9,650

6. Department of Surgery
J. N. Frost, Professor . $5,000 $5,000
J. Maurer, Instructor .... 2,300 2,300

W. C. Selover, Groom . . 1,000 1,000

C. A. Sutton, Second Groom 1,000 1,000

$9,300 $9,3o
General Expense

Department . ... . $1,100

Research 700 1,200 i,Soo

$10,500 $11,100

7. Veterinary Experiment Station

R. R. Birch, Professor and Superintendent of

Station (plus $500 from the Federal Bureau

Animal Industry) . $5,000 $5,000
J. W. Benner, Assistant Professor . .
1,675 3, 35
Leo Fortune, Instructor 1,675
H. L. Gilman, Assistant Professor (plus $500 from
the Federal Bureau of Animal Industry) . . 3,000 3,000

Assistant *r,ooo *i,ooo
Ira Fowler, Attendant .... . . . 1,140 1,200

A.B. Newman, Attendant . 1,000 1,000

Ray Newman, Teamster 1,000 1,000

Alvin Ross, Janitor . . 1,000 1,000

Laborers as required .... . . . 800 800

$17,290 $i7,35o

General Expense
Experiment Station $1,700
Investigation ... ... . . 13,000 14,200 14,700

$3M90 $32,050

8. Department of Farriery
Henry Asmus, Assistant Professor $2,600 $2,600
Thomas Nuttall, Attendant . . 1,000 1.000

$3,600 $3,600
General Expense 100 100

$3,7oo $3,700
Totalfor Teaching and Research Service . . $124,330 $138,240

*Paid from appropriation for investigation swine and breeding animal


III. Non-Departmental Expenses

Printing and Advertising $2,200 $2,000
Repairs .... . ... 3,000 6,900

Veterinary Conference ... 500 500

Lecturers ... 250 250

State Fair Exhibit IOO IOO

Grounds 250 250

Insurance, Liability 375

Contingent 950 500

Reserve for Research Poultry Diseases 2,600 500

$9,850 $n,375

IV. Fixed Charges

Fuel, Heat, Light, Power and Water . . ... $9,250 $9,250

Salaries . . . $112,870 $115,530
General Expense . . ... .30,250 42,800

Non-Departmental Expense ... ... 9,850 n,375

Fixed Charges ... . . . 9,250 9,250

$162,220 $178,955


Balance, July 1, T92S .... . . . .

$6,263 21

Tuition 1928-29 . . .... . . . 2,990 00

$9,253 21

Expenditures 1928-29 . . $3>835 8r

Balance, July 1, 1929 $5,4*7 40

Budget for 1929-30 $1,300 00

Balance unmortgaged $4,TI7





State Funds
1928-29 1929-30 Increase
Personal Service $132,247 $137,737 5,490
Accessory Instruction 39,000 39,000
Fuel, Light, Power and Water 12,000 12,000
Printing General 900 900
Printing Departmental Reports and Bulletins.... 4,600 4,600
Equipment, Supplies and Materials 6,500 7,150 650
Traveling Expenses 5,250 5,750 500
Communication 2,000 2,000
County Home Bureaus 26,400 26,400
Repairs 1,200 1,200
Summer School 3,200 3,200
Expenses of Annual Conference of Agents 1,200 1,200
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 750 750
Workmen's Compensation Insurance, 1928-29 560 560
Research and Investigation into Living Costs on

Farms 5,000 5,000

$234,497 $247,447 $ 12,950

Construction 475,000 475,000

Federal Funds
Lever Regular $41,330.08 $ 51,355.041
Lever Supplemental 27,724.33 17,699.37 ]
Smith-Hughes 600.00 800.00 $ 200
Purnell 13,500.00 15,200.00 1,700
Capper-Ketcham 7,250.00 12,250.00 5,000

$ 90,404.41 $ 97,304.41 $ 6,900

Other Funds
Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial $ 31,500.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 3,500
Hotel Administration Courses 52,000.00 52,000.00

$ 83,500.00 $ 87,000.00 $ 3,500

Grand Total $408,401.41 $906,751.41 $498,350


Items Assigned from Budget of College of Agriculture
Office of Dean and Director
Home Econ. Agriculture C. U.
Albert R. Mann, Dean and Director $2,700 ($4,800) ($2,500)
Helen G. Titus, Secretary to the Dean 540 ( 1,260)

Office of the Director of Resident Instruction

and Secretary
Cornelius Betten, Director of Resident Instruc
tion 1,800 ( 4,800)
Fanny E. Grennell, Clerk and Stenographer 872 ( 808)
Edla E. Gregg, Clerk and Stenographer (1,000)960

Office of the Director of Extension

C. E. Ladd, Director of Extension 1,800 ( 4,800)
R. H. Wheeler, Professor in Extension Service.. 1,425 ( 3,325)
W. J. Wright, Professor in Extension Service
and State Leader of Junior Extension 1,350 ( 3,150)
Bristow Adams, Professor in Extension Service
and Editor and Chief of Publications 1,775 ( 2,475)
Nellie Leonard, Assistant Editor 180 ( 1,420)
Mrs. Nellie Hall, Clerk Publications 960
Mrs. A. J. Savard, Clerk Publications 840
Anna Morovec, Clerk Publications 840
Miss E. A. Mapes, Clerk Publications 840
Lecturers in Extension Work 1,500 (12,750)
Travel For Lecturers in Extension Work 750
Expenses of Annual Conference of Agents 1,200 ( 2,600)

Office of the University Treasurer

Mrs. L. G. Butler. Assistant to the Treasurer 540 ( 1,260)

Business Office
George W. Parker, Bursar 600 ( 3.400)
John G. Gudmundsen, Chief Clerk 900 ( 2,500)
Vacant, Clerk 845

W. W. Ellis. Librarian 1,000 ( 2,500)
Gertrude Scott, Library Assistant (2,000) 1,800
Marion Crist, Library Assistant (1,500) 1,400
Mildred Wilson, Library Assistant 750 ( 750)
Paul V. Smiley, Reference Librarian 750 ( 750)
Miscellaneous Labor 150 ( 250)
Home Econ. Agriculture C. U.
Staff for Care of Buildings and Repairs
E. T. Hiscock, Engineer 900 ( 1,200)
Edward Brown, Janitor 900
Leroy Van Dyne, Mechanic 900

A. G. Hurlbutt, Superintendent 600 ( 1,400)
Louis Van Nostrand, Laborer 1,080
C. F. Thomas, Laborer 450 ( 570)

General Items
Fuel, Light, Power and Water 12,000
Printing Reports and Bulletins 4,600
Repairs 1,200
Summer School 3,200
Accessory Instruction in Cornell University 39,000
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State Funds
1928-29 1929-30 Inerease
Personal Service $ 947,843 $ 962,693 $ 14,850
Accessory Instruction 41,000 41,000
Fuel, Light, Power and Water 125,000 125,000
Printing General 5,900 6,400 1
Printing Departmental
Reports and Bulletins 38,900 38,400 S
Printing Departmental Reports and Bulletins Def.
28-29 10,000 10,000
Equipment, Supplies and .Materials 85,000 86,497 1,497
Traveling Expenses 36,000 36,000
Traveling Expenses Deficiency for 28-29 5,000 5,000
Communication 14,000 14,000
Farm Bureaus and Junior Extension Workers 49,800 49,800
Rent .'.
1,440 1,440
Repairs 15,000 15,000
Repairs Deficiency for 27-28 2,988 2,988
Deficiency for 28-29 6,000 6,000
Summer School 20.000 20,000
Extension Work with Indians 6,000 6,000
Expenses of Exhibits 1,000 1,000
Expenses of Annual Conference of County Agents.... 2,600 2,600
Long Island Vegetable Research Farm 14,900 14,900
Courses in Nursery Work 15,270 15,270
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 4,000 4,000
Workmen's Compensation Insurance, 28-29 3,000 3,000
Contingent (Prof. Stocking salary) 2,223 2,223

Special State Appropriations :

Animal Husbandry Maintenance and Personal Serv
ice ^ 40,950 40,950
Animal Husbandry Personal Service 9,500 9,500
Animal Husbandry Cow
Testing 3,600 3,600
Animal Husbandry Repairs and Construction 30,000 30,000
Muck Land Investigations 19,200 19,200
Potato Disease Investigations 4,250 4,250
Seed Potato Stock Investigations 5,030 5,030
Potato Production and Storage Investigations 4,000 4,000
Regional Readjustment and Development Investiga-
tions ..
5,000 5,000
City Markets Investigations 4,000 4,000
Co-operative Marketing Investigations 6,000 6,000

1928-29 1929-30 Increase

Rural Government Investigations 7,000 7,000
Printing 10,000 10,000
Editorial Assistants 2,000 2,000
Central New York Egg Laving Contest (Cornell
University) 30,000 30,000

Total $1,419,653 $1,649,741 $230,088

Construction 1,100,000
Federal Funds
Lever Regular 111,892.11 101,867.15 1
Lever Supplemental 27,295.04 37,320.00 S
Capper-Ketcham 12,750.00 25,161.20 2,411.20
Adams 13,500.00 13,500.00
Hatch 13,500.00 13,500.00
Morrill 10,000.00 10,000.00
Nelson 10,000.00 10,000.00
Purnell 31.500.00 38,800.00 7,300.00
Smith-Hughes 25,000.00 25,000.00

$255,437.15 $275,148.35 $19,711.20

Other Funds
General Education Board 10,000.00 10,000.00

Grand Total *$ 1,685 ,090. 15 $1,934,889.35 $249,799.20

*Not including construction.




BUDGET 1929-30


Office of the Dean and Director of Experiment Stations

Aqric. Home Econ. C. U.
Albert R. Mann, Dean, and Director of Experiment Stations..$4,800 ($2,700) $2,500
Vacant, Assistant to the Dean 2,890
Helen G. Titus, Secretary to Dean and Director 1,260 ( 540)
Grace M. Grimes, Stenographer 1,020
Maintenance :
Equipment and Supplies $ 315
Equipment and Supplies for Special Research 3,000 Purnell
Travel 725 Reserve
Communication 250 $1,750
Printing 80

Office of Director of Resident Instruction and Secretary

Aqric. Home Econ. Total Increase
Cornelius Betten, Director of Resident Instruction $4,800 ($1,800) $6,600 $300
Olin W. Smith, Secretary 3,250 3,250
A. W. Gibson, Associate Secretary in charge of
former student relations, vocational guidance
and placement 3,000 250
LouiseFletemeyer, Assistant Secretary 1,800(1,925)
1(1,925) 1,800 120
Fanny E. Grennell, Clerk and Stenographer 808 ( 872) 1,680 180
Mrs. Esther P. Slocum, Clerk and Stenographer... .1,020
1 (1,440) 1,020 60
Edla E. Gregg, Clerk and Stenographer ( 1,000)960 120
Mrs. J. R. English, Clerk and Stenographer 1,080 60

Equipment and Supplies 800 150
Communication 600
Printing _ 2,150 450
General Expenses College $100

Office of the University Treasurer

Agric. Home Econ. Total
Mrs. L. G. Butler, Assistant to Treasurer $1,260 ($540) $1,800
Lawrence Caley, Inventory Clerk....- 1,800 1,800

Agric. Home Econ. College Total Increase
W. W. Ellis, Librarian 52,500 ($1,000) $3,500
Gertrude Scott, Librarv Assistant (Cata
loguer and Classifier) ( 2,000)1800 $120
Mildred Wilson, Library Assistant, (Assist
ant Cataloguer) 750 ( 750)
Marion Crist, Librarv Assistant (Foreign
Exchange Assistant)..... ( 1,500)1400 100
Hattie Barnes, Library Assistant (Periodical
Assistant) - 1,500
Flora Stevens, Library Assistant (Reading
Room Assistant) 1,500
Martha Smith, Library Assistant (Evening
Assistant) 1,500
Mary E. Hill, Library Assistant 1,200
Margaret Ray, Library Assistant 1,200
Paul V. Smiley, Reference Librarian (Read
ing Room 'Assistant) 750 ( 750)
Miscellaneous Labor 250 ( 150)
Dolly Duke, Clerk and Stenographer $900 60

Equipment and Supplies 7,732 267
Books and Periodicals 500
Communication - 180
Printing 140
I8 CM 3-0
ss ss
tt lo


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BUDGET FOR 1929-30


Position Commu- Dist. of Salary In-

1928-29 1929-30 tation State Federal crease

Director House &

Hedrick, U. P. 6,500 $6,500 Supplies 6,500
Vice Director and Chief in Re
search, Parrott, P. ....
6,000 5,500
5,000 500 H
Luckett, J. D 3,750 4,250 3,500 750 H 500
Borg, Frederick .
1,800 1,800 1.800
Museum Preparator
Lawson, J. S. .
1,500 1,500 1,500

Mailing Clerk
Jones, Elizabeth 8o I2Q

Sperry, Jessie A 1,500 1,500 1,500

Bowen, F. K I500 I>8oo I)8oo 3QO
Petersen, Elma Q I|2QO I)2QO l8o
Curtis, Lena G 1,200 1,200 1,200

Hogan, Maude L [,200 1,200 1,200

Fahy, Mary 1,200 1,200 1,200

McGuigan, Mildred . .
1,080 i.oSo 1,080

Corcoran, Cecilia . . ...

1,000 1,060 1,060 60
Chiefs in Research
Breed, R. S 4,500 5, coo House 5,000 500

Stewart, F. C 4,500 5,000 5,oco 5C0

Willaman, J. J 4,500 4,500 4,500
Dahlberg, A. C 3,500 4,000 4,000 500
Wellington, R 3, 750 4,000 4,000 250
Collison, R. C 3,500 3,750 3,750 250

Conn, H. J 3,750 3,750 3,750

Sayre, C. B. . . 3,750 3,750 3,750

Glasgow, H 3,750 3,750 3,750

Hucker, G. J. ... .
3,000 3,600 3,600 600
Munn, M. T. . . 3,250 3,600 3,600 350
Carpenter. D. C 3,250 3,600 2,100 1,500 A 350
A. W
Clark, 3,250 3,600 3,600 350
Associates in Research
Hall, F. H. . .
3,250 3,500 3,500 250

Hartzell, F. Z. 3,250 3,250 3,250

Gladwin, F. E. . 3,000 3,250 3,250 250

Howe, G. H 3,250 3,250 3,250

Gloyer, W. 0 3, 000 3,000 3,000 P

Streeter, L. R 3,000 3,000 3,000

Van Eseltine, G. P 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 P

Vice-Anderson (3,000) 3,000 3,000

Pedersen, C. S 2,350 2,750 2,750 400

Horsfall, J. G 2,750 2,750 2,750

Slate, G. L 2.500 2,750 2,750 250

Hening, J. C 2,200 2,500 2,500 300

Nebel, B. R. (10 mos ) . .

(2,500) 2,500 2,500

Has house rent in lieu of cash Decrease of $500 on Federal

Position Salary Commu- Dist. of Salary In-

192S-29 1929-30 tation State Federal crease
Assistants in Research
Walsh, Wm. . 2,400 2,400 2,400
Moore, M. G. . . 2.400 2,400 2,400
Sweeney, M. P. 2,400 2,400 2,400
Einset, O. 2, IOO 2,300 2,300 200

Hawthorn, L. 2,IOO 2,300 2,300 200

Harland, J. D. 2,250 2,250 2,250
Gambrell, F. L. 1,900 2,200 2,200 300
Hansen, P. A. ... 2,200 2,200 2,200
Kokoski, F. 2,000 2,000 2,000

Hoefle, Olive 2,000 2,000 2,000

Woodbridge, Mary 2,000 2, COO 2.000

Van Alstyne, L. 1,800 2,000 2,000 2CO

Marquardt, J. C. 1,900 2, IOO 2,100 200

Vice-Shriner (2,200) 2 20O 2,200

Traphagen, P. V. 1,500 I,60O 1,600

Churchill, G. W. 2, COO 2,000 House 2,000
Mohr, Conrad 1,750 1,750 r,75o
O'Neill, P. ... 1,500 1,500 1,320 180 H
Foreman in Orchards
Corcoran. P. . . 1,500 I,5CO 1,500
Supt. of Buildings
Hadlow, H. 1,500 1,500 1,500
Bowers, R. . ... 1,620 1,620 1,620
HefFeron, J 1,500 1,500 1,500
Goodwin, B. . 1,440 1,440 House 1,440

Laboratory Helpers
Murray, M. . . 1,320 I,320 1,320

Smith, R 1,320 1,320 i.32o

Oaks, W. F 1,200 1,200 House 1,200
Laborers 32.150 32,I50 32,150

Total on Regular
Personal Service $209,270 $216,230 $208,800 $7, 430 $6, 960
Special Funds
Position 1928-29 1929-30 Decrease Increase
Raspberry and Small Fruit Investigations (4,500)
Associate in Research
Rankin, W. H $3,5 3-5oo

Labor and Expenses ... . 1,000 1,000

Long Island Vegetable Research Farm (8,800)

Associates in Research
Clayton, E. E 3,250 3,5oo 250

Huckett, H. C. . 3,25 3,5oo 250

Maintenance and Operation . . . 1,800 1.800


Position Salary
1928-29 1929-30 Decrease Increase
Hudson Valley Hort. Investigations (13,700)
Associates in Research
Shear, E. V 3, 000 3,000

Mundinger, F. G 3, 000 3,000

Anderson, L. C 3,000 3,000

Labor 1,200 1,200
Maintenance and Operation . . . 3,500 3, 500
Nursery Shrubs and Plants (13,450)
Chief in Research
Tukey, H. B 4,000 4,250 250
Plant Propagator
Brase, Karl 1,800 1,800
Stenographer(Half time) Barrett,
Marion 500 500
Labor 4,000 4,000
Expenses 3, 150 2,900 250

Investigation of Moths and Insects (13,000) 13,000

Associates in Research
Daniel, D. M. 2,800

Harman, S. W 2,800

Services and Expenses 7, 400

Com Borer Investigations (7,250) 7,250

Association Research
Hervey, G. E. R 3, 000
Services and Expenses 4,250

Maintenance and Operation

1928.29 1929-30 Increase

Fuel, Light, Power, Water 8,750 8,750
Printing and Advertising 9,000 9,000

Equipment, Supplies, Materials 27,500 31,670 4,170

Traveling Expenses 5, 000 5,000

Communication 3,000 3,000
Fixed Charges, Etc * "
75 2,030 L955
Rent 3,200 3,200
Repairs and Alterations 7, 500 12,500 5,000
Contingencies 100 100

$64,125 $75,250 $11,125

State Distri-
Appropri- bution Federal Total
ation 1929-30

Personal Service $209,350 $208,800 $7,430 $216,230

Special Funds, Services and Expenses . 60,700 60,700 60, 700
Maintenance and Operation 75,250 75,250 75,25o

$344,750 $7,43o $352,180
*$300 unused on salary of Clerk.
$250 unused on salary of Research Staff.
Distribution of Federal Funds
Adams Hatch Purnell

D. C. Carpenter $1,500
P. J. Parrott 5

J. D. Luckett 750

P. F. O'Neill 180

W. O. Gloyer 3.000

G. P. Van Eseltine i,5

$1,500 $1,430 $4,5oo

Appropriations $1,500 $1,500 $6,000


June 17, 1929.
With the approval of all members of the Committee on Finance,
the purchase of 500 shares of United Light and Power $6-00 cumu

lative convertible preferred stock at approximately 9% was


George F. Rogalsky,
Secretary pro tem.

June 17th, 1929.
Trustees R. H. Treman, Chairman; Farrand, Sackett, J.
DuPratt White, Sanderson, Upson and Whitman ; Comptroller Bost
wick and Superintendent Curtis.
Action was taken as follows :

1. It was decided that the location and grade of Central Avenue

from the Library to 3 Central Avenue shouldbe left approximately
as at present and that a concrete sidewalk should be constructed on

the west side of the street but to the east of the row of trees bor

dering the street from Library Tower to the road north of 3 Central
Avenue, provided funds are available. It was also decided that the
gutter on the east side of the street be made shallow and a parking
place provided on the east thereof.

2. The question as to whether Tower Road for that portion be

tween East Avenue and Garden Avenue should be constructed in a

straight line or with a slight curve was referred Mr. Cooley and
Mr. Fleming for determination, the road when built to have a slight
crown of approximately three inches and with a triangle at its inter
section at East Avenue.
L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.


June 17th, 1929.
Trustees J. DuPratt White, Chairman ; Farrand, Sackett,
Sanderson, R. H. Treman, Upson, Westinghouse and Whitman;
Comptroller Bostwick and Superintendent Curtis.
Regrets were received from Trustee Wakeman and his absence


1. It was recommended that an incinerator be constructed in con

nection with the stack of the Central Heating Plant at a cost not to
exceed $12,CG0, this cost to be added to and to be made a part of the
cost of the Heating Plant and amortized in the same way as the cost
of the plant.

2. The approval by the Architectural Advisory Board of the

plans for the new laundry unit at East Ithaca as prepared by Francis
Y. Joannes was received.

3. The following report from the Architectural Advisory Board

approving in general the plan for a Fine Arts building was received :
"We note that the educational program covering the scope of

work to be housed in this structure was approved by the Board of

Trustees of the University on January 26th, and that the Board in

structed the Committee on Buildings and Grounds to select a site,
which action has been taken by the Buildings and Grounds Commit
tee, as reported to us in letter of April 8th, from the Comptroller.

The Board of Trustees also instructed the Committee on Buildings

and Grounds to study and report on plans for the construction of

the building. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds adopted

the following resolution : 'Resolved, That the plans for the pro

posed Fine Arts Building, prepared and by Mr. Acker


man, be turned over to the Architectural Advisory Board, with the

request that they study them and report their approval or sugges

tions to this committee, it being understood that the exterior of the

building is to be local

constructed mainly of

In view of the vital influence of the educational program upon

both the selection of site and the character of the building, it was

particularly gratifying to learn of the action of the Board of Trus

tees and also, we understand, of the Faculty of the School, in defi
nitely adopting the program which determined the choice of the site

by the Advisory Board in 1925.

With the site and program definitely determined upon, we have
given further detailed consideration to the plans submitted by Mr.
Ackerman, and find they meet the requirements and will produce an

admirable building for the purposes intended. The scale of the

architecture indicated harmonizes well with the surrounding build

ings, but we believe the scale of mass might be brought more nearly
into harmony with the smaller units on the campus by a sub-division

of its total mass into a greater number of units, and would suggest

that Mr. Ackerman be asked to submit some further studies with

this object in In the study of the plans, we believe the intro


duction of four towers in the court gives a sense of overcrowding

which might be overcome by

4. The plans for the new Fine Arts Building as prepared by Mr.
Ackerman and approved by Advisory Board were
the Architectural


5. The following report concerning the new Home Economics

Building was received from the Architectural Advisory Board :
"We are also in receipt of a communication from Mr. Bostwick in
reference to the Home Economics Building, asking for an opinion
of our Board upon the site, for consideration at the meeting of the
Committee on Buildings and Grounds on the 26th instant. The
question of building material was also submitted.

In this connection we note that the appropriation for a new Home

Economics Building covers only the central portion of a proposed

larger structure and the size of this ultimate building will of neces

sity influence the choice of site. Its relation to other structures will

also influence the choice of material. We believe no decision should

be reached as to site or material until the size of the ultimate struc

ture is reasonably fixed. Without an opportunity for such study on

the ground we believe it unwise to make any recommendation before

the meeting of your committee on the

6. The matter of selecting a site for the new Music Building was
referred, with power, to a committee composed of President Far

rand, Trustees J. DuPratt White and R. H. Treman, with the under

standing that this committee was to confer with the Architectural

Advisory Board and the Landscape Advisor concerning the location

of such site.

7. It was recommended that Mr. Ackerman be asked to make a

study of the problem of providing garages for the tenants of the

Faculty Apartments, both from the standpoint of temporary struc

tures and as a part of the future units of the Faculty Apartments

group, the overhead expenses for this study to be paid by the Uni

8. The expenditure of the general appropriations for improve

ments to the Physical Plant was referred to a committee consisting
of the Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, the Presi
dent and Trustee R. H. Treman, with power.

9. The matter of remodeling the President's barn was referred

to the above appointed Committee on Improvements.

10. The construction of the new walk and the parking place along
Central Avenue as recommended by the Landscape Committee was

authorized to such extent as funds may be made available. Trustee

Upson very kindly offered to give $2,000 to assist in this work.
L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.

June 17th, 1929.
Present Trustees Hiscock, Chairman; J. DuPratt White, Far
rand, Witter, Turner, Cooke, Crawford, Gherardi, Miller, Newman,
Pound, Sackett, Sanderson, Ten Eyck, C. E. Treman, R. H. Treman,
Upson, Van Cleef, Van Namee, Warner, Westinghouse, Horace
White, Whitman, and Roger B. Williams ; Faculty Representatives
Thilly, Warren and Diederichs, and Comptroller Bostwick.
Regrets were received from Trustees Roosevelt, Lehman, Pyrke,
Cornell, Gannett, Ickelheimer, Schoellkopf, Taylor, Teagle and
Wakeman and their absence excused.

1. A communication was received from the Cornell Alumni Cor

poration informing the Board of the election of Edwin N. Sander
son, 'S7, and James W. Parker, '08, as Alumni Trustees of the Uni
versity, each for a term of five years.
2. Authority was granted the President to confer degrees on
June 17th, 1929, in accordance with the recommendations of the spe
cial faculties, upon students who have fulfilled all necessary require


The Board then adjourned to attend Commencement exercises and

reassembled at 2 P. M.

3. By ballot duly had and with the concurrent vote of more than
fifteen trustees, Messrs. Cuthbert W. Pound, W. C. Teagle and
Henry W. Sackett were elected Trustees of the University, each for
a term of five years, to succeed themselves.

4. The following Trustees were elected on the respective commit

tees : Committee on General Administration, Cuthbert W. Pound;
Committee and Grounds, Henry W. Sackett, E. N. San
on Buildings
Council, Mary M. Crawford; Graduate School
derson ; State College
Council, Cuthbert W. Pound ; Heckscher Research Council, Alfred
D. Warner.

5. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of April 27th, 1929,

were approved as printed.

6. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on General Ad

ministration of June 1st, 1929, were approved as printed and

action therein contained ratified and confirmed.

7. The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on Finance of

and the
April 27th and May 10th, 1929, were approved as printed

action therein contained ratified and confirmed.

8. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on Buildings

and Grounds of April 27th, 1929, were approved as printed and the

action therein contained ratified and confirmed.


9. The minutes of the meeting of the Medical College Council of

May 17th, 1929, were approved as printed, the recommendations

therein contained adopted and appointments and appropriations made

as recommended.

10. The budget of the Medical College and the Medical College
Clinic in New York City for the year 1929-30 as proposed by the
Medical College Council was approved and appointments and appro
priations made as therein recommended.

11. The minutes of the meeting of the State College Council of

June 8th, 1929, including the budgets of the New York State College
of Agriculture, New York State College of Home Economics, New
York State Veterinary College and the New York State Agricultural
Experiment Station were approved and the appointments and appro

priations made as therein recommended.

12. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on Buildings

and Grounds and the Landscape Committee of June 17th, 1929, were

approved as read by the Secretary.

13. A gift to the Medical College in New York City of $25,000 for
research purposes was reported and accepted and the following
budget recommended by the Committee on Educational Policy was

approved :

A study of the Bacteriology of Chronic Arthritis and Rheu

matic Fever under the direction of Dr. Russell Cecil $10,000.00
A study of the Cellular Response of the Blood in Patients
to Infection and Degenerative Diseases by Dr. Paul Rez-
nikoff 2,800.00
(This work is to be carried out under the direction of

Dr. Victor Schilling in Berlin.)

A study of the Influence of the Thyroid on Canine Meta
bolism under the direction of Professor Graham Lusk 2,000.00
A study of the Defectation Center in the Medulla and a

study of the Duration of Action of important drugs un

der the direction of Professor Robert A. Hatcher 2,000.00

A study of Water Metabolism in Infancy by Dr. Samuel
Z. Levine 4,000.00
A study by Dr. Delario under the direction of Professor
Joshua E. Sweet, the exact subject to be determined 1,000.00
A study of the Metabolic Conditions underlying Obesity by
Dr. Henry J. Spencer 3,000.00

Total $24,000.00

14. Upon recommendation of the committee appointed to investi

gate the matterbuilding an incinerator in connection with the

stack of the Central

Heating Plant, the construction of such an in
cinerator was authorized at a cost not to exceed
$12,000, the cost to
be amortized as a part of the cost of the heating plant.
15. The President reported that researches in connection with the
stack of the Central Heating Plant were being carried on and an

nounced that Trustee Sanderson had made a gift of $2,500 for the
furtherance of these researches. This gift was accepted and the
appreciation of the trustees expressed to Mr. Sanderson.
16. A gift of $2,000 from Trustee Upson to assist in the con

struction of a concrete sidewalk along the west side of Central Ave

nue was reported, the gift accepted and the appreciation of the trus
tees expressed to Trustee L'pson.
17. The President reported that Librarian Willard Austen and
Professors H. J. Davenport and G. R. McDermott were retiring on
June 17th and that Dean V. A. Moore and Professor Annette J.
Warner were retiring on June 30th, and upon his recommendation

the following emeritus appointments were made :

Willard Austen, Librarian, Emeritus.
H. J. Davenport, Professor of Economics, Emeritus.
G. R. McDermott, Professor of Structural Design, Emeritus.
V. A. Moore, Professor of Comparative and Veterinary Pathology
and Bacteriology and of Meat Inspection, and Dean of the New

York State Veterinary College, Emeritus.

Annette J. Warner, Professor of Home Economics, Emeritus.

18. By a recent action of the directors of the Carnegie Founda

tion, the benefits of the Carnegie retiring allowances are denied to
members of the staff of the New York State Veterinary College.

Owing to this fact and the long and exceptional service given by
Dean Moore, an allowance of $3,150 a year was granted him by the

Trustees, effective July 1st, 1929.

19. Upon recommendation of the President, Professor P. A. Fish
was elected Dean New York State Veterinary College and
of the
Professor of Physiology, at a salary of $7,000 a year, effective July
1st, 1929.
20. By the concurrent vote of the majority of the Board of Trus
tees, Section 3 of Article XV of the Statutes of the University was

amended to read as follows :

Subject to other provisions herein for the retirement and removal

of members of the instructing staff, all appointments thereto shall be

for the following periods respectively: In the State Colleges and

the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, for one year;
in all other colleges, unless otherwise specified at the time of ap
pointment, in the case of full professors, for an indefinite period ; in
the case of assistant professors, for the term of three years ; in the
case instructors, for the term
of of one year; in the case of reap
pointment of instructors, for the term of two years; in the case of

assistants, for the term of one year, and in any event for not more

than two years ; in the case of lecturers, for a period not longer than
a year. Members of said staff appointed for a definite period shall

not hold over, but at the expiration of said period their connection

with the university shall cease unless they be reappointed.

21. The Comptroller reported that a portion of the residuary es

tate of Mr. Payne Whitney was ready to be turned over to Cornell
University, and it was
Resolved, That authority be and hereby is given Charles D. Bost
wick, Comptroller, to execute a receipt for stocks, bonds, other se
curities and cash received by the University from the executors of

the estate of Mr. Payne Whitney, deceased, in lieu of and as the

equivalent of 750 shares of Northern Finance Corporation stock

allotted to it in partial satisfaction of its interest in the residuary

estate of said testator, and to attach thereto the University's corpor
ate seal.

Be it further Resolved, That the said Charles D. Bostwick, Comp

troller, be authorized on behalf of Cornell University to execute and
deliver any further receipts, releases, assignments, consents or other
papers incident to or necessary for the complete transfer and regis

tration in the name of the University of such stock and other securi

ties above referred to and to attach to any such papers the Univer
sity's corporate seal.

22. The general program for the development of a Music Depart

ment and the housing of such department in a building constructed

for that purpose as presented to the Board and recommended by the

President was approved.

23. Upon recommendation of the donor the conditions governing

the Frances Sampson Fine Arts Prize were amended by adding the
following provisions to the original letter of gift :

(d) If the prize is not awarded, or if only a portion of the income

is in any one year, the
used unexpended balance may be added to the
principal fund.

(e) If at any time in the future in the opinion of the Board of

Trustees it becomes inadvisable to grant the prize as provided, the

income of the fund may be used in any way the trustees may deter
mine for the advancement of the appreciation of fine arts in the


24. The Comptroller reported thefollowing provision in the Will

of Carrie G. Townsend, who died May 17th, 1929:
"Ninth: All the rest, residue and remainder of my estates both
real and personal, I give, devise and bequeath to the Merchants Na
tional Bank of Middletown, N. Y., as trustee, in trust, for the fol

lowing uses and purposes: To invest the same and keep the same
invested and to pay the net income received therefrom in quarterly
payments to my son, Prescott W. Townsend, for and during the term
of his natural life ; and upon the death of my said son, Prescott W.
Townsend, in case there are issue of my said son, Prescott W.
Townsend, living, then, in that event, to pay the corpus of said trust
fund to the issue of said Prescott W. Townsend, to be theirs, their
heirs and assigns forever, share and share alike. In case, however,
my said son, Prescott W. Townsend, dies without issue, then, in that
event, to divide the corpus of said trust fund in two equal shares or

portions, and to pay one of said shares or portions to Cornell Uni

versity located at Ithaca, New York, to be its successors and assigns

forever, to be kept intact in a fund to be known as the 'Garrett T.

Townsend Memorial with the request that the income to be
used to aid poor and needy students, who have satisfactorily com

pleted at least one year of study at said university, and satisfactorily

proved themselves to be of superior scholastic ability and moral

character, with the proviso that such aid may be extended in the
discretion of said university to said students as a gift or as a loan to
be repaid within five years after graduation without interest ; and to
pay the other one of said shares or portions to the Board of Chris
tian Education of the Presbyterian Church, to be its successors or
assigns forever, with the request that said fund be kept intact and be
known as the 'Garrett T. Townsend and the income only used
for the purpose of said

25. The Comptroller was authorized to execute a release of a

portion of premises covered by the Fippin mortgage held by the

University, for the purpose of giving to the city a free and unen
cumbered title to certain lands for street purposes on Elmwood Ave
nue and to attach thereto the University's corporate seal.

26. Permission was granted Mrs. George P. Bristol to continue to

occupy the house on the campus lot leased to the late Professor
Bristol for the period of one year from July 1st, 1929.

27. The committee appointed to consider the purchase of the

house owned by William Hazlitt Smith on Oak Avenue reported

that this property was not needed by the University.

28. The following report was presented from the Cornellian

Council :

June 17, 1929.

Board of Trustees,
Cornell University,
Ithaca, Neiv York.
Gentlemen :

At the annual meeting of the Cornellian Council held in Ithaca on

Saturday, June 15th, the following recommendation was made, to be

presented to the Board of Trustees :

"That of the net cash balance at the end of the year the trustees
appropriate $10,000 for the further cost of construction of Boldt
Hall in accordance with a previous commitment, and that they add
to the Cornell Alumni Endowment Fund those gifts which have been
received during the current year for permanent endowment, and that
the balance of such fund be used as an emergency

It was reported by the Executive Committee to the annual meet

ing of the Council that the total amount to be transmited in cash and

securities to the University for the current fiscal year will approxi

mate nearly $1,000,000, and it is still hoped that the Cornellian

Council will fulfill its promise to President Farrand and the trustees
of a net unrestricted fund of $140,000 which has been carried in the
budget for the current fiscal year.

Mr. Jervis Langdon '97 of Elmira, N. Y., was re-elected President

of the Cornellian Council, to serve for the third term.
The following men were re-elected to the Executive Committee :

Mr. Paul Schoellkopf '06, Mr. J. DuPratt White '90, Mr. Robert T.
Mickle '92, Mr. Maxwell M. Upson '99, Mr. Neal D. Becker '05, Mr.
Floyd L. Carlisle '06, Mr. R. E. Treman '09, Mr. Andrew J. Whin-
ery TO.
It has been estimated by the Cornellian Council Committee on Be
quests, of which Neal D. Becker '05 is chairman, that wills have been
drawn during the year with provisions for bequests to Cornell Uni
versity totaling at least $2,000,000. The Committee on Bequests now
includes prominent and influential Cornell lawyers in every impor
tant city throughout the country.

The Cornellian Council is now making plans for next year which

should increase materially the effectiveness of the work of this or

ganization, and the Council has pledged itself to co-operate with the
President and the trustees in every fund-raising effort for the Uni

Sincerely yours,

Harold Flack,
Executive Secretary.

The recommendations contained in this report were approved and

the following resolution passed :
Resolved, That the trustees do hereby extend to the President and
the Executive Secretary of the Cornellian Council, and to the Cor
nellian Council as a whole, their deep appreciation of their work
accomplishments in securing funds for the benefit of the University.
29. The following budget, adopted by the Executive Committee of
the Cornellian Council for the expenses of the Council for the year

ending June 30th, 1930, was approved and the appropriations made
accordingly :

Miscellaneous $ 500.00
Cartage 300.00
Cornellian Council Bulletin 6,000.00
Cuts and Photographs 150.00
Extra Clerk hire 800.00
Printing and Multigraphing 2,500.00
Stationery and Office Supplies 500.00
Office Furniture 600.00
Telephone and Telegraph 500.00
Salaries Office
Traveling Expenses of Executive Secretary 1,000.00
Promotion Expense 3,000.00
Postage 4,000.00

Total $38,350.00
30. The following resolution on the death of A. C. Beal, Profes
sor of Floriculture, University Faculty, was unani
adopted by the

mously concurred in by the Board :

and adopted

The sudden death on May 6, 1929, of Dr. Alvin Casey Beal came
as a great shock to the University community and is deeply deplored

by his colleagues of the University Faculty. Born in Mount Vernon,

Illinois, November 30, 1872, Dr. Beal was graduated from the Uni
versity of Illinois in 1897 with the degree of B. S. A. During the
next two years he was foreman in the Horticultural Department of

the Illinois Experiment Station, in which capacity he gained exper

ience in the practical side of the profession which he later followed.
During the academic year 1899-1900 he engaged in graduate work at
Cornell University toward his M. S. degree, completing his studies
later and receiving the degree in 1903. From 1900 to 1908 he was
instructor in Floriculture in the University of Illinois. In 1909 he
came to Cornell for further study and received the degree of Ph. D.
in 1911. He became assistant at this University in 1920, Assistant
Professor of Floriculture in 1911, and Professor of Floriculture in

Professor Beal was greatly interested in the historical aspects of

his science. He conducted a course for advanced students on the

history and literature of floriculture and ornamental horticulture,

devoted time to studies in this field during a recent leave of absence

in Europe, and was at the time of his death planning to make the
results of these studies available in book form.
He was primarily a research worker and devoted years to a mono

graphic study of the types and varieties of the sweet pea and of the

botany, history and evolution of the gladiolus. He had also made

similar studies of the rose and the iris and had accumulated a great

amount of data on these plants. He was a recognized authority on

these groups.

Dr. Beal loved flowers and spent much of his time in the gardens

watching them develop, noting their habits and variations, and with

the prescience of a true investigator seizing upon those qualities that

go to the making of a superior variety. In his death, Floriculture
has lost a zealous investigator, and members of the Faculty a loyal
and devoted colleague.

31. The following resignations were reported:

W. H. Schuchardt, Professor of Architecture, effective at the end

of the present academic year.

\V. A. Hammond, Professor of Philosophy, from the staff of the

Summer Session of 1929.

32. An appropriation of $3,500 was made to continue the prepara

tion of the war records of Cornellians who served in the World


33. At the request of the Radio Broadcasting Committee of the

College of Engineering, it was agreed to underwrite the cost of

operation of the new broadcasting station for the year 1929-30 to the

extent of $5,000.

34. Upon recommendation of the President the following appoint

ments were made for the academic year 1929-30 unless otherwise

stated :

H. E. Spencer, Instructor in Mathematics, part time, at a salary of

Gladys Taylor, Assistant in Geology, at a salary of $700,
Alban G. Widgery, Acting Professor of Philosophy of Religion,
at a salary of $5,500.
Ruskin Raymond Rosborough, Acting Professor of Classics, at a

salary of $5,000.

Miss Mary Cornell, Mrs. Mabel Dow Conger, Mrs. Frederick

Biggs Mrs. Carolyn V. Powell to be Wardens of the new Resi

dential Halls for Women, each at a salary of $1,200 and board and

C. J. Ducasse, to give instruction in Philosophy in the 1929 Sum

mer Session, at a salary of $750.
George H. Dession to be Student Assistant Law Librarian in the
Summer Session in Law at a salary of $100.
Cuthbert B. Caton to be Student Assistant Law Librarian in the
first term of the 1919 Summer Session in Law and Charles L. Bray-

ton for the second term, each at a salary of $50.

Martin John Roess, Jr., to be Student Assistant Law Librarian for
the 1929 Summer Session at a salary of $100 and for the academic

year 1929-30 at a salary of $300.

35. Upon recommendation of the President the following changes

in salary were made :

C. C. Torrance, Instructor in Mathematics, reduction from $1,500
to $750 a year for part time work.

G. A. Shipman, Instructor in Government, increased from $1,800

to $2,100.

36. Five hundred dollars of the salary allotted to Pearl Sheldon,

Curator in the Department of Geology, who has resigned, was

granted Professor G. D. Harris for curatorial work.

37. An appropriation of $75.00 was made to the Department of

Government to cover additional expenditures made by that depart


38. Upon recommendation of the Heckscher Research Council,

the following grants for the year 1929-30 were made :

Supplement to Grant No. 132: $500 to H. H. Scofield for a study

of reinforced concrete with reference to road building.
Supplement to Grant No. 176: $300 to H. S. Liddell for a study
of conditioned reflexes.

Grant No. 96 to W. L. Williams having been cancelled owing to a

misunderstanding, the grant was reinstated and the unexpended bal

ance of $139.88 was made available for use by Professor Williams.
The title of Grant No. 177 to Dean C. K. Burdick was corrected to
read "A comparative study of the Law Institute's Restatement of
the Law of Contracts and the Law of Contract of New York

39. Upon recommendation of the University Faculty, paragraph 9

of the rules governing the Guilford Essay Prize was amended to

read as follows :
2 1 66

"It is a condition imposed by the donor 'that in case none of the

essays submitted in any given year shall, in the judgment of the

Faculty, reach a high standard of literary excellence, the prize shall

not be awarded, and the income for that year shall be constituted a

special scholarship to be assigned to that graduate student studying

at the L'niversity who, in the judgment of the Faculty, writes the
best English

40. Upon recommendation of the President a committee of ad

ministration for the operation and control of the Lmiversity Library

pending the appointment of a Librarian, was appointed as follows :

Professors C. H. Hull, Chairman; H. Hermannsson and Assistant

Librarian E. R. B. Willis, effective June 17, 1929.

41. The President reported that owing to unforeseen circum

stances his recommendations concerning a University Press were de


42. October 26th, 1929, was fixed as the date of the autumn meet

ing of the Board of Trustees.

43. The President reported that the General Education Board had
agreed to give to Cornell University the sum of $1,500,000 for the

promotion of science, contingent upon the University raising a like


44. The President reported the death of Hugh E. Morrow, In

structor inChemistry in the Medical College in New York City,

which occurred on June 16th, 1929.

45. The President reported the granting of a Carnegie Founda

tion retiring allowance of $1,680 to Professor Annette J. Warner,
effective June 30, 1929.
L. N. Simmons,
Assistant Secretary.
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Abbe, E. C Apptd asst botany, 2136. 2125. Staff for Care of Buildings and
Abbey, C. N., Apptd county agent, 2106. Repairs: Appointments, 2117, 2129.
Abbuehl, E. Salary, 2034. Appr., 2129. Grounds: Appointments,
Ace, R. B. Apptd county club agent, 2117, 2130. Appr., 2130.
1975, 2108. Agricultural Economics. Appointments,
Ackerman, F. L. Fees for studies of 1918, 1976, 2101, 2130. Appr. 2132.
women's dormitory group and recrea Special state appropriations, 2132.
tional 1999.
unit. Plans for fine arts Agricultural Library. Appointments and
building, 2013, 2156. To make a study appr., 2116, 2125.
for faculty apartment garages, 2156. Agriculture. Appr., 2024, 2033.
Adair, F. E. Apptd attending surgeon Agronomy. Appointments, 1917, 1975,
Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962. 2100, 2101, 2133. Appr., 2133-2134.
Adams, B. Apptd prof, extension service Aikin, M. S. Apptd clerk and stenogr
and editor and chief of Agr. Coll., 2135.
2116, 2126. Ainsworth, E. G. Apptd instr English,.
Adams, D. W. Apptd asst mil. science, 2036.
1996. Albany and Susquehanna Stock, 1992.
Adams, E. H. Resigns, 1945. Albert, C. D. Salary, 2049.
Adams, Fred. Apptd asst surgeon to
Alexander, A, E. Apptd asst mil. sci
Clinic, dept urology, 1945. ence, 1996.
Adams, Gladys. Apptd home demonstra Allen, A. A. Suppl. to Heckscher grant
tion agent, 1914, 2095, 2096.
No. 25, 2019. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd
Adams, L. P. Apptd asst economics, prof, 2138.
Allen, C. L. Apptd exten. asst prof.
Adams, R. M. Apptd exten. asst prof. animal husbandry, 2135.
veg. gardening, 2149.
Allen, Elsa. S. S. A., 2104.
Adelmann, H. B. S. S. B., 1997. Sal
ary, 2045. Allen, H. \V. Apptd asst physician to
Administration Committee. Minutes of Clinic, dept psychiatry, 1945.
proceedings, 1903, 1925, 1944, 1959, Allen, Paul H. Apptd county agent,
1964, 1995, 2002, 2055. Actions rati 1974, 2107.
fied, 1954, 1982, 2015. Allen, T. P. Apptd asst physician to
1954, 1966, 1984, 2007, 2016, 2157. Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.
Business referred to, 1957. Date of Allen, Mrs. T. R. Apptd scientific asst
April meeting, 1998. botany, 2136.
Admissions, Director of. To be member Allen, W. H. Apptd prof. mil. science,
of University Faculty, 1905, 1955. Med. Coll. X. Y., 1932.
Alpha Chi Rho property. Negotiations
Agne, O. G. Resigns, 2098.
for purchase, 1939. Purchased, 1967.
Agnew, R. P. S. S. S., 1980. Apptd
instr math., 2042. Dennis property re-sold to the fratern
Agricultural College. Appointments ity, 1967.
1915-1920, 1974-1976, 2098-2109, 2124 Altman, Oscar. Apptd asst economics,
2149. Free tuition 1919 1927.
Budget for 1920, Alumni Representative's Office. Appr.,
requests 1929-30,
Faculty membership, 1977. Items of 2025. 2054.
1978 Alumni Trustees. Election, 2157.
construction and improvement,
Special Fund Estimates to be ap Alvarez, M. Apptd instr clin. surgery,
proved by State Architect, 2104 dept urology. 1935. Apptd asst sur
Budget approved by Council, 2109. By geon to Clinic,dept urology, 1935.
Board, 2158. Summary of Appropria American Association for the Advance
tions, 2123. Budget as approved, 2124- ment of Science. Communication,
2149. Business Office: Appointments 1962.
and appr., 2116, 2128. Office of Dean American Association of University Wo
and Director: Appointments and men, Ithaca Branch. Gift of student
appr., 2116, 2124. Office of Director loan fund, 2004. _

of Extension : Appointments and American Cyanamid Co. Pfd stock,

appr.. 2116, 2126. Office of Director 2002, 2023.
Resident Instruction and Secre American Dry Milk Institute. Investi-
tary: Appointments and appr., 2116, gatorship, 1919.

Note In this index abbreviations, mostly self-explanatory, are freely used, and
the use is reduced to a minimum.
of capitals Appointments to the Staff of the Summer
Session indicated by S. S. S.; to the Staff of the Summer School in Agriculture, by

S.S.A.; to the Summer Session in Law by S.S.L-; to the Summer Session in Home
Economics, by S.S.H.E.; to the Summer School of Biology, by S.S.B.; to the Civil
Engineering Summer Survey, by C.E.S.S.; to the Summer Forestry Camp, by S.F.C. ;
and to the Summer School in Hotel Administration, by S.S.H.A.
American I. G. Chemical Convertible Architecture, College of. Appointments,
Bonds, 2060. 1904, 1955, 2033, 2055. Appr. 2024,
American International Corp. Bonds, 2034. Conference committee, 1946.
1969. Plans for strengthening the College,
American Rose Society. Fellowship, 1948.
2102. Arden, L. A. Apptd stenogr Agr Coll.,
American School, Athens. Appr., 2034. 2126.
American School, Jerusalem. Appr., Armitage, A. Apptd helper animal hus
2034. bandry, 2135.
American School, Rome. Appr., 2034. Armitage, Mrs. C. Apptd stenogr Agr.
American Telephone Telegraph
and Coll., 2140.
Stock, 1908. Armstrong, P. B. Apptd instr anatomy,
American Water Works Pfd Stock, 2069.
1950. Armstrong Tree Service, Ltd. Fellow
Anaesthesia. Appointments, 1963. ship, 1919.
Anatomy, Med. Coll. Ithaca. Appoint Arnold, G. A. Resigns, 1976.
ments, 1927, 2045. Artillery Stables. Change of location,
Anatomy, Med. Coll. N. Y. Appoint 1951.
ments, 1929, 2069. Appr., 2069. Un Arts and Sciences, Coll. of. Dean's
used salaries balance transferred to office. Appointments, 1959, 2034.
Anatomy Farm acct., 1963. Appr. of Appr., 2024, 2034.
Gen. Ed. Board, 1997. Asai, L. I. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
Anatomy, Vet. Coll. Appointments, 1928, 2135.
2111. Appr., 2111. Ashdovvn, A. R. Apptd clerk and sten
Anatomy Farm. Appr., 2084. ogr Agr. Coll., 2135.

Anatomy Farm Acct. Deficit balanced Ashton, L. H. Apptd asst sec. Coll. of
from anatomy salaries fund, 1963. Arts and sciences, 2034.
Apptd asst mil. sci Ashton, W. H. Apptd helper farm
Anderson, J. F.
1960. practice, 2128.
in Asmus, H. Appr. for summer work,
Anderson, L. C. Apptd assoc. re
2094. Asst prof. Farriery, 2114.
search, 2152.
Apptd asst physician Associated Dry Goods Pfd Stock, 1993.
Anderson, N. P.
to Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Common
Anderson, O. D. Apptd instr physiol Stock, 1950. Convertible debentures,
1950. Pfd stock, 1992.
ogy, 2046.
Atlantic Refining Co. Pfd Stock, 2002.
Andrews, F. E. Apptd foreman poultry Audit of University Accounts, 2002.
husbandry, 2145. Appl. for Carnegie
Androus, E. S. Apptd home demonstra Austen, Willard.
tion 1914, 2096. pension, 2002. Granted, 2017. Apptd
Andrus, L. R. S. S. S., 1996. librarian, emeritus, 2159.
Austin, C. M. Apptd county agent,
Angelillo, M. C. Apptd asst surgeon to 2107.
Clinic, dept ophthalmology, 1933. Avens, A. W. Apptd asst Chemistry,
Animal Husbandry. Appointments, 1903, 1904.
1916, 2100, 2102, 2134. Appr., 2134. Ayers, W. H. Apptd asst surgeon to
Supplementary salary of headship, Clinic, dept laryngology and rhinol

1905, 1925. Development programme, 1930.

1977, 1983. Avres, W. E. Apptd asst prof, dairy
Apgar, F. Apptd caretaker floriculture, industry, 2137.
2140. R. W. Apptd asst dairy industry,
Applied Immunology. Appointments, 1975.
1929. L- Apptd
Babcock, statistical clerk,
Appointments, Period of, 2159. 2131.
Appropriations, Miscellaneous. Geology, Babiy, P. P. Apptd instr and curator
1905. Pertsch, Mrs. J. G., 1925. Par of invertebrate zoology, 2138.

son, J. T., 1965. Fuertes memorial, Bacteriology. Appointments, 1918, 1929,

1966. C. U. C. A. Employment Bur 1963.
eau, 2058. War Record of Cornel- Bacteriology and Immunology. Appoint
Hans, 2164. Operation of Broadcast ments, 2070. Appr., 2070.
ing Station, 2164. Bailey, H. C. Resigns, 1944.
Archer, B. H. Apptd instr clin. med., Bailey, L. H. Appr for collections, 1957.
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic, Bailev Hall. Study for parking space
dept med., 1931. Apptd physician to and plaza, 1952.

Clinic (arthritis), 1931. Baker, A. M. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,

Archer, W. M. Apptd asst surgeon to 2129.
Clinic, dept roentgenology, 1946. Baker, D. W. Apptd instr diagnosis,
Architectural Advisory Board. Letter Vet. Coll., 1912, 2112.
on University Plan and sites of new Baker, Mrs. E. Apptd helper plant
buildings, 1969. To study plans of pathology, 2143.
fine arts building, 1999. Report, 2013, Baker, K. W. Apptd asst hotel admin
2155. Business referred to, 2013, istration, 2095.
2015, 2156. Report on new home Baker, VV. C. Apptd prof, drawing,
economics building, 2156. 2140.

Baker Foundation. Nominations for Bayne, T. L- S. S. A., 2104. Apptd

lectureships, 1937. asst prof, rural ed., 2146.
Baker Non-Resident Lectureship Fund.
Contingent fund established from in Beadle, G. W. Apptd experimentalist
plant breeding, 2142.
come, 2007.
Beal, A. C. Death, 2055. Resolutions
Baldwin, D. L. S. S. S., 1988. on his death, 2163.
Baldwin, H. S. Apptd physician to Beal, A. E. Apptd cataloguer Library,
Clinic (asthma), 1931. Apptd instr 2056.
med., 2073.
Beals, H. P. Salary, 2099. Apptd
Bale, R. O. Apptd county agent, 1916.
county agent, 2107.
Apptd county club agent, 2109.
Beaman, O. C. Apptd asst chemistry,
Ball, D. N. Apptd asst chemistry, 1927. 1927, 1984.
Beardsley, C. E- Apptd stenogr Agr.
and Ohio Common Stock, Coll., 2136.
Beasley, Mrs. B. E. Apptd stenogr and
Bamer, R. H. Resigns, 2100. librarian Agr. Econom., 2131.
Bamforth, F. R. Apptd asst prof.
Beatty, D. P. Apptd asst forestry, 1975.
math., 2042.
Becker, Florence. Resigns, 1914.
Bancroft, W. D. Suppl. to Heckscher Becker, J. S.
grant Xo. 159, 1906, 2019.
Resigns, 1914. Apptd
home demonstration agent, 1914, 2095,
Bangs, T. R. Apptd asst prof, industrial 2096.
eng., 2050.
Beckley, Mrs. B. Apptd stenogr Agr.
Banta, H. A. Apptd glassblower phy Coll., 2142.
sics, 2043. Bedell, F. Suppl. to Heckscher grant
Barkell, J. Apptd patrolman, 2130. No. 155, 2019.
Barnard, W. N. Salary, 2049. Bedient, H. A. Apptd instr chemistry,
Barnes, H. Apptd asst Agr. Library, 2040.
2125. Beebe Lake. Report of sub-committee
Barnes, L. L. Apptd instr physics, on dredging, 1952, 1954.
Dredging to
1996, 2043. proceed. 1971, 1983. Disposal of silt,
Barnes, S. W. Resigns, 1926. 1998. Report of progress, 2014, 2059.
Barnes Book Fund. Interest added to Been, W. G. Aoptd asst county agent,
principal, 2003. 1974, 2108. Apptd field asst, 2100.
Barrett, F. W. Apptd farm superinten Beers, H. W. Apptd asst farm practice,
dent, 2128. 1975. Apptd asst rural social organi
Barrett, M. Apptd stenogr. Geneva zation, 2148.
Exp. Station, 2152. Beers, Paul. Apptd asst soil survey,
Barringer, B. S, Apptd instr clin. sur
1917, 2101. Apptd asst soil surveyor,
gery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd at 2133.
tending surgeon urological dept Gen. Behre, J. A. Apptd instr chem. Med.
Memorial Hospital, 1962. Coll. N. Y., 2071.
Barron, E. J. Apptd asst to overseer Behrman, G. W. Apptd asst mil. sci
chemistry, 2040. ence, 1960.
Barron, J. H. Apptd exten. prof, field Beisel, B. R. Aoptd instr Math., 1904,
crops, 2133. 2042. S. S. S", 1988.
Barrus, M. F. Apptd exten. prof, plant Belcher, A. M. Apptd asst surgeon to
pathology, 2143. Clinic, dept otology, 1933.
Bartlett, M. T. Aootd instr home econ
Belcher, A. S. Apptd asst surgeon to
omics, 2095. Clinic, dept laryngology and rhinol-

Barton, H. A. Invitation to asst pro ogv, 1930.

fessorship of physics, 1938. Apptd, Belcher, H. S. Apptd instr clin. med.,
2042. 1930. Apptd asst phvsician to Clinic,
Barts, A. Resigns, 2097. dppt med., 1931; (asthma), 1932.
Bass, Sara. Tuition, 1963. Belden, W. W. Apptd instr roentgenol
librarian ogy, 1934.
Batchelor, Mrs. I. M. Apptd _

elec. eng., 2052. Belding Hemingway Bonds, 1992.

Bateman, D. H. S. S. S., 1988. Apptd Belknap, B. H. Apptd instr agr. eco

instr physical ed., 2044. nomics, 2101.

Bell, Aaron. Apptd asst physician to
Bates, E. A. Leave of absence, 1926.
Apptd advisor Indian extension, 2126. Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.
Bellevue Hospital. Appr. for techni
Bates, F. G. S. S. S., 1988.
cian, 1942.
Battv, R. M. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., Bellevue Medical Clinic. Appointments,
1942, 2074. Appr.. 2074.
Baty, J. B. Apptd instr civ. eng., 1995. Bellevue Surgical Clinic. Gift, 1943.
Bauman, F. B. Apotd stenogr home Appointments, 2082. Appr., 2082.

econ., 2121. Bender. R. C. Aootd instr animal hus

Bawlf, N. Apptd instr physical ed., bandry, 2134.
2044. Benedict. S. R. Apptd director dept
Baxter, H. E. Apptd asst prof, arch., chemistry Gen. Memorial Hospital,
2034. 1963. Nominated prof, biochemistry
Bayly, L. B. Apptd asst plant pathol and director of the laboratories of
ogy, 2143. biochemistry, 2057.

Benjamin Estate. Lease of land at Fre Blanchard, A. R. Apptd county agent,

donia, 2110. 1974, 2107.
Benner, J. W. Appr. for summer work, Blau, N. F. Apptd associate in chem
2094. Apptd asst prof. Vet. Exper. istry, 1930.
Station, 2113. Blauvelt, W. E- Apptd exten. instr
Bennett, Mrs. D. Apotd clerk Agr. Coll., entomology, 1918, 2139.
2145. Bliss, W. B, Salary, 1904.
Benninger, C. J. Tuition, 2009. Blodgett, F. M. Apptd asst prof, plant
Bentley, J., Jr. Apptd prof, forest pathology, 2143.
eng., 2141. Bloom, F. Apptd asst Vet. Coll., 2112.
Bentley, J. H. S. S. S., 1988. Boesche, A. W. S. S. S., 1988.
Bentley, Madison. S. S. S., 1988. Ad Boicourt, A. E. Apptd foreman poul
mitted to benefits of Wm. H. Sage try husbandry, 2145.
pension fund, 1997. Boise, R. E, Apptd home dem. agent,
Benway, L. L. Resigns, 1914. 2095, 2096.
Bequests, Contingent. Boldt Tower. Use of gypsum block for
Heermans, F.,
1946. Wiles, Alice B., 2005. Town- partitions, 1951.
send, Carrie G., 2161. Boltz, O. H. Apptd instr psychiatry,
Berkoff, H. S. Apptd instr clin. med., 1942, 2080.
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic, Bond, L. O. Apptd county agent, 2107.
dept med., 1931; (asthma), 1932; dept Bond, M. C. Apptd exten. asst prof.
health marketing, 2132.
pub. and preventive med., 1934.
Berliner, M. L. Apptd instr clin. sur Bond, R. L. Apptd home dem. agent,
dept 1933. 2095.
gery, ophthalmology,
Apptd surgeon to Clinic, dept ophthal Boochever, L. C. Salary, 2053.
mology, 1933. Booker, N. L. Apptd asst household
V. M. Apptd repairman Ag. management, 1979. Apptd asst home
econ., 2118.
Colfe 2129. Boothroyd, L- E. Apptd asst pomology,
Bernheim, A. R. Apptd associate in
1930. 1975.
Beta Lactose. Assignment of patent to Boothroyd, S. L- S. S. S., 1988. C. E.
the University, 1957. S. S., 2048. Heckscher grant No.
Betten, C. Apptd Director of Resident 180, 2019. Salary, 2047.
Instruction, 2116, 2125. Boquet, A. G. Apptd research asst veg.
gardening, 2148.
Betten, Mrs. C. Apptd instr home
econ., 2118.
Borg, F. Apptd librarian Geneva Ex
Betten, G. Apptd asst mgr cafeteria, per. Station, 2110, 2150.
2120. Bossard, M. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
Beyland, S. W. Apptd asst mil. sci
ence, 1960. Bosserman, A. Apptd home dem. agent,
Bevleveld, A. J. Aootd instr agr. econ.,
1976, 2101. Resigns, 1976. Bostwick, C. D. Business referred to,
Biggs, Mrs. F. Apptd warden, 2165. 1939, 1949, 1951, 1957, 1966, 1967,
1978, 1988, 1993, 1997, 1998, 2000,
Billard, E. W. Apptd asst phvsician to 2013, 2059. Report received, 1955.
Clinic, dept pub. health and preven Of committees : Morse's proposal to
tive med., 1934. furnish electric power, 1939. Site of
Binkley, G. E. Apptd assoc. attending new Law School building, 1961. Right
Surgeon Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962. of University to sell real estate, 1966.
Binns, J. P. Resigns, 1914. Purchase of Hoy property, 2007.
Binzell, C. E. S. .S.
A , 2104. Apptd Bosworth, F. H. Leave of absence,
prof, rural ed., 2146. 1985.
Biochemistry. Appointments, 1926, 2016. Botany, Appointments, 1917, 1975,
Biology. Appointments, 1917, 1963. 2100, 2101, 2136. Appr., 2136.
Botsford, H. E- Leave of absence,
Biophysics. Appointments, 1963. 2102. Apptd exten. prof. Poultry hus
Birch. R. R. Appr^ 2093. Prof, and bandry, 2145.
supt Vet. Exper. Station, 2113. Bowen, F. K. Apptd clerk Geneva Exp.
Birnbaum, G. L. Apptd asst surgical Station, 2150.
research, 2083. Bowers, R. Apptd technician Geneva
Biro, L.
P. Apptd asst surgeon to Exp.Station, 2151.
Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecology Bowman, C. I. Apptd county agent,
1933. 1916. Apptd asst county agent, 1974.
Bishop, M. G. Apptd asst prof. Ro Resigns, 2098. Apptd county agent,
mance Languages, 2039. 2098, 2107.
Bissell, B. Apptd asst mil. science Bovce, H. Apptd supt greenhouses,
1960. Apptd asst mineralogy, 2041. 2140.
Bissell, F. O. Apptd instr English Boyer, E. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
2036. 2137.
Bizzell, J. A. Apptd prof, soil technol
Boves,_ L. T. Apptd asst surgeon to
ogy, 2133. Clinic, dept ophthalmology, 1933.
Blackmore, B. Apptd prof, home econ. Boyle, J. F. Aoptd prof, rural econ
2118. omy, 2130.
Boyle, M. L- Apptd clerk and stenogr Brown, Edward. Apptd janitor home
Vet. Coll., 2111. econ., 2117, 2129.
Boys, J. A. S. S. H. A., 2106. Apptd Brown, G. D. Apptd stenogr home
asst prof, home econ., 2118. econ., 2121.
Boysen, H. H, Apptd instr dairy in Brown, O. T. S. S. S., 1989.
dustry, 1918, 2137. Brown, O. W. Apptd instr geology,
Bradley, J. C. Leave of absence 1918
Apptd prof,
entomology and curatoi
of invertebrate zoology, 2138.
Browne, A. W. S. S. S., 1989.
C. G. Apptd Brownell, S. J. Apptd exten. asst prof.
Bradt, county agent, 2107 animal husbandry, 2102.
Bragg, W. L. Baker lecturership, 1937
Bruce, W. F. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd
Brahdy, M, B. Apptd asst pediatrics instr education, 2036. S. S. A., 2104.
Brueckner, H. J. Apptd instr dairy
Brainard, Geo. H. Apptd county agent
industry, 2137.
1974, 2107.
Brundage, W. H. Apptd instr med.,
Brandt, A. L. Apptd glassblower chem 1930. Apptd physician to Clinic, dept
istry, 2040. med., 1930.
Brase, K. Apptd plant propagator, 2152 Brunett, E. L. Appr. for summer work,
Brasie, M. Title changed to asst prof. 2094. Asst
2097. S. S. H. E., 2105. Apptd asst
orof. poultry diseases,
prof,home econ.,2118.
Bryant, E. VanB. Apptd statistical
Bray, H. A. Apptd lecturer on tuber
clerk, 2131.
culosis, 1930.
C. Bryant, R. C. S. F. C, 2106.
Brayton, L. Apptd asst Law Li
brary, 1927. Buchanan, N. S. Apptd instr econom
Breed, R. S. Apptd chief in research ics, 1928.
2150. Buchhholz, A. B. Apptd county agent,
Bretz, J. P. Leave of absence, 1985 2106.
S. S. S., 1988. Salary, 2037. Buckman, H. O. Apptd prof, soil tech
nology, 2133.
Brew, J. D. Apptd exten. prof, dairy
industry, 2137. Buckman, M. E. Apptd county agent,
Brewer, L. S. S. H. E., 2105. Apptd 2107.
exten. prof, home econ., 2118. Buckman, R. F. Apptd exten. asst
Brewster, V. S. Apptd home dem. farm management, 2132.
Buckstein, J. Apptd instr surgical
agent, 2096.
Briggs, H. W. Apotd asst prof, govern roentgenology, 1934.
ment, 2056. Budget Committee. Minutes of pro
Briggs, T. R. S. S. S., 1989. Leave of ceedings, 1949, 2001.
absence. 2006. Suppl. to Heckscher Budget for 1929-30. Recommended by
grant No. 156, 2019.
Budget Committee, 2001. Approved
Bristol, F. J. Apptd instr elec. eng., bv Board, 2016. Summary, 2024.
1944, 2051. Estimated income, 2026. Detailed ap
Bristol Lease. Assignment to F. B.
propriations, 2027-2054.
Morrison, 1997. Question of amount
to be paid by University, 2007. Mrs. Buffalo, Niagara Falls & Eastern Pfd
G. P. Bristol granted permission to stock, 1950.
occupy house one year from July 1, Buildings and Grounds Committee. Min
1929. 2161. utes of proceedings, 1951, 1969, 1999,
Britt, G. F. Resigns, 2098. 2012, 2154. Actions ratified, 1954,
Britt. Mrs. K. Apptd home dem. agent, 2015, 2157. Business referred to,
2096. 1971, 1972, 1979, 1983. Membership,
Britt, K. W. S. S. S., 1989. 2157.
Britton, H. A. Apptd asst med. adviser, Bull, Helen. Resigns from S. S. A.,
2045. 1919. Apptd acting prof, home eco
Broad Walk. Modification of, 1970. nomics 2097. Apptd instr home
Brokaw, H. D. Apptd exten. instr econ., 2122.
rural eng., 1918. I. F. Apptd instr 2146.
Bull, rural ed.,
Brokaw, T. E. Apptd helper animal
Bullock, C. K. Apptd county agent,
husbandry, 2135. Apptd
1916. asst county agent, 1974,
Bromley, O. B. asst mil. sci
2108. Resigns, 1973. Apptd field
ence, 1960.
director asst, 2100.
Brookins. F. A. Apptd asst of
Bullock, W. P, Apptd asst mil. science,
shop, 2118.
Brooks, W. S. S. S. S., 1989.
Brougham, E. G. Apptd county agent, Bump, Janet. Apptd asst household
2107. management, 1915.
Broughton, L. N. Salary, 2036. Bunnell, Mrs. P. Apptd clerk home
Brown, C. C. Apptd asst pub. speaking, econ., 2121.
Apptd Vet. Coll., Bunting, M. H. Resigns, 1914. Apptd
Brown, E. A. stenogr
home demonstration agent, 1914, 2096.
Apptd Agr. Burchmyer, L. A. Apptd asst prof.
Brown, Mrs. E. A. stenogr
elec. eng., 2051.
Coll., 2146.
Burdick, C. Heckscher grant No.
K, Campbell, H. H. Apptd county agent,
177, 1906. S. S. L., 2003. Suppl. to 2107.
Heckscher Xo. 177, 2020. Leave
grant Campus. Fund for improvement of,
1952, 1972. Operation of busses on
of absence, 2021. Salary, 2047. Title
of Heckscher grant No. 177 changed, campus, 1967.
2165. Cancer Research. Appointments, 1962.
Bureau Public Information.
of Appr., Bequest of Mrs. M. L. W. Peters,
Appointments, 2053. 2059.
2025, 2053.
S. Canfield, E. B. Apptd instr physical
Burfoot, J. D., Jr. S. S., 1989.
Apptd instr geology, 2041. ed., 2044.
Canon, H. Apptd research instr home
Burkholder, P. R. Resigns, 1976.
Burkholder, W. H. Apptd prof, plant econ., 2119.
Caplan, Harry. Heckscher grant No.
pathology, 2143.
Burnette, R. G. Apptd exten. asst 178, 1906.
rural eng., 2147. Card, A. J. Apptd asst to farm supt,
Burnham, L. P. Salary, 2033.
Carey, G. Apptd painter Agr. Coll.,
Burnham, S. H. Apptd asst curator
botany, 2136. 2129.
Carman, A. B. Apptd sec. to Presi
Burns, Maude. Apptd asst med. adviser
of women, 1984. dent, 2053.
Burns, R. W. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., Carman, J. X. S. S. S., 1989.
2128. Cafncross, Gertrude. Apptd home dem
Burrell, A. B. Apptd research instr onstration agent, 1914.
plant pathology, 2143. Carnegie Corporation. Gift for Fine
Burrows, E. N. S. S. S., 1989. Arts Department, 2022.
Burrus, T. P. Apptd asst surgeon to Carnegie Foundation. See Austen, Wil
Clinic, dept urology, 1935. lard, Davenport, H. J., Hammond,
Bush, E. W. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., W. A., McDermott, G. R., Moore,
2128. V. A., Warner, A. J.
Bush, G. W. Apptd county agent, 2107. Carney, M. Apptd exten. asst prof.
Bush, H. Apptd mechanician chem home econ., 2119.
istry, 2040. Carodemus, P. Apptd asst in research,
Bush, H. S. Apptd asst mechanic arts, 1912. Resigns, 1913.
2050. Carpenter, C. M. Leave of absence,
Bush, N. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., 2131. 1912.
Bushey, D. J. Apptd exten. asst prof. Carpenter, D. C. Apptd chief in re
orn. horticulture, 1920, 2140. search, 2150. Appr., 2153.
Bussell, F. P. Apptd exten. prof, plant Carr, M. P. S. S. S., 1989. S. S. A.,
breeding, 2142. 2104.
Busses. Operation on Campus, 1967. Carr, S. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., 2127.
Butler, A. C, Apptd clerk meteorology, Carrick, D. B. Apptd prof, pomology,
Butler, Mrs. L. G. Apptd asst to
Carroll, P. N. Apptd
physician to
Treasurer, 2116, 2125. Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.
Butt, G. Apptd exten. instr home
Carroll, W. B. Apptd instr English,
econ., 2119.
Butterfield, P. M. Apptd instr clin.
Carson, A. L- S. S. A., 1904, 2104.
surgery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd
Carter, E. K. Apptd nurse hygiene,
asst surgeon to Clinic, dept urology,
1935. 2045.
Butterworth, J. E. S.S. A., 2104. Carty, J. C. Apptd instr roentgenology,
Apptd prof, rural ed, 2146. 1934. Apptd chief of Clinic, dept
Butts, G. S. Salary, 1976. Apptd ex roentgenology, 1934.
tension instr and supervisor of study Carver, W. B. Elected to Library
courses, 2126. Council, 1946. S. S. S., 1989.
Calendar of the University for 1930-35, Case, H. L. Apptd county club agent,
2004. 2099, 2108.
Calf Barn, 2103. Caster, K. E. Apptd helper entomol
Calkins, D. Apptd engineer physics, ogy, 2138.
2043. Catherwood, M. P. Apptd instr mar
Apptd instr home econ., keting, 191S. Apptd instr agr. eco
Callan, S.
2119. nomics, 2101. Apptd instr farm
Camden, H. P. Apptd asst prof, arch., management, 2131.
2034. Catlin, G. E. G. Suppl. to Heckcher
grant 171, 2020.
Cameron, Janet. Apptd home demon
stration agent, 1979, 2095, 2096. Caton, C. B. Apptd asst Law Library,
Apptd instr math., 2165.
Cameron, R. H.
2042. Catrow, Mrs. D. Apptd clerk and
stenogr Agr. Coll., 2133.
Camino, L. F. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd helper poultry hus
Campbell, C. Apptd statistical clerk Catrow, J.
and stenogr, 2131.
bandry, 2145.
Cattell, W. Apptd asst in biophysics,
Campbell, Mrs. E. C. Apptd instr home 1963.
economics, 2095.

Cecil, R. L. Apptd chief of Clinic, Clapp, R. G. S. S. S., 1989.

dept med., 1930. Appr. for research, Clark, A. W. Apptd chief in research,
2158. 2150.
Central Avenue. Concrete sidewalk and Clark, D. Apptd scientific asst botany,
parking place, 2154. Construction au 2136.
thorized as funds are available, 2156. Clark, E. H. Apptd asst county agent,
Offer of $2,000 by Trustee Upson, 2098, 2108.
2156. Clark, J. Apptd asst mil. science, 1960.
Certain-Teed Products Bonds, 1992. Clark, J. E. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,
Chadeayne, T. S. Apptd asst civ. eng., 2128.
192S. Clark, J. M. Apptd asst chemistry,
Chadwick, L. C. Apptd investigator 1927, 1984.
floriculture, 1916. Apptd investigator Clark, R. M. Apptd Director of

orn. horticulture, 2140. Admission's Office, 2053.

Chamberlain, C. G. S. S. S., 1989. Classics. Appr., 2024, 2035. Appoint
Chance, Mrs. H. L. Apptd statistical ments, 2035, 2164.
clerk, 2131. Claus, L. H. Apptd county agent,
Chandler, A. B. Apptd stenogr Agr. 2107.
Coll., 2131. Clavell, C. J. Apptd asst mil. science,
Chandler, P. Apptd statistical clerk, 1996.
2132. Clayton, E. E. Leave of absence, 1981.
Chapman, P. J. Resigns, 1917. Apptd assoc. in research, 2151.
Chapman, W. J. Apptd county club Cleeland, E. L. Apptd assoc. county
agent, 2099, 2108. agent, 1916. Apptd assoc. county club
Charles Gross Bondy Prize Fund, 2023, agent, 2099, 2109.
2092. Clinic. See Cornell Clinic.
Charles Warner Co. Debenture Bonds, Clinical Pathology. Appointments and
1967. appr., 2073.
Chase, C. K. S. S. S., 1989. Clinical Research Society. Student
Cheadle, J. B. S. S. L., 2003. loan fund, 2010.
Cheatham, E. E. Salary, 2047. Clough, H. Apptd mechanic rural

Chemistry. Aopointments, 1904, 1926, eng., 2147.

1927, 1929, "1944, 1956, 1984, 2016, Cobb, Collier, S. S. S., 1989. Resigns,
2040. Appr., 2024, 2041. 2056.
Chemistry. Med. Coll. X. Y. Appoint Coca, A. F. Question of royalties on
ments, 1929, 1945, 1963, 2071. Appr., his preparations, 2062.
2071. Appr. for secretary, 1964. Cole, W. E. Apptd asst rural ed., 2146.
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Pfd Cole, W. S. Apptd instr geology, 2041.
Stock, 1950. Coleman, G. L. Apptd instr music,
Childs, H. R. Leave of absence, 1998. 2038. Apptd instr cadet band, 2044.
Chimes. Improvement, 1906. Inscrip Coley, B. L. Apptd asst surgeon Gen.

tion at Library Arch, 1936, 200*. Memorial Hospital, 1962.

Special chimes service, 1939. Gift Coley, W. B. Apptd attending surgeon
for repairs, 1965. Gift for new bells, Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.
2006. Colgate-Palmolive Peet Pfd Stock, 1909.
Chisom, P. Apotd stenogr home econ., Collins, A. J. Apptd county agent,
2121. 1915, 1916. Apptd asst county agent,
Christensen, B. E. Apptd asst physi 2108.
cian to Clinic, dept med., 1931. Collins, E. C. Apptd asst mil. science,
Christie, R. E. Apptd supt greenhouses, 1960, 1996.
2140. Collins, T. R. Suppl. to Heckscher
Christopher, A. Apptd stenogr Agr. grant No. 157d, 2019. Salary, 2042.
Coll., 2148. Collison, R. C. Title changed to Chief
Chupp, C. Apptd exten. prof, plant in Research (Orchard Soil Investiga
pathology, 2143. tions), 2109, 2150.
Churchill, G. W. Apptd agriculturist Colucci, F. Apptd reader Romance
Geneva Exp. Station, 2151. languages, 1928.
Chute, H. M. Apptd asst botany, 1975, Commencement for 1929 to be held in
2136. Bailey Hall, 1972, 1983.
Cilley, A. H. Apptd asst prof. elm. Commercial Cable Co. Bonds, 1909.
surgery, dept orthopedic surger", Compter, H. E. Resigns, 1995.
1933. Apptd chief of Clinic, dept or Compton, A. H. S. S. S., 1989.
thopedic surgery, 1933. Comptroller's Office. Appr., 2025, 2054.
Civil Engineering. Appointments, 1928, Comstock, A. B. S. S. A., 2104.
1965, 1995, 2047, 2052. Comstock, Prof, and Mrs. J. H. Minute
Civil Engineering Summer Survey. Ap of appreciation, 1938.
pointments, 1927, 2048. Conant, L. C. Apptd instr geology,
Claassen, P. W. Leave of absence,
1976. Suppl. to Heckscher grant No. Conference Committees 1928-29, 1946.
131. 2020. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd
Conedon, W. J. Apptd asst chemistry,
prof biology, 2138. Of committee:
Lloyd Tracts, 1987.

Conger, G. B. Apptd asst mil. science, Cornellian Council. To consider fund

1960. for improvement of campus, 1952.
Conger, L. A. Apptd truck driver Agr. Gifts for Flower Library and Charles
Coll., 2140. Gross Bondy Prize Fund, 2022, 2023.
Conger, Mrs. M. D. Apptd warden, To consider raising fund for free tui
2165. tion of foreign students, 2058. An
Conn, H. J. Apptd chief in research, nual report, 2162. Budget for 1929-
2150. 30, 2163.
Connell, J. G. Apptd asst mil. science, Cornwall, C. C. Apptd experimentalist
1960. veg. gardening, 2100, 2149.
Conner, L. C. Apptd instr clin. med., Coryllos, Pol. Apptd prof. clin. sur
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic, gery, 1934.
dept med., 1931.
Costigan, G. P. S. S. L-, 2003.
Contingent Bequests, 1946, 2005, 2161.
Cothran, J. C. Salary, 1928.
Conwell, W. L. Salary, 2048, C. E. S.
S., 2048. Coughran, E. K. Apptd clerk Agr.
Cooke, R. A. Apptd asst prof, applied Coll., 2149.
immunology, 1929. County Agents. Appointments, 1915,
Cooley, C. R. Apptd landscape archi 1974, 2098, 2099, 2106.
tect, 2054. County Club Agents. Appointments,
Coombs, R. C. Apptd field asst, 2100. 1916, 1975, 2099, 2108.
Apptd asst county agent, 2108. Courtney, J. S. S. H. A., 2106. Apptd
instr hotel accounting, 2120.
Coon, Elizabeth. Apptd home demon
stration agent, 1914, 2096. Covell, .B. Apptd stenogr Agr.
Cooper, Mrs. E. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll., 2128.
Coll., 2127. Crafts, A. G. Apptd instr physics,
Cooper, H. L. Gift, 2006. 1984, 2043.
Leave of absence, 2102.
Craig, C. F. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd
Cooper, H. P. asst prof, math., 2042.
Apptd asst field crops, 2133.
Craig, Mrs. Helen. Apptd asst botany,
Cooper, H. S. F.
Apptd asst surgical
1975, 2100.
research, 2083.
Craig, J. H. Resigns, 1915.
Cooper, Mary. Apptd asst chemistry
Craig, W. S. Apptd asst heat power
and bacteriology, 2083.
eng., 1928. Resigns, 2055.
Cope, J. A. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd
Craig, W. T. Apptd experimentalist
exten. asst prof, forestry, 2141. plant breeding, 2142.

Copeland, M. A. Leave of absence, Crandall, W. T. Apptd exten. asst

1903. Elected prof, economics, 2016, prof, animal husbandry, 2135.
2035. Crane, Robert. Apptd asst county
Corcoran, C. Apptd stenogr Geneva agent, 1915. Apptd county agent,
Exp. Station, 2150. 1916. Resigns, 1973.
Corcoran, P. Apptd foreman in or Crass, Mrs. M. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,
chards, 2151. 2127.
Corn Borer Investigations. Appoint Craver, L. F. Apptd attending physi
cian Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.
ments and appr., 2152.
Crawford, C. H. Apptd asst animal
Cornelius, O. Apptd foreman plant
husbandry, 2134.
breeding, 2142. Crawford, M. M. Elected to State
Cornell, C. E. Report as inspector re College Council, 2157.
ceived, 1957. Salary, 2001. Creager, D. B. Apptd research asst
Cornell, M. Apptd warden, 2165. plant pathology, 2101.
Criddle, I. B. Bequest, 1946.
Cornell, M. E. S. S. S., 2003.
Crist, M. Apptd asst Agr. Library,
Cornell, W. R. S. S. S., 1989. Salary,
2050. 2116, 2125.
Crook, R.
D. Apptd asst animal hus
Cornell Athletic Association. Permit bandry, 2134.
for new building near toboggan slide, Crosby, C. R. Apptd exten. prof, en
1972, 1983. tomology, 2139.
Cornell Clinic. Appointments, 1929, Crosby, Ruth. Apptd asst home eco
1945-1946. Budget approved, 2158. nomics, 1979, 2118.
Question of raising fees, 2063. Re Crosier, W. F. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,
port of State Charities Dept., 1943. 2136.
Appropriations from net earnings,
1942. Budget approved by Council, Crouch, H. B. Apptd instr home econ.,
2061. Budget approved by Board, Crouch, J. E. S. S. A., 1904, 2104.
2158. Budget as approved, 2085-2091.
Cornell University. Committee on its
Crum, R. H. Apptd asst mil. science,
right to sell real 1965.
1960, 1996.
Culligan, G. A. Apptd mechanician
Cornell University Agr. Exper. Station. elec. eng., 2051.
Appointments, 1925. Culver, C. A. Apptd home dem. agent,
C. U. C. A. Employment Bureau, 2058. 2096.
Cunningham, G. W. Admitted to bene Davis, L. I. Apptd clerk and stenogr
fits of Wm. H. Sage pension fund, Agr. Coll., 2135.
1960. Davis, M. L. Apptd clerk and stenogr

Curphey, T. J. Apptd instr clin. med., Agr. Coll., 2127.

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic, Davis, T, K. Apptd chief of Clinic,
dept med., 1931. Apptd instr clin. dept neurology, 1932.
pathology, 1945, 2073. Daw, W. C. Apptd gardener, 2140.
Curtis, C. E. Business referred to, Dawson, I. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,
1951, 2013, 2014. Salary, 2054. Of 2127.
committee : Incinerator, 1953. Daylight Saving Time. Disapproved by
Curtis, J. G. Apptd county agent, 1915, University Faculty, 1957.
2107. Deal, O. P. Apptd home dem. agent,
Curtis, L. G. Apptd stenogr Geneva 2095, 2096.
Exp. Station, 2150. Dean, A. L. Apptd assoc. attending
Curtis, O. F. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd surgeon Gen. Memorial Hospital,
prof, botany, 2136. 1962.
Curtis, R. W. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd Dean of Women's Office, Appr., 1929,
prof. orn. horticulture, 2140. 2025, 2052. Appointments, 2052.
Cusack, F. H. Apotd asst mil. science, Deficit, 2001.
1960. DeFrance, T. A. Resigns, 1917. Apptd
Cushman, E. Apptd exten. instr home asst orn. horticulture, 1917, 2140.

econ., 2119. Degrees. Conferred, 1935, 1965, 2016,

Cushman, R. E. Salary, 1998, 2037. 2157.
Cutler, Max. Apptd asst pathology Deily, M. B. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd
1934. instr Romance languages, 2039.
Czirr, G. R. Apptd county agent, 2098 DeLany, D. Apptd asst state home
2106. dem. agent leader, 2120.
Dahlberg, A. C. Apptd chief in re Delario, A. Apptd asst surgical re

search, 2150. search, 2083. Apptd Given fellow in

Dailev, B. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll. surgical research, 2083.
2139. Delzell, W. R. Apptd asst surgeon to
Dairy Industry. Appointments, 1918 Clinic, dept urology, 1945.
1919, 1959, 1975, 2101, 2137. Appr. Dennis, F. S. Apptd prof. clin. sur
2137. gery, emeritus, 1934.
Dale, G. I. S. S. S., 1989. Admitted Dennis, L. M. Xegotiations for pur
to benefits of Wm. H. Sage pension chase of property, 1930. Purchased,
fund, 1985. 1967. Re-sold to Alpha Chi Rho fra
Dalldorf, G. Apptd instr surgical path ternity, 1967. Heckscher grant No.
ology and asst pathology, 1934, 1942. 179, 1960. Suppl. to Heckscher grant
Apptd asst pathology, 2077. Xo. 6, 2018. Suppl. to Heckscher
Dallenbach, K. M. S. S. S., 1989. grant No. 179, 2019. Heckscher grant
Dalrymple, D. M. Salary, 2099. Apptd Xo. 181, 2019.
county agent, 2107. Dennis, R. Apptd teamster Agr. Coll
Dana, C. L. Apptd prof. clin. med., 2133.
dept neurology, 1932. Dentistry. Appointments, 1935, 1963.
Daniel, D. M. Aoptd assoc. in research, DeRemer, F. M. Apptd janitor Agr
2152. Coll., 2129.
S. S. S., 2003. Dermatology. Appointments, 1929
Daniel, Mrs. Mabel.
Daniels, E. D. Apptd instr physical 2071.
Dession, G. H. Apptd asst Law Li
ed., 2044.
Daniels, Mrs. M. Apptd clerk Agr. brary, 2165.
Coll., 2128. Dewitt, H. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.
Dans, Clayton. Apptd asst mechanician 2141.
mech. eng., 2050. _ .
Diamond Match Co. Stock, 1950, 1992
Dans, Lamont. Apptd asst mechanician 2023.
elec. eng., 2051. Dickens, C. Apptd repairman Agr
Darrieulat, F. Apptd instr physical ed., Coll., 2129.
2044. Dickens, N. Apptd statistical clerk

Appl. for Carnegie 2131.

Davenport, H. J.
pension, 2002. Granted, 2017. Date Dickinson, E. C. S. S. L., 2003.
2057. Apptd prof.
S. S. L., 2003.
of retirement, Dickinson, E. D.
economics, emeritus, 2159.
Dickson, F. Apptd instr plant patho
Davis, A. C. Salary, 2048. ogy, 2143.
Davis, A. P. Salary, 1928. Elected faculty
Apptd asst plant pathol Diederichs, H. repre
Davis, B. H. sentative, 1966.
ogy, 1917, 2101. Apptd instr, 2143.
Dietzen, G. Apptd stenogr home econ
Davis, C. C. Apptd county agent, 2107. 2121.
Davis,H. B. Apptd county agent, 2106. To be
Director of Admissions. member

Davis, J. E. Apptd county agent, 1915, of University Faculty, 1905, 1955.

1916. Apptd asst county agent, 2108. Appr
Director of Admission's Office.
Davis, J. S. Apptd asst surgical re
2025, 2053. Appointments, 2053.
search, 2083.
Division of Education. Appr., 2025, Duthie, M. E. Apptd exten. asst prof.
2052. rural social organization, 2148.
Dodds, H. H. Granted med. scholar Dye, J. A. Suppl. to Heckscher grant

ship, 1942. No. 163, 2020.

Dodge, A. H. Salary, 2077. Dye, L- A. Apptd instr math., 1928,
Dodge, R, I. Apptd asst mil. science, 2042.
1960. Eagan, Frances. Apptd asst pub. speak

Doren, Lois. Apptd home demonstra ing, 1927.

tion agent, 1979, 2096. Eames, A. J. S. S. B., 1997. Leave
Dorn, H. Apptd asst rural social
F. of absence, 2102. Apptd prof, botany,
organization, 2148. 2136.
Dorr, J. M. Apptd asst home dem. Early Closing. Action of University
agent, 2095. Factulty, 1985.
Dorr, M. L. Apptd cataloguer Library, Eastman, Mrs. B. C. Apptd instr home
2032. Salary, 2057. economics, 1979, 2095.
Dorrance, A. B. Resigns, 2100. Eastman Kodak Common Stock, 1992,
Dorrance, S. B. Apptd county club 2002.
agent, 2099, 2108. Easton, Mack. Apptd instr pub. speak

Dorsey, Ernest. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd ing, 1926, 2039.

instr plant breeding, 2142. Eberhart, C. O. Resigns, 1926.
Douque, L- A. Apptd home dem. agent, Eckhardt, R. A. Apptd asst physician
2096. Clinic
to (overweight), 1932.
Downes, H. R. Apptd chemist Gen. Apptd lab. asst hygiene,
Ecklev, P. W.
Memorial Hospital, 1963.
Dresbach Lot. Negotiations for pur Economics.

Appointments, 1927, 1928,

chase, 1966.
2016, 2035. Appr., 2024, 2035.
Dresser, A. L- Resigns, 1904. Edens, W. J. Apptd asst rural ed.,
Drill Hall. Use for commencement ex
ercises,1972. J. C. Apptd
housekeeper home
Edgar, prof, obstetrics,
Driscoll, A. Apptd 1932.
econ., 2121. Nominated prof, of
Edgerton, H. W.
Druskin, Mrs. S. J. Gift, 1943. law, 1965. Elected, 1984, 2047.
Dryden Road. Location, 1951, 1971. Edick, Sylvester. Scholarship bequest
DuBois, E. F. Nominated prof, med.,
received, 2007.
Education. Appr., 2024, 2036. Appoint
Ducasse, C. J. S. S. S., 2165. ments, 2036.
Duffy, J. J. Apptd asst surgeon Gen.
Apptd asst
Edwards, D. J. Salary, 2079.
Memorial Hospital, 1962.
1963. Edwards Estate. Purchase of Forest
Agr. Home property referred to Comptrol
Duke, E. Apntd stenogr Coll.,
2143. ler, 1966.
Apptd Egbert, X. L- Apptd instr exp. eng.,
Dulin, Mrs. Eleanor. stenogr
Sibley School, 2052.
Dunbar, W. M. Apptd instr arch., Ehrenclou, A. H. Apptd asst physician
Apptd asst to Clinic, dept neurology, 1932.
1904. S. S. S., 1989.
Apptd physician, 1945.
prof, arch, 2034.
"Duncan, Ann P. Apptd home dem. Eidlitz, O. M. Bequest, 1965.
agent, 2095, 2096. Eidson, T. P. Apptd instr psychiatry,
Duncan, G. H. Apptd asst geology, 1943.
1927, 2041. Finset, O. Apptd asst in research, 2151.
Dunham, E. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll., Eleanor Tatum Long Scholarships. Ap
2148. pointments, 2020. Income added to
Dunham, R. R. Apntd instr pub. speak principal, 2020.
ing, 1904. S. S. S., 1989. Electrical Engineering.
Dunn, H. S, Apptd county club agent, 1928, 1944, 2051, 2052.
2099, 2109. Ellenwood, F. O. Leave of absence,
Dunn, W. S. Apptd photographer Gen. 1944, Salary, 2049.
Memorial Hospital, 1963. Elliott, G. T. Apptd prof. clin. med.,
Dunovant, R. G. Apptd asst surgeon to dept dermatology, emeritus, 1929.
Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecology, Ellis, C. C. Apptd instr poultry inves
1933. tigation, 2112.
for 1929-
Dupont Fellowship continued Ellis, W. W. Apptd librarian Agr. Li
30, 1964. brary, 2116, 2125.
for 1929-
Dupont Scholarship continued Elmer, H. C. Resolutions on his re
30, 1964. tirement, 1986.
Dupree, W. J. Apptd county club Elrev, F. Apptd home dem. agent,
agent, 2099, 2108. 2096.
Durant, J. W. Will contest settled, Elser, W. J. Business referred to,
2059. 2062.
Durham, C. L. S. S. S., 1989. Elston, E. D. S. S. S., 2056.
Durling, M. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., Elver, V. Resigns, 2109. Apptd clerk
2127. and stenogr Agr. Coll., 2135.

Embody, G. C. Suppl. to Heckcher Farrand, L. Leave of absence, 1908,

Grant No. 106, 2019. Apptd prof.aquiculture 1957. Authorized to confer degrees,
2138. 1935, 1965, 2016, 2157. Business re
Emerson, R. A. Apptd prof, plant ferred to 1946, 1951, 1957, 1972,
Breeding, 2142. 1978, 1982, 1987, 2001, 2012, 2022,
Engel, F. A. Apptd dentist Gen. Me 2059, 2062, 2092. Preliminary report
morial Hospital, 1963. presented, 1955. Report on current

Engineering College. Conference Com affairs, 1957. Of committees : Site of

mittee, 1946. Appr., 2025, 2051. music building, 2156. Expenditures
Appointments, 2047-2052. Summary, for improvement of physical plant,
2051. 2156.
English, D. S. S. L., 2003. Farrar, L. P. K. Salary, 2075.
English, Mrs. J. R. Apptd clerk and Farriery. Appointments and appr.,
stenogr Agr. Coll., 2125.
English, L. Apotd analyst agronomy, Apptd Vet.
Fatula, H. teamster Coll.,
2133. 2112.
English. Appointments, 1903, 1926, E. J. Apptd instr
Faulkner, physical
2036. Appr., 2024, 2036. 2044.
Entomology. Appointments, 1916, 1917, Federal Aid for Mechanic Arts Re
1918, 1975, 2100, 2101, 2138-2139. search. L'niversity approves bill,
Ericson, S. G. Resigns, 1975. 2007.
Ernsberger, M. C. Salary, 2049. Federal Animal Bureau. Co-operation
Efway, D. W. Leave of absence, 2097. with Vet. Coll., 2092.
S. S. H. E., 2105. Apptd asst prof. F. Apptd
home econ., 2119.
Feehan, statistical clerk,
Espe, D. L. Apptd asst physiology,
Feehan, H. Apptd storeroom attendant
1926, 2046. chemistry, 2041.
Essick, F. C. Resigns, 2098. Feldman, S. Apptd instr psychology
Essick, Mrs. M. S. Apptd asst state 2039.
leader of junior extension, 2126. Apptd instr
Fellows, H. H. clin. med
Evans, T. A. Apptd field asst, 2100. 1930. Apptd physician in charge
Evans, Jennette. S. S. S., 1989. Sal (gastro-enterology) , 1931. Resigns
ary, 2045. 1945.
Everett, G. A. Apptd prof, extension Fellowships. Appr., 2024, 2027. Amend
teaching, 2126, ment to Statutes article XIX, 2016
Everhart, A. C. Apptd asst poultry Patentable matters and discoveries
husbandry, 1917. Resigns, 1917. made by industrial fellowships, 2102
Apptd asst dairy industry, 1975. American Rose society, 2102. Arm
Eve~ts, I. H. Apptd attendant Yet.
strong Tree Service Ltd., 1919. Du
Coll., 2112. pont, 1964. Eidlitz, O. M., 1965
Ewing, James. Apptd director of can Morgenthau, Mrs. H., 1964. Xassau
cer research, 1962. Apptd patholo Co. Farm Bureau, 2102. N. V. Pot
gist Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963. ash Export My., 1919.
Fees received, 2062. Fellowships and Scholarships. Stipends
Experimental Engineering. Appoint 1988.
ments, 1928, 2048. Felter, R. K. Apptd asst surgeon to
Experimental Medicine. Appointments
Clinic, dept surgery, 1935.
and appr., 2084.
Felton, R. A. S. S. A., 2104. Apptd
Faculty Representatives. Election, 1966.
exten. prof, rural social
Aoptd Geneva Exp. organization,
Fahy, M. stenogr
Station, 215"0.
Failla, G. Apptd physicist Gen. Memo Fenner, L. A, Apptd instr mach. draw
rial Hospital, 1963. ing, 2049.
Fairbanks, F. L. Apptd asst prof.
Fenton, F. Apptd asst prof, home
rural 2147.
eng., econ., 2118.
X. Apptd heat-
Fairchild, H. asst
Fernow, K. H. Appointed potato in
power eng., 2055.
spector, 1916. Apptd exten. asst
Fajans, K. Baker lectureship, 1937.
prof, plant pathology, 2143.
Fall Creek. University's rights in,
1952. Ferriss, E. N. S. S. S., 1989. S. S.
instr A., 2104. Apptd prof, rural
Fallon, J. J. Apptd physical ed., ed.,
2044. 2146.
Fankuchen, I. Apptd asst physics, 2056. Ferry, C. Apptd asst geology, 2056.
Farm Management. Appointments, 1918, Field, A. M. S. S. A., 2104.
1976, 2101, 2130. Appr., 2132. Field, Mary. Apptd stenogr Agr.
Farm Practice. Appointments, 1975, Coll., 2127.
2128. Appr., 2129. Field Assistants. Appointments, 2100.
Farnham, R. B, Resigns, 2011. Fields, W. E., Apptd asst county
Farnham, W. H. Leave of absence,
agent. 1974, 2108.
1985. S. S. L., 2003.
Filene Sons Co. Pfd Stock, 1950.
Farr, M. E. Apptd cataloguer Library,
Filter Plant. Report on working, 2014.
Finance Committee. Minutes of pro Fornell, C. Apptd asst surgeon to Clin
ceedings, 1908, 1911, 1949, 1967, ic, dept otology, 1933.
Forrester, J. D. Apptd asst geology,
1969, 1992, 2001, 2023, 2060, 2154.
Membership, 1949, 1954. Actions ra 1903.
Fortier, J. L. Apptd res. asst rural
tified, 1954, 1982, 2015, 2157.
Fincher, M. G. Salary, 1912. Appr. ed., 19/5. Resigns, 2100.
for summer 2093. Asst prof. Fortune, L. Apptd instr Vet. Exper.
med. Yet. Coll., 2112. Station, 2113.
Fine Arts. Gift of Carnegie Corpora Foster, E. S. Apptd county agent,
tion, 2022. 2107.
Fine Arts Building. Site and plan, Foster, X. B. Salary, 2073.
1970, 1971, 1983, 1999, 2012, 2013, Foster, Olive. Apptd home dem. agent,
2155. Plans approved, 2156. 2095, 2096.
Fippin Mortgage. Release for street Fowler, I. Apptd attendant Vet. Ex
purposes, 2161. per. Station, 2113.
Fire Station north of Bailey Hall to be Fowler, M. B. S. S. H. E., 2105.
discontinued, 1951. Use of building, Apptd prof, home econ., and head of
1951. nursery school, 2122.
Fish, Marion. Apptd asst household Frane, E. E. Apptd asst county agent,
1974, 2108. Apptd field asst, 2100.
management, 1979, 2119.
Apptd Dean Vet. Coll., Eraser, A. C. Suppl. to Heckscher
Fish, P. A.
Prof, physiology, 2113, grant Xo. 106, 2019. Apptd asst prof.
2111, 2159.
2159. plant breeding, 2142.

Fisher, B. L. Apptd technician agron Fraser, J. F. Apptd asst prof. clin.

omy, 2133. med., dept dermatology, 1929, 2071.
Fisher, J. Apptd helper agronomy, Apptd chief of Clinic, dept derma
instr dermato-
2133. tology, 1929. Apptd
Fisher, W. I. Apptd experimentalist pathology, 2071, 2074.
plant breeding, 2142. Fraternities. Housing on University
Fisher, W, R. Apptd photographer, land, 1987.
stockman plant pathology, 2143. Freeman, Ellis. Apptd instr psychol

Fisheries Research Laboratory, 2103. ogy,1926, 2057.

Fiske Estate. Sale of land, 1937. Freeman, F. S. S. S. S., 1989.
Freeman, H. Apptd helper home
Fitch, E. C. Apptd asst surgeon to
econ., 2122.
Clinic, dept laryngology and rhinol
Freese, F. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
ogy, 1930. Apptd surgeon to Clinic,
dept otology, 1933.
French, W. H. Suppl. to Heckscher
Fitch, R. L. Leave of absence, 1946. grant Xo. 128, 1938. Apptd asst
S. S. S., 1990. Salary, 2052.
E. Apptd home
prof. English, 2036.
Fitschen, sec. econ.,
Fricke, R. F. Apptd county agent,
Fitzpatrick, H. M. S. S. B., 1997.
Leave of absence, 2102. Apptd prof.
Frierson, J. N. S .S.
L., 2003.
plant pathology, 2143.
Fritz, E. Apptd acting prof, forestry,
2102. Apptd acting prof, forest utili
Flansburgh, E. A. Apptd asst county
zation, 2141.
agent leader, 2126.
Frost, J. X. Appr. for summer work,
Fleischer, F. H. Apptd asst mil. sci
2094. Prof, surgery Vet. Coll., 2113.
ence, 1960.
Fuertes Memorial. Appr., 1966.
Fletemeyer, L. Apptd asst sec. Agr.
Fulkerson, L. Apptd mechanician phy
Coll., 2125. sics, 2043.
Floriculture. Appointments, 1916, 1917, Fulkerson, L. L. Apptd instr obstetrics
2101, 2140. Appr., 2140. and gynecology, 1932.
Flower Librarv. Gifts for endowment,
Fullager, C. H. Resigns, 1973.
2022, 2023, 2092. Name, 2092. Fuller, E. B. Apptd county club agent,
Fogg, C. H. Apptd county agent, 2107. 2099, 2108.
Fogg, S. H. Apptd county agent, 2107.
Fuller, Mrs. E. C. Apptd instr home
Foods and Nutrition. Appointments, economics, 1979.
2118. Fuller, Mrs. R. Apptd janitress Agr.
Foote, R. F. Apptd asst county agent, Coll., 2129.
2108. Furr, T. R. Apptd asst pomology, 2144.
Foote, R. W. Apptd county agent, Gage, A. R. Salary, 2048.
1916. Resigns, 1973. Gambrell, F. L. Apptd asst in research,
Forbes, W. M. T.
Apptd preparator 2151.
entomology, 2138. Crannett, F. E. Nominated to Admin
Ford, Henry. Loan to him of instru istration Committee, 2007. Apptd,
ments from Physics dept, 2058. 2016. Resigns from State College
Fordvce, C. R. Apptd asst chemistry, Council, 2016. Of Committee: In
1904, 1944, 1984. toxicants at alumni reunions, 1908.
Foreign Students. Free tuition schol Garages for tenants of Faculty Apart
arships, 2058. ments, 2156.
Forestry. Appointments, 1975, 2102, Garden Avenue. Improvement, 1952.
2103, 2141. Appr., 2141. Development 1972.

Garrett, C. L. Apptd asst prof, draw Gibson, A. W. Leave of absence, 1937.

ing, 2140. Apptd assoc. sec. Agr. Coll., 2125.
Garrett, S. S. Leave of absence, 1959 Gibson, R. S. Apptd instr hygiene and
Salary, 2050. asst med. adviser, 2045.
Garrick, T. J. Apptd asst surgeon to Gierke, A. G. Apptd instr Vet. Coll.,
Clinic, dept laryngology and rhinol 2093.
ogy, 1930. Gifts. American Association of Univer
Gartlein, C. W. Apptd instr physics sity Women, Ithaca Branch, 2004.
2043. Carnegie Corporation, 2022. Cooper,
Gaskill, Gussie. Leave of absence, H. L., 2006. Criddle, I. B., 1947.
2003. Apptd curator White and Druskin, Mrs. S. J., 1943. Durant
Wason collections, 2032. Estate, 2059. Eidlitz, O. M., 1965.
Gaston, J. H. Apptd asst surgeon to Gilbert, A. S., 2005. Given, Mrs. I.
Clinic, dept orthopedic surgery, 1933. H., 2061. Goldenburgh, Miss J. C,
Gastro-Enterology. Appointments, 1931. 2004. Henry Shaler Williams Me
Gavin, Helen. Apptd instr clin. med., morial, 2021. Heredia, Mrs. Carlos
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic, de, 1962, 1966. Jonas, Albert, 1936.
dept med., 1931. Kennedy, F., 1963. Lefevre, G. W.,
Gelas, J. M. S. S. S., 1989. 1936. Medical College, Xew York,
General Administration Committee. See 2064, 2158. Miller, F, H., 2022, 2092.
Administration Committee. Morgenthau, Mrs. Henry, Sr., 1964.
General Baking Co. Common stock, Xoyes Estate, 1907. Passmore, L. K.,
1949. Pfd stock, 1992. 1964. Peters, Mrs. M. L. W., 2059.
General Education Board. Payment of Rosenbluth, M. B., 2061. Sackett,
grant for new Medical School, 1943. H. W., 1966. Sanderson, E. N-,
Grant for experimental anatomy, 1952, 2023, 2159. Taylor, M. C,
1997. Agreement for conditional 1960. 1982. Thorne, O., 1925. Todd,
grant of $1,500,000, 1987, 1998, 2166. G. W., 1938. Turner, E. T., 1965.
Contribution towards Medical College Upson, M. X., 2159. Wade, F. E.,
budget, 2001, 2012. 2059. Whitcomb, Mrs. A. G., 2006.
General Memorial Hospital. Appoint White, H., A. S. and E. I., I960.
ments, 1962. Whitney Estate, 2160.
Geneva Experiment Station. Salaries, Gilbert, A. S. Gift of Carl R. Gilbert
1905. Appointments, 1912-1913, 1925, Memorial Fund, 2005.
1965, 1981, 1984, 2109-2110, 2150- Gilbert, B. D. Resigns, 1973.
2152. Contract for printing, 1913.
Gilbert, W. P. Apptd asst physics,
Budget requests for 1929-30, 1922, 2056.
1946. New hort. lab., 2103. Budget Apptd Agr. Coll.,
Gilkey, J. H. clerk
approved by Council, 2110. By Board, 2128.
2158. Budget, 2150-2153. Summary, Gilman, C. M., Apptd instr anatomy.
2152. Special funds, 2151-2152. 1929.
Duplication of C. LT. work to be Gilman, H. L. Salary, 1912. Appr.,
avoided, 2109. 2093. Asst orof. Yet. Exper. Station,
Gentry, C. B. S. S. A., 1904. 2113.
Genung, J. B. Apptd statistical clerk, Gilmour, A. J. Apptd instr clin. med.,
2131. dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd asst
Genung, Judson. Apptd asst pub. dept dermatology,
phvsician to Clinic,
soeaking, 1927. 2055. 1929.
Geology. Appointments, 1903, 1927, Githens, A. S. Apptd asst mil. sci

1996, 2041, 2056, 2184. Appr., 1905, ence, 1996.

2024, 2042. Summer field school, 2061.
Given, Mrs. I. H. Gift,
Gladwin, F. E. Apptd assoc. in re
George, A. B. S. S. S., 1996. 2150.
George, F. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll., Glanister, M. Apptd repairman Agr.
Coll., 2129.
George, S. G. S. S. S., 1989. Salary, Title changed to chief of
Glasgow, H.
research, 1905, 2150.
Georgi, E. A. Apotd asst chemistry,
Glover, W. O. Aoptd assoc. in re
search, 2150. Appr., 2153.
Georgia, L. W. Apptd electrician Agr.
Goepp, Apptd
Elizabeth. asst pub.
Coll., 2129. 1927.
Appoint speaking,
German. Appr., 2024, 2037. Apptd asst histology and
Goers, T. W.
ments, 2036.
embryology, 1995.
Gherardi, Bancroft. Apptd to Adminis
Goetchius, E. T. Aoptd janitor Agr.
tration Committee, 2016.
Salary, 1912. Appr. Coll., 2129.
Gibbons, W. J.
for summer work, 2093. Apptd instr Goldenburgh, Miss J. C. Gift of Craig
C. Goldenburgh Memorial Fund,
med. Vet. Coll., 2112.
Gibbs, R. C. S. S. S., 1989. Supple 2004.
ments to Heckscher grants Nos. 157a Goldin, Robert. Apptd asst botany,
and 157b, 2019. Heckscher grant No. 1917.
Resigns from S. S. S., Goldsmith, X. W. Apptd asst physics,
181, 2019.
1928. Apptd instr physics, 2043.

Goldwin Smith Hall. Committee on Griffiths, H. J. Apptd overseer chemis

decoration, 1946. Request of C. S. try, 2040.

Northup for attic room, 1952. Grimes, G. M. Apptd stenogr Agr.
Gombash, J. L. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., Coll., 2124.
2129. Grimes, J. W. Apptd instr arch., 2034.
Gombash, R. Apptd statistical clerk, Grismore, G. C. S. S. L-, 2003.
2131. Griswold, G. H. Apptd instr entomol
Goodfellow, T. M. Apptd asst mil. sci ogy, 2138.
ence, 1960. Gross, I. S. S. H. E-, 2105.
Goodman, A. M. Apptd exten. prof. Gross, L. G. Apptd asst editor, 2126.
rural eng., 2147. Grover, H. Apptd heloer farm practice,
Goodman, H. L. Apptd instr exp. eng., 2129.
1928, 2049. Grover, I. Apptd gardener, 2140.
Goodwin, B. Apptd engineer Geneva Guaranteed Mortgages, 1950,
Exp. Station, 2151.
Gudmundsen, J. G. Apptd chief clerk
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Bonds, Agr. Coll., 2116, 2128.
Guerlac, O. G. S. S. S., 1989.
Gordnier, Lois. Resigns, 1914. Guilford Essay Prize. Amendment to
Gordon, A. T., Salary, 1976. Apptd rules, 2165.
asst to instr botany, 2101. Apptd G. Apptd
Guillemont, student asst
instr botany, 2136.
physiology, 1935.
Gordon, E. T. S. S. A., 2105. Guion, C. M, Apptd instr clin. med.,
Gordon, E. M. Resigns, 1914. 1930. Apptd physician to Clinic, dept
Gordon, Ruth. Apptd asst economics,
med., 1930; (endocrine), 1931.
Gottschall, G. Apptd asst chem. Med. Guise, C. H. Leave of absence, 2102.
S. F. C, 2106. Apptd asst prof, for
Coll. N. Y., 2071.
est management, 2141.
Gould, A. G. S. S. S., 1989. Gulf Oil Corp. Common 1992.
Gould, L- P. Apptd asst chemistry, Stock,
1927. Gustafson, A. F. Apptd exten. prof.
Government. Appr., 2024, 2037, 2165, soil technology, 2133.
Appointments, 2037, 2056, Guthrie, E. S. Apptd prof, dairy indus

Graduate School. Appr., 2025, 2046. try, 2137.

Appointments, 2046. Gwin, Alva. Leave of absence, 2003.
Graebner, Herbert. Apptd asst surgeon Salary, 2056.
to Clinic, dept laryngology and rhin Gynecology. Appointments, 1962.
ology, 1930. Haag, H. B. Apptd asst pharmacology,
Graham, E- F. Apptd county agent, 2079.
1916. Apptd asst county agent, 2108. Hadlock, E. H. S. S. S., 1989. Apptd
Grams, W. T. Apptd exten. instr instr math., 2042.
animal husbandry, 2135. Hadlow, H. Apptd supt of buildings
Grange League Federation Exchange, Geneva Exp. Station, 2151.
Inc. Investigatorship, 1920. Hadlow, H. W. Retires, 2110.
Granger, R. S. Apptd asst county
Hagan, W. A. Salary for summer
agent, 2108.
work, 1906, 2094. Prof, pathology
Grant, E. C. Aoptd county club agent,
and bacteriology Yet. Coll., and head
2099, of dept., 2112.
Grantham, G. E. S. S. S., 1989.
Haight, H. H. Leave of absence, 2092.
Grassi, G de. Apptd supervisor classi
fication and shelves, Library, 2032. Salary, 2111.
Hall, A. C. Apptd home demonstration
Graue, Erwin. Resigns, 1917. agent, 1914, 2095, 2096.
Greeley, Mrs. Hulda. Apptd asst zool Hall, F. H. Apptd assoc. in research,
ogy, 2138 .

Greeley, J. R. Apptd instr zoology,
Hall, G. M. Apptd Agr.
stenogr Coll.,
Green, A. E. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll., Hall, G. O. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
asst prof, poultry husbandry, 2145.
Green, E. L., Jr. Apptd asst mil. sci Hall, Mrs. H. Apptd clerk publications,
ence, 1996.
Green, Nathan. Apptd assoc. attending Hall, I. F. Resigns, 1919.
surgeon Gen. Memorial Hospital,
1962. Hall, Mrs. N. M. Apptd clerk Agr.
Gregg, E. E. Apptd clerk and stenogr Coll., 2127 .

Agr. Coll., 2116, 2125. Hall, Mrs. N. T. Apptd stenogr Agr.

Grennell, F. E. Apptd clerk and Coll., 2127.
stenogr Agr. Coll., 2116, 2125. Hall, S. P. Resigns, 1995.
Greycourt Terrace. Question of avail Hallam, R. Apptd clerk and stenogr
ability for use bv fraternity, 2000. Agr. Coll., 2131.
Griffin, C. H. Apptd gardener, 2140. Halpern, Max. Apptd asst surgeon to
Griffin, H. Apptd mechanic and chauf Clinic, dept dentistry, 1935.
feur Agr. Coll., 2127. Halter, C. R. Apptd asst in biology,
Griffiths, E. Apptd stenogr. home econ., 1963.
2121. Ham, L. P. Resigns, 1917.

Hambleton, E, J. Resigns, 2100. Apptd Hasenjager, L- Apptd clerk and

field asst, 2100. Apptd asst ento stenogr rural ed., 2146.
mology, 2138. Haskins & Sells. Audit of University
Hamilton, G. L. Apptd curator Italian accounts, 2002.
collections, 2032. Hastie, M. A. Apptd instr rural ed.,
Hamilton, H. H. Apptd instr clin. 2146.
med., 1930. Apptd physician to Clinic Hatcher, R. A. Appr. for research,
dept pub. health and preventive medi 2158.
cine, 1934. Hathcock, J. \V. Apptd instr econom
Hamilton, W. J. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd ics, 2035.
asst biology, 2138. Haupin, G, D. Apptd asst to Registrar,
Hammond, W. A. S. S. S., 1989. 2053.
Leave of absence, 1998. Appl. for Hauser, E. T. Apptd asst physician to
Carnegie pension, 2002. Date of re Clinic, dept med., 1931. Apptd instr
tirement, 2016. Resigns from S. S. med., 1946, 2072.
S., 2164. Hauser, L. A. Apptd instr clin. med.,
Handlen, K. Apptd sec. elec. eng., 1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,
2052. dept med., 1931.
Hanselman, G. R. Apptd asst rural Havens, M. Apptd clerk and stenogr
engineering, 1917. Apptd instr mach. Agr. Coll., 2127.
drawing, 2049. Hawkes, M. E. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,
Hansen, P. A. Apptd asst in research, 2128.
1913, 2151. Hawthorn, L. Apptd asst in research,
Hansson, K. G, Apptd asst physician 2151.
to Clinic (arthritis), 1931. Apptd Hawthorne, L. Apptd clerk mech. eng.,
instr clin. surgery, dept orthopedic 2050.
surgery, 1933, Hayden, C.
E. Salary, 1912. Appr.
Hardenburg, E. V. S.
2105. S. A., for summer work, 2094. Asst prof.
Apptd prof. veg. gardening, 2148. physiology Yet. Yoll., 2113.
Harding, H. F. Apptd instr pub. speak Hayes, D. L. Apptd county agent,
ing, 1926. 2098, 2107.
Harlan, J. D. Title changed to asst in Haynes, I. S. Apptd prof. clin. sur
Research (Orchard Soil Investiga gery, emeritus, 1934.
tions), 2109, 2151. Hazeltine, K. S. Resigns from S. S.
Harman, S. W. Apptd assoc. in re A., 1919.
search, 2152. Hazen, M. Apptd exten. clerk and

Harper, F. A. Apptd instr farm man stenogr, 2131.

agement, 1918. Hazzard, A. S. Salary, 2043.
Harper, M. \V. Apptd prof, animal Head, \V. L. Apptd foreman mechanic
husbandry, 2134. arts, 2050.
Harrington, H. Apptd physician to
Healy, W. P. Apptd attending gyne
Clinic, dept pediatrics, 1934. cologist Gen. Memorial Hospital,
Harriott, E. L. Apptd clerk and 1962.
stenogr Agr. Coll., 2131. Heat Control Valves, 2014.
Harriott, J. F. Apptd asst prof, farm Appoint
Heat Power Engineering.
management, 2131.
G. D. Appr. for curatorial ments, 1928, 2049, 2055.
Harris, Heckscher Research Council. Report,
work, 2165.
H. Apptd instr clin. med., 1906, 1939. Membership, 1946, 1955,
Harris, J.
dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd asst 1984, 2157.
dept Heckscher Research Foundation. Suppl.
physician to Clinic, dermatology,
to grant Xo. 159, 1906. Grants Xos.
S. S. H. A., 2106. 174-178, 1906. Suppl. to grants Xos.
Harris, K. W.
Apptd asst prof, home econ., and 11, 140, 128, 1938. Suppl. to grant
Xo. 176, 1959. Grant Xo. 179, 1960.
manager cafeteria, 2120.
Apptd librarian arch., Grant 157-D applied to salaries, 1996.
Harris, R. S. Xos. 6
Supplements to grants ,11,
Harrison, E. S. Apptd instr animal 140, 156, 157a, b, c, d, 155, 159, 160,
174, 179, 2018. Grants Xos. 180,
husbandry, 2134. Supplements to grants
Harshbarger, H. C. S. S. S., 1989. 181, 2019.
Xos 25, 64, 106, 111, 131, 162, 163,
Resigns, 2055. Grants Xos. 182, 183, 2020.
S. S. 2105. Apptd 2019.
Hart, V. B. A.,
farm management, 2132. Supplements to grants Xos. 143, 171,
exten. prof,
R. H. Apptd 177, 2020. Grant Xo. 184, 2020.
Hartshorn, asst veg.
Supplements to grants Xos. 132 and
gardening, 1975.
Apptd 176, 2165. Grant Xo. 96 reinstated,
Hartwig, H. B. exten. asst prof.
2165. Grant Xo. 177, changed title,
field crops, 2133.
F. Z. Apptd in 2165.
Hartzell, assoc. re
Apptd instr civ. eng.,
Hedberg, John.
Harwood, P. D. Resigns, 1917. Apptd 1965, 2048.
exten. instr entomology, 1918. Hedden, G. W. Apptd asst forestry,
Harwood, R. D. Resigns from S. S. B., S. S. S., 1989.
1904. S. S. A., 1919. Hedger, G. A.
Hedrick, U. P. Authorized to sign for Hinman, R. B. Apptd asst prof, animal
taxfree alcohol, 1913. Apptd acting husbandry, 2134 .

director Geneva Exp. Station, 1913. Hinsie, L. E. Resigns, 1945.

Apptd Director, 1925, 2150. Salary, Hirsh, F. R., Jr. Salary, 1996. Apptd
1948. asst physics, 2043.
Heermans, Forbes. Bequest, 1946. Hiscock, E. T. Apptd engineer Agr.
Hefferon, J. Apptd mechanic Geneva Coll., 2117, 2129.
Exp. Station, 2151. Hiscock, F. H. Nominated to Adminis
Heinicke, A. J. Apptd prof, pomology, tration Committee, 1966. Business
2144. referred to, 2007. Of committee :
Heinzelman, F. E. Salary, 2090. Apptd Site of new Law School building,
county club agent, 2108. 1961.
Heller Brothers Bonds, 1949. Embryology. Appoint
Histology and
Henderson, C. C. Apptd county agent, ments, 1926, 1927, 1995, 2045.
1916. Apptd county club agent, 2108. History. Appointments, 1955, 2037,
Hendrickson, J. M. Asst prof, poultry 2038, 2056. Appr., 2024, 2037, 2038.
research, 2112. L. A. 2078.
Hoag, Salary,
Hening, J. C. Apptd assoc. in research,
2150. Hoag, L. E. S. S. S., 1996.
Henline, R. B. Apptd instr clin. sur Hodder, F. H. Nominated acting prof.
gery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd asst American history, 1903. Appointed,
surgeon to Clinic, dept urology, 1935. 1955. S. S. S.,
Henry, G. W. Apptd instr psychiatry, Hodges, R. W. Apptd foreman
1942, 2080. mechanic arts, 2050.
Henry, M. F. S. S. H. E., 2105. Hodgkin's Disease Investigation. Appr.,
Apptd prof, home econ., 2118. 1943.
Henry Shaler Williams Memorial, 2021. Lloefer, Albert. Salary, 1916. Apptd
Heredia, Mrs. Carlos de. Gift to Med. county club agent, 2109.
Coll., 1962, 1966. Hoefle, O. Apptd asst in research, 2151.
Herendeen, R. E- Apptd instr roent
Hoffman, E. W. Apptd county club
genology, 1934. Apptd roentgenelo-

agent, 1975, 2109.

Suppl. to Heckscher
Hogan, M. L. Apptd stenogr Geneva
Hermannsson, H. Exp. Station, 2150.
grant 143, 2020. Apptd curator Ice
2032. Leave
Hoisington, L- B. Resigns, 1903.
landic collection, of

2058. Apptd to Library Holbrook, Frances. Apptd home dem.

administration committee, 2166. agent, 2095, 2096.
G. Apptd prof. Holden, W, B. Apptd attendant Vet.
Herrick, econ.

entomology, 2138.
Coll., 2111.
Holmes, M. L. Apptd prof, business
Herrick, M. T. S. S. S., '

Apptd instr dairy management, 2130.

Herrington, B. L.
industry, 1918, 2137. Holt, Evelyn. Apptd instr clin. med.,
J. A. Apptd 1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,
Herrman, asst mil. sci
dept med., 1931; (diabetes), 1931;
ence, 1960.
Hervey. G. E. R- Apptd Assoc, in Re (asthma), 1932.
search, 2110, 2152. Homan, P. T, Salary, 1928. Elected
Heuser, G. F. Apptd prof, poultry prof, economics, 2016, 2035.
Home Demonstration Agents. Appoint
husbandry, 2145.
Hevesy, G. Baker lectureship, 1937. ments, 1979, 2095, 2096.
Hewitt, B. W. Apptd asst pub. speak Home Economics College. Appoint
ing, 2055. ments, 1914-1916, 2095-2097,
Hewitt, R. H. Salary, 2099. Apptd 2122. 2121.
Appr., Free tuition
county agent, 2106. scholarships, 1919. Budget requests
Hickman, F. Apptd asst mod. Eur. his for 1929-30, 1921. Budget approved
tory, 2038. bv Council, 2097. By Board, 2158.
Hicks, H. S. S. A., 2105. Morgenthau fellowship, 1964. Facul
Higbee, H. W. Apptd asst agronomy, ty membership, 1977. New building,
1970, 2103. Site of new building,
1975, 2133.
Higley, R. L. Apptd asst farm prac 2013, 2015, 2156. Budget as ap
tice, 1975. proved, 2115-2122. Summary, 2115.
Apptd instr poultry Items from Agr. Coll. budget, 2116.
Hilbert, K. F. re
Maintenance : Appr., 2121. Office of
search, 2112.
F. F. Apptd Home Dem.. Agent Leaders: Appr.,
Hill, asst prof, rural
economy, 2102, 2132.
Hill, H. E. Apptd research asst botany, Hook, F. L. Resigns, 2094. Apptd
2101. Apptd asst botany, 2136. home dem. agent, 2095, 2096.
Hill, M. E. Apptd asst Agr. Library, Hook, W. H. Apptd asst prof, heat-

2125. power eng., 2049.

Hine, J. W. Apptd home dem. agent, Hooper, L. Apptd foreman mechanic
2096. arts, 2050.
Hinman, E. H. Apptd asst biology, Hopkins, C. Apptd instr home econ.
2138. and asst mgr cafeteria, 2120.

Hopkins, E. F. Heckscher grant No. Humeston, E. Granted Polk scholar

183, 2020. Apptd asst prof, botany, ship, 1942.

2136. Humphrey, W. F. Printing contract,
Hopkins, G. S. Prof. Anat. Vet. Coll., 1913.
2111. Hunn, C. J. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
Hopper, H. A. Apptd exten. prof, ani asst prof. orn. horticulture, 2140.
mal husbandry, 2135. Hunt, A. C, Apptd asst hotel admin
Hopper, Majorie. Apptd asst surgeon istration, 1979, 2095.
to Clinic, dept obstetrics and gyne Hurd, L. M. Apptd exten. instr poul
cology, 1933. try husbandry, 2145.
Horsfall, J. G. Apptd
assoc. in re Hurlbutt, A. G. Apptd supt. grounds
search, 1981, 2150. Resigns, 2101. Agr. Coll., 2117, 2130.
Horton, F. E. Apptd gardener, 2140. Hurst, Mrs. M. Apptd clerk and

Hoskins, E. R. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll., 2135.

instr rural ed., 2146. Hurwitz, W. A. S. S. S., 1989.
Hosmer, R. S. Apptd prof, forestry,
Huson, J. Apptd supt animal husban
2141. dry, 2100. Apptd stockman, 2134.
Hotel Administration. Appointments, Husted, Ladley. Apptd asst plant path
2095. ology, 1975.
Hotel Engineering. Appointments, 1979.
Hutchings, Airs. G. L. Apptd stenogr
Hotel Management. Appointments, 1914, Agr. Coll., 2126.
1979, 2120. Hutchinson, J. I. S. S. S., 1990.
House, Mrs. E. Apptd statistical clerk, Salary, 2042.
Huttar, J. C. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
Household Art. Appointments, 2119. instr poultry husbandry, 2145.
Household Management. Appointments, Hutton, James. S. S. S., 1990. Apptd
1979, 2119. asst prof, classics, 2035.
Hovanus, G. Apptd foreman ground's, Hygiene. Appointments, 1984, 2016,
2130. 2045. Appr., 2025, 2045.
Howe, A. C. Aoptd cataloguer Library, Hyslop, G. H. Apptd assoc. neurolo
2032. Resigns, 2055. gist, 1963.
Howe, B. N. Appointed foreman Illinois Central Stock, 1911.
mechanic arts, 2050.
Howe, F. B. Apptd soil surveyor, Use, G. H. Apptd county agent, 1916.
2133. Resigns, 2098.
Apptd in research, Improvement of Physical Plant. Appr.,
Howe, G. H. assoc.

2150. 2024, 2031. Committee on expendi

Howe, H. E. S. S. S., 1989. Salary, tures, 2156.
Incinerator at Heating Plant. Commit
Apptd asst to Dean tee, 1953, 1972. Construction recom
Howe, Ruby. of
mended, 2155. Construction author
Women, 2052.
Howell, E. V. S. S. S., 1989. ized, 2159.
Apptd instr Industrial Engineering. Appointments,
Howell, W. S. pub. speak

ing, 2055. 1928, 2050.

Apptd instr Infectious Abortion. Co-operative in
Howlett, K. A. exten. agr.

1976. vestigation, 2092.

Howlett, K. C. Apptd instr farm man Ingersoll, E. S. Apptd supervisor ac
cessions Library, 2032.
agement, 2101.
Offers for sale his Fall Institution Management. Appointments,
Hoy, D. F.
Creek Drive property, 2007. 1979, 2120.
Hoyt, H. L. Apptd asst county agent, Instructing Staff. Periods of appoint
1915. Apptd countv agent, 1916, 1974, ment, 2159.
Interest, Annuities and Retiring Allow
2107. Resigns, 2098.
Hubbell, H. J. Apptd exten. asst prof.
ances. Appr., 2024, 2030.
International Nickel Co. Stock, 1911,
home econ., 2118.
Hucker, G. J. Apptd chief in research, International Paper Co. Pfd
2150. Stock,
Apptd assoc. in re 1908, 1950. Pfd certificates of de
Huckett, H. C.
search, 2151.
posit, 1950. Bonds, 1950.
International Telephone and Telegraph
Hudson, H. H. S. S. S., 1989. Corporation Bonds, 1909.
Hudson Valley Hort. Intoxicants at Alumni Reunions. Com
Rental of lab. space, 1913, 2110.
Appointments mittee, 1908.
Rental of land, 1981.
and appr., 2152. Investigatorships. American Dry Milk
Hughes, Amy. Apptd stenogr to Presi Institute, 1919. Grange League Fed
dent, 2053. eration Exchange, Inc., 1920.
Hughes, E. W. Resigns, 1926. Investments, Temporary, 1993.
sci Iovine, M. Apptd asst surgeon to
Hughes, Geo. Apptd armorer mil.
Clinic, dept urology, 1935.
ence, 2044. Apptd
C. H. Salary, 2037. Apptd Iovino, T. A. asst surgeon to
Hull, Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecol
chairman of Library administration

2166. ogy, 1933.


Irish, Eloise. Resigns, 2094. Apptd Jones, V. E. Salary, 1903. Resigns,

home demonstration agent, 2095, 1926. Apptd asst eng. geology, 2041.
2096. Jordan, R. H. S. S. S., 1990, 1991.
Ivimey, R. M. Apptd asst physician to Salary, 2006.
Clinic, dept neurology, 1932. Journal of Clinical Investigation. Ap
Jackson, G. Apptd instr botany, 2136. propriation, 2062.
Jackson, W. J. Apptd surgeon to Clinic, Junkin, E. Apptd asst home econ.,
dept laryngology and rhinology, 1930. 2122.
Jaeger, F. M. Baker Lectureship, Junkin, W. R, Apptd instr economics,
1937. 2035.
James, C. W. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll., Kagan, M. Apptd asst physician to
2129. Clinic, dept med., 1931.
Jamison, Mrs. D. K. Apptd statistical Kahle, R. C. Apptd asst surgeon to
clerk, 2132. Clinic, dept surgery, 1935.
Janvrin, E. R. P. Apptd instr clin. Kalif, George. Apptd instr English,
med., 1930. Apptd physician to 1926.
Clinic, dept med., 1931; (tuberculo Kardiner, A. Apptd instr psychiatry,
sis), 1932. 1942, 2080. Resigns as asst physician,
Jeck, H. S. Apptd instr clin. surgery, _
dept urology, 1935. Kaufman, Chas. Apptd asst physician
Jeffrey, J. O. Salary, 2049. to Clinic, dept med., 1931.

Jenison, J. Apptd instr clin. med., Kay, H. B. Resigns, 2097.

1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic Keller, R. N. Apptd helper animal
(gastroenterology), 1931. husbandry, 2134.
Jenison, Nancy. Apptd instr med., Kellogg, G, Apptd housekeeper home
1930. Apptd physician to Clinic, dept econ., 2121.
med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to Kellogg, P. P. Salary, 1904. Apptd
Clinic (gastro-enterology), 1931. asst rural ed., 1975, 2146. S. S. A.,
Jenkins, W. A. Apptd asst plant path 2105.
ology, 2143. Kelly, S. F. Apptd asst surgeon to

Jenks, L. H. S. S. S., 1990. Clinic, dept laryngology and rhinol

Jennings, B. A. Apptd exten. asst 1930.

prof, rural eng., 2147. Kelsey, L- D. Apptd asst county agent

Jensen, Rees. Apptd asst surgery, leader, 2126.

1946. Kendrick, M. S. Salary, 1904. Apptd
Toannes, F. Y. Laundry plans ap asst prof, rural economy, 2131.
proved, 2013, 2015. Kennard, E. H. Salary, 2042. S. S.
Johannsen, O. A. S. S. B., 1997.
Apptd prof, 2138. Kennedy, Foster. Contribution to Stu
entomology, dents'
Loan Fund, 1963.
Johnson, Clarence. Apptd county agent,
Kerr, M. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
Johnson, E. B. Leave of absence,
Kerr, Sara. Apptd home demonstration
1926. Apptd instr chemistry, 2040.
Apptd instr English, 1914, 2096.
Johnson, E, M. Kertesz, Z. I. Apptd asst in research,
Johnson, J. R. S. S. S., 1920. Suppl. Kessel, Marcel. S. S. Apptd
to Heckscher grant No. 157b, 2019.
S., 1990.
instr English, 2036.
Salary, 2040. Kidger, Horace. S. S. S., 1990.
Johnson, Mable. Apptd stenogr Agr.
Coll., 2127. Kief, R. J. Apptd lecturer institution
Johnson, S. D. Apptd instr med. Vet. management, 1979.
Coll., 2112. Kimball, T. Apptd truck driver Agr.
Johnson, Samuel. Apptd asst surgeon Coll., 2129.
Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962. Kimball, L. Aoptd instr home econ.,
Johnson, Scott. Apptd asst physician
to Clinic, dept med., 1931. Kimble, W. B. Apptd foreman plant
Johnstone, H. I. Apptd instr arch., breeding, 2142.
2055. S. S. S., 2056. King, A. C. Apptd prof, farm practice
and farm 2128.
Jonas, Albert. Gift, 1936. superintendence,

Jonas, A. R. Apptd home dem. agent, King, J. D. Apptd county agent, 1915,
2096. 2107.
Jones, E. Apptd mailing clerk Geneva King, J. E. J- Apptd instr surgery,
Exp. Station,
2150. 1934.
Jones, Estelle. Apptd home dem. Kingery, L. B. Apptd instr clin. sur
agent, 2095, 2096. dept urology, 1935.
gery, Apptd asst
Jones, H. L. Leave of absence, 1946. to Clinic, dept urology, 1935.

Jones, J. C. Apptd exten. instr home Kingsbury, B. F. S. S. B., 1997. Sal

econ., 2120. ary, 2045.
Jones, L- K. Salary, 1905. Resigns, Kingsbury, C. D. Resigns, 1915.
1913. Kingsbury, E. Apptd janitor Agr.
Jones, Sidney. Apptd field asst, 2100. Coll., 2129.

Kingsbury, O. R. Apptd asst agricul Kupalov, P. S. S. S. S., 1990.

ture, 2138. Kurdt, A. Apptd county agent, 2107.
Kirk, J. S. Apptd asst biochemistry, Lacey, G. T. Apptd asst mil. science,
1926. Apptd instr, 2046. 1960.
Kirk, Winifred. Apptd instr clin. med., Ladd, C. E. Apptd Director of Exten
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic sion, 2116, 2126.
dept med., 1931. Laidlaw, Archibald. Apptd asst Law
Kirwin, T. J. Apptd asst surgeon to Library, 1927.
Clinic, dept urology, 1935. Lake, Michael. Apptd instr clin. med.,
Klatskin, G, Refund of deposit, 2062. 1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic
Klauder, C. Z. Permission to examine (gastro-enterology), 1931. Apptd sur
specifications for women's dormitor geon to Clinic, dept roentgenology,
ies, 2014. 1934. Apptd instr clin. pathology,
Klots, A. B. Apptd asst biology, 1917, 1945, 2073.
2138. Lamb, Muriel. Resigns, 1914. Apptd
Klotz, W. C. Apptd asst prof. pub. home demonstration agent, 1914.
health and preventive medicine, 1934. Lambert, Alexander. Apptd prof. clin.

Klussendorf, R. C. Apptd asst Yet. med., 1930.

Coll., 2112. LaMont, T. E. Apptd instr farm man

Knaysi, G. Apptd instr dairy industry, agement, 1918, 2132. Apptd instr
2101. Apptd instr dairy bacteriology, agr. economics, 2101.

2137. Landesman, Harry. Apptd anaesthetist,

Kneen, F. P. Apptd asst heat power 1963.
eng., 1928. Landscape Committee. Business re

Knott, T. E- Apptd research asst prof. ferred to, 1952, 2000, Minutes of
veg. gardening, 2102, 2148. proceedings, 2154.
Knowlton, E. E, Apptd asst in re Lane, A. Apptd stenogr home econ.,
search, 1981. 2121.
Knowlton, Isabel. Apptd asst surgeon Lane, C. H. Salary, 1919.
to Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecol
Lane, H. J. Apptd instr math., 1904.
ogy, 1933.
Knox, W. C. Apptd asst mil. science, Lane, M. Apptd clerk and stenogr Agr.
1960, 1996.
Coll., 2131.
Lang. A. L. Aoptd asst agronomy,
Knudson, Lewis. Leave of absence,
1977. Apptd prof, botany, 2136.
Koch, M. F. Apptd asst botany, 1975, Lapienski, C. Apptd gardener, 2149.
2136. Laryngology and Rhinology. Appoint
Koehler, H. L- Apptd asst home econ., ments, 1930, 2072. Appr., 2072.
2122. Lattin, Berton. Apptd instr clin. med.,
Kohler, Wolfgang. Offered lectureship 1930. Apptd physician to Clinic, dept
in psychology, 1955. Apptd, 1964. med., 1930; (cardiac), 1932.
Koerner, Fritz. Resigns, 1926. Laube, H. D. S. S. L., 2003. Elected
Kokoski, F. Apptd asst in research, prof, law and sec. of Law School,
2151. 2016, 2047.
Komaromi, M. Apptd stenogr Sibley Laubengayer, A. W. S. S. S., 1990.
School, 2052. Laubengayer, R. A. Resigns, 1976,
Korheer, Mrs. J. C. Apptd librarian 2101. Salary, 1976. S. S. B., 1997.
civ. eng., 2052. Apptd instr botany, 2136.
Kouf, Mrs. E. H. Apptd stenogr Agr.
Lauman, G N. Apptd prof, rural econ

Coll., 2143. omy, 2130.

Kraetzer, A. F. Apptd instr clin. med., Laundry. Construction to proceed,
dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd physi 2013, 2015. Plans approved, 2155.
cian to Qlinic, dept dermatology, Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial
1929. Funds. Budget, 2122.
Kramer, F. Apptd toolkeeper mech. Law, R. A. S. S. S., 1990.
eng., 2052. 1927,
Apptd physician to
Law Library. Appointments,
Kraus, W. M. 1984, 1995, 2165.
Clinic, dept neurology, 1932. Law, School Conference committee,
Kreezer, George. S. S. S., 1990. Apptd 1946. Gift of M. C. Taylor for new
instr psychology, 2039. Committee on
building, 1961, 1982.
Krejca, Mrs. F. clerk and
Site approved, 1969, 1970.
site, 1961.
stenogr Agr. Coll., 2149.
Appointments, 1965, 1984, 2016, 2047.
Kroeger, E. R. S. S. S., 1990. Appr., 2025, 2047.
Kruger, G, Apptd instr physics, 2043. Lawrence, L. A. C. E. S. S., 2048.
Resigns, 2055. Lawrence, V. S. Apptd instr math.,
Krum, W. G. Apptd exten. instr poul 1928, 2042.
try husbandry, 2145. Lawson, J. S. Apptd museum prepara

Kruse, P. T. Heckscher grant No. tor Geneva Exp. Station, 2150.

182, S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
Lav, L- C. Apptd instr industrial en
prof, rural ed., 2146. Salary, 1996.
Apptd gineering, 1928, 1950.
Kubler, E. A. S, S. S., 1990.
Leach, H. P. Apptd stockman, 2134.
instr German, 2037.

Leaves of Absence: Bates, E. A., 1926 Lichtenstein, J. V. Apptd asst physi

cian to Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929.
Bosworth, F. H., 1985. Botsford, H
E., 2102. Bradley, J. C, 1918. Bretz Liddell, H. S. Heckscher grant No.
J. P., 1985. Briggs, T. R., 2006 176, 1906. Suppl. to Heckscher grant

Burdick, C. K, 2021. Carpenter, C No. 176, 1959, 2165.

M., 1912. Childs, H. R., 1998. Claas Limnology. Appointments, 1918.
sen, P. W., 1976. Clayton, E. E. Lincoln, P. M. Leave of absence, 1985.
1981. Cooper, H. P., 2102. Cope Lindsay, J. R. Apptd instr English,
land, M. A., 1903, 1959. DuBois, E 2036.
F., 1942. Eames, A. J., 2102. Ellen Lindsey, A. B. Apptd asst botany,
wood, F. O., 1944. Erway, D. H. 2136.
2097. Farnham, W. H., 1985. Far Literature, Comparative Study of.
rand, L-, 1908, 1957. Fitch, R. L- Appr., 2024, 2038.
1946. Fitzpatrick, H. M., 2102. Gar Little, H. B.

Apptd county agent,

rett, S. S., 1959. Gaskill, Gussie 1915, 2107.
2003. Gibson, A. W., 1937. Guise Little, W. A. Apptd asst mil. science,
C. H., 2102. Gwin, Alva, 2003 1960.
Haight, H. H., 2092. Hammond, W Livermore, J. R. Apptd research instr
A., 1998. Hermannsson, H., 2058 plant breeding, 2142.
Johnson, E, B., 1926. Jones, H. L. Lloyd Tracts. Committee, 1987.
1946. Knudson, L., 1977. Lincoln
P. M., 1985. Love, H. H., 1977 Loewy Collection. Sale of masonic
material, 1906.
Meek, H. B., 1979. Metzgar, H. J.
1996. Morrison, F. B., 1904. Nichols Lonergan, M. J. Apptd instr psychia
try, 1943, 2080.
M. L., 1956, 2040. Pope, P 2006

Recknagel, A. B., 1977. Rettger, E Long, W. H. Apptd instr agr. econom

W., 2057. Savre, C. B., 2110. Scho ics, 2101.
der, E. W., "2057. Slichter, S. H. Long Bell Bonds, 1993.
1998. Scoville, G. P., 1977. Sum Long Island Vegetable Research Farm.
net, J. B., 1956. Thomas, H. E. Appointments and appr., 2149, 2151.
1977. Tukey, H. H., 2110. Under Longley, L- E. Resigns, 2101.
wood, F. O., 1977. Upton, G. B. Lorentz, M. C. Apptd cataloguer Li
2057. Von Engeln, O. D., 1905 brary, 2032.
Walker, C. L., 1959. Warren, G. F. Love, H, h. Leave of absence, 1977.
1976. Wessels, P. H., 1977. Whet- Apptd prof, plant breeding, 2142.
zel, H. H., 1918. Lovelace, F. E. Apptd asst chemistry,
Lectureship and Special Funds. Appr., 1926.
2024, 2027. Loveless, Mrs. E. Apptd asst Library,
Lee, A. S. Apptd gardener, 2149. 2032.
Lee, B. J. Apptd prof. clin. surgery, Lowenstein, L- L. Apptd instr math.,
1934. Apptd attending surgeon Gen. 2042.
Memorial Hospital, 1962. Luckett, J. D. Apptd editor Geneva
Lee, M. A. Admitted to benefits of Exp. Station, 2150. Appr., 2153.
Wm. H. Sage pension fund, 1985. Ludlow, G. C. Apptd asst physician to
Salary, 2050. Clinic, dept pediatrics, 1934.
LeFeber, A. N. Apptd asst mil. sci Lusk, G. Appr. for research, 2158.
ence, 1960. Lynch, Helen. Apptd sec. civ. eng.,
Lefevre, G. W. Bequest for scholar 2052.
ships, 1936. Settlement with heirs Lyon, C. Apptd technician agronomy,
referred to J. DuP. White, 1967. Re 2133.
port of settlement, 2059.
Lyon, L. L- Apptd prof, soil technol
Legislative Appropriations. Requests ogy, 2133.
for 1929-30, 1920, 1946. McAllister, J. J. Apptd instr plant
Leister, C. W. Salary, 1904. Apptd breeding, 1976.
instr ornithology, 19l8, 2138. McAllister, M. H. Apptd clerk and
Leland, E. W. Apptd experimentalist stenogr Agr. Coll., 2143.
agronomy, 2133. MacArthur, E- H. Title changed to
Leland, Lillian. Apptd supervisor peri asst prof. 2097. S. S. H. E., 2105.
odicals Library, 2032. Apptd asst prof, home econ., 2118.
Lennox, J. A. Apptd county club agent, McArthur, M. J. Apptd asst household
2099, 2108. management, 2095.
Lenox, Mrs. T. Apptd helper home McAuliffe, G. B. Apptd asst prof. clin.
econ., 2122. surgery, dept otology, 1933, 2076.
Lenrow, B. Resigns, 1904, 1926. Apptd chief of Clinic, dept otology,
Leonard, Mrs. M. Apptd stenogr to 1933. Apptd acting head dept otol
Bureau of Public Information, 2053. ogy, 1946, 2076.
Leonard, N. Apptd asst editor, 2116, McAuliffe, G. W. Apptd instr clin. sur
2126. gery, dept otology, 1933. Apptd sur
Leonard, W. R. S. S. S., 1996. Apptd geon to Clinic dept otology, 1933.
instr economics, 2035. McAuliffe, V. J. Apptd asst surgeon

Leske, L. Apptd instr home econ., to Clinic, dept urology, 1935. Re

2118. signs, 1945.

Leslie, Eugenie. Salary, 2070. McFeeters, M. C. Resigns, 1975.

LEsperance, E. S. Apptd serologist McGaffin, C. G. Apptd instr psychia
1963. Salary, 2077. Apptd asst prof try, 1943.
pathology, 2677. McGraime, Wm. Apptd President's and
Levering, S. R. Apptd stenogr Agr, Comptroller's messenger, 2054.
Coll., 2144. McGrath, J. F. Apptd instr obstetrics
Levine, L. I. Apptd instr clin. med. and gynecology, 1932. Apptd chief
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic of Clinic, dept obstetrics and gyne
dept med., 1931. cology, 1932.
Levine, S. Z. Apptd associate pedia McGuigan, M. Apptd stenogr Geneva
tries, 1935. Salary, 2078. Appr. for Exp. Station, 2150.
research, 2158. Machine Design. Appointments, 2049.
Lewis, A. W. Apptd asst chemistry Machine Drawing. Appointments, 2049.
1927. Mcllroy, Mrs. C. B. Apptd director of
Lewis, D. L. Apptd asst mil. science shop, 2118.
1960. McKay, J. D. Invited to be asst to
Lewis, H. P. Resigns, 1926. Prof. G. P. Thomson, 2058.
Lewis, R. D. Apptd exten. asst prof Mackay Companies Pfd Stock, 1909.
plant breeding, 2142. McKenzie, A. A. Apptd county club
Library. Appr., 2024, 2032. Appoint agent, 2109.
ments, 2032, 2056. Committee oi McKeon, R. Nominated prof, ancient
administration, 2166. Sale of ma and mediaeval philosophy, 1998.
s.nic material from Loewy collec Mackey, C. O. Apptd asst prof, heat-
tion, 1906. power eng., 2049.
Library Council. Election of faculty MrLallen, L. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,
McBride, K. Apptd home dem. agent 2137.
2096. McMaster, M. A. Apptd instr floricul
McCallan, S. E. A. Apptd potato in ture and orn. hort., 2101, 2140.
spector, 1916. Resigns, 2101. McMullen Scholarships, 2057.
McCandlish, H. G. Salary, 2076. McXatt, E. B. Apptd instr enconom-

McCarthy, D. D. Apptd instr elec ics, 2035.

eng., 2051. Magner, Winifred. Resigns, 1978.
Apptd home

Apptd home demonstration

McCartney, I. H. agent,
economics, 1979, 2095. 1979.
McCartney, J. Apptd helper poultry Mahoney, Earl. Apptd student asst

husbandry, 2145. Geneva Exper. Station, 1912.

McCauliff, E. F, Resigns, 1973. Apptd Maintenance of Physical Plant. Appr.,
asst county agent, 1974. 2024, 2030.
McCay, C. M. Apptd asst prof, animal Malone, M. Apptd clerk and stenogr
husbandry, 2134. Agr. Coll., 2136.
Apptd Malone, V. M. Apptd clerk and
McClellan, A. M. asst surgeon

to Clinic, dept urology, 1935. stenogr Agr. Coll., 2126.

Mann, A. R. Appointed Director C. U.
McClellan, P. P. S. S. S., 1996.
Agr. Exp. Station, 1925. Dean Agr.
McClellan, W. S. Apptd instr med.,
1930. Coll. and Director Exp. Stations,
Barbara. 1976. 2116, 2124. Business referred to,
Apptd botany, 2136.
instr 1957, 1978. Salary, 2033.
McClintock, W. G. Salary, 2054. Mann, E. R. Apptd asst physics, 1927,
Appointed in 2043. Salary, 1996. Apptd instr
McCollum, T. P. asst re

search, 1912. physics, 2056.

H. K. Apptd mil. sci Manning, A. I. Apptd helper animal
McCorkle, asst

ence, 1960. husbandry, 2135.

McCormick, C. T. S. S. L., 2003. Manning, J. S. Resigns, 1907.
Mansfield, H. L. Apptd instr pathol
McCurdy, J. C. Apptd prof, rural eng.,
2147. ogy and bacteriology, 1912.
H. S. S. A., 2105. instr pathology Vet. Coll., 2112.
MacDaniels, L.
Apptd prof, pomology, 2144. Manus, M. W. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll.,
McDermond, Bess. Resigns, 1914.
McDermott, G. R. Appl. for Carnegie Mapes, E. A. Apptd clerk publications,
pension, 2002. Granted, 2017. Apptd 2116, 2127.
p-of. structural design, emeritus, Mapes, L. Apptd statistical clerk, 2132.
Marble, D. Apptd instr poultry hus
McDivitt, E. L. Apptd clerk Agr. bandry, 2145.
Salary, 1996. Apptd
Coll., 2126. Marchant, T. H.
Apptd asst physics, 2043.
MacDonald, J. O. asst surgeon

Marine, L. S. S. H. E-, 2105.

to Clinic, dept laryngology and rhin
1930. Apptd asst clin. sur Marine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole. Appr.,
gery, dept laryngology and rhinology, 2034, 2063.
2072. Markell, L. M. Apptd sec. to Dean of
Apptd instr Coll. Engineering, 2047.
McDonald, W. F, classics,
Marketing. Appointments, 1918. _

., ,
for Marquardt, T. C. Apptd asst in re
McFadden, H. D. Payment on gift

War Memorial, 1967. search, 2151.


Marquith, Leo. Apptd asst surgeon to Council, 2061. Budget approved by

Clinic dept urology, 1935. Board, 2158. Budget as approved,
Marsh, F. B. S. S. S., 1990. 2064-2084. Estimated income, 2064.
Marsh, Lena. Apptd librarian Sibley Gifts, 2064. Total budgets, 2065.
School, 2052. Administration budgets, 2065-2068.
Marshak, A. G. Apptd potato inspec Departmental budgets, 2068-2084. Re
tor, 1916. search Fund: Budget, 2158.

Marshall, J. C. Apptd asst mil. sci Medical College Council. Minutes of

ence, 1960. proceedings, 1941, 1962, 2009, 2061.
Martin, H. E. Resigns, 1907. Apptd Actions ratified, 1944, 1954, 1966,
asst surgeon Gen. Memorial Hospital 1982, 2015, 2158. Membership, 1954,
1962. 1962.
Martin, J. A. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll. Medicine. Appointments, 1930, 1942,
2147. 1945, 1946, 2072. Appr., 2072. Sum
Martin, Kirby, A. Apptd instr clin mary, 2075.
med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to Medicine and Ambulatory Clinic Vet.
Clinic, dept med., 1931. Salary, 2062 Coll. Appointments and appr., 2112.
Apptd instr med., 2072. Meek, H. B. Leave of absence, 1979.
Mason, C. W. S. S. S., 1990. Salary Apptd prof, hotel management, 2120.
2040. Meek, Mrs. H. B. Resigns from S. S.
Mason, J. F. S. S. S., 1990. A., 1919.
Massey, L. M. Apptd prof, plant path Megathlin, G. R. Resigns, 1903.
ology, 2143. Apptd instr geology, 2041.
Masten, E. C. Apptd asstcounty agent, Mekeel, Mary. Apptd asst zoology,
1915, 1974, 2098. Apptd county 2043.
agent, 1916, 2098, 2107. Resigns, Melville Shoe Pfd. Stock, 1908.
2098. Melvin, B. L. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
Master, A. M. Apptd asst physician to acting prof, rural social organization,
Clinic (electrocardiography), 1932. 2148.
Masterman, Mrs. N. K. Apptd exten. Memorial Tablets. N. Y. State Vet.
instr home econ., 2120. Med. Soc, 1906. Sweet professor
Materia Medica and Small Animal Clin ship, 2059.
ic. Appointments, 1995, 2111. Appr., Mensching, J. E. Resigns, 2109.
2111. Mereness, E. H. Apptd exten. instr
Mathematics. Appointments, 1904, farm 1976. Re
management, 1918,
1928, 2042, 2164. Appr., 2025, 2042. signs, 1976.
Mather, Mrs. Mercie. Apptd stenogr
Merian, Mrs. T. Apptd stenogr Agr,
Library, 2032. Coll., 2143.
Matheson, Robert. S. S. B., 1997. Merkle, F. G. Apptd asst agronomy,
Apptd prof. econ. entomology, 2138. 1917.
Maughan, G. H. Heckscher grant No. Apptd
Merrill, A. L- asst home econ.,
175, 1906. 1915.
Maughan, O. H. Apptd asst meteorol Merrill, E. Apptd statistical clerk,
ogy, 2133. 2131.
Maurer, J. Apor. for summer work, Merrill, E. D. Apptd county agent,
2094. Apptd instr surgery Vet. Coll., 2107.
2113. Merrill, T. Apptd attendant Vet. Coll.,
Maynard, L. A. Apptd prof, animal 2111.
husbandry, 2134. Merritt, E. Suppl. to Heckscher grant
Mead, A. H. Apptd county club agent, Xo. 140, 1938, 2019. Suppl. to Heck
2099, 2108. scher grant 157c, 2019.
Mead, C. G. Apptd proctor, 2003. Meserve, W. E. Aoptd instr elec. eng.,
Mead, Gordon. Agreement for use of 2051.
land, 1981. Messer, C. L. Apptd county agent,
Mechanic Arts. Appointments, 2050. 2106.
Mechanics. Appointments, 2050. Meteorology. Discontinued as a depart
Medical College, Ithaca. Conference ment, 2103.
committee, 1946. Appr., 2025, 2046. Metzger, H. J. Aoptd exten. asst prof.
Appointments, 2045. animal husbandry, 2135.
Medical College, New York. Appoint Middaugh, W, S. Apptd asst business
ments, 1908, 1929-1935, 1942-1943, management, 2131.
1945-1946. Balances of special funds Middle West Utilities Stock, 1992.
reserved, 1941. Reappropriations,
1941. Alterations in buildings, 1942. Midjo, C. M. S. Salary, 2033.
Scholarships granted, 1942. Appr. for Mihalko, R. B. Apptd county agent,
additional Porter, 1963. Appr. for 2107.
Library, 1963. Disposal of surplus Milans, R. S. Apptd asst mil. science,
books and journals in Library, 2009. 1960. Apptd asst hotel eng., 1979.
Prolongation of course of student as
Preparation of budget,
Milford, E. L. Apptd asst bacteriology
sistants, 2009. and immunology, 1929.
2011. Time of occupation of new
Report on financial Milhan, M. Apptd home dem. agent,
buildings, 2012.
Budget approved by 2096.
condition, 2020.

Military Science. Appointments, 1932, tionand dean of Vet. Coll., emeritus,

1960, 1996, 2044. Appr., 2025, 2044. 2159. Granted retiring allowance by
Communication concerning new artil C. U., 2159.
lery stables and riding shed, 1972. Mordoff, R S. S. A., 2105.
.A. Apptd
Milks, H. J. Appr. for summer work, prof, meteorology, 2133.
2094. Prof, and supt small animal Moree, R. W. Apptd asst geology,
clinic, 2111. 1996.
Miller, A. R. Apptd asst physiology, Moreland, C. F. Apptd asst botany,
1926. 1975.
Miller, F. H. Gifts, 2022, 2092. Morey, D. R. Apptd asst physics, 1927.
Miller, T. E. Apptd asst engineer
Morgenthau, Mrs. Henry, Sr. Gift for
Office, 2054. fellowship in home economics, 1964.
Miller, Lucy. Apptd asst physician to G. Apptd
Morin, exten. asst prof.
Clinic, dept neurology, 1932. home econ., 2119.
Miller, M. Apptd accountant exten., Apptd clerk publications,
Morovec, A.
2116, 2127.
Miller, S. Apptd statisticalclerk, 2131. Morris, F. B. Resigns, 1973. Apptd
Milliser, R. Apptd asst anatomy, 1927. asst agent leader,
county 1974, 2126.
Apptd instr hygiene, 2045.
Morris, J. H. Apptd asst surgical re
Mills, H. S. Salary, 1918. Resigns, 1934.
Morrison, F. B. Leave of absence,
Mills, W. D. Salary, 1918. Apptd ex 1904. Xominated prof, animal hus
ten. instr plant pathology, 2143. head
bandry and of dept., 1913. Ap
Millward, L. G, Apptd asst geology,
pointed, 1925, 2134. Salary, 1925.
1927, 2041. Resigns as Director of Exp. Stations,
Mineralogy. Appointments, 1903. 1925. Assignment of Bristol lease,
Mingins, C. R. Apptd asst physics, 1997.
1995. Apptd instr physics, 2043.
Morrow, H. E. Death, 2166.
Minns, L. A. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
instr floriculture, 2140. Morse, C. W., S. S. S., 2003. Salary,
Miscall, J. Apptd instr chemistry, 2040. Proposal to furnish elec
Miscellaneous Expenses. Morse, F. L.
Operating tric 1939. Question of Uni
Appr., 2024, 2031. versity's rights in Fall Creek, 1952.
Misner, E. G. Apptd prof, farm man
agement, 2130.
Morse, H. C. Apptd county agent,
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Bonds,
1950. Mortgages, Guaranteed, 1950.
Missouri-Pacific Bonds, 2023. Morton, C. Apptd exten. asst prof.
Mitchell, C. Apptd gardener, 2149. heme econ., 2120.
Mitchell, I. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll., Moths and Insects Investigation. Ap
2131. pointments and appr., 2152.

Mitchell, L. A. Apptd stenogr Agr. Mouat, H. R. Apptd asst histology and

Coll.. 2127. embryology, 1926. Resigns, 1984.
Mitchell, Wendell. Apptd asst physi Muchmore, G. B. S. S. S., 1990. Sal
cian to Clinic, dept neurology, 1932. ary, 2039.
Moe, T. L.
Apptd repairman Agr. Muckle, L. A. Apptd county agent,
2129. 2107.
Moeder, W. D. Apptd instr elec. eng., Mueller, D. W. Apptd asst physics,
1928, 2051. 1927, 2056.
Mohr, C. Apptd florist Geneva Exp. Muenscher, W. C. Salary, 1904. S. S.
Station, 2151. A., 2105. Apptd asst prof. econ.

Monroe, Mrs. B. W. Apptd clerk and botany, 2136.

Mulcahy, T. A. Apptd instr clin. sur
stenogr Agr. Coll., 2126.
S. Sal dept laryngology and rhinology,
Monroe, B. S. S. S., 1990. gery,
1930. Apptd surgeon to Clinic, dept
ary, 2006.
Monsch, M. Apptd prof, home econ., laryngology and rhinology, 1930.
2118. Muller, A. S. S. S. S., 1990.
Montgomery, R. E. S. S. S., 1990. Muller, H. J. Apptd instr English,
Moore, C. B. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd 2036.
prof, rural ed., 2146. Mundinger, F. G. Apptd assoc. in re

Moore, Dewitt. Agreement for use of search, 2152.

land, 1981. Mundv, A. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,
Moore, Dorthea. Apptd asst pediatrics, 2129.
2078. Mundv, F. Trustee of Oliphant estate,
Moore, M. G. Apptd asst in research, 1947.
2151. Munn, M. T. Aoptd chief in research,

A. Retirement, 1965. Appl. 2150.

Moore, V S. S. S., 1990. Suppl.
for Carnegie pension, 1965. Report Murdock, C. C.
Expression of to Heckscher grant Xo. 156, 2019.
on Vet. Coll., 2092.
2092. Apptd prof, of Salary, 2042.
Murphy, A. E. S. S. S., 1990. Re
comparative and veterinary pathology
of meat inspec signs, 2006.
and bacteriology and

Murphy, E. J. Apptd asst surgeon to Newton, E. B. Apptd asst chemistry,

Clinic, dept obstetrics and gynecol Med. Coll., N. Y., 1945. Apptd instr,
ogy, 1933. 2071.
Murray, J. I. Apptd carpenter civ. Newton, F. Apptd mechanic Agr.
eng., 2052. Coll., 2128.
Murray, K. A. H. Apptd instr agr. Newton, F. E. Retirement, 1913.
econ., 1976. Newton, M. C. Resigns, 1926.
Murray, M. Apptd lab. helper Geneva
, Newton, P. J. Resigns, 1917.
Exp. Station, 2151. New York Central Railroad Stock,
Murray, M. J. S. S. S., 1990. Apptd 1908, 1992.
instr chemistry, 2040. New York Holstein-Friesian Associa
Murray, T. C. Apptd county agent, tion. Resolution regarding Veterin
2106. ary College, 1979.
Music Building. Site and plan, 1970, New York Hospital. Appointments
1971. Committee, 2156. and appr., 2073.
Music Department. Development, 1987, New York State Agr., Exper. Station.
2160. Use of Scorpion House, 2013, See Geneva Exper. Station.
2016. Appointments, 2016, 2038. Xew York State Conservation Commis
Appr., 2024, 2038. sion. Co-operation with C. U. in
Muskat, C. J. Apptd instr rural ed., fisheries researches, 2103,
1918. New York State Vet. Med. Society.
Musser, G. D. Apptd county club Memorial tablet, 1906.
agent, 2099, 2108. Nichols, E- Apptd statistical clerk,
Musto, Mrs. H. B. Apptd stenogr 2131.
home econ., 2121. Nichols, E- L. Site of residence to be
Myerhoff, H. A. S. S. S., 1990. secured for new Law School, 1970,
Myers, C. H. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd 1971, 1983. Suopl. to Heckscher
prof, plant breeding, 2142. grant No. 157c, 2019.
Myers, R. P. Resigns, 1917. Nichols, M. L. Leave of absence,
Mvers, W. I. Apptd prof, farm finance 1956, 2040. S. S. S., 1990. Resigns
2130. from S. S. S., 2003.
Nafe, R. W. Apptd research asst prof Nichols, R. E. Resigns, 1995.
rural social organization, 2148. Niedick, H. E. Apptd repairman Agr.
Nance, E. Apptd home dem. agent Coll., 2129.
2096. Niles, H. D. Apptd asst physician to
Nassau County Farm Bureau. Fellow Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929.
ship, 2102. Niles, W. L. Apptd prof. clin. med.,
Nebel, B. R. Apptd Assoc, in Re 1930.
search, 2110, 2150. Nobel, I. L. Apptd helper Agr. Coll.,
Needham, J. G. Apptd prof, entomol 2130.
ogv and limnology, 2138. Nolan, A. C. Apptd clerk and stenogr
Needham, P. R. Apptd instr limnology rural ed., 2146.

1918. Nolan, C. Apptd stenogr mil. science,

Needham, W. R. Apotd asst hotel ad 2044.
ministration, 1915, 2095. Noll, J. Aoptd student asst physiology,
Neff, M. Resigns, 2094. 1935.
Neigh, A. W. Apptd engineer mech Nonidez, J. F. Fees received, 1964.
eng., 2050. Salary, 2069.
Nelson, B. T. Resigns, 2100. Apptd Norris, L. C. Apptd research asst prof.
asst rural education, 2100. poultry husbandry, 2145.
Nelson, H. R. Apptd instr physics North American Match Corp. Stock,
2043. 1950.
Nelson, J. H. S. S. S., 1990. Northrop, M. G. Apptd instr elec. eng.,
Nelson, M. G. S. S. A., 2105. 2051.
Neumann, T. W. Apptd asst physician Northup, C. S. Request for attic room
to Clinic, dept neurology, 1932. in Goldwin Smith Hall, 1952. S. S.
Neurology. Appointments, 1932, 1945, S., 1990.
1963, 2075. Appr., 2075. Norton, E- C. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,
Neuwelt, L- Apptd asst surgeon to
Clinic, dept urology, 1935.
Newhall, A. G. Aoptd research asst Noyes, LaVerne, Estate of. Scholar
prof, plant pathology, 2102, 2143. ships, 1907.
Newman, A. B. Apptd attendant Vet. Nuttall, T. Apptd attendant farriery,
Exper. Station, 2113. 2114.
Newman, E. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll., N. V. Potash My. Fellowship, 1919.
Apptd helper animal
Nye, C. S. S. S., 2006. Apptd exten.
Newman, L. A. prof, home econ., 2119.
husbandry, 2135.
Apptd sec. Coll. of Nye, G S. S. S., 2003. Apptd
Newman, M. S. .H.

Engineering, 2047. warden, 2052.

Newman, R. Apptd teamster Vet. Oaks, W. F.
Apptd watchman Geneva
Exper. Station, 2113. Exp. Station, 2151.

Oast, S. P. Apptd instr clin. surgery, Palmer, Douglas. Apptd instr clin.
dept ophthalmology, 1933. Apptd med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to
chief 01 Clinic, dept ophthalmology, Clinic (gastro-enterology), 1931.
1933. Apptd physician, 1945. Apptd asst
Obstetrics and Gynecology. Appoint radiologist to Clinic, dept radiology,
ments, 1932, 2075.
Appr., 2076. 1946.
O'Connell, W. C. Apptd instr and asst Palmer, E. L. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
physical education, 2044. prof, rural ed., 2146.
Ogden, A. T. Lease of land, 1981. Palmer, J. B. S. S. A., 2106.
Ogden, R. M. S. S. S., 1990. Palmer, R. G. Apptd field asst, 2100.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Bonds, 1992. Apptd county agent, 2107.
Ogle, R. C. Apptd exten. instr poul Palmolive Peet Pfd Stock, 1909.
try husbandry, 2145. Papez, J. W. Salary, 2045.
Olafson, P. Prof, pathology Vet. Coll., Papish, J. S. S. S., 1996. Elected
2112. prof, chemistry, 2016. Suppl. to
Olcott, C.T. Apptd instr surgical Heckscher grant No. 160, 2019. Heck
pathology, 1934. scher grant No. 181, 2019.
O'Leary, P. M. Apptd asst prof, eco Paradiso, L. J, Apptd instr math.,
nomics, 2035. 2042.
Oliphant, J. N. Trustee of estate of, Parker, G. W. Title changed to Bur
1947. sar, 2103, 2116, 2128.
Oliver, B. J. Apptd helper poultry Parker, J. W. Elected alumni trustee,
husbandry, 2145. 2157.
Oliver Farm Equipment Pfd Stock, Parker, K. G. Apptd instr plant path
2023. ology, 2101.
Olsen, C. F. Apptd asst forestry, 2141. Parking Space around Bailey Hall,
Olsen, E. Apptd home dem. agent, 1972, 2013, 2015. East of Central
2096. Avenue, 2154.
O'Neill, M. Apptd janitor and audi Parrott, M. Apptd home dem. agent,
torium caretaker, 2129. 2095, 2096.
O'Neill, P. F. Apptd poultryman, 2109, Parrott, P. J. Apptd Vice-Director and
2151. Appr., 2153. Chief Research
in Geneva Exper.
Operation Loss to be set up as Deficit, Station, 2109, 2150. Appr., 2153.
2001. Parson, J. T. Appr., 1965. Salary,
Ophthalmology. Appointments, 1933, 2048.
2076. Parsons, D. W. Apptd asst rural ed.,
Ornamental Horticulture. Appoint 1975.
ments, 1917, 1920, 1959, 1984, 2140. Passmore, L. K. Gift to John Faxon
Appr., 2140. Passmore Memorial Fund, 1964.
Ornithology. Appointments, 1918, 2100. Patch, S. C. Aoptd mechanician mech.
O'Rourke, C. E. S. S. S., 1990. Apptd eng., 2050.
asst prof. civ. eng., 2048. Salary, Pate, V. S. L. Apptd asst entomology,
2056. 2101.
Orthopedic Surgery. Appointments, Pathology. Appointments, 1934, 1942,
1933, 2076. 1945, 1963, 2077. Appr., 1943, 2077.
Ortner, H. P. Apptd instr physical Pathology and Bacteriology, Vet. Coll.
education, 2044. Appointments. 1912, 2112. Appr.,
Osborne, F. J. Apptd asst physician to 2112.
Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd Patnode, W. I. Apptd asst chemistry,
surgeon to Clinic, dept roentgenology, 1927.
1934. Patterer, Jos. Apptd asst floriculture,
Oscamp, J. Apptd exten. prof, pomol 1917. Apptd asst orn. horticulture,
ogy, 2144. 2140.
Osgood, W. R. Resigns, 1965. Patterson, C. H. Apptd foreman me
Osterberg, F. Salary, 2071. chanic arts, 2050.
Otis, J. C. Apptd county agent, 2107. Patterson, J. H. S. S. S., 1996.
Otology. Appointments, 1933, 1946, Patterson, R. H. Apptd chief of Clinic,
2076. dept surgery, 1935.
Overacker, G. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll., Paulas, A. J. Apptd asst rural ed.,
2129. 2101.
Page, H. L. Apptd asst county agent, Pauli, W. Apptd biophysicist, 1963.
Apptd Payne, R. Apptd asst plant path
1974, 2108. county agent,
2098. Salary, 2099. ology, 2100, 2143.
Paige, E. R. Salary, 1944, 2051. Peabody, G. E. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
Paine, E. T. Apptd instr philosophy, asst prof, extension teaching, 2126.
2038. I. B. Apptd Agr.
Helen M. Aoptd home demon Peacock, Mrs. clerk
Paine, Coll., 2145.
stration agent, 1914, 2095, 2096.
E- Apptd Pearson, C. Apptd asst agronomy,
Paine, K. county agent,
2133. Apptd asst soil surveyor, 2133.
Pearson, F. A. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
Palmer, Arthur. Apptd chief of Clinic,
1930. prof, marketing, 2130.
dept laryngology and rhinology,

Pease, R. W. Apptd county agent Plant Industry Building. Earth for

1974, 2107. back fill, 1951.
Peck, E. D. Apptd asst Vet. Coll. Plant Pathology. Appointments, 1916,
1995. 1917, 1975, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2143.
Peck, G. W. Apptd exten. prof, pom Appr., 2143. Appr., 2143. Special
ology, 2144. state appropriations, 2143.
Pedersen, C. S. Apptd assoc. in re Platenius, H. Apptd asst veg. garden

search, 2150. ing, 2148.

Pediatrics. Appointments, 1934, 1935 Piatt, Anna. Apptd instr clin. med.,
1945, 2078. Appr., 2078. 1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,
Pelmont, A. P. S. S. S., 1990. Salarv dept med., 1931; dept pub. health and
2039. preventive med., 1934.
Pendleton, C. M. Apptd instr civ. eng. Plaut, A. Salary, 2076.
Plice, M. J. Resigns, 1917. Apptd asst
Penney, F. F. Apptd asst American agronomy, 1917. Apptd asst forest
history, 2056, soils,2133.
Penniman, G. G. Apptd asst mil. sci
Plummer, X. Apptd instr med., 1942.
ence, 1960. Apptd bacteriologist and instr med.,
Pension System for LTniversity, 2002 2074.
For State College employees, 209 Pollack. H. Apptd student asst physiol
ogy, 1935.
Perry, J. E. C, E. S. S., 2048. Pollard, R. F. Apptd county agent,
Perry, Mrs. M. V. Apptd clerk Agr 2107.
Coll., 2142. Pomeroy, A. Apotd county club, agent,
Personius, S. L. Apptd janitor Agr
2099, 2109.
Coll., 2129. Pomology. Appointments, 1917, 1975,
Pertsch, J. G. Death, 1925. Resolu 2144. Appr., 2144.
tions on his death, 1956.
Pond, C. V. R. Apptd field asst, 2100.
Pertsch, Mrs. T. G. Appr., 1925.
Peters, J. A. Salary, 2054. Pond, M. A. S. S. S., 1990.
Peters, Mrs. M. L, W. Bequest for Pope, P. R. S. S. S., 1990. Leave of

cancer research, 2059. absence, 2006.

Petersen, Elma. Apptd clerk Geneva Porter, T. P. Apptd acting prof. orn.
Exper. Station, 1912, 2150. horticulture, 1959, 1984, 2140. S. S.
Petry, L. C. S. S. B.. 1997. Suppl. A., 2105.
to Heckscher grant No. Ill, 2020. Post, L- E. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
Apptd prof, botanv, 2136. 2137.
Petry, R. A. Apptd asst botany, 2136. Postum Co. Stock, 1950.
Pfund, M. C. Title changed to asst Potter, B. R. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,
prof., 2097. Apptd asst prof, home 2129.
econ., 2118. Potter, I. T. Apptd supt pomology,
Pharmacology. Appointments and appr., 2144.
2079. Poultry Husbandry. Appointments,
Phelps, A. E. Apptd anaesthetist, 1963. 1916, 1917, 2145. Appr., 2145.
Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Property Poultry Improvement Station in Che
on Thurston avenue purchased, 1967. mung County, 2103.
Philadelphia Co. Pfd Stock, 1993. Pound, C. W. Re-elected trustee, 2157.
Philip, Herman. Apptd instr clin. med., Elected to Administration Committee
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic and Graduate School Council, 2157.

(gastroenterology), 1931. Powell, Mrs. C. Y. Apptd warden,

Phillips, E. F. Apptd prof, apiculture, 2165.
2138. Powell, Dorothy L. Apptd assoc.

Phillips, P. L. Tuition, 2062. county agent, 1916. Resigns, 1973.

Philosophical Review. Appr., 2038. Apptd county club agent, 1975, 2108.
Philosophy. Appointments, 1928, 2038. Powers, E. M. Apptd asst Secretary's
Appr., 2024, 2038. Office, 2053.
Philosophy of Religion. Appointments, Pratt, A. J. Apptd asst veg. garden
ing, 1975, 2148.
Phipps, W. M. Apptd chem. analyst,
Pratt, C. L. Apptd gardener, 2143.
Physical Education. Appr., 2025, 2044. Pratt. L. C. Apptd county club agent,
Appointments, 2044. 2099, 2108.
Physics. Prescott, F. C. Salary, 2036.
Appointments, 1927, 1928,
1956, 1984, 1995, 1996, 2042, 2056. President's Barn. Plans for remodel

Appr., 2025, 2043. Loan of instru ing, 2013. Referred to Committee on

ments to Henry Ford, 2058. Improvements, 2156.
Physiology. Appointments, 1926, 1935, President's Office. Appr., 2025, 2053.
2046, 2079. Appr., 2079. Appointments, 2053.
Physiology, Vet. Coll. Appointments Price, P. H. Apptd to Eleanor Tatum
and appr., 2113. Long scholarship, 1944. 2020.
Pierce, Butler & Pierce Bonds, 1992. Price, W. Y. Salary, 1919. Resigns,
Plant Breeding. Appointments, 1976, 1976.
2142. Appr., 2142. Prickett, P. S. Resigns, 1913.

Prjdham, A. M. S. Apptd instr flori Rasmussen, M. P. Apptd asst prof

culture, 2140. marketing, 2131,
Pringle, Caroline. Apptd home demon Raspberry Small Fruit Investiga
stration agent, 1979. tion. Appointments and appr., 2151.
Pringle, H. S. Apptd exten. instr Ray, L. Apptd home dem. agent, 2096
rural eng., 2147. Ray, Mabel. Resigns, 1978.
Prizes. Appr., 2024, 2028. Veterinary Ray, Margaret. Apptd asst Agr. Li
science, 1960. Charles Gross Bondy brary, 2125.
Prize, 2023, 2092. Raymond, C. B, Apptd county agent
Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Site of build 2107.
ing to be secured for new Law Raynolds, J. A. Apptd asst chemistry
School, 1970, 1971, 1983. Appraisal 1956.
to be made, 2000. Raynor, M. W. Apptd prof. clin. psy
Psvchiatrv. Appointments, 1942-1943, chiatry, 1942, 1955. Salary, 2080.
1945, 1955, 1956, 2080. Read, A. G. Apptd instr physical ed.
Psychology. Appointments, 1926, 1964, 2044.
2039, 2057. Appr., 2024, 2039. Real Estate. Purchase cost to be car
Public Health and Preventive Medicine. ried as indebtedness, 2001.
Appointments, 1934, 2080. Appr., Recknagel, A. B. Leave of absence.
2080. 1977. Apptd prof, forest management
Public Soeaking. Appointments, 1904, and utilization, 2141.
1926, 1927, 2039, 2055. Appr., 2024, Reddick, D. Apptd prof, plant pathol
2039. ogy, 2136.
Pullen, E- M. Apptd asst surgeon to Redwood, C. W. Apptd illustrator
Clinic, dept otology, 1933. 2126.
Pulleyn, L. Apptd caretaker L. I. Veg. Reece, T. E. S. S. H. E., 2106.
Research Farm, 2149. Reed, C.W. Salary, 2099. Apptd
Pullman Stock, 1950, 1992. county agent, 2108.

Reed, H. D. S. S. B., 1997. Suppl.

Pumpelly, L. Salary, 2039. to Heckscher grant No. 106, 2019.
Purcell, H, C. Apptd asst mil. science, Reed, H. L. S. S. S., 1990.
1960. Reed, M. A. S. S. H. E., 2106. Apptd
Purchasing Office. Appr. 2054. asst home econ., 2122.
Appointments and appr., 2130. Reese, I. Apptd clerk Agr. Coll., 2144.
Putnam, Mary. Apptd asst physician
Reese, M. C. Aoptd asst Library, 2032.
to Clinic, dept pub. health and pre Reeves, K. S. S. H. E., 2106. Apptd
ventive med., 1934. instr home econ., 2122.
Queally, T. F. Apptd asst mil. science, Registrar's Office. Appr., 2025, 2053.
1996. Appointments, 2053.
Quick, Douglas. Apptd attending sur Reich, H. J. Suppl. to Heckscher grant
geon Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962. Xo. 155. 2019. Apptd instr physics,
Quimby, E. H. Apptd asst physicist 2043. Resigns, 2055.
Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963. Reid, A. C. Apptd asst physician to
Quinn, J. R. Apptd instr clin. med., Clinic, dept med., 1931.
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic, Reid, R. D. Apptd instr farm manage
dept med., 1931. ment, 1976, 2131.
Race, G. W. Apptd mechanician mech. Reiner, L. S. Resigns, 1915.
eng., 2050. Rensselaer and Saratoga Guaranteed
Radio Broadcasting Station. Underwrit Stock, 1992.
ing of operation, 2164. Research and Commercial Testing.
Radiology. Aopointments, 1946. Appointments, 2049.
Radway, C. W. Aoptd county agent, Research Departments. Summary, 2084.
2107. Rettger, E. W. Salary, 2048. Leave
Aoptd of absence, 2057.
Raedel, E. C. asst mil. science,
1960. Revna, J. E. Apptd asst prof, drawing,
Rafferty, W. R. Resigns, 2098. Apptd Reynolds, J. A. Apptd asst state leader
asst county agent, 2098, 2108. Apptd
of junior extension, 2126.
county agent, 2098.
O. Apptd prof, bacteriology, Reynolds, P. A. Aoptd asst philosophy,
Rahn, 1928.
D. Apptd mstr elec. Reznikoff, P. Appr. for research, 2158.
Ramandanoff, Apptd instr animal hus
Rhoad, A. O.
Apptd instr English his bandry, 2134.
Ramsay, R. G. Rhoades, M. Apptd asst plant breed
tory, 2037.
Resigns, 2100. ing, 2142.
Rand, A. L. Rhodes, D. R. Apptd asst med., 1930.
Randolph, F. H. Resigns from S. S. Apptd prof, poultry hus
Rice, T. E.
A., 1919. S. S. H. A., 2106. Apptd bandry, 2145.
institution 2147.
prof, eng., Rice, M. Apptd statistical clerk, 2131.
Rankin, W. H. Apptd assoc. in re
Richards, T. H. Apptd instr med.,
search, 2151. 1942, 2072.
Casper. Apptd asst eco Richards, L. A. Apptd asst physics,
1927. 1927, 2043. Apptd instr, 2056.

Richardson, H. B. Apptd asst prof. Rosenbluth,M. B. Proposed gift for

med., 1930, 2074. Apptd physician to medical 2011, 2061.
research, Gift
Clinic, dept med., 1930. Apptd act 2061.
ing director of Bellevue Med. Clinic, Roskelly, Mrs. H. C. Apptd bookkeeper
1942. home economics, 2121.
Richtmyer, F. K. Suppl. to Heckscher Ross, A. Apptd janitor Vet. Exper.
grant No. 11, 1938, 2018. Station, 2113.
Ries, H. Heckscher grant No. 174, Ross, H. A. Resigns from S. S. A.,
1906. Suppl. to Heckscher grant No. 1904, 1918. Apptd prof, marketing,
174, 2019. 2130.
Righter, F. I. Apptd acting asst prof. Ross, H. E. Apptd prof, dairy indus
forest management, 2103. try, 2137.
Riley, H. W. Apptd prof, rural eng., Rowe, S. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
2147. 2148.
Riley, R. M. Apptd asst veg. garden Rules and Regulations IV. Amend
ing, 1917. ment, 2018.
Ritter, R. H. Salary, 1928. Apptd Rulison, R. H. Apptd instr clin. med.,
instr civ. eng., 2048. dept dermatology, 1929. Apptd physi
Robb, B. B. Apptd prof, rural eng., cian to Clinic, dept dermatology, 1929.

2147. Rumsey, Mrs. L. D. Apptd stockroom

Robey, Ashley. S. S. S., 1990. keeper entomology, 2139.
Robinson, G. C. Business referred to, Rural Economy. Appointments, 2102.
1962. Rural Education. Appointments, 1918,
Robinson, G. H. S. S. L., 2003. 1975, 2100, 2101, 2146. Appr., 2146.
Robinson, H. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll., Rural Engineering. Appointments,
2129. 1917, 1918, 2147. Appr., 2147.
Robinson, M. J. Apptd acting asst Rural Social Organization. Appoint
prof, home econ., 2119. ments and appr., 2148.

Robinson, Montgomery. Apptd prof.

Rushton, E. R. Apptd asst chemistry,
exten. service, 2126. 1926.
Robinson, Nelson. Resolution of appre Russell, R. B. Apptd asst county agent,
ciation,1948. 2098.
Robinson, R. G. Apptd instr philoso Russell, W. L, Apptd prof, psychiatry,
phy, 2038. 1942, 1956.
Robinson, Sid. Resigns from S. S. B., Rynalski, C. Apptd asst hotel eng.,
1904. Resigns, 1917. Resigns from 1979, 2095.
S. S. A., 1918. Apptd asst entomol Sackett, H. W. Re-elected trustee,
ogy, 2138. 2157. Elected to Building and Grounds
E. M. Apptd bookkeeper Committee, 2157. Of committee :
Agr. Coll., 2145. Morse's proposal to furnish electric
Roehl, L. M. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd power, 1939.
asst prof, of farm shop, 2147. Saddlemire, C. R. Appointed stockman,
Roentgenology. Appointments, 1934, 1916.
1946, 1963, 2080. Safford, C. E. Apptd asst dairy indus
Roess, L. C. Resigns, 1944. try, 1975.
Salisbury, G. H. Apptd county agent,
Roess, M. J., Jr. Apptd asst Law Li 1915. Resigns, 1973.
brary, 2165. Salisbury, W. S. Apptd asst county
Rogers, F. S. S. S. S., 1990. agent, 1915, 1974, 2098, 2108. Apptd
Rogers, John. Apptd prof. Clin, sur county agent, 1916. Apptd field asst,
gery, emeritus, 1934. 2100.
Roman, Mrs. N. M. Apptd exten. prof. Sampson, Mrs. M. Apptd stenogr home
home econ., 2120. 2121.
Romance Languages. Appointments, Sampson, M. W. S. S. S., 1990.
1928, 2039. Appr., 2024, 2040. Sampson Fine Arts Prize. Amendments
Romanoff, A. Apptd research instr to rules for award, 2160.
poultry husbandry, 2145. Samuels, A. F. Apptd asst physics,
Romell, L. G. Apptd Charles Lathrop 1996, 2056.
Pack research prof, forest soils, 2133 Sanborn, Irene. Apptd asst home
Ronto, R. Apptd stenogr Laura Spel econ., 1915.
man Rockefeller Memorial, 2122. Sanders, R. W. Apptd instr home
Roos, C. F. S. S. S., 1990. Salary economics, 2095, 2118.
2057. Sanderson, E. D. S. S. A.; 2105. Apptd
Rosborough, R. R. Apptd acting prof prof, rural social organization, 2148.
classics, 2164. Sanderson, E. N. Gift for walk, 1952.
Rose, C. W. Apptd asst mineralogy Gift for Flower Library endowment,
1903. 2023. Elected alumni trustee, 2157.
Rose, F. Apptd director and prof Elected to Buildings and Grounds
home economics, 2118. Committee, 2157. Gift for researches
Rose, N. F. Apptd technician Vet at heating plant, 2159. Of commit
Coll., 2112. tees: Morse's proposal to furnish
Rose, R. A. Apptd asst hotel admin electric power, 1939. Incinerator*
istration, 1979, 2095. 1953.

Sanderson, G. M. Apptd asst mechanic Scott, C. G. Apptd experimentalist

arts, 2050. plant breeding, 2142.
Santy, A. C. Granted med. scholarship, Scott, D. B. Title changed to asst
1942. prof., 2097. Apptd asst prof, home
Saunders, G. B. Apptd asst ornithol econ., 2119.
ogy, 2100, 2138. Scott, G. Apptd asst Agr. Library,
Savage, E. S. Apptd acting head of 2116, 2125.
animal husbandry, 1903. Apptd prof. Scott, Gertrude E, Apptd stenogr en
animal husbandry, 2134. tomology, 2139.
Savard, Mrs. A. T. Apptd clerk pub Scott, J. Apptd night watchman Agr.
lications, 2116, 2127. Coll., 2129.
Savercool, D. Apptd recorder Coll. of Scott, K. D. Apptd county agent, 2106.
Engineering, 2047. Scott, R. J. S. S. H. E., 2106. Apptd
Sawdon, W. M. Salary, 2049. asst prof, home econ., 2118.

Saylor, C. H. Resigns, 1904. Scoville, G. P. Leave of absence, 1977.

Sayre, C. B. Leave of absence, 2110. Apptd prof, farm management, 2131.
Apptd chief in research, 2150. Scudder, Frances. Apptd home demon
Scandinavian Appr., 2024, 2040. stration agent, 1979, 2095, 2096.
Scanlon, Theresa. Apptd asst physician Scutt, C. D. Apptd instr animal hus
to Clinic, dept med., 1931. bandry, 2134.
Schallowitz, R. Apptd asst mechanic Seaboard Railway Bonds, 1993.
arts, 2050. Secretary's Office. Appr., 2025, 2053.
Scherer, G. A. Resigns, 1926. Appointments, 2053.
Schloss, O. M, Nominated prof, pedia Securities. Custody in New York City,
trics and pediatrician-in-chief of New 1949. Sales and purchases approved,
York Hospital, 2057. 1949.
Schmerzler, S. Appointed asst surgeon Security Vaults. Report, 1949.
to Clinic, dept obstetrics and gyne Seely, G. Apptd warden, 2052.
cology, 1933. Seemann, H. E. Apptd instr physics,
Schmidt, N. Salary, 2040. 2042. Resigns, 2055.
Schmidt, R. H. Tuition, 2062. Seery, F. T. Salary, 2047.
Schneider, G. Apptd attendant Vet. Seitz, H. W. S. S. S., 1990.
Coll., 2111. Semitics. Appr., 2024, 2040.
Schoales, D. N. Apptd asst mil. sci Senning, W. C. S. S. B., 1997.
ence, 1960.
Sal Serology. Appointments, 1963.
Schoder, E. W. S. S. S., 1990.
ary, 2048. Leave of absence, 2057. Seymour, A. D. Salary, 2033.
Schoelkopf, J. F., Jr. Nominated to Shaben, L. Apptd acting exten. asst
Finance Committee, 1949. Elected, prof, home economics, 2097, 2120.
1954. Shangle, F. Apptd statistical clerk,
Schoenthal, L. Apptd asst pediatrics, 2131.
2078. Shaplev, G. R. Apptd asst county
Schoepfle, G. W. Salary, 1996. Apptd agent, 2098.
asst Apptd instr, 2056.
phvsics, 2043. Shapley, S. R. AnDtd asst county agent,
Scholarships. Appr., 2024, 2027. Estate 1974, 2108. Apptd county agent, 2098.
of LaVerne Noyes, 1907. Free tui Sharp, L. W. Resigns from S. S. A.,
tion. 1919. Lefevre Trust Fund, 1936. 1904. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd prof.
Medical, 1942. Eleanor Tatum Long, botany, 2136.
1944. Dupont, 1964. Sylvester Sharp, P. F. Salary, 1919. Apptd
Edick, 2007. McMullen, 2057. For prof, dairy chemistry, 2137.
eign students, 2058. Sharpe, F. R. S. S. S., 1990. Salary,
Schubert, F. W. Apptd asst county 2042.
club agent, 1975. Resigns, 2098. Shaw, R. W. Apptd asst physics, 2056.
Schuchardt, W. H. Resigns, 2164. Shaw, W. S. Apptd student asst his
Schug, H. L. Apptd instr math., 1904, tology and embryology, 1927.
2042. S. S. S. 1990. Shear, E. V. Apptd assoc. in research,
Schultz, L. C. Apptd asst botany, 2136. 2152.
Schumacher, R. I. Apptd asst rural Sheldon, E. W. Discharge of liability
social organization, 2148. and resolutionappreciation, 1947.

Schwartz, Irving. Apptd instr roent- Sheldon, P. G. Apptd curator geology,

genelogy, 1934. 2042. Resigns, 2055.
Schwartzman, S. Apptd asst surgeon to Sheperd, A. L. Apptd county agent,
Clinic, dept ophthalmology, 1933. 2107.
Schwind, J. L. Apptd instr anatomy, Sherk, K. W. Resigns, 1926.
2069. Sherman, Franklin. Apptd spec, inves
Scidmore, Mrs. A. Apptd exten. instr tigator entomology, 1916. Resigns,
home econ., 2119. 1917. Apptd asst entomology, 1917,
Scofield, H. H. S. S. S., 1990. Salary, 2138
2047. Suppl. to Heckscher grant No. Sherman, J. M. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd
132, 2165. prof, dairy industry, 2137.

Scorpion House. Use by music dept, Sherwood, A. Apptd asst to storeroom

2013, 2016. clerk chemistry, 2041.

Sherwood, Mrs. E. Apptd clerk Agr Smith, M. K. Apptd instr clin. med.,
Coll., 2127. 1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic,
Shimer, S. R. Apptd asst animal hus dept med., 1931.
bandry, 2134. Smith, Madge. Apptd asst Secretary's
Shipman, G. A. Salary, 2037, 2165. Office, 2053.
Shore, J. Apptd foreman veg. garden Smith, Martha. Apptd asst Agr. Li
ing, 2149. brary, 2125.
Shore, R Apptd gardener, 2140.
Smith, M. E. Apptd stenogr Agr.
Shorr, Ephraim. Apptd instr clin. med. Coll., 2140.
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic Smith, N. F. Apptd asst county agent,
dept med., 1931. 2098, 2108.
Showacre, E. C. Salary, 2045. Smith, N. I. Apptd asst mil. science,
Sibley, R. P. Apptd asst dean Coll., of 1960.
Arts and Sciences, 1959, 2034. S, Smith, O. W, Apptd Secretary Agr.
S. S., 1990. Coll., 2125.
Sibley School of Mech. Eng. Appoint Smith, R. Apptd lab. helper Geneva
ments, 1928, 2048, 2052. Exp. Station, 2151.
Sidgwick, N. V. Baker lectureship Smith, Mrs. R. G. Apptd assoc. state
1937. home dem. agent leader, 2120.
Sigma Phi Fraternity. Site of build Smith, Wm. Hazlitt. Question of pur
ing to be secured for new Law chase of residence, 1988. Reported
School, 1970, 1971, 1983. Appraisal not needed by University, 2161.
to be made, 2000. Snavely, M. E. Resigns, 1960.
Simmons, L. N. Tuition, 1998. Sneed, W. L. Apptd instr applied ana
Simonds, Eleanor. Apptd asst to Dean tomy, 1929.
of Women, 2052. Snitow, C. Apptd asst mil. science,
Simons, L. R. Apptd county agent 1960.
leader, 2126. Snyder, A. Apptd helper animal hus
Simpson, Grace. Apptd sec. Sibley bandry, 2134.
School, 2052, Snyder, C. T. Salary, 2076.
Simpson, J. Apptd instr home econ., Snyder, Virgil. S. S. S., 1991.
Southern Pacific Common Stock, 1992.
Simpson, K. M. Apotd asst physics, Southern Railway Bonds, 1950.
2056. Southworth, H. M. Aoptd asst physics,
Sinden, J. W. Apptd instr plant path 1956.
ology, 2143. Spaeth, J. N. Apptd research asst prof.
Singer, G. H. Apptd asst surgeon to forestry, 2141.
Clinic, dept ophthalmology, 1933. Spain, W. C. Apptd instr applied im
Skow, N. A. Salary, 1928. munology, 1929.
Slack, C. M. Apptd county agent, 2107. Spann, M. Apptd instr German, 2037.
Spaulding, L. S. S. H. E., 2106.
Slate, G. L. Apptd assoc. in research, Special Faculties.
Membership, 2017.
Special Funds. Appr., 2024, 2029.
Slater, Mildred. Apptd asst foods and
Speed, E. R. Apptd supervisor cata
nutrition, 1915. logues Library, 2032.
Slaughter, S. Apptd asst farm super
Spencer, H. E. Apptd asst physics,
intendent, 2128. 1995, 2043. Resigns, 2055. Apptd
Slichter, S. H. Leave of absence, 1998. instr math., 2164.
Slocum, B. A. Apptd exten. instr Spencer, H. J Apptd asst physician to

apiculture, 2139. Clinic (diabetes), 1931. Apptd phy

Slocum, E. P. Apptd clerk and stenogr sician to Clinic (overweight), 1932.
Agr. Coll., 2125. Appr. for research, 2158.
Smilev, D. F. S. S. S., 1990. Elected Spencer, H. L. Apptd exten. asst prof.
prof, hygiene, 2016, 2045. home econ., 2120.
Smiley, P. V. Apptd ref. librarian Spencer, Leland. S. S. A., 1904. Apptd
Agr. Library, 2116, 2125. prof, marketing, 2131.

Smith, C. H. Apptd asst clin. pedia Sperry, J. A. Apptd sec-stenogr Geneva

trics, 1945, 2078. Exp. Station, 2150.
Smith, E- G, Apptd county club agent, Spielman, A. D. Aoptd asst physician
2108. to Clinic, dept med., 1931.
Smith, F. M. Salary, 2036. Spillman, Ramsay. Apptd instr roent
Smith, F. R. Apptd county agent, genology, 1934.
2107. Spohn, A. Apptd prof, home econ.,
Smith, Frank R. Apptd asst gynecolo 2118.
gist Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962. Sports Building. Construction approved.
Smith, G. H. Apptd home dem. agent, 2013, 2015.
2096. Spring, S. N. S. F. C, 2106. Apptd
Smith, Gertrude. Apptd stenogr home prof, silviculture, 2141.
econ., 2121. Spry, E. W. S. S. A., 2105.
Smith, H. D. S. S. S., 1991.
Spry, F. J. Apptd instr civ. eng., 2048.
Smith. L. P. S. S. S., 1991. Salary, C. E. S. S., 2048.
2043, 2056. Stack, C. M. Apptd county agent, 2098.

Stansby, W. J. Apptd asst physician to Stone, W. S. Apptd clinical director

Clinic, dept med., 1945. Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1962.
Stainton, W. H. S. S. S., 1991. Sal Stookey, B. Apptd prof. clin. surgery,
ary, 2039. 1934. Apptd neurological assoc. sur
Stamp, M. Apptd statistical clerk, 2131. geon Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963.
Standard Oil of California Common Storage Building for Tools, 1951.
Stock, 1992, 2023. Storm, E. O. Apptd instr agr. econom
Standard Oil of New Jersey Common ics, 2101.
Stock, 1992. Stoughton, E- Apptd janitor Agr.
Stanton, Nathaniel. Apptd instr clin. Coll., 2129.
med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to Stover, H. J. Resigns,
1917. Apptd
Clinic (gastroenterology), 1931. asst prices and statistics, 2131.
Stark, C. N. S. S.
A., Apptd Stow, M. H. S. S. S., 1991.
asst prof, bacteriology,
2137. Strahl, W. W. Apptd asst philosophy,
Stark, Mrs. Pauline. Apptd instr dairy 1928.
industry, 2101. Apptd instr bacter Streeter, L. R. Apptd assoc. in re
iology, 2137 .
search, 2150.
Starr, Mrs. E. H. Apptd stenogr Di Strong, E. M. Apptd asst prof. elec.
rector of Office, 2053. eng., 2051.
State College Council. Minutes of pro Strunk, Wm. Elected to Library Coun
ceedings, 1911, 1973, 2092. Actions cil, 1946. Salary, 2036.
ratified, 1926, 1954, 1982, 2158. Mem Stubbs, W. O. Apptd mechanician

bership, 2016, 2157. physics, 2043.

State Colleges. State survey, 1981. Student Aid. Appr., 2024, 2029. Be
Statutes Article VIII. Amendments, quest of F. E. Wade, 2059.

1905, 1955, 1977, 1983, 2017. XL Student Hours 1928-29, 2167.

Amendment, 2017. XVIII. Amend Loan Fund. Contribution,
ments, 2018. XIX. Amendment, 1963. Clinical Research Society, 2010.
2018. XV. 3, amendment, 2159. American Association of University
Steffen, G. I. Salary, 2070. Women, 2004. F. E. Wade, 2059.
Stempfle, W. S. Apptd county agent, Sugiura, Kanematsu. Apptd chemist
2107. Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963.
Stephenson, H. C. Salary, 1912. Appr. Sullivan, A. Apptd stenogr Vet. Coll.,
for summer work, 2094. Asst prof. 2111.
small animal clinic, 2111. Sullivan, E. J. Tuition, 1997
Stevens, Flora. Apptd asst Agr. Li Sullivan, Helen. Apptd asst econom
brary, 2125. ics, 1927.
Stevens, N. C. Apptd instr clin. med., Summer Forestry Camp. Appointments,
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic 2106.
dept med., 1931. Summer School of Agriculture, 1928.
Stevens, R. S. Salary, 2047. Appointments, 1904, 2104.
Stevenson, L. D. Apptd physician to Summer School of Biology. Appr.,

Clinic, dept neurology, 1932. 1966, 1997, 2024, 2033. Appoint

Stevison, D. M. Apptd clerkAgr. Coll., ments, 1996.
2127. Summer School of Home Economics.
Stewart, F. C. Apptd chief in research, Appointments, 2105.
2150. Summer School in
Hotel Administra
Stewart, F. W. Apptd associate in tion. Appointments, 2106.
pathology,1934. Apptd asst patholo Summer Session 1929. Budget recom
gistGen. Memorial Hospital, 1963. mended, 1949. Appropriation made,
Stewart, J. H. Apptd asst mediaeval 1955, 2024, 2033, 2056. Appoint
history, 2056. ments, 1988,, 1996, 2003, 2056, 2165.
Stewart, R. M. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd Summer Session in Law. Appoint
prof, rural ed., 2146. ments 2003. Appr., 2004.
Stillman, R. G. Salary, 2073, 2081. Sumner, J. B, Leave of absence,
1956. Elected prof, biochemistry,
Stillman, W. W. Apptd asst mil. sci
2016, 2046. Suppl. to Heckscher
ence, 1960.
grant No. 162, 2020.
Stilson, C. B. S. S. S., 1991.
Superintendent's Office. Appr., 2025,
Stimson, P. M. Apptd chief of Clinic, 2054. Appointments, 2054.
dept pediatrics, 1934. Sunderville, E. Asst prof, and sec.
Stock, Alfred. Baker lectureship, 1937. anat. Vet. Coll., 2111.

Stockard, C. R. Fees received, 1964, Surgery. Appointments, 1934, 1946,

2009, 2062. Nominated prof, ana 1962, 2081. Appr., 2082. Summary,
tomy and director of anat. laborator 2083.
ies, 2058. Salary payment, 2063. Surgery, Vet. Coll. Appointments and
Stocking, Mrs. H. B. Apptd exten. sec appr., 2113.
Surgical Research. Transfer from sal
retary, 2120
Stone, Mrs. G, H. Apptd statistical ary to expense account, 2063. Ap
clerk, 2131. pointments, 2083. Appr., 2083.
Stone, W. K. S. S. S., 1991. Apptd Sutherland, F. A. Apptd instr clin. sur
asst prof, arch., 2034. gery, 2082.

Sutliff, W. D. Apptd asst physician to Thompson, H. C S. S. A., 2105. Apptd

Clinic, dept med., 1931; (asthma), prof. gardening, 214S.
1932. Apptd to travelling fellowship, Thompson, M. E. Salary, 2099. Apptd
1942. Resigns instructorship, 1944. county agent, 2106.
Sutton, J. E., Jr. Apptd surgeon to Thompson, R. G. Apptd asst floricul
Clinic, dept surgerdy, 1935. Salary, ture, 2101.
2081. Thompson, T. E. Apptd instr mach.
Sutton, W. R. Salary, 1928. design., 2049.
Swartwood, L. Apptd stenogr home Thomson, G. P. Invited to be non-resi
econ., 2121. dent lecturer in chemistry, 2058.
Sweedler, M. Apptd stenogr Agr. Thomson, W. Apptd supt animal hus
Coll., 2141. bandry, 2100. Apptd shepherd, 2134.
Sweeney, M. P. Apptd asst in re
Thornberry, H. H. Resigns, 1917.
search, 2151. Apptd asst plant pathology, 1917.
Sweet, J. E. Appr for research, 2158. Thome, Oakleigh. Gift toward salary
Sweet Professorship. Memorial tablet, of head of animal husbandry dept.,
2059. 1925.
Swingle, P. M. Resigns, 1926. Thro. W. C. Fees received, 1964. Sal
Switzer, F. G. Salary, 2050. ary, 2073.
Sykes, E. Apptd statistical clerk, 2131. Tilden, P. A. Communication, 2059.
Taggart, R. S. Apptd asst mil. science, Tinker, P. F. Apptd asst dairy indus
1960. try, 1975.
Tailby, G. W., Jr. Apptd exten. instr Titus, H. G. Apptd sec. to Dean
animal husbandry, 2135. Mann, 2116, 2124.
Talamo, HaskelL Apptd research asst
Todd, C. L. Salary, 2034. Resigns,
in pediatrics, 2078. 2055.
Talbott, W. E. Apptd helper animal Todd, F. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
husbandry, 2134. 2149.
Tall, J. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll., 2129. Todd, G. W. Gift for English profes
Tallman, R. C. Apptd asst chemistry, sorship, 1938.
1904. S. S. S., 1996. Tokimasa, D. H. Apptd asst veg. gar
Taubman, Mrs. W. Apptd stenogr home dening, 2148.
econ., 2121. Tolstoi, Edward. Apptd instr clin.
Taupin, Rene. Resigns, 1995. med., 1930. Apptd asst physician to
Tax Free Alcohol, 1913. Clinic, dept med., 1931.
Taylor, A. S. Apptd prof. clin. sur Tompkins. S. W. Apptd asst miL sci
gery, 1934. ence, 1996.
Taylor, C. A. Apptd specialist exten. Toole, J. T. Apptd clin. asst Gen.
service, 2126. Memorial Hospital, 1963.
Tavlor, G. Apptd asst geology, 2164. Topeka City Lots. Sale authorized,
Taylor, H. C. S. S. A., 1904. 2007.
Taylor, H. C. Apptd clin. asst Gen. Torrance, C. C. S. S. S., 1991. Apptd
Memorial Hospital, 1963. instr math., 2042. Salary, 2165.
Taylor, H. M. Apptd exten. instr
Torrey, H. B. Apptd asst physician to
home economics, 2095. dept
Clinic, med., 1931. Resigns,
Taylor, M. C. Elected to Medical Col 1945.
lege Council, 1954, 1962. Gift for J. C. Apptd bacteriologist
new Law School building, 1961, 1982.
Gen. Memorial Hospital, 1963.
Taylor, M. N. Apptd field asst, 2100. Apptd instr accounting, 2120.
Apptd asst county agent, 2108. Toth, L.
Teagle, W. C. Re-elected trustee, 2157. Tower Road. Plans for concreting,
Teeple, J. H. Salary, 1996. Apptd Construction, 2154.
asst physics, 2043. Apptd instr, 2056.
Townsend, C E. S. S. S., 1991. Sal
Teeter, H. W. Apptd field supt., 2142. ary, 2049.
Ten Eyck, P. G. Apptd trustee, 1997.
Townsend, Carrie G. Contingent be
Tenney, A. A. S. S. S., 1991.
quest, 2161.
Terriberry, G. G. His proposition for
soliciting insurance disapproved, 2060. Tozier, H. H. Apptd county club

Terrv, C. W. Apptd instr exp. eng., agent, 2108.

2048. Trainer, D. \Y., Jr. Apptd instr geol
Texas Corp. Common Stock, 1992. ogy, 2041.
Textiles and Clothing. Appointments,
2118. Traphagen, P. V. Apptd asst in re

Thaine, A. J. Apptd helper floricul search, 1912, 2151.

ture, 2140. Trawick, M. W. Apptd asst physics,
Thatcher, R. Y. Apptd asst prof. civ. 2056.
eng., 2048. C. E. S. S., 2048. Treasurer's Office. Appr.. 2025, 2054.
Thayer, P. W. Apptd county agent,
Appointments, 2116, 2125.
1916. Resigns, 1973, 2098. Apptd
asst county club agent, 1975, 2099.
Treman, A. H. S. S. H. A., 2106.
Apptd instr hotel management, 2120.
Apptd county club agent, 2099, 2106.
Then, J. W. Salary, 1996. Apptd asst Treman, C E. Of Committee: Intoxi
cants at alumni reunions, 1908.
physics, 2043.

Theta Delta Chi Fraternity. Purchase United Light and Power Pfd Stock,
property on South Avenue author 2154.
ized, 1966. U. S. Leather Stock, 1992. Pfd Stock,
Thomas, C. F. Apptd laborer, Agr. 1992 2023
Coll,. 2117, 2130. U. S. Steel Pfd Stock, 1993.
Thomas, C. K. S. S. S., 1991. Salary, University Calendar for 1930-35, 2004.
2039. University Faculty. Membership, 1905,
Thomas, H. E. Leave of absence, 1977, 2017. Disapproval of daylight
1977. Apptd asst prof, plant pathol saving time, 1957. Dean's Office:
ogy, 2143. Appr., 2025, 2052.
Thomas, J. A. Apptd asst anatomy, University Press. Establishment ap
Vet. Coll., 1928. proved, 1957. President's recommen
Thomas, Ruth A. Salary, 2070. dations delayed, 2166.
Thompson, G, C. Apptd janitor Agr. Upson, M. M. Contribution towards
Coll., 2129. Central Avenue walk, 2156, 2159.
Thompson, G. J. Salary, 2047. Upton, G. B. Salary, 2049. Leave of
Treman, R. H. Business referred to, absence, 2057.
1952. Of Committees : Site of new Urology. Appointments, 1935, 1945,
Law School building, 1961. Pur 1962, 2083. Appr., 2084.
chase of Hoy property, 2007. Site Urquhart, L. C. S. S. S., 1991. Sal
of music building, 2156. Expendi ary, 2047.
tures for improvement of physical Van Allen, G. R. Apptd instr English,
plant, 2156. 2036.
Tresch, A. W. Apptd asst mil. sci Van Alstyne, L. Apptd asst in re
ence, 1960. search, 2151.
Treves, N. E. Apptd clin. asst Gen. Vance, W. B. Apptd asst physician to
Memorial Hospital, 1963. Clinic, dept med., 1931.
Trowbridge, A. S. Apptd asst mil. Van Cleef, M. Business referred to,
science,1960, 1996. 1957, 1967, 1987, 1988, 2007. Of
Trowbridge, G. G, Apptd asst mil. Committees: Right of University to
science, 1960. sell real estate, 1966. Purchase of
Troy, H. C. Apptd prof, dairy indus Hoy property, 2007.
try, 2137. Vandegrift, G. W. Apptd instr clin.
Truesdell, H. P. Apptd asst civ. eng., surgery, dept ophthalmology, 1933.
1995. Apptd surgeon to Clinic, dept ophthal
Trussell, J. C. Apptd asst Law Li mology, 1933.
brary, 1927, 1984. VanDemark, Mrs. A. Apptd stenogr

Trustees. Date of autumn meeting, Agr. Coll., 2143.


1908. Dates of winter and spring Van Dyne, L. Apptd mechanic Agr.
meetings, 1956. Date of fall meeting, Coll., 2117.
2166. Full Board meetings: Nov. Van Eseltine, G. P. Salary, 1905.
1928, 1954. Tan. 1929, 1981. April Apptd assoc. in research, 2150. Appr.,
1929, 2014. June 1929, 2157. Mem 2153.
bership, 1982, 1997, 2002, 2157. Van Etten, C. J. Apptd gardener,
Tuck, J. H. Apptd asst mil. science, 2149.
1960. Van Keuren, E. C. Apptd instr Eng
Tuition. Students transferring to an lish, 1903. Salary, 1903.
other college, 2018. Agric. students Van Kirk, Mrs. M. Apptd clerk and
taking courses in endowed colleges, stenogr Agr. Coll., 2145
2018. Van Namee, G. R. Reappointed trus
Tukey, H. B. Leave of absence, 2110. tee, 2002.
Apptd chief in research, 2152. Van Natta, E. G. Apptd clerk and
Turley, W. K. Apptd helper animal stenogr Agr. Coll., 2141.

husbandry, 2134. Vannederynen, Mrs. E. M. Apptd

Turner, E. T. Gift for repair of stenogr Agr. Coll., 2145.

chimes, 1965. Van Nostrand, L. Apptd laborer Agr.

Tuttle, M. Apptd acting home dem.
Coll., 2117, 2130.
agent, 2096. Van Nuvs, Mrs. D. Apptd clerk Agr.
Tvaroha, J. Apptd repairman Agr.
Coll., "2145.
Coll., 2129. Van Nuys, D. S. Apptd helper poultry
Tyler, E. A. Apptd clerk and stenogr
husbandry, 2145.
Agr. Coll., 2133. Van Rennsselaer, M. Apptd director
Udall, D. H. Appr. for summer work, and prof, home economics, 2118.
2093. Prof. med. and supt ambula Appdt state home demonstration
tory clinic, 2112. agent leader, 2120.
Uhrbrock, R. S. S. S. H. A., 2106.
Apptd asst prof, rural ed., 2146.
Van Slyke, L. L. Retires, 1959. Apptd
Leave of absence, prof, dairy chemistry, emeritus, 1959,
Underwood, F. O.
1977. Apptd exten. asst prof. veg.

2149. Varrell, H. E. Apptd asst prof, law,

C. 2047.
Underwood, P. H. Salary, 2048.
E. S. S., 2048. Vassar College. Rental of lab. space

Union Pacific Pfd Stock, 1992. extended, 1913, 2110.


Vaughan, L. M. Apptd instr farm Warner, A. D. Elected to Heckscher

management, 1918. Resigns, 1976. Research Council, 2157.
Apptd exten. instr. agr. econ., 1976. Warner, A, J. Retires and is apptd
Salary, 1976. Apptd instr agr. eco prof, home economics, emeritus, 2097,
nomics, 2101. Apptd exten. instr farm 2159. Granted Carnegie pension, 2166.
management, 2132. Warner Co. Bonds, 2023.
Vaughan, S. M. Apptd instr rural ed., Warren, G. F. Resigns from S. S. A.,
2146. 1904, 1919. Leave of absence, 1976.
Vaughn, H. L. Salary, 2099. Apptd S. S. A., 2105. Appointed prof. agr.
county agent,2106. econ. farm management, 2130.
Vegetable Gardening. Appointments, Warren, K. Apptd clerk and stenogr
1917, 1975, 2100, 2102, 2148. entomology, 2139.
2149. Special State Appropriations, Warren, S. W. Apptd instr farm man
2149. agement, 1918.
Veterinary College. Appointments, 1911, Washburn, K. L. S. S .S., 1991. Apptd
1912, 1928, 1995, 2159. Budget re instr 2034.
quests for 1929-30, 1922. Prizes, Washburn, W. J. Apptd asst surgeon
1960. Budget approved by Council to Clinic, dept urology, 1935.
2092. By Board, 2158. Detailed Water Works System. Report on,
Budget for 1929-30, 2111-2114. Sum 1971. Payment for water diverted,
mary, 2114. Income budget, 2114. 1971. Water softening device, 1971.
Resolution of the New York Holstein- Waterman, P. R. Apptd instr physical
Friesian Association, 1979. Study of ed., 2044.
needs to be made by Dean Moore, Watkins, G. Apptd home dem. agent,
1980, 2092. Miscel. appropriations: 2096.
English instruction, 1912. Disease Watson, Brandon. Resigns, 1914.
investigations, 2093. Delegates to Waugh, F. A. Employed as advisor
Amer. Vet. Med. Association, 2093. landscape plans at Geneva Exp. Sta
Entertainment of N. Y. S, Vet. Med. tion, 1984.
Soc, 2093. Vet. Conf. Proceedings, Way, W. A. Apptd helper animal hus
2093. E. Sunderville, 2093. State bandry, 2135.
Fair, 2094. Printing Vet. Conf. Rept, Weaver, L. E. Apptd exten. asst prof.
2094. poultry husbandry, 2145.
Veterinary Exper. Station.
Rent of Weaver, P. T. Nominated prof, music,
Superintendent's 2093.
house, Ap 1998. Elected, 2016, 2038.
pointments and 2113.
appr., Webb, J. S. Apptd instr physics, 2043.
Vicari, E. M. Salary, 2069. Webster Mills Bonds, 2023.
Vieweg, H. F. Resigns, 2006. Wedel, A. A. Apptd to Eleanor Tatum
Vogel, H. T. Apptd asst physician to Long scholarship, 1944, 2020.
Clinic, dept pediatrics, 1934. Weed, F. R. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
Von Engeln, O. D. Leave of absence, 2137.
1905, 1959. S. S. S., 1991. Weeks, E. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll.,
Wack, L. Apptd surgeon to Clinic, 2144.
dept dentistry, 1935. Weeks, V. T. Apptd asst physician to
Wade, F. E. Bequest for student aid, Clinic, dept pediatrics, 1934.
2059. Wehrle, L. P. Apptd research instr
Wadsworth, Doris. Apptd home dem. entomology, 2138.
agent, 2095, 2096. Weibly, S. M. Salary, 1928. Apptd
Wagner, L. C. Apptd asst surgeon to asst engineer physics, 2043.

Clinic, dept surgery, 1935. Weidner, J. H. Apptd asst economics,

Wagner, R. H, S. S. S., 1991. Apptd 1927.
asst prof. pub. speaking, 2039. Weigle, C. E. Resigns, 1944.
Waldie, T. E. Apptd instr pediatrics, Weintraub, Sydney. Apptd instr clin.
1935. Salary, 2078. med., 1930. Apptd physician to
Walk from Library to Willard Straight Clinic, dept med. (gastroenterology),
Hall. Construction authorized, 1952. 1931. Apptd physician in charge,
Walker, C. L. Leave of absence, 1959. 1945.
Salary, 2047. Weiss, H. A. J. Salary, 2048.
Walker, J. D. Apptd county club Welch, D. S. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd
agent, 2108. asst prof, plant pathologv, 2143.

Walsh, W. Apptd asst in research, Welch, G. B. Resigns, 1926.

2151. Weld, H. P. S. S. S., 1991.
War Memorial Group. Use of gypsum Wellington, R. Apptd chief in research,
block for partitions, 1951. McFadden 2150.
gift, 1967. Wells, J. H. Resigns, 1995.
Ward. D. D. Apptd county agent, Wells, J. W. Resigns, 1995.
2107. Wentworth. S. W. Apptd asst pomol
Ward, H. A. Salary, 2054. ogy, 1917.
Wardens. Appointments, 2165. Wessels, P. H. Leave of absence,
Ware, J. S. Apptd surgeon to Clinic, 1977. Apptd research prof. veg.
dept orthopedic surgery, 1933. gardening, 2149.
Waring, Mrs. E. B. Apptd prof, home West, Evelyn. Apptd asst in research,
econ., 2122. 1981.

West, Florence. Salary, 2083. Wilbur, E. Apptd janitor Agr. Coll.,

West, J. P. Tuition, 2009. 2129.
Westfal, L. H. Salary, 2099. Apptd Wilbur, J. E. Apptd helper animal hus
county club agent. 2109. bandry, 2135.
Westinghouse Air Brake Stock, 1951. Wiles, Alice B. Contingent bequest,
Weymuller, L. Apptd research asst 2005.
pediatrics, 2078. Wilgus, H. S., Jr. Appointed spec, in
Whaley, J. H. Apptd instr clin. med., vestigator poultry husbandry, 1916.
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic Wilker, M. Apptd exten. prof, home
(gastroenterology ), 1931. econ., 2122.
Wheeler, R. H. Apptd prof, extension Willaman, J. J. Nominated chief in re
service, 2116, 2126. search, 1965, 1981. Apptd, 1984,
Wheeler, W. P. Retires, 2110. 2150.
Whetzel, A. Apptd stenogr Agr. Coll., Willcox, W. F. Heckscher grant No.
2126. 184, 2020.
Whetzel, H. H. Leave of absence, Willever, E. E. S. S. L-, 2003.
1918. Suppl. to Hckscher grant No. William Gilman Thompson Fund estab
64, 2019. Apptd prof, plant pathol lished, 1962.
ogy, 2143. Of Committee : Lloyd Wm. H. Sage Pension Fund. Admitted
Tracts, 1987. to its benefits: Cunningham, G. W.,
Whearty, S. F. Apptd asst chemistry, 1960. Dale, G. I., 1985. Lee, M. A.,
1904. 1985. Bentley, Madison, 1997. White
Wheeler, E. H. Resigns, 1917. side, H. E., 2006.
Whitaker, Randall. Apptd res. instr Williams, Bruce. Resigns, 2006.
dairy industry, 1918. Williams, E. C. Salary, 2111.
Whitcomb, Mrs. Anna G. Gift toward Williams, F. C. S. S. S., 1991.
chimes, 2006. Williams, G. D. Resigns, 1914. Apptd
White, A. S. Gift, 1960. home demonstration agent, 1914, 2096.
White, D. Resigns, 1926. Williams, H. H. Apptd asst animal
White, E. A. Apptd prof, floriculture husbandry, 2134.
and orn. horticulture, 2140. Williams, H. L. III. Apptd asst Law
White, E. I. Gift, 1960. Library, 1995.
White, H. E. Apptd instr physics, Williams, Marjorie. Resigns, 1914.
2043. Resigns, 2055. Williams, W. L. Heckscher grant No.
White, Harriet. Aoptd instr clin. med., 96 reinstated, 2165.
1930. Apptd asst physician to Clinic, Williamson, H. G. Salary, 2075.
dept med., 1931. Willis, E- R. B. Apptd asst librarian,
White, Horace. Gift, 1960. 2032. Apptd to Library administra
White, J. DuP. Business referred to, tion committee, 2166.
1978. Of committees : Morse's pro Willis, G. Apptd groom Vet. Coll.,
posal to furnish electric power, 1939. 2112.
Site of new Law School building, Willman, A. R. 1978.
1961. Right of University to sell real home demonstration agent, 1979. Re
estate, 1966. Site of music building, signs, 2094.
2156. Expenditures for improvement Willman, J. P. Apptd instr animal hus
of physical plant, 2156. bandry, 2134.
White, J. S. Resigns, 1915. Apptd Willsey, V. Apptd storeroom clerk

county agent, 1974. 2107 chemistry, 2041.

Stephen. Apptd instr Wilm, H. G. Apptd asst forestry, 2141.
White, clin.
A. Apptd Vet.
1930. Apptd asst physician to Wilson, machinist
Clinic (gastroenterology), 1931. Coll., 2111.
White, T. A. Apptd asst rural ed.,
Wilson, A. L. Apptd asst veg. garden
ing, 1917. Apptd research asst veg.
D. Granted gardening, 2148.
Whitehead, med., schol
Apptd asst prof, soil
1942. Wilson, B. D.
S. S. L., 2003. Ad technology, 2133.
Whiteside, H. E. Apptd
mitted to benefits of Wm. H. Sage Wilson, H. F. asst parasitology,

Pension Fund, 2006.
Pavne, Residuary Estate. Wilson, J. K. Apptd prof, soil technol
Payment to'C. U., 2160. ogy, 2133.
Wilson, Jas. Apptd instr pediatrics,
Whittaker Property on Stewart Ave.
Purchase, 1967. S. S. L-, 2003.
Wilson, L. P.
Widgery, A. G. Nominated acting
prof, of the philosophy of religion,
Wilson, M. G. Salary, 2078.
2164. Wilson, Mildred. Apptd asst Agr.
2057. Apptd,
Wiegand, K. M. S. S. B., 1997. Apptd Library, 2116, 2125.
prof, botany, 2136. Of committee: Wilson, T. B. Resolutions on his
Lloyd Tracts, 1987. death, 1982, 2014.
Wiggans, R. Gt Apptd asst prof, plant Wilson, W. A. Apptd instr clin. sur

breeding, 2142. gery, dept urology, 1935. Apptd chief

Wilber, D. T. Apptd instr physics, of Clinic, dept urology, 1935.

2043. Winans, J. A. S. S. S., 1991.


Wing, H. H. Resolutions on his retire Works, G. A. S. S. A., 1904.

ment, 1985. Portrait, 2020. Worman, Elizabeth. Apptd asst pub.

Wing, H. U. Apptd instr dairy indus speaking, 1927, 2055.

try, 1919. Apptd instr dairy chem Worthen, E. L. Apptd exten. prof, soil
istry, 2137. technology, 2133.
Winsor, A. L. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd S. S. B., 1997. Apptd
Wright, A, H.
instr rural ed., 2146. prot. zoology, 2138. Of committee:
Winter, R. Apptd asst plant pathology, Lloyd Tracts, 1987.
2143. Wright, A. T. S. S. L., 2003.
Witt, D. H. Apptd physician to Clinic, Wright, D. Apptd clerk and stenogr
dept med., 1930. Agr. Coll., 2131.
Witter, D. P. Trustee ex officio, 1982. Wright, F. B. Apptd instr rural eng.,
Wittwer, E. Apptd asst rural econ 2147.
omy, 2131. Wright, Orilla. Apptd home dem. agent,
Woehl, A. L. Resigns, 1926. 2095, 2096.
Wolf, L. E. S. S. A., 2106. Apptd Wright, W. B. Apptd helper animal
instr entomology, 2138. husbandry, 2134.
Wolff, G. Apptd clerk and stenogr Wright, W. J. Apptd prof, extension
Agr. Coll., 2131. service and state leader of junior ex
Women's Dormitory Group and Recrea tension, 2116, 2126.
tional Unit. Air. Ackerman's fees Wyatt, Tyson. Apptd instr pediatrics,
for studies, 1999. Location of road 2078.
in front of entrance, 1999. Plans of Yale, M, W. Apptd student asst Gen
service roads and roads of approach, eva Exp. Station, 1913.
2013. Yaswen, Jos. Apptd asst physician to
Women's Self Government Association. Clinic, dept med., 1931.
Request denied, 2059. Yawger, E- S. Apptd asst mechanic
Wood, E. H. Salary, 2050. arts, 2050.
Wood, K. D, S. S. S., 2056. Yerzley, F. L. Apptd asst physics,
Wood, K. R. Resigns, 1975. 1927.
Wood, L. A. Apptd asst physics, 1928. York, W. H. Apptd asst prof, hygiene
Apptd instr physics, 2043. and asst med. adviser, 2045.
Woodard, A. B. Apptd county club Young, B. P. S. S. B., 1997.
agent, 2099, 2108. Young, C. V. P. S. S. S., 1991.
Woodbridge, M. Apptd asst in re
Young, Geo., Jr. Nominated Dean of
search, 2151.
Coll. of Architecture, 1937. Elected,
Woodrow, A. W. Apptd asst entomol 1955, 2033.
ogy, 1975. Apptd asst apiculture,
Young, PI. N. Resigns, 1976. Apptd
exten. instr farm management, 1976,
Woods, E. H. Salary, 1928. Apptd
instr exp. 2049.
Younglove, E. Apptd janitor Agr.
Woodward, H. Q. Apptd chemist Gen. Coll., 2129.
Memorial Hospital, 1963.
Zehner, I. D. Apptd home demonstra
Woodward, J. L. Apptd asst prof.
tion agent, 1914. Resigns, 1914.
economics, 2035.
Zeiss, R. F. Apptd instr clin. surgery,
Woodward, L. H. Apptd county agent, dept urology, 1935. Apptd asst sur
2107. to Clinic, dept urology,
geon 1935.
Woolley, E. Apptd asst county club
2099. Apptd assoc.
Zeissig, A. Asst prof, in investigation
agent, county Vet. Coll., 2112.
club agent, 2108.
Geo. Apptd
Zeller, K. A. S. S. S., 1991.
Woolsey, prof. clin. sur

gery, emeritus, 1934. Zimmerman, E. E. Resigns, 1984.

Work, P. S. S. A., 2105. Apptd prof. Zoology. Appr., 2025, 2043, 2058. Ap
veg. gardening, 2148. pointments, 2043. Transfer of dept
Workmen's Compensation, 1939. to Coll. of Arts and Sciences, 2058.

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