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Level 6 Project. Part two.


Objective: Describe some issues in a community, identify possible causes and suggest possible solutions.

Dates to deliver final products: 

1. Written Description May 13
2. Oral presentation/performance May 14-15

Written description.

This report must have at least five paragraphs. As a group you will choose and give a general description of a community in the first paragraph. In the other 4 paragraphs you will
describe an issue related to diversity inclusion, lack of technology, environment and leadership that is present in your community. The contents of every section will focus on
describing how the issue is at present, possible causes, what needs to be changed to improve the situation and the possible impact of the strategies of your project in the future
(20, 50 or 100 years in the future).

You must work together to choose only one community to focus on, and also to choose what issues will be focused on. Major decisions must be made as a group. However, each
student might be responsible for developing the issue in one unit from the class. Google Docs or similar will be important here to ensure that work is being done collaboratively
and fairly. The minimum for this should look like 5 paragraphs (1 for the general description of the community, and then 1 paragraph for each component description) though
you may choose to be creative and elaborate on unrequired details (infographic, Prezi, flipbook, maps, etc specially for the oral presentation). You must have a minimum of four
sources that inform and support your ideas.


1. Go to this Google document and fill in the spaces with your name, the type and name of the community you described in Project 1.
Example: Student: Jhon Doe. Community type: Religious. Name of community: Corazón de María.
2. Identify from the previous list three students who have described similar communities in the project 1 and make groups of 4.
3. Now, every group should have 4 students with 4 communities of the similar type. Choose only one community to work on.
4. Create your own shared Google document for every group.
5. Copy and paste the following charts into your shared Google document.
6. Fill in the blanks with ideas and data (brainstorm and investigate) to support your proposal. Save your sources.
7. Use this information to create your written description of five paragraphs.

Paragraph 1. Description of the community.

Make a list of the main characteristics of the community. -
Location, purpose, beliefs, values, customs and assets. -
Impact on members and society. -
Threats and challenges it faces. -
Paragraph 2. Possible causes and solutions Impact of the project in 20, 50 or 100 years
Issues related to diversity inclusion that are evident and that
affects the performance and achievement of the community
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Paragraph 3. Possible causes and solutions Impact of the project in 20, 50 or 100 years
Issues related to lack of technology or the negative impact the
technology has in the customs and traditions of the
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- - -
- - -

Paragraph 4. Possible causes and solutions Impact of the project in 20, 50 or 100 years
Issues related to environment. How the community is
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- -
Paragraph 5. Possible causes and solutions Impact of the project in 20, 50 or 100 years
Issues related to leadership. Kind of leaders the community
needs to thrive. Threats and challenges they face.
- - -
- - -
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Oral Presentation or Performance

In the oral presentation or performance, you will present in your home group to your classmates. Each student must speak or participate. The same required
aspects will be highlighted as in the written description. Every group should deliver a presentation of around 10 minutes. The format is still pending. It can be a
video or a live presentation through Meet or Blackboard Collaborate.   

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