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Present simple
1 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 Paolo flys to Rome on business every week.
Paolo flies to Rome on business every week.
2 I doesn’t like coffee with milk.
3 Some doctors works in hospitals.
4 Aisla don’t want to go to university.
5 Sarah studys French and Italian at university.
6 We works in an office in London.
7 My friend design clothes for a big fashion designer.
8 You doesn’t come from Spain, you come from Portugal.
2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 Does / the / have / town / a / theatre ? Does the town have a theatre?
2 subjects / they / What / do / study ?
3 a / bank / near / Is / the / station / there ?
4 your / brother / like / his / Does / course ?
5 job / does / What / Mia / do ?
6 qualifications / What / do / need / you ?
7 university / Is / city / the / the / on a campus / or / in ?
8 bookshops / there / Are / university / the / at ?
Places of work
3 Complete the text with the words in the box.
part-time residence university campus library
do lecturers lawyers bars main

Lots of people like to go to university 1 to study for a degree. Some students live in halls of
__________2 and others live in flats off ________3 .
All universities have a __________4 where students study their subject. Some students do
a one-year course before they start their ______5 course.
University ___________6 know a lot about their subject. Students go to lectures and listen
and write down useful information. They also ask questions.
Some students at university have a ______________7 job at weekends or in the evenings
- in cafes, ______8 and shops.
After university, students ________9 lots of different jobs. Some work in their office and
the court as __________10 and other enjoy careers in areas like health, tourism and

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